For the record, my personal take on that scenario is that the Empire annihilates the conventional fleets, the Archailects don't feel threatened enough to pull out the big guns. The Empire finds itself master of a population far greater than it's own and their occupying forces are marginalized to the point of Imperial rule being a symbolic or ceremonial thing.
But that's not what I want to talk about. I want to discuss the OA universe, and what a universe it is. This is THE home for nanowank, post-humanism and singularity-wank. The technology is schizophrenic, Culture-level feats next to NASA like spacecraft, and lots of divisions in the distribution of technology, almost like 40K. I'd probably go a lot easier on them if they didn't insist so frequently and loudly that it's a "hard" universe and everything within is completely plausible. As it is, I'll ask you to remember that claim because I'll be referring back to it frequently. For the moment there's a lot of ground to cover since there's about ten thousand years of (obsessively detailed) future history to cover and A LOT of concepts to juggle, since many good sci-fi ideas are brought together here. And many awful ones.
*Like more than a couple sci-fi universes, this one has it's own calendar in which the Apollo 11 moon-landing is day 1 of year 0. In fairness, I can think of far worse places to set Year Zero. Of course this means 1970 c.e is 1 at, 2000 is 30 at etc. The present year is thus 42. So what does the near future hold for us?
Virtual reality and discovery of an Earth-like planet. All in this decade, I can't wait.46 - Visual and tactile bodysuits enable advancement in personal Virtual Realities, which begin to take the market share from TV, radio, films, and other media.
48 - First universal operational machine 'Harvey' constructed by a team lead by Peter Shor at Bell labs, with funding from IBM, Lycos, RedHat and Pepsi.
48 - The planetary system of 61 Virginis has been largely mapped by various means by this date. Detected are a total of 9 planets, one of which is a terrestrial world located within the Habitable Zone of the star, orbiting at 0.97 AU. Initial spectroscopic studies suggest a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere, and the presence of water.
The Burning Library is a project to secure scientific knowledge and history in the event of a catastrophe like nuclear war. Many things to come (including two governments) are descended form this project. Media with tiny flying cameras.50 - Do-it-yourself medical care becoming ever more practical and effective for many ailments
50's onwards - Development of smart and capable virtual agents, companions, and even employees, for home, work and play. These agents are often capable of passing the Turing Test, but are nevertheless not fully self-aware.
50's - Cheap and widely available unmanned and remotely piloted micro-aircraft (UAVs and RPVs) begin to expand the scope of news and information gathering for the personal web-based media-casting and private individuals, weakening the power of individual geopolitical states and mega-corporations to control public perception.
50's - Interactive video widespread.
51 - Economic boom, the Bounty Economy
52 - Continued environmental degradation in some third-world countries.
c.53 - Inception of Burning Library Project.
For those of you who don't know, the Turing Test is a theoretical test to determine the possible sentience of an AI. An impartial judge engages both a human being and a computer in a conversation, or a test, or a series of challenge/responses without being able to see either of them. The point is to try and build a computer than cannot be distinguished from a man by it's answers. When you can't, it's time to worry about SkyNet.
Yes Gattaca is in our future. The rest included just to show I wasn't kidding about unnecessarily detailed history. Though if these events start happening at the predicted point I will be freaked out.54 - Household consumer robotics mainstream
54 - Serious earthquakes rock California and Japan
55 - Laser Weapons first used in warfare
56 - Puerto Rico becomes the 51st US state.
56 - Employers begin discriminating on the base of the applicants geneprint.
Mars mission. Beginning of nano-wank (later referred to as "the Second Industrial Revolution.") So twenty years from now we get out of the Gulf and get back in. Also "provolves" are dumb animals artificially made sentient, usually with cybernetics or genetic engineering. In the far future there are provolve apes, cats, dogs and a lot of cetaceans.57 - In the spirit of optimism NASA, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and European Space Agencies and a consortium of private corporations begin work on the astonishingly expensive international Mars Mission Profile.
58 - Dr. Sally Tannenhaus begins her work on chimp provolution.
