SGA: Lifeline

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SGA: Lifeline

Post by CaptJodan »

I have no idea why the topic is being made so late here.

-A lot of familiar themes in this one, what with Weir doing something similar to what Daniel did with replicator Cater. These replicators are once again shown to be extremely close to their Milky Way cousins.

-The team were idiots. I understand their intense desire to stop the replicators or to have them work on their side, but their primary focus, regardless of their once-in-a-lifetime chance was to save the inhabitants of Atlantis. It was a fairly irresponsible act, I think.

-It seems to me the writers have completely forgot about the Ithosians (sp?). No one cares if they may or may not have been blasted to little bits by the weapon. How nice.

-What the hell was that ship? Looked like a giant puddle jumper from one angle, and I didn't get a great look at it. I'll have to see if I can find screens of it. Additionally, was it firing energy weapons or drones at the Apollo? If it's the latter, that would basically mean that Asgard shields are not affected by the shield-penetrating function of the drone system.

-They've definately set up other instances where she can come back to haunt Atlantis. Might be interesting to see where this replicator/wraith line goes. Undoubtably it will go south.

-I'm leaning towards the idea that the Daedalus and possibly the Odyssey were destroyed in the movies, given that there's been no mention of them. I couldn't understand why we had the Apollo last season to begin with unless they could switch the two ships out on patrols. Since there's been no mention of the Daedalus (and the writers don't want to tip their hat on what happens in the movies), I'm going with her being destroyed. That assumes this takes place after the direct to DVD movies.

Once again, I'm very disappointed in all of you.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

I thought it was a pretty good episode overall. More pissed that I had to sit through the last ten minutes of that fucking Flash Gordon shit than anything else.
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

A few quick observations:

Dr. Lee is, as always, awesome.

Colonel Ellis is also awesome.

Colonel Carter's promotion... uh, ok. Granted, I knew it was coming, but that was kind of underwhelming. Maybe there's something with a little more gravitas at the end of Continuum or something.
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Re: SGA: Lifeline

Post by JME2 »

CaptJodan wrote:-It seems to me the writers have completely forgot about the Ithosians (sp?). No one cares if they may or may not have been blasted to little bits by the weapon. How nice.
Didn't the crew of the Ancient ship Tria force the Athosians relocate offworld during the events of "The Return"?
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Re: SGA: Lifeline

Post by CaptJodan »

JME2 wrote: Didn't the crew of the Ancient ship Tria force the Athosians relocate offworld during the events of "The Return"?
Hmm...possibly. I don't remember, but you might be right. I guess, then, that they decided to stay there rather than return when they learned the humans were back in charge.
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Re: SGA: Lifeline

Post by Tychu »

CaptJodan wrote:
JME2 wrote: Didn't the crew of the Ancient ship Tria force the Athosians relocate offworld during the events of "The Return"?
Hmm...possibly. I don't remember, but you might be right. I guess, then, that they decided to stay there rather than return when they learned the humans were back in charge.
Yes they were relocated... we see their new planet when the Human aspect of the team is trying to get their members back at the end of the season half finale
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Re: SGA: Lifeline

Post by NecronLord »

CaptJodan wrote:-The team were idiots. I understand their intense desire to stop the replicators or to have them work on their side, but their primary focus, regardless of their once-in-a-lifetime chance was to save the inhabitants of Atlantis. It was a fairly irresponsible act, I think.
How many people do the wraith kill every year? I think it was two or three per year. Eliminating the Wraith probably saves a lot more people than saving Atlantis.

The Asurans have shown no interest in conquering or destroying (nor helping, of course) Pegasus humans. If, however, they (as seems likely) are capable of wiping out the Wraith, then that could save millions of people.

