Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

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Connor MacLeod
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Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by Connor MacLeod »

So in my bid to finally make that breakthrough to the other side of Forge World, I'm throwing all the last four into one single, hugenormous thread. Well not really, because IAIX and X have already been covered fairly well and I'll just add my spin, and even IA8 got a bit of love. So all I'll really have to cover is IA11 and there isn't a whole lot of nitty gritty detail compared to the last books (which is actually a bit amazing - of all the books IA11 is perhaps the least offensive in my mind, for various reasons. And of course it has Cadians which I am always partial too..) and IX and X are about Space Marines so the stupidity is generally minimized.

But we'll start with IA8. IA8 is, in my opinion, one of the WORST books in the series, and that's mainyl because there is absolutely no way it can justify its existence. For all the flaws in the Taros campaign, it's still at least technically possible for things to come about that way - politics can always lead to stupidity, and the tau are good at being lucky and exploiting flaws and weaknesses and it was never a vital cause for them. Siege of VRaks again can be excused (barely) on politics and probably being far less important than it actually was. Both are STILL stupid for the way they were conducted and the results, and they were contrived, but you can at least SORT OF see it happening that way given the nature of the Imperium.

IA8 however, does not even have that flimsy excuse to back it up. What we basically have in IA8 (at least from my perspective - I know others tried to put a different spin on it) is a situation where a conflict happens that never really HAD to happen - at least for the reasons given. The premise at the core of IA8 is more of an assassination mission. Remove a key figure from the Ork's side, and they'd be hampered. And this being the Raven Guard - Space Marine special ops or ninjas (take your pick), stealthy assasination should have been a cakewalk. Instead we get a long, unnceeseacry protracted ground conflict under the pretext of a diversion (using a regiment not known for fighting straight up head to head ground wars, static or otherwise.) whilst their Space Marine Allies dick around with their thumbs up their asses waiting for things to be JUST RIGHT to spring into action - because as we know, Space Marines are always reactive and never proactive. And the Space Marine captain is Short bus material, since he's apparently too subtle to figure out his target might be doing what they are afraid he might do if he isn't taken out (Building Ork Titan analogues.) Truly, IA outdoes itself in the contrivance department in this one.

I think the thing that usually bugs me isn't so much the stupidity (although that can be painful), or the fact that they want things to play out under a certain idea or theme (they're hardly the first ones to do that - lots of authors do) - but I think that they just do a poor job of explaining it away. More often than not, things happen because the plot or the game requires them to, and explanation seems to be more an afterthought - like Grimdark and 'hur hur, its the Imperium - futility and the unimportance of human life fix all' somehow would cover that. With just a little thought, or effort, they could easily have pulled off Taros or Vraks without having to resort to contrivance. But, they don't.. and we're stuck with the results. I really want to like IA, because it is in its way 'different' enough from the novels and mainstream 40K to be worth a look. But the way they fabricate these early conflicts just.. makes it difficult to do. Especially when others (FFG in particular) do it so much better.

Well enough long winded pontificating. Onto th emeat of the discussion. Probably will be in two, maybe three parts. Depending on my mood and level of impatience. I'm aiming for 3, maybe 4 if I can manag eto space it out that much. we'll see.

Page 6
Equatorial distance - 7160 miles.
Gravity .93G
Population 2.1 million approx
Rotation speed: 990 mph
Means urface tmeperature: 20C
Econcomy: Limited internal markets only, regulated by Adeptus Administratum officials. Principle export markets: Segmentum Tempestus forge worlds
Principle exports: Refined chemicals, merucry-chloridews, sulphides & fuminates, munitions.
Principle Imports: Foodstufs, engineering equipment, fuel, manpower
Food supply: Hydroponic, supplemented by imports [natural ecology and wildlife hunted to extinction and wiped out by strip-mining]
Urbanisation: The area of manufacturing and refnining facilities have been established ont eh continent of Itdarina. This includes space ports landing fields, workers' habitation blocks, hydroponics and other infrastructure. 90% of the population are contained here.
10% operate the strip mining facitliies on the northern and osuthern continents, accessible only by aerial transports.
Kastorel-Novem was a mining world for the Imperium before being taken by the Orks. From M38 to M41.. so 3 millenium and hadn't sstill tripped out resources, however much it started out with.

Page 8
It was rich in phosphorous, mercury, sulphur and other useful chemical compounds. From the intiial strip mining operations, refineries for the chemicals were soon added ot reduce the mineral ore's bulk before transportation to forge worlds across Segmentum Tempestus. From tehse refinery operations manufacturing soon followed, bringing in other mateirals from surrounding systems to produce more complex chemicals, such as mercury-chlorides, sulphides and fulminates for use as explosives to meet the Imperium's insatiable demand for munitions.
Munition manufacturing on Kastorel Novem.

Page 6
Garrison station, including 49th Terrax Guard), destroyd during Ork attack.
Imperial garrison on planet and one of thre regiments.

Page 8
..the advent of Waaagh! Skullkrak [and being close to an Ork empire] in a neighboring sector meant that Kastorel-Novem required a substnatial Imperial Guard garrison force stationed there to protect the planet. One large raid by Ork pirates caused major disruption to production and resulted in the addtiion of two orbital defence stations and a squadron of monitor gunships to deter further Ork attacks.
Imperial defences of the planet. Part of me finds it hard to believe they ignore these actual conflicts when they've written them in just so they can put in the Elysians and Raven guard together on one planet. HAve the IG fighting on one or more planets to hold the Orks back (and if you REALLY need the Elysians in there, have them deploying with some of the Raven Guard to help hold the places they need to hold and keep the orks distracted) whilst the assasination mission goes off separately. Not only would it have been less contrived, but it would have contributed a sense of 'epic-ness' to the whole conflict and that sense that the mission and its success were vital.

Page 8
Additional Imperial Guard regiments were quickly deployed across the sector to boost garrison strengths and help counter Garaghak's arrival. The majority were sent to reinforce the world of Tallarax, with the plan of turning it into a fortress world strong neough to deter the Ork's ambitions.
More Garrisons. One thing I will say I like about IA8 is how they actually seem to be paying lip service to the idea of garrison forces and locally raised troops, rather than contriving some excuse to haul them over vast distances to where they need to fight. Of course this could be because they aren't gaming these elements out, but at least they paid attnetion to that.

Page 9
The world only fell into Ork hands after a three year war in which millions died.
Tallarax and the potential scale of the defences there, although millions could mean civilians as well as military losses, and it really doesn't convey a sense of epicness the way the assault on Cadia or the Boros Gate (Dark Creed) did, IMHO.

Page 9
....the Ork invasion began with the destruction of the orbital defence platforms and the capture of the orbitla extraction stations circling the gas giant, Kastorel-Decimus.
Extracting stuff from the gas giants for munitions production? Kinda reminds me about the promethium comments from Caves of Ice or similar sources. Maybe they're extracting hydrogen?

Page 9
The garrison regiments, Planetary Defence Force and hastily raised and trained workers militais put up a stubborn fight, with the 49th TErrax Guard providing the backbone of the defences.
Kastorel Novem defenses, including at least 3 Guard regiments, as well as the PDFs and militia (professional and conscript forces.)

Page 9
As yet the Imperium had not mustered an army capable of delivering an effective counter-attack or retaking any of the lost planets, but the Departmento Munitorum had searched its local strategic reserves for Imperial Guard regiments to deploy onto Forsarr itself. Meanwhile the Ecclesiarchy had raised huge numbers of Frteris Militia and they encouraged the zealous followers of the REd Redemption cult to defend their threatened shrine world of Magdalene IX.
Ministorum forces raised (I'm sure that comes close to breaking the Decree Passive, but maybe the situation is dire enough the other Adepta ovelrook it hoping they can delay or distract the Orks.), and the Munitorum possessing a "local strategic reserve" of guard forces to deploy to bolster or re-take planets within a sector. Again this reflects the 'locally raised/deployed' forces, rather than bringing them in right off the bat from thousands of light years away.

I'm not quite sure what the 'reserve' represents, if its like the depots or armoury worlds we hear of or how extnesive. My guess would be they are meant to be 'larger than normal' garrisons at sector (perhaps subsector) capitals, meant to provide a ready pool of trained, experienced soldiers when a crisis arises (meaning the Imperium doesn't have to rely on conscripts all the time within a sector.) In a sense all garrisons are a 'reserve' but you may not always want to strip those out unless you have to. Also keeping the reserves centralized (at least at the sector level) can allow for more rapid deployment by drawing on the sector Naval reserves (mothballed ships and such) to haul them around.

Just how permanant or temporary such reserves are is unknown, although I doubt they are very permanant - troops will be needed in different amounts and at different places in the sector, and that would mean they logically get shifted about from time to time. Likewise, attrition and other factors (age, injury, etc.) can deplete the ranks, and the level of induction probably is not always fixed, so the numbers probably vary to some degree or another as well.

Page 9
The next Imperial-controlled system to lie in Garaghak's path was the hive world of Forsarr itself, the sector's primary planet and centre of the Imperium's power in the sector. With a population of over 30 billion souls, Forsarr could not be allowed to fall.
Hive world of Forsarr.. 30 billion. Forsarr sector home to Raven Guard's homeworld of Deliverance as well.

Page 10
Their [Raven Guard's] first mission would be intelligence gathering.


It was a neccessary first step before any offensve action could be taken.
At last the Imperium [well the Space Marines] makes a serious effort at Intel gathering before a war is launched. I have to say I dont think this will matter much, this is IA after all, and as we discover the forces in this venture could fuck up a paint by number set requiring only two colors.

Page 10
Drawing on their schooling in the Tactica Imperium, the ground attack would be a classic hammer-and-anvil assault. The 'Hammer' would be the first attack, driving the Orks back onto the waiting 'anvil'. which would be a strong stop-line with heavy weapons in place ready and waiting for the Orks to be driven into their killing fields.
To avoid this [attacks form behind and flank] a third force owuld be deployed, a screening flank-protection unit codenamed 'Dagger' force.
They would screen Shield force with mobile patrols and establish a skirmish line to intercept, divet and delay any Orks approaching form the North.
No trench warfare here derived from TI. There was also a small reserve. It also helps that they had air support from a Navy fighter and bomber wing supporting the Valkyries and Vultures.

Page 11
181st Drop troop regiment deployment
Sword force: 2 captians, F, G (elements of), and I companies (I company is Sentinesl - elements of.) Plus 4799th Storm trooper Company (elements of again)
Dagger force: 2 Captains, plus A, E [elements of], and I [Sentinels- elements of] comapneis plus elements of the 4799th Storm trooper company (again)
Shield force: 2 Captains, B, C, D, E [Elements of], G [elements of], J [Sentinels] companies, plus the 4799th Storm Trooper Company (elements of)
Reserve force: 2 captains, and H company

Page 11
Gogrok's space hulks along with its attendant Kroozers, Roks and his entire warband (estimated at between 3,000,000 and 5,000,000 Orks in total) all fell straight into Garaghak's green-claed hands.
Assuming he had a force nearly as large or as large we could be talking in excess of 5-10 million orks. Not exactly an overwhelming force, but this is Forge World. Prboably doesnt include Gretchin though.

Page 11
The Ork Fleet, led by space hulks and Roks, clashed with the Imperium's flotilla and orbital defences in a fleet engagement that lasted days, before millions of Orks descended upon the forlorn hive world's defensive bastions.
Millions of orks and a "days" long space battle.

Page 11
..he had begun construction on a Gargant, a huge stomping war machine the size of a Warlord Titan..
Gargant size.

This [defendable landing zones] would have to be well away from the Orks, but the Imperium's forces would be completely air mobile, so the distance mattered little.

The planners seletected two locations as their base of operations: one for the Elysians and one for the Space Marines
The attack force would make planetfall on the southern continent, out of reahc of the Orks (except of any roving Ork aircraft) and then quickly prepare their aircraft and tropos for the drop assault.
Why act so completely independent? It occurs to me that a significant Raven Guard force both hunting their target as well as assisting the Elysians would maximize changes of success, even if the Imperium has a mobility advantage here. Then again it seems quite likely this is intentional on the part of the Raven Guard, using the Elysians merely as a diversion for their own attack.

Of course as I mentioned before, the real question is why they are fighting on planet at all. It shouldn't be that complicated to locate the Mek by the gargant using Raven guard scouts and then using either orbital bombardment (or snipers) to take out the target. These are the Ravne Guard, after all.. so stealth should be their specialty. Hell given all the stuff they pull in novels (Hunt for Voldorius, Chapter's Due, Deliverance Lost...) it shouldn't be that hard.

Also if they are airmobile (and ground moble, with their Tauros) why are they bothering with bases AT ALL. The point is to distract or divert the Orks to draw out the Mek (which seems a bit stupid to me.. why is a big obvious attack going to draw the Mek? Wouldnt some other bait work better?) you should keep mobile and skirmish, keeping as out of contact as possible. Numbers are against them on Kastorel Novem, so minimial conflict would be desirable.

Of course I'm also reminded of Gunheads, where a relatively more effective (and larger) assault on an Ork planet was carried off. Without Astartes help, I might add.

Page 13
Raven Guard forces:
1st company: 2 veteran squads, 1 Dreadnought
5th company: 4 Tactical, 1 Devastaor squad, 6 Land Speeders and 5 Rhinos
8th comapny: Chaplain, 6 assault squads, one Dreadnought
10th Company: 7 scouts, 8 land speeder storms
Armory: 3 Techmarines, 10 servitors, 1 Land Raider Promethius (command vehicle), 6 Predator destructor, 3 predator annihilator, 9 land speeders 3 thunderfire cannons, 6 sentry guns
Other: 3 Apothecary, 1 Epistolary (Librarius), 1 Captain
Fleet: 1 Strike Cruiser, 2 Gladius-class escrots, 7 Thunderhawk Gunships, 6 Thunderawk transproters, 10 Drop pods.

Why are they deploying dreadnoughts on assassin missions?

Page 14
In his helmet communicator the pilot announced they were thirty seconds from target...
helmet comms for the Elysians IIRC.

Page 15
This small vanguard force preceded the main body by five minutes, with the task of clearing any enemy form the immediate drop zone area, marking the area with auto-direction finding beacons for the following aircraft and deploiying the tactical ground scanners. The scanners would give Xhyst and his air support a quick overview of where the Orks were and how many there might be.
Extensive use of ground scanners for this conflict it seems. Which is good, because of Intel. Intel as always, was off for the Imperium in this case. Not that it would have helped to have even perfect intel here, cuz I doubt Captain Short Bus would know how to use it properly.

Page 15
Xhyxt jumped from the Valkyrie's rear ramp at about one hundred metres.

..his grav-chute unit activating instantly. He had no time to check it, or to form the standard cruciform jump position. HE hit the ground almost before he knew he was airborne. His ingrained muscle-memory from countless training jumps meant he didn't tense on impact, making for a 'soft' landing.
Grav chute deployment from 100 metres. Implied to be active for no more than a few seconds tops, suggesting decelerating of multiple gees, easily. Not exactly impressive given other feats (Dark Apostle, for example.)

Page 15
Once on top he pulled out his magnocular scanner and swept it across the horizon, pausing to focus on a distant tall structure that jutted skywards like a skyscraper under construction.
Turning his scanner to full magnification he could see the small figures of workers, Orks or gretchin...
Its a binocs.. and a scanner?

Page 16
In his sight he saw a greenskin, small and child-like.
Next time it hopped out Orek fired first. The laser blast fizzed briefly, a white streak, and the Gretchin's head seemed to explode. The remaining torso fell hard, flailing. Moments later, a second little greenskin appeared and Orek dropped it too with another clean-head shot.
Sniper lasguns exploding gretchin heads. 3rd Edition had a chart for Orkoid heights.. gretchin topped out at nearly 1.5 metres. In early fluff of 1st/2nd edition, Gretchin were hinted at roughly being man size (~1.7 M IIRC) so logically they would be roughly the same mass.. mayb e a bit less since they are more skinny. Call it 50-60 kg.

8% of the human body mass is head.. which we can call in this case 3-4 kg (about human sized) and roughly humanoid dimensions. It should be quite possible to blow it apart (ignoring thermal effects and inefficiencies) with single or low double digit KJ per shot (about equivalent to a Full power rifle round like 7.62mm Nato, up to a heavy round like the .50 BMG) - alot of this depends on the Orkoid head composition and how much less durable Gretchin are than regular Orks - gretchin could still be much toughr than normal humans after all. It also does not include potential thermal effects - double or triple digit might arise from significant burning, boiling, cauterization or if the explosive effects are more thermal than efficient mechanical (flaying flash burns for example.)

Also, as per IA3 and 4 descriptions and images, Elysian sniper lasguns seem to use the same powerpack as the Elysian trooper, suggesting that a normal lasgun model should be able to do simialr.

Page 17
He clicked open his comms-mike.
Sniper has internal helmet comms too.

Page 17
Admist the drop droops came Sentinels, each mounted upon a grav-sled that ejected it out of the rear ramp. Each of the walkers also mounted a large grav-chute unit on its rear and as it fell the Sentinel righted itself before impacting the ground upon its reinforced leg-pistons...
Their weapons provided the infantry platoons with the sort of heavy firepower mere men just could not cary into battle.
Drop Sentinel deployment. Interestingly, given how much a Sentinel weighs, there are lots of other kinds of vehicles they could deploy this way, like the Centaurs (which would work as a rather nice, light heavy weapons platform. As would a Cyclops if they could be designed to do more than blow shit up.)
It also indicates entinels are essentially a more mobile means of deploying heavy weapons than using heavy weapon squads. Hell Trojans are only a few tonnes tops and they aren't particularily bulky, so you'd think light tanks/APCs would be transportable.

I should note in the novel 'redemption corps' we do run into a Valkyrie variant that can carry Centaurs at least.

Page 18
He thumbed the scope's power to full and scanned the distant horizon. After his first kills he had changed position, as trained. Now he had climbed to the top of the tallest scrap pile around, and carefully dug himself in. From here he could cover the whole sector with accurate sniper file. If any greenskin poked its head out, Orek was waiting to shoot it off.
Sniper again. Implies both that the scope's magnification allows it to accurately see out to the horizon (from an unknown elevation), and to presumably destroy the head of any greenskin (ork or gretchin) he targets (of course we know he can do it to gretchin, so he ought to be able to partly destroy an ORk's head.) As far as range goes, even assuming he's just a few metres up, the range could be a good several kilometers easy (up to 4-5.. although given Larkin's example in latter ghosts novels that far out would be extreme long range and therefore unlikely to fit this context.)

Page 18-19
At that moment a Vulture gunship slid overhead and opened fire with its two large Punisher cannons.
Great chunks of metal flew up from a cloud of dancing sparks. Whn the Punisher cannons stopped the truck was a wreck, track links and road wheels torn off, its engine steaming. The driver was nowhere to be seen. either he had jumped clear or been caught in the hail of bullets and had disintegrated.
Vulture gatling weapons vs Ork truck and driver.

Page 19
As yet he couldn't see any larger war machines..
If he did, his comms channel was ready to call down a missile-armed Vulture to blast it back into the scrap it was no doubt constructed from.
The sniper can call in an air strike if need be.

Page 19
..when an aircraft appeared and opened fire.
somehow, by Gork's luck, they missed him, but old Mek Gorwaz was shredded by the hail of big slugs. Tuffruk paused to drag Gorwaz's body away and wedged it under a tottering pile of fuel barrels...
"shredded" but still intact. Punisher cannons again? It is later identifed as a Vulture.

Page 20
Captain Xhyst watched the first Vulture gunship go down through his magnocular scanner.
Scanner-binocs again.

Page 20
Three Sentinels were just beyond them, firing repeatedly with the drmatic whoosh of super-heated air as their multi-meltas turned another scrap pile into pools of steaming liquid slag.
three multi meltas turne scrap metal pile of uknonw size to molten metal.

Page 20
As he ran, one laser bolt punched a steaming hole in his left bicep. It bled, but it didn't hurt.
Lasgun shot. Does not blow limb off, not sure what steam is from (partial vaporization?) and it bled. Assuming a 2 cm hole through the bicept, you'd probably require at least a couple kj for mechanical effects, although inflicting burns (steam?) could more than double that easily (even just third degree burns).

Another way to do it is 'flaying' burns over a given area - assuming a 2-3 cm diameter crater (nevermind a deep hole) we're talking at least a good 10-15 kj at least, and that would create steam and burns and probably would still bleed.

Page 21
He saw one humie shot in the head, his helmet flying off and rolling across the ground.
Elysian helmet not good at stopping Orkr ounds it seems. Considering their size and calibre, this is really not a big shock as even if it fails ot penetrate the helmet, the sheer amount of momentum of Ork gunfire is guaranteed to be fatal.

Kinda reminds me of Larn from fifteen hours (he gets hit by ork gunfire, his helmet is dented and flies off, but he survives. lucky in that case I guess.)

PAge 22
He estimated that they had killed the Orks at a ratio of maybe three or four to one, but he felt as if the initiative ont eh ground had ebbed away.
The Gargant facility was more heaivly defended than anticipated, basically, and the airpower is divided up amongst several objectives and needs to resupply. Still that sort of kill ratio is good for a Guard force. We take what good points we can from this.

Page 23
..a mortar round landed, impacting no more than two metres from the officer. The blast lifted him clean off his feet, a smoking chunk of shrapnel smashed into the side of his knee. His armoured kneepad saved his leg from being cut clean off, but the metal had sliced deep through flesh and bone.
Shrapnel of unknown size/momentum partly stopped by the kneepad, but still incapacitates.

Page 23
Under fire he jabbed an ampoul of pain killing chemicals ino the captain's neck. It took mere seconds to work.

Page 29
Captain Gerek activated his helmet communicator in a burst of static.
More helmet comms.

Page 29
Equipped with Tauros and Tauros Venator rapid pursuit vehicles, they [A company] were the regiment's forward reconnaissance unit.
Tauros vehciles of A company.

Page 30
Trough his sight reticule Leto saw his target, a little green creature, maybe a metre tall. It was armed with a side arm of some sort - a Gretchin, and it was unlikely to be alone.
Height of a Gretchin. The thing is probably stooping some, as all Orks do, so its probably a bit taller than a metre.

Page 30
"Enemy contact front. Four hundred yards. All stations, weapons free."
The twin multi-lasers blazed a rail of bright bolts, blasting gaping holes in the meta l scrap.
Range aganst gretchin of ~400 meters. Multilasers and lascannon.

Page 31
Even at maximum magnification his scanner could not make out much..
another binoc-scanner.

Page 31
The three Vendettas had locked-on to GErek's target point, and the Captain watched as the wing mounted missile clusters fell away from th pylons, briefly racing to the ground.
Sounds a bit like related telemtry data perhaps, like used with those visor displays from IA4. It is worth noting that in IA11 its implied those data readouts/sensors are implied to be standard issue to all Elysians.

page 32
Also, with their weapons turned to the searing hot point of a blowtorch flame, they can wield them to hack and slice up enemy armour and vehicles.
The boyz' main armament, the burner, is a heavy duty combination cutting torch and flamethrower, alternating between the two functions with a simple twist of the spigot and altering the fuel pressure. Burnas themselves, like most examples of Orkish engineering, are designed to sustain the worst sort of battering and are very robust.
In this case [fuel supply] it is a volatile mixture of pressurised squig-oil and promethium. Each Mek that manufactures the toxic liquid swears by his own special 'burnin' brew'.
Ork flamer weapon, more multipurpose in this case than Imperial examples. Also indication that Ork tech may be more robust than Imperial (by virtue of mass and design and possibly Waaagh effect.)

Page 32
..this is a slugga, a high-calibre semi-automatic projectile firearm.
..sluggas have very limited accuracy but huge stopping power thanks to the massive shot they fire and the dangerously large powder charges that propel them. Misfires are common.
Ork slugga.

Page 35
The Orks had sped away, no doubt to regroup or to find somewhere else ot attack. Gerek's own Tauros was tracking them, using data relayed from ground scanners he had positioned on first landing.
Again sounds like data transmission/relay capability exists, at least between the vehicles and ground scanners. What kind of data, aside from being sensor data, isn't obvious. This would all be very impressive if it was actually used in a war that was.. neccessary.

Page 40
"Enemy, 200 metres, ten o'clock.' blurted Loader Aginis into Yano's helmet communicator. Automatically, Yano swung the heavy bolter left, lined up on the targeta nd pulled the trigger. The bolter spat fiercely, each miniature missile-round igniting as it left the barrel in a whoosh of fire and air, speeding it towards the target. The first rounds flew high and Yano fought the weapon's ferocious recoil to bring the barrel down onto the target.
Helmet comms for the heavy troops, bolter in action including a range.
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by PainRack »

In terms of retcon, I do feel that an overly ambitious plan, one aimed at taking out both the Ork Mekboss, any industrial targets and disruption of Ork forces, an over complex pyschological hit on the Ork pysche if you will, could had been the intended result of the raid.

Its...... not totally unheard for Imperial forces to overreach and have overly complex/ambitious plans. Altough this really sounds more like a bad Eldar plot than anything:D
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by Sea Skimmer »

Kind of silly that a Hive world is supposed to be, as far as I can tell, some hyper dense arcology type metropolis thing, and yet with 30 billion people on one planet.. in reality you wouldn't have any pressing need to exceed the population density of London, though on the scale of Europe. This would among other things make keeping the air breathable easier, since London has a lot of parkland and open water to reduce its already not ultra high density. If you meanwhile built a city with a density to match Mumbai, highest density in the world today, you'd only need the land area of Egypt.

But, how am I not surprised that writers in 40K don't want to actually do math that took me a couple minutes of not very concentrated effort to realize that if you want ultra dense city planets you either need a compelling reason why using even a tiny percentage of the surface for human development is unacceptable, or a population that is far into the hundreds of billions or trillions.
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by andrewgpaul »

The earliest described examples - Necromunda and Armageddon - id have massive populations, along with massive environmental destruction to explain why the population was cooped up in hives. As time went on, it became a bit of a brainbug, and later writers fell into the trap of giving actual numbers for population (the original article on Necromunda, from October 1991 simply said something like a census of a single spire of a single hive once gave a population of a billion or so, and left the rest of it up to you to extrapolate). Another example, Stalinvast from Ian Watson's Inquisitor/Draco had individual hives studded throughout a deathworld forest, and was an exporter of munitions, weapons and military vehicles, using the jugle as proving grounds.

Later on "Hive world" seems to have gone from meaning "world with a massive population" to "a world with one or more hives", even if the rest of the planet is basically a "normal" industrial world - or even agri-world. Some sources have suggested that hives are a "natural" end stage to Imperial settlement on a world, as initially scattered colonial populations gather around increasing urban centres, followed by a concentration of industrial capacity. Central control of facilities like spaceports (Necromunda, for example, has one, to ensure the Imperial Governor's family maintain a monopoly) might exacerbate this, too.

If a hive is arising out of a large city on an otherwise lightly-developed agri-world or the like, "greenbelt" planning rules might be in play - no point giving up valuable farming land for houses - just build another couple of storeys onto the existing tower blocks.
"So you want to live on a planet?"
"No. I think I'd find it a bit small and wierd."
"Aren't they dangerous? Don't they get hit by stuff?"
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by Simon_Jester »

Thirty billion is pretty far past sustainable planetary carrying capacity- so we can imagine this not atypical "hive world" as having its population live in clusters of hyper-dense arcologies (which come integrated with their own factories, port facilities, and possibly some hydroponics), with practically the entire planetary biomass being pumped into systematic agriculture in an attempt to feed them all.

So, yeah, not all hive worlds are ecumenopoli, although any individual hive is by 2000-era human standards a massively overdeveloped, complicated city that's had skyscrapers being built on top of the graveled ruins of older skyscrapers for eons, with tunnel networks underneath being so deep it can literally support things like mutant hordes or small armies of things like the monsters from Alien without the general public even knowing or caring much about it.
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by PainRack »

The Achilleus Assault introduces us to a world where one Hive City was rebuilt and another being built. Given that Hive worlds/cities are known concentrations of industry, perhaps such planning refers to the Imperium means of concentrating labour and logistics for industry.

It might not be strictly neccessary, but they are highly productive.

The ecological devastation, unsustainable populations massed together in megacities arcologies may be the ineveitable side result of this.
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by Connor MacLeod »

A 40K hive world is not neccesarily something Coruscant-like, although it can incorporate that definition as well as other kinds. As Andrew noted, the traditional definition was an artificial mountain-like construction that housed ungodly huge numbers of people in different stratifications (the nobles, the workers/what passes ofr a middle class in 40K, and the poor/underhivers who are gangers, frontier types, etc. who inhabit the lowest, dangerous adn genreally hazarodus/abandoned section sof the Hive that gradually collapse under the weight of the upper levels. I think from the Necromunda sources and novels I estimated there might be trillions on that based on Confrontation and a few other sources. There was also Aerius from Ragnar's Claw which had an estimated population of a trillion or more (although that might have been more of a proper 'coruscant-type' city, and even then a trillion was a mere estimate.) But frankly you can have all kinds of hives in different configurations. Some above ground, some below ground, some spread across whole continents (like Terra.)

3rd edition or therebouts gave hive worlds an populartion supposedly averaging between 100 and 500 billion. Battlefleet gothic and 5th edition continued this tradition.

With the advent of novels like Eisenhorn and RAvenor and the Ghosts and other novels (and continued in FFG and I believe Forge world) we had Hives that were different. They had lower populations but they weren't quite industrial shitholes outside either and typically averaged in the tens of millions. If you want bad, there's Sctintilla from Dark HEresy, which is some sort of 8000 km wide hive that houses around 15-20 billion people I think, and it extends at least a kilometre or more belowground... Under this definition 'Hive' acutally seems to be any sort of 'artificially built habitation, probably iwth some sort of industrial capabilities', and extreme population densities and inhospitable enviroments are a secondary feature.

And then there were sub classifications that there are sub hives, proto-hives, minor hive worlds and the old Battlezone Cityfight notion that there was no clear cutoff point between when a world actually 'became' a hive world of sorts. Frankly it never bothered me at all because this sort of thing has plagued sci fi rather commonly in 'hive' type enviroments, all the way back to Asimov and Trantor, and of course Coruscant. At least with 40K you can use the excuse that they may not be utilizing the whole planetary surface for habitation.....
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Another IA8 update. Don't expect things to be getting any better.

Page 40
Through his sight the target was a big green Ork, maybe two metres tall...
Probably taller as they tend to stoop.

Page 41
A second burst of bolter rounds impacted in a rapid succession of small, bright explosions. The Big Ork vanished from sight, either it ducked or had disintegrated amongs thte bolter shells, Yano couldn't tell.
Possible result of Ork against a volley of heavy bolter rounds, not sure how many rounds it was but sounds like a proximity kill (fragmentation?) Considering the general size Of Orks this can mean multiple grenade-equivalens

Page 41
A piece of shrapnel wedged into his breastplate, another, the size of a man's hand, whistled just over his shoulder, less than ametre from completely decpitating him.
Shrapnel from Ork weapon, I think, stopped by Elysian armor. That's something I suppose.

Page 42
"Enemy infantry approaching. All stations engage at will." The order crackled through Yano's headset from his command squad.
Seems to suggest all the elysians have helmet comms.

page 43
Captain Thanstadt saw the huge beast, a great lizard-like creature, at least three storeys high, two curling tusks twice the size of a man prodtruding before its flattened, pug-nosed face, underneath which glistened rows of sharp fangs the size of swords.
Squiggoth. SEems to be a good 3-8 metres tall, possibly larger.

Page 43
In a puff of cordite the krak grenade winged its way straight into the creature's head and detonated on impact. The powerful shaped charge was designed to penetrate tank armour, but it could not pierce the creature's thick boned skull. The explosion left a bloody scar streaked across its face...
Krak grenade didnt do much to a Squiggoth.

Page 44
B Company bad been badly mauled by repeated Ork onslaughts and was now in full retreat...

C Company to the south had borne the brunt of repeated dreadnaought attacks, but had held their gorund well until the arrival of an Ork Stompa. Air support had inflicted serious damage but had not destroyd the war machinea nd that company had also been forced to withdraw. Again losses in men and equipment had been great. To the north, most of D company was still in good fighting order. They had been in combat, but here the Orks had been less numerous and less heavily equipped. However, D company could not be expected to hold their positions now the other companies were in retreat and so were also forced to fall back too.

Their [Sword Force] assault had failed to break through to the Gargant and had been overwhelmed.
Captain GErek's Dagger force had done its job well and screened their northern flank.
Over a thousand men had landed in Shield Force; after today Thanstadt thought he had about four hundred left.
Aftermath of the first Elysian contact with the Orks. Naturally the Elysians get mauled, but it probably could have been worse given:
a.) They're facing vastly greater numbers, with a definite advantage in combined arms (the Orks have more and heavier vehicles for one thing.) Considering the limits to ground equipment the Elysians have, this is understandable. And we'll just gloss over 'why there is a ground war at all' since I discussed that.

b.) Intel as usual was off. This, like Politics, seems to be one of those inherent "balancing" factors Forgeworld likes to use to make things more fair (Why they need to 'balance' things when its a small Imperial force against an entire planet of orks...). Regardless of intent though, in universe it can always happen, and there's no real way this could have been averted. Again it also may have been deliberate - the Raven Guard clearly wanted a distraction force to cover their own operations, so it probably matters little or nt the kind of intel the Elysians get (although you'd think it would help, and they certainly couldn't object to the Elysians succeeding in THEIR objectives. The scout squads at least could have been providing recon if nothing else.)

This also will cover the tactics, which can be a bit silly (static positions against Orks, almost certainly knowing they'd have heavier or bigger equipment? Even without intel, why wouldn't one assume that). Over-confidence maybe, if we're charitable. Stupidity of the extreme vairety we've come to expect form IA at worst. Guess which one I'm banking on?

c.) Supplies. The Elysians used up a huge amount of their resources fending off the Orks this time around, and lost equipment as well. The Orks probably will amass in greater numbrs and bringing out nastier stuff, which I predict the Elysians will be hard pressed matching. I don't think they'll last a second engagement.

At this point I am also wondering where the hell their Navy support is. And then I remind myself what sources I'm talking about. Space Marine support is even more of a joke.

Page 49
The drop-pod's descent from the orbiting strike cruiser to the landing zone below would take just a few minutes. A few minutes of bone shaking g-forces that would have crushed any lesser man to death.
Ususally for an Earthlike planet we'd be talking around 8 km/s reetnry speeds IIRC. IA typically gives ~3.3 km/s for loyalist drop pods and Rogue trader (Into the storm) lists ~4 km/s. I recall (vaguely) mention of other velocities elsewhere.

In either case "a few minutes" of g forces isn't alot of aceleration at those speeds, even sustained (about 1-2gees depending on source - the space shuttle routinely takes 3 gees to get to orbit)

Even at 8 km/s (earth reentry speeds) and 11 km/s (few minutes from ~2000 km) acceleration of "a few minutes" is not neccesarily lethal or dangerous according to Here, at least at least not curshing. We're probably talking considerably greater gees than human tolerances even over short time to "crush".

Page 49
Automated telemetry data was scrolling across his helmet visor, reading directly from the pod's onboard logis-engine.
Data feed directly from the drop pod into Chaplain's helmet. Space Marines always get the best gear, cuz they're SPACE MARINES, FUCK YEAH!

Page 51
"Relay me all your augur data for that position."
The Prometheus' command screen flickered into life, green runes and icons flashed onto the screen as the Thunderhawk's own sensors swept the ground below and passed the images on.
"Telemetry data from the Aeruginosus says first wave will be making planet fall in 10, 9, 8, 7..."
Data relay from sensors between Space Marine forces in various ways, including ground forces, airborne forces, and orbital forces. Very interconnected. Pity this doesnt extend beyond the holy astartes, huh?

Page 51
He placed the sight reticule of his autosenses on an Ork's face and automatically pulled the trigger of his bolt pistol. Three bolts launched and instantly smashed the Ork's head like an over-ripe fruit...
Three-round bolt pistol burst blowing apart Ork's skull, and autosense link to guns.

Page 51
The Ork's charge smashed into him, trying to use its size to drve Eitath back but his armour's servo-actuators responded, locking him in palce as the Ork tried to push him over.
Useful for stability purposes regardless of what the stability is needed for. I'd expect the arms to be able to do likewise (such as when firing bolt weapons and needing to handle recoil)

Page 52
..the fifth [Scout] set up the augur and comms equipment they had already unloaded for their Land Speeder Storm.
Space marines using stationary sensor/comms equipment, at least amongst scouts.

Page 53
Slowly the Elysian drop troops were being overwhelmed and, whilst offering brave reisstance, it seemed that unless they were evacuated they would be destroyed. He could not sit by and allow this to happen.
It was tactical thinking 'on the fly' but Korvydae needed to be flexible. The battlefield situation was fluid, so rigidly adhering to his old plan was folly. In effect his new self-appointed mission was now a rescue operation, to save as many Elysian drop troops as he could whilst inflicting as much damage on the Orks as possible.
Well, I must say this surprised me. Rather noble of them in this regard, although it sort of complicates the "Raven Guard used/sacrificed the Elysiasn as a deliberate distraction" idea, and makes you wonder why they went with that idea to begin with, given that it's hardly the ONLY option at their disposal. That's really my big problem with this book - in a series known for contraidction - with itself, with other sources, sometimes even within its own pages - this is yet another case where things just go 'because we want it that way' and logic and consistency are at most a faint secondary concern. That's what ruins suspension of disbelief for me in these stories. It might be possible to explain or rationalize it, but it really shouldn't NEED to be, not to this extent, and if things were thought through this rationalization wouldn't neceesary.

That said, the "fluid thinking" bit is nice, even if it is completely useless/pointless for this conflict.,

Page 52
The Aeruginosus could begin with an orbital bobmardment of known Ork concentrations, lending some much needed heavy firepower to the drop troop's withdrawal.
It will be a big help but.. where the fuck is the Navy, and why didnt they use the Strike cruiser to do this earlier? This strikes me as a plan coming around a bit too late. (Maybe the Raven Guard should have deployed more troops to help this little plan and help the Elysians. Or maybe they shouldn't have deployed troops for a straight up conflict in an Assasination mission to begin with.)

I mean fuck, if they can bombard the planet and not have the strike cruiser wiped out right away, why not bomb the fuck out of the gargant? Or use some sort of bait to lure the Mek into the open, or locate his position, then bomb the fuck out of several square kilometres of his general vicinity? There's any NUMBER of ways to pull this off with orbital bombardment alone.

Again the lack of sense in how this entire conflict goes off is just beyond frustrating.

Page 52
At four hundred metres his isght was filled by each Ork as he panned over the lead vehicle.
Carfully he squeezed off his first round, the silenced barrel of his weapon muffling the sound into an almost polite cough. THe bolt flashed, smacked the surprised ork Boss in the side of the head and he tumbled off the side of the vehicle. To Uirroth's surprise it wasn't dead. Bleeding, the Ork got up again, looking shocked, but seemed relatively unharmed.
The second blast hit it square in the chest, punching it off its feet.
His third round finished his target with a second clean headshot.
And also hsa a range of ~400 metres perhaps. Despite that, it takes over three shots (including two headhsots) to take out the Ork boss. It says "bolt" but it doesnt specify whether its an energy weapon bolt or a physical bolt. If its silenced the round is probably subsonic even if a bolt round. The fact the scout remained undetected tends to argue against a las or plasma weapon, as they tend to be rather.. visible in their trajectories. The silencer bit also argues for a bolt round. Although we know of cases where invisible lasweapons are used (Legion of the Damned, for example.)

Also if they can assasinate the Ork leader by snipers, why couldn' t the scouts do in the Mek this way?

Page 53
A barrage of Ork shells fell about them, one impacted directly amongst a combat squad, its blast lacing them all with shrapnel and blowing two off their feet. The veteran brother leading the tropos reported he had lost two of his men, and without instruction the Apothecaries immediately moved to aid the stricken brothers.
Space Marines take damage from artillery shell of some kind landing in their midst. Apothecaries on informed can also zero in on their position (shared data again.)

Page 54
It was dark now, but it mattered not to Brother-Scout Uirroth, his sniper rifle's sight lit the battlefield in a green-tinged light through it slens. He could clearly see the hot spots of Space Marine powered armour, their sub-atomic core power packs glowing brightest of all THe Orks were a dull smudge, and it was on these he placed his sight reticule and fired.
Scout sniper rifle has Infrared scope. Note that the Marines are clearly visible in the scope, so that their power armor (at least in this configuration) seems to be highly visable to infrared detection. It could be that this is one reason why some powerpacks use what amount to batteries, whilst others have their own built in core - the core is probably more detectable by its heat/power sources. Hell it may even vary according ot the type of power source (some may be more detectable than others as well.

