Savage Scars (Arcadius/White Scars novel) analysis thread

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Connor MacLeod
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Savage Scars (Arcadius/White Scars novel) analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Yes you're probably thinking I'm crazy. I'm starting ANOTHER novel review. I've got what.. 3 or 4 already? Well I have alot of novels to work through (well crap novels and average novels) as well as the good oes, I'm trying to clear some of that out before I get into some of the good stuff - the Horus HEresy, the FFG material, etc. But I actually have a good reason for doing this as well.

Since I am covering IA3, and it is going to be a hilarious clusterfuck, I decided I'd parallel it with Savage Scars, given that it features the Imperium and Tau tangling in a similar manner and at a similar scope. It basically provides an example of how Taros *should* have gone, had they not put brain dead retards in charge. And unlike the previous novels in the series, the book was rather enjoyable. Hoare seemed to learn some lessons in writing Hunt for Voldorious, because Savage Scars reads differnetly than the first two DAmocles Gulf novels, and that is a goo dthing. The Arcadius shit isn't nearly as bad either. And we get far less tau wanking than you might think Hoare would instil.

Page 12
...a one-and-a-half-kilometre-long Nova-class frigate...
...ship-to-ship combat at a thousand kilometres but in the brutal, face-to-face savagery of close-quarters melee.
...the plasma drives as they propelled the Nomad through the void at full speed.
...the master of a vessel crewed by several thousand souls.
Hoare seems to have revised his ship sizes... and space combat ranges (somewhat).. its no longer the micro-sized ships fighting turly age of sail distances. Also a ship run by thousands of crew.. thats alot for a Space Marine ship, especially a mere escort.

Page 13-14
“Pathfinder squadron is approaching segment delta-nine, brother-sergeant.” The man was permanently connected to the frigate’s machine-systems by a complex web of mind impulse link cables, and every fragment of visible skin was a matrix of Chogoran tribal tattoos. “In-loading remote telemetry now.”
A semi-circular form appeared at the edge of the screen, representing the enemy-held planet towards which the pathfinders were probing. In between the squadron and that planet three new returns blinked ominously. The Imperial Navy pathfinder squadron ranging ahead of the Nomad were the elite of the crusade’s scout forces...
Imperial recon elements, telemetry from which is fed to the frigate.

Page 14
The data script that was being fed back to the Nomad before being relayed to the bulk of the fleet continued to scroll across the lectern. The three icons that represented the alien defence platforms indicated that they were deployed in a relatively tight cluster, approximately 100,000 kilometres from the world they protected. Sarik’s lip curled as he recalled the last time the fleet had faced one of those platforms.
Distance of Tau defence platforms from their planet.

Page 17
“Enemy contact, brother-sergeant,” the crewman replied. “Augur spirits sing of a homopolar energy surge analogous to mass driver weaponry previously encountered.”
“The xenos are opening fire, sir.”
“At the scouts, sir.”
A moment later, a bright blue pulse illuminated the scene beyond the bridge’s armoured viewing port.
Although the distance was far too great to see any detail of the attackers, the glowing readout on the lectern told him all he needed to know. The blurred return that was the group of enemy vessels was resolving into five separate icons as the scouts’ augurs got a better fix on them. One of those icons, the vessel that had just fired, blinked as a line of cogitation data scrolled rapidly beside it. The machine script described just how alien the vessels were, their manoeuvring characteristics, displacement and weapons systems so different from the Imperium’s warships and Sarik’s anger rose at the thought of techno-heresy of the tau.
Range is basically BVR of the tau attackers.. Tau are using their "mass drivers" on the pathfinder/recon vessels. Ship amassing data on tau designs, extrapolating from the recon intel.

Page 19
Even as Sarik watched the icons swarming across the lectern screen, another bright blue pulse illuminated the bridge. Silence followed, during which Sarik fixed his gaze on the icons representing the pathfinder vessels. Far from machine phosphorescence, each was a crew of dozens of brave men and women.
Then one of those icons turned red. Involuntarily, Sarik held his breath.
A second bright flash illuminated space, and a small sun flared into existence thousands of kilometres away, before collapsing in upon itself within the span of a second. The icon representing Nova-zero-two blinked once, then vanished.
Implied distance from the Nova. Also each "pathfinder" ship has a crew of a dozen.

Page 20
"Nord, we’re about to draw a lot of fire, from the enemy scouts for certain, but possibly from the defence platforms too if they have the range."
The tau pickets were closing on the bulk of the pathfinder squadron. The Nomad’s projected course would bring her into weapons range within minutes. The tau vessels opened fire on the scouts again. The scouts had scant point defence capability, but what few weapons they did have opened fire as one, stitching the void with streams of bright fire.
Pathfinder vessels have a minimal point defense capability. They may be within range of the TAu guns.

Page 21
Sarik glanced upwards through the armoured portal, but besides the staccato flashes of distant weapons discharges, the opposing vessels were still far too distant to be seen with the naked eye. The readout on the lectern, however, told the full story.
Again tau vessels and others are still too far away to be seen with the naked eye.

Page 21
“Intercept?” Sarik said, denial welling up inside him.
“Closing to long range now, brother-sergeant,” Conversi Kuro replied.
Sarik activated the vox-net link to Brother Qaja. “Fire control,” Sarik said, “Zero-three needs our help—I got him into this situation, and by the primarch I will get him out. Fire when ready.”
“Aye, brother-sergeant,” the other Space Marine replied. A line of targeting script scrolled across the readout beside the icon representing the enemy picket. “Fire control cogitation plotted. Opening fire.”
A moment later, the Nomad’s weapons batteries spoke, the report shuddering through the frigate’s hull as titanic energies were unleashed. Each shell was as large as a tank, and had been hauled into the breech of its cannon by gangs of sweating Chapter-serfs, who even now would be racing to load the next. A barrage of shells was propelled from the forward guns at supersonic velocity, tearing across the intervening gulf of space in a matter of seconds.
So close were the pursuer and the pursued that Brother Qaja had been forced to take aim at a point in space aft of the enemy picket, hoping to catch the alien in the shell’s blast and avoid damaging the scout. More callous gunnery masters might not have taken such precautions, but Qaja knew his commander well and was in any case of a like mind. The first salvo of shells blossomed into raging orange fire, but Sarik saw instantly that the shot had fallen short.
The bow macrocannons open fire at "long range" and the shells cross the distance in "seconds" Long range in BFG we know is more than tens of thousands of km, possibly hundreds of thousands. WE know long range for a macro cannon in Nightbringer was on the order of 300,000 km. Given that, we could reasonably expect distances between thousands to tens of thousands of km/s, even with long travel times (20-30 seconds or more. Its doubtful it woudl be much beyond that - WW2 combat ranges against ships rarely scored hits beyond a 25-30 second flight time)
(The super sonic bit can be ignored. Even if the range was less we knew that the ships were BVR, and thousands of km distant. tHere's no way a supersonic shell can cross that distance in seconds.)
Also note the use of fire-control cogitation to plot the firing solution. Its not handled individually - the serfs just load the guns (with tank sized shells, which is common.)

Page 22
“Enemy has cogitated terminal lock,” Conversi Yosef announced.
“Qaja,” said Sarik, his heart pounding with the ferocity of battle. “Do it, do it now!”
The frigate shook as its forward weapons batteries roared a second time, unleashing another salvo of gargantuan ordnance into space. Even as the shrill warning tone continued, Sarik finally saw that the two vessels were entering visual range. The pathfinder streaked past to the Nomad’s starboard, and a second later the shells exploded violently to the fore.
The icon representing the tau picket was engulfed in a rapidly expanding circle that described the blast radius of the second salvo. The icon blinked out of existence. It had been caught in the blast, and even had it survived, it would not be in any state to continue the pursuit.
Forward guns fire again, just as the ships enter visual range, and the shells strike within a second. Hundreds of km/s at the bare minimum, and more probably thousands of km/s (Hundreds of km/s is torpedo velocities, remember.)

Page 24
“Augur readings compiled, Nomad,” Nova leader replied. “Communing with fleet now, but I think we have company.”
“I see it, Nova leader,” said Sarik, as a new augur return flashed on the lectern’s screen. The Nomad’s cogitator banks set about analysing the return, comparing it to vessels the crusade had faced in its previous battles against the alien tau.
“Medium displacement, brother-sergeant,” Conversi Loccum reported, his mind impulse link feeding him the raw information before it even appeared on the lectern screen. “Cruiser analogue, similar to those faced previously.”
“Full yield lance?”
Sarik grinned savagely, his honour scars twisting into a swirling pattern as he gripped the lectern with both hands. “Aye, Qaja. And make it count.”
New enemies enter the fray. We see that the Strike cruiser has forward lances as well sa forward guns.

Page 24
The veteran sergeant had barely completed his remark when a blue pulse filled the forward vision port. Sarik braced himself, and a moment later, the tau’s hyper-velocity projectile struck the hastily raised forward screen.
The entire view from the portal exploded with seething white energies as the enemy’s attack was dissipated against the Nomad’s forward shield. Sarik squinted against the fierce illumination, but his pride refused to let him shield his sight entirely. The frigate shook violently as the projectors struggled to shunt sufficient power to counter the attack, warning klaxons sounding as the bridge lights flickered.
“Shields holding,” Nord yelled back. “But only just!”
Tau hypervelocity projectile. The shields need to draw additional power to "shunt" the attack - these void shields seem implied to be absorbing/deflecting shots, but shunt could also mean to dump it in the warp.

Page 25-26
“I want every last ounce of power on the shields.”

The frigate’s main systems powered down one by one as the crew enacted Sarik’s order, the siren dying away to silence as all available power was diverted to the shield generators. Soon, only the shrill whine of the labouring projectors was audible. Only the harsh light cast by the lectern screen lit the bridge, the surface laced with racing numerals. A new icon resolved in the mid-range band, to the Nomad’s aft.
Another cold blue pulse filled the portal, a white pinprick of light in the black void marking its source. An instant later, the hyper-velocity projectile slammed into the Nomad’s forward shield, and this time, the screen could not contain the terrific energy of its impact.
With a staggering release of blinding energies, the frigate’s forward shield collapsed. The solid mass of the tau projectile was transformed into raw energy as it passed through the screen, and struck the Nomad’s blocky, armoured prow.
The gut-wrenching impact passed through the vessel in seconds, the deck beneath Sarik’s armoured boots buckling with a tortured metallic scream. Secondary explosions ripped along the vessel’s spine, scores of Chapter-serfs dying in an instant as ravaging flames scoured entire compartments or the cold vacuum of space plucked them away. The helm station erupted in a shower of molten brass, blasting Conversi Kuro backwards even as he was consumed in flames. The lectern screen died, plunging the entire bridge into near darkness, the only illumination that of guttering flames.
Sarik looked down at his dead command lectern, and realised that the impact of the tau weapon had ripped the soul from his vessel, its core logic engines and cogitation transmission conduits crippled, or at the very least silenced for a spell, at the worst possible moment.
All power diverted to the shields (or virtually all.) Tau projectile transforms into pure energy passing throught he shield before it hits. ASsuming it was anything like a macro cannon shell, we're talking gigatons of energy a least.

PAge 27
“Vacuum protocols, purging now!”
Sarik turned and hauled down on a large brass lever. The manually operated purge valve mounted in the vaulted ceiling irised open and the hatch to the rear of the bridge locked shut with a resounding clang. A new siren started up, its rapid rise and fall specifically keyed to the purge protocol. Those bridge-serfs not already at their station made quickly for their seats, following long-rehearsed purge drills. Sarik had no need to strap himself into a seat, his superhuman grip on the lectern sufficient to hold him against the coming storm of depressurisation.
Fire fighting measures.

Page 30
As he watched, the entire fleet came into view, gargantuan battleships and cruisers gliding past in stately procession. In echelon behind the Oceanid came the other two vessels of the rogue trader’s flotilla, the cruisers Fairlight and Rosetta. As the three ships began to open fire at extreme long range against the distant defence platforms, the majestic form of the Blade of Woe, the crusade’s flagship, came into view. Even Sarik, who had seen the sight many times before and far preferred to prosecute his wars on land, could not help but be impressed by the battle cruiser’s vast form. Its sharp prow was sculpted into the form of sweeping eagle’s wings, and every square metre of its ancient armour was carved with litanies and the features of revered Imperial saints. Its portholes were delicate lancet windows, the armoured glass a riot of colours depicting scenes of glorious battle. One by one, the warships sailed past the Nomad, passing her by on every side and accompanied by their nimble escort squadrons and swarms of smaller vessels.
The Damocles Gulf Crusade fleet.

The DGC fleet. Contrast this with Taros. And as we learn later this was only the forces CArdinal gurney could amass with his own influence, and largely from within a single sector. See now why I am so contemptuous about Taros's handling?

Page 30-31
Though smaller than the Blade of Woe, the Space Marine vessel, which belonged to the Iron Hands contingent of the crusade forces, radiated menace as if the cold outer steel skin shielded a raging furnace at its heart. Where the Imperial Navy warships were stately, with sharp prows and covered in Gothic detailing, the Space Marine vessels were blunt-prowed and unadorned. Their flanks were not encrusted with devotional statues, but sheathed in the thickest ceramite armour known to man. The Fist of Light was the largest Space Marine warship in the crusade fleet, the remainder frigates and destroyers.
Composition of the Astartes contingent of the Crusade fleet.

PAge 31
The fleet crossed the point at which its longest-ranged weapons could open fire upon the alien defence stations. Initially, these weapons were those mounted in dorsal turrets, or torpedoes fired from cavernous tubes mounted in the armoured prows. The Blade of Woe’s weapons batteries spoke first, for they had the longest range, great salvoes of city-levelling ordnance blasting across the void to smash into the tau stations. Yet, the display was inconsequential compared to what would follow when the ships’ masters ordered their warships to turn and present a broadside to the alien platforms. The Imperial Navy’s battle doctrine dictated that its vessels’ firepower was concentrated in mighty batteries on either flank. A single salvo could drive off, cripple or even destroy almost any enemy vessel, as the tau had already discovered to their detriment.
city levelling ordnance.. it implies per shot, but we dont know the size or types of guns.. and it is an effing huge battleship. We also get some indicators of the relative capabilities of Imperial and Tau naval forces at this point. The Imperium held the decisive advantage, which the tau have redressed some but have yet to overtake.

Page 32
Though too far distant to be seen with the naked eye, even that of a Space Marine, the screen indicated the presence of a number of the crusade fleet’s supporting vessels. Tenders stood by should a warship need repair or towing clear of the battle. Tankers and mass haulers carried vast quantities of fuel and other commodities. Transports carried the crusade’s ground troops, each of them home to an entire regiment of Imperial Guard. Most of the ground troops belonged to one of the Brimlock regiments, raised from the planet on which the crusade against the expanding alien empire of the tau had first been preached. Right on the edge of the readout was an icon representing the huge conveyance Toil of Digamma, a vessel of the Adeptus Mechanicus that transported the Legio Thanataris Titan Legion, known as the “Deathbringers”. The towering god-machines carried in its cavernous bays would be crucial in the forthcoming planetary assault.

As mighty as the crusade fleet was, Sarik was painfully aware that it lacked sufficient carrier capacity. Scant few interceptors were available to defend the larger warships against enemy fighter-bombers. These would be able to inflict a terrible blow were they to get amongst the lumbering transports that followed behind the main fleet.
The non-military elements of the Cruade fleet. They seem to be generally better supplied than Taros was, although they have some logistical problems and they suffer on the fighter side of things like Taros did.

That the bulk of regiments are Brimlock Dragoon of some kind or another is interesting, given the Dragoon's role as highly mobile (mechanised) troops for the most part. That tends to suggest the DGC forces were vastly more mobile than tAros (although that isnt saying much.)

Page 36
Master Karzello was the crusade’s senior astropath, the head of the choir whose psychic mind-voice allowed them to communicate across the interstellar voids with the distant Imperium of Man. Such distances made communications by conventional means impossible, but the most powerful of astropaths could receive and send messages across many hundreds of light-years of space. The seething aetheric energies and unknowable stellar phenomena that afflicted the region made even this means of communication unreliable at best, and next to impossible at worst. Nonetheless, Master Karzello was one of the most skilled astropaths in the entire segmentum, so his appearance before the council was greatly portentous.
Capabilities of astropaths. It shows the relative scale of differences in individual astropaths.. the usual ragne given is single digit LY (maybe 10 LY or so tops?) whilst powreful ones can go considerably further (an order of magnitude or greater.) Of course speed, reliability, and the method/approach to sending signals also matters.

Page 36
The man was ancient, kept alive long past his natural span of years by repeated applications of the rejuvenat treatment available only to the most senior and valued of the Imperium’s servants. The treatment was slowly poisoning the master astropath, even if it was keeping him alive. He was so thin that his skin looked like a paper-thin layer of crumbling parchment, barely covering his bones. He had no eyes, for as an astropath his sensory organs had been blasted away by the process that had created him. His body was only kept upright by an arrangement of clanking brass callipers and leather braces that bore his frame and animated his limbs.
Another astropath benefitting from rejuv. It seems only important (or powerful) ones warrant this, or ones where their presence is rare and resupply scarce.

Page 39
The chamber could not have been more different than the equivalent on an Imperial vessel. The lighting was bright and the air clean, the stark white, curved structures pristine and devoid of the tracery and script applied to every surface of most Imperial vessels. Alien tau attended to their stations with calm efficiency, and not one of them was hard-wired into his terminal. Instead, the operators’ hands worked effortlessly across banks of glowing readouts, utilising machine-intelligent interfaces considered heretical across the Imperium.
The bridge of a tau starship. Note how it differs from Imperial designs. Orders of magnitude less brass, skulls and fewer cogs.
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Re: Savage Scars (Arcadius/White Scars novel) analysis threa

Post by Srelex »

This is the one where a Skyray tank casually blew up a Titan, wasn't it? :P
"No, no, no, no! Light speed's too slow! Yes, we're gonna have to go right to... Ludicrous speed!"
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Savage Scars (Arcadius/White Scars novel) analysis threa

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Srelex wrote:This is the one where a Skyray tank casually blew up a Titan, wasn't it? :P
They blew up a warhound with missiles, yes, but the details arne't exactly clear as to how or what payload. And Warhounds aren't exactly the most durable of Titans to begin with. They can be threatened by reasonable amounts of ground vehicles. They're meant for scouting and skirmishing, not fighting.
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Re: Savage Scars (Arcadius/White Scars novel) analysis threa

Post by Connor MacLeod »

And another update of Savage Scars. Consider it the antidote to IA3 and proof of how to handle an Imperial 'loss' against the Tau if you want them to lose. Fire Warrior (which I'll cover soon in some future update) is another good way to handle Tau/Imperial conflicts.

