I'd have done this sooner but for the holidays and recurring computer problems with my display and video software, but I managed to get around to doing this now, my last official update for 2010. Enjoy!
The first one is a Black Templars short story by Ben Counter. I rather liked it although I know not everyone did. Also as a bonus, a Dark Angels short story highlighting their continued assholishness, although I rather liked the ending.
Page 13-14
Lascannon scope used as a telescope, a Khornate Traitor regiment of 6,000 troops (approximately.)The devastator sergeant handed Athellenas the scope from the squad's lascannon. Athellenas made his way to the temple perimeter, from where the great smoking hulk of the crashed renegade craft could be seen, scarred and pitted, against the grey, pre-dawn sky.
He looked through the scope and saw the enemy for the first time. He counted them automatically - one batch stripping the dead, another, cavalry, dragging stubborn horses from the ship's hold, and a third group, the largest, surrounding the leader. They were cultists, and far gone -most of them shirtless and wearing the jackets of meir uniforms tied around their waists; barefoot, their skins scarred and painted with blood, armed with whatever they had salvaged. Lasguns, knives, shards of twisted metal, a couple of heavy weapons on carriages pulled by the riders' horses. Every cultist had that same wide-eyed look, the look of rage mixed with desperation and unacknowledged fear, the emotions of treachery waiting to boil over at any second. Athellenas added up their numbers. Six thousand, give or take.
Page 14
4,000 Gathalamor troops, plus whatever extras. Also mention fo the Manskinner, a Khornate champion (and a rather charasmatic one - they''re nota ll mindless bloodthristy psychos)"He's a lot more than a rumour, Valerian. He's real, and he's here. He has the four thousand from Gathalamor and more. Probably the Guryan mutineers, and some cavalry.' Athellenas handed back the scope. 'Prepare a defensive position. The Manskinner will know we are here. He will attack with the sun"
Page 14
Like some arms fo the Imperium, the Ecclesiarchy can choose to deny reliaty if they want too.That the famously pious planet of Gathalamor should supply the renegades for the Manskinner's army was too much for the Ecdesiarchy to admit. They had insisted the Manskinner was a rumour dreamed up by their enemies in the Administratum.
Also we see that all organizations, even the religion, aren't absolute and infighting happens, even with the religious arm of the Imperium.
Page 15
Again, we have a Khornate champion here who is not stupid and seems to be a gifted speaker. Also the transport, which may possibly have belonged or been statoned to the planet. Curiously, his blessings seemed to result in Astronomican fuckery that made tracking him hard.It was on Gathalamor that the Manskinner turned up next and earned his name. Those officers in the regiment he infiltrated who opposed him were butchered in the night and their flayed skins run up the barrack's flag poles. Within three days of his arrival, it was said, several thousand of the planet's most trusted Guardsmen had disappeared, taking a troop transport ship from orbit as they did so, leaving a blood-soaked altar of skulls in the centre of their parade ground as if to mock those who stayed behind.
These were the tales that seemed to have substance. Others were just anecdotes and stories, about how the Manskinner could turn men to Chaos with his words alone, about the strange omens mat accompanied him, and the abnormalities in the Astronomican which had confounded the spacecraft attempting to pursue his army.
Page 16
Macharia, a planet whose populaton numbers 30 billion. We aren't clear on what kind of world it is,b ut it would probably be one of the specialized "civliised/Imperial" worlds and/or a low level hive world. I believe the 3rd edition IG codex mentions a Shrine World named Macharia, this may be that place. (OF course even if it is that doesn't preclude it being a Civilised/Imperial/Hive World of some kind, either.)They would charge across the planet's lone city and take the spaceport, and their brothers in orbit would carry them the rest of their journey to Macharia, and on that world of thirty billion souls, his army would die in an orgy of carnage in the name of the Blood God. It was impossible to imagine the numbers that would die, the mindless hordes of the weak put to the sword before the last cultist died.
Such would be the pleasure of the Blood God, that he, the Manskinner, would become his chosen, an immortal champion murdering the very stars in His name.
