Here are my assumptions :
- There is an ocean of liquid water on Europa, trapped between a multi-kilometer thick ice-crust and the silicate crust of the planet.
- The ocean stay liquid because of both the pressure and temperature.
- Living organisms have been genetically engineered to live and thrive in this ocean that can be eaten by humans as a food-source.
- The colony is self-sufficient as far as food goes, but may import a proportion of its need for metal and other industrial resources.
- The colony's primary energy source is geo-thermal energy.
- No antigravity : the surfaces-to-space shuttles are fuelled with an Hydrogen/Oxygen mix.
- Interplanetary travel is relatively quick (Earth-Jupiter travel is counted in weeks), using tiny pellet of deuterium/tritium shot at high frequency (several per second) and ignited to undergo nuclear fusion to achieve thrust.
- There are mining colonies in the main asteroid belt.
Here are my questions :
- Is this colony only there to house people, or does it produce something that other worlds in the Solar System lack ? Could it be an Agro-World ?
- What would it look like in practice ? Would people preferably be housed at the highest level of the under-ice sea, just beneath the ice, or would they prefer to be inside the ice, or at the very bottom of the ocean ? Would all the cities have fixed positions, or would some of them roam the ocean, changing position with time ?
- [Bonus Question] : Can I have a lunatic captain aboard his harvesting-submarine raving about how he his going to catch his dreaded nemesis, the Grey Medusa, which killed his previous crew and almost killed him ? Can I have a city named Rapture ?
Excuses as to how the oceans were seeded with life or as to why the moon was colonized may contain some amounts of, respectively, Weird ScienceTM and "Why the hell not ?".