Page 43-44
Not much larger than a tank, the drop-pod was essentially an armoured passenger compartment attached to a hugely powerful retro thruster, and although it would be recovered later, after the coming battle, it provided an essentially one-way journey directly into the heart of battle.
The tactical cogitation readout in the centre of the pod’s cramped passenger compartment told Sarik that it was seconds away from slamming into the surface of the world the alien tau called Dal’yth...
The thrusters reached full power, and no more words were possible. Withstanding forces that would incapacitate any unaugmented human being...
Drop pod assault. Drpop pods are recovered Considering they have cogitators, small suprrise. Marines endure accelerations greater than human tolerance for unknown period of time - single or double digit gees maybe.

Page 44-45
he temperature was warm and the air appeared clean, though Sarik’s armour systems would need a few more minutes to declare the atmosphere entirely free of toxic elements.
Power armor tests atmosphere.

Page 45
Hyper-velocity projectiles spat across the jade sky, fired from a distant defence turret towards more Space Marine drop-pods streaking through the air upon churning black contrails.
...even the aliens’ heretically advanced anti-drop defences could not hit so small and fast-moving a target as a drop-pod, for the vehicles plummeted at impossibly fast speeds, slowing only at the last possible instant. Nonetheless, Sarik noted several shots coming perilously close to the drop-pods, evidence, if any were needed, of just how fearsomely effective the aliens’ weapons truly were.
Tau air defences cannto target or hit drop pods - not evne glancing hits. (contrast with in Grey Hunter how defence lasers could at least make grazing hits.
Again why was there a danger that prevented close deployment again? ;)

Page 45-46
Sarik activated the tactical display within his helmet, reams of battlefield and command script suddenly appearing across his field of vision. Status runes indicated that the six White Scars drop-pods were all safely down, and the thirty warriors were all deployed as per their mission orders. A line of text scrolling across the lower portion of his vision told him that the other Space Marine contingents were also under way, each with the objective of destroying one of the sensor pylons that formed an extensive network across the entire surface of Dal’yth.
Sarik's tactical helmet display.

Page 47
The entire space was crowded with command terminals, glowing readouts and blaring phono-casters describing every detail of the landing operations. Tacticae advisors and Imperial Guard staff officers manned dozens of stations, and vox-servitors and Munitorum logisters shuffled from one to the next, collating and dispensing raw data in ream after ream of parchment. Located in the heart of the Blade of Woe, the command chamber was Gauge’s personal domain and it could have been a high command bunker at the front line of any of the Imperium’s sector-spanning wars.
IG command center onboard the flagship. Guess Gauge forgot his Leviathan.

Page 47
The image resolved into a real time capture of the surface of Dal’yth Prime, transmitted by an orbital spy-drone controlled by one of Gauge’s command staff.
Imperial forces making use of orbital spy drones/satellites for recon data, something we get absolutely no mention of at Taros.

Page 48
Each of the three primary runes represented a vital node in the planetwide sensor network. Taking out those nodes would blind the tau to the exact details of the main landings. The landings themselves could never be hidden, but at least the tau could be put at a major disadvantage if they could not clearly see what was happening at the landing zone. The defenders would be forced to commit their forces piecemeal, probing for the Imperium’s armies.
“All ground forces will be equipped with as many anti-air weapons as they can carry, and what sub-orbital fighter capacity we do have will be fully committed. But frankly, we really have no idea what the tau might throw against us.”
The ground assault strategy. It's not brilliant, but given what they know (very little) and what they have to work with it's probably the best they can manage.

Page 48-49
“Then why not wait, general,” said Cardinal Gurney, standing resplendent in the finery of his office. “Or bombard the entire world into submission.”
Actually, a good point. In this case I can only say that politics intervenes (the IG want the honour of the fight, Lucian wants profit and power, the AdMech want tua tech, etc.)

Page 49
Brother Qaja, the Space Marine who commanded the Nomad’s fire control station when the squad was serving as the frigate’s command cadre, was the first to join him. He seemed unencumbered by the huge plasma cannon he carried in both hands, and by the massive, humming power source on his back.
Plasma cannon with backpack power source.

Page 50
Sarik risked a glance around the boulder, hoping to get a fix on the turret that pinned him and his squad down. No sooner had he leaned around the outcrop than he was forced to pull his head back sharply. A torrent of rounds erupted against the rock, sending up plumes of vaporised stone and shards of razor-sharp shrapnel.
Sarik had seen a ring of smaller structures around the base of the pylon, and halfway up its flanks the turret from which the hail of blue energy bolts was being unleashed.
Tau fixed defenses.

Page 51-52
The boltguns spat explosive death towards the aliens, who should have been cut down in a bloody swathe. But instead of striking the tau warriors and exploding inside their bodies, the rounds detonated in mid air without striking a single one.

“Energy shield!” Sarik bellowed, frustrated once more by the perfidiousness of the aliens’ technology. The tau warriors brought their own long-barrelled rifles to bear on Brother Qaja. Before the Space Marine could fire, a dozen blue energy bolts lanced towards him as the alien soldiers opened fire through what was clearly a one-way energy shield that allowed the tau to fire from behind its protection.

Brother Qaja was caught in the storm, the blue bolts slamming into his power armour and vaporising large chunks of ceramite and the flesh beneath.
But Sarik’s curse turned into a howl of joy as he saw that his battle-brother was far from dead. Dragging himself up onto one knee, his face a mask of grim determination, Qaja levelled his cannon at the turret.
...Qaja opened fire. His target was high up on the side of the massive sensor pylon, and was not protected by the energy shield that had saved the alien warriors on the ground. The plasma cannon spat a roiling ball of raw energy, which lanced upwards and slammed into the turret. The side of the pylon erupted in an explosion of blinding violet light as the turret disintegrated, showering the tau below with liquid gobbets of the fabric of the pylon, turned molten by the plasma blast.
Tau sensor system shielded, albeit not completely and it operates one way. Plasma cannon melts surface of the pylon, and tau pulse rifles seem to penetrate armor, but not deep enough for fatal injuries.

Page 52
As he passed Brother Qaja, he saw that the warrior was grievously wounded, but willing and able to fight on. The plasma cannon whined as it drew power for a second shot.
Again pulse rifle shots don't penetrate deeply, but they do some damage at least.

Page 53
The projector was around three metres tall, and made of the same hard, white material as the main sensor pylon. Sarik pressed his hand against it, seeking to judge something of its properties.
Height of shield projector.

Page 53
Keep going!” Sarik bellowed, activating the blade of his chainsword so that the diamond-hard, monomolecular-edged teeth came screaming to deadly life.
Chainsword teeth.

Page 55
As the spy-drone relaying the picts passed almost directly over the scene of the White Scars’ assault, the shape of the main pylon came into view.
Spy drone relay agian. And again, the intel on the DGC is literally orders of magntiude superior to what we get at TAros - and this is the FIRST encounter with the damned aliens.

Page 57
...the Space Marines were following Sarik’s order. Bolt-rounds filled the air, the force’s heavy bolter adding the weight of its firepower a moment later. In seconds, the alien machines were blown apart as bolt shells penetrated the weaker armour of their undersides, detonated within, and scattered burning wreckage across a wide area.
Bolter fire obliterates drones.

Page 57
The last of the debris pattered to the dry ground at his feet and Sarik activated his armour’s strategium uplink. Runes blinked across his vision, and a stream of text told him what he needed to know. The battle-brothers of the Scythes of the Emperor were reporting their objective ready to take, the threat of another Space Marine force completing their objective first bringing a feral growl to Sarik’s throat.
Sarik has a strategic link to the rest of the Crusade's data. Which yet again shows you how dramatically different THIS assault is going from Taros. They're dramatically less inept all around, and yet they AREN'T effortlessly steamrolling the tau, even after they gain some knowledge of tau capabilities.

Page 60
In previous sessions, it had seriously been suggested that the crusade turn back, to return later with a fleet so vast it could reduce the entire tau empire to ruins. Thankfully, saner counsel had prevailed. While Lucian sought to profit from the enterprise, his allies sought honour, and neither outcome would be possible should the tau be completely obliterated.
While its up for debate whether the DG crusade could have defeated the Tau, its quite likely that if they had gotten a substantially bigger force they could have. Politics however, rules here, like it rules elsewhere, and in Lucian's case, profit. And this still comes off better than Taros.

Page 61
For the first time in the long months of the crusade, the entire council had, to all intents and purposes, presented a unanimous front.
Months of crusading.. how many I don't know.

Page 62
The warrior carried a stubby missile launcher....
...consisting of additional krak missiles to combat enemy aircraft.
Missile launcher with anti-aircraft role. You need anti-tank rounds to punch down aircraft too, it seems. This is Astartes gear though, so whether other kinds can do it I dont know.

Page 63
If it were true that the tau preferred their worlds dry, perhaps they used some form of planetwide atmospheric engineering, just as there were polluted industrial worlds in the Imperium where rain was made to fall at the end of each work shift to wash away pollutants.
Tau and Imperial atmospheric engineering.

Page 63
..though the skies looked empty. Perhaps the war spirit residing in the missile launcher’s machine core would detect what the eye could not.
The missile launcher seems to have automatic targeting. Or at least assisted targeting.

Page 64
Then Sarik saw that Brother Qsal was dead, torn into ragged chunks as dozens of the energy bolts had cut him apart. Brother Kharisk was simply gone, thrown from the high platform by the sheer weight of fire.
Effects of a fighter's burst cannon on a power-armoured marine.

Page 65
Even as Sarik pressed down on the firing stud, the tau aircraft opened fire. The air was suddenly filled with a hundred blue energy bolts, stitching the platform at Sarik’s feet or ripping through the air scant inches from his body.
Probably rate of fire of burst cannon,

Page 65
With a deafening whine, the enemy aircraft passed by overhead, its form fading again as it disengaged its weapons systems, shunting power back to whatever xenos-tech cloaking system had previously hidden it from the eye.
The tau flyer might be invisible to the eye, but it was not hidden from the senses of the machine-spirit guiding the krak missile that even now streaked through the air in the aircraft’s wake.
The aircraft has a visual cloaking system to protect against visual detection (but not sensor detection.)My guess would be heat seeking, since you don't really want your cloaking device interfering with cooling. Especially given that it is so energy intensive it can't operate with guns active at the same time.

This was (for obvious reasons, as this book comes after Taros) absent in the Taros campaign. It has obvious limitations to it but even the tau can't be logisitically perfect, so I don't blame the Taros force on the tau side for not having it. (not like they NEEDED it...)

Page 66
The missile banked left, following hard on the heels of the invisible flyer. Then it banked suddenly right and dived straight down towards the ground, matching the invisible alien pilot’s desperate efforts to evade death.

And then the missile exploded in mid-air, and whatever alien technology was hiding the flyer from view failed. Sarik voiced a feral war cry as the now visible aircraft shuddered and began to disintegrate. At the last, the main fuselage was torn apart as its drive section detonated, a thousand pieces of flaming wreckage plummeting to the ground several hundred metres below.
Guided missile destroys fighter, even cloaked. Range of at least several hundred metres on the launcher.

Page 66
“Be advised,” Sarik added as he scanned the jade skies. “Enemy aircraft are utilising some form of optical shielding. They’re invisible to the naked eye.”
Sarik comments on the optical shielding. Hey look, sharing of vital information.

Page 68
Dozens of screens showed fleet assets moving into position as lumbering troop transports prepared to disgorge hundreds upon hundreds of drop-vessels. These ranged in size from ships ferrying a single squad or platoon to the surface, to those carrying entire companies of armoured vehicles. The greatest and most impressive were those of the Adeptus Mechanicus, by which the mighty god-machines of the Titanicus would be deployed to the surface. For each man that would land on the surface, another hundred at least supported the action, each forming a vital link in the chain. In truth, the Damocles Gulf Crusade was a relatively minor undertaking in the grand scheme of the Imperium’s wars....
The central pict screen now showed the view over the landing zone as seen by a sub-orbital spy-drone a dozen kilometres overhead. Reams of data scrolled across a dozen smaller screens, each contributing to the general’s picture of the grand invasion.
Landing operation. Hundreds of dropships of al sorts. We're presented with the ratio of 100 support personnel for 1 person. We also get clarification of the spy drones locations (or one of them) 12 km up and providing data. The General seems to be obtaining data from multiple sources as well. It's worth noting how differently this landing is pulled off compared to Taros.

Page 69
The operation unfolded over the following hours, General Gauge scarcely needing to issue any further orders, for the landings had been planned in meticulous detail. Regiment after regiment made the drop. While the elite Space Marines landed in small, five-man drop-pods, the Imperial Guard deployed in far larger drop-ships, each capable of ferrying an entire infantry company and its equipment, a troop of Leman Russ tanks, or an armoured infantry platoon mounted in Chimera carriers. The landings were not unopposed, however, for while the tau pulled back what ground units were near the landing zone, they committed large numbers of flyers to contest the landings, which General Gauge’s force was hard-pressed to counter.
Imperial Guard deployment. Drop ships can deploy a company, a squad or platoon of tanks (not sure which), or an armoured fist platoon.
Also deployment achieved withou "hours" implied. Again contrast with Taros.

Page 70
With the tau flyers concentrating on the Space Marines, the Imperial Guard were able to land several mobile air defence companies of Hydra flak tanks. Though one transport was engaged as it plummeted through the atmosphere and shot down with the loss of a dozen tanks and several hundred lives, the remainder were able to deploy successfully. Within three hours the landing zone was covered by an air defence umbrella that made it impossible for the tau to harass subsequent waves. With the immediate airspace secured, infantry companies from the Rakarshan Rifles and the Brimlock Dragoons pressed outwards to secure the ground in all directions. The bulk of their number headed west to establish dominance over the road network leading to the coastal cities.
Air defense. Several companies of Hydras sufficient to provide denial of flyer attack.
Page 71
The tau units in the area had swiftly disengaged, however, and mounted an impressively coordinated withdrawal before the Space Marines could engage them effectively. Sarik was forced to admit that the tau warriors were worthy opponents, and that they fought with honour. The aliens’ fast-moving tactics reminded Sarik of those employed by the nomads of his home world of Chogoris, whose use of swift mounts allowed them to launch lightning raids before withdrawing in the face of enemy counter-attack. Already, Sarik had disseminated this point to the other Space Marine units of the crusade, and advised them how such tactics might be met, and countered.
Sarik assesses tau's tactics. This shows literally better assessment of tau capabilities than De Stael ever demonstrated. and generally, adapting better.

Page 71-72
The Rakarshans were followed by the crusade’s more heavily armed and equipped units, whose tanks, mobile artillery and armoured carriers were even now filling the air with the roar of their engines, the grinding of tracks and the smoke of their exhausts. As more and more heavy landers touched down, the first streams of men and vehicles swelled to become rivers, until thousands of Imperial Guardsmen and hundreds of tanks were pressing outwards.
All the while, the tau flyers continued to contest the landings, and though few had penetrated the air defence umbrella the Hydra flak tanks had established, those that had been able to slew scores of men with each strafing run. Fortunately for the operation, only a handful of the flyers were equipped with the stealth field Sarik had faced on the pylon. The Departmento Tacticae advisors surmised that these were an elite wing of the tau air force. The Imperium would be ready for them next time.
Thousands of guards and hundreds of tanks provides an interesting ratio, which again hints at the highly (totally?) mobile nature of the Taros invasion force (except perhaps the light infantry, and IIRC they have vehicles). Stealthed flyers do not seem common, which again may suggest why their drop ships and gunships are not stealthed and why no fighters on Taros had it.

Page 72-74
In basic form the lander resembled the drop-pod Sarik and the other White Scars had made planetfall in, yet its scale was truly vast. The vessel was three or four times taller than its width, its hull configured in a hexagonal form above the largest retro thruster Sarik had ever seen on a ship capable of atmospheric operation.

As the lander descended, an invisible anti-grav field was projected below it, an arcane and ill-understood system that would ensure the vessel’s precious cargo was deployed with all possible care. The anti-grav field pressed down upon the earth as the vessel neared the ground, the invisible forces crushing everything beneath it flat, including a tracked cargo tender which failed to evacuate the landing zone in time. The grav field dampened the area so effectively that the clouds of dust that should have been thrown up by the retro-thrusters were crushed downwards to form a carpet of sand across the land.
As the first lander touched down, Sarik felt the desert beneath his feet tremble as millions of tons of steel and ceramite ground into the bedrock.
Soon, a dozen of the landers had touched down, each towering a hundred metres and more into air that shimmered with the residual heat of atmospheric entry.
Finally, the sides of each lander lowered downwards like the petals of a titanic ceramite flower, accompanied by the grinding of metal gears and the thud of the huge ramps striking the earth. Vast clouds of dust were thrown up as the ramps hit the ground, and through them emerged a group of loping Warhound Titans of the Legio Thanataris. Each was a towering war machine bearing weapons of the scale normally only seen on starships. Though far from the heaviest of the Titans the Legio could field, these had the speed to range ahead of the crusade’s ground forces, moving swiftly with a characteristic stooped gait, to engage anything the tau might be able to field. As they formed up into a predatory pack on the blackened earth of the landing zone, the Warhounds’ heads, each sculpted to resemble a mighty wolf-like face, tracked back and forth across their new hunting ground. It almost appeared as if the Titans sniffed the air as they sought the spoor of their prey.
Titan landing. Pods are 100+ m tall, 25-35+ m across, and mass many millions of tonnes (as much as a Imperial warship, in other words. HAH) and have landing thrusters and antigrav to help them land safely. I'll note that Rynn's world also mentions landing craft that mass millions of tons :)

Page 74
Only the ancestral stasis tomb beneath the blasted surface of sacred Terra held more valued treasures, such as the Arcadius Warrant of Trade and the holy banner of the line’s founding.
Arcadius warrant held on Terra. Probably tells you something if the guys are exiled to the ass end of the Imperium.

Page 76
“ They even state they have the means to do so, though I have yet to see evidence that any of the crusade’s vessels is carrying anything like a virus bomb."
This tends to suggest that the Astartes forces on hand have no exterminatus weaposn available, if the Inquisitor is the only one to claim to have such.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Savage Scars (Arcadius/White Scars novel) analysis threa

Post by Connor MacLeod »

And along with IA3 we get a Savage Scars update. Again comparing how they do this compared to how Taros goes down is worthwhile. This episode involves the IG getting to grips with the tau at last, as well as a combined AStartes/Titan force spearheading the assault. will provide interesting comparisons between this and Taros once we get to the Titan deployments in IA3

Page 80
The huge bulk of the mighty war machine blocked out much of the dawn sky above. Sarik reminded himself that the Warhounds were but the lightest of Titans, and that their compatriots were at least twice as large again.
Reaver/Warlords twice as large as warhound

Page 80-81
“Augurs are reading a concentration of enemy armour a kilometre ahead. Be advised, we are adopting battle stance."
...the Warhounds were cresting a shallow rise, each around a hundred metres ahead of the Rhino-borne Space Marine squads.
“Enemy missiles launched, source unknown.”
A dart-like missile streaked directly downwards from the sky and impacted on the invisible void shield projected around the Warhound.
The missile exploded ten metres above the Titan, erupting in a flash of white light, a roiling cloud of black smoke billowing outwards.
The missile that had struck Princeps Auclid’s war machine would have torn a Rhino wide open.
The second missile struck the Animus Ferrox in the right flank, from a high angle, yet once again the void shield held firm and the iron beast strode on.
titan sensors, and the titans struck by missiles. Single missiles seem to do nothing to the shields, though. Missiles seem to be striking in a matter of seconds, implying near sonic or supersonic travel.

