Eve vs Superman

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Eve vs Superman

Post by gamer »

Eve mother of all life vs Superman man of steel who comes out of this alive?

1: Eve takes physical form in Metropolis and begins attacking and mutating the population her goal is simple take over the city she is going all out on this and totally devoted to her cause unlike the game she isn’t trying to birth an ultimate being she believes she is the ultimate being. Superman as expected is tasked with saving the city and destroying Eve, assisting him is the police and military force of Metropolis.
2. Same as Scenario 1 but not only is Superman being assisted by the military his friends are going to help as well. Batman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Hawk Girl, The Green Lantern, and Martian Manhunter are all going to assist. They fail if the city is destroyed.
3. If Eve survives in either Scenario 1 or 2 can she take over the world?

Things to note: Eve is generally highly evasive she will avoid direct confrontation unless she has to her goal is domination she doesn't need to actually kill superman.

Eve’s abilities
superintelligence: Eve is definitely a super intelligent being she has the complete knowledge of every being that ever lived in at least the past few billion years that uses mitochondria (essentially all life). This impressive level of intelligence could definitely help her just imagine all that knowledge.
pyrokinesis: Eve’s complete control over mitochondria allows her to raise the internal body temperature of her enemies to thousands of degrees centigrade causing them to burst into flames or explode in a massive fiery explosion. Naturally having your internal body temperature go from 98 degrees Fahrenheit to 2000+ degrees centigrade is instantly lethal. With this ability she can take out an entire naval fleet in just a few seconds.
Liquification Eve can choose to liquefy her enemies instead of burning them turning them into a biomass soup which can be used to fuel her. She also can use this ability on herself turning into a liquid form allowing her to spread everywhere and move around undetected.
mutation Eve has the ability to forcibly mutate/evolve any living being with mitochondria (essentially all life) and take control of their bodies in seconds. Even simple animals like a dog can be transformed into a giant 3 headed plasma-breathing hellhound, or a simple rat into a cat sized man eating monster that spits fire from its tail, a crocodile can grow bullet-proof skin and the ability to blast its prey apart with lightning, a simple crab turned into a car sized monster with a bullet-proof exoskeleton and the ability to launch its own eyes out of its head and fire high-powered eye lasers at enemies, etc.
resurrection Eve’s power doesn’t just stop at affecting the living she can also raise the dead as well even 65+ million year old dinosaur bones will come to life and be given a super-powered fresh new body like a fire-breathing, energy mortar launching T-rex or a Triceratops that can use its horns to create lightning and survive being riddled with bullet holes and even decapitation.
Evolution/shapeshifting/regeneration: She also has the power to shapeshift her body into whatever form she desires, even turning her body into a pool of moving living biomass eg: the blob, or she can turn her body into a living weapon by shapeshifting weapons such as powerful claws or anything else she can think of making her far stronger and tougher than any human. Her powers seem to also increase dramatically with time, she starts out strong enough to instantly set an entire opera house on fire and in a few days ends up vaporizing fighter squadrons and destroying an entire naval fleet. Also seeing as how she has the ability to turn into a liquid form at will (even her bones are liquified) and back in just seconds she seems to possess extremely powerful regenerative powers so for her to be destroyed every single cell in her body needs to be destroyed.
Mind control: Eve has complete control over mitochondria if anyone possesses mitochondria she can easily take control over their bodies and minds making them into her slaves.
Shield generation: She seems to possess the power to create force fields which she uses to reflect enemy attacks. A squadron of fighter jets tries to bring her down but their payloads fail to have any effect on Eve as she blocks them with some sort of electrical energy shield.
Energy powers: Eve is like a living Tesla weapon she can generate enough electrical energy to easily vaporize a squadron of fighter jets in one blast or on a smaller scale knockout nearby electronics with an EMP. She also displays a wide variety of other powers like shooting lasers from her hands and such. She can also use her energy manipulation abilities to levitate and fly as well.

