Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins...]

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Connor MacLeod
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Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins...]

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Well another benchmark achieved. We start delving into the FFG rpg materials, starting with Dark Heresy. This was interesting as I'd originally written up this stuff long long ago when the RPG was still under 'Black Industries' and before FFG picked it up. Indeed I had to do a bit of a rewrite for some of it (like the Inquisitors Handbook) because my stuff had found a few changes, but here we are. And there's alot to go through.

The Fantasy Flight Game material is.. interesting. It's some of the most prolific (almost as much as Black Library) and it is very fluff heavy, but this isn't bad. Indeed, I've grown increasingly fond of the FFG perspective on things - it combines aspects of the Codexes and the novels and somehow manages to make it feel less retarded than the codexes, whilst encompassing a bigger scope than the novels. Now granted a fair bit of stuff contradicts some of my own earlier assertions (say bye bye to my earlier acceleration and power generation figures..) but that's not really a big loss for me, I think. That isnt to say that there aren't problems or contradictions, but in general it holds together better than alot of the codex material does and even the novels do. If one were going ot restrict themselves to a particular source of evidence the FFG stuff is a good choice.

Each separate 'series' focuses on a different aspect of the Imperium or the 40K galaxy, but it all fits together in broad ways (It all takes place in roughly the same segmentum, albeit in different parts.) It covers society, technology, starships, people... all those things you need for an RPG. And like an RPG it tends to take a looser approach to some of the 'fundamental' aspects of 40K (like grimdark) but this is hardly a fault, since the grimdark was pretty silly to begin with.

Dark Heresy is the first series. Much like its predecessor Inquisitor, it follows the Inquisition and their agents, but it takes that and builds on it massively. Set in the self-created sector called Calixis (which is technically canon, as Calixis shows up in the 5th edition core rulebook, so. CANON.) In terms of feel and setting.. well it feels alot like Eisenhorn and Ravenor as well as Inquisitor, which again is not bad because Abnett is a good source for that sort of thing when it comes to world building (he did a good job with Scarus after all..) It captures that feel of detective and investigation, and alot of the interpersonal interactions that drove those books. Dark Heresy has also spawned two novels by Sandy Mitchell, and those novels really do a good job of capturing the strong points of Dark Heresy. More novels set in that universe (or in Rogue Trader or Deathwatch) would be good, I think. At least it might be a nice variation from the Space Marine battles stuff.

The Core rulebook (and all the DH stuff) largely tend to be info dense because of all the fluff, moreso than novels and such.. so this will probably take longer to dig through. Hell, it probably will take multiple updates and I will eventually have to be running them in tandem (one reason I want to finish Imperial armour.. I can start Rogue trader and/or Deathwatch and start playing catchup) but I should be able to catch up.. eventually. I may even take breaks and overlap the series, depending on my mood.

so, with all that said, here we go into the Calixis sector...

Page 14
When a feral world lies in a war-zone, the Imperial Guard may supplement the natives’ armaments and train them in the use of lasguns, heavy stubbers and the like. Despite a rudimentary knowledge of such weapons, the feral worlders have no concept of how to manufacture or maintain them.
It's noted that these places may be so primitive because they are largely ignored (out of touch) with the Imperium, which is a reflection of the whole Star Warriors/Sky Warriors thing from early fluff, or the Imperial commander residing in an orbital facility above the planet and only coming down to collect tithes (or psykers). Pre black powder/stone age for the most part though.

Feral worlds military value seems to be largely of the "conscript" variety - quickly trained, easily acquired, and largely expendable. And then only when near a war zone. again they don't seem to be considered very important in the greater scope of things.

PAge 14
...jungles, which harbour man eating plants and fearsome carnivorous animals, or barren rock-scapes strewn with volcanoes and wracked by nuclear storms.
...close to a sun and mostly consist of parched deserts...
...worlds are covered largely in ice and arctic tundra, utterly inhospitable and inhabited only by the most resilient humans. Death worlds are almost impossible to colonise, but are often explored as they can harbour rich minerals, gas deposits, or other attrtactive resources.
They could be remnants of an ancient colony, long since fallen into ruin. Perhaps they are the researchers and Imperial Guardsmen from an outpost gone feral ...
For DH terms Feral and Death worlds are related. The main benefit and purpose of dealing with Death worlds is either the resource benefits outweighing the costs/risks, or because its some sort of Darwinian process to create super soldiers (EG Catacthans). This isn't neccesarily an absolute either - we know that Krieg for example can be pretty Death-worldish in its surface, and is used for training grounds, but it isn't a feral world. Stalinvast in the Inquisition War too had super duper death world qualities to it outside its hives. (Some Death Wrolds in other words might be Hive worlds.)

Page 14
...feral worlds are controlled by a planetary governor. In many cases, this ruler governs his planet form orbit, travelling to the surface only to establish purges of psychic talent and mutation.
This suggests more of a custodian ship than anything.. a world that may contribute to the Imperium in the future but for now is merely claimed and tithed from but no other interaction/benefit is provided. Whereas a major world like an agri or civilised world will have both give and take - trade, recruitment, etc.

Page 14
...[Feral World Guardsmen] are sometimes trained en masse in vast drill camps or ship holds, ,whilst others are merely shown a lasgun and trusted to get on with it. Also, there are those instrtucted by members of their tribe, using rote-learned rites and religious rituals.
Again training and quality don't seem to be the prime assets of Feral worlders as troops, which tends to push them into the same "conscript" category that your average hive ganger might be (except a hive ganger has the benefit of being knowledgable about some of the basic weapons. Feral worlders won't even have that.)

Page 14
Some hang around colonies and outposts, thereby becoming semi-civilised, whilst others have come from post-apocalyptic worlds where theft and gang warfare are the norm.
As hinted above, it seems that most, but not all, "feral" worlds are low tech to begin with. Some merely are high tech worlds that regressed (either from lack of contact and trade, or catastrophe, or whatever.) This is probably best represented by a sort of post-apocalyptic "Mad MAx" or "Fallout" type world, differing from Hive Worlds in that it is both lower tech and not taking place inside a giant metal volcano. Although as I onted above its possible some "feral" worlds might cross over with the hive category in some ways - we know for example even necromunda has its ferals (ratskins or the ash waste nomads.)

Page 15
The survivalist mentality and physical prowess of feral worlders makes these planets good recruiting grounds for the Imperial Guard or even the Space Marines. Sometimes, removing a feral worlder from their familiar environment will be an unnerving experience for them, and their primitive mind will be unable to cope with the knowledge of basic concepts such as space travel.
In these instances, madness ensues and the poor feral worlder must either be imprisoned or put out of his misery. Even those who make it into the wider Imperium retain many of their tribal traits and traditions. Sometimes this can be incredibly useful—the Catachan jungle fighters or the Space Wolves of Fenris are prime examples—but sometimes these traditions can appear to be strange affectations or social hindrances...
An interesting take on some of the "Fantasy-esque" or brutal aspects of 40K. Interesting as well that Catachans (after a fashion) are considered a sort of "feral worlder" which makes an odd bit of sense (although you could also treat Hive Gangers as being similar under this broad definition.) It does tend to suggest why they view such individuals (from either a high tech, former high tech, or genuninely low tech) setting is important, although I suspect the truly "feral" (EG pre-black powder) worlds are not as useful to the Guard compared to others (EG Catachan or similar) due to their primitive-ness, and are probably rarer. Whereas the "feral" types more reminisicent of hive gangers and the like are naturally more likely to be common.

Page 16
The great hives are not like the other worlds in the Imperium, and you are not like the common man. Technology has surrounded you all your life, and you find its rarity elsewhere bemusing.
Hive Worlders are used to technology. Given 5th edition's breakdwon on troop tithes and Hive world populations (nevermind the "billions of hive worlds" implied in Heart of Rage) this is probably more representative of things in the Imperium than anything, especially since "hive world" definitions in FFG mateiral seem to represent Necromunda/Armageddon like worlds as well as stuff that would be classified as "civilised" in the main 40K game - eg a broader category.

Page 16
Hive worlds are home to countless teeming millions. The population is so dense that frequently the entire surface of the world is covered with enormous cities stretching from horizon to horizon.
Seems rather contradictory, at least if you take it seriously. It doesn't really offer much in terms of hive world density or population density, but its more an approximation. I also omitted the details regarding the "factory world" aspect of hives, churning out lots of equipment and chemicals and whatnot, since it basically is covred elsewhere and adds little here.

Page 16
Hive worlds are vital to the welfare of the Imperium. They are industrial worlds, producing munitions for the Emperor's armies in vast factories, mining valuable minerals and refining fuel for the Imperial fleet.

These planets are usually barren and hostile with the much of the hive world's surface inhospitable, sometimes deadly to human life after centuries of pollution. The hives themselves are astonishingly large - massive urban conglomerations, spires of adamantium and rockcrete that can cover continents and stretch for miles into the sky. Each hive houses millions, even billions, of Imperial citizens.....
The usual characteristics of the hive worlds. The "inhospitability" seems to vary from world to world - some may only be dangerous long term, while others may be outright fatal regardless. This tends to reflect the fluff pretty well - on Armageddon for example you have people who can go unprotected in some parts of the world (eg the jungles), whilst even on Necromunda you can endure short term exposure or or at least go out side if you're properly prepared (Ash wastes nomads, mutants, etc.) Probably depends on the nature of the 'inhospitability' - the idea of a hive by FFG terms seems to be a "artificial, self contained and self supporting city enviroment with large population density" - which means that airless/dead worlds or even death worlds could technically be Hives (Krieg and Tallarn could represent the former, Stalinvast the latter.)

Repetition of "upper limit" sizes of hives, although this isn't neccesarily consistent (EG 10 km Necromundan hives.) - hive nature and shape can vary dramatically. Population also can vary of course... but this probably again reflects the size of each hive as well as its importance. Some hives can be minor (millions) and others major (billions) and there can be multiple of each type on a world.

Page 16-17
....the hives rely on constant recycling and imports to provide food and basic materials for the teeming masses.
Conditions are squalid and unsanitary. The very air breathed by the countless hivers is recycled from the spire above and pumped through the rest, growing ever more bitter and poisonous the further down it filters. Even the water is distilled from the discharge of the upper hive, and food is factory-produced, sometimes algae based or spun from corpse starch.
There is also the gang warfare and the fact tha tmost inhabitants are basically factory monkeys for their entire life. Basically hive life is shit, although this again depends on the kind of hive. Some of the ones closer to "civlised" rather than "true Hive" (Eg Necromunda type) probably aren't as much of shitholes - both because they aren't as polluted and the population densities are considerably lower. Verghast and Thracian Primaris/Eustis Majoris are good examples.

Page 16
Hive world Guardsmen are often from the ranks of the hive militia or Imperial Guard tithe—trained troops who act to defend the hive against rival cities, attacks by out-wall savages or internal strife. Others are “Privates”, foot soldiers drawn from the ranks of the personal armies controlled by nobles or trade houses. Others still are brutal gangers, adept at dealing death and defending their gang territory.
Probably represents the gamut from "professional" tithing (EG formal military forces of some kind, or at least some with some level of training) down to the conscription/cannon fodder grade (hive gangers.) Again considering the sheer population density and number of hive worlds in general across the board, hives come closest to representing the "standard" in 40K, such as it may be (note that even then, there's a wide range of capability and variation just within hives that can make standardizing at best a headache if not impossible. Especially on the "billions of hive worlds" scale.)

Page 16
Hive world psykers are usually plucked from their birth class and dragged into the service of the nobility. Many endure a life of indentured servitude, truthsaying business dealings or reading fortunes for fashionable noble matrons. Others are recruited to dampen the psychic resonance of the millions of souls packed within the metal skin of the hive. Some soothe and numb the workers, whilst others hunt out the seditious, mutated or secretly psychic.
Uses of psykers in a hive - they seem to be used in some form of "human resources" role - either influence or control of the populace, for entertainment, or security/protection purposes.

Page 16
Hive world Tech-Priests are usually recruited from hereditary castes dedicated to maintaining the fabric of the hive itself. Many Tech-Priests view other hivers as little more than organic components in the glorious machine-spirit of the city.
This would imply that some Hive worlds are little more than mini/quasi-Forge worlds, with their own Admech faction (if not in direct control.) The same is probably true of "industrial" worlds or "industrial/hive" worlds (like Vostroya or Aerius from Ragnar's Claw.)

Page 17
These underhives are creations of catastrophe—explosions, water pollution, power failure and collapsing access tunnels are common occurrences in the lowest parts of the hive-cities. Sometimes the damage is repaired, but more often than not the appeals of the refugees fall on deaf ears and the underhive expands.

...normal habitation is impossible, but the underhive still serves as a refuge for hive scum, outlaws and the mentally unstable, though in some rare instances entire sub cultures manage to develop and subsist in this inhospitable realm.

Underhives are frontiers in more ways than one, and are often seen as a necessary evil.
Sometimes these foul creatures find their way into the underhive, and in a hive-city, parents scare their children with stories of sump spawn and plague zombies.
- Mention of the "Underhive" as well as plague zombies and other things. This basically all sounds very much like Necromunda just in variations of the same theme. Necromunda can even have orks, Nids or the like.

I imagine the 'neccessary evil' is twofold: one it provides a potential recruitment ground for colonization and military purposes (new planets or new wars, basically), and it is a safety valve that gets rid of unwanted elements (eg those who crave freedom or cannot conform to the overworld society) without much trouble.

Page 18
You hail from an Imperial world, one of a million planets united by belief in the immortal Emperor.
Yet another quirk (but not an unprecedented one) of FFG material - "Imperial world" seems to represent a distinct and separate category from everything else. It's a bit confusing, but again I liken it to "member worlds vs colonies/protectorates" like in teh GE. This would also help explain some of the inconsistencies in the numbers of worlds in the Imperium. Various other sources (Inquisition War, the Various Chapter approved, etc.) have also lent credence to this idea.

In practical terms I'd guess "Imperial world" is one directly under the control fo the Adpetus Terra or one of its components (EG Munitorum, Administratum, Ecclesiarchy, etc.) or has some direct tie to it in some other way. They repreesnt the major, important key worlds that are perhaps the most sophisticated, the best equipped, and the most loyal. The keystones of the Imperium. Everything else (the millions or billions of others) are secondary.. they are the ones that are allied with the Imperium on a more feudal basis.. they obey certain rules and restrictions in return for protection, but are largely left to their own devices most of the time.

This defintiion would also exclude certain other "allied" factions - eg the AdMech and the Astartes obviously, since they are their own little independent fiefs within the greater Imperium.

Page 18
A bewildering variety of worlds are known to the Imperium. From hyper-technological democratic societies to drudging medieval worlds, many planets offer their fealty and devotion to the immortal God-Emperor of Man.
The bewildering variety. I'm not going to say what is common or not, because frankly that would be silly. I'd guess that not many "democratic" societies are part of the imperium proper (EG direct control of the Adeptus TErra) but are more common in the "allied/loyal" category.

Note that the arbites entry mentions a "technocratic capital" - whatever that means.

Page 18
Given up as part of their home world’s obligation to the Emperor, these [Imperial World Guardsmen] Acolytes have been trained and equipped with the best their world had to offer. Other Guardsmen may have been seconded from mercenary or private armies controlled by the rich and powerful.
This tends to suggest Imperial world guardsmen are a cut above the usual group. Again probably the most loyal, best eequipped/trained, and the like. They are liekly also to be the least numerous (especially if we adopt the "member world/protectorate scheme")

Page 18
Psykers from Imperial worlds are sanctioned by the Throne of Terra, thereby gaining some measure of respectability and acceptance. Most are servants of some Imperial institution...
Imperial World psykers are also considered "sanctioned Psykers", and seem to be more respectable than other psykers. I'm not sure how this compares to "non Imperial world" psykers... are they also sanctioned or is there some lesser degree of sanctioning... I suspect the difference may be again one of quality/loyalty more than anything.

Page 18
Imperial Tech-Priests are often the children of a forge world. Some are brought up to be part of the Adeptus Mechanicus, whilst others join due to natural skill. They attend the rites of technology for their world, be it tending the harvester machines, spaceport cogitators, governmental vox mechanisms or colonial mining gear.
Oddly, they also differentiate "Imperial World" techpriests from other worlds (IE hive world techpriests) Not impossible to believe, given that despite being an empire within an empire the Admech is no more unified than any other part of the Imperium (EG it has its own factions, politics and infighting.,, and may not trust itsefl anymore than it trusts the greater Imperium.)

The Imperium covers such an utterly vast area of the galaxy that it is almost impossible to conjure an image of a "typical" Imperial world. In truth, no such thing exists. Amongst the million worlds of man, there is endless variety.


Some Imperial worlds are utterly remote, having no contact with the rest of humanity for centuries.


The closer a world lies to Holy Terra - the home planet of mankind - the more important, advanced, and well-governed it is likely to be. Those far-flung planets on the fringes, on the other hand, ,are likely to be frontier worlds, left to their own devices for much of the time, and lying under the constant threat of attack, both physically and spiritually. Many worlds have a technological base akin to Holy Terra, while many more have devolved into feudal backwaters with little more than black powder technology. Such worlds make excellent recruiting grounds for the Imperial Guard, the Space Marines, and the Inquisition...
"Imperial worlds" mentioned include Agri, Mining, Cardinal (Shrine), and garden worlds... this may refer to general "Imperial worlds" rather than "Imperial proper" as I defined above. Hard to say. the lack of contact would also tend to reinforce that, although there are myriad ways for contact to be lost even with an important world (warp storms, etc.)

The main interesting thing is that proximity to Terra has an effect on technological capability, governing and the like. This has interesting implications, as a fair bit of fluff often happens in places far away from the core worlds.. but this can also help explain discrepancies in technolog yor capability.

This also meshes with the disposition of the Imperium, much of which is in the western half of the galaxy which is (by fluff IIRC) more densely/heavily settled than the edges of the Imperium or much of Ultima segmentum (For that matter) There's also the fact The Fire Warrior novel mentioned that Ultima Segmentum was generally lower tech in terms of starships and other stuff relative to the other segmentum (pacificus or obscurus IIRC.)

Page 19
Most major scientific advances in the Imperium come from rediscovery of forgotten secrets form the Dark Age of Technology. The reliance on these ancient templates creates a mishmash of tech-use on many worlds. For example, it is possible for a planet's industry to rely on gigantic steam-powered monorails for long-distance transport, yet still be unable to produce smaller versions of these aged devices, resorting instead to horse-drawn carts for commuting.
Mention of the variable technology levels in the Imperium - part of this is due to inconsistent recollection or possession of STC data and such, part of it is Admech politics (they don't share with ech other any more than they share with the rest of the Imperium, which is why some places like Ryza are known for plasma tech, why one forge world which was lost was solely responsible for Vanquishers until others tried to replicate it, and why there were 'counterfeit baneblades.')

That said "most" is not all, and i suspect the rest comes from either people (EG space marines) doing an end run around AdMech conservatism, or the more radical elements of the AdMech itself doing an end run around its own conservatives. This is more turbulent and unpredictable though, for obvious reasons.

Page 19
Governmental organisation is equally as varied. Most Imperial worlds are ruled by a planetary governor, who assumes absolute control either by birthright or by election.
Note that there still are some vast "class distinctions" - Imperial Worlds can still have nobility/wealthy, and "lower" classes forming the working classes (slaves, militia, workers, etc.) Really Imperial commander is just a organizational convenience for the Adeptus TErra - someone they can deal with easily, and without getting involved in micromanaging worlds (which they can't do.) It doesnt neccesarily impact on the world's own governing style itself.

Page 19
The millions of orphans produced by constant warfare, within and without, are taken in by the Schola Progenium. Many Imperial Worlds are pocked with vast orphanages, where the strict drill-abbots of the Ecclesiarchy produce faithful servants of the Emperor. Those of noble blood may become officers in the Imperial Navy, or even commissars, while the rest will undoubtedly find employment with the Ministorum, the Adeptus Terra or one of the Emperor’s armies.
- Schola Progenium recruits may be officers in the Navy, commissars (in Guard or Navy), or be employed in the Ministorum, the ADeptus TErra, or one of the "Emperor's Armies" (storm troopers?). This probably supplements the Imperial Worlds in terms of producing reliable/loyal Imperial citizens to help curb the excesses and maintain some measure of reliable local control on otherwise independent worlds.

Page 19
Law and order within society is often kept by the Adeptus Arbites. Sometimes, however, more remote worlds employ civil militias instead. On such planets, mercenaries- sometimes even off-worlders -are hired to bulk out the standing garrisons that not only provide domestic security, but also form part of the Imperial Guard.
Arbites may be present on many/most worlds, but not everywhere it would seem,a nd in such cases the Guard garrison (or equivalent) may assume security/peacekeeping roles as well as military/civil defense. I'd expect this to be true on frontier worlds or colonies, far from direct Imperial control, as well as less important/minor/forgotten allied worlds.

PAge 20
Within the warp, a ship can cover many thousands of light years within a relatively short time.
How short is a short time? no idea. Its ranged from hours to months.

Page 20
There is also the constant danger of turbulence, warp storms and loops. Ships can be sent thousands of light years off course, or trapped in stasis forever. In the warp there is no time and distance—only the constantly flowing stream of the immaterium. On board a ship in the warp, a single month of perceived time may pass, yet in the material realm anything from six months to several years may elapse.
time in the warp can vary.. for a single month in the warp, several months (Six months) to several years may elapse. I'm not sure if this is typical or potential time dilation either, if it reflects common differences in courses, or if its just as variable as other things. Certainly in novels like Eisenhorn or such, we don't seem to see significant time dilation going on. It may be this reflects one of the dangers of "non-route" based warp travle, or dangers of less reliable or commonly plied routes.

Page 20
Void born Arbitrators stride the corridors of the ship ever alert for trouble and sedition. Some work at the behest of the captain, watching for signs of witchery and rebellion in the crew. Others maintain close links with the Adeptus Arbites, and instead watch the officers for signs of corruption.
Void born Assassins frequently take orders from the high-ranking officers of the ship. These Assassins kill off troublemakers and suspected cult leaders before any corruption or sedition can spread through the ship. Others are members of strange death cults, mandated by the enginseers...
Some starships it would seem, can have enforcers and their own asssasins. These seem to be "allied" forces, although It makes me wonder why they don't mention the arbites own space blased/fleet elements (mentioned in Exeuction hour and the Shira Calpurnia novels). Maybe they extend this influence through influencing enforcers. Assassins may be another means of enforcing shipboard security (probably even on naval vessels.) alongside the conventional forces.

Page 20
Some are employed to detect emerging psykers within the crew, hunting them out before they can become prey to some malefic horror of the warp. Others act to maintain defences against such intrusion, whilst others bleed out portions of their soul to aid the ships’ Navigators, and some are trained to receive astropathic communications.
Various roles for psykers onboard ship aside from communication. They may also offer defense against daemons (suggesting a defenisve role whilst in the warp) or the "soul bleed" to aid navigators, which resembles an "astronomican" like effect somehow (establishing communion with beacons or other navigators perhaps?) Others probably include various security or monitoring functions (scrying to detect ships or other things in a system, watching over the condition/location/thoughts of crews, etc.)

Page 21
Some void born are raised on huge space stations—asteroid mining bases, battlefleet refit stations or research platforms. The rest come from a variety of backgrounds: the crew of merchant vessels or warships, miners, prison guards (or prisoners) or even the servants of a Rogue Trader.
Origins of "void born" - between this and the unquoted but mentioned fact that some spaceships have whole families/generations raised onboard and who may never set foot on a planet, there is a whole segment of Imperial population independent of the ground/land based parts.

Page 21
The largest ships are vast, city-sized constructions, many of which are thousands of years old. Lobotomised servitors and tech-adepts scuttle about their business, while menial crew, passengers and merchants co-exist in cramped corridors and tiny quarters.
Ususal starship fluff.

Page 21
These [black ships] vessels are part of a large fleet traveling the Imperium in a huge circuit, visiting each Imperial world on their route once every hundred years or so. Their mission is to collect the psychic levy from each world - hundreds of psykers rounded up and handed over to the authorities for some unknown fate.
Hundreds of psykers per world it seems seems the average tithe. Considering there's a million or so worlds in the Imperium.. thats hundreds of millions of psykers every century.. which seems odd given the attrition of human psykers to find viable ones, as well as the lifespan of astropaths and other "useful" human psykers in general (CF the billion or so astropaths lost in a single event not toppling the Imperium.)

Page 25 - DH "Guardsmen" may not neccesarily be part of the IG. They may be thugs, mercs, or even PDF, or also part of the IG. The distinction must be noted. The same seems to apply to most classes and such (although they mention arbitrators always serve as part of the arbites.. even though they use arbitrator to define non-arbites personnel too.)

PAge 26 - not technical but a interesting dune reference. "You are uncomfortable around bald, robed women" (Bene gessrit and the pain box)

Page 27
These [Electoo Inductors] are palm-sized metal skin grafts that appear much like tattoos to the uninitiated. The electoos are wired into your nervous system, where they derive power from the bio-electrical emanations of the flesh. They can be used to emit or siphon power in many ways.
Mind/machine and human/machine interfaces extend to more than just MIUs and augmetics.. it extends appaently to tapping and powring systems and such.. from the human body. It's even been implied in some fluff that you can run it vice versa (sustain the organic parts on the mechanical or vice versa.) An interesting ability, but with tradeoffs no doubt.

Page 27
This [cyber-mantle] is a framework of metal, wires and impulse transmitters that is bolted on to your spine and lower ribcage. As you gain further implants, this mantle will act as a sub-dermal anchorage point.
Cradled within the cyber-mantle is a power unit known as the potentia coil. This mass can store energy and produce various types of fields. Coils come in many types, from small crystal stack affairs, to bulky electrical galvinators salvaged from vehicle engines.
Basically a sort of cybernetic power generator/battery thing of some kind, only more technobabblish and probably with skulls. I think it can charge from other sources, or from the own internal (human) power. It also acts as the central point at which all other implants link into or are expanded from, I guess. Sort of the implant "skeleton" in a way.

Page 27
This [cranial circuits] is a series of linked processors, implants and cortical circuits that augments your mental capacities. Most sit within housing bolted onto the skull, whilst others nestle within the brain itself. As you grow in the seriousness of your devotions, more and more of the brain that deals with useless things such as emotion and intuition can be scooped away to provide room for additional augmentations.
I am not sure if this is similar to the Rite of Pure Thought or not, but it's an example of the general "borgification" of a Techpriest. What's interesting is that this implies they can replace quite a bit of the brain with mechanical components.. but this begs the question of just how much they can replace without totally destroying the brain? More than half I'd guess

Page 29
...Acolyte is freshly recruited to the Inquisition, one amongst the hundreds conscripted by each Inquisitor.
An implied average number of acolytes/recruits per Inquisitor. May or may not be an average, and even if it is this is at least in the Calixis sector and may or may not apply beyond that.

Page 30
Few [women] get the opportunities of their male counterparts, but by the same token they also do not get exposed to the dangers out there in the wilder parts of the galaxy. Certain Imperial Guard regiments recruit females to fight alongside men; the Ecclesiarchy and the Inquisition likewise employ females at all ranks, but again their numbers are not in proportion to men.
I'll leave this up to others as whether there is significant sexism/discrimination in the Imperium or not (or to what degree).

Page 30

Interesting "Build" chart that gives height/weight approximations for all potential acolytes from the four world types. I'll summarize rather than wholly reproduce the chrat:

Feral World:
Male: 1.9M/65kg 1.75M/60kg,1.85M/85kg, 1.65m/80kg, 2.10M/120kg

Female: 1.8M/60 kg, 1.65m/55kg, 1.7m/70kg, 1.55M/70kg, 2m/100kg

Hive world:
Male: 1.6M/45kg,1.7M/55kg,1.75m/65kg, 1.8M/65kg, 1.75M/80 kg

Female, 1.55m/40kg, 1.6M/50kg, 1.65M/55kg, 1.7m/60kg, 1.65M/75kg

Imperial World:
Male: 1.75m/65kg, 1.85m/70kg, 1.75m/70kg, 1.9M/90kg, 1.8m/100kg

Female, 1.65M/60kg, 1.75M/65kg, 1.65m/60kg, 1.8M/80kg, 1.7m/90kg

Male: 1.75m/55kg, 1.65m/55kg, 1.8M/60kg, 2m/80kg, 2.10M/75kg

Female: 1.70m/50kg, 1.55m/45kg, 1.75m/60kg, 1.85m/70kg, 1.95m/70kg

The interesting conclusion to draw from this is that very tall and heavily built folk are not at all unusual in the Imperium, including some well over 7 feet tall (close to or over 2 meters) When you couple it with the prevalence of mutation, of heavy gravity worlds, and the potential for genetic engineering, it implies quite a bit about the capabilities of a baseline human (and how it may have come about.)

Page 33
- Feudal worlds are defined as being swords (iron) and black powder, but still simple, primitive worlds.

Page 33
Dead Planet: Your home world is little more than a habitat perched upon some blasted rock.
Maybe a mining colony upon an airless moon, or perhaps an expedition to uncover some longdead alien race...
"Dead" planets arent really dead, but of the same venue as research and monitoring out posts or relatively "small" facilities.

Page 33
Your home world is one of the rare and coveted paradise planets, where it is forever summertime, and the living is easy. Aside from being objects of envy and scorn for the rest of the Imperium, your people are likely to be somewhat bemused by the cruel nature of the universe, with a naive optimism that others find highly foolish.
while it osunds nice, its equally possible/likely that you're enslaved into servitude for the nobles and aristocrats who inhabit and control the planet.

Page 33
Orbital: You were born upon a vast and ancient satellite, orbiting some star, moon or planet. Likely part of a scientific mission, isolationist retreat or military stationing, you grew up in a world of routine and repetition, with endless orbital cycles, rituals of observance and maintenance rotes
Which says some interesting things about populations or numbers on such facilities, considering some (like star forts) can get pretty darn big.

Page 33
Chartist Vessel: You were born upon one of the great trading vessels of old. As part of a crew endlessly plying a traditional route, you grew up within the gloomy holds, packed with exotic riches you could never own.
This implies that "chartist" captains have a traditiona nd history of their own which may be different from, but as noble/important as those of rogue traders and other "ship people". They also mention being born on warships as well.

PAge 44
Billions staff the Administratum...

Many are in hereditary positions...
..it has been known for whole departments to become lost in a sea of complex bureaucracy only to resurface centuries later. Entire divisions have been founded and dogmatically continue to exist, even after their original intent has long since expired.
So um.. yay bureacracy and stuff? The only thing saving this in the inability for the massively bloated hereditary bureacracy cannot effectively micromanage. Imagine how much worse it would be with reliable and speedy FTL comms. :lol:

Page 49
Logisters apply their phenomenal powers of reasoning and logic to the toughest of problems, slicing through quandaries with the keen scalpel of their intellect.


“If there’s one thing worse than a psyker, it’s a psyker that knows everything.”
Magisters possess an implicit understanding of the nature of the galaxy, and man’s place within it. Through the study of this forbidden knowledge they unlock hidden powers


“They say even the mysteries of the Tyrant Star are not beyond the mind of a sage.”
Few secrets remain hidden from the mind of a sage.
Various types and subsets of adepts. It implies that despite the burecratic crap, they might be capable of something - individuals may be cybernetically or otherwise enhanced (mentat-like) or even something vaguely psychic (Magister, etc.) It at least sounds impressive.

Page 50
Throughout the millions of worlds of the Imperium, crime is rife.
Millions of worlds.

Page 50
Entire sub-sectors and planets have been in the thrall of illegal cartels and criminal organisations.
Scope of criminal activities in the Imperium. It says something about the ability of the Imperium to interact and coordinate, at least at these relatively low levels. On the other side of the coin, the fact that sector (or higher) criminal groups seem uncommon says something about the quarantine/segregation measures (and general isolation) of the Imperium, which can be both an obstacle and an asset.

Page 50

- Judges and Arbitrators are treated as synonymous here.. which seems odd. Unless they're using "arbitrators" in a more generic sense (for Inquisitorial purposes) for "police types" (the same way they lump PDF, mercs, Imperial Guardsman and such into "Guardsmen."

Page 52
Investigators learn the arts of inquiry, using contacts, charm and dirty tactics to uncover the truth.
Arbites detective types.

Page 53
“Took sixteen slugs to the gut, but he still got his man. Now, there’s a real arbitrator for you…”
Implacable, unrelenting, and nigh-on impossible to kill...
Inherent toughness seems to be a common trait of the arbitrators, and not just because of their armour it would seem. Given how often they are outnumbered this can be important.

Page 53
Intelligencers are spymasters, tacticians and forensic experts. Their powerful intellect is matched only by their dedication to the Imperium.
Higher level investigators/Detecitve-espionist types (liek in the Calpurnia novels.)

Page 54
- Mentions the Magistrate and Justicar. The former is a specialist in ruling upon heresy and sedition, the latter specializes in dealing with decadent nobles. EVen with the labyrinthine and massive scope of Imperial law, there is specialization (which only shows to demonstrate how large and frighteningly huge those laws must be given the time it takes to investigate and pass judgement on matters.)

Page 56
There are many Orders, Guilds and Death Cults that thrive in the Imperium. Though there will be an element of penitence to the Emperor, in the duties they perform the Orders are either a functioning off-shoot of some monolithic Adepta or may even have a commercial interest, so some sort funding or tithe would be required to gain their services. Unbeknownst to even the aspirants that belong to these semi-legal organisations and cults most, if not all, are fronts for the Assassin Temples that form the highly secretive Officio Assassinorum, for this is where the Temple Masters recruit and induct the most promising individuals. The Assassins of such Orders are highly trained killers capable of feats far and above that of mere humans.
All assasins are noted to be distinctly superhuman, including Death Cultists. The really interesting thing is that it seems to be accepted practice for virtually everyone to have their own personal brand of assassins (from nobles to cartels to the various Adepta. We know the AdMech had their own assassins for example.) but its not really surprising, given how Imperial politics goes. One imagines that the ASsassin from Wolfblade (who didn't seem to be part of the official assasinorum) would be an example of a non Assasinorum Assassins.

That the Assasins are all fronts or under the secret control of the Officio makes sense as well, since that is their purview and they would likely want to exert control over other people's hired killers if they can (to prevent them from being used to topple the Imperium, for example, as well as for recruitment.)

page 62
...the Ecclesiarchy is a vast and powerful institution comprising millions of clergymen and hundreds of thousands of dioceses...
the size of a diocese seems variable - it can mean a sector or a single world, depending on your source. Originally I was taking this to mean hundreds of thousands of sectors but that seems to be unlikely (even given the mention of billions of worlds.) hundreds of thousands of subsectors maybe. If its hundreds of thousands of worlds, then its an approximation at best (or just another way to say million worlds.)

I'll note that it tends to vary.. for example "Blood of Martyrs" likens a diocese to a sector, and hundreds of worlds, but it also says there are only "several thousand" such places like that tops. It's not exactly a massive inconsistency either way.. If we assume there are only "several thousand" literal diocese then the "hundreds of thousands" could refer to diocses that are smaller than a sector (which is possible under other interpretations). But if there are hundreds of thousands of "sector sized" Diocese, each with hundreds of worlds, that's tens of thousands of worlds.. which isn't impossible either (billions of worlds in other references, again.) although it would also be fairly.. generous fleet sizes for that many sectors :P

Page 68
It [the Imperial Guard] is made up of billions upon billions of soliders, all recruited from the many worlds of the Imperium. The Departmento Munitorum is tasked with supervising, supplying, and sourcing the regiments of the Imperial Guard but even this organisation has no idea of exactly how many troops are under arms as the continuous toll of casualties and influx of recruits will run into millions in a single day.
Pretty typical IG fluff.

Page 68
The Guard regiments come from many different planets and their native cultures, styles of dress, technological background and warrior traditions are all different too. The Guard does not even try to impose a standard uniform, preferring to exploit the unique strength of each company, be it a tribal warrior clan, or a highly drilled and regimented unit of Cadians. To this end there is no formal training; each regiment is trusted to instruct their own troops in the war craft they have developed in their own culture. In fact, the only kind of unity within the Imperial Guard is the use of standard equipment such as the lasgun.
Another way to describe it is "the IG has only a passing familiarity with anything resembling standardization" In fact, it's not even a guarantee that they are trained to use a lasgun (or will even get one) although it is not common either.

To be fair though, this mainly applies at very broad levels - segmentum or higher. At the sector and subsector scales, things like transport, logistics, etc. can be reasonably reliable and standardized. I imagine doctrine could be reasonably consistent too. Hell it wouldnt be impossible for it to remain so even across adjacent sectors, even - at least if they aren't too far apart. But the greater the distances get, the more the problems creep in.

Page 71

- Guard Assault Veterans can wield chainblades.

PAge 72
Shock Troopers know how to storm bunkers and lay down their life for the Emperor. They are well armed, well trained, and well feared.
- "Shock troopers" are noted how to "storm bunkers" and that they are "well armed, well trained, and well feared." Whether this tells us what the Cadians specialize in or not, I don't know, and I dont think modern definitions help much, since it looks like "shock troop" and "storm trooper" and "grenadier" are used interchangably in real life paralance, when they are all distinct things in 40K. They may be variations of "elite" troops (and certainly Cadians are considered elites of a sort) but that's it.

Page 72
"I may not look like much but I can take out your left eye with this baby from a thousand yards"

Most Imperial forces include a Marksman to support the rest of its members with accurate long-range fire support. They are adept at digging in and picking off the enemy.
From the Marksman entry.. Marksmen are noted to be included in most forces to provide "long range fire support" Whether this is like "designated marksmen" in RL military forces or just another term for sniper is up for debate, because in 40K terms it could go either way (the Ghosts as I recall use marksmen and sniper interchangably, for example.) In turn it could mean that the above range means iether a lasgun, or a long las... which could suggest lasgun range is anywhere from 600 to 900 metres (At least) for a aimed shot.

Page 73
"There's something really satisfying about making a man's head explode like a blood melon."

Snipers are masters of their art, able to kill at a distance, then melt away from view. They are silent, skilled and often have a grim sense of humour. Many find them hard to understand.
Sniper class commentary. This tends to suggest Marksmen and sniper are distinct things, at least in the context of FFG. Then again nothing suggests that marksmen can't use long las alongside snipers. The above may or may not mean lasguns can make heads explode - by the game stats at least lasguns are as damaging as long las (then again they're also roughly as damaging as carbines and pistols and autoguns and such) but by other fluff (like the uplifting primer, ghosts novels, etc.) long-las typically use enhanced ammo. We have seen regular lasguns blow heads apart on another hand, but we've also seen regular lasguns use enhanced ammo too.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next update for DH core rules

Page 74
Some [psykers] will serve the Adeptus Astra Telepathica as an Astropath. An even smaller minority—after close scrutiny—are sent out to fill numerous roles throughout the Imperium. This could be as indentured servants to high-ranking lords within the Administratum, battlefield psykers used to counter xenos mystics, or in the service of the Inquisition.
Uses of human psykers.

Page 76-77
The Savant-Warrant has proved themself reliable in the face of fire, and is duly trained for a greater role.


The Imperial Guard often use the Savants Militant, putting their destructive powers to good use upon the battlefield.
A combat psyker.

PAge 77
The Scholar Medicae has learnt well the lessons of base matter, and now turns his powers to understanding the mysteries of flesh, bone and the living being.
- Apparently the Imperial Medicae make use of psykers, which in a way makes sense for anasthetic and healing purposes. I can't see the Ecclesiarchy liking this though (or the Sisters hospitaller.) but it might be more accessible than technology.

Page 78
As a full initiate of the Scholastica Psykana, the Scholar Materium studies the foundations of being, essence and immutable form.
Implied psychic research of some kind.

Page 78
The Lieutenant-Savant enjoys an officer’s rank and privilege, yet is under constant surveillance nonetheless.
- apparently Some psykers can be officers (with the rank and priveleges)

Page 79
Versed in the ways of matter and flesh, the Scholar Arcanum studies the sphere of the mind, the realm of theory, academic learning and philosophical conjecture.
More psychic "research".

Page 79
The Savant Adjunct has the power to bend flesh and metal, to send his mind forth amongst the enemy forces and to ken the nature of unnatural opponents.
A high end psyker's feats. Still a combat psyker I believe.

Page 80
“Sire, success! He made three pounds of gold yesterday!”
- a sufficiently eadvanced and powerful pskyer can transmute other mateirals into gold (or create it from thin air) apparently. Even more the quote implied that for that particular psyker it was a trivial feat. So the Imperium has at least some form of matter transmutation power, although the efficiency of and reliability/commonality of such is up for debate. Still it can have implications and uses.

Page 81
The Preceptor-Savant is a psyker charged with manifold duties—to lead the Savant Militant, to protect key command staff and to instruct officers in the best deployment of psychic forces.
Psyker tactics and such.

Page 88
The Cult Mechanicus holds a virtual monopoly on technology. Its tenets and beliefs permeate through their rituals into the common superstition of Imperial citizens.
- the Admech is stated to hold a "virtual monopoly" on technology. That implies some people have access to or use technology outside tha auspices of the Imperium.)

Page 88
The lowest ranks of tech-priests have mainly maintenance and construction duties, but as a Tech-adept progresses and acquires grerater knowledge, he is relieved from the more trivial day-to-day tasks and allowed to study and learn of the greater mysteries and missing techniques that have prevented any kind of progressive development in the Imperium's technological base.
Ah the admech. The hilarious bit is that it implies they actually train people in technological stagnation. It could mean that the adMech tries to condition its potential magos and such against violations of its strictures (Hypno-conditioning perhaps?) although teh efficacy of such is variable at best (since we still get radicals, explroators, etc.).

Also note the stratification of duties.

Page 89
Whilst the abilities of Tech-Priests are a complicated blend of technology, mummery and religion...
Originally a "out of universe" game mechanics quote, but I find it useful since i hints there is a certain degree of hoax to the AdMech "religion" (EG it's designed to maintain their technological monopoly.)

Page 90
Having mastered form and material components, Electro-Priests apply themselves to the sacred study of energy. Thence they learn the animating principles of machine spirits, and the means by which they may be propitiated.
Implies that "machine spirits" are electronic (Rather than photonic) computers.. then again machine spirits can have organic ocmponents, which can also be "electrical."

The oddity (for me) is all the references that include magic crystal tech which would imply the opposite (photonic stuff.) Then again given the positively schizo tech base of the Imperium, it could be both.

Page 102
The Chimera Armoured Personnel Carrier is a staple transport and light support vehicle for military and paramilitary organisations throughout the Imperium. It has good armour, can mount a range of heavy weapons and has the capacity to carry up to twelve passengers along with a crew of three.
The chimera.

Page 102
Guncutters are light aircraft, often capable of reaching low orbit. They are combat ready and usually covered with heavy weaponry.
Gun cutters, like Eisenhorns.

Page 105
You can use the Psyniscience skill to become attuned with the ebb and
flow of the warp and the immaterium. The most common application of this Skill is to detect the presence or absence of Daemons or other psykers.

You can also Test to detect unusual psychic phenomena, areas where realspace has been “disrupted”, areas where the immaterium seems to be blocked (or shielded against), and so on.
This seems odd as a "skill" as it implies everyone would have some sort of low level psychic talent. This does, however, depend on what people consider "attuned" to be. MAny times in the fluff and novels an otherwise "normal" person has described being able to feel or otherwise detect the taint of warp activity in use, either by prickles on the nape of the neck or hairs raising, temperature changes, tingles or electric-like sensations, strange smells, etc. Psyniscience may simply be related to such phenomena.

Then again, context tends to suggest it is more than that (being able to locate specific psykers, for example)

Page 113
Autosanguine - "Ancient and Blessed technology filters your blood. Handed down from generations past, your implants repair minor injuries.


In addidion, you naturally heal at an increased rate...


Your autosanguinators also sooth the minor pains and sores caused by the belssed metal of your implants pressing upon your weak flesh.
Admech implant, presumably, basically self repair/healing capabilities. They seem neccessary as well to regulate the sensations (which would otherwise be unpleasant) associated with having implants.

Page 113
Whereas a weaker man would be sent flying when using powerful weapons, your strong physique allows you to remain standing. You can fire a heavy weapon on semi- or autofire modes without first bracing.
- some individuals can be so strong as to resist heavy weapon recoil. Obviously this is meant to cover the "Bragg" type Guardsmen who can wield heavy bolters or autocannons singelhaneded.

Page 117
Logis implant: You may utilise analytical circuits to calculate trajectory and reactions to a preternatural extent. Your ability to read possible outcomes lets you anticipate the movement of your opponents.
Admehc predictive implant abilities.

Page 117
Luminen Blast:
Using your electoo inductors, you may create a crackling ball of bio-electrical energy that you may fling at your foes.
Much like electro-priests. Powering this by human power and expecting to do thermal damage is probably not.. likely. But there's other ways to use electricity

Another ability I oimitted earlier was "ferric lure" - the ability to use EM fields to attract/manipulate objects, kilograms (or tens of kg probably) in size.

Page 118
Luminen Charge:
You have learnt how to lend your life force to technology. On a successful Toughness Test you may use your bio-electrical field to recharge or power machinery.


Ordinary (+10) Chemical battery, glowglobe.
Challenging (+0) Las gun charge pack,data-slate, personalheater.
Difficult (–10) Overcharge pack, airconditioning unit, servo-skull.
Hard (–20) Land speeder engine,lascannon chargepack, servitor.
Very Hard (–30) Industrial press, cogitator engine, xenos tech.
This is a bit hard to guess at, since your average AdMech has his own internal battery and can (in theory) do quite alot (think of Electro-priests), but that's not very useful for calcing. The best we can do, probably, is to compare it to another source.

Lasgun charge pack: two possible comparisons: data slate or personal heater. The Data slate is probably easy: comparable to a PDA or such. For example a Lithium ion battery has around 360-900 kj per kg, and usually masses around 50-100 grams (18-75 kj for the battery). A palm top itself may mass around 150-200 grams near as I can tell. Data slates are a bit bulkier (half a kilo) so maybe 2-3x that. 36 kj to 225 kj for a lasgun charge pack, and probably more towards the upper end of that scale. Personal heaters are a bit harder - none of them to my memory operate on a battery, so its not really possible to measure. But they can run for a few hundred watts to 1000-1500 watts, so running it for an hour or two might yield 1-2 MJ to upwards of 10 MJ. Ironically 2 hours or so is the same as needed to recharge a powerpack.

Overcharge pack: The best example for an air conditionig unit running off a battery comes from here Which implies some 10-11 MJ. It may also only be "powering" it (although since a personal heater runs on more power that's up for debate too..) That's alot, but it depends on your AC. Alternately, there is this one that runs on 8 D batteries for 4 hours, and has a combined (with internal, rechargable) of 24 hours. going by here A d battery should be between 19 and 75 kj per battery you get between 912 and 3600 kj for the AC.

Lascannon pack: I'm going for simple: comparing it to a TEsla roadster or the GM EV1 or the Chevy Volt Call it between 50-100 MJ per "battery". Some lascannon drain the power pack in a single shot, and some are worth 20 shots by that. you get between 2.5-5 MJ and 50-100 MJ depending on number of shots. Not unprecedented either way (the former can fit with the implied lascannon ouptuts from Inferno's Demolisher cutaway, the latter can mesh with some lascannon calcs.) If we knew servitor performance we might compare there, but assuming 8-24 hour usage and 1500 watts (maximum performance) you might get between 40-120 MJ. Fits roughly with the above, but thats purely conjectural (not that any of the other calcs are better.)

Overall battery preformance for small arms seems to be somehwere at least in hundreds of kj to several MJ, and definitely somewhere in mJ range for lascannon. We can definitely confirm that lasgun/cannon/etc batteries are superior to their chemical battery analogues as well (harder to charge.. meaning that a regular lasgun should be ~.4 kg (better than 200-400 kj). A overcharge pack .9 kg (400-800 kj maybe?) and a lascannon 5.5 (2-5 MJ) by the "10% of weapon mass" rule.

Also, because I'm not sure of the interpretations above (power or recharge, up for debatE) none of these calcs may be valid, so they probably should be viewed as "supplemental" evidence rather than primary (other battery calcs later.)

One way to double check the values is to go by volume estimates for power, as per atomic rockets. We know a standard lasgun powerpack for example is ~15x10x5 cm roughly (give or take 1-2 cm in a given dimension). Going by the 1-1.25 kj per cc estimated by atomic rockets we get between 750 and 935 kj per power pack, which is between 12.5 and 16 kj per shot roughly. This may be generous or conseeervative depending on batteries, because the AR wiki link mentions Lithium Ion batteries going up to 2.23 kj per cc for volume (althoug it doesn't cite a source, and if you look here it tells a slightly different story, although it lists one as high as 7.2 kj per cc. Also if the battery is a big larger, as some depictions have them, which could increase the energy output by 50-60%. It also must be noted that by some depictions laspistol and lascarbine powerpacks are similar in size, which can also change the yields, and some lasguns only have 40-50 shots rather than 60. A 50 shot powerpack at around 1 MJ is going to be around 18-20 kj per shot, not much diff maybe but still different.)

Page 118
By long hours of rote learning, you have mastered one of the miracles of the Omnissiah.
..you may hover 20–30 centimetres off the ground for a number of minutes...


Each Maglev Grace exhausts the power stored in your potentia coil, and thus you may only use this rite once in every twelve hour period.


You may activate this rite whilst falling to produce a controlled descent. Provided that this rite is active when you reach the ground, then you take no Damage from falling. You may enact this rite twice in every twelve hour period.
This might be calcable if we knew more about the mechanism.. either way it provides limited compensation against gravity and such. Probably a variation of Ferric lure. I'd also imagine it has defensive applications.

Page 119
You have learnt to draw mental fortitude from a liturgical circuit buried deep within your skull. You may “tune out” mind control attempts by concentrating on the prayers recited by the proxy unit.
Technolgoical version of faith I guess.

Page 121
You may recite an infrasonic liturgy that causes awe and fear.

You may recite an infrasonic dirge, which causes terror within the weak.
Use of sounds to influence/affect minds.

Page 121
[Rite of Pure Thought]
You have replaced the creative right half of your brain with a cogitator. You no longer feel emotion, and are instead filled with the cold purity of logic.
Guess this answers my question about brain replacement being the Rite.

Page 124
On some worlds Acolytes may find people trading with precious shell tokens or coins of rare metals, while on others they may encounter cloth trade scrits and currency tracked only in the circuits of cogitators. In Dark Heresy all of these kinds of currency are referred to as Throne Gelt or Thrones. A Throne is a measure of currency throughout the Calixis Sector, secured against the massive amounts of wealth generated by Imperial Planetary tithes.
Calixis sector economics. I guess it's better than the barter system, although given the way 40K is set up you can imagine this getting as convoluted and byzantine as any other administrative process in the Imperium does. Securing it against tithing is kind of clever though, since that is a tangible resource that can represent literally anything, and the Imperium can still be sneaky and recoup any "losses" through additional tithing or something (which they have, I believe, done before.) Can't be any worse than the gold standard at least.

On the other hand, tithe secured thrones also probably only adds to the complexity becuase of the sheer diversity of resources tithing can represent...

I wonder if there is an economics god who is an aspect of the Emperor the same way the Omnissiah is.

Page 127
The Imperium is vast, and amongst its billions of inhabited worlds there are countless forge worlds, factories, ,craftsmen, artificers and blacksmiths turning out weapons and armour. As can be imagined this producees a practically limitless variety of makes, patterns, and brands. It would be impossible to detail eacn and everyh different make of weapon in the Imperium (or even a small fraction of them)...
"billions" of inhabited worlds in the Imperium. We might call this a typo (supposed to be millions) but this has been repeated for several sources (Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, etc.) and in other cases (RElentless, Heart of Rage, etc.) It's partly for reasons like this that I preferred to adopt a stratification of planet types and definitions, because otherwise it's just a big, confusing jumble. In this case, we know that those inhabited worlds must be fairly substantial - having some level of industrial capability (although it can technically include feral worlds, via blacksmiths, so its not all high tech.) a Good chunk of those are likely to be underground or hives, or domed "colonies" that may not have huge populations but still the basics of industry and such. Indeed, given the fact that there are likely to be more uninhabitable worlds than habitable, the odds are more in favor of that type than of "earth like" societies, agri worlds, or the like.

ASsuming a population in the thousands or (if not millions) for each colony we'd be talking at least trillions bare minimum, if not quadrillions. Given populations of Hive worlds, quadrillions is more likely, especially taking Heart of Rage into account. And quintillions is certainly possible by some FFG sources as well.

Page 127
Range: This number is used to determine how far the weapon can be accurately fired in metres. A weapon’s Short Range is half this number while its Long Range is double this number

Weapons cannot be fired at targets more than four times their range distance.
"short" range for weapons is half its stated distance and long range is double. Max range is four times the distance (Extreme is 3x) This is still game mechanics, and there are plenty of fluff examples that show that it isn't a direct correlation (EG some weapons have a range far greater in the text than the game stats indicate) but we might take it either as a "context dependent" range for game stats, or juts dismiss it as game stats and only treat the comparisons as relative. Note that even as "relative" comparisons you want to stay fairly limited in what you compare it too - I might compare different kinds of las-rifles, or autoguns to lasguns, but I wouldn't compare pistols to rifles, or lascannon to pistols, or the like. (Well not in all cases.)

Ex: Lasrifle has a range of 100. Long-las a range of 150. We might guess that a lasgun has 2/3 the range of a long-las. Assuming the 1000 yard marksman range from earlier, we might figure (If the marskman was using a long las) a lasgun has a 600 metre potential range (copared to the ~900 metre range for the long las) If it was for a lasgun, then a long las might have a 50% greater range.. or a 1.35 km range. Even then its not neccesarily a precise "upper or lower limit" figure, but just a general idea (due to variability of designs and such.)

Page 128
When working out a hit from a Blast weapon anyone within the weapon’s blast radius in metres, indicated by the number in parenthesis, is also hit.
You might use this to calc grenade weapons, but like with weapons ranges above it probably is more arbitrary and would at best be a lower limit.

Pages 130-131

Weapons stats are given here, including range (in meters) but there's not muhc point to most of it. The ranges are given in meters, but they seem fairly arbitrary and dont neccecsarily match up with fluff (or other sources) - then again this can be rationalized as range being variable.

Ex: Autoguns and boltguns have a max range (90m increment x4) of 360 meters. Lasguns of 400 meters (100m increment). Heavy stubbers, heavy bolters of 480 meters, a hunting rifle and long-las of 600 meters (150 meter increment.) Bolt pistols have the same range as shotguns and autopistols and laspistols. (30 m increment, 120m max range)

Grenade launchers have a max range of 240 meters and RPGs have a max range of 480 meters. Needle rifles have a max range of 720 meters. Flamers have a range increment of 20m (max range 80) and hand flamers a range increment of 10 (max range 40 m)

Lascannon have a 1.2 km max range. Compare with sveveral sources (Inferno magaizne for Demolisher, Fallen angels, etc) that give lascannon a 2 km range at least.. a lasgun would have a 680 m range compared to that, long las a km, autoguns and bolters 600 m range, etc. The bolter ranges would at least be roughly comparable, and the lasgun would mesh with the 900m range roughly from the marksmen entry (Angels of Darknes,s daemon world, Salamander, and Deus Encarmine all give bolt ewapons around a 600 m range)

Amusingly, bows, ,crossbows, and muskets all have simialr range to the pistol weapons. (30m)

Rate of fire seems vague. LAsguns can fire 3 "shots" on semi-auto (burst) mode, las carbines 2. Bolt pistols and boltguns also fire two on "semi-auto." (which is different than 3rd edition.) Plasma cannons are also semi-auto (dual burst, as are combat shotguns. Heavy stubbers and heavy bolters have full auto of 10 shots, autoguns have a burst of 3 and full auto of 10. Autopistols have a full auto of 6, and stub automatics have a burst of 3.

Ammo capacity: lasguns 60 shots, carbines 40 shots, laspistol 30 shots. Long las 40 shots, Man portable lascannon 5 shots.

Autopistol 18, revolver 6, stub automatic 9, hand cannon 5, autogun 30, huunting rifle 5, shotgun 2, pump action shotgun 8, combat shotgun 18. Heavy stubber 200.

Bolt pistol 8, boltgun 24, heavy bolter 60. Inferno pistols 3 shots, meltaguns 5 shots. Plasma pistols 10 shots, plasma guns 20 shots Hand flamers 2 and flamers 3.

Grenade launcher has a clip of 6 and a RPG launcher has a clip of one.

Grenade launchers mass 9 kg, RPG launchers mass 15 kg.
Grenades all weigh half a kilogram (Frag, Krak, etc.)

Ranged Weapons weights go thusly in kg:
Laspistol 1.5 kg, Las Carbine 3 kg, Lasgun 4 kg. Long las 4.5 kg, Man Portable Lascannon 55 kg.

Autopistol 2.5 kg, Stub recolver 1 kg, Stub automatic 1.5 kg, Hand Cannon 3 kg, Autogun 3.5 kg, Hunting rifle 5 kg, Shotgun and pump action shotgun 5 kg. Combat shotgun 6.5 kg. HEavy stubber 35 kg.

Bolt pistol 3.5 kg. Boltgun 7 kg. HEavy bolter 40 kg.

Inferno pistol 2.5 kg. Meltagun 8 kg

Plasma pistol 4 kg. Plasma gun 11 kg.

Flamer masses 6 kg, hand flamer 3.5 kg.

Page 131
Las weapons work by emitting short, sharp pulses of laser energy emitted from high storage fast-discharge capacitors, with a flash of light and a distnictive snap like the cracking of a whip as the trigger is pulled..
Not much different than other descriptions of lasweapon, though I think its describing semi-auto, pulsed weapons rather than a sustained/heat ray type. It also implies "single pulse" rather than "series of pulses", which might fit given lasguns relatively poor penetration (compared to bolters, hellguns, etc. at least.)

The capacitor is also likely one of the points of variance for the weapon for things like rates of fire - a power pack with a charge rate that is far lower than what the capacitor could hold may require several seconds to build up a "shot" (or to use lower powered shots - this could be an impromptu "variable setting" effect. Or it may allow you to discharge brief, sustained, powerful bursts as long as the capacitor remains charged. Charge "time" plus trigger pull - some shotguns IRL use trigger pulls to control rate of fire (because of the low rate of fire, which lasguns actually come close to matching by sources like the uplifting primer, so it fits.)

Hotshot/overcharge packs might be an example of such, as is the Krieg pattern lasrifle (25 shots from the same sort of powerpack other lasguns use.)

Page 131
A lighter, cut down version of the lasgun, the las carbine has fewer shots and a shorter range but is easier to carry and aim, often coming with a folding stock.
Shorter barrel and gneerally more compact probably means less power and range. It's a variation on the "bullpup" design we see some regiments (like the Elysians) use, although you'd wonder why only some lasguns are bullpup, its not as if las weapons have ejection ports.

PAge 132
Favoured by snipers, the long las is a specially modified version of the lasgun constructed for added range and accuracy. As its name implies, a long las also has a much longer barrel than a lasgun, sometimes being up to twice the length, making it unwieldy in close quarters.
Long las. Note that barrel length can vary, which probably has an impact on both range and coherency/penetration of the weapon ( a longer barrel means a more tightly focused beam).

This quote also would tend to suggest (at leats purely in FFG context) that the 1000 yard weapon range was more of a regular lasgun rather than a long las (which might fit with the designated marksman role) - but again it depends on source. In the Ghosts universe (which FFG does borrow from) Marksmen and sniper can be used interchangably. It could also be one of those cases where "game stats are relative" - maybe the shorter barrelled long las have a lesser range, and the game stats represent the "twice the length of a lasgun" type barrels.

The other interesting thing (at least by stats) is that long-lase do not come (inherently) with hot shot packs, but have a multi shot pack. long las also have 40 shots, which means its "overcharge" pack has 20 shots, which meshes with the "hot shot" packs long las are usually equipped with in other sources (EG the IIUP.)

Page 132
Built for war, lascannons use huge power packs that provide enough energy to punch holes in the thickest armour even at very long ranges. Lascannons also require separate power packs, which is why they are often crewed by two or more people.
Lascannon. Like most heavy weapons you need a separate loader because of the size/output of the power packs. Note that depending on source, a lascannon can drain the pack in a single shot, or may have up to 20 shots (possibly depending on variable settings, or on length of time the trigger is held.)

Page 132
Las power packs can be charged in the field from most power sources. The time the pack takes to charge is determined by the power output of the source and is ultimately up to the GM, but typically takes several hours. Alternatively, power packs may be charged by placing them in an open flame. This however takes at least a day and permanantly reduces the clip size by half).
A rather interesting quote since it implies something calcable. in one of two different ways. The first way is "power sources" - no specific values of given, but "several hours" (2-3) is implied. Sadly we don't know the kind of source. But we can speculate.

We know, for example, from Cities of Death that lasguns can be linked into power generators for virtually unlimited fire. Forgeworld sells such a Power generator which looks to be either propane or diesel (fossil fuel based). Near as I can tell there isn't much difference between the two. A quick google search comes up with single or evne double digit kw even for portable power sources. Assuming a 3-5 kw power source for a lasgun we get between 20-55 MJ per power pack (which may be for laspistol, lasgun, etc.) Which is.. impressive, and it isn't impossible based on some sources (and my earlier calcs) but I suspect some would still call that too high (even though you could get even higher calcs with others.) I would poitn out (alternately) that this might suggest at least single-double digit KW lasweapons based on the aforementioned stratagem.

If we assume that the power "recharge" is analogus to some sort of plug in "battery charger" Thius tends to also be pretty diverse depending on how it runs. From here for example you can go from double digit watts to kilowatts. Some of the larger wall mounted can even get up to the power generator calcs. And still yet there are the single and double digit watt solar battery charger

Assuming single or double digit watts over a few hours, you get a potential (but much more modest) double to triple digit kj (tens to hundreds of kilojoules) output. Not impossible, but solar power is not neccesarily what it was talking about above too, especially since that tends to fall into the "heat in a fire" category usually (EG last resort). If we assumed a 200 watt charge source (not impossible.. not too large, not too small) It would be a couple megajoules. That might work, but one could get away with a double digit watt (say 40 watt) for pistols (That mtaters too remember. Atomic rockets estimated hundreds of kj power source for sidearms, rememeber)

Another thing to consider is tha this can also depend greatly on the weapon and the power source. Lasgun effects cna probably affect the power output (for example) - heat ray kill lasers probably require more power. A "explody' lasgun bolt probably can get away with using considerably less power.

Which brings us to the Throw it into a fire approach. This has its own interesting problems. For one thing, which side (or sides) of the lasgun absorb and convert the heat and light? THere's also efficiency to consider. I've had hard times figuring out intensity or wattage figures for fires.. the best I came up with was something like wood stoves which hve been used (Sabbat worlds crusade book) and which may be more efficient than campfires. Thing is it depends alot on surface areas and such, so I tended to go anywhere from single digit watts to hundreds of watts per square meter... not terribly helpful.

