I'm curious. Thanks.

Moderator: NecronLord
This is true. To quote the Overmind, "We require more minerals."the atom wrote:@Eleventh Century: Remember that Tyranids don't just strictly consume biomass. They do consume a not-insignificant portion of a planet's crust as well, which I assume would also probably extend to a planet's moons or nearby asteroids.
ECR, relax, breathe.Eleventh Century Remnant wrote:Atom, I'm not annoyed at you- I'd just forgotten how much I genuinely loathed these creatures. That bit that I put under a spoiler tag? That's where I couldn't stand it any more and suffered a complete suspension of disbelief failure. In theory I know that about the crust and the oceans, it's in the fluff, but I couldn't deal with it because it's even more utter bollocks than the rest.
If they can metabolise rock, ffs, that's basically hello, no limits fallacy. For a start you're looking at something on the order of quintillions of tons, all of which has to be put through the chemical engineering processes of something not massively distinguishable from nature, which to accumulate as much as an upper estimate of a trillion tons has taken earth what, three billion years?
This is canon.Shroom Man 777 wrote:Transdimensional sphincters!
is pretty much what Shroom does with his brain. On a moment by moment basis.But it does this by vomiting out its particle-accelerating intestines and stomachs very much like a seaslug, and imagine its internal organs that extend to other dimensions and angles of reality,
I'll bite. Rather than nebulous "it is a mystery woo" or lame "the Nids are too busy fighting galactic superclusters full of ORKS to commit a Grimdark Galaxy crushing Hive Armada", I have a better idea.Eleventh Century Remnant wrote:If the organic component is that small a proportion of the mass of the 'nid, and it isn't if the artwork lieth not, they still need muscles and things, or at least analogues of them close enough to hang the eldritch bit on, then stripping a very small handful of worlds means they have enough force to topple the Imperium soon after first contact. How do you square those problems? With the loud, resounding 'fuckit' they probably deserve?
Well, since I don't feel personally betrayed by it not making much sense to me, I just shrug and accept that the Karlacks are a large fraction organic materials by weight as they are mineral-based beings. And thus, the total mass of Karlacks is broadly limited by the mass of biospheres they consume, though whether the mass of Karlack gained is 10%, 50%, 100%, or 200% of the mass of the biosphere I do not knowEleventh Century Remnant wrote:Bags of contaminated water probably are a better defence against laser and energy weapons through heat capacity, back to biomass again. Carbon composites, all right carbon- silicon maybe, again better than slabs of stone. Rock ground up for rare minerals, makes sense, I'll go with that. Bits layered on the outside? Maybe. The proportions are fantastically wrong, though- the balance of organic to inorganic would be closer to that of a man carrying a suburban street on his back.
If the organic component is that small a proportion of the mass of the 'nid, and it isn't if the artwork lieth not, they still need muscles and things, or at least analogues of them close enough to hang the eldritch bit on, then stripping a very small handful of worlds means they have enough force to topple the Imperium soon after first contact. How do you square those problems? With the loud, resounding 'fuckit' they probably deserve?
And this is why Jodorowsky was right and why some just couldn't get it.madd0ct0r wrote:Shroom, that's made it into my personal canon. awesome stuff.
Some things should be made wondrous and kept incomprehensible.Jodorowsky wrote: I do not want that the man conquers space
In the ships of NASA
These concentration camps of the spirit
These gigantic freezers vomiting the imperialism
These slaughters of plundering and plunder
This arrogance of bronze and thirst
This eunuchoid science
Not the dribble of transistorised and riveted hulks
The divine one
The delirious one
The superb one
I want magical entities, vibrating vehicles
To prolong to be to it abyss
Like fish of a timeless ocean. I want
Jewels, mechanics as perfect as the heart
Womb-ships anterooms
Rebirth into other dimensions
I want whore-ships driven
By the sperm of passionate ejaculations
In an engine of flesh
I want rockets complex and secret,
Humming-bird ornithopters,
Sipping the thousand-year-old nectar of dwarf stars...
They don't. The sectors are separate 'islands' of humanity across the volume of the Imperium, separated maybe by hundreds of LY on average, so there's lots of empty and unclaimed space in between. The Sectors themselves will also have 'empty' regions in between subsectors and planets (which may be uninhabited or possess alien life or pirates or whatever.)Simon_Jester wrote:The 'Nids could be getting their numerical advantage from the overwhelming numbers they're bringing into the galaxy in the first place, and from being able to use the biospheres of planets the Imperium doesn't control and cannot draw resources from. I'm not sure the Imperium's "sectors" tile the galaxy in a uniform wall to wall way, or that the gaps between some of those sectors are even as hard a target as an Imperial sector would be.
Oh you're going to love it even better. In Space Marine, the Imperial Fists invade a dormant hive ship by... ramming straight up its space anus.Shroom Man 777 wrote:Ha!
Now that is awesome. I had no idea if any of what I said was whatever, but that being canon is great. At least someone over at Black Library had a sense of the fantastic!
So yeah. Let that fuel your Space Marine/Tyranid sodomy jokes.Space Marine wrote: “We’re going in through its anus,” Biff whooped boisterously. Indeed. Indeed.
What else could that puckered sphincter be, in the white bony hull of the vast, gastropoidal alien vessel?
The leviathan that loomed ahead seemed a cross between a nautilus and an omnivorous, spacefaring snail. It was the length of a four-K asteroid, and almost as high where its shell spiralled upward in a circuit of increasingly small osseous chambers. The shell was bleached chalky by aeons of radiation.
Even as the armoured Fists, tightly packed into a stretched boarding torpedo, stared at the
forward view-screen in its mount of bronze bones, that sphincter pulsed.
It expelled a quick milky cloud, which the torpedo’s sensors assayed as consisting of bitter
liquid dregs, foul gas, and ashy debris—the fart of a leviathan…
Actually I think Chaos does something like that in The Ghosts novels. Basically they have these chaos beasts whose bodies exist on two different planets connected by some weird hyperspace-tunnel effect - they transfer materials from one planet to another this way. Sort of like some inter-dimensional Dachshund.EDIT:
Now imagine weaponizing that immaterium-festooned digestive tract into some kind of interdimensional feat of predatory regurgitation! "Can't eat rocks ffs" blah!
Nah- there are much more real and relevant things to feel betrayed by. Like recruiters and personnel departments, which is why I'm in grump mode. Anyway-Well, since I don't feel personally betrayed by it not making much sense to me, I