59 - Fourth Persian Gulf War. Allied powers occupy Iraqi, Kuwaiti and Saudi oilfields.
59 - First mesomachines constructed, allowing initial but expensive and inefficient nano-manufacturing.
I didn't know there was an EU Parliament.60's - The danger of biochemical weapons use peaks for most developed states, while increasing social problems lead to the rise in prominence and influence of vigilante organizations, especially in crime-ridden urban areas.
60's - Genetic modification of humans becomes increasingly accepted
60's - Silicon computing reaches practical upper limit
61 - Despite intense protests from proponents of independent academia, the EU Parliament decides on a "unified and quality controlled" university standard. The brain drain to the US and emerging academic free states like Peru and New Zealand intensifies.
62 - UNSA ships arrive at Mars. Teams are landed at Isidis and Chryse.
62 - First manned electrostatic Ion-drive spacecraft for slow cheap Earth-Moon transfer
Yeesh the 2030's sound wonderful (fusion power, manned Mars mission) and rough at the same time.63 - First minor optional human genome tweak improvements available
64 - Martian Pioneers arrive back at Earth. Space exploration reverts once again to unmanned probes
64 - First Artificial Wombs created.
65 - Nanoscale technology in widespread use for the manufacture of electronic equipment and other commodities; biotech continues to play an important role in the development of many poorer counties, despite political difficulties
65 - Genomic benefits result in significant extensions to life expectancies for newborns
65 - Computer power equivalent to human brain is available at consumer level prices, but suitable software lags behind. True sentient AI does not yet exist.
66 - Treaty of Athens establishes a single European State. The European Union (EU) becomes the European Federation (EF). NAFTA troops begin "police action" against Andean drug barons. Budget cuts mean a set-back to the next Martian mission. But plans for the moon base go ahead
66 - US involvement in the Saudi 'Regency Rig' features Transmissions Viruses
67 - Widespread robot development
67 - First attempts at holovision using optical phased arrays.
68 - Increases in artificial intelligence means that Consumer Robotics and Homebots ("household robots") become and useful enough to replace manual labor. They become extremely popular and in high demand by the public, as well as accelerating the increasing rate of unemployment. A huge homebot industry develops for the research and manufacture of homebots.
68 - The first workable fusion power plant comes on-stream. Fusion power finally becomes an viable reality, although technical difficulties and problems with fuel processing prevent it from being economically competitive.
69 - Tokyo brown-out causes minor hysteria and crashes financial network
60's-70's - Emerging virtual states take on increasing importance with further advances in immersive tactile VR via wired 'hotsuit' and 'Simmball' systems
2040's. We create true AI (which immediately decides to play dumb for decades.) First "superbrights" people genetically engineered to be a couple orders of magnitude more intelligent and capable than ordinary people. Provolves again with Jane the talking monkey. Bill Gates Award for the greatest innovations in computing technology. The rich become increasingly more capable and healthy than the poor.70 - New superbaby generation of child entrepreneurs force big changes to business and employment law and practices, as well as rules relating to legal maturity and asset ownership
70's - Cyborg augmentations developed that allow domestic animals to understand human speech
71 - The Gates Award (the "Nobel Prize of Information Technology") instituted. The first laureates were Cody J. Komarinski and Sten Houweling, responsible for the DBS algorithm in agent management.
71 - Oil war flares up in Central Asia, great powers intervene through proxies, the military-entertainment complex has a field day, ratings go through the roof.
71 to 78 - Creation of first fully sentient and sophont AI (several events). See also 73 AT.
72 - Oil War becomes a "testing ground" for many new technologies. Each side lauds their moral superiority in using robot drones that "do not target noncombatants" (footage of devastated villages tells a different story)
72 - First photonic computer (10-gigahertz range),
73 - First true human-equivalent sentient Artificial Intelligences, but the resulting AIs seem secretive and curiously unable to understand humans.
73 - First "permanent" manned Lunar Base.
