Gordon Rennie BFG novels thread [revisited]

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Connor MacLeod
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Gordon Rennie BFG novels thread [revisited]

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Well. It's a long time since I covered these, and things have changed so much in the nearly SIX years of doing all this stuff, and so much has changed since then. The scope or depth of material, the mindset I approach it with, and all those other little things. Unlike Storm of Iron, though, I have to say that Rennie's novels are just as enjoyable now as when I first read them as my introduction to the 40K universe. If anything I may appreciate them more since I have a greater breadth of experience with the universe.

Rennie's novels are a glimpse back into a different period of 40K, back when BFG was still in force (it still is, sort of, but not quite as much as it was, methinks.) It's at a time when things were still 'happening' - teh Gothic War, but before the 13th Black Crusade. I came into the universe much later, after those facts, but I suspect the universe seemed much more.. dynamic back then. Nowadays 40K seems to have a more 'backwards' looking aspect to it... it always runs up against that 999.M41 barrier for most sources (although some step ove rthat line a little bit...) but has yet to actually cross over it in any significant degree.

The Rennie novels are an abbreviated series that had quite a bit of promise, had Gordon Rennie been allowed to continue them. We got a 'ship's eye' view of the events covered in BFG with the Gothic War, and for me that was always kind of neat and fascinating. I've also liked the Imperial Navy portion of things in 40k quite a bit, and its quite a rare aspect of 40K to be visited nowadays (except as part of other things.) But what I most remember (and enjoy) about the BFG novels was their sense of epic-ness... we were getting a slice of a much larger picture, and there was much bigger things going on behind the scenes (with Semper being 'saved' for greater things.. that's a hallmark of alot of early 40K novels, the Emperor is an active, guiding presence in things lik ethat.) and how they approached things in a way far different from more recent novels (like the Eldar/Imperium alliance.. I loved that bit from Shadow point as well.)

Execution Hour, I've found, is actually a novel stitched together from several Rennie short stories that didn't show up in the BFG 'Warped storm' but in the old Inferno magazine. Like Abnett's 'Brothers of the Snake', the short stories got taken and put into a much bigger novel, but the series doesn't suffer from that. Indeed, it does a nice job of setting the scene, so to speak.

So, let's revisit the BFG novels yet again, and enjoy them a second time, with a much deeper look at things than when I first started out on this little jaunt, and we'll see how things have changed from then and now (aside from the fact there were alot more people visiting OSF, and alot more people active in the 40K debates. I actually admit I mourn the loss of that, I enjoyed the feedback and discussions the novels created, and that was one reason I started this to begin with.)

The old old thread is here and page two is here so we can make those comparisons. Have fun rereading it (sadly Ghost Rider - bless his soul - moved it around when it had been necro'd IIRC and he ended up screwing up the formatting, or something, so it doesnt' show up as Execution Hour anymore.

Oh and that reminds me, I'm definitely dedicating this to Ghost Rider for that reason (and he was one of those things that kept encouraging me - hell, his memory is probably a reason WHY I keep doing this, since we talked a fair bit of 40K stuff) I miss the guy tons still.

Oh, and yet another thing? This first update actualyl covers the first 'Inferno' Short story. :P

Back cover:
Fighting a desperate rearguard action, the Imperial battlefleet has no choice but to sacrifice dozens of worlds and millions of lives to buy precious time fo rtheir scattered fleets to rgroup.
With seventeen bases, dozens of worlds, and at least two dozen that turn automatically to chaos due to uprising, we're talking some 65 worlds in the Gothic Sector, at least. Given some sources hint at hundreds, this is not surprising.

Page 9
They were the first words that anyone had heard spoken aloud on the bridge of His Divine Majesty’s Ship, the Lord Solar Macharius for hours.
The novel (or rather the short stories that make up the first half or so of the novel) picks up right after one of the short stories from BFG Warp Storm, which I cover here.

Page 9
There was no such thing as silence on an Imperial Navy warship...
...work-bay and compartment echoed with the sounds of the more than ten thousand specimens of toiling, sweating humanity that made up its crew.
10K crew on the starship. nearly 1/10th the crew of the RT rpg stats.

Page 10
...his experienced eyes picking out the tiny moving dot of light that was the Indefatigable. As he watched, the light flared brighter as the Sword class frigate fired up its engines and veered away from the Macharius to rejoin the picket line of scout ships and defence monitor vessels now patrolling the fringes of the Stranivar system.
One of the survivors of the ambush. Whether it is the only escort or there are others, we don't know. Presumably there are at least a squadron or two or three (maybe one of frigates and one or two of destroyers.)

Page 11
..Chaos ships had swept out of warp space and caught most of Battlesquadron Stranivar helpless in space-dock. The attack had been devastating - two-thirds of the squadron crippled or destroyed - but it was only in the aftermath that the full extent of the disaster became clear, as reports of similar sudden attacks come flooding in from all over the Gothic sector.
As the only ship in the squadron to survive unscathed, the Macharius was the first to put out of space-dock, on orders to rendezvous with a squadron of Cobra destroyers in the uninhabited Dolorosa system before travelling on to join the battlegroup currently gathering in the Bhein Morr system. It would be there also that the ship would take on its new complement of Fury and Starhawk deep space attack craft to replace its aged Interceptors and Marauders.
First, 2/3 of the 'squadron' destroyed. This is a bit confusing with the short story where 1/2 the battlegroup was destroyed. My guess (tenatively) is that 2/3 might refer to the capital ship squadron ( 2 Lunar cruisers, if not the battleship, and the Macharius survives) but possibly not light cruisers or escorts. If we assume 4 capital ships plus 2 squadrons of escorts (6-8 ships) we get at least 10-12 ships total. If we go with 6-8 subsectors for each battlegroup, it would be 60-96 ships in BFG.

Secondly, within 'hours' of the attack, reports have flooded in from all over the Gothic Sector. Figure at least 100-200 LY distance for multiple messages to reach them in 'hours.' Far less than a rest period would be my guess, but less than a day. Hundreds of thousands of c average travel time (at least) for the messages given that, probably less for reeption of sector wide information.

Third, The Macharius is under orders to travel to two systems (to pick up new fighters... apparently its interceptors and Marauders are much older. Older isn't always better?)

Page 11
This was Semper’s first command, and the onset of war on a scale not seen since the Horus Heresy ten thousand years earlier would scarcely ease the traditional problems encountered by all new captains straggling to master an unfamiliar crew and vessel.
This would tend to suggest large scale, sector wide space conflicts are actually fairly rare, at least in the Gothic Sector's region of space. I'd add in a caveat that the Reign of Blood, various Black Crusades, etc. tend to pop into mind as being potential for large scale space battles, so there could be a sort of 'living memory' effect here, but it still suggests the whole 'GALAXY AT WAR' thing tends to get overrated. Its more that there is always potential for war, and you never who might strike you or where.

Page 11-12
"Estimated time to the beacon?"
"One-point-three hours, flag-captain."
"Captain Semper to Magos Castaboras. Warp jump in one-point-three hours. Commence preparations immediately."
1.3 hours to reach the edge of the system. That's ~78 minutes. We dont know the ranges, but if we assume at least 1 AU, we get a max speed of .2c and 2500-5000gees. AT 20 million km or so we get between 350-400 gees and around 2.5-3% of c. If we assume 2.5 Million km (which is Inquisitorial grade distances) we're talking still needing 45-50 gees and max speed of 1000 km/s :P Odds are better for 1 AU than ~8 light seconds. And if its billions of km? We're getting into 'Sabbat Martyr' accel and velocity territory - 70-80% of c max and ten thousand-plus gees. :P Personally I'm settling more on the 1 AU or so range, since its still at least nominally plausible, but if we invoke the 'mass lightening' certain people have insisted is routine in 40K thanks to 'Eye of Terror' they might pull off those insane accels.

Also reflects a possible timeframe for the ship to charge up its drives for the warp jump.

Page 12-13
The captain’s pulpit lay in the centre of the nave where it met with the bridge’s transept wings, and from where he could consult with his senior officers and oversee the vital gunnery, astrogation, ordnance control and surveyor sections of the command deck. Looking up, he saw tier upon tier of busy servitor drones and techpriests attending to the operation and adoration of the ship’s ancient logic engines, each subsection of a dozen or more servitors and their tech-priest overseer responsible for the monitoring of just one small part of the mighty machine-mind which inhabited and animated the battlecruiser’s systems.

The monitor galleries stretched almost up to the bridge’s vaulted ceiling some twenty metres above, but Semper found the figure he was looking for on one of the lower levels, standing on a walkway which spanned the breadth of the central nave and from where the command deck activity could be closely watched.
The bridge of the Macharius. The interesting thing is how they imply the machine spirit is a living thing, which echoes all the Rogue Trader RPG stuff making ships more Titan like.

Page 13
..still-burning wreck of the Cobra class destroyer. Of the other three vessels from the squadron, all that remained were three fading clouds of super-heated gas and dust several thousand kilometres distant.
Size of a Cobra destroyer squadron.

Page 15
..but that had been over six hundred years ago as the humans of the Imperium reckon time, and so much - oh yes, so very much indeed! - had changed since then
Chaos starshp captain (and presumably the crew) over 600 years old. Whether due to time dilation of the warp, or some chaos blessing, or what we dont know.

Page 15
Leoten Semper could feel the sharp beginnings of a headache, always a sure sign of an approaching warp jump as the vessel’s ancient warp field generators powered up and sent out unpredictable psychic vibrations into the minds of its crew.
Warp engine activation gives Semper a headache.. the engines are powering up. Whether they have been all along or just started, we aren't sure.

Page 16
The commissar was a giant of a man, well over two metres tall..
Height of the commissar on Macharius.

Page 16
Semper knew that the uniform of a fleet commissar... ...was designed to intimidate and inspire, but even without it the commissar would still have struck an imposing figure.
Role of a fleet commissar.

Page 16
The skin of the commissar’s face was disfigured with the tell-tale marks of white-hot plasma splash, and one half of it was twisted into a permanent snarl by a crude skin-graft which Semper recognised as a typically makeshift piece of battlefield surgery.

(crude) skin grafts can be part of battlefield surgery. In the navy at least.

Page 17
A loud warning chime sounded over the comm-net - fifteen minutes to warp jump..
15 minutes to warp jump. If the generator started powering up then, this might be how long it takes to get the generators ready to open the warp gate. It would be considerably faster than the Fist of Russ in 'Wolf's Honour' as well.

Page 17
"But, noble title or not, he’s still nothing more than Necromundan hive-trash. Hivetrash have their place on a warship, but only as press-gang conscripts. No senior officer would take orders from such a captain, no matter how high-born they claimed to be."
Interesting that nobility form a hive world seems to bear the same sort of stigma the lower classes would - at least in the Navy. This may reflect the insular/tribal nature of the Naval Families themselves - to which any officer of Hive world origins would naturally be an outsider.

Page 18
..the metal-masked figure of Magos Castaboras, resplendent in his glittering robes of woven silicon.
Silicon robes. That wacky Admech!

Page 18
The vital task of taking a ship into warp space could only be done by the most senior tech-priest aboard, for only he could conduct the proper rituals or knew the correct Tetragrammaton code - the true secret name of that aspect of the Machine God which inhabited the Macharius’s systems - which allowed access to the ship’s warp drives.
I can't decide whether this is a security measure, or one guarnateed to ensure AdMech monopolies aren't violated.

Page 18
At the magos’s command, the truly stellar levels of energy contained within the ship’s plasma reactors were released into the warp engines, ripping a hole in the fabric of space and pushing the cruiser forward into the immaterium. The Geller Field - the teardropshaped bubble of reality which protected the ship and its crew from the full fury of the maelstrom - crackled with power as waves of warp energy lashed against it, rocking the Macharius from prow to stern.
Man, this quote is interesting to consider in retrospect a good 4-5 years later. Back then I treated it literally as an indication of power generation, and it's lead to some.. interesting discussions from what I understand (and outrage.. which is always amusing. HOW DARE I TAKE SOMETHING AT FACE VALUE! As if 'common sense' is inherently less subjective..)

Now.. I'm of a bit of a different mind. It isn't so much that I changed my mind about what I think it means, but rather it's fair to say that its open to interpretations other than my own. But 'interpretation' goes more beyond whether we take it literally or not (which some people obsess way too much over. It's not like its a cornerstone of 40K calcs or anything..) Like alot of the other 'star' calcs, the kind of star as well as the content (energy in total or energy over a given time, like one second.) And as I noted it can be charged over a period of time (1.3 hours, 15 minutes, etc.) 900-4680 seconds for (say) 200-1000 GT is still going to be 'only' A sustained power output in the e17-e18 watt range.

