Although there are six games in the Tribes franchise, (which was itself a spinoff of the Starsiege series, which in turn was a spinoff of the Earthsiege series, which was a spinoff of the Metaltech series and incorporated Hunter Hunted as part of its backstory. This game has a history. ) there is little in the way of helpful descriptive material in most of the manuals. In fact, the latest addition to the franchise, Tribes: Ascend, currently has no accompanying lore whatsoever beyond a few vague in-game weapon descriptions. The only major exception to the trend is the manual for the original Tribes, and the three extensive guidebooks released along with it. (all four of which can be found here)
I believe the material presented in these earlier publications can still be used to help quantify the current generation of the game, as it appears that not much has changed technology-wise. (so far as we know- Tribes: Ascend is still under active development and the possibility exists that new lore will eventually be released) At the very least, these earlier guides can provide a baseline by which we can gauge the capability of their older weapons and armor technology regardless of what the current generation is capable of.
Without further preamble, I will begin the analysis with the weapons and armor guide:
General introductory summary. The report is apparently written from an in-universe perspective by an Imperial scholar.Introduction
To the Honored Dottore-Illuminatus,
Danladi Haroun-Nicanor:
Danli, here at last is the report you requested summarizing the current state of tribal technology. My apologies for not compiling it earlier, but extreme circumstances prevented me from attending to it in a timelier manner. As it happens, however, the delays allowed me time to discover answers to several additional items not contemplated in the original report.
Before I begin, let me note the assistance of a pair of very helpful tribal warrior-scholars I befriended during my journey with Sous-Legate Panderson several months ago: Inquisitor Nabterayl and Priestess IshM’lak (yes, the titles are somewhat quaint, I know) of the tribe calling itself the Sons of Thunder. Without their insights, much of the information on the tribal armors would have been woefully incomplete.
Now, please allow me to offer a few introductory comments before you move on to the meat of this report. Danli, I must stress that tribal technology is a mix of the old and the new. It incorporates sparkling innovations with recycled concepts. Compared to the Empire, of course, the so-called “Tribes of Man” use antiquated, even primitive technologies, and our officers openly disdain the “barbarians.” However, such prejudices sorely underestimate the flexibility and effectiveness of tribal engineering. The weapons and armors used by tribal warriors proved deadly enough when directed at our garrisons in the Kepler system, and the veterans of that campaign no longer scoff at the prospect of facing tribal warriors on the battlefield.
Though most tribes no longer follow any semblance of a nomadic lifestyle, they remain highly mobile within their territories, and this mobility provides the key to their military strategy. Thus, tribal technology remains relatively portable and easy to maintain. The freedom and self-reliance valued in the wilderzone’s frontier atmosphere make durability and practicality primary design goals in any tribal device.
Aesthetic concerns also occupy an important place in tribal design. Many weapons and most armors will feature decoration pertinent to a particular tribe’s customs and history. Most notable in this regard are the Children of Phoenix, who take great pride in their brightly polished and engraved armors, but the Starwolf are also famous for the elaborate patterns carved in the hardwood stocks of their blasters. The Diamond Sword favor a Spartan but elegant look, and the Blood Eagle opt for drama with a more pragmatic - some would say secular - appearance.
This report attempts to summarize the state of tribal engineering and the cultural and political impact technology has had on the denizens of the wilderzone. I will not address spacefaring technology, however, as that topic is distinct enough to warrant its own report. It is my fervent hope that with better understanding of the capabilities of the Tribes of Man, the Empire can avoid a repeat of the Kepler tragedy.
Iridescent-Dottore Jarita Xu-Lachillan
Honorable Scholar-Mandarin
In the service of the Imperial Legate
November 19, 3940
Terran Standard Reckoning
Nanotech is an ubiquitous presence in the wilderzone, though its capabilities are severely limited out of fear of a previous AI rebellion. Some minor capabilities and limits are presented.Nanotechnology (Entek)
A brief review will help to establish the proper context. Nanotechnology is a common part of wilderzone life. The technology has existed since well before the Diaspora: microscopic robots (called “nanites” or “bugs”) manipulate matter on the molecular level, thereby creating or destroying either organic or inorganic material. Practically speaking, nanotech has always been somewhat overplayed by the directors and writers of holovids and speculative fiction. While it is capable of miraculous effects, nanotech labors under several limitations. It requires oversight to ensure it does not mutate into rogue forms dangerous to human life. It must be adaptable enough to function in a variety of environments on a variety of materials. It requires a reliable power source.