Page 82
Sarik followed the squad leader’s warning, in time to see a salvo of rockets arcing straight up into the air from behind a stand of trees a kilometre distant. In the span of seconds, the missiles had streaked upwards through the sky, closed the distance, and slammed into the Animus Ferrox.
A blinding white light flashed, and the Scout Titan was engulfed in a billowing cloud of black smoke. At least some of the missiles had been stopped by the war machine’s void shields, but in the process had overloaded the projector. The invisible shield had collapsed in upon itself.
Again missiles cross 1 km in seconds, implying hundreds of m/s velocity. We don't know how many were required to overload the shield, however. Or what kind of warhead they packed.
Page 83
The ammunition feeds of its Vulcan mega-bolter whirred as thousands of rounds were chambered ready to fire, and the coils of its plasma blastgun pulsated with the staggering energies it was ready to unleash.
Another salvo lanced upwards into the air, the launch point somewhere behind a stand of purple-leaved trees. This time, Princeps Auclid saw it too, and opened fire.
The Warhound’s Vulcan mega-bolter was, in effect, a cluster of oversized heavy bolters, each one far larger than even a Space Marine could carry.
The missiles either missed, was shot down, or they hit and did no damage. Given that the tau have to be using markerlights, it probably didn't miss. Mega bolter has thousands of rounds at least.
Page 83
It was a vehicle, but its construction was more akin to the gracefully wrought forms of eldar tanks than those of the Imperium, which were solid, brutal and supremely functional in their design. Then Sarik realised that the vehicle was not driven by a track unit like the majority of Imperial war machines, but by some manner of anti-grav generator.
Sky RAy I believe.
Page 84
Sarik saw the red beam lance outwards a second time. The alien warrior holding the source of the beam did so with countless thousands of mass-reactive bolts thundering overhead in what must have been a deafening barrage.
Thousands of mega bolter rounds in unknown but short span of time. Seconds? Also markerlights fire a visible beam. Kind of a disadvantage, that.

Page 84-85
And then another salvo of missiles came screaming in from a high angle. The faintest glint of red light reflected from the side of the Warhound’s canine head.
A second later half a dozen missiles slammed into that exact point. The Warhound’s void shields had been stripped, and even though the ornate cockpit was heavily armoured, it exploded as the missiles struck. The mighty war machine staggered backwards, its machine systems suddenly bereft of control.
Half a dozen missiles this time. This may reflect the previous salvo or not. either way six missiles only take out the cockpit, although this is clearly enough to disable the Titan.

Page 86
“Listen to me, Princeps Atild,” Sarik continued. “The tau are marking their targets with some sort of laser designator, which the missiles are following. They’re being launched blind, and the launchers are redeploying as we press forwards.”
The Imperium is familiar with laser designators.

Page 87-88
Even as the Space Marine spearheads were pressing westwards in their breakout from the landing zone, the crusade’s Imperial Guard units were mustering to launch the second wave of the advance. While the Space Marines represented small but highly elite formations, the diamond-hard tip of the spear, the Imperial Guard would form the inexorable main bulk of the attack....
The plain was filled with thousands of marching troops and hundreds of growling armoured vehicles, and overhead dozens of impossibly large heavy landers plied to and from the vessels in orbit.
The manner of the advance... Guard in the front, Marines behind. It's interesting to compare this to Taros, considering how poorly utilized the Space Marines on Taros were. Also, thousands of troops/hundreds of vehicles again.

Page 88
The force was drawn from the veteran light infantry companies of the Rakarshan Rifles, an ad-hoc battlegroup of around a thousand men and women who were acknowledged as the finest infiltrators and mountain troops in the entire crusade.
Lucian's force, also dubbed "Battlegroup Arcadius." at least 1000 men in the regiment, and probably more.
Page 90
n his hand the sergeant-major carried a polearm as tall as he was. Its head was a huge, double-bladed power axe.
Power axe.
Page 91
...raising his boltgun one-handed and unleashing a rapid-fire burst at the tau warrior who sheltered in the foliage up ahead. Bolts stitched the alien’s torso, his blocky, sand-coloured armour penetrated in half a dozen places. An instant later, the mass-reactive shells exploded within the warrior’s body, and he fell to the ground a ragged mass of ruined flesh.
Boltgun penetrates tau armor, although this isn't terribly surprising. (It is a bit surprising that the armor didn't prove to be as super-duper great as everything else the tau supposedly has.. but I'll admit Andy Hoare isn't really being super-one sided about the Tau here. Unlike Taros.)

Page 92
As with all the tau firearms Sarik had encountered, it was rectangular and hard-edged, lacking the ornamentation many weapons of human manufacture displayed. The grip was too small for his gauntleted hands. It was designed to accommodate the tau’s hands, which featured an opposable thumb and three fingers. Mounted atop the weapon was a device Sarik had not seen before, though he guessed straight away what it was. Lifting the weapon, he squinted into the device. As he suspected, it was a sighting mechanism. Tracking the weapon back and forth across the clearing, Sarik depressed a stud at its side and a needle-thin beam of red light lanced out from the front.
Sarik guessed that a second stud at the weapon’s side would establish a machine communion with a remote, vehicle-mounted weapons system. The link would be maintained as the missiles homed in on the target indicated by the red beam.
Sarik evalulates a Tau weapon, probably a pulse carbine judging by the markerlight.

Page 94
Sarik dived forwards, shunting his fellow Space Marine aside at the very moment a missile fired to life and streaked through the air towards the pair.
With a supersonic scream, the missile passed by a mere metre over Sarik’s head and struck the bough of a tree on the other side of the clearing. The entire plantation erupted as the missile detonated, shards of wood transformed into potentially lethal shrapnel by the power of the explosion.
Implies the missiles are supersonic.

Page 94-95
Relaying the order to the squad leaders under his command, Sarik activated his transponder unit. The device would transmit the location of each Space Marine and Rhino in the spearhead to the Warhound’s strategium, so that the Scout Titan’s weapons would not be turned upon its allies. Ordinarily, the transponders might be left to continually transmit, but the Departmento Tacticae had warned that the tech-heresies of the tau were so dire they might be able to detect the transmissions. The Space Marines were not prepared to take that risk.
Power armor has transponder beacons for IFF purposes, but fear that the enemy might hack them prevents their frequent usage.

Page 95
Then the skies erupted as the Warhound turned its Vulcan mega-bolter on the nearby treelines, sweeping the weapon left and right as thousands of explosive bolts hammered into any and every possible location a tau spotter might be concealed in.
Again thousands of bolts expended in a very short period of time.

Page 95
Before them, the tau grav-tank had engaged the huge thrusters mounted on its flanks and was rising up as its retractable landing treads folded into its underbelly. The thrusters swivelled downwards to give it additional lift...
A missile lanced from the treeline the Space Marines had just left and slammed into the side of the slowly rising grav-tank.

The missile struck a thruster unit on the grav-tank’s side, and although the vehicle’s thick armour deflected the worst of the blast, the engine was crippled. The vehicle slewed around, its remaining thruster screaming as it fought to maintain lift.
Astartes missile launcher vs tau gunship. Note the vectored thrust.

Page 96
His grip on the curved surface threatening to desert him, Sarik finally got a hold on the small hatch, and dug his armoured fingers in around its collar. Hauling with all his might, Sarik bellowed a wordless war cry, which turned into a joyous outburst of savage victory as the hatch peeled back under his efforts.
He pulls out the tau pilot, so its a pretty big hatch. Exerting thousands of tonnes of force (at least comparing it to other hatch tearing scenes, or similar stuff Mike's talked about for Vader in TESB on the site) He's not even stressing himself here.

Page 97
Lucian had monitored the advance of Sarik’s spearhead over the command-net, and warned his own companies to be vigilant for the missile grav-tanks and the observers directing their fire.
Again vox-net seems to be used ot transmit and relay data from one portion of the crusade to another.
Page 97-98
The Rakarshans had been transported forwards on Officio Munitorum conveyances, each large enough to carry a whole platoon and its equipment, before pressing forwards on foot. The warriors were well suited to the terrain, and were able to make intelligent use of the folds in the land and the regular stands of cultivated trees, whilst maintaining a rapid and steady advance.
The ambushes were growing in frequency, however, as the tau adjusted to the Rakarshans’ tactics and redeployed their highly mobile forces to counter them.
Use of munitorum transport vehicles to convey IG troops, at least to certain points. I imagine they might be used to further convey troops across longer distances. Note tha tin this case the Imperium is aware (By now) of tau mobility and is doing what they can to counter.

Page 98
“Communiqué from command,” Major Subad said, his hand raised to the vox-set at his ear. “Spy-drones report a substantial concentration of enemy infantry amassing in the conurbation ahead.”
Spy drones spot troops. You know, seeing how they handle things here makes Taros look even more hamfisted and poorly executed. I mean they have orbital surveillance, they're making intelligent use of the Space Marines and Titans, they're not logistically crippled (except perhaps being light on aircraft.)

Page 98-99
Nestling in a shallow valley around five kilometres ahead, Lucian saw a cluster of white, domed structures, and in amongst them, evidence of enemy infantry moving to and fro.
Lucian remained at his vantage point, maintaining his watch on the tau while his forces prepared for the assault. During a brief conference with the company commanders it was decided that the battlegroup’s heavy weapons, mainly missile launchers and heavy bolters, would deploy to the enemy’s front and pin them down. Meanwhile, one third of the battlegroup would advance north-west, hooking around the enemy’s flank to assault them from what should be a lightly defended front. Finally, the remainder of the battlegroup’s companies would work their way around to the enemy’s rear, block his escape route and guard against enemy reinforcement.
“The flanking group would very much benefit from your presence, my lord. I myself shall lead the blocking group, while Sergeant-Major Havil directs the heavy weapons. I shall vox you when all units are ready.”
Lucian's target Implies the valley is 5 km ahead.. although the valley itself might be 5 km. I'm tempted to lean in that direction, since Lucian is actually peeking at the location with unaided eye.. I'd be hard pressed to imagine how he could be seeing signs of infantry. In any case, it might imply some sort of weapon range, at least for the missile launchers and heavy bolters.

Page 100-101
There was a brief pause, before the sound of a missile launcher being fired from Sergeant-Major Havil’s fire support element filled the air. The missile streaked from its launcher upon a billowing black contrail, its firer hidden amongst the fruit trees of another plantation south of Lucian’s position, and detonated upon striking one of the dome-shaped buildings. The resulting explosion was the signal to the entire battlegroup that battle was joined.
The air was suddenly filled with the deafening roar of dozens of heavy weapons opening fire at once, thousands of rounds of explosive ammunition hammering into the settlement.
Page 101
An instant later, the riflemen were charging from cover and so too was Lucian. The sunlight was harsh after the shade of the fruit plantation, and it took Lucian a moment to get his bearings. Ahead of him was a cluster of low, white buildings, towards which the Rakarshans were advancing. The riflemen moved quickly, darting from one piece of cover to the next, each platoon covering another with weapons sweeping the buildings ahead. Despite the disciplined manner of the advance, Lucian knew that the final seconds would be a wild, ferocious charge as ceremonial blades were drawn.
Then came the whip-crack of a hyper-velocity projectile splitting the air nearby. The tau had seen their advance, and were firing on the flanking group.
The leading riflemen opened fire on the cluster of buildings, from where it appeared the shot had been fired.
IG advance on the tau. Hyper-velocity projectiles. Rail weapon of some kind, since its not a visible blue pulse. Sets some limits up on ranges, although we don't know the exact range (they might be close, given the final charge.)

Page 101
A second hyper-velocity shot scythed past, and Lucian imagined he saw a thin line etched through the air in its passing. A grunt sounded from somewhere behind, followed by the thud of a body hitting the ground.
Another hyper-velocity shot. again absence of pulse-shot visibility we're probably talking some sort of rail weapon.

Page 102-103
The carbine’s discharge was almost blinding at such a short range, the energy bolt slamming into Lucian’s shoulder armour. The impact blew Lucian backwards, his body striking the ground with a gut-wrenching thud.
Pulse carbine doesn't seem to penetrate Lucian's power armor.

Page 103-104
Then the tau’s head snapped back violently as a las-bolt slammed into it from the side. The alien warrior dropped heavily to the ground at Lucian’s side, the blue-grey of its face visible through the smoking crack in the helmet.
Lasfire penetrates tau helmet and kills tau beneath. No head explodey though.

Page 104
The tau defending the cluster of buildings fired a last, desperate fusillade and half a dozen Rakarshans went down. The high-velocity weapons tore straight through their bodies, but unlike many weapons used by the Imperium, they did not kill outright. Instead, they left the victim to bleed out on the ground, out of the fight but a drain on resources as medics would have to deal with them and stop their cries demoralising their unwounded fellows.
more rail weapons again. Interesting that it's simply overpenetrating rather than just's exploding. It may not be truly "hyper-velocity" in the sense of "crater forming" velocities.. but rather more like "tank cannon" velocities.. designed for penetration.
Why the tau are wasting an anti-armour weapon on light infantry is beyond me, but the Tau can quite obviously make mistakes, which is comforting. (And before you ask, the Tau are unveiling a new weapon against an enemy they can harm with their conventional weapons quite easily. I magine how the rail rifle might have done against Astartes.)

Page 105
The warrior’s helmet had been torn off in the melee, and he had a blackened wound at his shoulder where a las-bolt had struck home. There was no blood; the heat of the blast had cauterised the wound, but would have flash-boiled the surrounding tissue making the entire arm useless and collapsing the adjacent lung. If they even had lungs.

Las bolt apparently damages shoulder. collapses lung but it doesn't blast apart the limb. For a single bolt to do this, it would have to penetrate 10-15 cm and affect a similar volume (for a wound to the shoulder to hurt the lungs.) Two ways we can calc it. One is by surface flash burns. 10-15 cm diameter.. 79 to 177 square cm depending on area. Assuming 50-100 J per square cm at least we're talking btween 4-8 kj and 8.9-17.8 kj. In terms of flash burns I'd expect more severe injury (200 j sq cm or more) although not quite sure this could justify the 400 j sq cm value.

The other way is to figure on cauterizing/flash boiling the tissue. This is a bit harder, because it doesn't mean it boiled the whole volume I estimated above. Assuming the path along the beam is boiled(vaporized) we're talking maybe 5-7 grams (3 cm diameter beam 10 cm deep) would be 1.4-12 kj (depending on whether its just boiling, or vaporizing.) a larger volume (say fist sized) 10 cm deep... 94 kj to boil. (It clearly doesn't vaporize that whole volume). For the whole volume we *might* assume 3rd degree burning (scald analogue) which is between 345-350K for a person.. 35-40K temp increase.. we might figure around .4-1.0 kg of flesh affected, and 120-160 kj per kg for third degree scalds. 48 kj to 160 kj or so.

Overall, double or triple digit kj seems likely. Naturally depending on how the lasgun works it could still be MJ (like for a heat ray with secondary steam explosion effects, if the wound is big enough) :D Now the caveat there is that this isn't a very efficient lasweapon as is - little to no explosive effect, no bleeding.. steam explosions seem possible interanlly (collapsing the lung) but that's it. On the other hand, the bolt would have to be highly penetrating (particle beam or x-ray/gamma ray penetrating) to do most of its damage internally with just some surface burning.
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Re: Savage Scars (Arcadius/White Scars novel) analysis threa

Post by Srelex »

Regarding markerlights, Deathwatch describes them as an invisible beam with a red 'dot', IIRC.
"No, no, no, no! Light speed's too slow! Yes, we're gonna have to go right to... Ludicrous speed!"
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Re: Savage Scars (Arcadius/White Scars novel) analysis threa

Post by Black Admiral »

Connor MacLeod wrote:Page 83
It was a vehicle, but its construction was more akin to the gracefully wrought forms of eldar tanks than those of the Imperium, which were solid, brutal and supremely functional in their design. Then Sarik realised that the vehicle was not driven by a track unit like the majority of Imperial war machines, but by some manner of anti-grav generator.
Sky RAy I believe.
Not a Sky Ray, but a relative; the Sky Ray itself was developed after the Damocles Gulf Crusade, but that doesn't mean the Tau lacked missile tanks prior to that.
Page 84
Sarik saw the red beam lance outwards a second time. The alien warrior holding the source of the beam did so with countless thousands of mass-reactive bolts thundering overhead in what must have been a deafening barrage.
Thousands of mega bolter rounds in unknown but short span of time. Seconds? Also markerlights fire a visible beam. Kind of a disadvantage, that.
Several thousand rounds per second for VMB fire would be in line with Titanicus, at least. And the markerlight beam was probably only visible either through one of Sarik's visor filters (I can't recall offhand if he'd taken his helmet off in that scene) or due to the dust, tree bits, etc. thrown up by the VMB fire.
Page 88
The force was drawn from the veteran light infantry companies of the Rakarshan Rifles, an ad-hoc battlegroup of around a thousand men and women who were acknowledged as the finest infiltrators and mountain troops in the entire crusade.
Lucian's force, also dubbed "Battlegroup Arcadius." at least 1000 men in the regiment, and probably more.
I would say definitely more, as Battlegroup Arcadius is specifically volunteers drawn solely from the Rakarshan Rifles' light infantry companies. It wouldn't be necessary to specify that if Lucian was just embodying the entire regiment as his command.
Page 94-95
Relaying the order to the squad leaders under his command, Sarik activated his transponder unit. The device would transmit the location of each Space Marine and Rhino in the spearhead to the Warhound’s strategium, so that the Scout Titan’s weapons would not be turned upon its allies. Ordinarily, the transponders might be left to continually transmit, but the Departmento Tacticae had warned that the tech-heresies of the tau were so dire they might be able to detect the transmissions. The Space Marines were not prepared to take that risk.
Power armor has transponder beacons for IFF purposes, but fear that the enemy might hack them prevents their frequent usage.
Not saying that they could hack it, but that the Tau could track on the signal from the identifier beacons. Even if they couldn't figure out what the beacons were saying, most likely the Tau'd drop missiles on the transmission sources on general principle.
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Re: Savage Scars (Arcadius/White Scars novel) analysis threa

Post by Darth Hoth »

Connor MacLeod wrote:And we get far less tau wanking than you might think Hoare would instil.
That would be positively British understatement on your part. I finished this one not too long ago (borrowed it - no more money to evil, price-gouging GW from me :P), and I can only imagine how our Tau haters burst with joy at this book. If anything, it makes the Tau more of a bunch of gigantic retards than most of the stuff I have read portrays any Imperial faction as. :lol: As well as pathetically weak next to teh almighty Space Marines, but then all the SM-centric novels tend to do that to everyone else, so no surprises there.

