Alien Vampires
This was one of my earliest ideas. Vampires are extra-terrestial lifeforms or more accurately the disease that causes vampirism is extra-terrestial in nature nothing like it exists on this planet even trying to define which kingdom it belongs in is tricky as it has a few characteristcs of all of them. Many theories exist on what it is and why it's here some say its an alien microorganism that arrived on this planet through a comet impact a hundred thousand years ago, some believe its a divine curse, others believe its a bio-weapon created by an alien empire that somehow found its way to earth or a deliberate attempt by extra-terrestials to seed the planet with life or colonize it, some have even claimed to have found "alien vampire artifacts" or even a "vampire ship" buried in Antartica, another theory is that they are actually some ancient lifeform that has been developing on Earth before what we think of as life ever existed.
Whatever the case no one truly knows. What is known is that vampirism spreads by infection typically just a bite or in very rare cases a scratch is enough to infect someone and within days it mutates the infected into an enitrely different lifeform with a completely different physiology, and both animals and humans can be infected. Vampires are predators that need blood to survive but despite being bloodthirsty monsters they are also highly intelligent and have their own societies as they typically remove themselves from human society, currently I don't have any ideas for their society but their societies are typically organized by age and personal power with the oldest and strongest being the leaders. The oldest known vampire is Lilith (I know super stereotypical vampire queen name some suggestions would be nice) she is believed to be around 100,000 years old commonly referred to as simply Mother, being the first vampire, much of what is known about her comes from legend and myth but she is believed to be insanely powerful and currently in hibernation. What is strange is that it seems that vampires are just now appearing almost as if they died out and someone reawoke them. Vampires are universally hated by nearly everything on the planet due to their alien orgins making animals uncomfortable in their presence to the point they will attack or run in fear from any vampires nearby, humans typically feel extremely uncomfortable and feelings of hate when they are nearby and many governments around the world are starting to acknowledge their existence and actively fight against the vampires sometimes all the way to the scale of all out war in an effort to stop them from potentially destroying the planet, many other "supernatural" beings living on Earth like werewolves (I was thinking of including other super-powered beings as well) also recognize the threat the vampire invasion possesses and actively hunt down any vampires they come across.
The effects of vampirism are highly variable but typically quite visible and these are some of the most common signs.
Simple explaination: Vampires can range from looking almost like supermodels/greek gods and goddesses except with a few alien signs like razorsharp teeth, extremely pale skin that looks like death, alien eyes, a few other bits of wierdness etc. to mutant zombie alien monsters or all the way to something that looks like The Thing in monster form or the Necromorphs or the infected from the game Prototype. Typically however their teeth become all razor sharp fangs for tearing flesh and their tongues turn into a blood sucking device. Eyes are notably different though the effects are variable a simple way of describing their eyes is simply alien. Skin tends to become pale and corpse-like, and a variety of alien features can show up.
Appearance can be quite monstrous

Or they can look beautiful and relatively normal.

(Newborn vampires are significantly weaker than Elders, as time passes the vampire infection rapidly evolves its host making it more powerful)
enhanced intelligence- Vampires are known to be highly intelligent, quick thinking individuals as their transformation actually dramatically boosts intelligence and mental speed, with some becoming omnisavant geniuses. (newborn vampires only recieve a very slight hardly noticeable boost in intelligence, Elders are the ones who seem to be omnisavant geniuses)
superhuman strength- Vampire biology is completely different than anything on Earth they have the power to power their muscles for a short period of time to levels hundreds to even a couple of thousand times stronger than any human allowing them to blow men and trees apart with a single kick, punch through solid steel and concrete like zyrofoam, or lift and throw multi-ton objects. As vampires age they become stronger newborns maybe capable of tearing a man apart with ease but an Elder can punch through armor.
superhuman speed- Vampires can also enhance their mental and physical speed for a short period of time allowing them to dodge gunfire at point-blank ranges or run at speeds in the hundreds of km/hr.
superhuman durability Enhanced strength comes with increased durability so their bodies will not come apart when they use their strength, some have likened their flesh to the toughness of iron. Also with their alien biology things like being shot and stabbed repeatedly or even decapitation will only slow them down as they can survive for quite some time without most of their organs, their bodies have to be totally annihilated to truly kill them (think the thing). Vampires are naturally immune to poison and disease as well, and highly resistant to freezing, electrocution, pain, and fear.
regeneration- Vampires are capable of recovering from injuries extremely quickly gunshots and stabwounds can be healed in seconds to minutes depending on the severity, even dismemberment or the destruction of the brain may only take a few minutes to hours to heal and at most a few nights of rest. They need to be starved or totally destroyed to prevent regeneration
superhuman senses- Vampires are very perceptive and possess some amazing sensory abilities. They can smell blood more than a mile away, their eyesight is as sharp as that of an Eagle, they can see in near-total darkness, they can track a man just on the sound of his heartbeating, and many possess sonar abilities, and infrared vision.
infection- Vampires are completely incapable of reproducing sexually but just from a simple bite they can transform someone into a vampire in days.
telepathy- Many vampires possess the ability to speak to each other by directly linking their thoughts together. It is theorized that Mother if she were to awaken would have the ability to telepathically link her mind to every vampire on Earth fully taking control over them.
