As of February 7, 2007 The Anchorpoint Essays are closed.
This was not an easy decision, but a combination of lack of time and the fact that this site has recently become the target of repeated hacking I have decided to call it quits.
It's very likely that I would have left the site open until such time that I could begin working on it again, I was hoping for the summer of 2007, but the process of restoring the site is not a simple one, nor is it quick. The Anchorpoint Essays was comprised of approximately 220MB of material. Uploading it and dealing with server security was actually a time consuming process. And after having to do it three times in two months I really have no desire to do it again.
The Essays were open for 10 years, and in that time they saw some pretty interesting times. From being shown on the Sci-Fi Channel, to getting a write up in the Sci-Fi Channel's official magazine, to being listed as a resource for biology in the Hawaii State Library, and to receiving a link from 20th Century Fox's German version of the ALIEN QUADROLOGY web site (why the German version is a baffle to me as well).
I apologize to the fans of the site and to the fans of the ALIEN franchise who make up the ALIENS online community for terminating this site, and my work on it. You deserved more. But at the same time I have to offer a huge, and very well-deserved, "Thank You" the the ALIENS online community. The Anchorpoint Essays was never meant to be anything more than a little site of fan fiction spun to entertain the mind of its creator. Instead it became something much larger, and more wonderful than I could have every imagined. Thank you to everyone who contributed their ideas, time, and enthusiasm toward this site. You are the reason this site became what it was, and the reason it lasted for a 10 years.
Farewell and thank you.
- Mike Lynch
Fuck. That was best Aliens site ever. It'd be like SWTC closing.