- Inquisitor
- Necromunda
- Space hulk (IF I have anything left and/or I decide to re-add stuff.)
- that Horus Heresy game
- any other games or such that matter.
I may think of others, I'm just too lazy to dig through anything. Stuff that won't go in here are "supplemental" codexes like the urban combat ones or the eye of terror ones, since those clearly correspond with the main game editions (and will go in the appropriate category.) I also probably will NOT stick Dark heresy here, since that can go in its own thread.
If anyone has any suggestions for other stuff, they can certainly offer it.
First up I decided to do Necromunda.
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"implosive energy" probably refers to shaped charge explosives - I've seen "implosion" used with shaped charge often (Though I'm not sure whether its technical, colloquial, or both.)The most common are explosive fragmentation or "frag" grenades and implosive energy grenades called "krak".
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"Subatomically honed adamantium" - monomolecular, or monomolecular taken to another level. Still, even if this is a relatively uncommon weapon in th eunderhive that says quite a bit about the average tech level on Necromunda as a whole (and perhaps Hive Worlds in general.)The Chainsword is a deadly if noisy weapon with a powered chainsaw edge. Its rending saw-teeth are made from sub-atomically honed adamantium and can slice through plasteel.
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Must've been lifted wholesale from 2nd edition wargear and such. May or may not be explosive. If it is, its likely to be roughly grernade like in effect( see bolter analysis)The sword's hilt and blade [Power sword] incorporate an energy source and a disruptor generator which sheathes the blade in a shimmering blue energy field. AS the blade strikes a crackling dischrage enveolops the target and tears it apart.
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Botl guns in the Necromunda context. Despite reference to "fine engineering tolerances" and "quality materials" this doesnt neccesariyl mean they're superior weapons overall. It just means they're very precisely made (and temperamanetal) weapons. Given that they've basically mastered rocket-assisted/gyrojet tech and even improved on it (exploding shells), its probably no surprise that it might be a high-maintenancee weapon. THat can be a disadvantage on Necromunda.Bolt weapons are sophisticated weapons that fire self-propelled explosive ammunition in the form of small missiles called bolts. Bolt pistols and boltguns are manufactured in the facotries of the hive city, but the fine engineering tolerances and quality materials required means few if any are made in the underhive. For the same reason bolt weapons are hard to maintain, spares are rare and ammunition is expsnsie.
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a "few shots" of unknown effect, but it does indicate that the larger flamers carry considerally more "discharges". If we consider some of the Necrom uda examples of hand flamers.. note, the performacec is equal to or better than what real life flamethrowers do. And they're still hardly military issue.A single [hand flamer] container contains very little fuel, so flamers often run out of power after a few shots.
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Needler weapons. The laser seems to be the propulsive mechanism as well as a means of damaging inorganic targets and allowing the needle to penetrate armor and clothing.The needle pistol or needler is a complex laser-powered weapon. Its tight laser beam carries a tiny toxic needle or dart which pierces the target's flesh to send its deadly poison into their body. The laser carrier beam will dissolve or blow away the armour or clothing and burrow into exposed flesh enabling the darts to penetrate more deeply.
To be a propulsion method the laser would likely have to vaporize some sort of element behind the needle to generate some sort of propulsive force - making it a "pure electrothermal" weapon of some kind. Some may act like bullet propellants, some may act liek rockets. OR both. Its not specific here. the latter probably would be neccessary for "stealth" operation over any distnace. There's no way those tinyn needles could carry enough mass to be accurate at long ranges, without some sort of sustained "impulse" provided by the laser, or a high velocity (which would likely push it well past supersonic, and be audible.) Also a supersonic needle likely would be able to inflict physical damage all its own (which is why I conjecture needlers aren't just a fancy way of delivering toxins.)
This (like with Wargear) does carry an interesting implication for lasweapons, in that they can, with the right settings (high power/short duration and highly concentrated) can penetrate armor of ANY kind. The stipulation here, though, is that while it can, it won't neccesarily do much damage. Nonetheless, ,a properly designed lasgun could fire a series of pulses - some to pierce the armor and following shots to do the damage underneath. Note that even in a poorly designed weapon, getting enough such beams together (massed firing like the Guard is known for) and with sustained fire you can STILL have your lasguns being nasty weapons even against heavily armored opponents. It would explain why (out of game at least) lasguns can be so nasty even to Spacec Marines and such anyhow.
We might be able to calc the output of the laser by assuming a certain depth of penetration and a diameter for armor. For flehs (assume 5-10 cm penetration, possibly deeper for guaranteed kill) and a 2-3 mm diameter needle and iron armor (say carapace or powered armour) an inch or two thick. - that will be a couple of grams of material (2-3 grams at least) To vaporize that would require 10-15 kilojoules at least (assuming 1 inch thickness.. double for 2 inch, triple for 3 inch, etc.) and ignores inefficicies and durability of sophisticaed armor. Silicon (ceramic) armor would be roughly similar (1/3 the density, ,but nearly twicee the vape energy) It also ignores boiling point. I should say.
Penetrating flehs is gonna be negligible for a narrow beam - half a gram to 3/4 of a gram tops. you could vape out that (neverminding surrounding damage making hte hole bigger) with 1-2 kilojoules easily.
The one thing to remember here is that we're not talking a sustained beam or even a large-bore beam. Its a tiny, narrow, highly concentrated pulsed beam, which means a very fast discharrge (tiny fractions of a second.. likely milliseconds or less) But it does serrve as a nice lower limit for lasweapons and indicative of what they can (on the right settings or with the r ight designs) achieve in their versatility.
This weapon also shows that despite relying heavily on "crude" non-railgun/coilgun/grav acceleration weapons, the Imperium can achieve impressive performance. I should also say this is why I figured on grouping the old (and retconned) Imperial "shuriken" weapons under this category - they're similar enough that that can be managed, and some sourcecs (EG Dark heresy) suggest needlers might use some "railgun"-esque propulsion method..
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Plasma weapons blow the target apart. Assuming it vaporizes enough of (say a quarter kilo to half a kilo) of a person to simulate explosive, ignoring duration or timeframe - half a megajoule to a megajoule at least. Likely to be many times that due to ineffieicnecies. could also be argued to be "low" setting effects - and out of gameplay we dont know how many settings the weapon would have, accuounting for a variety of effects (from simply blowing someone messily appart, which could require very little energy, to vaporizing parts of the body - ie the head, to totlaly cremating the body.)Plasma weapons fire energy shells of bright glowing plasma - matter in a superheated energised state. When a plasma shell strikes its target there is a tremendous release of energy and the target blows apart in an almighty explosion.
"You can choose to shoot the weapon on a low energy setting or maximum power
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I've said it before. Shotguns are bloody scary. Interesting that shotguns can be adapted to fire bolter rounds (similar technologies there, suggesting that its not uncommon.)knock-back: The high impact of a shotgun is quite capable of knocking a man off balance or even off his feet.
The hundreds of pellets [scatter shot] ricochet around and ofen score hits on partially concealed targets.
Man Stopper: This is a partticularily heavy solid cartridge with a massive propellant charge. It is more powerful than normal solid shot and ore accurate at range.
Hot shot: This is a hollowed out shot which contains a small charrge of flamer chemical.
Bolt: This is a small self-propelled missile. In fact it is a charge adapted from a boltgun round, and has similar properties including being somewhat temperamental.
And they have tremendous recoil (enough to nearly knock someone over is ALOT)