So we start with the 5th edition. Gave us lots of different things. Greater expansion on the background and history, on the scale of things (esp in scale!) and changes in quite a few of the races (most notably Dark Eldar and Necrons.) IT also gave us a preponderance of Space Marine lunacy, most of which gets attributed to (blamed) on Matt Ward (Which I may not mention, depending on mood.) We'll start with the Rulebook and move on from there.
Unsurprisingly, I'll be skipping over the bulk of the rules stuff, since I have hardly anything to do with gameplay (and what ever tidbits I might have covered from gameplay appeared in previous editions, no need to retread.) so we'll be starting well into the book.
Page 101
Stasis fields and 'psi-fusion' reactors. I'm guessing the psi fusion reactors are some weird shit that run off of people (hence the psyker sacrifice) - possible necron tech? the Stasis fields seem tied to the golden throne somehow (again necron tech.)Today, as for the last ten thousands years, the Emperor lives only by the force of his supreme will. His broken and decayed body is preserved by the stasis fields and psi-fusion reactors of the Golden Throne.
His immense psychic powers envelop and protect Mankind across the entire galaxy. His consciousness wanders through Warp space, warring against the Daemons that inhabit it, keeping closed the doors between this world and the next.
If the Emperor fails then the Daemons of Chaos will flood into the galaxy. Every livign being will become a gateway for the desturction of Mankind and the stuff of Warp space will submerge the galaxy.
Also the general 'mankind is protected by the Emperor's power from becoming food for warp creatures.' - I imagine this is akin to the 'shielding' the Orks and Tyranids receive from their respective 'patron gods' but less effective because humanity is not like Orks or 'Nids.
Page 101
Not wholly true, since there are worlds and even sectors where such evil socialist philsohpies occur, at least to some degree (through the Ecclesiarchy and the Sororitas if nothing else.). On terra? Probably not, since its a fucking Hive World. That's kinda the thing usually - it depends entirely on the world in question and probably on the degree of control (a hive or forge world, or one under direct administration from the Administratum or Munitorum is not likely to be a nice place. An Agri world would be another story.)Those that survive can expect only a future of penury and wasting death, for the Imperium wastes no resources on those who refuse to help themselves.
But this sounds entirely more grim and depressing and desperate, so we'll hear this kind of stuff usually in anything not a FFG book or a novel.
Page 102
Cue reconciliation of odd details like Star Child and sensei and all that.The Emperor has not spoken nor moved since his incarceration in the arcane mechanism of the Golden Throne. His material body is to all intents dead, and his psychic mind is wholly preoccupied within Warp space, fighting for the preservation of Mankind.
Page 102
Minimum population for Terra. Probably a drastic underestimate since there are likely to be far more troops, peasants, support elements, etc.The Adeptus Terra numbers billions upon billions of individuals on Earth alone.
Page 102
They also indicate a "telephone" effect is going on, ie that at each stage errors can creep in that alter the actual message. While it is sluggish and makes coordination difficult, it does insulate the individual sectors from teh sorts of crazy ass bullshit that would happen if the Adeptus Terra could micromanage.So vast is the Imperium, so colossal are the distances and delays in communication between branches of the labyrinthine hierarchy that centralised rule and accurate census are impossible. Billions of citizens die every day...
Orders issued by the High Lods must run the gauntlet of the Imperium's ponderous bureacracy, passing down through Segmentum commanders, sector and sub-sector administrators before reaching planetary governros who must enact these edicts.
Could you imagine the Administratum running everything according to its intentions, or the Guard?
It's not wholly bad either. The Emperor is still 'alive' in a sense and he remains the central, fixed point guiding and protecting the Imperium. He is still able to exert influence and help/coordinate the Imperium to some extent, the problem being he has no direct means of communicating (he has to rely on visions, messengers, the Tarot, astropaths and the Astronomican, etc.)