As Vampires age they become vastly more powerful and gain access to their hidden blood powers passed down to them from Lilith. The older the vampire the more powerful these powers become.
shapeshifting the ability for vampires to completely reshape their flesh and bone at will (think tzimisce, necromorphs, and the thing to a limited extent). Shapeshifting can allow Vampires to sprout bat-like wings to fly, grow more muscle for increased strength, maybe if they want grow tentacles, whatever they can think of. This ability is extremely difficult to learn, requires alot of intelligence (you need to have a strong grasp on biology if you want to do it right), alot of blood, time, and pain so much pain to do correctly. Shapeshifting is also a bit limited for example Vampires can't turn into bats as bats are far smaller than they are but they can fly by redesigning their muscles lengthening their arms and growing leathery flaps of skin creating wings, shapeshifting is also often imprecise so using it to impersonate someone isn't usually going to go well. Some vampires with extreme shapeshifting control can turn their bodies into a liquid form and still be in control (the Blob). More powerful Elders can infect others with their blood and reshape their bodies into any form they can imagine.
Liquification Some of the older more powerful vampires can liquefy their prey turning it into a bloody biomass soup in which they can drink from.
Blood manipulation- the blood of a vampire is a fascinating thing somehow vampires can change the properties of their blood on the fly making them more alien scientists believe their blood is actually some form of advanced organic nanomachines. They can turn their blood into corrosive acid or manipulate it to turn it into a horrific poison or drug which can have almost any chemical effect. Even turning their blood into a solid mass like a sword, bullet, or whip that can slice through metal is something they have been observed doing.
Energy manipulation- Somehow some Elder vampires have the ability to tap into the Earth's magnetic field and can use that energy and focus it to perform a task (think living tesla weapon) like instantly incinerate soldiers or manipulate and control lightning, even create magnetic force fields or develop what appears to be telekinesis by using magnetic energy to lift objects.
Mind control- Elder vampires can feed their blood to the target they want to control their blood then develops into a parasite that infects the target's nervous system and brain and its affects can range from making the target more docile, and suggestable to manipulating the firing patters of neurons to control them all the way to completely rewiring the brain.
necromancy- Elder vampires can use their blood to raise the dead as long as something is left of the corpse they can rebuild its body and control it like a puppet.
(these are the same as the Strigoi I created earlier I know)
Blood Thirst- Vampires are forever cursed to feel perpetual hunger as they require literally gallons of blood (around 1 - 4) a night to stay healthy and sane (if they don't feed they will go into an insane frenzy and within days will get gradually weaker until finally their bodies totally shut down and they go into hibernation) and even then they can't truly slake their thirst for blood as they will be always wanting more. Blood is like a drug for them just the scent of blood makes them wild. Also they are incapable of eating any other type of food except blood everything else is immediately thrown up, fortunately they aren't restricted to any one source of blood: animals and humans are all fair game if it bleeds they can drink it. Vampires can also feed on fresh, raw meat but meat is still no substitute for blood. Some older vampires can liquefy their prey turning their entire body into blood which can keep them fed for quite awhile.
insanity- Most Vampires will develop a crippling mental disorder of some sort its just the nature of the curse with the most common being schizophrenia.
Berserk Frenzy Starvation, extreme pain, extreme fear, extreme rage can all force vampires into a frenzied state where the monstrous vampiric subconscious mind takes over the rational more human mind turning the vampire into a raging beast that is only concerned with survival and food. Interestingly enough the more evil the vampire the more powerful the raging beast becomes until it eventually completely takes over removing the smallest trace of humanity the vampire has left so a Jeffrey Dahmer vampire will probably just be a raging beast that needs to be put down while a Mother Teresa vampire will be able to maintain their composure and think fairly rationally. (I know I got this straight from White Wolf but its a pretty good concept and a common concept as well)
Sunlight Vampires fear the sun for good reason to, exposure to UV radiation causes immense radiation poisoning and they will be cooked alive in just minutes or in rare cases an hour or two till death. Even simple UV lights can hurt them or if particularly powerful become lethal.
Day- Vampires are strictly nocturnal predators so during the day they are typically asleep if they decide to be active during the day their powers will be greatly weakened and they will require more blood to function.
Fire- While not actually a weaknesses as they aren't any more vulnerable to fire than any regular human they also have no resistances to fire and burn wounds take longer to heal.
Unnatural Presence- Due to their alien nature vampires are universally hated by nearly everything, no one feels comfortable being anywhere near one so they are fairly easy to spot.
Silver Very pure silver burns their flesh so silver weapons make excellent anti-vampire weapons as it will poison them and create wounds that are harder to heal from.
Endurance Despite their incredible power, vampires typically have very poor endurance. They require far more food to survive, they have a metabolism like a hummingbird so can "die" of starvation quite quickly, they can't run for hours on end, humans can fight each other in a hand to hand match that can last almost an hour, vampires only a few minutes before either someone has been torn limb from limb or they are both too tired to go on.
extremely dense Vampire bodies are extremely dense (how else would they have super strength) so things like swimming has become impossible for them as they will just sink into the water. They are also alot easier to detect as a sudden increase in mass without growing fatter will cause people to know something is suspicious.
body heat in addition to being extremely dense contrary to popular belief vampires aren't actually cold as corpses when active a vampire's body temperature actually far exceeds that of most normal animals so they require cooler environments to function, their body temperature does however fluctuate alot and in order to conserve resources when inactive (hibernating or in a greatly weakened low energy state) their body temperature drops to that of room temperature.