The need for oversight means any population of nanites must include a highly redundant control segment which monitors for mutation and removes potential rogues. Another segment monitors the environment and facilitates communication between the worker nanites so that the objective is constructed accurately. Finally, generator nanites exist to provide energy for longer jobs, though in some nanite populations this function is replaced by an exterior microwave broadcast. Such a broadcast produces an additional fail-safe, since cutting the power shortens the effective life of the nanites. The end result is that nanotechnology is not the panacea ancient futurists first projected. The more complex the task, the more oversight and control is required. The denser the material, the more energy is required. In short, while nanites can quickly repair broken bones and seared tissue, they cannot create a steak or make a living sheep.
An additional fear developed after the Cybrid Wars, namely that nanotechnology could become a tool for the extermination of humanity. The Starsiege conflict of the 29th century saw such a nightmare come to pass, but the defenders of Earth were able to circumvent Cybrid nanotech plagues with controlled EMP bursts that disabled the bugs with little collateral damage. With the establishment of the Second Empire following the Cybrid Wars, nanotech was used under controlled, human-supervised conditions, usually in medicine or construction. The great fear of sentient AIs commanding nanite armies means computer control of nanotech is limited to dedicated “idiot savant” systems, and the networking capacity of nanite populations is likewise lobotomized to prevent a sentience-establishing algorithm from developing.
List of self-enforced limits to entek. Fairly reasonable considering previous debacles. Behavior-modification, exponential growth, and flesh-eating plagues that can consume power-armored combatants with shields in short order are all possible with entek, but absolutely prohibited.The Five Limits
Over the centuries, certain standards and protocols have evolved to control misuse or loss of control over nanites. The nanotechnology used by the Tribes of Man differs greatly from the varieties used within the realm of the Empire. Tribal nanotech (or “entek,” derived from N-tech) is used exclusively for construction and medical procedures, but not for destructive purposes or psychological modification. In a section commonly referred to as The Five Limits, The Tenets of Harabec expressly condemn use of entek against human foes. The Empire also officially forbears from using nanotech (since the bugs have a history of being notoriously unstable under combat conditions), but as you know, the Imperial military has experimented with killer nanites and covert modifications as the war with the Scourge drags on. We’ve all heard the rumors of horrible battles deep within the Empire, where entire platoons dissolved into thin air, eaten by nanite predators. There are dark tales of worlds under perpetual orbital quarantine because of rogue entek run amok. Whatever the truth, tribals treat entek with as much skepticism as we Imperials, perhaps more so if the Tenets are any indication.
Other rules and traditions exist, but the Five Limits are the primary controls over entek in the wilderzone. So strongly does the average tribal feel about the misuse of nanotechnology that even Imperial citizens in the wilderzone use bugs very, very quietly. A witch-hunt can erupt quickly in tribal space concerning perceived abuse of nanotechnology, either by violation of the Limits or use of the less-recognizable, advanced Imperial variants. In fact, the tribal term “witch” seems to mean someone who uses unfamiliar entek or who flaunts the Limits.
The First Limit: Control by Man
Entek must always be deployed and supervised by a human being. There are no automatic entek-using devices in the wilderzone, nor do the Tenets permit direct supervision of nanites by a computer without the presence of a human decision-maker, though computer monitoring of nanite functions is also required.
The Second Limit: Confine the Reach
Nanites’ range of effect must be limited. Most nanites are programmed to remain within a specific range of a “nucleus” and consequently they don’t function for more than a few meters beyond their deployment. When in use for major projects, entek seeds are sown in the desired patterns.
The Third Limit: Confine the Generation
Nanites must have a limited lifespan and a limited number of generations. Again, much of the limitation is controlled by the “nucleus” nanites that form a necessary part of any deployment.
The Fourth Limit: Strike Not the Living
Nanites must never be programmed to break down living organic tissue except as a necessary adjunct to medical operations. Anyone who deploys such a flesh-eating weapon automatically becomes a hunted outlaw under tribal law - and Imperial, as I need not remind you.