Page 55
Shadow Captain Korvydae and his larger strike force had been unable to identify the location of Buzzgob and been left as bystandards...
Maybe this is forgivable or explainable SOMEHOW, but I have a hard time accepting that the Raven Guard captain could not guess that their target, a big, improtant and crucial Mek, might be involved in some of the more important projects (EG making GArgants), especially given how the Elysians just stumbled across him by accident (or luck.) And had the two forces been communcating, it quite probable that Buzzgob's presence could have been found out and this rectified... sigh..

Considering it was the Raven Guard doing a fair bit of intel as well, this whole operation seems to be something blamed on them, since they failed to get a good number of Orks involved (or their equipment) and couldn't figure out or locate one friggine Mek. Again, maybe I'm being too harsh but, it doesn't feel so, especially given that on page 11 this whole conflict came about because they learned an Ork Mek was building a Gargant, and they decided to excute said Mek.. and they couldn't locate said mek around the gargant?

The conflict might have turned much different had Korvydae's forces managed to hook up with the Elysians to take out buzzgob AND the Gargant, Shield force would not be so poorly pressed, and the Imperium achieved their objectives. Which, in retrospect, may explain precisely why (and making this a lousy contrivance evne by Forge World standards) Or maybe skipped the ground war entirely and just used scouts and/or orbital bombardment (like we know they can pull off both in this case.) Also the whole "air support" thing is not really proving as decisive as earlier hinted.

55 - Ok this made me laugh. A Goff warleader notes that the humans (Raven Guard) fought so well because they wore black, which is apparenlty this Goff's preferred colour.

Page 65
Today owuld be da real fing, a big fight. All da boyz, grotz and mangy squigs for miles around were here, ready for the action.
Predictaly, the Orks had amassed even more forces for the next battle. The Elysians are screwed. Big shock huh?

Page 65
His [Korvydae's] scout squads had reported that even before first light the Orks had gathered into a single large horde. They had identified the Stompa, and it seemed to contain the Ork's leader.
GAH! they recognize his stompa, but they couldn't figure out he might go there, or be near his Gargant the other day?? And now they can't risk an assault in the midst of a huge mob.

This also brings up the question of the whole "air support/orbital bombardment" issue. There's a huge, obvious mob here, why isnt the strike cruiser blasting at them again? Why not be calling in Thunderhawks and gunships and marauders to plaster the horde? That would disrupt things substntailly and increase the chances of hitting the Stompa and the Mek.

Page 65
For the Raven Guard everything was in place, even their strike cruiser was in position to launch its orbital bombrdment.
Well, that explains the cruiser. Although why they have to wait to start bombarding I have no fucking clue (killing and disrupting the horde would HELP the Elysians, making their use as a lure more effective.) You literally need to drink a whole bottle of strong liquor so that logic becomes surreal before this all makes sense.

Page 65
Captain Thanstadt sprinted forwards to get a clearer view of the approaching enemy.
Scanner in hand, he tracked the Orks, bikers cricling to the right and left.
Elysian captain again using a "scanner" - probably the magnoculars again.

Page 65
Seric felt his grav-suit expanding, holding the blood in his body in place as it tried to force its way into his extremities.
grav suit. Possibly like the one using suspensors in (I think) Storm of iron, although that's purely conjectural.

Page 66
A slight jink adusted his weapon targeters as they locked on, "All weapons armed' flashed across his headset. Seric thumbed the fire switch and the quad autocannons howled into life..
Autocannons, lascannons and all four Hellstrike missiles ignited under the wings, simultaneously launching. Four large armour-penetrating warheads instantly hit the craturea dn exploded...
Thundebolt weaponry all appear targeter linked. also visual info appears to be displayed on the pilot's headset.

Page 66
The volley of Hellstrike missiles turned the massive squiggoth beast into hunks of flying flehs, bone and blood. Mortally wounded, the crature staggered then fell, squealing pitifully in pain as it crashed over on its side, dead before it hit the ground from massive inturnal wounds.
Hellstrike missiles on Squiggoth - the thing is mostly intact but appears to have a big hole put in it (fatal anyhow.) Probably unsurprising since they're described as "armour piercing" warheads whcih probably means a concentrated blast. Oh did I mention the navy support at last? Piecemeal deployment of military forces in nonsensical ways - IA tradition.

Page 66
Leading the green recruirts personally, Taihon and almost two hundred men had jumped from aeighteen VAlkyries. EAch drop troop's plunging grav-chute dive lsated just six seconds before they hit the ground.
The HQ security detail/reserve company 200 troops, taks 6 seconds to land from unknown height (perhaps 100 m as before?)
With ~10 companies or so there may be 2000 or so Elysians tops. Against.. thousands? tens of thousands of Orks? That's insane. Especially without armour support. Amazing they lasted as long as they did.

Page 67
His [Korvydae''s] target was in sight, the pict-relay from the Thunderhawk's augurs showed it as a grainy ill defined image..
visual relay from sensors in Korvydae's helmet.

Page 68
Leto loosed a long burst from his multi-lasers inot the Orks and saw one greenskin, with a white and blue skull painted on its chest, come apart. First its arm was severed then the alien's head and chest exploded in blood.
Effect of sustained burst multi-laser fire on an Ork. Severa grenades worth I'd guess, although it depends on how many shots and how big the Ork.

Page 68
Leto felt rounds impact on the turrets, then a round punctured the turret armour and hit him, piercing his right thigh.
Tauros armour offers some limited reisstance to Ork grade gunfire.

Page 69
As he watched thorugh his magnocular scanner, a streak of red fire raced from the upper sky and flashed into the ground, impacting in a great explosion - the Space Marines' orbital bombardment.
Elyisan captain watching the conflict through his binoc scanner again.

Page 69
Closer by, the Elysians were down to the last of their manpower. Squads and platoons had been buchtered to the man by repeated Ork Charges...
Captain GErek's A Company had been destroyed.
his own F Company was down to the last thirty or forty survivors, not even a full strength platoon remained. The other companies were similarily shredded.
REsult of the second Ork assault. They tried airlifting out under Ork assault to salvage the remnants. The Ravne Guard likewise fled.

Page 73
When they had boarded the Valkyries for the attack, the place had been a frenzy of activity and noise as thousands of men and hundreds of aircraft made ready for battle.
Scale of the Elysian/navy force on Kastorel-Novem. such a MIGHTY force, its inconceivable that they had no chance against a planetfull of Orks.

Page 73
Yano threw down his sweat soaked helmet and began unstrapping his flak armour's breastplate and pauldrons. There were scorch marks on the breastplate and in one place a huge dent, front and centre, where an Ork bullet had hit him square on, but the synthi-plas had stopped it. He could feel the big bruise on his chest from the impact - it shoudl have killed him.
Interesting. The flak actually stopped an Ork round, although it is implied it should have killed him (didnt seem like it had come close to penetrating though - maybe its from blunt trauma,, those bullets got to pack a huge amount of momentum)

PAge 73
His battle brothers had returned to their striek cruiser, but the remaining Elysians also had to be lifted clear. He had already dispatched the orbital landers to their airbase to begin the operation. The heavy equipment was to be destroyd and left.
..the transport vessels would need protecting until they could make their warp jumps. Of the three transport vessels that had arrived, two had already been dispatched, empty. The remaining vessel would be more than enough for the Imperial Guard survivors.
AFtermath of the battle again.. only about 1/3 the force remaining tops judging by the transport, although much of that includes the equipment lost.
At least the Raven Guard aren't dicks and abanodning their Guard allies, althoug again why they bothered if they intended to sacrifice them to begin with as a diversion...

Page 74
The raid on Kastorel Novem had been a costly defeat for the Imperium.
Before the attack the 181st Elysian Drop Troop regiment had been a well-equipped and trained Imperial Guard regiment, with a good mix of veterans and new recruits.
In two days of fighting it had effectively been destroyed. VEry few of the regiment's 2,400 men and almost none of its equipment, including over 100 Valkyrie airborne carriers and 30 Vulture gunships were evacuated from Kastorel-novem. Perhaps as few as 400 Guardsmen returned.
Elysia's next round of conscriptions would see the regiment re-founded with fresh manpower and new equipment provided.
Many of the survivors were transferred ot the 73rd Harakoni Warhawks as reinforcements.
The fate of the Elysians after the raid. 5/6 of the forces destroed, and virtually all its equipment lost.

Note that prior to this raid, it was implied that the regiment had received "new recruits" possibly to replace losses, but with the obliteration of the regiment one figures that the Munitorum figured starting from scratch would be cheaper then ferrying that many troops and gear to the regiment to rebuild it.

Page 74
The Raven Guard's plan had failed. It had cost Strike Force Korvydae over seventy of its battle brothers.
Ouch. Of course this guy isn't the brightest bulb in the Astartes box so maybe he's known for Zapp Branigan style tactics.

Page 75
An estimated 6,000 Orks had been killed in teh fighting...
Manufacturing on the world would be disrupted by the loss of manpower...

The Raven Guard had also destroyed a huge fuel stockpile...

..history would show that the damage inflicted would not be enough to save the hive world from being conquered...
Yeah big shock. 6,000 would be like barely a tenth of a percent of the overall forces (minimum), and the labour pool, and they had left behind tons of scrap for the Orks to use (Salvage!) Small wonder it did fuck all, especially since most of the Ork logistics would actually be gretchin, grots, and the like (EG slave stock, more numerous and easily replaced in the long term compared to ORks.) Or enslaved humans.

Page 75
The major mistake had been the under-estimating of Ork strength. The raiders had simply not had the manpower to deal with the massive number of Orks present on Kastorel-Novem. It was a failing that had dogged the Imperium's fight against Garaghak since his first suprrise attack. It took the fall of Forsarr and then Magdelene IX before the Administratum finally recognised Garaghak's attacks as a full Waaagh!, when arguably it had been exactly that since his victory in the Tallarax war. The wheels of the Imperium's bureacracy had been characteristically slow to react.
Self evident AND Grimdark! The hilarious part is the whole 'under estimating Ork strength' - its a fucking PLANET FULL of Orks. How many did they think there would be? It's also pretty retarded they call this the BIGGEST mistake they make, givne that they're talking about this like it was a conventional ground war rather than an assasination imssion/diversionary effort with a retarded force disposition (contrast with Gunheads, as I noted before.) I mean fuck they deployed more tropos to Vraks and Taros! nevermind anything like Jericho Reach or Sabbat Worlds -blah blah blah. The stupid deployment of forces, inconsistent use of orbital/aerial support, and the inability to conduct anything resembling recon (or basic deduction for that matteR) are equally huge problems - moreso in fact. Oh and then there's the fact they try to write it off as more 'long term' problems or conflicts (slow Imperial reactions, etc.)

Shoddy thinking all around.

Page 75
The lessons of the raid on Kastorel-Novem were not quickly learned.
..the Adeptus Ministorum was vehement that their shrine world shoudl not be allowed to remain in Ork hands without a fight. They used their political influence to insist on an immediate counter-attack. The regiment selected for this mission was the 73rd Harakoni Warhawks, another newly deployed 'optimum' rated drop troop regiment, but this time the attack was not supported by any Space Marines.
The Warhawk's drop on Magdelene IX was another disaster.

..the wasting of forces in piecemeal small actions was ordred to halt. The main effort must be in building up enough forces to halt the Orks' invasions in defensive battles before any further attempts at re-conquest would be sanctioned.
GRIMDARK! politics and inertai! Typical IA logic and IG conflict for you.

Page 76
170936.M41 - Garaghak's Goff horde... launch a suprrise attack on the outpost world of Thoria III and rapidly defeat its garrison and enslave the population.
346937.M41 - Success on Thoria draws more Ork Warbands to Garaghak and Dagrod's banners...
772945.M41 - The Departmento Munitorum respond to the incresing Ork threat by deploying five Imperial Guard regiments to Tallarax, turning it into a fortress world.
064952.M41 - with Garaghak's permission, Big Mek Buzzgob and his 'Dredheadz' warband lead an attack on the Imperial industrial world of Kastorel-Novem.
723952.M41 - After strong resistance by Kastorel-Novem's garrison, including the 49th Terrax Guard, the planet is evacuated and falls.
Summary of some of the salient points of the timeline of the Ork WAAAGH. To summarize, the more successes the Warboss enjoys, the more Orks he attacks and the bigger and more powerufl he becomes. Pretty typical Ork stuff. Makes you wonder why they couldn't figure this out from the timeline they apparently could amass.

note the deployment of 5 regiments to a "fortress world", and the Industrial world of Kastorel-Novem and it having a garrison. Not that it seemed to help any.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by Connor MacLeod »

I decided to finish up throwing out IA 8. I may just throw out IA 9 and 10 all at once, since its the same battle and others have covered it in more detail. I frankly want to get to IA11 and end this, so I can start doing stuff I actually like. Plus between wrapping up Space MArine Battles and Necromunda (within the next 2-3 updates or so) I can actually consider cutting down on volume (which is ACTUALLY a long term goal. Amazingly I have those, and at some point I might actually get bored of doing this, so might as well put the stuff out so I can pretend I didn't actually waste all my time even allowing for the hobbylike nature of this.)

Anyhow, the rest of the novel is more or less timeline stuff and introducing all the new model related shit they put out for the book, most of which is the Ork stuff, so it should run fairly quick.

Page 77
211966.M41 - Warboss Gogrok arrives from the Ork Empire of Octavius to challenge Garaghak...

Garaghak fights Gogrok and wins the duel, inheriting his entire horde and fleet.
779970.M41: Garaghak continues to attrckt more Ork warbands...
935979.M41 0- Departmento Munitorum officials order more Imperial Guard regiments to defend Forsarr hive world. Their logis predictions make Forsarr the next target of Garaghak's conquests.
705992.M41 - Garaghak launches his long expected invasion of Forsarr. Millions of Orks rampage across the hive world in a war which will eventually last eight years.

023996.M41 Big Mek Buzzgob launches his own invasion from Kastorel-Novem against hte Shrine World of Magdelene IX.
The Shrine World is defended by Frateris Militia, thousands of Cultists of the REd Redemption, and Sisters of Battle of the Order of the Black Sepulchre.
411996.M41 - The Fall of Forsarr. It is re-named Garaghak's World. For the Imperial Guard's High Command the loss of the primary hive world now makes the sector indefenceable. Imperial Guard forces are re-deployed en-masse, abandoning the Forsarr sector despite vehement complaints from Ecclesiarchal representatives.
866996.M41 without aid MAgdelene IX falls to Buzzgob...
390997.M41 - Snakebite warbands of Gursk's Braves join with Garaghak, emerging from their home planet of Ogrolla, deep in an area of wilderness space. Aided by Garaghak the entire population of the planet migrates to join the Waagh! including hundreds of Squiggoths.
476998.M41 Under diplomatic pressure from the Ecclesiarchy to rapidly re-capture Magdelen IX, the 73rd Harakoni Warhawks are ordered to launch an ill-advised counter-offensive against the shrine world. The attack fails with heavy losses.
995999.M41 GAraghak's on-going invasions are officially designated as Waaagh! Garaghak by the Administratum. Garaghak's warbands are now estimated at approximately two billion Orks.

996999.M41 - More Imperial Guard regiments, along with large Ecclesiarchal forces and a demi-legion of Legio Titancius Astramana (Morning Stars) ar enow being deployed to halt the Orks. Space Marines of the Revilers, Aurora and Death Eagles Chpater have also arrived.
The Entire Raven Guard Chapter stands ready to defend their home world, Deliverance, which now lies in the predicted path of Waaagh! Garaghak...
The rest of the timeline. The orks eventually end up in the billions, and stand ready to attack the Ravne Guard homeworld. Somehow I doubt they'll manage to take it.
It is interesting that having lost Forsarr proved to be a massive strategic loss to the defence of the Sector. That suggests the Hive World was perhaps the most significant recruiting ground in the sector, and the source of most/many of its forces. I can't ever recall of hearing the Imperial Guard redeploy OUT of a sector like that before, either.
It is also hilariously retarded how the Ecclesiarchy abuses its position to get a single regiment to re-conquer a planet.

Page 78
Valkyrie airborne assault carrier of the 5136th Imperial Navy Tactical Wing. In all it supplied eighty Valkyries to the mission.
Interesting that the navy supplies aerial transports here. Those would have been of use at Taros (then again alot of things would have been usefl at Taros..)
Page 82
Tha Tauros is a sturdily built all-terrain vehcile, often used as a utility vehicle or tractor on frontier worlds. Similar vehicles are not uncommon with exploration teams and have also been used in combat by gangs of brigands, Marauders and rebel factions. Some have been adopted for military service by Imperial Guard regiments.
Origins of the Tauros. Note its implied other Guard regiments besides the Elysians may use it.
Page 82
Elysian drop regiments have adapted the Tauros for airborne operations, stripping out any excess weight so it can be easily transported inside a Valkyrie or below a Valkyrie Sky Talon. With the two man crew already onboard, a Valkyrie Sky Talon will skim in very low, hoever, and then release its magnetic clamps. The Taros will drop the last short distance to the grond..
This way the Tauros can be quickly dropped directly into combat, where their heavy weapons are a welcome addition tothe lightly armed drop troop's arsenal. They can also be carried deep behind enemy lines for far-ranging reconnaissance missions and surprise 'hit and run' raids. For these missions the vehicles will be carrying a lot of extra equipment: weapon power packs, camouflage netting and hunter killer missiles.
Elysian Tauros usage. Interesting that they can be carried inside Valkyries as well as being ccarried by Sky Talons. That sets definite limts on the dimensions of the vehicle (since we get no stats.)
Curiosu that they have to strip out "extra weight" though, considering Valkyries can carry several 6-7 tonne Sentinels without trouble, though. For that matter, there are a number of other vehicles the Elysians could add, like the Centaur (which could be carried either way, or in the Spectre variants mentioned in Redemption Corps.) Or perhaps a stripped down Chimera like a Trojan (which probably could be hauled around in a Sky Talon) Hell we know the Trojan masses only a few tons, and often gets modified into other vehicles roles, including troop carriers and combat vehicles anyhow.
Page 82
The Elysians field two versions of the Tauros. THe basic four-wheeled vehicle and a larger, more heavily armed six-wheeled vehicle, called the Tauros Venator.
Two Tauros variants.
Page 82
One notable feature of both Tauros models is their high-yield galvanic motors. The vehicles do not have the usual multi-fuel engine, which are loud and dirty, but hums along dirven by electrical power. THese motors are very efficient and highly stable, meaning they aren't prone to mechanical failure (a useful attribute when operating deep behind enemy lines) and there is no need to carry weighty extra fuel. The motor will run for days before it needs re-charging. Power is supplied to each wheel independently, meaning eahc will keep turning when others are damaged and destroyed.
Wow. for the Guard this is a pretty nifty engine system variant. Its not surprising that they can get good performance from an electric vehicle - they have tremendous battery technology as evinced by their energy weapons, so that they can do this isn't a shock really. It makes alot of sense too, althoguh I wonder if they could even adapt it to tanks (it could be useful in some cases.) I'm betting not. The redundancy feature is neat also, reminiscient of what the Rhino has.
Page 82
This [pintle mounted weapon] is usually the Tauros' own rapid-firing grenade launcher, although some vehicles are equipped with heavy flamers for close support.
Grenade launcher allows for some effective antipersonnel and anti-armour role depending on the grenade used.
Page 82
The Heavier Venator includes a small, powerd, rear turret. The turret is armed with twin multi-lasers, which draws power form the vehicle's many auxiliary galvanic cells. The multi-lasers can also be replaced by lascannons, with each squadron generally operating with one lascnanon-armed anti-tank vehicle supporting tow vehicles with standard armament. The drop regiments have adapted the Venator with additional hard points to mount tow hunter-killer missiles.
Venator armament. Running the weapons off the same power packs has some interesting implications for firepower. ASsume the thing runs for two days, and is capable of between 50 and 70 kph (about what a Chimera can do) If the Venator is ~2 tonnes (A guess, but probably conservative given its larger than a Sentinel which can mass 7 tonnes) the sustained output of the vehicle would be between 200 and 800 kw ignoring inefficiencies. At 2 days, the powerpacks would have to hold a total of ~34 GJ to 138 GJ approximaely (If I did my math right) which should work reasonably well for an Order of Magnitude. ASsuming they typically devote 1/3 of this power to the weapons and inferring "shot' totals from similar weapons ccarried on other vehicles (~20-40 for lascannon and 150 for multilaser IIRC) you get somewhere around double digit MJ for multilasers and tirple digit MJ for lascannon. As I said for a rough, order of magnitude calc that works well enough to illustrate what ispossible.
Note that the above is neither a lower or upper limit neccesarily, nor a hard or fast calc.. its just meant to show broadly where such vehicle mounted laser weapons reside firepower wise.
Page 85
It [Sky Talon] is a stripped down version of the standard airborne assault carrier, with the transport compartment replaced by the magnetic lifting clamps. In between these clamps a single Taros or two Drop Sentinels can be transported to the battlefield and dropped (from very low altitude) for immediate deployment in combat.
Sky Talon. Different from the aformentioned spectre in the sense its stripped down and "open" for rapid deployment. The ability to carry severla drop Sentinels suggest its lifting payload is not small.

Page 85
As standard it is armed with a nose turret mounted heavy bolter for anti-personnel use and two Hellstrike missiles under the wings for anti-armour. These cna be replaced with multiple rocket pods as the mission requires.
Sky talon armament.
Pgae 85
The Sky talon can also carry a large supply drop pod. Drop troops operating behind enemy lines are always in ned of resupply, tradtional ground supply units being unable to reach them..
Sky Talon resupply role.

Page 86 0 scaling the Tauros Venator underslung the drawing, the Venator should be about 6-7 M long and maybe 2 -2.5m tall. About Chimera or Russ sized, roughly.

Page 86
Sky Talon
Weight: 12 tonnes unladen, Length: 18.5M, Width: 16.9M, Height 4.8M
Max operational ceiling: 12,000 m Max speed: 1,100 kph Range: 2,000 km unladen in atmosphere
Main armament: 1 nose mounted heavy bolter Secondary armament variable payload (2x pylon)
Main ammunition: 1000 rounds
Armour: Superstrucutre 75mm Hull: 75mm

Page 89
Currently they [1st Elysian drop troop regiment] form part of the Ultima Segmentum strategic reserve of Imperial Guard rgiments awaiting rapid deployment against any emerging threat.
Meniton of a strategic reserve once again. I aimgine they have reserves at segmentum, sector, and subsector levels (garrisons and the like) much as the Navy has its own reserves.
Pag e90
All [troops] are lasgun armed (Accatran pattern, Mk IV) with a standard-issue of five powercells. Grenades are issued in a more ad-hoc fashion and ca be provided ot the grenade launcher as needed.
5 powercells is "stnadard" (as opposed to 4 in uplifting primer and 6 in Munitorum mahual) and grenades can be thronw or used in launcher interchangably.
Page 95
Often deployed on deep striek missions and operating behind enemy lines, Elysian drop regiments cannot rely on massed Imperial battle-line and strategic command network to provide them with tactical information. In order to help overcome this, the Elysians often employ portable long-ranged ground scanners landed with their wargear in teh field. Thes advanced auspex arrays provide early warning detection for their ofrces, and supply targeting data to their g unners and air crews in battle.
The sensors again. Note that they DO provide targeting data relayed.
Page 96
A lascutter is a very short-ranged high powered cutting tool, used by troops in the battlefield to quickly lsice through doors and bulkheads. Commonly issued for boarding actions or building-clearance missions, at point blank range a lascutter is capable of slicing through plasteel and ceramite in seconds.
Useful for slicing through obstacles for quick access.
Page 97
..are extensively trained in the specialised drop tactics the Elysians favour, as well as in operating behind enemy lines and in small unit tactics. This makes them more independently-minded than many line troops, but no less devoted to the Emperor's service.
Again confirmation that while many Imperial forces are taught to be mindlessly obedient (in theory) like the Krieg or Mordians, there are a number of forces who aren't, so it goes towards both extremes.
Page 99
Elysian veterans are often quipped with enhanced wargear and further specialise in a particular battlefield role as assault grenadiers, forward observers, or demolitions experts.
Veteran and experienced forces, understandably, tend to get better and more gear than novice or new forces.
Page 99
Unlike most Imperial Guard regiments, the Elysisans pilot and maintain their own Valkyries rather than relying on Imperial Navy support.
Most, but not all. It doesnt seem common but not neccesarily unique or rare either.
Page 100
Tauros are sophisticated all-terrain assault and rconniassance vehicles, employed by only a few Imperial Guard regiments who have the ability to maintain them and sufficient ties to the Adeptus Mechanicus to guarantee supply.
THat would explain why the datafile on the Tauros was restricted by the AdMech. This suggest sthe Elysians do have good ties, and anyone else who uses them would also.
Page 101
Tauros genade launcher: An uncommon weapon in Imperial arsneals, the Tauros Grenade launcher is only approved by the Adeptus Mechanicus for use on certain venerable and hard to replicate designs such as the TAros.
Wonder what makes it so special?
Page 103
Elysian drop regiments often operate under cover of close air support, an asset that can often make up for their lack of heavy armour. The most common Imperial Navy aircraft used for this are the powerful Thunderbolt and the Swift Lighning.
So are they just seconded from the Navy to Elysians as aid, do they just happen to get the support because they must deploy from a navy ship, or like with the Valkyries and Vultures could they maintain their own Guard-raised air forces (like the Phantine do?)
Page 104
The Raven Guard's zygotes are far from stable. Irreparable damage to the gene-seed, probably caused by the Chapter's use of accelerated gene-harvesting techniques millenia ago, has resulted in the deterioration of several Organs. The Chapter no longer has the Mucranoid and Betcher's gland and mutation of the melanchromic organ causes the skin to become very pale.
Self explanatroy
Page 104
These [second founding] were the Black Guard, the Revilers and the Raptors - the Second Founding Chapters. The flame Eagles, Death Eagles, Knights of Raven, Imperial Talons, Storm Wings, Storm Hawks, Hawk Lords and Dark Eagles are all thought to be related through later foundings.
AT least 3 known and 8 probable successor chapters.
Page 104
Four of the seven attacking legions were already in league with the Warmaster. Trapped between Horus' forces and the newly revealed Triaotrs, the Raven Guard suffered appalling osses. Of the 80,000 battle brothers that deployed, less than 3,000 eventually escaped. Much of the rest of the civil war was spent desperately rebuilding the Chapter's strength.
Implies the Raven guard had nearly 100,000 men before the HEresy.
Page 104
Some say he [Corax] headed directly for the Eye Of Terror, there to wreak a final vengeance upon Horus' followers along with some of his fellow primarchs. Another tale, safely stored away in the Chapter's Librarium, is that Corax secretly locked himself away in stasis, only to emerge when the Emperor had forgiven him for his failure to stop Horus' treachery and thus save his master.[
Fate of Corax.
PAge 104
The moon itself is an airless, cratered rock, but protected within massive force domes and burrowed deep below the surface is the Chapter's fortress monastery, its tallest tower, the Ravenspire, stretching up to the fleet's orbital dockyard.
Raven Guard fortress monastery.
Page 105
Their preferred combat methods are those of rapid assault and hit-and-run raiding. The Chapter uses its battle-brothers and the fastest vehicles in their armoury to lauch high-speed raids, often deep behind enemy lines. They are a highly mobile Chapter, making wide use of Thunderhawk gunships and Land Speeders to attack the enemy where they are weakeest. Sasault Squads are the preferred units in battle, with jump pack assaults from Thunderhawks common.

Alongside speed and mobility the Raven Guard also value stealth and infiltration. They make wide use of scouts for intelligence gathering and sabotage missions.
Raven Guard docrtine and tactics.
Page 105
..heavy armour such as Land Raiders are generally used in a more defensive role. They form a solid base that can hold an enemy advance long enough for a rapidly moving strike force to drop behind the enemy or out-flank them. It is believed that the Chapter only has limited numbers of Dreadnoughts...
Uses of other vheicles.
Page 106
This is Brother-Sergeant Uirroth..

His scout sniper rifle has a power feed leading to a backpack source it looks like.. so I'm guessing he's using a lasrifle of some kind.
Page 107
..Scouts wear their own pattern of lighter armour. The armour's breastplate, shoulder pads, vambrace,s gauntelts, groin-guard and optional knee-pads (not worn here) are all manufactured from thick plates of Carapace armour. Far less cumbersome than full power armour, it allows for better speed and mobility. The armour though lacks all the powered armoured suits many internal systems, such as life support, auto-senses, targeting and diagnostic systems.
Scout armour does include narrow-band secure communications, an emergency oxygen supply, an identification friend/foe beacon and a de-tox injector with antidoes for most common poisons.
If the mission requires it, Scout Armour is issued with a pair of vision enhancement goggles. To a limited extent these are a replacement for the power armour's auto-senses, providing battlefield magnification and enhancement, thermal imaging, sound enhancement and range-finder data. The goggles include their own micro power source.
Scout armour functions and capabilities. A bit better than Guard stuff, especially the optional night vision gear.

Page 107
Bolt guns, bolt pistols and shotguns are all commonly used.
I wonder why the shotguns? I guess they have some uses Bolters cannot match.

Page 107
One weapon unique to the Scout squads is the sniper rifle...
The Astartes MkIx 'Ultra' pattern Sniper rifle includes a powerful telescopic sight for up to x30 magnification. For security puproses, the weapon will be genetically encoded.
Its independent powe rsources is worn on the reare of the belt. Another feature of the weapon is its large flash suppressor. This prevents the ewapon's muzzle flash from revealing the sniper' position.
Seems to be a las weapon, or basically a long lasgun on steroids.
Page 107
Each scout is equipped with an auto-reactive, cameleoline cloak...
Maufactured with a printed micro-circuit built into the weft of the fabric, sensors carried by the Scout relay information about the ambient colours and distinctive pattern in the surrounding enviroment. This information si then rapidly processed, taking into account diffusion, blending distances and obtrusive disruption, before genreating a camouflage scheme, which is replicated by the cloth's circuitry.
Pretty sophisticated stuff. I'm betting through this is a btter quality cameleoline than what the Guard get, though.
Page 107
This functional example (knife) has a 14 inch blade.
~35 cm if I did the math right
Page 107
Just as with other bolt weapons, it fires a mass reactive explosive bolt. IT has a ten round magazine and fires single shot or pre-selected three round burst.
Bolt pistol.

PAge 114
Goffs thrive on combat, be it battle or just in-fighting with other Orks. They are brawlers and bullies, naturally physically slightly larger than other Orks and cocrespondingly producing more 'Ard Boyz and Nobz.
Goff Clan.
Page 116
But for all their bad reputation [looting and petty thievery], the Death Skulls ar elooters and scroungers par-excellence.

After a batlte they will quickly stirp damaged or destroyed vehciels of useful parts and hoard the scrap metal for bater later. For death Skulls loot is a currency and bartering for gubbinz is their favourite pastime.
Death Shkulls are also famously the mos tsuperstitious..

This clan also own alot of Gros, which they use for scavenging and as workers to sort the new scrap into useful piles.
Death Skulls.

Page 118
Evil Sunz prize fast vehicles like Bikes, buggies and trukks on which their boyz can ride to battle. To assist their mobile warbands the Evil Sunz have many Meks, to keep those vehicles tuned and running.
By far the largest number of Speed Freaks come from the Evil Sunz Clan. An Ork's love of speed can eaisly affect its brain, to the point where na Ork becomes addicted to the thrill of a wild ride into battle. Beyond even a Speed Freak's delirium there are also Flyboyz, whose need for speed has drivne them into the air...
Evil Sunz, Speed Freaks and Flyboyz...
Page 123
All Orks have a basic talent for building things (mostly weapons) even if it is just simple Choppas, sluggas or a shoota. THere are those Orks who have a talent for more complex technology and can even think up new designs and kustomize old ones.
Every so often one in a thousand Big Meks has a genius for technologicla inventiveness and designing new and deadlier machines of war way beyond that of any other Mek, becoming a Mek Boss.
Meks, Mekb osses a ndOrk technology in generla. Interesting that despite being a joke race and considered "simple" all Orks seem to have some limited facility for building stuff.
Page 125
ORks being basically indolent creatures (unless it comes to matters of preparing for, or fighting, wars), they prefer to leave mundane tasks to grots, who they can boss about and easily intimidate. Grots, being small and weedy, can't fight bakc and must consent to this unhappy state of affairs. Most resent their life of servitude.
Whilst most grots have a child-like intelligence (with a wicked and sneaky demeanour), some are actually very clever. THese Grots rise to become the 'leaders' amongst the grot mobs and (if sensible) become adept at hiding their IQ from their brutish taskmasters, who distrust clever grots.
GREtchin described. The bit about resenting their status is a bit new and unsuual (Grethcin useually liked their bigger Ork cousins and emulated them.) The bit about varying intelligence is also interesting.
Page 125
By its size and complexity, this bionic eye and ear was an expensive 'job' Its exact functions are unknown, although magnification (for fiddly technicalw ork), a strobe light attachment (used when setting engine timing), and a standard flashlight (for working in dark recesses) seems most likely.
Rathr sophisticated for Ork tech. Amazing isnt it how one can under-estimate orks for liking slugthrowers, but also having forcefields and teleporters.
Page 125
Some Orks seem to have adopted the human habit of inhaling mild stimulants. Over mankind's long assocaition with the Ork race the Orks have always been quick to steal, mimci or mock their enemies. Why this paritcular habit should become popular remains a mystery to the Ordo biologis.
Referring to the Mek having a cigar. The adaptability is interesting and makes sense, given what we know of Orks.
Page 128
Without the insane engineering 'genius' of the Big Meks, there would be no Waaagh!s as it is they who arm, equip and mobilise the Ork menace.
Improtance of Meks to Ork Warmaking.
Page 129
A shunta is a compact magneto-gravitic 'traktor' gun, related to the lifta droppa, which when used as a weapon hurls a 'bubble' of force that smashes into its taret like a solid wall, pulverizing flesh and smashing machinery.
A sort of gravitic or force beam weapon.
Page 130
By use of monowheels, hydraulic legs, rokkit boots and other perilous imrpovments, the Cybroks can get stuck in even faster than before..
heh heh.. rocket boots.

Page 134
The Rattler [Kannon] is a steam or electrically driven automatic kannon able to keep up a huge rate of fire..

Page 138
These [Lifta-Droppa) are huge 'traktor' beam devoices built with thier own temperamental 'atom smashas' to power them.
Tractor beams and atomic power?
Page 141
In mimicry of the iron mountanins known as Great Gargants, some Stompas and Kill Tanks mount their own belly guns. Belly guns are the size of a warbike and are simply jam packed with explosives and shrapnel producing scrap.
Belly gun and ammo - multi ton probably
Page 143
By far the most ocmmon warbikes have two wheels, but trackced bikes and trikes are also used. On ice worlds, warbikes have even been encoutnered modified with skids and tyre chains.
Without exception each [bike] bleches a cloud of thick oily black smoke, and again the more smoke that an engine can churn out the better the engine is regarded by the biker boyz. Some bikers go fruther, adding an extra smoke generator to the rear of the vheicle.

All warbikes are armed with large deffguns, heavy cannons with a fearsome recoil. Mounting such over-powered weapons upon the relatively light bike chassis is typical of Ork mentality. Whilst firing, the bike becomes difficult to control, bucking and skidding under the rider as the bullets fly in all directions.
Ork warbikes.

Page 147
Each bugy mounts a hevy weapon, be it twin0linked big shootas, rokkit launchas or a skorcha.
Buggies are popular with Meks because they re easy to manufacture. Given the right parts, a few boys with a bit of instruction can bang together a buggy in just a few days. There is nothing complex about a buggy, its just a low, robust chassis, four wheels (not neccesarily all the same size!) and the biggest engine the Orks can find nailed onto the back.
It is not uncommon for an Ork community to be surrounded by a rough dirt track, and thrum daily to the sounds of engines as the buggy boys tear round and round. This racing keeps the Speed Freaks happy and the Meks in work, fixing up the damage and tinkering with the engines and supa-chargas. It also hones a driver's skills.
Ork buggies. EAsy to build and fufills a vital societal function.

Page 147
One common variant of the buggy is the half-tracked wartrakk. The vehicle's tracks improve its cross-country prefromance but add a degree of complexity to the mainteance. Whilst the vast majority of wartrakks carry the same weaponry as the buggies there are two unusual variants: Skorchas and Grot bomm Launchas.
Skorchas ar ethose wartrakks that mount a large flamthrower...
Skorchas always carry large and volatile fuel tanks. These can be carried upon the chassis itself (always risky to the crew) or are mounted upon a separate trailer dragged along behind the wartrakk.

A grot bomm is a guided missile, except that it is not guided by a targeter or a complex machine spirit, but a single Gretchin pilot.
Wartrakk variants. Note the "grot bomm" described as not being guided by targeter or machine spirit. Apparenlty some imperium missiles have targeter guidance, presumably less sophisticated than machine spirit guidance (like hunter killer missiles.) Given some performance values of weapons, I do expect this to be the case.

Page 150
For this reason if no other [love of speed], the inventiveness of the Ork Meks turns first to the mass production of a bewildering variety of light, high-speed Ork-carrying transports that come under the catch-all category of 'Trukks.'

Trukks are built first and foremost for spee,d with some secondary consideration given to getting as many Orks on it as possible! as a result most are extremely ramshackle affairs, often comrpising little more than a cab and engine dragging along a multi-wheeled flatbed carrier, with little in the way of armour plating, no safety measurs what-so-ever and usually either a Big Shoota or Rokkit Launcha nailed on to kepe the crew entertained along the way The simplicity of these trukk designs, while sadly meaning they are inclined to cartwheel into pieces or catastrophically disintegrate in a ball of flame when taking a solid hit from heavy weapons fire, also makes them very easy to build from whatever scrap the Orks find lying around (including the wrecks of previous trukks). They are also very easy to repair by hammering broken bitz back on or replacing missing parts with any old handy piece of battlefield wreckage. Many Orks quickly become masters of rapidly bialing out of trukks when things (almost inevitably) go wrong...
Ork trukks.. again made for speed and numbers (quantity over quality) which suits Ork mentlaity fine.
Page 150
Trukks ar epreoduced with a variety of extra gear and weaponry, with Big Gun armed variants known as Gun Trukks, some of these kustom-jobs actually prove useful on occasions to the Orks on board. These modifications commonly include such things as an attempt to up-armour the chasiss (usually by the expediency of bolting on as many extra plates and recovered bits of metla as can be added before the suspension collapses), or adding a variety of heavy rams (to run inot things), wrecking balls (to hit stuff), grabbing claws (to latch on to targets so they can't escape), boarding planks (so the boyz on the back can attack moving vehicles), and of course more, red paint, to make them go faster.
Wartrukk variants.

Page 153
- Gun trukk (variants) can use other weapons: Kannon, Supa-Skorcha, zzap gun, big Lobba, Big Zzappa, Flakka-gunz.
Page 154
For some Meks without the parts and gubbinz to buidl lots of fully-fledged battlewagons, the answer is to build 'Big Trakks.' These are basically vehicles based on an up-armoured trukk chassis or rigs scavenged from battlefield wrecks and fitted out with bigger (and importantly) louder engines and heavy gauge tank treads able to cope with the roughest terrain. What they lack in speed over trukks, Big Trakks make up for in raw power, not to mention the fact they make excellent gun carriers as well; able to mount the larger 'Big Gunz' such as the Big Zzappa or the Killkannon. Some Meks even go as far as to mount huge bore 'Supa-Kannon' on Big Trakks despite the fact these weapons are almost the size of the vehicle itself! This however is much to the Ork's amusement as a Supa-Kannon armed Big Trakk rears up like an enraged Tusker from the reacoil every time it is fired.
Which while not on the order of "slewing the tank around with the impact" grade of weapon we sometimes see 40k tanks hit with, its still pretty damn fearsome firepower implied (although propellant is going to play a role in some of that recoil.) Presumably other Ork War vehicles have similar power.