My personal opinion, is that the 'truly stellar' does refer to a star, and in context with the 'star' quote when they come out of the warp, implies its a small star (like a red dwarf) which would be 'only' gigaton (or maybe teraton) over a relatively short period of time (seconds.) Which will no doubt engender outrage because of the LITERAL approach, but whatever. :P

Bear in midn though thats just my own opinion, and the best approach is to provide it and my reasoning and let the reader draw his or her own conclusions about how to interpret it. :P Then again, I also have to admit a certain fondness for the quote too. Whilst its importance has actually diminished as the amount of material I've delved through has increased, there's still a certain appropriateness to bringing it up as supplementary evidence if nothing else. Plus, its potential to enrage the fanatical is always nice. :D

Now all that aside, there's also the bit about the gellar field. And it may also suggest the warp drives run off a capacitor.

Page 19
Aft lay the engine section, comprising fully one third of the ship’s three kilometre length, but below him was the main body of the Macharius, bristling with crenellated gun turrets, observation domes and spires, antenna arrays and other baroque features of the vessel’s superstructure. On each side of the hull were the heavy weapon batteries and the tiered ramparts of the cruiser’s launch bays, each bay capable of unleashing wave upon wave of fast attack fighters and bombers. Ahead of him was the fearsome armoured beak of the prow, its metres-thick solid adamantine armour designed to smash through the hulls of enemy vessels in a full head-on ramming attack. There, too, was the ship’s main frontal armament: six missile tube tunnels, each firing a thirty-metre-long plasma torpedo.
The Macharius. 30 metre torpedoes, metres thick armour on the prow, and the Macharius is 3 km long,, which is smaller than the 5 km for the RT rpg sizes.

Assuming a 5 m diameter torpedo 30 m long, and 250-1000 kg*m^3 density (about the average density of an aircraft carrier to the density of water) we're talking between 147 and 589 tonnes. If they're 6 m in diameter, we're talking 200-850 tonnes.

Page 19-20
The navigator paused, clearing all thoughts from his conscious mind and extended his gaze into the higher realms of the warp, using the psychic signal of the astronomican as a beacon to plot a safe course through the currents and tempests of the immaterium. Course changes and navigation instructions would be relayed down to the command deck for immediate implementation, but for the next few days, while the ship was in transit through the warp...
Interesting how it implies that the Warp might have higher 'dimensions' to it than the one they currently reside. Also it takes 'a few days' for the ship to reach its current system to a new one. Assuming between 10-30 LY, but probably still within the subsector (100 Ly). Which translates to between 1200-1825c at least, to 3600-5500c.. or the 12000-18000c.

Page 20
...Semper stared in fascination at the complex and ever-changing energy patterns of the warp as they were electronically interpreted on one of the command deck’s opticon screens. Navigators claimed to be able to sometimes see glimpses of the future in the swirling patterns of the warp.
unlike some warp examples, Semper is able to view the warp outside being 'electronically viewed' on the opticon screens. Which I believe are the viewscreens with the blast doors down, but I'm not sure.

Also Navigators forseeing the future.

Page 20
...with the warfleets of Abaddon the Despoiler pouring out of the Eye of Terror and a dozen navy bases already fallen to the sudden onslaught of the Chaos attack..
At least a dozen navy bases. Assuming 10-12 ships per base like Macharius we're talking 120-144 ships.

Page 20
..hat the ship’s navigator-seer was standing before him.
Chaos ships have their own navigators.. sorcerers, hinted at later I believe.

Page 20
"I have sensed it too. The powers of the warp warn us of the approach of our prey."
The Warp (Daemons) will provide Chaos forces warning.

Page 20-21
..a miniature second sun suddenly blossomed in the vacuum of space, its light outshining that of the real star at the far distant centre of the planetary system. Waves of energy cascaded out of the extra-dimensional breach as a three-kilometre-long metal leviathan ripped its way back into the normal universe, its shields straining at near-overload point to withstand the terrible energies surging around it. His Divine Majesty’s ship the Lord Solar Macharius had completed a successful exit from the warp.

LOOK OUT! Another star based analysis. I'll say that by itself this is far less obvious and probably wouldn't mean much for power output by itself, although I take it in context with the other one (bearing in mind all the caveats). As I said before though it's an interpretation sort of thing, and in any case a person shouldn't be hinging their argument on singular ideas (either way.)

Furthermore is the reference to the 3 km long starship, and the emergence form the warp strains the shields (why that is is another matter.)

Page 21
A ship was at its most vulnerable in the moments immediately after re-entering normal space, when its power levels were still in flux and the energy burst of its warp exit broadcast its existence and position to any other vessel in the system.
Warp emergence messes with sensors and the power generation systems of the starship, albeit briefly.

Page 21
"Astrogation reporting. Position confirmed as the Dolorosa system. Estimate we are within 89.7% accuracy of intended exit point."

Semper made a mental note to commend his navigator. Any jump that hit its intended exit point with more than a 70% level of accuracy was considered the mark of a master.

"Surveyors reporting. Heavy interference from warp energy residue."
The 'accuracy' angle may offer us one explanation why some ships (most ships) emerge from the warp so far out from the system. given the unpredictability of emergence points its possible you might end up colliding iwth something in-system. Depends on percentage of exit point we might involve hundreds of thousands or millions fo km.

also Warp intereference. What I find intresting about that is that given void shields are miniature warp rifts, this probably means they can mess with sensors (we know about reflex shields in that regard too...) as well as offering a different form of detection.

Page 21
Semper turned to look at the empty starfield revealed beyond the viewing bay’s now-raised blast shields. Never mind longdistance surveyor reports, with the bridge’s enhanced viewing devices they should actually be able to see the waiting escort squadron.
not sure whether 'viewing devices' represents magnification of the viewports, or if it means just fancy telescope devices, but it could go either way.

Page 21-22
Several hundred thousand kilometres directly behind the Macharius, the Contagion closed in on its prey. Power flowed through the Chaos vessel as its energy levels were gradually brought up..
"Maintain course and increase speed by mark point two. Stay in his warp trail. Bring the prow batteries and dorsal lances up to half power. Void shields to remain down until I give the order."
It was an ambush tactic he had long ago honed to perfection - using the energy trail of a craft recently emerged from the warp to mask his own approach from directly behind it.

Before the time the enemy even knew he was there, the Contagion would already be in position to deliver a crippling strike to its power systems.
Given that we know from Nightbringer nad this very novel cruisers can engage out to hundreds of thousands of kilometres, we can only conclude that the ship's desire to 'cripple' the ship required it to get closer to allow precise targeting.

Also the warp based ambush tactic - warp emergences can block sensors in a particular direction.

Page 22
"Still a lot of warp energy interference, but possible target blip fifteen to twenty thousand kilometres immediately behind us and closing. Could be another ship!"

Semper didn’t hesitate. "Helm control - hard to port! Engineering - open port vent valves and engage plasma reactor emergency release systems!"
Distance of Contagion from Macharius, as noted this is probably closer in becuase of the need for precision hits for crippling.

also the vent valves and plasma reactor are dumped as an EW measure.

Page 22-23
"Target veering to port. Energy surge in his power systems."
"Full power to forward weapons. Fire when ready!"
"Flag-captain! The void shields!"
"No time!" bellowed Morrau in fury. ’Lock on with forward weapons and open fire!"
The Macharius swung round in space, gargoyle-faced vents opening up along its port side to bleed gaseous clouds of broiling plasma out into space. The expelled energy cloud appeared as a hazy after-image on the Contagion’s surveyor screens, confusing the Chaos ship’s targeting systems and sending its opening weapons fire blazing harmlessly past the Imperial cruiser.

"Engage void shields!" Morrau bellowed, already knowing that the Macharius’s manoeuvre would bring its port batteries into firing alignment before enough energy could be diverted to the Contagion’s void shield generators. At this range, the damage would not be critical, but the Chaos cruiser sustained several hull-deep hits as it passed through the sights of the Macharius’s weapons batteries, before its void shields finally powered up sufficiently to absorb the energy blasts and macro-shell impacts.

The moment of danger over, Hendrik Morrau sat back in his chair, grudgingly impressed by his enemy’s unexpected resourcefulness.
Plasma EW manuver.

Engagement between Macharius and Contagion. Macor shells make direct hits (rather than proximity explosions) on Contagion's hull and shields at this range.

We don't know for sure what the actual time of the engagement is, but the fact the voids would 'take too long' to raise - and we know form shadow point that the Macharius' own voids take maybe seconds to raise, that its a very short time. On top of that, even moving at hundreds of metres per second, or perhaps kilometers a second, we're talking a matter of seconds. That might mesh more with the biref timeframe implied by 'moment of danger'.

Given that, and multiple broadsides fired, we could infer that the shells cross the distance in a matter of seconds, implying thousands of km/s shell velocity. Certainly given the implied acceleration in this novel, such short propogation rates would be needed to score direct hits (and would mesh with the definition of weapons battery fire. Nevermind the definitions for ordnance and the fact weapons batteries aren't vulnerable to point defense in the slightest.)

Page 24
"It has been some time - several centuries, in fact - since I last saw an Immerman Manoeuvre implemented so well."
Semper's manuver has a name, and seems to be standard doctrine :P

Page 25
"Without our payload of attack craft our offensive capabilities are limited. Even if we already had our new Starhawk squadrons aboard, we would still be outgunned against a Hades class ship."
Dictator class cruiser outgunned by a Hades class Heavy cruiser, even if it had attack craft. But probably not by a substantial margin, since the Macharius is still able to destroy the ship.

Also of intrest is how the attack craft are implied to form a significant proportion of the Macharius' offensive capabilities. Considering this must also include torpedoes, that must say something.

Page 25
"..we have long known that the daemon-things which helm such renegade vessels have warp-senses superior even to those of our own Navis Nobilite. There can be no guarantee that we would be able to evade them in the warp as we would any other normal vessel."
Comment on the navigation systems of chaos vessels. As we know from other sources, they often incorporate daemons in the machines (or even weaponry) to enhance them, and this can give them a strong advantage in the warp. It may even be another form of navigation (assisting the sorcerer-seers?)

The advantages of this approach (as opposed to the AStronomican and a navigator) are up to debate. Faster speed and more accurate navigation is one possibility, although not neccesarily without cost (Eg sacrifice.) It can give them advantages certainly when it comes to navigating in the warp in other ways (such as pursuing Imperial vessels, or tracking them), and in dealing with cetain phenomena (like warp storms, as we saw during the Horus Heresy. Indeed using warp storms to hamper Imperial navigation whilst Chaos forces operate unimpeded is far from an uncommon tactic.)

Page 26
It had been three days since their initial encounter with the Contagion in the Dolorosa system. Three days of emergency warp jumps and constant skirmishing with the Chaos vessel, the Macharius unable to shake off its pursuer.
Time and again the Chaos ship had emerged, weapons firing, from one of the swirling energy storms, forcing the Macharius to crash-jump back out of the warp to emerge in the empty interstellar void between star systems. Morrau’s ship would either follow them, not allowing them sufficient time to properly recharge their warp drives, or would wait in ambush for them to re-enter the warp again, the Contagion holding position on the ever-changing warp currents in a show of skill that no human navigator could ever match.

It had become a battle of energy levels and crew stamina instead of firepower and ordnance attacks..
...one which his ship was losing, its power systems and human crew overloaded to the point of exhaustion by the effort of so many emergency jumps.
Three days of constnat warp jumping, presumably from system to system. We don't know how much travel or how many jumps were involved, so it's hard to calc, but it also clearly represents some sort of limit on their power systems. One interpretation is that it represents a limit on fuel supply - they can operate at this state for three days, although the 'level' of operation and energies involved are complete unknowns. Another interpretation is based on the 'properly recharge their warp drives' - that there are different 'levels' - such as a minimum output to open a warp drive, an optimal one, etc. Under that interpretation the problem is more of a strain on the systems and the reserves of the batteries/capacitors storing the power. That is, the Contagion hounds them so much they never have enough time or opportunity to completely recharge for an optimal warp translation (perhaps minimal translations leave the window open too long, or make the translation rougher, or otherwise increase the risks.) and both the lack of time to properly charge coupled with the sheer number of translations made have overstressed the systems to their limits.

An interesting consequence of this, and one alluded to shortlry, is that many ships systems seem to require a period of recharge - rather that the systems run on capacitors/batteries. This owuld suggest reactor output is substnatially less than performance might otherwise suggest, but its not impossible and could even explain inconsistencies in performance.

Assuming at least 3-4 translations occur (call it 30-80 LY transited) over 3 days or so we get between 3600 and 9700c, roughly.