Another possibility I considered was using "flash burn" injruies. First or second degree can be caused by single/double digit joules pre square cm. which helps.. but also depends on which surface area "absorbs" the heat. A lasgun powre pack (for example) seems to measure about 5-6 cm wide, 10-12 cm "long" and 10-15 cm "tall" - which means that it could be a a few tens of square cm for one area (like the top) to several hundreds sq cm (for multiple sides).. and even then it doesn't account for duration - it doesnt always take long to get burns from open flame (dpeending on how hot it is) but it could affect things. To simplify (and to complement my above calcs) I assumed it wouldnt get any worse than sunlight (.14 w per square cm). With sunlight you can get single or double digit watts depending on surface area (and how many), but that isn't damaging (it just counts as light, not light and heat). Contact seems to be more efficient but risks damaging the pack (probably by over-heating it up. if its a molten-metal battery analogue, then temperature can matter greatly in the safety and relibility department) Campfires could be single kws to hundreds (or more) depending on parameteers.

Assuming a 5-20 watt charge time.. you either spend 12 or 24 hours (depending on how one defines a day) at leats to charge. 200-860 kj (12 hour) and twice that for a full day. Also remember that this probably includes laspistols as well as lasguns, and the ammo capacity is reduced by half (so a normal charge would be twice this) So again we're looking at hundreds of kj per power pack at least, if not thousands. On the other hand of course, there is the "efficiency" issue, balanced by the fact the power ouptut can be greater. Since its an order of magnitude calc I'm not worrying about either, and it figures in either way. I still figure hundreds of kj is a reasonable lower limit (again based on atomic rockets) for pistol sized weapons, but double digit kj could work too (30-50 kj would be 1-2 kj per shot depending on ohw many shots there are, for example)

Overall it probably doesn't matter much. The ismple fact of the variation in lasgun types and designs and qualities probably means that lasgun power packs (and outputs) can likewise vary for reasons I already stated. Hell we know of some lasguns and pistols sharing the same power pack even though others like FFG books treat them separate, so it doesn't seem impossible for a lasgun that could have a possible double or triple digit kj powerpack. It depends on what one si going for, there would be tradeoffs both ways. Overall treating it as an OoM caclc seems best, and I would tentiively say "triple digit kj" for pistol packs and single digit MJ for rifle/carbine packs.

One thing Xess suggested in a previous thread (and he said I could snag it) based on fires is to deal with boiling water. I have a few possible ways to approach that (one being a Kelly Kettle but there's a few others to make guesses about) but I want to deal with that separately when I have time. Probably either when I cover Rogue trader or maybe another update. Suffice to say that isn't too far off, and the energy needed to boil even a few kg of water would be a good 500-1000 kj for a powerpack, which could be 8-17 kj per shot for a 60 shot lasgun.

Page 132
Solid projectile weapons, or slug-throwers, are almost as plentiful in the Imperium as las weapons.
No other class of weapon boasts as many varieties.
This tends to suggest that auto/stub weapons are only a bit less common (probably due to the reliability/ammo thing, counterbalanced by tech differences - autoweapons are easier to build than las I bet) but more diverse.

Page 132
A variant of the stub revolver, the huge hand cannon fires enormous rounds designed to not only take down a target but make a loud and intimidating noise when doing so. These weapons produce ferocious recoil, and unless fired two-handed...
- Considering the thing masses some 3 kg according ot the rules, should we be very surprised it needs two hands? This clearly represents the large "penis compensation" type revolvers - something like the Colt Anaconda, the Ruger Redhawk, or the S&W model 500 (which is something like a 2 kg or so revolver.) Bear in mind that FFG sizes for guns tend to be a bit bigger than RL sizes though. I mean, a stub revolver is 1 kg, and a stub automatic is 1.5 kg. And an autopistol is 2.5 kg (which is a rather large SMG...)

Page 132-133
Cheap and easy to produce on even the lowest-tech planets, autoguns are a staple weapon across the Imperium.

Hunting rifles can be found in the hands of a frontier hunter, or carried by a wealthy sportsman in the pursuit of prey.

Even the lowest-tech factories can produce these weapons, making them a common sight in the galaxy.
Again the advantage of autoweapons and stub is their low tech and easy production, which robably accounts for the fact why you still see them used in the IG compared to lasguns. Sometimes there ar eplaces you can't even build or maintain a lasgun (although they are rare.)

Note as well that hunting rifles have as much range as a long las.. what kind of rifle we're comparing too.. who the heck knows. Maybe full power or heavy catridges... then again it could also be a .22.

Page 133
These automatic shotguns, often fed from a drum magazine, are designed purely for warfare and are even deadlier than the normal shotgun.

Combat shotguns.. eg the kinds like the arbites have I believe. At least, thats what the picture looks like. Being "deadlier than a normal shotgun" may be due either to the ammo, or may reflect some greater performance (higher velocity, perhaps.)

PAge 133
A mainstay support weapon on lower-tech planets, and also popular with outlaws and hive gangers, the heavy stubber is ideal for fighting off large numbers of enemies or even lightly armoured vehicles. Heavy stubbers can also be used with an ammunition drum (rather than belt fed), changing its clip size to 40....
While the picture looks like your typical Ma deuce type HMG< we know nowadays that "heavy stubber" could be smaller calbires too.. ("merely" 7.62 MM NATO analogue, for example.)

Page 133
No other weapon combines high technology levels with deliberate brutality, and no other race would consider making it but mankind. Bolter weapons fire rounds of self-propelled mass-reactive shells called bolts, set to explode just after penetration. Overall they are superb, if temperamental, devices requiring skilled maintenance using the correct rituals and blessings. Furthermore, these are all very rare weapons, available only to the lucky or well-connected few.
It would be a mistake to confuse these “civilian” issue weapons with those of the Adeptus Astartes. Bolter ammunition is expensive and difficult to manufacture, and only the elite of the Imperium has ready access to it. The standard bolter round is .75 calibre and has a super-dense metallic core with a diamantine tip.
Pretty standard bolter fluff. I think it pretty much does a good job of conveying that Bolters aren't used so much for practicality/sense purposes but more for symbolic/psychological purposes (and the warp's nature can enhance the importance of "psychological" quite a bit in 40K) There's no doubt they're effective, though. But then again the same can be said of titans, can't it?

Just what a bolter is is up for debate. Some have said gyorjet but as has been previously discussed that doesn't quite work. Some say rocket propelled but that has problems too (guidance, and they aren't all laser guided.) Personally I tend to think it varies. I actually even think some bolters fire conventional (cased, non rocket propelled) ammo as well as the other kinds. Beyond that, the closest I get to is a scaled down "gun launched" micromissile/microgrenade launcher, or perhaps a man portable version of those automatic grenade launchers.

"super dense metallic core" may be referening metallic hydrogen of some kind. Although how it is explosive (due to the pressure, or it combusting/detonating) is up for debate. There's an ineresting article here about the properties of metallic hydrogen as an explosive or a propellant - maybe it does both for bolters. If so that has an interesting parallel to 40K torpedoes - the "power" of a bolt round may be scalable depending on what percentage of the "core" is used for propulsion and what percentage for explosive.

Of course "depleted deuterium" could also mean it sa small fusion rocket/explosive, which means the Imperium has some interesting applications of 4th generation nuke technology (or some plasma/melta based analogy perhaps. Either is possible.)

Bolters offer some interesting conundrums and implications (performance-wise) for autocannon and battle cannons, especially given how IA notes rocket assisted ammo exists for high end baneblades and Basilisks.

Page 133
Carrying a bolt pistol is a sign of high status in the Imperium, one that only a minority can afford due to the high cost of maintenance and ammunition.
Again bolters are more symbolic than practical weapons.

Page 134
A larger support version of the boltgun, the heavy bolter is seldom seen outside military organisations. It uses a much larger version of the standard bolt shell, with more propellant for greater distance and stopping power, which also makes it more deadly to armoured vehicles.
Technically all bolters have some anti-vehicle value if you believe some of the sources, but i'm guessing they mean something more heavily armoured like na APC/IFV. Also, unlike other bolt weapons it tends to be excused from the "symbol rather than practical" rule of such weaponry. I guess being a heavy/support weapon can forgive that.. it is sort of like a rocket propelled version of an automatic grenade launcher

Page 134
Most (meltas) work by combining highly pressurized gasses into an unstable sub-molecular thermal state, whcih is fired out in an intense blast of heat that can turn even tank armour into motlen slag. Targets are vaporised within seconds, usually accompanied by a distinctive hissing as the beam boils away the water vapour in the air.
The "pyrum-petrol" meltas, which are just basically technobabble flamethrowers as opposed to technobabble microwave guns. Pne assumes that "most work" means that they at least acknowledge the micorwave type meltas which still pop up in fluff. Targets "vaporizing" in seconds could mean anything from a person (tens to hundreds of megawatts depending on percentage vaporized) to gigawatts (vaporizing some sort of armored vehicle, although to be honest I kinda doubt it meant this. Traditionally the "vaporizing" bit always referred to an organic opponent.)

Page 134
The technology behind the inferno pistol is hard to reproduce, making these weapons exceptionally rare and expensive.
And yet.. they show up rather frequently, depending on your author, in the hands of Interrogators, Sororitas, etc.

Page 134
There are also few things as good at cutting through armour than a meltagun, and they are often pressed into service for breaching bulkheads. As an alternative to using a meltagun with attached canisters, you may instead have a backpack and feed line, which doubles the clip size, adds 6 kg to the weight ..
Backpack-powered meltagun, and its armour-piercing duties. I suspect this may be a reflection as to how 40K armor protects morethan anything, since meltas are glorified heat rays. Of course plasma weapons are good too.

Page 134
Plasma weapons represent an almost lost art for the Imperium. The secrets of their manufacture are now known to but a handful of the inner circle of the Adeptus Mechanicus Magos Munitorum and their tech-adept artisans. They function by using sturdy flasks of hydrogen suspended in a photonic state to provide the fuel needed for the plasma reaction. This photohydrogen fuel core gives off tremendous heat when fired, and the firer must wait for the core to cool and recharge between shots.
Again, like inferno weapons, you hear how rare and lost they are, but they show up rather frequently in the fluff. Even to the point of being discarded, destroyed, etc.

Also note the curious traits of "photonic hydrogen" - or hydrogen in a "photonic state" -whatever the fuck that means - EM energy, perhaps a reference to the odd "matter to energy conversion" properties of old 2nd edition plasma weapons (EG plasma grenade from Wargear.) which may be the "plasma reaction" referenced. Whatever it is, it generates alot of energy, necessitating the cooldown period between shots.

When you get into Deathwatch and Black crusade, photonic hydrogen takes on even crazier properties, ranking right up there with plasma supersoakers and pyrum-petrol meltas, and naturally occuring combustible fusion fuels and other weird shit that crops up in 40K.

FFG plasma guns seem to follow the old "slow rate of fire due to cooldown/recharge between shots", which means they re tehcnically the "safe" plasma gun types (rather than the ones that blow up if you fire them too often.)

Page 134
As an alternative to using a plasma gun with attached plasma flasks, you may instead have a backpack and feed line, which doubles the clip size, adds 6 kg to the weight ...
Like meltaguns, plasma guns can run on a backpack power source.

Page 134
They use a fuel generically referred to as promethium, though it can also consist of home-made concoctions or other chemical brews depending on the local technology level. Once produced, the intense jet that spurts from the barrel creates a torrent of liquid fire, which spreads out in an inferno that burns even on water. Once set ablaze, enemies are hard-pressed to put out the fire.
- like the engines of IG vehicles, flamers can run on virtually any fuel, although promethium is the usual . What "promethium" is, like most things, depends entirely up to the writer, and has run the gamut from fossil fuels right up to fusion reactants. In this form, though, it pretty much behaves like your typical flamethrower.

Page 135
As an alternative to using a flamer with an underslung canister, you may instead have a backpack and fuel hose, which doubles the clip size, adds 6 kg to the weight
Flamers, like plasma and melta, can run off backpack sources. Later FFG materials actually indicate that pretty much any weapon (including lasguns) can run off a backpack source, although in fluff backpack fuel tanks are actually more common than the "underslung cannister". The fact a flamer can operate off an underslung cannister tells you something.

Note if you follow the "10% of mass" rule for weapon ammo, a flamer's ammo flask is like 600 grams (350 grams for a hand flamer) and carries 3 shots for a flamer (2 shots for a hand flamer). Flamer fuel must weigh no more than 100-200 grams per "shot" (or 175 grams per han flamer shot tops, less for the container.) And yet it can achieve similar effects to what a full sized modern flamethrower can (at least), which often requires 1-2 kg of fuel (at least), suggesting flamer fuel (promethium at least) is perhaps 5-10x more effective than RL flamer fuel.

Page 135
These primitive blackpowder weapons can take many forms, from finely crafted pistols constructed for the nobles of low-tech worlds, to simple pipe and powder affairs used by underhive scum.
When they [Muskets] do strike, however, they are deadly against unarmoured foes.
- muskets are stated to be deadly against "unarmoured" foes, but not (apparently) armoured ones, so presumably flak can stop a musket ball. Not that this means alot penetration-wise, but they can still pack quite a bit of KE and momentum. Muzzle velocity and bullet mass vary depending on era and calibre, but generally 15-40 grams for a musket ball (.50-.75 calibre) and 800-1000 fps for muzzle velocity at least. Later era (towards civil war) smoothbores (esp percussion) could get as high as 1500 fps. Assuming a 30-40 gram ball and around 250-300 m/s you can get between 900 and 1800 J of KE, and 7.5-12 kg*m/s momentum. for a 15-20 gram musket ball at ~400-450 mps you get between 6-9 kg*m/s and 1200-2000 J of KE.

Note this does not mean flak completely stops the ball, or prevents blunt trauma, but it's likely that the round does not penetrate (at least, not completely.)

Page 136
The standard grenade launcher uses compressed gas charges to launch a variety of grenade types at the enemy.
grenade launchers use compressed gas. Back in ealrier edition they could be EM launch too. :)

Page 136
More powerful than a standard grenade launcher, an RPG launcher is capable of accurately hitting a target hundreds of metres away.
Range of an RPG launcher. stats wise it has more than double the range of a regular grenade launcher. Note that a modern russian RPG can have a range as high as 500-700 m, while the RPG-7 had a range of 200 m. Either fits. A RL grenade launcher can have a range (depending on model) of 150-350, so this would suggest the rPG (assuming comparable performance to modern weapons) of 300-700m.

Assuming the 10% rule a RPG weighs 1.5 kg That's quite a bit lighter than most modern RPGs, but the laucnher itself is quite a bit heavier than even the RPG-32.

Page 136
Imperial Frag grenades are roughly the size of a clenched fist....


Krak grenades have powerful concentrated explosives designed to punch holes in armoured targets such as vehicles or bunkers. While stronger than frag grenades, krak detonations do not produce a Blast effect and their more ofcused explosion makes them impractical for use against people.
Frag grenades are fist sized, but weigh as much as a modern grenade by DH terms. Other sources (like Munitorum manual) have listed them as bigger ( nearly a kg) but this isn't a big deal - noone says that only one kind of hand grenade need be used (indeed this being 40K, its almost certain there are multiple kinds.

Page 136
Blind grenades explode with a burst of dense smoke, IR bafflers, and boradband EM spectrum chaff, all of which is designed to block detection through the cloud, sensors and vision that would pierce smoke cnannot see through the haze created by a blind grenade.
good old "smoke with EW effect" grenades.

Page 137
Photon flash grenades detonate like a small star, blinding anyone nearby and bright enough to overload cheap or primitive vision protection systems.
Sci fi flashbangs without the noise disorientation.

Page 138
Needle pistols use a low-power laser beam to propel small slivers of crystalline coated in viral toxins. Enemies wounded by them are almost instantly paralysed or dead within moments. As they are virtually silent and have no muzzle flash, needle weapons are ideal for assassins.
Needle pistols use "low power laser beams" for propulsion, which I take to be a form of electrothermal weapon (or at least an exotic kind of reaction-based thrust.) Note that later on we get implication of other motive forces for needlers, but again nothing says needlers have to be of one category.

Page 138
Web pistols fire masses of filaments, which expand in the air to form a web of sticky, near-unbreakable material. Targets are quickly entangled in a painful embrace; if they attempt to struggle the filaments constrict even more, further entrapping them.
The most commonly used web weapon, it [Webber] is often called into play to subdue those violating the Emperor’s Law.
One sort of "less lethal" weapon in 40K.

Page 138
Depending on the planet’s level of technology (and the wealth of the user), these can range from simple metal blades to high-tech weapons of plastic or exotic metals...
40K can have plastic swords. Of course you can have sort of plastic knives IRL too with polymer knives, and considering you have magic plastics like plasteel, why not have weapons made out of that?

Page 139-140
Many Imperial servants favour the hammer as an enduring symbol of the Emperor’s righteous justice.


The knife is the ubiquitous back-up weapon for warriors all across the Imperium, be they lowly hive scum or the elite soldiers of a planetary governor.


Swords can range from short dagger-like models to longer elaborate duelling blades.
Various kinds of close in weapons. Knives seem to be the common "close in" combat weapon, and "sword" does not neccesarily mean a "yard long blade of steel" - some are just very large knives it would seem. And of course there is the hwole symbolic effect.

Page 139

- Chainswords weigh 6 kg.. chain axes 13 kg. Power blades 1.5 kg, power swords 3.5 kg. These are not Astartes weapons either, since those are even bigger. Sufficed to say these are much bigger and heavier than "real life" swords (not the first time this has cropped up either - CG First and Only) which could be taken as proof of some humans being insanely strong, or may just mean this is game mechanics and sizes are exaggerated for at least some weapons like they are in the pictures. I would note that even if we take these figures as accurate, like any 40K weapon it probably represents a broad category and you could still have the lighter weapons serving alongside these insane ones.

Page 140
Chain weapons are popular amongst most warriors in the 41st Millennium, as most races and planets have the basic technology to produce these brutal weapons. They all have fast-moving chains of serrated metallic teeth running across what would normally be the weapon’s bladed edge. Even the slightest hit can rip open flesh, and solid strikes can cut through armour. Most are loud and all are visibly dangerous, and the sight of one can demoralise even the most fanatical opponent.
- Chainswords seem to be largely a psychological weapon to demoralize foes as well as a weapon of raw damage, rather than anything intended to be practical (kinda like Titans, bolters, and the Administratum.

Page 140
Power weapons work by projecting a disruptive energy field along the length of a blade or head of a weapon, allowing it to slice through most armour as well as limbs. Many of these weapons conceal their true nature via subtle power packs and energy projection veins, appearing as a normal weapon until activated when crackles of lightning run across the blade. Most can function as a simple weapon when powered down, a useful ability should their energy source run dry or become dangerous to use.
Power weapons. The powrfield seems to improve the cutting/penetrative quality rather than something messier or more visually appealing (melting/burning/exploding)

Page 141
Shock weapons are designed to be generally non-lethal, attacking the subject with incapacitating force through electrical shocks released on impact. As shock weapons have little or no destructive impact on flesh other than burn marks, they are useful for crowd control and “encouraging” workers such as shipboard press gangs or other forced labour.
Like power mauls, but other shock weapons exist.

Page 141
Compact weapons are smaller versions of pistol and basic weapons that are favoured by those that prefer concealment over stopping power. This upgrade halves the weight of the weapon but also halves its clip size and range as well ..

Upgrade. Possibly useful when a "compact" weapon makes its appearance in fluff. Of course "compact" weapons in 40K would also seem to be "normal sized" weapons IRL so...
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Page 141
This small device contains a small one-shot flamer weapon that shoots out a sheet of fire. Rather than firing the weapon as normal, the shooter may use the exterminator cartridge, working out the effects as if he was armed with a flamer.
Basically like Real life shotgun "flame thrower" ammo, although as I recall those arne't exactly effective. Of course you have digital flamers in 40K, so its a different story.

Page 142
Ammo weight is not listed; however, should it be important to know how much ammunition weighs, consider a weapon’s full clip to weigh 10% of the weight of the weapon itself.
Important mainly for a idea of magazine weights.. and with some speculation ammo weights for projectiles. for rifles: empty magazine weight can account for anywhere between 20-40% of the total weight, depending on weapon (M14/16 to AK47). Bullets can be between 35-45% of the catrdige weight roughly. Pistols are simpler. For a 9mm type pistol magazine is 1/3 the total weight... bullets are half cartridge weight.

Lasguns will be measured by battery comparison. Plasma pistols by hydrogen.. Meltas will gas (pyrum petrol) and hydrogen alternately, along with reverse engineered calc. Container for plasma and melta will be 1/3 mass.

Laspistol for example have 150 gram magazines, and lasguns have 400 gram magazines. Lascarbine have 300 gram, long-las 450 gram and lascnanon have 5.5 kg.

reachargable batteries listed here. Based on evidence in other sources I'd go with the sodium Sufuer battery (150 Wh/kg listed figure (540 kj/kg) although depending on the kind of battery used it could go as low as 30 wh/kg (100 kj/kg) or as high as 400 (1.44 MJ/kg)

Regular lasgun powerpack is worth 216 kj per pack and 3.6 kj per shot, a laspistol 81 kj per pack and 2.7 per shot, Long las 243 kj per pack/6 kj per shot and a carbine is 163 kj per pack and ~4 kj per shot. Lascannon is 2.97 MJ per pack, and ~600 kj per shot. As a rule I'd call it an Order of magnitude figure for those, depending on exact energy densities, but its not an unreasonable approximation either. (note that a lascannon entry which I didnt measure before. DA codex (4th edition) shows a lascannon power pack, and its maybe some 10-15 cm to a side, and 20-30 cm tall depending on scaling. you might get upwards of 8-9 MJ per pack (which coudl mean for a single shot or up to twenty, depending on what sort of lascannon ammo pack you're talking about. High kj/low MJ lascannon shots implied form it either way.)

Bolt pistols have a 350 gram clip. 700 grams for boltgun, 4 kg for heavy bolter. 25 grams for bolt pistol round.. only 18 gram for boltgun (twice mass, but 3x ammo capacity!) and 35-40 grams for heavy bolter round.

Autopistol 250 gram clip.. 4-5 gram bullet, stub recolver 100 grams 8 gram bullet, stub atuomatic 150 grams 5-6 gram bullet. Hand cannon 300 grams.. 30 gram bullet.

Autogun 350 grams. ASsuming an M-14/16 like rifle (as shown in the Siege of Vraks books) you get 3-3.7 grams per bullet. Which is about 5.56 mm ammo. AK-47 like rifle.. 2 grams. Rather ligth bullets for this all!

hunting rifle 500 grams.. call it 15-20 grams., and heavy stubber 3.5 kg (40 round drum or 200 round belt) 20 to 9 grams for the bullet.

Meltagun is 800 grams - 24 MJ and ~4-5 MJ per shot, inferno pistol 250 grams. 7.5 MJ and 2.5 MJ per shot. 3x that for hydorgen. If we go by "vaporize a person in a single shot (hundred MJ or so).. it could get close to or over GJ per kg.. higher depending on other "per shot" calcs (like say caves of ice.)

Plasma pistol 400 g.. 40 MJ capacity... 4 MJ per shot Plasma gun 1.1 kg. 740 grams.. 111 MJ per clip, 5.6 MJ per shot.

Flamer 600 grams, hand flamer 350 grams. 18 MJ "fuel" for flamer, 10.5 MJ for hand flamer 5-6 MJ per "shot" potential.

Grenade launcher 900 grams (150 grams per grenade), RPg launcher 1.5 kg

Needle pistol 150 grams, needle rifle 200 grams. Since needlers dont have a clip per se and no propellant we can figure between 25-33 grams at least.. or no less than half that. Actually HEAVIER than the game bullets. Go figure.

I should note I take the clip "sizes" with a grain of salt, as you can get some very screwy results in some ways, but at least some (EG lasgun ones) are not unreasonable - it could even be argued (as mentioned prior) that it depends entirely on the make and model. some lasguns may be purposely designed to use lower-energy powerpacks. They may have other benefits (higher/faster charging rate, or greater number of rechargings. Battery/power packs can have highly variable characteristics, and they may prefer one or more over another.) For that matter the lasgun entries probably are a 'grain of salt' thing too, but bound to be more easily reconcilable than the other stuff.

Page 142
For weapons that can use differing ammunition rounds, a shot selector can be fitted for ease of switching from one type to another. A weapon with a fire selector can have up to three different clips added.
- Fire selector upgrades to weapons allow for multiple kinds of ammo to be used (up to 3 different clips) We have seen this in bolt pistols (Bleeding Chalice) and lasguns (13th Legion)

Page 142
Bayonets and chain blades and other long-bladed combat attachments can be fitted to most ranged weapons, making them more useful in assaults.
- Bayonets can include chainblades. We've even seen power weapon bayonets.

Page 142
Mono weapons have specially fashioned blades with superfine edges, which can easily cut through armour and never lose their edge.
- in other words, a sci fi term for "magically sharp swords"

Page 142
Overcharge pack: This is an enhanced power pack for a las weapon increasing the strength of its fire.


Unfortunately, the increased output of damage reducecs the number of shots and so the clip size is halved.
Overcharge packs also add .5 kg to the weight of the pack. In the aforementioned "battery" terms we're talking about an additional 270 kj or so. Laspistols have .65 kg packs, Lascarbines have .8 kg, Lasguns have .9 kg, Long las have .95 kg.

pistol packs are 351 kj, carbines 432 kj, Lasgun 486. Long las 513. "overcharge" shots would be 15 shots per pack (pistol), 20 for long las and carbine, 30 for lasgun. 23.4 kj per pistol shot, 21.6 per carbine shot, 16.2 per lasgun shot, and 25.7 per long las shot.

I suspect in FFG terms "overcharge" packs are basically what the "hotshot" packs mentioned in sources like the IIUP are supposed to be.

Page 142

- Red dot laser sights, telescopic sights can also be added to weapons.

Page 143
Shells contain dozens of tiny balls and are designed to scatter over a wide area when fired, making them ideal for close-in work where accuracy is less important.

Shotgun shells. This implies something close to a very large buckshot loat I believe. Might be indicative of high mass/low velocity rounds.

Page 143
Flame weapons use liquid fuel, which can vary greatly in composition and quality from purest promethium to crude flammable alcohols.
Variability in flamer fuels. Implies promethium is more energetic than alcohol, whatever that is worth.

Page 143
The mass-reactive explosive bolt shell is among the deadliest kind of round in the Imperial arsenal. However the difficulty and cost of its manufacture restricts its use to all but the most wealthy or well connected.
Drawbacks of bolters.

Page 143
Meltaguns use specially refined chemicals injected into highly pressurized canisters.
Suggests a chemical fuel source for at least some meltaguns... these could not possibly achieve total vaporization.. explode people maybe. Of course it depends on your kind of chemical reaction.

Page 143
Raw plasma weapon fuel consists of highly dangerous volatile photonic hydrogen, compressed and contained within reinfored flasks.
"photonic hydrogen" is volatile. Big shock right?

Page 143
There are many kinds of weapons in the Imperium that use unusual types of ammunition, from the viscous gel of a webber to the finely crafted darts of a needle pistol.
Oddly this implies needler darts aren't some weird cannister of liquid that are hardened into lil shards of poison crystal I guess they have an actual magazine.

Page 143
- this is a single powerful charge pack for a las weapon.

.. clip is reduced to 1 (basically hot-shots are one-use charge packs.)
Basically this would imply that the charge's output is the entire charge pack. We dont know how much it masses, but given the aforementioend charge pack masses we're probably talking close to 100+ kj even for a hotshot laspistol.

Page 144
....it is no wonder that personal armour and protective energy fields are commonplace. Most important civilians always wear some sort of body armour when in public, and some of the more paranoid (or well prepared) also use them in private. Military personnel and Imperial agents are always equipped with some sort of armoured protection, ranging from cheap layered padding to highly sophisticated armoured shells built to withstand almost any attack.
"protective energy fields" are supposedly commonplace. Although this doesnt mean personla shields. Also body armor is common. And all troops wear armor of some kind.

PAge 144
Flak armour: comrpised of layers of ablative and impact-absorbing material flak armour is effective against small arms, shrapnel, and proximity blasts.
I assume this references "soft" flexible flak without the inserts.

Page 145
Mesh armour - of alien design and sometimes manufacture, mesh is formed from thousands of thermoplas cells linked together to create a fabric-like material. It is lightweight and can withstand most impacts or heat energy by becoming momentarily rigid, spreading and dissipating the attack.
Mesh isnt common in the Imperium, but its not exactly uncommon either (Vitrian dragoons fo rexample)

PAge 145
Carapace armour is made of densely layered plates of armaplas, ceramite, or some other kind of highly durable material. It is heavy to wear and cannot eaisly cover flexible areas such as joints, but it offers significantly better protection than lighter kinds of armour.

Page 145
The heaviest and most sophisticated kinds of armour use their own power source increasing the user’s strength.

Power armour also requires a constant power supply, which must be carried by the wearer (usually as a backpack). A standard non-military power supply lasts for 1d5 hours before it needs to be replaced or recharged.
This is non-astartes power armor. Not all will increase strength. And most kinds seem to run on a power source.

Given a 70 kg man able to run at up to 3-5 m/s... power armour would consume at least 600-3.4 kj of energy each second, not including inefficiencies. Human power output can vary from 100 w (metabolic rate) to 900+ watts (vigorous activity.) Call it between a few hundred and a few thousand watts, lasting between 3600 and 18000 seconds. a 720 kg to 36 MJ power source, at least. Possibly several kg, but hard to say.

Page 145

Game stast for armour. Generally a flak vest is 5 kg.. Guard flak armour covers the entire body and weighs 11 kg. There is also flack jacket (arms, body and legs) at 6 kg, flak cloaks, light flak coats (Arms body legs) and flak helmets. Flak helmet is 2 kg. Flak gauntlets 1 kg. Light Flak coat 4 kg (Arm body legs). Flak vest 5 kg. Flak cloak (body) at 8 kg.

Mesh is lighter (including xeno mesh) but equal in protection to Guard flak. Mesh cowl and gloves at .5 kg each. Xenos mesh 2 kg (arms body legs). Mesh vest 1 kg. Mesh combat cloak 1.5 Kgc

Storm trooper carapace is better than "enforcer light carapace" . Enforcer (light) carapace masses 15 kg, and Storm trooper carapace masses 17 kg. CArapace helm 2 kg. Carapace vambraces (arms) 2 kg. Carapace greaves 3 kg Carapace chest plate 7 kg.

Power armour comes in "light" power armour (40 kg) and "Power armour" (65 klg) This is presumably "non-astartes" power armour, however. Power armour on a non-military battery lasts for up to 5 hours.

Page 146
Often disposable and made from whatever cheap and plentiful materials are available, the coverall is standard clothing on countless worlds. In the same way as a bodyglove is designed to meet the extreme demands of an Imperial agent's job, so too is the coverall intended to offer the average Imperial citizen all he needs.
Skilled operatives and physical adepts often wear form-fitting bodygloves. These can range from simple rubberised flesh sheaths to bodygloves made of enhanced materials with integral cooling coils. In all cases, they are designed for comfort and freedom of movement.
A sure sign of opulence, the billow robe is fashioned from a special lighter-than-air material that seems to float and drift around the wearer as he or she moves.
Clothing of the 41st Millenium.

Page 145
Cameleoline material is made up of mimic fibres that blend the coloration of the wearer into their surroundings.
Some have IR masking properties as well (EG like Eldar Ranger/Pathfinders)

Page 147
[Filtration plugs] These are simple plugs worn in each nostril to screen out most pollutants and harmful gases.
Simpler version of rebreather.

Page 147
Consisting of a mask or helmet, re-breathers contain their own air supply and are designed to preserve the user in even the most toxic atmospheres. A character wearing a re-breather is immune to the effects of gases and can even survive underwater. However, re-breathers typically have air canisters that last for about one hour and then must be replaced.
Rebreathers. Require air supply.

Page 147
[Respirator/Gas Mask]
This is a breathing mask that covers the nose and mouth or entire face, and offers much better protection than filtration plugs .
Respirators and rebreathers seem to be different. Respirators I gather filter the air that exists, rebreathers provide their own air supply.

Page 147
These sealed suits are intended to preserve the wearer in the most hostile environments. A void suit incorporates a re-breather and in addition allows the wearer to survive in vacuum.
Void suits - protection for the wearer in hazardous envrioments, including rebreather. Seem to be pretty common on spaceships.

Page 147
Synskin is a bio reactive bodyglove with an ineert-non-reflective surface that moulds itself ot the wearer's form.
Synskin, or at least one kind. Given that Assassinorum assassins are supposed to be special cuz of this, I'm assuming this is a more common (for Inquisitors) but lower grade variety - used by Death Cultists for example.

Page 147
Recoil Gloves - these gloves have interlockign plates connected with memory wire. When the user grips a weapon, it locks together into a rigid strut around the hand and wrist, thus preventing wrist or arm damage whne the weapon discharges.
Can help with keeping guns stable but not if the gun still has enough momentum to push you backwards.

Page 147
Infra-red goggles: Relatively simple devices, IR goggles allow the wearer to see thermal images from warm bodies, revealing hiding enemies at night.


Photo-visors/Photo-contacts: Advanced lenses designed to enhance low-level light available on even the darkest nights.
IR goggles are "rare" and Photo-visors are scarecee. REereathers are also scarce, though oddly v oid suits are plentiful.

Page 148
This drug can negate the effects of most dangerous gases and toxins if administered fast enough. A dose of de-tox immediately ends the ongoing effects, both positive and negative, of any drugs, toxins or gases affecting the character..
Useful drug. I think we might have seen something like thsi in Malleus.

Page 148
[Frenzon]A generic name for a variety of combat drugs most often used within penal legion units. Once administered, the subject becomes fearless and fanatical in combat.
Frenzon. One of the few "acceptable" combat drugs, at least for your disposable troops.

Page 148
Injectors can take many forms from cheap low-tech disposable syringes up to sophisticated hypo-sprays and even bio-attuned skin patches.
potential injector systems.

Page 149
Most food in the Imperium is packaged, processed and usually completely unrecognisable as anything edible. The quality of ration packs varies widely, from simple and poor fare such as corpse starch (CS) rations and cultured algae up to flavoured strips of grox meat and finest nutrislurry.
So the preserved/junk food industry seems to be alive and well in the 41st millenium, although changing regulations have probably nullified anything resembling taste or consistency or anything remotely attractive. OF course that's all subjective in modern terms..

Page 149
Machine oil blessed by the Omnissiah is much sought after for its mystical properties when applied to machines.
Given it has a tangible effect in-game, this is arguably evidence that the "machine oil blessing" crap of the AdMech does indeed have some tangible effect, even if the oil itself isnt magical and this was some purely psychic Waaagh! effect type shit.

Page 149
[Spook] This drug can augment and even produce short-term psychic abilities in the user.
Some sanctioned psykers have been known to be given this for enhancement purposes

PAge 150
Auspex/scanner: These devicees are used to detect energy emissions, motion, and biological life signs.

The standard range for an auspex is 50m, though walls more than 50cm thick and certain shielding materials can block the scanner.
Auspex are "scarece" items. Like most ranges I tend to take them with a grain of salt (at least for detection range. wall thickness is ok.

Page 150
Data-slates are commonplacee in the Imperium, as the primary means of storing and reading printed text and other media such as video and audio recordings. They are so cheap and easy to make that many contain a single media recording, such as text, and can only play a single file. Others can re-record new information, and transmit and receive data from other devices.
Data slates are "common" and pretty versatile. They seem to be a cross between a handheld computer/cell phone type thing, a kindle or other related stuff. Their commonality in the Guard (at least for officers) can tell you something.

Page 150
A common source of light at night or in darkened areas, these handy devices can usually illuminate an area a dozen or more metres in diameter. A typical glow-globe or lamp pack lasts 1d5 hours before it needs to be recharged or have its power cell replaced.
Useful for a quote later. Assuming a half watt light we are talking betweeh 1800 and 9000 joules of energy for the powercell.

Page 150

When a door (or more commonly a bulkhead) cannot be opened normally, a lascutter comes into play. Originally used by miners, these short-range devices emit an intense laser beam, which can knife through hard, dense materials such as rock, steel and even armour plate with relative ease. As a general rule, a lascutter can cut through, or weld shut, 10 cm of metal a Turn
Lascutter. cal it 1-2 cm a sec. Assuming 1 cm width and 2 cm thickness to weld, we're talking. 15-16 grams at least.. 30-32 grams maybe. 19-38 kw output.

PAge 150
Magnoculars: these are powerful vision aids, which magnify distant objects.
More advanced, higher-quality magnoculars can also do such things as give range read-outs, detect heat sourcecs, calculate target location positioning and take image snapshots for later analysis.
Magnoculars are "average" availability items, and like most tech items are variable capability.

Page 151
A micro-bead or comm-bead is a short range communication device worn in the ear, good out to about one kilometre. Such things as bad weather, dense terrain, and intervening rock or plasteel can grgeatly reduce this range, however.
Micro beads are considered "averagE" availability. most infantry (including the Guard, and some PDF forces) tend to carry them as routine. We know from other sources that ranges can potentailly go up to 5 even 10 km. I imagine it depends on manufacturer and quality.

Page 151
Pict recorders are relatively simple live-media recording devices, and some have holographic capabilities. Most also allow for playback as well as recording, and some are even built into special servitors so they can capture important archaeological tech-quests, weapons tests, alien interrogations and other possibly dangerous events.
Future camera.

Page 151
Screamers are proximity alarms that detect motion or sound (depending on the model) and alert their users to incoming dangers by setting off a horrendous noise.

If it detects an intruder, it sounds its alarm, which can be heard anywhere out to one kilometre. Doors, walls and other barriers may reduce the alarm’s range.

The reverse of a screamer, stummers generate sound waves to cancel out ambient sounds and noises made by moving personnel in a small area.


A stummer typically has enough power for 20 minutes of continuous use before needing to be recharged (taking about one hour).
Screamers and stummers.. old early edition stuff. Useful though.

PAge 151
A vox is a simple communication device that can be used to send signals over great distances, up to and including ships in orbit from a planet’s surface
- Vox casters can be used to send signals to ships in orbit, weigh 4 kg, and are "scarce". These are probably the backpack variants or like something we see in Storm of Iron.

Page 153
Bionic implants and cybernetic augmentation are a fact of life in the Imperium. They are blessings of the Machine God, enabling damaged or diseased parts of the body to be replaced, improving on the abilities and powers of the human body and, in certain cases, extending life.
Thanks to superstition and the uneven level of technology across the Imperium , the sophistication and use of bionics varies widely (as does the reaction to those who display them.) Each different kind of cybernetic grants the user different benefits (and sometimes penalties depending on its craftsmanship.
Augmetics. Rather interesting how common they re even if it is of variable quality. you'd think that a society that is so low tech, supersittions and shit wouldn't have extensive cybernetic enhancement.. and yet.,..

Page 154
Good bionic lungs count as a full life support system (thus if for any reason the user’s own respiratory system fails, his bionic lungs will keep his blood oxygenated), and their presence may be unnoticeable if designed to be so.
Bionic lungs.

Page 154
These are implanted devices duplicating the effects of special sensors.

Common systems function identically to a standard auspex.


Poor systems possess only a single detection ability (either heat, radiation or electromagnetics) and only function within 20 metres. Good systems function as a full auspex ...
Augmetically implanted sensor arrays.

Page 154
[Ballistic Mechadendrite]
This solid, shoulder-mounted mechadendrite is designed for self-defence. This two metre limb is mounted with a sleek-looking laspistol of Adeptus Mechanicus design. This weapon counts as a laspistol with the Compact upgrade.
Combat appendage, basically.

Page 155
These systems may be used to repair a severely damaged brain, or seek to augment its abilities. Common cortex implants are used to restore paralysed and brain-damaged individuals to some semblance of normality.

Poor cortex implants restore brain function but destroy the personality and memories of the subject, effectively making them a servitor, and are obviously unsuitable for characters. Good cortex implants are extremely rare even among the Mechanicus, and their creation is an almost lost art...
Brain surgery augmetics/replacements. Note the further blurring of the line between servitor and person.

Page 155
Sight, hearing and even touch and taste may be duplicated artificially, and more esoteric senses may be added. Common systems, while usually very obviously artificial and often oversized, manage to more or less duplicate the approximate human range of senses adequately...
Poor cybernetic senses are troublesome and poor imitations of the real thing (hearing may be troubled by static, vision glitches or rendered in low-resolution monochrome, and so on)

Basic and advanced cyber-eyes may also incorporate telescopic sights ... a full photo-visor, and/or a system allowing the Dark Sight trait ...
Likewise, basic or advanced cybernetic hearing may also include an internal micro-bead system.
Basically.. autosenses.

Page 156
These devices, also known as sense-links, allow the owner to directly interface with a machine or technological device, and see very widespread use among the Adeptus Mechanicus who regard them as objects of divine communion. A basic or crude MIU rig involves a single spinal or cortex connector, while the advanced variant will also include wrist connector probes (and possibly mechadendrite connectors) in addition to the spinal plug.
Mind impulse units. Mind machine interfaces are pretty damn commonplace in the Imperium.

PAge 156
This highly flexible, camera-studded mechadendrite is designed to assist in inspection and detection. This mechadendrite may extend to a length of three metres, and can reduce its width to pencil thickness.
Optical mechadendrite.

Page 158
....the mind of each psyker shines brightly within the otherworldly dimension of the warp...

An unwary psyker is easily attacked, consumed or used as a gateway from the warp to the physical realm.
Untrained psykers basically give ff perceptible signals that can be "homed in" on by denizens. Protecting yourself seems to be a matter of stealthing against such detection as much as it is resisting intrusion.

Page 158
These [Sanctioned or Imperial] psykers serve in many parts of the Empire of Man, nominally as vassals to the Adeptus Astra Telepathica; from the Administratum to the Imperial military, within merchant houses or even for planetary governors.


Much like the Imperial Creed, the exact teachings of the Scholastica Psykana may vary from sector to sector (or even planet to planet) yet the intent remains the same ..
Sanctioned Psykers, like astropaths may serve both governmental, military, and private functions. I suspect they are yet another means of exerting influence/control over individual planets, as well as giving the Adeptus Astra Telepathica yet another resource to barter with when dealing with other factions and organs of Imperail society.

Page 158
Some cultures add charges of witchcraft to other crimes for reasons political and otherwise.
Whilst sorcerers, witches and, to some extent, latent psykers are feared and hated by the common man. Imperial psykers and Astropaths enjoy a different status. Sanctioning imparts a measure of orthodoxy and authority to these psykers marking them as part of the Imperium. After all the Imperial psyker has made the great pilgrimage to Holy Terra and beheld the Emperor s light first hand.
Semantics between "witches/sorcersers" and legit psykers.. not everyone of course buys into that (CF Black Templars). Funny enough is that this implies that an element of sorcery is involved in all kinds of Imperial psykers (Soul binding at least is a sign of that for Astropaths . Whether the sanctioned endure it or not is up for debate.)

Otherwise we also see the propoganda/political impact of witches/sorcery or the hint of it - basically playing on the paranoia/fears of the population for personal reasons - a fact that is mentioned to kill lots of innocents.

Page 159
By burning the very stuff of their souls, the Astromonican’s martyrs power the Emperor’s Golden Throne, sending astral light flaring through the warp. By providing a single fixed point, the Astronomican forms a vital part of warp travel, allowing Navigators to effectively triangulate their position. Perhaps a thousand such martyrs are sacrificed to the Emperor in this manner each day.
As we know, 1000 psykers given up to power astronomica. 365,000 a year. Rather a drop in the bucket considering how many millions (billions) of psykers must be sucked up. They must either tran them slow or have a really huge stockpile. Considering there's something like billions of astropaths per generation/century and they make up 10% of those deemed acceptable, there must be some 50 million psykers or so at least obtained every century.. or half a million annuall.

Again we see the navigation/beacon like role of the astronomican in travel.

Page 159
Heeding the whispered lure of Daemonic promises, they give up their souls in return for secret knowledge, raw power and mastery of things that man was not meant to know. These psykers embrace the Dark Gods as their lords and masters, making vile pacts to further their own depraved avarice.
Sorcerers bind themselves to daemonic patrons to provide them a safer but usually more limited, route to tapping the warp. Even more you don't have to be a psyker to be a sorcerer. Basically inborn ability vs learned trait.

Page 160
Untouchables are individuals who have no warp signature. They are not psykers, in fact they are completely the opposite. Their presence frequently acts as a damper on psychic activity, lessening or even completely halting its effects. Untouchables, like psykers, actually have different grades of “ability”, though few savants have actually been able to study them closely due to their extreme rarity. Their strange aura makes most folk uncomfortable around them, and for this reason they are often loners, outcasts and pariahs. Of all Imperial institutions, the Inquisition makes the greatest use of Untouchables.
Untouchables. Some treat untouchables, blanks, pariahas as separate ethings.. but to me they're all just variations on the same thing. I prefer "pariah" as a rule.

Page 160
Psychic ability typically manifests between the ages of ten and twenty, though there are psykers who have emerged in infancy or later in life. What triggers latent psychic ability is unknown to Imperial scholars...
Typical age for psychic abilities to appear. This seems to suggest it has ties to puberty, or thereabouts.

Page 160
Each tradition or branch of the Scholastia Psykana has a different method for measuring psychic ability. Some grade the individual on raw power; from the flickering power of an Omicron Grade psyker, to the world shattering awe of the Alpha Grade psyker. Others prefer to group their novices by the Discipline they study, whilst others still rate the psyker on the level of training and finesse they have attained. This rating might follow a scientific numeral system, depend on mystical degrees of initiation, or use any method in between.
Variation in grading and power levels. Probably meant to cover potentail inconsistencies.

Page 162 - Side effects of psychic power use are mentioned here... including the common "drop in temperature and frost covering shit" effect, but also altered perceptions, mechanical/electrical malfunctions, warp ghosts, blood weeping from inanimate objects, invisible winds, breaking mirrors, small quakes, screwing with animals, memory loss, and so on and so forth...

Page 165
Minor psychic powers are tricks and knacks that those with even a shadow of psychic ability can learn. They are nothing compared to the "true" Disciplines...


You summon a specially prepared item to instantly appear in your hand.

The object must be small and light enough to be carried in one hand.


You cause reality to blur around you, distorting your image and allowing you to blend in with your surroundings.
The summoning item's "special preparation" involves hour-long meditation and marking runes/glyphs in the item (this infuses the object with your "psychic imprint" - eg a beacon.) Not something you can just do without preparation, but it either indicates even low level teleportation or telekinetic ability.

The last bit probably isn't actual "reality warping" but more like illusion.

I also suspect these powers are basically "wyrd' like abilities.

Page 166

- more random psychic powers. RAther than individually quote them I'll summarize. Minor powers include: crating a brief memory loop in the target's mind, making their memories slip back several seconds and force them to repeat previous actions. One can distort vision so as to have your image reappear elsewhere up to 10 meters away (effectively invisible). You can nullify pain, "twist reality" to make yourslef appear more fearsome to others (again, probably illusion), make others forget your presence (won't recall meeting you and suppress all memories of your previous encoutners.

The two powers I will quote briefly are:

Page 166
You focus your concentration and slowly begin to lift off the ground. You can only move up and down while under the effects of this power, and you cannot rise higher than 5 metres.


You channel your power into a single target to knit flesh and mend bones.

Repeated uses of this power can be dangerous, however, not to mention painful, and the person’s flesh rebels against the intrusion of warp energy.
The "rebelling against warp energy" replies to the healing power, which may hint it is some sort of morphic/mutative type application of warp power. The other ability of course is levitation. I like the psychic healing more for its obvious applications in military and society.

Page 167 more minor powers summary - improve luck, improve your abilities, detect other life forms within range, resist possession, halt blood loss, inspire confidence in others, cause muscle spasms in the target, and inflict pain.

The quotable interesting powers are:
You can create an invisible force that you can use to manipulate any object within 30 metres.
You can use it to knock over objects, push buttons, pull levers or do any number of other things requiring force.

You cannot perform any action that requires precision, such as typing on a data-slate, pulling the pin from another creature’s grenade, pull a trigger, and so on. In addition, Spectral Hands has no effect on living targets.
In game terms you have a "mental" strength equal to your willpower, but that doesn't strike me as being easily quantifiable and game mechanics even if you could. REgardless it doesnt sound like veru much large term TK though

The other is precog:

You get a fuzzy picture of what will occur a few moments into the future. As you draw nearer to the event, the picture becomes clearer.
In game terms this mainly is used for defensive purposes in enhancing dodging. It is an "active" power, meaning you have to be cocnentrating on it to work, rather than being more passive.

Page 168

- Intersting minor powers on this page: Inflict madness on people, weaken the fabric of space to draw the warp closer to reality, improve your aim by the power of the warp and "burn the very stuff of your thoughts" to create a psychic flame illumination equal to a glow lamp.

There are more "quotable" powers this time around.

Page 168
You subtly influence the fields of probability flowing around you, making you especially good at cheating at games of chance.


You cause a vile wave of invisible pestilence to emerge from your body,


The wave withers all normal plant life in the area in a matter of moments, leaving the area barren and utterly dead.
Low level probability manipulation and other sorts of nasty effects.

Page 168
You bend gravity to your will. You negate all penalties incurred by low- or high-gravity worlds. In addition, you can walk on walls or ceilings for as long as this power is active. You move across such surfaces at half your normal rate.
Psychic means of gravity control. May suggest an alternate way for the Imperium to create AG fields - use psyker brains.
You reach into nearby machines with your mind to scramble their circuitry.

In addition, you may Test Willpower to force a single weapon within range to jam.
Weapon jinx. This would (hilariously) tend to suggest even low-end slugthrowers have electrical elements to their firing processes if interpreted literall y (perhaps the iginition system) but I suspect it applies to simple mecahnical processes too (like gears or levers or such). Psychic EMP.

Page 168
You fill the warp with static, fouling psychic detection and making tech sensors less reliable.
Psychic EW.

Page 169
A Psyker that has mastered one or more Disciplines is truly a horror to behold, capable of such things as reducing his enemies to ash, repairing torn flesh in the blink of an eye, and even defying the march of time itself.
High end psyker feats. It goes without saying that cremating people is high MJ/low GJ ability, but the rapid healing of cuts and time manipulation are also impressive.

Page 169
Biomancers specialise in manipulating bio-electrical energy with their minds. They are masters of the flesh, learning to shape and direct their bodies according to their wills. Biomancers are often considered venal souls. Most are viewed with no small amount of jealousy, as they freely feast and drink, yet maintain a healthy, toned physique.

Page 169
You channel your life force through the meridians of your body, causing your form to crackle with living energy. [Bio lightning]

With a rhythmic crushing gesture, you tune into an enemy’s body, flexing their heart muscles to accelerate their pulse. This continues until their blood pressure reaches lethal levels. As you continue to exert your will, blood vessels begin to rupture, causing haemorrhaging across the target’s body.
More biomancy. Interesting variation on TK like effects.

Page 169
You learn various ways of transcending your body’s natural limitations by balancing your humors, modifying cellular structure and meditating upon the meridians of your body.
To summarize the abilities this allows: immunity to all poisons, improve your physical abilities (except weapons or gun skills), resist fatigue, ignore temperature extremes, to exist in a vaccuum as if in a void suit (but still needing breath.)

Page 170
With a word, thought or gesture, you can command the flesh of your target to sharply contract. The target’s windpipe closes, choking them and cutting off their breath.

With a moment’s thought, you force your senses into impossible feats of perception that can only be equalled among humans by the biomechanically augmented.
Psyker force choking and sensory enhancement.

Page 170

Biomancers who have learned to channel the fierce power of the warp into their limbs can eventually master the art of letting the energy of the immaterium flow unhindered through their body, phenomenally increasing their fighting capabilities. Your body becomes a lethal engine, capable of shredding flesh and bone as if they were tissue paper
The hammerhand ability. Part enhanced strength, part Superman-like structural reinforcement.

Page 170
One of the pinnacles of a biomancer’s abilities, this power allows you to knit your flesh back together at a phenomenal rate, letting you swiftly overcome any non-fatal injury. This is a hard ability to master, but the rewards are great—Regenerate can eventually regrow lost limbs and organs.

You focus your power to repair your damaged flesh or that of any character within Range. Ragged wounds fuse and cuts vanish. Broken bone knits together, and burnt skin sloughs away as fresh tissue grows beneath.


Shape Flesh allows you to twist your physical frame in nearly any way you can imagine.

You draw poisons from the flesh.
Regeneration as well as polymorphine-like body manipulation. The way this stuff micmics Tyranid/Space Marine healing or Assassin abilities makes me think those are psychci based powers too.

Page 171
Diviners seek to discern the hidden past and know the course of future events. Their abilities allow them to look into the immaterium to find the answers they seek. Their art is horribly taxing, though. The warp lies heavy on diviners; many of them are morose and sullen individuals. Insanity is common amongst their ranks. Divination is the most widely known Psychic Discipline, mainly due to use of the Emperor’s Tarot.
Divination, seems commonplace although precision varies.

Page 171
Using this power enables you to make near impossible ranged shots, allowing you to strike virtually any target you can perceive. You must concentrate on a single firearm or other missile weapon in your possession and the ammunition it carries before casting your psychic gaze into the warp to search down the near-infinite paths of potential future trajectories.
Precognitive target-assistance. This would be quite useful for artillery and starship weapons as well.

Page 171-172
By focusing his mind the diviner can single out an object or person somewhere in his immediate vicinity, pushing aside all other distractions until he can unerringly find it. [Dowsing]

Some diviners are capable of opening their inner eye to perceive events that occur at places far away from them.

You may use Far Sight to cast your view inside buildings, bodies of water, pockets of gas and so on without impediment.
Scrying or divination or basically long range detection. Psychic sensors.

Page 172
You peer into the future, sensing the manifold web of different possible pathways and potential outcomes


Like a spider on a web, you are able to sense disturbances to your immediate future. This ability to read possible outcomes lets you anticipate the movement of your opponents.


You may manipulate probability to your own advantage. The threads of your immediate future appear clearly in your mind.
More precise precog.. probably some of the closest to farseeing or Jedi precog we get (they mention you can use it to dodge gunfire, for example.)

Page 172
Casting your perception from the limited vessel of your bodily senses, you gain an unnatural awareness of the world around you. Your eyes roll white within their sockets and your senses roam about you, at once glancing above, behind, before and sideways. You also gain impressions of future events, granting you uncanny accuracy in anticipating them. [Preternatural awareness]
A sort of astral projection.

Page 172
Intense displays of emotion leave a psychic “residue” on objects and places exposed to them. Similarly, anything that has been actively carried or used by an individual for a long time will eventually pick up similar psychic impressions. With this power, you can read the psychic traces that others leave behind, giving you images directly connected to the place or object in question. These traces often take the form of sensory data. For example, a diviner may taste the hot blood-tang of murder, or smell the rank sweat-stench of desperation. You may use this power in one of two ways. First, you may use it to divine the impressions of an object, or, second, you may use it to divine psychic impressions in an area.
Psychometry. We've seen this in one form or another in various novels, like (IIRC) the Eisenhorn ones.

Page 173
Personal Augury allows you to peer into the fate of a single, willing target. You may warn the querant of impending dangers, opportunities and even divine specific advice for your client. To begin the augury, you clasp the hands of your client, and ask them to specify a circumstance that they wish divined.


Once the question is established, the diviner and client spend the next thirty minutes using his Psychic-foci. This may be reading the Imperial Tarot, casting runes, examining entrails, or any other such act.
A sort of precise divination.

Page 173
Diviners are said to be able to read a person’s shifting aura, the ghost self they unconsciously project into the warp. From observing the nature of this aura, they can learn many things about a person’s emotions and feelings: from their current emotions, to habitual moods, to their levels of injury, and even any addictions or madness they may suffer from.
This may be part of the astorpaths "alternate sight" that compensates for their blindness. Its "aura reading" but in a way its more like a passive sensor - they're detecting psychic (warp) emanations of a person (or rather, their soul.) Or the imprint such emissions may leave on objects (which is a psychic version of infraread/heat vision I guess.) Kinda interesting and sensible in that light.

Page 174
Note that chemically flammable substances, such as promethium, that burn continuously once exposed to the air, burst back into flame the moment the power’s effect ends or as soon as the chemical is brought outside of Range.
Some psychic powers that allow manipulation or creation of fire can suppress flamer effects as long as the power lasts. This suggests perhaps it is halting the reaction in some manner.

Since a related function of this power is the creation of flames (eg torch like effects) it may also suggest that the power can enhance the performance of usch reactions (opposite of halting it) - this may depend on the exact mechanism of course, but it is possible.

Page 175

- other random powers include the ability to control the shape or intensity of fire, cause the fire to burst, to emit smoke, or increase or decrease its size. You can also make generic firebal- er firebolts with a purported range of up to 100 metres.

Page 175
Fire Storm instantly creates an intense conflagration about your target as the air itself ignites, burning all within to cinders. You can call a Fire Storm anywhere within range to a point you have line of sight to. The Fire Storm has a 6 metre radius from the point (or individual) targeted.
Amusingly in game terms the firestorm has the same "per pers" damage as fire bolts, which would (if we used game mechanics) claim that fire bolts can cremate people. Of course, if we did that it would probably lead to some pretty absurd calcs for other weapons were we to apply it so literally so I wouldn't advise making any comaprison. Still the idea that they can create an area of effect at cremation level temperatures (and all the megajoulz/gigajoulez that go with it) is pretty impressive.

Page 175
Holocaust calls forth a raging white-hot firestorm ignited by the Psyker’s own soul. The flames of a Holocaust burn across dimensions, affecting the entities of the immaterium as well as material beings, but the cost is high as the psyker risks losing his own spirit to the fury of the conflagration.
multi-dimesnional psychic doomfire.

Page 175
Incinerate allows you to generate intense heat as well as flame. By psychically agitating the molecules in a tightly focused area, you create an effect even more devastating than a meltagun. However, Incinerate requires you to concentrate on a single point, making it difficult to use against non-stationary targets.
Perversely this does less damag ethan fire bolts or fire storm. again leading to potentially hilarious calcs from in game details. AGain like fire storm, this implies quite a few megajoolz to gigajoolz given melta performance. Even if you just assume flamethwoer like effects, that would be impressive.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next to last update. Two parter, but each part will be smaller. I'm trying to finish up so I can start putting more of the stuff out.

Page 176
The art of the Telekinetic Discipline is to translate mental energy into physical force. Wielders of these powers are known as the telekine, and they readily break the laws of physics with their abilities
In reality, Telekinetics often suffer intense migraines, nose bleeds and high blood pressure as a result of focusing their powers.
The most famous version being Patience Kys.. I imagine the side effects are some "conservation of" law in practice, or something (sort of like discworld trying to levitate stuff could push your brain out of your skull.)

Page 176
You can use your telekinetic abilities to catch incoming projectiles. This power only works against solid projectiles and so energy attacks get through normally.

You can telekinetically lift an unattended object from the ground and fling it at a target.


Use this power to hurl a burst of tangible mental force at your opponent.


If Telekinesis is a sledgehammer, then Precision Telekinesis is a scalpel. This ability allows you to achieve far more subtle effects with telekinetic force. At its most basic, this power can pull the pins on grenades, press buttons, jog triggers, undo latches and direct small projectiles to deadly effect. Essentially, with this power, you can manipulate objects as if you were physically handling them.
Various telekinetic applications. Note that in addition there was a "force bolt" and "force barrage" the former being the single burst of mental force, and the latter (Barrage) was a multi-shot force bolt. You could calc some of it (number of objects depending on stats, weight 5 kg times stats, etc.) but why bother. I

Page 177
A phenomenally complicated ability to master, this power allows you to project your will as a blade of psychic force. Because the blade is formed of psychic energy, it can be formed almost impossibly thin, as little as a molecule thick. A Psychic Blade can thus shear through almost any physical object with ease, and is capable of cutting through most forms of armour as if they were made of cloth. The Psychic Blade is a terribly dangerous weapon to use, though, for any stray thoughts can misdirect it with devastating effect.
You can direct your Telekinetic power directly against your opponents, wrapping them in bands of force that constrict and crush the life out of them.
You erect a field of telekinetic energy about you.
More psychic powers. There is also one called "Push" where you can knock an enemy to the ground and fatigue them. Honestly they're all pretty neat sounding though.

PAge 178
From outright mental domination to subtle perceptual effects, the telepath can shape and mould thoughts with but a whim. For all this power, telepaths tend towards misanthropic depression. All too easily they can detect the foetid overspill of thought and emotion that oozes from the human mind, leaving them under no illusions about the nobility of man’s soul. As they grow in skill, many telepaths are unable to completely shut out the constant low level chatter of other minds. Consequently many develop great loathing for crowds of people. Along side this constant irritation, telepaths face another peril as they practise their art. By immersing themselves in another person’s mind, they can often “catch” personality traits, mad beliefs or even psychic corruption. Sometimes a telepath can lose their selves entirely, becoming little more than a mirror of those around them, a tragic figure with dim memories of the individual they once were. Such telepaths are often given the mercy of mind cleansing and reassignment as some form of servitor.
Telepathy skills, and some of the side effects they have on the psyker, and an explanation of the dangers (catching taint, etc.)

To just summarize the abilities on this page, you can communicate with andimals and perceive their emotions, you can force others to "briefly" act against their own will, and directly seize control of another's body, puppet-like. Page 179 mentions being able to inspire comrades by implanting mental images of great courage and masking negative stimuli.

Also note a hint/allusion to telepathic servitors. Whether they are just plain servitors or they still retain their psychic powers is up for debate.

Page 179
With this power, you can read a target’s mind, probing whatever secrets are hidden therein. You must touch the target for this power to work...


Mind Scan is a lengthy process, ...


The Psyker contacts the target’s mind, learning basic information such as name, mood, Insanity Level, physical health, and so on ...


The Psyker investigates the thoughts which are uppermost in the target’s mind, such as opinions on the Psyker, immediate fears, conscious lies, a single location, object, event or person which is significant to the target (such as a lover, personal hab block, treasured heirloom or cult initiation). It is not apparent why the significant thing is important—only the emotions associated with it.


The Psyker may rifle through the target’s memories over the previous twelve hours, and may uncover two further significant locations, objects, events or persons. Again, it is not apparent why the significant thing is important—only the key emotions associated with it. The Psyker may also dredge up simple passwords and routine behaviours from the target’s mind (e.g. hab block entry code, habitual paths to work, bank ident numerals....


The Psyker may gain detailed understanding of why significant locations, objects, events or persons hold importance to the target, and how they relate to each other. The target’s beliefs, motivations and personal goals are apparent to the Psyker, as are the target’s immediate network of contacts. Complicated ciphers may be extracted from the target’s mind, and the Psyker is aware of pivotal moments in the target’s life (earliest memory, adolescence, coming of age and so on).


The Psyker may plunder the target’s mind at will. Any information contained within the target’s psyche is there for the Psyker to do with what he wishes.
various ways to scan a mind and the sorts of information that can be dredged up.

Page 180
You can send out your disembodied mind and spirit, allowing you to touch other minds from a great distance away. You project a “mental self ”, which you can shape to look like whatever you choose. The projection can travel at great speed, literally the speed of thought, but it can also be vary dangerous as creatures native to the immaterium and other Psykers may be able to directly attack your mind. Whilst using Projection, you are completely unaware of what is happening with your physical body. This power lets you communicate with any creature you know well (such as a companion or your Inquisitor), and is somewhere within the same solar system.
More astral projection type stuff. Yet another kind of psychic communication (at least at insystem distances)

Page 180
With this power, you gather your will and launch it as a blast of screaming mental energy designed to overload nervous systems and knock one or more targets unconscious.
Psychic shriek. Sort of like the Howling Banshees attack.

