Sorry for how short the previous update was- I needed to get myself started.
Chapter 1
We start in Fredricksburg, where the Chancellor of Germany and his aide are reviewing the devestation. The Posleen came, they saw, they devoured. It isn't pretty. They get sidetracked into a stupid war guilt argument and the Chancellor declares that he has to reactiviate the SS veterans. This doesn't make sense though- rejuv is rare, so much so the US doesn't have enough. Germany should be worse, with less troopers fighting for the Darhel to earn it- why do they have a stockpile? Why not give it to random retirees and conscript them?
The conscription is in legal force, and exempts only those who conscience cannot abide military service.
I honestly don't think that this would be a problem- after all, the mass of the Posleen aren't sentient. And they want to eat humanity.
Than we switch to Paris... which has a peace rally
Kratman's... odd view of leftists begins. Don't worry- it gets worse.
Then we switch back to Germany and the Parliment.
or the new right that might raise a cry for him to assume a title he loathed, "Führer."
Honestly, if he went all the way with this, it might have crossed into the So Bad it is Good Territory, or even the decent category with the possibility that the Chancellor is planning to seize power. Alas, that is not to be.
Annemarie Mai, Green and Socialist representative from Wiesbaden,
I'm pretty sure party membership is exclusive so this sounds wrong.
As the film began to roll she was by no means displeased to see Washington, DC, in ruins. American policies, from their cowboyish adventures in imperialism to their wasteful and destructive energy and environmental policies to—most damning—their insistence on an outdated economic system that had the infuriating habit of making her own preferred statist system seem inefficient; all these made Washington a loathsome symbol of all she despised about America.
Like many in the world, however, Annemarie liked Americans, as people, just as much as she hated their country.
... I don't think socialists think this way. On the plus side, this is the closest to human the left gets. You have her showing a viseral reaction to the mounds of corpses- empathy, common sense and the like die...
"Several," she nodded. "First, these people are the bearers of a disease, a political disease. They must be quarantined to ensure they do not spread their disease."
"To get any use out of them, I have to use them as a cadre for others."
"I understand that," Annemarie answered. "But that group, once filled up to the military body you desire, must be kept as isolated as possible lest the disease spread beyond our ability to control."
That is right folks- in order to prevent the SS from being Nazified they are forcing them to
form their own group entirely of SS and cut off from the rest of the army and society. This is insanely stupid.
"They murdered prisoners!" shrieked another legislator.
"In that war everyone murdered prisoners."
Not everyone murdered prisoners. This is basically a Q and A with the SS being portrayed as "not so bad".
The shrieks of the wounded, especially, tore at Annemarie's heart.
...The Posleen rail guns are described as firing at .1 c. How you can be
wounded by that or any of their other weaponary is beyond me.
Anyway, the vote passes and the SS are brought back with restrictions. We cut to the former SS being picked up by the police- Mühlenkampf from a nursing home and Hans Brasche from a bar. Than we have Hans thinking back about the past a bit and Mühlenkampf and the Chancellor.
The chancellor smiled with indulgence. "You are so full of shit it's coming out of your ears, Mühlenkampf. What is more, you know you are. A 'moment's peace'? Nonsense. The only peace you've ever known was from 1916, when you were first called to the colors, to 1918, when the Great War ended. Then you had some more 'peace' from 1918 to 1923 in the Freikorps . . . Oh, yes, I know all about you, Mühlenkampf. And then you found the greatest peace from 1939 to 1945, didn't you? Get off your high horse, SS man. War is your peace. And peace is your hell."
Mühlenkampf cocked his head to one side. He tried and failed to keep a small, darting smile from his lips. "You missed one, Herr Kanzler. Spain, 1936 to 1939. Unofficially, of course. That was a fun time."
Mühlenkampf is a bit of a bit of a socipathic warmonger.