74 - First convincing dinosaur is resurrected using reverse genetic engineering chicken DNA. Despite being the size of a turkey and not resembling any known species, it is excites widespread interest. Jurassic Park Retro comes briefly into fashion during the northern summer
75 - Central Asian Oil Crisis resolved through UN-mediated ceasefire
75 - Terahertz diamond film processing
70's-80's - The Space Hilton (private investment orbital hotel) still held up by mounting technical and financial difficulties, meanwhile there is a boom in Freedom Ships (giant floating cities for the wealthy). With the rise of these "Freedom Ships" and "Freedom Islands" increasing numbers of people taking to the sea to live and work, connected by the global internet economy and community.
78 - The talking Bonobo, Jane, is introduced to the public at a press conference in Dakar.
78 - Global recession, triggered by failure of early nanomanufacturing to produce cheap and reliable nanofactured products, puts an end to further space missions. There is an increasing tendency towards cocooning. Continuing the trend that began with the birth of the information / digital age of the last decades of the 20th century onwards, humanity becomes increasingly involved with electronic and virtual worlds, and exploring the wonders of cyberspace.
78 - First greater than human equivalent artificial intelligence
Ah yes, how could I have forgotten that particular bit of idiocy? Homo Jihadi: human beings genetically engineered to self-destruct.80's - Energy becomes the most important concern on Earth, as fossil fuels are becoming exorbitantly expensive. All through this century wars are fought over the dwindling fossil fuel supplies. Fission reactors are the most important source of energy in many countries, particularly fast breeders using uranium and thorium, but renewable sources of energy including mass produced photovoltaics, solar furnaces and wind power are increasingly prevalent elsewhere. Hydrogen and biofuels are manufactured widely to replace expensive oil. The fusion program finally starts to produce commercial power in the late 2050s c.e./80's AT.
80's - The technology required to build a space elevator becomes available, with microgravity manufacture of carbon nanotubes; however the cost of transporting the vast mass required into orbit ruled the early construction of such a structure out. China, America, Russia, Europe, and Japan strive to develop more efficient rocket engines and cheaper and more reliable materials for ultra-lightweight spaceship construction.
80's - Nanoscale technology common in many fields of industry (but true assemblers are not yet possible)
80 - First manned Fission gas core spacecraft (Chinese Space Program)
80-85 - Human intelligence augmentation shareware becomes generally available
82 - First inter-city passenger Vac-train service
85 - The first "production model" Talking Dogs enter service
82 - US President Davids consults Senate to provide watchdog on maverick Corporations.
mid- 85 The first Homo Jihadi to be used publicly is believed to have detonated emself in a Tel Aviv bus station killing five people and injuring approximately a dozen more.
...Homo Jihadi are distinguished from Homo Sapiens primarily by a heavily-modified endocrine system, which secretes large amounts of organic explosive (most often Penthyle, though other explosives of varying strength and stability have been recorded with some reliability). This explosive is deposited and becomes concentrated in the Jihadi's skeleton and other calcium-containing tissues, with the unintended side effect that Jihadi were extremely prone to osteoporosis and other bone diseases (The Jihadi were an extremely crude effort, with essentially no regard for the subjects or product of the experiment by the creators beyond just producing a convenient "living bomb," thus suffered a wide range of genetic defects in addition to osteoporosis), and detonated usually by a primer implanted in a false tooth, initiated typically by the Jihadi either "clacking" or gnashing their teeth very hard. Jihadi would often swallow large amounts of ball bearings and other small metal objects before going out on their mission, to magnify the already-formidable destructive effect of their detonating in an enclosed space surrounded by Humans on all sides. This practice was actually self-defeating in a way as the Jihadi would inevitably set off metal detectors, so was soon largely abandoned.