In particular, I personally found the Brielle subplot rather unbearable for cause of rampant stupidity, but the running ground battles were hardly great either. The forces the Tau sent out to meet the Imperial invasion forces read more like RPG random encounters than any sort of military plan - First they send a squad of stealth troops, then a tank, then battlesuits, and so it goes as the party pass each of the GM's challenges. (I probably mixed up the order somewhat.) Each element in turn, more or less alone and unsupported, as a gimmick, just to show off all the options in the Codex. Particularly jarring when in the fluff (from what I know, at least), the Tau are supposed to be the setting's combined arms guys. Clearly Andy Hoare gets ground combat only marginally better than space.

Add a minimalism/logic complaint as well, if you feel like it, if a few regiments of IG troops are supposed to seriously threaten a whole continent's worth of Tau, and I would be pretty much done with my mini-rant, here.

Meh. I have to agree with you, though, the writing as such is quite better than his Rogue Trader books; I would call it adequate in this one, as opposed to mediocre in those.
"But there's no story past Episode VI, there's just no story. It's a certain story about Anakin Skywalker and once Anakin Skywalker dies, that's kind of the end of the story. There is no story about Luke Skywalker, I mean apart from the books."

-George "Evil" Lucas
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Savage Scars (Arcadius/White Scars novel) analysis threa

Post by Connor MacLeod »

And now the chaser to the Taros campaign. More of the Lucian/Sarien dual advance, showing different aspects of the Crusade assault on the tau.

Page 107
Floating two metres off the ground directly in front of Lucian was a small, dome-shaped machine, a single lens blinking red as if it were studying him. Beneath the curved dome hung a cluster of multi-jointed limbs, each terminating in an empty socket that Lucian guessed was designed to use the tools arrayed across the walls.
..marvelling that the tau should use such a wondrous machine for the simple task of tending crops and fixing broken fences. The red-lit lens blinked, and the machine emitted an electronic chatter, less harsh, but not unlike the sounds Lucian was accustomed to hearing around the cogitation terminals aboard his starship.
“Intelligence,” he said, lowering his plasma pistol a fraction. “Of a sort at least. You’d be popular with the tech-priests. They’d take you to bits, not be able to put you back together again, then declare you a heretic…” he added wryly.
“You understood that, didn’t you,”
Work drone. Interesting how Lucian here echoes the stuff in Fire warrior and how the AdMech would jump at having Tau tech to look at (despite the "tech-heresy" stuff.)

PAge 108
Lucian could not help but smile as the Rakarshan commander entered the room in full combat stance, a gold-chased laspistol fixed on the bobbing drone.
...the major’s expression told him the man was on the verge of blowing the harmless drone to pieces.
Implies a laspistol might blow apart a drone, although how much firepower to do so is unknown.

Page 109
"If the tau use such machines as warriors, they probably use even more as menials.”
“They employ techno-heresy as servants?”
"We know they espouse some extremist collectivism they call the Greater Good, so perhaps…”
“Please, we have our orders. That obscene doctrine is not to be mentioned. It is unclean.”
“I’ve heard that Cardinal Gurney fears the troops might desert in droves if they got wind of the notion that all were equals…”

“Indeed, my lord,” Subad said, apparently not noticing what Lucian had hoped was a witheringly caustic tone. “The Commissariat are alert for signs of taint.”
“Pfft!” Lucian said. “Myopic fools who can’t see past the muzzles of their own bolt pistols. Please, if one of those jumped-up demagogues so much as looks at one of our boys, you’ll let me know, won’t you?”
Now Major Subad’s face was a mask of horror.
Okay now this was actually amusing because you can see it happening in 40K.. esp in a crusade Gurney had influence over. Ignorance is bliss and all that.

Page 110
A number of the enemy escaped using carriers we had not previously detected. If you want patrols platoon flogged I can—”
“Flogged?” Now it was Lucian’s turn to be horrified. “Why would I want them flogged?”
“You want them put to death, my lord?”
“No!” Lucian said, exasperated. “Neither. Not now, not ever. Is that clear?”
Major Subad managed to look both relieved and confused at the same time, but nodded his understanding before continuing. “The battlegroup inflicted at least one hundred and twenty kills.”
“Twelve dead, my lord. Twenty or so light wounds, twelve are being mustered for medicae evacuation to sector zero.”
Again I'll give Lucian credit for being a more liberal leader than some IG commanders (apparently his own troops as well.) what with the 'no flogging' - but I suspect that might be Gurney again. Or maybe Grand. Also note the kill ratio... 10:1 in favor of the Imperium in this case.

Page 111
“What of the general advance? Any reports?”
“Yes, my lord,” Subad said, producing a data-slate from a pouch at his belt. His face grew dark as he scanned the first few lines of text.
“Initial advances pushed back what few enemy units opposed them,” Subad said, paraphrasing the information presented on the slate’s screen. “But the main advance has been opposed by multiple hit and run attacks and ambushes. It has broken up into separate thrusts, and each is facing increasingly heavy resistance.”
The IG elements have their own data-pad based links to the tactical/strategic network, receiving updates and reports on what the other forces have faced, etc.

Page 113
Even as Sarik decided the machines were no threat, the air was split by a hissing roar. Sarik recognised the sound of a fusion reaction boiling the air up ahead...
A sharp explosion split the air and the lead Rhino shuddered to a halt, its left track splaying outwards as its armoured flank was flash-melted to white hot slag. The Rhino veered right as flames belched from its left-side traction unit, shedding the track entirely.
...the lead Rhino, which was now almost entirely engulfed in flames as the melted armour on its flank began to solidify.
Tau fusion/melta weapon destroys Rhino. We know it breached to the interior so it probably. Assuming a 1x1 metre area of armor, 6 cm deep (Rhino armour thickness) is composed of iron and raised to 1500K (near molten) we're talking hundreds of megajoules. Not including internal damage.

Page 114
Flexing his armoured gauntlets, Sarik fed power to their fibre-bundle actuators to bolster his own, already formidable strength. He reached an arm out to either side of the hatch, locking the armoured shells covering his fingers to provide an anchor. After a final deep breath, Sarik hauled on the rear door with every ounce of his strength. The carrier’s armour was designed to be proof against the many and deadly threats it would face whilst fighting across the numerous battlefields of the 41st Millennium, and was not so easily beaten. Sarik took a second deep breath and bled more power from the fusion core at his back to his armour’s actuators. Warning tones sounded as the armour’s war spirit protested its mistreatment, then the hatch buckled at either side and Sarik hauled one more time.
With a roar, Sarik tore the rear hatch from its mounting and flung the metal down.
Sarik boosts his power armor to limits to wrench off the doors of a Rhino. It coudl be becuase they are bigger partly, but it does tend to suggest Rhino/Astartes grade construction is more durable than what the Tau have, which says somethinga bout Imperial construction vs Tau.
Also Sarik's power armour has a fusion reactor.

Page 114-115
The blast that had struck the Rhino’s flank had burned a concentrated jet of nucleonic fire into the passenger compartment. Sergeant Arcan had been standing in the open rooftop cupola, and his entire lower body had been seared to atoms, its upper half still slumped in the hatch. The three battle-brothers nearest the wound in the side of their vehicle must have been boiled alive inside their armour, which had been melted into a hideously deformed parody of its former shape.
Effects of the melta blast on the inside. Not the "nucleonic fire" bit. implies it partly penetrated, and armour melted/tissue boiled. I think at this point, coupled with the armor melting we'd be talking gigajoules expended tat least totally.

Page 115
Another secondary explosion sounded from the forward area of the troop bay as more ammunition detonated, showering the sergeant with micro-shrapnel.
I'm not sure if this means the ammo was frag in nature and has micro-shrapnel, or what.

Page 116
A third fusion blast roared through the air, burning a searing orange wound across the flank of one of the Whirlwind missile tanks further down the column. The blast was hard to track, twisting and distorting the air as it was boiled by nucleonic forces.
Effect of fusion eweapons on air.

Page 116
Then the sound of some kind of rotary gatling weapon powering up came from further down the column and an instant later a storm of blue energy bolts sprayed towards the Space Marines. Most struck the sides of the sturdy Rhino transports without inflicting any damage, but a battle-brother of the Scythes of the Emperor was thrown violently backwards as a bolt struck his shoulder plate. The warrior was unharmed, but he was forced to discard the wrecked shoulder guard and jettison the arm section as he stood to regain his position in the firing line.
“Tau infantry,” Sarik said. “But they’re using the same stealth devices we’ve seen in their elite flyers.”
Burst cannon. note you can hear the weapon cycling up.. bit of a giveaway that. Again the fire doesn't seem to massacre the marines.

Page 118
As one, the battle-brothers of each squad armed with the smoke grenades hurled them forwards. Upon striking the ground, each grenade detonated, creating an instant cloud of white smoke that billowed out from the impact point. Within seconds, a wide area fifty metres in front of the column’s left flank was enshrouded in drifting banks of smoke.
...“Movement, brother-sergeant,” the Space Marine said. “A parting of the smoke, but nothing solid.”
"The smoke parted for a moment, as if something were about to emerge.”
Smoke grenades defeat tau stealth. I wnder why they aren't trying some sort of infrared or thermal viewing. Perhaps they just aren't equipped with such now? (That would be odd, but not impossible.)

Page 119-120
]“Brothers, remove your helmets. Our foes are hidden to our sight, but not to our other senses. "
...Sarik rose and commenced a stooped run, breathing steadily as he followed the sharp scent. As he moved, the smell grew in intensity, until his suspicions were confirmed. The tau were nearby, and the energy fields they were using to shield their movements were giving off the sharp smell of ozone as they reacted with the atmosphere.
Tracking Tau shields by ozone.
Page 121
Sarik plunged the monomolecular-edged blade towards where he judged the enemy’s chest must be.
The blade struck solid armour, but Sarik brought it downwards until it found yielding flesh. With a brutal upwards thrust, Sarik plunged the knife deep inside the enemy’s innards, feeling the tau shudder and thrash as he did so.
The warrior was wearing an armoured suit of matt black. The armour covered most, but not all of its body, and Sarik saw that his knife had found the soft joint between thigh and groin armour plate. The warrior’s right arm carried a blunt, tube-shaped heavy weapon, and at its back was a device that Sarik judged to be the generator that powered its stealth field.
Monomolecular blade. The Stealth armor seems to resist penetration, though its not rigid everywhere.. there are gaps like most armor.

Page 122
The air erupted and the ground was churned as bolt-rounds hammered in from the Space Marine gun line. Heavy bolters added their throaty roar to the sharp staccato of the boltguns and the smoke banks sizzled as balls of plasma lanced through. Though un-aimed, the fusillade could not help but strike the foe. Sparks flew as rounds struck invisible bodies over and over again.
As each fell, their shattered forms resolved, broken armour and body parts scattered across the ground.
Bolter fire seems effective against the stealth troops as well.

PAge 123-124
The city was small by human standards. In the Imperium it was often convenient to pack the multitudes in as tightly as possible, as near to their workplaces as could be achieved, in order to control the means of production with brutal but vital efficiency. The ultimate expression of this harsh reality was the hive cities of such worlds as Armageddon, Ichar IV and Gehenna Prime, each of which could equal the industrial output of any other planet in the Imperium short of a forge world of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Instead of packing their population into a relatively small number of massive cities, the tau evidently preferred to establish thousands of smaller settlements across an entire planet, and Gel’bryn was the largest of those on Dal’yth Prime. Lucian suspected that each city was relatively self-sufficient too, if the surrounding farmland was anything to go by. The use of advanced technology, forbidden or simply lost in the Imperium, for such simple tasks as farming was beyond anything he had seen in his decades of contact with all manner of xenos species. It suggested a highly ordered society in which individuals were free of the drudgery that was the reality of everyday life in the human Imperium.
Tau vs Imperial citybuilding. Hive cities equal industrial output of any non Imperial city (although this requires a comparable input of raw materials which the hive city is unlikely to provide itself.) Tau seem to have smaller, more distributed (and self sufficient) settlements. And the basics are taken care of, which is definitely an advantage (no wage slavery for one, but you still have slavery of a different kind in the caste based setup. And about as much appeal to that as you do in the Imperium.) This also implies that the Imperium typically has fewer than thousands of settlements (including Hives)

Page 124-125
The Departmento Tacticae was slowly piecing together a picture of the tau’s capabilities, which it was disseminating to the ground force commanders as quickly as the reports could be compiled. The Imperium had learned more about the aliens’ battlefield doctrines in the last forty-eight hours than it had in the entire crusade, for in previous ground battles Imperial forces had encountered little more than line infantry. Now reports were flooding in from all fronts of anti-grav armoured vehicles, target designator-equipped artillery spotters and a myriad of equally unanticipated, yet highly deadly foes.
...“Be advised,” the voice of the Departmento Tacticae advisor crackled over the vox-net. “Spearhead Sarik reports contact with enemy heavy infantry equipped with some form of stealth field. Ex-loading tacticae script now.”
Lucian lowered his magnoculars and took the data-slate handed to him by Major Subad. He scanned the reams of information being transmitted from General Gauge’s command centre on the Blade of Woe, ignoring large portions of it and zeroing in on what was most relevant.
Item; main advance stalling, Imperial Guard units engaged by multiple ambushes resulting in fractured progress. Regimental Provosts to increase activities pending Commissarial intervention.
Item; advance to be consolidated into three main fronts. Battlegroup Arcadius to advance along present axis to probe city outer limits. Space Marine composites to amalgamate as soon as possible to reduce main enemy concentration. Titans to amalgamate ready to face enemy destroyers.
Item; second wave Imperial Guard units to proceed in attached order of march. Armoured and cavalry units to be made ready for push against enemy units consolidating along River 992. Armoured infantry to move up in support of armour. Mechanised units to muster as per attached orders
Lucian reviews the tactical/strategic data updates again via dataslate, collected and distributed by the IG officers in orbit.
Note as well that a mere 48 hours after landing they've made more progress towards their primary objective than the Taros forces did throughout their entire campaign, although the resistance does a good job stalling them. One of the things that makes this novel so much superior to Taros in the depiction of Imperium vs Tau is that the Tau come across as their competent, hyper-technological selves without needing to hamstring the IG in any way (in terms of competence or luck or logistics or anything.)

Page 125-126
The outskirts of Gel’bryn lay ahead, the details lost to the static-laced, monochrome green of Lucian’s prey-sense goggles.
Lucian knew that the advance into the outskirts would not go undetected for long, for it had been established that the tau had their own low-light technology. Though he kept the heretical thought to himself, it seemed likely to Lucian that the tau’s technology was superior to the Imperial forces’ in this, and many other fields. Though the Rakarshans’ own night-vision devices were offset by the tau’s, they had other advantages and skills to draw on. The Rakarshans moved with such utter silence that one could be marching right next to Lucian and he would not have heard. Their use of cover and concealment was beyond any human unit Lucian had ever witnessed. In fact, they were almost supernaturally good.
Lucian has prey-sense goggles, but the Tau (and Imperium) both have low light/NVG capability. The Tau's of course, is better.. but its nice at least Hoare bothered to give the IG some (again unlike Taros or most novels.)
Also the IG troops have "supernatural" stealth on their side. I guess they correctly whispered the litany of stealth, :P

Page 127
“Enemy, right flanking.”
Lucian adjusted the gain on his goggles and studied the terrain to the right of the group. The land continued to dip as it ran towards River 992, which sparkled in the middle distance. Three hundred metres to the east was an orderly plantation of the ubiquitous purple fruit trees, but to Lucian, they harboured nothing but dark shadows.
Lucian engaged his prey-sense goggles again, and could just about make out the Rakarshans’ thermal signatures as they dashed across the open ground towards the plantation. Lucian cycled through his goggles’ range bands, looking for any sign of an enemy in the treeline. He found none, but that did not mean there was no enemy there.
According to the tacticae reports disseminated to the various commands, the stealthers were not just shielded from the eye, but from other targeting devices too. Perhaps even from the war spirit that animated Lucian’s prey-sense goggles.
Lucian's goggles have multi-spectrum capability and infrared. The tau ground troops seem to be protected against thermal viewing, which seems to contradict my earlier assessment about the stealth capabilities. Then again it is possible their shielding against stealth and other means of targeting is usable against troops (at least against troops doing certain things) but not against vehicles - aircraft need to propel themselves after all, and that means emitting energy in some form.
Also note the 300 metre (potential range) bit.

Page 128
...the high-pitched whine of the containment coils drawing power from the plasma flask would ring out like a bugle signalling a cavalry charge. Lucian nodded his thanks to the signalman and re-holstered the pistol, drawing his power sword instead, but not activating it for now. The sword could be powered up in a second, so he could leave doing so until really needed, whereas the pistol could take long seconds to be readied to fire.
Lucain's plasma pistol is not designed for silent operation. Power swords can power up in a second.

PAge 128
He was painfully aware of every little sound his suit made, marvelling that he had never noticed any of them before. The fusion core of his backpack gave off a low hum, while the actuators at the suit’s joints hissed and strained with his every movement. Ordinarily, the sounds were practically inaudible...
Power armor as we know (including Lucians') is not stealthy.

Page 129
"They have detected movement beneath the trees. It must be an ambush.”
Lucian located the riflemen, who were spread out in a line about a hundred metres ahead, each taking cover behind the low lying shrubs that studded the area.
Lucian's troops detect the ambush, despite Tau stealth. The Imperium has magic on its side often.

PAge 129-130
Lucian was about to give the order to press on when a thunderous burst of gunfire erupted from the treeline.
...A second burst of gunfire sounded, pale blue bolts whipping through the air all too close.
Now Lucian was picking up speed as he neared the dark treeline, and a third volley of gunfire split the air. The projectiles were the same condensed energy packets fired by other tau weapons, but the discharge of the weapon firing sounded distinctly different, somehow cruder and certainly noisier.
This could imply, as above that the Kroot engaged from 300-400 metres or so away.. depends alot on positioning of forces and who they are firing on.
Also Kroot rifle fire is the same (roughly) sort of ammo as Tau rifles, just with a different firing mechanism. It tends to suggest Tau pulse rifles are some kind of projectiel weapon with a plasma projectile.

Page 133
The plasma bolt burned a hole right through the torso of the first enemy in its way and incinerated the one behind it. The enemy faltered in their assault, and in that moment Lucian saw that scores more of them were pouring from the treeline.
Effect of Lucian's plasma weapon. MJ to half MJ for incinerating (assuming badly burnt) as well punching a hole of unknonw size through target.