Many rumors have accused the Blood Eagle of violating this limit, but the Sikkiyn-Captain I interviewed on Deus Sanguinus laughed at such accusations, calling them Starwolf propaganda. “Only a complete fool would risk losing control of such devices,” he said. “Haven’t we learned from the Cybrids?”
The Fifth Limit: Destroy Mutations
Any nanite that deviates from its programmed function shall be immediately destroyed.
Interesting. Construction entek takes hours for even simple objects, while ships or vehicles require days or weeks. Evidently the in-game deployment of vehicles in the original Tribes game came from the stated underground caches rather than being constructed on the spot. However, in Tribes 2 and Tribes: Ascend the vehicle depot undergoes a big change. Rather than being a hinged entrance to an unseen supply depot, there are a ring of glowing blue vanes that cause a vehicle to materialize before your eyes. Either they've figured out teleportation, (something completely absent from the series previously, and with no other indications of use anywhere else) or skel-type entek has undergone some major improvements. There's also the possibility that it's just game mechanics, but the effort taken to portray the process the way it currently is leads me to believe that it does indeed represent on-site construction, albeit not necessarily anywhere nearly as quick as portrayed in-game.Entek Roles
Entek fills four specific roles, each role requiring a specific “species” of nanite. The roles are extraction of metal from ore, construction of structures, repair of equipment, and healing of the injured, carried out by “miners,” “skels,” “wrenches,” and “docs” respectively.
I note that entek fills a strange role here in the wilderzone. All of the major entek industrial species must be used in conjunction with human labor. For example, miners are either seeded over ore-bearing rocks that have been collected by hand, or are deployed in a mine delved by human labor. In practice, the tribes have a great need for laborers despite the relatively common presence of worker bugs. This is particularly true where conditions require flexibility of judgment or aesthetics. It’s worth noting again that the bugs only do as they are programmed to do, and the various safeguards severely limit any autonomous decisions.
Miners are the first nanites seeded on a new planet. They extract metal from raw ores in the vicinity of their deployment. The metal is then collected and refined into stahlplast for use in structures or tribal machinery. Actual forging or further construction is accomplished by tribal craftsmen using other entek tools.
Skels are nanites used in heavy construction. Skels are also used to assist in the building of ships and vehicles. Unlike in Imperial virts, skels do not construct ships and vehicles out of thin air in a matter of seconds. Given time, they can accomplish such complex tasks, but require hours for a relatively simple task, days or weeks for a more complex task. In addition, the specs for each piece of equipment must be programmed in great detail into the bugs, a complex task for all but the most proficient entek engineers. Consequently, the Tribes of Man use only a few hardy and proven designs, and they keep their entek construction confined to the deeper levels of their holdfasts. Tribals often keep arsenals stocked with weapons, armor, and vehicles in their bases, calling them up for deployment via use of “inventory stations.”
Tinkers are a subset of skels used to assist in the production of armor and other smaller components intended to be worn or held by human beings. These nanites are always used under exacting direction of a human engineer, and have almost no independence. Because tinkers require so much direction, tribal crafters skilled in their use become valued assets. Essentially, tinker entek manipulates microscopic pieces of the target component.
Reparis, or “reppers,” are the mechanical repair bugs. They repair any damage done to buildings and equipment. Using the imprint code found within any tribal device, they can repair an existing piece of equipment to its original state. As long as the item in question hasn’t been totally disintegrated, these nanites can repair it-armors, turrets, drop ships-all can be repaired within a matter of seconds. These nanites are found in the repair packs used by battlefield engineers, and are powered by a beam from the armor’s energy reserves. When the user cuts off the energy beam, the nanites destroy themselves.
Repair packs and kits used on tribal battlefields contain charges of reparis designed to seal breaches and repair damaged circuits. When applied to powered armor, the reparis are programmed to give top priority to damaged shield systems. Repair kits also contain smaller amounts of knitters programmed to check the warrior and effect minor microsurgical healing. As with tinkers, they manipulate the target material, whether mineral or organic, into the desired configuration.
Knitters, or “docs” are similar to reparis, but are engineered to repair human flesh instead of inorganic material. They can easily repair traumas such as cuts, skin and muscle burns, abrasions, and broken bones in mere minutes, but are less effective at dealing with major internal organ trauma due to the great variance in individual human physiologies and body chemistries. More serious injuries typically require suspended stabilization and transport to a location with a portable hospital array.
