Except that that's exactly my point, and exactly why the "heroes win" theme, in fact, does work in vs scenarios. If we focus on in-universe explanations only, then the "big bad" ID4 aliens are incompetent clowns, in universe, because in universe they were beaten by people who were far less skilled and far more under-gunned than the people our vs scenario is pitting them against.Khaat wrote:Axton, the point of a "versus scenario" isn't to see who can play the "heroes win!" narrative trump-card hardest, loudest, or first. This is commonly seen in Trekkies when their answer is "but on the show, they do some cool, last-minute, pseudo-science-y thing and ta-dah! they WIN! So that will happen in THIS match-up!" (This is what happened in ID4, in case you didn't work it out: nothing they showed us in the movie explained why suddenly they were able to bridge a Macbook to an alien computer system that had only been reactivating in the last couple of days. David's inspiration is not the work, just the idea.)
In universe, the ID4 aliens got beaten by a politician, a few FA/18 pilots, one decent fighter jock, a nerdy cable guy, and an elderly drunk.
Put the Avengers in their place -- and go ahead, leave out a basically indestructible android powered by an Infinity stone -- we don't even need him. Instead of a politician, a few FA/18 pilots, a decent fighter jock, a nerdy cable guy, and an elderly drunk, we have:
-A genius engineer with a miniaturized nuclear reactor powered body armor that can single-handedly destroy a T-90 tank with one shot, fly -- and in flight exert sufficient thrust to alter the trajectory of a nuclear missile by a full 90 degrees, among other things
-An alien who can, among other things, gather electricity from the atmosphere and redirect it onto any target he chooses, exert sufficient centrifugal force with his hammer to fling himself to any destination he likes, mimicking flight
-An archer who is admittedly not terribly useful in this scenario
-An assassin who is, again, not terribly useful in this scenario, but who knows
-A man whose emotional upset turns him into a creature that can't be killed and that, every time anyone tries, results in him only getting more angry and more powerful
-A tactician on the order of any of the best minds human militaries have produced, ever
And finally, because it's in the thread title, yet another of the Norse gods, who directed the enemy force that all of the preceding characters whomped the crap out of.
Remember, the vs scenario the thread proposes isn't "ID4 aliens AND the Chitauri vs the Avengers". It's "ID4 aliens versus Loki and Avengers." Loki was using the Chitauri. So it's "ID4 aliens versus all of them."
And the ID4 aliens -- again -- were beaten by a politician, a fighter jock, a cable guy, and a drunk. Put them up against the Avengers, let alone the Avengers and Loki with his +1... sorry, his +1 or 2 thousand, and their defeat would be comical. And sad. But mostly sad.
Yes, they've got kilometer-sized spacecraft. But in this scenario: So. Fucking. What. That didn't do them any goddamn good in their own ficton, it sure as shit won't help them here.