Shinigami wrote:Exactly what do you get out of being an ass? I'll try and make this short, I don't want you passing out from the brain activity.
This one quote was the basis of your
entire reply? Geez.
Obviously you do not comprehend the basis of this one particular spell, so let me change tack...
Do you believe Spider-sense would help Spiderman avoid being force choked by Darth Vader? This isn't a trick question, yes or no. The reason I ask this is because Willow's 'freeze' spell works on the same principal. It doesn't required anything being 'thrown' or 'targeted' at the opponent. It occurs because the caster
wills it to occur
on the target irrespective of what they are doing. So do you believe that Darth Vader would be able to force choke Spiderman?
Shinigami wrote:There's no way in hell Willow could freeze Spiderman if he was aware of the attack. You seem to think he'd just stand there like a dope and wait for it to happen. That's why spider-sense comes into play. Spidey would be prepared for the spell and would shoot enough webbing in her throat to make her choke.
You are accusing me of something you are practising! You accuse me of Spiderman 'just stands there like a dope' and at the same time you assume that Willow or Buffy would also just stand there like a dope while Spiderman flings webs at them. Season 5, Willow is able to cast a sheild spell around a building in a few seconds by mumbling a spell, season 7 she creates a personal sheild around her and a girl instantly by raising her hands! This is a disgracefull tactic for someone so with a high opinion of themselves.
Shinigami wrote: I understood your point the first time, but you're still missing the point about his spider-sense. You're using examples of opponents that didn't have this kind of power. If you want your argument to stick, you should use an example of an villain in the Buffyverse who has a power like the spider-sense.
No. You still do not understand the principals under which the spell operates. Whether or not someone knows it's going to happen is irrespective if they cannot dodge or block the spell! Spider-sense is just a danger sense, Spiderman doesn't know
what that danger is, nor does he know
where this danger is coming from. He reacts to it by moving! It's the classic fight/flight mode. Useless against a spell which is using
him as a focus! Read above and try and keep and open mind about the contention I am putting forward!
Shinigami wrote:Now you're just lying. You said it yourself, you only brought Darth Willow as a reference to show what magic in the Buffyverse is capable of. If she's not a part of this battle(and she never could be), stop using her power as a means to make your point.
The point is that Willow doesn't always need spells to accomplish magic, particularly the binding spell as seen in season 5 'Spiral' it's instantaneous.
The reason that I used Darth Rosenberg stopping an explosion is to demostrate visually how quick her reaction time is! It doesn't matter whether or not she is Willow, Uber Willow or Darth Rosenberg, her reaction time and her ability to create a spell to defend herself from harm REMAINS THE SAME.
Shinigami wrote:Crown wrote:Again with the vaunted Spider-sense. This is becoming really ridiculous now, it's like a Trekkie clinging to transporters to defeat the Empire. How can Spider-sense protect Spiderman from a spell which uses his being as a focus? Now you are saying that she would have to make an attempt to keep up with him? I thought you said he wasn't running away? Alarm bells are ringing Shinigami. Re-read my post.
I wouldn't have to bring up spider-sense ad nauseam if you were smart enough to think about it yourself. As for re-reading your post, it's clear that you don't even know what you mean.
Nice evasion of the question. First you claim that he isn't running away and then you say that she would have to make an attempt to keep up with him. You can either rationalise it as a mistake in your wording or a lie. You choose.
Shinigami wrote:The first post said nothing about Uber-Buffy. Face it, the only way the Scooby gang can win is through a ton of unfair advantages. If they can have power-ups, give Spidey one too.
The first post said, and I quote;
- Backup of Scooby Gang (Willow has cool powers, might have some anti spider spell ). Deal with it, we get Scooby Gang and Willow magic.
Gandalf latter restricted us to 5th season, which means we have Uber Buffy from 4th and Uber Willow from 5th. Don't go crying because the
details of this thread don't suit your liking, create another one. Now you would have to also try (and I realise this following part may be hard for you) to read other's responses to this thread where they mention 'Cosmic Spiderman' if this is included then include him. Do some work and find out for yourself what is and isn't included in this thread and stop crying because it doesn't suit you!
Shinigami wrote: Not to say I don't appreciate it, but how does this example help your argument?
I guess in no way at all,
because it isn't the object of this thread to analyse how Buffy would do up against Movie Spiderman! It's a personal point that I made in passing once, that for some reason you wish me to justify. While I can understand that, it served no purpose when I first mentioned it, and it would serve no purpose now.
