SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

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SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by Eviscerator »

What scenes/dialogues stay with you or made you feel real emotions at the time? Even today you can still remember at least parts of that scene/dialogue? List examples and if possible give video links :P
(To keep it simple, no tech discussions, please)

I put forward
Robocop 1
Robocop takes out entire warehouse of criminals
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0AJv-oK ... re=related
"Come quietly or there will be.... TROUBLE." :mrgreen:

Robocop vs ED-209
The first time in the movie the previous invincible Robocop is brought low and immediately after that he is fired on by fellow cops. It was humbling to say the least

FInal scene of Robo 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEknoNtH ... re=related
Robocop regains his humanity/identity

Masters Of The Universe
Part 1 of an compilation of Skeletor's scenes
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S87lvHz1 ... ure=relate
Part 2 including the infamous "Acension speech"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjAUdSgS ... re=related
Skeletor : "I Wïn".

Final scene where Max kills the fat guy. (warning: some gore) and apology for the campy dancing
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyPVOrga ... re=related
\very final scene of Videodrome
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by Oskuro »

Appropiately, for me the most "Whoa" moment was Neo waking up from the Matrix for the first time. I totally didn't expect that.
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by Eviscerator »

Damn, i actually forgot about the matrix ! :D
The whole trilogy was filled with "whoa" moments. Thousand-smith vs Neo, free way battle, etc etc

But nothing really "hit" one like the 2nd Renaissance from the Animatrix short film series.
Specifically Part 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPs4VmN_iGA (this loads slow)
The parts showing the tower of humans and where the child really was sort of hit one physically.

The battle scene from Pt 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRLTRT3W ... re=related
It took me some viewings to realise those floating energy beam projectors at 1:14 are filled with humans! :shock:
Also the extraction of the APU's pilot at 2.00
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by adam_grif »

I lol'd while watching the Animatrix shorts, especially the part where they nuked the machine city and the narration claims that it didn't work because the robots weren't harmed by radiation.

If it counts, the entire ending to Donnie Darko, the first time you watch it. Won't spoil it for those who haven't.

In Gattaca, there were no specific "Woah" moments, but it was more a Whoa at the entire world itself. It was well thought out and constructed, and it was the first time I'd seen a movie that did anything like that (I was young when I watched it).

Attack of the Clones, the sonic shockwave bomb thingies. For some reason, I couldn't get over how cool they were for a while after first seeing that movie.

The huuuuuge long ship from Alien. The shot that lingers, where it just keeps going and going. Great stuff.
A scientist once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the Earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits around the centre of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy.

At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room got up and said: 'What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise.

The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, 'What is the tortoise standing on?'

'You're very clever, young man, very clever,' said the old lady. 'But it's turtles all the way down.'
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by Eviscerator »

adam_grif wrote:I lol'd while watching the Animatrix shorts, especially the part where they nuked the machine city and the narration claims that it didn't work because the robots weren't harmed by radiation.

In Gattaca, there were no specific "Woah" moments, but it was more a Whoa at the entire world itself. It was well thought out and constructed, and it was the first time I'd seen a movie that did anything like that (I was young when I watched it).

Yes they totally ignored the whole "EMP kills machines" stuff that was a basis for everything else in the whole Trilogy :mrgreen:
Might be a candidate for most Epic Handwave evar :lol:

remember reading in Discover magazine slightly after i watched a dvd of Gattaca about how it was now possible to forecast what diseases a newborn baby may get in future by blood testing. I was wondering wth i had heard that before. THen i :shock: when i remembered Gattaca. Sci-fi turned real?
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by Paradoxical »

In Revenge of the Sith during the assault on the Jedi temple when Anakin pulls his lightsaber on the younglings. I think it was the films strongest moment.
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by K. A. Pital »

Paradoxical wrote:I think it was the films strongest moment.
Nay, the moment when he swears allegiance to Palpatine was far stronger and quite unnerving by the sheer dark power related by the being. It was perhaps the only prequel movie moment which, in feel and dialogue, quite rose to the Vader and Palpatine moments of the original Trilogy, especially Ep. V and VI.
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by Srelex »