Page 180
You erase your presence from the minds of others. This power is more than just “invisibility”; targets that this power has been used successfully on literally cannot perceive you at all. While they may suspect that someone else is present, they can only react to the effects of what you do.
Interesting form of stealth/invisibility.

Page 180
You can send your thoughts into the minds of those around you. You can choose to send your message to one or more persons in a select group of individuals, which is known as a “placed sending”, or can transmit your thoughts to anyone within Range, an art known as “broadcasting”.
telepathic message sending.

PAge 191 - suppressing fire is a full action, and require sa fully automatic weapon. (some at least) Lasguns are capable of suppressive fire (various novels like scourge the heretic) so logically they ought to be capable offull auto as well.)

Page 202
The attack cooks the target's face, melting his features and damaging his eyes.


In a gruesome display, the flesh is burned from the target's head, exposing charred bone and muscle underneath.


The target's head is destroyed in a convocation of fiery death.


Superheated by the attack, the target's brain explodes, ,tearing apart his skull and sending flaming chunks of meat flying at those nearby.
Critical hit Effects of energy weapons on the head. This includes lasguns, plasma, melta, etc. Fire is also considered "energy" damage. It is highly tempting to use these as calcable, but the game mechanics nature prevents that from being very reliable (if these were real, the effects would be consistent and predictable, not random) and they shouldn't be used as reliable calcs at all.

I just can't resist calcing something for the sake of calcing it to see if I can :D Plus they're also just damn hiliarious. The Crtiical hit charts have been posted online before I think, so if you loko you can find them.

Page 202
With a terrible snapping sound, the heat of the attack boils the marrow in the target's arm, causing it to shatter.


Energy sears through the arm at the shoulder, causing the limb to be severed from the body.


Fire consumes the target's arm, burning the flesh to a crisp right down to the bone.


The attack reduces the arm to a cloud of ash and sends the target crumbling to teh ground, where they immediately die from shock, clutching their smoking stump.
Arm energy damage. Same stuff sa above applies - it's interesting to note as perhaps corroborating evidence, but its still clearly game mechanics. It goes without saying (For example) that cremating the arm is pretty energetic (boiling marrow would be too) although how you achieve these effects so randomly, and can go from simply removing an arm (which can be done with single digit kj dpeending on mechanism) to cremation is debatable.

Assuming the marrow in a 1 cm diameter tube about a foot long was boiled (or rather, the water content in the marrow was, assume 50% water) we're talking some 17 grams 'boiled'. With a starting temp of 310-311K to boil it's roughly 260-270 kj per kg which is 4-5 kj, although the violence of it is worth noting that there is probably at least some varporization going on. Reducing a human arm to ash (10 cm diameter, ~50 cm long) is 4 kg, and cremation is roughly 2-3 MJ per kg (same as vaping water basically at least) which is 8-12 MJ (and non explosive, whereas boiling th emarrow is.)

Severing the limb could be pretty easy, if it burns through (locally) it would probably be hundreds of kj or megajoules, though 'explosive' effects could be single or double digit kj. And burning it to the bone? If we assume flayed flash burns (400 j per sq cm, fourth degree burns) we might get between 600-1000 kj.

Page 202
The attack cooks the flesh on the chest and abdomen...

The energy ripples all over the character, scorching his bod...

The intense power of the energy attack cooks the target's organs, burning his lungs and heart with intense heat.


As the attack washes over the target, his skin turns black and peels off while body fat seeps out of his clothing and armour.


The target is completely encased in fire, melting his skin and popping his eyes like superheated eggs. He falls to the ground a blackened corpse.
More thermal effects. rules still apply. Note that badly burning the chest/torso would suggest at least some of the weapons are capable of triple digit kj effects at least, and more probably MEGAJOULES' again. Boiling the organs would be double digit MJ easily, flash burning alone (3rd degree) would be hundreds of kj, and so on.

PAge 202
The attack burns the target's foot, charring the flesh and emitting a foul aroma. The target must successfully test Toughness or lose the foot.


The energy attakc fries the leg, leaving it a mess of blackened flesh. The leg is broken and until repaired, teh taget counts as having lost the leg.


Energy sears through the bone, cuasing the leg to be severed.


The forcec of the attack reduces the leg to little more than a chunk of sizzling gristle.


In a terrifying display of power, the leg immolates and fire consumes the target completely.
More somewhat interesting, calcable, and yet still bizarre/silly damage effects. Again randomness prevents it frombeing calcable.

Page 204
blood pours from the target's nose, mouth, ears and eyes as the attack pulverises the brain.


The target's head bursts like an overripe fruit and sprays blood, bone, and brain in all directions.
The last effect is not the most "nasty".. as there is an effect that adds over-penetration to the effect.

Impact weapons include melee and projectile weapons. Projectiles include autoguns, stubber,s and shotguns. This is as I noted, somewhat more believable since various factors can effect the lethality or damage of a projectile. We know lasguns can headsplode for example.

Page 204
the attack pulverises the target's hand...


With a loud snap, the arm bone is shattered and left hanging limply at the target's side, dribblign blood onto the ground.


The forcec of the attack takes the arm off just below the shoulder, showering blood and gore across the ground.


In a rain of blood, gore, and meat, teh target's arm is removed from his body.


As above, except as the arm is removed it is smashed apart by the force of the attack, and bone, ,clothing, and armour fragments fly about like shrapnel.
Arm impact damage. Not gonna calc.

Page 205
The force of the attack rips the lower half o f the leg away in a stream of blood.

The hit rips apart the flesh of the leg, cuasing blood to spray about in all directions.
more projectile/impact effects.

Page 206
The explosion flays the flesh from the target's face and bursts his eardrums with its force.

The target's head epxplodes under the force of the attack...

both head and body are blown into a mangled mess...


In a series of unpleasant explosions the target's head and torso peel apart leaving a gory mess in the ground.


THe target ceases to exist in any tangible way, entirely turning into a kind of crimson mist.
HEad damage... it is inflicted by explosive weapons. not really surprising.

Page 206
The explosive attack shatters the bone and mangles the flesh turning the target’s arm into a red ruin..

In a violent hail of flesh, the arm is blown apart.


The arm disintegrrates under the force of the explosion taking a good portion of the shoulder and chest with it.


with a mighty bang the arm is blasted from the target's body...
Arm damage from explosions of some kind.

Page 207
Concussion from the explosion knocks the target to the ground and tenderises his innards.


The explosive force of the attack ruptures the target’s flesh and scrambles his nervous system, knocking
him to the ground.

The target's chest explodes outward, disgorging a river of parttially cooked organs onto the ground..


Pieces of the target's body fly in all directions as he is torn into bloody gobbes by the attack.
Body damage from explosions. Again how much of a grain of salt to take with this, I dunno.

Page 207
Explosive force removes part of the target’s foot and scatters it over a wide area...

The concussive force of the blast, shatters the target’s leg bones and splits apart his flesh...


The explosion reduces the leg into a hunk of smoking meat..


The blast tears the leg from the body in a geyser of gore..


The leg explodes in an eruption of blood, killing the target immediately and sending tiny fragments of bone, clothing and armour hurtling off in all directions.
Leg explosive damage.

PAge 218
Worlds are constantly being found, lost, rediscovered and destroyed throughout the Imperium. Across this grand sweep of planets every conceivable culture, political system, and ideal is somewhere represented.
In short the Imperium is vast, confusing, constantly in flux, and incredibly sluggish.

Page 221
A solider of the Imperial Guard can field-strip his lasgun in under thirty seconds, yet he has no grasp of what purpose the various mechanisms he has pulled out of his weapon actually serve. Even the low level tech priests of the Mechanicus of Mars have no comprehension of what they do - their knoweldge is by rote. Machines work because their operators followed the appropriate rituals to appeas the machine's "spirit".
This is from the "themes" section, so this may or may not qualify more as gameplay (and may or may nto adhere strictly to canon) but it still shows an interesting POv on the nature of the AdMech, I think.

Page 221
Traditional ways are always the best and obedience to dogma without any consideration for what it may mean is common.

All but the most basic of technological devices are thought of as supernatural and capable of being regarded as either holy or unholy

...the breakdown of knowledge has meant that the majority of the populace are unable to comprehend the reasons why something may be so;
...they have little capacity for self-examination or critical thinking.
There are many who truly believe that ignorance is a form of strength. Active scientific research is rare and often regarded with fear. Outside of the followers of the Omnissiah, it is practically non-existent in the Imperium.
They sum this up as the Imperium favoring a "stasis of thought". Which is true - these sorts of people are easier to control and manipulate - any government is prone to favor something that makes its people more compliant. But how true this is is up for debate and probably not constant or total - the Imperium is also fond of politicking and infighting amongst its various arms, and various people - from the lowliest underhiver to the highest High Lord, or Inquisitor - will infight to defend or prosecute his or her views. That tension between the puritan (stagnation and conservatism) and the radical (progress and advancement and change) is a constant in the Imperium, at least at the higher levels.

When we look in real life we might find many parallels to the above as well - the anti-intellectual, superstitious. Those who avoid self examination or complication, as well as those who use propoganda and slogans to push their own ends. "Death Panels" ring a bell? What about politicians using "support the troops" as a means of justifying any act or suppressing dissent? There's also craziness like "Divine Inheritance" or other similar religious themed lunacy (pray for wealth and stability!) - people will buy into that readily. Hell look at the Tea party, or 9/11 conspiracymongers, or those who thought Obama really wasn't an American. You could go ona nd on. The examples exist in real life, the only difference between 40K and real life is mostly degree. In the Imperium, the sort of lunacy I spoke of is more commonplace, more tolerated. But it is not neccesarily universeal, either.

There is also the simple fact that many of those supersitions and fears do have merit. Even with technology, we've seen how the warp can influence and corrupt it in myriad stories. The robots from First and Only. Countless daemon-possessed or corrupted machine spirits (in ships, and in other cases - hell any vehicle really.) Data daemons. Possessed titans. The list can go on. Technology (at least Imperial technology) seems horribly prone to the warp, so that sort of protection may actually have merit. More than that, we know that thought and belief can have tangible effects evne on technology (EG the Orks.) We know that prayer and faith can produce miracles as well.. so why can't that sort of thing enhance technology as well?

Page 221

The Imperium has a vast number of worlds that haven't known even a hint of battle for over ten thousand years, but there is no Imperial world within the reach of the Astronomican that doesn't have what is known as a "siege mindset." Constantly harangued about the dangers of xenos threats and more nebulous enemies that lurk out in the dark, the people of the Imperium are forever being reminded that war could come to their world at any time. Every planet's tithes go toward fuelling the Imperial War Machine, which is eternally engaged in hundreds, if not thousands, of conflicts across the galaxy. Some are unquestionably large-scale wars, such as the struggle against the chitinous alien horde of living weapons known as the Tyranids...

Almost all industries within the Imperium aid the various war efforst in one way or antoher and the authorities of many planets are often at pains to point out to their citizens how important their efforts are in securing the Imperium's future.
I really like this part. It reflects the fact that the whole "Galaxy at war" thing is more propoganda and the sort of hysterical fearmongering that is part and parcel of Imperial dogma. The canon itself only ever speaks of hundreds or thousands of conflicts (100,000 being the higehst I've heard) - and I've commented before on how that is a drop in the bucket compared to the size of the Imperium (no matter the numbers you pin to it.) And yet, the Imperium constantly emphasizes how much danger is out there, how people have to support the government, support the troops, pay your taxes-err tithes. And don't question. Those above you know better. Sound familiar? I know when I read this I was reminded instantly of alot of the post 9/11 propoganda. Or look at history. how many World Wars in the US have been propoganda driven?

As we know in Star Wars, Palpatine makes extensive use of fear and vaguely defined external threats to achieve his ends and stay in power. Much of the same can be applied to the Imperium. although the Imperium IS under constant threat, that threat is also exaggerated. It isn't so much that it will happen, but that it might. It's a useful tool for controlling the populace and to keep it on a perpetual war footing. And to milk it for all it's worth. I tend to imagine (and sources like Vraks confirm it in my mind) that the Imperium has vast stockpiles of military material and resources and even troops.. far more than it needs to actually defend itself. What do they do with those troops? Who knows, but political gain is one reason (lots of examples in other FFG sources exist.)

Page 221
The Imperium clings strongly to a feudal mentality.

...travel is rare and most citizens never leve the world of their birth.
I tend to think of it as a confederation.. or more probably a mafia-style protection racket than just "space feudalism". I'd also say they have more of a tribal mentality more than anything, which is hardly unusual.

Page 221
In exchange for adhering to these three obligations [provide men and materials when asked, don't deal with the enemy, control psykers and turn them over to the Black ships) the Imperium safeguards its worlds against the many dark forces arrayed against them. The majority of Imperial citizens see nothing wrong with this system.
It basically goes on to indicate that the Imperium's propoganda machine is very effective - citizens willingly report witches or heretics, they fear/hate the alien, they willingly join the Guard to serve their Imperium, and serve its leaders, and exult in the vicotries. Through a combination of propoganda and certain key control elements (like control of navigators, astropaths/telepaths, and religion) the Imperium exerts what little control and creates what unity it can.

Page 225
The followers of the Ruinous Powers have learned to take advantage of the Imperial “need to believe” by combining it with the subtle lure of secret lore or privileges. By posing as one of the countless sects of the God-Emperor, one offering certain advantages or boasting a lofty or elitist status, a Chaos cult can ensnare many influential followers.
- The imperial Cult, ironically, appeas to provide a great avenue of opporunity for Chaos to corrupt humans. Corrupted priests can exert authority over his/her/its "flock" and lead them into corruption without them realizing it. They may also do this by secreet" cults" that pretend to worship the Emperor but gradually push the worshippers further and further away from the Emperor and into the lure of Chaos.

Page 225
Warp entities are creatures that the Ordo Malleus believes to be formed of the raw energy of the immaterium itself. The majority of such creatures seem to be hostile to terrestrial life, but the most dangerous by far are the Daemons of Chaos. Daemons are typically formed from the most extreme thoughts and emotions congealed into a single sentience.
They hunger for a solid form and the sensations that a body can provide, even as they despise the weakness of living beings. Unprotected psykers represent the surest way that Daemons can force their way into realspace, using the unfortunate psyker as an energy conduit to allow them access.
...all are composed of energy made flesh...
...they require a continuous flow of emotional or psychic power to sustain them or they soon lose physical form and collapse back into energy, returning to the warp whence they came.
Daemons in detail. Pretty standard stuff, although the interesting bits are that daemons are warp entities, but not all warp entities are daemons. We also see the "gestalt" nature of a Daemon (or indeed a Chaos god) they are a coalescing of thought and emotion and souls into a sentience (a "birth" it you will).. and like any good pyramid scheme it can grow in power the higher it goes up.

We also learn that Daemons access the material world through gateways of any kind. Psykers are one kind (and the most sure link to the warp, for as long as the body endures.) but any portal will work, although without the connection to the warp they are vulnerable.

Page 225
...areas where Daemons have succeeded in attaining flesh become corrupt as the dimensions stretch thin, making the process of crossing into realspace progressively easier. Eventually the barrier between dimensions can collapse entirely, permanantly juxtaposing an area of the immaterium witha n equal area of realspace, resulting in a hellish Chaos realm where spirit and flesh become equally malleable.
I imagine its not quite so absolute as it sounds. as we see with most portals (like the ones that ships create to enter/exit the warp) they can close up. I expect more frequent "Access" can weaken the barriers, allowing them to stay open longer before they "heal". There probably even is a point where the access becomes self sustaining - the Chaos Codexes at least indicate this is the case - which means that places like the Eye or Maelstrom are indefinite - they exist as long as they are self sustaining (the pressures/energies keeping them open exceed those that close them) but deprived of that they will close.

Page 226
The mightiest of their number can unerringly command entire populations, fling their thoughts to the farthest reaches of the galaxy and crush a Battle Titan with their will.
High end psyker feats. Note that given the battle titan reference we're probably talking about something at or around alpha level.

Page 226
Wyrds are mercenary psykers, self-taught individuals of wildly varied abilities who eke out a living as far from Imperial scrutiny as they can.
Older sources (like Necromunda) treated wyrss as low level, self taught psykers.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Part 2 of next to last update

Page 226
...the greater majority [of aliens] ever encountered by the Imperium are all actively hostile to humankind. The Ordo Xenos is continually on the watch for the many threats posed by alien life forms, from deadly diseases to invasion forces. They must constantly guard against the sinister threats posed by alien-worshiping cults, Eldar raiders, the Great Devourer and the brutal Orks to name but a few.
The cynical part of me wants to say that the Great Crusade wiped out all the "peaceful coexistence" aliens, but in truth it seems that "survival of the fittest' is the byword for any race or culture in the Imperium, so defense (and a certain amount of xenophobia) is warranted (but still gets blown out of proportion - EG Imperial attack on Altaic in "Path of" novels.)

The interesting thing about Alien threats is... they're varable. Big enemies like the Tyranids, Orks and Eldar can be fairly predictable but in truth its the numerous smaller races - the Slaugth, the Saruthi, the Rak'Gol.. and all the other unknown threats who can pose nasty problems. The Imperium will (usually) have devised tactics to cope with the bigger threats, but the smaller ones? there's always the chance some new threat will appear that the Imperium quite simply isn't prepared for. Chaos is much the same for unpredictability. Having numerous, myriad threats to prepare and cope against is a huge handicap - because you dont know who you might be attacked by or fighting next, or what they might be capable of (or if they develop new capabilities.) And the numbers make prediction difficult if not impossible (though precog can help.) This si similar to the situation of the Colonial Union in "Old Man's War"

Perversely this makes heretics and rebels some of the more predictable and easiest opponents to face, since they'll usually be limited to the tech and tactics the Imperium itself has. Not that this totally excuses the cases of lousy tactics, but it helps understand them somewhat.

PAge 226
The more orthodox members of the ADeptus Mechanicus preach that all technology that doesnt derive from humankind is corrupt and capable of endangering the user's soul. (at least, that's how they often justify their "requisitions")
Imperial propoganda generally depicts all items of non-human manufacture as inferior to those of humanity. If forced to acknowledge the efficacy of another race's technology, they swiftly forward the Mechanicus's arguments that Xenos devices are all potentially damning.
quite true - one only has to look in the uplifting primer for many examples of the propoganda denigration of other aliens and their technology. This can obviosuyl be a nasty surprise to troops in the field when it turns out to be wrong, but it shows how there's that two tier "theory and practice" going on. The Imperium might wish things to be a certain way, but they won't always get it that way.

Also quite true (and amusing) is the hypocritical self-rationalization used to capture/study Xenos tech - again all that matters to the adMech is that they are the ones possessing it.

Page 226
Many of the societies of the Imperium’s worlds are oppressive though, which breeds resentment. Even the worlds that embrace a more egalitarian viewpoint frequently encourage conformity. Neither resentment nor forced compliance makes for contented people though. The Administratum, which runs the Imperium, is not unaware of this phenomenon. While planetary governors are allowed to run their worlds as they see fit, they are always encouraged to use the twin outlets of “faith” and “fear” as channels to redirect aggression. The Ecclesiarchy assists with the former, and constant vague rhetoric about the many threats of the galaxy helps with the latter.
Again propoganda is one of the more potent tools the Imperium uses to ensure control and domination, even in its "allied" planets. And it certianly doesnt hurt to exaggerate this. And oppression comes in many forms. We tend to think of the military type oppression - order at the barrel of a gun, but that is not the only kind that can exist in the Imperium. You can have economic oppression (Wage slavery, for example - something not uncommon in the United STates.) Religious Oppression is another big one - not only in the purging of "deviant" faiths, but also the fact that religious dogma can rule over every facet of life (like in extremist fundamentalism of many stripes.)

Page 227
There are certain factions of scholars, often ones funded by the noble houses, which specialise in disciplines such as xenoarchaeology and psychic phenomena. As long as their findings are “approved”, the Ecclesiarchy allows them to function with little interference, but a questing mind is seldom content with dogma and predisposed to stray into heretical thought. The followers of the Machine God are notorious for seeking out answers to forbidden questions, even when their superiors have forbidden them to continue down certain lines of inquiry.
This tends to operate against the whole "everyone is ignorant and happy to be that way" idea. It's not contradictory as I explained before, but its a reflection on the push between two different modes of thinking inherent in many parts of the Imperium (EG puritan vs radical, or progressivs vs conservative.) IT doesnt neccesarily go all one way or the other, and despite the Imperium's best efforts, they cannot totally control or dictate such terms wholly.

Page 246
....the deathless Emperor, a being of incredible power, to whom thousands of souls are sacrificed daily.
thousands daily.. more likely millions annually.

Page 246
...the Imperium is spread amongst the many stars of the galaxy. Its territories encompass untold millions of stars....
Imperium encompasses "millions" of stars. This tends to suggest the "million" figure might reference stars (or major worlds in stars) rather than worlds in total (EG all the worlds in all the systems.)

Page 246
Culture, language and even the human form appear in seemingly infinite variation across the universe. One of the few constants (at least amongst those worlds of the Imperium that are aware of its existence) is the network of feudal obligation and responsibility.
- To summarise the above since it should be fairly well known: the Imperium is largely feudalistic - in the sense it trades protection (fromthe Adeptus Terra) to the member worlds in return for resources (that it can fight the larger goal of defending the Imperium as a whole.) The Adeptus TErra, therefore is more of a military organization. - they only govern on a large scale (and only to the end of fighting the Imperium's enemies.) THey don't do a whoel lot of dictating policy to specific worlds (it couldn't really do it anyhow, so why bother).

In that sense, its probably more like a confederation, but I'm hardly an authority on political systems, so I could be wrong :D

Also the general "few things are constant" in the Imperium is pretty much a reflection of both its scope, and its difficulty in communication/travel and micromanagement across vast distances. It works through control of key resources (like psykers), trusted proxies at the sector/subsector/planetary levels, and religion and propoganda. Aside from certain broad "standards" and rules, all bets are off. Even the military aspects are incredibly, incredibly variable (equipment, doctrine, etc.)

Page 247
The black ships bring thousands of psykers daily to the birthplace of man..
This means I assume that Black ships arrive on a daily basis, not that they accomplish their missions in a day. This implies many thousands, if not tens of thousands of black ships, based on the numbers of the Emperor's annual psyker consumption.

PAge 247
They are entirely beyond reproach and they are among the few over whom the Inquisition has no power.
- the Inquisition has no authority over the Custodes.

Page 247
The domains of the Adepts of Mars exist semi-autonomously within the Imperium, an empire within an empire....
The Admech is basically they qualify as an allied empire (as do the AStartes, and the Squats before demolished) This is a reflection of the layered/tiered nature of the Imperial hierarchy. You have the "directly controlled/administered" worlds of the Adeptus Terra proper, and then a whole bunch of allied forces (Imperial commanders, Admech, space Marines, etc.)

Page 247
It is theirs alone to know how to coax forth the life of a sun in a plasma containment field..
Take that however you want. I suspect anything I say would only complicate matters :P :)

Page 247
...the Administratum collects the Imperial tithe, sends out colonists, mobilises the military, catalogues planets and much, much more. Truly stultifying levels of bureaucracy exist within the Administratum and some wayward souls believe that the Imperium survives despite, rather than because of, its efforts.
Maybe the Adminsitratum serves some local benefit, or some benefit ins ome vague, nebulous informational manner (EG collecting and storing info).. but for the most part it is useless. If it werne't for local authority and the difficulties the warp preesented micromanagement the Imperium would be doomed.

PAge 247
The Adeptus Ministorum is not formally part of the Adeptus Terra. Rather it is a sister organisation which works hand-in-glove with the servants of Earth. The Adeptus Ministorum derives its power and authority from the common belief in the Emperor’s divinity.
Its duty is to guide and interpret the innumerable ways that humanity has found to worship the Emperor ...

Whole worlds lie within its administration and on many others still they are the most powerful Imperial institution.
- the Ministorum is not formally part of the Adeptus Terra. Peculiar as it sounds, it makes alot of sense. Unlike alot of other organizations - the Minsitorum had no formal roots in the pre-Heresy Imperium. The AdMech, the Space MArines,the Inquisition, the Administratum, the Guard and Navy.. they were all there in some form.. but the Imperial Cult was an underground movement and didn't really gain its modern incarnation until Vandire and Thor did their thing. And post-Vandire, it would make sense that noone wants to put too much power or authority in the Ecclesiarchy if they can help it. It is a neccessary organization but it has the potential to become dangerously powerful (or disruptive)

Page 248
The members of the Inquisition vary enormously in physical appearance, methodology and mentality. Some operate alone and in secret, hidden from the eyes of the common man, while others operate openly and carry dozens of acolytes and agents in their cadre.
Their efforts can be checked by no Adepta and they are utterly, fanatically devoted to the defence of the Imperium.
Not wholly true. They are, like the whole Imperium, subject to the usual politicking and other stuff. Inquisitors have been balked, stalled, and even killed by other arms of the Imperium simply for getting in the way or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Their power is theoretically unlimited, but it is also contingent upon people accepting that and to a certain degree, teh threat of force and retribution.

Also some Inquisitors run with "dozens" of agents, although we know Lords and such can run whole mini-armies if they are so inclined. Alot of it seems to depend on the influence and methodology of the Inquisitor. Eisenhorn and Ravenor, for example, never ran large groups by preference.

Page 249
The Imperium encompasses countless worlds. No one has ever been able to map them and no one can even say how many there are. Entire departments of the Adeptus Administratum are devoted to cataloguing the worlds in the Emperor's domains, a never-ending task, for it is in a state of eternal flux.

Furthermore, the Adeptus Terra holds that the whole huuman race and the entire galaxy are under the Emperor's rule...

The Imperium jealously guards its territory whenever it can but its sheer size means that it cannot react to every circumstance.
The Imperium's borders undergo constant change, with new worlds discovered, conquered or colonised and old ones lost.
The Imperium, then, is a ongoing series of addition and loss, with one part trying to outlast the other. AS long as it's positive, the Imperium is probably doing well. Also mentioned is that only the serious shit (like the 13th black crusade) ever draws High Lord attention, and information can sometimes take centuries to reach them. Hence its decentralized and locally-reactive nature. They also mention the usual bit about how the Imperium claims all the galaxy, but in actuallity occupies only a small part of it. This just basically reflects both the complexity of categorizing, the difficulty in retainin ginformation for various reasons (like the warp) and the general isolation of regions from one another, as well as the varying sources. It also just confirms that "million worlds" is something of a generalization, the same way "a million space marines" is.

Page 249-250
The populations of these planets are so high that the people live in huge cities, truly immense many-layered structures that reach into the sky, each housing billions of individuals. Hive worlds often provide much-needed labour, their manufactoria producing mountains of war materiel and other goods to meet the Imperial tithe demands.
The most populous worlds in the Imperium, by direct statement in the rules. Basically troop and colonist factories, as well as a secondary role in manufacturing. They also repeat the stuff about such places becoming polluted shitholes, but it really depends on the age and industry of the hive (not all of them do. Some of course are semi habitable even.)

These planets are given over entirely to the production of food, which hive worlds cannot produce in sufficient quantities to keep their huge populations from starving. Many a world has whole continents given over to livestock or fields of crops. Some agri-worlds are covered in oceans teeming with fish and a few are stranger - worlds covered in edible fungus, scoured by swarms of nutritious insects or gas giants home to flocks of flying creatures. A few planets are used solely to provide clean water to nearby hive worlds. Agri-worlds are sometimes ruled directly by the Administratum, to help ensure their produce is grown and harvested with maximum efficiency.
Basically the forge/hive world version with respect to producing the things people need to survive that aren't air. And they can harvest many different kinds of resources, which leads to the usual sort of diversity you expect.
Much of a forge world is like an immense factory, with industrial complexes soaring into the sky and mine workings burrowing deep into the crust. Forge worlds build grreat numbers of complex machines, like tanks or spacecraft parts. They are ruled by the ADeptus Mechanicus, whose training and research facilities are located there...


The Adeptus Mechanicus' flleets, its tech-guard armies and, most formidably of all, the Titan Legions are also all based on forge worlds.
Typical forge world stuff. Part factory, part R&D (such as it is) facility, part high tech military base. All under the control of the Imperium's adMech allies.

Developing Worlds

These worlds are split into geographical areas with wildly varying levels of advancement and culture. Depending on the prevailing governments, these might be countires, states, power blocks or tribal homelands. It may be the case that higher levels of technology and wealth are concentrated around original colonisation sites. Other planets might exhibit gross varaitions in culture due to enviroment with areas weak in natural resources being similarily weak in terms of military power, economic muscle, and so on. Some planets preserve a great divide due to ancient tribal taboos, religious notions or plain old-fashioned habit.A great many worlds of the Imperium fit into this broad category, but no two are alike in the way they realise these divides.
A rather new classification. I expect these might be colonies or such, or places recently discovered and brought in that have to be "brought up" to Imperial standards in some manner.

I suspect most worlds like this are unlikely to be directly controlled by the Imperium.

Feral Worlds:
These worlds are populated by tribal peoples largely living without the assistance of maintained technology. This may be due to a failed colonisation project, religious preferences, cultural choice, environment or some other reason.

People of feral worlds can range widely in culture, from Grox-hunting tribes of ancestor worshippers to wild-eyed, post apocalyptic road warriors, fighting endlessly amongst the toxic, sand-strewn ruins of their civilisation.
I skipped feudal worlds, but ferals are interesting because, like earlier, they seem to encompass Death worlds as well as the post apocalpytic types. I guess the main defining trait is they have no stable or centralized industrial capabilities of their own (EG they might have leftovers from a cataclysm or such)

Page 250
The existence of these planets is rarely made obvious but there are many of them throughout the Imperium.

Travel to these [quarantined] worlds is forbidden except for the most well-informed and heavily armed expeditionsm and evne then only with a very good reason. Death worlds, alien empires, or planets where creatures ofthe warp have broken through into realspace are all examples of quarantined worlds, as are planets wracked with plague. Some worlds are quarantined because no one can fathom the origins of what has been found there, be it mysterious artefacts or ancient cities—it is thought better to live in ignorance of what lies on such worlds than risk it becoming a threat. Other worlds are quarantined because every expeditionary mission there has failed to return.
I'm not entirely sure why they keep around quarantined worlds, unless they're just blockading them until they can be destroyed.. because blockades usually take up valuable time and resources (naval ships and such)

Page 250
Often studded with temples and shrines, these worlds are frequently controlled by the Ecclesiarchy and may form training grounds for members of their Adepta [Shrine Worlds].
Shrine worlds seem to be Ecclesiarchy territory, although unlike the AdMech they no longer have the muscle to have powerful militaries by themselves (although they have the Sisters of Battle still)
Shrine worlds seem to be centers both for propoganda and what passes for vacation worlds in the Imperium, meaning they serve both an informational control and economic purpose. [Yes I know how cynical of me. It does turn out this way though, esp in FFG material.]

Page 250
Massive campaigns can envelope dozens of systems and hundreds of worlds, many of which are utterly devastated by orbital bombardments and artillery in planet-spanning battles that last decades.
The obvious question becomes "why do they bother with long campaigns over just orbital bombardment" - because in some cases they will bombard the planet rather than deploying troops. The deciding factor seems to be whether or not someone wants the planet - if it has value to the Imperium (or someone in the Imperium with the connections and clout) then they'll deploy troops and assets (like on forge worlds, or Vraks) - so either the world is important (or they get fuckd over by someone's greed or politics) dictates gground battles usually.

On top of that, they gamble on being able to take the planet before significant damage is inflicted, which can impart its own brand of insanity (one reason, I suspect, for massive casualties Firepower is all well and good, but given the mateiral-oriented obsession of the retarded bureacracy, they probably would rather sacrifice millions of men than scuff off that oh so important adminstratum building or fog up the windows. Military commanders may have different ideas.) If they can take it before years and decadeds pass,.. the planet may not be an irradiated wasteland (again vraks comes to mind.)

Of course if you're trying to take a hive or a death world, then the situation can be a tad different :)

Page 250
The Imperium can field truly immense armies of millions of men, grinding their way across a devastated planet and reducing cities to rubble.
"millions" of men on a world seem typical as the upper limit for major wars. You don't very often see billions deployed on a planet

Page 250
The administratum sends colonists from overcrowded worlds to populate war-torn worlds after the fighting has ended but the wheels of the Imperium grind slowly and a world can lie devastated for centuries before any effort is made to resettle it. These places can be some of the most ghastly in the Imperium, with ravaged enviroments, cracked planetay crusts, burnt-out cities and plains covered in the bones of the fallen.
Aftermath of newly conquered worlds if they took too long to conquer. I like the ravaged enviroment and cracked crusts. And like I said before, hive worlds are colonisation factories.

Page 251
The Imperium allows most of its worlds to govern themselves, using whatever method of government the population gravitates towards.
Probably because there's nothing else they can do. they can influence, but not control.

Page 251
Some [planets] are hereditary monarchies, others ruled by ariostocracies or warlords. Some are ruled by elected parliments, while on others power is given to whoever can pay for it.
On other planets, such things as democracy, free choice and even personal rights are present, though these are few and far between. Some worlds are administered directly by the various Adepta, such as agri-worlds run by the Administratum or cardinal worlds ruled by the Ecclesiarchy.
Diversities of worlds in the Imperium. Again I suspect the comparison is less exaggerated than intended. I mean there's quite a bit about American politics that falls into the "power is given to whoever can pay for it" category - banks and companies get their subsidies and bailouts somehow, not to mention the skewed taxation scheme. It can certianly be argued that "true demoecracy" is rare in real life too. Again in America we still have places where the rigths of certain individuals (such as gay marriage) are repressed, and racism and sexism have not completely vanished either.

If there is parody it is more likely in degree than anything, but even here I'm cynical enough to think the difference minor.

Page 251
Due to the sheer size of the Imperium and the unpredictability of travel, there are many occasions where the Administratum never manages to extract its levy, or the Black Ships never arrive to take psychic individuals away. Planets can be isolated for generations and it is not unusual to encounter worlds where the Imperial tithe has been all but forgotten.
Self explanatory. I doubt they really notice much, at least not right away (although onc ethey DO, they're going to come for what they are owed, you can be sure of that..)

Page 251
In some cases, a group of planets might have enough contact with one another to form political alliances and even minor empires. other clusters of worlds might be connected by huge corporations, the powers fo hereditary nobles, religious leaders or other such ties. In such cases planetary governors must not only tend to the needs of the Imperium but also the whims of these power blocs.
This is actually more common than we think, since subsectors and sectors are pretty common groupings throughoug the Imperium. It seems that scoep has shifted from earlier fluff where each world/system was basically its own island, to "each sector is its own island". In truth I'm rather happy with that.

Page 251
Whilst there is a generally agreed human standard, consisting of four limbs, one head, twenty digits and so on, local environment and genetic stock have caused all manner of interesting anomalies, evolutionary adaptations and fashions. These differences are usually cosmetic in effect; however, the more radical alterations walk the line between accepted variation and outright mutation.
Certain planets will betray their colonial origins with the appearance of their peoples—perhaps a particular type of nose or skin colour will be dominant. Others will have clear tribal divisions. Some populations will possess unusual adaptations as a consequence of their environment.
I'd say the "enviromental differences" are alot more common than we might think. the Imperium tends to have widely differing gravity fields and to different degrees, which can produce differeint sorts of effects (heavy gravity worlds seem to predominate, at least being a little heavier than Terra.) and this will definitely have an influence. And without a doubt the presence of the warp can have a contributing factor as well. And there are of course death worlds, where their darwinian processes without a doubt force useful "adaptations" due to enviroment. :P

Page 252 - Note here: Scintilla, the capital of the Calixis sector, is identified on the map here as a industrial world. It's also termed a hive world elsewhere, but as mentioned many times before, nothing is mutually exclusive about that.

Page 254
Given the huge size of the Imperium, it is impossible to cross it in the fleeting span of time given to ordinary men. Colonists, pilgrims and refugees spend many generations in the vastness of space,
and many ships never survive the vagaries of travel to reach their destination. Some have theorised that the universe actively resists mankind’s crude attempts to explore its mysteries.
Patently untrue. It can be crossed and has been - otherwise the Great Crusade would nave have gone across. Alot of it depends on the method of travel, the distance traveled, navigational conditions and other factors - nothing is certain when it comes to warp travel. But generally you can cross a good chunk of the galaxy in months or less.. and at worst years. If its taking decades you're probably on a really slow pilgrim ship or something, or you just don't have a very good ship or navigator (or no navigator at all.)

In any case, taking generations (up to 100 years) to cross the galaxy would imply a rather slow transit speed.. hundreds of c to a few thousand c tops, Most merchant ships, warships, and especially Admech/Astartes/Inquisition vessels travel much faster.

It is sort of possible that there is resistance to mankind's progress - at least from Daemons. We saw in the HH series how with sufficient influxes of power daemons and the Chaos gods can either hamper warp travel, or facilitate it as they choose. It wouldnt surprise me if daemons fuck with warp travel even today.

Page 254
Used mostly for journeys between planets or closely neighbouring systems, slower than light travel involves speeds that confound mortal imagination and yet are still nothing when measured against the sheer size of the galaxy. Those attempting to use slower than light drives to travel any appreciable distance condemn themselves and their descendants to a shipboard life, endlessly whittling away the years until they arrive at the distant star they set out to reach.
Those worlds that have not lost the art of creating and maintaining slower than light ships jealously guard their arcane craft. This reluctance to share their guild secrets ensures the reliability and price of their vessels but also robs others of vital information required to placate their own craft. Institutions such as the Imperial Navy, Inquisition and various Adepta have access to much better-quality vessels, maintained with religious awe and reverence by countless generations of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
What is interesting about this is that it strongly suggests (with "years" between systems) is that Imperail starships can reach quite close to the speed of light. This isn't terribly surprising since we have examples of such, but this infers it is not exactly super-rare if the Admech and Navy and others have access to "better quality" craft.

Mind you, this doesn't mean all starships have to be capable of near-c travel. That sort of capability generally is not needed for all ships and is likely to carry drawbacks (large fuel requirements for example.) Nonetheless it is interesting for implying at least large energy reserves, if not actual rate (rate can vary, but still remains impressive. Near-c travel is not cheap energy-wise even with high efficiency.)

Page 254
The space lanes of the Imperium are plied by huge, often ancient merchant ships commanded by the Charitst Captains. Lacking Navigators or Astropaths to guide them, these civilian craft take years to travel their ciruitous routes between the stars, trading and bringing supplies tow orlds which need them.


The route of each ship, set down in its charter written up by the Adeptus Terra, can take generations to complete and a Chartist ship is home to a spacefaring community of "void born" souls who can live and die without ever setting foot on the surface of a planet.
Chartist captains represent one of the newer (and for me, interesting) aspects of the FFG material - Chartist ships. They not only represent an entirely new class of warp capable vessel and crew, but they open up whole other avenues between "Chartist" and "Navigator" categories - Navigators being the fastest and longest ranged, Charist the slowest and shortest range.. and a number of others in between (Ships with psykers or astropaths to guide, for example.) Heck, it's even opened up the psosibility (and hinted at in other FFG mateiral) that individual planets can have or produce their own short ranged warp vessels (for merchant or defence purposes.)

although it was never explicitly stated (yet), I do suspect that as they have different kinds of "merchant" ships, they also have different grades of warships to fill the gaps between Navigator-piloted and system ships. Astropaths for example are likely to be more plentiful for navigational puproses, at least within a sector. Such forces could also help "pad out" a sector battlefleet or subsector forces and may help explain "battlefleet" discrepancy numbers. If this were tue, I suspect most "chartist" warship analogues would be escorts and small cruisers.

Anyhow, its interesting how they also specif you cna use astropaths to navigate (which is something I'd speculated on but has never really been clearly, explicitly stated.) Chartists however probably use a combination of well established/known routes (EG what is on the charts) coupled with computer navigation and their own manual navigational skills. Which is going to be the slowest, but also probably the cheapest and most common way to run a ship, and it probably works well between a couple planets (say within a subsector.)

Page 255
Vessels equipped with a functional warp drive are able to translate themselves into this other dimension of being by generating an envelope of Geller fields. These quixotic waves "bend" the ship through the veil of realspace into the immaterium. Once within this strange place, the ship is able to ride the currents and eddies that flow within the warp, frequently dropping back into realspace to check its positioning.
Interesting how the Gellar field is not only a protective mechanism but also a means of transferring a ship through from realspace to warp and veise versa. I suspect it also acts as the surface against which warp waves/currents act to propel the ship. The "bending" likely refers to the nature of warp portals being some sort of gravity phenomena or spaital distortion.

Page 255
Time does not operate normally within this orther realm and so travellers can emerge to discover centuries have passed since they starrted their journey, that they have merely been absent for a few seconds, or have even arrived before they left. Even skilled Navigators cannot predict how much time will be lost, gained, or repeated over the course of a journey.
Time (and space) are malleable in the warp, which can be a good or bad thing depending on circumstances (especially since it is unpredictable) - plus the general randomness of some currents/tides and other warp "weather", the means by which a ship tries to navigate (and the accuracy of which) and so on all play a role in effective warp "speed" - and go a long way to explaining why it can be so variable.

PAge 255
Navigators use the great psychic beacon of the Astronomican as a fixed point to aid their route-finding. In this way they are able to complete a journey with far fewer drops into realspace to plot position. The great majority of Navigators serve in the Imperial Navy and many Navigator families are tied to Naval aristocracies by complex bonds of honour, debt and patronage.
Navigators basically have the furthest "sight range" for fixed reference points in the warp. Partly it's the ability to distinguish or see the warp-souls of inhabited systems and such, but also it is seeing stuff like the astronomican and astropathic beacons - all the stuff that help improve warp travel for Imperial starships. There is also an element of "Reading" the wArp (or its weather) and making predictions (possibly even some subconscious probability manipulation) at play too, though Rogue Trader will cover all this better. This explains how they travel faster than other methods (and safer)

Page 256
Such devices [vox] require many years for their signal to reach even the nearest planet and have no surety of even being detected when they arrive.

The perils of travel ensure that human or servitor messengers are just as unreliable and potentially as slow as radio or other energy wave communications.

Page 256
Astropaths communicate with symbols and iconic images, projecting these messages through vast distancecs of space by means of psychic power. This process is usually exhausting and requires ritual and focus in order ot keep the psyker in the right frame of mind. These can take a wide variety of forms, such as use of the Emperor's Tarot, vision quests, automatic writing, trances, seances, and the like.
These messages must not only be transmitted frrom one astropath to another but decoded at the othe rend. Each astropath employs slightly different smybols and each has a preferred style or "flavour". Some messsages take weeks of poring over tomes of augurs and symbolism before they can be reconstructed, though the best astropaths can do this word for word. Some remain a mystery forever. Some messages ar received by astropaths at entirely the wrong end of the galaxy and must be passed on to others who are nearer the place in question.

Some messages simply do not get their intended recipient or are drastically misinterpreted along the way.
Most worlds, especially those with small populatiosn or on the fringes of the Imperium, have no astropaths at all and must rely on the infrequent visits of passing Chartist ships or Administratum census-takers to make contact with the outside galaxy at all. For this reason the Adeptus Terra cannot react quickly to every event in the Imperium....
Astrotelepathy, despite what is said here, is not nearly that straightforward, and has been known to encompass various forms - from the "bucket brigade" thought projection from system to system (or beacon/relay/outpost to like.), to the cases of direct "voice to voice" contact. Or cases where images, words and other data get transmitted psychically.

It could be due to the variations in Astropaths abilities or the way they perceive the warp or interpret it, or it may be just that there are tradeoffs between the different styles - images and icon/symbolic transmissions may be the simplest/fastest and longest range ways to send messages ( especially between two points) but it might be limited in other ways (sending sensory or visual data for example) and is open to the stated misinterpretation problems. The "bucket brigade" approach could be more reliable, but obviously take longer due to the time between sendings and the indirect means of transmitting from point to point. There may be variances in message volume, encryption, level of strain or danger it puts the astropath under, etc.

Also.. Adminstratum census taker.. That poor fucker :lol:
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Time to finish up Dark HEresy! two parts for one update

Page 256
The ways of these [daemon] cults are many. Some meet in clandestine rituals of sacrifice and incantation. Others are foolish scholars, meddling with powers beyond their ken. Others still are organisations, companies or political groups drunk with power gained through pacts with unspeakable creatures of the warp. Perhaps worst of all are the instances of entire worlds that worship the Chaos gods through ignorance or choice.
The many forms of Chaos worship, both of the Gods and their daemonic minions (in the end its all the same)

Page 257
Environmental pollution, deliberate genetic alteration, stellar radiation, alien diets and simple evolutionary adaptation have wrought manifold changes upon the physique of man across his empire of stars. Some of these mutants have a standard, stable, morphological type and are tolerated by the authorities—notable among them being the abhuman Ogryns and the ancient and noble Navigators. But to find whole worlds where the population has no eyes due to never-ending darkness, or unusually long legs because of millennia of nomadic living, is not unusual. Whether these aberrant populations are declared acceptable or not is the business of the Adeptus Terra.
Mutations. Later FFG sources go on to clarify this (as well as the differences between mutants, abhumans, and humans" and the like.) although sufficed to say it is still fairly arbitrary. For example "mutation" (the bad kind) is usually ascribed to warp taint, whereas other ones are liekly to define abhuman. Probably makes sense since some of the weirder mutations (such as senses or mouths or eyes where it would be hard to place them) could only be possible with magic.

Page 257
Yet they are few in number and for every mind that is strong enough to stand against the perils of the warp, there are hundreds of others whose minor gifts, whether they seem a boon or a burden to the individual, are a clear danger to the worlds of man.
This seems to suggest there are a couple for every hundreds (or a thousand) or so who are minor psykers. It doesn't stretch o say maybe 1-2% of those taken in by the Black ships can be considered worthy. Given the 1:100,000/1,000,000 raito between psykers and humans, we might figure there is one astropath for every 10-100 million people in the Imperium. Assuming some e15-e16 people (single double digit quadrillions) we're talking some tens of millions to billions in a generation. Given that one billion or so astropaths were lost in the "Howling" (as well as millions of starships) without significant ill long term effect, I'm more inclined to go towards the higher end of things.

Page 259
...the size of the Imperium means the grip of governance is, perforce, loose, and rebellion is only regarded to have taken place when one of the tithes goes refused.

Worlds which rise up to shake off the fatherly hand of the Emperor fall into the following four main categories:

Governmental Revolt: Occasionally the ruling body of such a world might misguidedly decide that their world would be far better off outside of the Imperium.

These revolts must be dealt with swiftly and graphic examples made of the ringleaders, for if just one planet is shown to succeed in such a quest, others will certainly follow. It may take centuries to quash a revolt, but no human world must be allowed to secede. Assassination, planetary assault and, occasionally, Exterminatus are all righteous tools that may be employed to bring the wayward world to heel.
Governmental revolts. I imagine Exterminatus is rather rare, since they tend to frown on losing worlds that could otherwise be saved. Threat of exterminatus would be valuable, if it weren't for the fact its supposed to be relatively secret. But eh.

Page 259
Popular Revolt: It is a regrettable fact that many citizens of the Imperium suffer the most horrendous living conditions in less than ideal environments. From time to time, a particularly bold demagogue may rally his fellows and overthrow the government. This only becomes a problem if they then go on to defy the authority of the Imperium, otherwise the new regime will go unmolested—it is ordinarily not the adepts’ way to impose governmental form upon a population.
Also, it is sometimes better in planets with a particular strategic importance to ensure continuance of governance. In both these cases the forces of the Imperium are brought to bear.
As long as the resources and troops roll in, and its not a problem on directly administered worlds, the Imperium really doesn't give a fuck. Partly becuase they can't afford to given the loose administration they are forced to. As long as the government sticks with the Imperium, then it becomes Governmental revolt (see above.)

Page 259
Xenos Infiltration: There are many creatures in the universe that exist by using other creatures as their proxy. These may be creatures from the physical realm, such as Genestealers, or beings such as the Enslavers, who somehow have a material being but dwell within the empyrean. Sometimes these worlds carry on seemingly as normal, the rest of the galaxy unaware of the dark, alien cancer eating at their heart.

In either case [alien infestation or domination of a planet] utter destruction of the infested inhabitants is, regrettably, the best course of action. This can be effected via tectonic destabilisation, Exterminatus, cyclonic torpedoes or viral (general or geno-tailored) bombardment, dependent upon the importance of the world and possibilities of recolonisation.
Aliens are, by and large, as dickish as the Imperium. Like with governments, exterminatus is an option. Unlike with Governments, there can be some alien thrats that warrant it (EG tyranids) simply because of their virulence.

PAge 259
Daemonic Infiltration: A planet may turn to worship of the Dark gods under a number of circumstances. Suppression of such revolts must be handled carefully—destruction of the population may be the Dark Powers’ actual aim, as the psychic death scream of millions of people can be enough to permanently open a rift between the warp and the real universe. Planetary invasion by specialist formations is advisable, followed immediately by planetary cleansing or destruction.
Probably the worst and most difficult kind to deal with due to the nature of Chaos, although some alien infiltrations (like Enslavers) can be nearly as bad. Exterminatus in these cases is less about destroying the threat as removing those who perpetuate the threat, although if its not done carefully it might do as much damage as good (all those deaths tearing open the warp)

Page 260
Millions upon millions of well-trained men and women, organised into thousands of regiments, make up the Guard.

Vast conscript armies, elite special forces, massive tank columns and glorious sabre-wielding cavalry can all be found in the Imperial Guard ...
Basically the guard is big, unwieldy, diverse, and not very centralized.

Page 260-261
The Imperial Navy holds nearly all of the Imperium's fighting vessels; local governments, Warmasters, and others are forbidden to maintain their own fleets of warships. Their spacecraft include some of the most potent engines of destruction in the whole galaxy, including mighty battleships thousands of years old. The Navy's ships range from small escorts with a crew of a few dozen to the immense Emperor-class battleships which might have twenty thousand souls or more on board. The Navy also includes fighter and bomber crews and aircraft that support the Imperial Guard on the ground.
This is interesting in that it implies not so much that the Navy holds all ships, but just nearly all the warships. It may be that the Imperial fleet is held separate from the navy (as in some hints), and the Adeptus Terra still owns most of the ships.

Page 261
With thousands of crew living and dying on ships that can spend decades withotu seeing port, a ship of the Imperial Navy becomes a society in its own right; a city in space. Mutinies are not unknown and the Naval security battalions are a familiar sight on the decks of all Naval ships, their black visors and shotguns constantly reminding the men that obedience is their duty to the Emperor.
"security battalions". If we go with the "naval security" definition from Eisenhorn we're talking the storm troopers. The regular armsman would be more common (regiments to the battalions?) although the shotguns bit suggests it is regualr armsmen that refers to. It does suggest most warhsips have a good many thousands of troops though.

Page 261
It is usual for a warship to have astropaths on board, for proper communication is essential...
Commissars are appointed to the larger ships, watching over the moral fibre of the crew and providing a watch against mutiny and impiety
Astorpaths and commissars are common onbaord starships.

Page 261
Each chapter is independent from the ADeptus Terra.


Some Chapters have their own agendas and cnanot be relied upon entirely.


A space Marine chapter has its own fleet of fast spacecraft and can react far more quickly to a threat than the Imperial Guard or Navy, making the Adpetus Astartes one of the only forces in the Imperium that can mount a rapid response to a crisis.
Regular space marine fluff. Space MArine vessels are arguably faster than the Navy (at least in response time, not neccesairly just transit speed. Battleships and fleets take time to mobilize, but individual starships can respond prety fast.)

Page 262
Rumor has it that Ordo Xenos maintains a number of secret fortresses at the fringes of the Imperium where the Deathwatch keeps a silent and constant vigil, ever watchful for th tell-tale signs of alien encroachment.
Not so much rumour now that we have the Deathwatch RPG

Page 263
But all the creeds of the cult agree upon this one thing: there is only one Emperor. To worship a pantheon of gods and put other gods alongside Him is heresy. However, there have been many individuals over the millennia who have been seen as His saints, people visibly touched by the Emperor, and they are venerated all over the Imperium. There are saints for every aspect of life and there is a thriving trade in their relics on many worlds.
It's mentioned he may be viewd as a "star god" (descending from the stars, not a C'tan), as a personification of a force of nature or an element, a "distant patriarchal" figure" ,etc. The Emperor and his saints basically are the Imperial snactioned verison of a Chaos God and his daemons.. really. Plus it serves an important economic function as wlel as a propoganda one.

Page 263 -
The graceful structure of the Emperor Triumphant... cllimbs delicately skyward, its main tower nearly a full kilometre in height. The statue of the Emperor at the top brushes the troposphere.
That's some feat of engineering methinks.

PAge 263
Of course, in some places, the worship of the Emperor supercedes all other aspects of life—these are the shrine worlds of the Imperium, where perhaps one of the great saints, or even, in the distant past, the Emperor Himself, performed a great deed. These planets can be one, vast, religious complex, or huge cemetery worlds such as Granithor, where the wealthy spend vast fortunes bringing the dead scions of their families for burial, usually those who have perished in the service of the Emperor. Then there are the cardinal worlds, which attract millions of pilgrims and are the strongholds of the cult. These planets are directly governed by the Ecclesiarchy and are the seats of functionaries high in the Cult responsible for the spiritual health of vast areas of space.

The Ecclesiarchy maintains and promotes the cult galaxy-wide and, where possible, tries to sanction the worship of the Emperor no matter how bizarre it may seem. Very few practices are proscribed, and even such abominations as human sacrifice to the Emperor are useful to the Imperium ...


The Ecclesiarchy sends out mission fleets for precisely this purpose, whose flotillas of blessed spacecraft slowly circle a particular part of the galaxy, recording new variants of the cult, correcting serious heresies and proselytising to newly discovered populations of humans.
- the Ecclesiarchy sends out "mission fleets" for the purposes of prolestytizing and conversion. Again the economic and propoganda benefits are, to me, foremost to mind in all this. But it does show the Ecclesiarchy has its own ships. Cemetary worlds by above seem to also be under the main provenance of the Ecclesiarchy, which isn't surprising, and may help explain why there are whole planets devoted to nothing but housing the dead. (more propoganda and psychological purposes, as well as to bilk more money out of the wealthy)

Page 263
The Ecclesiarchy presides over the souls of the Imperium’s citizens, dividing its countless diocese into parishes, some of which are centred upon a particular planet, others focused to tending to a particular locale or holy shrine
Dioceses and parishes. not sure if it means dioceses are specific to a parituclar planet, or parishes. Given other contexts (like blood of MartyrS) Dioceses are a tad bigger than just a planet.

PAge 264
A machine that is both old and complicated is given the same status by the Tech Priests as the Ecclesiarchy woudl give a major saint, for many of the systems on these machines are irrepelacable, their secrets lost ot time. Among the greatest of such machines are the vast battleships of the Imperial Navy, or the super-heavy Titan war machines. But the Tech-Priests will also lavish their attention upon an antique lasgun or prognosticator and will spend much time trying to understand the intricacies of a device’s workings.
The hilarious (yet accurate) implication of this is that sometimes they will equate older with better.. when this is entirely random. Sometimes old in the Imperium means "worn out and needs to be replaceD" although I wouldnt be surprised if they spend inordinate amounts of resources restoring and maintainin gthe old stuff just because it is old too.

At least they imply a certain amount of study and research into the devices in this case.

Page 264 - Desktop "logicator" - computer?

Page 264
Paradoxically, true machine intelligences are held to be anathema by the Tech-Priests, for they view these as soulless automata, spiritless things cast in the galaxy to confound the will of the Machine God. Shrouded in myth and legend, these abominations are rumoured to have originated during the Dark Age of Technology.

Only properly sanctioned logic engines, those deemed to have a spirit gifted them by the Omnissiah, are allowed to persist.
I suspect the last line is the real truth of it, becuase in fact the AdMech uses a combination of machine intelligences as well as "machine spirits" (the ones that may involve some measure organic element, or an "imprinted" mind like in Titans and Grapplehawks) What it ultimately comes down to I suspect is more the AdMech seal of approval - if its in their control its good, if its outside their control its bad. Because technology is what they derive their power from.. keeping the monopoly is important.

Page 267
Broadly speaking, the Inquisition is a feudal organism. At its base are a great number of thralls toiling to support a complex edifice of influence and duty. At its very peak rests the master of mankind, the God-Emperor, in whose name all acts are justified. In between sit all manner of offices, fiefdoms, ranks and privileges, all of which an aspiring Acolyte may one day hope to claim.

Whilst the chain of command amongst the ranks of the Inquisitors is obscure at best, the ultimate expression of the group’s tremendous powers is the Inquisitorial Representative to the High Lords of Terra. The Representative’s role is to observe the workings of the Imperium and inform the High Lords of dire threats uncovered by the Inquisition. The means by which an Inquisitor is appointed as the Representative are very obscure and the Representative changes constantly, with the same Inquisitor rarely serving on the High Lords’ Council twice. He is not the leader of the Inquisition, because no one man could ever claim leadership over the wilful and scattered ranks of its Inquisitors. He is at best an advisor who can whisper in the ears of the High Lords and, through them, the Emperor Himself.
While there are feudal elements, its wrong to say it is wholly feudal. After all there is no one, central authority figure in the Imperium, unless you consider their "fealty to the Emperor" in a seirous context. I mean in theory all Inquisitors are equal (but politics changes this, like it does for any human organization even democracy) and the Inquisitor Lords and such are elected to their positions of power and the like. Even the judgements of one inquisitor to another happen directly or indirectly from majority rule (either directly becuaes a group of inquisitors band together to stop or capture another they judged, or through conclaves or the judgements of an elected Inquisitor Lord.)

Indeed, Inquistiors may be perhaps the most democratic organiztion in the Imperium, albiet a rather violent one because of that freedom.

Page 268
The Ordo Hereticus is the largest of the ordos and its Inquisitors watch for enemies among the Imperium’s own population.
This agreement, made at the Convocation of Nephilim, is still shrouded in mystery and it is suggested among some Inquisitors that the Sisters of Battle and the Ordo Hereticus are following some secret plan that only the canonesses of the Sororitas and a few Inquisitor Lords fully understand.
Probably. They seem to be secretive, distrustful dicks. I'd bet they suspect the Xenos (the most liberal) of being alien lovers and the Malleus (the smallest and most powerful/sophisiticated) as being demon worshippers. i'm sure no small amount of jealousy also drives this (since Xenos and Malleus both have a Chambers militant of Space Marines. Not that Sisters of Battle are any slouch but having Astartes is sort of a status symbol.)

PAge 269
..acting as wardens on the infamous Black Ships [Sisters of Battle]


This includes the Orders Hospitaller, which provides medicae to almost all arms of the Imperial military, and the Orders Famulous, which forms a network of advisors and diplomats to insure that the Imperium’s noble households work towards the ultimate good of Mankind. Lastly there is the Sisters of the Orders Dialogous who are scholars and experts in the translation of texts both
- Sisters of Battle serve as Guards on Black ships. with "thousands" of Black Ships and a single squad per ship, that's 20,000 Sororitas minimum.. they must easily number in the tens if not hundreds of thousands. Probably mor elike hundreds of thousands (if not millions) given they also tend to garrison Important Ecclesiarchical locations (multiple squads at least) and other locales (of hwich there must be thousands, if no tens of thousands.) Rather interesting that they seem to fill a role formerly taken by Sisters of Silence, isn't it?

Also rather clever is how the other orders (hospitaller, famulous, and dialogous) all involve themselves in areas that make them invaluable (if not provide important intel and influence.) The Famulous for example give them extensive political informationa nd control over the nobility (as well as actively directing them), the Dialogus give important data/intel assets and knowledge (as well as a means of knowing/controlling what others know), and the hospitallers give influence and goodwill amongst all, especially the masses. This all also serves to cement the importance of the Ecclesiarchy in the Imperial structre as a tool of propoganda and population control.

Page 270
The Ordo Malleus is the smallest and closest-knit of the ordos, and its Inquisitors are among the most knowledgeable, incorruptible and dangerous men and women in the galaxy.

Alone amongst the ordos, the Daemonhunters have a distinct home base—the Inquisitorial facilities on the moons of Saturn.

The Ordo Malleus fleet is docked among Saturn’s rings along with its principal fortress, where new Inquisitors are trained and old ones impart the knowledge painfully acquired over centuries of facing the direst and most corruptive of threats
When you consider they (along with the Grey Knights) are among the oldest, as well as the best equipped and that they have a base in the solar system... they really come off as the Imperium's elite. (small wonder since they also were formerly the "secret" organization inside the Imperium itself.)

Page 271
Every Grey Knight has some psychic ability, which is trained and honed until they can shield their minds against Daemonic corruption. Their power armour is imbued with potent anti-Daemonic wards and their distinctive Nemesis force weapons are designed to focus their psychic strength into formidable destructive power. The Grey Knights are based at their fortress-monastery on Saturn’s moon of Titan but the majority of them are elsewhere in the galaxy at any given time,..
And nowadays they are totally immune to Chaos (except where they need Sisters of Battle blood for paint) and can also be sorcerors (although this bugs me less if they can be tapping the Emperor, and about the only way I accept that context.)

Page 271
A Daemon is not just a destructive force, although I have known of some that can lay waste to whole cities and even worlds. Their real danger lies in their corruptive powers.
Powers of daemons.

Page 272
While many Ordo Xenos Inquisitors believe that all aliens must be killed, this is not true for all of them. Some believe that if an alien species does not wish the Imperium harm and does not move against Imperial interests then cooperating with them is not out of the question. Some aliens possess technology that far surpasses the Imperium’s own, such as the elegant digital weapons made by the ape-like Jokaero, and trading for such technology may be to the Imperium’s benefit.

Furthermore, the Imperium shares common enemies with some species, and alliances between Imperial and alien forces are sometimes a necessity. Some Ordo Xenos Inquisitors actively foster these alliances, believing that their superior knowledge of alien methods and mindsets negates the risks of collaborating with xenos. These beliefs are considered Radical among the Ordo Xenos...
The Xenos, not the oldest or most powerful, but perhaps the most liberal/progressive and diverse organization of them all. I tend to like Xenos the most, personally, as they show intellectual flexibility few others exihbit, although even Xenos has their limits (when it comes to radicalism.)

Page 273
Whilst the three great ordos are perhaps the best known and established, there are a number of other smaller ordos charged with guardianship of particular aspects of the Imperium. Some police the ranks of assassin death cults, whilst others tend the workings of the Black Ships. Rumours persist of Inquisition ordos which watch the officers of the Imperial Guard and Navy, and others whose sole task is to purge the ranks of the Inquisition itself. Whilst in theory these smaller ordos are of equal rank and power to Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Xeno and Ordo Malleus, in practice they seldom control as many resources as these great organisations.
We know of the Ordo Chronos, there is also the Ordo Sicarius (who watch the ASsassins), among others (like the Ordo Selpulturum, and the Ordo Hydra.)

Page 273
These [Conclaves] federations of Inquisitors watch over a particular area of Imperial space, although the whole Imperium is by no means covered by conclaves and endless tracts of it are devoid of a permanent Inquisitorial presence. Conclaves can include Inquisitors from all manner of ordos as well as those who belong to no other organisations. The largest conclaves, those which watch over particularly populous or dangerous areas of the Imperium, have enormous resources available for the use of their dozens of Inquisitors, from spaceships to private armies. The smallest might number only three or four Inquisitors and a handful of trusted agents.
they seem to be the Inquisitorial equivlanet of Naval Battlegroups and Ecclesiarchal dioceses. "dozens" signifies a particularily large Inquisition though other sources mention hundreds (EG Scarus in Eisenhorn, etc.)