Page 103
A million inhbited worlds. I'd gather that its the sectors that are divided by 'hundreds or thousands' of light years by now. Its the way things are set up. Assuming 2000 LY we might get ~2000 sectors scattered about. Assuming 200 LY betwene sectors its nearly 200 thousand. We might assume 'thousands' is higher, but this cuts down numbers (and runs into contradictions with other material, like the FFG stuff) and it also meshes less well with 'hundreds' - having the range fall into the 'high hundreds to low thousands' is pretty reasonable variance for an average, and it doesn't result in too many worlds (whilst hundrds of thousands of sectors is *possible* I don't really find it all that likely. )The Imperium of Man comprises a million inhabited worlds...
The Imperium is spread very thinly across space: its worlds are dotted through the void and divided by hundreds, if not thousands of light years.
The Imperium's holdings are scattered far and wide by the vagaries of Warp travel and spatial drift. One inhabited system may be separated from its nearest neighbour by alien civilisations, unstable Warp storms, dimensional cascades or unexplored space.
Page 103'
We dont know what a 'relatively short time is' it could be hours instead of years, or months instead of decades. The quality of the pilot and the kind of ship (and the route travelled) affect it as well. hours could he millions of c, whilst months (or years) could be hundreds or thousands of c, and both possibilities have merit depending on context.Within Warp space a ship can cover the equivalent of many thousands of light years within a relatively short time.
Given known *probable* warp speeds (tens or hundreds of thousands of c) We'd likely be talking 'days or weeks'.
Page 103
Time dilation in the warpSome parts of Warp space act as dimensional vortices..
In others, time flows disjointedly with the material ralm. Days become nanoseconds, minutes stretch into years, and the future spirals intot he past.
Page 103-104
The requirements for a 'truly' interstellar empire, at least via warp drive. It's possible to duplicate this on a lesser scale - use a sorcerer/psyker analogue to navigate, and plot by some other sort of beacon you make (any kind can do) but it wouldn't have the range or reliability of a Navigator. "calculated' jumps can permit the creation of a sector scale (or larger) entity, and I'd imagine with some crude navigator analogue (or sufficiently high-tech duplicates - we know from FFG there are a number of different ways to boost range and speed by at least an OOM or two) oyu might make an empire some thousands of Ly in diameter.The Imperium's mastery of Warp space is born of three factors. The first is the maintenace of ancient technology by the Adeptus Mechanicus..
Without the technological advnatage of efficient Warp engines it would be impossible for the Imperium to defend its scattered planets.
The second factor is the existence of human mutants known as Navigaotrs...
The third factor which makes warp travel possible is the immeasurably powerful beacon of the Astronomican.
It will still be a pale imitation of the Imperium, but to be fair thousands of LY is still alot of volume and a densely inhabited region (or colonized/conquered) could still be a major threat.
Page 104
Prior to the Ncron codex this was teh most 'known' worlds. Now we know there are millions of worlds, but perhaps only a thousand (thousands) have awokenLong dormant Necrons stir in the dust of a thousand dead worlds..
yet. this might mean billions or trillions of 'active' Necrons.
Page 108
Jobs placement and security in the Imperium, only grimdarkified. Though to be fair not all of it is much better than described (There's a good depication of an administratum facility in Ravenor, for example. and novels like Survival Instinct or Necropolis give an indicator of what a hive world hab worker might be like.)All servants of the Imperium have a vocation that defines their existence, often allotted before they are even born.
In the hab-complexes of the civilised worlds, the shuffle of sore-ravaged feet and the scratch of thermoquil upon vellum is punctuated by the thunder of distant war.
Only a few hours' sleep is permitted each night, and even that is plagued by the grind of constant industry.
The thing is that the grimdark has to be balanced by a certain practicality - these people are treated like shit, but they still have to be effective to make the guns, goods, and all the other shit that make the rich people rich, we're talking economic/wage slavery more akin to the Industrial Revolution era (child labor, no concern for worker safety etc.) or in some cases American economic/industrial society of today amongst the lower classes (low wages, few to no social safety nets, living from check to check and if you get bad luck you're screwed, etc.) rather than outright enslavement (although that can and does happen too.)