Page 154
While many Big Trakks are product of battlefield construction (an dreconstruction) by Mekboyz during campaigns, and often rapidly become disturbingly effective machiens by a kind of battlefield 'Natural selection', many Gunwagons are mass-produced, usually on industrial worlds enslaved by the Ork empires. THey are built to a generally similar pattern, sometimes in the hundreds or thousands as part of a Warboss' tribute or to fuel his Waaagh!. This means that Gunwagons are often a bit more standardised (it might even be said 'sensible') than most Ork war machines, at least in the beginning, although over time field modifications and 'kustomization' usually occurs when they actually get in the hands of the Orks on the front line.
Alot of Ork's gear is built by slave labour and is thus standardized becuase its not built by Orks. That it would change once Orks get it also is not suprrising. (Look at Looted vehicles.) The natural selection bit isnt surprising eager, since War is one o fthe major triggers of Change in the Orks as a species (if they get beaten they just adapt until they can beat the enemy.)
Page 155

Weight: 22 tonnes unladen (approx) Length 7m (approx) Width 5.5m (approx) Height 4m (approx)
Max recorded speed 60 kph
Main armament : 2 Xenos pattern light autocannon (Ref: "big Shoota") Secondary armament varies (see summary)
Traverse & elevation: varies
Main ammunition: 20-30 charges
Armour: 20mm-60mm plating, improvised ablatives

Weapons include self loading field artilelry and heavy cannon (60mm-120mm) mortar weapons, rocket-assisted shell-firing guns and particle beams and energ yprojectors in rare cases.
We could take this to mean that "light autocannon" is anything between a stubber and 60mm cannon.
note the 'improvised ablatives.

Page 157
The term Battlewagon seems to refer to a category of larger Ork armoured vheicle. They can be wheeled, tracked or a combination of the two and are used in many battlefield roles. They always carry guns, lots of guns! Sometimes these weapons are just 'heavy Shootas, on other vehicles they are large Killkannons. Battlewagons have thick armour plating, multiple turrets and death rollers or rams. They also carry mobs of boyz, either internally or clingong onto its many grab handles.
A battlewagon always has a heavy chassis, sometimes salvaged form other suitable vehicle such as the Imperium's tanks or heavy transporters, a Mek and his workers will build othersf rom scratch. A Battlewagon seems never to be complete. Like other Ork vehicles they continue to be kustomised and grow as their owners add more weapons, extr fighting gantries, and whole new dekcs and new engines, until a Battlewagon has grown into a Battle Fortress.
Battlewagons. Note some are built from Imperial vehicles.
Page 157
A Battle Fortress is an uber-Battlewagon, expanded to the size of an Imperial Guard super-heavy tank.
Battle fortress.
Page 157
There seems to be no such thing as a standard Battlewagon, although there are many named sub-types within the cateogry. Tittles such as Lungbursta, Gobsmasha, Krusha, Bonecruncha, Gorespeeda and Dakkawagon are used by the Orks to describe a Battlewagon's specific role. The Lungbursta and Gobsmasha are armewd ith large, noisy cannons whislt the Krusha has a large spoked deth-rolla on the front and drives into the heart of the enemy, steamrolling ove rinfantry. THe Gorespeeda is a popular vehicle with Speed Freaks and EVil Sunz, maximizing transport capacity to deliver mobs of boyz into the thick of the fighting.
Some of these are mentioned from Epic level sources of course. A bit of a tribute I suppose
Page 157
A Supa-Kannon wagon sacrifices all its other weaponry to mount a huge artillery piece. Most often this weapon is nothing more sophisticated than alooted Earthshaker cannon.
Self epxlanatory.

Page 157
Another Mek kustom job of the Battlewagon chasis is to use it to carry a large lifta-droppa. AS well as being a useful tool for moving heavy parts about, demolishing buildings and clearing scrap, the lifta-droppa uses unknown tractor beam technology to pick up objects.
the 'weapon' is pwoered by an 'atom-shasma' reactor..
Agan atomic power?
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by Connor MacLeod »

And.. the rest of IA8 and I'm freed of that mess.
Page 157
Gunwagons are generally smaller than Battlewagons. They are an up warmoured weapons platform for a single Ork 'eavy gun. Open topped, a Gun wagon is a hevily armoured Gun Trukk that sacrifices speed for extra protection.
Self explanatory.

Page 158
Weight 55 tonnes unladen (approx) Length: 10m (approx) Width 6.5 M (approx) Height 4.5 M (approx)
Max recorded speed: 60 kph
Main armament: Low velocity heavy gun (85mm) equipped with explosive shells, multiple Xenos pattern light autocannon (ref "Big Shoota")
Secondary armament See summary
Traverse & elevation varies
Main ammunition: 20 rounds (approx)
Armour: Superstrucutral 20mm-110mm plating, improvised ablatives
not ethe mass of the tank and the recorded speed and recall they may be built on the wrecks of Imperial vehicles, but modified. This may suggest Imeprial vehicles are tradtionally governed for lower speeds. Indeed we know Leman Russes outran battlewagons (IIRC) in 'Mercy Run'.
Also note the 85mm "heavy cannon"

Page 159
Supa Kannon Battlewagon:
Weight: 62 tonnes unladen (approx) Length: 10m: (approx) Width: 6.5M (approx) Height: 5.5 m (approx)
Max recorded speed: 40 kph
Main armament: heavy high velocity long-barreled field artillery piece mounted for direct fire and bombardment
Secondary armament: varies by modification
Traverse & elevation: 120/+60
Main ammunition: (Maing un) 30 rounds (approx
Armour: Superstructural 20mm-110mm plating, improvised ablatives.
This weapon class, believed to have been based on the Imperial Earthshaker pattern is a long rage, high velocity cannon with an approximate calibre of 135mm, firing a deflagrating, high explosive shell.
PAge 161
Gun wagon (zzap gun variant)
Weight: 30 tonnes unladen (approx) Length: 8m: (approx) Width: 5.5M (approx) Height: 3.5 m (approx)
Max recorded speed: 35 kph
Main armament: Xenos pattenr high energy electromagnetic wave projector, fed directly from a channelled atomantic reactor unit.
Traverse & elevation: 180/-15 to +28
Main ammunition: Betwen 20 and 100 shots before collapse of fissile core.
Armour: Superstructural 20mm-80mm plating, improvised ablatives, focused on the forward hull.

The technology in Ork energy weapons typified by the 'ZZap gu' are consideed heretical by the holy edicts and missives of the Cult Mechanicus)

Page 163
Armoured walking machines, with tremendously powerful piston driven limbs and layers of crude armour plating, Deff Dreads in particular are hugely effective weapons palstofrms, armed with some multiple combinationn of claw, buzzsaw, skorcha, big shoota and rokkit launcher. Built first 9some apocrpyhal sources say) to ape the ancient and revered Dreadnoughts of the Adeptus Astartes, they are a extraordinarily powerful asset to any Ork force, despite the lack of technological sophistication on their part. Although often varying widely in design as is the Ork's want, each are able to function as shock troops, able to rip man and machine alike apart with contemptuous ease, smashing through fortifications, blazing away with their inbuild weapons and shrugging off small arms fire as they go.

This usually means that some unfortunate "volunteer" Ork pilot - either lured by the promise of easy power or otherwise "recruited" (sometimes by innocently visiting the Painboy for a bit of dentistry) finds themselves permanantly lashed and wired into a Deff Dread's kontrol kan, which while driving some completely insane, most settle down sooner or later after a good destructive bout of mechanised rage at the expense of bystanders and nearby buildings..


There are of ocurse Deff Dreads built not using the traditional 'surgikal method' and instead mastered by a convoluted series of gears, amatuers, and large buttons inside the kontrol kan. While far more prone to going wrong, there are advantages for a Mekboy pilot wishing to retain the use of their legs and not see the rest of their lives through a small vision grill!
Ork Dreadnoughts. Given their penchant for copycatting and the fact Gargants seem to be Titan analogues, its likely they copied Dreadnoughts from humans (or possibly Eldar, since they too have their analogues.)
Page 163
Killa Kans oht he other hand, while superficially just smaller even cruder cousins to the Deff Dreads (and most often with fewer libms), are actually in many ways very different war machines. This is in no small part becuase they are crewed not by Orks, but rather by grots, wired into the controls. When Kan construction is in the offing, Gretchin of every metre and stripe queue up for a chance to exchange their picked-upon, bullied and often appallingly short lives as the Orks' dogsbodies for an equally short but far more spectacularly violent and magnificient existence as a Killa Kan pilot.
Killa Kans - Gretchin version of Dreadnought. Probably even omre useful as expendable shock troops than regular Dreads.
Page 164
Once ensconced in their new metal bodies it is not unknown for some grot inside to seek out and wreak some well earned regenve on their former oppressors. While this is looked on as normal and indeed funny by the Orks, most Meks soon learn the wisdom of fitting their Killa Kans with a handy 'off' switch in order to keep them dormant between battles.
Indication of the Ork's mentality and how it relates (They don't mind seeing even a Gretchn bash in some Orks, in the right circumstance.)

Page 164
Ork warbosses see Killa Kans as handy and completely disposable shock units, well enough armoured to run in and lead the charge, and with the usual armament of a single close combat arm fitted with a massive shear blade claw, buzsaw or hammer and matched on the other arm with a close range heavy weapon of some sort with which they are usually better shots than their impaitent Ork cousins.
An added bonus being that any Kans that get wrecked or blown to bits can easily be salvaged afterwards and recycled into more Killa Kans - after all there is never any shortage of volunteer pilots! The downside to Killa Kans is that even a massive, armoured, piston-driven grot is still sadly a grot at heart, despite its newfound power, and grots can often prove cowardly, skittish and easily distracted, having none of the psychotic and often suicidal sense of invulnerability that most Orks succumb to once wired into a Deff Dread. In order to overcome this, Mekboyz wisely tned to field them in small mobz to bolster their courage - all grots cleave instinctively to safety in numbers...
..despite this some Kill Kans have been known to stagger about in panic when shot at or try to hide when things get rough. Conversely, when confronted with an overpowered foe or an enemy in disarray, the grots' natural viscious streak comes to the fore and these overpowered little sadists take great pleasure in gunning odwn, burning crushing and slicing anything with its back to them.
Advantages and disadvatnages of Killa Kans. The notable thing is the recycling bit - despite being crude and low tech, Ork stuff is ludicrously easy to build, rebuild, replace, or refurbish, and coupled with Ork reproductive cycles this makes their usual "Style" of battle somewhat more difficult to overcome.
Page 164
The Mega-Dread is a hulking, armour plated monster of a wlaker, much alrger and considerably more powerful than the more commonly encountered Killa Kans and Deff Dreads in the Orkish arsenal. They fit enormous hydraulic power in a relatively compact frame which makes them extremely flexible on the battlefield, as opposed ot the much larger but less mobile Stompa (which while mounting a plethora of guns is more akin to a walking fortress than a Dreadnought in battle.) Mega Dreads are usually armed with a combination of high-calibre weapons, including the Killkannon, whicha re simply too powerful for thier smaller cousins to use. Alongside these big guns most mount the infamous Rippa claws; gigantic shear-bladed power-field assisted pincers able to rip open the most heavily armoured tanks like ripe fruit. Being larger and a good deal more sophisticated (at least in Orkish terms) than the run-of-the-mill Kans, most Mega Dreads are controlled with a hybrid system of detachable surgicla implants (often hammered in and prised out of the pilot's skull before and after battle), mount hugely dangerous but powerful reactors to power them, and thanks to overlaid ablative armour plates can thunder through enemy firepower that would see a regular Dread blasted to scrap in a few strides.
Some Mekboyz specialise in building these eccentric creations iwth no two the yproduce exactly alike.
Few Meks have the skill to create Mega-Dreads and the competition to pilot these monstrosities are fierce.

These fearsome 'kustomized Meka-Dreads' are evne more insane and dangerously unpredictable than the rest, often fitted with multiple tool-equipped servo-arms for 'battlefield fixins'" and experimental and energy weapons like the Big ZZappa, an unpredictable 'enajee-kannon' whose blasts can at one moment boil adamantine armour to slag and, at the next, do little m ore than cause its victim's hair to stand on end.
Mega Dreads and their kustomized variant. A more powerful and (relatively) more sophisticated design, also rarer and harder to build hence. Note the ablative plates and the ability of big zzappas to boil adamantium.

Page 164
Whilst the Ork piloted the big machine and stomped into close combat, a grot gunner was positioned in the hull with him. The result was a vast improvement in control and weapon accuracy. The first true Mega-Dread was born.
Buzzgob is created with creating them, making it a relatively new design. This may indicate that evne now Orks may seek to adapt or upgrade their capabilities to better fight enemies. Note the "dual crew" arrangement.

Page 165
Weight: 25 tonnes (approx) Length: 8m approx Width: 3m approx Height: 5 m approx
Max recorded speed: 10 kph (30 kph with power boost)
Main armament: 80mm (approx) self-loading cannon (ref: "Killkannon")
Secondary armament: 2 Xenos-pattenr light autocnanon on wasit-limb mountings (ref "Big Shoota"), heavy energised power claw.
Traverse & elevation: 360/ -90 to +90
Main ammunition Primary 6 rounds
Armour: Reinforced hydraulic endoskeelton with ablative exterior plating, varying between 30-100mm in thickness.

Page 166 - also of note, a Kustom force field, rokkit-bomb racks, and a Shunta (compact magneto-graviitc 'traktor' gun related ot the lifta-droppa that fires that bubble weapon from earlier)

Page 167
They [Battle Fortress] are super heavy tanks, sometimes exceeidng a Baneblade in size. These war machines are large enough, and mean enough, to give any enemy vehicles short of a Scout Titan pause for thought in battle.

As a rule any Ork vehicle of sufficient size will be called a Battle Fortress by the Orks themselves and, as with the work of many Mekboyz, (trying to out do each other and many quite insane even by Ork standards), there is very little standardisation as to their shape, size or armament. More elaborate and heavily 'kustomized' Battle Fortresses are just as common as the 'named' variants and, in many cases thse are seen as the Mek Boss's designer's 'magnum opus'

Ther eis some rough distinction made betwene BAttle Fortresses based on weapons fit and sheer mass. Exmaples include named vhicles, such as the case of the relatively small "Goreburna" battle fortress at one end of the scakle, to the huge heavy gun armed "Skullhammas" on the other. Skullhammas are often little more than a looted Baneblade chassis, festooned iwth Orky weapons.
They [Skullhammas] are popular with Speed Freaks after additional engines and supachargers have been welded onto the rear and a red paint job slapped on...

Somewhere betwene the two extremes lies the likes of the "Deathrollas", intended to crush enemy infantry to paste and the "Rokkitspittas", which are usually little more than a massive
tractor platform with dozens of warheads crammed dangerously on it like an overloaded fireworks display.
While some are almost accidental in design.. others are conglomerations of cut and shut salvaged tanks, and some are little more than dagnerously overgrown Battlewagons.
BAttle Fortresses.

Page 168
Battle fortress (Deffrolla)
Weight 300 tonnes approx Length: 11m (approx) Width 7.5M approx Height 8m approx
Max recorded speed: 25 kph
Main armament : 3 main turrets incorporating a mixture of heavy cannon, energy weapons and epxlosive launchers.
Secondary armament: various light autocnnon and flame weapons (ref. 'Big shoota' and 'Skorcha often mounted in improvised embrasures and additional secondary turrets
Traverse & elevation: 120 / -20 to +10
Main ammunition 20 rounds per main gun.
Armour: siuperstructural 40mm-100mm plating and improvised ablatvies added by crews.
Page 171
Kill tanks are an Ork heavy tank design...
Thes hulking, slab-sided machines are extmeley durable...

..much of their mass is made up of engines and drive mechanics which, while temperamental, can propel the tank far faster than an equivalent Imperial machine of its size.
Speed, durability and firepower, which by Ork temrs makes htem pretty high end combat vehicles.
Page 171
..there are three main variants of the kill tank that have come into widespread service with the Orks: the Kill-Krusha, Kill-Blasta and the Kill-Bursta, each named for their unique main gun.

individual kill tanks also sport a variable vattery of shootas, skorchas, and rokkit launchas largely arrayed accordingly to the whim of the Meks that build them.
Kill Kannon variants and secondary armament.
Page 171
the Krusha Kannon which gives the Kill Krusha its name, is a turret mounted, heavy bore, high velocity weapon capable of firing a variety of shells. THihis powerful gun has quickly gained a well deserved reputation for making the Kill Krusha a highly dangerous and unpredictable opponent with the Imperium's own armoured regiments. AS well as the stnadard explosive rounds known as 'boom shells', easily equal in power to an Imperial Guard Earthshaker shell, the Krusha Kannon cna also fire armour-piercing 'Tankhammas' to blast apart enemy vehicles, shrapnel-filled 'Scrap Kanisters' able to rip through swathes of enemy infantry and incendiary 'Blast Burnas' which can drench fortifications with burning chemicals to roast alive anyone caught inside.
This is a pretty damn versaltile heavy tank, especially by Ork standards. Part of me suspects it would be based on the Imperial vAnquisher.
Page 171
The Kill Bursta's main gun is an immense, wide-bore siege mortar mounted in the centre of its forward hull, much in the manner of a Space Marine Vindicator, only much, much larger. The huge rocket-boosted ordnance launched by the Bursta Gun, while appallingly short ranged is powerful enough to blast a hardened bunker or defensive bastion to smithereens and have been observed in direct fire to have blown the leg off a Warhound Scout titan in one engagement and, in others, shatter Imperial super-heavy tanks in a single shot. Although this was as likely (given the weapon's innaccuracy) to have been as much luck as good judgement by its gunners.
Given its a rocket propelled shell of huge bore/mass, probably a ton of explosive, fired from a tank that is not much smaller than a super heavy tank itself, the firepower isn't surprising. Its just a massivley bigger,uprated Vindicator.

Page 171
The Kill Blasta could not be more different to its fellows in armament. Instead of a single heavy gun, the Kill Blasta's centrla forward hull mounts a convoluted array of multiple heavy barrels, rotary cannon, scatterguns and Big Shootas all rigged to fire at once, drenching a single target in a torrent of mruderous shot and shell. This sheer volume of fire is simply death to any unprotected target cuaght in front of it when it unleashes it sfury, and while the Kill Blasta lacks the flexibility of the Krusha Kannon or the raw destruciton of the Bursta gun, the Kill Blasta is able to rip apart swathes of enemy infantry and light vehicles and brutalise heavier tanks with a pulverising fusillade of shots.
A highly effective atinpersonnel weapon but also insanely high firepower, always something desirable form the Ork POV.

PAge 171
Once an Imperial forge world, Tigrus was overrun by the Orks of Arrgard the Defiler in M.35 and have been chruning out weapons and war machines for the highest Ork bidder ever since. The Murda Meks' long reach and the extensive list of 'kustomers' has served to spread the design of the Kill Tanks and their variants to numerous Waaagh! and warbands across the galaxy and accordingly also into the hands of other Big Meks who have tried to build their own and 'imrpove' the design.
Tigrus is now an Orkish forge world variant.

Page 172
Kill Krusha
Weight: 200 tonnes approx Length: 10m approx Width: 7.1M approx Height: 8.2M approx
Max recorded speed: 65 kph approx
Main armament: A unique Ork pattern rapid firing high velocity gun known as a "Krusha Kannon" utilising multiple munition types.
Secondary armament: Various light autocannon and flame weapons (ref. "Big Shoota" and "Skorcha") often mounted in imrprovised embrasures and additional secondary turrets.
Traverse & elevation: 180/-15 to +28
Main ammunition : 30 to 40 rounds of various types.
Armour: Superstructural 40mm-100mm plating and improvised ablatives added by crews.
The Kill Jrusha is a unique dvehicle design believed to have its origins iwth the infamous 'Murder Meks' of Tigris, a fallen Imperial forge world, leading many observers to believe its unusual abilities such as its speed and advanced main gun are attributable to blasphemously corrupted Imperial Tech Lore.

The above tends to suggest that the Speed and firepower of the Ork Tanks would be, theoretically, within the performance boundaries of an Imperial tank of similar mass.
Page 173
Kill Blasta
Weight: 240 tonnes approx Length: 10m approx Width: 7.3M approx Height: 8M approx
Max recorded speed: 30 kph approx
Main armament: Numerous autocannon, rotary guns and other projectile weapons of various calibres and types cycled to fire together as a single weapons systme referred to by the orks as a "Gigashoota"
Secondary armament: Various light autocannon and flame weapons (ref. "Big Shoota" and "Skorcha") often mounted in imrprovised embrasures and additional secondary turrets.
Traverse & elevation: 20/-0 to +22
Main ammunition : Inestimable based on volume and variable rates of fire.
Armour: Superstructural 40mm-100mm plating and improvised ablatives added by crews.

Page 174
Kill Bursta
Weight: 260 tonnes approx Length: 10.5m approx Width: 7.3M approx Height: 8M approx
Max recorded speed: 20 kph approx
Main armament: "Bursta" Gun, a massive calibre siege cannon utilising rocket launched concussive blast shells.
Secondary armament: Various light autocannon and flame weapons (ref. "Big Shoota" and "Skorcha") often mounted in imrprovised embrasures and additional secondary turrets.
Traverse & elevation: 0/-0 to +20
Main ammunition : 5 rounds (including one carried in the breach)
Armour: Superstructural 40mm-100mm plating and improvised ablatives added by crews.
The size and pattern of the bursta gun is identical to that found mounted as a 'belly gun' on certain variant stompas, and capble of hurling an unpredictable but potentailly devastatingly powerful shell.

Page 176
How a mekboy know swhat to build, even he would not be able to tell you. There is no training for Mekboyz, they just have an inbuilt aptitude for building mechanical objects. All the Mekboy knows is that this is the way to do it, and this way works, so he just replicates the design, with little desire to alter the basic workings. As a result, many Ork vehicles are very similar..
Orks do have some standardisation. This is the 'genetic memory' anlge of Orks at owrk, although in practice they sound not unlike the AdMech either (just without the Machine Spirit bits). As I've ventured before, I put this up to a variation of the same psychic bonding between Orks that creates the WAAAGH effect, that governs their macroscopic behaviorus as well as regulating growthy cycles and evolution of the Orks, and other details (EG its all magic.)

PAge 176
Some Mekboyz, usually those that have taken serious head injuries, will come up with a brand new design, or a plan to alter a vehicle to imrpove it. To more conservative Mekboyz, these mad Meks are looked on with grave suspciion and shunned.
Orks have their innovators, which is a useful trait (Same way they keep Stormboyz and Kommandos and even Madboyz around - the types coudl be useful against some opponents at some point.)
And again the parallel between AdMech and Meks is obvious.

Page 176
Built for speed and firepower, a Fighta can only carry a small wing mounted payload of bombs or rockets, but do carry multiple 'eavy shootas in the nose and wings, producing a lethal hail of bullets, especially at close range.

Rookie (or green) pilots are taught to fire long, uncontrolled bursts, the more bullets flying the better. AMmunition expenditure is never a consideration.
Ork fighters and flying philosohpy.

Page 176
Flying in a straight line, a Fighta is easily a match for any Imperial fighter. It retains its manoeuvrability by utilising two vector engine nozzels, which can divert some of the thrust and thus chaing the aircraft's trajectory. Using these engine nozzles tends to throw the aircraft violently into its new direction, giving the apperanrece tha tthe Ork pilot is wildly out of control.
Vectored thrust? I imagine Imperial fighters have something similar (it was certianly hinted at in Double Eagle, anyhow.)

Page 177-178
Ork fighta:
- Observed max speed: 2100 kph, observed range 9,000 km approx
- standard armament: two nose mounted and two wing mounted xenos pattern light autocnanon (ref "Big Shoota") two exterior wing hardpoints.
Page 179
The Fighta-Bommer is the most commonyl encountered Ork aircraft.

The Fighta-Bommer is very similar to the Fighta, but being larger and heavier lacks the straight line speed of the Fighta. It uses the same engine layout and, in many cases, the same engine - salvaged from crash sites.
Ork Fighta-Bommer.
Page 179
Isntead of bombs or rockets, the Fighta-bommer is large neough to carry two Grot bomms. Grot bomms are guided missiles, piloted by Gretchin who fly the missile at its target, blissfully unaware of the fatal effects of the missile's detonation.
Air to air or air to ground?
Page 179
Ork pilots are themselves outcasts from Ork society.
There are some unstable individuals amongst a tribe that crave to fly through the sky like a bird. THe Orks clal them Flyboyz, and they all belong to a sub-cult known as SpeeD freaks.
Ork Flyboyz, a Speed Freak derivative.
Page 180-181
Max observed airspeed: 1900 kph Observed range: 9000 kph approx.
armament: Two nose mounted, two internal wing mounted and two ball-turret mounted xnos pattern light autocannon (ref "Big Shoota"), four exterior wing hardpoints.
Page 182
The majority of Speed Kutlists come from the Evil Sunz clan, but not all, and the maina can seize any Ork. Few 'victims' actually become pilots, because most Orks have a natural distrust of flying...
But tehre are other instincts at work within an Ork's psyche, and one is a desire for size. To Most Orks, bigger is better - whether it is bigger, louder guns, thicker armour or bigger, faster vehicles. It was from this driving desire for size tha tthe bommer was borne, along with the Ork Meks' tendency to borrow (ie steal) ideas for new creations form the fighting machines of the Imperium they encounter on the battlefield. Orks are easily impressed by shows of great firepower and mass destruction, and witnessing the devastation caused by a Marauder bomber strike pleases an Ork warlord greatly (even if half his boyz have been blown to bits.)
Ork bommer origins, and confimration that many Ork designs tend to be copycatted from the Imperium.

Page 182
If Gretchin could fall out, then why not Orks?
..they use STormboyz on rokkit packs. These are crowded into the hold and released over a battlefield, directly into the action.
Drop troops, basically.

Pag 182
The Blasta Bommer vairant was an invention of the infamous Ork Mek, Orkimedes, who probably witnessed Marauder Destroyer attacks during the Third ARmageddon War, and used his 'genius' to copy the idea. The aircraft's nose cone was filled with as many weapons as Orkimedes could find; big shootas, rookits and Zzap guns were all packed in and the pilots told to 'stay low' whislt the Gretchin cut loose with everything they had.
Even a Marauder destroyer variant.
PAge 183
Weight: 51 tonnes unladen (approx) Length:20.5M Width:24m Height 7.7M
Max recorded speed: 1,600 kph Range: 10,000 km approx
Main armament: Bomb bay apable of carrying a wide vareity of ordnance up to an approximat emaximum of 3,600 kg of bombs
Secondary armament: Multiple light autocannon and automatic projectile gun turrets of varied xenos patterns,
Armour: Skin plating 10-20mm thick.
Page 185
Deffkoptas are single seat ork Attack craft, comrpising little more than a warbike-like frame screaming through the air on jet-assisted rotor blades, with a couple of handy big shootas or a rack of rokkits bolted on to the front.
One obvious role these flying machines can play for an Ork warband or tribe is as long range reconnsaissance..
By far their prefereed task is airborne attack...
Their is little standardisation in Deffkopta design, and Meks in general are always reluctant to repat the same thing twice without tampering with it in some way, and some Deffkoptas are augmented with kannister bomb droopers, rippa-saws on extendable arms, squig-parachutes and inordinately large wing mirrors (reasons unknown!)

Page 185
Likely to be the product of Orkish envy of the speed and ifrepower of the Imperial Valkyrie and vulture, and more than a bit of annoyance at the deft grav-skimmers of the Eldar dancing away from them in battle, the Warkopta is a particularily Orkish solution to the problem. It features two huge rotor blades at iether end of a long open-framed fuselage, with a cluster of rokkit-boosted jets at one end and a cunning yoke and pully system of avionics to steer. THe Warkopta is a combination gunship, aerial transport, heavy lift and long range reconnaissance vehicle, as popular with Kommandos (who for unknown reasons refer to it as a Chinork') for getting them behind enemy lines, as it is with the Goffs for shooting down tricksy fliers os they can prise survivorsf rom the wreckage.
Ork version of a gunship.

Page 187
The majority of recovered vehicles will then either be restored to rougha nd erratic function, with of course some Ork 'Kustomization' (which may serve to either enhance or further damage it in equal measure) or simply broken up to provide useful spares. The catch-all term for these ramshackle wrecks is 'Looted Wagon,' althought he machine itself migth have formerly been a tank, transport (with the robust Space Marine Rhino) being particularily favoured) a once graceful skimmer (now more than liekly running on improvised wheels) or even a civilian or industrial vehicle plundered from somewhere. The term 'Looted Wagon' equall applies to examples of standard alien (to the Orks at any rate) pattenrs churned out from production lines that fall into their brutish hands.
Definition of looted wagons.

Page 187
Junkas are sometimes scratch built, but more often are modified from looted prizes and battlefield scrap. REgardless of origin they are all crazed and ramshackle looking vehicles, resembling a cross between a mobile workshop and a battle tank. Each Junka is unique, incorporating the Mekboy's own special 'innovashuns' which include the best weapons and gubbinz they can devise or scrounge togehter. They are usually capable of a phenomenal turn of speed for their size - if only briefly, as the Junka's reliability is 'doubtful' at best.
Junkas buitl by Mekboys.

Page 188
Looted Wagon (Rhino/rAzorback Chassis)
Weight: 35 tonnes (approx) Length: 7.1M (approx) Width: 4.5M (approx) Height: 5m (approx)
Max recorded speed: 40 kph
Main armament: Xenos pattern turret, mounted low velocity cannon (approximatley 90mm calibre)
Secondary armament: Co-axial xenos pattern light autocannon (ref. Big Shoota)
Traverse & elevation: 360/-10 to +28
Main ammunition : 50 rounds approx. anti-tank and high explosive shell mix.
Armour: 50-56mm plating (Based on the Rhino) + improvised ablatives.
..This looted wagon represents a common Ork modification to a captured or salvaged Imperial vehicle, with the robust Rhino chassis a favoured choice of the Ork Meks

Page 190 trigger the beginnings of the Waaagh-Ork, btter known as simply 'the Waaagh!"
This is the Orks great expansion across the galaxy, part mas migration, part holy war, the Waaagh! manifests itself as a violent rampage as millions of Orks go on the warpath driven into a frenzy of destruction.

First the Orks will begin to gather and as they do, they begin to build. All Orks hve, to some degree, an innate technical ability. Mostly this is an ability to build basic weapons. For more sophisticated work the Orks rely upon their Mekboyz. Some of their creations are truly amazing, utilizing sophisticated technology the equal of anything the Adeptus Mechanicus or even the Eldar could create. Their creations crude outward appareances hides ingenous devices and deadly weaponry.
The Waaagh! and Ork technical ability in general.

Page 190
As well as being the spearhead of the coming conquests, these [gigantic war] machines are also crude religious icons, idols built as an effigy of the Orks' two primitive brutal and savage gods: Gork and Mork.
These machines are called Stompas. As the Meks get cuahgt up in the ever growing energy of the Waaagh!, they find themselves becoming obsessed with making larger and larger war machines. Drawn by the same ideas, teams of Meks are soon erecitng scaffolding and collecting the parts needed. With spanna-mobs of boyz hammering away, Burnaboyz cutting and welding the parts, and GRetchin and Loota mobs scavenging for the bitz, the Meks oversee the construction and make sure all the bitz work as the machine begins to take shape.
Once complete, Stompas are Gork and Mork in mechanical form. To human eyes they appear ridiculous devices but within their armoured hull are packed the gears and cogs, pistons, power cables and generators which all, somehow, work - dirivng the machine forwards and powering its weaponry.
Formaiton of Ork stompas. Also gargants, which this actually sounds more like where the fluff is drawn from. Stompas are "proto-gargants".. the warhound analgoue I guess.

Page 190
Some powerful Meks can also build their own Stompas. These tend to be highly kustomized, and carry even weirder wepaonry such as the lifta-droppa or the infamous 'Gaze of Gork', with is a powerful laser blaster usually mounted to fire form the Stompas eyes.
Like all Ork vehicles, Stompas come in many forms, from Mekboy kustom specials to Goff Deth-Rollas, to the Klawstompa which is armed iwth two massive close combat weapons.
Enthused by Waagh! energy, some Stompa building projects can grow out of control. The Meks' obsession take over, as the scaffolding reaches ever higher. Then the Stompa can grow into the largest of all Ork war machines, a mighty Gargant.
Well there are mega gargants too... but its still indicating that Stompas are "titan lite" basically and grow into gargants the same way battlewagons will grow into battlefortresses.. Curiously Stompas are one of the few cases where the Orks freely use laser weaponry.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by Connor MacLeod »

IA9 and IA10 next. not as hugetastic as my earlier analysis, and frankly its been covered before IA 9 here and IA10 here.

Oh and just for posterity, IA8 was covered here

IA 9 and 10 cover an event known as the Badab War, which goes back (IIRC) all the way to 1st Edition Rogue trader era as a Space Marine vs Space Marine conflict, detailing the Tyrant of Badab, Huron Blackheart, who also becomes leader of the REd Corsairs. Despite its history it was never really covered in any great depth in any novel or story up til now. Whether or not its a good thing for Forge World to do so is up for a person. Since it has little to no IG stuff in it it frankly bores me (SPACEMARINESPACEMARINESPACEMARINE) but that may also explain why its not as pants on head retarded as usual: a Space Marine vs Marine conflict is going to be involving what is (for the Imperium) their elite forces and no need to balance or fuck it up (beyond the usual). alternately, it could be that IA9 and 10 (like 11) represent a 'new' Era in IA books. Hard to say really.

Either way, the conflict feels and sounds alot different than prior stuff.

I'll be posting both, but it means double updates so that is FOUR consecutive posts. hold onto your hats.

Page 6-7
- Map various classifcations: adminsitratum Tithe world, AGri World, Industrial world, Lunar colony, civilsed world, Fortress world, proto-Hive world, frontier world, void colonies, industrial moon, etc. I could probably name all the worlds, but no real point since its incomplete and I'm feeling lazy about IA.
Page 9
..the Imperium suffered an upserge in attacks by malignant forces from within the Maelstrom...
Thees assaults ravaged and marred hundreds of planets and star systems in the vicinity..
Scope of the Maelstrom region.

Page 9-10
The "Maelstrom Adjacent Autonomous Imperial Resource Extraction Zone Grid 004-357..."
..(smply and more commonly known as the Maelstrom zone)
This vast span of void space dwarfs many Imperial sectors in size, containing over a thousand observed star systems and in truth was never more than a cartographical and administrative division, and not by any means a truly coherent realm. While the Maelstrom Zone contained several major Imperial worlds and colonies, no central or even ephemeral control by the Imperium was maintained over the zone entirely...
The Maelstrom zone was in effect outside the borders of the Imperium proper...
The MAelstrom zone is interesting in that a.) its bigger than many Imperial sectors (but not all) and b.) it's not a sector or grouping of sectors itself. This has to be a rarity, suggesting either that unofficial or occasional 'categories' exist for special cases (or to fill in gaps between sector adn segmentum.) or fufilling some other region. Since it isn't a heavily populated area of Imperial space, it might qualify as something akin to a wilderness region.
Given that its mentioend as a 'resource extraciton zone' it's also possible that it exists as a different kind of territory within the Imperium whose sole purpose is to collect/exploit and transport important resources of all kinds within the region, and differs from SEctors in that it has no other purpose (EG no significant industrial, politicla or habitability, unlike a Sector.)
Page 10
The Maelstrom covers an area many hundreds of ligth years across...
Size of the Maelstrom.

Page 11
..Estimated by the Deathwatch that at least twenty Major Ork infestations or pirate Kingdoms make their home in the Maelstrom..
Daemonic incursions and the predations of spectral entities such as Psycheneuein and Hull Ghasts are common at the points within the Maelstrom where these realities overlap..
Contents of the Maelstrom and its dangers.

Page 12
Unchecked the death cultists gained acess to part of the planet's defence missile silo network and, in a suicidal rage unleashed a rain of atomic and plasma warheads which shattered its hive cities and succeded in disrupting the planet's orbit for several years. The resulting permanant winter, radiocative fallout and tectonic upheavals annihilated all life on Cygnax.
Cygnax itself became a fallout-shrouded and storm swept wasteland..
Mass extinction event created from a part of the planet's defence silo. neverminding the 'disrupting orbit' thing, simply wiping out all life (alongside widespread tectonic upheavals and other effects) would be well into the mass extinction range.. Even assuming 1000 Missiless we ought to be talking high megaton/low GT weapons at the very least, an dmore probably GT/TT range munitions - creating fatal quakes and throwing up that much debris takesa lot of energy)

Page 12
Trade routes were severad and contact with dozens of outlying outposts and mining stations was swiftly lost.
Distant worlds were cut off from the Imperium and were either forced to retrench in order to surivve or slipped into dark silence.
Catstrophic results of the death of Cygnax.
Page 12
An expanse of space equal to a month and a half's journey under warp was shorn from the Imperium's grasp.
In all probability we are talking about a volume of space many hundreds, if not thousands of light years across (given the rough size of the Maelstrom Zone itself.) looking at the 5th edition map in and around the Malestrom, this seems likely. Thousands to tens of thousands of c for straight line course.

Page 0- another "necro cognition cortical transcript. Heh. Technologically plundering the mind of the dead.
Page 14
.. purged the inner zone of heretical and xenos elemenst that had plagued them, bringing a dozen planets back under Imperial control.
There are at least a dozen Imperial planets in and around the halo Zone.

Page 15
He went on to establish a scorched-planet policy against their enemies and increased the Astral Claws' stockpile of Exterminatus-class weapons for this purpose, rendering several fringe worlds that in the past had provided renegade ships with temporary harobur into lifeless husks.
"exterminatus class weapons' being stockpiled and used.

Page 15
The Fabric of the Imperium is cemented together by the Great Tithe, also known as 'Terra's Due' or the 'Grand Harvest'. The tithe is universeal and paid in the single true coin of the Imperium; human life, both as a harvest of a world's youth given up to service and ad arker crop of psykers and witches...
Few worlds within the bounds of the Imperium are excepted in some way, most notable of those being worlds beholden to another branch of the Adepta, such as Astartes Chapter worlds or Inquisitorial strongholds, while the great forge worlds of the Adpetus Mechanicus have their own levy structures hidden within the shadow-empire of the Machine cult.
SEcondary to the great tithe is a vast, shifting and unfathomably tangled web of resource distribution networks duties, feudal levies and ancient commerica contracts through which the Imperium's means of production, unending wars and the necessities of human survival are maintained.
Tithing discussed, in particular the human tithe. Note that they specify it in more general terms - not just military service, but services in all forms, as well as the psyker tithe. AdMech worlds have their own tithes and those are rendered in other ways.
The other part is the material tithe, which is about as convoluted and messed up as you might think in the Imperium.

Page 15
For the grat industrial hive worlds such as Necromunda or Hermetica this sustaining output is vast, occupying many gigatons of manufactured goods, while their hunger for raw materials is both colossal and insatiable. The collection of tithe and the transfer of materials is unceasing, but war, error, greed, failure, disaster and the vagaries of Warp travel can make a mockery of the process..
"gigatons' of manufactured goods from hive worlds. Is this annual or not? Hard to say, but probably, since alot of tithing as of 5th edition seems to be annual. countless billions of tons of materials produced in any case. Thats at leats tens of trillions of tons from just the hive worlds alone, and probably more. It's not 'trillions of megatons' for a non-sector, but its not bad :)

Page 15
For outlying human worlds and frontier stations either too far outside the Imperium proper in the widlerness of space, or that have gone unnoticed owing to their size, the tithe does not strictly apply, but in practice sponsored colonies must still pay a price, and perhaps suffer the attention of Rogue Traders..
the Imperium apparently claims 'fringe' and frontier worlds in and around wilderness space but which may not be eaisly or properly tithed in some way (which may explain or pertain ot the Maelstrom zone.)

Page 16
The ongoing political situation was cause for heated controversy and bitter argument within the Adeptus Terra and the Segmentum Courts Temporal over broken charters and contracts.
Yes. I'm kind of amazed there's a court system, much less a hierarchy of courts. I'd guess this is under the jurisdiction of the arbites, since its an application of Imperial law and pertains to the Adepta.
Page 16
..the Karthan Lords and planetary governors had held the charter to distribute the industrial otuput of the Maelstrom Zone and guards its passage from the Administratum-controlled supply fortress on Sagan,..
A single sector (or rather the rulers of that sector) apparently responsible for the control (or exploitation) of the Maelstrom zone resources.

Page 17
..the astral Claws 1st Company led by Lugft Huron fought their way deep within the foul creatures' carcass vaults before unleashing the life-eater virus upon the abominations.
Tactical use of life eater.

Page 20
With preliminary judgements into the Badab Schism in the Segmentum Courts Temporal weighing in the Administratum's favour..
More court intrigue.

Page 20
The fleet was made up of several huge mass-conveyers with expecation of a harvest of wealth, and spearheaded by a trinity of cruisers, a Cult Mechanicus locus-caravel and a score of lesser craft.
No ship survived and more than twenty thousand servants of the Imperium were lost.
the convoy huron destroyed with the dfenses of badab. 3 Cruisers, an Admech vehicle, some freighters, and 'lesser craft' of unknown type - escorts or whatever.

