The Starship Enterprise...

versus the Space Battleship Yamato!

I'm not yet halfway through the first Yamato series so I'm not nearly fully-versed on Yamato's specs.
The usual scenario: each ship is tasked with the other's destruction. Who wins?
Moderator: NecronLord
The phasers track the movement?phongn wrote:You can roll the ship, you know.Sidewinder wrote:The Yamato is totally designed for 2-D combat-- no guns on the dorsal surface. If Kirk does what he did in 'The Wrath of Khan', he can blast the Yamato to subatomic particles without worrying about return fire.
Can the Yamato's battleship guns (what are they, the original Yamato's 46 cm guns or something sci-fi, like lasers) pierce the Enterprise's shields?Uraniun235 wrote:Yamato wouldn't roll to evade fire, they'd roll so that the dorsal-mounted gun turrets would be able to fire on Enterprise.
The ship would be rolling so it'd still be hit by the phaser beams regardless what with there not being any movement to track to begin with?Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:The phasers track the movement?phongn wrote:You can roll the ship, you know.Sidewinder wrote:The Yamato is totally designed for 2-D combat-- no guns on the dorsal surface. If Kirk does what he did in 'The Wrath of Khan', he can blast the Yamato to subatomic particles without worrying about return fire.
And unless their max elevation is a LOT more than the original Yamato's, they still can't if the Big E attacks from directly above.Uraniun235 wrote: Yamato wouldn't roll to evade fire, they'd roll so that the dorsal-mounted gun turrets would be able to fire on Enterprise.
Has the Yamato ever performed this maneuver to fire upon a target above or below it? (I admit I've never seen 'Space Battleship Yamato' or 'Star Blazers'.)phongn wrote::?:Batman wrote:And unless their max elevation is a LOT more than the original Yamato's, they still can't if the Big E attacks from directly above.
Roll the ship 90 degrees either way and Yamato's guns are unmasked.
They're "shock cannons", I think, and they pretty well cut down an entire squadron of Gamilus attack ships in one salvo. I don't know how durable Gamilus ships are, though.Sidewinder wrote:Can the Yamato's battleship guns (what are they, the original Yamato's 46 cm guns or something sci-fi, like lasers) pierce the Enterprise's shields?Uraniun235 wrote:Yamato wouldn't roll to evade fire, they'd roll so that the dorsal-mounted gun turrets would be able to fire on Enterprise.
Uncertain just how much damage the fighter guns would do against a shielded Enterprise. The Enterprise could probably set phasers to "proximity burst mode" (TOS Balance of Terror) and do some damage to the fighters if they approach in tight formation. If the fighters prove too hairy, Enterprise could likely cut in warp drive and try to reposition itself (TOS Elaan of Troyius) away from the fighters on the other side of Yamato, giving Enterprise some time alone with the Yamato while the sublight fighters raced back.VF5SS wrote:The Yamato carries a lot of fighters as well. Can the Enterprise deal with those?
I'm still only up to episode 12 on Space Battleship Yamato so I've only seen it fired twice; once against a solar prominence (which seemed to dissipate it) and once against a floating island hovering over Jupiter, destroying the island and sending it tumbling towards Jupiter. I'm not sure what exactly that event would calculate out to, but I'm inclined to suspect that a hit from the Wave Motion Gun would probably inflict at least heavy damage to even a fully-shielded Enterprise, if not outright destroy her.What about the Wave Motion Gun?
YAW or PITCH and THEN roll the ship 90 degrees and yes that's what happens. A ROLL period however isn't going to do much of anything firing-arc wise I'm afraid.phongn wrote:Batman wrote:And unless their max elevation is a LOT more than the original Yamato's, they still can't if the Big E attacks from directly above.![]()
Roll the ship 90 degrees either way and Yamato's guns are unmasked.
? If the enterprise is directly above, and assuming the guns are elevated to 45 deg, the Yamato just needs to roll 45 deg on it's axis and the guns will have a line of fire to the target, Yaw and pitch have nothing to do with this.Batman wrote:YAW or PITCH and THEN roll the ship 90 degrees and yes that's what happens. A ROLL period however isn't going to do much of anything firing-arc wise I'm afraid.phongn wrote:Batman wrote:And unless their max elevation is a LOT more than the original Yamato's, they still can't if the Big E attacks from directly above.![]()
Roll the ship 90 degrees either way and Yamato's guns are unmasked.