Page 108
Which is hardly different from things today. I mean things like the War in Iraq and the bank bailouts, the failure of a decent health care system in the US - what about these is not corrupt or a big 'fuck you' to the 'common man?' The only difference is that in the Imperium's caes its supposed to be a hamfisted unintentional parody of 'drama'It is they [the privileged few] who maintain the status quo for their own hidden ends, they who guide humanity itself. Some are pure of intent, some embody the corruption at the heart of the Imperium, but one fhing is true of all - they care not for the fate of the common man.
Page 112
Hey you're getting your optimism in my GRIMDARK!Mankind is on the verge of an evolutionary change tens of thousands of years in the making. If humanity can survive the birth trauma, the mundane shackles of its current form will be thrown off and a new epoch of wonderment and psionic mastery ushered in.
Page 112
Psychic powers.Psychic mutants such as precognistics, telepaths, pyrocasters, projectors, sunderers and the like..
Page 114
Allusion to sectors and subsectors. I wonder if the 'mutual defense' extends not only to PDFs (or are guard tithings a version of mutual defense) but also to the Navy?Many human worlds form loose alliances for trade and mutual defence.
New human worlds are discovered all the time, and there are an unknown numbe rwhich have lain forgotten for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
Also mentions the constant 'discovery' and loss of worlds due to various factors, which means the 'size' of the Imperium is in constant flux and never precisely known.
Page 114
It should be noted that 'hive worlds' fall into alot of different categories.. major, minor, proto-/sub hives, etc. There are even categories within the categories (Necromunda type hives are different from Armageddon style hives.) and evne then it can cross definitions (some hives are underground, some above ground, and some even more bizzare, and they may be also civilised, mining, or other kinds of worlds.) The points of commonality seem to be extreme industry, high population density, and usually less than stellar enviroments as a result of the industry.Hive worlds such as Armageddon, Vanaheim and Minea are the production centres and principle manufactorums of the Imperium. Centuries of industrial production have left a hive world's surface inhospitable...
Each hive world is home to many hundred billion citizens, crammed into towering urban conglomerations, known as hives, and working to provide the Imperium with much needed ores, alloys, and mass produced items. So vast are their populations that few hive worlds are self-sufficient, and often subsist on colossal imports of food and water from other wrolds.
Page 114
Agri worlds. Implied that there are at least a thousand of them.Agri worlds are given over entirely to hydroponics, animal breeding, and crop cultivation. Small human populations work thousands of acres of farmland and battery farms, to feed the countless billions who toil on barren and diseasd hive worlds, or serve with deep space fleets. Without the verdant feilds of Kabaal II, Delphenia, Chiros, and a thousand others, the Imperium would starve.
Page 114
[Feral and Feudal worlds]
These worlds are broadly considered to be backward planets, separated mostly by a mastery (or lack thereof) of gunpowder weaponry.
Though feral and feudal planets are generally poor worlds monetarily, the warrior skills bred on them more than comepnsate for the paucity of Tithes.[/quote]
They are rather minor and unimportant worlds, at least in the present. Useful source of manpower or troops if need be, sometimes resources, but that's about it. Most are probably little more than colonies or protectorates in that respect.
Page 115
Data on the hive world Minea. It has a 'moderate' fleet presence, which suggests each hive world might have at least a couple ships (60K ships at least on permanant garrison in Hives?), as well as a garrison. Garrison strength of 2 million is ~65 billion troops stationed on just Hive worlds. Planetary draft is 40.5 billion per annum. We don't know if this is 'drafted' into the PDF, or into the Guard. If the latter, the PDF might be 10x bigger (or more, since the PDF will last more than a year.) Using Minea's population as a baseline you get nearly 5 quadrillion inhabitants for the hive worlds (within an order of magnitude, at least.) which gives a rough idea of Imperial populations.Minea:
[ha class hive world, Ultima Segmentum]
Cross reference Armageddon, Avellorn, Ichar IV, Kado, Lastrati, Vanaheim.
Population: 154 billion
Approx. number of hive worlds in the Imperium: 3.238x10^4
Imperial fleet presence: Moderate
Planetary Garrisons: Fortress Calista, Gehenna Bastion:
Imperial garrison strength: 2,000,000 men.
Planetary draft: 1,249,000 per annum.