So Eve can at least be competitive she will also have the powers of the Blacklight virus as well so she has the combined power of Alex Mercer, James Heller, Elizabeth Greene, and the Supreme Hunter all in her body.
This is a list of Blacklight abilities.
Strength At or beyond 100 ton range. Alex Mercer can effortlessly pick up a 70 ton tank run with it up a 90 degree vertical slope up a building at 200km/hr and then throw it hard enough and accurate enough to be used as an highly effective anti-aircraft weapon. Alex Mercer, Heller, Greene, and the Supreme Hunter are all capable of punching through tank armor as if it were zyrofoam. Alex and Heller can also slam into the ground with such force that the can completely destroy multiple tanks and blow apart any people standing by in a 50 foot radius. Greene can even dig up, lift, and throw car sized boulders with enough force to take out high flying aircraft (there is no range her boulders can’t hit) and she can do this fast enough it appears a nice solid constant stream of high velocity rock is slamming into you.
Speed Alex Mercer is capable of easily outrunning fast moving cars (he probably runs at around 200km/hr) and he is agile enough to execute complex parkour moves, jump 10 stories (Heller in the trailer can jump so high he can get an aerial view of New York City) and dodge most melee attacks he is even capable of dodging bullets (dodging bullets isn’t easy in Prototype since you are usually up against walls of gunfire but by combining the slow mo effect and air dash its not too difficult, you can even deflect grenades, missiles, and even tank shells).
Endurance Those infected with the Blacklight virus do not experience any fatigue Mercer can run 200km/hr for days on end if needed. They are also insanely durable Mercer at his weakest was barely fazed by a hellfire missile to the back. Greene and the Supreme Hunter can take constant beatings from an anti-tank missiles, tank shells, and artillery without breaking a sweat. Regeneration is also insanely powerful Mercer even survived being only a few hundred feet away from a multi-megaton nuke (the nuke was designed to basically vaporize everything on the surface of Manhattan, and Mercer is basically in the epicenter) granted he was pasted but he was able to recover only seconds later. The Supreme Hunter was literally beaten to a pulp by Mercer but came back stronger to fight him once more.
Shapeshifting Heller and Mercer are potent shapeshifters they can restructure their bodies down to the genetic level instantaneously. They can turn their bodies into living weapons like turning their arms into blades sharp enough to slice open tanks or covering their body in armor tough enough to easily take anti-tank missiles and autocannons. They can also assume the identity of those they eat including all their memories, personality, and abilities and they can copy the body down to the genetic level making a perfect copy of their target even clothing and gear can be copied such as recreating a working radio.
Hivemind Those infected with the virus can telepathically communicate with each other forming a single gestalt consciousness, this consciousness is controlled by a Runner but for this scenario Eve.
Energy Powers Greene can produce swarms of energetic green orbs from her body that fly around her and seek out potential threats once a threat has been spotted they slam into it and blow it apart by exploding. Greene can also roar and produce a shockwave the size of Times Square anything caught in the blast is ripped apart even tanks and helicopters are ripped to pieces even Mercer himself can be killed by this attack.
Infection The Blacklight virus is highly contagious a bite, a simple scratch, even just breathing in the air can cause infection and there has been no animal known who can resist being infected by the virus. The effects of the infection are highly variable but generally those infected become mindless shambling zombies strong enough to punch through people, or fast moving (around 200km/hr) zombies strong enough to punch through solid steel armor, the hunter variant is also common and they are faster than Mercer and strong enough to punch through a tank and they all hunt in packs. If really lucky or unlucky you can become super-powered like Heller or Mercer.

Superman’s abilities
(Pre-Crisis superman is much too powerful and frankly silly (moving planets and other nonsense) so we aren’t going to use him, current superman is a bit more fair then again I stopped reading comic books long ago so I don’t know what current superman is capable of)
This is a video of Superman fighting Doomsday since he kind of dies in the end I assume this is him giving all he has.

There is no real need to make a list for superman since he is so familiar unlike Eve but I could make one later.

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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by gamer »

*edit: On the Speed category instead of 200km/hr it should say 450km/hr*

So....any responses?
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by SilverWingedSeraph »

My only response is that this is a terrible thread and a terrible vs., because you felt the need to go ahead and give your pet character not only the vast array of abilities she displayed in the game Parasite Eve, but also decided to give her... all the abilities of every character in the Prototype series of games. To make it fair, or something? That's dumb.