Stas Bush wrote:
Paradoxical wrote:I think it was the films strongest moment.
Nay, the moment when he swears allegiance to Palpatine was far stronger and quite unnerving by the sheer dark power related by the being. It was perhaps the only prequel movie moment which, in feel and dialogue, quite rose to the Vader and Palpatine moments of the original Trilogy, especially Ep. V and VI.
Unfortunately, that scene was kinda ruined by Palpatine's hamminess--'force is strrrrrrrrong with this one!'
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

I actually made an incoherent cry of exultation when Palpatine shrieked "POWER! UNLIMITED POWERRRR!!!!" and fried Samuel L. Jackson. :D

(PS. I think when Anakin swore allegiance to Palpatine was kinda odd. The actor's acting didn't sell it to me... it wasn't bad, per say, but just odd for me. The whole sequence was kinda weird, after Palpatine fucked Windu up and when Anakin was all prostrating to him.)
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by Paradoxical »

Stas Bush wrote:
Paradoxical wrote:I think it was the films strongest moment.
Nay, the moment when he swears allegiance to Palpatine was far stronger and quite unnerving by the sheer dark power related by the being. It was perhaps the only prequel movie moment which, in feel and dialogue, quite rose to the Vader and Palpatine moments of the original Trilogy, especially Ep. V and VI.
I never placed that much importance on the scene. Sure he forced himself down that path when he saved Palpatine but I don't think he was completely committed to the dark side until after that moment of hesitation before killing the younglings.

It could have been the hammyness of the acting or the suddenness of Anakins change that makes me devalue the scene too.
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by Magister Militum »

Srelex wrote:
Stas Bush wrote:
Paradoxical wrote:I think it was the films strongest moment.
Nay, the moment when he swears allegiance to Palpatine was far stronger and quite unnerving by the sheer dark power related by the being. It was perhaps the only prequel movie moment which, in feel and dialogue, quite rose to the Vader and Palpatine moments of the original Trilogy, especially Ep. V and VI.
Unfortunately, that scene was kinda ruined by Palpatine's hamminess--'force is strrrrrrrrong with this one!'
Well, Palpatine in himself is a pretty hammy character, which isn't necessarily bad per se.

Anyways, I have to agree that the moment where Anakin swears allegiance to Palpatine was the film's strongest scene. I really did get a Ep. V vibe (specifically where Palpatine reveals the existence of Luke to Vader) from that scene in terms of its mood. Anakin shrieking at Obi-Wan while being consumed by fire (and the Dark Side to boot) was also a runner-up for me, though.
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by Anguirus »

Two scenes from Star Trek III: the stealing of the Enterprise, and its destruction. Those two scenes had an enormous impact on me as a kid and still stir emotions to this day.
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by Paradoxical »

Magister Militum wrote:Anakin shrieking at Obi-Wan while being consumed by fire (and the Dark Side to boot) was also a runner-up for me, though.
That one had slipped my mind but I agree it definitely should be noted.

The pure hatred in Anakins eyes as he looks at Obi-Wan completely sells it.
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by Zor »

The Scene at the end of WALL-E to which this music is appropriate to.

It plays against every theme of the movie very well and shows what amounts to the near potential death of the titular character, everything which defined him as anything other than a trash compactor on treads potentially lost to oblivion.

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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by adam_grif »

Eviscerator wrote: Yes they totally ignored the whole "EMP kills machines" stuff that was a basis for everything else in the whole Trilogy :mrgreen:
Might be a candidate for most Epic Handwave evar :lol:
Well, strictly speaking it will only generate an EMP if you burst it in high atmosphere, but the explosion itself should have done heinous damage to the machine city, just by virtue of exploding :P
A scientist once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the Earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits around the centre of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy.

At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room got up and said: 'What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise.

The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, 'What is the tortoise standing on?'

'You're very clever, young man, very clever,' said the old lady. 'But it's turtles all the way down.'
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by SylasGaunt »

One I was reminded of recently was Matthew Marcus taking the Resolute on a death ride from Exo-Squad.
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by Eviscerator »

adam_grif wrote:
Eviscerator wrote: Yes they totally ignored the whole "EMP kills machines" stuff that was a basis for everything else in the whole Trilogy :mrgreen:
Might be a candidate for most Epic Handwave evar :lol:
Well, strictly speaking it will only generate an EMP if you burst it in high atmosphere, but the explosion itself should have done heinous damage to the machine city, just by virtue of exploding :P
:wtf: I forgot about the effects of nuclear groundburst, air burst and atmo detonation. oops.
But still, saying "the prolonged bombardment engulfed Zero-1 in the glow of a thousand suns. But the machines, unlike their former masters, had little to fear from the bomb''s radiation". Uh, nukes have other effect than radiation? :mrgreen:

Ah yes, the death ride of the Resolute. Makes one want to watch Exo Squad all over again.

