Prototype/Warhammer 40k crossover fanfic?

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Prototype/Warhammer 40k crossover fanfic?

Post by gamer »

Does this sound like a good idea for a fanfic?

Inspired by an earlier thread I thought what if Elizabeth Greene or Alex Mercer was in Warhammer 40k?

In the first scenario Elizabeth Greene somehow appears in Warhammer 40k to make things interesting and so that she will have a chance in the grimdark galaxy she is given all of Alex Mercer's powers on top of all her powers, and direct and complete control over every infected to coordinate their actions far better also the infected will not lose their skills an infected pilot is still capable of flying just as good as they used to before infection, and their memories will be distributed to the hive mind. Also assume the virus can infect other alien species and animals.

If you are unfamiliar with Prototype or Elizabeth Greene then this webpage should be some help:

The infected are given superhuman abilities by the virus some of their abilities include:
superhuman strength- their strength ranges from punching through a man to smashing apart tanks with their fists in seconds and throwing tanks at helicopters or in the case of Hydras piercing the armor of the thermobaric tank like a hot knife through butter (the thermobaric tank could easily survive numerous blasts from the Abrams main gun without being significantly damaged)
superhuman speed/dexterity- their speed ranges from quick shambling/ to sprinting a city block in just a few seconds and climbing multi-story buildings in just seconds.
regeneration- their regeneration ranges from surviving multiple gunshot wounds to requiring tank shells to bring down permanently or in the case of Alex Mercer surviving a multi-megaton nuke or the Supreme hunter being formed from Greene's coughed up blood in just seconds. Some infected can even regenerate after being reduced to nothing but a puddle of blood. The infected's regeneration ability seems to be related to the amount of biomass available, the infected seem to have the ability to store additional biomass, Alex can store the biomass of hundreds of people greatly increasing his weight and body temperature, while Greene seems to have the ability to store an unlimited amount of biomass. The infected have grossly increased weight due to their ability to store biomass, which is shown by their greatly increased body temperature, cracking the ground just by jumping, and the inability to swim.
superhuman senses- infected can easily track targets miles away and see in infrared vision.

What would be a believable infection scenario in warhammer 40k?

Also would the infected function as Blanks in warhammer 40k?

If Greene was warped into Warhammer 40k maybe through a chaos cult or some other reason onto a Hive world in a Hive city underhive could the Imperium save the world without using orbital bombardment?

What if Greene appeared on another world instead such as a backwater Imperial planet, a planet belonging to the Tau, or a Ork infested world what would happen?

Also would the story be better if instead of Greene Alex Mercer was in the story instead and how so?
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Re: Prototype/Warhammer 40k crossover fanfic?

Post by gamer »

how do I edit a post?

Also any ideas or suggestions for my Warhammer 40k/Prototype crossover fanfic.
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Re: Prototype/Warhammer 40k crossover fanfic?

Post by Zixinus »

If the Imperium gets the sound if it,they just slag her and the are she's in until nothing is moving. Then nuke the area some more just to be sure. Why? Because she's nasty, unclean mutant filth, that's why.

If Chaos gets to her before, they corrupt her and use her as a new weapon against the Imperium.
Donnu about the others. Orks would probably have a grand time fighting her.

Really, the Imperium isn't new to mutant-infections-plaques thing.
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Re: Prototype/Warhammer 40k crossover fanfic?

Post by gamer »

Zixinus wrote:If the Imperium gets the sound if it,they just slag her and the are she's in until nothing is moving. Then nuke the area some more just to be sure. Why? Because she's nasty, unclean mutant filth, that's why.

If Chaos gets to her before, they corrupt her and use her as a new weapon against the Imperium.
Donnu about the others. Orks would probably have a grand time fighting her.

Really, the Imperium isn't new to mutant-infections-plaques thing.
Yes but any idea on how I can turn this into a fanfic
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Re: Prototype/Warhammer 40k crossover fanfic?

Post by Zixinus »

That's usually the question only the writer himself (or herself) can answer.
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Re: Prototype/Warhammer 40k crossover fanfic?

Post by Juubi Karakuchi »

gamer wrote:Yes but any idea on how I can turn this into a fanfic
I suggest an Inquistor story. They tend to be small-scale character-driven stories, involving an Inquisitor and his immediate followers. Someone like Elizabeth would certainly draw the Inquisition's attention once she gets above a certain threat level. If you want to complicate things a bit, you could have other players trying to manipulate/protect/exploit her for their own reasons, such as other Inquisitors, Chaos cultists, some Magos Biologis wanting to study the virus etc. If you want to do some prior reading, I recommend the Eisenhorn and Ravenor trilogies by Dan Abnett. They offer good insights into how the Inquisition functions and what Inquisitors and their followers tend to get up to.

In short, Inquisitors tend to be very powerful, very capable, and very individualistic. Low-level Inquisitors tend to have only a few acolytes and do a lot of their own dirty work, while at the higher levels they can afford to be the voice on the proverbial phone. They are divided up on the basis of which branch they belong to, the philosophies they favour, and personal loyalties. Some Inquisitors have psychic powers and some don't, but they can generally get access to all manner of exotic equipment and other resources, such as gun-servitors, assassins, daemonhosts, etc.
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Re: Prototype/Warhammer 40k crossover fanfic?