It's a dumb idea and a dumb vs. and Superman would still win. Y'know why? Because Aya won against Eve, and Aya was no Superman. Not be a longshot. Sure, she had some magic, but nothing that compared to a Kryptonian exerting even a modicum of effort.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Luke Skywalker »

Superman, comics incarnation, is a class quintillion ton at the very least, can fly at 99.99% the speed of light, and tanks supernovas.

Maybe you should use the movie version, so that the fight lasts longer than a fraction of a nanosecond.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by gamer »

SilverWingedSeraph wrote:My only response is that this is a terrible thread and a terrible vs., because you felt the need to go ahead and give your pet character not only the vast array of abilities she displayed in the game Parasite Eve, but also decided to give her... all the abilities of every character in the Prototype series of games. To make it fair, or something? That's dumb.

It's a dumb idea and a dumb vs. and Superman would still win. Y'know why? Because Aya won against Eve, and Aya was no Superman. Not be a longshot. Sure, she had some magic, but nothing that compared to a Kryptonian exerting even a modicum of effort.
Why is it dumb? Also Aya was immune to Eve's powers and killed Eve with bullets tainted with her blood causing her to fall apart and die, and yes Aya is quite superhuman hell in third birthday she can travel in time and take over people's bodies (this level of hax would kill most DC superheroes). As for why I gave her Blacklight powers it was supposed to help her out a bit so its not a total curbstomb but the real reason is I wanted to do a thread involving Prototype but I also wanted to do a Parasite Eve thread so I just did them both at the same time.

As for Superman's powerlevel it depends on the source and I mentioned not doing Pre-Crisis, superman is basically a god in those comics I was thinking of current superman or this superman:


I know Eve could never defeat Superman in a one on one slug fest but that's not how she fights she prefers to never get in a direct confrontation and her goal isn't to take out superman but take out Metropolis and in scenario 3 the world can Superman stop her from destroying the city? Also remember she is massively super-intelligent and has her mitochondrial control abilities so any and all beings anywhere near her possessing mitochondria could be taken over. In Scenario 2 this could end really badly with superman's friends trying to help.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Panzersharkcat »

Actually, last time I checked (which would be pre-reboot), Superman is capable of flying beyond light speed. Why he still gets the crap beaten out of him by Metallo when he could just fly really far away and then fry him with heat vision is beyond me.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Themightytom »

The cartoon superman is scaled down considerably from the current comic book incarnations, even the Doomsday fight was dialed back, in the comic book Doomsday is jumping hundreds of miles, and Superman's doing damage control the whole time. You really want to decide which superman you want to use, current comic, that one cartoon move, the live action movies or what. I still think Eve is outclassed by all but that one example, and if you put most versions of GL or Flash in she's in over her head.

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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by gamer »

Themightytom wrote:The cartoon superman is scaled down considerably from the current comic book incarnations, even the Doomsday fight was dialed back, in the comic book Doomsday is jumping hundreds of miles, and Superman's doing damage control the whole time. You really want to decide which superman you want to use, current comic, that one cartoon move, the live action movies or what. I still think Eve is outclassed by all but that one example, and if you put most versions of GL or Flash in she's in over her head.
Forgive me I'm not much of a comic book reader so I don't know too much about superman's abilities but do you have scans of that doomsday fight?

Green Lantern, The Flash, Wonder Woman, and Batman all possess mitochondria right? Eve's ability to control mitochondria would probably render them all useless in a fight as their bodies and minds become her slaves.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Batman »

Diana might very well not given she isn't human and Valen alone knows what the accidents that gave them their powers did to the various Flashes, but they have been portrayed as still human other than the ability to move at the speed of light. Which could be a problem in and of itself-how quickly can Eve establish that mind control, and what range does it have? What's to keep Barry/Wally/Bart from dashing in and out of that range too quickly for her to get a hold? Remember, c speed even for the Modern Age incarnations. And I sure as hell hope she doesn't have to concentrate too hard to do that, because while she's busy trying to do that, Clark-who also is that outrageously fast-might try to take advantage of her distraction.
Then there's the possibility that her powers won't work through the protective aura of a Green Lantern, which is always on as long as the ring has charge remaining if memory serves.
And contrary to popular belief, I'm pretty much useless in a superpowered fight anyway, so her controlling me wouldn't make much of a difference.
'Next time I let Superman take charge, just hit me. Real hard.'
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Solauren »

Superman grabs Eve
Superman accelerates to 99% the speed of light
Superman drops Eve in the Sun
Superman goes home and Lois complements him on his new tan.