Page 20
"Assailants unidentified, eighteen-plus vessels now burning. Primary quadrant autonomous battle systems registering full activation. Omega locks disengaged. Four thousand Assasin Mines awakening, Gargoyle platforms anima and epislon reaching full terminal power."
They needed 4,000 assasin mines to take out fewer than 30 craft, the majority of which are escorts and nne more powerful than a cruiser. Given 720 Megatons per mine thats something like 2.9 teratons of directed-yield fury. Even assuming that was a 100x the needed firepower, we're talking about a gigaton or so of firepower per ship and by BFG rules those weapons could bypass shields and doesnt account for other weapons contributing either.)

Page 21
...fundamentally, Lugft Huron was the lawful master of a realm permanantly on a war footing; a bulwark against the alien and the claws of Chaos, and on the most basic level he had the right to defend those domains, and without hard evidence, charges of willful and premeditated homicide against the Imperium's servants in this case would be almost impossible to prove.
When it comes to a 'peer of the Imperium' - eg a Chapter Master and vs a Sector Lord or group of planetary governors, politics demands hard proof. :P

Page 21
The Karthan Imperial commanders... frustrated by the desturction of the tithe fleet, took it on themselves to send two further punitive expeditions into the Maelstrom zone.
Both fleets wer elost in uncomfirmed circumstances..
..the increasingly desperate Karthan lords, near bankrupted at this stage by their liabilities.
Assuming that the expeditions were of similar size, we might figure on 9 cruisers and several score escort type craft.

Page 22
..they petitioned aid to mount an attack from both the Departmento Munitorum and the Segmentum Naval sub-command at Ryza,but were flatyl refused and informed that the matter was an 'internal dispute'..
.. [The Inquisition was] mindful that such squabbles, however bloody, were far from uncommon among Imperial commanders, particularily in border regions...
..the Kathargo Sector itself began to mobilise for war, drafting increasingly large numbers of troops into its planetary defence regiments, and establishing direct military ties and formal alliance with the Adminstratum Quaestar of SAgan...
This is pretty interesting because the Navy chooses not to get involved, even though piracy is being conducted. This reinforces the "Imperium proper" bits before (EG If its not in the Imperium the Navy doesn't have to do a fucking thing about it.), but it coudl also be because the Adeptus Terra is so heavily involved intervention by outside sources like the Navy would be seen as interfering in the Administratum's turf, so to speak.
IT's also interesting that despite the fact that the Karthens are apparnetly using their own sector battlefleet in this little war, the navy is not "officially involved", unless they are only deemed involved at the sector level and no higher. This could mean that "higher level" Adepta forces havegreater authority over the lesser ones (EG a sector level Munitorum officer could countermand orders of a subsector or system level officer.) Alternately this is some collective 'PDF' navy comprised of warp capable vessels contributed by all the Karthan Lords/governors.

Page 23
The battle barge is the largest and most powreful Space Marine warship encoutnered, and few Chapters are in possession of more than two or three such mighty craft at most. BAttleship-sized vessels, battle barges are designed first and foremost for survivability under the heaviest fire....
Their designs back up this durability iwth massive if often s hort ranged firepower to aid in assualt operations, along with substantial launch bays ad drop pod capacities.
..few vessels, save a full scale battleship, can stand up to a battle barge in a close action space combat.
Battle barges described.

PAge 23
Strike cruisers are the most common Space Marine heavy warship; high-speed, rapid response units geared towards planetary assault and pacification operations. Strike cruisers are able to carry a strike force up to a Company-strong in size..
The last common type of Space Marine warships are rapid stirke vessels; these are relatively small, warp-capable attack craft, frigates and ddestroyers which serve as both line-of battle-escorts and patrol ships and can also be used to deploy very small forces on infiltration raids.
Strike cruisers and rapid strike vessels.
PAge 23
..fleet based Chapters in particular often employ a number of support vessels such as scout-surveyors, forge ships and mighty Chapter barques (often converted mass-conveyors) which serve almost as mobile fortress monasteries...
..and vanguard cruisers which are refitted strike cruisers intended for long range independent operations, often serving as the eyes of the Chapter fleet itself or as heavy escort vessels, although they are left less capable in a planetary assault role by this re-tasking.
Crusader chapter fleet assets. The Vanguard cruisers are interesting.

Page 26
The Administratum-controlled system of Sagan with its attendent orbital fleet anchorage and Astropathic relay...
..amid a great slaughter of its planetary defence forces and Karthen troops caught on the ground.
...the tithe-fortress' vast stockpile of arms, munitions and supplies [under Huron's control]. The Fire Hawks and KArthan forces stranded on operations within the Maelstrom Zone found themselves cut off from supply and behind enemy lines.
Apparenlty the Karthen Lords have total (effectively independent) control of the Karthen Sector's forces, both in raising troops (separate from the PDF, so they must technically be guardsmen) as well as Battlefleet Karthen. This is either an unusual situation due to the situation of the Maelstrom zone and its distance from the "Imperium proper", or they do in fact have their own, Adpta-independent sector naval and military forces. Either is possible, but I'm betting on the latter. While its not unheard of for Sector Lords/Governors to have influence or command of Imperial navy ships, they also tend to have more direct influence/control over the various Adepta in that sector as wll, which includes the Guard. In such a case they should be able to command Guard troops rather than just PDF forces. And quite probably arbites and other forces as well.

Page 26
..the Marines Errant diverted a sizable force of six companies and a fleet of support vessels from their preparations to undertake an extra-galactic crusade..
an 'extra galactic' crusade. Its possible for some forces to operate some distance beyond the galaxy (as well as there being places to fight in there.)

Page 26
..with their own tithes and supplications to the Procurator Generals of the Adpetus Terra long overdue...
With the fleet anchorage at Sagan now in the hands of the Secessionists, the Karthan Imperial commanders, near bankrupted by their sector's losses in the war...
A hastily assembled armed convoy centered around the vast Chartist highliner Cardinal Urdaneta was convened in order to carry out this last ditch effort on behalf of the KArthans and their allies. Convoy Urdaneta comprised some twenty other armed freighters and mass conveyors and was protected by the Gothic class cruiser Dreadchild of Battlefleet Karthargo, Marines Errant Strike Group Mercurio and sixteen smaller escorts of various classes, representing the last gasp of the KArthan's force projection into the Maelstrom Zone.
Mention again of the battlefleet (4-10 cruisers, and 16, 36, or 100 or so escrots of 'Battlefleet karthargo') not including the transport elements. We again get strong indications that the war was being conducted using private/local (EG PDF) forces rather than 'Imperial' forces proper, althouth the Navy/Battlefleet aspect is an iffy one.

Page 27
Designation: ghost world, formerly industrial processing world (Sub-colony of Cygnax Hive World)
Population: Unknown...
Estimated population between nine and twenty million (Formerly estimeare: 120 million]
An industiral processing world that was a sub-colony of the main Hive (within the system I gather) and had a sizable population fo ra colony.

Page 27
Adept Presence: Minor
Imperial Navy Overwatch fleet anchorage, Four semi-independent Scavenging stations notionally under the auspices of the Karthan Lords.
Orbital Navy Fleet Anchorage and Navigational relay re-established..
Fleet anchorage (maintenance?) and navigational relay (Astropathic I assume.)

Page 27
Formerly Bellerphon's Fall was an active industrial hub centred on the processing of metallic ores from surrounding systems, and as a trade transhipping point. ITs colony was established and controlled by the Cygnax Hive World.
Infrastructure damage poisoned the biosphere (lethal exposure averages 1-3 weeks) and starvation led to massive casualties.
Looking at the map in the book, it seems like Bellerophon's Fall was a separate system, albeit very close to Cygnax, suggesting the two had some inter-stellar connection or means of transport (EG non-Navigator warp drives, licensed chartist captains between the two systems, etc.)

Page 27
Both the Cardinal Urdaneta and the Dreadchild as well as twenty-three other vessels were taken as captive prizes..
The taking of Convoy Urdaneta was a crushing Seccessionist victory that effectively ended the Karthans' active involvement in the war.
It's interesting in all this that it is truly seen as an "internal dispute" by other Adeptus Terra branches even with Space Marine involvement, despite the fact its interfering in the business of the Administratum. It really shows how messed up 40K politics can be, and the damage it can inflict on itself (albeit minor damage, it would seem.) And it also shows how the effectively independent nature of the Astartes is treated by the other Adeptus (EG their involvement doesn't make it an issue for the Adeptus Terra 'officially' despite the fact there is Space Marine involvement on both sides.)
Even more is the implication that shit like this isn't unusual. On the other hand, we've long known that 'the Imperium doesn't care so long as the tithes keep flowing' - so far this is more or less the same policy, although on a greater scale and getting dangerously close to crossing the line (since Huron IS withholding tithes and intefering with their collection.) All I can think of is politics (since none of the Adeptus factions really like each other.)
I also have to say that while he's arrogant, Huron was really driven to this by the shit-headed tactics of the Administratum and the Karthans. They're the real villains in the first part, although there's plenty of shit to lay at Huron's feet later on.
Page 28
With five different Chapters of Space Marines now embroiled in open warfare, and a sixth en route, along with several naval detachments and the various sectarion factions now involved in what was rapdily accelerating...
..the Imperium's high authorities were forced to fianlly act.
Scope of the war. 'sectarian factions' - sector factions? and 'navy detachments' -that may again imply we are talking about the Imperial navy rather than private forces.

Page 28
A Triumvirate of Imperial Legates were despatched under the Seal of the High Lords to pronounce judgement...
The Triumvirate was served by a sizable deputation of the Imperial Inquisition of the Ordo Hereticus, an Administratum Auditor taskforce and a powerful Naval escort battle group assigned from the Segmentum Solar reserve...
That's quite an embassy.

Page 28
..orders were issued by the Terrna Legates for the arrest pending trial of the Chapter Masters of all the Secessionist Chapters and the seizure pending judgement of their worlds, goods, records and chattels by whatever force was deemed necessary.
..the hand of the Imperium itself was now turned against Lugft Huron..
Basically the Legates demanded an immediate ceasefire and the surrender of Huron's forces. Huron refused because it would leave his "charges" undefended, thus resulting in the arrest. Sounds alot like the Soul Drinkers debacle at this point.
The ruling (ultimately) was enforced by the Red SCorpions Salamanders, Raptors and Fire Angels The Fire Hawks and Marines errant were ordered to stand down pending investigation.
Page 30
..the Fire Hawks had one last act of bloody vengeance...
..the infamous 'Firebombing of Sacristan'. In what is widely regarded as a strategically wasteful and vainglorious assault, Lazaerek of the Fire Hawks used his surviving Chapter fleet, led by the Star Fortress Raptorus Rex to conduct a retaliatory orbital assault on the frontier planet of SAcristan, a sovereign world on the edge of the Endymion Cluster. Sacristan was a hardscrabble colony world with a small population and no real significance other than as one of the worlds that the Mantis Warriors had long ocunted among those it was their responsibility to defend. After smasjhing through the the planet's platry space defenses, and decapitating its rulers and few military assets in a series of savage raids by Fire Hawks assault forces, the Raptorous Rex entered a perilously low orbit and proceeded with systematic plasma-bombing from the upper atmoshpere of the planet. Over several days and nights Sacristan was laid waste before the Fire Hawks withdrew from the system leaving the planet aflame, wiping out more than 90% of its population.
Depending on the context oyu take 'planet aflame' as (eg shit burning on the ground or the atmosphere superheated) it could allow for a 'close' mass extinction (somehing on the order of 1e8 Megatons) or the actual theshold (if they were below ground shelters or something. firepower wise its not a huge difference.. we're talking megatons/s firepower or low GT/s firepower. Its not exactly a major colony or anything.

Page 30
Lord Commander Ortys's first command was to deploy his own Red Scorpions along with the bulk of the Battlefleet Solar ships and conduct a series of pushes and feints into the regions controlled by the Secession...
In this engagement, cruiser squadrons of the Maelstrom and Lamenters fleets clashed with Segmentum Solar and Red Scorpions warships in the barren void of space between the star systems of Galen and Grief.
The only serious loss incurred was the Maelstrom Fleet's flagship for the engagement, the Overlord class Battlcruiser Gauntlet of Wrath.
"Maelstrom fleet" - I'm ont sure where they pulled the ship from, I dont think they built it.

Page 31
This proved to be the largest of a dozen engagements that occured in a very short space of time in this period, consisting of both void combats between stars hips and ptiched battles on frontier worlds.
The scope of the initial conflict.

Page 31
Now she [the Sector Governor] and those that followed her were put to death, and the Karthans were to pay for their transgressions, with the entire fourteen billion strong population of Sidon Ultra committed to indentured servitude for six generations in payment of outstanding debt.
Full scale Administratum rectification audits and Adeptus Arbites Moral Enforcement pogroms began moving outwards across the Kathargo sector as tithe costs and reparations to the Adeptus Terra were extracted forcibly from the Karthan worlds.
Leave it to the Adminsitratum to get what's coming to it, one way or another.

Page 31
..the Loyalist Space Marines confronted the reformed and reorganized Badab Sector planetary defence forces of the Tyrant's Legion in open warfare for the first time. The resistance of these forces had been greatly underestimated and as a result the Loyalist strike groups were largely prevented from achieving many of their goals in the first riad..
Data intercepted from the Vyaniah command vox-network however revealed that the price of resistance was high for the Tyrant's Legion, with the Loyalists inflicting a greater than 178:1 estimated kill ratio on the human Auxilia defending the system.
With less than 6 full chapters being involved (maybe a few thousand Marines tops) those are significant numbers, albeit its probably fair to say that the combined use of Space Marines, vehicles, and orbital support explained the high ratio. Thy also mention the Red Scorpions setting out to deliberately inflict mass casualties on the defenders.
Page 32
Designation: Industrialized Colony/Early stage Hive World
Population: Human Imperial, 2.5 billion estimated.
Climate/Geogrpay/Biosphere: Atmosphere - Temperate/Cold, Planetary biosphere undeveloped, exiting Geological ice age, all major flauna and Fauna specialised imported from off-world, large saline life-supporting seas, single primary equatorial continetnal mass, slowly receding icecaps. Several heavily industrialised urban settlements, teh largest of which, Caelian, is developing into a Solar-type dispersed hive structure.
An 'early stage hive world' of 2.5 billion and also an industrial colony. 'evolving' a solar-type hive structure (whateve rthe fuck that means.)

Page 32
Governmental Type: Imperial Commander as hereditary ruler supported by a Quorum of Magnates (Drawn from Leading industrial clan families), independent under the Imperial Segmentum seal.
Adept Presence: Minor: Administrratum Tithe assay Office, Auxiliary-class Astropathic Relay Tower, small Adeptus Arbites and Ministorum Missionary presence.
Military: Army of Caelianic Protectorate [standing planetary defence/civil enforcement force, second tier Imperial Guard equivalent.], household troops of various ruling clans [milita].
Government, Adepta presence and the military forces of the planet Vynian. note they have a 'second tier guard equivalent' PDF - noting that tehre are diffreent 'tiers' or qualities of Guard force (or perhaps reflecting what sort of guard force the PDF could become) as well as militia forces.

Page 32
Vyanian is a slowly burgeoning industrialised colony developing into a minor hive world, colonial settlement first established late M38, increasing with a large influx of refugees...
Vyanian was officially recognised as an unaffiliated Imperial world by the Segmentum authorities in 2- 334-107.M41. The planet has become industirally self-sufficient, exploiting its own mineral and chemical resources to sustain its civilisation and tithing to the Administratum in return for naval protection and import of goods and services otherwise available. Secondary industry based around macro-scale harvesting and processing of plentiful lower order sea-life into foodstuffs.
The time ref is 902.M41, suggesting that the planet grew from 3 millenia to just now. It's a 'minor' hive world, possibly one of thiose "billions' mentioned in heart of rage. It retains quite a bit of habitability as well, even able to conduct agricultural functions of some kind.
Page 33
His auto-senses locked on to the targets advancing from an upper deck..
Bolter fire exploded against his helmet's face plate, seeking near nonexistent chinks in his Tacticla Dreadnought Armour.
Bolter fire doesnt do dick to the helmet of a Dreadnought.

page 36
Only a Navigator, through their balfeful "Third Eye" can perceive the Warp itself and read its currents and sudden turbulence without continuous risk of insanity and posession. Thus a Navigator's ability allows longer and often swifter courses through the Warp to be charted, and sudden and unexpected threats perceived and avoided. By This the presence of a Navigator aboard allows any ship to reach its destination far faster and more safely than it could travle without them.
Navigator abilities.

Page 36
The Great Navigator Families are themselves often bound by ancient ties of patronage and debt to the aristocracies of the Imperial Navy, while other clans and lineages provide their services to the Adeptus Mechanicus, Sector Trade Guides, or even individual Chartist Captains, Rogue Traders and Space Marine Chapters.
Navigator ties to the Imperium at large. Apparently some Chartist captains can manage to gain a Navigator, greatly increasing their operational speed and range. As do sector trade guilds/guides (giving them access to markets in other nearby sectors, I imagine.)

Page 36
..Navigators are prized objects of plunder by pirates and corsairs..
... This is not, however the only means by which Renegade Vessels Navigate the warp, as it is not only whispered that entire Navigator bloodlines have descended into degenerate decay or been deliberately corrupted by Chaos, while sorcery and witchcraft can also allow for heretics, an effective if appallingly dangerous method of navigating the Warp and even stalking their targets through the Immaterium.
..many dark tales of apparitions such as Daemon prowed ships whose mutilated and bound figureheads gaze into hell more ably than any Navigator. LEgends speak of hulks crewed by Hell-wraiths hungry for life and barbed, blood-glutted altars built into the fabric of vessels
...that require merely a butchers bill of screaming captives to track any course their master's desire. All, of course, are true.
Means of Navigation by renegades and Chaos. Its quite possible for daemons to navigate the warp better, and sacrifice to guide a ship has been known.

Page 37 doing so traverse hundreds, even thousands of light years of relative distance at a time depending on the strength of its drives and the skill with which it is navigated.
It says that (and we know from other sources) that the Gellar field is used ot navigate the Warp. This probably is one reason why they are often described as tear shape, which likely makes it easier to cut a path through the warp, if sucha process could be described in those terms. It may also be that Gellar fields are designed to maximize the "thrust" currents provide behind the ship as well as limit how much push is applied in other directions this way.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Page 37
..any vessel, no matter how mighty their inherent power or the trength of their fields must frequently drop back into realspace to check its positioning and course, as well as recharge and maintain its systems and take on supplies where needed.
The need for making multiple jumps in a course
Page 37
Such a voyage might range in the days or weeks within a sector, while travelling between different sides of a segmentum might take months, even years in some cases, particularily relying on tha vagaries of a supposed "safe" course."
Sectors are several hundred LY on a side, so if its crossing across a sector in days or weeks we're talking 3-5000c for weeks, 36,500c for days. For across a segmentum (20K LY or so for Solar or the 'width' of a segmentum, 30-40 K ly for its 'height'. Ultima is even bigger.. a good 50-60K Ly "width" and maybe more of that 'height' Thousands to tens of of c (for years), to tens or hundreds of thousands of c for months.

Page 37
It is this reliance on layovers, stable routes, and on supposeldy tried and tested courses that seem to offer some modicum of predictability and safety to long distance warp travel that leaves travellers prey to another danger; that of piracy.
.. are wolves of the Warp drawn to known navigational markers and stable trade routes.
The use of warp routes makes travel predictable and thus dangerous. Of course, it also makes known points that need patrolling easy to figure out as well.

PAge 40
Shunning heavy gear and vehicles in favour of a reduced visibility to auspex and thermal detectors, the Raptors war party then fanned out...
raptors in stealth ninja mode.

Page 40
This at a stroke succeded in destroying the Loyalist outposts, listening stations and the vital Astropathic relay complex on the night moons of the Khymara system.
Pafe 42
..the Tyrant of Badab had sought to expand his own forces far past the levels maintained by the Codex Astartes. For at least a hundred years before the outbreak of the conflict, the AStral Claws secret goal had been the transformation of their Chapter slowly intoa force equal to a Space MArine Legion of old.
..Lugft Huron, it appears, sought at first not to rebel against the Imperium, but to prove his case by deeds writ in blood; a Maelstrom scourged clean and a new realm carved out for Mankind int he Emperor's name.
Further investigation uncovered the fact that the AStral Claws Apothecarion had been conducting heretical experiments in rapid zygote cultivation. While largely unsuccessful, thanks to the use of its un-submitted gene-seed, the AStral Claws Chapter now stood at around an estimated thre and a half thousand battle-brothers strong.
Part of me thinks that the shock and horror at Huron's actions is kinda bullshit, since other legions (Cf the Black Templars) are quite possibly running at Legion strength or close thereabouts (10K size, not 100K) It seems more like they latch onto this as further excuse to crush Huron simply because he denied the Adminstratum (and then the High Lords) which is always an unforgivable crime. Especially since this was condemned largely by solitary Inquisitorial action. So really, politics was at stake and the attempt to recreate the Legion whilst defying the Adeptus TErra is what really doomed Huron.
Page 42
..the blighted world of Magog, whose increase in power had actually driven forth the recently defeated Orks. Soon the Secessionists were forced to take pre-emptive action and launch a direct assault on that hellish planet, which despite a prior Exterminatus campaign had long remained a thorn in the Maelstrom Warders' side.
apparently Orks survived an exterminatus somehow. Or rather their spores did.
PAge 43
Thanks to the direct and collateral damage the Minotaurs' actions caused it is estimated that within one third of a standard year of their arrival in the region, the human population of the Pale Stars alone was reduced by more than 20%
Thats a whole lot of killin going on.

Page 45
..a Terminator can surivve colossal kinetic impacts, directed enregy weapon discharges and even orbital debris strikes.
Terminator armour is relatively rare, and only a few Chapters possess sufficient working suits to fully equip their 1st Company as the Codex Astartes proscribes.
Its defences are further enhanced with a protecitve energy field generator known as an Iron Halo, mounted within his breastplate.
Terminator armor durability.

Page 45
A perfectly balanced great sword of micro-folded Adamantine, etched at a molecular level with liturgies of harm and destruction, the blade can cleave through ceramite plate unassisted when wielded with a Space Marine's superhuman strength. But it is the Blade of the Scorpion's disuprtion field generator, far more powerful than that found on a standard power weapon...
..the sword can bisect even an enemy Termiantor in a single blow or shatter granite without so much as marring the blade.
'micro folding' of adamantite (super samurai sword skills) and 'molecular etching' (LOL)

Page 46
Brother Tobias' autosense augers struggled to pierce the clouds of black smoke and ferrocrete dust...
Tobias quickly signalled his findings to the Loyalist command net, receiving encrypted data-returns via the Salamanders Chapter's Promethus Fireborn Son four kilometers away..
Highly concise tactical updates scrolled across the inner lenses of his eyepieces...
Autosense augurs and data transmission and reception across 4 km.

Page 46
He died first, the exploding bolt shell hollowing out his chest cavity in a welter of blood.
Bolt round blowing out the cehst cavity of an Astartes.

Page 47
Sagan = Administrtum Tithe world, outpost world (Administratum controlled zone)
Page 47
..the Astral Claws resorted to the use of viral weapons that slew tens of thousands of the world's population in a desperate attempt to either drive the loyalists form the surface or render the planet unusable by either side.
Again mass use of viral weapons.

Page 48
... they [the Lamenters] were then engaged by the full power of the Minotaurs Chapter in a bloody battle which lasted seventeen standard hours and was fought in the most brutal ship-to-ship fighting imaginable and upon the rocky surface of Optera V
17 hour battle in Space!
Page 48
The sovereign independent Adeptus Mechanicus domain of Angstrom..
..Angstrom had simply continued its operations as usual, which included fufilling a long-standing agreement to render up a 'bounty' of advanced weapons and refined ores to be collected by the Imperium's representatives on a three-yearly cycle from the edge of their planetary system.
Interesting tithe and way to handle it.

Page 49
..the Angstrom Mechanicus incensed by the outbreak of hostilities within their domain assaulted both sides, with heavily armoured attack columns of Tech Guard and Praetorian battle servitors making landfall on Angstrom XIII within hours of the attack being launched, while Typhon-class Hunter-Killers attacked the warhsips on both sides in Angstrom XII's orbit and swiftly drove both Loyalists and Secessionists from the system.
Angstrom is later defined as a forge world. Rathre impressive defenses all told. I wonder if the Hunter killers are some servitor-piloted warships

Page 49
Sagan III
Gravity: 1.15G
Designation: Administratum Tithe-Fortress/Mass Storage Facility
Population: Adminstratum Adept Taskforce (Estimeare: 12 million), Secondary grade Adminstratum workforce (Estimeare: 160 million), Indentured Labour units (Estimeare: 610 million]
Adept Presence: Heavy. Sagan III is a purely Administratum controlled world, with minor Mandated presence of Adeptus Arbites and Ministorum agents and offices.

Military: Tithe Defence Garrison: [Extnesive/well equipped planetary defence force with equipment status equivalent to Frontline Imperial Guard Standards]. Moral Compliance Audit Force [Minor/Civil Enforcement and labour oversight paramilitary units].Primarhy defence surface-to-void batteries mounted on moons Sagan IIC and Sagan-II/D
Administartum-adminsitered tithe world, with a high quality PDF, and other units.

Page 49
Sagan III has evolved into the primary transhipping station and trade nexus between the MAelstrom zone and the Imperium proper. Taken over under the auspices of an adminstratum Taskforce...
..the Planet was swiftly repurposed as a heavily protected storage and supply facility at which goods and materials could be amassed and centralised for convoy shipping to the KArhago Sector and beyond, and serve a secondary function as a weapons and supply storage facility accessed by the worlds of the MAelstrom in return for Additional traded resource tithe.
..Sagan-V (Outpost world, indigenous feral population) and Sagan VIII (Aka Luminal) on which is based a Minoris-grade Imperial Navy anchorage and astropathic relay.
'Imperium proper' again as well as a sort of stockpile/depot world for the administratum.

Page 50
Thanks to a combination of attrition over the last several years and most particularily with the destruction or capture of the Lamenters Chapter fleet, the Secessionists were now much reduced in warships...
The fleet assets the AStral Claws could muster were largely now limited to light strike craft (which the shipyards at Rigeal in the BAdab system could still produce in limited numbers) and a handful of strike cruisers and battle barges..
Strike craft (escorts) could be still produced b the Badab shipyards, which carries implications about their complexity and build speed (within several years anyhow.)

Page 56
There were some items of wargear such as Terminator armour or Land Raiders the Astral Claws could not readily produce (because they required many lost-techno arcane arts and rare resources) but less exotic materials such as Rhino STC pattenr vehicles and bolt weapons were well within Badab's advnaced manufacturing capacity to fabricate.
Badab's astartes-grade manufacturing capability.

Page 59 is believed at the outset of major hostilites that the AStral Claws stood at around three thousand battle brothers (around thirty companies effectively.
Taken across the conflict, most tactical estimates place a total of around four to five thousand-plus Space Marines doing battle in the Astral Claws colours...
The scope of the augmented Astral claws force.

Page 59
The fleet assets of the Astrla Claws were considerable, and included two powerful Battle Barges, and an ancient Cadinal class heavy cruiser
... well as sveen strike cruisers and thirty escort vessels of various classes.
Fleet assets of the Astral claws.

Page 64
.. a Type-VII 'Mars-Ultra" pattern plasma cannon, an example of an ancient and little understood weapons technology which uses magnetic compression technology to excite a hydrogen-based reaction mass into a volatile s uperheated state. This high energy plasma is then discharged at high velocity, detonating when it hits a target like a miniature sun. Plasma weapons are highly effective against medium vehicles and heavily armoured infantry, and the heat and concussive force are utterly destructive to organic life. Not even power armour provides protection against it.
Plasma cannons.

Page 66
Chapter World/deployment: Fleet based, formerly Cousteau XI (Rendered uninhabitable), formerly Zhoros (Destroyed)
Fate of Fire hawks homeworlds.

Page 68
The [Fire Hawks] Chapter as a whole is also known to shun the use of camouflage (even in codex approved patterns) as "the livery of curs"..
As if most Astartes are known for their uses of Camouflage.

Page 68
The Fire HAwks paid for their defiance with the loss of their first home world, Zhoros, to mass thermal bombing by the Frateris Templar fleet which boiled away the planet's atmosphere and scorched the surface, leaving it a charred cinder.
'thermal bombing' by Frateris Templar fleet which managed to remove the atmosphere and basically destroy the surface. At least 3e26 joules, probably more. We dont know how many ships (other than they didn't vastly outgun the Astartes fleet, so we're probably talking about less than a battlefleet) and probably not a huge timeframe (hours or days? Exterminatus-level attacks rarely takes that long anyhow. Assuming a full week of bombardment and about 200 or so ships, we're talking ~e18 watts range of firepower per ship, and this is almost certainly an under-estimate all around.

Page 68
In the days after the ending of the Reign of Blood, the Fire Hawks were left in tatters, without a home and a mere handful of surviving battle brothers, and would take centuries to rebuild back to their full strength. It was however at this time they are believed to ave received command of the Raptorus Rex, a powerful, warp-capable star fortress of a kind rare even during the lost days of the Great Crusade as a gift from the hand of Sebastian Thor himself.
Origin of their star fortress monastery. Apparently their were mobile, warp capable battlestation types back when.

Page 68
At the outset of the conflict Lazaerek was more than six centuries old and in failing health thanks to numerous war wounds accumulated in his long career.
Fire hawks Chapter Master.

Page 68-69
Chosen to deliver the Emperor's Wrath on the heretical Malagant sector in the Segmentum Tempestus.
The death toll of the twenty-one year campaign is bleieved to have reached into the hundreds of billions as whole worlds were put to the sword, or scoured clean with lethal virus weapons.
'hundreds of billions' killed in the sector.. major loss of life but didnt completely wipe it out. Suggests sector populations in the trillions.

Page 69
Once again relegated to the status of a fleet-based Chapter after their second home world was rendered uninhabitable...
How, we dont know.

Page 69
Also of note were their extremely powerful fleet assets, which included their famed STar Fortress Raptorus Rex, two battle barges, seven cruisers of varying classes and more than thirty escort and tender vessels; a fleet force strength well in excess of what might be expected of two more commonly outfitted Chapters.
Compariosn of Fire Hawks forces compared to other Chapters.

Page 76
Given these factors [being out of touch and operating independently] each company and battle group has the task of managing its own affairs and recruiting new initiates as the opportunity arises holding to no single source of aspirants, returning the new brethren to the 10th Company's fold to complete their formal training when practicla. As a result, it is all but impossible to guage the effective size and strength of the Marines Errant Chapter at any given time, and it may be the case that at certain junctures the Marines Errant have stood well ove rthe notional Codex-mandated strength of a thousand battle-brothers for a time.
Not that this is an issue nowadays in the era of 5th edition.

Page 83
..the Perilous Ordon Rift region deep within the interstellar wilderness of the south western regions of the Segmentum Tempestus...
Filled with spatial rapids, gravitic storms and other lethal phenomena.
More bizaree space enviromental weather effects.

Page 84
It is believed that only roughly half of the Red Scorpions 1st Company can now be deployed by the Chapter as Terminators if the situation demands it.
they must not have much Terminator armor by now :P

Page 85
This increased the Red Scorpions presence in the war zone to eight companies in strength with a fleet component of two battle barges and four strike cruisers.
Commitment of forces to Badab by the Red Scorpions.

Page 90
At their creation the Fire Angels were granted dominion over an island msas on the ancient and strategically important industrialised hive world of Lorin Alpha in the western segmentum Solar as their base of operations.
One of those rare Chapters existing on a hive world.

Page 90
Founded as a Chapter from 'whole cloth' which is to say without a specific named predecessor Chapter. Instead they were created from a gene-stock issue, their initial command and training structure composed of honoured warriors drawn from several Ultramarines successor Chapters.
..less than a twentieth of those who undertake the Test of Fire will eventually be chosen to begin their initiation into the Chapter.
I'm pretty sure this is impossible, given that most Chapters have to have some original Chapter providing the gene-seed, even if it is a first founding one. Also 1 in 20 loss rate amongst potential aspirants. Which is actually good by Astartes standards.

Page 92
While they [Fire Angles] do possesss examples of Terminator armour, Land Raider tanks and Dreadnoughts provided for them by the Adepts of Mars at their founding...
.they remain relatively few in number..
Mars at least can still make all of that shit.

Page 93
..fighting on diverse battlegrounds from the post-atomic wastes of Cygnax...
AStral claws used their large complement of Rhinos to mount a suicidal series of counterattacks with forbidden viral-corrosive weapons..
'post atomic' on cygnax. Also viral-corrosive weapons.

Page 100
The [Raptors] Chapter is further known to actively embrace unorthodox tactics and actively seek unique solutions such as warzone specific camouflage patterns, infiltration, complex manoeuvre, guerrilla warfare and the use of amalgamated scratch units to fufill particular missions.
Its a damn shame they never did any of this at Taros.

Page 100
..the powers and principalities of Sulsalid had cast off their tithe lords and cardinals in favour of the twin abominations of 'progress' and 'democracy'.

Page 101
..the equivalent of two companies of battle-brothers in field modified armour...
..Shunning heavy gear and vehicles in favour of a reduced visibility to auspex and thermal detectors...
Raptors in stealth-ninja mode.

Page 101
Fleet assets asigned to the taskforce were flagshiped by the renowned battle barge War Talon, accompanied by two strike cruisers, the Arias Vex and the Shadow STalker and further comprised of two escort squadrons each numbering five of the Chapter's Gladius class frigates.
RAptors fleet assets.

Page 108
..the Magos Biologis charged with overseeing the 21st Founding were either ordered or encouraged to attempt to refine, augment or otherwise enhance the gene-seed used to create new Space Marine Chpaters to be founded...
The wisdom in tampering with the Space Marine's genesis in this way appears to have been questioned, even at the time, and it is entirely possible that the full extent of the modifications performed were kept concealed even from the High Lords and Chapter MAsters of the day...
The dtails of the 21st Founding, pertaining to the Lamenters in this case.

PAge 108
..the efforts of the Magos Biologis seemed to have been geared in some way to removing or at least mollifying the so-called 'Sanguinius Flaw.' This flaw, whose true nature is known to very few outside the Blood Angels and their successors...
This degeneration, as much psychic as physical...
Tht use of the Blood Angels gene-seed was still pursued is both a testament to the glorious history of the Blood Angels themselves, and laso to their gene-seed's other inherent strengths, which are not limited to its low rate of implant rejection and the aberrant factor that it produces by far the longest potential observed life spans of any Space Marine lineage.
.. is likely that the experimental procedures performed on the Lamenters gene-seed during their creation was done with at least their progenitor's tacit approval.
The notable flaws of the Blood Angels lie in their Black Rage and Red Thirst, but the Lamenters seem to suffer from the bad luck, as well as generally being more prone to the loss of their Primarch and general melancholy.

Page 109
The Lamenters slipped through the Orks' lines, the Daughter of Tempests (Battle barge) dropping out of Warp perilously close to Slaughherhouse III's outer orbital defences, achieving total surprise.
I wonder how close 'perilously close' is? Hundreds of thousands of km? Millions?

Page 110
A more callous Space Marine Chapter (And in truth there are many), would simply have left the prisoners ot their fate..
No kidding. Like the Minotaurs.

Page 111
They had liberated over three million human prisoners who looked do them now to deliver them...
The few Warp-capable transports and slave-ships they had captured undamaged in the fight could not be made usable in anything like the time they had before the Ork onslaught came...
..their Techmarines and those skilled enough among the prisoners desperately trying to restore the captured ships to flight status.
It was the prisoners themselves who took the final decision to end the impasse; after a last prayer of thanks signalled to the Daughter of Tempests they asked for a merciful death. With another Ork fleet massing for the attack, the Lamenters had no choice and detontaed the seismic charges they had planted to collapse the mines before turning their weapons on the Orks landing ports and dockign stations. Within minutes they had laid Slaughterhouse III waste.
.the battered but unbowed Daughter of Tempests escaped trailing a handful of liberated slaver-ships, carrying with them less than a tenth of the prisoners they had freed (mainly comprising women and children..)
Transport capacity of slaver ships. Also they 'devastate' a planet with some 2+ million people on it in a 'matter of minutes' through combined orbital bombardment and 'seismic' chrges. Hard to say whether it was a mass-extinction event or not, it does sound like it.

Page 111
In addition to the Warp Barque Mater Lachrymarum which served as the Chapter's mobile base and repair dock, two forge ships and a dozen other support vessels, the Chapter possessed two unusually powerful battle barges, six strike cruisers and three Vanguard cruisers as well as twenty-two escorts of various classes.
Lametner's fleet assets. apparently a good many 'fortress monasteries' or mobile bases (for fleet base chapters) are starships even bigger than battleships. Note as well the Vanguard cruisers.

Page 111
..they were then engaged by the full power of the Minotaurs fleet in a bloody battle which lasted seventeen standard hours.
Fleet battle lasting 17 hours

Page 116
..ritually tattooing the skin. Each Novamarine's toughened hide over time becomes an illustration of their career and life, with sigils and abstract designs depicting the battles they have fought and the stars they have travelled.
It's artwork, I suppose.
Page 118
..references to a great threat arising form the Ghoul stars known as the 'Pale Wasting".
Inquisitorial investigation in times past has discovered that much of the extant evidence relating to this threat has been censored or purposefully destroyed, and there are contradictory indications which describe the nature of the threat as both a 'Star-spanwed plague' sweeping away scores of worlds and as 'Nightmare engines' slaughtering whole sectors.
Novamarines joning with at least eleven other Chapterst oc ounter the threat. I wonder if its a hint at the Necrons or if its some other warp-spanwed undead threat.

age 118-119
..carrying out an Edict of Exterimation against the foul Lok'kroll xenoform. These hulking invertebrate aliens, having damned themselves in the worship of the Ruinous powers...
..the alien domains were systematically blockaded by squadrons from Battlefleet Ultima, while the Novamarines, supported by the CIX Phyrus Army Group and numerous Deathwatch kill teams, attacked and destroyed the isolated Lok'kroll outposts and nest worlds one at a time, often employing Exterminatus-class weaponry sanctioned by the edict.
Apparently being alien is insufficient to warrant exterminatus, at least to the Novamarines. Also 'sanction' of Exterminatus-class weaponry use apparently that is either a payload or setting or both which cannot always be used. At least not conventionally.

Page 119
..successfully purged of the Genestealer infestation that inhabited it, with a 53:1 kill ratio achieved in the Space Marine's favour.
An "almost flawless" assault. again note the insanely high kill ratios against Genestealers.

Page 119
The cruel ruling Oligarchs of the industrial world of Luxor were overthrown by a workers rising backed by the insidious Chaos Space Marines of the Alpha Legion...
The planet itself was a lynch-pin of the Departmento Muinotrum-dominated Helioret Sector which was vital to the wider supply of war materiels to the northern Segmentum Ultima and the Novamarines rightly feared that Luxor's fall could start a chain reaction that might leave a hundred other worlds vulnerable.
... fighting over Luxor's war-torn hive-citadels...
Another super-industrious hive world whose influence and trade spreads over an entire sector and a hundred or more worlds.

Page 124
Such is the enviable capacity of their armouries that they are not only able to keep pace with the Chapter's aggressive nature, but they are also able to manufacture and maintain some of the rarer Space Marine battle materiel, such as the Land Raider Prometheus and the advanced Mark VIII Errant power armour in noteworthy numbers.
The Howling Griffons apparently have alot of fancy shit.
Page 126
Following the Treachery of General Jorun of the 15th Heraklon Ironclads, an entire Imperial Battle Group that should have been on its way to reinforce the lines of the Gothic War instead turned traitor...

.. the Dark Eldar was found to be at the root cause of this perfidy, with Jorun and his personal cadre laid low and corrupted by addiction to the aliens' foul psychotropics and depraved ptracies.
The humans to them were no more than disposable tools they used ot enslave planetary populations by treachery and brute force, and with little risk to themselves.
Neat Trick, although you wonder why the Dark Eldar don't do it more often to augment their numbers. Arrogance, perhaps?

Page 128
Combat squad Parthus, as with many of the Howling Griffons stationed at the Khymara system, still maintained their Codex Approved Night World Battle Livery from their prior deployment in the Caradyrad Sector.
Apparenlty they only use 'codex approved' stealth methods.

