This has forced me to become very fucking selective, and since I rarely enjoy any other genres outside science fiction and fantasy (well, except of course popular science books) - I'm basically forced to scavenge through various awards and the like and watch through lists of books; however, awards often get (in my view) misplaced; a book might get an award for masterful use of language, but be simplistic and even dumb plot-wise; and the reverse is also possible, a wonderful plot that would do wonders in the hands of a master, but fails completely in the hands of a mumbling illiterate moron who only got published thanks to the editor. Others have spared attention to detail, which also is a recipe for crap - even their "universes" get boring.
Props to Death who pointed me to China Mieville, but even such mastery of plotmaking and elaborate use of language cannot last forever. The books are done. Lem, Strugatskies, Clark, Philip Kindred Dick, et cetera are all re-read and read once more and despite me still being at awe with Solaris, I am eager for something new and good. Most of those books are more than science fiction; they talk about real social problems in an uncanny way, and this way get their impact. Many are heavy on politics, which also singles them out from stupid "technotrillers" which flooded the shops.
And by a book being good, I don't mean a book you just found "fine" as a sci-fi novel or good action or adventure story. I mean something that touched you and you thought that book is a real must read.
So here, you can not only name a book you think is above average sci-fi and even rises to the "great" category, but also explain your reasons. Preferrably new books - I think everyone knows that Philip Kindred Dick's books stay out of the line with their elaborate mindfucking plots and emotional impact they make, and same goes for a few other classics.
(Fixed your Typo.. it's SCIENCE, not Sience