Page 134-135
..he raised his plasma pistol at the onrushing aliens and let off another blast. The shot struck an alien square in its roaring, beaked head, decapitating it and setting its still-standing body alight.

The aliens nearest to the conflagration leaped back from the fire, hissing and whistling in obvious fear.
Lucian fired another plasma bolt at the aliens, who were even now recovering from the shock of seeing one of their number decapitated and immolated at the same time.
Igniting body.. maybe 125 j per square cm assuming it sets upper head and torso on fire.. hundreds of MJ at least, several mJ if whole body ignited (but he wasn't engulfed so I doubt that) - more probably 125 kj for ignition.. although it ignores the head destruction.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Savage Scars (Arcadius/White Scars novel) analysis threa

Post by Connor MacLeod »

I want to finish the tau-based stuff.. I'm going to probably finish up IA3 the same.. then move to IA4 which I'll probalby just cover in two updates (its alot smaller.) I'm thinking I might start in on the Space wolf stuff now... at least the Bill King stuff. I dont have the Lightener novels read but I'll keep them part of the same series. I was also debating doing the Aaron Dembski Bowden Night Lords novels next, simply because I've enjoyed them (and ADB as a writer in general.)

Part one of two

Page 136
It was like standing on the outer hull of the ship itself, for the blister was made not of solid material, but an invisible force field.
Tau can shape rooms or windows from force fields. Seems a bit risky, if the force field fails.

Page 136
Of course she had lied, it was the only way she could see to avert disaster and dissuade the tau from using her as an emissary to demand the crusade’s surrender. The vessels crossing the void beyond the energy dome were preparing to evacuate huge numbers of tau civilians from Dal’yth Prime, while a warfleet was mustering further out to retake the planet with overwhelming force. If the tau knew what Brielle did, they would chase the humans all the way back to Terra. The crusade had been launched in haste with no idea of the tau’s capabilities, was riven with internecine rivalries and massively overextended following the months-long crossing of the Damocles Gulf into tau space.
Brielle seems to have this habit of jumping in without properly thinking things through, then running awy when they fall apart. First with the Necrons in Fear the Alien, now the Tau in this series. No wonder Lucian gave the dynasty over to his son - of course neither of them are exactly geniuses either.

Also the tau evacuate their civilians while the military prepares to fight for the planet. I like this because its a balance of obeying their doctrine (no point keeping civvies there) - on the other hand their populations tend to be much lower than the Imperium and they apparently have plenty of time to evacuate. At the same time they keep their warriors there to fight for an important territory - probably their primary and most important industrial base as well.

Page 137
“But that wasn’t why you told them the Imperium has twenty more battleships inbound. "
The observation blister was plunged in shadow as a huge refugee transport passed the Dal’yth Il’Fannor O’kray, a shoal of tenders and launches buzzing around. It was just the first of several hundred such transports the tau had rushed to the Dal’yth system with the intention of evacuating as many civilians as possible.
20 Battleships seems to make the Tau worry, although not to the point that they can't be beaten. Really puts the scale in perspective.

Hundreds of transports to evacuate Tau colonists. (millions if not billions?)

Page 138
“Look around you. There are no inquisitors here. There is no judgement and no repression.”
“So long as you do exactly what they say, Naal, come on…”
“That’s the point of the Greater Good, Brielle,” Naal pressed. “They don’t have to tell you. You just do it, for the good of all.”
“And if you don’t?”
“You do.”
“And if I don’t?”
“You will, Brielle. In time…”
“Of course it does. I love the Emperor. I just hate the Imperium. The aquila represents the former, not the latter.”
Again I'll give Hoare credit for this.. he's at least making an effort to portray both the advantages and disadvantages of the tau. Something tells me Naal has been getting indoctrination of some kind (which we know the Tau do), since his logic seems ciruclar.
Naal also thinks like Sarpedon, love the Emperor, not the Imperium. Which is interesting becuase Deathwathc makes it clear the Tau don't permit Emperor worshp (or at least, of the Imperial Cult variety.) It may be that the tua preach an adapted, corrupted variant as a means of controlling the human auxilia.

Page 139-140
“You will go before the enemy’s leaders and demand their surrender…”
“You must inform the humans that if they do not submit and take their place in the tau empire according to the dictates of the Greater Good, they will be destroyed. Utterly.”
She had been so sure the tau would have seen sense when she had so grossly overstated the crusade’s strength, yet they wanted not just a ceasefire or even a surrender, but to coerce the crusade’s forces to join them…

You have to give the tau credit for boldness and confidence if nothing else. The Tau though seem confident they can defeat the Crusade. not that that would get them much, in the long run. So the demands of surrender seem more like posturing if anything.

Page 141
The Space Marines had taken casualties when the tau had attacked the rear of the column, including both Whirlwind missile tanks being taken out of action as stealthed tau infantry used their equivalent of the Imperium’s tank-busting melta weapons from close range.
Tau employing melta-weapon analogues. Also note they display their finesse at targeting the right sorts of units.

Page 142
The air would ripple just before the tau opened fire, as if their weapons were bleeding power from whatever generator powered the stealth field. Sometimes, if an observer was looking in their exact direction, a change of light would cause the enemy to become visible for a fraction of a second, and if they were not moving and the light remained unchanged, they might solidify and become plain to see.
Most importantly, the Space Marines were learning how to predict the enemy’s movements and where to look for them. The details had already been voxed to the other Space Marine commands, and the stealthers were being driven back all along the front.
Limitations of the tau stealth suit. Visible ripple and the power dra wissues.

Page 142
The tau fired and a hail of blue energy bolts scythed the air where the Space Marines had been advancing a fraction of a second earlier. The alien stepped backwards as it fired, tracking its weapon left and right. The ground at Sarik’s feet was churning with dozens of impacts as he powered on, and several shots glanced from his shoulder plates and greaves, biting neat-edged scars across the ceramite.

A grunt of pain sounded from behind Sarik as a Space Marine of the Scythes of the Emperor went down, an energy bolt having clipped his cheek and torn off half his face.
Burst cannon.. implied ROF of dozens a second, and manages to blow off part of a Marine's face (cheek at least, exposing jaw) - probably glancing hit.

Page 143
Sarik opened fire and his squad followed his example, filling the air with fin-stabilised, deuterium-cored bolter rounds.
First mention I have ever seen of fin stabilization on bolt rounds.

Page 144-145
..Sarik consulted his data-slate for an update from crusade command. Almost a hundred reports had been disseminated since the last time he had checked...
...noting that the crusade had managed to land a small number of its precious fighter-bomber wings. Understandably, these were being kept in strategic reserve to be used only when desperately needed. The Imperial Navy deployment officers and the Departmento Tacticae intelligence advisors considered launching them into anything but totally empty airspace practically suicidal.
Sarik doing another data check.. and comment on the weakness of their aerospace defences for the crusade.. one of two major weaknesses facing it.

Page 146
The city’s towers shone bright in the full light of the sun, and each was revealed to be gracefully curved in form, almost as if it had been grown rather than constructed. The tallest of the towers must have been five hundred or more metres in height, and a myriad of walkways connected each to its neighbour.
Tau construction and engineering.

Page 147
Rebels would man their barricades with men, women and children, while most aliens made no such distinction between the members of their population. Almost every foe Sarik had ever fought regarded the defence of hearth and home as sacrosanct, holy ground for which they would fight and die regardless of the chances of winning. Yet, here was a tau army clearly gathering to defend the city, while others were being evacuated rather than mustered to join the defence.
Sarik considers tau removal of noncombatants odd. Of course, this is consistent with their doctrine and makes some sense even (for them) - they are more valuable out of the line of fire and only the Fire Caste does the fighting.

It also helps that the tau aren't so numerous on a world as humans can be, which makes evacuating them easier.

Page 149
Sergeant Cheren’s body erupted before Sarik’s very eyes. It happened so suddenly Sarik saw it almost in slow motion. An entry wound appeared in the centre of Cheren’s chest armour, the ceramite actually rippling and distorting around the impact point. Then the sergeant’s power pack shattered outwards as the projectile exited his body. So drastic were the forces exerted on the sergeant’s body that it was liquefied inside his armour, reduced to a red gruel which sprayed outwards from the exit point like a burst in a high-pressure conduit. The Space Marine behind Cheren was standing directly in the path of that fountain of gore and his pristine white armour was turned deep red as he was covered head to foot in the sergeant’s pulped remains.
The air was ripped apart as two more hyper-velocity projectiles passed overhead in quick succession.
Tau railgun on Space Marine. Broadside battlesuit. Note it overpenetrates the suit, but does nothing to the marine standing behind him.

I'm actually not sure why the round would do this. I mean if the hypervelocity round vaporized on impact it might do this, but it wouldn't exit the body per se. It can't have ricocheted either since it exited out the back too. Pulverizing most of a Space Marine's body with a single shot is quite powerful - it would take quite a shockwave to pulverize the body. Possibly grenade level damage (double/triple digit kj?). Maybe they're firing bursts of smaller projectiles? If so the yield could be quite a bit less (individual shots might scatter or ricochoet.. and anoter would just punch out the back.
Interesting that the suit (even the seals) remained intact against this.

Page 149-150
A deafening crack split the air and a hyper-velocity projectile slammed into the opposite face of the boulder Sarik was sheltering behind. It must have weighed ten tons, yet it visibly trembled and a jagged fracture appeared on the rock face right before Sarik’s eyes.
“It’s the same ordnance they use on their warships,”
"Each has twin shoulder-mounted weapons of unknown type. Range too great to engage.”
a 10 ton bolder is perhaps 2-2.5 metres in diameter. Even a slight tremor (say a few cm) will carry hefty momentum (2-300 kg*ms at least) and probably at least several times that.

Also they greatly outrange the bolters.

Page 150-151
"Lahmas, I want you to patch your sensorium exlink directly to my system. Keep eyes on, I’m calling this one in.”
...Sarik’s vision froze, then dissolved into static. A moment later a rune blinked into being, and then the view was replaced by the scene from the other sergeant’s point of view.
“Machine communion established."
Sarik had to focus his thoughts and concentrate hard to control the other’s sensorium system, but after a moment he made the view magnify as much as it was able without the aid of magnoculars.
Each was half as tall again as a Space Marine, their blocky armour reminding Sarik of one of the mighty Space Marine Dreadnoughts, though it was not quite so bulky.
remote viewing feed from another Astartes' helmet, as well as being able to control that feed. Size of Broadside battlesuit.

Page 151
Before the movement was complete another boulder nearby was split in two, the Space Marine behind it only just managing to dive clear, and coming up near Sarik. Then the sound of the discharge rolled across the landscape, giving Sarik some idea of the speed the projectile must have been travelling to exceed its own report. He re-called the sensorium archive, re-playing the last few seconds at ten times slower speed, his eye on the timestamp as the projectile came in. He estimated that the enemy projectiles must have been travelling at between eight and ten times the speed of sound.
Speed of railgun round... we're talking 2.7-3.4 km/s roughly, which is about the ballpark for "exploding" railgun rounds.

Page 152
The channel was distorted, for the signal was being routed back to the more powerful vox-unit on board one of the nearby Rhinos, and then through hundreds of kilometres of atmosphere and orbital space to the Blade of Woe.
Range of Rhino transmitters.

Page 153
the squadron leader replied, the background sound changing pitch as his fighter dropped five thousand metres in mere seconds.
But none fired; there would have been no point with the fighters travelling in excess of fifteen hundred kilometres per hour.
speed of thunderbolts in dive, and in low altitude passes.

Page 154
As the Thunderbolts screamed onwards they came within the range of their nose-mounted autocannons. The relentless hammering of multiple rounds split the air and the tau were caught in a storm of metal as thick as driving rain. Though many rounds churned into the ground around the battle suits’ mechanical feet, so heavy was the torrent of fire that dozens struck their targets. Smoke and dust was thrown upwards, small white flashes of incandescence shining through, each sent up by an autocannon round striking its target and turning for a brief instant into a small, superheated ball of plasma.
It was a brass shell casing, ejected from the first of the Thunderbolts as it screamed overhead, and it was followed by hundreds more raining down on Sarik and the other Space Marines. In a split second, all four Thunderbolts had passed overhead and were already gaining altitude as they banked east in the jade skies.
4 thunderbolts unleash hundreds of shots in a second or less... average about 50 shots per fighter in the timeframe firing (dozens a second easily?) Range is a few hundred meters or so given speed and time.

also the autocannon rounds are clearly plasma warheads of some kind.

Page 156
...for the huge boulder near Sarik was fractured in several places and would not provide cover for much longer.
Its taken several hits now.

Page 156
“Beginning attack run. Be advised, this is going to make a mess of everything within half a kilometre of that hill. "
Effect of bombing run by 4 thunderbolts can pretty much obliterate everything in a kilometre radius. I'd guess between several hundred tons of TNT and a kiloton effective yield, dependning on "mess" (fatalities or just widespread destruction - in the case of the former it could be severa kilotons easily)

Page 157
As the squadron leader’s Thunderbolt exploded across the sky shedding multiple smoking contrails behind it, his wingman dived towards the ground, the air rippling two kilometres behind. The other two Thunderbolts executed a rolling turn and came back on the attack vector, arrowing towards Hill 3003 at supersonic speed.
Thunderbolts making a low attack run at supersonic speed, and Tau fighters engaging enemy fighter at 2 km.

Page 157
“Payload deployed!” one of the pilots called, and Sarik went down on one knee beside the boulder as four 1,000 kilogram bombs dropped from the rapidly receding Thunderbolts, directly towards the crest of Hill 3003.
The hilltop erupted in such a devastating explosion that the entire rise was consumed in a plume of black smoke that blossomed rapidly into the air. An instant later the sound and pressure wave struck Sarik, showering his armour with grit and small stones pushed before it by the blast. Had he not been wearing his helmet the breath would have been torn from his lungs. Just a few hundred metres closer to the hill and his lungs might have been torn from his chest.
Bombing run drops 4 1000 kg bombs. That's a lower limit for HE of course.. but even if my previous assessment was off by a full 2 orders of magnitude (say equal to only a few tens of tons - it's possible of course.) we're still talkign about each bomb being several times better than regular TNT. Sarik's contemplation of the effects would seem to compare favorably with my earlier assessment - if we take it literally at least.

Also we learn that they were a few hundred meters closer.. this means they were at least half a kilometre to 700-800 metres.. which sets a new lower limit on the strafing range. It also sets something of an upper limit on bolter range, although it's quite possible that this is a context-specific range (how the bolter is configured, the ammo they have, the presence or absence of specific kinds of tarrgting systems. etc. 300-500 metres is easily achievable with bolt pistols, nevermind bolt guns.. and we know from other sources bolt guns have a 500-600 meter range at least, nevermind them having supersonic ammo. It could also be a "effective range" issue - range to penetrate rather than range to hit. )

Page 159
Qaja had kept pace with his sergeant as he had closed on the hill, despite the fact that he was bearing a weapon that weighed nearly as much as he did.
I find it rather hard to believe a plasma cannon weighs as much as a space marine.

Page 159
It did not take Sarik long to reach the top of Hill 3003, for so much of its crest had been destroyed that it had lost half its height. As Sarik dragged himself up over the last chunk of debris, he found himself looking down, straight into a huge, smoking crater more resembling a semi-dormant volcano than a hill.

As Qaja led the Space Marines up behind him, Sarik started out around the crater rim..
Sarik pressed on, eager to gain the opposite side of the crater ...
It took him another five minutes to work his way around the rim, and by the time he had reached the other side....
Effect of the 4 1000 kg bombs: reduced the hill height by half, and the crater was big enough it took to walk around the crater.
We know earlier that the hill had at least a 500 metre slope. Even assuming a fairly shallow slope (wider than taller) we're probably talking a height of at least 100 metres (a hill over a km wide) Which would mean 100 meter area crater. Hell we can assume a 50 m height and its still a huge crater. The alternate way is by Sarik taking at least 5+ minutes to walk around the crater Even assuming a fairly slow pace (even though space marines are faster than humans) of .3 m/s it would be 100 m circumference, which is a ~32 m diameter crater. .5 m/s (more likely) would be a ~50 m diameter crater, and 1 m/s would be nearly 100 m diameter.
a 32 m diameter crater would require at least 6 tons to blast out. A 50 m diamter crater some 23 tons. And a 100 meter crater 180 tons. Which means each bomb had a yield of at least 1.5-5.75 tonnes.. which is not bad, yield wise, and meshes roughly with earlier assessments.

Page 162
The roiling ball of pure energy spat downwards, its backwash burning a channel clear through the smoke before it engulfed its target.
The solid matter of the battle suit was consumed in an instant, its very stuff feeding the plasma ball. The energies expanded briefly, the heat so intense that the armour from the nearest battle suit was reduced to wax-like liquid. The entire roiling mass exploded outwards, burning the dusty ground and turning loose rocks into a liquid lava rain.
Effect of plasma cannon on Broadside battlesuits. They'r epretty resilient against chainswords and botl weapons tho.

Page 167
...the force mustering on the other side of River 992 launched a series of daring hit and run attacks. So accomplished were the tau mechanised forces at this style of warfare that the more ponderous units of the Imperial Guard were barely able to react. As the battles progressed, cadres of tau anti-grav tanks swept in towards the crusade’s flank, disgorging up to a hundred warriors who unleashed a devastating volley of short-ranged fire before being carried away again by their transports.
Tau vs Imperium. The tau are faster on the offensive, but not so fast that the Imperium cannot react in time. albeit it is close. That said they are merely delaying the advance with these tactics, not stopping it, and the fact is the Imperium is at a disadvantage from the get go because they knew nothing of tau tactics and capabilities - indeed they under-estimated them, and they're facing reinforcement and vehicle shortages (especially planes.)

Page 168
...the XV-class battle suits appeared their [Space Marines] equal in almost every respect. They were heavily armed, each carrying anything up to three weapons systems, some of which were capable of scything down a Space Marine in a single shot. Their battle suits provided at least as much protection as the Space Marines’ power armour, and appeared to incorporate a number of additional systems such as advanced sensor and communication arrays. The XV-class battle suits were highly manoeuvrable too, for every one of them was equipped with a short-burn jump pack that made them as agile as an Assault Marine.
Crisis battlesuit capabilities, especially compared to regular Marines. They seem to combine the best features of Devastator and assault marines into one package.