Superman grabs Eve
Superman accelerates to FTL speeds and drops her in a Black Hole.
Superman goes home, and accelerates Lois to the speed of light (if you know what I mean)
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by gamer »

Batman wrote:Diana might very well not given she isn't human and Valen alone knows what the accidents that gave them their powers did to the various Flashes, but they have been portrayed as still human other than the ability to move at the speed of light. Which could be a problem in and of itself-how quickly can Eve establish that mind control, and what range does it have? What's to keep Barry/Wally/Bart from dashing in and out of that range too quickly for her to get a hold? Remember, c speed even for the Modern Age incarnations. And I sure as hell hope she doesn't have to concentrate too hard to do that, because while she's busy trying to do that, Clark-who also is that outrageously fast-might try to take advantage of her distraction.
Then there's the possibility that her powers won't work through the protective aura of a Green Lantern, which is always on as long as the ring has charge remaining if memory serves.
And contrary to popular belief, I'm pretty much useless in a superpowered fight anyway, so her controlling me wouldn't make much of a difference.
Eve doesn't concentrate at all to use her powers its all pretty much instantaneous she was even able to instantly take down a supersonic jet in the game that was trying to fly away from her or later when an entire naval fleet was instantly destroyed. The range is also unknown people and animals just seem to spontaneously start mutating even if she isn't in the immediate area and mutation/mind control happens in nearly instantly as well and there is no way to stop it. I guess the range is limited by her ability to percieve her targets I'm not sure but if she can't sense you she probably can't effect you. I thought Wonder Woman was some sort of Amazonian it doesn't matter if she is human or not as long as she has mitochondria and if she's from Earth chances are she does. According to wikipedia Green Lantern's shield is not always on like his other powers it needs to be activated anyway besides that it probably won't be very effective seeing as how no armor can defend against her abilities its not explained what she does but she can somehow communicate with the mitochondria in your body taking control of it. She will have trouble with the Flash though since if he really is moving at lightspeed she wouldn't even know he is there or where he is at any given moment she wouldn't even be able to react. Which reminds me how does the Flash move at light speed? As his velocity increases towards lightspeed the greater his mass increases at high end relativistic speeds each step would produce gigatons of force annihilating the entire city and then some, at light speed his mass/energy would be infinite and would probably cause the solar system to collapse into a black hole or worse. So how does DC handle the Flash?
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by gamer »

Solauren wrote:Superman grabs Eve
Superman accelerates to 99% the speed of light
Superman drops Eve in the Sun
Superman goes home and Lois complements him on his new tan.

Superman grabs Eve
Superman accelerates to FTL speeds and drops her in a Black Hole.
Superman goes home, and accelerates Lois to the speed of light (if you know what I mean)
But can he grab her when she turns into a liquid? A liquid that is infecting the sewage and water system?
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Panzersharkcat »

gamer wrote:Which reminds me how does the Flash move at light speed? As his velocity increases towards lightspeed the greater his mass increases at high end relativistic speeds each step would produce gigatons of force annihilating the entire city and then some, at light speed his mass/energy would be infinite and would probably cause the solar system to collapse into a black hole or worse. So how does DC handle the Flash?
The Speed Force. The Flash doesn't merely go to light speed, by the way. He goes way beyond. Somebody did the calcs once for how fast he had to go to evacuate an entire city that was getting nuked. Straight from that source: Image
Yes, I shit you not. 13 trillion times the speed of light. How anybody beats him without him holding the idiot ball is beyond me.