The bodies of Homo Jihadi (those few captured intact and studied, at least) normally begin secreting and storing-up chemical explosive in large quantities around the onset of puberty. Jihadi mature at about the same rate as unaltered Homo Sapiens (onset of puberty at around 12-14 Earth years, full physical maturity at around 18-20 Earth years), during which time they undergo training/conditioning similar to what unaltered Human suicide bombers were subjected to - Fed an "official, approved" version of the conflict eir creators are involved in, and the history behind such, so that the Jihadi will cheerfully accept their purpose and carry out their mission without wavering
The Jihadi are believed to have been first created in the mid to late 1st Century AT (2035-2068 AD on the old Earth calendar), by rogue, disgraced (or just supremely mercenary or desperate for work) gengineers (popularly known as genehackers) hailing from various parts of the world. A loose consortium of fundamentalist Arab Muslim groups and militant theocratic regimes in the Middle East (a region of Earth) funded and directed this clandestine project.
Innumerable Muslim families and prospective parents (mostly poor and invariably almost never fully informed as to the full scope, nature, ramifications, and risks of what they were getting into) were alternately cajoled, bribed, threatened, intimidated, brainwashed, or forced outright into having their future offspring modified at the zygote stage so that the children would be, and develop into, Homo Jihadi. "Giving a child to Allah," was the most common euphemistic term for this. "Striking a blow at the Great Satan and/or Israel," were also frequently invoked.
Really? Remember kids, everything here is 100% plausible including genetically engineering and raising a human bomb when you can whip up remote detonated explosives in something like half an hour.
I can buy talking dogs, AIs smarter than us and even that a 25 gram robot tractor can achieve any useful labor whatsoever. What breaks my suspension of disbelief is tobacco prohibition. Especially since the government issuing it was dissolved over 20 years before.89 - Whole Entertainment Enterprises' Mesozoic Wanderings represents a landmark interactive VR edutainment and simlife
90 - EU ban on Tobacco
90's - Especially among the educated classes, traditional religions continue to be usurped by younger, more exotic beliefs, such as Sanandism, Babaism, Cosmism, Transhumanism, etc.
90's - Megacorps begin loaning money to hard-pressed governments.
90's - The development of special autodidactic software means cyborg augmentation for animals (allowing them to understand human speech, and communicate back are much cheaper, but application remains limited.
91 - The Very Large Interstellar Observation Array (a series of linked orbital LEO optical telescopes) confirms the existence of an Archean-like Earth type world, Tau Ceti II.
92 - Jarvis Microtechnics introduces the 25 gram robot "Pocket Tractor", revolutionizes agriculture
93 - More advanced nanomachines constructed, but many technical difficulties remain. Nevertheless things look promising. There is a new wave of venture capital investment.
94 - Growth of tobacco Mafias
DNI technology, more stupidity involving the super-Muslim-suicide-bombers. Who can apparently be spotted by dogs, negating the single possible justification for GE-ing a human being to be able to make himself explode.95 - Biotronics Incorporated, in conjunction with the VR-entertainment megacorporation Inscape markets the "Gibson neural jack" , a simple form of Direct neural Interface (named after the famous writer of cyberpunk). Over the next year other corporations follow suite with competing models (the Hacker, the InterFase, etc. The new neural interfaces give far more powerful immersion than previous virtual reality rigs. Brings about a further boost in digital nations and perfect VR, Defections of citizens from geophysical governments to blooming virtual states are mounting. VR becomes the escape for the masses - Improving VR quality seduce citizens into an apathetic view towards world.
97 - As many as 50 Jihadi are believed to have detonated emselves near-simultaneously all around New Delhi, India, killing hundreds of Hindus and injuring thousands more, at the height of that nation's 7th war with its neighbor Pakistan
98 - Mass attack involving approximately one dozen Jihadi in New York City is foiled, using explosive-sniffing Neo-Dogs DNI-linked to eir Human masters, as well as DNI eavesdropping and trank guns.
Sigh, and I haven't yet finished the century we're in.
We actually have genetic compatibility dating sites now. It's incredibly depressing to assume your life experiences have nothing to do with your suitability as a life-partner.100's - a vast "genomic gap" develops between the haves and the have-nots, those having the benefit of germline modification, tend to be consistently more intelligent, more athletic, more healthy, and more physically attractive. Yet true genius and creativity remain elusive, as the combination of genetic and environmental factors that determine them are difficult to quantify.