Page 169
The tau were proving lacking in the field of all-in, hand-to-hand fighting. Many theories as to why this might be had been posited, from a biological deficiency that meant the tau could not focus on close-up and fast-moving objects as quickly as a human, to a fundamental moral weakness born of their alien philosophies.
Lucian was beginning to suspect that the tau regarded close combat as a brutal and dishonourable slaughter. They excelled in manoeuvre warfare, using speed and agility to dictate the terms of battle. When it was necessary to commit to a close-quarters assault, Lucian guessed the tau utilised the savage aliens his force had encountered the previous night.
Tau tactics again. Not sure whether or not "sucks at close quarters" is a complete disadvantage, although I think it depends on the circumstance. If the Imperium can surprise them and get close before they can organize or bring superior firepower to bear, then yeah, it can be decisive. This was pretty true in Kill Team - the Imperial forces came down on the tau from orbit and deployed at close range, wheras at Taros they almost always stayed at range and coudl do so because the Imperium had no detection means in place and was moving at the pace of walking infantry (EG virtually immobile as far as Tau were concerned.)

Page 171
Behind the commanders were gathered several thousand Imperial Guardsmen and hundreds of tanks..
Again tank/trooper ratio implied.

Page 173
He knew that Gurney was a firebrand, and it was by his sermons that much of the military forces of the crusade had been gathered in the first place. Many months previously, Gurney had preached first on the world of Brimlock and then across an entire sector, bullying, inspiring and cajoling the Imperium’s leaders to contribute forces to the endeavour that became the Damocles Gulf Crusade.
Interesting in that both the Crusade had taken less than a year to mobilize and get to this point, but was also built up from whatever assets in a single sector Gurney could persuade to join him. This means it is not only of a scale equal to or better than the Taros campaign, and better organized at that - but it was mobilized much faster.

Page 174-175
The tau would be wiped from the galaxy, their empire cast down in flames. As a rogue trader, Lucian considered that a crime of unimaginable proportions, for it deprived the Imperium of so many potential resources. If the tau could be forced to a weak negotiating position, the Imperium could benefit from the natural resources their region harboured. At the very least, Lucian’s clan could make a fortune in trade, but only if there were any tau left to force to the negotiating table and to actually deal with.
Lucian's position is interesting both in the fact he thinks he can get away with negotiating with the tau rather than purging them (as Grand/Gurney want), but that there's a massive economic reason for him to do so. It strongly sounds like he'd want to use the Tau as trading partners (if it was just the resources, they'd still have them after virus bombing the tua's worlds.) This shows an interesting way politics and motivations can vary in the Imperium - one moment it will be annihilating aliiens, next allying with them.

It also means that Lucian is more or less using the Crusade as an excuse to weaken the tau to make them easier to negotiate with. This all may be better than purging them from the galaxy, but it's still pretty cold.

Page 176
“Isn’t he more concerned with breaking alien comms?”
“Yes, father,” Korvane said. “But I’ve uncovered details of his serving alongside an Adeptus Terra diplomatic mission. The mission was to an eldar craftworld.”
“Interesting,” Lucian said, his mind racing ahead of him, aware that such contact was rare, but not unheard of. “I take it this particular mission was especially out of the ordinary?”
“That it was, father.” Lucian could hear the smile on his son’s lip’s as he spoke. “In that it did not end in mass bloodshed or planetary devastation.”
Commentary on a Tactica dude focused on breaking alien comm encryption (something noramlly reserved for Sisters dialogous or something) but also diplomatic missions to Eldar Craftworld happen sometimes, if not very often. And this is implied to be a non military variety (or at least not a failed mission.)

Page 177
Fire caste warriors coordinated ground operations, while air caste representatives controlled impossibly complex fleet manoeuvres like it was second nature. Earth caste leaders coordinated the logistics chain, while the water caste facilitated communications and the smooth operation of the entire endeavour.
Tau castes operations in a War fleet. Interesting there are no Ethereals present.

Page 178
Brielle was struck by how flawlessly the projection device operated compared to its equivalents in humanity’s service. Her father’s flagship, the Oceanid, had such a device on its bridge, but much smaller and far less reliable. The secret of the manufacture of hololiths, as the Imperium called them, was a closely guarded secret known only to a handful of Adeptus Mechanicus forge worlds, and Lucian’s had been gifted to an ancestor of the Arcadius as reward for services rendered during the liberation of such a world from an ork invasion.
Rather amusing how "rare" hololiths supposedly are, yet we see them all the time in novels...

Page 179
But, according to Aura’s plan, the crusade would not need saving. It would need reasoning with, negotiating with. The tau still believed, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that the Imperium could be convinced to join the tau empire and sign up to the Greater Good.

The tau were nothing if not optimistic, Brielle thought, a state of mind rarely seen in the Imperium.
Optimistic and naive. If it weren't for the politics and the logistical issues hampering them (and eventually Hive Fleet Behemoth coming to play) the Tau could have been in trouble even if they had routed or wiped out the fleet. Remember this isn't even a serious assault by the Imperium - this is largely equivalent to a sector level conflict - it's less impressive than a vast majority of crusades. Imagine what would happen if it were the Sabbat World's Crusade, or Jericho Reach..

Page 182
It struck Brielle how well the tau treated their combat wounded, each individual casualty being tended by an entire team of medical staff as they were rushed away on anti-grav stretchers towards waiting medical vehicles. In the Imperium, especially in the Imperial Guard, the wounded were often treated at best as an inconvenience and at worst as malingerers. They would be treated, most certainly, but not through compassion or sympathy, but more to get them back in the fight as soon as possible so that their duty to the Emperor might be done.
Brielle being a bit stupid again. She knows that the tau's "Greater good" philosohpy means that everyone is supposed to happily serve to the best of their ability even if it means dying. That they give them more attention is nice, but the fire warriors are still warriors and will be in battle at some point. Not much different from the guard.

Also, her assessment runs flatly contrary to quite a few novels (Ghosts, Hammer of Daemons, etc.) where we see medical issues crop up.

Page 183
Brielle knew that only one in four or five of the heavy bolter rounds would be filled with the chemicals that made them burn bright red, and that the air must have been filled with a storm of shots far greater than the eye could see.

Page 185-186
“Savages…” Aura said, glancing sideways towards Brielle. “So callous, and brutal.”
Brielle nodded, though in truth she had no sympathy for the surviving warrior. His commanders had drastically underestimated the Space Marines if they thought them so easily defeated. She had even tried to warn them…
Tau underestimagint non "Greater Good" troops again. Again arrogaance can be one of their major flaws.

Page 188
Bitterly won experience had taught Sarik that the tau battle suits preferred to keep their distance, bounding into weapons range, unleashing a torrent of fire and then retreating to cover before a counter-attack could be staged. But they could be beaten, as Sarik had discovered. The tau were highly accomplished technically, but they displayed an almost paralysing fear of close assault that could be used to blunt their advances and counter their technological trickeries.
Again tau tactics while highly effective, and possessed of extreme frepower and mobility, resemble sniping and skirmishing tactics (hit and run) rather than any sort of serious, direct confrontation. Indeed, they seem to suffer even more (psychologically) close in if Sarik is to be believed.

Page 192
The bolt buried itself in the rope-like tendons of the creature’s hip, lodging in amongst the flexing musculature. Then the mass-reactive round detonated, and the savage’s entire leg was shorn off to cartwheel through the air trailing a comet-like plume of blood.
Kroot's leg blown off at the hip

Page 195
...but to his surprise the alien made a casual gesture with its clawed hand, and Sarik’s blade rebounded as if from an invisible barrier.
“Psyker…” Sarik spat, raising his chainsword to a guard position. That changed things.
“The Librarians will hear of this,” Sarik said, as much to himself as to the alien. “Even should I die.”
...He feinted to the left and the alien gestured again, invoking its invisible psychic shield. He feinted right and it did so again.
Kroot (shaper probably) exhibits psychic powers. Apparently the White Scar Librarians didn't share this fact with the Imeprium at large, as the Silver Skulls acted as if Psychic Kroot were new and unusual in "Victories of the Space Marines.

Page 195
The bolt pistol spoke, and a mass-reactive round penetrated the alien’s chin, lodging deep inside its skull.
Amazingly, having a large-calibre micro-rocket slam into its head barely registered with the alien. It stepped backwards beyond Sarik’s reach, and screeched its anger at the Space Marine, its eyes wide.
Then the bolt-round detonated, and the alien’s headless body toppled heavily to the ground.
Bolt round penetrates skull, no serious harm.. until the bolt blows up the head.

Page 197
the tau empire was small and concentrated, and its fleets were able to respond to local threats far quicker than would be the case in the Imperium, where populations were separated from their neighbours by huge gulfs of space.
One of the inherent, and massive, advantages of the Tau. Despite the slow speed of their ether drives, they are closely connected, which means they have pretty quick and reliable logistical tails for their tau troops

Page 200
Dal’yth Prime glinted in the distance, and the blue plasma trails of a hundred tau vessels formed a blazing corona around the planet.
Hundred tau vessels. Most are probably transports, and I'd bet they're carrying civvies.

Page 202
"he Explorator, Magos Gunn,” Korvane said. “I sounded him out and eventually discovered that he’s a member of a Mechanicus faction that seeks to study the type of technology the tau use. He doesn’t care if they all die, but he wants something left behind to study..."

“Something of an outcast amongst the wider Mechanicus, but not so much for an Explorator."
Yet another radical Magos (Explorator) who wants to study Tau tech.

Page 206
“I think they’re coming to realise that the crusade is overextended,” Lucian said. “My son reports that the fleet is struggling to protect the supply trains, and if things get any worse dirt-side will be hard pressed to support orbital and ground operations together.”
Yet again logistical problems and the Crusade generally over-extended. Considering they've jumped into a situation they weren't prepared for, and underestimated the tau's size.. they're doing damn well all told.

Page 209
“It now appears that the tau are a substantially more established race than previous intelligence maintained,” Gauge continued. “Their domain is larger by a factor of ten than initially estimated, and their technology far more dangerous.”
We know that there are at least 100 or so Tau worlds initially, so that might mean they expected a 10 system/planet empire, which indicates the scale that the DGC might have been expected to face

PAge 210
“I propose a rapid breakout across River 992, crossing using the bridge at the settlement designated Erinia Beta. By massing the Titans and the armoured units of the Brimlock Dragoons, we can take the city’s star port and push the enemy back against the southern coast.”
"The tau will not be able to bring in any more reinforcements, and the city will be ours for the taking. In fact, we can use it to bring in our own, without the need to bring units through the desert from the landing zone."
“The reinforcements we were promised at the outset of the crusade have not materialised. Without these, we may have to consider—”
Operation to counter Tau tactics and befor reinforcements arrive. Note Brimlock dragoons are a armoured force. Taking the starport is a decisive advantage (I guess tarships can't land just anywhere.) Also note the lack of reinforcements for the Crusade. Again not much different than Taros, but the Imperium does far better here, even with the fact they have zero knowlege of tau capabilities.

PAge 211
His features were twisted and scarred, the result of Lucian’s daughter attacking him with a flame weapon before she had fled the crusade and disappeared. In amongst the scars, Grand’s face was decorated by a swirling mass of tattoos, describing esoteric runes and symbols.
Inquisitor Grand, post flame-digital ring. The scarring suggests he suffered severe second and more probably third degree burns, especially given it ignired his clothing (125 j cm^2)

Page 211-212
The Inquisition had such power throughout the Imperium that in theory, its servants could do as they pleased, enacting every possible sanction from summary execution all the way up to planetary devastation, for the survival of humanity. In practice, however, the extent of an inquisitor’s power relied on his standing within the Inquisition, and the broader strategic and political situation. To Sarik’s mind, Inquisitor Grand was on anything but firm ground, dealing as he was with highly placed officials and far from the Imperium’s borders.
The limits (and basis) of an Inquisitor's power.

Page 214
The tau, she now knew, were no different from the clan or the Imperium. They expected her to play her part in their great games, to subsume herself within the greater ideal. How was that any different from her former life? The only difference she could discern was that the tau offered her no way to forge her own destiny, while her life as a rogue trader at least allowed her some control of her fate.
Brielle reflects on the tau. Greater good not much different from Imperial life, although her station gives her greater control ove rher life. She's aristo of course (more or less), whereas your average peon doesn't have her benefits at all. From their POV the Greater Good probably has more advantages (at least security, no slavery, and regular meals and decent tech.) Its an interesting contrast really.

Page 215
During their last encounter Brielle had assaulted him, burning him almost fatally with a burst of the micro-flamer secreted in one of the ornate rings she wore. She still wore that xenos-crafted ring, but it contained only enough fuel for one more burst.
Er, what? In Star of Damocles it was a one-shot flamer ring.. so now its two shot? Ugh. Anyhow, in the last book she ignited his clothes, and he's suffered 80% burns on his body, severe scarring. Call it 50-125j/cm^2. assuming 7000-8000 sq cm (80% of a human body, depending on exact height) we're talking between 350 kj and 1 MJ, just for one side though. at least twice that for both sides, and more for all of the body surface area. 1-2 MJ seems more likely. what's more that is only half the payload of the flamer-ring.

I'll probably touch on this later, but this tends to rather dramatically show that 40K flamers, even disregarding cremation bits, are probably insanely powerful, given how viable handheld flamers (the pistol types without backpack sources and multipel shots ) are, nevermind the digital versions.

Rogue Trader (FFG) lists digi flamers as being half a kilo (seems a bit big/bulky for a ring, but not impossible) and we know that ammo is like 10% (the clip itself, but for the sake of argument the fuel is that mass we'll say.. its not likely to be more than half though) 50 grams of flamer fuel to cause 3rd degree full body burns. RL flamethrowers used maybe 1-2 kg for handheld versions to cause roughly similar damage. Given that - you're probably talking flamer fuel that is both more insanely efficient and quite possibly more energetic than RL flamer fuel/gasoline. and that doesn't even factor in we're talking two shots! (given 1-2 MJ per "shot" of the flamer ring, we're talking at least 20-40 MJ, perhaps up to twice that, for a kg of flamer "fuel".)

Page 218-219
So too were several dozen other tau warships, the blue flare of their plasma drives telling her they were assuming a station-keeping formation in high orbit.
Brielle suppressed a snort of derision as she recalled her conversations with Aura about the extent of human held space. No matter how she had tried to convince him that the Emperor’s domains spanned two thirds of the known galaxy and had stood for ten thousand years, he had refused to take her seriously. He had talked often about how the peoples of the Imperium would be welcomed into the tau empire, how they would willingly throw off the oppressive regimes of despotic planetary governors when the truth of the Greater Good was revealed to them.
2 dozen tau warships plus the command/flagship. Also the Tau don't seem to want ot believe the true scope of the Imperium at this point. THey change their minds.. at least several centuries later.

Page 228
ancient and all-but forbidden devices were being activated. Inside a huge and lightless vacuum-sealed chamber sat a sleek, black form, enveloped within a stasis field and blessed by the wards of a thousand exorcists. A secret word of command had been uttered, and a cipher-sealed communication heeded. The stasis lock was opened, and that which had been held within stirred once more.
Within that sleek form, a billion viral slayers were freed from aching stasis. Suspended in a blasphemous medium of hybrid cell nuclei, the slayers set about the one and only task they were capable of doing. They replicated, and with each reproduction tore in two their hapless cell-hosts. In a living being, such catastrophic cell damage would lead to death within minutes, sometimes seconds, as the host’s cells were literally torn apart and their body reduced to a writhing sludge.

The process set in motion, death was inevitable. Either the viral slayers must be unleashed upon a world, to infect the nuclei of every living thing, or they would expend the artificial gruel they were suspended in, and potentially break free of their prison. At that point, the slayers would have to be slain, jettisoned into space or scoured by nucleonic fire lest a single one remain.
Grands virus weapon. Seems to be far more virulent than usual (minutes or seconds destruction), but probably not as incendiary. Also seems to be more rare/lost tech variety, as well as hard to control (no going back).

Page 229
The Rhinos were accompanied by Predator battle tanks, Whirlwind missile tanks, land speeder grav-attack vehicles and mighty Dreadnoughts. The skies above the column were filled with the whining of jump packs as Assault Marines advanced in great, bounding leaps...
Nineteen entire front-line Imperial Guard regiments surged forwards as one. First came the armoured regiments, each consisting of dozens of battle tanks, their huge cannons levelled at the distant settlement with unequivocal threat. Behind the armoured spearhead ground forwards the Chimera-mounted regiments of the Brimlock Dragoons, scores of armoured personnel carriers throwing up a storm of dust into the air overhead.
The host’s right flank was made up of the lighter regiments, including the Rakarshan Rifles and the Brimlock Fusiliers. These would move forward on light trucks, then fight on foot, following in the wake of the armoured thrust and consolidating its victories whilst guarding the flanks and rear against enemy infiltration.
Guard and astartes forces on the move. Note the Brimlock Dragoons are Armoured Fist/Armoured units by nature, it seems. Considering the Brimlock make up a hefty chunk of the regiments here (7 of them) it's quite possible that there are quite a few mechanized infantry forces around. Hell look at the light infantry, they're on trucks.

Page 230
Behind the Warhounds strode the even larger, upright Reaver-class Battle Titans. Each of these was half as high again as a Scout Titan, with huge banners streaming from their turbo-laser destructors proclaiming the symbols of the Legio Thanataris. High atop the carapace shell of each Reaver was an Apocalypse missile launcher, each carrying as much destructive potential as an entire Imperial Guard artillery company.
Reaver Titans.. 50% larger (taller, I expect). Apocalypse missile launcher equal to entire IG artillery company. Assuming oh a dozen or so arty platforms firing 1 shell apiece.. 150 MJ or so of KE for the shells, and hundreds of kilos of TNT worth at least. If its for the entire loadout of shells (20-40) it multiplies by that comparable factor.