Oh, right, speaking of the infinite mass thing, here's the Flash demonstrating the infinite mass punch:
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by gamer »

Batman wrote: And contrary to popular belief, I'm pretty much useless in a superpowered fight anyway, so her controlling me wouldn't make much of a difference.
Batman you are so humble, but no you aren't useless remember that time you fought Darkseid or all the other supervillians or remember your contigency plans for every superhero including superman that you created just in case they go rogue? Just imagine Batman working with Eve.
Panzersharkcat wrote:The Speed Force. The Flash doesn't merely go to light speed, by the way. He goes way beyond. Somebody did the calcs once for how fast he had to go to evacuate an entire city that was getting nuked.
So he's doing some sort of wierd time travel effect then instead of actually moving at light speed? With the Flash's speed Eve won't even notice he's there well until he stops moving. Which reminds me how is he not the most powerful superhero nothing should be able to touch him? Also is that 13 trillion times the speed of light figure current Flash?

Also that doesn't look like an infinite mass punch since presumably there was a universe left afterwards an infinite mass/energy punch would probably recreate the Big Bang and annihilate the entire universe.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Solauren »

gamer wrote:
Solauren wrote:Superman grabs Eve
Superman accelerates to 99% the speed of light
Superman drops Eve in the Sun
Superman goes home and Lois complements him on his new tan.

Superman grabs Eve
Superman accelerates to FTL speeds and drops her in a Black Hole.
Superman goes home, and accelerates Lois to the speed of light (if you know what I mean)
But can he grab her when she turns into a liquid? A liquid that is infecting the sewage and water system?

Liquid? Freeze her with Superbreath first. Fly ice into orbit, repeat as above.
She's infecting a sewer? He's flow Contient sized islands into space (Superman Returns). He'll just take the entire city into orbit. Or if this is one of those 'neutral world that happens to be a perfect battle ground scenarios', he'll MOVE THE ENTIRE PLANET INTO THE SUN.

Seriously, Superman can only be beaten by writer's fiat, or his own morales.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by TimothyC »

gamer wrote:
Solauren wrote:Superman grabs Eve
Superman accelerates to 99% the speed of light
Superman drops Eve in the Sun
Superman goes home and Lois complements him on his new tan.

Superman grabs Eve
Superman accelerates to FTL speeds and drops her in a Black Hole.
Superman goes home, and accelerates Lois to the speed of light (if you know what I mean)
But can he grab her when she turns into a liquid? A liquid that is infecting the sewage and water system?
Freezbreath, then throw the chunks into orbit.

Rebuilding the water/sewer system of Metropolis is something that can and has been done in the modern DCU (World of New Krypton arc), and was only problematic because nanotech was specifically undoing the repairs as it happened.

Also, if I am remembering my back of the envelope numbers correctly (calced out from the energy needs to stop Callisto from plowing into New Krypton), a fully powered Kryptonian can output on the order of around 1*1022W in pushing power for around a week. These were derived from the fact that the 100k Kryptonians were trying to stop Callisto from it's out of control speed/direction. I remember making the assumption that they were a few orders of magnitude short of the needed energy to slow Callisto down from it's transit speed.

We're basically looking at a guy who can lift on the order of 1013 metric tons into high sub-orbit per second.

Edit: Looking at some numbers for the New York City water system - Big Blue can put the entire contents into orbit in on the close order of 1/1000th of a second.
Last edited by TimothyC on 2012-04-03 07:30pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Panzersharkcat »

gamer wrote:
Panzersharkcat wrote:The Speed Force. The Flash doesn't merely go to light speed, by the way. He goes way beyond. Somebody did the calcs once for how fast he had to go to evacuate an entire city that was getting nuked.
So he's doing some sort of wierd time travel effect then instead of actually moving at light speed? With the Flash's speed Eve won't even notice he's there well until he stops moving. Which reminds me how is he not the most powerful superhero nothing should be able to touch him? Also is that 13 trillion times the speed of light figure current Flash?

Also that doesn't look like an infinite mass punch since presumably there was a universe left afterwards an infinite mass/energy punch would probably recreate the Big Bang and annihilate the entire universe.
Speed Force. The hand wave for all speedster-related issues, like people he's carrying not burning up from the friction or his brain turning to mush when he stops.

