Black Library Link
Due out summer of next year, and according to William King's blog he's finished the book and its up for revisions, but I must say between that and Cain and more Gaunt next year I'll be excited to see what happens.
Moderator: NecronLord
Your ability to read the linked article does not impress me.madd0ct0r wrote:is that a living saint posing there?
Technically, his thought is correct. Lord Solar Macharius is an imperial saint.Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba wrote:Your ability to read the linked article does not impress me.madd0ct0r wrote:is that a living saint posing there?
The model has the winged helmet, though open faced, where here it appears as a closed helm (but then, Cadian helmets serve as both).Elheru Aran wrote:The picture is obvious propaganda; the wings aren't as interesting to me as the fact they changed the helmet. Macharius used to have this Alexander-esque lion's head style helmet, but they've converted it into a horned or winged Teutonic-knight style helm. Guess they want to give him more of a 'crusader' look...
According to Lexicanum, the Marcharian Heresy happened when Macharius' seven generals started fighting among themselves, to the point where they even seceded from the Imperium and divided up his conquests into their personal empires (think the Diadochi). They were put down later.Ahriman238 wrote:Well, I'm excited. Don't think I've ever read King before, though.
And yeah, Lord Solar (warmaster equivalent) Macharius led the biggest damn Crusade since the Emperor was mobile, conquering or recapturing several hundred worlds and pushing the Imperium's borders farther than they'd ever gone, until he reached the limits of the Astronomicon. It was the great accomplishment that closed out the 40th Millenium and opened the 41st. Immediatly followed by something called the Macharian Heresy, don't know what happened there. Only that by the end, Macharius was still a great hero of the Imperium, and drank himself to death.
The Astartes were almost certainly involved. Precisely how this worked is harder to say, as Astartes can sometimes have funny attitudes about accepting orders or requests from regular Imperial forces. The White Scars were heavily involved in the original Sabbat crusade, and respected the Saint enough to provide an honour guard at her funeral. By contrast, the Dark Angels have a bad reputation for cutting loose at awkward moments because they happen to get word of a Fallen Angel. The Marines Malevolent are even worse, with a reputation for ruthlessless and egotism.Vympel wrote:I wonder if this dude commanded any Space Marine Chapters. You'd think they'd play a role in vast conquests.
This happens to be a reputation that they entirely deserve, given their behaviour (one example of their dickheaded behaviour led to Chapter Master Tu'Shan of the Salamanders beating the fuck out of a Marines Malevolent Captain).Juubi Karakuchi wrote:The Marines Malevolent are even worse, with a reputation for ruthlessless and egotism.
Any large scale conflict is going to be primarily a guard thing, marines don't have the numbers and logistics (except maybe the Ultramarines) to conquer hundreds or thousands of worlds. But as with any imperial undertaking there will be marines, eclisarchy, mechanus, etc forces involved. Some planets may have been taken with the help of the marines, one or two just by marines but the majority would have been guard alone.evilsoup wrote:WRT Space Marines: in the latest IG codex, it is stated that it took 100 Chapters 100 years to re-conquer the Macharian conquests after Macharius' death (and his generals' rebellions). Now, I haven't looked that hard into it, but I have always got the impression that the actual Macharian crusade was primarily an IG thing.
Of course, I fully expect these books to change that. Gotta shoehorn the SMs into everything.
Essentially the Imperium overextended itself during the Macharian Crusade. They could not construct the required infrastructure and provide the necessary garrisons to stop the planets from leaving the Imperial fold later on. After the crusade died out with Macharius, the worlds were kept in line by their governors for a time. Pretty soon after his death, the whole of the worlds conquered collapsed into rivalry and war (think the collapse of Alexander's empire). The unrest lasted for 70 years before it was quelled by the Imperium.Ahriman238 wrote:Immediatly followed by something called the Macharian Heresy, don't know what happened there. Only that by the end, Macharius was still a great hero of the Imperium, and drank himself to death.
You can find it here. Sadly it's still based on the old Imperial Guard codex, but then again doctrines were pretty well-suited for this kind of project.evilsoup wrote:Out there, somewhere, there is a fan-made Macharian Crusade codex/rulebook (along the lines of Imperial Armour). It was quite a good read, actually - definitely up there with GW stuff.
Those aren't wings on the helmet. They are giant, golden laurels, just like on the model.NecronLord wrote:The model has the winged helmet, though open faced, where here it appears as a closed helm (but then, Cadian helmets serve as both).Elheru Aran wrote:The picture is obvious propaganda; the wings aren't as interesting to me as the fact they changed the helmet. Macharius used to have this Alexander-esque lion's head style helmet, but they've converted it into a horned or winged Teutonic-knight style helm. Guess they want to give him more of a 'crusader' look...