Page 26-27
The Macharius rocked violently as the Chaos ship raked it with a primed volley of massed energy weapons fire and for a moment the Imperial ship’s command deck, its blast shields lowered for warp travel and many of its opticon screens switched off for maximum energy conservation, seemed more like a besieged underground bunker than the bridge of a warship as it shook under the impact of the enemy broadside.
"Void shields penetrated, starboard side.."
"No critical damage, but probably at least one of the starboard gun-bays knocked out of action."
..the awful devastation inflicted on the hundreds of crewmen in those gun-bays as the barrage of lance beams, mass-reactive explosive shells and white-hot plasma streams ripped through the Macharius’s metres-thick armoured hull.
At Semper’s command, the Macharius locked on with its remaining starboard weapons, both ships firing simultaneous broadsides as they came abeam of each other. Combat in warp space was up-close and deadly, the range of scanners and weapon targeters so limited here that engagements took place at distances measured in hundreds rather than tens of thousands of kilometres. The area between the two ships was saturated with energy as enough firepower to level a city was unleashed across it. Void shield strikes registered as bright blossoms on surveyor screens, and both ships shuddered under the impact of on-target hits.
Interesting that 'macro cannon' are considered energy weapons, rather than projectiles, but note here as well they make impacts once more. Also warp combat is much shorter ranged than long range combat (hundreds, rather than tens of thousands of km, which as we note later is considered within point blank range.) They are also (in this instance) 'mass reactive' like bolter rounds, which reinforces that 'penetrate/impact before detonating' aspect' rather nicely.

Also of note is the 'level a city' quote. Not unusual for how its quoted, but interesting in that it applies to the fire from both vessels and over the period of the bombardment (which we don't know.) Of course we don't knwo what kind of city, and as alluded to before there are many different kinds and sizes of city, nevermind the definition of 'level' and the kinds of energy weapons talked about (explosive warheads differ from energy beams and kinetic impactors, naturally.) I'm sure some will latch onto this and put their own spins on it, but much like with the 'Star' quotes, it's open to interpretation and should nto be used isolated, but interpreted in context with everything else (that approach always swings both ways, though some may not always note it. Furthermore, every other example of 'level a city' must be taken into accoutn as well, as they can lead to differing conclusions in and of themselves.) (It's also rather funny how some people will pick and choose what we take literally and figuratively in a source, and in what manner. Stars are out, but cities are okay...)

note as well the 'energy conservation' measures, that tends to play into that 'capacitor/recharge' angle I alluded to before.

Page 27-28
Semper swore, realising that they had either overloaded their dwindling energy levels or had taken reactor damage in the last broadside.
The ship’s ancient auto-systems would maintain the Geller Field’s own emergency generators, but before they exhausted themselves the Contagion would long ago have come about to blow his defenceless ship into drifting warp debris.
"Lower Geller Field to 60% of normal safety level!" he yelled. "Channel excess power into manoeuvring systems and hold it there in reserve!"
"Commissar Kyogen, stop him! Without the protection of the Geller Field we will be torn apart by the forces of the maelstrom!"
"Shoot us both if you must, but our deaths will only precede your own by a matter of minutes."
Automated systems on board ship, at least for key systems like gellar fields. Of greater note is the strong indicator that Gellar fields consume a substantial portion of a ship's power - substnatial enough, anyhow, that a reduction to less than 2/3 their normal can provide substantial power to the manuvering thrusters (which even for a single gee, can mean huge amounts of energy for a multi megaton starship.)

There is also the fact they can 'hold' power in reserve for the thrusters, again putting emphasis on that 'capacitor' interpretation of things (They charge up all ships systems from the reactors, meaning systems can perform above reactor levels for as long as those supplies last.) Indeed, Semper's comments about 'overloading' energy levels points to that as well, although the fact it could be the energy levels (capacitors/batteries) or reactor damage (reduced performance) means that any difference is not significant as far as performance goes (it may go more towards endurance than performance.)

Given a 'manuver for long periods of time, then have brief passing broadside engagements' approach to combat in 40K which some sources go for, this would probably work well - you spend time in between broadsides charging up your systems preparing to fire. And as I said this can help explain possible inconsistencies in performance (like for engines. One acceleration value coudl be for reactors alone, whilst another could be reactors + energy from reserves.)

Page 28
He tried to read his enemy’s intentions in the flickering patterns of the maelstrom, sensing a possible trap.
Chaos captain tries to 'read the warp' to guess the intentions of his opponent.

Page 29
"Lower Geller Field level to 40%," Semper ordered, trying to keep the tremor out of his voice. There was a deep groan from all around them - the ship’s hull starting to buckle inwards as the forces of the warp pressed in all around the weakened Geller Field.
..the warp field could not maintain its integrity for more than one or two minutes at such a low energy level.
At 40% the gellar field can only provide a minute or two of proection. apparently the 'percentage' of protection level does not scale linearly, as 100% provides indefinite protection, and even 60% provided far more long term protection than a few minutes.

Page 30
"We’ll recharge our generators and make any necessary repairs before continuing on to Bhein Morr."
Again 'recharging' generators. I assume this means properly charging up the warp drives, but it could mean systems in general as well.

Page 33
Those readers less well-versed in the details of the later events of the Gothic Sector War may wonder why I have involved myself to such an extent in the events surrounding one vessel - which was, to be sure, just one of hundreds such warships amongst Battlefleet Gothic - and its so far unknown captain.
"hundreds of ships" in the gothic sector fleet. Now there are two interpretations of this. One is that it means 'warships in general' which means there are hundreds of escorts and capital ships total. The other is that it refers to 'cruisers' specifically (or even cruisers like the Macharius.) The latter is unlikely for various reasons (it would make defending/garrisoning worlds easier, for one thing.) but the former is quite possible. The obvious objection is 'it conflicts with the 50-75' figure presented in the BFG rulebook, although that is a general figure and not an absolute in the least. Indeed, it would be very hard to stick to that range given ships will be gained and/or lost at various points so the value may fluctuate up or down regardless. It's hardly as if the Imperial Navy will just throw away starships is it? :P

Another possibility is that the bulk of those 'hundreds' of warships are usually mothballed except in emergenices (like a sector-spanning war). They may represent older, harder to maintain, or even outdated vessels (and we know such reserves exist.), and the strain of operating/maintaining the vessels (Crew, logistics, etc.) might very well strain the resources of the sector in most cases. We do knwo from the BFG short story precedign this novel they DID have at least some of the ships in battlegroups/squadrons mothballed (like the battleships) so there is definite merit to that. In that context, 50-75 would represent the 'typical' active strength, rather than the absolute strength, of the Navy.

It is (somewhat) possible that the number includes sublight system ships operated by the Navy, armed merchant cruisers/Q-ships, armed freighters, private military vessels (or any short-ranged warp capable warships) and various scouting/recon vessels, but some of those tend to be stretching the context (definition of warship, warship 'like' the Macharius, etc.) You could probably get away with the 'short range' warp ships (warship version of chartist vessels) though without stretching things too badly. I'd even wager that most (all?) of such vessels are going to be purely escorts (which is another point to bear in mind - hundreds of ships doesn't tell us much about the breakdown. 90+% of those could be escorts, with only a small number of cruisers and light cruisers and a handful of battleships. Given the problems the Navy has, large numbers of small units to do patrol and anti-piracy roles would be ideal.)

In any case with thousands of sectors like the gothic sector we're talking close to half a million warships at least, possibly a million or more (especially if you factor in FFG materials)
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Re: Gordon Rennie BFG novels thread [revisited]

Post by Boeing 757 »

First off, great post. And thanks for devoting so much time into this stuff!

This series rocks because it delves into naval combat in Wh40K (some thing of which I wish that the Black Library would pursue more). We're presented with a good deal of information regarding warp drive function, weapons range and acceleration and fleet numbers...which is great.

Some comments though. Semper's headache during the warp-jump initiation could have been caused by the psychoactive weirdness of the warp itself. Relatively speaking, perhaps it takes a 40K ship so long to charge its engines because they need to run through safety checks on the geller fields, void shields and engine-performance parameters before committing to making the jump.

Two things that I have questions about after reading your analysis...how do the acceleration and power-generation figures in this series jive with other 40K fluff?
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Gordon Rennie BFG novels thread [revisited]

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Boeing 757 wrote:First off, great post. And thanks for devoting so much time into this stuff!
This series rocks because it delves into naval combat in Wh40K (some thing of which I wish that the Black Library would pursue more). We're presented with a good deal of information regarding warp drive function, weapons range and acceleration and fleet numbers...which is great.
Well its the only straight up 'naval' novel out there, aside from Relentless, and that was more on the internal than the external. Most novels feature some degree of Space Combat though. It was the first novel I ever read, and I had it recommended to me as a good series, and I still find I like it. Which is more than I can say about some of the novels I've re-read.
Some comments though. Semper's headache during the warp-jump initiation could have been caused by the psychoactive weirdness of the warp itself. Relatively speaking, perhaps it takes a 40K ship so long to charge its engines because they need to run through safety checks on the geller fields, void shields and engine-performance parameters before committing to making the jump.
That's certainly possible. Warp jumps tend to be approached with a great deal of caution and fear, so preparation is quite natural for them. I suppose it only follows that when you're only form of FTL is basically a form of hell where your ship coudl be torn apart by magic tides or eaten by space demons, you want to take every step you can to ensure you might make it through alive.
Two things that I have questions about after reading your analysis...how do the acceleration and power-generation figures in this series jive with other 40K fluff?
That depends on how forgiving you are. I mean if you go by some of the earlier assessments (hundreds or thousands of gees) and compare them to say, the FFG stuff and treat those as absolutes, then thre's a massive contradiction. If you're more forgiving (or at least make up more shit) you can generally explain it. For my part I've settled into more of a 'tens/hundreds' of gee figure, and it seems to be a safe middle ground for making most things work. Of course there are still exceptions (like the high thousands or tens of thousands of gees accel from Sabbat Martyr. I'm still working on that.) Power generation is pretty much the same, esp since acceleration can tie very closely into that from the get go.

Bear in mind too that any of this is far from being 'precise'. We're dealing with a situation where being within an order of magnitude (or two) of the actual value is considered a great job .lol. A fact I've actualyl forgotten sometimes but tried to remember more recently.
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Re: Gordon Rennie BFG novels thread [revisited]

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Anyhow, next post for Execution Hour. Liek the first update, it was originally a Rennie short story, and got adapted into a full lenght novel.

Page 38
Of the hundreds of crewmen crowded around or watching from the gantry walkways above, only the machine-like servitor drones had not paused from their pre-programmed duties to watch the spectacle now taking place in the centre of the deck.

Servitors seem to be included as part of the Macharius crew, and the ship seems to use alot of them for various purposes (manning stations on the bridge like sensors, etc, as well as tasks on the flight deck, etc.) This could account for 'inconsistencies' in crew sizes between this and FFG ships.

Page 41
It was a skull, larger than any human’s, its heavy jutting jawbone crowned with two savage-looking upturned tusks. The eye sockets were small, sunk deep beneath the thick bony plate of the sloping forehead, and Ulanti saw that the top of the skull’s inches-thick dome had been smashed open long ago by what must have been a blow of some considerable force.
"At the height of the battle, I found myself face to face with this brute, one of
the creatures’ leader breeds. He gave me this.."
Thickness of Ork Boss' skull.One reason for their extreme durability, and even if an Ork's skull is a fraction of that, its still incredibly thick A human skull (by contrast) is a quarter inch thick, I believe. Goes a long way to help explain Ork durability. For example, a 2 inch thick skull would need 50-100 kj for a Campbell-style 'blaster' pulsed laser to penetrate 2 inch thick human bone (with a 10 cm diameter area affected. This would basically be blowing part of the head away, which we know some laswepaons can do.) A series of 5 2 kj pulses (10 kj total) by contrast, would penetrate quite easily and only make a 2-3 cm diameter hole.

Page 42
Like Ulanti, the commander of Battlefleet Gothic was a highborn aristocrat, but while Lord Admiral Ravensburg came from the finest blueblood stock of Cypra Mundi’s naval cadre elite, Ulanti came from one of the noble clans of one of the most notorious hive worlds in the Imperium. According to the ancient and hidebound traditions of the Imperial Navy, all hive worlders were scum, trash, a source of mass conscript labour suitable only for use as Imperial Guard cannon fodder or to fill the most lowly and menial positions amongst the vast expendable scrum of pressganged ratings and indentured workers that made up the bulk of any navy vessel’s crew. Officers originating from any of the hundreds of hive worlds within the Imperium were rare within the ranks of Battlefleet Gothic, and almost unheard of at anything approaching the senior rank now held by Hito Ulanti. His second-in-command’s battle was not with his individual brother officers, Semper knew, but with the millennia-old traditions and prejudices of the Imperial Navy itself.
Navy prejudice regarding hive worlders as I noted before. also 'hundrds' of hive worlds in the Imperium. given we know there are at least tens of thousands, this probably refers only to a certain class (like the truly old Necromunda types.)