The thirteen trillion times was Wally West. Barry is about as fast, though, the last time I checked.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Batman »

gamer wrote: Eve doesn't concentrate at all to use her powers its all pretty much instantaneous
Quantify 'pretty much'. Note that anything above a millisecond gives the DC speedsters eons to work with.
she was even able to instantly take down a supersonic jet in the game that was trying to fly away from her or later when an entire naval fleet was instantly destroyed.
Which tells us-nothing where her mind-control powers are concerned?
The range is also unknown people and animals just seem to spontaneously start mutating even if she isn't in the immediate area and mutation/mind control happens in nearly instantly as well and there is no way to stop it.
In other words, you don't know the range, and you don't know how fast she can do it, but you blithely assume she will be able to mind-control people to whom Mach 97 is a mild jog because...you say so.
I guess the range is limited by her ability to percieve her targets I'm not sure but if she can't sense you she probably can't effect you.
Meaning Green Lantern could simply take her apart from a lightminute or so away.
I thought Wonder Woman was some sort of Amazonian it doesn't matter if she is human or not as long as she has mitochondria and if she's from Earth chances are she does.
No, honeybun. That's not how it works. You know how Diana was born? No, you don't because she wasn't. She was formed from clay. Onus to prove she has mitochondria is on you.
According to wikipedia Green Lantern's shield is not always on[/quote
Wikipedia is wrong (or at the very least incomplete). The aura is canonically on even of the Lantern in question is unconscious.
besides that it probably won't be very effective seeing as how no armor can defend against her abilities
Aaand...extrapolation to infinity. Just because the armour Eve was seen to ignore couldn't stop her doesn't mean NO armour can.
its not explained what she does but she can somehow communicate with the mitochondria in your body taking control of it.
Through the hindrances she was confronted with in whatever the character's from. This means she gets to blithely ignore the defenses available in the DC universe-why, exactly?
'Next time I let Superman take charge, just hit me. Real hard.'
'You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues.'
'No. No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.'
'Tactically we have multiple objectives. So we need to split into teams.'-'Dibs on the Amazon!'
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'You know, for a guy with like 50 different kinds of vision, you sure are blind.'
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by gamer »

Solauren wrote:
gamer wrote:
Solauren wrote:Superman grabs Eve
Superman accelerates to 99% the speed of light
Superman drops Eve in the Sun
Superman goes home and Lois complements him on his new tan.

Superman grabs Eve
Superman accelerates to FTL speeds and drops her in a Black Hole.
Superman goes home, and accelerates Lois to the speed of light (if you know what I mean)
But can he grab her when she turns into a liquid? A liquid that is infecting the sewage and water system?

Liquid? Freeze her with Superbreath first. Fly ice into orbit, repeat as above.
She's infecting a sewer? He's flow Contient sized islands into space (Superman Returns). He'll just take the entire city into orbit. Or if this is one of those 'neutral world that happens to be a perfect battle ground scenarios', he'll MOVE THE ENTIRE PLANET INTO THE SUN.

Seriously, Superman can only be beaten by writer's fiat, or his own morales.
What does freeze breath do again? Sometimes it seems more like a way to imprison someone in thick ice but other super-strong characters seem to be capable of breaking free instead of simply being dead or waiting to thaw.

If he flies the entire city in space (how does he do that I don't know) he loses. The goal is to protect Metropolis not kill it, and moving Earth into the Sun (can current superman even do that?) would be so insane there are no words. Also we aren't using the god-like pre-crisis superman what can the latest superman do?

I wonder how helpful Eve's intelligence would be in this fight she says she has been observing all mitochondrial life for billions of years and she has the combined knowledge of every being that ever lived in the past few billion years that used mitochondria.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Batman »

Panzersharkcat wrote: The thirteen trillion times was Wally West. Barry is about as fast, though, the last time I checked.
Wally is on record saying 'People always told me I could be as fast as Barry, I just needed to believe it' or something to that effect.
'Next time I let Superman take charge, just hit me. Real hard.'
'You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues.'
'No. No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.'
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by TimothyC »

gamer wrote: does freeze breath do again? Sometimes it seems more like a way to imprison someone in thick ice but other super-strong characters seem to be capable of breaking free instead of simply being dead or waiting to thaw.

If he flies the entire city in space (how does he do that I don't know) he loses. The goal is to protect Metropolis not kill it, and moving Earth into the Sun (can current superman even do that?) would be so insane there are no words. Also we aren't using the god-like pre-crisis superman what can the latest superman do?