It's not necesserily responsible, and I'm not sure which I'd do; go for the definate safety of Atlantis, or try for the safety of everyone in Pegasus.
-What the hell was that ship? Looked like a giant puddle jumper from one angle, and I didn't get a great look at it. I'll have to see if I can find screens of it. Additionally, was it firing energy weapons or drones at the Apollo? If it's the latter, that would basically mean that Asgard shields are not affected by the shield-penetrating function of the drone system.
I think side on, it was one of the ancient's warships. I'll have to wait for the DVD to really get a good look, though...

In a related topic, that shot where the jumper flies out of the tower from the side could be useful for scaling.
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Post by PREDATOR490 »

Wasnt that bad an episode but it was predictable from the get go.

The thing I'm most annoyed at is the appearance of a ship / fleet ... wtf ?
Why have we not seen these ships before. If they are THAT intent on destroying Atlantis or Earth they could have sent that ship / fleet at them rather than sit with thumb up ass.

Speaking of which... shouldnt Weir know the location of the bridge ?
The fleet should be making a run to the mid way station or start screwing with the connection so Atlantis gets cut off from Earth.

The decision to mess around with that Wraith thing seemed rather dubious as well. Sure, the Asurans can end up going after the Wraith but the main problem ends up being when the shit REALLY hits the fan. The Wraith are gonna go into full frenzy and the poor bastards they are trying to "save" end up getting caught in the crossfire.
We have already seen the kind of weapons the Ancients were willing to use against the Wraith and their destructive potential. The Asurans sure as hell dont care about human casualties so they wont bat an eye using those devices.

This episode managed to take another step towards turning the Replicators into the Borg with Rodney quietly refering to "assimilation". Given the Star Trek references this show occassional uses I would relish them just making a reference to the Borg.
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Post by NecronLord »

PREDATOR490 wrote:Wasnt that bad an episode but it was predictable from the get go.

The thing I'm most annoyed at is the appearance of a ship / fleet ... wtf ?
Why have we not seen these ships before.
It makes plenty of sense. Why should the Asurans be dumb enough to build all their ships on one world? The old platitude about eggs and baskets springs to mind.
If they are THAT intent on destroying Atlantis or Earth they could have sent that ship / fleet at them rather than sit with thumb up ass.
We don't know that they want to. The tau'ri attack was agressive, based on information that the Asurans were building ships - if the Tau'ri are entitled to build warships for defensive purpouses, so are the Asurans. For that matter, when we first met Oberoth, he said that eliminating the Wraith was on their long term agenda: how do we know that wasn't why they were building those ships?

They're clearly just better at it. They've not shown any inclination, human paranoia aside, to destroy Earth, any more than they have to destroy the many humans in Pegasus, a task they could accomplish pretty bloody quickly, perhaps in seconds.

Oberoth's said some things about resenting humans and all that jazz, but we've not actually seen or heard of them wanting to kill any humans until the issue of dealing with Atlantis - and they seem more interested in getting or destroying their creators' capital city than anything else - given that they seem to have all the knowledge of the ancients, they could dial Earth's stargate tomorrow and send a Dakara-esque pulse through to Earth to scour it clean of life, if that was really their intention, and there's nothing the Tau'ri could do to stop it.

The only suggestion that they've wanted to destroy humans is the virus from Hot Zone, which is supposedly their creation; if so, the Asurans have been most remiss in sitting about for ten thousand years instead of delivering it, or similar weapons.
Speaking of which... shouldnt Weir know the location of the bridge ?
The fleet should be making a run to the mid way station or start screwing with the connection so Atlantis gets cut off from Earth.
Atlantis has a (mostly-drained, true) ZPM now. It'd inconvinience them, but not cut them off entirely.
The decision to mess around with that Wraith thing seemed rather dubious as well. Sure, the Asurans can end up going after the Wraith but the main problem ends up being when the shit REALLY hits the fan. The Wraith are gonna go into full frenzy and the poor bastards they are trying to "save" end up getting caught in the crossfire.
Why? The Wraith consider humans as cattle, anyway - I don't see why they'd go ape and attack humans when they're being hammered by a race that appears to be the Ancients returned. Aside from the humans living on board wraith ships, there'd be few bystanders to be affected; though I wonder quite what is on a 'wraith planet.' They've seemed to be nomads, so far.
We have already seen the kind of weapons the Ancients were willing to use against the Wraith and their destructive potential. The Asurans sure as hell dont care about human casualties
How do we know? Maybe that's why they've been so quiet about taking the Wraith on for so long. They may view humans as the favoured children who got all the attention (which would explain why they've not bothered to try and help Pegasus humans) but that doesn't mean they're immediately okay with genocide. They're not utterly alien von-Neumann machines like the Replicators, the Asurans clearly have civillians, emotions, culture, and all that jazz.