Page 16
A (relatively rare) example of animals being influenced adversely by the influence of Chaos in the same manner humans are (eg words, in this case.)The rider galloped up on his jet-black horse. The beast's nostrils were flecked with foaming blood and its eyes bulged, but even this animal was infected by the power of the words of blood. Diess himself, young and breathlessly eager, sat bolt upright, cavalry sword raised in salute, still wearing his tattered officer's uniform.
Page 17
Devastator weapons cut horses in half. Would be more calcable if we knew what sorts of weapons and how they were "cut in half" (if a lascannon for exapmle is it a cutting/slicing beam or is it explosive effects?)The devastator squad's weapons sprouted sudden blossoms of flame and the first wave of heretic cavalry fell, some men shot off the backs of their mounts, some with their horses cut in half, all falling to the ground in clouds of dust.
Page 17
Lasgun fire fails to penetrate power armor. OFten this depends as much on the volume/concentration of fire (multiple near-hits weakening the same area) or finding less protected spots (joints of armor and such.)Those who had weapons which could shoot returned fire and a score of lasgun shots impacted against the black stone of the temple. Some hit the armour of the dug-in tactical and assault squads. None penetrated.
Page 17
Marine loses several fingers from his (gauntleted) hand to a lasgun bolt. Calced below.Shots kept coming and the assault squad sergeant, Kytellias, took a hit on the arm.
"Status, Kytellias?"
"Not serious." replied the sergeant. "Lost a couple of fingers. Ready for your order."
Page 17
Autosenses can display suit warnings (in this case from damage, apparently), bolt pistols can knock a man off a horse (either from impact or explosive effect, probably the former since the latter ought to blwo his head off if it hits the neck), and power armor turns aside Khornate cultists blades and clubs.Another volley from the devastator and tactical squads cut down a swathe more horsemen, but the enemy were within laspistol range now. Athellenas's auto-sense warning icons flashed against his retina as one shot rang off his shoulder pad. He aimed his bolt pistol and took revenge for the firer's presumption, the shot taking a cultist in the neck and sending him somersaulting backwards off his horse.
Before the word was out of his throat, Kytellias and his men had rocketed out of their dugouts, jump packs roaring. They came down on the heads of the nearest riders and each one cut down his opposite man. Kytellias himself sought his next target without breaking stride. Ignoring the cultists whose blades and clubs were turned aside by his armour, the sergeant ran at full pelt towards the officer.
Page 18
Power fist blow sends a horse and rider seven metres. A horse weighs maybe half a ton plus say 50-60 kilos for a rider. Call it 550 kilos. At a minimum, severla m/s velocity seems likely, if not more. We're likely talking 1000-2000 kg*m/s worth of momentum, which is quite alot for a punch. Presumably its not neccesarily the force of the punch (wholly). Power field interactions (some sort of explosive effect, for example, from an energy discharge) could cause it.Plunging into the swirling dust and screams of the dying, he ducked the first blade and stuck back with his power fist, a great pendulous blow that lifted rider and hortse and threw them seven metres in a shower of blue sparks from the power field.
Page 18
Auto senses show image magnification capability.Athellenas hurried forward through the clouds of dust and gunsmoke. He looked in the direction of the cultist spacecraft, auto-senses magnifying the image and picking out the sounds of fhe approaching horde.
Page 18-19
One of the reasons lots of people hate this Let the Galaxyh Burn short story, because it makes the space Marines (and BT in particulair) look stupid. Honestly though, I dont have that problem. I think the story tends to emphasize the differecnes in view and opinion that Space Marines can have, especially between a line trooper and an officer. An officer cannot be expected to hold to Dogma where his troops and victory is concerned, which is precisely what the BT officer here demonstrates."Sir, we cannot fall back. We cannot surrender this position."
There was a quality in Valerian's voice that every commander came to know. The sound of rebellion.
"Valerian, you will fall back immediately. The enemy is too great. We cannot face them here." Afhellenas could see the Manskinner, claw swinging as he ran, fhe mass of cultists swarming around him.
"Sir, I cannot retreat in the face of the enemy. The Inititate Doctoris states as much-"
"Questions of doctrine will be dealt with on Terra. For now you will follow orders."