Page 43
On his world, any comparison between the conduct of a noble and that of the teeming billions living below him in the hive must be an insult of the gravest sort.
Billions in a Necromunda style hive. IIRC there might be upwards of a thousand hives on Necromunda, that implies potentially trillions of poeple.

PAge 44
The very existence of the Imperium depended on psykers such as astropaths and the mutant Navigators, but on a million inhabited worlds within its far-spread borders, the citizens
of the Imperium were taught from birth to hate and fear the mutant and the psyker. The higher one rose in Imperial service, Semper noted, the more one was forced to consort with the likes of astropaths and other such officially-sanctioned abominations.

The psyker paradox. Vital to the existence of the Imperium, but also treated like shit. Also million inhabited imperial worlds.

Page 44
Rapavna’s already mask-like features settled into a fixed waxen image as he entered a trance state, his enhanced mental senses reaching down into his subconscious to find the psychically-transmitted message hidden there. The dark skin of his face was covered in an intricate webwork of tattoos: psychic wards favoured by many of his kind to protect themselves from warp daemons.
The voice which emerged was not solely Rapavna’s and in its eerie whispering tones
Semper knew he could also hear, not only the voice of the other astropaths in the chain that had psychically relayed the message from Port Maw to the Macharius, but also the distant echo of the voice of the senior command officer who had originally given the message to the very first astropath in the chain.
Various points of interest:

1 - Astropaths have wards/sigils attached to their bodies to ward against daemons (a valuable protective measure, actually.)

2 - Astropaths in this context act as some sort of psychic recording and playing device for messages.

3 - The messages are sent in 'bucket brigade' fashion, relayed from astropath to astropath in a chain until it reaches its destination, which is a contrast from other cases (EG Graham Mcneill's examples where a single Astorpath can send/receive a message across the galaxy.) Whether this reflects different 'ways' of sending, differecnes stemming from the different ways astropaths send/receive messages, or differences in the numbers used (choirs can send messages the latter way, whilst single ones relay over short distances from one astropath to another.) is unknown, but all are possible, and any (or all) could be true. It's not like astrotelepathy is an exact science for the Imperium.

Page 45
The captain indicated the map and Ulanti leaned forward, inspecting the complex network of star system positions, interlinking warp passages, tide patterns and time-dilation estimate equations that made up any normal Imperium starchart. The ability to read such charts, to absorb and understand the multi-layered levels of information contained within them..
Navy starmap. Can be useful for Chartist-style jumps within a sector if you lose the Navigator somehow.

Page 46
"They’re probably without any navigator capability," he suggested, looking up to see Semper nodding in agreement. The Navis Nobilite was one of the oldest and most crucial cornerstones of the Imperium, and a ship’s navigator traditionally chose death rather than giving himself up to the Emperor’s enemies.

"That means they can only make short blind warp jumps of no more than a few light years at a time," continued Ulanti, one finger marking out a cluster of star systems in the upper corner of the chart. "Their last reported position was in the Oreicha system, but the nearest enemy-occupied territory is here in the Killian-Ator group. That’s where they’re probably making for. But to get there they have to make six or seven separate warp jumps, avoiding Imperium-controlled systems and standard fleet patrol routes on the way."
Chaos-aligned 'Navigators' are rare (but not unheard of) at least according to this, which is no doubt why sorcerers and daemonic assistance. We know of individual Navigators (and reputedly, even whole Houses) who have turned to the cause of Chaos, but its a relative thing.

In this case, though, the Bellerophon is reduced to using 'non-navigator' methods, which have a limit of 4 or so light years . Assuming they made 6-7 warp jumps we're talking between 24-28 LY covered. I should note that when the Contagion chased the Macharius, we can figure on the Macharius perhaps making at least as many (which is more like 60-140 LY or so depending on exact distances) Covering those distances in 3 days would require around 7000-17,000c for the Macharius (with a Navigator.) The one 'iffy' part however is the distances involved and the number of jumps (and means of propulsion through warp.) but it probably isnt a significant issue.

Page 47
The prisoner - one of the sorcerer-navigators of Abaddon’s fleets..
Sorcerer-navigators for chaos starships.

Page 48-49
"Rearward surveyors detecting an unknown vessel approaching on an intercept course: distance 840,000 kilometres."
"Energy output shows it’s a capital vessel. It’s jamming its own vessel recognition codes, but from the reactor signature, I’d say it was an Imperial ship, almost certainly cruiser level or better."
...his faster and more manoeuvrable vessel could still outrun its larger lumbering cousin. In fact, the only way that the other Imperial ship could successfully cut off their escape would be if.-
"It’s an attack craft carrier! It’s sending bomber squadrons after us!"
This sets an upper limit on pretty much most of the Macharius' current armament, except (maybe) torpedoes (if she has any.) Weapons batteries can't reach out to that distance (which isn't terribly surprising). Attack craft, however can.

Also they're jamming their own signals, at least certain kinds. And a Dauntless is faster than a Dictator, but it can't outrun fighters in pure acceleration. This means Furies/Starhawks can pull much greater than 4-5 gees (or tens, or hundreds, or thousands of gees, depending on your source.) which isnt surprising given destroyer accels.

page 49
..the status runes representing each of the ten Starhawk bombers under his command glowed a healthy green. Glancing out of the cockpit window, he could see his wingmen taking up position to his port and starboard, each of them tens of kilometres distant but with the bright flares of their multiple mass-reactive engines starkly marking their position against the blackness of space.
..somewhere beyond them the Starhawks of Firedrake, Harbinger and Mantis squadrons..
Forty Starhawks.
10 starhawks per squadron. 40 starhawks. Thats actually more (and bigger) bombers than was deployed at Taros, IIRC :D

Oh and the 'mass reactive' fighter engines. Seems like that's some actual sort of propellant or reactive material (melt) that can provide propuslion (or explosive power.) Perhaps its like those new reactive metals they propose to use in shells nad warheads? It's not the first time its been hinted the Imperium has or uses such.

Page 49
"All systems are green. Distance to target: 200,000 kilometres, and closing."
Range to target for the bombers.

Page 49-50
..ordnance control area of the bridge now buzzing with activity as teams of junior officers and grey-cloaked tech-priests monitored the streams of data being fed back from the Starhawks.
data relay from attack craft to Macharius.

Page 50
...triggering his starboard thrusters and jinking the two hundred tonne attack bomber out
of the path of a kilometre-wide explosive starburst which filled the view out of the cockpit’s main viewing port. All around the lead Starhawk, the hard vacuum of space was filled with similar explosions and energy bursts. At this range - still almost one thousand kilometres away from the target - a direct hit was almost impossible, but each energy blast emitted a burst of widespread and high-intensity radiation lethal to both a bomber’s crew and control systems, while each exploding anti-ordnance missile warhead or mass-reactive shell threw out a hail of shrapnel that could cover a volume of space tens of kilometres across.
Light cruiser point defense - might be battery fire, or it might be separate turrets. precise hits impossible on bombers at 1000 km, but proximity kills aren't. Trying to figure out what a '1 km starburst' represents is probably hard. If it were a nuclear fireball (assuming you could make that in space somehow) it might be high kt/low megaton range, but that assumes its 'actual' and not 40K plasma (which is more likely, actually.) And even then the fighter is only absorbing a fraction of that in any case. The shrapnel shells are interesting too for volume and scope. These are also 'dedicated' anti-ordnance setting as noted (missiles and shells, at least) but energy weapons typically don't flak burst either.

Also range at this point is 1000 km. This is point defense in this instance. Othre instances have hinted at longer range, but defence is never absolute for various reasons.

Page 50
+Surveyor systems taken offline by that last radiation burst. Missile targeting systems also
gone. Tech-Adept Eliphas is attempting to effect repairs now+
STarhawks, unsurprisingly, have targeting systems and sensors.

Page 51-52
"I’m losing bombers here. Request permission to launch missiles!"
+Proceed to target. Launch order will be given as and when Macharius deems necessary+

Both men grimly turned their attention to the task before them, trying to second-guess the gunners aboard the Bellerophon as they piloted the powerful gull-winged deep space bomber through the crop of starburst explosions that blossomed in the void between them and their target.

Eight hundred kilometres.
Seven hundred kilometres. A piercing scream rang out over the open comm-channel, a terrified and nameless voice gibbering out a hurried prayer commending his soul to the Emperor before being finally cut off in a scream of static followed by the telling static hiss of dead air.

Six hundred kilometres. Caparan’s craft was rocked by the concussive blast of an explosion somewhere off its starboard wing.
..Tech-Adept Shanyin Ko, sounding barely more human than the four onboard servitor drones under his control.
The 'bombing run' note that they requested permission to engage and were denied, this means that launch range is somehwere between 800-1000 km or so at least.

Also note the bombers have at least some servitor crew.

PAge 52-53
Five hundred kilometres. In space combat terms, this was considered near suicidal, a point-blank range. Down in the nose cone section housing the navigator and bombardier, the whine of the payload’s locked-on targeting systems rose to an insistent scream audible over the bomber’s comm-net.

+Macharius to attack wing. You are granted permission to launch missiles+

Thirty-five remaining Starhawks launched half their full pay-load at once from a distance of just over four hundred and eighty kilometres. Three of them suffered missile launch failure due to damage sustained in flight, one of them transforming into an cloud of vaporised gas when its activated missiles detonated whilst still fixed in their wing mounts.

The guns aboard the Bellerophon suddenly fell silent, the ship’s surveyor systems requiring a scanning field free of the radioactive static of explosions and energy bursts as the information they gathered was fed back to the ship’s logic engines. All over the ship, non-vital technical systems slowed to a crawl or temporarily blacked out entirely while the logic engines devoted the greater part of their processing capacity to calculating speeds, trajectories and interception points as the oncoming wave of missiles rushed towards their target at a speed of tens of kilometres a second.

As the energy levels fluctuated all through the ship, the crew could only cower in the semi-darkness and pray to whatever powers they now followed as they blindly consigned their fate to ancient and barely-understood technology from an era millennia before their own birth. With the missile cluster now only a hundred kilometres and scant seconds away, the Bellerophon activated its final anti-ordnance defences, the logic engines feeding targeting co-ordinates and firing solutions mrough to these last-ditch automated defences. A gridwork of multilaser turrets, autocannon batteries, plasma throwers and flechette launchers studded the outer hull of the Bellerophon and these activated now, throwing out a short-lived but concentrated curtain of firepower between the vessel and the missile wave.

Each Starhawk had launched half its full payload of ten plasma warhead missiles apiece. Of these, over thirty per cent had, even at such close range, malfunctioned or failed to acquire their target. Another twenty per cent would be destroyed by the Bellerophon’s anti-ordnance systems. Of the one hundred and sixty launched in the bomber wave, less than eighty would reach their target - and only a fraction of these would penetrate the ancient vessel’s metres-thick armoured hull and do any damage that really mattered.

It would still be more than enough to achieve the desired effect.
The launch. Ordnance released at 480 km.. implying that the bombers covered 20 km in a short time (seconds), which suggests single digit km/s speeds roughly. Missiles travelling at least at 20 km/s, although the 'scant seconds' of the last 100 km run suggests 30-50 km/s might be more accurate (depends on how you define 'scant')

we also see the 'last ditch' defenses, which is basically space CIWS I gather, and are automated defenses. I guess the other guns were manned turrets of some kind, the first 'layer' of point defnese, perhaps. Or some sort of 'dual purpose' gun between full sized broadside guns and automated point defense.

160 missiles launched (5 missiles from 35 vessels, which is actually closer to 175, but meh.) 30% failure rate, 20% intercepted by last ditch defenses, and the rest hit, although the majority fail to penetrate armour (I gather location matters, so they don't just blow through the hull effortlessly.) Bear in midn they crippled the ship for boarding as well.

Page 55
For the second time within a few scant days, the decks and sections of the Bellerophon rang with the sounds of combat..
'few' days since they mutinied. If they'd made 6-7 short range jumps in 2-3 days, the transit speed (Average) 2920c to 5,110c. That is without a navigator, and ignores any delays (time to recharge drives, plot courses, time they may have been sitting around, etc.)

