JLTucker wrote:This has me intrigued. Would you mind listing which unresolved plots remained after the time skip?
There was a couple of time skips in nBSG and each one had unresolved plot lines. The final one was just amazingly WTFesque. For actual lists, google it,there are hundreds of people with more time than me that put a lot of effort into writing huge WTF lists, especially for the final time skip.
Why? and But..? and Nooooooooooo! is in frequent use.
JLTucker wrote:I didn't know that the tracking method used in "33" was seen as a character investment for the viewers. Once again, the tracking is a MacGuffin and is completely irrelevant other than to nerds who want to whet their appetite with useless technobabble rambling.
OK, let me try to explain it to you from a different angle.
The episode is called 33, the number is onscreen plenty of times, the number is used in dialog, etc. Its a key part of the episode as given to the viewer from the scenes. This creates an investment regardless of other factors.
We know from the episode that it is "known" that it is the Olympic Carrier that is the key, since 33 minutes after its delayed arrival of jump 237 the cylons appear. So the episode itself tells the viewer repeatedly that the number 33 is of significance.
To never use that again or even to have never had a "why" is crappy attitude versus the investment they have created for the viewer.
Its like introducing a new character with a lot of good story hooks and then never show that character again. It creates badwill and a loss of suspension. Hence, bad writing.
Your tangent on pro/con technobabble is completely moot, it doesn't matter.
JLTucker wrote:But where you lost me here is the notion that they should bend over and write what the fans expected. I don't agree with fan service and never will. I think that's more lazy than anything mentioned in this thread.
How you could get that from what I wrote is very strange to me.
Nope, I didn't say that they should write what the fans expected. Instead I said that if you give a premise and then change that premise you are going to lose viewers. This since the audience you have at the moment are the ones you got by the original premise, and since the other audience who might like the new premise wasn't interested in the original one you have lost them to. Successful series have shown that you can build on the original premise, and unsuccessful series have shown that you can't change the orginal premise without hinting to it from the start.
Its about being consistent and true to your creation.
If the writers have the attitude that the current episode is more important than consistency then you are soon in plot hole hell.
JLTucker wrote:I don't disregard the views here. I know they exist and I know that people have problems with the show. My problem is that they are not being defended well at all
Why do you think that other people should have to defend their view? Especially when its shared with the majority of posters, viewers, reviewers, etc?
If I said that "pornos usually have sucky acting" would you insist that I defend opinions like "most porn actresses suck"?
JLTucker wrote:The "33" complaint is bogus, to me, because it's a MacGuffin and completely irrelevant.
Here is a hint, if several different posters after one another claim that it is relevant, and an equal number of posters but not necessarily the same claim that you don't get why it is relevant, then tries to explain exactly why they think it is relevant. Then don't you think that you should at least try to listen to their views instead of trying to repeat your mantra ad infinitum?
Couldn't it be so that you are simply not seeing something which most other see? That the same things that bug you in other parts of the series and what bugs others about the 33 thingie actually have a similar root cause, ie , the writing teams attitude versus their own universe.
JLTucker wrote:I have always seen the show as a character study, from its very beginning, and I think that remained in a satisfying manner until the end.
Most would agree that the characters was a big part of what made the series good in the beginning. Most would disagree that the characters or their arcs remained satisfying or even adequate as the series continued, its usually rather along the lines of, why the fracking fuck did that character make that completely out of character choice?
JLTucker wrote:I won't be responding for a while because I have two finals to prepare for. I hope you'll excuse my absence until at least Friday night as I am making a trek out of state after my last exam. My responses throughout the weekend will be sporadic as I am spending time with family.
No worries. Its not an important dialog for me.