Page 231
The Warlord’s right arm was a gatling blaster, each one of its multiple barrels many times larger than a tank’s main weapon and capable of rapid-firing a storm of shells. Its left arm was a volcano cannon, one of the most powerful weapons in the Imperium’s ground arsenal, and capable of obliterating even another Titan in a single shot. A pair of turbo-laser destructors was mounted on its shell-like armoured carapace above each shoulder...
Warlord Titan. Cannon much larger caliber than a tank's main weapon - context is hard to interpret here but we might argue it means (for example) a Russ is smaller calibre than 150mm.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Savage Scars (Arcadius/White Scars novel) analysis threa

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Part two.. and I'm done
Page 231
..the Chimera-mounted Brimlock Dragoon regiments took position behind them. Gauge intended to use this mighty armoured force to smash through the main body of the tau forces and press into the city itself without even stopping. Aside from the tau destroyers, the Departmento Tacticae had not identified anything in the enemy’s arsenal heavy enough to confront a Titan. On the evidence gathered so far, the tau did not utilise Titan equivalents, as so many other races did.
Tau don't use titan analogues, but their Mantas are Titan grade. It shows roughly how space and titan weaponry compare. Also note the use fo mechanised forces against the Tau (contrasted with taros.) And again the Dragoons are mechanised.
Page 233
The tau had displayed such an ability at the tactical level, when individual squads would pull back and re-deploy with well drilled precision and often-deadly effect. But for the tau to enact the same doctrine at the operational level was not something the crusade had anticipated.
I dont remember if they do or not, might depend on circumstances, but its an interesting question Sarik raises. In this case, though they seem to be waiting in ambush.
Page 234
. It was an impressive structure, a hundred metres across and twenty wide. It was by far the largest bridge across the river, and far larger and sturdier than anything the Imperial Guard’s combat engineer units could have erected even had there been time to do so. The bridge was pristine white, unmarked by the devastation that been unleashed on the buildings of Erinia Beta. Even a single stray artillery round or rocket could have rendered the bridge unusable, but the bridge was perfectly intact.
Bridge. Engineer units can create bridges to move their forces over, but would take longer than 24 hours to do so.
Also a single Basilisk shell (or Manticore rocket) can render the bridge unusuable, meaning they would either destroy it, or put a crater in it that makes it uncrossable. Given that a Titan's stride length is some 8-9 meters (they mention Warhounds having to use it to cross, whereas the Reavers and Warlord just ford across the river directly) we're talking 8-20 meters. A shell or missile would be at least 90-100 kg of TNT analogue by that (for a crater of equivalent diameter in rock) to over a ton or so of TNT for close to 20 m. It meshes with the magnitude of other artillery weapons (600 kg shell from Wolf's honour, the basilisks from Storm of Iron, munitions from the GG series, etc.)
Page 236
The shore five hundred metres to the right of the opposite end of the bridge was even more obscured, a pure white bank of smoke sizzling.
Distance from bridge to bank. Means an approximate combat engagement range.
Page 237
Then the white smoke was parted by the passage of an invisible, hyper-velocity projectile. It left no trail or wake, and struck the Predator’s glacis plate at an oblique angle. The entire front left section of the tank was vaporised, tearing a ragged wound in the prow, peeling back layer upon layer of armour and exposing the Predator’s mangled innards. The driver was killed instantly, his body directly in the path of the projectile. No trace of it was ever found.
The white smoke that had parted when the projectile had been fired now drifted clear, revealing that it had been generated by some hybrid gas/distortion charge device mounted on a grav-tank.
Another sneaky tau ambush. Does damage to a Predator, soft killing but not obliterating it. Whether the round vaporized or the armor did we don't know.
Page 237-238
With its power systems crippled, the Predator was unable to traverse its turret to fire on the enemy vehicle. But the tank was not dead yet, as Choristeaus knew. By activating the capacitor surge device, every ounce of power remaining in the Predator’s machine systems would be flooded to the turret actuators. Enough power would be provided to turn the turret and line up a single shot, even as every fuse in the entire vehicle blew out.
A dozen angry sparks went up from various points on the wounded Predator’s hull as the capacitors were squeezed dry and the vehicle’s fuses blown. Then the turret tracked right, and the autocannon lowered. The Son of Chrysus opened fire even as the tau grav-tank found its mark. The Predator’s first shot struck the enemy’s left thruster pod, the cannon shell slamming right through the slatted armour protecting the intake and exploding within.
Autocannon vs Tau Hammerhead. While the thruster pods probably aren't the most armoured parts of the ship, it still penetrated and did damage which says somethinga bout tau armor. Also note the last ditch means of swinging the turret around.

Page 238
Before the second autocannon round could cycle into its chamber, the tau grav-tank fired. The alien gunner’s aim must have been spoiled when his vehicle’s thrusters had been struck, for the shot clipped the rear of the Predator, tearing through the armour protecting its rear section. The hyper-velocity slug was transformed into plasma as it impacted against the solid mass of the Predator’s armour, which in turn burned its way through one of the tank’s ammunition hoppers. A hundred shells detonated as one, and blow-out panels intended to protect the crew against such catastrophic damage were automatically jettisoned from the rear, a great gout of fire and burning debris erupting forth.
Less than a second passed between the projectile striking the Predator and the second autocannon shell cycling into its chamber. Even as the ammunition hoppers detonated, sergeant Choristeaus fired the last shell, which boomed from the cannon mouth and struck the tau grav-tank a metre to the left of the first shot. The joint between the grav-tank’s thruster unit and its main hull was shattered, and the entire pod split off to slam to the ground.
Tau railgun vs autocannon again. The HV slug turns to "plasma" which may explain the earlier vaporization - the round vaporizing itself with impact and creating a crater. This can cause widespread damage but is not neccesarily penetrative. although if the vleocity is low enough and the mass of the projectile high enough, the plasma might retain enough momentum to "penetrate" through. another possibility is that the Tau fire multiple shots.. some sort of kinetic penetrator analogue to tandem charge perhaps, or they have some means of force field "shaping" the blast for penetration briefly. Hard to say. Either way it seems to be both an explosive HV detonation and a penetrating one, which is sort of the best of both worlds. Assuming an iron slug that weighs as much as a APFSDS round (4-5 kg) and it vaporizes (nevermind reducing to plasma) we're probably looking at a good 30-40 MJ of KE at least for the Tau railgun (which given a stated velocity of 8-10x speed of sound is not impossible.) Higher velocities might be required for this, however.
It's also quite possible the Tau just have different kinds of ammo. They may use KEP for most of it, which does not neccesarily have to be high velocity or "plasmatize" - this may be a heavy vehicle killer round for all we know (Their equivalent of HEAt, perhaps.)
The autocannon carries at least 100 shells, but has safety measures against detonations like that. It also apparently reloads pretty damn fast.. within a second or so. Also again autocannon pentrate and damage the Hammerhead.

Page 243
Lucian fired, and the roiling blast of raw plasma took the tau’s right arm off at the shoulder, the backwash of lethal energies spraying across his blank faceplate. The alien screamed horrifically as he fought with his one remaining hand to tear the rapidly melting helmet away before the liquid energies melted through.
Lucians plasma pistol. Iwant to say single digit MJ for melting the helmet, but it looks flamethrower like and I don't think it behaves like conventional burning. It might be single digit MJ/triple digit KJ for its flamethrower like properties, though.
Page 244-245
It was as if lightning struck the ground not ten metres from Lucian. An instant before, the air became charged and his skin stung, then everything went white.
The surface of the road along which the Rakarshan platoon commander had been running was a blackened crater, seething with arcs of bright energy. Inside the crater was scattered the charred remains of the officer and at least five of his riflemen, every single bone of their bodies pulled apart, their flesh burned away by whatever had struck them.
The screams were coming from those riflemen not caught in the blast’s full effect, but who had been close enough to suffer from its blast wave. Men writhed upon the ground, arcs of what looked like electricity sweeping up and down their bodies and burning their flesh wherever they passed.
...It was a tau grav-tank, its turret surmounted by the previously unknown weapon that had unleashed the devastating energy ball.
This is, I suspect, a tau ion cannon in action. Whether or not it behave slike an actual PBW is up for debate but... its nasty. Single/double digit MJ at least for "charring" burning at least half a dozen.. cremation of any kind obviously amps it up a considerable amount (triple digit MJ, etc) and a crater beig enough to hold them (maybe 4-5 meters across at a guess?).. maybe 12-25 kg of TNT equivalent (cratering comparison).
Page 246
The rifleman to Lucian’s right was shot in the knee, his entire lower leg blown away as he collapsed to the ground.
Pulse rifle round.
Page 249
“Call in a medicae lander,” Lucian said. “I want those men

Medicae airlift for injured soldiers

Page 251
Gurney’s sermons drove the beleaguered flank units to superhuman efforts, his furious imprecations ringing in the ears of the combatants, lending strength to the arm of the Guardsman, succour to the wounded and dying, and even planting fear in the hearts of those tau warriors close enough to hear them.
He's an ass but Gurney serves some useful psychological purpose

PAge 251
At one stage the fastest of enemy cadres threatened the army’s mobile
artillery concentrations at the rear, which were moving forward in great, bounding advances while keeping up a storm of supporting fire for the front-line regiments.

The Brimlock Light Infantry moved swiftly to counter the sudden threat, redeploying seven companies and holding the enemy at bay long enough for the heavy weapons companies to set up their field pieces and drive the enemy off completely.
the mobile artillery (basilisks, Manticores, etc.) Firing, stopping, firing again. This might be an example of shoot and scoot but I'm not sure if that covers advancing forward or if its suppsoed to mean moving backwards, laterally or what.

Page 254
This one’s arms were twinned fusion blasters, each capable of melting a fully armoured Space Marine to bubbling slag.
200-300 kg of power armor 250-350 MJ for iron, 400-750 MJ for silicon. Boiling is bound to be higher (upwards of a Gigajoule or more)

Page 254
Sarik squeezed the trigger of his boltgun, unleashing almost an entire magazine of mass-reactive explosive bolts directly into the enemy’s torso. The first shots sent it reeling off-balance and it stumbled backwards on its claw-like mechanical feet. As more shots impacted against its armour, detonating with furious staccato flashes...
Then a crater appeared in the centre of its torso armour, and Sarik concentrated
his last few rounds on that exact spot. Round after round buried themselves in the wound, and detonated as one.
About an entire clip of bolter ammo to take down a battlesuit.

Page 258
The first weapon to fire was the Warlord’s gatling blaster. Rounds the size of
men were cycled into the weapon’s chamber, and fired with explosive force before the next barrel rotated around to fire the next shot.
Each round was as powerful as a heavy tank shell, blowing out the already damaged structures across the river one by one as the line of fire swept along their length in seconds. Sarik had only previously seen such devastation from a low-level bombing run conducted by an entire wing of fighter-bombers, each successive explosion coming microseconds after the last as the detonations walked across the line.
Figure 4000-8000 kilos per bomber perhaps (Thunderbolt to Marauder.. although marauders are argued to only carry 6000 kilos in both payloads which is a bit silly but eh.. an entire Wing might be anywhere from 6 to 20 fighters depending on source and definition... we're talking 24 tons of TNT to 160 tons of TNT over a period of seconds.

We also don't know wht a "heavy tank shell" qualifies as.. it could be a baneblade, or a Demolisher, or something in between.. "Man sized" might suggest something between 50-100 kg (depending on how big a man we're talking) It might also be roughly 6" gun analogue (~40 kg). We're looking at tens of kg of TNT equivalent per shell easily regardless, though. We don't know the exact rate of fire of such, but I'd just guess maybe 10 rounds a second we'd be talking about hundreds, perhaps thousands of kg of tnt per second (which fits with the earlier calc.)

Page 266
The tau utilised what they considered to be highly advanced technologies, reducing the reliance on living and breathing, and fallible, crew. The Imperium warned against the folly of relying too heavily on machine intelligence, many considering it a blasphemy capable of bringing about the doom of the entire human race. Indeed, Brielle had read texts that claimed that such a thing had come about in humanity’s pre-history, texts that ordinary men and women had no access to whatsoever.
Tau "techno heresy" using extensive automation. Of course the Imperium does this wirth servitors and machien spirits and auto-systems, not being much different. On the other hand, given hwo often Imperial tech can get corrupted or infested or possessed such a concern probably makes some sense. Although I suspect the tau are less vulnerable to this for whatever reason (we haven't heard of possessed tau computers or starships yet.) Also a reference, I suspect, to the Men of Iron

PAge 267
The tau, Brielle had learned, made extensive use of such machine-intelligent devices, some for basic security tasks, but many more for maintenance and other menial jobs. The heaviest examples carried weapons underslung beneath an armoured disc.
Tau drones.

PAge 268
Two million, three hundred thousand kilometres was impossibly far from a safe distance from a planetary body for a vessel to break warp and translate back to real space. Not even the most legendary of Navis Nobilite master Navigators would attempt such an operation, for in all likelihood their vessel would be smeared across interplanetary space, and every soul on board smeared across the depths of the empyrean.

Nonetheless, at a point in space two million, three hundred thousand kilometres
coreward of Dal’yth Prime, a wound was ripped in the flesh of reality. Were it not for the vacuum of space, the gibbering of ravening, hungry monsters and the wailing of every damned soul ever to have lived and died might have echoed from that wound, and driven any mortal that heard it utterly insane.
A black patch of space started moving, slowly at first, but rapidly gaining speed.
Whatever systems propelled the sleek black form, they cast no signature on any
spectrum the human race could read, though several older races might have detected them.
An inquisitorial starship, stealthed and apparently using some sort of stealthy (reactionless?) drive to move along, is able to emerge from the warp 2.3 million km from an inhabited planet... a distance which is an unarguable upper limit for "safe" distances (more probably tens or hundreds of millions of km from a planet as a safe lower limit). While not impossible to come out safely (Orks have done it) it carries dangers which probably mean destruction, and there are unpleasant side effects regardless.

Page 270
Where humanity’s cities continued to grow for centuries, even millennia, buildings often constructed in layer upon layer of rockcrete sediment, the tau built their cities according to need, and built another
when that need was exceeded.
Tau construction vs human construciton and urban planning.

Page 271
One Space Marine, the sergeant of the single tactical squad contributed by the Subjugators Chapter, was shot clean through his helmet’s eyepiece while riding in his Rhino’s hatch by a sniper at least two kilometres distant.
Tau pulse weapon (or possibly rail rifle) range. By FFG range a long las has a similar effective range, and a lasgun about 65-70% of that (1.3-1.4 km)

Page 272
“Brimlock 2nd Armoured is now across River 992,” the officer said. “As are the Rakarshan Light Infantry.”
.. had a tank and a light-role infantry unit crossed at the same time?
“The Rakarshans are riding the tanks, sergeant.”
They should have done this at Taros.

Page 275
The weapon locked onto a rapidly-dropping battle suit, and opened fire.
The burst of fire lasted only three seconds, but in that brief period, several
hundred rounds were cycled through the six barrels from the huge hopper at its rear.
The battle suit was caught in the torso at a range of eighty metres and a height of thirty, and it simply disintegrated before the Space Marines’ eyes.
3 seconds of assault cannon fire obliterates battlesuit. 66-100 rounds per second.

Page 277
Two-dozen missiles streaked from the launchers atop the
tanks on boiling black contrails, sweeping high into the air before plummeting down on the aliens. The resulting explosion engulfed the entire horde, slaying a hundred or more as missile after missile detonated in their midst. When the smoke cleared, the surface of the road the enemy had advanced along was a mass of black craters, several hundred aliens blown to charred meat scattered across the whole area.
Whirlwind barrage, obliteratres/burns several hundred Kroot - figure several hundreds kg of TNT total at least, at least 8-10 kg of TNT per missile, roughly?

Page 277
..from rapid-firing burst weapons similar to the Dreadnought’s
assault cannon..
..others used longer-ranged missile systems to fire warheads fully
capable of slaying a Space Marine or cracking open a tank with every shot.
Battlesuit weapons.

Page 279
Another of the hyper-velocity projectiles hammered down from above, striking an Iron Hands Predator battle tank square in the commander’s hatch.
The projectile turned to superheated plasma as it impacted on the armoured hatch, and the jet went straight through the commander, the tank’s innards and out through its belly armour. The entire tank seemed to be pushed down as if by an invisible fist, as far as its suspension would allow. Then it sprang back up as its systems reversed the impact, but not before something deep inside detonated. There was a sharp explosion and a fountain of crackling flames erupted from the top hatch. Another three seconds later, the entire tank exploded, shunting sideways the Rhinos on either side...
Broadside battlesuit weapon. Again note it combines KEP with shaped charge like effects seemingly. Impact also knocks the tank downwards.. implying significant momentum (10,000-20,000 kg*m/s perhaps?)). To be fair hitting hte tank turret hatch (and up on top) is probably the weakest armor on a tank possible.

Also explosive effects of autocannon round detonation is powerful enough to knock Rhinos sideways (wihtout apparently harming or blasting them apart), the blasts being channeled by the blow out panels. I'd assume at least several hundred kg of TNT for those shells.

Page 281
All three of them were carrying twinned weapons that Sarik had
learned were the tau’s equivalent of meltaguns, fusion effect blasters capable of
reducing an armoured vehicle to slag in a single shot.
Tau fusion blasters can melt a vehicle in a single shot.. assuming a 20-40 ton IFV/APC type we're talking 24-48 GJ at least (assuming totally iron.)

Page 281
The twin lascannon turret on the back of the vehicle spat a double lance of searing white light towards the enemy, striking the lead battle suits full in the torso. But amazingly, the blast, which was amongst the most powerful armour-piercing weapons in the column’s arsenal, did not penetrate.

At the last possible moment, a bubble of blue energy sprang into being, and the
lascannon blasts were absorbed.
Battlesuit shield absorbs two lascannon blasts.

Page 283
The two blasts converged on the nearest Space Marine, turning his entire body into a seething lava-orange mass. In an instant, his armour was reduced to slag, great gobbets of liquefied ceramite blowing backwards and splattering across the battlebrothers following close behind. In less than a second, the Devastator was gone,
nothing but a long smear of rapidly cooling, bubbling liquid marking his passing.
Fusion blasters together.. melt/boil power armoured marine again.. hundreds of MJ at least.

Page 285
The other battle suit’s energy shield cast a shimmering blue bubble. Sarik
bellowed as he held the weapons on target, forcing the fusion beams to burn through the shield. Overwhelmed by the titanic energies, the shield pulsated, before collapsing in upon its projector.

The battle suit’s armour withheld the raging sun storm for all of three seconds
before the panels peeled back, one laminate at a time, each layer disintegrating into billowing black gas. The instant the armour was gone, the rest of the suit was turned to liquid fire which splattered on the hot winds stirred up in the wake of the devastation.
Tau dual fusion blasters vs Tau battlesuit.

Page 289
Lucian was hitching a ride in a Chimera belonging to the 2nd Armoured’s
regimental intelligence cell...
The passenger bay was cramped, filled
with staff officers working field-cogitation stations and yelling into vox-sets.
Intel chimera.

Page 289-290
“You know as well as I that his authority beyond the Imperium relies on others acknowledging it. His rosette holds no more inherent authority than your warrant, or the council’s charter. The council only accepts its dissolution because its members are scared of him.”
“You’re right; we’re all peers out here, but what happens when we get back to Imperial space? If we make an enemy of him, a real enemy, we make an enemy of the entire Inquisition."
Inquisitorial authority again. It seems to depend on the compliance/submission of those facing it, which may or may not work depending on circumstnaces (power/influence, resources, perceptions of authority or political backing, etc.) Again theoretical vs practical.

Page 290
He looked across the command Chimera’s transport bay, towards the glowing map displayed on a nearby tacticae-station. The 2nd Armoured was coming up on ten kilometres from the star port, and would soon be linking up with Sarik’s Space Marine force.
Map display inside chimera, showing positions of Imperial forces.

Page 296
Entire regiments of tanks rolled aside any opposition they encountered, though only the heavy battle suits even dared make a concerted stand against such forces. Dragoon regiments moved forward rapidly, armoured fist squads using their Chimera transports as mobile bunkers and fire support bases as they dismounted and cleared enemy-held positions with bayonets fixed. While the Rakarshans rode forwards on the backs of the 2nd Armoured’s tanks, other light infantry units followed on foot, using their skills in fieldcraft to move rapidly through the urban terrain.
Deployment of Imperial forces... most of the "foot" troopers seem to be light infantry, which suggests the others are either armoured or mechanized (DRagoon regiments, eg the Brimlock.) We dont know ratios or anything, but it is interesting nonetheless.