Page 273
This ancient establishment [Calixian Conclave] has gathered many resources over the years, ranging from small safe houses on distant planets to mighty fortresses like the Tricorn officio on Scintilla. Troops, secret libraries, ancient pacts and even entire merchant companies are in the control of the conclave...
Calixis conclave resources.

Page 273
The crews of the Black Ships come from both the Telepathica and the Inquisition. Adepts of the Telepathica test the psykers being transported, selecting those who are strong enough to shield themselves from possession by warp entities to begin their training. The Inquisition’s role is to scrutinise the tithe gathered from each world to make sure that there is no shortfall in the number of psykers given up, monitor the psykers being transported in case they pose a threat while in transit and (though not their official duty) pick the best psykers for training and use by the Inquisition itself.
Blackship crews.

PAge 278
Exterminatus is the term used for the destruction of an entire planet by order of the Inquisition. As such, it is an incredibly rare and vastly powerful event. The Inquisition has, in theory at lest, sole access to the weapons with the potency to destroy a whole world and they vary from high yield virus weapons to cyclonic torpedoes that can penetrate a planet's crust and tear it apart in a chain reaction.

Page 281
Some seals incorporate circuits and sonic probes that can be used to hack into cogitators and open electronic locks, or double as simple weapons to ensure that the Inquisitor is never unarmed.
Inquisitorial seals and their functions.

Page 286
This territory [Calixis Sector] represents a vulnerable fraction of the Imperium, far from the millions-strong armies and mighty battlefleets that protect its most ancient and important worlds and defend its war-torn frontiers.
The Calixis Sector has many heavily populated and important worlds, but it lies a great distance from the Imperium’s heartland and, like so much of the Imperium, it must ultimately fend for itself.
I take this as meaning that Calixis, like Scarus, are relatively peaceful as 40K sectors go, so it is not as extensively militarized as some sectors, but neither is it heavilly garrisoned - as we learn in other sources most of the military resources seem devoted to the Jericho Reach crusade (and other ventures) - which probably explains the "gap" in vulnerability between the fringes (under constant conflict) and the core regions (which are the oldest and most important and need the most protection. Besides keeping a significant part of forces in segmentum solar makes sense since it is the easiest place to deploy from in any other direction, as well as ensuring noone can decimate Terra, esp from the direction of the Eye.)

The alternative, of course, is that Calixis is simply less militarized than other Sectors in the Imperium which is.. interesting given the various references from the combined FFG materials regarding billions of soldiers (in Jericho reach, although Calixis is only one of three such sectors contributing) and dozens if not hundreds (even thousands) of warships potentially (mostly escorts to be fair.)

Page 286
His devotion to the minutiae of leadership is legendary—it is said that he sleeps just four hours a night, and personally reviews the daily fiscal and economic reports in great detail.

He is over two hundred Scintillan years old, though modest juvenat treatments make him appear to be a robust fifty year old.
interesting he sleeps only 4 hours a night. Is that a sign he's just crazy, or is there some mechanism to it (like the anti-aging stuff?) he's over 200, but looks only in his (early?) fifties.. suggesting he could in theory live to 400 or so. He also seems to be the micromanaging type, which could only be possible at the sector level or less.

page 286
Hax has the power to request military assistance from the Segmentum Governor on distant Cypra Mundi, but he is loathe to do so.
The context implies this is because he doesn't want "outside influence' interfering with his actions (his own powers and those of his advisors suffice to keep control.) a curious balance - on one hand Hax's power exists because he and others know he is backed by higher authority, yet invoking that authority may lead to his decline because it may also warrant unwelcome scrutiny into his actions. As with all politics in the imperium, Rulers/adminsitrators tend to be jealous of their power and authority.

This is also interesting as it shows that the next step up in terms of politicla/adminsitrative and military power is the Segmentum level, with nothing (officially) in between. It suggests the Segmentum governors control substantial ground and space assets on hand (garrisons and stationed ships, perhaps in reserves) for deployment in a crisis, but it also suggests that the leap up from sector to segmentum makes such deployments rather unwieldy (compared to sector to subsector, or subsector to system.) Which prtty much shows why sectors are self-contained islands of humanity. its easier to control dozens or hundreds of planets rather than thousands of sectors containing hundreds of planets. Not to mention potential distances.

Page 287
..rom towering hives, home to billions of citizens, to the hardy frontier settlements of Iocanthos.

The power of the Adepta, however, is rivalled by the Great Houses, the noble families and corporations, which maintain a presence across the sector.
billions in hives (individual hives at least) and the rivarly between nobility native to the sector and the 'outsider' Imperial adepta (such as teh telepathica, the Sororitias, etc.) the nobles/corporations also are sector-spanning presences, much as the adepta themselves are.

Page 288-289

- going by the Sector map, Calixius has about 35 hive worlds, over a dozen forge worlds a score of "frontier" worlds, nearly a score of Agri worlds, nearly a dozen feral worlds, ten feudal worlds, seven mining worlds, for "pleasure" worlds, eight war worlds, six shrine worlds, two "specials", five death worlds, two penal worlds, six unclassified worlds, eight dead worlds, ten "forbidden"w orlds, 4 cemetary worlds, and the capital Scintilla

This highlights what I consider the peculiar (and somewhat inconsistnet) classification system in Dark Heresy (and other sources.) We see no mention of civilised planets, or developing planets (the closest definition to "civilised" in DH) or of Imperial worlds (remember early in the book? Imperial worlds were a distinct classification.) The only possible explanation is that "hive world" in this context is alot less strict and can cross over multiple definitions (some of the hives are closer to civilised/developing worlds, and some are "Imperial worlds.")

Assuming 10-15 billion or so average population for a hive world, we're talking 350-500 billion inhabitants in the Sector at least. with all the other worlds, including the "forge' (industrial?) worlds and the void born and such.. we're probably talking close to a trillion or more.

Page 290
Population: 25 billion.
- Scintilla has a population of 25 billion and two large hives containing the bulk of the population, ,suggesting they might hold between 6 and 12 billion each. This may or may not include the underhive populations (as there are no way to accurately measure them, and even if they did, the populations probably would be killed.)

This also is tha largest hive world I believe, indicating that none of the "truly" old hives (the hundreds of billions and shitty enviroments) exist in Calixis the same as they don't in Scarus. Rather these are Thracian Primaris/Eustis Majoris/Verghast style hives (still mostly habitable, although not exactly pleasant even at the best of times.)

Page 293
Hive Sibellus is the oldest city on Scintilla, almost certainly predating Angevin’s invasions. Its immense, eight thousand kilometre-wide bulk dominates the coastal plains and lowlands of the northern temperate landmass. Where its enormous, multi-layered skirts touch the coast itself—in a five hundred kilometre belt—they spill out over the black granite cliffs like shelves or glacial ridges. Sibellus has twice the population of its “twin” Hive Tarsus.
8,000 km wide, 500 km tall (at least) hive world. That holds only a few tens of billions. This suggests there is one person per every 300 or so square metres, or a 18x18 metre space.. and that is conservative considering that it doesn't account for the heights involved. hell assuming a mere 1 km height we're talking roughly a 70x70x70 m cube. Not exactly "crowded" although alot of that depends on the interior and maintenance stuff of the hive.

Page 293
Scintilla’s Astropathic Choir consists of about half a dozen astropaths, the largest concentration of these powerful psykers in the Calixis Sector, led by Senior Astropath Xiao. These astropaths are the only means for contacting other sectors and without them the Calixis Sector would be cut off from the rest of the Imperium
half a dozen astorpaths on planet.. which isn't alot considering the numbers of astropaths that must exist in the imperium.

Page 294
...the Inquisition has often convened and empowered a conclave of its members for each sector of the Imperium. Each sector conclave is ruled by a Lord Inquisitor of unimpeachable merit, selected and appointed by the High Lords of the Inquisition on Terra.

Lord Inquisitor Caidin chairs the High Council of the Calixian Conclave, a ruling body of seventy senior Inquistors drawn from all three Ordos, which orchestrates and monitors the Inquisition’s work throughout the sector territories. Estimates suggest that over eight thousand Inquisitorial personnel toil in the officio..

The Tricorn is also home to a garrison force and the Inquisitorial fleet of the Calixis sector. At least 70 Inquisitors and 8000 personnel for the Calixis sector. assuming 10K sectors we're talking 700 thousand inqusitiors and 80 million personnel in the Tricorn. Not quite a lower limit, but its perhaps an order of magnitude calc.

Page 295
The Goldenhand houses a massive, infinitely complex financial market where commodities are bought and sold at a dizzying rate, and enormous amounts of money and goods change hands hourly. Traders representing both planetary and sector-wide houses...
...House Krin, one of the great sector-wide noble houses, which revels in its reputation as “Drusus’s bankers” and can arrange banking and massive loans to anyone confident that they can pay up when the time comes.
Financial and econmic elements of Calixis sector. once again we see how interconnected and gneerally "reliable" communications and travel is within a sector. Even its own (Private0 banks.

Page 295
The regiments raised from Gunmetal City’s ruffians consider themselves to be superior and they are mostly justified in this, with the Gunmetal regiments being the equal of the Imperial Guard.
Because of all those guns they hae, of course. This is PDF regiments, by the way.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Part 2.. and.. done!

Page 296
The cathedral has a huge staff made up of both lay volunteers (mostly ex-pilgrims) and members of the Ecclesiarchy. Armed laymen of the Frateris Militia protect the cathedral, assisted by a single squad of Sisters of Battle from the Order of the Ebon Chalice.
The Ecclesiarchy's "military". 1 squad of sisters per sector (HAH) is 100k sisters of battle, at least.

Page 296
The machine is extremely old, and was almost certainly already on Scintilla when the Imperium conquered the Calixis Sector. It is probably a pre-Imperial artefact, constructed by a civilisation that fell before the foundation of the Imperium, though some claim it is a relic of pre-Heresy terraforming technologies. Certainly the skeletal ruins of moving constructs similar to Ambulon dot the central steppes.
- Ambulon, mobile hive/factory city believed to be pre-Imperioum artifact, believed to be example of pre-Heresy terraforming tech. We see similar things in Deathwatch RPG, although they are used for War. The mother of all walkers.

Page 296
Ambulon stalks the wastelands, mining and harvesting the planet’s natural resources, supplying the manufactories of Hive Sibellus and the foundries of Gunmetal City. Neither could function without Ambulon’s resources. Ambulon tours the steppe wastes once every twenty-eight months, slowing to minute speeds in order to dock with Sibellus and Gunmetal City for a few days to offload ore and mineral resources. Between these celebrated ceremonial times of docking, Ambulon supplies Sibellus and Gunmetal City by way of regular land trains: ore-cargo crawler pods many kilometres long.
Hive world but also a mining world.... supplies other mining worlds. again note how in FFG "hive world" means anything with a hive. :)

Page 297
Ambulon’s many refineries process this oil into promethium fuel, some of which is piped back into the city-machine, while most forms the majority of the city’s tithe contribution, to be delivered to Hive Sibellus and Gunmetal City.
oil processed into promethium.

Page 298
Gunmetal City is a huge industrial mass, built into the crater of an immense volcano, ..
A mere megapolis compared to the planet’s two great hives, Gunmetal City’s spires tower high above the volcano’s peak...

The volcano’s crater limits the size of the city’s foundation, so nobles have built upwards, the most prestigious locations being perched precariously on slender columns of steel hundreds of metres high.
Almost all of Gunmetal City’s middle classers work in these foundries over cauldrons of molten metal or blazing furnaces the size of tenement blocks. Gunmetal City’s main export is munitions, and endless crates of weapons emerge from its foundries, forming an important part of Scintilla’s tithe to the Imperium as well as arming many of the Calixis Sector’s own planetary defence force troops.

For now, it is a four billion strong foundry station where law is slack and noble houses fight, literally, for ownership of lucrative mercantile output.
4 billion strong in Gunmetal City.. gives you an idea perhaps of "average' populations somewhat.

Page 299
...the Blackhammer Defence Shotgun is a brutal, massive-bore shotgun that can blast holes in doors and shred opponents. Its limited range and single-shot capacity...
Criminal/enforcer weapon.

Page 299
Scintilla’s natural resources have either been drained long ago or are monopolised by the great hives and Ambulon, so many people exist as nomads.

Land trains consist of dozens of huge tracked vehicles that crawl in from hive to hive transporting goods and passengers. Some land trains even cross Scintilla’s oceans, loading their vehicles onto great barges for risky journeys across polluted waters ...
"nomads" on our giant walking supercity.

Page 300
Population: 5 billion (estimated).
Population of Iocanthos (Tribal planet) And this is a 'feral' world for all intents and purposes :)

Page 300
Ghostfire pollen can be refined into the combat drugs used extensively in the penal legions of the Imperial Guard.

Every five years, a taskforce of Administratum officials descends onto Iocanthos to gather the planet’s Ghostfire tithe. The warlords exchange their harvests of Ghostfire pollen with the Administratum in exchange for weapons, vehicles, fuel, clean water and other essentials.
normal troops dont seem to be permitted drugs, but they do that with penal legions. Despite having no inherent tech base they do seem somewhat technological (vehicles) So not all feral worlds are outright stone age primitives.

Page 300
Port Suffering’s architecture is based around a standard hab-block pattern since most of its buildings, from the chapel to the accommodation blocks, were dropped from spaceships directly to the surface when the town was first founded as an Imperial trading post. Its dry, dusty streets and prefabricated rust-red buildings...
Pre fab hab blocks dropped directly onto the planet. which remidns me of those planetstrike bastions/fortresses...

Page 301
...swarms of madmen hurling themselves upon the enemy while the better-armed sections of the army fire volleys of lasgun shots into the shocked enemy or charge alongside the Vervai himself. Skull’s army travels on a number of huge, smoke-belching vehicles.
"feral" warfare on Iocanthos.. or at least one type. King Skull is noted to have millions of people, control whole continents, and uses a combination of well trained shock troops alongside large numbers of expendables. And it would suggest he knows the value of vehicles and mobility,e ven if they can't manufacture their own vehicles (the imperium can provide/trade them, so they must not be uncommon..)

Page 302
Most novices at the abbey are trainees of the Opening Eye and are schooled in a variety of subjects from Imperial history to theology and sector economics.
Glimpse of Sororitas education for the Famulous order. It's one fo those things that make them such successful manipulators/infiltrators, and we witness their value in the novel Crossfire.

Page 302
Though they number only around fifty, Rhiannon’s Sisters of the Ebon Chalice are the most elite and dedicated troops in the Calixis Sector.
- fifty sisters of the Ebon Chalice (sisters of Battle) in the Calixis Sector. With 10K sectors, we're now up to 500,000.. or 600,000 if we include the squad from before.

Page 303
Population: 12 billion.
Sepheris Secundus population (feudal monarchy). A feudal Hive world!

Page 303
One of the reasons that Sepheris Secundus’s culture is so primitive by many standards is that weaponry and other technology is monopolised by the crown. The queen’s Royal Scourges are equipped with lasguns, grenades and chainblades, contrasting with their gaudy, stained-glass-like armour.
PDF troops with chainblades as standards (bayonets?)

Page 308
The Misericord is an example of the many Chartist spacecraft that ply the trade routes between Scintilla, Iocanthos and Sepheris Secundus and the other worlds of the sector.

The Misericord carries huge quantities of trade goods between the client worlds, along with many passengers. Buying passage on a ship like the Misericord is the most common method of travelling between planets.
- Misericord - Chartist ship of the Calixis sector. Serves dual role as passenger and cargo freighter. Buying passage on chartist ships is the most common method of travel between worlds (though even that is rare, apparently.) Charters for such trading are provided by the Sector commanders of Calixis - which I gather is the merchant equivalent of Rogue trader wildcat charters.

Page 308
Its round trip - Scintilla, Iocanthus/Sepheris/Secundus - a route laid down on the charter carried by its captains, takes well over a year.
Going by the map on Page 288, assuming the "200 LY on a side" I come out with between .08 and .1 LY per pixel (about 2500-200 pixels per side going by the border.) I estimate that the distance between Iocanthus and Sephirus Secundus, and Sephirus Secundus and Scintilla are about 400-500 pixels, and the one between S.S and Scintilla is ~200 pixels. That means ar ound trip of nearly 100-120 LY if the math holds true.

AT the very least I'd estimate at least a 10-20 LY distance between planets (that seems a common inter-system distance at the sector scale, as per The Eisenhorn novel Xenos So the FTL speed for a year round trip (ignoring stops, maintenance and all that stuff) should average a FTL speed of tens to hundreds of c. This is roughly correct with Maxila and other traders in Eisenhorn/Ravneor within a sector. Not bad, considering they have to probably make it on preplanned courses and computer nav.

Page 308
Ships like the Misericord are very common in the Calixis Sector and throughout the Imperium, plying a slow, thankless route across the stars. Without the Chartist ships, large swathes of the Imperium would be completely cut off and sector economies would fail.

Each Chartist craft needs a charter that sets out its permitted trade routes and activities, and the Misericord’s charter was signed by one of the earliest generation of sector commanders.
This gives us a rough idea of the speed of sector level travel amongst merchant ships and general economics I'd wager. they're also vital to sector (subsector) level economies, since i suspect anything beyond this (and involving a navigator) is going to be more or less controlled one way or naother either by the adeptus or the Navigator houses. I imagine they keep much less influence in inter-sector trade (although they still pay attention, no doubt.)

Again this also opens up the possibility of 'chartist" version of naval warships.. something short ranged but without navigators for escort and convoy duties (you wouldn't waste a Navigator equipped starship on this) most of those, I suspect would be destroyers, frigates, and perhaps some light cruisers however. Since their main goal would be anti-piracy operations and system defence they don't need lots of range or endurance or size. I expect at least some (if not most) would also carry at least one astropath for communication and coordination (for naval ships, rather than local PDF forces operating beyond the range of their system).

Page 309 - the Misericord grows its own food, including raising its own animals/livestock, further indication of the self-sufficiency of such vessels as well as its sheer size. Considering it spends perhaps weeks or months in space at a time, this is important.

Page 311
Several groups in the Calixis Sector hold power that is not restricted to one planet, but can be felt across the whole sector. These include the Adepta of the Imperium, as well as the five Great Houses, which are as old as the Calixis Sector itself.
The major sector-spanning powers. AGain note that while the adepta are influential, they are not neccesarily the most dominant aspect (the nobles hold quite a bit of power themselves.)

Page 311
Lord Sector Marius Hax is the sector governor and he appoints the subsector commanders who oversee the various areas of the Calixis Sector in Terra’s name. Commander Hax himself answers to the commanders of the Segmentum Obscurus. Through this connection, Hax can request military aid from the Imperial Guard or Navy, or even the mighty Space Marines. However, unless he has strong evidence that the Calixis Sector is in immediate peril, his requests will not be answered. On a smaller scale, Commander Hax could have considerable sway over many of the sector’s Adepts...
sector politics. Again we see that Sector aid may be petitioned directly from the Segmentum (their own resources, or whatever they can pull in or allocate perhaps) but this does not seem to be normal. more likely, Hax has some sort of cooperative agreements or alliances between other Sector Governors to provide aid in an emergency (in return for which he will provide aid if one of them is in trouble...) Would make more sense (faster reaction time to cut out the segmentum level bureacracty and politics BS) and would keep the higher level authorities out of sight.

Page 311
The [Calixis Sector] area is sacred to Saint Drusus and is a destination for pilgrims from many sectors around, with many of its most notable places being religious in nature.
Indication of travel between sectors seeming to be semi-routine, even if just religion based. So travle happens, and yet is still controlled/regulated.

Page 311
In the Calixis Sector few worlds aside from Scintilla have a major arbitrator presence, and most worlds only have a single precinct-fortress along with a few regional stations.
Scope of Arbites forces in Calixis sector. They seem to be rather light, all told.

Page 311
On Iocanthos, the Adeptus Arbites’ presence is limited to a single squad of enforcers and an arbitrators stationed at Port Suffering, ...
Wow. a single squad for 5 billion. Talk about wild west

Page 312
Many consider the Redemptionists to be the true terror of the underhives, rather than the bandits, mutants or criminals. Violent zealots who see sin everywhere, the tactics of the Redemptionists are simple: they roam the underhive putting sinners to the flame..

The Cult of the Redemption is strong in many areas of the Imperium and was probably brought to the Calixis Sector by zealots making a pilgrimage to the Cathedral of Illumination.
Ah the Red redmpetion of Necromunda fame.

Page 312
They [House Krin] are possibly the oldest of the Great Houses still to have a sector-wide presence ...
There are houses on almost every planet that rely on House Krin to help maintain their own finances.
The Calixis Sector centrla bank. Can't be any worse than waht the US currently has.

Page 313
The term “Great House”, or “Sector House”, refers to those civilian organisations that have a presence across the Calixis Sector. This sets them apart from “planetary” or “lesser” houses, which might wield enormous power on a particular planet but do not have any particular influence elsewhere.
In the current days, several of the Great Houses are actually corporations. They may act as if they were noble families but the truly heredi tary Great Houses are quick to point out that their memberships are based on ambition and skill, rather than bloodline.
Inter sector politics, especially between nobles and Adepta (which gets a mention I didnt include. Again the adepta have influence but not total control.) Note that nobility seems to be more of an affectation in some cases (eg corporations.) Ther eare also lesser houses.

Page 313
Regulus was an agri-world run by the Administratum but when their adepts were all killed by a meteor impact...
...it was clear that the alliance of indigenous peoples was running the agri-world more efficiently than the Administratum, and the natives of Regulus were left to their own devices as long as their tithe of food was met. From this string of events was born the Cestelle Alliance, the unified people of Regulus, who sent members to other, less promising worlds and transformed them over the following decades into fertile agri-worlds in their own rights, passing on enormous tithes to Sector Governor Hax’s government.
Almost anyone could *probably* run a planet better than the Adminsitratum, probably. To be fair, the Administratum tends to work okay at local levels and maybe subsector, but much beyond sector level and you are just asking for it.

Here we have the Cestelle alliance, which controls many agri worlds in teh sector and is almost a food growing monopoly.

Page 314
...Lord Scelestes Machenko, was accused of witchcraft, heresy and impiety, and burned at the stake. The dynasty fell with him, its estates invaded by rival families and its wealth confiscated by the Administratum.
Head of Machenko Dynasty was an accused heretic, which allowed the Imperium to confiscate useful resources. Interesting, since it suggests the Adepta may actually have power in the sense of military power. I doubt they want to display it much because of the potential disruption it can cause (even if they have absolute military power, the nobles can still make things tougher.)

Page 314
Certainly the dynasty owns a great deal, from hive spire estates to tracts of land, but it does not seem to control any agri-worlds or factoria with which to make the money it so clearly has.
Sources of Sector house wealth. Can vary it seems.

Page 314-315
The Skaelen- Har Hegemony is a very powerful and efficient heavy manufacturing corporation with concerns across the Calixis Sector, including hundreds of factoria in Hive Sibellus and Gunmetal City. One of its major products is spaceship parts and the Battlefleet Calixis in particular relies on Skaelen-Har to keep its warships in space.
Industiral (near) monopoly. both ground and space based fabrication.. hundreds of factories.

Page 316
Should they ever pull together they would form by far the greatest power block in the area, eclipsing even the great noble families in the resources they can muster. Until that happens, the Inquisitors of the Calixian Conclave are their own worst enemies, scheming against one another or pursuing their goals in secret ..
Not unlike the Orks, really. :)

Page 319
He is a grizzled and ancient veteran, close on three hundred years old, ...


Now all but decrepit, ...
Implied 300 year upper limit on the age of an Inquisitor.

Page 323
A Navy depot on an outlying colony world (seventy eight million population).
88 Tanstar. Navy depot. must be a big one.. possibly billions of void born on those stations alone if there were one or more per system.

Page 323
Small Imperial hive world (population two billion) in the Adrantis Nebula. Primary exports: cogitation cells and pottery.
Barsapine. A "small" hive. How many people does that imply for billions of hives in the Imperium? :)

Page 324
A small, grimy hive world to the coreward of the sector and the location of a substation depot of the Battlefleet Calixis.
Fenksworld’s most notable feature is its Library of Knowing, one of the sector’s most comprehensive sources of data outside the Prol system. The Library of Knowing’s most significant attribute is that it is run under the ordination of the planetary governor and exists outside general Imperial jurisdiction. The Calixian Conclave has made several (subtle) attempts to close the Fenksworld library down, due to its esoteric contents. The library remains a “family-run” enterprise, overseen by the planetary governor’s family, the mercurial House Vaahkon.
Non-Adepta information sources. Again local power can somewhat trump Adepta power.. even the Inquisition.

Page 324

The temple is staffed by two ancient dreadnoughts of the Iron Hands Chapter.
It's a dead world with a chapel to St Drusus. Hilarious considering how "valuable" Dreadies are supposed to be, unless they are there for a legit reason...

Page 324
The limp, untrustworthy planetary crust of Landunder floats freely on a deep chemical ocean. The colonies here are built to cling underneath the planetary crust in suspension. There are eight “hanging” undercities, containing almost a billion inhabitants, with trade deriving from ocean-depth mining and chemical treatment (processing plants that exploit the curious mix of oceanic chemicals).
Landunder, and yet another kind of hive. Maybe a billion inhabitants total, or perhaps a billion apiece.

Page 324
A trio of quasi-worlds at the hem of the Malfian subsector, the Lathes are the foremost forge worlds of the sector, rivalling Scintilla’s Gunmetal City for weapons manufacture. The three planetoids, Het, Hesh and Hadd, enjoy an irregular orbit around their star, intersecting to produce events of hyper-gravity. At such times, industry goes into frantic production, as the commingled gravitational urges of the passing planetoids allow for the specialist smelting of rare metals and alloys. Lathe-world blades are famed throughout the Calixis Sector for their unbreakable character. Gravitational duress also accounts for the dense, armour-piercing quality of Lathe-world ammunition. These so-called “body-blowers” are expensive and rare, and often purchased singly. The damage they can do to flesh is astonishing. Blades produced under gravitic circumstances on the Lathes are considered holy and special.
The workforce of the Lathes is surprisingly small but all those born and bred on those oddly tangling planetoids are meaty, squat and powerful in their demeanour, and built with heavy bones and mounds of flesh. The Lathes are held in the fealty of the Mechanicus of Mars, and are a secretive, closed environment. Visits require special permits and authority, and the Lathes are protected by a fraternity of warrior priests, who can call upon the power of Titans if the circumstances demand.
- mention of the Lathes.. forge worlds that use special metals created under extreme gravitational forces and are unusually dense (denser than normal metals like iron?) You'd think that they'd have means of replicating this artifically via gravity tech.

Page 324
Angevin’s annexation surveys identified Lehyde Ten as a colonial target, but all attempts to land terra-former mechanisms on the world have resulted in failure.
Terraforming tech in a (somewhat) modern age.

Page 325
This hive world, eight hundred days standard from Scintilla, is the main population and manufacturing focal of the rimward territories of the sector
Malfi. Funny enough it isn't much more distant from Scintilla than Sephirus Secundus is.. maybe 50-55 LY or so by the aforementioned scaling I did on the map. Of course that assumes a perfectly linear route. It could also depend on the ship doing the travel or the route. of cours eit also depends on the means of transit (if this were Chartists its not that unusual.) 50-60 LY in ~2 years is 25-30c.

Page 325
Its population approaches that of Scintilla and it subsists on its engineering and metalwork industries.

Certainly, with its super-continental hives and eradication of natural landscape, Malfi resembles a Solar hiveworld far more than any of the other worlds in the sector...
Despite its efforts, Malfi remains a border world, colossal in both its consumption and its production

- Malfi - a hive world with a population approaching that of Scintilla, and resembles the true hiveworld more closely. also note the "Super-continentla hives" like a "Solar hiveworld".

PAge 326
A waterworld with a thriving Imperial habitat, constructed on top of a submarine peak. With two million population this is the sector’s largest exporter of fish and fish-meal product.
- Spectoris, population 2 million. Not a hive world.. probably Agri.

Page 326
Situated at the edge of sector territory, Vaxanide is a poorly supplied, desperate world, struggling to enter the “inner circle” of sector planets. It has decent mineral output and considerable exports of meat and fish, but it fights to survive. Its three billion population answers to Lord Vaxanide, scion of House Vaxanide, which has holdings on Scintilla, Malfi and Regulus.
Vaxanide, population 3 billion, also presumably a "hive" world. Albeit a minor one politically and economically. It is also rather self sufficient, so it may technically be a civilised world.

Page 331
Certain spirit-beings and denizens of the warp have the ability to possess mortal bodies. This is a far more insidious and damaging process than most forms of mental control, or even the power of the strongest psykers to “ware” the bodies of others, as the very fabric of the assaulting warp being is merged with the victim’s living body on a fundamental level so as to allow it to remain in our reality.

A possessing entity takes control utterly, binding itself to its victim, and is capable of commanding the body to function regardless of pain and injury

The entity may also attempt to recall memories and skills from its victim ...

Page 332
The soul of this creature is bound to a higher purpose or being, in return for a measure of protection.


Many Imperial psykers, especially astropaths, are soul-bound to the Emperor, for example, whereas Chaos sorcerers may be bound to one of the Ruinous Powers.


In addition, a soul-bound character is permanently indebted to the entity, which undoubtedly entails all manner of other duties and consequences.
Being soul bound can cost a person loss of sight, random mutation (if buond to chaos) or being pushed towards insanity. The interesting thing about this is how it is general-purpose, rather than just Imperial-centric. It shows the strong parallel between astropaths and sanctioned psykers and sorcerers - same thing, different faction/application/god. Sevrves as a measure of protection as well as a means of augmenting the power of both minion and master.

Page 334
These subtle, or not-so-subtle, changes in the flesh can result from exposure to toxic pollutants, alien biospheres, genetic engineering, radiation and other hazards, while others might result from exposure to the warp, Daemonic possession and other perils of the universe. The level of tolerance for mutants varies planet to planet. Subtle or cosmetic changes are accepted, and such beings are regarded as abhumans or subs, who in some worlds form an oppressed and exploited underclass.

PAge 336
Evey message transmitted between the stars must be passed telepathically between thousands of psykers known as astrropaths. Without this living web of communication, mankind's galactic civilisation would be impossible,
Suggests the "bucket brigdae' approach of astrotelepathy.

Page 336 - Arbites troops wear "storm trooper" grade Carapace., have combat shotguns and hand
cannons. Also have micro beads, photo visor, repsirators...

Page 337
Though not a true psyker, a witch can wield the power of the warp through incantation and sorcery.
female version of a sorcerer basically.

Page 338 - Combat servitors have Carapace armor as well as in-built armor plating, heightened senses, Dark Sight (night vision capability) and an intenral micro bead (to receive or relay instructions only.) This variant however is a melee variant (chain axe or fist only)

The drawing however depicts the thing with some giant powered claw with some spike in the middle.

Page 338
...the ratings that bloody their feet treading the wheels of magazine hoists on the Emperor’s warships...
rating powered machinery! Better than pushing by hand I guess.

PAge 339
While the Adeptus Arbites are the vigilant guardians of Imperial law, everyday policing and enforcement of local laws falls to a planet’s own security forces. Variously called chasteners, prefects, watchmen or any other number of local titles on different worlds, such security forces are most commonly referred to as enforcers.
- Enforcers are baiscally police version of PDF.

Enforcers is a catch all term for non-arbites police forces and security forces. Enforcers also wear light flak coats, carry stub automatics and a micro-bead.

Page 340
Gun servitors are military-grade units equipped with enhanced sensors, programmed with targeting cants and fitted with heavy weaponry.
The stats include armour plating, auto-stabilization, dark sight, but no body armor other than the augmented plating. Weapons are fist and twin autoguns and an internal ammo hopper equal to 3 clips worth of ammo. And an internal micro bead. Drawing shows a combat servitor with a melta weapon.

Page 341
These servitors have been modified with rigs to lift loads, drill rocks or smash ore in one of the Imperium’s countless industrial complexes, or are fused with specialised repair gear [Industrial or heavy repair sevitor.
They also have an internal micro bead, but also a photo visor. Gotta love how apparnetly common and easy ot outfit with bionics servitors are.

Page 341 -
Used to enforce execution warrants or when extreme prejudice is required, the kill squads are some of the most dangerous formations that can exist within an enforcer organisation.
They wear enforcer light carapace, carry autoguns with "man-stopper" rounds, stub automatics with dumdums, carry micro-beads, respirators, and photo-visors.

An accompanying picture makes them look alot like Cadian Kasrkin, with full face masks and goggles, helmet, hardshell armor... the trooper in question is carrying a meltagun

Page 341
....many thugs, cut-throats and brawlers augment their own prowess with crude vat-grown muscle implants, dangerous chemical treatments and brain-damaging combat drugs.
"Heavies". which is borrowing a necromundan term. although probably not all goliath scale (a more extreme example of where that sort of thing can lead.) Considering these would be the sorts of conscripted gangers.... scary no?

PAge 343
Any large star vessel requires crew in the hundreds, if not thousands.
- any "large star vessel" requires crew in the hundreds if not "thousands." Given Rogue trader this is almost certainly an underestimate. As usual they mention how backbreaking and dangerous and horrible the work is.

PAge 344
Servitors are fusions of flesh and machine made from culture-grown organics or mind-wiped human bodies. Millions of these cyborg creations are found throughout the Imperium and are used to perform monotonous single functions without deviation or question.
Drawing includes the little cherub type servitors that can fly as well as your usual servo-skulls. Millions is an understatmeent. These are just monotask servitor as well nevermind other kinds.

Page 344
Clad in leather aprons, stinking of raw meat and wielding saw-toothed cutters, slaughtermen kill and butcher the billions of tons of meat consumed by the populace.
Population of what worlds and how much per given unit? No idea. still, billions of tons of meat is.. alot. I'd assume one world and perhaps an annual consumption (unless they use extensive stasis tech, they'd have to worry about the food spoiling before reaching destinations) it also means they have to haul billions of tons of meat to a planet.. you're talking hundred if not thousands of megatons of KE at least to haul meat from one planet to another (assuming 1000 km/s travel speed) Thats alot of meat!

Page 346
Uniquely, the brain leaf possesses a form of gestalt consciousness, and each leaf is a macro-cell forming part of its utterly alien intelligence. The underside of each vine leaf is barbed to latch onto creatures straying too close and, once attached to a victim, microscopic fibre bundles penetrate the skin and extrude fibrous growths throughout a victim’s nervous system to take control of its body utterly.

Though not sentient in any measurable sense, the brain leaf efficiently and swiftly dominates its victim, subverting it to the will of the parent plant. Once this has been accomplished, the leaf detaches from the main body and remains as an attached parasite on the victim, allowing a new leaf to rapidly grow in its place. The victim, now a staggering thrall to the brain leaf plant, is used by the weed to protect itself and proliferate its young.

Infestations of brain leaf have been discovered on many worlds, and recent emergent evidence is that the brain leaf is no true native of Catachan, but likely a rogue mutation and evolutionary descendant of the Tyranid cortex leech, makes the destruction of any infestation a priority for many in the Ordo Xenos Calixis.
Those pesky 'Nids! Gotta admire their infiltration abilities.

Page 355
Daemonhosts are unholy creations of foul and dangerous rituals in which a powerful Daemon is bound into a living human host body and enslaved to its creator’s will. An utterly foul act, the creation of a Daemonhost condemns the soul of the host body to eternal torment and provides a lasting home in the universe for a Daemon to work its evil.
Daemonhost. Sort of like a warp condom I guess (they provide restrain and protection to limit harm/damage the daemon does to the ohst body

Page 362
Possessing little by way of resources other than its warlike people, over the years Iocanthos was used intermittently as a dumping ground for convicts and undesirables and a mustering ground for regiments until, centuries later, a strange indigenous plant known as the Ghostfire flower was discovered to possess potent psychoactive properties, particularly when rendered down and concentrated in the form of a bloodlust-inducing combat drug.

Ghostfire quickly became a staple of Imperial Guard penal legions across the sector and is even exported beyond. The rendered pollen has become the planet’s only tithe to the Imperium.
Both a penal AND a Feral world. Even better. add combat drugs and you have the recipe for a nice vacation spot. Note that they refer to Iocanthos as being a "pseudo-feudal" society. It's more akin to feral really. Feral in the 'Road Warrior' sense.

Page 362
Ghostfire itself has proved all but impossible to synthesise or cultivate on other worlds, and is incredibly difficult to intensively farm as its tangled iridescen blossoms seem to cleave only to the torn and battlefield-strewn lands. This has led to a popular myth that may well have more than a grain of truth to it, that the Ghostfire’s nourishment is anguish, despair and violence and that one blossom springs for every one of the world’s lost souls.
not unlike Bacta in Star Wars, only the magic aspect makes a bit more sense. Given you can distill a soul down into anyhting 9including) liquor, why not hav elife essenece bleeed into combat drug flowers.

Page 362
The Ashleen are a warlike, semi-nomadic people who freely mix the primitive skills and lifestyles of hunter-gatherers with imported firearms and scavenged machinery.
Yet more ferals who import and employ firearms and machines.

Page 364

As far as ships go, the Brazen Sky is hardly luxurious but in good repair and is a sizeable vessel capable of making the trip across the well-travelled trade route in a few days.


They are left in a large and dishevelled-looking open-plan crew bay largely on their own for the duration of the trip, which will last for three days under warp.


After weeks of continuous shuddering motion, you feel a sudden lurch and a sickening wrenching sensation that can only mean that the Brazen Sky has dropped out of warp.
After a few minutes, the pale-faced purser appears in the hatchway with a flourish and advises you that you must “pack your gear and present yourselves in Forward Hold 2/ DZ015 for debarkation to Iocanthos”.
We don't quite know the original destination, but it is implied that if this introductory mission took place after "Shattered Hope" they'd be coming from Sephirus Secundus. It is also implied elsewhere they might come from Scintilla (the destination of the request for help from the Inquisition.) Really though this doesn't help us much and its very open to interprtatiaon. I only include it because it migth actually be canonical - I dont know hwat status the "game books" or advnetures have.

Transit to the planet can't have been very long (hours at most) given the implied timeframe (they make a drop shortly after arriving at the aforementioned debarkation point) so the emergenc efrom the warp must have either been quite close as such things go, or the tub has a high acceleration compared to what is depicted in Rogue Trader.

Assuming amongst 20-100 LY in a few days we're talking 2500-3500c maybe.

Page 366
..and workers approaching with a hover-sled to
carry the supplies that the ship brought in and to transport the PCs.
AG sleds. Transport and cargo carying.

Page 388
The Inquisition will of course want an extensive report on everything that has happened and will recall the whole group back to Bastion Serpentis for “contamination testing”.
Would seem to indicate that the Acolytes in this mission traveled from Scintilla to Iocanthos again. tens to maybe 100 Ly or so.
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Zinegata »

mention of the Lathes.. forge worlds that use special metals created under extreme gravitational forces and are unusually dense (denser than normal metals like iron?) You'd think that they'd have means of replicating this artifically via gravity tech.
They probably can, but producing a gravity field probably requires power which would make the production of such items less efficient and impractical for true mass-production in anywhere but a high-grav Forge World.
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by madd0ct0r »

not to mention the staff there are 'squat' , experts with hyper gravity and under heavy security. hmmmm.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next up on Dark Heresy: The Inquisitor's Handbook. This has a distinction of being the only supplement the original, pre-FFG Dark heresy RPG had released before it was discontinued. I think it was the same for DH when FFG picked up and ran with it. THere are differences between the pre FFG and the FFG versions, but not much in the way that was relevant to my stuff (mostly cosmetic) and only a few of the changes from the IH will get posted after.

IH is very much a 'general' sort of supplement.. it adds more details (different homeworld types, expanding on details form them as well as gear specific to those worlds or enviroments) but not really much else. It also was notable IIRC for introducing the Sororitas character types to the game at this point. Later supplements (like Blood of Martyrs, Book of Judgement, etc.) tend to get more role-specific for example, so much of the earlier stuff I think got superseded.

Page 8
Much of humanity hails from one of the myraid civilised worlds of the Imperium, where despite bewildering diversity, Imperial culture and faith in the God emperor are strong.
Imeprial Worlds apparently are "civilised" worlds as well.

Page 9
The domains of the Adeptus Mechanicus are many, from the ceaseless industry of the iron realms of the forge worlds, to labyrinthine orbitals and distant research outposts, to the nomadic and self-contained void caravans of the explorator fleets.
They are also described as an "empire within an Empire" that is both separate and intimately part of the Imperium, and encompasses many planet bound and space based facilities.

Page 9
A forge world’s wheels never cease to turn and day-in-day-out for millennia, the reactors blaze and the foundries thunder, turning out refined materials and high technology to meet the Imperium’s unending needs.
This nonstop fast production is dependent upon a constant influx of materials to support itself, which is understandably a weak point to exploit.

Page 9
A forge world is also far more than the sum of its continent-spanning manufactorums; each is blessed with a higher level of technological advancement than the wider Imperium as a whole....
They are also home to vast repositories of data, knowledge and lore, with as much as a third of any given forge world's enfire infrastructure consisting of endless scriptoriums, mimetic vaults and knowledge dumps...
Continent factories and the research/informational side of Forge Worlds.

Page 9
At their direction, the bulk of a forge world’s human population is utilised as a skilled and trained labour force, while the brightest and best are inducted to the Adeptus Mechanicus itself. The more militant are chosen for the Skitarii Tech-Guard. Those deemed unworthy or irredeemable are fated to be “recycled” into servitor components, and indeed, servitors and drones often far outnumber a forge world’s freewilled population.
It notes that the Magos see the human populace of Forge worlds as being little moe than cogs and gears to be put into their proper places as best suits their abilities. Still they are a "skilled' and trained labor force (or servitor fodder.)

Page 9
...those born and raised on the city-sized orbital stations, Mechanicus administered colonies (often called demesnes), research outposts and even in the forces of the restless explorator fleets...
demenses (admech colonies) and city sized orbitals and the like. I imagine knight Worlds are demenses.

Page 10 -
Bitter rivalries between individual Magos, demesne guild houses and opposing tech-sects can sometimes lead to outright data-theft, sabotage and bloodshed. The answer for some factions is to train and augment agents able to fulfil the roles of spy, saboteur and killer, and a few even sell their services for hire off-world.
Conflict between the AdMechs (politics) and the inevitable assassins it requires.

Page 11
Greater Forge World: Your character was raised in the shadows of one of the vast and powerful greater forges, such as the Lathe worlds of Calixis.
Minor Forge World: You were born and trained on a minor forge world, either one yet to gain its majority or one where conditions were either particularly adverse or threatened
You hail from one of the Mechanicus’s city-sized orbital stations and are accustomed to the miracles of contragravity, power fields and the mysteries of circuit and plasma. Each orbital serves a specialised task such as weaponsmithing or crystal promulgation
Demesne: A child of one of the Mechanicus’s dominion worlds, you were singled-out and selected from your people at an early age for your potential and launched upon the path the Omnissiah has chosen for you.
Research Outpost: You spent your formative years serving on an isolated outpost scattered amongst the cold and unforgiving stars.
It also mentions Explorator fleets, which seem to be the AdMech version of Void Born. Note the varying grades of Forge world, the city sized orbitals having power fields, and being orbitla factories. and the "demenses" again.. as well as isolated outposts (like Tyran, I imagine.) This all suggests that the Admech territory is quite significant beyond just the (major) forge worlds.. tens perhasp hundreds of thousands of worlds?

Page 11
Through a combination of psycho-viral, mimetic and telepathic intervention, the subject's memories are selectively erased and thought patterns altered. The resulting individual is then something of a blank slate to be rewritten, and in extreme cases entire new personalities and skills are imprinted directly into the mind.
This is described sa a difficult process, so that only a small number of valuable people may receive it (implied to be far easier to just kill people) The listing on page 12 suggest Arbitrators, Techpriests, and Assassins are the most likely subjects. Guardsmen and Clerics would raely be so (for different reasons)

of course, they mindwipe servitors all the time, and I think the upcoming book of judgement had something like agents who were perpetual blank slates. Maybe its a matter of precision or something? I mean Servitors are not exactly "normal"

This echoes the sort of stuff you see/hear mentioned for agents and minions of the inquisition, from Baal Firenze in harlequin (whose rejuvenation included a complete mind-wipe and having to re-educate) to various ships crews, storm troopers, etc being mindwiped in the Grey knights novels.

Page 11
The mind cleansed are effectively reborn and remade in the image of the Inquisition’s desire, complete with whatever implanted skills or personality traits are required, perhaps along with a reconditioned physique and a new face to go with it. They may also (completely unbeknownst to them) be programmed with implanted memories of events and people that never were, or with deep-rooted mental commands they have no choice but to obey when the time comes.
Their patchwork memories and abused minds often leave them lacking empathy, cold-hearted and filled with a sense of loss or unnameable dread. Worse still in rare cases, some fragments of the old self or memories reassert themselves over time..
The mind wiping isn't a perfect process... again this reminds me of the 'blank slate' agents mentioned in book of judgement too, so I wonder if there are qualifiers to the frequency or something.

Page 12
With portions of the subjects’ minds left more or less as blank slates waiting to be filled, their reprogrammers often use egramatic induction to burn a variety of useful skill patterns
directly into the Acolyte’s cortex.
the means of personality/skill transfers. Sounds a lot like a more direct type of hypno-imprinting. If they combined this sort of thing with replicae, they could probably clone and train their own troopers (although the time involved in the process isn't stated either...)

Page 13
All Mind Cleansed Inquisitorial agents have a failsafe command trigger implanted in their minds to prevent them from turning on their masters.
Inquisition mind-scrubs are usually carried out to destroy selective memories but leave useful skills intact.

Likewise the mind is often implanted with psychic barriers to prevent tampering, increase mental resilience and ensure loyalty.
This again suggests it may be the precision involved, either in implanting the failsafes (setting things up in the mind just right) or to selectively purge memories. The psychic barriers are useful.

Page 15
Many noble houses span the stars in an intricate web of kinship, marriage and political alliances that ensure their power and influence go on, even if the fortunes of a single world fail.
Like the Adepta, the economic side, and many other parts of the imperium, the nobility (the 'leadership') can span an entire sector. What's more this is a deliberate failsafe for the nobility.

Page 16
In many cases, young nobles are sent to serve with regiments raised by the family itself, before returning blooded and swelled with glory to serve their family.
Nobles have their own private armies. Which is kinda clever, since the Adepta can just coopt them if they need or want to for the tithes. Meaning that they can get private individuals to cover the costs and time of training Imperial troops he same way they get governments.

Page 17
...Your family controls vast trading operations throughout the sector and beyond.
Noble house influence/economic ties can extend beyond a sector (at least some distance) but I suspect at this time it becomes at best a partnership, since you normally need Navigators to pull this off unles the sectors are relatively close by and the routes to them reliable, I suspect. Even then Navigators would have an edge.

PAge 18
Those who pass through the Schola Progenium are called progena, and they receive an education like no other. The fundamental part of life in the Schola Progenium is harsh discipline
Swift correction, prayer, fasting and contemplation are the tools by which a mind of rigid purpose and faith is formed, and the cornerstone of the Schola’s teaching. A progena’s education moves through predetermined phases, beginning with literacy and the Imperial Creed, and progressing on through history, politics, the contemplation of Imperial saints, rhetoric and leadership skills. The curriculum does not stop at honing the intellect either as all progena are trained in physical endurance and skill at arms by the infamous drill abbots. The drill abbots are hardened veterans and have usually spent half their lives in Imperial military service.
I assume I don't have to point out how and where Progena come from? The Schola Progenium is yet another one of those ways where the Imperium overcomes its inability to directly administer by indirectly brianwashing (or insuring those they have indoctrinated are in positions where they can be trusted upon to influence matters.)

The program is part education (to make them better able to execute the adpetus Terra's requirements - in the name of the Emperor of course) and part indoctrination (to make them as loyal as possible so they can be relied upon at great distances not to turn on the Imperium.) And it impacts all branches of the Imperium, including (especially) the military, since Sisters of Battle, Storm troopers, and commissars typically all come from Schola backgrounds. And considering that Progena start out with a head start like this (not to mention preferential treatment from the Imperium for obvious reasons) this makes them an effective way for the Adeptus to infiltrate and control different aspects of a given planet.

Page 18
Many are taken into the Ecclesiarchy, Administratum or some other division of the Adeptus Terra, while others of martial leanings find their place in the officer cadres of the Imperial armed forces or Adeptus Arbites. The finest progena are recruited into the most specialised of the Imperium’s elites, such as the Commissariat or Adeptus Sororitas, and a very few are inducted directly into the Inquisition.
Like I said, it creates good, reliable individuals to help further and uphold the Adeptus Terra's will in some manner, even if indirectly. it also serves as a useful for influencing the Inquisition, which is otherwise uncontrollable (in theory).

Page 19
The harsh mental and physical discipline of the Schola produces fine material for soldiering. Famously, the storm troopers of the Imperial Guard are almost exclusively drawn from the Schola Progenium, while the Commissariat and Divisio Tactica also sport high number of former progena students.
This implies that some progena may be inducted into the Guard in other ways than storm troopers and Commissars. Officers are a likely example, but I expect other high end troops like Grenadiers might be as well. Something like the Terrax guard perhaps.

Page 19
Female progena make up the overwhelming majority of the Adeptus Sororitas.
i take this to mean there may be other sources for female recruits for the Sororitas (their own recruiting drives, or maybe the missionara Galaxia)

Page 23
Sustained by the output of its fanes and forges who produce billions of firearms in almost endless variation, Metallican society truly is built and ruled by the gun.
Gunmetal city produces "billions" of guns. That would literally be one gun (at least) per every person in the city, no doubt.

Page 23
Even the lowliest hab-worker knows how to shoot, even if they must lease their weapon from their employers and have never pulled the trigger in anger.
Gunmetal city - the NRA's ideal hive. Also suggests billions of people in the hive again.

Page 24
Drusus fell, but even as the killing blow was struck did the power of the Emperor rent the assassin apart and spared the great man. After ten days and nights in shadow did Drusus return, and the power of the Emperor was within him. In the years that followed, Drusus knew not defeat, and one after the other did his enemies fall and Calixis was born.
Even as hyperbole, it's rather interesting that the Imperium might accept the notion of "rising from death" as holy if it is deemed as the Emperor's Will. As opposed to say, being the unholy work of the Ruinous Powers and the person being undead. Other examples exist in those such as Living Saints (or any saint, really.)

Interestingly Maccabeus Quintus (The world in question) is clearly a religious world, or has religious significance as a result of this and is classified an "Imperial world" (although it is probably more accurately a shrine world/CArdinal World) Sinophia is also described as an Imperial world, although isn't a shrine world per se. Such conflict in categorization may be a result of incessant politicking - the Ecclesiarchy was never quite happy with giving up total authority and still sees itself as being the true, dominating force of the Imperium, whilst everyone else (especially the other Adepta) don't want this to happen. It leads to interesting political fights.

Page 25
The rail-walks and gate-landings are studded with hand-cranked stubbers trained on the darkness below, guarding against the nightmarish things that regularly seek to crawl up and feast.
Hive world weapon. Hand cranked machine guns - possibly a reference to a gatling gun (or the other kinds.. I know gatling guns aren't the only 'hand cranked' gun in existence I'm just too lazy to name or link to them.

Page 27
Established by Lord Sector Caracalla some six centuries ago, their independence and rights are protected by a binding legal charter granting them rare autonomy despite being outside the control of the Adepta.
There are perhaps a dozen separate institutions operating under the Hetaireia’s umbrella and scattered across the sector.
It is possible for Sector Governors to declare certain organizations within a sector to have autonomy, which probably is one reason why the library mentioned in Dark Heresy is never easily shut down by the Inquisition (politics being the best but most unpredictable weapon.) It seems that such also has the force of law, although I imagine sector lords are hesitant to employ this power because of its potential for unintended consequences (and quite possibly because it puts them beyond the Lord's own reach.. something no Sector Lord would do lightly.)

It is rather easy to see why such organizations persist once chartered too - many factions - from Navigators to Rogue Traders to Inquisitors, rely on similar "charters" to uphold their own power base and authority. If they revoke one group granted such autonomy, what happens to their own power? Self interest is always a powerful motivator for the Imperium.

Page 27
So in order to protect their interests, the various planetary based guilds, corporations and noble houses that make up this vast economic network each maintain a staff of highly trained and specialised adepts to act as their agents and administer their cargos as they make passage between the stars. These specialised adepts—the Void Commercia as they are known—are usually recruited and trained under contract from the Administratum itself, although some larger organisations are more than able to draw them entirely from their own ranks.
Adminsitratum training - a good means to exercise influence over trade in the Imperium without resorting to Navigators. On the bad side, just WHAT the Adminstratum teaches them is a double edged sword - its not like the bureacracy of the Imperium needs help to become more bloated and ineffective.

Page 28
When sub-sector Arbites control finally despatched a fifty strong investigation and suppression force..
Subsector arbites forces. Like other factions they seem to operate at planetary, subsector, sector, and segmentum levels, with their own detachments.

Page 34
What started out as a simple mutant uprising on an unimportant minor hive world quickly escalated into political collapse and a catastrophic civil conflict drawing in forces from all over the sector to contain it. Even though the war’s heat has quelled now from the quarter-million strong troop landings...
Today the efforts to rebuild the world and re-establish order continue, and fresh regiments are continually cycled-in for tours of duty...
The Tranch war. A minor hive, a quarter million troops deployed to suppress the revolt, and although it was mostly crushed, low level conflict seems ongoing despite efforts to rebuild. I suspect the place is used to help 'blood' fresh Guard recruits, which is why they get cycled in and out for tours of duty.

Page 34
The Margin Crusade into the Halos Stars was launched following ratifying of the Lex Corvinus by the Great Synod Segmentum thirty years ago. This bull granted the power to raise a war of faith under the auspices of High Confessor Corvinus of Thracian Primaris and called upon the Sectors Scarus, Calixis and Ixaniad to provide the means.
The Crusade continues to demand regiments from Lord Sector Hax, and he reluctantly supplies troops from the worlds of Calixis under the proviso that surviving veteran regiments are returned after a span of service before fresh meat is fed to the grinder.
The Margin crusade. Funny enough we get varied accounts of this actually being a crusade, but also being a front for the Jericho reach invasion depending on where you look (all 3 sectors mentioned are involved there. Perhaps they're getting split amongst the two Crusades.) What's more, some other sources indicate at least some organizations (like the Ecclesiarchy) siphon off ships and resources from the demands of the Crusade for personal agendas (and if the Priests do it you know others are too.) It shows both the scope of resources a sector can devote to a given task, as well as the corruption that can crop up when things are relatively peaceful (idle hands and all that.) Small wonder the Imperium keeps harping on external threats, if for no other reason it keeps people occupied.

Also recall that per the Core rules for DH, Calixis was not a particularily well defended or militarized sector (rather more vulnerable than core or fronteir worlds, IIRC.) It could be in part because of this, or may even make the scale of the resources it contributes even more staggering (IE what would a core world or fronteir world contribute to such an undertaking?)

Page 36
The fighting pits and carnivora offer a bloody and popular diversion on many worlds where the rich and poor alike pay to see bloodshed and vicious creatures do battle for their sport.
As we saw in Eisenhorn, arena sports and other public spectacles are one example of "accepted" entertainment. Sorta like sporting events like boxing and shit, only more archaic and bloody and brutal and generally grimdark.

Page 37
The Cold Guild’s existence is something of an open secret, and though they may be outlawed by the Arbites and publicly decried by Chartist Captains, they persist, in no small part, because of their usefulness to many powerful groups and hidden factions. Of course, the Guild itself plays no favourites. Rarely bothered with petty contraband, the Guild specialises high-profit, high-risk cargos such as illegal arms and contraband, but for a price.
Politics again. Everything revolves around politics. Whether it sfighting between nobles and corporations (or between themselves) or them fighting the Adepta, or the Adepta fighting itself.

It may serve a useful function though. such an 'open secret' is a good way for the inquisition to travel and infiltrate its agents, for example.

Page 37
Many centuries old, Thule’s fleet, which disappears out beyond the edge of mankind’s domain for decades at a time, is vast and many explorator Adepts and Magos have served under his tutelage...
Thule’s instruction centres on identifying pre-Imperial human technologies and sets the goal of finding the relics of mankind’s glorious past above all other concerns and risks.

This lack of caution makes Thule and those following him something of a radical faction within the Cult Mechanicus, but a powerful and influential one in the Calixis Sector.

Thule’s disciples centre their studies entirely on analysis and study, valuing the acquisition of knowledge above all other concerns.
An interesting variation on the AdMech factionalism and how it influences technology and development, probably on a sector wide scale. This would hint that that the tech development/research/implementation angle depends greatly on AdMech politics, which can vary from sector to sector (and thus tech development/levels may vary from sector to sector as well.) This is in addition to other variables affecting development (age of a world/settlement/sector, location, importance, etc.)

It also makes explorators perhaps some of the most liberal and progressive (and research inclined) AdMech out there. I imagine getting away from a Forge World can do that to a person. It also gives them an interesting means of influencing technological progression, when you thinka bout it.

Page 37
The weapon-mystics of the Cult of Sollex form a sect of the Adeptus Mechanicus based on the minor forge world of Haddrak in the Drusus Marches.

Aside from producing particularly powerful and advanced weapons and holo systems...
minor forge worlds again. And note the holo systems. Things like hololiths i imagine. Which are supposd to be rare and priceless antiques according to a certain Rogue Trader dynasty...

Page 40
The Adepta Sororitas have several holdings in the Calixis Sector...
the Order Famulous of the Opening Eye under the Canoness Goneril, and specialises in training novices to operate within the machinations and intrigues of the Scintillan courts. It also houses a mission from the Order of the Ebon Chalice, which serves as an operational base for a force standing ready at the behest of Ordo Hereticus, under their Palatine Rhiannon.
the Shrine of the Seventeen Martyrs on the agri-moon of Gallowglass in the Malfi system which houses a commandery of the Order Militant of the Bloody Rose.
This has lead to Canoness Livia petitioning her superiors on Ophelia VII to reinforce the shrine into a full preceptory of the Order...
Sororitas forces in Calixis, mainly the military bits. There is also mentioned a Hospice and a Dialogus facilitiy (apparently housing restricte dworks as well) i'd guess we're talking hundreds of military forces at least, perhaps thousands (probably more) of others. Which is good because the Sisters are perhaps one of the few competent and likable aspects of the Ecclesiarchy.

Page 41
The Sororitas is formed into two divisions: the great Convent Prioris on Terra and the Convent Sanctorum of the shrine world of Ophelia IV. The Sororitas is further subdivided into several component Orders. The principle task of the Orders Militant or Sisters of Battle is to persecute the Ecclesiarchy’s wars of faith and serve as a fighting arm of Ordo Hereticus. Members of the Orders Famulous specialise as councillors, diplomats, teachers and investigators. The Orders Dialogous serves in translating and understanding ancient, xenos or heretical texts, ciphers and history. Finally, the Orders Hospitaller provides skilled surgeons and physicians to the Imperial military.
Interestingly the next page implies that SoB only come from Noble families, Schola Progenium, Feral and Imperial worlds. It also implies that all Sorortias receive weapons training to some degree, which fits with what we know from other novels (DoW: Ascension, and Crossfire amongst them.)

Page 41
The power of the purity, will and faith of an Adepta Sororitas sister is a tangible and real thing, capable of shielding her from the psyker’s power or the Daemon’s wrath and enabling her to perform deeds that are nothing short of miraculous.
One would presume a that faith in the Emperor has a WAAAGH like effect that channels/taps into the latent psychic potential of many humans (with varying degrees of success) and that other organisations may do similar, but to lesser degrees (Astartes, Imperila Guard, etc.) Human nature of course makes it far less simple and direct for themselves than it is for Orks, which is perhaps one reason it is so less effective.

alternately its a variation on sorcery, just less directly "connected'.

Page 42
Legend also whispers that, as part of the Convocation, secrets were told to Saint Dominica and the founders of Ordo Hereticus at the very foot of the Golden Throne itself.

Rather interesting origins actually. Could the Emperor (or the Emperor through the Custodes) have influenced matters this way. If we infer that the Sisters act on some divine secret orders from the Emperor towards some end, it might put an interesting spin on some of their actions given what we know of the emperor's plans for psykers and such.

Given that Jaq Draco managed to have a audience with the Emperor, it's quite possible something like that did happen.

Page 44
..the Adepta demands that each sister know the fundamental skills of all Orders so she can be a tool in the Emperor’s hand, either to cure, learn, counsel or kill.
In the final stage of the noviciate, before they are inducted in to the full rank of Sister Adepta, the novice’s learning encompasses the use of the Chamber Militant’s sacredly ordained weaponry such as the bolter...
Basically you can consider any Sister to be a potential soldier. we've seen the Famulous act to counter Rebel nobles and lead civilian armies, we've seen hospitallers draw weapons to defend their charges, etc.

This in turn means that there can be a whole subset of the Sisters who aren't powered armored troops, but are soldiers (either deliberate or impromptu.) My guess would be they are arbites/storm trooper level (EG fancy gear, carapace, but perhaps still wielding bolters and flamers.)

Page 45
The Orders Dialogous focus their attention on the arts of the scholar, serving as translators and expert advisors in many fields..
..they are expert at unlocking hidden codes and obscure references..
I can see several reasons behind this. One, it provides a disciplined and reliable agent for exploring potentially dangerous or forbidden avenues - a balance between knowledge and research and keeping order and stability. It also gives the Ecclesiarchy both a means to monitor other factions for heretical or dangerous thoughts, as well as giving them a negotiating tool to gain things they need from those other arms. Basically it is a good means of information control.

Page 45
The Orders Famulous devote themselves to diplomacy and negotiating. They are experts at dealing with the different branches of the Imperium and broker alliances and agreements between fractious power-blocks, guilds and noble houses. Their primary goal is to preserve the Imperium’s order and ensure that those who rule or trade are also working towards this goal. Their task, however, enables them to covertly monitor those they serve for signs of corruption.
Yet antoher way that the Adepta (and more to the point, the Ecclesiarchy in particular) can build its power and exert its influence. In a way, the Ecclesiarchy can be seen as being as powerful and indispensible (in their own way) as the Admech. Where the Admech controls the material and technological, the Ecclesiarchy controls the mortal and spiritual.

It's also a means of indoctrination and eugenics, in a way. as well as a safeguard against Rebellion and heresy (again as we see in the novel Crossfire.

Page 46
The Ordos Hospitaller are undoubtedly the best “loved” of all the Sororitas, serving as physicians and offering palliative care in the front line of the Imperium’s many war zones and areas of disaster.
It's a good adjunct to the guard's own medical doctors at least, becuase you probably can't rely on the Munitorum too much on their own, and the Hospitallers are likely to be both better trained, less corrupt, and better equipped. And what they don't have they can muscle the Munitorum for.

They also do a good business on the civilian side, with hospices and similar organizations. It certainly seems more effective and less capitalistic than the modern life analogues. Of course the Imperium is more theocratic, which may explain it.