And what stops the Enterprise from continuously firing her phasers during the Argo's roll? Or from simply warping out of the area and looping back to renew the attack on the Star Force's unprotected belly? And given how slowly that ship turns on her manoeuvering thrusters, just how are they going to guarantee getting their guns into a useful firing arc before the Enterprise carves her up?AniThyng wrote:? If the enterprise is directly above, and assuming the guns are elevated to 45 deg, the Yamato just needs to roll 45 deg on it's axis and the guns will have a line of fire to the target, Yaw and pitch have nothing to do with this.
What is that based on?Patrick Degan wrote:The advantages are all in the Enterprise's favour in this contest. The Federation starship is faster, more manoeuverable (indeed, the Argo handles like a pig and cannot easily change vector), can go to warp at will, has weaponry which outranges the Argo's main batteries
I don't know about that - as the most general equation Fp=(F*Ve)/2 gives you the power of an engine. The Yamato massed about 73,000 metric tons fully loaded. I don't know how fast it is, but lets say 1G. And I'm gonna go with Fusion for the engine as a guess, which has an exhaust velocity of 3% C. Plug and chug and you get a yield of 1 MT. Concentrate that into that small of an area and it will punch through.and for the final touch has deflector shields which should withstand shock-cannon fire without significantly weakening.
yeah, they may not be able to hit it, but it should still be able to rip through if it does.The Argo could attempt to use its wave-motion gun, but then there's that pesky difficulty of how it renders the ship's entire armament useless during the charge-up time and how it requires aiming the entire ship at what is assumed will be a relatively stationary target. Somehow, I don't see Capt. Kirk simply sitting there waiting to be fired upon.
Enterprise has multiple phaser banks, as referenced by the dialogue in Balance of Terror. I don't believe the phasers in TOS were ever described or defined as axial only; I'm pretty sure they could be aimed without having to point the ship at the target.FOG3 wrote:The Yamato does eventually get a shield system, and its FTL eventually makes Trek's look pathetic, albeit on the way back. Wrath of Khan and otherwise doesn't have the Enterprise maneuvering harder then I recall the Argo doing. Considering this is the Enterprise, aren't their guns all axials, meaning they don't have an advantage over the Wave Motion Gun's traverse capability anyway? I can't recall any phaser strips on the Enterprise, that was a later ship thing. Granted the Wave Motion Gun is a chain-reaction weapon.
Its original captain also has a lot going for him in terms of flat out guts, and tactical ingenuity. So if he's in charge I'm going with him, because he makes Tylor look like a rank amateur.
I wouldn't be too hasty to reference neoBSG's FTL system if I were you, seeing as how Galactica seems to have very much avoided any tactical FTL use. Star Trek at least has a couple of incidents of tactical FTL manuevers, including Balance of Terror (reverse warp power in an attempt to evade the Romulan weapon) and Elaan of Troyius, in which Kirk was preparing to engage warp drive to reposition the Enterprise before being stopped by Scotty's warning, and again when Kirk orders warp speed to present a different shield face to the Klingons.What's to stop the Yamato to use its Neo Galatica style FTL system to do the same kind of messing around, seems as how there's more for them doing that then there is for Kirk doing what you propose, Degan.
That's valid only if the total energy output of that engine were being directed through those guns. A valid assumption for the Wave Motion Gun, but not for the Shock Cannons.Ender wrote:I don't know about that - as the most general equation Fp=(F*Ve)/2 gives you the power of an engine. The Yamato massed about 73,000 metric tons fully loaded. I don't know how fast it is, but lets say 1G. And I'm gonna go with Fusion for the engine as a guess, which has an exhaust velocity of 3% C. Plug and chug and you get a yield of 1 MT. Concentrate that into that small of an area and it will punch through.
The incident which springs most readily to my mind is the battle against the Klingon battlecruiser in Elaan of Troyius, in which the warp drive was used during combat to rapidly turn the ship and present a different shield side to the Klingons, to reinforce the shields, and to position the ship for a photon torpedo strike against the Klingon ship. Scotty and Sulu both indicate in their dialogue that the Enterprise handles like a crippled hippopotamus at impulse power and cannot manuever fast enough to engage an enemy starship without a functioning warp drive.What is that based on?