Chief exports: Banedax Ore, Phosgene gas.
Average Warp travel duration from Terra: 35 months.
Also if minea were (in theory) tithing 40 billion Guardsmen per year, those troops would have to be transported. About 8,000 of those '5 million strong' troop transports mentioned later would be needed. If its a mere 100K, it would be 400,000 (perhaps cut down by a number of trips.. but probably not much less than an Order of magnitude.) and on top of that all those ships need an escort, which gives you a good idea yet again of navy numbers (military and nonmilitary ships.)
Distance from Terra: We know its in Ultima Segmentum (somewhere) but not where. It's got to be less than 60-70 K LY, but it may not be a straight line course either. anyhow, assuming a straight line from Minea to Terra over 60K LY you get about 20,000c.
Also we get note of hive world 'classifications' although where Minea fits in the scale or how the scale works we don't quite know. Also 'phosgene gas' - its a chemical weapon being exported.
Page 115
They aren't neccesarily 'worlds' in the sense of the Death Star or worldcraft, but the imperium can build some freaking huge space stations (or build them into some big structures.) This could also include lunar outposts and the like.[Artificial Worlds]: The Imperium maintains many orbital stations, asteroidal emplacements and other constructed facilities. THese range form listening posts and research laboratories to military space stations and doomsday bastions.
Page 115
This makes sense for quarantines, if it is a bit resource intensive (having to keep ships and such around to keep them blockaded.) - either trying to outlast them or just to keep them contained until they can be properly dealt with (conquered.)[Quarantined worlds] Sometimes a world proves too difficult or dangeorus for settlement, but the potential for exploitation is too high to become subject to an Exterminatus order.
These worlds are palced under blockade to prevent intruders from getting in or the secrets they contain getting out, until such a time that the Imperium can properly exploit them.
It also specifies that certain kinds of exterminatus (at least) will destroy planetary resources as well. This could be organic or mineral, the context implies both at least.
Page 115
Forge worlds.Mars, Goethe Majoris, Lucius and their sister planets are all forge worlds, the sovereign domains of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Forge worlds are planet-wide factories, home to cloesly guarded technological secrets and essential for the supply of mundane or arcane equipment for the Imperium's combat forces.
Page 115
Dead worlds, and the means by which they can be made 'dead'. implies that its rare for Exterminatus to totally obliterate the world itself.These were once thriving planets, but now have minimal or non-existent life as a result of ecological catastrophe, unchecked warfare, Imperial Exterminatus or some other, uknown cause.
..can make excellent military training grounds..
Page 115
Death worlds. In FFG material Death worlds are a subset of Hive world.Death worlds are planets deemed too dangeorus to support widespread human settlements. Such worlds are nearly impossible to colonise, but have osme intrinsict value - either strategic or mineral - that necessitates the provision of outposts or other faiclities.
..Praxeti is a barren and blasted rockscape, riven with ion storms that strike with enough force to shatter rock. Other deathw orld threats are stranger still - the living planet of Croatoa, the psychic storms of Sycorax...
Such hard-bitten folk are ideal recruits for the Imperial Guard, a detail that more than justifies the settlement of a death world regardless of other factors.
Page 116
Crux is the captial world, and a munitiosn core. It also has a Hive World, a Agri-world, and a weapons testing facility.Cabulis, primarily a munitions tithe zone, is a typical example of a binary system.
Its an indicator of further levels of 'classification' although what the classes mean eludes me.
Page 118
The galaxy is full of other races, empires, etc. Many if not most of which are as hostile and expansionist as humanity.There are dozens, perhaps hundreds, of civilisations whose destines cross those of humanity amid the star-strewn pathways of the galaxy, and countless other rising cultures whose threat is contained only through Imperial might.
Page 119
In 40K terms this tends to make Eldar and humans opinionated, quarrelling neighbors. The Imperium always leaves lesser threats to the side to deal with major ones (same mentality why they don't make serious efforts to obliterate the tau.)For the moment, the Imperium mostly refrains from aggressive action against the Eldar. This is partly because the Eldar are numerically amongst the smallest galactic threats, partly because they are allies as often as enemies, but largely because the last Imperial assault on an Eldar Craftworld ended with the disaster of Blood Nebula and the loss of an entire sector fleet.