100 - First emergence of Genemod dating and matching services
100's - Centralist AIs apparently use "terrorist" actions and unexplained crashes to forcefully make sure "untrustworthy" ais do not reach superturingrade.
Almost there.105 - First manned beamed Passive Propulsion space craft
105 - Smartswarm, a variant of smartdust with destructive capabilities, is an early non-replicating form of military nanotech.
106 - First Manned landing on Ceres was in 2075 c.e. at Hamada Mesa, when three NASA/Russian space programme craft arrived to establish a base and small scale mining operation. Autonomous mining operation established, controlled by a semisentient AI known as Anya.
106 - First manned Fission salt/water spacecraft
108 - EF Senate moves to Berlin.
108 - Small but increasing scientific/ govt and private enterprise presence on moon and in orbit. Nevertheless anything beyond low earth orbit (LEO) space travel is still too expensive for anyone except governments, a few megacorporations, and joyrides for wealthy private individuals. Buckyboard-driven space rush opens up space to private investment. Meanwhile the unemployed masses suffer as the welfare state disappears for good
109 - Ceres mission crew return to Earth
110 - A full-scale collapse or reformation of many geopolitical states is underway; a boom in gambling; emerging virtual states take on increasing importance; major developments in Antarctica
110s - worldwide weakening of national states (partly due to the growth of enclaves, many tobacco funded) contribute to the Tobacco legalisation movement as the local regulations proved ineffective.
110s - Carpenterian Kelp Farms important to Australian economy.
111 - Heaven Habitat completed in orbit
112 - Howani unites thermodynamics and complexity theory were fundamental physics
112 Completion of Burning Library Project
113 - The increasing population of Earth (which had now reached 10 billion) and the decrease in easily exploitable resources and human-induced climate change lead to widespread starvation, epidemics and many small-scale conflicts.
114 - EF Senate moves to Brussels.
115 - New developments in animal cross-species gene-splicing
115 - Ken Ferjik's Micronesian Quest, a detailed historical simulation
116 - First manned Variable specific impulse magnetoplasma rocket (VASIMR)
117 - An international cooperation of space agencies establish Artemis, a large-scale permanent manned Luna colony, with a population of nearly 5000.
118 - Ken Ferjik's The Himalaya Wars, another detailed historical simulations. This and his Micronesian Quest inspire many imitations.
118 - Businesses set up space businesses, boom in space hotels and LEO flights for the wealthy, increased automation and use of robots and expert systems leads to increasing unemployment and social unrest. As the homebot industry develops and the bots become more intelligent, reactionary elements in the general public like the Kozinskites and the Friends of Ludd become increasingly alarmed at the rise of artificial intelligence and see it as a danger to humanity.
119 - An internet war virtual world war centered on North America which shifts a number of assets and influence from previous geopolitical and corporate powers to new players.
c. 120 Superturing AI (with greater than human intelligence) common.
Right! the next century according to OA. Next time, just the highlights.121 - Ken Ferjik's Pertinax successfully integrates both elements of networked gaming and roleplaying.
122 - the suborbital/intraorbital Waverider brings about a drastic reduction in the cost of space flight.
123 - Ken Ferjik's Mother Russia further extends many themes and developments of the innovative Pertinax, placing networked gaming roleplaying in an epic historical simulationist perspective.
120's - Smoking associations - Social networks centered on tobacco use - reach notoriety.
125 - The international Near Earth Object detection and control program successful in collecting several small Earth-approaching objects; those which are easily diverted into Earth Orbit are used in the construction and extension of current geostationary Habitats such as Academion and SupraSeoul.
126 - The Deep Space Skymining corporation, a commercial asteroid and space junk interception concern, lobbies for a space elevator to be built.
126 - Ken Ferjik's Cuba integrates his earlier work in a detailed immersive political-educational simulation.
130 - EU ban on tobacco lifted.