For some reason, the 'what if' concept is one that I find fascinating. An example of this include the anthology 'Hitler Victorious'

David Brin (for once) wrote a good story that's reprinted in this book titled 'Thor meets Captain America'. The plot synopis is that the Nazi death camps were used to create 'death magic' or Necromantic spells that brought the Norse Gods to life in order to fight for Germany. However, Loki defects to the Allies.
The story takes place in the early 1960's and North America and Japan are just about the only places on Earth not under the Nazi jackboot. But the Allies are losing the war and a commando mission is launched to plant an H-Bomb in the Nazi 'Valhalla".
There are other stories that explore the possibility that after a Nazi victory the US would have settled into a Cold War with Germany similar to the one we engaged in with the USSR, and that Germany's policies would have mellowed somewhat after WW2 ended.
A search for literature of this type reveals that WW2 is a popular subject for this kind of SF.
Another well known author in this genre is Harry Turtledove
He's written several books that explore alternate endings to events such as the US Civil War (The Great War series) and an Alien invasion of Earth in 1941 (the Worldwar series).

The Worldwar series in interesting in that the tech level of the aliens isn't that much more advanced than today with the exception of fusion powered sublight spacecraft. The aliens are lizards that are in a cold sleep for the 20 year journey to Earth. They also literally believe that their Emperor is a god.
The Great War series has the USA allied with the Kaiser and the CSA allied with France and Great Britain. The US/Germany alliance wins the war at a terrible cost and imposes a Versailles style peace on their opponents that lead up to another war.
He also co-wrote 'The Two Georges' with Richard Dreyfuss.

This one takes place 200 years after the revolutionaries in the colonies settled their grievances with George III peacibly.
Are there others who are fans of this SF genre?
If so, why? What is your favorite era for AH? Who's your favorite author?