They've been willing to kill the Atlantis expedition, but that's, what, four hundred people... Who just dropped teraton nukes on them, and have plans (not that the Asurans know this, mind) to obliterate them. They've killed Ancients, too, but again, that's a few hundred people. That doesn't mean they're willing to slaughter billions.
so they wont bat an eye using those devices.

This episode managed to take another step towards turning the Replicators into the Borg with Rodney quietly refering to "assimilation". Given the Star Trek references this show occassional uses I would relish them just making a reference to the Borg.
The original replicators were more borg like; they actually consumed the technology other cultures. The Asurans seem relatively peacable, except for their burning desire to blow up Atlantis.
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Post by NecronLord »

Which brings me onto a broader topic: How evil are the Asurans? They’re certainly antagonistic to the Atlantis crew, but for the most part, they seem content enough to be left alone.
Progeny wrote:NIAM: The aggression programmed into our core remained, fuelling a rage we could not contain. We implored them to have this violent nature removed from our programming, but the Ancients wanted a weapon, and since their scientists included a directive prohibiting us from ever harming them, they continued the experiment. When the Ancients concluded that the experiment had gone too far -- that we would never become the weapon they desired to create -- they decided to end it.
Typically enough, the Ancients’ are at least partly to blame for their actual aggression, going so far as to leave the Asurans with combative instincts and then refusing to remove those instincts when the Asurans wanted to become less aggressive. They then tried to murder them, of course.
Progeny wrote:WEIR: I think they look at the Ancients like parents who betrayed them, and now they see humans as the favoured siblings who receive all the parents’ love. They’ve been seeking revenge ever since.
This is Weir’s guess, as far as we can tell. The Asurans have had a long time to go clobber the local humans in their mud huts, and as far as we know, they haven’t done so. While McKay then guesses (and the producers have confirmed this) that the Asurans developed the nanotechnological virus found on Atlantis, we know of no instances of their actually employing it.

Of course, it’s possible that the Asurans have been killing humans, and we’ve simply not run into any evidence yet…
Progeny wrote:NIAM: It does. (He straightens up.) We have achieved much since our second birth. We have evolved to take the form of our creators, built a city far grander than they ever achieved ...
As an aside, I’m not certain if this means just in Pegasus, or ever, and if Niam is actually able to speak with authority. But he seems to think that the Asuran city is more expansive than or otherwise superior to any the Ancients ever built.
Progeny wrote:NIAM: We realise this, and we have done much to repress our violent nature, but yet it still remains within us. We believe this, above all, is what has prevented us from ascending.
While this doesn’t refer to the whole culture, it’s interesting to note that at least some of the Asurans are interested in repressing their violent impulses. This may be why they’ve yet to eliminate the wraith and humans around them.

Also, I forgot that the Asurans also used some kind of ship to attack Atlantis in The Return, they’ve had ships other than the ones that were nuked, even though that particular one was later disassembled. There they killed just over a hundred people, Ancients, of course.