Page 120
I'm guessing they mean mainly the tau and perhaps the Eldar or other small 'alien' empires, suggesting that most are probably not in the trillions (or more.)Indeed, the soldiers of the Imperial Guard outnumber the entire population of most alien empires all by themselves.
On the othr hand, they tend to be grossly outnumbered by the Orks and the 'Nids.
Page 120
The IG has a wide variety of professional/garrison/conscript forces organized and utilised in alot of different ways. The second poitn is the really important one, given the oft-depicted image of the IG throwing away huge amounts of lives and resources for important and trivial reasons both. Which again is the grimdark talking, and ignores the realities of such 'attrition' - the munitorum is extremely jealous of its precious resources (more so with tech and machines than people, but still.) and it won't just casually waste either without a good reason (THINK OF THE PAPERWORK! WE ALSO HAVE QUOTAS TO MAINTAIN!) And attrition warfare is logistics heavy, which introduces its own propblems (think of Vraks.) This is probably why they shoot guard officers for failing - attrition warfare doesn't always work, and if it doesn't, you've wasted the Emperor's Military Might for no purpose.The Imperial Guard is the galaxy's largest cohesive fighting force, comprising planetary defence forces, militia units and colossal armies of conquest. Relying on devastating firepower first and attrition second, the Imperial Guard fights wars for decades if it must..
'devastating firepower' likely refers to quick (for the Guard) and overwhelming numbers and firepower directly at the threat, trying to crush it as quickly as possible before it can defend or fortify. It can then grow into attrition (or even trench/siege) warfare by virtue of more resources being poured into the battle. This has actually happend a number of times, but it doesn't always do so.
Page 120
I'd say way more than that, unless there's like thousands of lesser sisterhoods. Given what the Ministorum uses Sisters for, they need more numbers, especially to keep up with the Astartes.There are three major Orders of Adepta Sororitas, the fighting strength of each numbering several thousand warriors, as well as many lesser sisterhoods comrpised of around a hundred or so Battle Sisters.
Page 121
In theory for all the last bits, but he can't demand or force that compliance without some personal power, politicking, or other sort of influence (oaths, for example.) We also get a clarificaiton of what Peers can technically do. Peers can include a good many other sorts, including Space Marine leaders, Rogue Traders, and the like. Note that 'power' or 'authority' are not tangible, absolute things in the Imperium. Power/authority can stem from politics and perception as much as from reality (which is why Space Marines and Rogue Traders can ignore Inquisitors, or vice versa. Or get away with kililng them.)Each Inquisitor is a peer of the Imperium, one of a finite elite who hold ultimate authority over Mankind. As such, an Inquisitor can recruit any military or civilian force in the pursuit of Imperial duties, from hive world security detials through to entire Space Marine Chapters, Titan Legions and vessels of the Imperial Navy.
Page 121
Seismic missiles - another (new) kind of exterminatus munition. We see those crop up quite a bit in FFG material - esp recently. This is not an exhaustive list, of course.Yet the Inquisitor has in his arsenal one weapon like no other: Exterminatus, an orbital bombardment of cataclysmic proportions that employs virus bombs, cyclonic torpedoes and seismic missiles to scour all life from a planet, leaving it a dead and ruined shell.
Page 121
Interesting in that it implies that a good chunk of the Imperium's technology (the sophisticated stuff at least) is actually provided by automated means rather than manual labor. IF we were to buy fully into the "Imperium is full of ignorant, superstitious people, including the AdMech" grimdark and they only know how to maintain shit, this would probably be the best way to pull that off. Of course, like many things in 40K, I doubt it applies to everyone (some probably do, or seek to understand it, so they aren't reliant on the automated shit. In the sense of the Radical/Puritan bent, the conservative AdMech don't want to fool with any tech because it works fine as it is and they don't have to understand it, just worship it. The Radicals believe worshipping isnt enough, but you have to understand it and even replicate it.)Through mystric ritesm intricate invocations and arcane ceremonies, the Tech Priests maintain the Standard Template Construct systems that allow the mass production of vital tools, mechanisms and war machines.
