Let's assume that Chandraskhar assumption about the Blakist was right and the WOB Jihad was originally intended to be a strike against the Clans. The Star League doesn't disband, but as the test of membership, the WOB offer of removing the Clan threat is accepted at face value. The remainding powers however are too weak or too antagonistic to offer the WOB help, although they won't interfere. Well, until the genocide starts popping up presumably.
What happens next? Do the Clans survive? Or the WOB Jihad find itself overmatched in terms of resources.
WOB against the Clans
Moderator: NecronLord
WOB against the Clans
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
Re: WOB against the Clans
Well, as far as genocide is concerned, what about the occupied zones? If the Blakists nuke a Jade Falcon or Ghost Bear held world, will that be treated as an attack on the Inner Sphere itself? I mean, from what I know, the Successor states believe that Clan held worlds are still Lyran or Combine or Rasalhague territory. So if the Blakists nuke Tamar fighting against Clan Wolf, how will the Lyrans react?
Re: WOB against the Clans
The Clans certainly have the technology to beat back the Wobbies, but lack any real unity. Witness Ulric playing with the competitiveness of his rivals to intentionally sabatoge the invasion, or the Clans in general standing by as the Smoke Jaguars were militarily annihilated. You might even see the other Clans turn on their attacked brothers; as I recall, a few chunks of the Jags got snapped up when it was clear that they had no chance of winning. The only thing I could see getting the Clans to play nice with each other even when being attacked from without would be the sort of attacks the Wobbies became infamous for - nukes, bio-bombs, chemical weaponry, oribital bombardment of civilian targets. We know at least that the latter pissed everyone off when the Jags did it.
I actually expect the WoB advance would stall for lack of resources and due to extended supply lines, just like the Clan counterpart. If they get frustrated and break out uglier weapons, they might just make things worse when the Clans start (marginally) cooperating.
I actually expect the WoB advance would stall for lack of resources and due to extended supply lines, just like the Clan counterpart. If they get frustrated and break out uglier weapons, they might just make things worse when the Clans start (marginally) cooperating.
Truth fears no trial.
Re: WOB against the Clans
Probably very badly. To the extent that they would actually fight the WOB as oppose or obstruct them?Setzer wrote:Well, as far as genocide is concerned, what about the occupied zones? If the Blakists nuke a Jade Falcon or Ghost Bear held world, will that be treated as an attack on the Inner Sphere itself? I mean, from what I know, the Successor states believe that Clan held worlds are still Lyran or Combine or Rasalhague territory. So if the Blakists nuke Tamar fighting against Clan Wolf, how will the Lyrans react?
That's an interesting question to explore.
The WOB has in place approximately 100-200 divisions against the Clans. The Clans aren't exactly that badly outnumbered here.....
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
Re: WOB against the Clans
I heard it was 40 or 50, including the Manei Domini.