A Bad Day to be Alive on Earth...

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A Bad Day to be Alive on Earth...

Post by Chevron_Seven »

Within the span of a week a few syndicates of evil forces pop up on the Earth:

A) Supernatural Powers:
1) Imhotep arises one again in Egypt ticked off over his earlier banishing by the O'Connells.
2) Vigo the Carpathian is attempting to arise once again this time in San Fransisco.
3) Deacon Frost appears in Detroit leading a band of one hundred vampire followers. His intention is to swell their ranks into the thousands. Plus they have Dracula the Stoker version helping them out.

B) "Super Villians" & Technology Gone Bad
1) Darth Vader (end of III) crash lands in Australia with his ship being utterly destroyed. He has Mara Jade with him plus one hundred Stormtroopers.
2) Skynet is currently trapped in the computer systems at NASA. It currently has fifty T-800s and 5 T-1000s who have arrived in Florida too. It has to remain in the computer systems for at least 6 months before it will be strong enough to spread outward.
3) Gwendolyn Ingolfsson has arrived in London along with three other Draka to start building her beacon.
4) Doctor Doom sets up in Vancouver and begins operating out of there.

C) The Swarms:
1) A swarm of 1000 Magog has appeared in Africa and are starting to spread outwards from there.
2) 500 Wraith appear in Vietnam with Michael and he has changed the retrovirus again so it can be used to create more Wraith. He intends to create several hundred more Wraith to replace any that are killed.

The villains can work together in their goals but they can also work against each other.

Facing off against these evil forces are:
1) The MIB led by Zed with both Agents K and J ready to go. They are ultimately the ones who bring the teams of heroes together to meet and start planning their counterattack.
2) Indiana Jones and his Dad who have been preserved by drinking from the Holy Grail.
3) Harry Dresden (Post White Night) with all of his equipment, Bob, and usual allies along to help him.
4) The Ghostbusters (end of 2nd Movie)
5) Spider-Man (end of 2nd Movie)
6) Obi-Wan Kenobi: Who was pursuing Vader and crash landed in Upstate NY before being picked up by the MIB.
7) Rommie (Android form) appears in NYC armed with a F-Lance and carrying standard High Guard equipment.
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Post by JGregory32 »

4) Doctor Doom sets up in Vancouver and begins operating out of there.
Finally, some compatent administration in Vancouver! Maybe We'll finally end the CUPE strike and have garbage pickup once again!
Maybe Doom will sort out the entire Trans-Link mess and we'll have effective public transit !
All hail Doom!!!

Ahem, nice wankery but the heros are going to be dogpiled and killed quickly, then it becomes war between the baddies with the population of earth as their footsoldiers.
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Post by Zixinus »

This sounds incredibly stupid and incredibly fun at the same time.
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

JGregory32 wrote: All hail Doom!!!
We've already got the megalomania and power hunger in our current mayor so we'll just be trading up to get competency and scientific genius.
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Um, Mara Jade would've been a baby at the end of ROTS, if not a mass of pre-natal cells.

I wonder how effective neuralizers would be on non-human/supernatural entities.

Who is Rommie?
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Post by SilverWingedSeraph »

That's 1764 villains against... like... around 10 people. The odds of the "good guys" surviving are about as good as the odds of the USS Enterprise defeating an Executer-class Star Destroyer. I mean, 1000 Magog? Are you kidding? One hundred vamps, who can swell their ranks easily enough... 500 WRAITH who can also swell their own ranks.

Rommie could probably handle the T-800's... if they came after her one at a time, maybe. The T-1000's would make short work of her. Spidey could probably handle himself fairly well unless he went up against Vader. No idea who Harry Dresden is, he might even things up, although I doubt it. Indy and his old man would be utterly useless against the numerically and physically superior enemies. The Ghost Busters would be useless for anything other than handling Vigo, assuming they can pull it off a second time. Obi-Wan would probably handle himself okay... but the sheer numbers standing in his way are still an issue.

The MiB could bring firepower, but they still don't have the numbers to stand up to the 100 armed Stormtroopers.

It's one-sided slaughter, basically.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Locking because this is as one sided as asking "Ultimate uber powers of the comic universes against Z-class heroes, without support lining up for the slaughter."

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