You mean the reflex forcefield which was never seen again in series? Should've come in rather handy during the Comet Empire War, dont you think?FOG3 wrote:What's to stop the Yamato from activating that shield system they built on the way back and causing the phasers to simply bounce back and hit the Enterprise?
And just when has it taken less than a thirty-second countdown to build up power to activate their warp jump? As for more instances of the Enterprise performing such manoeuvers, I suggest you re-watch the TOS episodes "Elaan Of Troyus", "Balance Of Terror", and "Arena" as examples of how quickly that ship (and comparable classes) can go to warp, exit an area, and return. The one and only time we ever saw the Argo perform a micro-jump was when they pulled a last-ditch trick to ram Desslok's flagship to board it —and again, that required a 60 second countdown. When has it ever taken that long for the Enterprise to go to warp?What's to stop the Yamato to use its Neo Galatica style FTL system to do the same kind of messing around, seems as how there's more for them doing that then there is for Kirk doing what you propose, Degan.
Against similarly-capable opposition vessels. The Enterprise is not one of those and has capabilities nobody in the SB/SBY universe has seen or employed on a regular basis if ever.That ship has a luck streak that makes the Soyokaze's look weak by comparison.
The Enterprise's manoeuverability is easily confirmed by multiple episodes of TOS such as "Elaan Of Troyus", "Arena", "Balance Of Terror", "Whom Gods Destroy". The Argo's lack of manoeuverability is clearly on display in several of the major battles that ship underwent in both the Gamilon and Comet Empire Wars (particularly the Battle of the Rainbow Cluster, series 1, and the showdown battle with Desslok, series 2). The effective range for the upgraded shock-cannons mounted on the Argo during the Comet Empire War was given as 24 megametres (24,000km) by either Dash or Sandor in the Star Force's first encounter with Comet Empire forces at Brummas.Ender wrote:What is that based on?Patrick Degan wrote:The advantages are all in the Enterprise's favour in this contest. The Federation starship is faster, more manoeuverable (indeed, the Argo handles like a pig and cannot easily change vector), can go to warp at will, has weaponry which outranges the Argo's main batteries
The shock-cannons are not the wave-motion gun, so those equations are moot in regards to the effectiveness of the main batteries against a fully-shielded Enterprise.I don't know about that - as the most general equation Fp=(F*Ve)/2 gives you the power of an engine. The Yamato massed about 73,000 metric tons fully loaded. I don't know how fast it is, but lets say 1G. And I'm gonna go with Fusion for the engine as a guess, which has an exhaust velocity of 3% C. Plug and chug and you get a yield of 1 MT. Concentrate that into that small of an area and it will punch through.and for the final touch has deflector shields which should withstand shock-cannon fire without significantly weakening.
I am constrained to point out that the Enterprise's shields withstood four full blasts of the planet-killer's antiproton beam before being taken down in "The Doomsday Machine" and the equivalent of 270 photon torpedos delivered by the energy bolts launched by Nomad before failing in "The Changeling"; also that they withstood a near point-blank detonation of a Romulan nuclear warhead in "Balance Of Terror". Of course, that is also a moot question: Capt. Kirk will not simply sit there and wait for the Argo to bring her wave-motion gun into line-of-sight and full charge before he orders Sulu to move the ship to a different attack vector, which the Enterprise can peform in far less time than it takes the Argo to make even a single pivot turn.yeah, they may not be able to hit it, but it should still be able to rip through if it does.The Argo could attempt to use its wave-motion gun, but then there's that pesky difficulty of how it renders the ship's entire armament useless during the charge-up time and how it requires aiming the entire ship at what is assumed will be a relatively stationary target. Somehow, I don't see Capt. Kirk simply sitting there waiting to be fired upon.
Except the reflex forcefield wasn't seen in FSBY either.VF5SS wrote:The Comet Empire War doesn't exist. Everybody died at the end of Farewell to Space Battleship Yamato, remember? Oh god, why did they have to make a second season...Patrick Degan wrote:
You mean the reflex forcefield which was never seen again in series? Should've come in rather handy during the Comet Empire War, dont you think?