The handheld devices that use nanodocs are generally referred to as “knitterbeams.” A knitterbeam applies nanodocs under an electrostim field that promotes rapid cell regeneration. Warriors receiving knitterbeam healing in the field need to take extra fluids and electrolyte supplements to ease the tissue strain of accelerated regeneration. Part of the function of knitters is reweaving the biological tissue, but knitters are also able to form stitches to help maintain the flesh integrity. Such knittings dissolve over time. Knitterbeam work does leave scars, however, as nanodoc healing is somewhat of a strain on human cells. Thus, a warrior who receives much field healing will carry visible signs of numerous brushes with death. Of course, many tribals view scars as badges of honor and courage, and so refuse to have any cosmetic repairs after a campaign.
Regardless of whether or not the speed of skel-type entek has improved, repair work and cell regen are canonically quick enough to approximate FPS healing rates. (fancy that... )
Fusion is considered primitive by the Imperials, who use antimatter for their power needs. 1 square meter of solar panels can output 'several megawatts' of power under optimum conditions. Given that the solar constant is approximately 1.36 kw/m^2, either this is a typo and they really meant kilowatts, (which still doesn’t mesh with the solar constant, or observed performance) all planets are really receiving more sunlight than Mercury, (equally ridiculous) or there’s some seriously weird technobabble at work underneath it all. Given that individual solar generators with an approximate collection area of 4 square meters can power heavy plasma-based defense turrets that can chew through futuristic tanks or diamond-hard, heavily shielded, thermally resistant powered armor in short order, I’m inclined to suspend disbelief for a moment and go with the stated figure, even though it makes physics go and cry in a corner.ENERGY GENERATION
Most power for tribal settlements comes from stil-fusion generators considered antiques by Imperials. Compared to the antimatter chambers and ion flux wells used in the Empire, these tribal generators are old and inefficient. However, they more than fulfill the requirements of the tribal holdfasts. They are reliable, durable, easy to maintain, and relatively portable. Further, due to its isothermal input and low radioactive signature, stil-fusion is far safer and environmentally friendlier than antimatter, as well as more stable than the notoriously twitchy flux wells. The only byproduct of the fusion generators is water, formed by the fusion of plentiful hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
Naturally, the size of the generator controls the potential energy output.
Hyper-efficient photovoltaic cells embedded within solar panels permit tribals to supplement the fusion power plants used by holdfasts and bases. A square meter panel is capable of generating several megawatts of electrical power on a bright sunny day. A network of panels can match the output of a fusion generator under proper conditions.
However, these solar panels are useless at night or in inclement weather systems. On a desert world, they are extremely useful. In the dense jungle undergrowth of Helena Prime, they serve little purpose. Overall, fusion power remains the most efficient generation system.
Sensors are very energy-hungry and cover practically the entire EM spectrum, but standard ECM packages can almost totally evade them outside of LOS or past several hundred meters. Both sound scarily effective. Cloaking is apparently old hat to the imperials, but only recently adopted by the Tribes of Man. All sensor data is shared between warriors.SENSORS
The Tribes of Man use pulse and motion sensors to detect enemy presence. Critical to tactical planning in any situation, sensors are nevertheless severely limited. Tribal armors and vehicles all include standard ECM packages, such that average sensor effectiveness drops dramatically within several hundred meters. Outside of line-of-sight (LOS), even concentrated pulse sensors can be rendered virtually useless. On the other hand, once within a sensor’s effective range, escaping detection is virtually impossible without powerful jamming equipment. The honor-based culture of the wilderzone has prevented adoption of outright cloaking technology (deeming it dishonorable), though that capability has existed since the Cybrid Wars. Interestingly, one of my contacts in the Blood Eagle, an aspiring duelist who recently left Fury’s service, has hinted that the exiles have quietly begun to incorporate cloaking gear into their inventories. If this is true, we should expect tribal warfare to grow considerably bloodier.
Motion sensors are simple, short-range detection devices using an optical interface and sensitive air pressure triggers. When any object within its detection radius moves, a motion sensor “sees” and tracks that object as long as it remains within range. Many varieties of motion sensors also screen for intruder sound profiles. Some tribes use IR or laser “tripwires” to add an additional layer of protection. Such low-tech strategies are scoffed at by those familiar with the Imperial military, but tribals simply smile in the knowledge that their less-advanced equipment nonetheless continues to serve well.