Page 136 - Map again, it shows Cygnax (hive world) as now being a dead world (duh)
Sagan has 2 world types (Sagan III is the Administratum Tithe world, again, V an outpost world)
Bellerophon's Fall has VII and II as industrial moons, so there are two of those.
Endymion is listed as having a Fronteir world.
Badab sector is listed as having an Industrial world (with two lunar colonies) and a Fronteir world within it. The Khymaran drift is listed as having a Civilised World, a Cemetary moon and a listening station., as another system has a death world and mining colony.
The Crows world sector is listed as having two mining worlds, a civilised world, a feral world and a penal colony.
Page 146
The vessels of the 41st Millenium range in size and scope from small interplanetary shuttles to mighty battleships with crews numbering in the thousands. Even larger than these are the Chartist High Conveyors tens of kilometers in length, while unfathomably ancient drifting space hulks that dwarf even these.
They then go on to say that size can create weaknesses (such as causing damage to specific vital regions like injecting poison into a living heart). Basically rationale for boarding actions :) Of course the analogy makes me think how creatures that can regenerate, or have redundancies built in, might apply.
I also wonder if High Conveyors are a sort of high end Mass Conveyor (like the ones mentioned in Battleflet Koronous.) And there is of course the 60+ km long Mass conveyors from Thousand Sons :P

Page 148
Most large Imperial vessels have numerous cavernous holds, cargo bays, weapons batteries and flight decks which can run to thousands of square metres in volume..
That should be cubic metres rather than square, or surface area rather than volume. Just another case of forgeworld fucking up metrics somehow :P
Anyhow, despite the metric confusion it gives an idea of what wepaons batteirs/flight decks or cargo bays/holds can occupy in terms of area/volume.

page 152
Both attacking boardng forces and defenders often deploy automated weapons systems to provide them with fire support, usually covering a vital area such as a hull breach or important access chamber. This weapon is equivalent to an Imperial Tarantual, heavy guns servitor or defence platform.
Automated defenses seem commonplace in ship to ship boarding combat, as well sa ground warfare.
Page 152
This unit has been equipped with specialised additional armour and life support systems..
void hardened armour.
Page 153
Little understood even by the Adeptus Mechanicus, the term 'graviton gun' refers to a group of esoteric gravity projector devices whose sophistication is such that what few of them remain now are relics of a lost age. Some Space Marine Chapters still field a handful of such weapons...
The power of the graivton guns' highest settings is sufficient to rupture organs and crack bones even inside armour, but its primary use is to impede the enemy and damage machinery without the risk of secondary explosions.
High end graviton guns, in the sense that they can damage organic beings.

Page 153
Soldiers making the first assault through a storm-breach (or facing one for that matter) can expect to face a hail of enemy fire through which little can survive. One crude method of protection against this is the use of boarding shields, fashioned from heavy ablative plasteel, sometimes fitted with basic field generators to strengthen them. Although only a shadow fo the storm shields carried by assault Terminators, they can still prove surprisingly effective at warding off heavy fire.
Boarding shields. actually shields make some sense when you're doing something crazy like an infnatry charge through a door. I'm frankly suprrised the Guard doesn't use it more often (its archaic symbolism as well as personal defense, after all.)

Page 154
A Fire Wasp is an Astartes combat drone used since the time of the Great Crusades in boarding actions to venture ahead of assault parties and help them clear a path. sent in ahead of a squad and intended to trip mines and other booby traps, the Fire Wasp is an extremely robust device, if a poor fighter. most standard patterns are equipped with an inbuilt flamer weapona nd searchlight device..
Basically a bomb robot of some kind, or a throwback to the old CATs of Space hulk days.

Page 154
Either through the use of advanced phase-field generators to render part of the hull out of synch with the surrounding matter, or the rather more brute force approach of blasting out interventing deck plates with melta-charges..
Tools for making a hole in the hull of a ship.

Page 155
Devastation drones are mobile demolition bombs armed with implosion charges designed to inflict maximum damage within a highly confined area (and thus reduce the risk to the ship they are used on.) THey are compact, man-sized and are quite sturdily constructed in order to resist enemy fire until they have reached their target zone. Many are often mounted on heavy track units to keep them mobile, although the best-fashioned have anti-grav plates instead.
not unlike the IG cyclops. Note the hilarity of using 'rare' Ag plates on an mobile bomb.

Page 156
.. a defender is forced to press a ship's crew into the defence of their vessel as well. equipped with armoured void suits and emergency weapons..
void suits can double as body armor.

Page 156
The defender has been able to seed the area with anti-personnel mines, tripwire-bombs, rad fields and hidden deadfalls..
Shipboard defenses.

Page 163
A man of singular intellect and driven curiosity..
A true genius and polymath...
..and in his later career the Magos of the Adeptus Mechanicus consulted him on certain matters pertaining to the deeper mysteries of Astartes technology on which he was widely regarded as one of the greatest living experts.
As the Astral Claws chief of Techmarines, Valthex was also entrusted with a device known as the Indynabula Arrray, a relic handed down the centuries as a symbol of his office.
Valthex was not only able to master this mysteirous device but further added to it a powerful conversion-beam projector of his own construction.
Super Astral Claws Techmarine Valthex.. turned into yet anothr Chaos mad Scientist. Note his ability to build a conversion beam weapon, which are supposedly archaeotech weapons. he's *THAT* brilliant!

Page 172
An ancient power sword of unusual design, when active its blade is shrouded in white-hot plasma; a well-placed blow from Excellus can sear through the strongest armour and burn its victim to cinders.
a Plasma-powered power sword that can cremate people. I trust I don't have to indicate how insanely powerful that is.

Page 174
Huron's concept of the Legion was in some senses far from an original one, but instead can be viewed as a historical anachronism with more in common with the armies of Terra during the Great Crusade - a combined force of human conscripts and soldiers directly commanded by and tactically integrated with Space Marine contingents. In practice such arrangements created on an ad hoc basis in wartime are still common in the Imperium, particularily during lengthy crusade service or in isolated warzones bereft of help, but Huron's transgression was to formalise this arrangement and integrate the chain of command on a standing basis. In doing so Lugft Huron fundamentally broke a tenet of the Imperium's status quo that had been largely upheld for millenia since the Dark Days of the Horus Heresy..
That preventing Space Marines from commanding large invasion forces able to threaten the Imperium. Unless, of course, your name is Marneus Calgar and you lead the Ultramarines. In which case you can have hundreds of Ultramar-raised regiments ready at your complete beck and call. Nevermind have every spinoff chapter from your founding look to you for guidance and instruction.

Page 174
Organisationally and in terms of equipment, the Tyrant's Legion was based fundamentally on the existing pattern of Planetary Defence Coda approved by the Departmento Munitorum and largely standardised arcoss the Imperium, the Coda itself a strong echo of the established structures and strictures of the Imperial Guard. Abiding by ancient local custom on Badab, these forces were referred to as Defence Auxilia, and were traditionally formed around a core of professional troops drawn from the household armsmen of Badab's ruling elites supplemented in times of crisis by conscript militia from the general population. Huron's innovation was to raise these temporary forces to permanant activity...
..they were given basic psycho-indoctrination to ensure their loyalty..
The 'Tyrant's Legion' has interesting connotations about how 'typical' PDF organization is supposed to be handled through tthe Impreium - so called 'standardized' Munotirum standards (rather interesting that the Munitorum has a hand in PDF trainng and organization, although it probably isn't that big a shock considering PDFs are going to be the first line of defense in wartime as well as the primary reserve for Guard tithes.) How standardised it is in practice I leave up to personal interpretation.
note the possibility of giving regular troops psycho indoctirnation. this makes you wonder why the Guard doesn't do this, given their ideal is every trooper being an unthinking meatdroid like a Krieger, or having the simple unquestioning faith of the Ogryn. Does it have unpleaseant mental side effects in 'mass production' that it doesnt the way it is done to astartes?

Page 175
..he used the Maelstrom fleet (into which he had pumped considerable additional resources from the withheld planetary tithe), to provide the Tyrant's Legion with air support both in attack and defence, aided in this by use of confiscated and locally produced non-military light craft and shuttles to provide the Legion with additional air mobility where possible..
The 'tithe resources pumped into the fleet' aside (needs more context) - this sort of improvisation is interesting in how it can increase the flexibility and mobility of military troops. That's the sort of improvisation I usually expect from teh Guard (except on Taros or Kastorel-Novem.)

Page 177
A combat shield is a wrist mounted shield or buckler containing a small field generator which enables it to withstand great amounts of damage. Although its smaller size and weaker field mean it offers nothing like the protection offered by an Astartes Storm Shield, it has the advantage of being easier to produce and is light enough to leave the user's hand free to wield another weapon.
Combat shield - scaled down storm shield. The interesting thing about them is that its implied that this is more than just an AStartes shield (EG normal people could use them)

Page 188
One of the weapons technologies readily available to the AStral Claws during the Secession was the various patterns and types of Tarantula and Widowmaker class Astartes Sentry Guns.
..the Astral Claws' forges were able to produce these machine-spirit guided systems in large numbers..
Interesting in how it suggests Tarantulas and similar can be produced fairly easily, at least by Astartes-grade industry.

Page 189
Arvus class lighters, as well as numerous other short range shuttlecraft and orbital landers were commonplace across the far flung stars of the Maelstrom zone...
..the Tyrant's forces seized many of these craft (and their pilots)f rom the belt miners and trade guilds and turned them to military use..
Arvus lighters.

Page 191
...the Legion was forced to rely ever more heavily on support weapons carriers such as the Medusa and Basilisk to mount a mobile defence. Only their heavy calibre guns stood a reliable chance of breaching the heavily armoured Land Raiders of their enemies, although such matches were often suicide missions for their crews owing to the gun carriers' limited armour..
Interesting that Basilisk and Medusa are indicated to be used for 'mobile defence'... and that they have a chance (even if a modest one) of penetrating Land Raider armor -must be direct fire given the 'limited armor' and suciide mission comment though.

Page 192
..the scores of bombard and macro cannon that lined the city walls of worlds right across the Badab Sector.
The citadel defenses of the Badab Sector worlds.

PAge 199
Certain super-heavy vehicles of the Imperium are surrounded by a number of protective energy fields called void shields, which utilise warp technology to displace incoming attacks.
..collapsed void shields can be raised again. This process is slow and qruires vast quantities of energy, supplies of which can be quite erratic in combat conditions..
Repetition of the mention in earlier IA books of void shields being a form of warp technolgoy to deflect attacks. Which perhaps explains why void shields are power intensive.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by Connor MacLeod »

IA 10 parts 1 and 2
Page 18
Endymion Prime
Designation: Industiral world [Declining, former Sub-Hive World]
Population Human-Imperial/Abhuman: 1.1 billion estimated.
Military: Former Planetary defence forces made up of the combined armsmen cadres of Endymions Noble House (Second Line Imperial Guard equivalent)
..human habitation of Endymion Prime can be traced back at least to the late M34...
... the REgion's only industrial sub-hive world (although never attaining the scale and population of either Cynax or Badab Primaris...)
..the planet suffered economic collapse and decline circa M39 when its primary natural resources were exhausted...
Industiral/'sub hive' world with a declining 1 billlion or so population. Natural resources of planet exausted within 5 millenia. We're talking many trillions, hell hundreds of trillions of tons of material annually, and thats just assuming the the more abundant metals in the crust (Iron, Aluminum, etc.)

Page 19
..the Cacharodon fleet broke out of Warp directly above the system on the galactic plane, perilously close to Sigard's swollen and violent sun. Using its solar flares as a shield, the fleet split up its dozens of striking forces and devastated the numerous belt-colonies, ship-clans and asteroid-citadels of the Sigard system, destroying in mere days and weeks what had taken millenia to build...
An interesting way to approach the planet. Days and weeks to apparently travel about the system and destroy its orbital infrastructure.

Page 21
In close combat the Ghost Razors were an all but unmatched weapon, the unidentified phase-frequency disruption fields imparted to their cutting edges proved able to slice through solid matter at a sub-molecular level, parting ceramite and adamantine plate effortlessly and sundering energy fields and force barriers they encountered.
Huron's magic cutting claws.

Page 23
Utterly surrounded, the Salamanders force at under a hundred Space Marines was outnumbered more than a thousand to one by the horde of savages and mutants...
Tribal cannon fodder vs Mechanised Space MArines (vehicles plus troops). I wonder who wins.

Page 24
..three Land Raiders of the rare and prized Achilles pattern spearheaded a counter-assault..
The tank's Thunderfire cannon blasted a swathe through the ranks of the horde, and their multi-meltas lashed into the packed masses of bodies turning scores of savage fighters into screaming explosions of blood and steam with each blast. The Land Raiders' thrice-blessed hulls shrugged off the lascannon beama and shrieking missiles the Astral Claws sought to stop them with..
Salamanders firepower in action, including multimeltas doing steam explosions.

Page 25
..heavy fire from the Phaeon's Wrath [a Battle Barge] managed to entirely disable the Salamanders Battle barge's thrusers after a three hour long running battle..
three hour battle between battle barges.

Page 32
All suits and models of Space Marine power armour in general service are proofed against adverse atmospheric conditions and designed to function as void suits in their own right...

..where protracted void fighting is expected, or local void conditions are particularily hazardous (such as in high-rad drift zones, solar corona shadows and micro-meteoric storms) it has been the practice since the Great Crusade to increase the capacity of Astartes Armour to withstand these hazards. This is known as Void hardening, and oftne incorporates such features as extended air supply canisters rigged ot the armour, enhanced coolant systems, ablative fracture plates and attitudinal correction units. Dependent on tradition and available resourrces, such modifications can either be obvious and somewhat bulky, or as in the case of Veteran Brother Hal'sar's power armour, nearly seamlessly integrated into his Mark VII "Aquila" armour...
Comments on adverse/hostile enviroment capabilities of power armour as well as the modifications allowed for void warfare.

Page 32
..chainswords offer a high degree of flexibility and may be used for parrying and disarming a foe as well as dealing killing blows.
..the usual carborundum-alloy teeth have been replaced by molecularly aligned and shaped obsidian shards harvested from the fire-fields of Nocturne, which while lest hard wearing than the common alloy, offer a cutting edge of extraordinary quality.
Chainswords. Not sure what 'molecular alignment' is supposed to do.

Page 32 of the rarer Mk V "Wraithfire" pattenrs, more compact than the more commonplace "Sunfury" and "Ultra" types. It uses a mono-core design to force-compress and superheat a composite hydrogen compound fuel source into a plasma which is ejected at high velocity agianst its target as a thermo-explosive bolt. These weapons run the risk of catastrophic self-immolation through repeated use, and as shown here by the upper radiating coils shedding of exces heat, has been recently fired.
The coils are glowing an orange-red. Judging by the hand of the Astartes I'd guess the coils are maybe 5-10 cm wide and 20-30 cm long.. no idea how "tall" but they look cylindrical. I'd assume thats the radiating surface, fi we knew how much it radiates.
Also plasma weapons seem to imply it creates some sort of short lived plasma 'bullet' which expands (detonates) at the point of impact. I'm not sure what 'mono-core' design and 'composite hydrogen compound' is - the latter implies it runs on some chemical fuel (fuel cell? LOL) and mono-core migth refer to a single rathre than a combi plasma weapon.

Page 34
The initial attack plan against Pireaus called for a Navy assault to interdict the industrial world of Pireaus V (also known locally as Yarrow Station), with a direct Space Marine assault against the lunar colonies on the second moon of the Pireaus' dominant gas giant Kritias.
It implies the world migth be orbiting a gas giant, as well as other colonies in orbit.

Page 34
Further unexpected turbulence in the usually stable Warp route further disrupted the ill-fated fleet, damaging and scattering several ships and forcing the remainder to arrive piecemeal into Realspace at the target system's edge, further out than had been planned and scattered over a period of many hours thanks to time distortion effects. Far from their chosen attack vector to the system, the Loyalist ships were forced to reassemble and operate at maximum thruster burn for a number of days to reach the inner world of Pireaus, after which time all element of surprise had been lost.
Adverse warp route 'weather' affecting time and space displacement of an invasion fleet. Implies an 'hours long' maximum thruster burn for days to reach the inner world. assuming 2 billion km or so away and about 4-6 days, 3-5 gees constant burn might make it. Max speed is ~2.6% of c.

Page 34
..long range auguries detected only a dozen defence monitor ships and a score of locally produced destroyers (copies of the inferior Pugius class.) This defence armada would have been enough to stand off a sizable raiding force, particularily in combination with the chain of orbital weapons platforms which formed a second line around Pireaus V..
The loyalist forces comrpised two battle barges, four strike cruisers, a Navy battleship, six cruisers and several squadrons of minesweepers and escorts. Naturally the defence forces were outmatched. The defence forces listed do give a good idea of the scale of defenses an indsutrial world might have. The 'locally produced destroyers' is an interesting bit, as it implies the defence monitors might be larger an dmore powerful. No idea if the destroyers are warp capable.

Page 34
Despite unexpectedly heavy long range torpedo bombardment which the loyalist fleet was forced to endure for several hours thanks to the enforced distance of their attack run, they reached their mission break point intact and split to engage their separate targets without incident.
We dont know the exact ranges and distances, but severla hours would imply at least a few tens of thousands of km or so. assuming a constant acceleration/decel it might get up to hundreds of thousands of km or more though.

Page 34
The Imperial Navy ships however were prevented from achieving their secondary objective of close bombardment of Pireaus V as ground fire from massive emplacements of macro-cannon and defence laser batteries on the surface, unpredicted in strength and ferocity, forced the Naval ships back.
Planetary defences protecting the planet.

Page 35
Piraeaus system: Industrial world, with lunar colonies (V is the world, VII and II seem to be colonies.)
Hattusa: Waste world. Eshunna: Proto hive world.
Badab has a hive world, a high-anchorage navy base, a fortress station/astropathic relay, and a tithe store (Navy base and tithe store on dead worlds.)

Page 36
..the Exorcists' strike cruiser Aleph Argentium, having moments before deployed its last forces, was caught in a crossfire of converging plasma streams and exploded showering burning wreckage down onto the planet, setting ablaze hundreds of square kilometres of the tangled vegetation below.
Strike cruiser destroyed by ground defenses.

Page 36
..the Tyrant's own war fleet ripped into realspace at the edge of the inner Pireaus system.
anoither 'edge of system' arrival. How far away that means is entirely conjectural.

PAge 36 least a dozen of which proved to be fire ships; suicide weapons packed with volatile cargo and primitive atomic explosives, and driven before the main fleet.
Fire shp tactic again. Yet more proof against the 'ships are rare and valuable and precious' gimmick. Also 'primitive atomics'. Bear that in mind.

Page 36
He immediately ordered his fleet to maximum velocity and moved away from the oncoming enemy ships...
The Space Marine ships withdrew at full power, sling-shotting themeslves round the gas-giant of Kritias using its gravitational mass to boost their velocity.
This is, as I recall, from the edge of the system so they moved in-system at maximum velocity.. although the fact they're using gravity to slingshot suggests the speed (and range) isn't all that great.

Page 36
The badly damaged Loyalist Gaunlet of Ages, her captain realising that her ship could not keep up with its comrades, turned instead to a glorious and fatal last charge into the teeth of the oncoming enemy, deliberately seeking out and engaging the Secessionist fire ships before they could wreak havoc on the Loyalist main force. Weathering broadside after broadside and engulfed twice by the seething nuclear flame of immolating fire ships, the Gauntlet of Ages still staggered into the fray....
..until the Seraph of Judgement close din and crushed her valiant heart.
The Gauntlet was earlier described as a Tyrant class cruiser, and had suffered "crippling" damage from the surface defence batteries (macro cannon and defence lasers) of Pireaus V. The Seraph is an Astral Claws battle barge. Also survives two fire ship detonations, which almost without a doubt are at least gigaton range with the amount of explosive onboard (assuming 10% of their mass and an escort sized vessel we might expect hundreds or thousands of gigatons based on 1-5 MT/ton nuclear weapon mass/yield ratios.)

Page 38
Kritias Secundus:
Class: Type IV Semi inhabitable moon, Satellite of Gas Giant Kritias (Pireaus VI), mass .6 T(Terran?) .87G
Designation: Industrialised colony
Population: [formerly Estimeare: 37 million]
Atmosphere- native atmosphere is poor in oxygen and rich in carbon monoxide, meaning that human life cannot eixst without artifiical aids. However, presence of subsurface water table makes habitation viable..

Adept Presence: .. Imperial Navy tertiary ship yard provender and garrison company (Maelstrom Squadron detachment)
Military: Formerly the Planet maintained a small void-capable planetary defence force..
one of the moon colonies. It possesses a shipyard (shipyard have grades or qualities as well) and a garrison (squadron detachment 2-6 ships?) and a void capable PDF.

Page 39
The strike cruiser God Salyer rammed the Thoth's Hound [Cardinal class heavy cruiser] and broke her back, cleaving the relic ship in two..
Page 39
..a single ship broke free, its engines blazing far past their maximum Adeptus-Mechanicus proscribed capacity..
Yet more indication that the Admech puts certain safety (or arbitrary?) limits on engine performances. May help account for acceleration and other discrepancies.
Page 39
The Redeemer, its tortured hull and over-taxed engines protesting under the strain, seals and bulkheads rupturing up and down her superstructure, made exit from the moon's atmosphere, ground fire tracing vengefuls treaks behind her, void shields holding just long enough for the mighty ship to break orbit.
Exorcist STrike cruiser, presumably damaged in the battle and having pushed its powerplant to reach the world rapidly, made an atmospheric reentry, landed, retrieved the space marines, then launched off again.

Page 40
Eyrine Pattenr ASsassin Mine:
Mass: 1.2 MT
Active terminal range: 3.754 KM
Silica Anima Rating: 17 [Warning]
Thrust capacity: 123,450/1-
Warhead (standard): Colbol-Calcite
Yield: 36 sub-ordnance directed blast units each/20 MT
Adeptus Mechanicus Approved.
Remember the assassin mines mentioned in IA9? These are what those were. They mass 1.2 million tons, and have a yield of 720 MT (36 x 20 MT apiece) Implies a yield ratio of 600 tons per/ton of warhead/projectile mass. That's rather low, but bear in mind that it's a directed blast unit, not unlike a Casaba Howitzer. Some of that Extra mass probably goes to creating a 'shaped charge' blast (although some of it could be guidance and manuvering systems - we dont know how massive those are.) and its noted later that these might be atomic warheads which were.. as noted.. 'primitive'.
for shits and giggles if we assume a 20 ton macro cannon shell.. thats 12 kt payload :P And yes that IS conservative!
Page 40
Badab 3: Dead World, Orbital fleet anchorage and Tertiary class ship yard facility. 3.1 million (orbital) population
Badab 2: Badab Sector capital. Trrans-solar hive world.
Population 5.17 billion
In orbit around Badab II - High guard orbital station, modified Inviolate pattenr star fortress. Former chapter base
A trans-solar Hive world with a population of 5 billion.

Page 41
'Ring of Steel'
Integrated globular pattern defence in debpth for BAdab system. Minimum 5 tier vector grid: Class Mortis-Omega
Defence gun platforms/Drift mine clusters/Auto-locational assassin mines/Plasma Web Casters/Shrapnel fields/Night Basilisk units
The "Ring of Steel' listing its defenses, including the assassin mines from before.

Page 41
Badab IV - Dead wolrd (formerly life-sustaining, biosphere irreparably damaged)
Sub-Hive scale Sealed habitation domes. System tithe store facility. Fissile materials extraction. Penitentiary Station on IV/B moon
Population (total?) 1.1 billion.
In orbit Sentinel-Sigma. Modified Ramilies Patern STar Fortress
System primary astropathic relay. Outer system defence control.
Sub-hives again.. note the 'fissile materials' extraction. It's mentioned that Huron used the withheld ties to enhance planetary defences, like the Ring of Steel.. which probably indicates he was building atomic warheads.
Page 44
Less Welcome news came when Frain further informed the assembled Space Marine commanders that hoped for reinforcements from the Imperial Guard Segmentum reserves and fresh warships from the Navy would not be forthcoming, wars and conflicts were everywhere, and matters pressing against the Tyranid threat and newly arising xenos powers in the galactic east claimed priority on all that might be gathered to the Loyalist cause on short notice.
Reinforcmeents arrive. Rather interesting that they're drawing directly from Segmentum reserves rather than drawing from nearby battlefleets. Does that make a differene (loyalty perhaps - they don't know if Huron has corrupted nearby sectors?) Apparently the Tyranids (and other Aliens) are still making their presence felt.

Page 46-47
The armada consisted of no fewer than Six Space Marine battle barges and nine strike cruisers, along with six other Impeiral Navy ships of the line, an Adeptus Mechanicus War Caravel and eighty four escorts and strike vessels of various classes. At its vanguard was the Raptorus Rex, behind which, thanks to the artisanship of the Magos of Angstrom, was towed a burning stellar core fragment torn bodily from the Bale Cascade. As the war machines of Badab sprang to life in response to the threat, thousands of gun batteries powered up and drifting clouds of assassin mines woke to murderous intent, but as their augur beams and targeting sensoria swept the onrushing armada, it was already too late to prevent what happened next. Swiftly reaching terminal velocity, the ponderous cyclopean bulk of the Raptorus Rex engaged its main drive at maximum power to alter course, straining against inertia to allow the hellish fire of the stellar fragment to pass it by on its collision course with the Sentinel-Sigma battle station, while the Loyalist armada fell into a spearhead formation a safe distance behind.
The Sentinel-Sigma station had no hope of escaping the path of the rogue star fragment in time and faced certain destruction should it impact.
Soon every weapon on the defence line within range and resolution of the immense tumbling fireball let loose. Tens of thousands of mass-driven projectiles, torpedoes, and macro shells filled the void hurtling toward the dense, amorphous mass of nuclear plasma and elemental force. Most were spent fruitlessly, exploding and incinerating in its superheated corona before they could reach its core. Blinded by the light of this new and terrible star careening towards them, the weapons of the ring of steel could not clearly see, let alone target the oncoming armada, and legions of mines and weapons platforms, their targeter-arrays maddened by the conflagration set upon each other and set off waves of atomic detonations through the void...
Only at near-point blank range did the defence lasers and arc cannon of the star forts begin to take a toll on the burning mass, their beams tearing gouts of burning matter clear, until at last they punched their way deep into the unstable core and the fragment was rent apart in a great wave of energy which washed over the Sentinel-Sigma, painting its failing void shields with lambent flame and burning through defence ships and fighters in a torrent of destruction.
Yes. A stellar core fragment. A magically intact, self contained ball of flaming plasma or something..and can be towed. I don't even know where to begin or how to explain it. About the only interesting bit is the 'waves of atomic detonations' which references the mines being atomic weapons (and thus, as I noted.. 'primitive'.)
Also note the combined use off mass drivers and macro cannon.

Page 48
The assault from orbit against Badab Primaris was to have been spearheaded by the Raptorus Rex, but that was no longer possible, the strain of the core fragment attack having caused significant structural damage which destabilised the engines of the vast craft making close-orbital operations impossible.
More on the magical core fragment.

Page 48
The guns of Badab Primaris were still to be greatly feared and it was a forlorn hope that even a Space Marine battle barge would survive long if they could not be silenced quickly by orbital counter-battery fire.
Badab's defenses.

Page 48
The sable form of the Momento Mori led the attack and was rocked with explosions as it breached the upper atmosphere, its own cannons roaring in answer and vortex missiles screaming out from its weapons decks to rip great wounds in the planet's crust.
Star Phantoms Battle barge. Note the use of vortex missiles.
Page 48
Brighter yet, from the halo edge of space, the Carcharodons' relic-flagship Nicor unleashed the vast plasma-destructor weapon concealed in its belly and burned a great trench in Badab's surface, sundering the bastion wall of Primaris' main city, hive Dominar..
A spinal plasma destructor weapon.

Page 49
..soon Hive Dominar had become a city of death. Within it hundreds of kilometres of multi-tiered roadways and vat, arched habitation towers, the Tyrant's Legion fought an insane and desperate battle against the grey giants that had come among them.
Badab Hive
Page 49
Above the Palace complex's centre an actinic-bright lightning shield rippled and clashed in the air; a vast charged power-field that disintegrated anything it touched and shrugged off even the firepower of the warships above.
Rather interesting defensive technology. Variation on powerfields perhaps?
Page 49
..the Star Phantoms descended with unmatched precision and timing, their drop pods smashing down through the ornate selpulchres and toppling needle-thin auspex masts as they descended.
Drop pod assault. note the ability to crash through buildings unharmed.

Page 49
..even the Reaver Titans of the Legio Crucius alongside fresh Sons of Medusa detachments could not force the issue. Indeed, the first Titan to attempt the attack was disabled as it sought ot lend its firepower to the assault, its command deck gutted by a well-placed conversion-beamer blast in the shadow of the citadel.
Conversion beamer vs Titan.

Page 49
As true night fell over Hive Dominar...
..spreading out to the planet's sub hives and industrial zones..
mention of sub-hives and industrial zones across the planet.

Page 50
...the Titan war machines they command are colossal engines of war, rightly known as God-Machines to some, the smallest of which are mighty enough to destroy an entire tank squadron in a span of seconds or level a city block. Each Titan Legion is its own warrior order inextricably linked to the forge world (or worlds) on which it is based..
Firepower of titans.

Page 50
..their great Preceptory and base of operations at Ryza, a major forge world within the Segmentum Solar whose arts and sophistication some claim is second only to those of Mars itself.
..are renowned as one of the most well equipped Titan Legions in service, and sufficient in number ot provide garrison forces for several smaller outlying forge worlds and ADeptus Mechanicus outposts whose Magos maintain fealty or alliance to Ryza and its masters. One such world was Angstrom, the highly independent and militant minor forge world situated at the edge of the Maelstrom zones..
home of Legio Crucius and the location of Ryza. Interesting that a single Legion can garrison multiple 'smaller' forge worlds and outposts tied to Ryza. Such as the minor forge of Angrstrom.
Page 50
The Legio Crucius forces deployed ot the Siege of Badab itself comprised three full maniples of Titans, some fifteen machines in all commanded by the Warlord Class Titan Hell's Daughter.
Page 52
Wotan brought up his sickle-blade power sword and opened up the enemy before him from crotch to gullet, the stench of molten metal and bloody steam washing over him as he kicked his foe away.
An Astral Claw was the victim. power blade melting through armor.
Page 52
..Wotan calmly ejected the half-spent magazine from his botl pistol and fed in another, slipping the fire selector to 'storm.''
A tongue of flame lashed from the pistol's muzzle and the explosive bolts flew straight and true into the exposed joint at the back of his enemy's knee, which came apart in a gout of shrapnel and clotted flesh, dropping Wotan's target onto his back.
'storm = full auto?
Another Space Marine, carrying a Thunder Hammer.
Page 53
..they continued to the final stage of their plan and despatched strike teams deep into the hive sub-surface. There they sabotaged the vast and ancient atomic and geo-thermal reactors which powered the hives and fed the hungry planetary defence batteries with energy. Across Badab Primaris power failed or suddenly spiked adding to the Chaos, and slowly, with inexorable horror, the hives began to quake and the towers of Badab toppled like felled trees.
All over Badab the ground began to quake and shudder as high above in orbit auguries registered the massive tectonic upheaval in the planet's sub-hive structures radiating out across ancient geological fault lines, spewing molten magma and radioactive ash up from the earth. Badab Primaris began to die.
The Space Sharks did this. Basically we have yet another case of atomic and/or geothermal reactors overloading and fucked up the entire planet.

Page 53
records recovereda fter the flash from the auto-sense logs of the Star Phantoms..
Auto sense logs.

Page 53
..the grimly determiend Star Phantom's Captain succeeded in discharging his combi-melta at the looming figure of Lugft Huron at point blank range. The melta-blast struck the arcane lightning claw the Tyrant habitually wore which catastrophically exploded unleashing a baleful pulse of energy. The blast incinerated the Tyrant's arm and muchof his right side, and the remnants of his burning armour collapsing to the ground was the last image recorded by the fallen captain's auto-senses.
The bulk of Lugft Huron's body however was not found...
The fate of Huron post melta. I'd guess incinerate means cremate :P
Page 53
Beneath the hives of Badab Primaris, the cascading destruction of the deep-sunk reactor cores was taking its toll. Tectonic shocks and volcanic eruptions were increasing at an exponential rate and entire hive sectors collapsed into gaping maws that opened in the ground beneath them to be replaced by seas of lava.
..the air was filled with toxic ash and fallout, and the majority of the planet's population are estimated to have been exterminated within a few standard days.
more of the geothermal annihilation.

Page 54
..the Mantis Warriors would henceforth lose all rights to their ancient domains in the Endymion Cluster, with their goods and chattels given over to the Fire Hawks in perpetuity..
The Fire Hawks seem to become based out of the Maelstrom Zone then, until they are lost in the warp and become the Legion of the Damned.
Page 54
As to the men and women of the Maelstrom Zone, caught up in a decade of calamity and bloodshed, their lives now belonged ot the Administratum.
Plus the Admech and Inquisition. Yet more directly administered territories.
Page 55
..the badly mauled Star Phantoms Chapter was given the somewhat pyrrhic reward of dominion over the once proud Badab Sector, along with the task of policing its survivors..
Hey that's some reward.
Page 55
Thus paid in blood, the Carcharodons fleet departed, the last known sighting of them made by an Explroator augery-beacon, which makred them tacking course through the Warp, ascending the galactic plane into the blackness of the outer void..
Very sharklike.
Page 56
The heavily miliarised Hive world of Cygnax...
..the death cults gained access to part of the planet's defence missile silo network. The resulting atomic winter, radioactive fallout and tectonic upheavals annihilated all life on Cygnax..
Cygnax again.

Page 57
With five different Chapters of the Space Marines now embroiled in open warfare, along with various naval detachments, local defence armies and the sectarian forces of various aDeptus now involved...
..the Imperium's high authorities finally act.
The armed cross-sector conflict and its causes however remain unsolved..
A multi-sector conflict. apparnetly that is of large enough scoep to involve the higher echelon authorities. inter-sector conflicts must be considered 'local'

Page 57
A trimuvirate of Imperial LEgates are despatched under teh Seal of the High Lords to pronounce judgement over the ongoing strife in the Maelstrom Zone...
Legatine investigations carried out at Sidon Ultra, capital of the KAthargo Sector..
I'd guess it's maybe 15,000-20,000 LY or so to Badab/Maelstrom from Terra, and it takes far less than a year. Tens or hundreds of thousands of c perhaps

Page 61
As the battle enters its second day, the vast plasma-reactors that power Badab Primaris's hive cities are overloaded by Carcharodon strike teams as part of a merciless series of masscares and running battles..
As the reactors begin to detonate, they rip apart Badab's landmasses, triggering massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and collapse its hive spires, hurling millions of tonnes of radioactive fallout and debris into the atmosphere.
..the majority of the planet's population ar exterminated withina few dandard days...
Here either the atomic or geothermal reactors are.. 'plasma' reactors. Or they have plasma, atomic and geothermal reactors. Again its the Space Shark's fault.

Page 64
..the White Scars' gene -seed has histroically been one of the rarest employed in the creation of new Space Marine Chapters, with less than a tenth of current Adeptus Astrtes units owing their origins to the White Scars bloodline.
I wonder why White Scars are so rare. They're not as rare as Space wolves (as there are none surviving I know of) but they're rare. Of course 50-100 chapters is not exactly trivial, compared to blood angels (no more than a score or so), the Fists (around a dozen) or the Salamanders. considering that 500-600 are supposed to be Ultrasmurfs... *shrugs*

page 66
.the Endymion cluster comrpises a score of star systems (six of which can be regarded as of major importance)...
This region, never sufficiently coherent enough politically or economically to become a true Imperial sector...
It is this region which the Mantis Warriors have takne for their domain...
The interesting thing about this is that there are areas/regions of space that don't quite qualify as 'proper' sectors, but impromptu (not unlike the Koronous expanse, perhaps.)

Page 67
With hardened hearts the Mantis Warriors waited in silence as the Dark Eldar reavers committed to the attack and hundreds of refugees died screaming to slicing whisper-thin blades or were struck down in droves by storms of hypersonic poisoned splinters.
Splinter rifles are hypersonic.

Page 68
..two Cobra class destroyers, buried more than seven months previously, shook off the covering shrouds of sand from their sunken prows and fired their torpedoes at point blank range into the bellies of the Dark Eldar ships high above. The torpedoes' fusion warheads, designed for space combat, burst like exploding suns above the arid land. As fire and wreckage fell from the skies the hurricane strength blast-winds scattered the alien skimmers like dead leaves and drove sand and dust before them in walls hundreds of metres high.
The surviving corsair ships, badly wounded by the surprise attack, struggled to escape Tranquility's orbit and abaondoned their kin below to their fates, only to be destroyed in the outer system by the returning Mantis Warriors strike cruisers as the last part of the Chapter's viscious trap slammed shut.
The Mantis Warriors revelled in their revenge, offering no mercy to the blinded and broken enemy, many of whom died not at the hands of the Space Marines, but were brought down by mobs of desert tribesmen whose terror had been transformed into wrath. As the winds finally died away and the fires muted...
Cobra destroyers ambush Dark Eldar starships from the ground (litearlly buried in the sand) and apparetnyl carry fusion warheads. To be fair, the DE ships are some distance in orbit. I'm kinda amazed they could expose themselves and ifre so damn quickly.

Page 68
The Mantis Warriors Chapter fleet stood at a single battle barge, three strike cruisers, two vanguard cruisers, six armed transports and at least nineteen escort and attack vessels of varying types and classes, including several formerly renegade and re-comissioned xenos vessels that hte Chapter utilised for infiltration attacks.
Mantis warrior fleet.

Page 74
The physical characteristics of the Salamanders Space Marines are themselves striking and brought about by a combination of their gene-seed, Nocturne's erratic gravitational and radioactive forces, along with the unique genetics of the population that has evolved to survive them. The Battle Brotehrs of the Salamanders are powerfully built, even for Space Marines..
Salamanders 'mutations'

Page 74
The Salamanders Chapter operates a total force of seven line companies, each with a nominal active strength of a hundred and twenty Battle Brothers in addition to a sub-company of Scouts..
Salamanders Strength.

Page 76
Another noteworthy feature of the Salamanders is their ability to field advanced weapons and wargear of a quality almost unequalled by any other Space Marine Chapter.
..the Chapter is able ot maintain and more importantly create superior weapons and systems, such as artificer and Terminator armour, advanced energy trnasmission systems, Dreadnought frames and personal weaponry of extraordinary quality.
The Salamanders also maintain an enviable array and number of Land Raiders, Predator tanks and Dreadnoughts in their arsenal...
Salamanders can build alot of fancy shit. Much of this is likely due to the Chalice of Fire thingy, as I recall from the novels.

Page 76
This battlestation...
... rumoured to also house in its deepest vaults hidden forges and workshops whose sophistication (although not scale) are said to be the equal of any but those found on great Mars...
Industrial capability of the Salamander's fortress monastery. This is in addition to the Chalice of Fire I suppose.

Page 77
..squads of Firedrake Termiantors conducted daring teleporter raids, planting seismic charges a kilometre-deep within the hulks' innards. Torn apart from within by powerful atomic blasts, the Deff-Hulks slowly broke apart and began to disintegrate, millions of tons of metal and rock flying out into the void..
Seismic charges to blow apart ork hulks (or roks)

Page 78
..the Salamanders were given the onerous duty of purging the Genestealers for all time from the moons of Ymgarl.
With the aid of the MAgos Biologis of the Adpetus Mechanicus, the Salamanders constructed a detailed plan of attack, first rooting out their prey by using specially sanctioned alkem-weapons to burn away much of the moons' atmospheres and destroy the teeming jungles that covered them...
I guess they exterminatus'ed them with chemical weapons of some kind.. which somehow burnt away the atmosphere. *shrugs*
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Part 2 and.. done!
Page 78
The Salamanders advanced into the darkness in Mechanicus Termite boring craft with spider-stalker servitors to scout their way forwards in the lightless underworld..
Spider-servitors and use of termite boring craft (which supposedly are only under AdMech control, except for all those IG regiments that use them.)

Page 78
The Ymgarl strain of Genestealer is a terrifying beast able to adapt to its foes and with physical power enough to outmatch even a Space Marine with ease.
..and appallingly powerful brood-lords whose taloned hands could shred a Terminator at a stroke..
The Ymgarl Genestealers. Which as of 5th edition are the only organic matter in the 40K galaxy the Tyranids will not consume. This leads to mental images of the Ymgarl Genestealers psychically crying 'hey wait for me!' as it chases after the various hive fleets.

Page 80
Their attackers were terrifying metallic spectres whose weapons made a mockery of the strongest armour and who re-assembled and reanimated themselves even when blown apart.
..brought back to the Imperium one of the first confirmed and detailed battle reports by a surviving force against the awakening ancient menace later identified as the Necrons.
The Necrons.