Post by Lord of the Abyss »

gamer wrote:how do I edit a post?
There will be an "Edit" button at the top of the post, like the "Quote" button. But it only lasts a short time after you originally post.
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Re: Prototype/Warhammer 40k crossover fanfic?

Post by Agent Sorchus »

In some forums the edit button is more generous than others, ie user fiction is unlimited edits.
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Re: Prototype/Warhammer 40k crossover fanfic?

Post by gamer »

Juubi Karakuchi wrote:
gamer wrote:Yes but any idea on how I can turn this into a fanfic
I suggest an Inquistor story. They tend to be small-scale character-driven stories, involving an Inquisitor and his immediate followers. Someone like Elizabeth would certainly draw the Inquisition's attention once she gets above a certain threat level. If you want to complicate things a bit, you could have other players trying to manipulate/protect/exploit her for their own reasons, such as other Inquisitors, Chaos cultists, some Magos Biologis wanting to study the virus etc. If you want to do some prior reading, I recommend the Eisenhorn and Ravenor trilogies by Dan Abnett. They offer good insights into how the Inquisition functions and what Inquisitors and their followers tend to get up to.

In short, Inquisitors tend to be very powerful, very capable, and very individualistic. Low-level Inquisitors tend to have only a few acolytes and do a lot of their own dirty work, while at the higher levels they can afford to be the voice on the proverbial phone. They are divided up on the basis of which branch they belong to, the philosophies they favour, and personal loyalties. Some Inquisitors have psychic powers and some don't, but they can generally get access to all manner of exotic equipment and other resources, such as gun-servitors, assassins, daemonhosts, etc.
I like the inquisitor idea, but I haven't read much about them maybe I should read the Eisenhorn series it looks pretty good.

Anymore possible ideas on how I can start writing a 40k fanfic?

Also should I make the infected function as blanks/psychic nulls, and should Greene have the ability to absorb psyker powers, the way I see it the infected would probably either have an incredible warp presence (hive mind) or a non-existent warp presence?

Did I post this in the right forum?
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Re: Prototype/Warhammer 40k crossover fanfic?

Post by evilsoup »

Do you know what the single worst thing to do when you want to write some fiction? Talking about how you're going to write fiction.
gamer wrote: Anymore possible ideas on how I can start writing a 40k fanfic?

Also should I make the infected function as blanks/psychic nulls, and should Greene have the ability to absorb psyker powers, the way I see it the infected would probably either have an incredible warp presence (hive mind) or a non-existent warp presence?
I don't have enough knowledge of Prototype to give you an answer there; either way would make for interesting plot points. Something to bear in mind: regular humans sense that something is wrong with blanks in 40k, normally parsing it as if they smell very bad. Psykers will also tend to freak out around them. So if they need to do any infiltrating in the story, the 'hive mind' method would be the most effective. The Infected have some kind of superpowers, don't they? I suppose that would make them either psykers, or just using some other means (that doesn't interact with the warp). Use whatever seems like it would tell the most interesting story.
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Re: Prototype/Warhammer 40k crossover fanfic?

Post by gamer »

evilsoup wrote:Do you know what the single worst thing to do when you want to write some fiction? Talking about how you're going to write fiction.
Sorry about that I'm just trying to get some ideas before I actually write, right now I just have a whole bunch of random ideas that I'm trying to put down on paper.
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Re: Prototype/Warhammer 40k crossover fanfic?

Post by evilsoup »

Don't take what I said the wrong way. But once you've done some research make sure you actually do start typing; I know I've had several concepts come to nothing because I spent too much time over-thinking them and lost interest.
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Re: Prototype/Warhammer 40k crossover fanfic?

Post by Simon_Jester »

gamer wrote:I like the inquisitor idea, but I haven't read much about them maybe I should read the Eisenhorn series it looks pretty good.

Anymore possible ideas on how I can start writing a 40k fanfic?
First, you must be able to write in general. Have you written other things? Did they get a positive reception?

If you can write, you can write a 40k fanfic. All you need to do is do a bit of brushing up on the 40k setting, so that you do not make a fool of yourself by getting basic stuff mixed up.

Try to keep in mind the most important things about the 40k societies: the Imperium is ferociously intolerant of almost any kind of mutation, heresy, epidemic, or other potential threat of the sort they'd be dealing with. The Eldar are subtle and crafty and have great precognitive abilities, so expect to see them doing complicated screwy things to affect events, if there's any danger to their own species... though they won't do a damn thing for anyone out of the kindness of their hearts. And so on, and so on.
Did I post this in the right forum?
Probably yes. The User Fiction forum is moderated by a lady who tends to react badly to this sort of meandering-question thread, so this is probably the right place to be, especially since Prototype is a relatively obscure game- well received, but not well known outside the people who've played the game.
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