Page 47
Many experienced Hospitallers are called upon by both the Inquisition and the Imperial Guard to put their extensive skills and knowledge to darker ends in the service of the Imperium.
Torture and interrogation in other words. The downside to the Hospitallers, as it were.

Page 49
...highly skilled veterans of hundreds of engagements and combats. Celestians are the equal of any other fighting force humanity has to offer other than the superhuman Space Marines...
the purported Epitome of human, non astartes fighting forces.

Page 50
Just as the Sister-Superiors form the field officers of the Adepta Sororitas, so do the ascending ranks of Legatine, Palatine and Canoness form their high commanders.
...are powers in their own right in the Imperium.
EG Peers of the Imperium = equal of planetary commanders, chapter masters, Rogue Traders, etc. At least theoertically. Like all power, it stems from both perceptiona nd politics.

Page 50
The Adepta Sororitas and certain other blessed individuals are not merely servants of the Emperor; they are embodiments of the purity of His faith. Their faith is of such an intensity and focus that it is more than mere belief; it is a power in itself, a power that can achieve great and terrible things.

While many have faith in the Emperor, only a few have faith of sincerity, purity and, above all, focus that can manifest as miraculous effects.
A kind of WAAAGH like effect, or perhaps more accuratley, sorcery (without a direct soul bond.)

Page 50
This faith wraps around you and suffuses your soul, armouring you so the foul influences and weapons of the heretic cannot bear to touch you.
Largely, this manifests as resistance to psychic or daemonic attacks, mind influencing powers and effects (like fear or awe, etc.)

Page 51
You can focus your faith through words, gestures and force of will, such that a Daemon may be cowed or cast out by the power of the Emperor.
You are a vessel for the Emperor’s mercy and beneficence, your skill and faith in His divinity can heal where no mere skill can.
Two abilities noted. Others include the ability to extend the resilience to others, (area of effect), and to enhance your own combat abilities.

Page 52
The highest is that of Inquisitor Lord , of which any sector might have only a dozen (and often less ) at any one time. Below them are the Inquisitors ordinary. They are the principle agents of the Inquisition and they each hold the same notional full authority of the Holy Ordos , but in practice can differ greatly in temporal power and influence within their own number.

Beneath them, and far outnumbering them , are the Acolytes, each of whom may one day aspire to higher office and may be referred to depending on their master’s whims as interrogators (a title usually reserved for those senior agents headed for a rosette themselves), specialists, savants, explicators, throne agents or, more likely, simply as Acolytes .
Number of Inquisitor lords, inquisitiros, etc in a typical Sector. Potential recruits can be drawn from the Inquisition's acolytes (which may in turn come from all other walks of life.)

Page 54
Known by some as the Black Clerics or the Ashen Confessors..
...these clerics form loose-knit orders of militant priests organised at the behest of Ordo Malleus...
Entrusted with knowledge otherwise forbidden, even to others of the Ecclesiarchy, and taught how to focus their will and the purity of their faith to achieve extraordinary things, not least of all the castigation of Daemons, clerics who undergo the “Maccabean rites” are forever changed by the experience, and set apart from their fellows in the Ministorum by the nature of their faith and the dark and secret truths about the nature of reality they now carry.
Again we see the Ecclesiarchy actually seems to serve some tangible purpose in providing individuals who are more resistant to corruption, which gives the Inquisition and other segments of the imperium greater latitude in taking risks with dangerous resources. Quite similar to the dialogous, or the Oblationists (although far less extreme than that.)

Page 55
During this ritual, forbidden knowledge is burned deep into their minds, shackled with wards inscribed by occult means directly into the cerebral cortex. This procedure rare and considered a radical one even by the most ardent of Daemonhunters...
Encarta Maleficarum. Rather interesting both from a technical and a politicial standpoint.

Page 58
A specialised scholar in both a privileged and a dangerous position, a Xeno-Arcanist specialises in obscure lore and knowledge concerning the works of the alien. There are few sources for such knowledge, but among them are the Rogue Trader families, the explorators, and the annals of Imperial History itself...
The most exhaustive and prohibited records, however, reside in the archive of the Holy Inquisition itself...
Such a vast wealth of fragmentary, disparate and often contradictory knowledge requires both skill and vast insight to organise and apply. For this reason, Xeno- Arcanists Acolytes are considered a necessary evil by Ordo Xenos...
it tends to show that it's not so much the knowing that is the problem, but rather the control of who knows and how much they know. Simply purging knowledge is the extreme POV, but most Inquisitiors and others should (do) know that knowledge is still needed to some degree. The only question is how much, and on that they can never agree.

Page 60
This special military unit is a direct political and military extension of the Lord Sector’s will and was created to maintain direct control over locally raised regiments and PDF forces within the Calixis Sector.

...he commissioned the raising of a special military formation, modelled on the Imperial Commissariat that would draw suitable recruits from across the sector, selected for their loyalty, ambition and willingness to use any means necessary to ensure order. They would be charged with maintaining the morale and loyalty of PDF units across the sector, rooting out criminality and corruption, and ensuring that whatever local loyalties might exist, fear would override them if need be. Such "internal security commissariats" are far from unknown in the Imperium, particularily on larger hive worlds where the PDF may maintain potentially millions of men at arms...
This referencees the "PDF" version of commissars (just as Enforces can mirror arbites and PDF can mirror IG.) Not unlike the commissars seen on Verghast in the Ghosts novels, which is the obvious reference here. Note the reference to "millions of men at arms' being common on hive worlds.

This also tends to outline the roles of the Commissariat far bette rthan "make troops fear and blow their heads off". That happens, obviously, and there are Commissars who are prone to that, but its not the only role of such individuals. They are role models and (at leats intended to be) inspirational figures as well as figures of fear. They are also meant to keep the inept, and corrupt and disloyal in line (or remove them if they become a problem.) Both the officers and the troops. IT's a mixed bag of good and bad with a Commissar, like most things in 40K, but even the bad has some purpose (when you fight shit like daemons harsh measures probably are neccessary.)

Page 62
...they [IG] are far from a homogenised fighting force. Aside from the imposition of order and standardisation of wargear the Munitorium provides, each regiment is as individual as the world that spawns it...
This is actually probably a bit generous, as inconsistent logistics (bureacracy, politics, corruption, the warp, etc.) can make a mockery of even basic standardization (EG not all regiments will neccesarily get even a lagsun, although I admit this is rather rare.) You can basically sum it up as being the same as with politics - they apply policies in broad strokes, rely a ton on independent agents and propoganda/indoctrination to make things stick, then hope for the best. So you might have a firearm of some kind (hopefully a lasgun), possibly body armor and.. that's it. And that probably applies to regular tithes.. conscription is going to be evne more haphazard.

Page 62
The savagery of such worlds, both in terms of the constant warfare that their primitive peoples engage in and the often deadly flora and fauna encountered there, make for excellent material for breeding men and women for whom enduring danger and conflict are second nature long before a lasgun is ever placed in their hands. In many cases, regiments raised on feral worlds (and even a few death worlds and the more unstable feudal worlds) are highly sought after by the Munitorium and represent that world’s only tithe to the Imperium, such is the value placed in their fighting stock. Most of these regiments have their number heavily drilled, forcibly educated and disciplined to bring them in line with Imperial Guard tactical doctrine and practices, channeling their warlike spirits in the Emperor's service.
feral worlds (and in this context it can include Death and Hive worlds, because in some ways your average Hive Ganger isnt a whole lot different from a feral worlder when it comes to savagery and a dangerous enviroment) seem to be valued in a political sense in the same way Sardukar/Fremen in Dune were supposed to be a badass fighting force. The value of this I leave up for debate, although it is nice they at least seem to make some effort to train them. Of course I sense a strong hand of political BS in this as well.

Page 62
....[Ferals] are allowed to hold on to much of their “old ways” (with the exception of heretical beliefs) and maintain their brutal and close-combat oriented fighting styles, as it is this very savagery and skill that is their greatest asset. In these cases, the regiment, usually employed as shock troops and assault specialists, suffer heavy casualties in the breach of any war zone to which they are assigned, leaving behind a hard and veteran core of elite warriors that can often match the f ury of the worst enemies of mankind...
More of the value of Ferals (again expanding the definition to include hive and Death Worlders) - they tend to be tough, strong, and nasty, which gives them an edge close up and against stronger xenos or chaos forces (who can be mutants or psychos or otherwise augmented in their own right. I doubt it means Triator marines though.) An example of this might be a goliath ganger from Necromunda, which is quasi-Ogryn in capability. The Canak/Kanak Skulltakers (another ogryn like feral world troop force) are another.

Naturally, there is an element of attrition to this, but considering the IG bases its philosohpy on "we may not always have the neccessary gear on hand so we have to make do" it makes some sense to make sure your troops will at least spend themselves efficiently to take out more powerful enemies.

They also mention that conscript regiments from feral worlds will often use commissars and priests to ensure loyalty and reinforce the indoctrination.. showing again how indirect methods are employed because direct control/administration is impossible.

Page 62
Ever since the sector’s early days, a Sythewind regiment has been maintained and continuously (if slowly) replenished, rather than re-raised, owing to the world’s relatively small population, with the few surviving veterans given special dispensation to return to their home world once their duty is done. There, they form a respected ruling class of elders who pass their knowledge and wide experience down to the young hunters of their tribe.
This tends to suggest regiments that get 'recruits' shipped to them or remain steady and replenished (like the vostroyans) are probably important ro highly regarded for whatever reason amongst the political and bureacratic circles. That means it doesnt have to make practical sense, only political/bureacratic sense :P

Page 63
Whether a former Imperial Guardsman, or a sometime mercenary who bartered his skills to leave his world of origin, a feral warrior is a fighter who, while fully trained in modern weaponry and tactics, has embraced the savage heritage within and now wields anger and the brutal gifts his background has granted as his greatest weapon.
Feral worlders are also by their very nature survivors, able to endure the worst hardships and not baulk in the face of injury or fear. They are used to fighting and acting independently....
Qualities of a "feral warrior', including guardsmen types. Survivors, independence, anger/focus (drive). and despite that they can be trianed in "modern weaponry and tactics" (read into that what you want.) Again I'm thinking we're not talking stone age tribesmen types, but also throwing in Deathworlders, hive gangs and post apocalyptic road warriors, and the like.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next update for Inquisitor's Handbook:

Page 63
Death worlds come in many varied forms, but each is ultimately inimical to human life.
they are just as likely to be ash-strewn volcanic wastelands, or planets ravaged by terrible nuclear holocausts or where ancient and virulent diseases run unchecked and unstoppable. Such worlds are almost impossible to colonise, but often, through abandonment or sheer bloody-mindedness, humanity has managed to survive there in limited numbers despite the odds.
Some Death worlds are inhabited regardless of the risk owing to the presence of valuable resources, or held at all costs for strategic reasons.
..a world where vast sulphurous seas have poisoned the land and acid storms driven by hurricane-force winds can strip flesh from bone in moments. Yet even on Haddrak life endures.
It also mentions those shipped to or stationed on death worlds find life hard and perilous and only those with mental and physical strength survive, indicating a Darwinian like selection process involved with such locales. I mostly added all this stuff just to show what kinds of Death worlds existed and what sorts of people they might produce.

they mentinon Haddrek draws the AdMech due to the crystalline deposits (for laser weapons and holographic tech probably)

Page 64
To be invested as a Legate is to receive a portion of the power of an Inquisitor, though in a strictly limited and defined form based upon the enquiry they are involved in and for a very limited duration. Such powers usually extend to command authority over local law enforcement, detention, requisition and question, but rarely much further. When an investigation is complete, the authority of the Legates involved is formally ended.
Legate investigators Basically this is a workaround for the limited number of Inquisitors that must exist to investigate all the problems in the Imperium, allowing an Inquisitor to delgate authority to more easily tackle big tasks (or just to foist the tedious shit off on) One use mentioned is for "cleaning up" after an Inquisitor's work on a planet (something we know of from the Ravenor novels, although it implied there that Inquisitors simply could not delegate such tasks or foist them off. This may suggest it is more of a tradition or practice that varies from sector to sector.)

Much like the rosette, they have a sigil (sigil of inquiry) that also has code keys and data access (for carrying out the duty, I imagine, as well as for verification purposes)

Page 65
Cryptos Cognos: A relatively recent addition to the canon of Inquisitorial codes, this subtle means of covert communication is based not only on phrases, but voice cadence, inflection and accompanying body language.
A bit like glossia, methinks.

Page 65 -
...the Ordos Calixis use an ultra-high security cipher for transmissions sent via astropathic chorus, courier and vox. The Gimel Progression varies in security depending on the importance of the message with the lowest being Gimel-Ardent, progressing to Gimel-Amethyst, and finally Gimel-Obsidian. The gimel sequences are based on seemingly random substitution code words based on a rotating encryption rumored to consiste of all ten thousand volumes of the codex administratum and several other noteworthy texts.
Yet another Inquisitional code.

Page 65
There are some records that are not just secret but dangerous to any that would access them. For such material, a cipher that is not only unbreakable but can also bind what it is used to code is needed. The Nephilim Cipher is one such cipher. It is based on sacred mathematical translations and ancient symbols of binding, most commonly employed to encode material relating to the nature of Daemons and the warp.
Yet more stuff.

Page 65
Highly unusual, the Tantalus Fractal is a tech-code, a construction of binary incantations and data-djinn locked one on top of another in seven-dimensional formula with potentially infinite combinations and deadlocks. The Tantalus is used by the highest-ranking tech-priests in the service of the Inquisition to encrypt the most dangerous of data, often referring to blasphemous works of tech-heresy and xenos artifice. It is said that the Tantalus holds numerous hidden traps within its makeup more than capable of overloading and destroying cogitators and driving mad or even killing savants attempting to unlock its secrets.
yet another code.

PAge 66
The Blood Guild of Malfi is one of the most infamous organisations of bounty hunters and man-trackers in the whole sector.
Most blood warrants are aptly named, issued in the form of a tough parchment scroll bearing the seal of the authorising body and carrying within it a gene-lock circuit amulet designed to identify the victim by their blood when spilled over it.
- Blood warrants used by a bounty hunter guild utilize "gene-lock circuit amulets" that can recognize and identify the target by their blood samples.

Page 66
Once confined to the continent spanning hives of Malfi, the Bloodsworn are recognised across the Malfian sub-sector...
Gives a potentially different context to "continent spanning" hives in that they may not all be solid or tall structures.. but more in the sense of a massive city with roads and buildings and such. Depends alot on the world we are talking about, I suspect. (In a place like Verghast or Thracian Primaris that makes sense. Not on Necromunda)

Page 68
...certain Mechanicus sects and military formations exist to study the art of destruction with the ardent fervour that their fellows might apply to the creation of machinery or the recovering of lost technoarcana.
The first rank of the Mechanicus militant is the Secutor...
militant techpriests. Researchers and warriors combined.

Page 68
...the undisputed centre of the Auxilia Myrmidon’s power is the Lathe System and its vast forge network, and in particular their heavy fortified arsenal and base on the city-sized panopticon orbital station.
"city sized" orbital station.

Page 70
The tech-priest’s cyber-mantle and potentia coil have been further upgraded to handle more powerful loads and heavy gear, as well as armour their vital organs against damage and reinforce their limbs to support the extra weight. This has an effect of increasing the Secutor’s size and bulk somewhat and adding to their strength and durability.
Secutor augmetics.

Page 71
This quest [for knowledge] takes many forms, including research and exploration, but its ultimate embodiment is the search for ancient Standard Template Construct systems.
We all know what STC are. The important bits are that the Admech will do research. Not everyone will and some of the Coggies object to the heresy, but it still happens.

Page 72
Others [metallican gunslingers] pay for crude grafts of slab muscle so they can heft the heaviest weapons crafted in the hive's fanes and forges.

Becoming, for all intents and purposes, artifiical Braggs. They also mention that some practice marksmanship to the point of matching an IG sniper.

Page 76
The Adeptus Mechanicus holds undisputed rights to the secret lore of science and technology...
Such people [hive ad starship dwellers] rely on technological infrastructure in great profusion simply to live, be it a hive water-recyk system or a ship’s thermal heaters. The ongoing low-grade maintenance of such petty systems, along with the day-to-day workings of the more sophisticated parts of a manufactora’s machinery and the like are left to an army of technomats, functionaries, duct-crawlers, voidwalkers and work-prefects gifted by their Mechanicus masters with just sufficient knowledge to perform their tasks with due deference and supplication to the machine-spirits and nothing more.
The "lay artisans" or laity or just generally everyone who does some sort of repair or maintenance work without being formally part of the AdMech or being coggies themselves.

Page 76
It is their task to redeem raw materials from old and damaged systems, to scavenge parts and be tasked with the endless cycle of minor repairs needed to keep a ship flying or a hive’s infrastructure from collapsing under its own weight. By necessity, a Reclaimator’s skills begin to stray into a higher understanding of machinery and technology than most and many learn to worship the Machine God in a fragmentary
and superstitious manner...

...Reclaimators themselves are often sent in to dangerous or unsafe areas with little direct supervision, and they scavenge and salvage a good deal more than their masters know.
A good many underhivers of Necromunda can fall into this category, as we learn in the novel "Fleshworks" that the machine spirit and other AdMech dogma are either unknown or scoffed at, so a more "practical" approach is utilized. We can also see it in the approach of some IG troops with their vehicles - altering the engines for greater performance or custom-modifying small arms for greater effect (illegally.) There was also the guy from Kill Team who was put intoa penal legion for being too curious (and good) with technology. One can imagine that amongst some elements of Imperial society, knowledge in some fashion of how machines and tech work is inevitable, and such people can find use by those who may not want to rely on the Admech too heavily (like the Inquisition, for example.)

Page 76
The most gifted and reckless Reclaimators learn too much, either through acquiring knowledge forbidden to them through stealing data, by daring the tech-heresy of invention, or the blasphemy of reverse-engineering. In doing so they become something far worse, they become “hereteks”...

..those that pursue other, rarer tech-heresies such as the creation of artificial sentience (or the Silica Animus as the Machine Cult names it), illegal bio-constructs and xenos-technology...
While Imperial tech is prone to corruption as we well know, and thus the AdMech makes some sense, it's more likely they are just protecting their precious monopoly against outside competition.

Page 76
Reclaimators are common in the reaches of the hive-cities of Scintilla, Malfi and other worlds, as well as, serving on the great Chartist vessels and numerous small trader ships.
Which suggests they are pretty commonplace... especially in the case of the hives. What's more, hive conscription guarantees some of thsoe probably end up in other organizations (like the Guard), or spread to other newly-colonized planets

Page 78
Many are led on by the signs and portents of the Emperor’s will and others by the divination of His sacred Tarot.
Sisters Oblatia that is. They are basically those who atone for the sins of someone else (an ancestor, a family, or a people or whole world.)

Page 80
The Scholastia Psykana is made up clusters of sanctioned schools, methods and traditions that focus on the use of psychic power, which, although overseen and regulated by the authorities on Holy Terra, can vary greatly from sector to sector, both in their methods and in their philosophy.
Like every OTHER organization in the Imperium, the psychic arm has its own way of doing things, and they tend to be an aggregation of various methods lumped together and variable.

Page 80
While several branches of the Scholastia focus on preparing sanctioned battlefield psykers for use alongside the armies of the Imperium in the battlefield, or their function as specialist advisors to military commanders, the Psykana Temple Calix focuses instead on martial skill..
This seems to suggest that most Sanctioned psykers are primarily command and control or support, rather than direct attack (although they can do that as well.) Telepathic communication (or attacks/disruption/illusion) and divination/scrying are the most likely examples.

Page 80
Personal loyalty to the Golden Throne, psyker-mysticism, self-discipline and the fighting arts, both armed and unarmed, are drilled into the Psykana Templars. Their skills encompass brutally simple methods of killing an opponent and more elaborate manoeuvres commonly attributed only to assassins, as well as defensive techniques and practiced agility. The use of all manner of exotic weapons is also taught but the central focus of a Templar’s training is the use of force weaponry, the psychoactive properties of which make these weapons extensions of the wielder’s own power. In the hands of a Templar Calix, such a weapon becomes a channel for the destructive forces both of this world and beyond.
They're explicitly stated, basically, to be psychically augmented close combat masters. Sort of like really aggressive Jedi, I suppose, but without the twirly spinning attacks.

Page 82
...using psychic and mental conditioning, a graduate of the Collegium can close his mind to all but the most destructive psychic probing, concealing his deepest secrets around a labyrinth of half truths and falsity to confuse, making them not only extraordinarily proficient spies and agents, but near-impregnable living vaults for the secrets of the Cabal.
Defensive measures against psychic attack/intrusion.

Page 84-85
It was to combat this groundswell of recidivists, cultists and degenerates that under the authority of the Lord Sector himself, the Divisio Immoralis was founded.
The Diviso is the child of Drusil’s vision and obsession, and the task force of Adeptus Arbites all look to the greyhaired veteran as their mentor and leader.
Some Arbites within the sector see it as a needless eccentricity at best and a product of the burnt out veteran’s paranoia at worst. A few see it as a deliberate overstepping of concerns that rightfully are the sole province of Ordo Hereticus and the Ministorum...
Politics and turf warefare amongst sector politics of Calixis.

Page 87
The Magos of the Adeptus Mechanicus harbour a great many secrets and ancient and terrible arts. If their price is met, they can salvage the most ravaged body so long as the central nervous system is largely intact and the brain is serviceable. Taking a mangled, burned, but still alive carcass or even the merest threads of flesh and bio-matter, they can construct new body from the remains of the old, or even refit a servitor chassis to house the brain if needed.
Longevity methods available to the Mechanicus.

Page 87
Of all the wonders capable by the machine-smiths, only a few Magos have the skill to perform the feat of full resurrection, and fewer still have the inclination to do it, especially at the behest of others.
...you are reconstructed with an artificial body, organs harvested from servitor stock or vat-grown synthetics, a process that can have terrible repercussions for the mind. Survivors of this procedure are rarely stable, their personalities and motivations a mere shadow of their former selves.
I gather that this is far more than just organ transplants or augmetics (cybernetic replacement was a different category) - we're talking about nearly complete organic (or quasi-organic/synthetic) - a clone form with a memory/mind ransference or imprint, I suspect. This may be the sort of 'immortality' the Admech was reputed to have in 3rd edition allowing them to live thousands of years (but also driving them insane.) It probably means that living more than around 1000 years is risking madness.

Page 88
The extremes of the Redemption have always found toleration in certain sections of the Ecclesiarchy and it is this toleration of intolerance that allowed the Redemption to spread...
There was also comment that the Adeptus Terra may be infiltrated (Adminstratum, Arbites, Ecclesiarchy, etc.) I imagine the Remption is a useful tool for maintaining some military power and infiltrating organizations. Sort of like a terrorist organization that has a legtimate face and a criminal face.

Page 89
While many psykers’ powers emerge during adolescence...
Some are born with their powers, while others can live half their lives of more before the potential within them manifests.
The variability in detecting psychic powers. It may give some clues as to what cuases/triggers it, but I'd be hard pressed to quantify it.

PAge 89
In many cases, ,extreme mental or physical trauma or exposre to the power of the warp can force latent potential to the fore in people who never dreamt that they possessed any psychic ability. From the Guardsmen who rends apart an enemy tank with his terror even as he cowers alone thinking his death certain...

In many cases the power wielded at such moments is beyond that of a trained and sanctioned psyker and often beyond reckoning. The records of the Witch Hunters detail many instances which serve to caution any who understimate the daners posed by a nascent psyker: storms of psychic energy kilometres across, psychic shock waves strong enough to shatter plasteel, and towering infernos of power..
Stress-induced emergence of psychic power. seem to represent extreme (unprepared) attacks rather than controlled/trained ones.

Page 92
As well as its hive, agri and shrine worlds, Calixis has its fair share of primitive worlds. In fact, Iocanthos, home of the Ghostfire pollen harvests, is tithed as an agri-world, but its tribal culture and barbaric people mean it would have been graded as an insignificant feral world were it not for the Imperium’s need for this rare commodity.
Unsurprisingly, some worlds can "overlap" definitions, or be graded in more than one way, either due to economic or political/bureaucratic reasons. This is rather helpful in reconciling all those discrepancies and variations.

Page 92
There are a great many worlds that fall somewhere between the two, some having attained black powder but still trapped in primitive extended family units, or others possessing advanced societal structures without the benefit of technological developments. As well, there are also numerous feudal worlds that have continued to develop since first being catalogued and now have access to technologies of which the citizens of hive cities would be envious.

Generlaly they say there are worlds that fall somewhere between feral and feudal worlds (in terms of technology and others)

Page 92
Weapons and equipment originating from these worlds are primitive and considered obsolete by the more worldly inhabitants of the Imperium, even a las weapon on its lowest setting packs more punch than a bow.
..a practised marksman could shoot an arrow through the eye of his mark without even triggering an energy resistant refractor field.
Saying that a las weapon packs more punch than a bow isn't horribly shocking.. even a heavy English longbow has maybe 100-200 J of energy tops. Of course "punch" can mean more than just the KE - a broadhead arrow for example can create a very large, nasty wound channel (cutting diameters of 1-2" depending on arrow design) which can be quite nasty. Especially since 'las weapon' arguably includes the least powerful laspistol (on lowest setting - nice that it confirms variable settings). Admittedly I dont find it easy to match this up to other weapons (a bullet would need more energy to match an arrow - like in velocity, so I imagine a lasbolt would too.)

Of course I would also note that depending on some novels the low-powered/least powered settings (like in guns of Tanith) are usually for training purposes :P

Page 94
Even on more advanced worlds, longbows see use, although this may be more for sport and hunting than for actual combat. Bows manufactured on these worlds use modern materials like laminates and plexi-chromes.
High tech bows.

Page 97

Closer inspection reveals that the chain is fashioned from a unique alloy found only on Acreage. It somehow “stores” kinetic energy, which is released in the form of bluecoloured energy sparks when the chain moves with any kind of sharp, excessive force. When properly used in combat, victims of a lightning chain attack not only receive dreadful lacerations and broken bones, but also suffer burns from the writhing energy fields that “spark” when the chain is in motion.
Interesting sort of primitive battery.. I guess?

Page 97
It is sharper than many other swords since the metal of Fervious is a very stubborn and hard material, folded many times to create a razor-sharp edge. Only weapons with power fields or monofilament blades can hope to surpas the long-sabre's fine edge.

40K Katana stereotype-analogue I guess. Or maybe something else.. sword-making stereotype crap?

Page 97
The mirror shield is an ornate rectangular device capable of covering about two-thirds of its wielder’s body.

Constructed from layers of metal and stained crystal...
...the refractive glass gives the shield a mirrored effect known to repel las weapon shots of low strength.
Mirror shields are 3 kg. I suspect these are akin to the same devices (only perhaps lower tech) used by the Jakara hunting rigs in Necromunda. Note this suggests either that its not just a mirror reflection (like a real laser) or its not a real laser bolt... becuase lasers and mirrors don't really do it either. I'm betting magic crystal tech.

Page 98
Sabres persist in use in far more sophisticated climes and are popular with many Imperial Guard officers and hive nobles, often featuring mono edge blades and even power field generators to enhance their effectiveness.
Mono edged sabres.

Page 98
These bulky, temperamental devices are primitive mining rigs used on worlds such as Sepheris Secundus and Coseflame, where more sophisticated tools, like the breacher units favoured by the Mechanicus, would be impossible to maintain. Powered by a weighty, scolding hot, backpack steam-compressor that serves to turn a huge boring drill-bit...
Another example of "feral/feudal" technology.. I guess Industiral Revolution-era tech can fall into that category. Given the "steam gargants" of feral orks, I suddnely have this crazy idea of feral/feudal world steam powered Leman Russes (Like the steam tanks of Warhammer fantasy)

Page 100
Like many primitive items, bracers have found their way into Imperial society, primarily as a fashion item but often as a way of disguising useful gadgets like refractor or field generators, or even hidden communications devices.
Bracer-mounted comms and forcefield defenses. Also a note that "primitive" items oftne have more of a cosmetic or aesthertic appeal for Imperials rather than practicality or need.

Page 100
A certain metallurgy technological base is needed before all-encompassing plate armour can be developed. Such heavy armour affords great protection and is known to be able to withstand low-level las weapon blasts.
Heavy plate incidentally weighs 28 kg. That's a bit more than RL plate as far as I know (20-22 kg) but not drmaatically more. Alot of it can depend on the kind of plate and where it strikes, but generally a few mm for thickest areas (chest and head) seems likely, so I'd say half a cm is probably the thickest any realistic plate would be. A laser of a few hundred joules shoudl penetrate more than sufficiently, although a series of pulses coudl still penetrate and cause at least some injury. If we're talking a "heat ray" type laser and a 1 cm diameter.. we might be talking a few kj to melt, a few tens of kj to vaporize. I suspect that anything resembling a particle beam probably is not going to provide protection however, due to penetration.

Page 101
The scales seem to be especially reisstant to weapons that agitate air molecules to create heat, such as melta weapons.
The scales of a "Scar Dragon" a rare creature whose scales can form strong armor that is effective defense against primitive and advanced weaponry, especially melta weapons. Note the meltawepaons are dscribed as being designed to "agitate air molecules to create heat" - which is a bit microwave-like, but it suggests it turns the air into the weapon (flamethrower like kinda) rather than directly agitating the matter of the target (although that isn't ruled out either.)

Then again agitating the air could also be a secondary weapon effect.

PAge 103
This natural light source can prove useful in situations where there is no power or where null-fields have been installed, preventing torches and other illuminating devices from working.
I assume "torch" means a flashlight like device, rather than a combustion-type torch., Anyhow these are a form of slug. There are apparently technologies that block out light from electronic devices (somehow)

Page 103
Volonx kill sticks are used in booby traps and consist of a sharpened stick made from bamboo or mono-plastics.
Whatever the hell mono plastics are. Googling suggest it's a plastic that retains one form (EG has rigidity I imagine)

Page 104
Studies show the putty-like substance is rich in minerals and contains strong anti-bacterial agents. Rumours abound of an interested corporation wishing to build a large industrial complex on the tar pits to harvest and export the substance off-world.
Endrite Sour mud and more trade and corporate stuff.

Page 104
Made from linn seeds found only on the feral world of Tygress V, syckle oil can be used on any metal blade. The oil coats the blade giving it a bright sheen and making the metal all but frictionless. It will also prevent rust and tarnishing.
interesting property I guess. Frictionless would make it very good at cutting I imagine. you could also expect it to be useful as a lubricating agent, and if it can adhere to metallic surfaces it would be good with the ballistic properties of armor, I'd expect.

Page 108
Most hive worlds are manufacturing centres of wide range and colossal output, as well as the homes of billions. The Imperium at its most frenetic, industrious and unified, but they are also places of great injustice, totalitarian control and savage lawlessness.
Hive worlds defined again. Considering they perhaps represent a significant chunk of the total population (if not the total number of worlds, depending on one's definitions and sources) this gives you perhaps one of the more complete pictures of Imperial society.

Page 108
...be it a finely crafted blade from the sub-sea cities of Landunder...
- mention of the "sub-sea cities of Landunder" - underwater Hives.

Page 109
"No Hector, the Adeptus Astartes are the Emperor's angels given form - you couldn't even lift one of their weapons, even when you're all grown-up."
Space marine weapons are too big/heavy for a kid to lift.

Page 109
The fanes of Gunmetal, among their most important duties hold an oath-bond to manufacture the casing and primary propulsion charges for Astartes calibre bolt shells. Production of the Astartes bolts is carefully controlled and monitored, and once made, each case is stamped with the aquila and its maker's mark before being passed on to the Adepts of the Machine God. Despite the security and precautions inherent in this sacred duty, it is said a few of these shells never see the aquila stamp. These so called “blind shells” are both utterly illegal and highly desirable, but on their own, blind shells are useless without a weapon to fire them.
Bolter shell manufacturing. In some sources it is strictly an AdMech task, whilst in this case it seems to be a mixed task. Whether this depends on the deals/oaths made (for assistance, trade whatever.) or is administered in some other way, who knows. I suspect each Chapter makes its own arrangements. Maybe the AdMech licenses or subcontracts out to some worlds due to them being closer to the home territory of the Astartes? Or maybe they have a series of different suppliers so they are never too far away from ammo in their deployment region?

Page 109
...the Angelus' lacuqered stock houses its magazine and unlocks to take three Astartes calibre bolt shells snugly nose to tail.
Rifle for firing Astartes bolt shells.

Page 109
...the Mauler is a finely made bolt pistol designed for normal human hands (unlike the far larger, heavier calibre models intended for use by the legendary Space Marines).
Larger bolt pistols are "heavier calibre" - yet many sources indicate that both mortal and Astartes bolters use the same calibre. It goes without saying that Astartes bolter shells are heavier and more powerufl.. perhaps this is due more to length or quality or density of materials than anything.

Page 109
..each Mauler is handmade and forged by the servitor-savants of the Cinder Crag. Each weapon is uniquely tailored to the commissioner’s exact biometric data.
"servitor savants" - idiot master forgers?

Page 109
Little more than a crudely modified Lucifer pattern launcher (a handgun like device common on frontier worlds for firing signal flares, tow lines, and the like.)

Spitfires use modified rocket propelled distress flares fitted with a crude impact detonators in a pale imitation of a bolt shell.
A poor man's bolter in other words.

Page 110
The advanced design for this heavy webber is held by the Adeptus Mechanicus of the Lathe System and the weapons themselves are produced only under granted licence by the Hax-Orthlack manufactorums on the sector capital world of Scintilla. Standard issue for Adeptus Arbites capture-units across the Calixis Sector and also carried in the armouries of the better equipped local law enforcement units...
Again AdMech act as both primary manufacturers and subcontractors.. they produce (and "sell") both material objects as well as selling the designs (or licensing them) for use and manufacture by others.

Page 111
Using a much more powerful version of the magnetic/las impellor found in Imperial needle weapons, the caster fires not a crystalline poison sliver, but an armour-piercing adamantine dart, fractal edged and designed to penetrate light body armour with ease. The darts are subsonic, their passage sounding only a slight hum as they speed through the air, and the weapon itself makes no flash whatsoever when fired, making it an excellent killer from the shadows.
A variation on the sniper needlers. Note that by some sources the needle weapons do fire dangerous darts (and abnett's novels have plenty of needle weapons as well that do physical damage.) I'm not quite sure whether it's saying it is a Em weapon, a electrothermal weapon (laser vaporization to provide propulsive effects), a hybrid, or is suggesting it can employ both alternately (some needlers are EM powered, some are las powered) It's also power it uses a laser to vaporize some matter into a plasma for propulsion, which is aided/guided by the magnetic elements. The problem with the above is.. it ought to create a flash that way. Maybe its' laser propelled like a rocket (although stabilizing that would be a intersting feat). Again it may vary depending on the model (EM ones might be flashlesss but the ET ones aren't.)

Page 111
The profile listed here assumes a standard razor-dart, although poisoned or explosive darts are not unknown. CAdence supplies the weapon with an attachable frame-stock, and a long-barreled impellor that turns it into a two-handed Basic type weapon with a base range of 150m and a weight of 4.5 kg)
Alternate bolt types 9including explosive) as well as a rifle variant (suggesting performance similar to long las or needle rifles) Whether or not it is subsonic... well I kinda doubt it unless it's rocket propelled or ane xtremely large/heavy round.

PAge 111
the Destroyer is a highly advanced pattern of hand flamer that uses force-compression technology similar to that of a plasma weapon to create a sueprheated thermal-incandescent blast that burns far hotter and with greater fuel efficiency than that of a usual flamer.
I guess there IS a crossover between plasma and flamethrower weapons :)

PAge 111
The "gas lighter" also serves well enough as a flamer for many low-rent hive gangs who can't afford the real thing and is frequently found in e hands of insurrectionists. The "torch" is nowhere near as effective (or stable) as a true flamer, but it is easy to procure and the wash of burning gas can still crisp flesh to cinders.
They mention it as using incandescent gas to burn debris and fungus off machinery. basically a blowtorch of some kind, but being able to burn flehs to cinders is... damned impressive. How much flesh.. we dont know.

Page 111
Based in the rarefied halls of Nova Castillia on Fenksworld, Cadence is also known to have offices and agents in dozens of hives and chartist vessels. Cadence offers weapons, servitors and other arcane devices of the highest order and sophistication to its private clientele..
- one of the hive arms manufacturer commerical enterirpsies has "offices and agents in dozens of hives and chartist vessels."

Page 111
The weapon uses an unholy mixture of highly corrosive industrial residue and toxic waste contained under high pressure, unleashed through a jury-rigged spray gun. The effects of the mixture on flesh are truly horrific and all but the best armour is little protection from the burning poison.
Tox Spray gun. I suspect its more of a flamethrower version of a chemical weapon (which we know now as of 5th edition there is an IG tank version of.

Page 112
The Civitas is both somewhat bulky and inefficient (owing to lower quality components than a military-grade laspistol), but remains popular due to its ease of manufacture, longevity and simplicity of maintenance. These pistols are made on almost every major hive world for planetary defence armouries and civilian hands. Millions of these pistols are in circulation, from a simple polysteel and resin model...
- Civilian made laspistols. Something like we saw in Eye of Terror I suppose. Note the polysteel :P

Page 112
....the Death Light is an extremely powerful compact lasgun with a folding stock designed to fire high-energy blasts. These blasts, considerably stronger than a normal lasgun discharge, can easily burn through the thick insulation suits worn throughout Magnagorsk hive. Their power hungry nature, however, means Sollex guns are far less efficient than most las weapons and dangerous if overcharged.

Sollex weapons use standard power packs. however, owing to their more powerful chage they get commensurately fewer shots from them. It is possible to hotshot or overcharge Sollex weapons but it is dangerous.
In other words, the weapon overheats (at least in gameplay terms.) Unless the charge pack has a different discharge rate (EG how many watts a second it delivers to the capacitors) the rate of fire is probably reduced in some manner to account for the differences in power draw.

Interestingly they don't seem to have problems with cooling or component burnout (unlike a long las or the Krieg lasguns)

Page 112
Made in large numbers for Calixis PDF use, the Drusus Prime is in fact a local copy of the ubiquitous Ryza-M pattern lasgun made by numerous forges and manufactorums.
A simple charge repeater lasgun, the Drusus Prime is perhaps the most widely produced long arm in the sector, and the sheer numbers stolen from armouries and legitimately traded over the centuries...
Basic Pdf guns..

Page 112
...designed around the "single shot kill", using a unique charge cartridge which is, in essence, a pre-loaded hotshot pack. This single powerful blast is usually effective against armoured targets and belies the pistols elegant appareance.
"Neat hole burned head or heart as the mood took him."
Duelling pistol with a built in (permanant) hotshot pack. The 'neat hole' suggests either the head blows out the back, its a mostly thermal weapon, or it over penetrates like a motherfucker (a rapid pulsed train of shots perhaps)

Page 112
..the Minerva-Aegis is sophisticated las carbine that unusually featuers a high cycle-charge chamber allowing it a rapid pulse mode comparable to fully automatic fire.


The high-grade materials needed for its construction mean its cost is significantly more than more commonplace lasguns.
I'd guess this means lasguns have the energy weapone quivalent of "burst mode" (3 round burst) rather than full auto.. although as a rule the ydon't need it given their highly variable ammo capacities. It could be that full auto for certain performance levels can cause dangerous levels of overheating, for eample (which may explain why this weapon needs specialized and more expensive components.) It also it seems needs a capacitor/chamber needed to generate/release the las-pulses much more quickly (without diluting its ability to do damage.)

Page 112
..thanks to its advanced manufacture, the Palatine loses no stopping power despite being half the size of most military model laspistols.
ultra-compact laspistols. if half the size means half the mass, this means a better quality lasweapon can have a more powerful power pack (unless it's trading mass/size for efficiency.) if size is volume/dimensions.. the disparity could be greater.

Page 113
The Venom is a highly compact laspistol designed for covert use. It takes the shape of a flat disk that is grasped in the hand, with the short barrel-emitter projecting between the middle fingers, fired by applying pressure to a hidden trigger.
Owing to its unique design, the Venom does not use standard power packs. Instead its internal power cell must be recharged between uses (via a standard port)
derringer laspistol I suppose. One step smaller from the compact laspistol and one step up from a digital weapon.

Page 113
Produced by the enigmatic Cult Mechanicus sect of Sollex, this hugely powerful pattern of laspistol (described by some as a “las-hand cannon”)...
sollex pattern "steel burner" heavy laspistol. Has the same "draws more power from a las powerpack, and is dangerous if used with overcharge/hotshot modes' restrictions as the Sollex pattern lasgun.

Page 113
The Gorge is a simply made, single shot break-open grenade launcher. Its simplicity does not diminish its effectiveness, though, and it is also relatively compact and very reliable, facts that make it one of the most widely used squad support weapons carried by enforcers, mercenaries and PDF troopers.
PDF grenade launcher.

Page 113
Used to cut and weld sheet metal in macro construction facilities...
The melta beam produced by the cutter is of a very short range but can quickly breach most sealed bulkheads and reduce a fully armoured Arbitrartor to hot gas and ash with ease.
The melta cutter has a maximum range of 10 metres.
Arbitrator can be vaporize/dcremated by a melta cutter.

Page 114
.54 Tranter Hand Cannon:
These massive gas-operated stub automatics, sometimes mockingly referred to as a "poor man's bolter", are undoubtably powerful but often plagued with mechanical problems and notoriously prone to jamming.


....capable of takign a man's head clean off in one shot.


Owing to their sheer ungainly size and recoil, as well as being classified as a hand cannon....

... the Tranter counts as a basic weapon and must be used with two hands.
I imagine this is something akin to those insane revolvers that use elephant gun carteridges, especially given it needs to be used two handed and can take a guy's head off (probably a godo what.. 4-6 kj at least?

It also suggests something of an upper limit on calibre for standard non-bolt weapons.

PAge 114
The Armageddon is loud, lethal and uncomplicated; a heavy-hitter for an autogun, it fires large calibre solid slugs from a fifteen-round short box clip and can stand a phenomenal amount of abuse and keep firing.
The Armageddon pattern is showin in the 4th edition rules, and it looks alot like the autogun shown in IA6 (which was 8.25 mm calibre and carried 20-30 shots.) This one carries only 15, though 12 was mentioned in 4the dition Assuming same mass/volume for a 20-round clip we're talking a round that is 1.3-1.7x larger (width at least). Probably less than .50 cal though still, given what the Tranter was capable of. 10-11mm maybe.

PAge 114
Notorious for its sheer destructive power, the Blackhammer comprises of a carefully crafted barrel fitted to an equally well-crafted stock and firing mechanism, all constructed to safely fire a single massive shell, more than twice the size fo a standard shotgun cartridge and many times the power. Each shell is custom-made and filled with dozens of heavy pellets the size of stubber rounds, ,backed by a huge charge; the quality of the barrel breach and stock are vital to keep the weapon from tearing itself apart with every firing.


The weapon's short range and single-shot capacity are often overlooked in favour of its immense stopping power, although, like many such weapons, it can prove dramatically less effective agianst targets with substnatial "hard" armour.

Such is the wepaons ferocious recoil it imposes... unless.. the weapon is braced.
Super shotgun. 2x bigger than shtogun shell, each full of what is basically small musket balls I gather. And this isn't evne shotcannon scale (although in the "old" Black Industries one it kinda was..)

Page 114
Discovered during the horrific Adranitian phase of the crusade, the techno-archaeological find, known as the "Aegis", contained templates for all manner of systems, as well as a treasure trove of other data and logos. The granted licenses for the use of the more mundane templates from Aegis helped to form the basis for the fortunes of several famous houses and cartels, and their dispersal cemented the rights and properties of the Mechanicus within the fledgeling power strecutures of the Calixis Sector.

The Mechanicus has never revealed whether the Aegis Data Fragment yielded more than a few new small arms patterns, systems schematics and augur interfaces, ,or whether it posed further questions yet unanswered or was merely pat of some larger undiscovered whole. It has not escaped the notice of the Ordos Calixis, thoguh, that the Mechanicus maintains several secretive outposts bordering the Adrantis Nebula still, and it is thought that at lest sixty-four known explorator expeditions have been sent into the untamed volumes of the nebula at he behest of thesecretive priests of the Machine God.
64 explroator expeidtions in the Calixis sector (at least).. and also general discussion of technological boons originating from STC tech finds. Licensing and economic boons seem to help integrate the AdMech into the overall power structure
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Cykeisme »

Short observation regarding the attempted degree of Imperial Guard infantry homogenisation on an intra-regimental level..

As you stated, not only are there statements that confirm that not all regiments are issued with lasguns and flak armor, there are very disparate reasons for this.

One reason, as some sources indicate, in cases of rare and terrible emergency, sometimes feral infantry are hurled into combat situations with virtually no training, and under-equipped.

Meanwhile, there are regiments from certain worlds that instead use locally-produced autoguns as their regimental-issue infantry weapon, and sometimes heavy stubbers instead of heavy bolters. Logically, I assume these regiments to be in the minority, because if that world were to start to raising enough regiments, the Departmento Munitorum would have them start using the sector- or segmentum-standard wargear to integrate them into the large-scale logistics network.
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Falkenhayn »

http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/ffg_c ... w-Res).pdf

Page 4. Triplex-pattern and Mk 36 Lasguns are officially dial-a-yield. Not that this is much news, but the implied power differences are...substantial, especially in the case of the Triplex.
Many thanks! These darned computers always screw me up. I calculated my first death-toll using a hand-cranked adding machine (we actually calculated the average mortality in each city block individually). Ah, those were the days.
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Not really surprising, since the 'Triplex' pattern in OW is basically the 'illegally modfiied' lasgun alternate settings mentioned in Black Crusade. I gather the Triplex is the 'official' version of that, or something, although its not rare or restricted to just that model (unless the triplex is alot more widespread, quite a few of the IG novels have 3+ charge settings for guns, and even the uplifting primer has 2 settings at least as standard.)

I though the potential was more interesting in conjunction with something like the 'overcharge' packs option - much heavier powerpack but also much greater output for the weapon.
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Falkenhayn »

Well, you'd only really have to give one overcharge pack per guy as a sort of "In Case of Carnifex, Break Glass".

Much simpler than maintaining a plasma infrastructure, if more an augment or last ditch replacement, and with an infinitely broader scope for deployment. Also politically useful to a much lesser degree, if you're sharing a theater of operations with the Marines Malevolent. :twisted:
Many thanks! These darned computers always screw me up. I calculated my first death-toll using a hand-cranked adding machine (we actually calculated the average mortality in each city block individually). Ah, those were the days.
"Mix'em up. I'm tired of States' Rights."
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Overcharge packs, as I noted, were interesting because they basically doubled (more than) the size of of the powerpack (which could in theory mean twice the energy) but also halved the number of shots. So you effectively get a 4x increase in firepower (not just the 2x.. gameplay abstraction like with the damage output scaling with the number of shots used..)

So if you have a lasgun with 'variable settings' and went to max power (4x) with an overcharge pack, you'd have an output effectively 16x greater than a regular lasgun. Of course you're also cutting your number of shots down to a handful (assuming a 60 shot powerpack, you['re getting 3-4 shots tops) and it's probably going to wear out the gun components as fast or faster than a hotshot pack will, but since you're probably getting Bolter level damage (astartes bolter? thats my guess) from a freaking lasgun.. and without using a hotshot pack... thats pretty damn impressive all the same. Just what you need to have your squad take down those pesky Space Marines!

Interestingly from the Weekly Only War Beta updates, it seems Triplex lasguns (and lasguns in general) may have been changed:
update wrote:M36 Lasgun (page 126): Add the following to the end of the
entry for the M36 Lasgun: “Lasgun Variable Setting: The M36
Lasgun has a variable setting option, allowing it to fire higher-powered
bursts. It may be changed to overcharge mode, dealing +1 Damage, but
using two shots worth of ammunition per shot fired. Further, the lasgun
may be changed to overload mode,dealing +2 Damage and gaining +2
Penetration. In this case, the lasgun uses four shots of ammunition per
shot fired, loses Reliable, and gains Unreliable.”
update again wrote:
Triplex Pattern Lasgun (page 126): Replace the entry for
the Triplex Pattern with the following: “A highly refined variant
of the standard lasgun, the triplex offers alternative firing modes
that make the weapon more versatile on the battlefield. When fired in
standard mode, the weapon uses the Rate of Fire, Range, and Damage
listed. When fired in precision mode, the Rate of Fire is changed to
S/–/–, the Range is changed to 150m, and the weapon gains the
Accurate Quality. When fired in incineration mode, the Rate of Fire
is changed to S/–/–, the Range is changed to 50m, and the weapon
gains Proven (5) and Felling (4).
Seems like the Triplex isn't just 'variable yield' level, but more a 'variable mode' type - it can be a regular lasgun, a long lase or... something scary. At least 'incineration' mode sounds damn scary (at the best it means you're getting some very very bad burns, and at worst, you're getting fucking cremated.)

Wonder if that will make it into the rules?
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Falkenhayn »

I hope so?

I'm reminded of the Company Gaunt sacrificed to slow down the Jantine. That's probably on the positive side of situations wherein you press The Button on your Lasgun, if you've got A Button to press on whatever make you're using.
Many thanks! These darned computers always screw me up. I calculated my first death-toll using a hand-cranked adding machine (we actually calculated the average mortality in each city block individually). Ah, those were the days.
"Mix'em up. I'm tired of States' Rights."
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next update for Inquisitor's Handbook:

Page 115
The Creed-9 is a compact autogun designed for close quarter warfare and constructed to a local variant of the long established design intended for Naval bording troopers. Made using lightweight materials and fitted with a telescopic stock, the Creed-9 is not much larger than a military autopistol in size...


Because of this "elite" role, its common to see Creeds sporting numerous upgrades and modifications such as red-dot sights, expanded mag-ports and fire selectors.
Compact SMG like autogun I gather.. possibly like the MP-7 or an Uzi or the P90

Page 115
A sophisticated autopistol no larger than the average compact stubber, the Encarmine sacrifices stopping power for a reduction in size and increase in clip capacity.

Unfortunately if faced with armoured opponents, the firer is likely to wish for somethign with a good deal more kick.
Gun design tradeoffs.

Page 115
This simple and reliable weapon is a compact twin-barrelled hand cannon, chambered to fire huge, custom-made soft alloy rounds that break apart on impact to cause horrific wounds.
Fykos Forge flametongue howdah pistol.

PAge 115
the twin blast is still devastating against "soft targets" (such as unarmoured civilians)..
A Hack is no substitute for a true combat weapon though, as many a ganger faced with carapace-armoured enforcers has found to their cost.
Basically a cut down, sawed off double barrel shotgun.

Page 116
...the Mariette is an extremely concealable compact stub pistol crafted from polyflex and ceramics with no metallic or powered components. Its four-chamber barrels are self-contained and the whole pistol is designed to easily break down into a handful of small parts. Disassembled, the Mariette can be easily concealed about the person or inside some innocuous object (such as a lamp or data-slate) with almost no chance of detection and be re-assembled to fire in mere seconds.
STealth handgun.

PAge 116
"The 'meat hammer' (so named for its tendency to turn flesh into unrecongnisable chunks) is a specially constructed, triple-barreld, open choke shotgun taht can all but destroy a living body with a single blast.
Inflicts bolter-like damage from three separate shotgun blasts. Frankly I'm surprised they only stopped at 3.

Page 116
..the Fane of Fykos makes only perhaps ten Nomads to commission every standard year..

Such perfect workmanship [of a Nomad hunting rifle] combined with the capability to empty a carnosaurs brainpan at two miles, they say, makes it worth every Throne.
Ah, a hunting rifle with a 2 km range and can explode a dinosaur-analogue's head (at last I'm assuming "carnosaur" means a large, carnivorous dinosaur based on this) Assuming an allosaurus we're talking something on the order of 1-1.5 tons estimated. Assuming a head massing some tens of kg based on that we're talking equivvalent to exploding an Orc or tyranid head really (warrior or bigger) Definite elephant gun or antimaterial rifle... ESPECIALLY given the range. The damn thing would probably have to be at least mach 3 if not 4 or even 5 to have that kind of range and accuracy.

Range increment for the weapon is 250, meaning that a normal hunting rifle (long las) at 150 has 60% of the range, and a lasgun (100) has 40% of the range, at 1.92 km and 1.28 km respectively. Bolters and autoguns and plasma guns have 1.1 km roughly. Heavy bolters and heavy stubbers have 1.54 km range each (roughly equal to HMg range!) Lascannon have 300, meaning it srange is greater (3.84 km!) Las carbines (60m) would have a range of around 770m. The lascannon matches with a lascannon range in Angels of Darkness, Lascarbine range is a bit less (but within range of) the 900m carbine range from Legion, and heavy bolter/stubbers have had ranges close to that. bolt pistol ranges (from space wolf, Angels of Darkness) also suggest bolters could be a km or so effective range.

Page 116
The Imperium is a universally militarised culture, beset from without and within.
On many worlds the carrying of arms is an accepted part of life and, despite the efforts of some panaroid planetary governors, tehre are often too many weapons in circulation to enforce control. This is particularily the case on hive worlds as many are centres not onyl for arms production but also for the mass storage of weapons; a hive that cannot arm at least a core of its massive population in a crisis or invasion would be found wanting in the eye sof the High Lords of Terra, and its rulers soon replaced.
The gun culture in the Imperium. Its also noted that Planetary governors might heavily tax legit weapons sales to the public, placing arms only in the hands of the wealthy and professional fighters (a swell as criminals and underhivers via the black market.) As we learn form some novels and other sources (like Necromunda) this is of limited value, as everyeone can get semi and fully automatic weapons, heavy weapons (autocannon and heavy stubbers), even exotics like bolt, plasma, and melta weapons if they want to. Only a few rare things like heavy bolters and lascannon seem to be truly uncommon or rare.

What's more is that it seems to be deliberate, as a means of protecting the individual against external or internal threat from terrorists, revolutionaries, invasions, etc. A mentality not uncommon in America, although in 40K I'd wager there's far greater odds of it happening than in the US :)

Page 118
Rather than caselsess ammo, the Ripper clip uses basic stub rounds and the weapon itself is made from industrail spares and crude pressed metal parts. A further eccentriticty of its design is its loading mechanism, a vertical strip of bullets wrenched through the autopistol as it fires (A feature copied from a common rivet gun.)
This implies caseless weapons may be relatively more common (or standard use) than cased ammo, although I suspect it varies from sector to sector or world to world. Cased ammo is not without obvious benefits, after all.

Much as with bolt rounds (and/or gyrojets, since no sources is consistent on whether the two are related although I personally don't think they are GJ) and flamers, needlers, and grenades/shells, I tend ot think the Imperium has some very highly developed chemical explosives/fuel technologies despite the relative "primitive-ness" of such. I mean fuck, they can use chem-powerd rocket engines to easily, routinely and efficiently make orbit without using multi-stage rockets.. and this isn't particularily high end for them. That's pretty damned neat in my book.

PAge 118
Technically, the Spectre assault device is an autogun and chambered to standard caseless rounds.


Featuring a tri-mag shot selection system, it not only has a huge capacity of fire, but the flexibility of freely switching between multiple loads. Beneath the blocky barrel-shroud, the Spectre also mounts and integral shotgun unit giving the user even more options for dealing death and a hidden heavy punch.
...consider it a "poor cousin" in comparison to the raw firepower of a bolter or hellgun.
Caseless rounds again, and a rare non-bolter combi-weapon type. Its implied to be less powerful than either a hellgun or a bolter, but this suggests it is perhaps powerful than a "standard" lasgun or autoweapon, and is in some way (rate of fire perhaps?) capable of approaching the other two in sheer firepower.

it also suggests bolters and hellguns might be on a rough parity with each other as far as damage capability goes. Given that both can often vaporize heads and blow apart chests, that is a reasonable assessment (at least with the right hellgun power packs.)

Page 118
...the Stormchild is essentially a scaled-up stub revolver with a hinged breach and a five shot cylinder. A heavyweight by any standards, the Stormchidl is fully capable of demolishign armoured targets and a well-placed shot from one can even cripple civilian vehicles.
Yet another insanely, insanely over powered hand cannon/stub pistol. Defintely in .44-.50 cal handgun territory if I recall correctly.

Page 119
Although a little ramshackle and dirty, it is not unlike many other hives across the Imperium.

...it also holds two subordinate hives in a merciless grip to ensure this position, hives that most off-worlders, if they are fortunate, never see.

The first, Magnagorsk, sinks deep into Fenksworld’s crust. Heavily industrialised, it is a hellish place of molten metal and volcanic fires, where warship armour is forged and poisonous ash fumes the air. The hive exists purely to serve the Battlefleet Calixis port anchorage in high orbit.
One subordinate hive of Nova Castilia which is noted to represent "typical" hives though perhaps lesser in quality (maintenance) and cleanliness. Another is a subterranean hive. Why the armor is forged underground, I have no idea. But it seems to be made in separate plates and then carted into orbit.

Page 119
Rather than towering above or delving into the earth, Volg sprawls for hundreds of square kilometres.....
The sprawl itself is made up of vast moisture-traps, reprocessing plants, waste-biomass recycling reservoirs and the mad clusters of stilt-supported shantytowns that cling to them. The simple truth is without these facilities’ output, famine, pollution and poisoned water would destroy Fenksworld in a few short years—the toil of millions is needed to keep billions more alive.
Over the centuries Volg, to the surprise of many, prospered and became a hive in its own right with a population in the tens of millions.
Another "subordinate hive' of Nova Castillia. Hundreds of sq km suggest it is perhaps a good 15-20 km in diameter although it doesnt seem to be a solid block of metal either.. What's interesting is that the hive is devoted to teh sort of recycling that can help keep a hive world alive - (at least one of the midlevel hives that isnt a complete industrial shithole like Necromunda.) - it isn't totally dependent upon other worlds to keep it supplied and functioning.

Also note it is a minor hive with "tens of millions"

Page 120
..the Talon is a medium calibre, fully automatic caseless cartridge pistol of a sturdy and practical design. Easily maintained, capable of laying down a hail of fire and handy enough to be easily used in confined spaces, autopistols such as the Talon are very popular for hive warfare...

Like most military autopistols, the Talon may also use an extended 30 round clip, but if this is the case, it may not be holstered and must be fired two-handed or the weapon...
Large capacity clips seem common modifications for autopistols - or at least those what fire caseless ammo. They also seem to be a common (civilian) hive weapon.

Page 120
Angelus bolt carbine has range increment 100, single shot, 11 kg weight and 3 shot clip. Each shot maybe weighs anywhere from 180 grams to 360+ grams!

Mauler pistol 30 m range increment, single and 3 shot semi-auto, 6 shot clip and weighs 2.75 kg.
23-45 grams per bolt maybe.

Spitfire "bolt pistol" 20m range increment, 3 shot clip, 3 kg mass.
50-100 grams per "bolt"

Page 120 - the Galvian Needler has a range of 30 meters. I wonder if this was supposed to be a "glavian"? It weighs 1 kg and has a 7 shot clip. This means the ammo clip maybe is 100 grams, and if half of that is ammo we're talking 7-14 grams per dart.

Widower dart caster has a range increment of 35, 1 shot clip, and weighs 2 kg. A 200 gram 'clip' which is just one dart.. 100-200 grams.. going ot put a hefty limit on muzzle velocity Assuming 100-200 m/s velocity we get between 500 J and 4 kj. I'm actually more towards the lower end of things in this case... it may not even need to be that high.. a few hundred j could cover it, although I'm not sure what range it would have.

- The "destroyer" flamer gets a range 50% greater than a normal flamer (15 range). and masses 2.1 kg. 5 shot clip at 210 gram cannister (20-40 grams per "shot') The Gas Torch mases 20 kilos. gets 5 shots from a 2 kg clip (400 grams per "shot")

Page 120 - hive las weapons. Assuming all cases a 150 wh/kg sodium sulfur powerpack. To adjust to other powerpack 'energy ratings" simply divide the stated value by the energy rating I gave and multiply the figures below by it. (EG If we use a 3 MJ powerpack the lasgun shots all become 5.6x more powerful.)

civitas has 25 m range increment, 25 shot clip, and weighs 2 kg. 200 gram powerpack. Assuming sodium sulfur (150-200 w/hr per kg) means 108 kj.. 4.3 kj per shot. This would indicate that military weapons probably have both lighter and more powerful batteries (for example getting 4 KJ per shot from a 150 gram powerpack suggests an energy density closer to 800-900 kj per kg. Single shot adn semi(2) ROf

The Deathlight has a slightly lower range than regular lasgun (80 m instead of 100 m) and only gets eighteen shots (compared to 40 or 60), Semi auto ROF of 3, and weighs 7.2 kilos, but it has better penetration and damage overall. 720 gram powerpack, at 18 shots.. 21.6 kj per shot.

Dueling las masses 1.7 kg, range increment of 30m and one shot per clip. Has tearing quality, suggesting bolter like damage perhaps. 170 gram clip suggests 92 kj per shot.. suggesting a rough idea of hotshot magnitude (at least for a pistol!)

Drusus prime lasgun is 100m increment, single/2-shot semi auto, 50 shot clip and weighs 7 kg.
Heavier than DH lasguns. 700 gram clip.. 7.56 kj per shot. Funny enough this suggests normal (IG issue) lasguns would be of higher performance than CAlixis sector weapons in general.. (4 kg rather than 7 kg) This may be because the Drusus is a PDF issue lasgun. Compared to the DH lasgun, a 400 gram, 60 shot clip, we're talking a battery equal to oh.. 1.16 MJ per kg I'd say.

The minevera Aegis has a rate of fire of 4 on Semi, and 8 on fully automatic. Its rate of fire as a carbine is 60 m, and it has a 40 shot clip and weighs 4.1 kg. 410 gram clip, 5.5 kj per "shot".

The Steel burner laspistol (high power) has a 10 shot clip and a range of 30 meters. and masses 2.5 kg. 250 gram clip, 10 shot capacity.. 13.5 kj per shot.

Palantine "compact" laspistol masses 1.1 kg, 20 m range increment, and has single and 3 shot semi auto setting. 15 shots per clip. 110 gram powerpack.. 3.96 kj per shot.

Series S-Venom has 10m range increment, 15 shot clip, and weighs .5 kg. 50 gram powerpack and 15 shot capacity.. 1.8 kj per shot.

Single shot grenade launcher has a range of 60 m and masses 8 kg. 1 shot clip, 800 gram "magazine" - 400-800 gram grenade?

The Melta-cutter has a 5 shot clip and weighs 30 kg. Again has absolute max range of 10m (ingame stats) 3 kg shot and consumes 600 grams of "fuel" per shot tops. Considering it can virtually vaporize/cremate a carapace-armored person (hundreds of MJ at least, several GJ easily) magical melta "fuel' in this case is easily single or double digit GJ per kg.

Page 121

Projectile weapons. If cased ammo half the mass, if caseless full mass. I'm not sure which all of which are cased or caseless mostly, because both are mentioned, but just be in mind of that.

Armageddon pattern autogun has a range of 100m and 15 shot clip, and a ROF of 2 (on semi) and 6 (on full auto). MAsses 8.5 kg. .850 gram magazine, assuming half the mass is the clip, we're talking a good 28 grams per bullet, which is.. very heavy. The closest analogue is this or this.. which means "large animal, elephant gun' style cartridges. Not good for full auto!