Page 89
.. based upon the deep-range cruiser Night Hag. This former Rogue Trader vessel possessed far greater independent operating range and speed under Warp than any other warship at the Chapter's command...
This total force consisted roughly seven companies in active strength, and was transported into battle by a combined fleet of one battle barge, three strike cruisers, two vanguard cruisers, and two wings of five Sword class frigates.
Executioners Space Marines spacegoing and Chapter strength.
Page 94
One of the most acrimonious of these conflicts was the Moirae Schism, a dogmatic battle between Martian Orthodoxy and a radical creed based upon the prophetic writings of a triad of tech-mystics based on the minor forge world of Moirae. The word of the Moirae would spread like wildfire throught he domains of the Mechanicus even after their world was reduced to a cinder by the Fabricator General's rectification fleet.
Mars apparently isn't afraid of exterminatus-ing their own worlds if they step too far out of line.

Page 94
..exile for the miniority who had embraced the dissident doctrine...
It is believed that fully a third of the Iron Hands brethren then departed, to be joined in time by a handful of other Space MArines form other Iron Hands Sucessor Chapters who shared their beliefs.
Eventually they were ratified as a chapter, resulting of an almost unique edict. It does suggest that there might be other "unofficial" Chapters who are exiled or cast-off from their parent Chapter, however, although they might technically be considered Renegades. Despite being 'publicly' unique, it is possible it happens from time to time. we know of similar cases - the Blood Angels 'tithing' recruits from their successor chapters to build up their own strength - it could go the other way (tithing recruits to create a new chapter.)
5th edition also offers the interesting possibility that 'over strength' chapters may contribute excess battle brothers to the formation of new chapters if their strength is too much over limit.

Page 96
The Moirae tech-creed was based on prophetic wave calculations of a triad of tech-mystics enshrined within Moirae's colossal data-looms who believed that they had discerned a series of predictive patterns within the micro-fluctuations of the Astronomican beacon. These Gematric patterns they believed contained the word of the Omnissiah-God-Emperor from which the skein of future history and humanity's destiny could be read.
One of the more interesting prophecies was the (hah!) unification of the AdMech and the Ecclesiarchy, with Mars being overthrown. Mars was not amused. I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't a plot by the Ecclesiarchy to infiltrate the Admech

Page 96
One of the first casualties of the conflict was the forge world of Moirae itself, blasted to ashes by the Martian fleet.
Implies orbital bombardment.

Page 97
The Chapter's forge ships are known to be able to salvage, repair and produce a wide variety of Adeptus Astartes wargear. This range of technology is thought to include the rare ability to construct new Dreadnought chassis and build some of the rarer Land Raider variants such as the Prometheus.
Technical/industrial capability of the Sons of Medusa.

Page 97
..a mighty crusade was instigated to liberate and dominate the area of space designated as the Laanah Rifts...
This Crusade, one of the largest of its kind in centuries, was conducted by well over twenty five million levied Imperial Guard troops with unknown numbers of pilgrims and hanger-son swept along in its wake. The Crusade was supplemented by the forces of two Titan Legions and eight Space Marine Chapters at various times..
Happens in M38... it must have been a relatively peaceful period considering some of the later crusades (Jericho Reach, Sabbat Wrolds, etc.. both of which involved billions of Guardsmen.)

Page 97
Using the arcane science of their Explorator Magos allies, the Chapter's fleet had modified their vessels' Warp coils to help repel the Aetheric fire that shielded Wormgyre, providing them with a measure of defence for a time..
Interesting modification, and especially surprising the AdMech helped.

Page 99
The combined Sons of Medusa force comprised the full strength of the Atropos War Clan backed by forces drawn from the Chapter armouries and elemenst of the Lachesis and Magaera War Clans with a combined estimated strength of somewhere between five and six Codex companies, with a fleet of six strike cruisers, two forge ships, a battle barge and fourteen escort and attack vessels of various types.
Sons of Medusa force scope.

Page 99
In this brutal boarding action the Chapter battled through a storm of fire alongside the Exorcists in order to take command of the vital city-sized star fortress. IT was Vyaland Cal at the hed of the Atropos Terminators who fought his way to the star fortress' main engine vaults and severed the five-metre thick plasma couplings to silence the station's guns..
'city sized' star fortress. 'five metre thick' plasma couplings.

Page 106
..were based upon a powerful Chapter fleet operating more than a dozen strike cruisers.
The Minotaurs Chapter. No mention of battle barges.
Page 107
..the speed of transition between neophyte, scout and full initiate in the Chapter was brief compared to that of many other Chapters. This was explained by evidence of the use of extremely high levels of programmed psycho-indoctrination and neuro-cerebral surgery by the Chapter. This program accelerated the recruit's progression and was continued during deployment as ongoing treatments to re-enforce mental conditioning administered by the Chapter's Apothecaries. Such techniques, while not inherently heretical or forbidden at this heavy level of use, are profoundly more invasive and carry a greater risk of damaging the subject physically and mentally than those normally performed by most Space Marine Chapters.
yeah this has to be a strong sign of the dickishness of a Chapter.

Page 109
Fewer than a hundred Inceptors Battle Brothers survived the Euxcine incident, while the Minotaurs stripped the fallen of many relics for their own armouries and took the ravaged Chapter's flagship, a Great Crusade era assault transport that had served the Inceptors since their founding, as a spoil of war. That such an ancient and revered Chapter and close scion of the Ultramarines could be almost annihilated in this fashion, and with the tacit agreement of the High Lords, sent shockwaves through many of the Space Marine Chapters who came to hear of it.
The Minotaurs seem to be an experiment in creating a 'pet' space Marine sChapter for the High Lords. makes you wonder how many others like that there are. I guess even favoring Smurf geneseed wasn't security enough? Or was it that they got jealous of the Spiritual Liege? That might explain the exhaustive indoctrination and speedy recruitment.

Page 109
..the system's outer defences were soon overwhelmed, and the trans-continental hives of Hermetica itself swiftly became battlegrounds..
'trans-continental' hives.
Page 19
[qutoe]Swiftly the Cathedral complex itself was encircled and bombarded; its kilometre-high spire toppled in a crossfire of turbo-laser strikes from the Minotaurs' Thunderhawk Gunship wings.[/quote]
Thunderhawk assault.

Page 19
.contained until the arrival of Imperial 17th BAttle Group and Imperial Guard regiments from Necromunda which purged the world of the Chaos taint. Deflected from its course by nova-cannon strikes, the hulk Nightmare Paradox, now silent, occupies a quarantined orbit in the distant reaches of the star system...
Using nova-cannon strikes to deflect a huge-ass space hulk.
Page 109
..the Minotaurs committed their entire strength to the war; some ten companies and eleven capital ships of various types in all.
Minotaurs strength.

Page 114
In the general course of the Imperium's histories, or the order of battle of its military might, the Carcharodons have no real official existence in recent history. THey simply feature nowhere within the open record, and likewise the Chapter has no known officially recorded battle honours.
Mystery Space Shark chapter.

Page 116
For a faction of the Imperium's armed forces to disappear for centuries, even for millenia, either from its official records, or from reality itself (the latter being a curse of Warp trael and other rarer non-Euclidian forces) is a rare, but not unknown phenomena.
The Space Sharks. Note that in the less than organized and chaotic nature of the Imperium, disappearance for centuries isn't very common.
Page 116
It seems likely that rather than the more conventional Crusade Chapter pattern used by many fleet-based Space Marine forces...
..the Carcharodons follow the rarer, so-called 'Nomad-Predation' pattern. This is used almost exclusively by Space Marine Chapters operating for long durations beyond the Imperium's borders and by certain Rogue Trader fleets, and refers to entirely self-contained forces which operate without recourse to the Imperium for support at all.
"Crusade Chapter" patterns, which apparently aren't restricted to Space Marines. One imagines Explorators use a variation as well.

Page 119
...systematically they sabotaged the hive's main reactor cores; geothermal plasma units that sank deep into the planet's crust and set them to detonate one after the other as the Carcharodons themselves withdrew. This caused a slow tide of inexorable devastation to erupt across Badab Primaris, bringing with it massive tectonic upheaval that withint ime would render it a dead world.
Oh dear. Geothermal PLASMA reactors. So apparently you can not only have geothermic fusion (or geothermic atomic IIRC), you can also have geothermal plasma reactors. Its frankly amazing what you can run a plasma reactor on nowadays, much less a fusion reactor (EG fyron powder doomsaday weapons lol.)

Page 119
The Carcharadon's fleet departed the Cluster, with Explorator augurs marking its course thorugh the Warp as ascending the galactic plane into the darkness of the outer void once more.
They seem to have a preference for hunting above the galactic plane (and striking from there.)

PAge 124
..the Chpater has long been specialised in combating enemies of a daemonic nature or those that have had truck with the Ruinous Powers. In particular the Exorcists are able to endure hellish warzones where other Space MArines, however valiant, might have their senses betrayed and souls tainted by prolonged exposure to the influence of the Warp.
Exorcists Space MArines are known to utilise certain occult mental arts to enter an almost trance-like state of higher consciousness which allows them to become completely devoid of fear and pain, even when confronted by the sanity-destroying horrors of the Warp. This capacity is far from unknown among Space MArines (although some shun such techniques in favour of religious fervour or simple channelled rage to achieve broadly the same effects.
Grey Knights lite, I guess.

Page 124'
Each Exoercist space Marine is a master of arcane lore to a degree unseen in other chapters, and in particular is adept at recognising the wiles of the daemon and its works and hows how to combat them.
..and become adept at the use of unicursal hexagrams to spiritually ward their arms and equipment from Aetheric influences. This degree of dark knowledge generally considered forbidden within the Imperium is itself cause for grave suspciion of the Chapter for some, particularily within the Ecclesairchy...
Again, Grey Knights lite. From what I've read on the net, they're descended from the Grey Knights Chapter (a rarity, I'd think.)
Page 125
The Exorcist's mobility is further aided by an extensive long-range Chapter fleet including the unusually high number of three battle barges..
3 battle barges seems to be 'unusually high' for a Space Marines chapter. this means that fewer than 3K battle barges must exist in the Imperium, unless there are alot of chapters with 4-5 (doubtful)
Page 125
..the Exorcists' order of battle totals twleve companies, as opposed to the regular ten. Companies ten, eleven and twelve of the Chapter consist entirely of Neophyte Scouts..
Apparently high attirtion in training. If they're fighting Chaos, that's no surprise. As I recall as well they have close ties ot the Inquisition as well. This makes the second chapter to be tied strongly to the Inquisition (the Red Hunters.) I guess having the Chambers militant isn't enough for some Inquisitors :P

Page 126
..the Exorcists and the Dark Hands, backed by the Necromundan 54th and 60th Imperial Guard Rifles, and the Battle Sisters of the Order of the Valorous Heart..
Necromundan regiments still exist it seems.

PAge 126
When the Exorcists finally cornered the Daemon Prince...
Shrugging off shot, shell and energy blast, the darkling beast slsahed through the Exorcists' ranks, shearing Terminator-clad warrios in half with contemptuous ease and ripping asunder the Daemonhosts of Inquisitor Grey...
...when when of the Chapter's Dreadnoughts, the Venerable Sybra, sacrificed himself to rip a great chunk of the Daemon's smouldering body away and exposed its blazing heart.
Fully a third of the Exoercists Chpater had perished..
Exorcists vs Daemon Prince.

Page 127
The Exorcists also brought with them two battle barges, three strike cruisers and three squadrons of escorts and attack craft numbering seveteen ships in total.
Exorcists fleet elements.

Page 127
..anarchy reigned on the surface of Primaris after the Carcharodons fired the hives' reactors and started a chain reaction that would doom the planet.
Yet another mention of the geothermal plasma reactors (or atomic!) going up.

Page 132
..given birth to a likely unfounded assumption by certain scholars of the Adeptus Terra nd Departmento Strategos.
I assume they are another department like the Munitorum and Tacticae.

Page 135
After the massacre, the Star Phantoms used the macro-shell craters from the planet's long war as giant pyre-pits for the liquidated population..
Macro-shell craters big enough to use as pyre pits for large population.

Page 136
A vast temporal-warp rift surged like a deadly rip-tide towards the star system from the outer void, and at its vanguard came the horror of a massive Hrud migration trapped within the rift's event horizon.
..engulfed the Hakkoneth system, causing its sunt o flare balefully. The rift all but cut Haakoneth off from the rets of the galaxy with its surrounding vortex of spatial turbulence..
..for every Hrud thing that coalesced from the shadows and was cut down by the Star Phantoms, another dozen misshapen forms took its place, distorting time and space by their presence, and the very earth of Haakoneth splintered and roiled with quakes and tremors at the creature's passing.
The Chapter's last remaining battle barge, the Memento Mori...
Many of the Star Phantoms' ships were destroyed in the desperate flight as Haakoneth, caught in the storm's eye, shattered behind themm and Tiresias himself was blinded when a rouge time-eddy speared the momento Mori's command deck.
..being one of only a handful of Chapters in the Imperium's known history to face a full-scale Hrud migration alone and survive.
Star Phantoms vs Hrud Migration. rather interesting how in recent years we've gotten clarification about what the fuck the Hrud are and what they actually do with these migrations and shit.

Page 136
Spearheaded by the venerable battle barge Memento Mori along iwth a second battle barge, the Pale Wrath, the Chapter undertook their role in the battle with a powerful force of seven strike cruisers and twenty-five secorts and assault vessels of various classes.
Star Phantoms force.

Page 143
Assault Rams are attack craft intended to participate in close range boading actions in space.
..the Caestus is the most commonplace. Smaller in size and displacement than either the Thunderhawk gunship or the Shark class boarding torpedo, the pattern's chief advantage is its speed and phenomenal durabilit ywhich make it a highly survivable assault craft..
..the discoveries of Arkhan Land enabled the augmentation of the design with anti-gravitic plating, allowing it to be used in high velocity orbital operations, as well as operate as a heavy battle skimmer in support of ground operations.
Caestus assault ram - attack craft dedicated to boarding actions. Boarding torpedoes (shuttles?) are bigger.

Page 143
..the Caestus is designed and outfitted to live up to its designation with a highly protected forward superstructure buttressed by inertial and recoil compensation systems. These include a near-unique 'misericordia' system designed to interlock with Space Marine Terminator or Power Armour, protecting a full squad complement aboard from any impact short of that which would destroy the craft itself.
'inertial/recoil dampeing' tech :P Doesn't sound very gravitic though.

Page 143
The Caestus' principle armament is a forward firing magna-melta which it uses to weaken the hull armour of a space craft or fortification wall before crashing into its target.
The Magna-melta also provides it with a devastating close-range weapon against enemy tanks and bunkers in ground-attack operations.
Magna melta cannons. I imagine torpedoes and shuttles who also do 'breaching' might do this as well.

Page 145
Inside this body of heavily armoured adamantine and ceramite, powered by their own advanced thermic reactor cores..
It's interesting that the Magna-melta is described as a thermic cannon. Could the reactor be related to melta technology? alot of Space marine tech runs on thermic reactors.. which suggests a melta-tech based powerplant (pyrum-petrol tech) Of course meltas are releated to 'fusion' weapons as well. lol
Page 145
One of the other chief advantages of Dreadnoughts is the versatility of their weaponry, which can range from the infantry killing power of twin heavy bolters, to arcane flesh-disintegrating plasma cannon, to suppressive assault cannon and the tank busting power of lascannon a nd multi-meltas.
Dreadnought firepower.

Page 146
Ironclad pattern Dreadnought. Thermic reactor powerplant, 13 tonne mass, 10 kph on road and 8 kph off road speed. Height and weight details remain unchanged. Interesting that at 3.8m this implies that the average height of a person is between 1.9m and 1.3m in the Imperium (Dreadnoughts often described as 2-3 times the height of a man. Of course some sources describe them as 5 meters tall or so, so we might figure that 3.8 m tall dreadnoughts are 2x, and 5+m ones are 3x, setting a height range of around 1.7-1.9m, which is roughly consistent with modern heights.
Page 147
Very few Chapters have the ability to create fresh machines from scratch, and even those that do can often manage no more than a handful at a time, so demanding are the resources and techniques required to construct the sarcophagus system that lies at their hearts, itself requiring lore not fully understood since the high Dark Age of Technology. Such mysteries are closely guarded, and even teh arcane knowledge used simply to keep those Dreadnoughts that do still exist functioning is prized above all else by Adeptus Astartes Techmarines.
Dreadnought construction.

Page 147
It is only the Dreadnought's great inherent durability tha tkeeps them active in useful numbers within the Space Marine Chapters of the Imperium, and should one fall, unless destroyed utterly it can be made to rise again with a new soul commanding its might. IF anything this phenomenal resistance to damage seems to increase with the cneturies..
..some Techmarines and Magos to theorise that over a long timescale, the integration between the war machine and the occupant within grows so close and seamless that metal responds as hardened flesh to the will that masters it in blessed union. The whole becoming greater than the sum of its part.
Dreadnoughts seem to be as nigh impossible to kill as some starships and titans.

Page 148
In terms of armament it is fitted out as a heavy siege tank with relatively short range but powerful multi-metlas on its sponson mounts, while the heavily armoured centerline hull mount is configured to carry a four-barreled rapid-firing cannon..
Thought originally to use the Viper pattern quad-launcher, most have since been repalced on machines in service with the more familiar Astartes Thunderfire cannon.
Land Raider Achilles pattern. Basically its a fixed axis gatling gun.

Page 148
At every stage of its fabrication and commissioning layer upon layer of ancient electromagnetic incantations and feroomantic computational algorithms are etched into each part of its structure at a microscopic level using the most secret arts of the Cult Mechanicus. The resultant tank is almost impossible to harm through the use of projected energy weapons, and wheras a standard Land Raider is difficult to destroy, the destruction of the Achillies is all but impossible save by infliction of massive kinetic impact. The methods and mateiral used in the creation of the Land Raider Achilles are far beyond the capacities of all but the most supreme Master of the Forge or Enginseer Artificer to work, and as a result the Achilles simply could not be mass produced then or now.
Admech mumbo-jumbo utilised in every stage of the Land Raider, includin the Variants. Can't be mass produced because they only let the really 'skilled' dudes handle it.

Page 149
Land Raider Achilles: Mars/Gryphonne IV origin
Weight 76 tonnes. Length 10.4 M, Width 6.2 m, Height 4.11 Ground Clearance .50 M
Max on road speed 50 km/hr Off road 40 km/hr.
Armament 2 twin linked multi meltas (30 x 1 second blasts) 1 thunderfire cannon (48 rounds, variable payload)
ARmour superstructure 100 mm Hull 95-115mm.
Page 150
.. its multi-layered composite armour and reinforced hull is all but impervious even to heavy weapons, and even the destructive power of a lascannon is not guaranteed to pierce its skin, even at close range..
Sme of the Land Raider's most remarkable and rare features are to be found within its hull, from the compact hybrid atomantic/thermic combustion system that powers it, to the advanced machine-spirit autokenetic systems to the vehicle's suite of auspex and scanner systems linked to a sophisticated holo-sphere display that is in itself a priceless relic of a lost age.
More Land Raider capabilities. Apparently holographic stuff is (again) lost tech.

Page 153
Disciples of venerated Techno-archaeologist Arkhan Land..
... have long formed their own sub-cult within the Adeptus Mechanicus. Known in some sources as Landites or Landists, many can be found in the ranks of the Techmarines of the Adeptus Astartes. They continue their founder's work and research the many potential STC variants of Land's discoveries. Their work has led to many innovations, such as the Promethus and Helios Land Raider variants...
The cult's esoteric research has revealed that once, during the Great Crusade, there was an armoured vehicle which was heavier than the Predator, but lighter than the heavy assault transport of the Land Raider.
They believe that within the very blueprints of the Land Raider exists system compatibilities and redundancies, down ot a microscopic level, tht could help reconstruct the missing link.
More heretical research and innovation done on the blessed STC.

Page 153
No successive mission has managed to penetrate as far as he did into the cydonian depths and the Cult Mechanicus has long forbidden any further attempts.
The Indiana Jones approach to research. Land was noted as being killed by a psychic entity during expedition.
Page 153
Land Raiders became restricted ot the Adeptus Astartes and the Inquisition..
I suspect the AdMech could use them as well if they wanted.

Page 154
The Prometheus [Land Raider] features highly sophisticated battle auspex scanners, interpretive logic-engines and a powerful transceiver array which boosts the power and abilities of the on-board holo-sphere and squad monitoring systems which are a feature of all Land Raiders.
Prometheus command and control systems.

Page 157
At this time [the Heresy] variants of differeng ability and finesse served in all arms of Mankind's forces, but now those that remain in use are of the Astartes patterns and all those that are newly constructed are alloted only to the Space Marine Chapters by the forges of the Machine Cult. They are simply far too precious and complex to be risked in the hands of Imperial Guardsmen.
Land Speeders are too precious to be used by mere Guardsmen. That's too bad, I guess the IG would simply have to rely on all the different random speeders and skimmers that exist for private military forces to use (EG Hereticus)

Page 158 reserved for military use, was mass produced in vast numbers to serve the Emperor's Great Crusade and the great Lier Armorum records entire Space Marine Legions and Crusade Army groups being outfitted with the Rhino and its variants as general issue in the thousands. In the later Age of the Imperium, Rhino production was jealously sought after and has become restricted ot the use of the Adeptus AStartes foremost, with the Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites and the Holy Inquisition also maintaining and utilising their own Rhinos and Rhino variants. The Imperial Guard on the whole are now relegated to using the less sophisticated Chimera design instead.
Frankly I think the Rhino's only advantages are in the technologies used in building the high end versionS (the self repair function, the armor quality, etc.) The Chimeras are better by virtue of their armaments. They're about the same size and speed otherwise. And we have had examples of the Guard using Rhinos, they probably just aren't as sophisticated.

Page 160
Due to its STC roots, the Rhino can be constructed (or repaired) if needs be using locally available materials, while most Rhinos are constructed of a bonded cermaite layer over a cast plasteel hull, providing them with considerable structural strength and external protection along with dedicated life support and air filtration systems.
..the Rhino's highly adaptable engine system which can run on alomst any combustible fuel to varying degrees of efficiency and iwth four independent combustion modules and a self-charging capacitor array, the vehicle can be kept mobile even if having taken extensive damage.
Rhinos may be easily operated by a single crewmen, although in battle two is the more common complement; the second operator serving as gunner and auspex operator...
You would think if Rhinos can be constructed from 'any mateiral' they wouldn't be that difficult to build or maintain (except maybe the self repair, and knowing the Imperium there's probably versions with differing powerplants like there are with Chimeras.) The powerplant is nothing big. Also its not like Chimeras dont have sensors and such.

PAge 160
..and while not so heavily armed or armoured as the lumbering metal behemoths favoured by the Imperial Guard, it is considerably swifter and more mobile...
..each Sponson either mounting a single heavy bolter or lascannon as part of a modular unit.
.. a Space Marine Chapter will maintain between twenty and thirty Predators in service at any given time. The Rhino chassis adaptability means that more can often be retrofitted into service as needed..
Predators basically trade durability and armour for speed/mobility.

Page 161
..there are many rituals surrounding the construction, maintenance and use of the vehicles within a Chapter's forges and armoury. They must be cared for using the correct liturgies of maintenance, divined from the runes of engineering and the machine-spirit must be blessed to protect both the vehicle and its occupants in battle. At every stage the correct unguents, micro-etched prayer encoding and propitiatory rituals and rites must be carried out to sanctify the work and wrd off daemons and evil aetheric and magno-ferric humours from corrupting the machine.
contruction/maintenance mumbo-jumbo.

Page 161
The Whirlind fills this role ably, and can quickly unleash a high volume of firepower, albeit at relatively short range, agianst critical targets in an assualt, and rapidly redeploy and react to the battlefield's changing tactical situation. This alone represents a significant advantage over the slower, heavier types of artillery deployed by Imperial Guard regiments..
whirwinds. Altough given what the Manticore can do its not a great difference save in nubmer of missiles. And a rack of hunter killer missiles would do the same.

Page 165
In concert with its Drop Pod assualts (and less frequently encountered attack craft such as STormraven or Fireraptor gunships and CAetus assautl rams..
Page 165
Its primary weapon is the limited traverse dorsal mount fitted with either a turbo-laser able to strike down even a Scout Titan with an accurate hit or an enhanced battle cannon for ground bombardment.
Thunderhawk weapons. Battle cannons are ground bombardment, turbolasers light titan killer.

Page 172
Only the strongest willed, most highly individualistic and warlike souls of the Chapter's fallen are considered likely to be able to master the war machine's sarcophagus without being overcome or fatally overloaded by the Aetheric ehcoes it holds during the Dreadnought's activation..
Page 179
..a massive barbed and sigil-etched power-mace that is a deadly bane to the witch and the daemon, and is crafted from ultra-dense alloys so heavy only one of Alberec's massive stature could wield it.
..his skin and bones were graven with powerful hexamgramatic wards against the psyker's arts in a ritual tha tonly one of his grim enduance could have survived.
Silas Alberec, Exorcists 3rd company commander, and his super duper Kill Mace.
Page 183
Space marine siege tactics are savage, direct and overwhleming, they eschew the grinding attrition and slow pounding assaults for which the Imperial Guard is far more suited, but instead focus the armoured might of the Chapter into a single crushing impact able to smash the most heavily defended objective to dust.
Astartes siege warfare. This actually sounds like plan A for the Astartes (overwhelming power to crush the enemy quickly) rather than plan b (Attrition)

PAge 191
Caestus Ram: The vessel is purpose built to survive smashing into a heavily armoured structure, and its forward prow is augmented with field generators.
Magna melta: A heavy, short ranged aera-effect heat cannon, the magna-melta is designed to turn a large cubic volume of star ship hull-plating to liquid slag.
The ram's two hull booms contain heavily armoured compartments each fitted with multiple retractable inertial suppression clamps which lock transported troops in place and protect them from impact.
The Caestus has field generators augmenting its hull

Page 201
They [Vanguard Cruisers] are intended for long range independent operations, often serving as the eyes of a Space Marine Chapter Fleet itself or as hevy escort vessels, although they are left less capable in a planetary assault role by this re-purposing of design. Not all Space Marine Chpaters utilise or designate their vessels this way, and those that do are more commonly entirely fleet-based Chapters who have need of such vessels, often operating beyond the Imperium's borders an without any assitance from the Imperial Navy.
Vanguard cruisers.. really big scout and recon vessels.

Page 201
Far rarer than more common freighters and merchantmen, High Conveyors are truly vast transport vessels, often many kilometres long whose cavernous vault-holds can carry hte tithed output of entire worlds, full invasion armies of Imperial Guard troops or vast quantities of ores and other raw materials. The economic importance f these vessels is huge, and they are fitted with a defensive array sufficient to give most raiders and pirates pause, although they are no match for a true warship of any size.
.the command of such vessels is either in the remit of ancient Chartist Trader bloodlines or a particular branch of the Adpetus itself.
High Conveyors. Implies they can carry hundreds of thousands/millions of troops, tithed output of entire worlds (megatons or gigatons of cargo?) and are heavily armed for freighters.

Page 201
High Conveyors are truly massive vessels, dwarfing even Imperial warships in size.
Funny enough they're rated as "battleship" sized. :lol:

Page 202
Macro-cannonade: The Night Hag's under-prow weapons hurl massive short range fusion charge shells at the enemy, saturating the area in atomic blasts
super atomic-fusion barrage!

PAge 202
Darkling Engines: The strange and arcane design of the Night Hag's drive systems create an inherent energy disruptive effet that has the ability to confuse enemy targeting scanners.
Super stealth capability as well.

Page 202
..the Nicor was itself an ancient relic, a heavily modified example of a Charibdys class Grand Cruiser, a type seldom seen since the das of the Horus HEresy. although smaller in size than a standard Space Marine battle barge...
The unorthodox design of the vessel included a huge plasma destructor weapon mounted in the lean ship's prow and mass teleporter systems far greater in scope than any more modern Space Marine pattern..
Grand cruiser sized Astartes vessle with its super plasma weapon.

Page 203
By a considerable margin the largest warship operating in the Badab War, and indeed one of the largest warships in the Imperium's service...
A vast, mobile star fortress which served as the Fire Hawks Chapter's base, this immense vessel was a hulking colossus of war, with firepower enough to challenge a cruiser squadron alone or devastate the surface of a world within mere moments.
The Fire Hawk's mini Phalanx. It can 'challenge a cruiser squadron or devastate the surface of a world in mere moments'. Going by online definitions of devastate being 'destroy' we can conlude it means at least some measure of exterminatus-grade firepower.. 1e8-1e9 metgaons. Funny enough is how a cruiser squadron coudl also 'devastate' a world in moments.
Clearly though, I am foolishly interpreting the quote wrong or too literally. Only certain literal interpretations are valid after all! :lol:

Page 203
A truly immense and ancient vessel, believed to be pre-Imperial in orgin...
Owing to its bulk and huge mass, even the massive engines that power the Raptorus Rex cannot readily change its course or speed in combat conditions.
Unsurprisingly the super battlestation isn't all that manuverable.

Page 203
The Raptorus Rex's most dreadful reputation is as a burner of worlds, and its hull is studded with scores of orbital bomb racks enabling it to seed a planet's atmosphere with clusters of thermic bombs.
The rules pertain to Exterminatus scenarios of course. this may be the ability of the ship to 'devastate' the surface of worlds. At the very least it implies it can use 'scores' of bombs to destroy a world (so we're talking gigaton/teraton munitions at least :lol:)
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Agent Sorchus
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by Agent Sorchus »

Connor MacLeod wrote: Page 39
The Redeemer, its tortured hull and over-taxed engines protesting under the strain, seals and bulkheads rupturing up and down her superstructure, made exit from the moon's atmosphere, ground fire tracing vengefuls treaks behind her, void shields holding just long enough for the mighty ship to break orbit.
Exorcist STrike cruiser, presumably damaged in the battle and having pushed its powerplant to reach the world rapidly, made an atmospheric reentry, landed, retrieved the space marines, then launched off again.
Connor I am very sure that the Exorcist vessel named Redeemer is a battle barge. See the entry for battle barge in battle fleet gothic where two Exorcist Battle-barges are named.

The Exorcists are one of the more interesting forces around seeing as they fight in almost every major battle of note in 40k.
the engines cannae take any more cap'n
warp 9 to shroomland ~Dalton
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Agent Sorchus wrote:Connor I am very sure that the Exorcist vessel named Redeemer is a battle barge. See the entry for battle barge in battle fleet gothic where two Exorcist Battle-barges are named.
Could be. I don't want to go back to Armada to check. And frankly if that's the worst conflict in the Badab War stuff it still puts it above all the previous IA books.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by Connor MacLeod »

So we start with the last IA supplement for the immediate future.. IA11. Imperial Guard, Space wolves, vs Eldar.

IA11 is, in my opinion the best of the lot hands down, but if you ask why, I couldn't quite tell you. It could be they got a BL writer (Talima Fox, who wrote the Armageddon guidebook for BL). It could be that they simply didnt delve into the battles as extensively as in previous books. Maybe its just the change in editions. Or maybe its becuase the Eldar are the only faction aside from the Imperium (minus Space Marines) more prone to getting beat upon in a conflict.

More specifically, its the Cadians time to shine (who only got a brief appearance in IA3) although they have to share it with the Elysians (yet again making an appearance. The only book they didn't crop up in was Vraks) for some reason. Oh and the designated Marine Chapter here is the Space Wolves.

So let's begin.

The Imperial Guard is made up of billions of men and women from all corners of the Emperor's dominon, and with its serried ranks and near inexhaustible supply of tanks and big guns it can stand strong against anything that dares defy it.
They [Eldar] are a race significantly fewer in number, but when their armies march out to war, it is with weapons and war machines infinitely more advanced than anything the Departmento Munitorum could ever hope to muster.
An Out of universe assessment of the IG vs Eldar. Essentially true, although the context bears some interesting points:
First off of course is the 'near-inexhaustible' tanks and guns, which is pretty amusing given how 'precious' that self same stuff is supposed to be (lasguns and plasma weapons are supposed to be more important than men, remember?) And yet they give huge numbers of both to siege regiments and other attrition-specialized forces like the Kriegers at the drop of that hat. OOPS. Clearly there is a bureacratic mindset to the 'must preserve tehc over lives' idea - that is there's some shithead (or shitheads) within the munitorum who are responseible for tech and not people, and they issue these sorts of decrees to cover their own backsides and make their own numbers balance. But like with the AdMech, when it suits the munitorum (or Adminitratum's purposes) they'll throw their own rules by the side and spend their hoarded resources rampantly the saem way the AdMech will innovate or come up with something new if the situation demands it and their own skins or power is on the line (like the gothic war, as I am ever fond of pointint out.)

Secondly is that the Guard is portrayed as being very defensively minded, while the Eldar are offensive. "Stand strong against anything" versus "March to war" The Eldar are more consistnetly proactive whilst the Guard is usually reactive. The latter is a garrison and defense force, designed to take and hold territory against whatever faces them. The Eldar, few in number, must rely on speed and precision striking (and acting out before the enemy acts against them) to achieve their goals. It isn't that either side can't act the opposite, its just secondary to their primary methods (And for the Eldar acting defensively risks catastrophe.)

Thirdly, whilst the Eldar are more advanced (vastly more so, with their psychic engineering.) 'more advanced' does not neccesarily mean more effective, at least not all around. Individually an Eldar trooper is superior (equipment wise) than a Guardsmen, but not vastly more so in terms of offense or defense. Mostly its in things like sensors, communications and the like (because the IG as a rule wil not always have that.) And even 'primitive' human tech can be surprisingly effective, even without the quatnitiative edge.

Fourth, is that this implies there are fewer than 'billions' of Eldar (contrasted with the IG) although this should be taken with a grain of salt since it may not be a precise analysis.

Page 7
- Betalis 3 has a population of ~65,001,872 and a production level of 65%. Betalis IV (Industiral world) has no listed populace and is an orbital anchorage.. Betalis 2 is a gas giant and has a 32% production rate, whatever that means.

Page 8 - Betalis system is Segmentum Solar, SEctor talis Munus, Subsector Caerulus-Primaris. 2 Inhabitable systems.

Page 8
The Primary Star is a central massive Blue Giant, (Luminous Blue Variable) at least 20 times larger than Sol and a million times more luminous. Massive amounts of Solar material are expelled by the huge sun, scouring most planets in the system of their magnospeheres (magnetosphere?) and atmospheres, and creating a miniature local nebula.

IOW - its a huge fucking star, it puts out a million times the energy of Sol (and is correspondingly more dangerous) and strips many planets of their atmosphere. The habitable planets have to be much further out as well as a consequence.

Page 8
Betalis III planetary survey:
Population: 62,000,000 Approx (human only)
The Centre of Betalis III's defence is known as Port Ryira. Originally a temporary base, it has grown into a sprawling fortified barracks, airfield, supply cetnre and training facility. well defended by anti-aircraft weapons, razorwire, minefields and void shield generators.
Population of the planet and its military base, which has voids.

Page 9
Although uninhabitable for the most part, the system was deemed to be rich in ore and other materials: rare elements from the stellar matter of its pale blue sun, heavy metals from the inner planets, and gas and ore from the outer worlds. The majority of the system was too toxic to support life but the two outermost planets - Betalis III and Betalis IV - were classified fit for human habitation.
The system is 'uninhabitable' but the outermost worlds are habitable, after a fashion.
Also the Imperium needs 'rare elements' from a blue star.

Page 9
Betalis IV was designated an Industrial world and over the span of a century its surface was completely covered, both land and ocean, with thousands of forges, refineries and manufactorums; its location at the edge of the system saw it also become a staging area for troops being transported to and from the numerosu war zones in the sub sector and beyond.
Oddly, no mention of a significant planetary population presence - does this mean the world is servitor run/automated in some manner? Also the planet is on the 'edge' of the system, much like Betalis 3. It might only have a small population, given that III has 60 million.

Note that given the implied luminosity of the sun 'edge of the system' must be many billions and quite probably tens of billions, of km away, especially given the implied flares/CME. It also tells you something about the 'habitability' and the ability to endure the enviroment, methinks.

Page 9
The Colonisation of BEtalis III took less than four decades to complete. Fifty-seven million Imperial citizens were shipped en-masse from an over-crowded hive world, its name and location now lost in the continent-spanning halls of sector records that exist within the Imperium's vast bureaucratic divisions.
Colonization and military service (or pilgrimmage) are the three major ways the common man will get to travel through space. And much liek with the Guard, Hive Worlds are the factories that produce those colonists.

Page 9
The workers also soon discovered that the so called 'brave new lives' they had been promised came at a hefty price, one they would have to repay first through generations of serivtude...
some twelve generations later, their descendants are still restricted to the planet by Administratum mandate until their forefathers' massive debt has been paid off; the only legitmate means of escaping this familial toll being to sign up for one of the Imperial Guard regiments that form the worlds Departmento Munitorum human tithe.
I imagine it was both a means of controlling the population (wage/debt slavery in the best of economic traditions) and maintaining a ready made workforce for mining and smelting. Like I said, proper economic logic from the Adminsitratum POV. Apparently the world is sizable enough to be tithed by the Munitorum as well (regularly?) which should be interesting given we'll get a look at their defence force.

Page 11
[micro fractures caused b ythe Dorsal macro cannon of the Adpetus Mechanicus research vessel Verbruggen's fulcrum weakened outer armour of the Xenos-Craft enough for deuterium charges to rupture an openin gsufficient for a Type VII explorator-servitor to enter.]
Don't know if deuterium charges are fusion explosives, or if they are hydrogen chemcila explosives

Page 11
[Arcas field immediately rasised around vessel to slow detonation initiated by craft's internal defence mechanisms] [4% of vessle in process of exploding]
Ship's self destruct apparently occupies 4% or so of ship's mass/volume. They also have force fields (stasis field of some kind) that can slow things down - in this case an explosion.

Page 322
[servitor] transmitting at <322 micro bytes/hour]
Micro bytes? that is an incredbly sluggish data transfer (322 millionths of a byte each hour.) I wonder if they meant megabytes? :P

Page 11
Detection of bio-plastic materials confirmed.
Wraithbone defined as bio plastics

Page 11
Source: VEga Researhc Station, Damocles Sector.
Redirecting to Betalis System. Estimated arrival 12 terran days.
12 days to travel from Vega to Betalis I gather, from one sector to another. We're probably tlaking hundreds if not thousands of LY between the two sectors. 200 LY is 6000C at least. 2000 LY is 60,000c. I'm betting more towards the lower end of the scale, although its still approximate due to the fact t probably isn't a direct path.

Page 13
- picture of Support Servitors (with missile/rocket pods) shown. Not sue if they are Cadian or Elysian.

Page 14
Relay station NX87-04 formed part of the global surveillance network that kept permanant watch over the ice world's uninhabitable wastelands..
..the Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-priests wh ohad seeded the planet with scores of such installations during its transformation into an Imperium mining colony.
400 years or so of constant operation. Scores of such platforms across the planet for maintaining it.

Page 14
The logist adept monitoring the relay station thousands of kilometres away at the planet's spaceport, Port Ryira, instantly went into cerebral shock...
..the sudden loss of data collapsing its higher brain functions which had been exclusively devoted to processing NX87-04's constant stream of tech-scripts and binary ciphers its entire life. It's death cry sent a shock wave through the living, breathing bio-processor it was physically and mentally connected to, rendering five of ther adepts catatonic and leaving vast tracts of the planet's eastern-most continent unmonitored until repairs could be affected and the damaged bio-components replaced.
not sure if the bio components are some sort of machine spirit, or refer to the adepts themselves. I'm also not quite sure if the adept is a servitor or just some highly sophisticated cyborg.

Page 14
Only one of two planets fit for habitation in the systme, it was a stark contrast to the neighbouring industrial world of Betalis IV.
Insteid their (Administratum) will was imposed by hundreds of petty bureaucrats, prefects and stewards charged with meeting the planet's annual Administratum tithes..
Implication of the industrial Betalis IV being as populated as (if not more than) Betalis III. Also annual tithing from a relatively unimportant world. That impliees they have ships coming by annually to pick it up. Whether it takes a year to arrive at the destination or what, we don't know.

Page 14
Now though these [PDF] were joined by men from the Cadian 6th Armoured Regiment, elements of which had been recently transferred to the planet to undergo hostile enviroment training.
It seems some of the higher-quality Guard forces (like the Cadians) may be subject to further training in between deployments, further enhancing their skills and capabilities.

Page 14
As soon as a report of a raid was received, the Guardsmen were immediately dispatched in squadrons of Arvus Lighters across the frozen landscape.
Hey look using transports/drop ships to airlift troops to a location! I wish they'd thought of this on Taros! That might have made a difference. :D

Page 16
..the Cadian 6th had been a part of Army Group Pious, created to halt the predations of Waaagh! Ugblitz. The Ork Warlord and its five year rampage through the Saras sector was finally defeated in a battle lasting well over a year. It saw millions of Guardsmen valiantly sacrificing their lives...
The Cadian 6th had been reduced to less than a half of its original strength during the conflict; a loss it was still recovering from when redeployed to bEtalis III.
State of the Cadian 6th. LEss than half strength, but 'recovering' -are they recruiting locally? Are they receiving replacements from Cadia?