It also must be noted while the whole "we dont retreat" bit is emphasized, the "obedience to officers and authority" is also ignored, which is the corresponding Astartes value that is conflicting with the former. And it also shows, I believe, that the point of this story is that some Space Marines can be horribly arrogant and blind themselves through that arrogance.
Page 19
Blood Champion's POV on Imprial tactics. Not sure how reliable I would take this.They had run. These Marines, these defenders of humanity, who should have died a hundred times over rather than yield one inch of ground to fhe Blood God's followers: they had retreated. They had fallen back in the face of heretics. They had surrendered this place, a symbol of their Emperor's false godhood, a place that was as holy as could be.
This was wrong. This was not the way of the Imperium. They were supposed to underestimate the Blood God's power in fheir arrogance, and die beneath fhe blades of His army as it swept them aside.
Page 20
Ad,Mech GEologis branch. An "abandoned" mining settlement that is relatively unimportant in Imperial terms still has a population of a billion.Empyrion IX's only settlement had been abandoned, along with the rest of the planet, when it was realised that its mineral deposits were far scarcer than the Adeptus Mechanicus Geologis had thought. And so it had stayed, for hundreds of years, until today, when the fates had chosen it for the conflict that would decide the fate of a billion lives.
Page 21
Again we see how some Marines can be arrogant or foolishly fanatical, and not every Marine, especially not officers, cannot afford such qualities. Another good BT example would be Helbrecht himself (particularily in the Third Armageddon war.)Commander Athellenas looked at his assault sergeant. Like all the Black Templars, he had been tested without his knowledge back on Terra for the risk of disobedience - and Kytellias had been designated the most likely to rebel in Athellenas's whole command. Kytellias's capacity for initiative and self-reliance, that made him an ideal assault sergeant, at the same time made him headstrong and potentially dangerous. Yet he was the Marine Athellenas could most trust here.
This was not a question of a Marine being required to sell his life for the fraction of a victory. This danger was not born of cowardice or malice. Valerian, and perhaps others, were being ordered to abandon their whole system of values, to change the way they saw right and wrong. Retreat in the face of the enemy - in the face of Chaos - was a fundamental evil to a Marine.
He was asking his men to do wrong. What commander, what Space Marine, had that right?
PAge 21
- lasgun blast shears off three fingers of a Space MArine's hand/gauntlet. Trigger finger and thumb intact, meaning the lower three fingers were blasted off by lasgun blast. It didn't cauterize since his wound had to self-heal. The surface area of those fingers would probably be 7-10 cm long./wide.Kytellias looked down at his wounded hand. His blood had crystallised quickly around the plasteel, where the lasgun blast had sheared off three fingers. "I still have my trigger finger, sir. No operational concerns."
using the [url=http://panoptesv.com/SciFi/Pulse2.php]death ray site]/url] for structural steel is 100 kj although that probably assumes full thickness steel. For meat a single 1 KJ could easily blast that many fingers (or more) off, although the possibility of third degree burns (50-100j per square cm) could add maybe another 10 kj or so.
I could do vaporization and that would probably yield several MJ (especailly for vaporizing the gauntlet) but I don't count that much for several reasons, the main one being that vaporizing three fingers would result in the hand being far more mangled by collateral blast effects in all probability, so it seems likley we're dealing with double/triple digit KJ per shot. Which isn't bad at all, considering las weapons can hav emultiple settings. Despite being indicated from being a lasgun, there is still a fair bit of variation in that (power pack, weapon configuration, etc.)
Page 22
Space Marines vs Guard. Not a small bit of resentment here, methinks.Space Marines. When the Guard threw billions of men to be chewed up by whichever foe their wrath fell upon, it was the Marines who survived, who delivered the killing blow to an enemy the Guardsmen's deaths had laid open.