Let's not forget Optimus Prime's own last hurrah in the original cartoon. He piloted the Autobot Flagship through an hail of fire, and his last words were "Until all are one." :) It sort of got laser-engraved into one's mind. :shock:
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by LadyTevar »

Silent Running, when the hero kills his best friend to save the biodomes.
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by Marcus Aurelius »

LadyTevar wrote:Silent Running, when the hero kills his best friend to save the biodomes.
Thank you Tev, it's nice to see that somebody here appreciates actually good movies as well :mrgreen:

In the same vein: the whole scene in 2001 where HAL refuses to let Dave back in and he uses the emergency airlock to gain access. The silence of the vacuum, the heavy breathing of Dave after that and then of course the disconnecting of HAL's higher functions. Still works after more than a dozen viewings exactly like the first time.

Blade Runner: the first cityscape scenes are still unsurpassed. For all their CGI glory, the SW prequel trilogy does not come even close. The penultimate scene where Roy Batty saves Deckard's life and then dies is great as well.

I have to agree on the general impressiveness of Gattaca, although I don't remember any specific scenes. Perhaps that film is based more on a great script and acting rather than exceptional directing, although the directing is certainly competent enough.
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by Eviscerator »

I think that Gattaca hit one because the premise was Society treats you according to who you are predicted to be, not what you can be.
And that this classification/stigma is given to you shortly after your blood is tested at birth, and no amount of effort later in life can allow you to advance beyond it.

An interview to determine suitability for an complex job like an Astronaut consists only of genetic sample testing? :lol:

As an asides whats the name for the process that can be run on newborn's blood to test for future diseases possiblilty? my wiki and google-fu arent bringing home the bacon on this one. :oops:
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by Kingmaker »

Mal Reynold's "I aim to misbehave" speech from Serenity. At the time I had never seen Firefly, so all I knew about the character was the (even more so than in Firefly) bitter burnout of the movie. That made the moment much stronger for me than if I had already been accustomed to the softer Mal of Firefly.
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by Vympel »

Frank Langella as Skeletor was the best thing about Masters of the Universe. Its a damn great movie just for sheer cheese factor. And its Mooks are almost as cool as Stormtroopers/ Clonetroopers.
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by Darth Wong »

For me, there is absolutely no question which scene ranks #1 here:

Sitting in a dark theatre in 1977, seeing a little spaceship zoom by, and then seeing its monstrous pursuer slide overhead, its seemingly endless armoured bulk filling the screen. Star Wars established so much about the nature of this fantasy world in those precious few seconds. More than 30 years later, I still remember that moment. It was, in my mind, one of the most pivotal moments in cinema history; the entire business of movie-making was changed forever after the film came out, and to me, the opening moments of the film are still the most powerful symbol of that change. Those of you who grew up more recently do not have a real sense of how much different the movies were before Star Wars.
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by adam_grif »

Darth Wong wrote:For me, there is absolutely no question which scene ranks #1 here:

Sitting in a dark theatre in 1977,
I had no idea you were that old. Figured you for like 30ish.

My mum, despite having totally horrible taste in films and enjoying every movie she's ever seen (I don't think I've ever heard her say she didn't like a movie, except The Dark Knight because it was "too violent"), also mentioned that she loved the original Star Wars, and that scene in particular.
A scientist once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the Earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits around the centre of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy.

At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room got up and said: 'What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise.

The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, 'What is the tortoise standing on?'

'You're very clever, young man, very clever,' said the old lady. 'But it's turtles all the way down.'
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Re: SF movie scenes/dialogue that made you go "Whoa"

Post by loomer »

Firefly for me. I watched the first two episodes back to back, and though things were already pretty clear in my head that Mal wasn't your regular 'mercy and puppies' guy, seeing him kick a man into a turbine engine was very much a 'holy shit' moment.

Also, nBSG's Adama Maneuver in 3x04.
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