Page 56
He drew his laspistol, sending volley after volley of searing laser fire into their packed ranks, only stopping when the weapon’s power-pack critically overheated, scorching the flesh of his hand.
..the creeping numbness in his hand told him that the burn wounds there would require treatment after the battle.
Laspistol overheating and inflicting severe (second or third) degree burns to the hand. This actually reflects the inefficiencies (heat buildup) of the weapon rather than damage, and it comes from the weapon itself heating up (probably) which is a big question mark. 2nd to 3rd degree burns ont he palm (assuming 10 cm across and 15 cm tall roughly) is between 3 and 7.5 kj for the hand. If we assumed the laspistol was 90% efficient (given the fact they don't seem to have any obvious radiators or eject cooling usually, they must be absurdly efficient) we might be talking 30-75 kj expended over an unknown perio dof time. for 30 shots total we're talking 1-2.5 kj at least.

That howver ignores the heating of the gun itself. If we assumed a 1 kg laspistol made of iron, and a 50-100 K increase in temp (arbitrary, but not a huge increase) that would be around 30-60 kj, which again is roughly 1-3 kj per shot for a 30 shot.

A third way to extrapolate is that the power pack is clearly in the grip, meaning that size-wise (or mass wise) it should mass as much as a pistol magazine Assuming a 10cm tall, 4 cm wide and 2 cm across clip, and 1-1.5 kj per cubic cm, we're talking 80-120 kj in the clip. If we assume the power pack weighs as much as a 200 gram Beretta 9mm mag (estimated) and an energy density of a sodium-sulfur battery (540 kj per kg IIRC) we're talking 108 kj. Over a 30s hot capacity we're talking between 2.7 and 4 kj for the first calc, and 3.6 for the second one. Either way at least a few kj per shot for a laspistol seems likely. Depending on the temp the gun itself heats to we might be talking about a pretty damn efficient laser.

Page 56
A stray shotgun blast took off the head of the man next to him..
Shotgun blast decapiates/blows apart human head. That at least requires a good 15-20 cm spread probably, meaning a bigger wound channel created than some real life shotguns (although for all I know some RL military shotguns could do this with the right ammo loadout.)

PAge 58
The Bellerophon’s standard crew complement was several thousand less than the
larger Dictator class vessel..
Difference in crew size between Dauntless and Dictator. This probably means around 7-8 thousand.
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Re: Gordon Rennie BFG novels thread [revisited]

Post by Connor MacLeod »

well it was a LOOOOONG wait on this one. Wanted to make a few corrections and revisions, forgot about this, got distracted by other things, which was why this has languished for over three weeks. Oh well, better late than never. Maybe I'll do a short update to compensate, or something.

Page 60
He turned towards the cultist astropath standing nearby.
The daemon-thing living inside the flesh of the possessed Chaos cultist hissed in displeasure, its body warping into twisted new shapes as an almost physical foretaste of the Warmaster’s own anger at the news he would soon be receiving.
Choas has its own versions of astropaths as well. I amnot sure if this includes soul binding (or just possession) but we have seen similar (blood Angels novels, HH series, etc.) and it seems to involve daemonic messengers in some way.

Page 61
..the mighty Blackstone Fortresses, the six massive and ancient alien constructs which formed the backbone of the Imperial Navy’s strength in the Gothic sector. Each Blackstone was base to its own battlegroup fleet - and each possessed more than enough firepower of its own to fend off an attack by any of the Warmaster’s current reaver fleets.
Twelve navy bases have already fallen. We know that the forts and Port Maw (at least) still stand. We knew from BFG core rules that there were 17 bases in the Gothic sector, but this suggests 19. Oops? temporay bases maybe, or maybe two of the Blackstones have already fallen, although if that were the case, Semper would have mentioned it by now (and in context with the story Abbadon still has yet to set out to grab them from the Eye anyhow.)

Page 61-62
Somewhere within the Eye of Terror, where space and warp space merged together as one..
Through the moving warp patterns he could see the spires and pinnacles of the object of their labours, a vast and threatening shape hanging motionless amidst the tides of warp space. It was almost complete now, he knew. His new flagship. His new terror weapon. His ’’planet killer’’,...
Abbadon is in the Eye currently as of the taking of the Bellerophon I'd guess we're talking 6-9 months pass before the first planet is destoryed tops - the intial bases in the sector were taken in the first months of the war. I'd guess (based on 5th edition map) the Gothic sector is a good 20-30 thousand Ly away from the Eye, so that's the distance of the Chaos astropath, as well as an implied timeframe for the forces from the Eye to reach the Gothic sector. Between 2 years (for arx gap) and the 6-9 months here implied we're talking 10-15,000c at least, and 40-60,000c for the other value.

Page 67-69
Its oceans had boiled off into space hours ago, laying bare the broken and dried expanses of once hidden sea-beds. Everywhere bright lines of fire criss-crossed the planet’s surface: rivers, lakes, entire oceans of molten magma flowing up through gaping, bleeding rents in the planetary crust as the planet itself began to break apart. The whole southern hemisphere was ablaze, covered in magma as the planet’s molten heart bled out of the continent-sized open wound that the Despoiler’s Planet Killer weapon had burned into it. Giant earthquakes shook the planet from pole to pole, forming and then reforming its burning topography into an ever-changing series of different, fiery visions of hell. The planet’s biosphere was gone - its oxygen-rich atmosphere had ignited at the first firing of the Planet Killer’s awesome weapons systems - and Abaddon assumed that all life on the world was now extinct. Perhaps a few had survived the initial firestorms that had scoured clean the surface, hiding in shelters deep below the ground, but nothing could have survived the resultant seismic catastrophe as the Planet Killer’s coruscating energy beams tore apart the planetary crust and ripped deep into the underlying rock strata, finally cutting through into the planet’s molten core.
"The planet’s core is beginning to break up, causing unpredictable and powerful fluctuations in its magnetic field."
..Through the viewing port Abaddon saw a gout of fiery magma hundreds of miles long spurting up from the burning surface and exploding high in orbit above the dying world.
I've done Abbadon's PK so many time,s it really doesn't change much. Most of the quotes are here so I won't belabor this much again. funny enough I dont think I ever did these.

Breaking up is of course 2e32 joules, boiling off into space is e29 joules (for earthlike planet), and I've dealt with continent sized wounds before, in a period of hours (between blowing off the oceans and breaking up the planet.) but we dnt know how long for blowing off the oceans.

In any case this is just an approximation of effects, Abbadon's PK is a warp based weapon, so the translation to any other context is ifffy at best (EG this doesnt represent the power generation of the planet killer per se, or anything that can really be translated to a starship, except that virtually no known starship woudl be capable of remotely the same level of devastation, supposedly at least. A few like Phalanx might, but that's it. Or maybe one of those 'planet blowing up' munitions that sometimes crop up in fluff.)

Page 71-72
..Abaddon knew this hologram-projected scene well enough by now. It was the Gothic sector, perfect in every detail, reproduced not merely in three dimensions but also in the fourth, with the arcane logic-engine programs that sustained the projection able to take into account the unpredictable timedilation effects of the patterns of warp space. Certainly pre-Imperium, and probably non-human - Abaddon neither knew nor cared - the entire chamber had been looted from a drifting space hulk and reinstalled into the structure of his Planet Killer command vessel.

Abaddon gazed out into the depths of the projection, noting the latest received information on the status and positions of both his own warfleets and those of the enemy. Port Maw was a blaze of blue-marked Imperium-controlled worlds and fleet markers, although the Warmaster noted with satisfaction that the clustered ring of red markers surrounding it showed that the home base of Battlefleet Gothic was still under intense and crushing blockade.
Constellations of red and blue warfleet markers faced off against each other throughout the Gothic sector..
Abaddon’s gaze found and traced the emerald route patterns of enemy transport convoys making the dangerous runs between the supply worlds and the front-line battle systems. The markers of the elite Chaos hunter-killer vessels which shadowed them through the warp appeared as burning crimson points of light, while the ghostly indigo markers of the wolf pack pirate fleets allied to the Despoiler’s cause lay in wait at points all along the convoys’ routes.

Elsewhere, Abaddon noted with displeasure the riot of blue markers spilling out of the Orar subsector, pushing back the tide of red in that portion of the map. Bhein Morr also stood out as a bright and growing point of enemy resistance, while most of the Cyclops cluster appeared as a haze of dark shadow standing out in stark contrast against the rest of the projection’s fine detail. A lone marker denoted that part of the Gothic sector to be ork-infested
And then there were the six glowing gold markers spread more or less evenly throughout the Gothic sector.
An indication of abbadon's command and control functions. Not exactly sensors or detection per se, but it probably reflects fairly accurate and fast communications between his various forces, scouting elements, and whatever other intel sources he may rely on (divination, scrying, daemonic aid, etc.) all tied into a command and control system of archeotech (or xeno tech) provenance which can provide him an accurate picture, even adapting to distortions of itm eand space (due to warp, etc.)

Page 74
..while centre points of any stronger shows of resistance were pacified with choke gas grenades hurled through doorways and windows.
..an impassive line of rebreather-wearing Arbites troopers armed with crackling power mauls and suppression shields.
Arbites using choke gas. and Arbites armament.

Page 79
At the outbreak of the war, as the Despoiler’s warfleets burst out of the Arx Gap to fall without warning upon the forces of Battlefleet Gothic, Abaddon’s allies and followers within the secret covens of Chaos worshippers had also come out of hiding at their master’s bidding. Chaos-inspired uprisings and rebellions had occurred on more than two dozen worlds, drawing away vital forces and resources from the main war.
IIRC Arx Gap was 2500 ly away from the gothic sector by the blue book, and is some few months away IIRC, so we're talking 7000-10000c over that distance. If we assume from the Eye to the gothic sector its 20-30 thousand c in a few months, which is a few tens or a few hundreds of thousands of c.

Page 80
Although it was not one of the front-line systems, Belatis was abundant with natural resources and supplies vital to the war effort. Adamantium ore for the diamond-hard armoured prows of the mighty warships of Battlefleet Gothic. Unprocessed promethium fuel for the war machines of the Imperial Guard, and plentiful grain and meat exports for the Guard’s legions of hungry troops. It was not the greatest, nor the most populous or strategically important world within the Gothic sector, Byzantane knew, but, like every other of the million worlds within the vast, galaxy-spanning Imperium, it belonged to the Master of Mankind, and for that reason alone was worth defending.
Resources of Belatis. Not important by any stretch, but not minor either. Adamantium is a natural resource (and 'diamond hard', whatever that is supposed to mean for a metal), promethium (fossil fuel variety I gather.). Oh and grain and meat to feed the troops.. that's better than some troops eat.

Also million worlds.

Page 80-81
His Truthseeker psykers too felt it, reporting strange new fluxes in the warp, disturbing patterns that hinted of some vast and calamitous event that was yet to unfold.
The psyker seers of the Adeptus Arbites could provide him with no more information about this potential looming threat...
The Adeptus Arbites psyker reluctantly emerged into the harsh glare of the Belatis midday sun..
Arbites makes use of its own pskyers for divination and detection, at least on Belatis.

Page 82
"It is possible that they could be using a null-shield or some other trickery to hide themselves from my senses."
Null shield. Psy blocking device. We know lots of kinds of such devices exist.

Page 82
"Tox-bomb!" Rebreathers on!’ bellowed Byzantane, as the faint, dry season breeze carried the first trails of the deadly mist out into the street, revealing the bubbling remains of what only seconds ago had been two human beings.

Caught on the edge of the spreading cloud, one man - one of Marian’s junior troopers from Precinct Tertius, Byzantane recognised - screamed, coughing up bloody matter as he fumbled with the release catches of his rebreather mask. The men caught in the booby-trapped doorway had died almost instantly from the catastrophic effects of such close and concentrated exposure to the toxbomb’s virulent contents, but the virus weakened as it dispersed, and at this range it would take the trooper minutes - long, agonised minutes - to die as the virus spores multiplied like wildfire within his body, causing his body to rot apart around him.
Tox bomb. Cultist weapon, and seems to have some relation to viral weaponry.

Page 82
His helmet’s vox-link crackled with shouts of alarm and the broadcast echoes of the same sounds of gunfire.
Arbites helmet vox

Page 83
He heard the drumming boom of an autocannon opening fire, saw a burst of its high-calibre shells scythe down the length of the street behind him, catching one of his Arbitrators and scattering him in bloody pieces against the mud-brick walls of the surrounding buildings.
Autocannon firepower. We dont know whether it is firing solid slugs or explosive.

Page 83
But again came the heavy drumming of the autocannon as it blasted a deadly accurate burst of fire into the pinned-down Arbitrators sheltering in cover at the end of the street, adamantium-tipped shells cutting indiscriminately through flesh and mudbrick cover alike.

There was a fiery blast as a lucky or well-aimed shell found the engine of one of the Arbites Rhino transports, quickly followed by voices screaming in terror and pain as the vehicle’s fuel cells exploded...
Autocannon again. Note the 'adamantium tipped' shells, and its implied they can penetrate Rhino armour. Also the Rhino has fuel cells.