Armsman-10 is 35 m range increment, single/semi(3), 13 shot clip, 1.5 kg A variation on naval autopistol. 150 gram clip, 6-11.5 gram bullet

Blackhammer 20m range increment, 1 shot clip, and weighs 4.7 kg .470 gram clip.. 200-470 gram projectile :) Considering its basically firing dozens of stubber-sized pellets.. not reall shocking. each pellet would be betwene 2-20 grams :P

The Carnodon has a 6 shot clip and masses 2.5 kg, range increment of 35m and single and 3 shot semi auto. 20-40 gram bullet. Thats a heavy bullet, but the entry describes it looking superficially like, and the internal layout emulating a bolt pistol, so it probably is a high caliber round (possibly even large bore as a bolt pistol?)

VI Crank cannon is 70m range increment, Full (5) ROF, 100 shot clip, and weighs 38 kg. 19-38 gram bullets.

Encarmine autopistol is 20m range, single/semi(3)/full(8), 24 shot clip, and 2 kg weight. 4-8 gram bullet from a 200 gram clip. The gun that sacrificed power for magazine space and a more compact weapon.

I won't list the flametongue, I can't hink fo any analogues I could calc from anyhow :)

The Creed-9 copmpact autogun has a ROF of 3 (semi) and 10 (full) and 35 ammo, 3.6 kg weight, and 50 meter increment range. This is the naval boarding troop compcat close in autogun. 5-10 gram bullet.

Fate Bringer pistol (40m range increment, 5 shot clip, 1.6 kg mass. Duelling pistol. 16-32 gram bullet.

Hack shotgun (double barrel) is 3 kg mass, 1 shot capacity (dual barrels firing at once remember), 20m range increment, 300 gram "clip", but remember this is 2 shotgun barrels firing at once so we're probably talking 75-150 gram shells anyhow.

Hecuter auto pistol 30 m range increment, single, semi (3 shot), and 6 shot full auto. 15 round clip. Of eisenhorn fame. 2 kg mass.. 7-13 gram bullet.

The .54 Tranter has a 7 shot capacity and masses 3.5 kg. 30 m range increment, single and twin semi shot. The head-remover. 25-50 gram bullet. Considering it has to be fired two handed we're probably talking in excess of 14-20 kg*m/s recoil (About what the S&W 500 has) - should be a good 3-4 kj I expect.

Mariette is 20m range increment, single shot, .5 kg the four chambered barrel assassin pistol.
50 gram "clip, of 4 shots 6-12.5 gram bullet apiece.

Mercy Killer is 20m rnage increment, 1 shot, 1 kg mass. Low end crap handgun, scratch built. 50-100 gram bullet.

Meat hammer weighs 5 kg and single shot. 30m rang eincrement. Single shot but encompasses 3 shotgun shells. Half a kg 'clip', which means btween 80 and 170 gram shells.

Ripper clip has 12 shot, and only full auto (6) and weighs 3 kg. 300 gram clip 12-25 gram bullet.

The Spectre has 3 20 shot clips, a 3 shot semi and a 10 shot fully automatic ROF and a range of 80 as an autoweapon. range 30, 4 shot lcip as shotgun. .65 gram clip for shotguna nd rifle means 80-160 gram shells for shotgun. I'm not sure whether mass is for all 3 20 shot clips or just one. If its per clip you get between 16-32 gram shots. If its for all 3 you get between 6-11 gram bullets.

The Nomad Rifle masses 10 kg, has an ammo capacity of 4, a range of 250m (increment) 1 kg magazine.. meaning 100-250 gram(!) bullets. i'm almost certain this is cased, and most of that mass has to be propellant. It may even be saboted. I'd guess half to 1/4 of that is projectile (25-50 gram bullet maybe?) assuming a 900-1500 m/s velocity you get.. 90-375 kg*m/s worth of momentum and 40-282 kj. A bit.. to much, unless they magically made it recoilless or it usees suspensors or something (possible, but debatable.) Assume a 25-50 gram bullet. For 25 grams you get between 22.5-37.5 kg*m/s momentum, and 10-28 kj. A bit better, more in line with elephant guns. 50 gram bullet would be 2x that, and 100 gram would be 4x that, although both bring us into "iffy" recoil territory again, and that doesn't even factor in propellant!

I'm actually inclined to go with 25-50 gram bullet at maybe 900-1200 m/s, and possibly using an explosive tip.

Puritan-14 20m range increment (15m as shotgun), single/semi(3)/full(6), 14 shot clip (1 shotgun), 1.7 kg. 85-170 gram shotgun shell, 6-12 gram bullets.

Phobos stubber 30m range increment, single/semi(3), 9 shot clip, 1.3 kg mass. 7-14 gram bullet.

Talon Mark 3 has 0m range increment, single, semi (2 shot) and full auto (6 shot) and 18 shot clip. Masses 2.3 kg. 7-13 gram bullet.

Salvation 10m range increment, single/semi(3), 7 shot clip, .7 kg mass 5-10 gram bullet. Considering its a compact autogun, bullet mass isnt surprising.

Scalptaker 30m range increment, 6 shot clip, 2 kg mass 15-33 gram bullet mass

Slayer 30m range increment, 6 shot clip, 3.5 kg mass. 29-58 gram bullet mass. Shotgun.

Steadholder 100m range increment, 6 shot clip, 5 kg mass 41-83 gram bullet mass. Considering its a fronteir lever gun (repeater) i'd not be surprised at projectile mass.

Stormchild 35 m range increment, 5 round clip, 3 kg mass. anotrhe hand cannon. 30-60 gram bullet. Considering its ability to demolish armoured targets and cripple civilian vehicles, that seems about right :)

Page 121
The “Crank Cannon” uses cheaply prefabricated parts and standard heavy stubber ammo.

Its firing mechanism is purely hand-powered, the firer literally cranking the firing handle to grind the ammo belts through the breach and rotate the weapon’s quad barrels.
Lo tech gatling gun in other words. :)

Page 122
In any given hive, millions must live together in jostling proximity, utterly dependant on a complex and gargantuan infrastructure for the mere basics of daily life such as food, power, light and even clean air.

the two-decade long period of petty revolts and near civil anarchy caused by the misrule of House Koba on Malfi left near a billion dead...
Implies hive city populations between millions and billions I guess it depends on size and importance. (EG volg having tens of millions)

Page 123
Crafted from mono-serrated plexsteel, the average bolo has a distinctive 40 centimetre long, inwardly curving blade that widens somewhat before the tip. This shape makes the bolo perfect for heavy slashing blows and, in skilled hands, it can lop-off limbs or open-up a man gut to gullet in a single stroke. Still used on Malfi as an everyday tool..
"mono-serrated plexsteel" for a knife. this is a bolo knife. given the weight distribution and the mono edge, no surprise it can chop off limbs.

Page 123
The chain knife works on the same principle as its larger kin: the chain sword. It often appears similar to a short cleaver or wide dirk, with a squat and murderous look to it. Powered by a compact cell in the hilt, the weapon’s buzzing teeth rip through flesh with ease and splatter onlookers with hot gore.
- "Chain knife" - a knife version of a chainsword appearing as a "short cleaver or wide dirk." Still a fucking heavy weapon.

Page 123
On Landunder, the buzz blade is famously the province of the labour gangs that control the docking airlocks of the eight cities,
- eight great cities of "landunder" Eight hive cities that is.

Page 123
Crafted from ceramics and unique alloys, the result they say is “as sharp as sin”. Each is a deadly work of art, capable of slicing a hand off with a single blow and punching easily through light armour.
super special 40K cutting sword, non mono non powered.

Page 123
The baton is a polymer sheathed, metre-long rod of strengthened plasteel with a hollow core part-filled with a dense liquid metal alloy to augment the force of blows struck with it.

Magistratum/enforcer baton

Page 123
The crust of Landunder floats on a toxic chemical sea, shifting over the planet’s surface at the whim of the undersea’s deep tides. On the underside of that crust cling eight great cities, their armoured shells covered by intake vents, portals and docking bays like ancient organic growths.
Landunder hives. Seem to be an awful lot of mobile hives in this region of space.

Page 124
Chain knife is 2.5 kg, bolo knife is 2 kg., punisher baton is 3 kg. Emperor's whisper is .5 kg..
The Chain knife is what gets me.. a 5-6 pound "knife" - which is heavier than some actual swords.

Page 124
A thin rapier-like blade of the highest quality adamantine alloys and equipped with a miniaturised disruption field generator of great sophistication

Power rapier tpe weapon.

Page 124
..from primitive hides and scraps of metal to carapace armour worn by the PDF and military forces, can be found on nearly any hive world.
Advanced Armour covers all forms of high-tech protective gear that does not fall into the four traditional types of Imperial armour: Mesh, Flak, Carapace or Power. This is usually because they are either developed for a special purpose or are made from rare materials that prohibit mass production.
Body armor stuff. note advanced armors are outside those categories (unique or special stuff.) Also carapace seems rather common in calixis.

Page 125
the hardened body glove comprises a form-fitting suit made up of flexible mesh fibre material that tenses when sturck to disperse the impact. Additionally, the suit is also reinforced with a micro-scale insert of hardened ceramic lamellar plating over vital areas. Wearable undeer other loose or specially tailored clothing, hardened body gloves are a common choice for elite troopers engaged in covert operations, bodyguards, and anyone who wishes to protect themselves without an overt show of doing so.


hardened body gloves can be purchased with a sealable hood (covering the head) and inherent stealth features, making the wearer harder to detect with auspexes, IR vision, and the like.
The body glove weighs 5 kg. It goes without saying that ever since Eisenhorn bodygloves have become pretty widespread and commonly mentioned, however as advanced armor they aren't mass produced despite their neat qualities. still it shows some of what 40K body armor can do.

hell even the inserts are stealthy. The stealth features are also interesting. Rare availability.

Page 125
The shroud is the common name for an integrated suit of heavy protective gear including a temperature-insulating under-suit and a heavy, hooded blast coat of polymer and ceramite-alloy weave. The shroud takes it name from the vast magma-fed forges of Volcanis deep beneath the surface of Mars, and has long been a staple of heavy industrial hives and forge world gear, not least in Magnagorsk on Fenksworld where it is the universal garb of the foundry guilders...


The suit also has a built-in rebreather and photo-visor.
Volcanis shroud masses 20 kg. It also qualifies as advanced armor, but is of "average' availability.

Page 126
Produced by Hax-Orthlack for the Lord Governor’s Magistratum enforcers, this suit of light articulated carapace is fully enclosed and features both a respirator and flash reactive eyepieces built into the helm. While most commonly encountered in the unforgiving grey-steel of the Scintilla Magistratum...
The suit of armour also has a built in respirator, comm-bead and photo-visor.
ITs weight is 16 kg. It alsolooks alot like power armor.

Page 126
“Cognomen” is the official Administratum designation in the Calixis Sector for a hiver’s identity card. In a hive, it is one of the only viable means of tracking, taxing and identifying the citizenry. Cognomen are usually blank iron-grey, punched-metal squares (about the size and shape of a playing card) and designed to be read by data-slates and cogitator systems.
...it represents the only legal proof of identity, a right to work and even to be fed and housed for the average mid-hiver. Its loss might genuinely mean starvation, abandonment, arrest or even being cast down into the underhive in the blind face of Imperial bureaucracy.
ID and citizen tracking technology. Part Debit Card and part social security/ID card.

Page 126
This represents a catch-all category of tools and materials, from special parchment inks to task-dedicated codifiers intended to help the user forge or duplicate official documents, cognomen, passes and permits.
Forgery Kit and the sort of gear that qualifies as such, although the exact type of gear probably depends on quality. Scarce.

Page 127
Intended as fealty-badges, bargaining chips or signal-markers, holo wafers are small ceramic discs, each about as thick as a coin and no wider than a palm. Each is keyed to show a particular small holographic image when triggered.
Neat tech. scarce

Page 127
Ocular Catechizer: A device favoured by ranking adepts, sages, and Administratum officials, these arcane and intricate-looking eyepieces are designed to magnify objects and help identify and analyse visual patterns and data. They are somewhat temperamental instruments, requiring stillness and concentration to use; their machine-spirits are notoriously easily vexed...
Another neat bit of tech. Labeled as scarce.

Page 127
The “penthrift dreadful” is a Calixian slang name for a small, cheaply printed pamphlet containing lurid stories of sordid murders, gang violence, fanciful tales of xenos atrocities and other strange occurrences, all couched in the form of morality tales or scaremongering religious tracts in order to evade censorship by the authorities.
- "Penthrift Dreadful" - indication that literature/fiction is printed (Albeit with approrpiate "dogmatization" in Imperial terms) in the Imperium. Play on words of the "Penny Dreadful" comics of decades past. In 40k terms its more properly like a chick tract (at least the approved ones would be.)

I wodner what 40K Lensman analogies would be like lol.

Page 127
About the size of a pocket chrono, the salvation auger is designed to detect the presence of harmful radiation, airborne toxins and pollutants. These devices are common on most hive worlds, particularly for up-hivers venturing into the depths. Augers alert the wearer when danger is encountered, coming in a variety of patterns and makes, varying from ornate hololithic dials to utilitarian lapel-boxes that shriek alarms when triggered. Basic models do nothing more than signal danger, while the better models can be read... ...to determine the exact nature of the hazard.
Geiger counter/radiation warning thingy. Basic is common, superior quality is average.

Page 128
A domestic toy of the wealthy, phonographs are bulky table-piece devices of clockwork-cogs, switches, vox-grills, sounding horns and lens-projectors, built to play music or provide flickering holo-lantern shows. The usual fare for a vox-phonograph is orchestral symphonies, inspirational Ecclesiarchy sermons, issued guild reports and pict-slides each recorded on a micro-etched metal cylinder which plugs into the machine’s loom to be played. Better models (twice the listed price) may record cylinders of their own and play media from other sources such as data-slates.
a mix of the archaic and high tech.. trademark 40K.

Page 128
Vox thief - this compelx device of the Omnissiah's arts is designed to pick up, store and analyse both vox and data transmisisons in the surrounding area.


Short range vox-thieves are the size of a data-slate and have a range of about two to three kilometres, while long range modesl are larger units, containing a powerful in-built cogitator and are comparable to military vox casterS in size (a large backapack) with a range of up to 50 kilometers.
Snooper/detection equipment. It's all "rare" availability.

Page 128
Although often ritualised and little understood by most who use them, ward accessors are electronic passes that allow access to certain areas that are otherwise restricted. Such security measures are commonplace in hive cities where individual citizens and workers usually find certain places off-limits.
Security device basically.

PAge 128
For most hive citizens who spend their lives trudging from their hab-stacks and mid-hive tenement blocks to dreary and repetitive jobs in the manufactorum, the service-corps and work crews, life represents a somewhat bleak monotony...
On most Imperial hive worlds (and those of Calixis are no different), what little mass media exists is rigidly controlled by the Ecclesiarchy and state for reasons of security and moral instruction. Rampant materialism, outside of the rarefied classes of the highborn and wealthy, is all but unknown.
taverns, refectories, music halls and cook-shops offer the most commonplace daily escapes, while visits to holo-lantern shows, the carnivora or circus, or the greenery of a sealed arbour dome, are costly and rare excursions.
- the Ecclesiarchy and the "State" (Governros of a planet) control what little "mass media" exists for both security and "moral instruction" (IE brainwashing). That doesn't mean it isn't entertaining per se, but its invariably going to be presented/slanted in a way favourable to the Imperium. (Eg "Attack Run" from the Cain stories, or Amberley's lil promthium primer.)

The above of course, is rather archaic. Depending on source and locale you can actually get people who have radio and television analogues :)

Page 130
This highly potent medicinal compound serves to greatly enhance resistance to most forms of toxins, contaminations, micro-parasites and infection for a period of hours after its application, although repeated use can cause physiological damage. Panimune is found in the med-kits of many enforcer squads, tech-priests and other parties wishing to descend into the underhive or travel through hazard zones.
Pan-imune. Probably quite useful for the Guard and the like when it comes to moving from planet to planet... especially over long distances.

Page 131
...lumimum tats (or “shine-jobs” as they are also known), are subdermal circuit and chemical tattoos that are essentially the “poor cousin” of the electoos crafted by the Cult Mechanicus. Displaying luminous and sometimes animate images, markings, slogans and gang-glyphs..
Low quality electoos. High quality ones will be actually holographic.

Page 131
A medicae device intended to speed and aid the healing process. The resusatrix takes the shape of an upright tube-chamber in which the subject is placed and hooked up to sedation, drug regulation and life support systems, supsended in a thick curative solution of fluids, antinecrotics and proteins. Thanks to the level of sophisticated techno-arcana required in their construction and maintenance, these chambers are often confied to the medicae facilities found on hive worlds and other tech-advanced locales, although some noble houses, ship's captains andguilds are resourced enough to have their own.
The various bio-auguries fitted to the chamber also count as a medical auspex...
high end life support medical equipment.

Page 132
When fired at a target area, the energy field created by the [gravity] gun creates a sudden an dpowerful gravitational flux. Whilst unlikely to do more than knock living creatures violently to the floor, ,the effect can be extremely damaging to the internal mechanisms and moving parrts of vehicles, and can be paticularily lethla to skimmers and other devices with their own grav-engines quickly destabilised and overloaded by the flux-field.
gravity gun. Another nonlethal weapon (sort of) along with webbers. and a good way to fuck up macheirnery.

Page 133
Victims caught in the rad-cleanser's blast suffer an agonising death as their tissues are blown apart on a cellular level and they are boiled alive from within. Even metals may combust in the powerful blast created by a rad-clenaser. These horrific weapons are extremely difficult to manufacture and heavily proscribed by the Cult Mechanicus...
They mention they are more common in the Calixis sector, hinting that someone has the knowledge to make them. Eitehr way its a nasty sort of weapon on the order of microwave meltaguns. "boiled alive" and "blown apart" sound like explosive vaporization to some degree... megajoule somewhere, although argument over single digit (blown apart as part of the body is superheated/flash boiled), double (large volume of the body boiled), or triple (total vaporization, at least.) is up for debate.

Page 133
Taking the shape of a bulky, tubular pistol, when fired it discharges a blast of electromagnetic force capable of completely overloading a human’s nervous system or just as usefully disrupting the control systems of a rogue servitor. These weapons are configured to use standard laspistol power packs, though because of their high-energy requirements, they get only a relatively few shots from each pack.
Shock gun. Probably lethal electrocution, but I probably won't calc it since it isn't easy to measure that sort of thing. I couldn't even begin to guess.

Page 133
..this pattern of high-power, rapid discharge lasweapon remains unchanged as the standard armament of the elite Skitarii Secutor squads. As well as delivering a larger charge, hellgun blasts are more focused than those of a lasgun and capable of easily punching through light armour, inflicting distinctive “through-and-through ” burn wounds on their victims. These matte-black weapons receive energy from a power capacitor usually attached to the backpack of the Secutor’s carapace armour, but can use standard lasgun power packs if needed, although they will only get twelve shots from a pack before exhausting it.
Hellgun. more powerful AND more focused than a lasgun. Distinctive "through and through" burn wounds, meaning they overpenetrate like a motherfucker, although whether they inflict burns througha given volume front to back or actually put a hole through, up for debate.

Backpack power source 40 shot clip. REgular lasgun pack is worth 60 shots (as per Dark heresy) but could be as low sa 40... Means hellgun consumes 3-5x the energy of a lasgun.

if we assume a 400 gram powerpack (or a 700 one for the PDF drusus lasgun) and the 150 wh/kg lasgun pack we get between 216 and 378 kj. This means between 18 and 31.5 kj per shot. And means a lasgun could be between 3.6 and 10.5 kj per shot. going by the "through and through'.. assuming a 2 cm diameter hole straight through and 3rd-4th degree burns we'd be talking between 6-15 kj per shot.

Page 133
A trio of semi-habitable planets in anarchic, fluxing orbit around theri violent blue-white sun, Lathe-Het, Lathe-Hesh, and LAthe-Hadd lie at the centre of the system. The population toiling in the continent-spanning macro-foundries based there to exploit the unique grravitation fluxes are huge, heavyset brutes more Ogryn in stature than man. But they are but one part of the story, for scattered throughougt the planetary system are dozens of vast city-sized orbital stations and hundreds of mining and research outposts, hulks, asteroid bases and scores of vast steelglass domed agrology platforms - arbours of green and blue that provide food and water amid the frozen void. Access to the inner system is strictyl controlled by automated ward ships and the Magos Militant commanding the massed power and might of the Mechanicus, capable of calling in extemis on the dread might of the Titans of LEgio Venator, who are said to have a hidden fortress on the dead moon of Lycosidae at the system's heart. The outer fringes of the system are somewhat more receptive to visitors, ,and it is here at the trans-shipping orbitals that the great Chartist vessels and MEchanicus high-liners put in to trade and export the Lathe system's vast output, whislt also feeding its equally vast hunger for ore and metal. Fiercely independent and beholden to none but the lords of distant Mars, the Lathe System's near five billion inhabitants answer only to the Archmagos council of the ruling Lathe-Covenant....
The Lathes. Notable for the weird magic gravities providing extremely useful forging properties or something, via ogryn-like persons. Dozens of city sized orbitals, hundreds of outposts, automated "ward" ships - servitor controlled defence ships perhaps? seems really high end.

Also total population of five billion. A bit smaller than the Medina system, but it is a Forge world. Much of it is probably sevitors anyhow.

Page 134

Weapons stats..
Grav gun 30m range increment, 3 shot clip, weighs 5 kg.

Rad cleanser same range increment, 20 shot clip, weighs 26 kg. Both are blast (Area effect) weapons. 2.6 kg power pack, whatever it uses for ammo.

Shock blaster 20m range increment, single and two-shot semi-auto, 7 shot clip, 3 kg mass. Rather odd that it uses a lasgun powerpack, since this suggests it uses a 300 gram powerpack for a laspistol - 162 kj per pack... 23 kj for the shock blaster per shot A laspistol would get 5.4 kj.

the D'laku hellgun has a range of 100m, ROF of 3 (semi) and 5 (full), a 40 shot clip, and weighs 10 kg. 1 Kg power pack at 540 kj is 13.5 kj per shot. Lasgun is 2.7-4.5 Kj per shot.

The Kronos plasma pistol has a range of 30 m(regular setting) or 40m (maximla), a clip of 10, and weighs 4 kg. Assuming hydrogen energy density.. 57 MJ, or 5.7 MJ per shot.

The Panoptic "automata pistol" pistol has 25 shot clip capacities, range incrmeent of 35, and fires single or two-shot semi auto and weighs 2 kg. 4-8 gram bullets.

Vanaheim shotgun has a range increment of 40m, single, 3 shot semi, 6 shot full auto. 15 shot capacity, and weighs 8 kg. 25-50 gram shell.

Page 134
In addition to seeing military service, this sophisticated plasma pistol is offered for sale by the Mechanicus weaponsmiths of the Lathes at an exorbitant price for those who wish to purchase its sacred power. Just why this rare and potent device of the Omnissiah’s divine wrath is available for sale while other lesser weapons are not remains another inscrutable mystery of the Mechanicus.

The Kronos has two settings: on the maximal setting it consumes three shots from the clip at once, and requires two rounds after firing to recharge.
3 shots is around 16-17 MJ per shot. Also mechanicus sales.

Page 134
These intricate automata-guns feature two separate ammunition cylinders and count as being fitted with a Fire Selector.
PAnoptic automata pistol. Not sure what an "Automata gun" is. automatic probably. Dual magaizne I guess.

Page 134
...this compact auto-loader shotgun is the standard armament of the Skitarii-Provosts who take the role of the enforcers found on other worlds. Provost enforced law and order is as coldly and absolutely maintained as their machine-minded masters could wish,
The Vanahiem shotgun features an inbuilt red-dot laser sight and a melee attachment in the shape of a retractable saw-bladed bayonet as standard.
Forge world versions of enforcers. Even if its a shotgun, its a high end shotgun.

Page 135
A breacher is a high-power drilling device made from hyper-dense adamantine alloys and fitted with a matter-wave generator, designed to drill through the toughest materials and ore deposits, break up blocks, and puncture bulkheads.
Because of its bulk and vibration when activated...
I wonder if the "matter wave" generator is a variaiton of a disrupton field. Probably is. note the "hyper dense" admantium alloy.

PAge 135
...and utilising the properties of the Sollex focusing crystals, this is one of the rarest type of weapons in the Imperium- a blade of coherent high-energy plasma which materialises from the armoured hilt as a blazing, roaring column of blue-white fire.


Although potent beyond even most power weapons, they can also prove treacherous to the unwary as the energy blade can fluctuate, teh laser containment fail or the insubstnatial blade slip unexpectedly.


While the energy blade does have a degrree of density and mass, physical force applied to the swing contributes nothing to the weapon effect...

Additionally, the blade consumes cannister fuel, just as a plasma pistol doe, with each canister worn on the belt and fed via a cable to the hilt (good for 10 rounds of continuous operation.)
A variation of the lightsaber blade Eisenhorn had in xenos. Plasma instead of photons. Laser containment is.. interesting. Weapon is not stealthy - makes a furnace blast roar noise and throws off immense light. Does not burn wielder, which suggests its more than EM containment (although the fact no plasma leaks out the tip is another good giveaway.

A round is something like 5 seconds.. meaning that a blade is worth 50 seconds of continuous operation. Given the 1 kg mass we might figure 100 grams. Although a palsma pistol flask is 400 grams. Its uncertain whether or not the flask for the sword is the same as for the pistol. 14-57 MJ depending on mass. Over 50 seconds we're talking 280 kw 1.14 MW of sustained power.

I'd guess this is "maximum output" since i ams ure the sword is meant to be used for far longer than 50 seconds (given it is not stealthy it does not "scale back" output instantly) I'd guess it could go for reduced output (it is a plasma weapon and plasma weapons can do that) but even double or triple digit kw could inflict severe, localized burns, esp if you hit a vital spot (like the heart)

Page 135

- the energy blade can behave as a power weapon (it has a power field or acts like one) and weighs 1 kg. Breacher is 18 kg, a Vivisector is 1.5 kg.

Page 136
The Vivisector is a long ornate gauntlet that locks over the user’s forearm. Servo-augmented articulation extends over the fingers, which are tipped with laser cutters, bio-solvents, shears and flensing instruments. While the ignorant may confuse the Vivisector with a medical device, this is no instrument of healing. Designed to dissect and portion organic tissues in the flesh works of forge worlds, it can be turned into an unwieldy but horrific weapon at a whim.

Page 136
...it is the Skitarii Tech-Guard, also known as the Forge Guard, that form the rank and file of the armed forces of both the Adeptus Mechanicus and the ancient War Houses linked to the Cult Mechanicus.
..the secret holdfast of the Panopticon Orbital station hidden at the centre of the Lathes’ treacherous asteroid belts. Here it is claimed the Myrmidons walk; masters of the mysterious Ordo Reductor, they are said to be towering and fearful figures decked out in blood-red and black robes, bearing the forbidden weapons of a bygone age. Even wilder legends speak of this place as the home of mech-assassin covenants and the dread Magister Samadhi – beings who most Magos consider no more than a dark myth. Some even speculate that the Panopticon’s rulers are members of a secret order known as the Lords Dragon, an ancient and powerful cabal of Archmagos tasked with policing the Mechanicus itself.
AdMech military forces. Note the Ordo Reductor, although no (obvious) mention of siege dreadnoughts here.

PAge 137
these rare, fist-sized amulets contain powerful refractor field generators capable of warding off the fiercest blows and most violent assaults.
While activated, the air around the user visibly ripples and crackles intermittently with static discharge.
A field may not be activated for more than one hour without burnout occurring: the amulet requires two hours to recharge once it has been used.
Amulet of warding. Admech version of rosarius I guess.

Page 137
Worn by the warrior tech-priests of the Magos Militant and the field enginseers assigned to frontline duty with the Imperial Guard, each set of dragon scale is individually hand-forged frrom adamantine and ceramite plating and woven with prayers of permanence and micro-etched with fractal incantations of defense. Offering protection equivalent to the finest powered armour, dragon scale's greatest advantage is that it is designed to interface directly with the tech-priest's cybernetic body and draws its power from his potentia coil, never needing to be recharged while worn.

This armour includes a photo visor and respirator.

It also boosts strenght, so for all intents and purposes it behaves like power armor. It's also "advanced armour" so it is not mass produced. Not sure if "finest power armour' is meant to imply terminator or Artificer-armour like protection though. Even more it weighs only 20 kilos!
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Yet another Inquisitor's Handbook update. almost done, and then the individual updates should get smaller.

Page 138
These internal (Chem implant) systems are often copies of ancient biotech designs made to automatically dispense stimms and other drugs directly into the user's bloodstream. Ther most advanced of these systems are rare and arcane surgical implants whose use is often limited to elite Skitarii warriors and the dreaded mech-assasins. For the right price, however, the Mechanicus will perform this surgery on anybody, and many great house or guild agents and even nobles undergo it.
Mechanical versions of the chem gland I suspect. More versatile and perhaps more easy to integrate.

Page 138
Chem Gland: These rare and expensive implants are wonders of the bio-sculptor's craft. Invisibly concealed within the body are miniaturised chemical factories that consume the user's own natural resources to synthesize powerful chemical agents.
Much as those used in the Gland Warriors of Inquisitor Fame.

Page 138
Using a pre-existing bionic arm, a pistol or a short, singlehanded melee weapon can be modified and implanted as a concealed device.
Implanted weapon.

PAge 138
Hermetic Infusion: As another departure from the frailties of the flesh, the infusor system replaces human blood and blood processing organs with a far more efficient biomechanical serum, the most advanced forms of which contain legions of microscopic homunculitic machines that can search out and repair damage with frightening speed.
Aside from a greying of the flesh and visible withering of the tissues, Hermetic Infusion has one marked side effect: the tech-priest’s body can no longer use human blood...
micromachine blood I guess.

PAge 139 -
In the deep mines, the helots are fitted with massive implant-drills and rams bonded into their nervous system, and their bodies are augmented to better perform their duties. Such improvements are often crudely fitted, and endlessly recycled for use again after the failure of their current fleshy housing.
Helot/servitor augmetics.

Page 139
While the Lathes are the most widely known and undoubtedly powerful Mechanicus domains in the Calixis Sector, there are numerous other minor holdings, ranging from unmanned explorator way stations, to mining outposts, colonial satrapies and research facilities.
AdMech facilities in Calixis.

Page 139
Once little more than a forgotten feudal world...
...this colony was ceded as a result of political manoeuvrings into Mechanicus control.
Now feudal primitivism and the techno-arcane exist side-by-side. It is a world where cyber-augmented beasts pull the ploughs in fields still sown by hand, and liveried gun-servitors patrol the battlements of stone castles.
Whether this unusual approach by the world’s distant overlords is some generations-long experiment or some rarely used but established practice of the Mechanicus remains unknown.
Unsurprisingly, Admech territory is not fixed, and may grow or shrink with gains or losses (through exploration, colonisation, politics, etc.) Hell if we take the vostroyan example, tehre's even joint ownership.

page 139
The Hippocrasian Agglomeration orbits the lifeless world of Morwen VI, a planet whose life was stripped from it by orbital bombardment at the outset of the Adrantian phase of Angevin’s great crusade. The Hippocrasians are a sect of the Biologis concerned with the death of flesh: how it occurs, what brings it about and how it can be halted.

the planet’s scorched and ash-coated surface suits the needs of the Hippocrasian sect.
Morwen VI is orbited by an irregular agglomeration of ships that now make up one of the largest and most secretive Mechanicus independent facilities in the sector,...
Orbital bombardment rendred a planet uninhabitable. We dont know how many ships or how long, but its worth noting that conventional bombardment can kill all life on the planet (scorched and ash coated, suggested significant temperatures to the atmosphere.) In 'Lathe Worlds' we learn it was a 6-7 day bombardment that wiped out every single scrap of life on the planet and depleted the atmosphere, and it confirms it was by conventional bombardment (albeit a whole fleet was used rather than a single ship or small number.)

Not sure what the mechanicus ships in orbit mean.

Page 140
...these augmetic rigs (known in Mechanicus lore as the Rite of Setesh) involve the living mummification of a dying body and its emplacement in an all-encompassing exoskeleton designed to keep an advanced aged or disease-ravaged body alive long past natural limits, trapping the body in what amounts to little more than a semi-mobile iron coffin devoid of human contact. The use of these augmetics is largely frowned upon even by the Mechanicus as skirting the edge of technoheresy in form and function.
A quasi-dreadnought like form of life/procedure.

Page 140
Glimmering neuron-interface circuitry implanted into the tissues of the hands allows an intuitive interface between a pilot and his craft. The most famous examples of implanted interface circuitry are from Galvia in the Scarus Sector, but certain forge worlds have the designs and capacity to create such wonders...
I think they mean Glavian. It is nice to know the biocircuitry stuff is not restricted to just one world, though. As we learn in the Glavian supplment for Inquisitior and in the Eisenhorn stuff, Glavian tech is created via nanotech. This in turn suggests other forge worlds have similar technological capabilities. Of course given the micromachine type stuff in Dark Heresy for healing or self repair in various game systems and supplements, this isn't a great stretch either, is it?

Hell if we really took that 'ignorance and superstition' shit literally, then some sort of 'magic nanotech/micromachine' fabricator like the shit in Ringo's novels would probably be a requirement for a functioning intergalactic power as well :P

Page 141
Servitors are automatons or robots whose basic control components are organic and most often human in origin. The process of creating a servitor purges the higher brain functions and psychic pattern of the subject thus destroying the personality and will, rendering it a blank slate to be programmed. Servitors can vary very widely in form and function, from crude but powerful industrial models, to the faceless mass of basic labour drones...
One can speculate endlessly why they do servitors rather than just robots, even though there is functionally little difference in how they operate. Perhaps the human component is needed, provides it some measure of protection that pure AI (or robotic) entitites might not have. It could be tied to why Imperial tech is particularily vulnerable to psychic corruption (EG daemonic possession, etc.) Maybe it stemmed from the problems they had with robots in prior ages (it is a human/irrational rather than a logical reaction.) Alternately, it may simply be a macabre cultural or traditional thing to serve Grimdark - much as I despise appealing to that excuse.

We do know they have robots, though. And they do seem to use inorganic as well a partly (or psuedo) organic AIs. This isn't unusual in sci fi - both Halo and the Hyperion/Endymion novels of Dan Simmons feature quasi-organic type 'AI' crap, for example. (And I suspect me making parallels to any of Simmons work is going to make certain thematic types have an aneurysm, cuz 40K isn't supposed to be like that.)

Page 141
Janus simulacra: These human-form severs are advanced indeed, often containing only the barest minimum of living tissue. They skirt the edge of the diresest techno-heresy with their cogitator-assisted cortex functions and seeming parody of human responses.


But beneath their respentdent finery lives a clockwork heart and hydraulic-fed piston limbs slaved to a harvested living cortex and spliced-in nerve ganglia.
High end serivtors - mostly machine, only very little human. Funny that they are deemed borderline heresy when the AdMech themselves seek to emulate this very thing (replce the organic with mechanical.)

Page 142
...the sin of passing one as human or aping sentience too closely, for to do so would provoke the unbridled wrath of the Cult Mechanicus, and entire worlds have burned for this transgression in the past.
This implies the "no AI" thing might extend beyond just pure robotics and into certain kinds of "self aware" servitors. One has to wonder how this reconciles with the sentient (or semi-sentient) AIs of Titans, Land Raiders, starships, and other high tech vehicles.

Page 142
These are restricted to creatures smaller than an adult human (anything else would class as a servitor)..

Mostly, familiars do not possess any significant degree of intelligence and are trained or programmed to perform certain tasks on command. Familiars are either living creatures controlled by the mind of their master via arcane psyber neuro-implants or are cybernetic creatures controlled by voice or coded vox-signal command.
Familiars are just midget servitors it would seem (difference in classificaiton seems to be by size). one assumes therefore that the capabilities of one could be replicated ina nother, including the methods of control as well as the nature (EG the lines between servitor and living being blur further.

Page 142
Familiars can be based on a wide number of living creatures, bio-constructs or pure automata.
Servo-skulls and cherubim are very particular kinds of familiar common to the Adepta of the Imperium...
Familiars can be purely robotic which is.. interesting given all the 'dangers of self awareness' we were just told about. Servo skulls, the creepy cherubim fliers, and probably psyber-ravens are all examples of familiars.

This may just go to show that the 'rules' of the AdMech are just as arbitrary as they often seem to be, and may apply more to other people rather than themselves. Or, it may just reflect the sheer differences between individual Forge worlds and sectors and their approach to Tech.

Page 142
Cyber familiars are semi-intelligent machine versions or cybernetic adaptations of living creatures controlled by a master, loyalty to whom is hardwired in the creature's brain. Some cyber familiars are created as assistants to serve prominent adepts and the Mechanicus, or merely as amusements for the wealthy, while others are fitted for war with implanted weapon systems and all manner of crude but effective augmetics.
I guess semi-intelligent replicas aren't violations.. maybe this is what Titan and starship AIs fall into - after all such invariably need human linkage and guidance for fully effective operation, it would seem. Like servitors, the familiars fufill a variety of roles. Or again the AdMech changes the rules when it suits itself. Either is possible.

Page 143
Also known as “lobos” and “butcher-jobs”, these devices are surgically imbedded in the creature’s brain. When triggered, the chip sends it into a near uncontrollable bloodlust and frenzy, backed by heavy doses of combat drugs pumping into its remaining organic tissues.
For cyber-familiars. turns them into miniature World Eaters/Eversors.

Page 143
Cyber-mastiffs are usually deployed under the control of Adeptus Arbites or enforcer units to bring down recidivists and heretics. Shaped in the form of a hound made of steel and guided by the brain and nervous system of a hunting creature... [cyber mastiff]
The good old Cyber-mastiff. It seems these actually do have organic components in them.

Page 143
A psy-bonded (or psyber) familiar is a living creature bonded to its master by arcane technology. Interface circuitry in both familiar and master (called a psyber-lure) allows the creature to be directly and precisely controlled, with the master having access to the sensory experiences of the creature and able to give it instantaneous commands at great distance. Owing to the idiosyncrasies of the little understood technology, usually only small non-sapient creatures can become psy-bonded.
Psyber lures were used in some Abnett short stories (like the one about the turncoat Sororitas, or the dude who controls the cybernetic birds on Eustis Majoris.. or the ravens Space Wolf Rune Priests sometimes have.) I gather the link/bond is some sort of wireless/psychic interface.

Page 144
Servo-skulls are human skulls (often that of a favoured servant or low ranking tech-priest) that have been fitted with rudimentary machine-spirits, support systems as well as an anti-grav motor to provide lift.
...the ability to act as additional “eyes and ears” for their masters.
Servo-skulls can also be found serving faithfully with the other Adepta and the high-ranking elites of many hive worlds.
In most respects, a servo-skull behaves exactly like a voicecontrolled cyber-familiar. The greatest difference is that a servoskull has different instincts (programmed responses) and may be given additional commands.
Servo-skulls seem to be the familiar equivalent of monotask servitors.. they are programmed and equipped for specific duties (EG gunskulls.) - they usually have single tasks and single equipment.
This suggests other familiars (like the psyber-familiars) are more higher-function/multi task "servitor" analogues.

Page 144
Designed with a somewhat reinforced structure and fitted with a single efficient weapon system and targeting selection programs, guardian-skulls (also known as gun-skulls and combat-skulls depending on their armament) are uncommon..
Combat- or Dissector-Skull: Articulated limbs tipped with mono-edged blades dangle from the combat-skull.
Gun-Skull: A gun-skull is fitted with a single ranged weapon, such as an autocarbine or las carbine, although conceivably any Pistol or compact Basic weapon could be fitted..
The skull’s gun is also fitted with a red-dot laser sight.
Combat servo skulls.

Page 144
The Adeptus Mechanicus grade, quantify and measure every child born in their domain to best find their use and how they might serve within the Omnissiah’s great pattern.
Such life-long service forms the mass of skilled workers that maintain the forge world’s industries. These menials (or labour units as they are known) are free to make what lives they can for themselves in conditions largely no different from those found on most hive worlds..
Other avenues include the Skitarii and other military services (for those physically suited to it) and the tech priest ranks themselves (for the most promising.) AdMech, much like the Tau, employ alot of logic and planning (although with different goals and outcomes) in their populations, and like the tau, it doesn't matter whether you want to fall in or not. They will find a place, even if it is as a servitor. Also, the forges tend to be little different htan a hive world (The shittier ones, at least.) except perhaps more tightly controlled.

Page 145
The most common form of servo-skull encountered, monotask-skulls are designed and equipped to offer assistance with a particular task, and most are fitted with a basic set of extendable manipulator pincers and whatever else by way of gear their duty requires.
This suggests multi-task skulls might exist.

Page 145
The skull is fitted with a pict-relay allowing it to record or transmit what it sees and senses to its master or a linked cogitator, as well as onboard systems allowing it to navigate its surroundings, identify creatures and objects, and faultlessly retrace their paths. A monotask-skull is also specially fitted to conduct a particular simple task; some of the most common are listed here:

Auger: The skull is fitted with an auspex and vox-data system to relay its findings.

Courier: This skull is used as a messenger and comes fitted with a specialised identity scanner as well as extensive programmed maps of the local area and the like. The skull may simply carry a physical message such as a scroll or dataslate, or replay a recording from an internal holo-system.

Medicae-Skull: The skull has a built in medi-kit and medical scanner. It adds Medicae (Int +20) to its Skills, which it will use to administer first aid at its master’s direction.

Utility: The skull is fitted with a multi-tool, and while it can perform simple programmed maintenance tasks, its real use is via its master operating the skull remotely as an extra pair of hands and to reach areas he could not otherwise access.
There's also loud hailer (broadcast recorded messages or serve as a remote speaker) and illuminator (provide light via glow globe, lamp or even a brazier.) These seem to serve various informational, maintennace, medical, communication, and scouting/recon/surveillance functions. Note tha auger skulls can relay their data via vox.

Page 146
Cogitator systems: Machines created to sift and consider data, to calculate and to process the sacred language of algorithm, these devices range from small portable models to larger logos tabernacles and matriculation engines integrated into manufactora, star ships and archive centres.
The purpose and variation of cogitators.

Page 146
Emplaced (cogitators) - these cogitator systems analyse and procecss vast quantities of data (planetary tithe records, genotype reconstructions, and so on) Most also feature auto-quills to print data-scrolls, machine-spirit shrines and symbiotic operations-savants or holo-projectors incorporated into their structure.
Proper rites and rituals must be observed during cogitator operations on this scale or they will become subject to severe inaccuracies and glitches, perhaps even possession by malign spirits
The last bit sounds abusrd I know, and is probably an in joke, but given the myraid ways DH indicates Chaos can manifest spontaneously (just by use of wrong combinations of words, symbols, patterns or whatever.) This could be serious.

Emplaced cogitators are 100 kilos. Average availability.

Page 146
Personal(cogitator): These portable units are capable of analysing information from data-slates and similar sourcecs...
I guess these are like laptop/tablet/palm PCs and the like. Some may be similar to data slates, but we've seen examples of these in the latter Cain novels (guard issue, no less!) AVerage availability, 1.5 kilos weight.

Page 147
Cased in brass, crawling with chrome-sheathed cables and hissing steam, a holo-projector is a feature common to the briefing rooms of the various arms of the Adepta. The rituals of constructing and maintaining these devices are some of the most ancient and sacred. The flickering cone of blue-tinged imagery it projects is the product of muttered prayers and burning tapers. A holo-projector can be linked to a cogitator or other data feed.
Hah. Common or "scarce" (as they identify its avialability in game), this still sounds far more commonplace than Lucian Arcadius implied in the first two Rogue Trader novels. Then again they're commonplace in pretty much every other novel out there so...

Page 147
Hyper-Density Penetrators (Ammo): Famously nicknamed “Lathe Body-Blowers” for their
appalling effect of ploughing through vulnerable flesh, these bullets are cast from a unique dense metal alloy only made possible by exploiting the strange gravitational forces within the Lathe System. Because of their great mass, they must be propelled by a far more powerful explosive charge than a normal round...
Sound a bit like tank AP rounds. Weapon loses half its range, but gains incresed penetration. Can also (supposedly) knock the target off its feet from the impact, but I doubt it means sheer momentum alone (recoil remember.)

It's also limited to "sturdiest firearms" due to the charge, meaning Hand Cannon, hunting rifles, shotguns (solid slugs) bolt pistols and boltguns (non explosive ammo. Probably like Kraken penetrators which means that at least where bolt weapons are concerned, these wouldn't be rare.)

Availability is listed as "rare". Part of me suspects it's not impossible (but not neccesairly easy) to duplicate this with artificial gravity.

I also suspect this may be hinting at very very dense materials (denser than uranium perhaps?) Denser than lead at least. Which maybe gives you an idea of starship densities and suchnot, since they build starships out at the Lathes as well.

Page 147
Isotropic fuel rods: A basic building block of Imperium technology, and truly a surviving wonder of the High Dark Age, these metre-long metal rods contain a concentrated liquid metal storage medium capable of holding vast quantities of energy. A single fully-charged rod is able to power a small settlement or entire hab-block for several weeks.
Just as a rough idea of what possible energy usage might be, here a city block of 20 houses is noted to use 13,000 kwh/month. If I am doing the math right, that would come out to about 11-12 GJ total storage for the fuel rod. Isotropic fuel rods on the chart mass 10 kg, which gives an approximate energy density on the order of GJ per kg. Again these aren't meant to be precise figures (since consumption could vary on what kind of block used, what city, population density, etc.) but more of a back of the envelope calc. By contrast, RL batteries typically manage hundreds of kj, although it can vary somewhat according to battery type.

All that said, it isn't easy to generalize battery tech (say for power packs, esp for lasguns), so applying this ot other cases might at BEST be more of potentail limit example (to contrast real life batteries perhaps.) And yes, I know I've cited that las-weapon power packs of all sorts (lasgun, lascannon, hotshots, etc.) have used liquid metal of some kind as a battery source like this one does, but that is still over-simplifying. For example, we know lasgun powerpacks have a self-recharge capacity, and they are engineered to be versatile and durable, which may alter energy density. For all we know cost is an issue (it may be a lower quality type of liquid metal battery - what if they are a category rather than one kind?) What we MAY infer from this is that Imperium battery tech is quite good, leaning towards being as good as the upper end of the scale of RL batteries, and probably better (perhaps comaprable to many forms of chemical reaction, which would support some of the power pack sizes implied by recharge rate.) I typically figure 500 kj per kg... based on this I'd say its not unreasonable for it to be an order of magnitude or so higher (5-10x greater) than my initial estimates. There is plenty of evidence to back that as well.

Besides which, the Imperium may very well know of many different kinds of liquid metal technology, and they may not all behave the same way, or may have differeing applications.

Page 147
The astronomical and gravitic alignment of the Lathe worlds creates the conditions for the production of metal alloys of rare and singular properties

So phenomenal is their strength and structure [Lathe blades] that they can have paper thin edges yet be flexible enough for the blades to resist breaking under the impact of the most powerful blows, and can even be unaffected by the devastating action of a power field.
A Lathe blade cannot be destroyed by the effects of a power field...
This upgrade cannot be combined with the Mono upgrade.
It may be close in terms of performance to a "mono-edge" weapon ior power field, manifesting penetration and greater lethality (although impossible to argue. It gives us some idea of the capabilities and limits of power fields and mono weapons too (density affects their ability to cut, burn, or disrupt, clearly.) inability to mono edge it may be due to the materials or manufacturing, or it could be game mecahnics.

PAge 148
The versions presented here are no simple symbols, but contain broadcasted code-ciphers and data-djinn to proclaim their master’s worth to those that are pure enough to hear.
Opus Machina - symbol of the AdMech. Much like an Inquisitor's rosette/badge.

Page 148
Tempest bolt shells are manufactured in one place only. Mars, the only world capable of exploiting the rare and potent technology needed to produce such arms. Tempest shells contain a poweful miniaturised plasma-shock generator that releases a pulse of electromagnetic and thermal energy as the shell detontates.
Especially effective against machines. Some sort of EMP bolt shell. These may be related to the larger disruptor macroshells mentioned in Battlefleet Koronus. Small plasma explosion on impact, I suspect, although EMP as well.

Page 148
The Adeptus Mechanicus makes extnesive use of artificial psycho-viral infection to condition the minds of their servants via the use of so-called meme viruses.
One such is used on "elite Skitarri centurions" who are infected and presented with "preprogrammed visions and sense recordings of the worst horros the Mechanicus have encountered" - those that survive with their minds intact "have conquered fear and the frailties of human sanity." Meme viruses were mentioned in Black Tide. "psycho viral infection" - is it viral in the sense of a virus, or is it more viral in the case of "viral marketing?"

Page 148

Personal cogitators are "average" availability, weigh 1.5 kg, and aren't horribly expensive. Emplaced cogitators can weigh as much as 100+ kg, and are several times more expensive, but also average availability. Holo projectors are 40 kg and scarce. Hyper-density penetrators are "rare".

Isotropic fuel rods weigh 10 kg and are "average". The Opus Machina is .5 kg. Lathe blades are very rare.

Page 150
A considerable number of the planets within the sector are classified as feral or frontier, and even many of the so-called “civilized” worlds consist merely of a few hives set amidst environs as lethal as a fair number of death worlds.
- This tends to confirm my suspicion that hive/civilised worlds are used interchangably in DH, although this isn't really a contradiction, given that categories overlap somewhat and there are different grades/varieties of hive worlds anyhow (minor/major, young/old, etc.) There is some implication that this is a typical "frontier/colony" sector, like the eastern fringe (Given the current Chapter is "frontier worlds" this seems a safe assumption.) This would also tend to put Calixis quite close to the Eye, I think, as well as being on the edge of the galaxy. Then again its also close to Scarus, so that's probably not a big shock.

It's also quite useful to note that the 5th edition rulebook had a huge-ass map that placed calixis within relatively close proximity to Scarus :P

Page 151
Enviromental body gloves are full body suits designed to sustain their wearers at a constant temperature, despite external conditions, making them ideal as outerwear for desert worlds and a useful inner layer for particularily cold enviroments. Pockets within the suits recycle sweat and other bodily fluids, cooling or warming them as necessary, in order to regulate temperature and provide emergency water rations. The suits are waterproof, which make them useful in marshy terrain and capable of doubling as a wetsuit when neccessary.


Such suits are almost inavriably equipped with a re-breather, comm-bead, and photo-contacts.
Mentioned on prior page as being a generic name for a vareity of such outfits, and were designed by Malfian nobles (presumably with AdMech assistance.) Seem to be quite efficient nad have some extnesive recycling abilities.

Page 151
Slither boots are highly advanced footwear, incorporating a variety of materials including ceramite-woven leather and a circuitry embedded inner frame. Slither boots are designed to withstand the most hostile of enviroments, releasing chemicals to shield the wearer from acidic and alkaline enviroments. Slither boots do not slip; regardless of how tractionless a surface may seem, small tendrils emerge from the soles of the boots to help compensate for the movements of their wearer.
Pretty damn neat footwear.

Page 151
The infamous Splinter Winds of Barsapine travel at over 700 kilometres an hour and are more than capable of stripping a lightly armoured person to bone in less than 30 seconds. Against such force, even void shields are hard pressed to cope.
..the designers came up with a clever idea of creating a series of auto-reactive ceramsteel plates that would redirect wind force, allowing an individual to advance in lighter dust storms and, at the least, survive in the heavier ones. Wind armour is formed from fully enclosed suits of medium articulated carapace. They incorporate a series of heavy air filters with a re-breather connected to an extra tank, allowing a wearer to breathe normally in all but the heaviest storms, with three full hours of breath should they be completely buried in dust. Each suit also has an inbuilt vox-system along with a photo-visor. Wind armour was primarily designed to defend its wearer from harsh environmental conditions, not opponents.
Implied to be of limited usefulness in combat, but good against winds. Rather interesting that voids are useless against the splitner winds, although this may be more because of the implied velocity dependence of shielding rather than because it can be overwhelmed (but then again it depends on what gets pushed into the void.)

PAge 151
Enviromental Body gloves weigh 5 kg. Wind armour 18 kg Slither boots 6 kg. All are rare.

Page 152
A set of pinions resembles a webbed body harness festooned with articulated blades each of which is connected to a coiled, reinforced ceramite line. The lines are in turn attached to small motors that contain integral highly specialised logic-engines. A diver using a set of aerial pinions typically connects two or more lines into the city or ground above, using the blades as either grappling hooks or spiking them deep into the crust of the planet, as the pinion’s logic-engines dictate.
Used on the hive/civilised world of Landunder, implying it is not super-rare.

Page 152
...a series of collapsible bio-dome structures now known as “beetle tents” due to their distinctly insectoid profile, an easy to assemble portable bio-dome formed from polycarbonate sidings reinforced with plasteel rods.
Beetle tents have since passed into common use and are greatly favoured by officers of the Imperial Guard.
All of the Cestelle’s bio-dome structures are modular, allowing them to be linked into larger structures as necessary. The exterior of a beetle tent invariably includes some sort of camouflage scheme...
..they can be reinforced with armoured panels for travellers expecting to encounter particularly hostile native fauna
Some interesting and useful portable structures. Probably nice when you're on the move or don't have the ability to use prefab,

Page 152
Several trade guilds within the Calixis Sector manufacture portable survival kits, with the ones produced by Haal-Lorden of Cantus particularly favoured, as that guild has held a contract to produce kits for the Imperial Guard for several centuries. There are many variants to be had and well-travelled users frequently tailor their personal survival kits...

A typical kit includes: two blade razors, an igniter, a Helite flexible wire saw, 14 multi-shape fishing hooks, five press weight lures, 25 metres of heavy fishing line, 1 very large hook, 10-metres brass snare wire, 1 highpowered pocket illuminator, one calibrated button compass with a Calixis Sector world specific guide page, four doses of stimm, six Alozith tabs (Alozith is a strong general-purpose antibiotic), 20 Ionis water purifying tablets, two flexi bags, one metre adhesive tape, three metres long Spinlin cord, half a metre of reinforced ceramite-woven tape, three metres of cotton sewing thread, three sewing needles of various sizes, one surgical needle, eight safety fasteners of various sizes, a metre square piece of foil, one narrow-quill with Watersure ink, two sheets of rolled Sure-Write paper, a mirror-finished plasteel case to hold the kit’s contents and serve as an impromptu signalling device.
Presumably such users also receive some training in using the stuff, at least in the Guard. It seems rather damn useful all told.

Page 152
One of the more sophisticated of these is the elegant camp warder, a small techno-arcane device with an appearancee reminiscient of clockwork scorpions. Data-linked to a screamer, camp warders are buried within the soil surrounding a campsite. When the screamer detects an intruder, instead of releasing an audible signal it sends a silent alarm to the camp warders, which immediately convege on the intruder by swiftly burrowing underground towards it. Upon arrival the camp warders begin quickly stabbing their tails up out of the soil into the intruder. The camp warders then begin “herding” the creature away from the main campsite with continuous painful jabs.
Camp defense system. Rather creative. I wonder if they are automata or mini servitors?

Page 153
Unsatisfied with what he deemed to be the “dual and therefore unfocused” use of the standard Imperial re-breather, Redole set out to create a device that would allow a user to stay underwater for a greater period of time than its predecessor. Instead of using purely mechanical components, Redole integrated vat-grown flesh versions of piscine gills with a series of increasingly complex helmets till he found the combination he sought. The Redole Re-breather is a helmet that literally draws breathable oxygen from the water around it, allowing a user to stay underwater indefinitely. As long as a Redole Re-breather’s flesh components are kept wet, each has a functional life of around a decade before needing to be replaced.
...unlike a “standard” re-breather, Redole’s device provides no protection against harmful air-born toxins as it only functions underwater.
An example of (accepted) innovation. And a purely organic one at that (HERESY!) It's rather interesting, and (I think) clever... and it shows that as long as the AdMech is the one doing it, innovation is okay (except when the puritans don't like it. Which is probably often.)

Also implies standard rebreathers can funciton underwater as well as other enviroments.

PAge 153
A hand-held cogitation device, the poi-savant measures various levels of bio-chemicals and searches for signs of a diverse number of dangerous toxins in any substance that it is used to analyse.
...poi-savants tend to be remarkably accurate devices as they have had well over a thousand years of field-testing. Indeed, many Malfian nobles make a point of commissioning their own personally tailored poi-savant, generally by miniaturizing them into elegant wands or ornate rings..
Personal poi-savants must be updated regularly as new toxins are identified...
Poison snoopers. essential attire for any Noble.

PAge 153
Shade-servitors have no organic parts and are not, in fact, servitors in the strict Imperial sense of the word. They are relatively small devices resembling a cone surmounted by a series of ceramic lamellar blades that swiftly rotate in different directions. The devices hover about their master, using their blades as natural fans and parasols, occasionally supplemented with a cold blast of air sent over an internal cooling coil. Shade servitors have a small internal battery with a 12-hour reserve that constantly recharges via a series of photonic cells along their blades, allowing them to function near ceaselessly in hot, sunlit environments.
There are rumours of severely upgraded models, ones capable of hurling their blades to inflict lethal cuts or installed with a powered shield, but the veracity of such rumours is difficult to confirm.
rather interesting sort of cooling system. And yes it would make a very nasty weapon or assassin tool.

Page 153
A sky eye incorporates a small hovering sphere slightly less than two fingers wide with an elegant docking station containing a variety of holo-display modules. The sphere scouts out a chosen are within 15 kilometres of the docking station, a process that can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours depending on the distances involved and the level of stealthed asked of the sphere component. Upon the eye's return, the docking station produces perfect 3 dimensional holomaps of the scouted area that can be downloaded to standard data-slates.


Rumor has it the Inquisition has access to ultra-quiet sky-eyes that incorporate camouflaging materials, which they use to scout out the interiors of rooms andbuildings before entering.
An interesting (and useful) scouting device. 4 kg for the entire set. unfortunately this is neat, so it is a "Very rare" device.

Page 154
Thermal gloves are slender but sturdy gauntlets; thin enough to allow for delicate manipulation and lined with an assortment of circuitry that keeps them comfortably warm despite external weather. The power cells are incorporated into thin forearm shields in order to protect them from the elements. The energy in these cells can be used to power-up emergency ports on other equipment...
A full discharge from the generator cells can also be used to part-recharge a lasgun or laspistol clip as well, providing 1D5 shots of charge before draining the power cells entirely.
Such gloves weigh 1 kg. real life thermal gloves can be powered by 4 AA alkaline per glove (same gloves) or six total AA, or one Alkaline D battery . Going by the charts here 1 Alkaline D battery will provide up to 75 kj per glove. While 3-4 AA alkaline can provide 28-37 kj per glove.
Other gloves use lithium-ion polymer batteries which get between 30-40 kj per battery per glove (at least near as I can tell), so it seems roughly accurate. Call it betwene 30-75 KJ per glove, twice that if double.
The glove cells can be used for backup ammo in a lasgun or laspistol cell, providing 1-5 shots before discharging completely. Depending on context, this could mean pistol (or rifle) las-shots could be as little as 5-6 kj per shot (5 shots from one cell), or up to 80-150 kj per shot (single shot from both cells) It could actually go either way but.. I'm betting more on the double digit scle of things. 60-80 kj for both batteries, draining in 1-5 shots. That's 12-80 kj per "shot", which isn't bad for an energy weapon, especially if we apply that to a laspistol.

Page 154
Beetle tents (3 person) are 5 kg, 6 person 10 kg, and extra armour is an added 8 kg. Aerial pinions are 10 kg (4 line) 15 kg (16 line) CAmp warders are 4 kg. Shade Servitors are 3kg. Sky Eyes a 4kg case.

Page 154

...synthesized by Mechanicus explorators and available commercially as an emergency survival tool. Dryas causes biochemical changes in the human body enabling extended periods of survival in arid atmospheres or when there is no fresh water. Side effects of taking dryas include atrophied taste and smell, and a very unpleasant sense of weakness and lassitude.

A single dose of dryas lasts for three days.
an interesting drug for survival purposes, all told. Another on the same page is polygum, some sort of natural rubber-like sap which can be used much in the same way crazy glue or duct tape can, although with antibacteiral/medical properties (tarps, slings, ponchos, bonding agents, adhesive or bandages.. they literally say almost anything.

Page 155
...the water world Spectoris, they were delighted by the vast quantities of fish that the planet seemed to promise and readily noted it as a potential agri-world for future use.
Agri-world fishery.

Page 155
Genetor Redole was known to be associated with a faction within the Mechanicus known as the Organicists, a group of tech-priests who esteemed biological enhancement as being equal in value with the cybernetic, a somewhat radical if not heretical position from the tech-adepts point of view.
Remember the dude who made the organic breathing gill? This is him again, and he's part of a radical organization that likes intergating that kinda tech. And yet his research and knowledge will be used when needed. Yet again we see that innovation not only comes form the radical/progressive branch of the Admech, but it will be accepted when it benefits (or suits) the Coggies agendas/purposes. They only object to innovation and tech use/maintenance outside their strict purview (EG competition.)

As a side note, the dude lived at least 400 years.

Page 156
There is another area in the sector, however, separated from these base planets that are home to countless millions. It is made of adamantium and glassteel, plasma reactors and atmospheric recyclers.
The Void born, basically. there are at least millions, probably far more than that though givne the number of ships and the crews onboard.

Page 156
As benefits any major sector of the Imperium, the Calixis Sector boasts a wide range of naval and commercial facilities to support travel amongst its star systems. Only a fraction of are listed below as even a standard system might have dozens of stations of their own to support cargo transfers, defence monitoring, research, and so on.
Calixis is defined as a "Major sector", and systems can have "dozens" of stations, all presumably are armed though. I'd assume an equal number of defence ships (monitors if nothign else.)

Page 156
Port Wrath: A huge combination dockyard and naval base serving as headquarters for Battlefleet Calixis.
..bristles with lance batteries matching the firepower of most fleets.
firepower of the sector headquarters.

Page 156
For the thousands of smaller merchant vessels who also ply the Scintilla-Sepheris Secundus-Iocanthus trade route (also known as the Golgenna Triangle) along with the Misericord, this serves as their home in space.
Port Gavinus, a popular commerical shipping station (one of a number, it seems.) It sees "thousands" of smaller merchant vessels (which in FFG terms probably means something escort sized.. 1 km or larger, but probably smaller than a battleship/grand cruiser. Possibly even smaller than cruiser sized. I expect they're all chartists. This is without a doubt an under-estimate as well, since it's vessles running a single route, nevermind all the others. Tens or perhaps hundreds of thousands of chartsit vessels? Assuming thousands per every few worlds, we might expect at least 100-150K "small" chartist merchant vessels, assuming around 200 inhabitable worlds or so.

Given at least 10K sectors in the Imperium thats a good billion or more short range, inter-sector (but still warp capable) shipping. I'd also anticipate enough short ranged, warp capable escorts (destroyers/frigates and perhaps light cruisers) to support them (millions easily.)

Page 156
....operating warp engines too close to massive objects such as planets or stars can cause unforgivable results ranging from being tossed off course thousands of light years to outright implosion from warp rip-tides.
Dangers of warp engines too close to stellar bodies - The being thrown off course suggests it perhaps has something to do with warp currents (or dangerous ones). Given we know exit points can be 'off target' by hundreds of thousands or even millions of km, its possible gravity can fuck with the accuracy of a portal going in and throw a ship into a dangerous (even lethal) warp curret that either throws it off course or obliterates the ship. It's possible the spatial distortion for warp jumps itself can be fatal as well (it is twisting spacetime after all, and objects occupy that spacetime.)