Page 16
Although none of the facilities attacked were directly connected, by plotting the raids and then projecting where the next one would most likely occur, General Odon had realised that a tipping point would soon be reached where Betalis III's entire global surveillance network would be rendered inoperative with the removal of just four more relay stations thousands of kilometres apart from each other. With the planet unmonitored, and units from the 6th Cadian Armoured Regiment and planetay defence forces spread too thin across its surface chasing ghosts, the world would be utterly unprepared for the much larger invasion General Odon bleieved the attacks were a prelude to. Betalis III's custodians had been foolishly dancing to someone else's tune and General Odon had arrived to put a stop to it.
Makes a marked difference from IA3 and Taros doesn't it? The tau pretty much lead the Imperium around by the nose (which the Imperium only made easier under De Stael) but the same isn't quite (yet) happening here. When the rest of the Eldar get involved that can change, of course.

It also shows how important to the Guard and PDF an intact surveillance network is - without it to obtain needed information (as well as to coordinae) they cannot concentrate or deploy their forces effectively.

Page 17
Even with thousands of Imperial Guard regiments in a constant state of readiness, the wheels of bureacracy within the Departmento Munitorum grind woefully slowly. The order for the Hammer of the Emperor to strike may not be issued for weeks, months or even years once a request for aid is received as it makes its way through the seemingly endless chain of command.
Several interesting details. The first of course is that there are standby regiments maintained for deployment when situation is needed. We dont know if 'thousands' is literal or not, and we dont know at what scale (Sector? Segmentum?) but it is interesting to know. I'd gather they maintain both a large standing reserve at sector/segmentum headquarters as well as dispatching garrisons to important worlds (or whereever they may need or want to stash a military force until it is needed.)

The second detail is that - unsurprisingly - bureacuracy is a prime source of the slow response time of the Guard. Like most other things, the Administratum and Munitourm prove more a hinderance than a help, but like with technology and requisition of gear, it is a highly messed up (and biased) approach. The Imperial military CAN act with speed - usually when its the munitourm or administratum's asses on the line :P

This is of course not the only 'delaying' factor - the warp, logistics, and the naturea nd sources of troops being deployed can all affect that (raising and equipping fresh troops takes longer than deploying a standing regiment or garrison) but as far as setting the wheels in motion, bureacracy is the major factor. the quote may also imply that 'weeks to years' is not typical deployment times, although that should not be taken as absolute (deployment times can depend on where they deploy from as well as where they deploy too, after all. THey don't always come from nearby, as Taros idiotically demonstrates.)

Page 17
..invoking his full powers as Consul Militant of the Betalis system, a position granted to him upon his return to active service, General Odon first issued a system-wide decree that all resources, both military and otherwise, were not part of the building war effort.
Another case of a Guard officer invested with greater authority than the PDF forces he's allied with - up to and including requisition of materials (like in the IG codexes, the Munitourm manual, etc.) Useful backup.

Page 17
The Cadian 6th Regiment's officers first scoured Betalis III for anything with tracks and armour they could use. All of Betalis III's heavy armour, what little there was of it, was immediately stripped from the Planetary Defence Force and added to that of the Cadian regiment, along with its squadrons of Malcador 'Infernus' flamer tanks and Crassus armoured assault transports.
Note that if you look up on the Forgeworld website here regarding the Crassus here, you get this little blurb:
Forgeworld wrote:The vehicle can be retrofitted with additional weapons to fulfill other battlefield roles as required, and thousands of these vast transports were drafted into the 6th Cadian Armoured’s ranks during the fighting on Betalis III.
That means the Cadians requisitioned thousands of Crassus alone, nevermind more mundane and common vehciles like Russes and Chimeras and the like. And the Crassus carries some 35 troops per vehcile, so we're talking some 70K troops right off the bat that must have been in the PDF, nevermind the Cadians.

It hasn't even started and the Betalis III forces are both more numerous, better led, AND possessing far more vehicles than the Taros Intervnetion force (consisting of 'frontline' troops remember) ever was! Even Forge World can't make Taros look good.

It is also noted that the Cadian 6th had less than half its complement of tanks and vehicles.. which may give us an idea of its size or it may not.

Page 17-18
The Planetary governor had been in the process of building up and training recruits to meet hte planet's Departmento Munitorum tithes.
..the temporary title of the 28th Betalis Rifles. They had virtually no equipment or heavy weapons, but had already undergone training with the Cadian 6th and were considered battle ready. General Odon gave the order for their reassignment.
The General can - under his ower - requisition newly formed regiments as well as command the PDF forces and commandeer equipment.

Page 18
..there was rarely a cell empty in the many Arbites compounds on the world. It was to these that the General's staff turned next, and each prisoner, regardless of his crime or sentence, was armed and given the chance to redeem himself.
The final addition to the burgeoning defence force was the primary mining cartel family's personal guard.
the Cartel's personal guard consisted of a thousand troops granted for ceremonial duties and protection should the members of the noble mining family who owned the Administratum mandate ever visit. The guard looked smart on the parade ground and had their own squadronds of Leman Russ and Chimera, but like the Betalis 28th had never seen any combat action.
Additions to the Betalis force. The penal legionnaires are unsurprising, although adding in the personal guards brings something useful to the table (in equipment if not troops.) The Legionnaries at least can spare some veteran or actual troops from certain tasks, at least. Although it shows the inherently haphazard and variable (to put it the nicest way possible) nature of amassing forces in the Imperium.

PAge 18
Neighbouring Betalis IV, also now on high alert, was currently the staging poitn of the Vaust 14th Armoured regiment. The Vaustian commander was ordered to turn control of the regiment over to the Cadians; theirs was the senior force and the needs of the Betalis system overrode his previous orders. The regiment comprised men conscripted from Vaust's hive gangs and workers, and although they lacked the Cadians' tradition of service and sacrifice, teh regiment was well equipped with Chimeras and Leman Russ. It also had a heavy tank company of ageing but fully-functional Macharius battle tanks.
..the Cadians had little in the way of truly heavy armament, just a few surviving squadrons of BaneBlades, Stormblades and Shadowswords.
Additional forces requisitioned in. The whole 'seniority' thing is an interesting angle, although a double edged one as far as amassing forces goes (There can be some very dumb veteran officers after all.) and its hampered as always by politics (lucky thing an Inquisitor got involved.)

And like the Cadians, the Vaustian armoured regiment seems to be mixed mechanised and armour, which is interesting given how often the codexes emphasize regiments being fairly homogeneous. And in a similar vein its pretty funny they have only a 'few surviving' Superheavy tank squadrons, implying they had far more to start with (again 100 baneblades!)

Page 18
The Vaust 14th Armoured Regimetn was immediately redeployed to Betalis III and within days their Leman Russ, Chimeras, Macharius and Ogryn Auxilia Comapny were reassigned to reinforce the Cadian squads.
The Vaustian forces. Implies 'days' to travel between the systems. This is not particulariyl fast, but its still interesting regardless. Say 500-1000 km/s for days and between .25 gees a 1 gee. Considering its mining cartel vessels doing it they dont're ally need high accel I suppose.

Page 21
Minotaur super-heavy artillrey tank. Several ancient vehicles of this type were stored within the Betalis systme's defence armouries and diverted to the use of the Cadian 6th Armoured REgiment...
It's pretty damn hiliarious when you 'find' supposedly super rare and hard to replace crap like this sitting in system armouries. Makes you wonder what other star systems, subsector, or sector armouries might be stockpiling and never gets used. (Equipment is more important than people remember. Except in this case.)

Page 22
When he finally did reappear, the scholar declared that he had solved the mystery of the Betalis Dust Cloud, proclaiming to all that would listen that within it was a colossal alien craft drawing forth the star's celestial matter to shroud and mask its location and identity.
..a heaven-bound vessel so large it had blocked out their sun and caused massive earthquakes which threatened to wipe out their primitive societies.
The few exploratory teams who have attmepted to explore the nebula have been unable to penetrate far
Probably an Eldar craftowlrd. Interesting means of camouflage. THe Ecclesarichy burns the entire college down in a fit of grimdark.

Page 23
The colossal blue star of the Betalis system was an ancient traveller.
Type of star for the Betalis system. Becomes important later.

Page 23
Betalis III - radiation level - 1562 Rhems
Not sure if 'rhems' is another way of saying REMs.. but if it is (and its being used properly!) then the place is a nasty radiation hazard for anyone unprotected. Downright lethal even. Considering the Cadians at least have to act out in that it givesa n idea of how good their uniforms/equipment is at keeping out such dangers (at least for the short term.)
That said there's not really enough data to know if 'rhems' are 'rems' or if Rems are used correctly, so take this with a grain of salt.

Page 24
..nor could they rely on assisatnce from the orbiting Imperial Navy defence platforms. The platforms' sensors had been designed to penetrate the highly reflective stellar matter that poured through the system from the Betalis sun. It would require many days of delicate recalibration by tech-adepts before they oculd be refocused on the planet, let alone provide images of sufficient quality for the battle groups' commanders to use.
Whether this is valid or not (nevermind it depends on whether we're talking something akin to 'real' sensors or the magical shit 40K can have) it seems the orbital surveillance is ruled out. Maybe it has something to do with the kinds of sensors.

Page 24
Working without rest for two days and nights, the tech-priest put the now redundant monitoring system at Port Ryira to a new purpose. From its bio-mechanical components he created score sof surveillance servitors, mostly static devices but some even capable of low level flight.
This tells you a great deal about the makeup and (adaptability) of Imperial surveillance systems. I imagine the Servitors exist ins ome sort of 'pattern' type, given the supposed 'slavish adherence' to doctrine we hear the AdMech keep (unless he's a radical.. that is a different story) In any case this is far more versatile than Taros (then again what isn't?)

Page 25
Scores of Imperial Navy indentured workers heaved the platform's massive macro cannon and lance weapons forward into their firing positions; the bundles of chains they hauled them along with cutting deep into their hands and shoulders as they strained with the mammoth effort required of their task.
Macro cannons of some kind maybe.. but lances? not likely given how big lance turrets are. Otherwise these are some small 'non warship' lances (laser cannons in other words) that are differnet than what we normally think of lances being.

Page 25
Two hours after its sensors had detected the approaching Corsair ships, the gun crews of the Watchful Saviour opened fire at maximum range, their blinding beams of light slicing deep into the flight path of the inocming fleet. Their efforts went unrewarded though as the beams harmlessly dissipated beyond the swarming ships. Again and again their crews laboured to track and hit the elusive targets whose holo-fields redirected and dispersed the shots with ease.
2 hours to close, but we dont know exact distances and such... maximum range perhaps hundreds of thousands of km? It would seem to impl multi-LS ranges but its not definite. The more interesting detail is how holofields 'disperse' the laser shots.. is it because its light, or is it some protective property of the shields

Page 25
With insufficient Fury squadrons to protect it, the agile and powerful Eldar Darkstar fighters inflicted enough damage to overload its shield generators, and dove in to strafe its gund ecks and command spire the moment they failed.
with extenral bulkheads compromised and the fractured metres-thick panels of armour-glas surrounding the command deck threatening to breach any moment...
System ship has shields downed by Eldar fighters, and 'metres thick' command deck screen.
They mention the shields going down one final time before the ship is destroyed, so either it didnt take them all down or they went down, raised and went down again.

Page 25
..the system's Imperial Naval fleet joined the battle - dozens of Fury interceptors, defence monitors and system ships....
The Holy Retribution, one of the few system ships assigned to the Betalis fleet..
...the last few remaining Fury squadrons and system ships that now stood guard over it.
At least 3-4 system ships/monitors.

Page 26
..critically damaging the platform's gravitic stabilisers.
..the Watchful Saviour tilted and began to drift out of its geostationary orbit.
Some sort of anti-grav to keep it in a fixed orbit.

Page 26
Gun crews and raitings were drowned as the huge vats of chemicals that hung over the defence lasers, their toxic contents used to prevent the weapons from overheating, broke free from their mountings, engulfing the frantically fleeing men in an acidic tidal wave.
Obligatory huge, unsealed chemical vats to put the crew in even greater danger. It claims they're coolants but I find it just as likely that it's a means of threatening and/or torturing the ratings. (For one thing if it was open cooling why doesn't it eject to the outside? filling the interior space with toxic fumes isn't going to help. And if it was part of a radiator system (closed) you wouldnt' have big open dangerous vats.

Really its not that I object to the idea of the chemicals being dangerous - its that they just decided (for some reason) that having huge vats of chemicals suspended above the weapons was the ONLY way to put the crews in danger. I mean its not like pipes could rupture or anything in combat, is it?

Of course that's not the worst. One of the station's doctors got maimed by a big open containers of Razor Sharp Surgical Instruments. I guess they couldn't contrive some way to have sharp objects hanging above the gun crews :D

Page 26
The few Imperial Navy ships that had survived the first assaults retreated into the outer regions of the Betalis star, its radiation shielding them form the sensors of the Corsair fleet that now dominated the Betalis system.
Again at least 2-3 more system ships besides those who were destroyed. Also hiding in close proximity to the star, although at this point we don't know how close.
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Connor MacLeod
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Posts: 14065
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Another IA11 update. After a logn delay I'm slowly cycling through my 40K updates.

Page 26
Alnitac Prime, a vast facility that refined chemicals used in the production of Promethium, and that stretched for over fifty kilometres across and through the Bregan Glacier.
Promethium facility, and size.

Page 26
Dispatched in a fast moving convoy of Leman Russ, Malcador, Praetors and Crassus armoured assault transports..
Implies all the vehicles have roughly similar on road speeds...

Page 26
Near invisible in the darkness, they [Eldar Grav Tanks/Jetbikes] registered as little more than faint smudges on the Sentinels' sensors...
Sentinels have sensor systems.

Page 26
Last Transmission of the Holy Retribution, all eight thousand and thirty-two souls consigned ot the Emperos' grace...
Crew of a system defense ship/monitor of unkonw size.

Page 29
The range was so close between the two sides that holo-fields and armour mattered little.
Armour and holofields are range-dependent for effect.

Page 29
..he watched the desturction of Battle Group Empteda and its attackers through the eyes ofa hovering servitor.
Hover recon servitor.

Page 29
The detonation of the Cyclops demolition vehicles deployed through the facility during the battle had set off a catastrophic chainr eaction amongst its furnaces and huge chemical storage vats. The blast that immediately followed liquified the ice field above it, launching the battle group and billions of tonnes of melted ice and molten rock striaght up into the vast flock of Eldar craft circling above.
Assujming a 50 km diameter, 10 m deep 'melting' of ice we get some 20 billion tons.. 1e19 J to melt ice.. bililons of tonnes of stone would be 4-5e18 J at least. That's a ton of promethium or promethium related chemicals... we're talking hundreds of millions to billions of tonnes easily. and that's just in storage, and at this one facility.. which is a tremdnous amount of fuel/resources to be stored.

Page 31
the Vanquisher is fitted with a high-velocity cannon for anti-armour use. However, owing to the speed of the Eldar skimmers they faced on Betalis, this proved relatively ineffective against the foe.
Vanquisher guns not very useful against eldar (ground?) skimmers. Apparently they also stripped Vanquishers out of the armoury stockpiles, since this one isn't in the colors or identified as explicitly part of one of the regiments. RARE AND LOST TECHNOLOGY.

Page 31
The Basilisk is the most commonplace Imperial Guard field support unit and was a mainstay of the Cadian 6th.
The 6th Armoured had basilisks as well as armour and mechanised units.

Page 33
Aspect armour is constructed using the same techniques as those used on all Eldar personal armour. It is a lightweight synthetic bodysuit, reinforced with plates of psycho-sensitive bio-plastics that will instantly harde to resist impacts. AS well as absorbing impacts, these plates can morph their shape in accordance with the wearer's movements, meaning the armour does not encumber the wearer in the slightest...
Aspect warrior armour and hints at Eldar armour in general. It's also mentioned that the 'gems' on the suit are not really gems but comparments for other suit systems.

Page 33
This psycho-receptive gem is attuned to the individiual so that when, at the moment of death the Eldar's psychic spirit is released it is captured within the stone.
..encapsulating the consciousness, identity and memory of a departed warrior.
The nature and components of (eldar) 'psychic spirits' - which probably plays true to other races 'spirits' as well.

Page 33
..designated as the 'Avenger' pattern (Shuriken Catapult). It has a greater effective range and more sophisticated targeting systems as befits high status troops.
Its main body is a high powered linear gravitic accelerator, which rapidly 'fires' a series of flat, razor-sharp monomolecular spinning shuriken disks. The disk can ave different shapes, barbs, and serrations, with different forms being adopted by different shrines.
The ammunition is stored as a solid core, allowing for the highe velocity ammunition fied required. Each disk is sliced from the core by the gravitic energy stream as it is projected down the barrel.
The accelerator and ammunition feed allows for a ver high rate of fire of up to 1,500 rounds per minute.
..the weapons full atuomatic function can empty its magazine in just four seconds.
Shuriken weapons described. BEar in mind that they have two velocity components - the linear as well as rotational velocity, so the damage mechanism is probably a bit more complex, especially if the shape/form of the shuriken varies (although the sharpness matters alot to.) Velocity is never implied but I suspect either hyper velocity, or subsonic (for no noise, although the shurikens would have to be pretty dense in that case - or in large numbers like a shotgun blast.)
25 rounds a second at 4 seconds is a 100 'shot' clip. :P

Page 33
Like most Eldar technology the weapon is psychically activated, its resonant wraithbone construction being sensitive to the Eldar's innate psychic mind. A Dire Avenger's shuriken catapult is linked to its targeter via the handle.
In battle, each Dire Avenger is assisted by an advanced targeting device. Worn over the shoulder and plugged into the weapon via the armoured suit, this pan-spectrla targeter operates independently of the user, finding and tracking multiple targets and feeding target information directly to the helmet display. It is likely that it can also differentiate between enemy and ally. Other functions are unknown.
Dire Avenger targeting systems.

Page 35
..the grumbling, pitching hold of the ore transport...
The commandeered transports moving Battle Group Odon to its deployment zone were never designed to hold human cargo, but now there were thousands of Guardsmen travelling in them in a massive flotilla heading south-west from Port Ryira to the Tarundor Isthmus, their Chimeras and Crassus armoured assault transports either slung under the ships or transported by other expedient means.
Again the differences between this engagement and Taros beggar the imagination. apparently these are some form of aircraft or spacecraft, as they mention pilots and landing zones - so its a vehicle and troop airlift.

Page 35
Anything that had not been immediately atomised in the blast lay strewn around the ice field. Most of the debris was nothing but charred, twisted metal, but some secitons of the more heavily armoured Imperail tanks were still partly intact, the thick armoured hulls ections of the Crassus and Praetors recognisable but beyond use, having smashed apart upon impact.
A testament to the durability of (parts) of the Imperial vehicles at least.

Page 36
Skimming ahead of Mymeara's infantry was a vast armada, hundreds of squadrons of Jetbikes, Hornets, and Vyprs.
hundreds, perhaps thousandsof Jetbikes, and almost certainly thousands of Eldar piloting them.

Page 36
The wake of that devastaitng first sortie was strewn with the hulls of over seventy Leman Russ and Chimera, their thick armour plating scored by shuriken fire..
There's probably hundreds if not more such tanks - these were considered anticipated losses and hardly decisive. Hell with thousands of Crassus there are probably thousands more of the smaller tanks.

Page 36
With the benefit of General Odon's years of experience though, the Imperial Guard force was nothing if not adaptable.
What? They employ tactics other than static formations and bayonet chargeS? HERESY I tell you! Seriosuly though it goes to show just how utterly random IG tactics are - it depends as much upon the officers in charge as the equipment/supplies and forces available - which is where its weakness lies.

Page 36 least eight Eldar Titans emerging from the Mymeara portal. Amognst them and now wsomewhere on the northern edge of the Alacian Plains were two massive Eldar Phantom Titans...
A single Reaver Battle Titan flanked by a pair of WArhounds...
..three Reaver Titans and a pair of Warhounds.
..the few squadrons of Baneblades, Shadowswords, and Stormblades..
The Anti-Tank Eldar hunting taskforce and their opposition.

Page 37
With inhuman speed the machine spirit of the Invictus Nova calculated the fusillade's origin point and located their attacker, although the Eldar giant was barely visible, so effective were its holo-fields. It was one of the Eldar Phantom Titans, and before the demi-maniple had time to react, it unleashed another savage volley, the energy bolts from its pulsar stitching along the ice only metres behind another swerving Baneblade.
In thunderous concer, the three Titans of Legio Gryphonicus opened fire, but only hte Nova's five apocalypse missiles had the range to reach their mark and they slammed into the Eldar Phantom's left shoulder...
Phantom Titan outranges the Imperial Force

Page 37
..the Eldar Phantom's distortion cannon dishcarged a seething bolt of black wapr energy into the heart of the demi-maniple. It hit the Magna Canis, passing cleanly through its void shields and wreathing its torso...
..sections of the massive war machien momentarily vanished into the rift between realspace and the Immaterium and then reappeared moments later as nothing more than a twisted mass of darkly glowing metal. Unable to cope with the massive stress placed upon its systems had been placed under, the Canis' plasma reactor detonated.
D cannon vs Warhound titan.

Page 39
..streams of smoek and fire shot past either side of the Invictus Nova at supersonic speed.
.. was a barrage of Apocalypse missiles.
Titan missiles are supersonic.

Page 42
With battle joined, the forces of Altaioc and REtribution clashed throughout the Tormus Delta, thousands on both sides fighting for their lives within its icy labyrinth.
Thousands of Eldar from Altaioc, as well as 'thousands' of Guardsmen.

Page 44
Eldar Phantom Titan. Several of these rare war machines, equivalent in power to an Imperial Battle Titan, were engaged in combat by the Legio Gryphonicus...
Power comparison of human and Eldar titans.

Page 45
Eldar 'Lynx' Super-heavy Grav Tank. Rarely encountered compared to other Eldar heavy units, this Mymeara Lynx is configured with a Sonic Lance armament. The recovery of battle wreckage of this type was deemed a high priority by the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Once agian the AdMech will cheerfully steal or acquire even xenos tech if it suits their purposes under the auspices of the 'Omnissiah.'

Page 46
...the few remaining Imperial Navy vessels inthe Betalis system had retreated to the one place even the Corsairs would not dare venture: the corona of the crystal-blue Betalis star. Amongst its gaseous outer regions, the flotilla of Imperial Navy ships was almost invisible to the keen-sighted Outcast pilots and their sensors, but there was a high price to pay for the star's protection. Already its radiation was leeching through the outer hulls of the smaller craft and reports of fatalities were increasing by the hour. The risks of remaining near to the star though were far outweighed by those they'd face from what waited for them beyond it. The Corsair fleet of the Void Dragons now roamed the voids between the Betalis system's worlds unchallenged, easily picking off the few Imperial Navy vessels who had been unable to reach the safety of the star's corona in time.
The (sublight) Imperial warships are retreating to hide within the corona of the system star. As we noted earlier it was 20x bigger than sol and 1000000 times more luminous, so this is a pretty damn energetic star to be pressed up against - far more so than sol despite an implied greater diameter. We don't know the diameter for sure, but we can make estimates from the mass figures and luminosity. Depending on exact parametrs and the distance you infer (I figured millions of km - the gaseous bit would imply they're pretty deep in the corona - close to the surface quite possibly) and the intensity could be anywhere from gigawatts per square meter to terawatts. I tended to get more towards the higher end (double or triple digigt gigawatts or single terwatts) but again it depends on the paramters. In any case, depending on the dimensions of the shps (km or more probably, but hard to say) you can get anything from megatons per secont to gigatons per second of solar energy hitting the ship. It may or may be with or without shields (the shields may be down to hide eimssions, they may not block all the radiation, etc.) The ships dont' appear to have significant damage (or much of any really) from proeximiy to the star, other than radation dangers to the crew. We also don't know about any other defensive mechanisms or hull properties that might play a role, but its a good indicator of ship durability.
What's more, the ships have spent countless hours, to upwards of several days in the star.
Information to make my guesses is based off stuff here and [url= ... ypes.shtml]here[/url mainly cuz I['m lazy. :P Also playing around with various calculators pertaining to stars like the one on the main site or the old babtech one.
Also at least 7-8 system ships now.

Page 46
With billions of men and machines of war at its disposal, all tha tthe galaxy-spanning Imperium of Mankind had needed was time, and General Odon's request for reinforcements had been answered in full by the planets and Imperial Navy bases of neighbouring systems.
Wow... timely intervention by local forces to an invasion.. matter of days (at least 4-6, but certainly less than months). Again this is a hilarious mockery of what happens in Taros, as the Imperium 'mysteriously' cannot produce any nearby forces to come to the aid of the Taros intervention force.

Page 46
- the main thing to note here is that the cadian troops in the image have some osrt of camera/devices mounted on their helmets as well as some sort of targeitng sight or monocle in some. also a Leman Russ seems to be emitting some sort of green visible targeting laser.

Page 48
A steady stream of bolter casings fell to the ground as it fired into the gorge from the passage it had arrived from.
Dreadnought's bolter weapon ejecting casings. Yippee.

Page 48
..the wave of over two hundred Mymeara Jetbikes, Vyprs and Falcons that had earlier bypassed the battle against Company Vengeance..
A (minor) breakaway Eldar faction... must nubmer many hundreds if not thousands.

Page 49-50
Laying lwo, the Elysians, near invisible in their camouflaged uniforms, rose up and ambushed the unsuspecting Guardian squads...
This *might* indicate some sort of thermal masking, since I'm pretty sure at least some Eldar come with Infrared sensors. Of course given they're fighting in a hostile, cold-weather enviroment, extreme insulation would onyl make sense and the masking might be incidental.

Page 50
Massive mining vehicles had been driven in front of the entrance to protect the workers who sought shelter within. The vehicles and the militia behind them lasted seconds as the vehicles were melted into little more than slag by the fusion guns of Mymeara Fire Dragons squads...
We dont know how many vehicles (or their masses) or the numbers of Fire Dragons, but they can't be too extreme (hundreds of fire dragons probably - at most, and maye a few tons of vehicles.) For example if there were 200 Fire Dragons and 10 tonnes worth of vehicles, and assuming they were iron, 12 GJ worth of iron was melted. In a matter of seconds (assume 10 seconds) we get an average of 6 MW. Which isn't alot for a supposed meltaweapon, but its largely just an example. It's not impossible either - nothing says a HIGH yield was needed to melt through and 6 MW is a ton of energy for antipersonnel work even via thermal effects. IF we were talking about 3 Chimera sized vehicles (100 tonnes) 120 GJ of metal is melted which would be 60 MW sustained output. And so on. The variables make it hard to calc (even with guessing) but its probably not too differne tfrom what I am guessing at.

Page 51
..the maniple's princeps ordered his three Reaver titans and two Warhounds to fire upon its position. Their combined might overloaded the Revenant Titan's holo fields and severed the power mechanisms within its leg casings. Unable to move, and with its lone crewman probably severely injured or dead already, the Eldar Titan self-detonated, denying certain elements of the Imperium the rare opportunity to study such advanced Xenos technology first hand.
AdMech again wanting to study Eldar technology. Which is heretical, supposedly.

Page 52
..revealing two of Invictus' pursuers only five hundred metres away and closing fast.
Just a few hundred metres behind the two Revenants, the Phantom Titan emerged.
...The Invitus Nova reached the desginated coordinates just as Ephrain recieved a message from the captain of the Legio Gryphonicus ship, The Lithore's Vengeance, now orbiting thousands of kilometres directly above him.
"Orbital Strike initiated" Seven massive torpedoes descended like blazing comets from the heavens and impacted with the Eldar Titans positions.
Gone were the kilometres of ice that had stretched out before the Reaver Titan and instead there was now a wide gulf which dropped straight into the deep waters below. Beyond it on the horizon, Ephrain could just about see the Phantom Titan retreating west back towards the Mymeara portal.
The two Revenants were annihilated in the bombardment. It tends to suggest the range was considerably greater than hinted given the 'kilometres' and the Phantom being on the horizon (kilometres stretching out. Probably fewer than 20 km)

It's also interesting that 7 torpedoes were launched.. usually only 4-6 tubes are carried.. but exceptions are knonw (but rare). It could be maybe these are MIRV type cluster muntiions rather than proper torpedoes (fired in a cluster out of a single torpedo.) Or it may be some other kind of weapon mistaken for torpedoes - its happened before (broadside 'torpedo' mounts, for example.)

Either way, 7 torps shatter 'kilometres' of ice.. call it (maybe) 1 km in diameter craters? For ice that takes 'only' ~47 kilotons. which actually seems a bit of overkill for Eldar Titans but eh. It could be the ice was thinner, but I kinda would doubt it if multi-kiloton titans can walk across it without problems.

Page 52
Out of the hundreds of Imperial tanks and other heavy armour deployed [Company Vengeance], less than a third was left.
..for every Leman Russ or Chimera destroyed, four eldar craft took serious damage or were blown out of the skies.
Losses and approximate numbers of Company Vengeance. The loss ratio sounds impressive too, but bear in mind we dont know how many were actually destroyed..many may have just been heavily damaged. And 'eldar craft' can mean anything from grav tanks to the jetbikes. This isn't to say the Eldar did not take (By their standards) heavy losses, but It isn't nearly as lopsided as one might think from the statement.

Page 61
Once connected Mydeaus had begun to put the resources of the forge to a new purpose. Attached to a huge rail system on top of it were four massive cranes, normally used to feed the five storey high smelting crucibles with the ore dug from the mines below. The Tech-priest was using them to lift tonnes of metal rails and heavy equipment into position as barricades in front of the mine network entrance. so totally connected was Mydeaus with the forge machine's systems that rail and vehicle alike were placed exactly where directd by the Guardsmen...
Mine forge 'machines'.. partly automated it would seem.

Page 61
.within minutes of being locked off from the outside world, the Guardsmen and his retinue were suffering the effects of the heat. Despite this no one though removed their body armour.
Guard uniforms/armour don't have any sort of internal temperature regulation.

Page 61
..progess of the swarm of sevitors he had sent into the tunnels..
... constructs with metal bodies and multiple pairs of legs...
..Danzak's dozens of pairs of eyes now watched..
some sort of multi-legged crawler servitor.
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Connor MacLeod
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Posts: 14065
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next to last IA update... then I'm done with this for some time. Hooray and stuff.

Page 62
Even now the systems in his Chimera were hcurning through the images, cataloguing and attempting to cross-reference them with the billions of records held within its data core.
Chimera data core storage capability. Not sure if this is a command variant or a special Inquisitorial version. given mention of an Inquisitorial detachment it probably is his own.

Page 62
Their skulls had been penetrated by neat holes consistent with the plasma weapons the Aspect Warriors of the Eldar favored.
Plasma weapon damage.

Page 63
"Had thousands on both sides died for this."
Indication of the scale of Eldar and human losses. The Eldar must have had many times their number in troops than what they took in losses. They usually don't take abnormal losses if they can avoid it (EG Iyanden)

Page 66
..anyone firing at the dancing motes of ethereal light would find their shots bouncing off the pipes and conduits behind them, defelcted by a holo field that bent a las shot's trajectory as easily as it did light. Then with eye watering shifts in reality, teir enemy would slip back into the visual spectrum..
Optical cloaking as well as holofields deflcting lasfire (photons?) This might indicate holotfields offer some (limited) defense against EM/photon weapons, but not against plasma and kinetic/shock weapons (although we know from other sources like BFG Magazine, that at least large ships like craftworlds can be modified with holofields that can deflect such via repulsion fields of some kind.)

Page 67
Twirling its long blade round, the Phoenix Lord then lunged straight at one opponent and then another, indiscriminately kiling them as the molecule-thin edge of the blade sliced through into their flesh.
Mono edged phoenix lord sword.

Page 69
Using his own augments Danzak could only keep track of one or maybe two feeds at a time but here was Mydeaus effortlessly controlling hundreds of the forge's systems...
Processing/control abilities of Techpriest compared to a more 'normal' human. Says something about implants/computer abilities I imagine.

Page 70
....the Farseer connected psychically with him and images of the last few weeks began to flash through Danzak's mind.
First he saw himself sitting in his quarters reading the briefing on events in the Betalis system prior to his arrival there.
..but then the memories of the last few days and weeks..
Given the timeframe mentioned between the detection of the Eldar and Danzak's arrival (032894.M41 or 040894.M41 and 048894.M41) no more than 3-6 days could have passed in that period of 'weeks'. This in turn suggests that the Navy ships fighting the Corsairs spent close to a week - and probably several weeks eaisly - hiding in the Betalis star.

Page 74
Scores of populated planets surrounding the Eye of Terror succumb to their predations each year..
Rate of loss or raiding suffered in and around the Eye.

Page 74
Over the centuries the greatest military architects of the Imperium including representatives from both the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Adeptus Astartes, have turned this strategically vital planet's cities into heavily fortified bulwarks.
Cadia hs benefitted from the knowledge of both AdMech and Astartes.

Pgae 74
Amongst its [Cadian 6ths] ranks can be counted some of hte finest examples of tanks, super-heavy vehicles and heavy artillery its home world can manufacture, but there hsould be nothing less than the best for a world that stands guard upon such a dangerous region of space.
Implies Cadians get high end gear by guard standards, which is unsurprising.

PAge 74
The Cadian 6th's Guardsmen are trained on worlds close to the Cadian system. These have previously been reduced to nothing more than devastated wastleands by the forces of Chaos. Won back after decades of bloodshed, Cadia's armies tirelessly train under live fire amongst their blasted cities and vast shell cratered wastelands. There they will perform manoeuvres and training exercises for days on end until their commanders are satisfied that they have perfected the tactics and strategies necessary for survival on the true fields of battle. The results of this baptism of fire are such that by the time they have finished their initial training, cAdian tank crews are usually the equivalent of many veteran tank crews from regiments elsewhere in the Imperium.
Cadian training and (tank) troop quality. Also implies the scale of typical warfare betwene Imperial and Chaos forces around the eye (EG Nasty)

Page 74
The tally of kills attributed to the Cadian 6th was a testimony to their battle skills and they were credited with destroying over thirty enemy tanks for reach one of theirs which was damaged.
Kill ratio against renegade/Chaos forces.

Page 75
By the end of the battle, the regiment had accounted for the destruction of close to one hundred thousand Ork tanks and artillery pieces, and had almost completely levelled the capital city that the Ork Warlord had occupied.
Impressive, though it costs them half their military forces.

Page 75
Whilst new conscripts, tanks and other materiels were en route from the Cadian system, teh remnants of the Cadian 6tth were redeployed ot the Betalis system. There the Cadians were due to undergo hostile envrioment training on BEtalis III prior to the regiment's redeployment to the wars being fought against the tendrils of the as then unnamed Tyranid Hive Fleet on the ice worlds of the Pentaris system, close to thee dge of Imeprium space.
Cadians not only getting replacement troops from their homeworld, but they also undergo additional training (retraining) before being deployed elsewhere. This can't be all that common (for the IG At least.)

Page 75
Led as ever by their commander, General Odon, the Cadian 6th soon found themselves outnumbered and outgunned as Eldar pilots set upon them in a near constant wave of firepower. Ever adaptable, the Cadians knew that the only way to survive and perhaps to stand a fair chance of defeating the Eldar was to break from the tactics they had recently used against the Orks and fight a more fluid battle.
A game of cat and mouse soon ensued with tank crews risking their lives by exposing their own vehicle as bait.
Instead the Cadians were performing, en masse, highly coordinated manoeuvres, a much more refined version of what had been drilled into them during basic training years before.
Consdiering that the combined forces were many thousands of tanks and tens (hundreds?) of thousands of Troops, that the Imperials were outnumbered says much about the combined Eldar forces deployed, methinks.

The 'adaptability' of the Cadians is also yet another massive 'Fuck You' to how Taros was handled, as we see both a willingness to change tactics to suit the circumstnaces as well as a more 'fluid' (eg mobile) battle plan to match the sort of foe they are fighting. What's more is that this is supposedly just a variation/improvement upon tactics they're already taught (at least as tank crews.)

Page 75
This tactic was by no means perfect and many of the Cadian 6th crews did not survive. However their efforts did prevent the swiftm wholesale slaughter of Company Vengeance that its men had feared when they learned the scale of what they were facing. It also forced the Eldar to treat their enemy with a weary [wary?] respect, and change to a much more considered and precise attack pattern that slowed the rate of attrition, enabling the Cadians to hold out until reinforcements arrived.
Wow.. Imperial Guard avoiding unnecccsary losses when the circumstances require it. WHERE ARE THE BAYONET CHARGES! According to some (EG Taros) this would be massive tactical hEresy on the part of the Guard.

Page 76
Junior Lieutenant Odon was reassigned to one of Cadia's renowned officer training corps where he was to eventually specailise in the tactical doctrines and strategies of armoured warfare. Unlike many other Imperial Guard regiments where officer training is academy based, Cadia's officers are trained on the frontlines...
..the Cadian 6th's heavy losses saw it withdrawn from the frontline to re-arm, train, and awaiat fresh recruits into their heavily depleted ranks. Whilst the new conscripts were en-route from Cadia, the Cadian 6th was placed in strategic reserve and oredered to garrison the frigid world of Betalis III, where it would also undergo an intensive course of arctic enviroment training.
A bit more background on why the Cadian 6th were undergoing training. It seems in cases when they can (or do) rotate back troops out of the frontline (either to replenish losses, be reconsituted, etc.) they'll also do retraining and be assigned (temporarily?) to garrison duties. Probably makes sense as it gives them time to diversify and enhance as well as recover and prepare

Page 78
The primary regiments raised by the Cadians are designated as Shock Troop REgiments, and maintain a mixture of arms and equipment, supported by integrated artillery and heavy armour, but their true strength lies first and foremonst in the skill, discipline and courage of the Cadian Guardsmen themselves. It is their indefatigable ranks operating as one that grant the Shock Troops Regiments the flexibility to react to changing tactical and strategic needs on the battlefield, and the numbers and fortitude required to grind an enemy into extinction through overwhelming firepower or sheer attrition.
Apparently, unlike as presented in teh 5th Edition Codex, cadians are not 'only' one troop type - that is they mix infantry, tanks and artillery in a single regiment. Whether this is becuase of Cadian's special status and reknown, or is normal for regiments of their type we don't know. This would match the earlier organizations as outlined for the Cadian 8th (for example) in the last IG Codex, however. And it would mesh with the Munitorum manual.

It is also hilarious how they mix 'tactical/strategic flexiblity' with mention of 'firepower or attrition'. :lol: Although to be serious we did note how they changed tactics against the Eldar (a more mobile/fluid one rather than simply grinding them down through attrition, because that wouldn't work in this case!) so we can assume they know more tactics than just those two.

Page 78
... numerous specialised formations and troop types are integrated into their [Cadian] organisational structure, ranging from dedicated sapper units and combat engineers, to the 'Whiteshield' youth armies ot the elite 'Kasrkin'.

In particular the Kasrkin... .. are rated as amongst the most superior forces in the entire Imperial Guard, and are easily the equivalent both in combat cpaacity and wargear with the Stormtroopers of the Schola Progenium.
Cadian 'specialists' including the Stormtrooper- grade Kasrkin.

Page 78
In addition to the Shock Trooper Regiments, CAdia also produces dedicated mechanised, artillery, reconnaissance and armoured regiments....
Other (probably smaller) Cadian regimental formations.

Page 78
Such has been the success and glorious record of the Cadian regimenst in the defence of the Imperium that they have long been held up by the Adeptus Terra as the epitome of the Imperial Guard. As a result they have provided a template for others to imitate and there are regiments raised on worlds as far apart as the hive world of Brimlock and the holdfasts of the Coronus Nebula that have sought to emulate the martial traditions and structures of lauded Cadia.
Much as hinted in the Munitorum manual, really. That would mean the Cadian structure, equipment loadouts, and possibly even tactics represent as close to a 'standard' as one is likely to get in the Imperium, at least in theory. (That still doesn't rule out variations in the least.) Considering that hive and civilised worlds are likely to make up the bulk of worlds in the Imperium as well will only reinforce that. It is also telling given that the Brimlock Dragoons are known as being something of a heavily mechanised/armoured military force...

Bear in mind that trying to emulate the Cadians does not neccesarily mean they are all of Cadian quality.

