If one was looking for a novel in the Necromunda series to begin with, one could do worse than startt with this one. I sincerely hope that more books with this character come out.
Anyhow, on with the techie stuff!
Page 11
A high calibre weapon of some kind (could be a stub or auto weapon or even a bolter, we don't know) tosses a body up against the wall and destroys most of the torso (straight through). I believe this was also a Goliath. This implies (insanely) high momentum for the shot, as well as extreme destructive power. (Consider that a Goliath probably would mass at least twice as much as a normal human due to his or her size and bulk, most of which will be muscle.) Even being thrown a few feet would require a momentum many times higher than an antimaterial rifle round.A stomach wound had killed him, something big, high calibre and close. It looked like the blast had tossed him into the wall, away from the exit ahead. Most of his chest was gone, leaving a gaping crimson void in its wake.
Page 14
Goliath weightlifting system. Its not just chemicals anymore.A massive tri-frame dominated the space, bolted into the stone slabs. A sturdy pulley system was set at its apex and monstrous plascrete blocks were attacheed via steam-bolted chains. Whoever was capable of lifting it would be capable of crushing a man like he was styrene.[
Page 14
-"stub killers, rotary cannons, and other high calibre arms". I'm guessing the "rotary cannon" is a lower-tech version of a Space Marine assault cannon. Scary what even the "low tech" Hivers like the Goliaths can acquire, isn't it?
Page 22
- "fusion dried" cuisine sold at an eatery. I don't want to know.
Page 27
Necromundan Enforcers. Honestly I'm not sure if they're Arbites, or if they're merely Arbites allied (I've never seen arbites mentioned in the books, ,but that might be because they don't reach into the underhive and such, which is where most of the stories take place.) Either way, they're frighteningly well equipped. And you thought the Hive Miliitia was nasty....Matt-black smocks repelled the worst of it, keeping the fine particles out of their weapons and equipment. Beneath the smocks was a solid mass of carapace armour, shoulder-slung combat shotguns and hip-holstered bolt pistols. Each man was a towering sentinel of honed musculature and violent potential. With their heads encased in combat helmets, ,visors down and respirators active, they were faceless, intimidating, powerful , silver precinct shields gleaming, they were the ultimate custodians of Necromundan law.
Again, I pity any poor bastard who tries to invade Necromunda.
Page 28
Binocs with thermal imagers. Not quite as good as other thermal imaging equipment we've seen used, but not bad either. One would wonder, howver, why the Enforcers couldn't have some of the stuff we HAVE seen (either built into their helmets, or as part of their gunsights, if not both.)He held a pair of high-intensity magnoculars in one hand.
"Thermal imaging confirmed, sir."
Page 28
Internal screens inside Enforcer helmets. The data transmitted over the imagers can be shared amongst the team members, but also seems to indicate that the helmets are computerized (and receive data from their "precint house" - their base. In other words, they can receive/transmit both audio and visual data. One would assume arbites, ,as well as the PDF forces probably share this ability.A tiny screen inside Bane's visor crackled to life. An image of a young girl appeared, around sixteen, pretty and obviously Spireborn. She had to be, no way anyone but the ruling elite of Necromunda could requisition enforcers. Backed onto green-screen, the grainy imagew flickered - a result of the dust interfereing with the Precinct House uplink.
Page 29
Internal map of the building. Its implied to be modifable dependent upon surveillance data.He held a holo-pict viewer, flat screen, high resolution, displaying a schematic of the building. The location of the gangers was denoted by a red triangular symbol. Two separate channels, divided by a thick plascrete wedge, led to them, perfect assault positions.
Page 29
- the cargo docking zone they enter to do the extraction is 100 meters across "at least", and at least forty to eighty metres high Walkways stretch across the area, with gantries along the sides and back walls in a "U"-shape.
Page 30
- At this point the enforcers are fifteen meters into the area.
Page 30
Low light/NVG capability built into the helmet. Presumably its not IR based however, given the magnoculars from before.Bane pressed the night vision rune on his helmet's control array and a green spectrum overlaid his visor.
Page 30
- they've advanced another ten meters (a total of 25 meters)
Page 31
- Goliath Gangers are opening fire on the Enforcers from gantries. The range for the shotguns and Bane's bolt pistol is around ~85 meters here based on the known height/distance data from prior pages. If this is "shot" rather than "slugs" the range would be quite impressive (most combat shotguns seem to go between 40-50 meters). Solid slugs would be comaprable in range.
Page 31
Gunfire from the Goliaths penetrated the first guy's armour (we don't know what kind of weapon, however.) The fact that gunfire penetrated the Enforcer carapace may seem less than impressive given what we know flak can survive, but its not that bad considering we know that Goliaths are insanely strong and routinely carry around insanely heavy weaponry.Nabedde was hit twice in the chest; another shot in the leg put him down.
Heske took a hit to the chest with one of the loader's hulking pneumatic arms. Ripped off his feet by the impact, ,he was smashed into a junk pile and lay still.
Bane drove at the machine, ignoring a stub round as it ricocheted off his carapace shoulder guard...
Bane (the Hero's) own carapace did deflect off his carapace, but that might have been due to it being a ricochet rather than a direct hit.
It should be noted that Nabedde and Heske die ultimately from their injuries, despite the Carapace, though Heske survives temporarily, suggesting that if he'd been able to avoid exerting himself he might have survived.
Page 34
Enforcer visors allow them to see through smoke/gas.Through their visors, they could penetrate the gas cloud and find targets.