The chancellor had done his time. He knew Mühlenkampf was miscalculating based on human norms for combat forces. The chancellor sighed. "No. They have no support forces to consider. One million of these beings—they are called 'Posleen,' by the way—means one million combatants. So no, not thirty or forty or even fifty infantry divisions per million. We are talking about the equivalent of about one hundred thousand infantry divisions, but infantry divisions from a warped scientist's nightmares, dropping on our heads, all of our heads of course, over the next five years.
Ringo started this line in his first book and Kratman repeats it, but it is BS. For starters, the Posleen use ammunition... which has to be produced and distributed to troops, weapons which need to be manufactured, warrens that need to be dug, etc. The Posleen must have a large non-military section to do this as they don't appear to use vehicles, have bad aim and are as dumb as rocks.
Mühlenkampf considered, then objected, "But that is impossible, Herr Kanzler. No military force can organize like that. How would they feed themselves?"
The chancellor shuddered, remembering piles of small and gnawed bones in the snow. He shuddered and then found the impulse to enjoy giving the shock. "Why Mühlenkampf, they eat us, of course."
And when the humans are gone? I have to hammer this home- the Posleen make no more sense than the Darhel.
"I remember thinking, Kanzler, back when I still had some faculties for it, that although the Communists may have gone under I could no longer tell the difference between a Red Russian and a Green German."...
Mühlenkampf shrugged his indifference. "A political fanatic is dangerous no matter if he wants to hang capitalists or to gas Jews or to make economic life impossible, Herr Kanzler."
"I am no fanatic, SS man," bridled Günter.
The SS lecuring on the dangers of political extremism. The irony is of the charts.
"We will fill you up with bodies, good ones, from among the young men we have. For your cadre there are enough, just enough, rejuvenated SS men to make a decent group for a large Korps, about five divisions plus support."
Size of our protagonists forces.
The SS told Himmler and Hitler—and they had the power to have us shot out of hand—to go fuck themselves so often, so many times, I have lost count. We fought the Russian hordes to a standstill across half a continent.
really hates communists, Russians and any connect between the two. After fighting for a regime that was based on the idea of destroying the two he learns better... and procedes to bet up on Russian backed communists. He doesn't really learn from the whole WW2 incident.
We even had control for a while, though they were not part of us, of one Spanish Division, the Spanish Azul, or Blue, Division. Moslems? Lots. I have no doubt but that, had we won the war and some of the Reichsheini's8 wilder schemes for a Jewish Homeland come to pass that there would eventually have been a brigade of the Waffen SS that would have sported armbands reading, 'Judas Maccabeus.' Yes, I am serious," the former SS general concluded.
Chekov's gun has been put in place.
Aside from that, this is an excellent example of the contradictory nature of the Nazi burecracy.
And now, evil greens and communists- Gunter decides to betray his country to the Darhel.
Remilitarization was not the least of it. How Günter had fought to keep the conscription laws somewhat ineffective. Surely no threat could justify dragging unwilling and enlightened young boys from their homes and subjecting them to the brainwashing that, he had no doubt, was the military's stock in trade. How else but through brainwashing could the military convince sensible young men to do something so plainly not in their personal interest?
"The Galactic Federation is a peaceful place, or was before this invasion," said the Tir, honestly. "Moreover, it is a place where resources are carefully guarded. We produce few goods but of high quality; this is how we keep our ecologies pure." This last was true enough, but the truth concealed a greater falsehood. Galactic civilization kept resource expenditure low by more or less literally starving the Indowy who made up the bulk of its population, produced the bulk of its admittedly excellent products, and had the least share of its power.
This doesn't make sense- where do they get the materials to build their massive cities?
Oh, and the good guys are listening in on the conversation by the effects the sound has on the walls, which they pass on to the Chancellor.
Chapter 2
Outside of the plant, of course—this being Germany, Germany being Green, and many—though not all—of the Green leadership having sold out to the Darhel, there was a continuous noisy protest against the plant, the projects it housed, the war effort, the draft . . . the name-your-left-leaning cause.