Ignoring that it’s, again, all the fault of the Ancients, the Asurans seem to have shown far less interest in killing humans than they have in just seizing or blowing up Atlantis. They might be powerful, but I don't think they necesserily have to be villains; it'd be interesting to see their feelings on the Ori...
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Post by CaptJodan »

[quote="NecronLord"][Atlantis has a (mostly-drained, true) ZPM now. It'd inconvinience them, but not cut them off entirely.[quote]

Don't even get me started on the ZPM nonsense. Damn glorified batteries.

As for your analysis on the Asurans, I think, given what limited information we have so far, we can say they are certainly not the Wraith when it comes to "badness". But I think it's hard to be definative in any capacity. One thing I'm struck with is the fact that we really don't get a sense of what their ultimate plan must be. What ARE their feelings toward the humans in the galaxy other than on Atlantis? The extinction of the Wraith is such a low priority as to be put off for thousands of years (I know they said they were building up their forces, but it seems painfully slow, especially for replicators), so I wonder what their agenda really is.

In other words, need more information. What is their final endgame? Destroy the Wraith and live in peace with the rest of the inhabitants of the galaxy? Have the entire galaxy for themselves and spread like the original replicators? Will their programmed aggression make them expand beyond their own galaxy? There's still a lot left to answer.
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Post by Johonebesus »

PREDATOR490 wrote:Speaking of which... shouldnt Weir know the location of the bridge ?
The fleet should be making a run to the mid way station or start screwing with the connection so Atlantis gets cut off from Earth.
Why would Weir know the specific location of the midpoint station in the vastness of intergalactic space? She may know about how far it is from Atlantis, but given the distances that would still leave a huge margin or error.
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Post by l33telboi »

On the subject of the Nano-virus created by the Asurans. I don't think this is a virus created for the task of killing humans specifically. I think it's more a means to an end then anything else. The end being the extermination of the Wraith. Kill the Wraith's foodsource, kill the Wraith.

It actually paints quite a nice little picture. The Alterans create the Asurans to combat the Wraith, but the Asurans are given the option of deciding how they go about doing this. The Asurans then figure that it'd be easier to just kill the humans rather the Wraith, because that would leave the Wraith without anyone to feed on and as a result they'd die out. The Alterans are apalled by this, of course, and decide to discontinue the project.

It could also be interesting in light of future episodes. Will the Asurans start killing humans now that their old programming has been restored?
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Post by PREDATOR490 »

Regardless of wether they have been actively killing humans. The point becomes the Atlantis intervention has now put the Asurans into direct conflict with the Wraith. We know the Wraith beat the Ancients when they really got going and we have seen the Wraith are prepared to work together to achieve a common goal.
The outcome of a direct conflict is likely to cause the remaining Wraith to rally together against the Asurans and fight back. If they dont I would expect the Asurans are going to do nothing less than exterminate them. In making the Wraith go to a war footing the amount of people they start eating will no doubt increase heavily as well as the stripping of any remaining populations still around. Add to that the amount of people that will get caught in the crossfire or used by either side as a means of hurting the other makes what they did rather foolish.

No matter which side wins the galaxy loses. They may be weakend considerably but when one comes out on top they are now the top power within the galaxy. The Wraith get access to the remains of Asuran technology while the Asurans can expand and rebuild at will.
Its a pretty bad idea to send the Asurans at the Wraith with such an exploitable weakness in their programming. The Wraith have been shown to attempt hacking stuff before and now they are sending a potentially vulnerable force with a hackable weakness into a fight they cannot win.
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Post by Chris OFarrell »

Even IF the Wraith fight back, I don't hold much hope for them really. They have been weakened by infighting for several years now and the Asurans actually ARE aggressive, smart and willing to fight the war. The Lantians frankly are a bunch of morons who wouldn't know how to fight a war if someone dropped copies of The Art of War and Zap Brannigan's Big Book of War into their laps and told them to read it, carefully.