Page 23
Again, Marines can be overwhelmed if numbers are sufficient. And rocks and other high momentum weapons can with repeated blows even break armor. Besides, its not as if Khornate cultists are normal humnas, or that Space MArine armor is uniformly durable everywhere, so despite the potential for this to be crowed over as some sort of "proof", its not exactly surprising.Recoba saw one of the Marines, no, two, swamped by cultists who, having lost their weapons in the crash, threw themselves at the assault squad and dragged them down under the weight of the mob. The cultists grabbed the only thing at hand that could be used as a weapon - chunks of plascrete torn from the ground by heavy weapons fire - and set to work on the Marines. Recoba himself opened fire with his bolter, even as the two Marines' ceramite armour gave way beneath the pounding of plascrete. He heard them crack open, and felt it, too, as it gave all his men the heart not to break, to stand and fight.
Page 23
More heavy weapons, including the flamethrower plasma weapons that melt stuff. Ben Counter loves his plasma weapons, so we're forced to conclude that there are different "kinds" of plasma in 40K, and some are rather.. exotic. (Then again he's not alone, since you have some plasmas that are matter to energy conversion..) Hell it could be that the Counter "plasma guns" are plasma/flamethrower hybrids that just use a really high temp effect or something via exotic matter or whatever. We know form DH that flamers can get quite advanced, and the fact some flamers literally do reduce bodies to ash (a feat difficult to do with any sort o man portable chemical reactions) would reinforce that notion.Athellenas watched as incandescent death lanced down from the upper floors of the building overlooking the street, tearing a hole through the main body of cultists. Lascannon blasts gouged furrows in the broken road surface, and frag missiles burst into clouds of fire, sweeping across the road, engulfing a dozen cultists at a time. Heavy bolter shots stitched a bloody path through the cultists, and the heavy plasma blasts fell like huge drops of liquid fire that flowed as water but melted anything they touched. The noise was immense, a vast roar of explosive, mechanical rage, mixed with the screams of the dying and the hiss of burning flesh. But Athellenas's auto-senses filtered out the din, leaving only the communicator channels clear.
Page 24
charring bodies could be a few hundred kj to sevral MJ at least for flash burning, up to several tens of MJ for deeper injuries (cauterization or melting). We dont know what weapons did this, however, although its likely the heavy weapons did.Athellenas could hear the gunsmoke coiling in the air and the blood running down the walls, the last licks of flame playing over the charred bodies of the cultists.
Page 24-25
More dialogue pertaining to the "Space Marines don't retreat" and Arrogance angle.Valerian was almost lost, realised Athellenas. He was trying to hide it, but his whole belief system was breaking down. Everything he had been taught, as a child, and as a Marine, had told him that to retreat was to die a million deaths, to give up his honour as well as his life, to betray his Emperor, his primarch, his very species.
"Damnation, commander, this is madness! Does this Chapter mean nothing to you? Have you no duty to the souls of your lost brothers?
Already we have lost men here, do you wish to defile their memories with your cowardice? This is madness, sir, nothing but madness! I will not retreat, not ever, not for anyone or anything! I will not turn away from the fight, I will die by fire and by the sword, for if the only other option is to run like a child alongside you then I have no choice to make."
This was where the battle was won. Athellenas knew he was right. He knew he would win. It was required of him. The enemy was nothing, he told himself. But his own men, they were the dangerous ones. They could break the back of this whole operation. If he ever had to be a leader of men, it was now.
"Valerian, you will fall back and maintain a defensive line at the spaceport. If you do not you will be shot and your name will be struck from the Liber Honarium. Your soul will have no mention at the Feast of the Departed. Your gene-seed will not be taken and given to a new initiate, because you will not be fit to have a Marine follow you into this 7. The faces of Rogal Dorn and of the eternal Emperor will be turned from you forever. You will not be in the Emperor's army at the end of time when the final battle is fought."
"You fear dishonour, Sergeant Valerian? If you disobey me now, if you place duty to yourself above duties to your Chapter and your Imperium, then I will show you truly what dishonour is."
Page 26
The Astartes commander's tactics bear fruit. and again we see that the Chaos Champion is rather unusual from many Khornates.By the gods, the Space Marine commander was clever, thought the Manskinner. Lying and cowardly, perhaps, but clever. The Manskinner was losing his cultists. The seeds of hatred he had sown in them with the words of blood were blossoming, and their bloodlust was drowning everything else in their minds. Without battle, deprived of the joy of facing this enemy who retreated constantly and destroyed his army piece by piece, the Manskinner's men were devolving beyond his control.