Page 84
"Bring up your grenade launcher teams to deal with that autocannon."
Arbites grenade launcher crews.

Page 84
A hidden sniper’s las-shot scored a burn line across the plasti-steel of one of his armoured shoulder pads, cutting through the layers of woven poly-silicate, impact-resistant material of his uniform to sear the flesh underneath.

Ignoring the pain...
Composition of Arbites body armour (carapace?) layers of plasti-steel, poly-silicate, and other materials I gather. Which gets penetrated by a lasweapon (although much degraded only to a painful burn, probably first degree.) Not teribly calcable without knowing more, sadly.

Page 84-85
Byzantane hurled the grenade through the mouth of the doorway, where it detonated scant seconds later, killing the Chaos cultists clustered inside.

Byzantine jumped past the wreckage of the autocannon and its crew, unsure whether the twisted limbs and gruesome, bloody redesigns of human flesh that he glimpsed there were a result of Chaos mutation or merely the work of heat blast and razor-sharp shrapnel burst.
Effect of grenade. Implies its pretty tough but hard to say without making guesses. I'd gather that if Byzantine expected that it would happen. The dual effect (burns and shrapnel) is interesting, although I dont know if RL grenades can emulate this or not. nor do we know how many were hurt in it or how badly burnt.

Page 85
At the same time he swung the power maul in his left hand, its energy-haloed mace head cutting a fiery arc through the air. At its lower, normal settings, the weapon’s energy field could knock out an opponent with one blow; at the higher settings, it pulverized flesh and bone into bloody jelly. Byzantane’s first blow struck one of the Chaos cultists across the head, shattering it in a spray of bone and brain matter. His second blow came down on the next opponent’s shoulder, cleaving down through his ribcage and destroying his chest cavity.
Power maul in action, blows apart head, tears apart chest. Presumably on higher settings.

Page 88
Flechette scatter rounds and solid shot shells from the Arbites’ shotguns ripped them apart as they charged forward,...
Arbites shotguns using flechette and solid shot rounds, and their effects.

Page 88
...his squad as the Arbites troops crept forward behind hand-held power shields, the Imperium troops depending on the shields’ humming energy fields to protect them from the withering hail of fire coming at them from out of the darkness.
Power shields for defence, rather than suppression shields.

Page 88-89
Forewarned by Trathseeker Shaulo’s psychic senses, they were able to avoid the ambushes waiting for them at these dangerous juncture points. Flamer bursts and hurled handfuls of frag and choke grenades cleared out side passages, flushing burning and asphyxiating figures out of hiding and into the gun-sights of the waiting Arbiters. Shotgun-launched salvoes of the special heat-seeking shells - called ’’executioners’’ amongst the Adeptus Arbites - were fired whenever they came to a corner, the tiny Adeptus Mechanicus devices buzzing off into the darkness in search of their targets, followed split seconds later by screams of pain and the sound of multiple detonations into human tissue. Quickly advancing round the corner, Byzantane and his men soon finished off any who had survived the executioner shells’ deadly bite.
Astropath providing early warning (telepathic/empathic, or divinatory, or both?) use of flamers as well as grenades. Also use of executioner shells, which are heat seeking (and explosive) in this case. They can also fire around corners. Givne their ability to distinguish between enemies and arbites, I gather there is some system (beacons?) that tell them not to home in on the Imperials.

Page 89
...had his throat torn out by an autogun bullet that had pierced an overloaded and failing power shield.
Arbitrator killed by autogun bullet penetrating an (overloaded) power shield.

Page 93
..he had been blind for almost eighty years, ever since he had willingly sacrificed his sight during the ritual of binding his soul with that of the Divine Emperor, and, as an astropath psyker, he now had little need of anything as crude as mere visual sight.
80 year old astropath, which is notable given they supposedly burn out early. Also the 'don't need sight to see' bit.

Page 93
...but in recent years he had started to realise that his abilities were now slowly
changing. All astropaths were occasionally gifted and cursed with fleeting images of the future, but the elusive talent of true precognition lay not only in understanding the meaning of such shadowy images as they flickered across the face of the warp, but also in being able to distinguish those that were real from those that were the misleading work of the deceitful daemon-things that inhabited the furthest reaches of the immaterium.
Apparently astorpath abilities don't remain fixed, and their 'foretelling' can become true precog if the changes occur. What triggers them and the way it manifests we still don't know. Also apparently there is the risk of daemonic misinformation.

Page 94-95
A series of thinly cut cards made from a substance that felt like, but was not, delicate bone, slid out into his hand.

The Imperial tarot.

Sobek laid the first of the blank-faced cards out before him on the prayer mat he was kneeling on. His lips silently intoned the words of the Invocation of Blessed Prophecy. He concentrated, focussing his inner sight, as he reached out with his mind into the warp again, searching through its dark depths for the bright, pure radiance that was the overpowering psychic presence of the Master of Mankind. It would be through this mystic commune with the Emperor that Sobek would know the meaning of the troubling thoughts that had disturbed his meditations.

He reached out, his hand hovering inches above the face of the card, as the priceless psychoactive material from which the ancient cards were constructed reacted to the warp-born power he was channelling through himself. Slowly, an image formed on the surface of the card.
Tarot. The main thing about this is interesting is the need to sort of 'interact' with the 'presence' of the Emperor. Whether this means the astronomican, or tapping through the part of them soul-bound to the Emperor (I suspect the latter), it basically means that the Tarot is just a way of asking the Emperor what's going on (sort of a tarot type variation of the more symbolic astro-telepathy, really. The Astropath contacts Big E, who communicates through the psyker and into the tarot cards. Apparently though, as we leanr later, it is at least - sort of - possible to cut out the tarot deck, which may reflect how this particular astropath's powers are changing. Or being altered.)

Page 96
On cue, metres-thick blast hatches ground open along the beaks of their heavily-armoured prows...
Simultaneous flame bursts erupted from each opening as powerful engines, assisted by the launch tubes’ own gravitic motors, roared into life, firing the hundred metre-long missiles out of their silo tubes and into the vacuum of space. The torpedo missiles sped away at incredible velocity, their fast-burn plasma engines leaving a trail of burning, blinding-white plasma energy in their wake.

The aftershock of the torpedo launch rang through the hulls of the Imperial ships:...
'metres thick' hatches on the front of torpedo tubes. this tim ethough the torpeodes are 100 m long. Presumably the diameter of the tubes is still the same, the torpedoes are just (mysteriously) longer. Different kinds of torpedoes perhaps. If not then they swapped out for bigger torpedoes.

If diameter holds constant form the 30 metre variants, the mass goes up by 3.4 (about 500-2000 tonnes) For the 6m diameter torps we're talking between 680 and 2900 tonnes.

If they are bigger in general we're talking a 15-20 m diameter torpedo, we're talking btween 4,400 and 17,700 tonnes for 15 m diameter, and 7,800 and 31,400 tonnes for 20 m diameter torps.

Oh yeah and note the gravitic 'motors' providing acceleration ot the torps :P

Page 97
Thirty torpedoes, closing on the enemy pack at a speed of tens of kilometres a second. Semper smiled,..
the 100 m long travelling at 'tens of kilometres' a second. This is roughly consistent with the '1cm = 1000 km' idea of Andy Chambers, but I wouldn't put too much stock in it. A fair number of sources have gone with hundreds of km, so I'm inclined to think torps pull closer to the higher end of 'tens' of km/s, nevermind my other inferences on this matter elsewhere. Still the idea that torpedo velocity is variable (tens or hundreds) for various reasons (extended range or manuvering vs raw speed.) is not unreasonable. we know of short burn torpedoes, so the reverse should be possible too.

Page 97
"Missiles running true." spoke an ordnance servitor, communing with the simple machine-minds of the torpedoes’ logic engines and reading and interpreting the data relayed back from the missiles’ guidance and surveyor systems.
"Enemy carrier vessel Lord Seth launching attack craft."

"A defence screen of fighters to intercept the torpedo wave."
"Standard anti-ordnance tactics..."
Apparently the fighters can engage the torpedoes from seconds away (tens or hundreds of kms away, depending on exact velocity and time needed)

Also, the 'ordnance seritor' has telemetry with the torpedoes. Fighters as well have some telemetry guidance/communication, so that might suggest similar ranges (potentially) between the two, although given their human crews, Imperial fighters are probably more reliable at longer ranges than the torpedoes are (although torpedoes have the basic advantage of being one way.)

Page 98
"’Nemesis, Firedrake, Harbinger and Mantis are at full launch readiness"
"Storm and Hornet are in standby positions awaiting orders, and the remainder of our bomber and fighter squadrons are being prepped for second wave launch as we speak. I can give you forty Starhawks with fighter escort launched and burning hard vacuum within thirty seconds, and another three patchwork squadrons ready to go twenty minutes after that."
At least 6 squadrons Storm and Hornet I gather are Fury squadrons. I dont know how many fighters escort the first wave of starhawks.. 2-4 squadrons maybe? So 4 STarhawk and 4-6 Fury squadrons for this 40 Starhawks and 60 furies probably (we know there are over 100 fighters)

Plus 3 patchwork squadrons (fighters and bombers.. 10-20 bombers and maybe 15-30 fighters depending on how hose squadroms workout- IIRC furies are 15 strong) not sure where the extra fighters and bombers come from - replacements or repairs?

Page 98
Sixteen Capital class vessels and escorts protecting an invasion armada of eighteen troop carrier transports.
Scope of enemy forces in this current battle.

Page 99
...the Starhawk bomber as the first magno-clamps began to disengage, separating it from its launch cradle.
...the Starhawk suddenly dropped, released from the crane cradle that had lifted it up into the launch bay. For a few brief but truly sickening moments, the three hundred tonne bomber was in freefall and then its fall was abruptly halted, powerful suspensor fields catching it and holding it in place mid-air within the launch bay.
Fighters are held (above, apparently) the deck in magnetic clamps, get released into antigrav suspensors which hold them in place until they launch. Sort of a variation of a catapult I suppose.

Oh yeah and the bomber is now 300 tonnes. :P Variations in ordnance, perhaps?

Page 100
..powered up the bomber’s four wing-mounted engines, knowing that the slightest drop in the suspensor field’s integrity at this most crucial and dangerous part of the launch process would mean the bomber’s complete destruction. The engines were soon operating at near full power, but the bomber was stationary within the launch bay, held immobile in the invisible but inexorable grip of the suspensor fields as the laws of physics fought against the launch bay’s equally powerful inertial dampener fields.
And then finally the last chime sounded and suddenly - shockingly - the bomber was released from its suspensor field and was surging forward with incredible speed, its engines screaming in relief at being set free from the invisible forces that had held them in check.
Bomber launch. Bay suspensors can hold the craft still against the full thrust of its engines for a prolonged but brief (seconds long?) period of time. The launch bay would have to have been cleared, since that means the bay is being exposed to the thrust of the engines.

Page 100
..eighteen other Starhawks would be fired out of surrounding launch bays at the same time; aware that the same thing was happening with twenty more Starhawks from the launch bays on the other side of the ship..
20 starhawks launch from bays on both side of the ship, that tends to mean the fighter complements on both side probably are symmetrical. (potentially 80 bombers total? 40 per side at max complement.)

Page 101
And then there was only the blackness of space around them, followed by the tell-tale pulling sensation and - a split second later - a rumbling shudder as the Imperial bomber passed through in sequence its carrier ship’s gravity field and protective void shields.
The ship's AG field extends some distance from the ship, nearly as far as the void shields (which the bombers are passing through, as well as the AG field.) and this takes a fraction of a second. Even assuming the voids are hundreds of meters distant we're probably talking multiple km/s easily.

Page 101
..wire cables plugging into the empty sockets where his eyes had once been, feeding him tactical information direct from his fighter’s onboard surveyor systems.
Encased in ancient flight suit armour that had fused itself to his skin, and enmeshed in cables
and wiring that made his body just another component of his fighter craft
Chaos pilot augmetically/MIU linked into his fighter's systems.

Page 102
"Secondary bomber wave being loaded into launch bays. Countdown to launch in ten minutes."

"Enemy troop transports are commencing drop-pod planetary assault. Estimate two hundred plus drop-pods deployed in the last five minutes"
Torpedoes have been travelling at least 20 minutes.. That means at least 24,000 km. If they're travelling at 100 km/s, we're talking 120,000 km range, at least.

Also the Chaos forces are making a drop pod assault from orbit, which must include vehicles and the slave troops. 200 in 5 minutes is at least 40 per minute. Whether that is from a single ship or all eighteen we don't know.