Shingami wrote:Plain Willow's power would be spread too thin. She couldn't hold up a protection spell and conjure up Uber-Buffy all at once. There's that throat-webbing thing that would stop her.
No the freese spell works instantly, the personal shield spell works instantly, the barrier spell around a building took her 3 seconds to create. It think that Spiderman wouldn't be able to web her that fast freese and personal shield spell)! And after the creation of the shield spell around the building IT REQUIRES NO FURTHER ENERGY/CONCENTRAION ON HER PART TO KEEP IT UP! As seen in 'Spiral', and she is free to move around, talk and perform other spells after it has been established.
Shinigami wrote:You keep using bad examples. Glory is not Spiderman, and vice versa. At least try and think of someone with close to the same powers.
If you would please be so kind to tell me why you believe that Glory isn't an equal or greater threat to Spiderman, I think it would help with our obvious communication difficulties at this point. I will assume that your knowlege of the Buffyverse is somewhat limitted and I will fill you in on Glory; INDESTRUCTABLE. In every sence of the word. Building fell on her, she complains that she broke her shoe, pertrol tanker truck hits her traveling in a residential area (here it's 50km/hr, you decide what speed if you wish), is disorientated for a brief second and starts to get up. She can run faster than the eye can track her, as is demostrated is 'Sprial'. Knives and other sharp objects cannot penatrate through her skin, 'Tough Love', and again she complains that her dress is ruined. The only difference that I see is Spider-sense, Web-slinging, and Wall-crawling. Spider-sense, as I have said before is nothing more than a danger-sense, it doesn't clarify what kind of danger, just tells him that his is in danger. Web-slinging, first of all since you so 'taunt' me with Spider-sense I think it would be the height of hypocrasy if I cannot even assume that the characters being targetted decide to not 'just stand there like a dope' and either move or protect themselves.
Web-crawling, Slayers have gone up against other fast demonds who have this ability, Angel 'Sanctuary', Buffy 'Selfless', and it wouldn't be an overt advantage.
Shingami wrote:Look who's talking. Your posts have been all about Darth Rosenburg, only to later point out that she isn't a part of this debate. Sad thing is, all of your points stem from this manifestation of Willow. Then you only look at half of the spectrum and assume that a gang at their max fighting one guy at his average is fair. More to the point, you jump from point to point in your post using circular logic and contradicting yourself. It sad, really.....
The thread starter didn't finalise the limits of Season 5 till well after Darth Rosenberg was mentioned. I maintain that the pictures are there as a visual representation of what Willow is capable of; the freezing of the explosion, is to demostrate how quickly she can freeze things with her mind. The examples that I use and argue however are Season 4, 5, and I mentiong the others where it is demonstarted that these aren't new powers but rather applications of old! What was the difference between Willow and Uber Willow; Anger. What was the difference between Uber Willow and Darth Rosenberg; Anger and Knowledge. The power she used was always hers!
The fairness of this fight was something that I first addressed in my first post;
Crown wrote:Okay which Spydie are we talking about here? Movie, comic, cartoon? Or are we taking all the maximums and having a fan-wank fest?
If it's comic/cartoon, shame on you. Nothing can stand up to the Marvelverse!
If it's the movie Spydie, different story....
Lord of the Farce wrote:And unless Willow and Giles are both in Bad-Ass Insta-Magic mode, I doubt that any of the Scooby Gang would be good for anything other than distractions at best.
Given that most people are thinking of comic/cartoon Spydie, I think that we must assume that both Willow and Giles are in Bad-Ass-Insta-Magic mode. Can anyone say; 'Bored now.'
Are you seriously maintaining that pitting anyone against a Marvel character is 'fair'?
Shinigami wrote:I pity you. For someone capable of grasping so much, you're still not only an asshole, but a stupid, arrogant, immature asshole. For one thing, you start your post by flinging insults, and to top things off your whole argument is "Buffy and pals at their best Vs. Spiderman at any given day of the week". I'll one last time, unfair advantages are the means through Buffy can win. That's isn't a victory. It's a damn shame.
Your pity is neither requested nor appreciated. You are guilty of the exact breaches of conduct you accuse me off, and what you want me to appologise? Please kindly fuck off.
I am willing to admit to rudeness, but I will not tolerate being insulted by someone who jumps is halfway through a debate and acts like a child. More, I am not seeking for a conversion here. Answer this if you want to; Can Spider-sense help Spiderman avoid being force choked by Darth Vader?
Yes; I shut up.
No; You shut up.
No, but it's not the same as Willow's 'freese' spell; then we debate.