Page 121
Titans. Go ahead and laugh at 'pinnacle of battle technology' I know I do.The pinnacle of Imperial battle-technology...
Titans are manufactured on forge worlds, utilising arcane technology from earlier times.
Page 122-124
- Interesting note is that the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy era AND the Scouring encompass the 31st Millenium. I think this differes a bit from the HH novels. The "Age of Imperium" is noted from M30 onwards, although this may not include the Great Crusade per se.
Page 123
A third part at this point, eventually half...the Warmaster Horus, marches upon Terra with a third part of the hosts of the Imperium which he has seduced to his purpose.
Page 124
We dont know how many marines, but that's damned impressive either way (for the Eversor OR the Marines.)A Space Marine retribution force drawn from the Halo Brethren, Imperial Fists and Sable Swords Chapters tracks the Grand Master to an ASsasinorum temple.
Within the temple they are assailed by a hundred Eversor Assassins. A single Space Marine survives to reach the Grand Master..
Page 124
This is, I suspect, a rare case of the Emperor using his own 'loyal' warp spirits/ghosts/champions to take on daemons. Probably the Emperor/Imperial version of a daemonic host incursion from the warp or something.831.M33: The Year of Ghosts. The honoured dead rise up to defeat the terrors of the Warp.
Page 124
This happens apparently between sometime in M32 and M34. Note the 'Imperium in decline' - again. Get used to seeing periods of decline and resurgence like this all along the timeline. The borders tend to expand and contract along those cycles as well (yet another indication of how the size and scope of the Imperium cna fluctuate.) Indeed the cycle seems to be quite frequent and repetitive. In 6th edition this gets expanded on in grimdkarified ways.The Forging: the Adeptus Terra begins an ambitious project to bring the most important systems in the Imperium under its direct ocntrol. Astropath choirs are established on Armageddon, Bakka, Macragge and a thousands others. Long Lost Standard Template Constructs are unearthed amid the ruins of the Cana system, slowing the decline of Imperial technology. The borders of the Imperium expand to a point almost on par with the sucesses of the Great Crusade.
Astropathic choirs are, of course, key to direct control. The more Astropaths in a region means both a higher volume, as wlel as greater range and realibility of messages being sent.
Page 124
This is perhaps an example of him being a sort of 'rogue trader' - it also shows how power fluctuates depending on politics.Admiral Usurs is cast down by the High Lords of Terra. He is too powerful to execute without inviting civil war, so is instead despatched on an explorator mission to the intergalactic gulf beyond. For the following decade, Ursurs reports reach Terra, detailing the conquering of two new systems for the glory of the Emperor. After two decades, the communiques cease. Contact is never made with the systems mentioned in Usurs' reports.
Page 124
Begins some time in M34. I wouldn't say the Imperium is neccesarily 'split' in two.. unless you're talking 'one very small and one very big' part. But it shows what a huge, resilient (if unresponsive) living mass the imperium itself is. Chop bits of it off and it will grow back in time. Or reattach. You literally have to exhaust it or burn it to ash to end it. Or stirke at Terra. Of course it's also large and sluggish and highly unresponsive, which is a big part of WHY it is so hard to defeat aside from Striking at Terra.Nova Terra Interregnum
The Ur-councilof Nova Terra denounce the High Lords and claim rule of the Segmentum PAcificus. For nine centuries the Imperium becomes a realm split in twain.