Page 79
The Cadian regiments are well-equipped and represent some of the higehst standards of wargear and supply of any standing Imperial Guard formation. Their issue to the rank and file complies unwaveringly to the edicts of the Departmento Munitorum for frontline combat operations, with procurmenet fufilled by manufactora on Cadia itself as well as a number of Forge Worlds and industrial facilities in the attendant sectors feeding their output directly to serve the needs of the Cadian Gate's defence. This wide net of production also means that a considerable variety of weapons systems, pattenrs of vehicles and other heavy equipment can be found at the Cadian regiment's disposal, from standard designs such as the Mars Pattern Leman Russ to relative rarities such as the Destroyer Tank Hunter in specialised units.
Cadian procurement and equipment, again note the quality, the diversity (which also means the logistics will be a special pain) as well as the inclusion of tanks alongside troops.

Page 79
Favoured by armoured and support regiments, the sabre is a deployable static defence system that can be used to provide additional firepower to a forward deployment area or rapidly fortify a position against attack. The Sabre platform features dual heavy weapon mounts utilising standard Imperial Guard weapons for ease of suppply and maintenance.
Sabre platforms. Variants include lascannon (anti vehicle), heavy bolters (antipersonnel) and Autocannon or quad heavy stubber (anti air)

Page 79
Fragmentation and armour piercing grenades, 19 Megathule-range M-series powerpack.
'megathule-range power pack.' we still dont know what thules are (but I have some guesses obviously)

Page 81
The Guardsman's standard unifrom has been adapted to fit the frigid enviroment's survival pack's cables through which heated air is pumped into the suit, forming a warm inner 'pocket'.
... similar technologies are used by Explorator teams and colonists on frontier ice worlds.
Tor etain the heat, his uniform includes an insulated lining of local manufacture, using animal fur..
The lining may also be what helps mask the troops from IR signatures, as I alluded to before. The 'hot suit' thing is interesting for the uniform modifications (The heat retaining properties) and the 'enviromental regulation' aspect. Not unlike some other hazardous enviroment suits. I wonder if they have something for 'hot weather' enviroments to keep them cool? I also wonder how this ties in with flak greatcoats often allocated to ice world regiments (like Valhallans.)

Page 81
The Guardsman's boots are standard issue, bEtalis manufactured, combat boots, again insulated with a lining of Toryx fur. They also have detachable reinforced shin proteciton. The same pattern boots are issued in their billions ot Imperial Guardsmen and are much-liked, being regarded as both strong and 100% waterproof.
IG boots. If they have shin protection, why no knee/thigh protection?

Page 81
Over his uniform the Guardsman wears standard issue flak armour, consisting of a breastplate and shoulder pauldrons. These are constructed of an impact absorbent carbi-fibre layer under a simple shaped plasteel plate. Each armour piece straps onto his fatigues and provides protection against impact hits, but they are considered rather cumbersome, especially for Armoured Fist Squads.
Cadian flak. Implies that the solid plates are the only armour (which runs contrary to other sources, like FFG, The codex and core material, etc., where flak is flexible material incorporated into jackets or vests and other semi-clothing, with plates being added protection.) Carbon seems used which is consistent (or at least carbi-fibres, which I assume are either carbide or carbon.) Thickness by the iamge seems to range from a few cm (for the pauldrons or sides and lower torso) to several inches implied (for the upper torso.)

It's rather amusing they consider it 'cumbersome' considering that by the image it is actually more compact than modern body armours (at least Interceptor stuff) and generally lighter (going by FFG material.)

Page 81
The Guardsmen wears a standard issue Cadian tri-dome helmet and MArk XIc rebreather with its own oxy supply and polarized snow visor...
The air supply is required for any extended exposure to the planet's toxic atmosphere.
The helmet... ..contains a short-range comm link.
Cadian helmet. Seems virtually self contained against the toxic enviroment. Probably same for the uniform (NBC protection). Also with built in comms (important to communicate wrapped up liek that.) I should note that in the images in the book as well as on the Forge World website here, here, and here you can see that the troopers (both the special/heavy weapon troopers and the lasgunners) both heave some sort of targeting monocle or some sort of helmet mounted sensor/camera device.

Page 81
In order to fight in Betalis' constant sub-zero temperatures the Guardsmen carries a frigid enviroment convector pack, manufactured on BEtalis III for its plaentary defence forces. This heavy backpack unit serves two functions: It supplies clean air to the breather mask via oxygen scrubbers and includes a heating element and pump to supply warm air into the guardsmen's uniform.
The centre of the unit contains the pumping mechnisms, diverter valves and emergency pressure release vent. The lower section si the primary heat exchange coils. The top section is an emergency oxygen tank (included as a back-up should the oxygen scrubbers become damaged or fail.) The pack has a control/regulator unit, easily accessible, mounted upon the breastplate.
...similar convector packs are used by Explorator teams and colonists on frigid frontier worlds.
Again not uncommon tech. I also suspect its somewhat modular - if you replaced the heating unit with a cooling unit (and radiator vanes) you could turn it into a 'hot weather' survival suit of some kind.

Page 81
..Kantrael pattern, 19 megathule lasgun. A robust rifle produced in the millions, this standard issue lasgun has a power pack good for 50 shots. It fires single shot or semi-automatic bursts and includes a bayonet lug to fit the standard issue combat knife. The rifle is easily capable of operating in sub-zero temperatures; its excellent durability is one of the main reasons it is issued in such large numbers to Imperial Guard reigments across the galaxy.
Kantreal "short" pattern lasgun. 50 shot capacity (unlike 60 shot in FFG materials). Semi-auto seems to represent 'burst' modes as opposed to full auto. Perhaps this means it fires a burst of pulses in a short period (for more damage, penetration, etc.) as opposed ot a single pulse. This might reflect differences between 'drilling/cutting' shots and single explosive shots (that blow off limbs or blow out skulls.)

Kantrael pattern is also 'cold weather' ready, which probably makes it better than other kinds (EG Vostroyan lasguns in 'Rebel Winter')

Oddly they also mention that he has a pistol as a secondary weapon and that sidearms are not regulation issue, which is not strictly the case (going by sources like the Uplifting Primer, at least.)

Page 81
His webbing contains a personal medi-kit, a lasgun maintenance kit, miniature stove and fuel tablets, convector pack maintenance tools and replacement filters, emergency shelter, high-protein ration packs, the rebreather unit's storage pouch and an entrenching tools.
Guardsmen gear. THE shelter, stove, all the maintenance gear, and personal medikit are all interesting, as it reinforces that Cadians are of higher quality (They can be trusted to better maintain their gear and get better equipment and such. They're also taken better care of, it would seem.)

Page 82
The Arkurian Pattern Stormblade 'Huntsman', Command vehicle of the Super-heavy Support Detachment 7th Company of the Vaust 14th Regiment.
Vaust regiments had their own Superheavies alongside those the Cadians had. As well as macharius on the next page. They're literally swimming in big tanks.

Page 85
A few aging machines survived, mothballed as Sector war reserves, but it is now an armoured vehicle relegated to second line duties,and it is not uncommon to find aging Malcadors in the arsenals of Garrison Auxilia units or Planetary Defence Forces.
More 'older isn't always better' stuff. Also sector reserves/stockpiles for old vehicles. There seem to be system and sector and segmentum reserves at such. Also mention of relegating equipment to 'second line' duties like Garrison (either units rotated out due to fagitue or attrition, or retired probably. Quite probably also lower-tier units recruited only as conscripts or reserves and won't be called on except when needed or to bolster front line units.)

Page 85
Within this promethium is stored in multiple parts pumped independently and mixed together in a chamber just behind the barrel to create a chemical 'jelly'...
Promethium for flamers seems to be in multiple (but flammable!) parts.

Page 85
Some unscrupulous commanders have refilled the Malcador's fuel tanks with corrosive toxins and acidic gases, turning it into a fearsome chemical gas dispenser, deployed when the complete eradication of the enemy is ordred. The infamous Death Korps of Krieg siege regiments have been responsible for such genocidal operations on many occasions.
So.. basically a bigger Bane wolf, whic seems a suitable Krieger weapon.

Page 85
Its age means the tank often suffers from mechanical failures. A lack of spare parts sometimes make these fatal, failures. Spare parts are always at a premium for units equipped with Malcadors, with only a few Forge Worlds now able to supply them.
On Betalis III, a company of Malcador 'Inernus' were found in the inventory of its Palnetary Defence Force.
They were only kept in service as engineering vehicles, no longer considered fit for front line service.
Again 'older not always better'. I love this since it highlights the utter 'propoganda' angle to alot of Imperial pronouncements.

Page 90
The STC template for the [Prateor Launcher] weapon - along with several others of note - was thought lost until relatively recently when the tech-priests of the re-consecrated Forge World of Zhao-Arkkad unearthed the data in the depths of that once nightmare-haunted realm.

This has ultimately led with the dissemination of the powerful Crassus chassis to the introducition of a new mobile Praetor-weapon platform by Zhao-Arkkad's manufactora, which has spread relatively swiftly through frontline regiments throughout the Segmentum Tempestus and beyond.

While the Praetor's relative sophistication and materiel cost means it will unlikely uspplant more common Imperial designs, its durability and versatility have already found it a treasured place in the arsenal of units facing the harshest enemy powers ranged against them.
Praetor Multi-missile launcher. Basically a superheavy Manticore, although its likened to a Whirlwind as well. Has three kinds of missiles, Foehammer, Firestorm, and Pilum. The last seems to be AA, the other two seem to be gneeral HE/blast types.. foehammer trading more punch for a smaller blast area over the Firestorm. A 'rediscovered' STC design, although of suspect origin (as described below)

Papge 91
..reflecting the acumen of its targeting augurs and its rapid rate of fire.
Basically a rule describing why the missiles are 'twin linked', an inuniverse reason that is.

Page 94
..some factions within the Divisio Militaris believe it is a 'reclaimed' design originating within the re-conquered Forge world of Zhao-Arkkad and, for that reason, suspect.
REgardlless of this, the Crassus has become widspread in use by the Imperial Guard and Adeptsu Mechanicus armoured units of the southern and western Segmentum tempestus, and with production of the design being taken up in the last several centuries by the major Forge World of Lucius, it is now being used extensively to re-supply units close to the Eye of Terror to replace on-going losses.
Capable of holding up to 35 Guardsmen or two Cycpls demolition vehicles.
Crassus transport. as noted before thousands were deployed on Betalis. IT ais also mentioned that the transport can mount hunter-killer missiles to back its defensive weapons. Youc an also mount it with armour plates instead of sponsons, and may add in autocannon, lascannon, or heavy flammers to its front (or side sponson) weapons mounts. This means it can be pretty versatile as a weapon. I wonder if there;'s going to be a tank variant at some point :P
At 35 troops it can also carry a (small) Platoon. Gorgons can (obviously) carry more men, but they aren't as heavily armourd or as fast.

Page 94
The Crassus possesses an unusually powerful drive system for a vehicle of its size..
I'd guess this means its at least faster than a Macharius or a Malcador or other superheavies.. so as fast as a Russ or perhaps faster? Almost ertainly going to be faster than a Gorgon, since it is both smaller and has a more powerful drive.

Page 99
The Elysian Drop Troop Regiments originate from a system located approximately thirty light years from the Hive World of Armageddon in the north-west of the Segmentum Solar.
Location of Elysia.

Page 99
These [asteroid and debris fields] make for excellent ambush sites for the marauding Ork warbands and pirates that plague that part of the sector, particulrily as the system is on a major Imperial trade route. Regiments drawn from Elysia are therefore well-trained for ship-to-ship boarding actions and also deployement via low-flying drop ships...
Some of the most renowned operations performed by the Elysian Drop Troop forces include the Skopios incident...
Fluff on the Elysians which hearkens back to their more Armageddon-based origins. Considering that Talima Fox had written a Armageddon guidebook this isn't terribly surprising. It, and the Skopios event, were posted on the Armageddon website (which I should probably cover at some point.)

Page 100
Frequently, the deployment of Elysian Drop Troops is preceded by a prolonged orbital or ground bassed artillery bombardment hitting deep behind enemy lines. Although this can reduce the threat the Elysians will face upon landing, they still have to overcome the effects of the bobmardment by their own forces. The region they land in will almost certainly now be treacherously cratered and covered with a thick bank of choking smoke or toxic chemical smog.
Elysian drop conditions.. or at least one kind

Page 100
Elysian Drop Troops are generally issued with type 5-pressure helmets which incorporate both pressure equalizing ear protectors, to prevent the Guardsman's ear drums rupturring during high altitude grav drops, and also data display screens with their visors. These vid-screens are particularily essential for relaying data during a descent, keeping the Sergeant appraisd of the location of his men as they land, and providing up to date intelligence regarding enemy troop disposition within the vicinity, and also any alterations to their original orders.
Elysian helmets. The visors are sort of a new thing - IA4 mentions them as being a variation on the type 5 helmet used by Sergeants to view tactical data from scanners (over visor and one eye.) Whilst in this case they seem to suggest its more general issue, and used for more purposes (squad status and cohesion, mission updates, as well as getting intel and other data) In aother passage they refer to it as a surveyor helmet as well, so it may have sensory functions.
In IA4 they have flash suppression visors and comms.

What I wonder is, are the 'data display screens' mentioned here what some Cadian helmets have? It fits over one eye (which is mentioned in IA4) after all.

Page 101
Weapons are likely to be specifically designed for the squads or highly modified by the Guardsmen themselves, with superfluous components being removed to reduce the gun's weight.
Elysian Drop Troopers will be issued with MKIV 'bullpup' lasguns and close combat weapons, with Sergeants also receiving laspistols. Both will have been heavily modified from the standard pattern for their type and can be used with the same power pack..
Elysians seem to be big into equipment modification unlike the Cadians, including modifying laspistols to use rifle clips (which seems to make it a 'heavy' laspistol') Probably also either ups the ammo capacity or the punch of the laspistol.

Page 106
They range in size from the warhound Titan, used predominantly in a scouting role, to the colossal city-high Emperor-class Imperator Titan.
Oh dear. More Titan sizing confusion.

PAge 110 is a full account of the fifty year war fought against the Khornate Chaos Daemon, K'ras'n'dar, which manifested within one of the few heavily populated Imperial systems on the border between the Halo Stars and the west of the Segmentum Pacificus.
Driven insane beyond sense by its insidious war chant, the entire population rose up and began to wage war on neighbouring populated planets. In response a massive Imperial Guard army was riased to defeat the Daemon and its followers. No record exists of any of the billions of Guardsmen who were raised returning from the region during or after the war...
billions of guardsmen raised for one particular engagement.. not even a sector level engagement (or neccesarily from across an entire sector!)

Page 111
Deep in the Gothic Sector, the binary worlds of Alegia and Mantus orbited each other for thousands of years, loyally manufacturing lasguns for use in the Imperium's many wars in the sector.
Anotehr world that has long time peace until disaster strikes. It actually has more impact that way than the perpetual RAR NEVERENDING WAR.

Page 111
Be mindful, your reverence, that these accusations, as I'm sure one with your wisdom will laready have surmised, have come form the lips of the lowest of the Emperor's citizens, prone to such superstition and feverish ramblings.
Heh.. SUPERSITION AND FEAR aren't alwways taken at face value.. The hilarious irony is.. the 'accusations' were about seeing the Wulfen, which we know is actually true. :P

Page 120
The fierce warrior culture of Fenris from which the Space Wolves Chapter recruits remains a strong influence upon its organisation and tactics. One conseuqences of this is the removal of the warriors' helmet, a deviation from the recommended use of such equipment in the Codex Astartes. When possible, a Space Wolf (as with his barbarian kin), prefers to show his face openly. This is a result of the Fenrisian emphasis on a warrior's personal reputation.
Well that might have some truth, but It also neglects the fact that helmets interfere with their extremely sensitive sense of smell and hearing and such... which is actually a more valid reason to doff helmets. It goes without saying that not all space Wolves go helmetless (CF the Bill King novels) but we could say this is a tradition that varies with the Company.

PAge 120
..the Storm Shield provides extra protection in battle, incorporating an energy field projector behind its armoured facing. This disruptive field helps to deflect incoming fire or blows.
Storm shields.. again sort of a force field reinforcement of a solid metal shield.
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by Dr. Trainwreck »

Fourth, is that this implies there are fewer than 'billions' of Eldar (contrasted with the IG) although this should be taken with a grain of salt since it may not be a precise analysis.
It can alternatively mean that there are billions of Eldar alright, just only a portion of them are soldiers (not all Eldar follow the war paths, but the peaceful ones are just not shown, except for the Bonesinger in DoW). Perhaps we'd know more if GW wished to expand upon the other races, but they have decided that in the grim Space Marine of the far Space Marine, there is only Space Marine.
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

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The real tragedy of the Kastorel-Novem campaign is that the Raven Guard's strike cruiser could have just turned the construction site into a crater and called it a day. :roll:
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

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Rogue 9 wrote:The real tragedy of the Kastorel-Novem campaign is that the Raven Guard's strike cruiser could have just turned the construction site into a crater and called it a day. :roll:
Or, if they needed eyes-on verification of Buzzgob's death, infiltrate a Scout team to a suitable vantage point, wait for Buzzgob to show his squat green features and blow his head off with sniper rifle fire, before legging it under cover of a hail of bombardment cannon shells aimed at anything that looks important.
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by Rogue 9 »

Connor MacLeod wrote:Page 78
Valkyrie airborne assault carrier of the 5136th Imperial Navy Tactical Wing. In all it supplied eighty Valkyries to the mission.
Interesting that the navy supplies aerial transports here. Those would have been of use at Taros (then again alot of things would have been usefl at Taros..)
There was an Elysian regiment at Taros, with its own Valkyrie wing to carry them and Vulture gunship support. They were just deployed in a retarded fashion. As I recall their air transport and support was organic to the regiment, though, which is specifically called out as being unusual since anything not ground-bound is generally under naval command.
Connor MacLeod wrote:Page 82
Tha Tauros is a sturdily built all-terrain vehcile, often used as a utility vehicle or tractor on frontier worlds. Similar vehicles are not uncommon with exploration teams and have also been used in combat by gangs of brigands, Marauders and rebel factions. Some have been adopted for military service by Imperial Guard regiments.
Origins of the Tauros. Note its implied other Guard regiments besides the Elysians may use it.
Indeed they may. Tauros vehicles may be taken by the normal Imperial Guard list by FW tabletop rules, though they're disproportionately used by drop regiments (which would likely use the Elysian army list anyway if available).
Connor MacLeod wrote:Page 82
Elysian drop regiments have adapted the Tauros for airborne operations, stripping out any excess weight so it can be easily transported inside a Valkyrie or below a Valkyrie Sky Talon. With the two man crew already onboard, a Valkyrie Sky Talon will skim in very low, hoever, and then release its magnetic clamps. The Taros will drop the last short distance to the grond..
This way the Tauros can be quickly dropped directly into combat, where their heavy weapons are a welcome addition tothe lightly armed drop troop's arsenal. They can also be carried deep behind enemy lines for far-ranging reconnaissance missions and surprise 'hit and run' raids. For these missions the vehicles will be carrying a lot of extra equipment: weapon power packs, camouflage netting and hunter killer missiles.
Elysian Tauros usage. Interesting that they can be carried inside Valkyries as well as being ccarried by Sky Talons. That sets definite limts on the dimensions of the vehicle (since we get no stats.)
Curiosu that they have to strip out "extra weight" though, considering Valkyries can carry several 6-7 tonne Sentinels without trouble, though. For that matter, there are a number of other vehicles the Elysians could add, like the Centaur (which could be carried either way, or in the Spectre variants mentioned in Redemption Corps.) Or perhaps a stripped down Chimera like a Trojan (which probably could be hauled around in a Sky Talon) Hell we know the Trojan masses only a few tons, and often gets modified into other vehicles roles, including troop carriers and combat vehicles anyhow.
The Elysians use special "drop Sentinels," which are themselves stripped down from the Sentinels in common use. They're squatter and have less superstructure; a picture of the model is here, for reference.
Connor MacLeod wrote:Page 86 0 scaling the Tauros Venator underslung the drawing, the Venator should be about 6-7 M long and maybe 2 -2.5m tall. About Chimera or Russ sized, roughly.
I know tabletop models aren't to scale, but I spent some of my afternoon assembling a Tauros model (not a Venator, but I have an unassembled one and the hull isn't all that much longer), and the model is significantly smaller than the Chimera's. Tabletop model scaling aside, there's no way it's as large as a Chimera; a Chimera is an APC that can seat twelve passengers in addition to crew, while the Tauros is basically a dune buggy that barely holds its two crew (the gunner is strapped to the rear standing on a running board - outside the roll cage, I might add). The Venator is larger, but not that much larger.
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Re: Imperial armour 8-11 analysis thread(s)

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Last IA update for the forseeable future. see ya next time it happens.

Page 126
Bran Redmaw is a Wolf Lord, the chieftan of a Great company of up to 200 Space wolves warriors; one of the twelve Wolf Lords that lead the Space wolves Chapter under the Great Wolf, Logan Grimnar..
Implies maybe upwards of 2400+ Warriors.

Page 129
Through sheer force of will the Mymearans tempered their efforts towards building a massive star ship, one in which their entire system's population could flee in should they so choose. It took many decades to complete...
Only half of their populations were on board when the vessel finally set sail...
The Mymeara Craftworld travelled for many months until it was nearly out of range of Eldar space.
..nearly a third of its population was destroyed in the psychic scream that heralded the birth of the chaos God Slaanesh.
1/2 x 2/3 = 1/3 the population fo the planet escaped.. hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions depending on exact population? Also the Craftworld took decades (But not centuries?) to build, which is impressive when you consider the sizes of many Craftowrlds. Also it took months to escape Eldar space (at least hundreds if not thousands of LY.. thousands to tens of thousands of C FTL. This can't be webway either, I suspect... it would be faster and less dangerous.)

Page 129
Their mourning though was to be brutally cut short as they fell prey to those who dwelt in the darkness beyond the once great Eldar empire, and hundreds of thousands of Mymearans died as they fought to protect themselves from attacks by Orks and things far worse.
Implication of craftworld population. We dont know over what timeframe the losses occured, waht fraction it represents (whether it is major or minor), but it does suggest craftworlds carry hundreds of thousands if not millions of Eldar.

Page 129
Bowing to the wisdom and foresight of the Phoenix Lord, half of the entire Craftworld's war host was given over to Irillyth.
half the Mymearan population given over to war.

Page 129
Planets along their route had once been the site of catacylsmic battles. Whole cities had been destroyed by what could only have been Eldar weaponry..
what kinds of weapons? Its implied that the war host was only ground forces (no ships mentioned) but it could have been vehicles or perhaps some sort of ship (not impossible.) We also dont know what kind of weapon - a vortex weapon coudl destroy a city, for example. Or maybe a Titan?

Page 131
Eldar war panopoly recovered in the vicinty of aresta IV. Believed to be of the Mymeara warhost...
Depicted here: Fusion gun, plasma grendae, vibro-blade weapon and shuriken-catapult with mono-molecular-edged ammunition.
The vibro sword is interesting.. vibro instead of chain weapons? Also the shurikens shown are perhaps 3-5 cm in diameter. One is perfectly circular, whilst the other two have three and four 'notches' in the circular discs respectively. It seems like the discs might only thin out to mono at the edges but be thicker towards the middle.

Page 133
The Vampire is a heavy assault interface craft, the Hunter Variant of which is armed with Titan-scale Pulsar weapons enabling it to engage fortifications and armoured ground targets.
Vampire hunters armed with 'titan scale' lasers.

Page 138
Whilst the Wraithguard are artificial life forms animated with a living sprit, the Shadow Spectres are living, breathing spirits that have taken on the appearance of wraiths.
..all those that die on the Path of the Shadow spectres hae, as part of the shrine's death rituals, had their spirit stones used to animate Wraithguard...
Undead aspect warriors :P

Page 138
Disguised behind holo-fields they use their jetpacks powered mobility to approach enemy targets then, appearing as if from nowhere, uneashing a sudden fusillade of precise and overwhelming fire.
Their prism rifles are antiquated weapons, artefacts lost to most of the remaining Eldar race. Using the same technology as the far larger prism cannon, each rifle is connected to a single sophisticated targeting matrix, known as the Ghostlight. Through it each rifle's energy pulse converges into a single beam of bright light that shrieks as it tares apart tanks an dlarger targets with ease. The aspect's armour also incorporates a large protective cowl through which sensor and target information is collated.
Shadow Spectre gear.. Deathstar-liek composite beam magic rifles, super targeting system, and holofield equipped jump packs.

Page 138
Until the re-discovery of Mymeara, no Eldar craftworld had an activ eshrine of the Shadow Spectres and no Bonesingers knew the rituals to grow their aspect armour or weapons. On the largest craftworlds a few shrines remain, bu tthey are now long abandoned places.
Rarity of shadow Spectres. Interesting in how they imply it is technically possible for 'modern' Eldar to build Aspect equipment.

Page 141
Once the helmet is in place, then the individual's consciousness is subsumed into the gestalt warriro spirit of the aspect.
Aspect Warrior armour.. gestalts like all other suits I guess? Or maybe this is specific to Shadow Spectres, since they're undead ASpect Warriors.

Page 141
.. from initiatl reprots it is assumed that it [hood] collects and disseminates sensor information. It may also contain thought-activated communications and the controls for the aspect warrior's holo-field and targeting infromation relayed from the weapon.
It has been theorised that the hood's sensory data also provides the aspect warrior with an enhanced proprioception. This is the warrior's self-awareness of its bodily position in relationship to itself. Information is fed via the helmet to the warrior's cerebellum, the brain area responsible for coordinating unconscious movements, thus allowing the aspect warrior to swiftly move and react without conscious effort. Such enhancement would allow for very rapid and intuitive control of the jetpack.
Aspect Warrior sensory and equipment control systems, especially the instincitve 'flight' ability of the jetpack.

Page 141
..the weapon relies upon the same technology as that found in the far larger prism cannon...
It has a complex two-part firing mechanism. The first uses a medium-magnitude laser, which constitutes the bulk of the rear end of the weapon. The laser discharges into a large central crystal prism that stores, focuses and amplifies the energy in a mili-second. It is then discharged a second time along the barrel and through another focusing crystal, producing a super-attenuated beam of energy, capable of piercing mos tarmour.
Where these super-conductive crystals originate from is unknown. It has been speculated that the Eldar Bonesingers nurture them specifically for use in prism weapons. alternatively, it may be there is a secret location, hidden amongst the webway paths, from where the exotic crystals are harvested or traded.
The weapon also includes a complex multi-aspect prismatic lense targeter. operating in tandem with teh sensor hood, when using this device the fire of multiple prism rifles can be combined to form a single high power energy blast.
Prism cannon. note the implied milisecond duration of the pulse as well as its magic crystal nature. Also the targeting system.

Page 141
Masters of anti-gravity technology, the Eldar's perosnal flight pack incorporates sophisticated stabilisation and self-correcting controls allowing the Eldar within to adjust altitude and velocity with its subconscious thoughts via a mind link. Such delicacy of control allows for speed, reactivity and manoeuvrability unknown to toher races.
Mind controlled jetpack again. Speed and altitude are unspecified, but the pack stays silent.

Page 149
Perhaps the most infamous and dangerous Eldar Corsair band during the war was the Void Dragons. Operating across the galaxy, the Imperial Navy estimate they command a fleet in excess of 3,500 ships, and have bene encountered in places as far apart as the Cadian Gate, the distant Tau Empire an the Halo Stars.
Scope of the Void Dragon band. Allowing for a ship crew of a few dozen to a few hundred (at least) we're talking hundreds of thousands to millions of Eldar for tha tbad. That some can ally with a craftworld (such as Altaioc here) suggests perhaps Craftworlds might have similar populations.

Page 158
Fashioned in the shape of elegant, multi-chambered handguns or ornate vambrace,s Balelights are laser weapons...
Carrying sufficient energy within their crystalline matrixes for a single burst of fire, Balelights release a storm of laser energy pulses in a coruscating fan, allowing one eldar to slay or blind many foes in a suddne blaze of polychromatic light.
Eldar laser weapon. Crystal power source, multi-shot 'scatter/fan' mode, can also blind as well as kill.

Page 158
Unlike the crude rockets and solid fuel boosters favoured by more primitive races, the Eldar utilise sophisticated gravitic vanes and miniaturised pulse impellers to enable them to manoeuvre with graceful ease in the null-gravity enviroments of space. Corsairs often used thees compact devices when carrying out surface raids and boaridng assaults, relying on consummate skill to instinctively operate them without conscious thought. These systems do not provide the same ability to cover large distances, as say, the wings of the Swooping Hawk Aspect Warriors, but do allow them to traverse terrain and rapidly redeploy in combat..
Corsair packs.. some of the traits of the shadow Spectre ones.

Page 159
This is a portable form of the protal used by the Harlequins to travel via the webway.
Portable webway portal.

Page 162
The Void Dreamers are the helmsmen and navigators of Corsair ships. They are psykers, closely related to Warlocks, but using divination and prophetic powers to guide their vessels and protect their crews from teh daemons of the Warp.
The Corsair Void Dreamer is a Pskyer who, like their Farseer kin, take a witch path that focuses on the arts of divination and prophesy, but with particular devotion not to the skeins of distant fate and far future, but that which is near at hand, enabling them to navigate the daemon-seas of the warp and shield their vessel from its myriad dangers.
Non navigator navigation. gives us an idea of how Navigators work.

Page 166
Although they forgo the ability to scout common to standard Eldar War Walkers, Wasps are fitted with jet-supported anti-grav systems, enabling them to rapidly redeploy as part of the Corsair raid.
Jump capable walkers.

Page 167
It [Falcon] can rapidly carry a squad of Corsairs on a raid or be inserted into battle from orbit below a Vampire Raider.
Falcons can be deployed from orbit. Also carry holofields as a potential upgrade.

PAge 168
The Nightwing is protected by banks of highly advanced systems designed to mask it from the enemy, which, when combined with its supreme agility, make it virtually impossible to track.
It counts as a holofield, but does not seem to be a holofield. Some sort of masking or stealth system instead. Can they combine both for maximum effect? Also Phoenix bombers have a similar system.

Page 174
The Eldar are masters of Anti-gravity technology, utilising it as readily as Mankind uses tank tracks. Their advanced technology means the Falcon's engines can generate an estimated top speed of 800 kph. Its advanced anti-grav generators are also capable of limited flight, climbinb higher than the equivalent Imperial craft and thus giving them an added edge in altltiude.
Falcon grav tank performance.

Page 174-175
The Imperium have yet to unravel the heretical technology of the prism cannon, having been able to seize very few undamaged specimens from the battlefield. It is believed though that contained within its structure there is a large crystal prism which traps and intensifies light, and then focuses the resultant energy through a second prismatic lense, focusing it again into a single beam or scatering it over a wide area.
Eldar Prism cannon. The Imperium is again trying to capture and study heretical alien tech.

Page 176
..reports were also recorded of Fire Prism crews combining their firepower, particularily when engaging the more heavily armoured super-heavy tanks such as the Praetor armoured missile launcher. By bringing the beams of two Fire Prism vessels togehter, the Eldar were able to penetrate the heavily armoured hulls that had proved Impervious to lesser weapons.
Firepower needed to take down a Praetor.

Page 177
The Eldar have an intimate knowledge of energy and disruption field technology, utilising it over the encumbering and slow armour of other races. The Wave Serpent's wings mount the field projector fields, adn these create a shimmering bow wave which absorbs and dissipates the energy of any laser blasts, projectiles or explosions that pass trhough it.
Its fields can also be combined together so that with the Wave Serpents flying in tight formation, the individual fields reinforce eahc other, becoming even stronger.
so the Eldar have all this advanced forcefield tech, yet only use it selectively on their ground vehicles, adn almost not at all on their starships.... go figure.

Page 179
The distortion cannon (commonly referred to by certain lowly echelons of the Imperium as the D-cannon) is another of the Eldar races' many unusual weapons. The technology of the weapon is little known or understood by the Adpetus Mecahnicus, and considered highly heretical. Any Magos found to be dabbling with such dangerous xenos technology can expect the strongets measures against them from the Inquisition. Draconian measures have been enforced against the adeptus Mechanicus since 755299.M40, when unsanctioned work with warp technology resulted in the Contagion of Eridanus, and required the deployment of a Grey Knights rapid strike force to quell the resulting daemonic incursion.
probihition on warp tech research. I wonder if tis is supposed to reference the contagion of ganymede, but retconned.

Page 179
..a D cannon projects a miniature sphere of warp energy, tearing its target apart and dragging its hapless victims to a terrible death, exposed to the raw mateiral of the Warp itself. Larger weapons are able to generate bigger spheres, but require vast amounts of energy to safely contain them, and so can only be mounted upon the larger chassis. The largest such weapons are mounted upon the Cobra and the Phantom Titan.
Uniquely, by adjusting the weapons warp/real space disruption focus and its warp core containment field generator, the Warp Hunter's D-cannon can briefly create an 'aether rift' Projected a short distance in front of the vehicle, a seething mass of dark energy is unleashed which sweeps the enemy from its prow.
D cannon and the Warp Hunters' D cannon variant.

Page 179
Like all Eldar vehicles, the heart of the Warp Hunter is its psycho-sensitive wraithbone chassis over which are laid psycho-plastics, formed by the Bonesingers using psychic pressure. These materials are light and immensely strong, and have become synonymous with the Eldar race as no others have mastered their unique construction techniques. These can imbue seemingly inanimate and functional items with a 'life-force' or 'spirit' attuned to the Eldar race's innate psychic sensitivity. This also means that their advanced vehicles and weapons cannot be replicated, and no other race can operate them.
Wratibhone and psychoplastics and their unique Eldar properties. I would note that the 'advanced vehicles and weapons' does not mean 'all eldar vehicles and weapons', as we know that some of their basic small arms (EG shruiken weapons) have been used by humans without problem.

Page 179
The occasional sacntioned attempts to activate captured and damaged Eldar vehicles and weapons by secret Ordo Xenos Investigatus teams have all resulted in complete failure (and the loss of many test-bed servitors.
Failure to make Eldar tech work. And yet they still try.

Page 182 the arcane power and knowledge of the Warlock Spiritseers, an Eldar spirit can be recalled.
..their spirit stones are used to reanimate wraithbone constructs.
But the immortal spirit of an Eldar cannot retain the same bright spark of consciousness as that of the mortal. They exist part in the spirit realm, part in the mortal realm, with reality occuring around them as if in a dream-like state. They can easily become vauge and lose focus, momentarily arift int he spirit realm again.
Hence the need for Warlock Spiritseers to keep them focused.
Page 182
..Warlocks of great power that passed into the spirit realm could be summoned to aid a Craftworld again. The Warlock's mortal spirti was contained within the Wraithbone matrix of a Wraithlord, becoming a Wraithseer.
There are very few Wraithseers on the craftowlrds, and it is believed that the Spiritseers no longer hae the knowledge or skill to re-animate them.
Warlock Dreadnought analogue. Server as leaders as well as warlocks, and dont seem to need spiritseers.

Page 186
These single-seat Walkers are akin to the Imperial Guard sentinel, but are far more agile and carry more firepower...
Secure in his cockpit, three metres above the ground.
connected to the Walkers wraithbone core, the pilot is at one with his machine...
..a pilot is often aided by a psirit stone, the essence of a dead Eldar wariror contained within it assisting with control of the vehilce.
War walkers, scout and heavy weapons support platforms.

Page 189
The hornet is a small, single-seater attack craft deployed by Eldar armoured forces in a fast reconnaissance and raiding role.
From anti-infantry firepower with shuriken cannons and scatter lasers, through starcannon and missile launchers, to precision anti-tank fire with bright lances or even large pulse lasers.
With an esitmated top speed of 600 kph, the attack craft is also capable of limited short-range atmospheric flight.
hornet attack craft.

Page 189 - picture here shows a Hornet strafing two Cadian Gaurdsmen in hostile weather gear. They both have some sort of viewscreen/data display monocle over he left side of the helmet and eye - quite possibly akin to something the Elysians have.

Page 191
The Lynx is a sleek, heavily armoured craft, near invisible to the arcane tracking devices of the Imperium.
.. appears the vehicle lacks the very heavy firepower of the Scorpion or Cobra, being situated somewhere between the standard Falcon and the Scorpion in terms of armament.
single pulsar or sonic lance usually. Seems to be an intermediate craft, and highly stalthy. As a superheavy it seems to have Tiatan grade holofields.

Page 194
Designed to find and destroy enemy war machines, their protective force fields are littel defencse against the D-cannon's heinous energies.
D cannon are shield disrupting weapons

Page 194
The dwindling civilisation of the Eldar means they must rely upon sophisticated technology and the wraithbone construction of their vheicles, freeing more warriors from crewman duties to fill the ranks of Guardian and Aspect Warrior squads.
Eldar 'automation.

Page 197
Utilising the Eldar's sophisticated anti-gravity technology, the Nightwing is capable fo aerobatic feats most Imperial Navy pilots would consider impossible.
..its bright lances are still powerful enough to destroy enemy tanks...
The Nightwing is protected from enemy fire by image distorting holo-fields. The field generator makes it difficult for enemy targets to lock on to the Nightwing, and throws out false images which can confuse enemy pilots.
Nightwing speed, offensive and defensive capabilities.

Page 198
Nightwing stats: 5 tonnes ass, 12m length, 15.4 m width Max recorded speed 3600 kph. Two noese mounted shuriken cannon as main armament, two ventral mounted brightlances as secondary.
Armour type is 'bio molecular derivative material
(EG wraithbone/psychoplastics.)

Page 199
Like all Eldar aircraft, the Phoenix is constructed of complex psycho-plastics, formed into solid shapes under psychic pressure by the Eldar Boensingers. The fuselage is reinforced by wraithbone for extra strength and resilience.
This also means the crew will e psychically attuned to their craft, improving repsonse times and allowing pilots to control their aircraft with the utmost efficiency.
Wrathbone/psychoplastic advantages again.

Page 201
The Vampire can carry up to 30 troops in its passenger compartment..
Other variants of the Standard Raider have been identified, usually upgraded iwth heavier weapons as ground attack bombers and as heavy transports, gravitic hooks locking it onot a Falcon or Wave serpent.
The Vampire Hunter is a super-heavy gunship, capable of taking on the heaviest enemy units, including Titans, and is onyl deployed on the fiercest battlefields agianst large targets.
Vampire variants, including the titan grade hunter.

Page 204
To aid its combat speed the Revenant [Titan] is also equipped with advanced jump jets and gravitic motors, allowing it to leap, clearing difficult terrain and advancing quickly to harass the enemy, before firing its jets again and withdrawing with equal speed.
The principal weaponry of the REvenant is the feared pulsar, a high yield, rapid firing laser weapon...
..Revenants have also been encountered armed with a sonic lance, a short-range sonic weapon using the same technology as the smaller vibro-cannon. Its resonant sonic waves shakes its targets appart.
A Revnant's secondary armament is its shoulder mounted missile launcher, laoded with plasma warheads.
Projected by the titans fins, the image-distorting field confuses scanners, auspex and targeters...
Revenannt capabilities. Their mass must be low if they can do jump jets. The missiles are dientified as a striclty antipersonnel weapon.

Page 205
Each Titan is guided by a single crewman, known by the title of Steersman. The pilot merges his consciousness with the spirits within the Titan's wraithbone core..
Eldar titan control.

Page 207
..built around a powerufl psychic wraithbone core which permits the spirts contained within to flow freely through the titan, helping to guide the machine and its steersman pilot.
He controls the titan from its cockpit, towering 25 metres above the battlefield.
..his spirit merges with those of the wraithbone to create one sentience, which in turn guides the Titan, almost allowing it to think, react, and manoeuvre with the speed of an Aspect Warrior.
... is rightly feared for its huge pulsars. These are laser energy weapons of massive power, capable of piercing the thickesta rmour with ease. with long range and its high rate of fire...
it [Ashuna Valcry'le - Sleepless Harbinger of Destruction) it is a bladed Titan close combat weapon that also mounts two starcannon.
These can include a starcannon and multiple plasma warhead missile launcher [on shoulder mounts.
Phantom titan armament and height and capabilities. Note the agility of the Titan due ot its control system. IT can also of course mounta D-cannon, but I was tired of quoting the Dc annon stuff.

Page 208
A rarely encountered variant of the Phantom is known as the Warlock Titan. It contains the spirits of mighty Eldar Seers and Warlocks, still held within its wraithbone core. THese spirits of the dead are not powerless, and they can still merge their psychic strength, creating a potent war engine that combines the firepower and grace of a Phantom with the innate abiliites and leaders of the Eldar race..
Warlock titans.. psyker titans.

PAge 220
Around formre Eldar colonies there can be tens of thousands of smaller passage,s and thousands of individiual portals, which once allowed the Eldar to move aorund a lanet with ease.
Planetary scale webway portals.
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