Darth Wong wrote:A "thermonuclear pressure wave" in space? I think that answers the question of whether the author was just talking out of his ass. You would get a burst of energetic particles, but you're not going to get anything resembling a "pressure wave".
In Nylund's defense, thermonuclear 'pressure waves' are something that Halo 'nukes' are established as being able to do for some time now, and the energy densities required for some of their feats (100 Shiva's inducing a super-nova at Cole's Last Stand, being powerful enough to threaten capships that can eat low end gigaton power at hundreds to thousands of kilometers, etc) exceed, IIRC, 100% efficiency AM/M reactions. The only 'logical' conclusion that I could reach from their observed effects is that these are not nukes at all, but much like Turbolasers. That is to say, they're some kind of whacky physics defying sci-fi technobabble weapon that makes a really, really big boom, and as such the term 'nuke' is a holdover from the days when nukes were actually used. Just like how Turbolasers are not actual lasers, but a whacky sci-fi technobabble weapon that makes a really big boom and the name is but a holdover from the days when those were
Of course not helping matters (and being a Halo fanboy (albeit a disillusioned one with some of their recent material) it pains me to say this) is that Bungie/Microsoft/whoever the hell is running things now has decided to screw any notions of trying to make Halo weaponry make sense and just tried to bullshit their way through this stuff. *sighs*
Addendum: Blayne, Nylund's is not a physicist, though he apparently holds a Ph.D in chemistry. He has stated, IIRC, point blank, that these weapons don't make any sense and half of them flat out ignore the known laws of physics. Especially Covenant 'plasma' weaponry.
"Impossible! Lasers can't even harm out deflector dish! Clearly these foes are masters of illusion!' 'But sir, my console says we-' 'MASTERS OF ILLUSION! - General Schatten