I wonder how helpful Eve's intelligence would be in this fight she says she has been observing all mitochondrial life for billions of years and she has the combined knowledge of every being that ever lived in the past few billion years that used mitochondria.
Freeze breath works by freezing the water in the air around the target by the use of super-cooled air expanding out of Big Blues' lungs.

As for the latest post-Flash Point Supes, we don't have a lot of data, so I used the one right before last, which we do have data for. That Supes also went up against the Earth Elementals before, and forced them to stand down under threat of destroying Earth by tearing it apart bit by bit if they continued to kill innocent humans as a way of trying to stop him.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by gamer »

Batman wrote:
gamer wrote: Eve doesn't concentrate at all to use her powers its all pretty much instantaneous
Quantify 'pretty much'. Note that anything above a millisecond gives the DC speedsters eons to work with.
she was even able to instantly take down a supersonic jet in the game that was trying to fly away from her or later when an entire naval fleet was instantly destroyed.
Which tells us-nothing where her mind-control powers are concerned?
The range is also unknown people and animals just seem to spontaneously start mutating even if she isn't in the immediate area and mutation/mind control happens in nearly instantly as well and there is no way to stop it.
In other words, you don't know the range, and you don't know how fast she can do it, but you blithely assume she will be able to mind-control people to whom Mach 97 is a mild jog because...you say so.
I guess the range is limited by her ability to percieve her targets I'm not sure but if she can't sense you she probably can't effect you.
Meaning Green Lantern could simply take her apart from a lightminute or so away.
I thought Wonder Woman was some sort of Amazonian it doesn't matter if she is human or not as long as she has mitochondria and if she's from Earth chances are she does.
No, honeybun. That's not how it works. You know how Diana was born? No, you don't because she wasn't. She was formed from clay. Onus to prove she has mitochondria is on you.
According to wikipedia Green Lantern's shield is not always on[/quote
Wikipedia is wrong (or at the very least incomplete). The aura is canonically on even of the Lantern in question is unconscious.
besides that it probably won't be very effective seeing as how no armor can defend against her abilities
Aaand...extrapolation to infinity. Just because the armour Eve was seen to ignore couldn't stop her doesn't mean NO armour can.
its not explained what she does but she can somehow communicate with the mitochondria in your body taking control of it.
Through the hindrances she was confronted with in whatever the character's from. This means she gets to blithely ignore the defenses available in the DC universe-why, exactly?
The effect of Eve's powers are instantaneous the game, movie, or book doesn't give a time if Eve wants you to mutate and become her slave, liquefy, or explode all these things happen seemingly instantaneously. And no she probably won't be able to affect the Flash if he's running around at lightspeed she won't even know he's there her only hope would be to catch him off guard like when he's not moving.

As for taking out the Jet and naval fleet that does tell us about her mutation/mind control abilities as well since they both work on the same principal take over the target's mitochondria. Failing that she could use her energy powers and forcefield to help since they do not rely on the enemy having mitochondria just pump lightning into the target or using electromagnetic radiation to create a forcefield.

Green Lantern could conceivably take her out from such an insane distance but will his ring be accurate enough to hit her and not just kill random innocents in the city? Also like I said earlier Eve is highly evasive shooting at her from a distance like that would just make her retreat underground.

As for Wonder Woman isn't she alive? Isn't her body made of flesh and doesn't she bleed (she's not walking magical mud is she)? Is she from Earth? If all of these are true the likelihood of her having mitochondria increases dramatically. She also seems to breathe and eat something lifeforms with mitochondria tend to do.

As for Green Lantern shields being able to stop her powers, how? Shields block attacks what are these shields going to be blocking? Eve isn't firing mutation beams out of her eyes or playing a mind control song. Think of it this way everyone who has mitochondria is basically infected with a disease that will take over them (your own mitochondria) the only thing Eve is doing is flipping the switch and telling the mitochondria to wake up there is no known defense to preventing your mitochondria from "waking up". Aya resisted because she was the same type of being as Eve and also had mitochondria powers she just chose to do good instead of evil.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Panzersharkcat »