Page 296
Tau stealth suits launched desperate and often suicidal attacks
against the Titans, leaping from high structures in an effort to board the mighty war machines.

Using fusion blasters, the stealthers attempted to cut through the Titans’ ceramite armoured shells and disable the systems within.
tau response to titans. They did disable a Reaver's external weapons (or at least the missile launcher) up until the Reaver crashed thorugh a building to brush them off.

Page 297
Soon after, the Warlord Battle Titan was assaulted by at least sixty tau stealth suits deployed from the bowels of an armoured transport that soared high overhead.
Instead, the princeps ordered three nearby Warhound Scout Titans to turn their Vulcan mega-bolters on him.
The three Warhounds opened fire, and the Warlord’s entire upper body was stitched with thousands upon thousands of rapid-firing, mass-reactive explosive shells. Though the Warlord suffered multiple minor systems damage, the enemy attackers were utterly wiped out.
Apparently shields aren't active in all this, but the Warhound mega bolters don't seem to do much physical harm to the Warlord.

Page 298-299
...something was awry with the tau’s command and control systems. While many individual tau units mounted a competent and disciplined retreat in the face of their enemy, a feat considered amongst the hardest of manoeuvres to accomplish, coordination between the tau units became notably
Fleet intelligence turned its efforts to uncovering the roots of the degradation, and the elite Codes and Ciphers division under Tacticae-Primaris Kilindini reported that command and control signals between the tau ground forces and off-world contacts had become garbled and weak.

It was soon discerned that the tau defending Gel’bryn had been coordinated by a higher command echelon in space nearby. It appeared that the tau’s much vaunted and feared technology was turning against them, though none amongst the Tacticae could offer a plausible explanation as to the cause.
Brielle damaged the flagship's communications system whilst escaping, and apparently they lost all ability to coordinate troops on the ground. It shows perhaps how the Tau can stay so mobile, but it also highlights some key limitations ot the system - efficiency can depend on both who is in charge, where they are, and the importance of keeping a central (isolated) command that cannot be disrupted. The Tau (at least as per Damocles Gulf) had no experience of operating individually.. and I'm not sure if they solved this at all or not.

Page 301
My division has traced the enemy’s command and control net to
a node in high orbit on the far side of Dal’yth Prime. My staff conclude that enemy ground forces are being coordinated via a tight-beam conduit from a high command element off world. Back-trace cogitation reveals that this node has been controlling enemy ground forces for at least twelve hours, but the signal has been steadily degrading. At zero-nine-nine, the signal cut out entirely. My conclusion: enemy operational command and control capacity has been severed and is at this time defunct. Recommend this intelligence be acted upon as best you see fit.
Once again, tau command and control at Damocles Gulf seemed incredibly centralized. Part of me wonders if perhaps this was Ethereal control, which explained the sudden breakdwon, but we don't really know. It could have just been the Fire Warrior commander too. As we saw with Taros (from the tau side) - having things go the tau's way depends on having the right commander (luckily) in charge.

Page 303
The Assault Marines bounded
alongside the column, ensuring that no tau spotters waited to call in the lethal,
indirect-firing missiles that had accounted for so many armoured vehicles...
Assault marines can keep up with the pace of the Astartes armoured forces, and are deployed to keep markerligts off the vehicles.

Page 304
[quote..a grav dampener that both cushioned an incoming craft’s final approach and aided the launching of outgoing ones. The crusade’s Adeptus Mechanicus greatly coveted those generators, for while their construction was known to them, they were eager to learn how the tau had come about knowledge of a technology considered arcane by their order.[/quote]

Starport landing platforms. Note the admech wanting to get hold of it.

Page 308
The round had been of a type the Space Marines had not yet encountered, some kind of solid projectile encased in the seething blue energies fired by many of the tau’s weapons.
Kroot heavy weapon firing modified ammo.

Page 310
It was engulfed in seething arcs of raw plasma, its beak gaping wide as it
threw its arms out as if in denial of its imminent death, roiling energies spilling
across its muscular form.

Then it exploded. The beast was torn apart as the raging power of the heart of a
sun transformed the solid matter of its body into another state entirely. Sarik and
Qaja were blasted by a wave-front of black ash, all that remained after the hideous transformation. The air was filled with the flash-stink of body fluids turned to superheated steam and the blast wave scoured away the smoke of battle.
Krootox hit by plasma cannon. I don't think we know how large they are, so I don't think we ca calc this. ASide from that it would take many many times the energy needed to blow apart a person, not even including the possibility of vaporization/cremation.

Page 325
While still incredibly thin, the air was still dense
enough to cause friction on the pod’s outer hull, though the energy shield projected below was absorbing the majority of it. The Imperium’s military drop-pods and emergency saviour pods were only rarely fitted with such a feature, the utilitarian planners regarding it as a luxury in most cases. By all accounts, planetfall in one of those junk buckets was almost as dangerous as taking your chances on a burning assault ship.

Despite the energy shield protecting the pod from the worst of the turbulence, thewhole interior was shaking.

Tau vs Imperium drop pods.

PAge 326-327
According to Imperial Navy doctrine, as well as sound military principle, a fleet undertaking offensive operations should maintain an extensive counter-penetration defence screen. A network of picket vessels, of every displacement from interceptor to frigate, should provide three hundred and sixty degree, three-dimensional surveillance before, during and after any engagement. The fleet of the Damocles Gulf Crusade was not particularly large by naval standards, especially given its losses at Pra’yen, and its carrier capacity was woefully short, but nonetheless, no enemy vessel should have been able to get within five thousand kilometres of its flagship, the Blade of Woe.

Thus, it was something of a surprise when Admiral Jellaqua’s vessel was hailed
by an unknown vessel from less than a thousand kilometres away, and well within its picket screen.
The size of the DG naval fleet relative to other fleets and Naval doctrine.

Page 333
Raising the tube to his shoulder, Lucian realised that he would not be able to sight using the weapon’s onboard system, for it could not penetrate the smoke. Steadying the tube with his right hand, he used his left to pull a cord from his goggles, which he jacked into a port on the side of the launcher’s sighting unit. Lucian prayed that the war spirits within the two devices would achieve communion, and not reject one another as often happened. A moment later the vision through his goggles was overlaid with the launcher’s targeting reticule, the two devices operating as one.
Ig missile launcher scopes don't seem to penetrate smoke or obsucrement by default, but they can be linked to devices that can (like Lucian's preysense goggles) and allow that ability.

PAge 342
Where the energy rounds struck, they produced a dull wallop and gouged out a lump of armour the size of a clenched fist, but none could penetrate the tanks’ forward plates.
Predator armor vs tau burst cannon (computer controlled bunker defense guns)

Page 343
Every armoured vehicle that was armed with a lascannon opened fire on its prearranged target. Searing white lances of focussed energy speared the air,
slamming into the bunkers and blowing three to atoms within seconds.
We dont quite know how many vehicles there are, but there were 300-500 Space Marines, which means no more than 30-50 Rhinos. I'd guess 1/3 or 1/4 of that will be Predators and other vehicles, but only some of those will be annihilators. Assuming 10 cm thick walls and about 3 meters per side and silicon we're asusming 11-12 ton mass. we get between 14-24 GJ for vaporizing. 40-100 or so lascannon bursts.. single or double digit MJ per shot easily, if not triple digit.

Even if its just explosion, we're prboably talking at leats each lascannon being equal to several kg of TNT ignoring any thermal effects (comparable to the Inferno lascannon lower limit for the Demolisher.)

Page 345
A dozen energy bolts slammed into the Ultramarine’s helmet, the
first handful destroying the armour, the remainder vaporising the head.
Burst cannon type weapon again Assuming a Space Marine has a 8-10 kg head we're talking 20-25 MJ roughly to vaporize.. call it 1.5-2 MJ per shot.

Page 350
another mine sprang from the ground and exploded directly above an Iron Hands tactical squad further down the line. The explosion sounded like a sonic boom, the rapidly expanding ball of energy casting a luminous blast wave in a wide circle.
Tau mines.

PAge 351
With a flick of his thumb he set his weapon’s shot selector to full auto, and squeezed off a rapid-fire burst at the three tau warriors.

The bolts hammered through hard shell armour and detonated in soft flesh. The
first tau was blown backwards into the warrior behind by the impact, then exploded as the bolt-rounds detonated inside his chest, showering his companion with purple gore. The second tau took a round to the throat between helmet and chest armour, his hands grasping the wound instinctively. When the round exploded the warrior’s head was torn right off, and sent spinning across the hardpan..

The third tau tried to fall back, firing as he went, but the last of Sarik’s burst
stitched across his shoulder armour and down his right arm, the detonations blowing the limb away in a shower of vaporised blood, and the weapon it had carried clattered to the ground.
Full auto bolter vs Fire warriors.

Page 352
The entire front section of the flyer erupted in pinpoint explosions as the
Dreadnought opened up with its assault cannon. So heavy was the fusillade that the craft’s forward momentum was arrested, a thousand solid rounds hammering into it in seconds. The armoured nosecone splintered under the relentless assault and was eaten away in an instant.
Assault cannon vs Tau flyer of some kind. Flyer shot down in seconds easily. Rate of fire of tens to hundreds of rounds a second. Assuming the flyer is about 1-2 tonnes at a few metres per second we're talking 2000-6000 kg*m/s. Assuming 20-200 rounds a second.. momentum of indivudla raounds is 10 to 300 kg*m/s 5 kj to 225 kj per bullet (assuming 1-1.5 km/s velocity for the rounds) 1-4.5 MJ of KE roughly.

Page 360
“When the tau were first encountered, by Lucian and other rogue traders, they were deemed a low-level threat. They were found only in small groups, coreward of the gulf, and usually acting as mercenaries or advisors to planetary governors who had… strayed, to a greater or lesser extent, from the rule of the Imperium. But that was uncovered as a ruse. They were acting as fifth columnists, infiltrating system after system in an effort to expand their sphere of influence. The crusade was raised to put that threat down. Every shred of intelligence and analysis available to us indicated they could hold no more than a handful of
worlds. When they were first catalogued, millennia ago, they were no more than
over-evolved dromedaries with no technology more advanced than sharp sticks.”
“Yet here they are, in control of an entire star cluster, possessed of a substantial fleet capable of interstellar travel, unheard-of tech, and weaponry that, frankly, outguns most of our own.”
Assessement of Tau and the degree by which the Imperium continued to under-estimate them. They have at least 50-100 worlds at this point, and outnumber the

Page 363
Ostensibly, the adepts of the Machine-God were tasked with fathoming the operation of the star port’s anti-grav cradles, which would speed up the landing and liftoff of the hundreds of troop transports that would soon be in operation immeasurably. It took the tech-priests less than an hour to master the anti-grav generators, and another for them to begin disassembling at least one of the devices for later study.
Well the Techpriests made their objective.

PAge 365
His power armour lent him some strength at least, though not much more than it took to bear its own weight.
I'm not sure whether this means Lucian's power armor has minimal strength-bolstering properties and it was only meant to allow him to carry greater protection without strain, or if it means his armor is worn out and running out of power.

Page 368
What little of the inquisitor’s flesh was visible was covered in a chaotic mass of scar tissue, the result of the flamer attack unleashed by Korvane’s sister months before.
Again flamer left severe burns on Grand's body.

PAge 371
Mere days had passed since the astropathic communication informing the council that Kryptman’s envoy would be joining them. None had expected the envoy to arrive so quickly, for the crusade itself had taken long weeks to cross the Damocles Gulf.
Korvane had heard the whispered spacer’s tales of the archeotech vessels the highest servants of the Inquisition had access to—perhaps they were not mere tales at all.
The Damocles gulf is at least dozens of Light years across (as per Star of Damocles) but they also mention they are thousands of light years from home.. that implies perhaps days to cross tens or hundreds of light years (Where it took the Crusade weeks) - the Inquisition ship is at least an Order of magnitude faster, but this may also suggest high end fwarp is hundreds (thousands) of light years in days, while common is hundreds/thousands of light years in weeks.

Page 373
“All commands receiving this message are hereby ordered, by the authority of
the Senatorum Imperialis, to cease all military operations and set course for the
Macragge system in the Realm of Ultramar. Every possible asset is to be mustered and no resource expended except in the execution of this order.”
Everyone, including the Damocles gulf force, is ordered to Utlramar (hundreds perhaps thousands of light years away)

Page 374
Korvane knew that the cardinal, as an officer of the Ministorum, could claim to be outside of Kryptman’s authority. But then again, the lords of the Inquisition relied not on rulebooks to impose their will, but on influence, and Gurney was well outranked in that regard.
Apparently a Cardinal is outside Inquisitoiral control "officially" (odd that), but unofficially can out-influence them (or at least, be out-influenced by an Inquisitor Lord.)

Page 375
“Already, they are classed xenos terminus, but serious
consideration is being given to creating a new threat rating, just for them.”
Apparently the 'Nids warranted a whole new threat rating even before LEviathan and Kraken.

Pge 376
"At the Explorator base at Tyran Primus, he found evidence of a xenos
abomination so virile and ravenous its organisms can strip an entire world of its
biomass in days.”
"“Certainly to feed, presumably to
reproduce, but we do not yet understand why they need so much biomass or to what use they put it."
They don't know what the 'Nids need all the biomass for (suggesting ulterior motives). Also they can strip a planet (of biomass at least) in "days".

Page 377
"They are a billion billion ravening organisms bred for one purpose and one purposealone: to kill. Each organism is but a single cell in a mass that is spread across light years of space."
"Astropaths caught in that ‘shadow in the warp’ would rather scratch their brains out than endure the chittering of a trillion voices that all speak as one.”
Scope of the 'Nid threat, apparently. Whether this is in total or what, we don't know, but given the "trillion" bit we might figure its total numbers at most.

Page 378-379
“If these tyranids are the threat they appear, then the tau are more use to us alive than exterminated.”
“If the incursion is dire enough to imperil the entire segmentum, then the tau will likely have to face it too. It is not unheard of for humanity to stand side by side with xenos against a mutual foe. Have our forces not taken to the field alongside the eldar, against the arch-enemy?”
“And if the tau will not cooperate in this, they will face the
tyranid swarm alone. Either way,” she reiterated Gauge’s words, “they are more use to us alive.”
“As a backstop,” said the Tacticae-Primaris, nodding. “Better the invaders
expend their energies against the tau’s worlds than against our own.”
The real reason the DGC was called off.

Page 385
The stencil told him that he was amidships, eighty-three decks below the
secondary mycoprotein vats that turned the crew’s waste solids into edible tack.
..would be the vast cryo-chambers in which slain crewmen awaited reconstitution..
What the crew are reconstituted into (servitors or food) we don't know. I assume the mycoprotein to grow makeshift vegetarian products from fungus. It might even have something simialr to creating beef from shit for all we know, but I'm banking at least on the vegetarian angle.

Page 392
A sheet of liquid fuel surged out from the miniature flamer unit disguised as a
ring on Brielle’s index finger. The jet speared through the cold air and ploughed into Grand’s chest, but truly the fates mocked Brielle as the chemical failed to ignite.
He fired, the bolt plunging into Grand’s form and finally igniting the flamer’s fuel.

In an instant, the inquisitor was completely engulfed in flames, the promethium
fuel clinging to his body as it burned through his flesh. The robes were seared away, their remains smouldering on the deck at his feet. Grand had become a naked torch, his limbs wreathed in dancing fire, yet somehow, he was still alive.
Well the ring was full of promethium, but I'm still puzzled why they have two shots rather than one. Either way its doing full body third degree (or more) burns and igniting cloth (50-125 J per sq cm) hundreds of kj to a MJ easily (for one side at that)

Page 393
By sheer force of will,
Grand was defying death even as the raging flames consumed his flesh...
..his body was disintegrating in the heart of the conflagration that still engulfed him. Slivers of smoking, charred meat were sloughing from his bones with his every step, yet still, his bitter, indomitable will drove him on well beyond the point of death.
...his charred face a black coal in the heart of a furnace. His eyes, mouth and nostrils were lit from within, the fire so consuming him that he was no more than a hollow skeleton of blackened bone.
Oddly, Grand seems to be cremating now. Honestly, I'm not sure this is from the promethium.. I suspect it self-ignited the guy somehow and other things (body fat content) contributed. I've speculated before that flamers may cremate by a combination of promethium fuel being highly energetic as well as the fuel designed to make the body internally combust easier to add to the reaction. This may be what is happening here (it echoes the clingfire stuff from Inquisition War at least.)

Alternately, since Grand is a super-psyker, he might be manipulating or fuelling the fire.

Page 399
million details had to be thrashed out, from the embarkation of thousands of ground troops to the distribution of millions of tons of capital munitions.
I assume this means capital ship munitions between the cruisers and destroyer.. at least 15-16 ships then, each carrying on average several hundred thousand tonnes of shells. Some are going to argue that it should include the escorts despite being capital munitions, but eh. We know there was nine squadrons of escorts plus however many for the astartes.. call it a hundred warships all told. That's still at least 20,000 tonnes of munitions on average.

Either way we could say at least tens of thousands of tonnes if not hundreds of thousands of tonnes minimum for escorts, and hundreds of thousands, perahps millions of tons for capital ships (it could be less than a billion tonnes, remember.)

Page 400
Master Karzello, the crusade fleet’s senior astropath, came before
the council and told of the alien snarls and screeches resounding through the minds of the astropathic choirs, driving some insane and others to take their own lives.

Interrogator Rayne confirmed the phenomenon as the gestalt echo of a trillion xenos minds, howling their hunger into the void.
This may be an attempt to explain the warp wackiness for the astropaths and such from "Star of Damocles" which might also help explan the turbulence of the region to the warp.

Page 401
The initial discussions had been stilted and difficult, with the tau envoy making all manner of veiled threats.

..Lucian had imparted something of the coming tyranid swarm, though he had twisted the truth to suggest that the tau were actually in more danger than the Imperium.
...the tau had not only agreed to allow the fleet to disengage, but the
seeds of future cooperation had been sown.
A cease fire, despite Tau efforts to threaten the Imperium (hah) seems to succeed, although the idea of unifying against the 'Nids is rather an interesting one (if probably unlikely... much less the 'seeds of future cooperation.)

Page 401
Most importantly, from Lucian’s own perspective, he had forged a number of highly lucrative, exclusive contact treaties with the tau, securing the fortunes of the Clan Arcadius for decades to come.
And Lucian makes his ends. He's cheerfuly traded openly with xenos for profit and his personal gain, and this matters more to him than the possible obliteration of Macragge. Still it shows that the Imperium is pragmatic/inconsistent enough to deal with the tau.
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