Dollhouse is now over and done with, and Joss must be fuming that once again Fox has cancelled his series and we'll never know his long-term plan for Dollhouse.
So how could it have gone? Let's bluesky a bit here .
Would Caroline/Echo's submission to Rossum's Boss's plan have actually been of help , etc?
Homer Simpson : SLobber .... (Insert random item here)
I actually think this was probably the best the show could of been(excluding early season 1 intervention by Fox), having to start wrapping up the show increased the pace, and helped save the show from the very dull episodic format that started to drift back into the first 4 episodes of Season 2. The only thing I really would of liked was seeing more Alpha, maybe making Epitaph 2 a 2 hour finale. But overall, I think its better this show didn't drag out, and just got to tell its story.
//This Line Blank as of 7/15/07\\ Ornithology Subdirector: Dept. of Biological Sciences
I was becoming more of a fan of the show after they got past the fox-mandated episode of the week bits. A pity it has to end so suddenly, but at least it seems that it finished at least with some decency? I've yet to catch up on Season 2 on hulu yet.
Epitaph one and two, plus a very few episodes of S2 really felt like a decent show and the ending is just perfect (curiously, the Ballard/Echo storyarc specifically ended exactly like I thought it would at the end of S1).
Sadly, 80% of the show was just unnecessary padding that had nothing to do with the real storyarcs. This show would have been far better had it been a ten episode, storydriven series or if it had been a miniseries.
As it is, I am still bitter that Fox decided to scrap T:SCC in favor of Dollhouse.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
------------ My LPs
Nevertheless the final episode was a very good peek at What Might Have Been.
IT would have been fun to see in detail what goes on in a world full of Actives.
Not to spoil it too much for anyone, there really were several nice lines that pointed at the possibles.
"Please, you know im backed up, why do you even bother anymore?"
Homer Simpson : SLobber .... (Insert random item here)