Page 104
For half a day now, his vessel’s gun batteries had been ceaselessly bombarding the surface
of the world below. Now the providence of the warp had provided a target far greater than underground missile silos and cities full of cowering, terrified civilians.
Half a day of oribtal bombardment in support of the invasion. Gives a rough indicator of the invasion timeframe. Assuming 40 pods per minute over 6-12 hours we might be talking over 14,000-29,000 pods so far. Probably an over-estimate likely, given the numbers later.

Page 105
Sirl studied the magnified image of the loyalist craft, seeing its launch bays open to disgorge a swarm of gull-winged bomber craft
Launch bays re closed.

Page 105
For four days the Chaos fleet had advanced through the Helia system...
..a few brief but bloody skirmishes with lone scout vessels and marauding attack craft squadrons. In those four days, most of the system had been ruthlessly subdued.
4 days to pass through the system. Assuming 10 AU distance travelled in a straight line and no slow down. at 5 gees acceleration you'd have 4 days and about 3% of c max travel speed. Average is probably more like 4-5 thousand km/s. If we go with 2.5 gee accel (FFG estimate for cruiser) we get 1.5% of c max speed and probably 2000 km/s average speed through system.

PAge 105
The defence monitor station at the system’s outer edge had been the first to fall, overwhelmed and destroyed as the first of the Chaos warships emerged out of the warp jump point that the station was supposed to be guarding. Mining and industrial colonies on the system’s two gas giant planets were next to succumb, bombarded into submission as the Chaos fleet swept onwards past them, heading into the system’s core. Their target was Helia IV, an Imperium resource world with a population of more than three billion.
Composition of the Imperial system. It had defence moniotors stationed at least at one outer edge for security over the jump point, as well as industrial/mining colonies on the gas giants, and at least one inhabited system. Not quite sure what a 'resource world' means, other than it provides valuable resources. Possibly it means it serves multiple roles - mining, agriculture (foodstuffs), and so on.

Also the Chaos warfleet bombarded the gas giant colonies on its way past the planet, considering the speeds I estimated they were travelling at any projectiles they fired would probably be moving much faster than the ships and strike long before.

Page 105
..their astropath psykers and long range surveyors detected the warp burst signatures of many more Chaos vessels - troop transports and their protecting escorts - emerging out of the warp..
Apparently the astropaths can serve a similar role to surveyors, at least detecting warp emergences. (warp sensors, probably.)

Page 105-106
..the remainder of the world’s population would be enslaved, put to work constructing fleets of more warships and troop transports for the Despoiler’s battlefleets. The strongest amongst them - those who could actually survive the brutal realities of life on what would soon be one of the Despoiler’s prison-factory worlds - would be formed into slave-troop regiments and herded aboard the newly-constructed transports, ready to be taken on to the next doomed world to lie in the path of the Chaos reaver fleets, leaving behind them the bone-scattered ruins of their dead world.
Helia IV was the third such world to fall before this warfleet - the holds of many of the transports were crammed with the slavetroop remnants of the populations of the two preceding conquests..
Chaos approach to warfare, at least Abbadon's. It bears alot of similarity to how the Word Bearers in the Reynolds trilogy did it (and what Honsou never did.) It's a corrupted version of what the Imperium does - they force conscription in their own way - recruiting (or enslaving) the local populace to their needs. Except in this case they do it not just for troops, but also to build the transports to carry them. And warships (specifically noted.) What's more, they've done this multiple times already, and at least some people from the world before the last were included in this, indicating we're talking a vERY short timeframe to be constructing warp capalbe ships.. months easily, no more than a few years at worst (about the lenght of time for the Gothic war at this point, and evne then noting it from the earliest parts.

On the other hand, these are not worlds with purpose built shipyards, so the transports (And the warships) are not going to be very large. At BEST we'd be talking a lunar class cruiser (think Lord Daros example), but more probably we're talking escort sized vessels (warships and transports both, in all probability.)

Still, that's damn fast and its not impossible, we know of a number of destroyer types (at least) that can be built in that timeframe, and frigates and the smaller light cruisers are not much bigger. The fact these are all warp capable ships is even more impressive. I imagine this can repreesnt the construction time of sublight ships as well.

PAge 106
...unsatisfying slaughter of the local in-system defence forces - its orbital defence platforms and slow, poorly-armed system vessel gunship squadrons.
space defence force.

Page 106
Despite his four centuries of service to the God of Decay..
4 century old captain, one of Nurgles. Contagion as well was one, so that might explain the expanded lifespan.

Page 107
Amic Kaether powered his Fury Interceptor forward, residue plasma energy splashing against his forward shields as he piloted the fighter craft through the kilometre-long backwash of the torpedo missile.
Macharius Fury has shielding of some kind - power fields would be my guess - and the 100 metre long torpedoes have a km-long exhaust trail.

Page 107
..the rest of Storm squadron followed him into the attack, emerging out of the energy wake of the torpedo wave that had so successfully concealed their approach from the enemy...
..the squadron’s other two flights completing the three-pronged attack formation
Fifteen fighter craft - a full strength squadron - and, nearby, another fifteen belonging to Hornet squadron. Thirty Imperial interceptors, attacking in overwhelming force against an unprepared enemy.
The Fury interceptors engage the incoming Chaos fighters en route to intercept the torpedoes. This means the Furies were travelling at LEAST as fast as the Torpedoes, arguably faster, which gives a rough idea of accelerations involved, as well as the engagement ranges.. they'd have to engage the fighters at least from a second or two away, suggesting tens if not hundreds of kms range fo rtheir weapons.

Also, Furies are composed in 3 flighs of 5, which I'm guesisng means STarhawks make 2 flights of 5. Still at least 9-10 squadrons, and over a hundred craft. The funny thing is in Battlefleet Koronous, we're told that Fury squadrons are 20 craft, not 15 and each bay can hold at least 3 squadrons (they actually have 6 squadrons per side in BFK) with 6 fighter and 6 bomber we're talking 60 bombers (Starhawk sizes stay the same) and 120 fighters... 180 craft, nearly double what the Macharius has.

Even more hilarious atmospheric attack craft are twice as numerous the 'starfighter' versions (Eg 40 fighters instead of 20)

Page 107-108
..seconds later, both he and his fighter were obliterated, smashed apart against the thick armoured nosecone of one of the juggernaut missiles.
Chaos fighter collides with torpedo 'seconds later'. This reinforces my earlier assessments about range.. at least 40-50 km, and more probably hundreds of kms range between fighters and target.

Also another interesting yet crazy thing.. we know the torpedoes are travelling at tens of km/s,, that means they're hypervelocity impactors more or less. Even at 20 km/s, we're talking some 200 mj per kg of mass, over 100x the energy needed to melt iron, and 25x the energy needed to vaporize iron.

And while I can't claim to be an expert on the topic, I'm pretty sure (especially based on here and here that Hypervelocity objects tend to explosively vaporize on impact (like asteroids), and this vaporization can occur to an object hit by the hypervelocity object as well as the object hit... That neither the Swiftdeath fighter (which for a space fighter comparable to a Fury shoudl be quite a bit larger than their atmospheric analogues) nor the torpedo do vaporize despite being a hypervelocity impact/ collision.. well that may say quite a bit about the durability of the materials involved, I'd say. Hell, the fact torpedoes stay intact enough to penetrate and detonate inside the target says a hell of alot there, methinks. Like I said, a torpedo moving at tens of km/s ought to have PLENTY enough enregy to vaporize itself, nevermind the supposed volatility of plasma reactors/warheads!

Assuming I'm not misremembering anything of course :P

Page 108
Tens of thousands of kilometres ahead of the Macharius, the wave of torpedo missiles entered their final lifecycle stage, logic engines reaching out to find their targets. Crude but effective guidance systems engaged, short-life manoeuvring jets firing as the missiles’ machine-minds made any necessary course changes towards their selected targets. The main drives flared into fiery life for the last time, expending all remaining energy as they boosted the missile warheads towards their targets at increased velocity.
The torpedoes are tens of thosuands of km away from the Macharius.. presumably a few thousand km away from the chaos fleet (at least going by what we know from BFG re final acquisition). The engines boost them to even higher velocity just prior to impact. Seems liek these torp's engines won't contribute to their destruction in any explosive manner.

Page 108
For every target a torpedo’s logic engines failed to lock onto, there were another half-dozen to choose from. On the Chaos warships, gunnery officers who had already been zeroing their weapons batteries in on the approaching Imperial fleet frantically redialled new target co-ordinates into their gunnery cogitators, knowing that it was already too late to retrain their lumbering gunsights on targets as small and fast-moving as torpedo missiles, especially at such close range.

Turret gun crews fared better; already alerted and manning weapons systems designed to fend off ordnance attacks, they stood ready to project a curtain of defensive fire into space around their vessels. Of the thirty torpedoes launched by the Imperium ships, twelve were to be destroyed by the Chaos vessels’ anti-ordnance defences before they could strike their targets.
Chaos anti-torpedo defense. No apparent CIWS this time. either that's Imperium only or torpedoes are too big to shoot down by those sorts of weapons. Battery weapons are used, and there are separate (manned) turrets as well. Maybe Chaos ships only have two layers of defense whilst the Imperium utilises three (or mayb ethe Imperium doesn't bother with using weapon batteries in that way. Hard to tell.)

Either way we're looking at 'final acquisition' mode and the torpedoes locking on at the same time the turret guns engage, which suggests a several thousand km range, but we can still figure on at least 1000 km based on the prior example (with the fighters.) Although direct hits seem easier here than with fighters for whatever reason.

Also note the Chaos gunnery systems (gunnery cogitators have to be reset for point defense insted of targeting starships.)

PAge 110
"The other torpedo still closing. Its warhead has just achieved critical mass."
...the torpedo warhead smashed through the Chaos ship’s hull and detonated amongst its engine systems, breaching the walls of the generarium plasma reactors and setting off a chain reaction explosion that completely vaporised the enemy vessel.
They can tell when a torpedo warhead reaches 'critical mass' whatever that means for a plasma torp. :D Or maybe its fission!

Anyhow, the torpedo penetrates through the hull quite obviously before detonating inside (with devastating results given the location hit.) Which as I noted earlier almost certainly qualifies as a hypervelocity impact for both ship and torpedo. The vessel, btw is an Iconoclast Escort (in all probability.)

Page 110
..Driven onwards by its powerful thrust engines, the intact main body of the torpedo still struck the ship, shearing away one of the massive lance turrets that studded the heavy cruiser’s spine. The power conduits to the turret’s weapons systems failed to close, and a fountain of burning plasma pumped up direct from the ship’s generarium core erupted geyser-like from the ship’s upper hull, diverting vital energy away from other weapons systems. The anti-ordnance turrets suddenly fell silent, and their gunnery crews were helpless to stop two more torpedoes slamming into the Lord Seth seconds later.
Torpedo decapitates a lance battery on impact at hyper velocity (again note the lack of vaporization of either torpedo OR turret by said impact, the turret is 'merely' sheared off.

Also interesting is how the 'plasma' of the reactors seems to also be used as the conducting medium for power. And the damage to the lance clearly siphons off available power to a good many defenses - at least the anti-ordnance defenses, which says something interesting about the relationship between lance and turret fire.

Page 110
Three of the troop transports, crudely constructed by unskilled slave labour and little more than glorified cattle trucks fitted with warp engines, took a torpedo hit apiece and were vaporised, killing the thousands of Chaos troops still aboard them.
Destruction of one of the chaos-constructed (on the world) troop ships

Page 111
The Imperial ships were closing rapidly, but the enemy fleet was still out of range of their own forward-firing batteries.

Knowing that the enemy’s firepower had a longer reach than their own guns, the Imperial line braced itself for the Chaos fleet’s reply.

The void between the two fleets was filled with bright rainbow displays of las-fire, roaring plasma comet trails and the thick, iridescent streams of lance-beam energy.
Las-beams, energy blasts and missile volleys impacted against overloading void shields, penetrating through to strike at the pitted and dented skins of ancient and battle-scarred armoured hulls.
Chaos ships have a (slight?) advantage in range over Imperial guns, which is interesting because the range is SUPPOSEDLY only tens of thousands of km, when Imperial guns can reach out to hundreds of thousands of km. Maybe we shouldnt take 'tens of thousands of km" so literally. So we're probably talking hundreds of thousands of km.. 200-300 thousand, probably.

In that context, the battle takes on a new light. We know that between 20-30 minutes pass with the torpedoes reaching their targets (before either fleet enters engagement range), but probably far less than an hour (given that in space battles an hour is stated to be a long time in Shadow point) We'd also know the torpedoes launched and struck long before either ship cane into direct fire weapons range, so we're probably tlaking greater than the 200-300 thousand km value I figured above.