I mean with Ancient technology giving you strategic mobility and tactical superiority with which you can easily divide and conquer the disorganized and unsuspecting Wraith fleets...
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Post by NecronLord »

PREDATOR490 wrote:Regardless of wether they have been actively killing humans. The point becomes the Atlantis intervention has now put the Asurans into direct conflict with the Wraith. We know the Wraith beat the Ancients when they really got going and we have seen the Wraith are prepared to work together to achieve a common goal.
We don't know how many resources the Wriath had then, compared to now. They seem to have spent most of the time over the last ten thousand years hibernating, not building up their resources. In addition, the Wraith have taken some losses to the Tau'ri, and just come out of a civil war. The Asurans claim to have a bigger city than any the Ancients ever built, if anything, their resources may be superior.

Asurans appear far superior to ancients in single combat, and are probably at least a match for the wraith. On the personal scale, wraith ground forces will do nothing to Asuran warriors. Individual Asurans have the ability to infect other species and take control of them, and Asurans are likely not mind-probable by Wraith Queens. Asuran casualties don't matter, as they can be reincarnated from the network and at least one backup, and they're quite willing to sacrifice themselves for the cause.

Added to which, the Asurans have an agressive instinct, and appear to be far superior to the Ancients in terms of warmaking; the Asurans had a reply to the Tau'ri attack ready to go within hours, the Ancients appear to have fucked about for ages whenever confronted by a threat.
The outcome of a direct conflict is likely to cause the remaining Wraith to rally together against the Asurans and fight back. If they dont I would expect the Asurans are going to do nothing less than exterminate them. In making the Wraith go to a war footing the amount of people they start eating will no doubt increase heavily
Why? Does the US army notably increase its food intake during wartime? They still need to be provisioned whenever they're awake. I don't see why wraith would need to eat more, unless they want to try and get 'supercharged' before engagements. And given that the Asurans are made of metal that's likely futile.
as well as the stripping of any remaining populations still around. Add to that the amount of people that will get caught in the crossfire or used by either side as a means of hurting the other makes what they did rather foolish.

No matter which side wins the galaxy loses. They may be weakend considerably but when one comes out on top they are now the top power within the galaxy. The Wraith get access to the remains of Asuran technology
How? I can't see any way the Wraith could even capture one Asuran ship intact, let alone invade their city. And if they did, I would certainly expect the Asurans to go scorched earth on them; The Asurans are replicators. We've seen that their backup core is quite small, if they lose, the Asurans are likely to back up their minds, blow up their star system, and rebuild elsewhere.
while the Asurans can expand and rebuild at will.
Its a pretty bad idea to send the Asurans at the Wraith with such an exploitable weakness in their programming.
Because the Wraith are definately going to get into the Asuran communications tower... how? And that's ignoring the fact that the Asurans are likely to vastly increase its security now.
The Wraith have been shown to attempt hacking stuff before and now they are sending a potentially vulnerable force with a hackable weakness into a fight they cannot win.
A fight they cannot win? How's that? The Wraith aren't even going to know where this sudden invasion of seemingly-ancient ships is coming from, let alone where to strike to harm the Asurans.
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Post by NecronLord »

Let's just consider for a moment. One Asuran, on an eleven kilometer wraith ship...

I'm betting on the Asuran. Energy weapons, which the Wraith almost exclusively use, have been shown to have no effect on them. They're inedible. They're probably stronger than the Wraith, and are quite willing to use (including rather sanely designed pistols) lethal force on their enemies. They don't need air, can pass through small spaces, and the Wraith haven't tried anything particularly sophisticated to contain invaders in the past, to our knowledge...
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Post by PREDATOR490 »

The reason why the Wraith are going to at least put up one hell of a fight comes down to simple script sense.
If the Asurans play properly they will maul the Wraith quickly and that forces the writers to bring the Asurans back to Atlantis when they are done. The Asurans are simply TOO powerful an enemy for SGA to keep going for long.
SGA CANT fight a war with them and if the Asurans demonstrate the ability to rape the Wraith with a defense force then the script ends up having to justify why the Asurans dont send a force to:
A) Rape the bridge
B) Rape Earth
C) Rape Atlantis
D) Rape the Milky Way

The only way to prevent having to bring this up is to have the Asuran war last at least until the mid season cliff hanger I would guess. Incidentally, B and D are going to be the hardest to justify since the hush hush over the movie.