"Brothers! My brothers, this is the Blood God's final test! For we fight now not to win, or to die, but for revenge! Revenge, for Diess and Recoba and all those slain by deceit! Revenge, for the violation of the Blood God's holy rites of battle by a foe who will not face us! Revenge, like murder and massacre, is an aspect of His teaching - but unlike them, it is cold, fought by men purged of all emotion who fight not like animals thirsty for blood but as men acting as one, not charging blindly into the fray but marching side by side, a machine of destruction. This is the Blood God's way, to show us all the joys that bloodshed can bring, the sane alongside the savage, the cold-blooded along"
Page 28
Bolter scope. It's interesting that in some cases bolters have scopes, yet in others they seem to be linked into autosenses. The scope doesn't seem like it would have mcuh value, since your average Astartes Bolter usually does not have a stock on it either and can be fired one handed. PErhaps power armor can "lock" briefly to handle recoil and provide stable firing.Through the scope of his bolter, Athellenas could see the Manskinner himself, at the front of the horde, the massive industrial shears swinging heavily as he ran, eyes no longer those of a leader, but of a fanatical follower. That was the key. No one led this horde any more.
Page 31
The conclusion which, for me, justifes this as a rather decent and misunderstood story. The key point is that Space Marines value obedience and loyalty more than individual pride or honor, although honor is still important, the definition of honor is not awlays constant."Because, Valerian, I do not have to explain my actions to you. As your commander my word is law. I have not achieved this rank through chance. I have been judged by my Chapter to be the individual whose leadership is most likely to result in victory. My purpose is to lead you, and your purpose is to follow. If this breaks down, then all is lost. You will do what you are told, Valerian, and you will not argue. We are Marines. We are Black Templars."
"Some of you.’ he said, 'will rise to a position where you, too, will command others from this Chapter. And then you will remember the lesson you have learned here. Above everything, above procedure and mercy, and even above the honour that Valerian held so sacred, there is victory. It is only through victory that you can truly honour the Emperor and your fellow man. To fail is the greatest shame. We have retreated in the face of the enemy, but there is no shame in that, for by doing so we have defeated them. The shame belongs to the Manskinner, for throwing away his chance of victory by fighting alongside animals, not soldiers."
Page 32
Auto senses night vision.Athellenas's auto-senses switched automatically to night vision as the sun finally set on Empyrion IX.
Page 35
Luther's POV on Jonson's treatment. Sad to say but the HH novels seem to justify this some. Jonson is an ass. Then again, accusations of Assholishness can be rather broadly distributed in the HH novels."Despite my virtues, I was left behind on Caliban by Jonson while he went fighting across the galaxy."
"While my brothers fought battle after battle, I was left at home with the invalids, the women and the children! What did I do to deserve such a fate? I was born to go to war, but the Lion and the Emperor turned their backs on me and the others."
Page 36
Knight Worlds. The AdMech protectorates who run mini titans as backup for the Titanicus."Confessor, three years ago I was in the Knight Worlds serving as a mercenary. My unit raided the eldar exodite worlds regularly and I relished the opportunity to spill the blood of such a spineless and decadent race. We went on coundess sorties, hunting down the cowards and slaughtering them as they deserved."
Page 39
They dont know about the Eldar precognitive abilities. It's also worth noting that the Dragon knights have shuriken weapons.In the distance, Uzziel could see exodite dragon knights mounting their beasts and preparing for battle. It seemed that his surprise attack was barely a surprise at all. The eldar were obviously ready for them and Uzziel could only wonder how. Whether he liked it or not, however, the battle had been joined and was escalating rapidly. He could analyse it later; now he had decisions to make.
