Gramzamber wrote:
Also I'm sure you could make a drinking game out of every time the Doctor has said "perception filter" this season.
It's the new 'Because of ... quantum.'
Also, I call BS on the holographic villain. It utterly failed to behave like an automated simulation when Craig (y'now, I can't even remember his name, that's how boring he was, I had to look at a previous post) knocked on the door and it answered as an old white haired man. It intended to try every single human on the planet, but when one actually comes knocking without having to be tricked into coming, it tells him to bugger off.
... can you say plot hole?
The Doctor was funny, but I couldn't care less about two random never to be seen again and very dull people hooking up. I want SciFi, not soap. Amy pretty much called this episode in, didn't she?
I'd go with everyone else and say that the thing in the Pandorica is the Doctor in some shape or form (perhaps the Tennant AU hand clone? Surprise guest appearance maybe), and that River will have to kill him, hence the exchange in the Angels episode. My second guess would be the Beast from the Impossible Planet, which returns and possesses the Doctor, turning him evil and forcing River to kill him - though only to destroy the Beast, as the Doctor (or River) will have some brilliant handwavium plan that will result in the Doctor getting back up, alive and well, without having to regenerate or anything.