Pulse sensors blanket almost the entire EM spectrum, from radio waves to gamma rays, in a manner similar to ancient radar. They can be jammed by a technology that utilizes a multi-phased cloaking field to make the shielded object or person invisible to pulse sequences. However, such broad jamming fields require enormous power and can only be maintained for long periods where supported by a dedicated energy source.
All information collected by the sensors in a tribe’s holdfasting is downloaded to a master tactical computer, which in turn relays the data to each warrior’s command circuit, or “Bleed.”
Fairly self-explanatory. Communications are slower than in Star wars, but quicker than Honor Harrington.COMMUNICATIONS
Hyperweb Coherent Antipodal Relay (HCAR or “hypercast”)
Most star systems on the wilderzone Hyperweb have powerful radio transmitters and receivers set up in the vicinity of the jumpgates. Tribal engineers have long known how to squirt dense message pulses through the jumpgates. However, the message must be relayed from transmitter to transmitter. Energy requirements are far lower than with message ships and transit through jumpgates slightly faster than do spindleships. Some star systems are close enough to maintain regular hypercast commlinks and thereby a localized trans-stellar O-Web (with some delays and interference due to jumpgate flux). This is the most common means of trans-stellar communication.
Advantages: Convenient and reliable. Any ship near a jumpgate can send or receive messages with nothing more than basic radio.
(1) Not private unless heavily encrypted. Any ship near a jumpgate can receive messages.
(2) Over a longer thread such as an Axis or Grand Axis, Hyperweb flux commonly corrupts part of the signal, causing the message to arrive in varying degrees of gibberish.
(3) Occurs at substantially the same speed as spaceship travel. Definitely not real-time communication. A message may take minutes to cross the even the shortest threads, and several hours to days for longer threads.
(4) It needs to be relayed across star systems. If you were to transmit from System A to System B, the message would stop at B unless someone at B retransmits through the B jumpgate to System C.
Quantum-Reed Transcomm (“Q-Reed,” “Q-R,” or “squirt”)
Q-Reed devices make true faster-than-light communication possible with amazing clarity, but this miraculous technology has severe limitations.
Advantages: Convenient and reliable. Real-time communication across any distance up to 5,000 light years.
(1) Due to a limit enforced by the laws of quantum engineering, a Q-R transcomm can only transmit between units that contain “reeds” grown in the same proto-singularity matrix. Odds are virtually impossible that a randomly encountered Q-R device will link to someone you know. You can alter the resonance of a transcomm to reach unlinked reeds only if you have samples of those reeds present when you begin the relinking process. In so doing, you sever the transcomm from all of its old connections. This process is time-consuming, expensive, and dangerous.
(2) The hardware is rather bulky and cannot be carried as a hand-held device. The smallest Q-Reeds are about the mass and size of a modern-day car engine block.
(3) They require substantial amounts of energy to function.
(4) The heart of a Q-reed system is the quantum resonator “reed,” which is constructed of unstable proto-singularity matter. If subjected to powerful implosive force, the reed will explode and (again due to the strange dictates of quantum engineering) a probability exists that every reed in its matrix chain will likewise detonate.
(5) Production of transcomms is hideously complex and expensive. The Tribes of Man do not have any capacity for independent production. Consequently, only a few transcomms exist in the wilderzone, virtually all of them owned by the Four. (It’s rumored that the Imperials brought one to Kepler, and that the Children of Phoenix assault was a pretext for capturing the device.) Though they are more frequently encountered in the Empire, they are still uncommon there as well, and are virtually monopolized by the Imperial Military, which uses them in naval tactical coordination.
Mail packets
Basically a Pony Express style of communication wherein messages must travel with ships in order to get to their destinations. A variation of this is the Proxy (or Courier), a person who memorizes the message and transmits it orally. Proxies with brain implants can be conditioned to tune out their messages so they don’t remember what they’ve said or what’s been fed into them until they hear the appropriate codes. See “Johnny Mnemonic,” by William Gibson for the classic example of this kind of courier.
Advantages: Fairly high security possible. Can go anywhere, be concealed in objects, offer full hologram presentation, etc.
Can be intercepted and/or faked. Limited to the speed of Hyperweb travel.