Assuming that its an accuracy issue, this could also explain the dangers of emerging too close to a star - you don't know how much you can be thrown off course or quite where you would emerge - the closer you get the more inaccurate (and dangerous) the emergence could get.

Page 156

Plasma drives are tough and reliable, and powerful enough to move a ship from one end of a system to the other in a reasonable amount of time. Heavy thrusters are used for planetary landings and take-off, as the huge amounts of hard radiation produced from a plasma drive are generally lethal for most environments. All of these drives reflect basic Imperial technology—powerful, blunt and unforgiving.
It seems two kinds of reaction thruster are used.. one to lift off a planet (which isnt a plasma or probably even nuclear drive... chemical or electrothermal is my guess..) and the inter-planetary drive which is plasma/fusion drive (and which generates radiation of some kind.) All ships with plasma engines seem capable of multi-LY cross-system travel (and back, presumably) - suggesting minimum velocities of 50-70 km/s, if not many hundreds (or even thousands) of km/s of velocity potentially (They have to be able to pass over multiple orbits, they don't seemt o need to worry about using gravity boosts to save fuel or increase velocity, etc.)

note the description of plasma drive - power, crude, and dangeorus. nothing technical or elegant (like say.. mass lightening? :P)

Page 156
.. a variety of systems mask the experiences one would expect from travelling through the void. One conspicuous absence is weightlessness - in fact, many people do not realise that they even should be floating about inside their tiny ships. Grav plating throughout the ship allows humanity to travel in a somewhat normal manner. Grav plates are mostly autonomous once activated, creating a pseudo-gravity field complete with inertial compensation. Most ships replicate one Holy Terra standard but a few customise to slightly more or less of that level. Like most Imperial technologies, ,the secrets of grav plate construction are now almost lost and thus even the smallest vessel (and its integrated plating) is a priceless artefact to be maintained and preserved for generations.
AG. Despite being 'lost' technology or rare, it shows up surprisingly often and in some rather compact forms. Even admist the Guard (eg grav chutes being so damn commonplace.)

And yet despite very ship being 'priceless' they mothball, tear down, and sell off ships to civilians.

Page 157
This ancient Imperial battleship is the flagship of Battlefleet Calixis...
A passenger transport ship plying the Drusus Marches...
This famous high-end passenger liner...
A pilgrim ship still tracing the saint’s route made before his ascension. As the complete voyage lasts 147 years though, “reaching Scintilla” has become an oft-heard saying for a task unlikely to be finished..
At least one Battleship in calixis. There's also a passenger transport, a "high end' (Rich) passenger liner, and of course pilgrim ships. Assuming its taking hundreds of LY (or thousands) to reach scintilla we're talking double digit c maybe, although it doesnt include time for stops.

Page 157
Though new naval vessels are exceedingly rare, the yards at Drystan still stay operational. Established soon after Saint Drusus took office, the yards slowly produce military ships, or more commonly work repairs on those extensively damaged.
rare in what context? We know Cobra destroyers (and presumably frigates, given the similarity in size and mass) can be produced in a few years. Even feral worlds can produce small or common cruisers (like Lunars) in about a decade. forge worlds can produce light cruisers and escrots in months and battlecruisers in years.

Page 157
Many commercial construction and repair needs are served by the Kormisoshi Dockyards
Second only to rival Harluff Yards, Kormisoshi handles everything from Navigator Housefleet Primats and Chartist Greatholds to System Hoppers and Limpet boats.
"Housefleet' vessels as well as chartist vessles and various substellar craft. Also not ethe 'commerical construction" yards.. different I imagine from military yards (but probably can be converted to the latter if need be.)

Page 157
One of many Adeptus Mechanicus installations scattered across the sector operated by the Lords of Mars. Tenuously (and dangerously) anchored in the centre of a pulsar cluster on the rimward border, its thousands of servitor-cogitators gather and digest data on this mysterious constellation.
Some sort of research/observation outpost... servitor/cogitator controlled sensors.

Page 157
Broadly speaking, the non-military vessels of the sector are transports. Some only haul cargo, others only passengers, but most carry a mix of the two. All legitimate craft operate under an Imperial charter, granting them the right to fly lawfully between stars. Some charters allow only for travel along specific routes, while others allow for travel anywhere.

it is a rare thing for a new charter to be granted. Most vessels operate in fleets, the better to protect each other from raiders (and rival merchants) as well as facilitate cargo loading and unloading.
IoW - if its not a warship, its a transport, and its hauling something. sometimes several kinds of somethings. And charters define their purpose and routes (Regulation probably helps in navigation as well as control.) Convoying is commonplace for chartist fleets (whether or not patrol ships accompany them, up for debate)

Page 157
As in most sectors, Chartist captains dominate the stars of Calixis.Operating without Navigators or Astropaths (luxuries normally affordable only to the military or planetary governments), they rely on carefully maintained star charts to make journeys from point to point. Some of these maps cover paths of relative safety for warp travel and must be followed precisely. This often means extremely cautious routes, such that a linear path of tens of light years might entail dozens of jumps totallying hundreds of light years of travel.
Often these planets may go generations without a visit if they are especially distant.
Once again Chartist captains do without navigators or astropaths for guiding the ship through the warp (EG estalbished routes and charts and computer/manual control.) which is the easiest to acquire but also the slowest means. This makes Chartists the "civilian" traffic - differentiated from government (either local or imperial) and military. It implies planetary governors as well as the imperial adepta and Navy can have both navigator and astropath-controlled ships (military and otherwise), and of course the Navigators themselves (which probably repreesnt the only navigator-equipped 'civilian' traffic.)

We also see an example of how "linear" straight line paths through the warp can actually be more indirect, at least for chartist vessles (tens of light years means hundreds, each of a jump of a few ly) this tends to suggest any warp calc is an order of magnitude one as far as distance goes.. on the other hand this can also serve to balance out the time dilation effects as well. In the case of chartists it probably means the actual travel speeds are several times greater.

For example in the core rules the Misericorde journey takes 100-120 LY in a year. we migth figure the actual distance is 5-10 LY greater.. 500-1200 LY in a year.. which is 500-1200c. Average "chartist" speed seems to be somewhere in the hundreds of c, varying between a few tens of c (slow progress or slow ship) or perhaps a thousand or so c (a particularily fast one, like in the Eisenhorn novels)

PAge 158
Of the Chartist ships, bulk cargo transports are the most numerous. In Calixis space, ,Greatholds are the lagest, dwarfing all but gargantuan vessels such as Emperor-class battleships or unique monstrosities like the Misericord. Each Greathold can carry enough goods such that offloading takes dozens of months. Almost as large are the Excolati refinery ships which take this a step further and actively process raw materials during the trip, so products such as weapons-grade
promethium are ready to deliver on arrival.
Misericorde must be in excess of 10 km or more, and most Greathold Chartist ships must be bigger than cruisers or grand cruisers.. suggesting at least 5, and more like 7-9 km. Not just cargo carrying, but fuel and mineral processing/refining ships. Or the plasma refining ships (Goliaths.)

Page 158
There is a limited demand for pure passenger ships, as most travellers make do with transport ship accommodations. For those who can afford it though, there are several options for connecting the more populous and powerful systems for the nobility and corporate lords. Pilgrim Ships are the more common type..
They do exist, they are just least numerous and probably only for the wealthy and influential. Everyone else is treated like cargo and goes on passenger ships. Unless you're a pilgrim, and you have no control over those.

Page 158
Mixed passenger and cargo transports are the most common type to be found, primarily carrying one while also providing limited space for the other. Sizes range widely, but most are medium level crafts that can service most of the sector depending on their charter type. Short-range system Hoppers and Void Jumpers for example usually operate under low-level Hereditary Charters. They work short-range trading routes between nearby systems, normally only making one or two jumps to reach their destination. Smaller tramp freighters are also widespread, working without regular routes and barely surviving from one job to the next.
Various kinds of short range Charitst craft. I wonder again if there might be warship analogues.

Page 158
While not actual ships, most systems host a variety of other space-born facilities. These include orbiting centres such as planetary monitors and docks, beacon stations, emergency lifehouses and more. Some are as large as small moons and act as the major nexuses of commerce and shipping for a system, while others may be little more than a refitted cargo hold conducting research on the fringes of the system.
Orbital facilities are both numerous and commonplace. As we've seen in various novels they tend to develop both space and ground assets

PAge 158
System ships are just that: lacking warp engines they operate within the system using plasma drives alone. A civilised system might have hundreds working to move cargo and people throughout its space, while lower level planets may only have a handful to s upport larger transports on their arrival.
Anywhere from a handful to hundreds. not all are warships though. If the ratios between civilian and military warp-capable ships held, we might expect scores of warships for hundreds of nonmilitary.

Page 159
Limpet Boats are small craft carried onboard Greatholds or other gargantuan ships, and are designed to detach once the main craft has reached its destination. Limpets then scurry about transporting cargo, shuttling crew and passengers, and performing other necessary tasks to ensure that the parent ship will be ready for its next journey...

Shuttles and Lighters are another common craft, working only between their home planet and any orbiting vessels. When a new ship arrives to their planet, they blast into space vying for any work to be had.
Nonmilitary attack craft analogues.. parasite ships for transport and landing.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Connor MacLeod »

And we wrap up day 3 of the updates with Dark Heresy, and a revisit to the Imperial Munitorum manual.

I'm going to pretty much finsih off the Inquisitor's handbook so I can move on. So that means two pretty big updates, plus a bit more from the 'old' Handbook (I dont think I posted that yet, and if I did, meh.) to update the differences,

Page 159
Low Grade (unpowered decks, cargo holds, bilge berths)
Mid Grade (basic quarters, passenger cabins, small staterooms)
High Grade (gilded villas, noble born suites, starlane lodges)

Shipboard meals:
Low Grade (fungus bread, condensation water, void sweat)
Mid Grade (vatmeal cakes, Grox hash, Josian ale)
High Grade (fresh fruit, jellied Grox tongue, amasec)
Availability is "plentiful, common, scarce." - shows amenities and quality of both accomodations and meals in each kind of transport.

Page 160
Many of these are regular weapons used elsewhere in the Imperium. Most, however, can easily puncture hull plating as they would a body, leaving fighters on both sides to “kiss the void”...
I tend to think this migth be over-stated: WE've seen lasweapons used onboard, and most starships have metres thick hulls - they're about as likely to penetrate hulls as they are to penetrate a Titan or battle tank (which issilly, so why a ship.) Possibly portholes or windows are a risk, but not a common one. and even if they did, its unlikely they would make all that big a hole, and the air would not just escape instantly.. plenty of time woudl be permitted to close it.

What is more likely a danger is hitting some fragile or important subsystem - electronics, rupturing pipes, etc. Which could interefre with or cripple the ship's functions.

Page 160
To prevent this, a well-equipped vessel maintains stocks of weapons designed for the safety of the ship as well as combat. These generally feature a much lower penetrating strike to prevent accidental breaches. Several are deliberately designed to be less lethal, as they are often used to force recalcitrant deckhands to return to work.
Range is never a serious factor, as only the most massive of ships have long open spaces of any note.
Penetration of armor is going to be an issue - which suggests heavily armored troops have a significant advnatage onboard. Small wonder Terminators re so effective onboard, given you need something on the order of a melta, plasma, or lascannon to hurt them. This, coupled with range, tends to suggest melee weapons are primarily valuable onboard ship, although flamers, flechette and dart weapons, and even crossbows could matter. (in realiy though it shoudlnt be hard to design energy weapons for onboard use - wide beam flamethrower-type lasers and lower powered melta/plasma weapons could work. we know the wide-aperture lasweapons exist anyhow.)

Page 161
Stingrays emit a poweful microwave beam in a wide arc. The radiation causes immediate blistering heat on exposed skin (similar to a poweful insect sting, thus giving its name) with no danger of harming most other objects.
Anotehr nonlethal weapon. They also mention a 'burst' pattern flamer that merely singes clothes and inflicts mild burns as a crowd control/dispersal weapon. one imagines grav guns and webbers see common use. Possibly tazers and similar electricla weapons, needle guns, and such.

Page 161
A favoured naval officer’s sidearm in the Segmentum Obscurus, it uses special fragmenting ammunition designed to violently stop a target dead in its tracks without undue risk to a ship’s hull.
Irontalon pistol

Cypra Mundi "irontalon" pistol. Frangile bullets are good against flesh but won't do much to body armor.

PAge 161
..a close-range hit from one can literally explode a man into a spray of shredded clothing and flesh. These huge weapons generate a fearsome recoil when fired and must be securely mounted or fired from a braced position to be effectively used.
Shotcannon. bolter like damage without the penetration. Echoes raw power of the earlier "Meathammer' triple-barrel shotguns too.

Page 161
Compact single shot hand cannon, designed to fire shotgun cartridges.
Shotgun pistol. Variants in novels ( like the shira calpurnia novels) include shotcasters, and revolving guns with auto-cycling cylinders.

Page 161
Burst flamer has a 5m range increment 1 shot clip and weighs 3 kg. Stingray has a 4 shot clip, 15 m range increment, 3 kg mass.

Shotcannon weigh 7 kg, carry 24 rounds, and have a single and 3 shot (Semi) mode and a range mode of 40m. Oddly shotcannon would have only 15-30 gram shells.

Naval shotguns (Ironclaw) have a range mode of 30m, semi mode fire rate of 2, carry 12 shots, and mass 6.5 kg. 25-54 gram shells.

Irontalon autopistols have a 20m range, 2 shot Semi and 5 shot full auto mode, carry 15 shots and weigh 2 kg. 7-13 gram bullet/

Shotgun pistols weigh 1 kg, and a 10 m range increment, hold one shot and must be fired two handed to be accurate due to recoil. 50-100 gram shell

Page 162
As the name suggests, these are designed to rip open tough metal bulkheads and deck plating. They consist of an elaborate harness with a huge row of mechanical teeth running along the forearm and extending roughly 30 centimetres outwards.
Bulkhead cutters, although sounds like a power fist.

PAge 162
Naval armsmen often carry one of these, to protect them as they protect their vessel. Each shield is a huge solid plate of plasteel, rectangular and heavy. Unlike most Imperial shields they are flat and smooth surfaced, so that they can also be used as emergency hull or bulkhead sealers. A Naval shield can be used as cover, concealing the user completely if desired.
Naval armsmen can carry rectangular plasteel shields (And can double as hull or bulkhead sealers.) Naval shields weigh 9 kg.

Pag 162
An advanced version of a regular whip, a neural whip can stun or kill outright through the massive electrical surges they impart as their long metallic lashes hit flesh. At low settings they are often used to “encourage” workers or ratings to increase their enthusiasm, whilst higher settings can drop an enemy dead in a single strike. Even unpowered, each blow from the whip lacerates bare flesh.
Neural whip.

Page 162
Many ship’s officers and ratings heighten this effect by incorporating a shock generator in the guard, so that, when hit, an opponent is felled by both the electrical shock as well as the solid impact. Chartist captains and other higher rankings use even more lethal versions, strengthening their blades with power fields.
It isnt clear whether the blade and hilt both, or just the hilt benefit from the shock effect, it can interpret either way.

Dual effect weapons.

Page 163
A variant of the standard shock maul, it is made of a simple length of metal or plasteel with a single-setting shock emitter built into the far end. The shock-staff is mostly used in herding indentured workers pressed into service on the ship.
Much like a power maul, just without the ability to burn or blow off or crush part of the body.

Page 163
Boarding pikes are a common shipboard solution, using a shell charge mounted at the end of a reinforced short metal staff. A trigger in the grip activates the charge to explode on contact. The explosion blasts into flesh with gruesome effect, but with little or no collateral damage to hull plating. It takes some time to reload, so it is used as a one-shot weapon...
Rough Rider spears in space!

PAge 164
These shells are packed with pyrotechnic materials, so when fired a huge gout of flame is produced for several seconds. While not as lethal as regular rounds, a volley excels at frightening off most enemies. As they can also be used in standard shotguns, they offer excellent tactical flexibility without the need for specialised flamer weapons. The duration of the discharge means it can only be used in single-shot mode.
- Blazer shotgun shells. Like dragons breath shotgun shells, they turn the shotgun into an impromptu flamethrower.

Page 164
Boarding armour.
Each is a full flak suit, with carapace plating only on the front and a full helmeft with faceplate and respirators. Designs can vary from ship to ship, but the overall suit is of common usage in the armed merchant vessels of the sector.
The armour also comes with a built in respirator and photo-visor.
Full body protection for the most part. Boarding armour masses 17 kg. Probably pretty good since it mixes Carapace and flak.

PAge 164
Glowstick: Good for 1d5 hours of steady illumination.

Universal Power Cell: Using either integral plugs or adaptor leads, it can power a glowstick or emergency vox for 1d5 hours or a laspistol for 5 shots.

Ration pack and water canister: Not much, but it will keep you from starving for an extra day. Hopefully your air is lasting that long.

Emergency Vox: Adjustable for any of the shipboard comm frequencies or can broadcast a standard “Prayer for Aid” on emergency channels.

Air bottle and Mask: Will keep you breathing for about 30 minutes.

Anti-radiation Tabs: Good for what ails you, if you’ve been exposed to hard radiation. The kit includes five tablets, each staving off the effects of exposure to such things as plasma engines or solar flares.

Hull Sealant Spray-Gel: A small tube of foul-smelling gel, it can be sprayed onto a hull breach. Enough is in each tube to cover twenty or so small (10 sq. cm) punctures.
Emergency kit. The main interesting detail is the glowstick/universal power cell usage.

1 watt, 5 hour and [ur=http://www.dhgate.com/0-5w-led-flashlig ... d0ece.html]5 hour, .5 watt[/url] flashlights of similar type. for a 5 hour operation thats 9-18 kj.
There are other ways to check it. It also says the ones use 2 lithium batteries. using the trusty energy table for batteries we see AA lithium ion may have a potential energy storage of 11 kj per battery. That'c slocse to the 18 kj range.
It also notes it can solar- recharge at .2watts for 8-10 hours That is around 6-7 Kj, which is approximat eto the 9 kj figure.
Now, from that power source you get 1-5 las pistol shots. Why it is random we don't know - it could account for variations in type of power cell (different kinds of batteries have different capacities), the differing states (not all may be fully charged) , differing kinds of lasweapons, or perhaps even differing power levles (EG 1 hour at 5 watts, 5 hours at 1 watt, etc.) Given it provides randomly 1d5 hours as well as 1d5 shots I'm guessing on either different settings or different battery capacities or states of charge, and I suspect its "one hour per one shot", but the randomness factor (and game mechanics) complicate that, so I'll have to factor 1-5 hours and 1-5 shots.

If the flashlight has a 5 hour endurance with 6 kj usage, and 1 hour is worth 5 shots (1 on a 1d5 for hours, but 5 on a 1d5 for shots) A single laspistol shot is.. 240 j. possible, but given the assessments of even "blaster" style lasers this is highly improbable.. kilojoule seems to be the absolute minimum. Moreover its kind of twisting the data around.

On the other hand, you get 1 shot on a 5 hour max charge... you get something like 20-22 kj per shot. Which isn't impossible either, but its probably not typical either. :)
more probably fitting into the 9-18 kj range we're expecting 1-5 shots I'd guess at least 2, but as many as 5-6 kj per shot. 4 kj seems a good middle point.

Alternate way to judge it (and simpler) is to compare a vox to a cell phone.. which can be a fraction of a watt or several watts depending on power usage... and can last for several hours (or sveral tens of hours on standby) again depending on usage and features. Near as I can tell for cell phone batteries they are roughly similar... a few tens of kj storage capacity tops, so it should roughly benchmark what I already said for flashlights.

either way it would be at least single digit kj for sure, possibly a few tens of kj per shot, for a laspistol, which fits in with the OOM estimates anyhow.

Page 164
Personal flight and anti-grav devices are something of a rarity in the Imperium, however, far from unknown. Jump packs are one such system, allowing limited powered flight using a combination of suspensor systems and thrusters. Jump packs are commonly employed by elite forces such as the ADeptus Sororitas Seraphim and the Imperial Navy's void armsmen, while a much more powerful verson is also used by Space Marine assault forcees.

A standard (basic) jump pack allows for a safe, guided fall from any height and, with a thruster boost, make an unlimited series of short jumps
A jump pack's power s upply will last for about an hour of strenuous operation before it needs replacing.
They also mention them operating as an antigrav craft for up to a minute at a time. Jump packs wiegh 25 kg. They're not exactly common but not exactly lost tech. I assume this is non-astartes packs, as those get truly freaking huge.

Page 164
Heavy and bulky, these oversized shoes contain electromagnets, which when activated, means the user can adhere to metallic surfaces such as exterior hull plating.
not unlike the magnetized soles Astartes Power armor can employ. It also suggests that starship armour is at least partly ferrous in nature.

PAge 164
In addition to its actions in ship combat, the Navy is also responsible for transporting Imperial Guard regiments to war zones. If a commercial fleet is important enough (or has the right connections at the Lucid Palace) then Naval vessels can be assigned escort duty, especially if a trade route has been heavily hit by pirates.

Battlefleet Calixis is the largest and most powerful fleet in the sector, but is rarely brought togehter as a single force. More often it is split up to meet demands as they arise.
Pretty much like any battlefleet really. Interesting that they imply that it is the biggest fleet, but not the only. The Inquisition and Admech of course have their own vessels, as do most of the other adeptus on efigures. And there may or may not be Space Marines nearby.

It also makes sense that the Navy wouldn't waste time escorting chartist convoys. Navigator equipped vessels are far too mobile (and rare) to be tied down like that. There would either be local (possibly warp capable PDf forces) or lower-tier defensive Navy ships (local system garrisons.) if there are any. The "battlefleet' ships would be better used in independent patrols to purge piracy and raiders and to respond to emergencies.

Page 165

Jump packs weigh 25 kg. Boarding armour weighs 17 kg. Selenite void suit weighs 20 kg (25 with Impellor)

Page 165
melta gel: This term covers a wide variety of extruded gelatine similar to dental paste, usually bright red or some other strong colour and sticky enough to adhere to most surfaces. Once applied and activated by an electric spark, it rapidly burns through bulkhead plating without the need for oxygen. Ideal for opening up a spacecraft from the outside or working in areas where air has escaped. A tube of melta gel can cover five metres in a thin line, ,or a surface area of one metre square. Along this line or area it deals damage as a melta bomb over the course of about a minute as it burns through whatever it is appliedto before becoming inert.
Makes it sound alot like thermite/thermate. I dont know if thermite is easily ignited by electrical input.

Page 165 - Navis Prima? Probably some Navigational primer or something that helps navigation,

Page 165
the Selenite pattern is perhaps the most common heavy vodi suit used in the Imperium. Intended for use by voidwalkers, belt miners and the like, the suits insulated ceramic-fibre weave provides much better protection than a simple sealed suit from the hazards of space such as temperature extremes, radiation, and micro-fragment impact. Widely fabricated and hugely durable...


The Selenite can sustain life in hard vaccuum for up to ten hours before the dual re-breather cells of its life support system must be replaced (which may even be done without removing the suit.) A fully functioning suit in good order also contains an internal vox-link, a seal patching kit, a compact grapnel/clasp plus ten metres of line, and a photo-visor.


Some Selenite suits are fitted with impellor units, allowing the wearer to propel thesmelves through open space in zero or reduced gravity conditions (They are not powerful enough to use in a normal gravity enviroment, however.)
A "typical' imperial spacesuit capabilities. Some have some sort of zero g propulsion which is no doubt useful (I suspect reaction thrusters rather than something exotic like AG propulsion, but they might have suspensor assistance.) Photovisors it would seem are pretty plentiful in space-borne equipment too, although i suspect that is something of a necessity due to extreme brightness and such.

Page 165
Specialised void rounds can be created by using self-igniting chemicals such that the weapon can be used in void enviroments without the risk of misfiring or rapid overheating.
There exists specialized ammo that allows projectile weapons to be used in a vaccuum. Going by the comments in atomic rockets regarding slugthrowers in space, the main issues seem to be the weapons fusing due to temp differences, cooling issues (due to lack of air) and possibly lubrication and heating/cooling concerns (esp from sunlight and other sources.) The ammo might help most with avoiding the fusing of components as well as controlling the heat (a cooler burning propellant perhaps, or one where the casing acts better as a heat sink? Unless its caseless.) Otherwise it doesn't seem to be all that big a concern.

I would then surmise that they have an ability to create some rather.. efficient ammo propellants (needing less ammo and at lower temperatures to achieve the desired effects. Magical propellant is no less plausible than anything else in 40K.)

Page 166
...most spacecraft have l ifespans measured in dozens of centuries or longer. This is especially true for the truly gigantic vessels such as Chartist Greatholds or Naval capital ships.
up to a point. We do know of lots of cases where 'old' means 'worn out' and it either gets put into mothballs, sold off, or stripped down. Barring the truly old and "relic" vessels like grand cruisers or battleships, I imagine other organizations (esp the lesser ones) get some real hand me downs, esp the merchants.

Page 166
...Even mediumsized ships contain hundreds if not thousands of indentured workers and others pressed into service,
This is, if anything, an understatement when it comes to Naval vessels, which range in the tens to hundreds of thosuands of crewers now, at least per Rogue Trader. i suspect though it depends on naval traditions and locales.. some ships may run on greater automation (thus getting awy with say, a mere "ten thousand" crew for a 3 km cruiser or 20K for a battleship.) the main reason naval ships carry so many people anyhow is fro ground and boarding troops, as well as replacements on long-term voyages (due to casualties, etc.)

This may also refer to merchant and civilian ships - I expect they get by with far fewer crewman than warships, in no small part because of their reduced armaments.

Page 167
Merchant vessels operating without the proper charter for their area or trade route do so at peril, both from the Navy as well as rival Chartist fleets who swiftly act to destroy any competitors. They are welcomed in some systems though as a way to bypass the frequently oppressive monopolies maintained by some Chartist traders.
They also mention calixis is considered one of the most civilised sectors in the segmentum, which might tell you something. This also tends to suggest there is some "military" element ot the whole chartist setup.. perhaps Armed merchant cruisers or q-ships. Other possibilities are mercenary or private militaries providing security (or hired to.)

Page 168
Like any other civilized sector of Imperial space, Calixis has several familes of the Navis Nobilite operating to ensure spacecraft can successfully travel long distances through the void. There are three major Navigator houses in the Sector.
Each house operates a sizeable fleet with a large mercantile division under Hereditary Charters. They conduct standard trading throughout the sector as well as providing specialised tansport for their own house members. Many of their vessels are ancient even by Imperial standards, passed down through many generations of these long-lived beings. THey also control many of the prime trading routes in the sector.
At least some Navigator families seem to have ties or jurisdiction over particular sectors of space- either by appointment, negotiation, or some other means. They also seem to have a hand not only in the long-distance (navigator assisted) shipping (between sectors or segmentum) but also the more "local" stuff within a sector btween nearby systems. Makes some sense given that the Navigators are likely the ones both with the resources (money) and the pull to arrange and support such shipping, and it furthers ther own power and monopoly as well.

PAge 170
Despite its reputation as a civilised though remote sector, Calixis too has its share of combat zones. To travel through the sector is to see numerous conflicts, ranging from small scale skirmishes of rebellious workers and factions to planet-wide carnage caused by xenos incursion or infection.

Many conflicts are but brief flashes measured in days or months, otehrs can last for decades or longer. Ignorance is a virtue, with the most conflicts going unknown to the toiling multitudes of the sector, their knowledge limited to rousing propoganda and scant rumour brought back by battle-weary troopers whose dreams are the endless nightmares of men who have seen too much.
Semantics seems to be a rather important point here. "conflicts' does not neccesarily equate to a war. I'm guessing most conflicts in calixis are small and generally resolved fast - piracy for example. Other than that, they seem pretty quiet, since they make an effort to go out and make war (the Crusades like the Margin Crusade and te Jericho reach one). "civilised' and (peacful) means more like the conflicts are small and generally don't disrupt the activiites of the larger sector (much in the same way the Earth can be largeyl stable and civilised yet having ongoing 'conflict' in various parts of it at any one time.)

Page 170
...legions of administrata cogitate and sequester contracts and orders with forge worlds, fanes and hives to supply their needs...
As the Departmento Munitorum is the largest weapons production and procurement agency in the galaxy, it is no wonder that their products have become the stnadard for the Imperium. Whilst there are countless variations of the basic lasgun for example, almost all function in the fairly common manner with the standard nineteen-megathule powerpack. Without such standardisation the Imperial Guard could not effectively fight across the wide expanse of Imperial space. Weapons as described in the Dark Heresy core rulebook are for the most part examples of this Munitorum standard, and exist in great numbers; there are thousands of variant patterns used as well by Guardsmen and other Imperial agents of course. Many of these are captured combat trophies, unauthorised battlefield modifications, or wepaons from the hives where such near-endless customisations abound.
Supply and procurment in the Calixis Sector, and mention of the weapons portrayed as being some sort of standard (although what 'standard' means is open to interpretation, due to sheer variation and customization issues - both official and unoffiical.) I still think the standardization only applies within the sector, as the organizations and mechanisms by which things are produceda nd supplied would only be standardized within the sector. Beyond it, all bets are off.

Also the powerpack is rated at "nineteen megathule" - we still dont know what a thule is, so it can't really be used except maybe in a vague relative sense.

PAge 171
Like almost all sectors of the Imperium, the Calixis Sector is home to war, with dozens of planets and systems at any given time seeing armed conflict.
"dozens" of planets per sector at war. Given mentions of 100K worlds at war.. we're looking at thousands of sectors easily. Which we don't really need to prove at this point, but its nice.

Its also dozens of planets out of hundreds.. which tend to suggest the vast majority of the planets are perfectly fine (at least as far as anything can be fine in 40k..)

PAge 171
An uprising, lead by heretical followers of the insane cleric Anolian Hesh, ignited stolen atomics on Gelmino Primus, Gelmiro Secundus, and Tertius destroying nearly all of the system's key military assets.
Use of 'atomics' - whatever those are supposed to reference in 40K (atomics like fusion tends to be pretty open ended.)

Page 171
The first indication of something amiss came when tithe-collection vessels, on their never-ending circuit of the system, approached only to be met with vox silence.
Tithe collection ships (men or materials) seem to operate on a constant, neverending cycle (except perhaps for maintenance or repairs) much as the black ships themselves do.

Page 171
The sharp spiked attachment can easily rip open any heretic in the hands of a power-armoured Adepta Sororitas fighter. When used in close combat, a Mars Pattern boltgun counts as a monoaxe.
Sarissa on SoB bolters.. Note the mon-attachment bit. In the novel crossfire, they're powered

Page 171
..these weapons require a crew of two men, one to aim and carry the barrel, and the other saddled with the delightful job of having a large tank of promethium strapped to their back. Heavy Flamers are ideal for immolating entire swaths of enemy with each shot...
Heavy flamers. more like a man portable heavy weapon (lascannon, etc.) than a backpack flamer. Which tends to make it rather.. inconvenient in most combat situations, since it is not long-ranged enough to be useful as a stationary weapon, yet it is not mobile enough to keep up with troops. Probably at its best in fixed fortifications or close range engagements where you need short range firepower and you don't have meltaguns.

PAge 172
(Voss pattern Nightfire flamer) Purely as a terror weapon, the Nightfire uses refined promethium blended with toxic chemicals. Used only by specialist assault troops in full protective gear, it not only burns but poisons the surrounding air with noxious smoke. Foes who manage to survive the initial flames find themselves gasping for air once the toxins reach their lungs.
Toxic flamer. As we know with the hellhound variants, the IG isnt afraid of chemical warfare. Even more interesting that they'll burn AND poison you!

Page 172
Triplex pattern "fury" assault laspistol..

..This rare variant is more often utilised by elite assault squads and the Fury is the ideal weapon when facing a horde of foes. They fire in short bursts, designed to clear away enemies withou slowing the advance.
SMG version of a laspistol I guess.

PAge 172
Utilising advanced techniques of manufacture and internal gyro-stabilisation, high power "hellguns" are the chosen weapons of the elite Inquisitorial Stormtroopers and Imperial Guard grenadier forces. Costly and difficult to manufacture, the primary source for these weapons in the Calixis Sector is the Takara Fane of Gunmetal City.

Hellguns are fare more energy hungry than standard las weapons and fed from power capacitor backpack units. They may use standard las weapon charge packs, but consume four charges per shot.
Hellguns again. note the grenadier/storm trooper variants consuming 4x as much power per shot from a standard lasgun pack. This means they get maybe 12-15 shots (assuming a 50-60 shot lasgun powerpack.)

Page 172

..no two of these cobbled together and ill-made weapons are ever quite the same. Often found in the hands of desperate and poorly equipped insurgents or renegades, las-locks are usually scratch built or modifications of antique or damaged las rifles brought back into service..

Laslocks jury-rigged capacitors are temperamtental things at best, but still potent, firing a more powerful discharge than that of a standard lasgun.
The laslock. More powerful than a lasgun due to its modifications, probably drawing more power from the pack at the expense of a slower charge time and fewer shots.

Page 172
Military construction:
Common construction materials are used in most Imperial fortifications and military postings, mainly due to their simplicity of manufacture and the standardisation of fabrication technologies.

Plasteel - The strongest and most expensive, plasteel is used in both personal and vehicle armour. It is very durable, relatively lightweight, and can be formed into an endless variety of shapes and textures.

Rockcrete - mostly made frrom native stone ground up and mixed with bindign agents to form heavy, thick slabs used in wall sand flooring. IT is cheap and easy to create.

Plascrete - this mateiral forms most prefabricrated habs and Imperial stations. It combines the ease of manufacture of rockcrete with most of the durability of plasteel.

Flakboard - used in many military installations, flakboard provides a quick means of protecting interior walls and repairing damage. It is stury and easy to construct, and can keep a fortification patched up until more lasting materials can be procured.

Proximity Alarm - These detect motion and/or sound, and alert of incoming dangers such as ground-based attacks.Most set off a horrendous noise, but others can use silent or visual alerts linked to protable or emplaced receptor units.
Construction mateirals and equipment. Fairly self explanatory really.

Page 173
Each is oversized, specially designed for their great strength and enlaged physiques. This is especially true of the bolter weapons such as boltguns and bolt pistols. Massive and reinforced like their users, even the ammunition clips are sheathed in protective wards and armour, with hand grips lager than any human hand can manage and a weight that would require most humans to use a support bracing. Indeed, a human trying to fire such a weapon would likely suffer recoil of such strength that it would rip their arm from its socket.


Designed with smaller grips and lighter construction, tehse bolters do not have the same capacity for slaughter as the Astartes versions, yet can easily cut a man in two. Supplied by the Departmento Munitorum to Imperial Guard forcees throughout the galaxy....
Difference between Astartes and marine bolt weapons. Note they can still "cut a man in two". Astartes bolters are more powerful. Doesn't quite explain why they have the same calibre however. Also greater recoil probably due to the bigger bolt (possibly higher velocities)

Page 173
The Mars pattern is produced in great numbers on Scintilla and Malfi and is the standard armament of most Calixian Guard regiments.
The IG get a lasgun different from the lasgun the Calixis regiments use, although I gather it might be better performance wise, but the main differences are 60 instead of 50 shots, and the weapon is some 3 kg lighter and about 50% higher ROF (Semi(3) rather than Semi(2))

Page 173
(Mars Pattern Mark IV command laspistol) - these are high-powered weapons designed for carefully placed shots at longer ranges. They have an extended barrel and are slightly heavier than standard service pistols.
High powered officer laspistol. Probably useful close in as well.

Page 173
A heavy weapon commonly found on Imperial guard vehicles such as the Chimera APC or Sentinel Walker, a multi-laser's rapid-pulse configuration allows a multitude of shots to be fired in bursts. While much less powerful than lascannon, they offer a high sustained rate of fire that makes them excecllent as suppression and anti-personnel weapons.
Multi laser. Gatling lasgun. Less powerful than lascannon, but presumably more powerful than lasgun.

PAge 173
Roth pattern lightning lasgun

An unusual pattern, the Roth "Lightning" has its ammunition plug set behind the trigger grip, allowing for a extended collimation barrel which provides greater ranges without increasing overall size. Owing to their relative rarity, these weapons are often restricted to "Sharpshooter" light infantry regiments and many are further modified into long las sniper rifles.
Possibly only rare in this sector, as a bullpup design appears more common in other novels and sources (They're standard for Elysian regiments, for example.) Perhaps it also just means this variant. One has to wonder what is so unuusal about it though, since there really is no drawback to a bullpup design for a laser weapon. They would also be good for close in assault forces (like shock troopers, assault pioneers) because they can make them more compact without sacrificing range or power in the from of a carbine.

Page 173
Considered old even among the anceint nature of most Imperial weaponry, twin lasguns are a rare sight on the battlefield. First produced millenia ago, their design was never perfected as other patterns soon supersede the lasburst's unreliable nature. Still some appear on battlefields, either as ancient devices or low-grade versions manufactured in lesser munitions factories.

While not as dependable as a regular lasgun, Lasbursts offer a much stronger fire rate by literally doubling the normal firepower.
Doulbe barrled lasgun. Basically a combi-lasgun weapon :P You can combi-weapon anything in 40K (storm variant even.)

Page 174
A small single-shot version of the regular grenade launcher fitted onto another ranged weapon such as a lasgun, allowing the user to either fire a single grenade instead of firing as normal. The added weight and cumbersome nature means that most users rarely bother to reload the launcher once it is expended
Single shot underside grenade launcher. Some (rarer?) are multi-shot.

PAge 174
The most powerful launcher weapon, they fire a variety of specialised rounds at long distances.

This weapon is popular with PDF forces as it is simple to use and requires no loading or reloading. These weapons normally come pre-loaded with a single frag or krak missile. Some disposable launchers come loaded with rocket-propelled frag or krak grenades instead—these versions are half the normal cost.
Disposable one shot missile launcher. May be either RPG or an actual missile launcher.

PAge 174
Each missile [for a missile launcher] is fitted with stabilisation and guidance systems to aid their accuracy.
missile launchers are guided. Probably get better range than rocket/RPg launchers by that fact.

PAge 174
The largest melta weapon and usually only found within the ranks of the Astartes or on Imperial vehicles. This huge weapon can fire in much longer ranges and creates a larger blast area, cooking several square metres at a time. It also generates much more heat than its smaller cousins, and most users must insulate themselves with protective clothing or armour.
Multimelta. Assuming it inflicts 100 j per square cm burns we're talking 3 MJ at least. Although thta depends on what it means by "cook" - its implied to be more area effect weapon than a regular meltagun obviously.

PAge 174
Thermal lance - a more refined melta weapon, a thermal lane uses additional magnetic containment beams to guide the superheated flow through the extended barrel, resulting in less dispersion and tighter control. It is often used for precise cutting, but doubles nicely as a weapon for slicing through armour and bulkheads in focused cuts.

High end meltaweapon.. less sophisticated than the fusion weapons of tau or Eldar though.

Page 174
Somewhat larger than the standard melta gun, it fires a more accurate and directed heat beam. The longer barrel provides for added directional containment to reduce dispersal, but at the cost of reduced firepower.
Voss Pattenr Mk3 Ultimo meltagun. Tradeoff in firepower for range. Not that a meltagun is going to lose out in firepower all that much compared to some weapons (such as for antipersonnel use)

Page 174
Sunfury assault plasma gun - A high power weapon issued to Imperial Guard units facing heavily armoured foes. The sunfury can spit out plasma bolts capable of destroying even light vehicles with ease, although its rate of fuel consumption is high.
This tends to suggest the high powered, anti vehicle (and possibly the 'person incinerating') bolts are more energy intensive than standard modes, which makes sense. It also sounds like Guard plasma weapons are deliberately high powered (which also means they are deliberately designed to be riskier overheating, or face a longer cooldown/charge cycle.) The hiliarity of this is how often you hear how rare and precious plasma guns are... yet they're designed to blow up if the user isn't careful.

Page 174
Plasma blaster - a unique variant crafted as a combi-weapon, it incorporates two plasma guns which, when fired together, give twice the effective damage, but also at a higher risk to the user. The guns share the same fuel cannisters, lowering the weight of the weapon but keeping the number of shots it can fire to roughly the same as a regular plasma gun.
These are supposed to be super-rare.. and yet here they are. i remember one of the 2nd edition codexes dealign with the Blood Angels having a weapon like this and it was supposed to be high end (a combi plasma weapon)

Page 174
Plasma cannon: Most often seee on Imperial vehicles, ,a plasma cnanon requires a large separate fuel container. It can also be fired in maximal mode, which exhuasts the fuel but provides a blast of solar heat on impact, creating a fireball of stellar temperatures.
plasma guns have a super fire mode that creates an explosive-fireball effect on impact (my guess.. explosive vaporization) and "stellar temperatures' (which I interpret more as a brief, temporary nuclear fireball effect.. only focused rather than omnidirectional, like in an asteroid impact.) Alternately it just fires some sort of physical or semi-phyiscal projectile which detonates on impact.

Page 175
Alcher MarK IV Combat autogun: This weapon is popular with PDF forces across the sector, where the simple setting (one shot or full automatic) fits better with the generally less well-trained soldiers. The larger magazine size helps keep up with the higher rate of shooting.
A low tech autogun.. which is saying something for autoguns!

Page 175
Assault cannons are equipped with six rapidly rotating barrels in a gatling style configuration, firing diamantine tipped shells. The barrels wear out quickly due to the intense heat generated by the internal motor that spins them, and normally rqeuire replacement after each mission to prevent jamming or catastrophic failures.
Man portable gatling guns. Like alot of astartes weapons, very high maintenance.

PAge 175
An Autocannon is a very brutal weapon, noisy and hard to control in action, and requires a team of two operators (firer and loader) for effective use. Autocannons use cased, explosive shells fired at a high rate to destroy their targets. On the battlefield they provide excellent infantry support.
Autocannon. Although they have been listed as firing solid ammo, the main difference between a stubber and autocannon (aside from being of potentially higher calibers) is that it can fire explosive ammo.

Page 176
This is a heavier version of the frag grenade designed primarily as an anti-personnel weapon. Frag missiles can only be used in missile launchers.
Used as tank-killers, there is little that can survive a direct hit from a krak missile. Krak missiles can only be used in missile launchers.
Frag and krak missiles. More powerful than their grenade equivalents.

PAge 176
Inferno thermal grenade: These devices explode with a shower of molten metal as their incendiary fuel ignites. They are not as poweful as a melta-bomb and thus cannot burn through most armour, but are useful for melting down simple barricades and doors or for starting fires.
they sound like a poor man's shaped charge, without the shaping, or another thermite/thermate like material. They come in hand, grenade or RPG launcher, or missile form.

Also of note: Frag grenades come in hand, grenade, or RPG configuration.

Page 176 -
..a stun grenade’s concussive effect, thunderous noise and bright flash is highly effective and usually causes no lasting..
Photo-visors and sealed armour provide a..
the last bit is "provide a bonus" to resisting the effects, so it's improved resistance (but can still work against such equipped folk.) Basically a really high tech flashbang effect (bright light and noise)

Page 177
Scourge pattern bolters (Sisters of Battle variant) have a clip of 24 and weigh 10 kg. Range of 90, semi auto burst of 2. 1 kg clip suggests 21-42 gram bullets.

Garm pattern bolt pistol: Range 30, Single/semi(2), 4.5 kg and 8 round clip. - 28-56 grams per bullet.

Heavy flamers have a range of 30, clip of 10, and weigh 45 kg. .45 kg of fuel consumed per shot, although the power source could be separate,

Voss patterns (toxic) have a range of 20 and weigh 6 kg, with 3 shots.

Lasguns: As always assume 150 w/h per kg sodium sulfur battery as standard.

Fury triplex laspistols have range of 20m, ,ROF of 2 (Semi) or 5 (full), ,weigh 1.5 kg and have a 30 shot clip. .15 gram clip 2.7 kj per shot.

Hellguns have a 110 m range, semi ROF of 3, and 40 shot clip. And weigh 6 kg, not including backpack. Hellpistols have 35 m range, 20 shots, and weigh 4 kg minus backpack. Not really possible to calc without the backpack, sadly. and we dont really know what sort of backpack in this source. Other sources list a backpack source (which is independent, and I won't include here) but both Rogue Trader Core Rules and Ascension list hellguns, which have a 10 kg powerpack specially designed for hellguns and fit weapons which are broadly similar to this (30 shots rather than 40 here, and the Cadian Kasrkin hellgun is much shorter ranged.) That means 5.4 MJ powerpack (sodium sulfur) and a whopping 135 kj per shot! What is even crazier, recall is that a hellgun consumes 4x the power (2x in Ascenision for the Cadian type) of a regular power paack and provided some 12-15 shots, which means some 1.6-2 MJ for a .4 kilo powerpack.. and that lasguns should provide between 25-40 kj per shot from such packs... Except that a hellgun pack ought to be 25 x more powreful based on that... which creates a viscious circle. One reason to take these calcs with a grain of salt, really.

oh and a hellpistol probably firesoff the same power source but in the other sources get 40 shots whereas here they get 20, giving them 270 kj per shot. :P On the other hand the Handbook entry has a hellpistol description, and what looks to be at least 8-9 cm wide, 9-10 cm long (widest side) ~4-5 cm on its shortest side (clip looks like half a trapezoid) and is probably 4-5 cm wide... which would give between 200-400+ kj per shot, and at 20 shots per pack we'd be looking at 10-20 kj depending on exact dimensions. Laspistols would naturally be about 1/4 that.

Laslocks have a range of 70, do as much damage as a hellgun (roughly albeit in game mechanics) but have only a single shot, and weigh 4 kg. Possibly an impromptu hotshotting, given its a .4 kg power pack.. 216 kj for a single shot. Actually MOre powerful than a hellgun here! Stats wise they have the same damage (game stat) as hlelguns, so this would imply lasguns are 216 kj per shot and lasguns are 54 kj per shot. Again this is game mecahnics so its probably not something one should take as fact, but its still kind of interesting.

Mark 3 basic lasgun is 60 shot, 100m range increment, single and 3 shot semi and weighs 4 kg. Different from the MG pattern described in the uplifting primer. 3.6 kj per shot which is over half what the Drusus Prime is getting! Scaling up from that we get 454 kj per power pack, and hellguns getting 30 kj or so per shot. of course a laslock would also get some 450 kj per shot too... so would a hotshot really.

Mark IV offices laspistol had a range of 40m, damge of a lasgun (dice) , 15 shot clip and weighs 1.75 kg. 6.3 kj per shot from a .175 kg clip.

Multilasers weigh 50 kg, ,range of 250, ROF of 10 (full), and a 60 shot clip. It says that teh weapon fires from a backpack pwoer source, but none is listed. Assuming a 5-10 kg "soruce (like a hellgun) we're getting 45-90 kj per shot, although without knowing the exact power source weight its hard to say.

Roth pattern (lightning) lasgun has a range of 120 meters, Semi burst of 2, and weighs 4 kg with a 60 shot clip. Same output as Mark III. range would be 20% better (at 1 km it would have 1.2 km range, and at 1.5 km range it would have 1.8 km)

twin lasguns have a range increment of 100, single/semi(2), eighteen shot clip, and weigh 7 kg. 21 kj per shot.

Stormfront lasgun (modified kantrael pattern) has 100m range increment, single/semi(3), 60 shots, and weighs 5 kg (probably do to balance and built in bayonet) .5 kg power source 270 kj is 4.5 kj per shot. About 9.5 kj per shot (estimate) if we base off Drusus pattern :)

Auxiliary grenade launchrs have a range of 45m 1 shot clip, and add 2.5 kg to the gun's weight.
Grenade probably weighs 100-250 grams :)

Disposalbe launcher has a range of 175 m, weighs 30 kg, and a single shot clip. 3 kg missile payload, although the launcher itself is kinda bulky compared to a stnadard launcher.

Missile launcher has a range of 250, weighs 35 kg and single shot clip. 3.5 kg missile.

Multimeltas have a range of 60m, clip of 10 shots, and weigh 55 kg. Ultimos have a range of 40m, 5 shots, and 10 kg weight. Thermal lance has a 10 m range, 2 shot clip, and weighs 14 kg.
I'm too lazy to calc meltas from this, besides which we know their outputs generally well.. figure at least single or double digit MJ from ammo outputs anyways (around the becnhmark of plasma weapons)

Plasma blaster has a range of 60m, 6 shot clip, and 20 kg weight. 2 kg power source is 47 mj per shot.

Plasma cannon has a 120m range, 16 shot clip, and weighs 38 kg. 3.8 kg power source.. 33 MJ per shot. Maximal consumes 6 shots, which is 198 MJ. Interestingly it has a range (3) so 3 m radius. Assuming Thousands of k temp and heating the air you can get hundreds of MJ quite easily :P

Note that some sources (Inferno) list the plasma cannon as having a 1500 m range. This meshes with the Roth pattern lasgun. A lasgun would have 1250 m range, a long las a 1875 m range. A lascarbine a range of 750m. A bolter and autogun 1.1 km. Lascannon (and autocannon below) would be some 3.75 km

Mark III sunfury has 80m range, semi-auto ROF of 2, 10 shot clip, and weighs 12 kg.
17 Mj per shot, 1.2 KG flask.

Assault cannons have a 120 m range, ROF of 10 (Full), 200 shot clip, and weigh 60 kg.

Autocannon weigh 55 kg, a rate of fire of 2 (semi) or 5 (fully auto) with a 300m range and a 20 shot clip. 5.5 kg clip 140-275 gram shell (probably includes casing either way though)

Alcher MK4 Autogun has a 60m range increment, single/10 shot full auto setting, 40 shot clip, and 3.5 kg mass. 4.4-8.75 grams per bullet

Frag missiles weigh .5 kg. Inferno/thermal grenades weigh .6 kg. Krak missiles weigh 1.5 kg.
Mark 3 frag grenade masses .8 kg Stun grenade is .2 kg.

Page 178
Fyceline: A chemical used in many standard Imperial explosives, it is mined from rare ores and its production often becomes the primary tithe for most planets.
I'm not sure what HE you can get from "rare ores" but I do know from the munitorum manual you can make alcohol from it and they make fuel blocks for vehicles from it. Must be some damn energetic AND versatile shit.

Page 178
A less powerful and less expensive directional explosive similar to the melta bomb, it is applied directly to the target structure and focuses the blast against it. The resulting explosion is more powerful than a regular krak detonation.
Cressin pattenr Limpet mine. Apparently direcitonal explosives are a category.

Page 178
Mines can be made from pretty much any of the explosives and grenades listed here, and use triggers from simple pressure-sensors to advanced bioscanners. Most are placed just under the ground and are designed to explode underground, whilst others spring into the air when triggered to maximize shrapnel damage.
Variations in design and triggering of mines.

Page 178
Petrochem-based liquid fuel, promethium is the jelly-like substance used to power flamer weapons. It can also be used to create anti-personnel explosives and bombs as it is highly flammable
Well here, promethium is a petrochemical. or at least petrochemical based (which could mean anything) Like fyceline, Promethium tends to be a catch-all category. although I've never heard of making alcohol from it (you can use it in fusion reactions though, apparently.)

PAge 178
Designed to be manually fixed to their target with mag-adhesives, melta bombs detonate with a charge of intense heat similar in effect ot a melta weapon and are ideal for destroying bulkheads, vehicle hulls and other heavily armoured targets. Imperial melta bombs are roughly domed in shape but heavy and unwieldy and not designed to be thrown.
Melta bombs weigh 4 kg.

Page 178
Double-ended ammunition clips designed to shorten reloading time. Users simply flip the clip over when one side is exhausted. The clip is effectively two clips attached to each other and requires two clips worth of ammo to fill.
Normally only utilised by officers—troopers finding tape just as effective to holding toclips together, and a lot cheaper!
Duplus clips. I'd gather its a rather common trick for militaries.

PAge 178
As the name suggests, these heavy gauntlets allow for a single ranged weapon to be mounted along the arm, with specific hand movement triggering the weapon.
forearm mounted weapons have a 30% reduction in range. Any pistol weapon (las, primtive, solid, bolt, or melta. Not plasma though, curiosuly.). The picture of a forarm weapon shows it still having a pistol grip.

Page 179
A grimy and relatively minor hive world, Tranch’s...
a conflict that would spread to engulf the entire planet and leave more than a billion dead....
Now classified as “officially pacified”, the Calixian Guard regiments who are routinely rotated through deployments on Tranch still take the brunt of the slowly simmering conflict...
Tranch today is still a militarised zone, administered as a fiefdom of the powers of the Malfian sub-sector. Large-scale efforts to recolonise and restart the world’s industry have only been partially successful, and whole hive spires..
A "minor" hive world with over a billion dead. Note the mention of troop rotations as well. Apparently (at least in Calixis) keeping troops in one locale til the end of days (EG 15 hours) is not always done. also note they are trying to recolonise (which suggest again a population on the order of a billion) and is being adminsitered by another planet (martial law?) although not as part of an Adepta - wonder why that?

Page 179
Targeter: Expensive, ,heavy and rarely used except by elite forces, a targeter uses a variety of guidance cogitators and omni-sights to improve accuracy. These upgrades are normally hard-wired into a specific weapon for maximum efficiency. commonly viewd as adding to the weapon's machine spirt, they create an even closer bond between gunner and gun.
Targeters weigh 1.5 kg, which means all that neat shit adds extensively to the weapon's weight. Although I suspect targeters come in less complicated varieties (in the munitorum manual they come across as glorified rangefinders) It's also possible this is meant for special and heavy weapons (like missile launchers) rather than small arms (hence the cogitators and such.)

Note that at least some hellguns come with targeters, which gives us an indication of their sophisticated targeting mechanisms.

Page 179
These attachments are for heavier weapons or those using integral ammunition canisters rather than a backpackmounted source (such as plasma guns or meltaguns).
bi or tri pods This tends to suggest most plasma or meltaguns are backpack-source weapons (or like hellguns) rather than power pack (although we know plasma guns can run off a ammo cannisters). we've seen lasguns, plasma weapons and such with bipods or tripods though - the Elysians have them.

Besides most heavy weapons are already stabilized in some manner - wheeled and such.

Page 180
These oversized bladed weapons are almost to the size of a short sword. Each has a heavy, straight-edged blade designed to cut flesh as well as puncture light armour, and can be affixed to most basic weapons as a bayonet.
Combat Knives. Probably something on the order of a Bowie knife or a similar "large" knife - although why they need to be that big is up for debate (possibly because of the xenos they face, or maybe its a holdover from "bayonet charging"

Page 180
Several guard regiments use modern shields as part oftheir combat style, particularly the Wasteland Legionnaires who often advance through hostile areas with camouflaged shields. They are generally made from quality plasteel plates, lighter than they would appear. Some even have small visors of glassteel so that the user can peer out without sacrificing protection. Guard shields can provide cover for the user...
not unlike shields used by Arbitrators. In a way it actually makes sense - if you ned to charge against an enemy for example, you need all the defense cyou can get. unlike stormshields, they don't have built in forcefields however.

Page 180
Rather than encasing an edged weapon with a power field, the energy field here is used to disrupt material in a more violent fashion.

Unprotected enemies (hit by a power fist) erupt in a shower of ruined flesh, as if a grenade had exploded inside them.

Power fists are more common as part of power armour suits where the massive power requirements can be met by integral energy packs, but some elite Imperial forces and high-ranking officers also use them with the aid of backpack power sources.
We see how power fists vary from power swords. The powerfield disruption effect can be controlled to be either simply penetrative or cutting (with minimal/no explosive ffects) or to create explosive and penetrative effects. Thunder Hammers are quite similar, and I suspect Crozius and power mauls/maces are as well. i imagine some power swords can even do both (it has been hinted, after all.)

Note as well that powerfists generate "grenade like" explosive effects, suggesting hundreds of kj, perhaps close to a MJ worth of damage. That is consistent with examples like the guantlets of macragge (1-8 MW)

Power fists weigh 12 kg. Combat knives weigh .8 kg. Shields weigh 3.5 kg.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Here we go with part 2 of Inquisitor's handbook. Plus the old stuff. I'll separate that and add commentary at the end.

Page 181
Windrider CArapace Scale armour: An odd mix of armour styles, this uses small diamond shaped armplas plates bound together in overlapping sections, forming a flexible covering that is less restrictive than normal carapace armour. The officers of the Lacustan Windriders favour this armour for the extra mobility it affords, as well as its savage appearance.
A Mesh armour version of carapace I'd gather.... lighter than regular carapace.. possibly less protective.

Page 181
Flak Greatcoat: Many Imperial Guard and PDF officers favour these heavy garments, as they offer protection against colder climates as well as enemy fire. Stylish as well as functional, they are also favourites among civilian fighters as well.
Some regiments also use them outright (eg Valhallans). some sources have the coats also being able to use rigid inserts.

Page 181
LIDHL light power armour...
Despite its heavily ornamented and impressive visage, this armour is at the low end of protective value. It sees the most widespread use among the officers of the Scintillan Guard, for it allows a great deal of customisation to better display their herealdry and accomplishments.
Lidhl power armour weighs 40 kg, and provides AP of 6. Closest to IG power armor (amongst officers) you see... only because it is low quality stuff I suppose. Still better than nothing!

Page 181
Although still very rare, refractor fields are perhaps the commonest form of force field defence available in the Imperium. Their creation is a closely guarded secret, a relic of a more “powerful” age. Sometimes employed by Imperial Guard officers of high rank, the wealthy scions of noble houses or awarded as a mark of great distinction to senior Adepta, refractor fields take the form of elaborate gorgets or belt units that generate an all but invisible impedance field a short distance away from the body which refracts and defects energy.
Refractor fields of this type are ineffective against very close range or slow moving attacks such as blows struck in close combat, mines and the like. The compact high-discharge powers cells are enough for 1 hour of continuous use.
The power cells are not re-chargeable.
Refractor fields. Makes you wonder why vehicles that don't use voids use them, given that vheicles are supposed to be so precious. They share void limitations against slow moving and melee objects (but then again so do projected powerfields like the Orks use.) I suspect it may be more a result of shields 'triggering' when a threat is near or some such. (void shields of the 'warp dumping' variety almsot cerainly do.)

Why the power cells are non-rechargable we dont know. seems a rather significnat limitation, unless the power requirements mean the demand can't be met any other way.

Page 181
- Windrider Carapace is 6 kg in weight, Flak Greatcoat is 9 kg, and Refractor fields weigh 1.5 kg.

Page 182
Normally a simple magnetic compass, calibrated to current planetary true and magnetic polar locations, these tools are vital additions to any infantryman’s kit.
By the way entrenching tools double as improvised weapons.

Page 182
Depending on the battlefield, additional items such as tent liners, heating bricks, sunscreen, extra blankets, insect repellent, heavy gloves, greatcoats or parkas, filtration plugs, rad pills and more can be issued.
Hostile weather gear.

Page 182
Rugged and compact, these light sources can be hand-held or fitted to the bayonet lugs on most rifles. A focusing dial on the lens can adjust the beam to either a wide swath for general lighting or a tight longer range illumination. A lamp pack runs for 1d5+5 hours on a standard charge.
6-10 hours. Most RL rifle flashlights I could figure out are 1-3 watts.. but they're also an order of magnitude less bulky. few tens up to maybe 100 kj per pack.. although its going to be sucky as far as effiiency goes for a full kg! This is also far shorter duration than the lamp packs in first and only.

The Infantry lamp packs weigh 1 kg, which seems ludicrously heavy unless it was a heavy duty flashlight, and you aren't going to mount it on a gun. It might be a game mechanics thing or an error.

Page 183
A small set of screwdrivers, wrenches, wire and other items for maintenance and routine repairs, tool kits often contain rolls of “mud tape” (named as it sticks to everything and never comes off ) and a small multi-purpose axe as well.

Most commonly designed around the ubiquitous lasgun, each kit includes items such as blessed oils and lubricants, swabbing cloths, cleaning gels, weapon-specific tools and spare parts such as a spare stock and barrel. As standard, these kits are calibrated to Calixis-patterns, but generally work on all Munitorum-issued lasguns. Bear in mind, without the proper litanies and invocations, however, even the finest efforts will not ensure that the weapon maintains its proper function.
Weapon maintenance kit (second) and a general tool kit (first one)

Page 183
Ration bricks made from recycled food waste or any other organic materials, used for civilian relief in areas of intense fighting. Also known as “Emperor’s Mercy” bars, each can just barely keep a person alive for a day. The less said about their taste the better.
Another in-joke about food. Again we also see that, while taste isnt always a requirement, they show extensive efficiency in recycling. Also some humanitarian effort in terms of civilian relief (Rather than just letting the fuckers starve.)

Page 183
Each metallic [combat ration pack] pouch contains foodstuffs for one complete meal (including vitamin supplements) along with salt and water puri-tabs, a protein bar and minor medical supplies. No cooking is required but most troops either use open flames, squad hexamine stoves or their tank armour to heat them where possible. These packs are more or less sufficient to keep a soldier fighting, albeit flavourless (or worse bad tasting) and unappealing for extended use.
IG food rations. Better than corpse starch or some fo the other shit you get on hive or Forge worlds.

Page 183
Another civilian relief item, these parchments can be airdropped into cities or even rolled up and fired from grenades or mortars. Each contains inspirational addresses to maintain spiritual wellbeing and morale. Each is also heavily imprinted with nutrients— chewed they can sustain physical well-being as well.
Daily Prayers. Heh.

Page 183
Long duration ration pack: Much the same as a regular pack, but includes higher-energy items for troopers conducting forced marches or intense activities away from central command.
Bet it still tastes bad.

Page 183
Just a step above relief rations, these are generally stowed in tanks or aircraft to supplement individual packs. When a unit must wait for relief or rescue, they can stretch daily packs into weeks of sustenance.
Emergency rations. These almost certainly taste bad.

Page 184
All Guardsmen carry a standard basic medikit, which can vary in contents and effectiveness from regiment to regiment. Advanced medikits are standard issue gear for Medicae in the field.
first aid kits seem standard for troops in Calixis, anyhow.

Page 184
A variation of synth-skin, cast spray forms a tough rigid coating over broken limbs so the trooper can be more easily transported. The temporary cast has coagulants and counterseptic drugs laced into the material to help fight Blood Loss and infection..
These include a broad range of antiseptics and analgesics to fight off infections, either injected via a pre-packaged needle or ingested in tab form.
Instant casts and counterseptics. Useful stuff for (probably) IG Medkits.

Page 184
Ghostfire extract is the material from which the bulk of the Segmentum Obscurus’s versions of Frenzon are actually derived.
Commonly given to Penal Legionnaries, Halo creates a compliant state suitable for combat prisoner indoctrination. Users can be better readied and even made enthusiastic to meet their coming fate on the battlefield. Other heavily stressed troopers use it to forcibly induce a calmer frame of mind.
A potent combination of neural accelerants and stimulants, Kick makes the user feel supercharged with energy. It is ideal for short-term assaults as the effects burn off rapidly inducing profound fatigue and listlessness for the next several hours.
Ghostfire is a kind of "Frenzon" - meaning that its a category of combat drugs rather than a specific kind. WE also get various other ones that might be used for other purposes.