Its supposed to be 60+ - 1 in favour of the Wraith hive ships with an unknown amount of force for the Asurans. It cant be THAT much because A single Earth ship has been able to enter their space easily and scout it without noticing such a force. Either this fleet has been around from before the construction of a new fleet or has been assembled in the time after Atlantis nuked them.
The former means this force cant be that large or powerful. We dont even really know what this fleet consists of. That ship we saw might be the largest in the fleet while the rest are puddle jumpers. Thats not going to do that well against the Wraith when they come in force.
The latter means Atlantis is completely fucked storywise if they can build that kind of force in days ?

Its also worth noting that with the Asurans attack using Ancient looking technlogy, who do you think the Wraith are automatically going to assume is behind this attack seeing as how the only recent display of Ancient technology and force to attack them has been Atlantis ?
Either way what the team did is foolhardy considering they are either going to cause the Wraith to get massacred - leaving the Asurans the ability to expand at will unhindered or the Wraith somehow manage to pull out the kind of force and strength that let them beat the Ancients.
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Post by NecronLord »

PREDATOR490 wrote:The reason why the Wraith are going to at least put up one hell of a fight comes down to simple script sense.
If the Asurans play properly they will maul the Wraith quickly and that forces the writers to bring the Asurans back to Atlantis when they are done. The Asurans are simply TOO powerful an enemy for SGA to keep going for long.
SGA CANT fight a war with them and if the Asurans demonstrate the ability to rape the Wraith with a defense force then the script ends up having to justify why the Asurans dont send a force to:
A) Rape the bridge
B) Rape Earth
C) Rape Atlantis
D) Rape the Milky Way
A, B and D already come down to 'they don't want to' - the Asurans have access to the technology of the ancients. If they choose, they can dial Earth and send a Dakara pulse through. Wham. Everyone's dead Dave.

The only way to prevent having to bring this up is to have the Asuran war last at least until the mid season cliff hanger I would guess.
That's hardly unjustifiable. The Asurans can take their time in attacking Wraith when they're isolated.
Its supposed to be 60+ - 1 in favour of the Wraith hive ships with an unknown amount of force for the Asurans. It cant be THAT much because A single Earth ship has been able to enter their space easily and scout it without noticing such a force.
Again. Ancient Tech. For all we know, the Asurans have have a cloaked fleet sitting around somewhere all the time. They've certainly got one now. The capital ship we saw in this episode had a cloaking device. It's possible the Asurans chose to let the Tau'ri overfly their territory; remember, the Ancients' sensors can detect ships from a great distance, there's no reason they'd not know that the Apollo/Daedalus etc was there. Presumably they were not expecting the humans to be moronic enough to make an unprovoked attack against a culture millions of years in advance of them, and thus decided it posed no serious threat.
Either this fleet has been around from before the construction of a new fleet or has been assembled in the time after Atlantis nuked them.
The former means this force cant be that large or powerful.
Or they just don't care to use it. The USA knows the North Korea has nuclear ambitions, and has a fleet capable of stopping it. Why doesn't it send it? Many reasons. The Asurans could have just as many reasons for not going and whomping Atlantis every week.
We dont even really know what this fleet consists of. That ship we saw might be the largest in the fleet while the rest are puddle jumpers. Thats not going to do that well against the Wraith when they come in force.
How are the Wraith going to know where to go? As far as we know, the Asurans' world is unknown to them.
The latter means Atlantis is completely fucked storywise if they can build that kind of force in days ?
Good. So have Wier make peace with the Asurans somehow. It's the only way of dealing with this conflict that would actually make sense, anyway. Other than another WMD solution like Dakara.
Its also worth noting that with the Asurans attack using Ancient looking technlogy, who do you think the Wraith are automatically going to assume is behind this attack seeing as how the only recent display of Ancient technology and force to attack them has been Atlantis ?
Which the Wraith don't know the location of. Though yes, I expect they will blame Earth at first.
Either way what the team did is foolhardy considering they are either going to cause the Wraith to get massacred - leaving the Asurans the ability to expand at will unhindered
Which the Asurans already have. One button push. That's what it'd take them to wipe out Earth, Atlantis, or anyone else they were really willing to slaughter.
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Post by PREDATOR490 »

