Jub wrote:You'll notice that Q99 calls anything aside from what we see in the movies speculation.
Yes...? 'Something outside of what's established is, by definition, speculative.
And there's kinds of speculation. "We've seen them do something similar, so they can probably do this," different designs, same tech, is the type of question being asked here. "We haven't seen them do something similar here, but they could win if they did this," is a different type of speculation.
He uses the term negatively when talking about other applications for RimTech and other near future tech that we're currently working on.
Not negatively, so much as a different question than, "What can you do with what we see?".
Because if we're adding other supertechs, there's a gigantic array of possible supertechs, and "Oh, it'd be so much easier if they just had (something new)," is way too broad an area.
Considering what to do with constraints on technology is a challenge one has to think around. Considering what to do without constraints on technology is, well, rather easier, and is now not a question of "what do you
want to add?". It's more writing a new story using new parameters. Which is a perfectly fine thing to do! I encourage anyone who wants to make a fanfic along those lines to do so ^^ It's just no longer talking about what's possible with what is definitively established.
Yet he uses just as much speculation to ensure that any plan you try will be defeated by some never seen Kaiju, ie. "They've adapted to Jaegers so they can adapt to supersonic penetrators."
We know they're purposefully designed. We can consider what other designs are possible because we're told they do this. When we're told that someone is actively altering designs to find better responses, one must factor in that they'll do so. It's not borg-like immunity or anything, but altering designs is something they do. Redundant organ, thicker shells, better maneuverability.
And I will note, the purpose of the thread is to speculate what approach we would take
as the Kaiju makers. That's the question being asked. What alternative approaches in building kaiju would be more effective?
Also, Trespasser took plenty of supersonic penetrators vs the military, I'm pretty sure ^^;
or "This one's head was shaped like a battering ram, he must have been designed to break down the Pacific Wall."
^^;; You don't see the difference between speculating the purpose of something seen in canon, made by people we know to be purposefully designing things (i.e. we absolutely know 100% it was designed with a purpose, and the strategic goal, we're just left to figure out what the specific reasoning of the designs are. Mostly guessing based on what they're shown to be good at), and adding something outside the shown technology of the movie?
or "Kaiju bones could break drill bits mounted to a torpedo."
Because that's a known super-hard material in large quantities, and we have seen the bones in action. That's... not speculative at all. Drillbits wear out by nature, anything super hard will wear out many kinds of drillbits. Gipsy's sword with Gipsy's weight behind it couldn't pierce Scunner's skull, so, do we really think a little drill can get through?
And if you think we
can make such a thing *with* shown materials and techniques, that's good! Explain reasoning.
He also wants to use numbers for Jaeger costs taken from secondary sources, movie promotional material and the novel, while ignoring the bits that he doesn't like such as Kaiju and Jaeger weights.
Note how with weights/mass, I'm taking visual performance over stated numbers, as the two are obviously contradictory. Anything else, I'll take secondary sources that don't contradict anything no problem.
I think you just like threadcrapping on scenarios rather than indulging them, honestly. I'm going to focus more on people who try and engage the topic rather than complaining about it.