Page 184
A somewhat dangerous all-in-one injection covering almost anything that can be wrong with someone. It includes an anti-bacterial serum, a blood clotting agent, an allergen, poison and radiation antidote broad-band immune booster, vitamins, a white cell stimulator and a sedative. This much stimulation to the body’s system can also cause massive shock, but when faced with a life or death situation against an unknown ailment some medicae take the gamble.
they call it "rainbow" - basically to be used in emergencies as a lifesaving tool.

Page 184
A thin foam sprayed over burned flesh wounds to staunch bleeding and promote new skin regeneration, synth-skin is commonly issued to troopers for their own battlefield dressings.
Its also used on other wouns that bleed, like gunshots.

Page 184
Easy to use by untrained personnel, toxin wands work to detect poisons and recommend counter-agents and immunisers.
Poison detector.

Page 186
The Calixian Conclave and its agents span the sector from the imposing bulk of the Tricorn Palace on Scintilla to lonely fortress stations and hidden watchposts on scores of worlds.
Inquisition's terriotry within Calixis.

Page 187
..the Catechist-pattern is a high-power, self-loading mechanical crossbow weapon designed not to fire regular crossbow bolts but rather specially constructed 15 centimetre adamantine-silver alloy stakes. These stakes, as well as being diamantine-tipped and fired with sufficient force to pierce body armour, are microetched with deadly prayers of anathema against the witch and the Daemon and feature razor barbs that snap out from the stake to embed in the target’s flesh.
Yet another mix of traditional and high tech to fuck of the daemonic.

Page 187
...the eviscerator is an obscenely large double-handed chain weapon fitted with a crude version of the disruption field generator more commonly found on power-blades. Although very unwieldy and tiring to use, the eviscerator is fully capable of ripping an armoured man in half or tearing open the most blasphemously corrupted mutant in a single stroke.
They weigh 12 kg, continuing the tradition of insanely overstated masses for chain weapons. This isn't even Astartes territory, either.

Page 187
Made from the rarest materials and interlaced with psychic reactive and channelling circuitry of a design said to have originated with the Emperor himself when he walked among mortal men, force weapons are capable of channelling the mental power and aggression of a psyker into deadly, realityrending force. It is theoretically possible to create force weapons in almost any form..
Force weapon design supposedly comes from the Emperor. Daemonhammers are Force weapons Force axes weigh 4.5 kg, Force staffs 3 kg, Force swords 3.5 kg.

PAge 188
Hexagrammatic wards: Poweful wards, null-psy lattice circuits and prayers of protection are woven into armor...
some wards aren't just fancy drawings in fancy materials, they're actual circuits

Page 189
..this traditional badge of faith also incorporates a powerful conversion field generator to shield its wearer from harm.
The Rosarius’ conversion field is generated some distance away from the wearer and so has no effect against blows struck in close combat.
Rosarius is 2 kg in mass. Like all forcefields it has a speed/melee weakness.

Page 189
Its function is to go wherever it is needed, towed into position by the leviathan-power of Mechanicus Highliners to serve as a forward base...
Inquisitorial base. Much like some start forts it is warp capable. Note the 'Mechanicus Highliners" - another probable Dune reference.

Page 190
Occasionally vital for preserving or safely containing a sample or woeful artefact, null boxes are portable stasis field generators in the shape of small armoured boxes, although some go right up to the size of a large chest or sarcophagus. Inside a stasis field, all time and motion halts and whatever is trapped inside is effectively frozen and removed from any interaction with reality—essentially contained in a psychic dead zone. True relics of the Dark Age of Technology, most null boxes are extraordinarily resilient and tough (almost supernaturally so, which may be the result of the time-control field within) and once active require no further power unless deactivated and turned on again.
Another useful bit of stasis tech, although they'renoted to be DAoT lost tech (even though they've been used for hauling perishable cargoes long distance..). it's noted they are tough/resilient. only require power on activation/deactivation.

It could be that the "lostness" of the tech depends on teh scale or scope. Something man portable is probably uncommon (much less something liek a stasis grenade) whereas large scale stasis cargo tech could probably be built relatively easier.

Page 190
Somewhat esoteric examples of techno-arcana, these devices can at least partially disrupt psychic energy and offer some degree of protection against the dark arts of the psyker and the witch. Expensive and rare, their use is largely restricted to the agents of the Holy Ordos, the Mechanicus itself and those among the Imperium’s elites whose paranoia often matches their vast wealth. Much more powerful examples of anti-psy technology do exist but they have a tendency to be exceeding rare and often unique.

Psy-jammers can be obtained in two types: a protective amulet and a cranial implant. The amulet has the disadvantage that it can be physically removed; but while the implant cannot be so easily countered, it can have unpleasant long-term side effects to the user.
Psychic nullification and disruption technology seems relatively common if you have the money for it.

Page 191
Sometimes referred to as aetherscopes, these are a paticular form of scanner designed to monitor disturbances in the empyrean and detect and analyse psychic energies. These sophistcated and trick devices are used extensively by adepts and savants attached to the Holy Ordos, although very similar scanners are actually used as a common part of the engineering equipment of major starships to monitor the status of the ship's Geller field and its generators.
They are purely passive devices as well I'd gather. Mechanical versions of what AStropaths and Navigators also do. Probably also the closest to "canonical" FTL ability that exists

"Powerful energy fields" can cloud/confuse psy trackers, which may either mean the energy fields block psychic emissions somehow, or they are psychically related themselves (given void shields dumping attacks into the warp..)

Page 191
Psycannon bolts, however, utilise the same core of psy-anthaemic substance in their construction and are capable of ripping through warp-stuff and barriers of psychic force with ease. Shockingly fatal even to those without psychic powers, it is whispered by some that those slain by psycannon bolts have their souls snuffed out like guttering candles.
Primarily a GK weapon, rare outside of it. Unless you are an inquisitior :P

Page 191
Psy jammer amulte sare .5 kg. Null boxes 20 kg. Psy traker 1.5 kg.

Page 192
The Grimoire takes the shape of a small black data-slate made of high-impact polyflex that opens in the fashion of a clasped book and also has a short-range audio and pict recording and a playback function.
Inquisitor grade dataslate tech I think.

Page 192
The bio-constructs known as Cherubim are of uncertain origin, but they are one of the few permitted examples of such biosculpted homunculi allowed within the Imperium. Taking the form most commonly resembling that of somewhat corpulent and unwholesome looking genderless children, they are also often implanted with augmetic feathery wings (and a grav generator) allowing limited flight. Cherubim are not truly alive at all and their synthesised, bloodless and waxen flesh needs neither to eat nor sleep and is fed from their internal power-cell. They are controlled by an augmented cortex and nervous system usually harvested from some lesser creature such as a simian, bird, swine or felid, and implanted with a set of programmed commands that allows them to perform some simple task such as copying text, fetching and carrying small items or tirelessly singing the Emperor’s praises with augmetic vocal cords.
Those creepy flying child things ministorum priests love. Perhaps related to, but still a different category of (or variation on) servitors and machine spirits.

Page 194
The contrary to popular reputation, the Inquisition frowns on crude physical coercion and torture, finding information extracted by such methods to be ultimately flawed and utterly unreliable, not to mention often entirely inadequate against those whose minds and bodies have been given over to dark forces. However, when direct interrogation is called for in extremis and more thorough methods (such as psychic probing) are unavailable, devices that induce mental discomfort, terror and illusory agonies though neural and chemical manipulation without uneedful injury are employed. The most common (and mobile) of these devices are known as excruciators, and consist of a variety of long monofilament induction needles and auto injectors linked to a control unit and a specially modified medicae auspex.
I can buy this explanation in part. I mean how likely are you going to get information out of a Nurglite Slaaneshi adherent through torture? Propoganda and illusion/misdirection are also rather clever and would certainly suit some Inquisitors. I still suspect that sheer variation would insure there are some Inquisitorial assholes who are stupid (or brutal) enough to do torture, even if it is just because (or they want to punish traitors or heretics, or whatever.) Torture doesn't have to be done for just information.

On the other hand I'm pretty sure there ARE cases of torture being done to obtain info so... it's another one of those 'case by case' things.

Page 194
Long used by the masters of the Black Ships to control their harvest of charges, torpor is a chemical cocktail of neural-inhibitors and narcotics deigned to render the subject docile and, more importantly, negate their ability to use Psychic Powers.
Psychic control drugs.

Page 197
Every planet in the Imperium owes loyalty and gives tithe to the Emperor. Whether this tithe is collected once every solar cycle or once every one hundred years...
On this day when millions of tonnes of ore, precious metals or foodstuff are borne skyward...
It is also on this day that a world offers up newly raised Guard regiments,

These men or women spend the day of the Gift enjoying themselves and are refused very little by those they leave behind—in some places it is considered good luck to serve such soldiers before they depart..
Tithing. It is amusingly hinted that te administratum sponsored the "Gift" holiday.

Page 198
As most citizens of the Imperium are poorly educated, often knowing only what they need to do their jobs, prayer and the teachings of the Ministorum are all they know of the galaxy or world beyond their homes.
It is so tempting to make Fox News jokes at this point. Of course, I'm not sure by whose standards of "poorly educated" we go by.. I mean it could mean "they can't count beyond ten and can't read" to "Can't speak the languages of a dozen worlds or know how to field-strip a boltgun or know what the rating of a given pwoer source is." The fact the imperium has high tech certianly doesn't help decide it either, nor does the fact you could have examples from both ends of the spectrum (which means specific examples won't be conclusive - the uplifting primer suggests guadsmen can read for example, nevermidn all the munitorum regulations.. and yet..)
Personal experience doesn't help either, because I've been acquainted with some (subjectively) dim people before.

All I really gather is that the Imperium is filled with humans, and those humans may not care or know much. They may even be anti-intellectual.. which could describe segments of America (There i said it!)

PAge 198
Paying no more than lip service to the Imperial Creed, these people forget their faith (if indeed they ever had it) and instead choose to see the Emperor as a distant overlord, ruling an empire that He will never see from a state of neither death nor life.

On many advanced worlds these kinds of people thrive. Where the rise of technology has overshadowed spirituality and wonder, so too does it undermine the belief in a power greater than mankind. Such places can be breeding grounds for the faithless..
This draws a rather strong dividing line between actual "faith" and just general acknolwedgement and worship. Worship without faith is pretty meaningless, whilst those with true faith (as the Sisters of Battle demonstrate) can do truly marvellous things in 40K, due to the nature of the Warp. It shows that not everyone is a "true believer", but such must be hidden lest it incur the wrath of authorities (not believing in the Emperor as a god does not make one a bad guy, but politics doesn't care about that.) In a way its the inverse of what happens in the Heresy era (the Lectito divinatus had to go underground and hide.)

Page 199
When the Ministorum brings a new world into the fold of the Imperium and absorbs the local religion (allowing the natives to retain their holy days, rites and customs in exchange for supplanting their god(s) with the Emperor). Thus a new cult is formed, with its very own set of rules, rituals and saints.

The second instance occurs when a (rare) individual arises whose deeds in the name of the Emperor become legend and inspires others to follow in his footsteps. Such an occurrence requires careful scrutiny by the Ecclesiarchy to determine whether or not such an individual’s motives and practices were “pure”.
It seems the Ministourm cares more about control rather than consistency in its cults. This can cause problems as outlined below. Also we get the two ways cults can form. The first is through the Ministorum itself - creating the cult to absorb and supplant any existing religion and bring it into the larger fold. The second way is spontaneous, created by an outside influence. This is more exhaustive, as the Ministorum won't just let any old cult flourish without its say so. Cults thus seem to be the Ecclesiarchy version of Admech technology.

Page 199
At any one time, it is likely that dozens of cults across a sector are engaged in some form of conflict, often resulting in open warfare. The Ministorum only steps into such conflicts if they either threaten the stability of the Imperium (which is to say it threatens to delay or reduce a planetary tithe), or if it strays into heretical thinking.
Clever. By letting a cult run rampant the Ministorum can exercise influence over the actions of other Adepta's activities (EG The Administratum's tithes.) which give it bargaining power. This can backfire though, as waiting gives another organization (like the Arbites) to intervene.

Page 201
These members also seek out war zones where Orks are being fought to take an active roll in the destruction of the xenos. The second are those who move behind the scenes, using the cult’s finances to help fund enterprises and campaigns that lead to the destruction of Orks. These cultists also engage in political manoeuvring to get more Imperial resources diverted to eradicate the Orks and try and gain support to launch new military campaigns into known Ork territory.
One way that cults can influence military and political activity, which can be both good or bad depending on the situation (influencing action towards a particular end, or possibly just diluting the overall military power of the Imperium or a sector. A double edged sword (you don't want to divert resources away to deal with a small feral Ork tribe on some rim world when Abbadon just launched his latest Black Crusade, for example.)

Page 201
There is an old, though unproven, belief that women can cope better with this kind fo travel (warp travel), their minds being more resilient to its inherent dangers.
Sisters of the Void and warp travel. It may not matter if its unproven, the belief alone (if pervasive enough) could make it true. If it has the trappings of religious formalism that is even more likely.

PAge 204
When a new world is identified, the Administratum records its position and reviews its worth based on the information at hand. While some worlds are discovered by Imperial explorator fleets, most are chanced upon by individual vessels such as Rogue Traders and other questioanble characters.
Discovery of and organization of new worlds.

Page 204
In any case, once the Administratum has properly proceessed the information available, a task that can sometimes take years given the thousands of worlds discovered within the Imperium each year, they issue it a priority.
The Ministorum bvecomes involved if/when they discover a human population.

Also interesting is that "thousands" are discovered each year. If even half of these are human or can be colonised, the Imperium can be gaining more planets than it loses (EG hundreds lost eah year.) They also mention doing high orbit surveys to acquire better information on the planet (makeup, technology, etc.)

Page 204
Now the Ministorum arrives in full force, hundreds of missionaries and thousands of lesser Ecclesiarchy servants descend upon the world. Their task is to educate the populace and instruct them in the worship of the Emperor.
Religious education, that is. Or rather, indoctrination.

Page 204
...the Ministorum seldom marks people as heretics for trying to throw off the yoke of Imperial rule or killing a Guardsman. These are simply rebels and, though their deeds may hide the taint of heresy, they are usually dealt with by more conventional forces.
Amidst the thousands of Imperial cults and saints, it is easy for seemingly faithful practises to mask heretical deeds. To a certain degree, the Ministorum polices its own ranks against this corruption, but it is an impossible task keeping tabs on a cult that spans tens of thousands of light years and countless worlds.
Difference between rebels and heretics. And the difficulty of rooting Chaos out of the ministorum itself.

Page 205
Sometimes the heresy has consumed an entire hive or continent, and the Ecclesiarchy cannot be so discerning as to single out individuals. At this point, the Ministorum shows no mercy and offers no quarter, leading to the destruction of entire cities or even worlds through military conflict, atomic fire or virus bomb.
Exterminatus in other words.. although it doesnt call it such. Note the use of atomic weaponry (of some kind) to destroy worlds as well as cities (apparently on the continental scale.) Also note how continents and hives are equated.

Page 206
Saints are also often associated with certain aspects and particular causes, such as stellar travel or guilt. Some saints are even more specialised, watching out for those that work with ill-tempered Grox for example. This means, regardless of your situation, there is always a saint watching over you and to whom you can offer a prayer of protection.
Saints offer the Imperial equivalent of a daemon, in a sense. At least, when they're dead they are, I suppose. The similarity is largely in the sense 'they become vessels/gateways for another power from the warp', its probably just the intent and mechanics that differ. (Example, Saint Keelor from the HH novels, or Sebastian Thor. Or quite possibly 'Saint Sabbat' although she might be more of a Living Saint. Heck, all Living Saints could possibly be such an example by themselves.)

another way to look at it is that Saints are a retcon of the old 'Sensei Knights/Master' stuff from early 40K, basically agents and avatars of the STar Child (EG the god of humanity, the Emperor's new form, whatever you wish tot hink of it as.)

Page 206
Often something that is akin to a saint's cause bears their name, such as a warship called the Saint Drusus (of which there are one hundred and thirteen so named to date.)
Probably not all at once. Or maybe variations of the name like 'Saint Drusus left nostril'

Page 208
Blessed bolt casings are common relics favoured by warriors and soldiers.
and must also be an easily faked 'relic'. I'd just bet the Ecclesiarchy runs a trade in 'relics' of this type, and makes quite a profit on it. Kinda like the Emperor's fingernails/toenails from the Inquisition War series.

Oh yeah, and 'BOLTER CASINGS' for rocket propelled ammo. *head explodes*

Page 210
..those who become pilgrims gain a special status among the citizens of the Imperium: they are allowed to travel along the differing pilgrims paths, travelling to places sanctioned by the Ministorum. They are also permitted passage on many of the Imperium’s vessels and many captains consider that having pilgrims on board brings good luck to their voyage.
The Ecclesiarchy view a pilgrim’s journey as a sacred thing and those that undertake to follow the path of the saints must first be approved and tested by the Ecclesiarchy.
Abandoning the quest is also harshly punished. The Ecclesiarchy intends to get the full benefit of its investment in a pilgrim, after all.

Other times Pilgrimmages seem to be the Imperial equivlaent of a vacation (see below)

Page 210
Another important aspect of the many pilgrim trails that criss-cross the sector is the creation of wealth. Where there are pilgrims so too can be found hundreds of industries to support them. These can range from the essential (boarding houses and guides), to the esoteric (spiritual cleansers and sintakers).
The vacation and other economic aspects of "Pilgrimmages." I can just picture Emperor-themed amusement parks sponsored by the Ecclesiarchy, can't you?

PAge 214
Each one (rosette) is a sophisticated means of identification specifically keyed to an individual Inquisitor. “Fooling” a Rosette is no easy feat as a complex system of biorecognition and DNA scanning technology ensures that it only functions in the hands of its rightful owner, or those who are deemed worthy of its use.
Other tokens of authority, such as a Legate Investigator’s Sigil of Question or a Excoriator’s gilded bolt shell, are sometimes granted by the Acolyte’s Inquisitor, though usually only for the execution of specific tasks.
Inquisitor's Rosette and other similar tokens.

Page 235
Psyniscience allows you to perceive the intricate weaves of power involved in the manifestation of a Psychic Power.
End result weakening the power of some psychic skills. Again its interesting that a skill that anyone can learn can have such an intense effect on the psychic without obvious power or anything.

Page 235
Every living creature leaves a psychic signature in the warp, and careful use of Psyniscience can allow you to detect the presence or absence of normal creatures.
Again that weird skill suggests some level of latent, innate psychic skill amongst any human, at least for detection purposes.

Page 243
...the power hammers required for largescale projects—or harder metals such as adamantium—can weigh upwards of 100 tonnes.
Harder than platinum or gold that is. at least. Gives us some idea of the properties of adamantium anyhow.

Page 244
Because of this technological regression, technomats may have no actual knowledge of why their maintenance rituals are effective, but simply know that they are. The application of holy oils and unguents, ritual sequences involving chants and prayers, or contact with certain runes on these sacred devices has placated their machine-spirits and kept them functional for generations. Knowledge of these rites is all that is required, not understanding of their underlying purpose.
Rote learning rather than understanding, although they can adapt or improvise patterns routines for similar devices from existing routines.

Page 247
Most citizens of the Imperium regard technology as mysterious and beyond the reach of any but the most devoted of the Cult Mechanicus. Craftsmen, however, bridge the gap between the mundane and mystical, allowing them to create items different or superior to the norm.
Lay-persons, in Machine Cult lingo

Page 247
If the goal is to create a lightweight, assault version of a basic weapon, it doesn’t really make sense to double the range, as carbines typically have shorter range than their full-sized counterparts.
Also mentioning that increasing the power decreases ammo capacity as a typical tradeoff. This may hint that differences between "shots" could be due to power pack capacities or raw output differences.


Okay now we finish up with the Black Industries Inquisitors Handbook stuff that got changed when FFG picked up the license.
Only a relatively small number of quotes, but they are interesting. Whether or not they still have any relevance (eg that whole sticky CANON issue) is another story.

Page 136
As a result, the Lathes and their dominion territories, such as Pellucider-9 and Haddrak, maintain large Skitarii forces, including several cohorts of Secutors - elite storm troopers easily the equal of soldiers in the sector.
Skitarii - storm troopers.. several cohorts. Cut out of the subsequent book I believe.

Page 161
Shotcannon: These much larger variants (of a shotgun?) fire a huge shell (nearly twice the normal size) and ca lay waste to large hordes of attackers. A close range hit from one can literally explode a man into a burst of shredded clothing and flehs. They generate a fearsome recoil and must be mounted down or fired from a braced position to be effective.
Shotcannon shell twice the size (and at least twice the poer) fo a shotgun round. And quite probably at least twice th recoil

Page 161
A variant of the basic autopistol but with a shortar range, they use fragmenting ammunition designed to violently stop a target dead in its tracks.
Fragmenting ammo.

PAge 165
These (Navis Prima) are perhaps some of the most valuable items as they outline safe routes through the warp, or at least as safe as warp travel can get. Some cover jump locations and travel times known to many, but others can reveal tralsnation timetable plots known only to a few who guard their secrets with their lives.
Really useful nav charts.
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Ritterin Sophia
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Ritterin Sophia »

Eh, I'm really interested to see your analysis of Ascension.
A Certain Clique, HAB, The Chroniclers
Dr. Trainwreck
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Dr. Trainwreck »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Keep the cardboard vest jokes going, people!
Ποταμοῖσι τοῖσιν αὐτοῖσιν ἐμϐαίνουσιν, ἕτερα καὶ ἕτερα ὕδατα ἐπιρρεῖ. Δὶς ἐς τὸν αὐτὸν ποταμὸν οὐκ ἂν ἐμβαίης.

The seller was a Filipino called Dr. Wilson Lim, a self-declared friend of the M.I.L.F. -Grumman
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Connor MacLeod »

General Schatten wrote:Eh, I'm really interested to see your analysis of Ascension.
Well I didnt know what I wanted to cover next for sure, but I can do that one :P I am curious what in Ascension interests you - admittedly its been a while since i leafed through it.
Dr. Trainwreck wrote:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Keep the cardboard vest jokes going, people!
Not sure if they included it as a joke or not, but flakboard has been mentioned in a number of the 40K novels (like the Gaunt's Ghosts ones) and even in the codex preceding the last IG codex IIRC.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Dark Heresy analysis/discussion thread [and so it begins

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next up by request.. Acension! Basically this was the 'high level/advanced' character creation book, where you could take the role of more advanced versions of the basic classes (EG Guardsmen could become storm troopers, arbitrators become judges, etc.) and covered all the details of that (equipment, powers, skills, etc.)

Page 12
...the inhuman mechanical monster a Tech-Priest might become or the augmented mountain of meat a gene-engineered Guardsman might evolve into.
Guardsmen (At least those in Inquisitorial service) might get genetically re-engineered. There are IIRC the Lostock regiments "Gland Warriors".. I believe they are a special/elite force and not unique (anymore at least). The Last Chancers novels had those albino "super soldiers' that had been created from the DNA of great men (another possible example and IIRC they were abhumans. Afriel strain I think?). There were also the 99th Elysian troop detachment modified by the AdMech for adverse enviroments in IA4.

Page 13
....a portion of the collected Imperial Tithe is funnelled through the Tricorn and into the coffers of the Calixian Conclave. Trying to determine the specifics of the Tricorn’s finances is, of course, extremely unwise, even for most of the Conclave’s members. However, it can be assumed that no matter how miniscule the diverted fraction of the overall Tithe, the staggering quantities of wealth involved guarantee that the Conclave’s resources (both monetary and in other forms) rival the value of some sub-sectors.
Inquistorial resources within Calixis.

Page 20
Throne Agents possess many resources that Acolytes do not, ranging from the nearly limitless authority of the Inquisitor’s Rosette to the blend of sophisticated technology and lethal skills of the Vindicare Assassin.
Throne Agent. Next level up from Acolyte, which as I said reflects the idea of this book - higher tier Inquisitorial servants.

Page 30
A Crusader is a warrior-ascetic sworn exclusively to serve the Inquisition. They do so by offering up their very lives to protect that of an Inquisitor, accompanying the master wherever he may go in the course of his Emperorgranted duties to the Imperium.

Induction into a Crusader House is on an invitational basis only.
This hooded individual radiates a palpable aura of strength and fortitude, his voice low, and his movements fluid, yet unassuming. The servant speaks of honour, duty, and the heights of martial attainment at which a warrior may become one with the Emperor himself. He may promise to teach the warrior such methods as can scarcely be imagined possible.


That price is the voluntary divestment of self and the shedding of material things. Only those who the servants of the Crusader Houses have observed from afar, and already judged worthy, are invited to join their ranks.
Yet another super duper combat warrior.. teh Crusaders. High tech melee expert warrior monk types.

Page 31
The induction period may last months or even years. The warrior sleeps upon the stone floor of a tiny cell. He drinks only water, and studies and trains with his every waking hour. His life becomes one grand meditation, and he attains such a trance-like state that he may well find difficulty later on remembering this period clearly

Upon completing the training, the Crusader awaits such a time as the House is approached by an Inquisitor in need of its services and is assigned his duty. The Crusader may attend to the Inquisitor for a single, short mission or be detached for an extended period. Either way, he never leaves the Inquisitor’s side, so utterly dedicated is he to protecting the charge. Many Crusaders serve alongside a specific Inquisitor for their entire lives, never returning to their House.
Crusader training.

Page 31
...he [acolyte] becomes slowly more obsessed with delivering the Emperor’s Justice to his foes, such that the act of slaying becomes the focus of his activities—the mean becomes the end in itself.
In time, the Acolyte may seek out a Death Cult, or in fact a Death Cult may find the Acolyte. If fortunate, the Acolyte comes into contact with one of the few cults that accept outsiders into their ranks and demonstrates his suitability for induction.
... the Acolyte is entirely rejuvenated, filled with a new purpose and divested of the spiritual malaise that had afflicted him. Such converts make exceptional, if somewhat single-minded Throne Agents, for their new role as a Death Cult Assassin fulfils a fundamental drive...
...to shed the blood of the Emperor’s foes..
Death cultist training. Basically they become superhuman killers.

Page 32
Membership ranges from less than a dozen individuals to many thousands. Most operate on a hereditary basis, whereby members are born into the cult and may never leave it, under pain of death. Other Death Cults operate a system whereby new members are normally recruited in incremental steps so that the true nature of the cult is not divulged until the very last. There is another type....

Such Death Cults forcibly recruit their members. They do this through a wide range of methods, but the most common is simply to kidnap the individual and spirit him away to some secret lair, then to ‘convert’ the poor unfortunate with ritualised psycho-conditioning techniques. Needless to say, many of the Death Cults that practice such methods are proscribed across the entire sector and subject to ruthless purging whenever discovered. Yet, many of the ‘legitimate’ Death Cults utilise such methods as well, this fact being conveniently overlooked by the authorities should they have need of the services of their members.
Death cult recruitment methods.

Page 32
He may undergo cerebral intrusion and ritual re-education, a process that combines the
very worst of pseudo-surgical and occult practices. If fortunate, the Acolyte remembers none of this, but in many cases, he retains an indelible total recall.
Not unlike an Astartes, but probably worse.

Page 34
Each year, countless billions of the faithful put aside their lives to ply the warp routes as pilgrims. ...
Some are able to purchase luxurious berths on one of the hundreds of merchantmen that serve each sector, whilst others must stowaway, praying the cargo container they are hidden in is not destined for a vacuum-sealed hold.

Page 34
Pilgrims travel from one sacred site to the next, often hoping to attend the shrine of a particular saint at the height of that saint’s holy festival. Countless works are published each year, setting out the holy days, months, and years of every saint in a particular sector, the most exhaustive taking the forms of mighty illuminated tomes for the consumption of the privileged. Conversely, innumerable poorly copied or entirely fictitious guides are published each year to be sold to destitute pilgrims, many promising the secrets of how to reach a particular destination while avoiding any unnecessary official entanglements.
Thus it woudl seem this is the 40K equivalent of tourism.. at least the most widespread one. the rich of course have other means.... As we learn from Blood of Martyrs, there is a significant economic benefit to be had from pilgrimmages.

Page 34
The objects of these pilgrimages are the countless Shrine and Cemetery Worlds.... At particular high days, the populations of these worlds can swell many times as an influx of pilgrims arrives to worship.
Hawkers ply their wares, selling supposed relics at exorbitant prices to those desperate for some memento of their act of devotion.
Quite reminsicient of examples we'v eseen in the literature.. and again it has an economic side (no doubt that benefits the Ecclesiarchy...) This can imply many millions or billions of visitors to any particular time in a year as well. "billions" would easily be an understimate, given hundreds if not thousands of such worlds that probably exist.

They also mention that the "greatest" pilgrimmages, is of course to Terra. Which is also the hardest and only the 'greatest' pilgrims make it (usually to die there.)

Page 35
One form of test has been referred to as the ‘Armageddon Protocol.’ This method involves exposing the individual being tested to increasingly disturbing portents of destruction. These portents can ultimately only point to an imminent ‘Armageddon Event’—i.e., the destruction of an entire world.
Protocol verisimilitude, genuine acts of destruction are often performed, the innocent giving their lives unknowingly that the Inquisition might ensure the calibre of future Inquisitors. In many cases, the unknowing aspirant actually fails to avert the Armageddon Event. In fact, he may actually have had no chance of success. How many times the counter has reached zero and the world has not ended cannot be known. It may be that the aspirant was being tested on whether or not he would surrender to fate or carry on to the last, even when failure and annihilation loomed large before him.
Considering how dire the consequences for exacting a unwarranted Exterminatus can be, I cannot see the Inquisition condoning destruction of a world simply as a test for future caniddates. The Imperium, even with the "larger" territorial numbrs, could not do this indefinitely.

Other baptisms (which seem more likely, if equally dickish) is throwing the potential Inquisitor into a deadly situation unprepared and expecting them to survive (examples given include a Hive World underhive, or a Death World.)

Page 36
It is likely that entire worlds are turned over to the exclusive use of the Ordos for every dark purpose imaginable—from biological weapons testing to xenos quarantining. Every major settlement in the sector hosts safe-houses owned by an Inquisitor. Such places are attended to by loyal servants for many years until needed (perhaps only once) by an Inquisitor and his cadre. Aside from these holdings, the Inquisition maintains many secret retreats, places of sanctuary in which an Inquisitor in need of spiritual respite might seek peace.
Samples of Inquisitorial holdings in Calixis. It's mentioned that noone knows the true scope obviously, but far more is suspected to exist than is 'publicly' known. As far as retreats... It mentions that all retreats are lightly staffed, well protected by powerful weapons, and well hidden.

Page 38
The vast majority of the Adeptus Arbites are made up of the Arbitrators and Proctors.
Their duties consist mainly of patrol, direct enforcement, and suppression.
...the Verispex technicians who process forensic evidence, and the Chasteners who conduct interviews and suspect interrogation.

..Marshals, who can direct the efforts of Arbites stretched across an entire planet.

Only the most competent Arbitrators are considered for promotion to the rank of Judge.
Arbites forces. The Judges themselves, and the Investigators (the undercover Arbites types.. spies and the like.) are also included in this.

Page 38
...tools of enforcement— shock maul, combat shotgun, and bolter...
Arbitrators have bolters as well as shotguns. Much like Space Marines, only less superhuman and without power armor. In many ways the Arbites are a "lesser" sort of Space Marine, complemented by the Storm Troopers I suspect. Many (and including some enforcers) more usually have bolt pistols as backup. This tells you something about their shotguns if bolters are backup/specialty weapons.

Page 39
Judges bear both great power and responsibility in their station, able to mobilise massive forces of Arbitrators to deal with insurrection and rebellion with the harsh punishments dictated by the Lex Imperialis. Very few within the Imperium can afford to dismiss the remit of an Adeptus Arbites Judge, for they possess sweeping powers and authority within their purview.
Inquisitors? Rogue Traders? High Lords? Navigators and Space Marines? The AdMech? Or maybe it's often dictated (like so amny things are) by the politics of the situation. I'd guess Judges and Marshals (and higher) are the ARbites equivalent of "Peers of the Imperium"

Page 39
Such individuals [Magos] may find themselves engaged in areas of research considered anathema or expressly forbidden by the Cult Mechanicus. However, a sufficiently experienced and senior Magos often considers himself outside of the constraints quite rightly placed upon lesser Tech-Priests and continues in his researches.

The knowledge uncovered might stem from xenos technology, and therefore run counter to the doctrine that machines created by any other than Mankind are corrupted. The research might have uncovered some artefact of psychicengineering, such as that utilised by the Eldar in their creation of Wraithbone. It might relate to the nature of the warp and the vile things that lurk in its depths. It might even relate to the absolutely forbidden realm of thinking engines.
Again we see that it isnt so much that research as a whole is outlawed, they restrict and control who is allowed to do it (and under what conditions and guidelines..) it's all about control, monopolizing technology, and generally being dicks. Which explains all those cases of seeing techpriests and Magos who salivate to get their hands on xenos tech (computers, antigrav, etc.) It has to be made 'properly compliant" with AdMech doctrine.

One has to wonder why Imperial-made "Thinking machines" are such a big deal. I mean yeah, we know about the Men of Iron, and we've seen lots of examples of corrupted machinery (First and Only, Dark Adeptus, etc.) but we also know the Tau have computers and they have no problem, and the corruption of innate matter is dangerous no matter who builds what machine. It could be just AdMech stupidity.. but it could also be, perhaps that in context the machine is considered truly "alive." which may quite possibly have a strong connection ot the warp. It need not be a LIKELY connection or a strong one (the same way psykers are rare in humanity.) But the mere possibility of a thinking psyker machine could likely be catastrophic. That may even describe what we saw in "Dark Adeptus" even.

Page 39
The Cult Mechanicus is conservative in the extreme, and very slow to adopt a new technology. Far better that old knowledge is recovered, many Tech-Priests believe, than new knowledge created. Despite this inherent conservatism, many so-called heresies have given rise to new technologies, often following decades or even centuries of investigations by the most senior of Tech-adepts. It may be that the originator of a new technology is purged as a ‘heretek,’ only to be raised centuries later to a status akin to that of a saint.

If the Magos and the knowledge he brings are found worthy, the sum of knowledge is increased, if only by an incremental sum. Such is the life’s work and greatest reward of those who serve the Machine God.
We see the self-serving "retconning" nature of the AdMech more or less justified here, coupled with their obsessive 'monopolizing' of tech for their own purposes. the Admech is not ignorant, nor stagnat.. its just slow as fuck, highyl political, and not very coordinated. (which is about as bad in some ways, just not nearly as simple.)

Page 40
...eyes with brass-rimmed lenses capable of viewing the microscopic, and he acquires neural plugs that link his brain to a cogitator’s machine spirit.
Magos upgrades.

Page 40
The Biologus Adepts have mastered the arts of neuromancy, excising specific parts of the brain and replacing them with superior, augmetic components such as memo chips, ingrams and electrografts.

Mental capacity can be greatly increased by augmenting the cortex and replacing crude, soft grey matter with hard, ever-lasting silicon. Enhancement of the cerebellum radically increases the Magos’ capacity to learn and form hypotheses.
Neural/cerebral augmentation.

Page 40
During a ritual surgery conducted by the highest ranking and most skilled of Biologus Adepts, the entire right hemisphere of the Magos’ brain is excised and replaced with machine components. The removal of the hemisphere held to control the intuitive and creative aspects of the human mind and its replacement with a mechanical augmentation of the left hemisphere—that which controls logic and analysis—results in an entirely changed individual. Gone are the weaknesses of emotion, the distractions of empathy, and the cares of interaction. In their place, the Magos finds his capacity to learn and analyse increased exponentially.
Also known as the Rite of Clear Thought. I suspect this may be one reason why the Imperium is slow to accept new technologies and inconsistent in R&D. Whilst logic and analytical ability are important, I can't hlep but think creativity and intuition is of use as well.

Page 40
...his mind quiet and focussed and able to commune with the machine as an equal, though others who are not similarly gifted may consider him divorced from reality and driven mad. His thought patterns are remoulded as new synaptic pathways are seared into what remains of the grey matter of the brain, itself kept alive by horrifically produced anti-agapic elixirs. His thought patterns are remoulded as new synaptic pathways are seared into what remains of the grey matter of the brain.
More on mental changes to a higher level AdMech. It basically amounts to rewiring/restructuring the brain, it seems.

Page 40
The Scholastica Psykana is the final judge of who is worthy to bear the rank of Primaris, for it is more than simply a title. Primaris Psykers are some of the most powerful psykers sanctioned by the Imperium, and more importantly, they are given a measure of trust and responsibility not awarded to lesser psykers. Throughout the Adeptus Terra, Primaris Psykers are placed in positions of power and authority; in the Imperial Guard they can even be granted battlefield commands.
...it is not uncommon for psykers to unlock greater levels of power as they grow and mature. A delta level psyker may have become a gamma or even beta level since he was first sanctioned.
Primaris Psykers, a high level version of sanctioned psykers (there are clearly a whoe class system of sanctioning it seems.)

Also, psyker power is not fixed, and may grow or advance over time with experience. Note that this is largely of secondary importance to the Astra Telepathica - they care more about the psykers' resistance to the warp overall (not much use training them if they burn out or get corrupted easily, after all.

Page 41
The final stages of the Primaris Sanctioning Rites consist of deep mental conditioning and the embedding of wards, runes, and other psychic defences into the psyker’s scalp and skull. This process alone takes weeks, during which the psyker lives in a dream-like fugue state, responding only instinctually to the pain/pleasure impulses and cerebral goads of the conditioning process.
Security/defensive measures in the psyker.

Page 41
Psykers are used for interrogations, protecting their masters from the assaults of witches and daemons, precognitive abilities, and, of course, the dangerous powers they can wield on the battlefield. All this, plus the fact that psykers often have an unfortunate tendency to be consumed by their own abilities, means that the Inquisition snaps up psykers as fast as the Scholastica can provide them.
Inquisitorial uses for psykers. It is mentioned they often poach them from other organizations. It is also mentioned that the Astra telepathica only trains their mind, other functions/duties are the province of whoever acquires the psykers, it would seem.

Page 42
An individual with a meme-virus exhibits extremes of obsessive behaviour far in excess of even the most thorough of census-enforcers. They are, in a literal sense, mentally and physically addicted to the gathering and processing of information. Furthermore, they cannot help themselves but to pass on this data to others, leading to the condition being described as a virus. In this case, the meme, or datum, is the body seeking to replicate itself, and the sufferer as an autosavant. An individual suffering from a meme-virus does not appear to be suffering at all, unless deprived of a source of fresh data.
The thing Aemos had in Eisenhorn. It seems to make them something like a mentat, in that way. Although there are lots of other 'mentat-like' individiuals in the Imperium, both organically and cybernetically created.

Lack of information is analogous to drug withdrawal, and may even be fatal

Page 42
The Inquisition, of course, has found great utility in autosavants, for they are living, walking, talking cogitators with a tireless drive to uncover every hidden fact...
Only a very fortunate few end their days as archivists of one of the Administratum’s vast data-repositories, entirely submerged in planet-wide oceans of information.
Autosavants.. meme-virus recipients.. again mentat like in their abilities.

Page 43
The Schola’s graduates are scattered across Imperial society: the Ecclesiarchy, Administratum, Adeptus Arbites, Commissariat, Adepta Sororitas, or even the Inquisition. However, for those who prove to be particularly martial and aggressive, the Schola reserves its most difficult and dangerous training. This is the instruction provided to the famous Imperial Guard Storm Troopers.

Storm Trooper Training begins immediately after the Schola Progenium’s primary education but does not supplant it. After all, potential Storm Troopers are expected to be more than simply warriors. Each is expected to be both wellschooled in basic education and Imperial lore and history, and be unwaveringly loyal to the Imperium as well (something a Schola education works diligently to impart).
Storm trooper training.

Page 43
Rigourous study with the Inquisition is also required for the candidate in order to acquire the same knowledge already learnt by the other progena—this often includes an understanding of the Tactica Imperialis, advanced stealth techniques, and a basic communion with the machine spirits of their special wargear,such as targeters and grav chutes.
Storm trooper knowledge requirements.

Page 44
Most Imperial Assassins are trained from early childhood, specially chosen from the progeny of death world populations, feral world warrior societies, and the hunter-gangs of the most dangerous hive cities in the Imperium. However, in some rare cases, particularly exceptional recruits are found amongst adults who have proven themselves fearsome and ruthless killers, strong in mind, body, and faith.
Assassin recruits.

Page 45
There, his senses are restored, and he begins his indoctrination into the traditions and techniques of that Temple. His formal training has truly begun. Again and again he is taken to the brink of death in brutally lethal scenarios designed to instruct the candidate in the Temple’s signature methods of execution.

At the conclusion of his training, the candidate is chemically placed into a brief catatonic state and purified in holy oils. His body is ritually blessed and augmented with special bionic and genetic upgrades to heighten his speed, accuracy, and reaction time. He receives hypno-conditioning to harden his mind against all moral threats, and any remnant of his former life is cast away, often ceremonially burned to ash.
Assassin training and Implantation. Although specified for a Vindicaire assassin in theory, the context quite clearly indicates it applies to all Imperial Assasins.

Page 46
Should a Throne Agent demonstrate such a potential [regaining sanity], the Inquisition has certain resources it can bring to bear to hasten and enhance his recovery. Such resources vary depending on the Throne Agent, as well as the whims of his superiors. Some prefer lengthy convalescence on paradise planets reserved for Imperial nobility, or on worlds dedicated to the Adeptus Ministorum. Time surrounded by the relics and trappings of Imperial faith can do much to restore and reinforce one’s mental fortitude. Other Inquisitors prefer mind-cleansing and mental reprogramming and conditioning. Such techniques are brutal and invasive. However, often the most effective way to repair a damaged mind is to force it to forget the trauma it suffered to begin with.
And if the conditioning leaves the subject slightly duller and less mentally acute, well, that is a small price to pay.
Basically inquisotiral service is noted to often drive people insane in some manner or gneerlaly destroy/wreck their minds, and they're basically locked away in asylums. Some however manage to regain themselves and come back, and what is descrbied here are some methods that may be used to faciliate recovery (albeit with side effects.

Page 47
If the corruption is not severe, tainted individuals continue to be utilised to serve the Imperium’s needs. Too often, however, such corruption is overwhelming enough that such individuals are doomed, and may doom their fellows as well. In that case, Imperial doctrine is as cautious as it is unforgiving, stating that those who become ‘irreversibly contaminated’ are to be granted the mercy of a quick death.
Probably reference to the "purging" tactics common to lesser forces (like the Guard) when faced with daemonic entities. Or the Grimdark fate assigned to those like the population of Armageddon in the first Armageddon war.

Page 47
However, at times, such individuals are too valuable to be cast aside. In these rare cases, the Inquisition is able to employ certain techniques to purify an individual’s soul. These are exhaustive, invasive, and time consuming. The techniques usually consist of a combination of flagellation, shrive-surgery, prayer, contemplative fasting, and chemical compounds and vitae-purifiers cycled directly through the subject’s body. It is an exorbitantly expensive process that can only be utilised by the most powerful of the Imperium’s organisations. Even then, an individual’s survival is by no means guaranteed.
Probably done quite a bit with Space MArines, as the early fluff indicated.

Page 50
Crusaders are warriors of utmost dedication and potency, sworn to serve the agents of the Inquisition with no regard for their own desires whatsoever. These puissant warriors are inducted into one of the Crusader Houses, each of which is a closed and secretive community with as few as a dozen or as many as several thousand members.
To have been inducted into a Crusader House, the warrior must have been judged nighincorruptible, at least in so far as any mortal can be judged so.
Crusaders study every aspect of the arts of close combat, excelling in the use of melee weapons.
Crussaders and Crusader houses.. again. Their melee-oriented nature is largely a preferential one.. more 'honrable' and shit. Not unlike AStartes feelings on the matter.

Page 50
In addition to their melee weapons, many Crusaders carry suppression shields of one type or another.
Yet, common to all suppression shields is some type of offensive capacity. Many house a compact generator that delivers a powerful stun charge when an enemy’s weapon comes into contact with its outer surface, stunning the attacker so that the Crusader can deliver the killing blow or rendering them insensible and ready for the Inquisitor’s attentions. Other suppression shields incorporate single-use fragmentation rounds, melta charges, or even gas release devices.
Offensive shield enhancements. Some have sharpened edges due to powerfields (The Salamander firedrakes are a good example.

Page 54
..most Death Cults walk a perilous line between fanatical dedication to the Imperial Creed (albeit expressed in a quite singular manner) and outright doctrinal heresy. Many, in fact, step over an invisible line. Thus, they become pawns, knowingly or ignorantly, of the ruinous powers.
No two Death Cults are exactly alike, but all share the belief that the ultimate worship of the Emperor is to carry on the work of slaying of the enemies of Mankind.
Often, Death Cultists have many deviant practices, including devouring human flesh in
cannibalistic rituals and performing ceremonies focused around the drinking of blood.
Death Cultists believe themselves purified by consuming the corpse of an enemy. Drinking the enemy’s blood claims the enemy’s strength and skill for themselves. Many offerings of blood are drained from the dead and presented to the Emperor during a pilgrimage to a great Cathedral of the Ecclessiarchy.
Death cult practices. It goes without saying the Ecclesiarchy and Inquisition tend to view them askance and with suspicion, given the inevitable parallels to Chaos cults (esp Khorne and Slaanesh). Like Crusaders, they tend to be melee oriented, though throwing weapons are permitted.

Page 62
Some Hierophants exude a serenity so pure it touches the souls of all who come near. Others are endowed with palpable wisdom or an air of authority. It is from amongst those servants of the Imperial Creed known as Hierophants that many Imperial Saints are eventually drawn. The Imperial Canon recognises a staggering number of its devotees as Saints. Each of the million and more worlds of the Imperium venerates particular figures, and over the millennia, uncounted numbers of these legendary figures have been recognised as Saints.
Some Hierophants, however, come to be regarded as Saints in their own lifetime.
Such individuals radiate the Emperor’s glory and often attract multitudes of followers in their wake. They are able to call upon the Emperor and enact his will through miracles and acts of faith...
The nature of such manifestations might vary enormously and is rarely predictable. At times, the saint’s eyes blaze with a blinding holy light that sears the very soul. At other times, the saint rises into air as if lifted in the arms of the Emperor himself. Sometimes, the saint is blessed with the strength of ten men, able to strike down the heretic and the blasphemer with nighsupernatural strength.
When such ‘Living Saints’ arise, the Ecclessiarchy and the Inquisition often seek to establish their nature and ensure the Saint’s agenda does not present a threat to their own.
Hierophants are, for lack of a better word.. symbols, even Avatars. not unlike Sebastian Thor really, and much in the way the Sisters of Battle can evoke this sort of power through their faith. It's mentioned they rise above the 'usual' priestly rabble (eg the ones who politick and obesses with material wealth and power) through their deeds and services, and they act as living champions of the Imperial Creed. They may also act as confessors to Inquisitiors, but mainly they seem to be a sort of crusader/warrior monk/sister of battle with testicles analogue.

Page 64
Those that live in the light of the Emperor live knowing that His divine hand protects them from harm. For a Hierophant, this becomes more than faith and is an actual shield against the denizens of the warp and the twisting influence of the anathema of man.
A skilled Hierophant can use his connection to the Lord of Mankind to mend wounds and restore the broken, though it is a rare and special gift given only to a few.
hierophant defensive abilities.

Page 66
Those who do withhold the truth must be brought to heel, the Inquisitor peeling back layer after layer of deceit until the truth is finally revealed. The methods used range from subtle guile and artful cunning to the horrors of the auto-rack and psychic trepanning. An Interrogator must master all such methods before being judged worthy of progressing to the rank of Inquisitor.
Inquisitor interrogation methods.. all are required learning it seems.

Page 70
Judges are lords of justice who have great powers and sweeping influence within their purview not far below that of an Imperial Inquisitor. Judges are given both the power of enforcing the law and passing judgement on those who break it.

..although the Lex Imperialis is uniformly harsh in its sentences, it is also fair. For every crime there is a punishment, established through millennia of rulings, legal decisions, and precedents.
Although portable cogitators exist that contain a portion of the relevant Lex Imperialis for a Judge’s purview—suitable for simple issues of precedence and crime amongst the Adeptus Terra—a vastly more lengthy process is necessary when dealing with more heinous and elaborate crimes. Whilst the Book of Judgement is extensive, it is not a perfect science, and finding the correct answer can take years, even decades or centuries in particularly complex cases.
Judges and their lengthy (too lengthy!) judgement process. Note that they are quasi-Inquisitors (or rogue traders) for their scope and power, meaning they are Peers of the imperium.

They also mention that all Judges make a pilgrimmages to Terra to study the Imperial Law (even as it grows and expands.. it is more or less a living document.) More often than not, like with the Tactica Imperialis, I expect they operate 'on the fly' as it were.

Page 70
When the Pax Imperialis is truly broken, the full military might of the Emperor’s armies can be brought to bear, such is the power and influence of the Judges—peers of
the Imperium.
As I said... peers of the imperium. Including the ability to bring to bear the military forces of the Imperium (as seen in Execution Hour.)

Page 74
The Quest for Knowledge exposes the Magos to all manner of alien technologies and esoteric doctrines, many of which threaten the individual’s very sanity with their expositions on the nature of reality. Many pursue such lines of inquiry to the exclusion of all other duties, sometimes spending decades at a stretch locked away in a laboratorium, studying some scrap of technology from a long-lost civilisation. The outcome is there exists an entire class within the Adeptus Mechanicus who appear to an outsider to be actively pursuing all manner of heresies. Yet, these ‘heresies’ do not spread, as they perhaps would within another institution.
It is rarely so amongst ranks of the Magos, for these individuals are so far from human and so preternaturally single-minded that notions of heresy and forbidden knowledge are entirely below them. They approach the mysteries of the universe with an objective detachment entirely appropriate to their calling, their machine-augmented minds all but filtering out the echoing voices of long-dead xenos.
Perhaps rituals like that Rite do have benefits. Anyhow it does speak to the whole "Admech don't research or innovate" idea somewhat.. at least indicating it's a more complex issue anyhow.

Page 74
Undisputed masters of technological achievement, a Magos often becomes known by his particular specialty. Among these titles are Magos Technicus, Magos Metallurgicus, Magos Alchemys, Magos Physic, Magos Biologis, Magos Ordinatos, and many more.
Magos are specialists.

Page 74

It is said that as the body and mind of the servant becomes more mechanical, so his communion with the Machine God becomes stronger. They attend to the Machine Altars of the Forge Worlds, each of which is interconnected with the rest so as to form a galaxy-wide web through which the will of the Omnissiah and the unadulterated sum of the knowledge of the Cult Mechanicus is transmitted.
A rather obvious reference to the Transmat link and the psychic servitors forming some great AdMech internet thing.

Page 74
Eventually, at the end of his Quest for Knowledge, the Magos divests himself of the last shred of Humanity, uploading the contents of his cerebral cortex, and perhaps his very soul, by way of the Machine Altar, and becoming one with the Omnissiah.
A possible kind of biotransference perhaps? I thought that was illicit? :P

Page 78
Like Sanctioned Psykers, Primaris Psykers (also referred to as primary-psykers or psyker-lords) are seconded by the Scholastica Psykana to the Imperium’s myriad Adeptus Terra. For example, those who show expertise in the arts of divination and telepathy often find themselves working amongst the Administratum, where their powers can augment the workings of the Imperium’s overarching bureaucracy. Meanwhile, more militant and destructive psykers are sent to serve as battle psykers in the Imperial Guard.
Primaris psykers again, and the uses of psykers by various arms of the Imperium.

Page 78
Primaris Psyker can burn a room full of enemies to ash, know the thoughts of a suspect without speaking a word, or even project his consciousness into the aether to hunt down the
Imperium’s enemies.
The "room full of enemies" cremation is interesting (meltagun like yields eaisly) but I rather find the whole "astral projection" hunting to be a bit more impressive.. long range psychic scrying.

Page 78
Some of these are tangible; complex micro-circuitry and neuro-active wiring can be built into a hood or collar grafted onto a Primaris Psyker, and the Scholastica Calixis has even been known to inlay such devices into the bone of the psyker’s skull. Such systems can help to bleed off residual warp energy or alleviate the worst of a psy-overload.
Psychic failsafes on Primaris psykers. I imagine Librarians have similar.

Page 79
Some Primaris Psykers can create a calm around them within the warp, stilling the raging energies that they must channel in order to use their powers. These skilled individuals are almost impossible to disrupt, disturb, or cut off completely with the use of warp witchery.
High end Psykers.

Page 79
It is useful to the Imperium, especially the Inquisition, to have Psykers that can move about undetected and without a trace.

...the Psyker can leave no signature or trace when using psychic powers and can choose for his powers to have no visual or auditory effects (unless these would be required for the power to function).
ninja psykers.

Page 82
Sages (also sometimes known as Savants, Calculus Logi, or Lexmechanics) are those Adepts who have moved beyond the confines of their previous vocation.
They display a dedication to the unearthing of trivia so far beyond the abilities of a normal Man that it is commonly held that they must be gifted, or indeed cursed, by some form of genetic predisposition not unlike that which allows a Navigator to guide a vessel through the Warp. A Sage is capable of penetrating the machinesystems of any archive, navigating strata of millennia-old data, accessing files long sealed, and unlocking ciphers intended to be unbreakable.

The most long-serving of Sages find that their heads eventually become filled with the knowledge they have acquired and refused to forget. The mind of man appears capable of absorbing a staggering wealth of information, and few use their Emperor-given potential to its full.
They might enhance their abilities with cerebral implants provided by the Adeptus Mechanicus, sacrificing something of their humanity for the added memory capacity. Others undergo a process by which memories they regard as superficial are expunged, leaving only the facts gleaned in the pursuit of their duties.
Sages - 40K mentats again.

Page 86
Equipped with heavy carapace armour and other speciality gear, and armed with high-powered armour-piercing hellguns, a single squad of Storm Troopers can be more dangerous than an entire company of regular Guardsmen.
Implying a single Storm trooper is equal to 100+ Guardsmen. I suspect this is context related, as the same has been said of Space Marines (1 company equal to a regiment or something like that. LOL) hellguns are also 'high power' and 'armour piercing' both.

Page 86
There, they are given a consummate education, consisting of a regime of unremitting prayer, study and physical exercise. They are also taught to love the Emperor, instilling in them an absolute loyalty and debt of repayment to the Imperium that has expended so much effort in raising them. Once they come of age, those orphans who show the correct combination of aptitude and skill are sent through exhaustive training regimes. Few complete their training, and some do not survive. Those who do become Imperial Storm Troopers.
Storm trooper training.

Page 86
Storm Troopers are the special operatives of the Imperial Guard, scattered throughout Guard regiments in squads or companies to augment and support standard Guard formations. They are trained and equipped for almost any mission, sabotage, airdrops, spearhead assaults, and operations behind enemy lines.
I imagine this means that most IG regimetns have at least squads, but may also have whole companies. They are probably their elites and their storm trooper standins when the Astartes aren't available.

And as expected, it is noted that Inquisotirs keep whole standing armies of storm troopers due ot their capabilities.

Page 86
Storm Troopers train to proficiency with almost every weapon and piece of military equipment used in the Imperium’s militant forces. However, they are especially proficient in their signature weapons and equipment; hellguns and carapace armour. When a Storm Trooper is firing a hellgun or hellpistol, these weapons gain the Tearing Quality as a result of constant practice with these guns. In addition, Storm Troopers wearing Imperial-issue carapace armour do not count that armour’s weight against their carry limits...
Storm Troopers are skilled with wearing and maintaining their carapace armour—therefore, a Storm Trooper’s carapace armour always counts as one step higher in Craftsmanship....
Storm trooper capabilities and their gear. most of this is game play, but it is a testament to their skills and the quality of their gear and training I think.

Page 87
Often, entire Storm Trooper companies receive specialised training in the art of stealth and infiltration.

However, carapace armour is the heaviest armour a Storm Trooper can wear and still gain these bonuses.
Armour heavier than carapace would technically be power armor... suggesting at least some storm troopers have power armor (at least when in Inquisitorial service) - or at least they have access to it.

Page 90
Normally, Assassins are trained from early childhood when they are selected from amongst the most dangerous regions of the Imperium, including everything from death worlds to feral societies to the industrial depths of hive cities. These recruits are then taken to Terra, and their training begins even before they set foot upon the starship that will bring them there. The instructors are merciless in their testing, weeding out the weak and foolish right from the start so that only the bravest and fiercest candidates hold up under the enforced discipline.

Candidates must survive on limited food and air for days at a time, and are constantly tested in combat against each other, armed and unarmed, in conditions of total darkness or blinding light, zero-gravity or bearing crushing weights, withstanding stifling heat or freezing cold. By the time the recruits arrive on Terra, there may only be a fraction remaining, and sometimes, the ship arrives empty—all the recruits having somehow failed during the journey.
The recruits are tested to their utmost limits, with days spent in battle against complex and deadly exercise-engines, whilst simultaneously mastering the specialist equipment, weapons, and techniques of their Temple.
Assassin training and recruitment. again.

Page 90
Often, Vindicare Assassins are dispatched when the Imperium cannot or will not send a larger force. The disruptive effect of a sniper upon enemy morale and its chain of command can keep entire armies pinned in place, its leaders frightened that making any move will lead to their doom.
Vindicare Assassins are renowned for selecting only the most advantageous location to take their shot, sometimes waiting unseen for weeks on end to make the perfect kill.
Vindicaire assassin roles.

Page 90
The signature weapons of the Vindicare Assassin are his Exitus rifle and pistol, exquisitely-designed and maintained firearms specially constructed by the Adeptus Mechanicus and customised to each individual Assassin.
Exitus rifle.

Page 90
Like all Imperial Assassins, the Vindicare is extremely adept at evading enemy attacks. His reflexes are honed to a razor’s edge and boosted via special conditioning, neural implants, and hypno-training. Few opponents are capable of landing a blow upon an Imperial Assassin, and fewer still survive the experience.
Vindicare evasive skills.

Page 91
Although often considered a grim and humourless lot, many Vindicare Assassins possess a dry, sarcastic wit, and there are some quite creative and even artistic personalities amongst their number. In the course of their assignments, Imperial Assassins must often find unusual solutions to the challenges that lie between them and their prey.

The conditioning of an Imperial Assassin means that they are usually quite guarded from forming friendships or attachments, for those whose calling is death must be prepared to kill or be killed at a moment’s notice.
Mental abilities of Vindicare Assassins. It does suggest they are at least somewhat human, and have the capability to form attachments. More than one can say for Eversor or Culexus. We know Callidus can do it too.

Page 94
None can say how many Inquisitors are at large in the Imperium...

Each is invested with the authority to condemn entire worlds to the fires of Exterminatus...
They may stand upon the bridge of an Imperial Navy battleship, watching dispassionately as a world burns....
Exterminatus again indicated to take less than a day to execute. The fact the ship sticks around suggests prolonged bombardment rather than a 'shoot and scoot' by virus or cyclonics.

Page 100
To the studied knowledge of the venerable sage, the possibility of hypno-transference and inference conditioning can open new heights of intellectual achievement, while to the skilled warrior, noetic-imprinting and training by the finest tutors can raise his skills to a sublime and terrifying level...
Knowledge training measure.

Page 109
Blessed technology filters the character’s blood, making him immune to its whispers and mitigating its vulnerability, while cranial circuitry suffuses his thoughts beneath layers of binary prayer.
"Purity of the Machine" Talent.. upgrade on Rite of Pure thought and similar.

Page 111
Chartist Captains The masters of space craft who voyage within the bounds of the Imperium

The keepers of local laws imposed by the decree of planetary, sub-sector or sector governors, specificto a single planet, sub-sector, or sector

The ordained means of government within a particular part of the Imperium, specific to a single planet, sub-sector, or sector

PDF The military forces raised on planets to defend against invaders, specific to a single planet or system...
Definition of various factions and individuals in a given sector of an Imperium. Reference to higher levels of governing (at sector and subsector levels) rather than just planetary. This may suggest they straddle an area somewhere between 'Imperial commander' of a planet and being a full fledged member of the Adeptus Terra (like an Administrtum adept or such.) - sort of a higher tier 'Imperial Commander' type, only a bigger area of responsibility. In that interpretation, the absence of any higher tier of coordination may make a sort of sense - if many subsectors and sectors are treated as 'semi-independent' parts of the Imperium (in the way many planets are) then the sector could represent the largest level of independence permitted (insofar as such a term can be applied within the Imperium, that is.) - another of those post-heresy 'prevent revolt' mechanisms in play (A single sector in uprising is isolated and can be surrounded and invaded on all sides by surrounding, still-loyal sectors.) It also means that any insurrection has a much harder time jumping to the next tier (Segmentum) without some real effort or luck (although not impossible - see the Nova Terra Interregnum for example, or Reign of Blood.)

Overall a sector would seem to be an attempt to balance the benefits of interdependency and coordination between separate planets (at least groups of planets) and maintaining that isolation and separation that also serves as a control/security mechanism for the Imperium (EG long-range warp travel via navigator, for example.) Although as I've hinted before, the Astartes 'sphere of responsibility/protectorate' role may reflect an unofficial intermediate 'step' between Sector and Segmentum in the overall hierarchy.

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The Throne Agent’s already impressive bionic body structure is steadied by a gyro-array guided by a targeting system linked to the machine-spirit.
machine-spirit controlled targeting systems and gyrostabilization for augmetic Throne Agents.

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The Throne Agent has been infused with a great wealth of lore and knowledge, either through punishing noetic techniques or by arcane methods kept secret by the guardians of technology and knowledge.
More on learning methods and techniques.

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The Throne Agent has returned to the crèches of the Mechanicus so they can bring him closer to the most holy of forms, adding an extensive machinator array to his existing augmetics.

His mass increases to three times that of a normal person, and he may no longer stay afloat or swim in water or similar liquids.
AdMech upgrade. implies they become hundreds of kilos in mass.

Page 121
The character has been conditioned and trained so that he is able to deliberately remove his memories. Such an ability may be used to prevent others extracting dangerous information from the character by torture or psychic violation of his mind. It might also be used by the character to protect himself from insanity or the corrupting touch of Chaos by removing the memories of past events.
We see this ability used commonly for astropaths, courier,s and others who may have to deal with information.

Page 122
The character is able to deliberately induce a state of consciousness where he can function, but remembers nothing of what has passed after a certain time. This ability is taught to agents of the Inquisition as the Rite of Protection and is used when confronting things the mere memory of would break the mind and soul of even the most hardened operative. When such a perilous phase of a mission is begun, the character prepares his mind so that after it is complete he has no memory of the horrors he has faced. Thus, being Rite protected, he can face what horrors await and, if he survives, be untouched in mind and soul.
Useful trick. It seems to allow them to continue functioning as well.

Page 124
The supreme task of the Scholastica Psykana is to ensure that Mankind is protected from psykers who would misuse their gifts.
Those who survive this testing are separated according to the needs of the Adeptus Terra. Some psykers are destined to be given to the Adeptus Astronomica and consumed by the luminous power of the Astronomican...
More powerful psykers undergo the ritual of Soul Binding...
From amongst the stronger psykers, a rare few are selected as suitable for advanced battle-training...
Psychic training and sorting.
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