I find this weary to get into with a series that is still in motion and so much ignorance over whats going on. The main reason I see for not having the Asurans make peace or the Wraith being exterminated is because Atlantis has to make it to Season 5. No matter who wins in this war. Atlantis ends up having to deal with them and automatically is going to win.
Asurans are most likely to win due to the easy use of the cheap shit hack to neutralise them with little fuss afterwards but ultimately defeating either race destroys an antagonist for the new season or any storylines unless season 5 is gonna be Dr Weir becoming the new Borg queen or dealing with the remaining Wraith. Both of which result in a weaker ending to a series.

I remember hearing that most series have to reach a fith season to be aired or something and the trend for most series to end on that leads me to believe its true. Regardless, the cash cow for Atlantis is no doubt being looked at as worthy of a season 5.
If a new spin off series is coming then its got to come out of Atlantis anyway like Atlantis came out of SG-1. I dont see much way for a spin off in this season or the entire of Stargate in general but never know.

Much as I like Stargate, its reliance on the comedy episodes and the fillers gets exceptionally dreary for its story arcs. I'm willing to bet the next few episodes will follow such a trend with little mention of the war going on. I find that rather cheap considering the obvious scale of whats going to be occuring. Nevermind the secrecy of the movie events making references to Earth much fewer no doubt.
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Post by NecronLord »

To be honest; a war could last years quite happily. For a start, the Asurans have got to find all the Wraith, and while Ancient sensors are good, hunting down all the hives and killing them could be a mammoth task for all we know.
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Post by Gustav32Vasa »

I want to know where the Pegasus Dakara device is? Shouldnt its location be in Atlantis memory?
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Post by NecronLord »

Gustav32Vasa wrote:I want to know where the Pegasus Dakara device is? Shouldnt its location be in Atlantis memory?
Maybe there wasn't one. Or it was destroyed.
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Post by Shrykull »

I'm curious to see the replicators woop some Wraith ass. Think the wraith could win/find a way to destroy/stop them? As for the wraith attacking the replicator planet that'd be suicide.

The Atlantis shield held it's own against the wraith pretty well until they finally had to submerge the city and return to earth, and the replicator "city" on the planet has many many ZPM's (and can make their own) they could easily have a sheild to hold back all the wraith ships.
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Post by CaptJodan »

Shrykull wrote:I'm curious to see the replicators woop some Wraith ass. Think the wraith could win/find a way to destroy/stop them?
Barring an act of plot, no. The Wraith specialize in using primarily organic technology. They can't capture Lantian technology (though maybe they will find a way to introduce the ancient gene at some point). Their most effective attack against the Lantians was sucking the life out of them, and they can't do that to the replicators. Destroying an Asuran ship only delays them slightly, and the crew of that ship can easily be reincarnated. Their technology is superior to the Wraith. Asuran ground troops would be immune from anything the Wraith can throw at them. Any solution the Wraith come up with that I can think of would have to come completely out of nowhere. Some brilliant Wraith scientist comes up with the solution.

The only other option is for them to come running to Atlantis and beg for their help, perhaps attached to some threat like "we'll tell them you're here if you don't help us" type of deal.
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