Page 124
Ah, quite an infamous quote this one. There's billions of astropaths and many many millions of warp-capable ships in the Imperium (navigator-piloted ships at that, given context.) - they can lose a bilion of one and (4-6 million+) of the other and not fall apart. Indeed, context is that we're talking 1300 systems plus surrounding territories (subsectors) - thousands or tens of thousands of systems probably. I'd expect this to represent no more than 1/5 of the Imperium (one segmentum, probably less) at the bare minimum, and more probably no more than 1/10th, or even 1/100th. we're talking subsectors and sectors, not segmentum, and we're not even losing all of a segmentum fleet - that means tens of millions (or more) of warp capable ships of some kind or another (likely navigator, or at least astropath/psyker guided) and tens if not hundreds of billions of astropaths in all probability (which is another point - given that there is one psyker per hundred thousand-million normals, and most of those aren't even astropath grade, were talking again hundreds of trillions, and more likely far more than quadrillions, of people in the Imperium. Probably quite a bit more given the implications about territory I already alluded to.)401.M34
Black Templar Space Marines end the Catelexis Heresy by executing the Cacodominus, an alien cyborg whose formidable psychic presence allowed it to control the populace of thirteen hundred planetary systems. Alas, the Cacodominus' death scream echoes and amplifies through the Warp, burning out the minds of a billion astropaths and distorting the signal of the Astronomican. Millions upon Millions of ships are lost in the resulting upheaval and entire sub-sectors slide into barbarism without the dictats of the Adeptus Terra to guide them.
Bear in mind that as far as the ships go, most of those are going to be transports, but a fair chunk (say 1 in 10) is going to be a warship (hundreds of thousands, if not millions LOST...)
Page 125
Reign of Blood.Goge Vandire, Ecclesiarch and High Lord of the Adminstratum, falls from the Emperors light and sparks a civil war that lasts for seven decades.
Page 125
The combined (post Apostasy) Age of Redemption, plus the Waning that follows. Covers a time period roughly between M37 (late M36 probably) and late M40 (ending with the Macharian crusade.) As I already noted, the I mperium goes through periodic expansion/contraction like this.The fervor peaks and thousands of worlds are left with inadequate defences as sector fleets, Space Marine Chapters, and Imperial Guard Regiments are drawn into longe rand more terrible crusades.
With the Imperium's military exhausted by the Redmeption Crusades, world aftr world and system after system fall to Ork invasion, Chaos insurgence, or internal strife.
Ever more systems are turned over to direct governance by Space Marine Chapters to preserve stability.
The really interesting point is the use of Space Marine Chapters 'directly governing' as a stabilizing force. I'd wager this stems from their actions during the Reign of Blood, when the Marines held parts of the imperium stable and sane amidst the madness, and eventaully helped put Vandire down. It's quite likely that other 'arms' of the Imperium are empowered to do so in emergencies as well (The Administratum, Munitorum, Ecclesiarchy, even the Admech. ) We get another mention of this too, so it doens't seem to be exactly an anomaly.
In this context it also demonstrates there is a sort of unofficial 'level' of control between segmentum and sector levels through the Astartes (and possibly other adepta or allied factions.) It's also something of a throwback to the 'great Crusade' era.
Page 125
Makes you wonder how frequent it is for troops to be sent into the Eye on the offensive, much less Space Marines. I assume there was a reason for this (Was he a vessel for the Emperor like Thor? Did this serve some ultimate long term goal for the Emperor and humanity?) because 30K space MArines is not a trivial force to be deploying (that's more than are garrisoned around the Eye.)321.M317
the judgement of Saint Basillius. Thirty Space Marine Chapters are found wanting. The guilty embark upon a crusade into the Eye of Terror, to purge those worlds stolen by the birth of the Dark Prince.
Page 125
The Dominus Astra (the Emperor class battleship from Battle for Macragge) is involved. Supernova weapons (just like the Necrons!) and the ability to hide ships in 'folds' of warpspace (with Navigators acting as some active Warp sensor in that regard.)550.M37 : The north western fringe is ravaged by the Apostles of the Blind King, rogue Tech Priests who view humanity as an affront to the Machien God. The Apostles uncover wonderous artefacts lost in the Dark Age of Technology that allow the creation of supernovae from the hearts of living suns. Constellations are forever changed as the Apostles purge the outer Segmentum Obscuris. War rages for a decade, until the Navigator Joyre Macran discoveres the palace-warship of the Blind King hidden in a fold of Warpspace.
Page 126
TWO battlefleets? Are they counting the Ultramarines as a battlefleet now?The Threat of Hive Fleet Behemoth is finally ended unde the guns of two entire Imperial battlefleets.