Page 40
Thunderhawk air strafing mode. Note that the effects don't sound impressive (EG we're not seeing people blown apart or vaporized or burnt to a crisp) but we dont know much bout the settings or configuration or even a great deal about the effects other than they are slicing and blowing holes of some kind. That tends to leave alot of wiggle room.As alien warriors frantically lashed their beasts into action, the Thunderhawk dropped back out of the clouds. Screaming low over the battlefield, the gunship swivelled its multi-lasers at the two clusters of mounted eldar. Deadly accurate pulses of white-hot energy swept over the dragon knights, blowing holes in their elaborate armour and slicing through their raging beasts. The Thunderhawk roared past the decimated eldar battle groups, its mighty engines kicking up dust and debris as it swung around for its next attack.
Page 41
Eldar laser lances. More melee lasers!The bolters, so effective just seconds before, were all but useless in dose-quarter fighting. The eldar drove home their laser lances, blasting Dark Angel power armour open, sending them flying backwards or impaling them on their wicked tips. Others were trampled by dragons, torn apart under clawed feet.
Page 41
Shuriken weapons punctured some Marine armor but not the chaplain armour.As the Dark Angels arced over the battlefield, the remaining eldar foot troops brought their shuriken catapults to bear on them.
The air was immediately filled again with vicious discs of razor-sharp metal. Uzziel cursed aloud when Brother Alexius fell from the sky, his armour punctured in a dozen places. The chaplain commended his fallen soul to the Emperor, and added a prayer of thanks for the stout armour that had protected him from the hail of eldar fire.
Page 41
Implied that half a dozen per burst, but in any case the shells knock an eldar out of the saddle without exploding them it would seem. Then again they may have exploded but failed to penetrate.Filled with righteous fury, Uzziel raised his bolt pistol and unloaded half a dozen shells into the eldar, blasting him right out of hte saddle.
Page 41
Psyker power reduces two Eldar to skeletons, presumably searing the flesh off. MJ to GJ range depending on extent of "searing" and efficiencies (since its warp magic though, a high degree of efficiency seems reasonable so high MJ - triple digit - is reasonable. IT does not neccesarily have to get to multiple GJ, but it still could.)Codicier Ahiezar stood proudly over the smoking skeletons of two knights he had annihilated with crackling blue bolts of psychic energy.
Page 43
damage effects of Space Marine weapons.Uzziel's battle-trained eye could see the horrid tearing wounds of chainswords, the gaping holes that only bolter shells could make, flesh seared by boiling plasma. Countless victims with countless wounds, the eldar dead paced towards him. They said nofhing to the chaplain, merely stared in silent condemnation.
Page 45
Aegis suit negating Warlock powers. Truthfully, I have to wondera bout the implications of this. With direct damage attacks that work via force or energy, where does that go? Dissipate back into the warp? Radiated away? The latter seems a bit unlikely to be honest.He tried to unleash a bolt of psychic energy at the Dark Angel, but found his power neutralised by the Space Marine's armour. Uzziel smiled inside his helmet, and silently mouthed a prayer of tfianks for his Aegis suit. He would not fall to this warlock's witchcraft.
Page 46
Nice. Jonson gave Luther a Chaos tainted blade it would seem. With what we know about Fulgrim, it seems awfully interesting that there were so many chaos-tainted weapons floating around during the Great Crusade.As Uzziel continued to gaze at the gleaming weapon, he noticed an inscription on the blade. This is below your notice, Lord Uzziel, an inner voice chided him, and so persuasive was its tone that he almost ignored the battle-worn lettering. But the small cold presence of his conscience pulled at his mind. Looking closer, he squinted to read the ancient letters. Each word pierced him like a dagger to his heart.
Uzziel staggered back and dropped the sword. Immediately, its treacherous power was broken, and he realised the full extent of his folly. This was not the Lion Sword, but the Sword of Luther, arch-traitor and most hated of the Fallen Angels. Once a noble weapon, it had been twisted bythe power of Chaos as Luther led the Fallen Angels down their doomed path.
And had Uzziel not felt its power, listened to its lies and been ready to make it his own? How could he have been so blind? Tempted by the very sword that had killed the Lion! The chaplain shuddered with horror, thinking of the Lion's noble sacrifice. What folly! And so many noble eldar dead!
Thoroughly disgusted, steeped in self-loathing, Uzziel carefully sheathed the cursed blade. He would not be tempted again. He would not listen to the now-raging voice. He must, he would deny it!