A military threat leads to a boost in the right ward direction. Why Germany is acting completely atypical is authors fiat to boost the evil greens.
"A railgun! A railgun, I say. Nothing else will do. Nothing else will give us the range, the velocity, the rate of fire, the ammunition storage capability, the . . ."
Ah, Johannes Mueller is heard from again, thought Prael.
"Then give me a railgun," demanded Henschel, pounding the desk in fury, and not for the first time. "Tell me how to build one. Tell me how to keep it from arcing and burning out. Tell me how to generate the power. And tell me how to do those things now!"
"Bah!" retorted Mueller. "All of those things can be fixed. Half the problem in engineering is merely defining the problem. And you just have."
Railguns are basic weaponary of the Posleen infantry. Which was killed by the millions in the US. Why do they have a problem getting copies?
"Yes, Franz, they have. They have also . . ." and Prael gave a brief and irritated moment's thought to the thousands of Greens protesting outside the plant, " . . . they have also rejected powering the thing with a nuclear reactor."
"What? That's preposterous," interjected Reinhard Schlüssel, the team's drive train and power plant designer. "We can't power this thing with anything less than nuclear. That or antimatter."
"We can, we must, we will," answered Mueller. "Natural gas. We can do this."
"I see they have at least accepted the use of MBA"—molybdenum, boron, aluminum—"armor," observed Stephan Breitenbach from where he sat by a paper-laden desk. That's something."
just isn't the same without
That won't work here, he thought, coming back to the present for a time. These kids hardly know of the concept of a God. Unless, perhaps, it resides between their girlfriends' legs . . . or is to be seen on the television. They have no innocence . . . no naiveté. They have no symbols. They seem to have neither hope nor faith. Not in anything.
Bricks without straw.
Perhaps the general will have an answer. We have a few days yet.
The SS commander seems to think that "aliens are coming to eat us all" is not enough to motivate our generation.
Next, the Indowy reveals that the greens are traitors, than the supertank and the Israeli engineer (he hates Mueller guts. Don't worry- like all author inserts, Mueller changes him by the end). Next, the SS try to begin the reforging of the recruits by singing their old anthems, insulting the recruits, marching- the usual. We get our only named Nazi in the book, Krueger.
I don't know if you've simply not read the other books, but the Darhel are FAR more than 'evil capitalists'. They are, in fact, bloodthirsty malevolent pricks who are pissed off at the universe because they made a bad deal with godlike aliens after they nuked their own homeworld and now CAN'T be bloodthirsty aliens anymore. Capitalism and wealth aren't the goal of the Darhel, they're simply using them as the only weapons they still have capable of gaining them power.
The problem with that is that they all work together (which doesn't fit with their ruthlessness) and they still are in power. Of the 4 races of the Galactics, only one can kill at will- and it isn't the Darhel. The Himmet just are cowards... but when they can fire back, this isn't a problem. Additionally, their making money appears to be just skimming money of the Indowy.
Also keep in mind, the Darhel are scared shitless of humans, because if we ever DO get the technology they do we WILL be in a position of absolute power over them. They can't clone humans to use as soldiers, because they can't teach/instill violence in their clones without putting themselves into comas. They need humans, AND the warrior-culture we have left in us, to fight their war for them.
They don't need to teach the clones- just use normal humans to do that. If the Darhel set themselves up as Gods, used any decent mind control tech, did Imperialism 101 (divide and rule) or... anything else, they would do much better. Their plan is moronic because it relies on humanity being completely oblivious and everything working perfectly.
That being said, it IS a remarkably straightforward 'good versus sneaky' with a lot of 'hoo-rah america' sprinkled in. I don't think its high-concept fiction like DUNE or Ender's Game, but it is remarkably entertaining for me when I read it. That's why, in my opinion, Watch on the Rhine doesn't really NEED a chapter-by-chapter analysis.
Eh, I don't mind the jingoism- the US does have 1/4 of the world's economy. What does high concept have to do with analysis/snark?