gamer wrote: Green Lantern could conceivably take her out from such an insane distance but will his ring be accurate enough to hit her and not just kill random innocents in the city? Also like I said earlier Eve is highly evasive shooting at her from a distance like that would just make her retreat underground.
It depends on which Green Lantern you're referring to. Hal, Guy, or Kyle probably wouldn't make the shot. John probably would. See the Sinestro Corps War when he counter-sniped Bedovian from three space sectors away.
gamer wrote: As for Green Lantern shields being able to stop her powers, how? Shields block attacks what are these shields going to be blocking? Eve isn't firing mutation beams out of her eyes or playing a mind control song. Think of it this way everyone who has mitochondria is basically infected with a disease that will take over them (your own mitochondria) the only thing Eve is doing is flipping the switch and telling the mitochondria to wake up there is no known defense to preventing your mitochondria from "waking up". Aya resisted because she was the same type of being as Eve and also had mitochondria powers she just chose to do good instead of evil.
Through the power of will or something. Dude's been taken over by being of living fear that ended up nearly blowing up the universe. He can probably handle it in time.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Eulogy »

Not to go off on a tangent, but if it was so suicidal to approach Eve, why didn't the military just shell Eve with artillery and/or missiles (using unmanned aircraft or satellites as spotters)? Furthermore, you didn't give us a concrete answer as to the range of her powers. If Eve can use her powers far away enough that she can torch fleets of ships without getting blasted into oblivion or nuked, and if she is indeed a SUPERGENIUS :wanker: then why didn't she just swamp Aya with literal mountains of mutated insects, birds, fish, etc.? Why allow Aya to get close AT ALL?
Last edited by Eulogy on 2012-04-03 09:15pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Batman »

gamer wrote: The effect of Eve's powers are instantaneous the game, movie, or book doesn't give a time if Eve wants you to mutate and become her slave, liquefy, or explode all these things happen seemingly instantaneously.
In other words, you don't know. You have no idea about the range, you have no idea about how fast she can do it, you don't know anything quantifiable where that ability is concerned.
As for taking out the Jet and naval fleet that does tell us about her mutation/mind control abilities as well since they both work on the same principa take over the target's mitochondria.
Which isn't going to do her any good if her opponents are shielded/too freaking fast/don't have any.
Failing that she could use her energy powers and forcefield to help since they do not rely on the enemy having mitochondria just pump lightning into the target or using electromagnetic radiation to create a forcefield.
To what effect? So she now...created a forcefield. That's going to bother the JLA why, exactly?
Green Lantern could conceivably take her out from such an insane distance but will his ring be accurate enough to hit her and not just kill random innocents in the city?
Given the best showings? Effortlessly I suspect.
Also like I said earlier Eve is highly evasive shooting at her from a distance like that would just make her retreat underground.
So whoever is the Lantern on scene has to dig her out. Adds anouther 10 seconds or so of work (high end). You don't know beans about Green Lanterns, do you.
As for Wonder Woman isn't she alive? Isn't her body made of flesh and doesn't she bleed (she's not walking magical mud is she)? Is she from Earth? If all of these are true the likelihood of her having mitochondria increases dramatically. She also seems to breathe and eat something lifeforms with mitochondria tend to do.
Lifeforms with mitochondria in human form also tend to have serious problems with reacting quickly enough to deflect bullets with their bracelets, casually toss around MBTs or fly under their own power. Curious-Diana has done all that. Care to explain that?
As for Green Lantern shields being able to stop her powers, how? Shields block attacks what are these shields going to be blocking?
Are you seriously this abysmally stupid?
Eve isn't firing mutation beams out of her eyes or playing a mind control song.
Yes she is.
Think of it this way everyone who has mitochondria is basically infected with a disease that will take over them (your own mitochondria) the only thing Eve is doing is flipping the switch and telling the mitochondria to wake up there is no known defense to preventing your mitochondria from "waking up". Aya resisted because she was the same type of being as Eve and also had mitochondria powers she just chose to do good instead of evil.
And how, pray tell, is Eve getting your mitochondria to suddenly do her bidding whithout transmitting something?
'Next time I let Superman take charge, just hit me. Real hard.'
'You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues.'
'No. No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.'
'Tactically we have multiple objectives. So we need to split into teams.'-'Dibs on the Amazon!'
'Hey, we both have a Martian's phone number on our speed dial. I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt.'
'You know, for a guy with like 50 different kinds of vision, you sure are blind.'
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