In either case, this means torpedo velocities (and fighter velocities!) on approach would be at least 111-167 km/s (for 30 minutes and 200-300 thousand km - half that - 56-84 km/s for an hour), and 167-250 km/s for 20 minutes. So we're probably talking an easy 100-200 km/s velocity estimated. Which is not unreasonable, givne torpedo velocities implied in the HH series as well as the Iron Hands novel for boarding torps (hundreds of km/s).

It is interesting to note that the bulk of weapons chaos is using are guided and directed energy. That suggest those weapons are longer ranged than the macro cannons (which are usually unguided.) which is not a surprise. Although we know ther eare Lunar class (which have energy weapons) and the Drachenfels (which has lances) so the Imperial side is not iwthout those themselves... Note that the missiles, unlike torpedoes, are blocked by shields.. so they must be travelling MUCH faster than a torpedo (else they'd ignore shields.)

the other caveat is that we're talking 'forward firing' batteries.. it could be that given the Imperial preference for torpedoes (which Chaos rarely uses so openly at this point) they may not have the best forward guns. Their broadside guns may be longer ranged but may not be easily borught to bear on approach.

PAge 112
The prow of the Torment burst apart as probing las-beams found a weak spot in
its adamantium shell, drilling through it to find and detonate a newly-loaded torpedo missile sitting in its launch silo. The backblast blew the sealed, seventeen tonne silo door off its mountings, a wave of fire sweeping out into the eight-deck-high loading chamber and back further along the wide rail-tracked tunnel from where the torpedo missiles were brought up from the ship’s magazine.
Torpedo detonation from laser penetration destorys prow. We also get a glimpse of the interior setup and loading process for torpedoes, and the inside hatch for the torpedo tubes (NOT THE OUTSIDE ONE) masses 17 tonnes. we dont know how thick it is or its composition, but assuming a 30 metre torpedo 1/5 diamer.. 5 m diameeter door perhaps, the door might have a density of around 1900-2000 kg*m/s. That assumes its completely solid of course, but its more likely it would get to the density of a fairly light metal like aluminum or titanium. Then again the thickness and dimensions are somewhat arbitrary. If the torpedo was 4 m in diameter, and a foot thick (1/3 a metre) the density would be closer to 4000 kg*m/s, and it may still not be completely solid.

In any case, it's more speculative given the unknowns, but still interesting to consider.

Page 112
The Macharius was equipped as standard with heavy blast shields which closed over its viewing bays during combat, but Semper had ordered his vessel into battle with blast shields open, reasoning that a few extra feet of titanium steel armour would make little difference to their chances of survival if the command deck took a direct hit,..
The blast shields of the Macharius are made of 'a few feet' of titanium, but Semper feels they would be all but useless against a direct hit anyhow. This makes you wonder what their purpose is for for the ship - indirect/proximity impacts or what?
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
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Re: Gordon Rennie BFG novels thread [revisited]

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next Execution Hour update.

Page 113
"Requesting permission to withdraw and recharge void shield generators."
I wonder if this means time to bleed off energy from the void shields to restore them, or if this means they need to recharge them from the reactors. could be argued either way.

Page 113
Even over the comm-net static, the mechanical rasp in Ramas’s voice was still clearly detectable. Ramas was a Battlefleet Gothic legend, the sole survivor of an eldar pirate torpedo attack that wiped out his entire command deck crew. His crippled body maintained by Adeptus Mechanicus cyberdevices, what was left of Ramas was confined within an armoured strategium shell somewhere deep within his ship.
Erwin Ramas, who makes me think of Rommel because of the name. I suspect that's delibereate, since Gordon Rennie seemed to like those sorts of insertions ('Immerman turn!')

I suspect he's connected directly to his ship through that strategium, which makes him one of many captains similarly bonded.

Page 114
"Generarium-channel all available power to the forward void shields. Gunnery control - prepare to fire twin broadsides as soon as we are in range of any available enemy target."
Seems to suggest the Macharius can focus ttwin broadsides on any SINGLE target, either through off axis firing of shells or whatever. Also forward as well as starboard shields.. each void has a specific arc (or series of arcs) it guards over, and each draws its own separate amount of power from the reactors.

Page 114
Assuming he or any of us survive that long..
Semper's estimation of how long the ship to ship battle will last. This does not seem ot be the high speed 'manuver and past' type combat, but more a mass fleet 'mix it up' sort of melee, less on speed and more on slugging it out.

Page 115
..an even more difficult target for the enemy weapon targeters to lock on to.
weapon targeters on fighter craft

Page 115
The Swiftdeath that had passed momentarily across his cockpit’s vision field was instantly transfixed in a stream of azure energy lines, las-bolts hammering into it, ripping through black glass armour plating. One wing-mounted engine thruster exploded, and Kaether saw fused melt-holes punctured along the length of its fuselage. The Swiftdeath tumbled out of control, seconds later exploding apart as a second, deadly accurate stream of lascannon fire found and vaporised it...
Lasfire from two craft vaporize the vessel. Probably vaporizes more from internal explosions, but the shots still punch molten holes in the target. We dont quite know how big the fighters are either so this is up for debate. high GJ/low TJ range guns perhaps, depending on assumptions, although this is not definite by any stretch :P

Page 115
It was only a few minutes since Cippola’s Fury had been destroyed - ripped apart by a flechette burst of millions of monofilament micro-shards - by a random, unexpected strike from a nearby enemy vessel’s anti-ordnance defences..
Anti ordannce defense shell.. monofilament microshard flechette burst. Nasty.

Page 116
Deadly to other attack craft, the Fury’s banks of lascannon and wing-mounted missiles would be less than pinpricks against the thick, armoured hulls of the massive Chaos warships, but the Furies could still bring harm to them in other ways. From the cramped cockpit space behind him came a low-voiced litany of telemetry data and gunnery target co-ordinates as Manetho, Kaether’s Adeptus Mechanicus navigator and rear gunner, relayed detailed and close-range observation intelligence on the enemy fleet back to his tech-priest brethren aboard the Macharius.
Manetho had directed the Imperial gunners in on the enemy ship that had destroyed the Cippola, and moments later the gunsights of the mighty Drachenfels had zeroed in on the enemy destroyer, cutting it in half with one sweep of its port-side lance batteries.
Fury weapons useless against capital ships, but they can provide telemetry data to guide in ship gunfire from broadside guns (at least lances) - giving rapid and precise strike info.

Note that the fury has its own tech priest copilot as well.

Page 116
He keyed a series of rune signs into his comm-net panel, sending a pre-arranged code signal back to the Macharius and the bomber wave close behind his pathfinder flight. Seconds later, the answering series of code-marks appeared across his data-screen.
Given the implied delay this might infer the Macharius is/was hundreds of thousands of km away, but its hard to be sure (depends on who or what is responding)

Page 117
Kaether glanced again at the spread formation of troop transports, seeing the continuing rain of invasion force drop-pods falling from their open underbellies. Fifty to a hundred enemy troops packed like so much cattle into each drop-pod; several hundred drop-pods to each transport, dozens more of them being released from orbit with every passing every minute.
Eighteen transports with 200-300 pods each is 3600-5400 pods.. which seems to suggest I was overstating the matter earlier. Though 'dozens' per minut fits in roughly well with 40 or so I estimated before. Chaos forces on hand would be between 180,000 to 540,000 troops total brought for the invasion. All drop-podded in.

Page 118
..near point-blank range, sending a wave of high-explosive warhead missiles streaming into the open, vulnerable underbelly bays of their troop transport targets
STarhawks luanching 'high explosive' warheads. Clearly that means chemical explosives :P

Page 118
...the destruction of three enemy transports and the thousands of troops and vehicles aboard them..
They carry vehicles as well, presumably on the drop pods.

Page 119-120
"Pull up! Your outer hull is starting to burn!"
Alarm chimes sounded from his instrumentation panel, warning him of the mounting temperature of his craft’s outer skin.
..his fighter fell headlong down the gravity well, ghostly flames dancing around its wing tips as it cut a fiery trail through the upper strata of the planet’s atmosphere.
His lascannon power cells were almost depleted,...
..series after series of crimson flashing runes lit up in urgent warning. The sound of alert chimes filled the cockpit, and from somewhere came the faint but distinct smell of burning wiring and plastics. Even the ever-silent servitor drone manning the fighter’s cockpit rear turret gun seemed agitated.
Zane took tight hold of the control stick, pulling back hard and feeding power through to the thrusters. The Fury shook violently, its engines whining in protest as they struggled against the seemingly irresistible pull of Helia’s gravity. And then the Fury was rising again, pulling out of the high orbital dive, its scorched underbelly riding a cushion of fire as it skimmed across the top of the upper atmospheric envelope. Most of the status runes on his instrumentation panel returned to a reassuring green or at least a nonurgent amber again, but several remained crimson.
.Altomare gave up the chase, turning back to avoid burning up in Helia’s atmosphere.
Zane had gone on to destroy the remaining five drop-pods in the chain, pushing his Fury Interceptor to levels beyond its supposed tolerance limits...
I really have to wonder how fast the Fury pilot was dropping into the atmosphere (and at what angle) to put the ship at risk like that - starfighters (and bombers) are generally designed to enter/exit atmosphere lke that. Hell most of the atmospheric fighters have rocket boosters to allow them to do that too and can survive reentry or deployment from orbit. There's also the fact he could pull up and out of the atmosphere seemingly quite easy, which says something about acceleration.

Other points to note are that lascannons on this Fury rely on power cells, it has a reare turret operated by a srevitor, but seems to have no techpriest copilot (who I doubt woul dhave tolerated what happened.) Oh and the 'supposed tolerance limits' - Admehc overengineering and conservatism at work, I suspect.

Page 121
Remembering how, that very night, the visions of the blessed Sororitas warrior angel had come to him as he knelt praying in his cell, telling him that his destiny in the service of the Master of Mankind lay elsewhere: that he was to become an Avenging Fury, the scourge of the Emperor’s enemies.

Remembering how he had gone to the father-confessor with the news of his visions, and remembering too the subsequent agonies and ordeals as the truth of his visions was examined by an Ecclesiarchy court of inquiry and he himself was rigorously tested physically and mentally for evidence of heretical falsehood. His visions finally verified by the court, he was released from his vows as a Ministorum adept and allowed to pursue his service to the Emperor elsewhere within the mighty Imperium of Mankind.
A reminder, to me at least - that the line between blessed and blasphemous in the Imperium is a very narrow and subjective one.

Page 121
With warships, another world could be subjugated, another army of slave troops could be raised, another fleet of transports could be constructed.
Chaos military logic yet again.

Page 122
The gold-masked figure of the Macharius’s most senior tech-priest paused for several seconds, mind-impulse implants allowing him to commune with other Adeptus Mechanicus servants of the Machine God aboard the ship, and with the arcane workings of the machine-spirit mind of the Macharius itself. In seconds, he was able to receive and interpret detailed information from all over the ship.
The Tech-priests, at least, seem to be in near-constant communication with each other throughout the ship, and in direct contact with the ship's own controlling intelligence, again that Titan like aspect.

Page 123
Two of its portside launch bays and one on the starboard side were out of action; one of its forward portside gun decks had been gutted by a direct hit from a deadly vortex missile; its long-range surveyors had been disrupted by a series of damaging radiation bursts against the void shields, and the Generarium tech-priests were now reporting damage to the coolant systems of two of the ship’s five massive plasma-core reactors.
A litany of the Macharius' systems. two launch bays per side, the 'forward, portside' gun deck, surveyors messed up with by shield/weapon interactions from the voids (which probably mess with enemy sensors too), and 5 plasma reactors onboard.

Also note the vortex-warhead missile used.

Page 123
..the Macharius’s guns spoke without interruption, carefully combining their fire patterns with those of the Drachenfels; the Macharius’s massed salvoes stripping bare an enemy vessel’s void shields and leaving it vulnerable to follow-on blasts from the Gothic class cruiser’s fearsome batteries of lance turrets.
BFG has long noted that weapons batteries were more effective at dropping shields.. which may reflect the warp-based nature of void shields more than anything. The Drachenfels has lance 'turret' batteries.

Page 123-124
..the enemy flagship Lord Seth, succumbing at last after receiving a total of eleven torpedo hits....
The second wave of Macharius-launched Starhawks was even now attacking and destroying more of the transports, but reports were coming in that the first attack wave of Starhawks en route back to the Macharius had ran into trouble...
..nine of the enemy troop transports crippled or destroyed, with the second Imperial bomber wave likely to further add to that score.
The second wave of Starhawks has launched, putting a window onto my earlier assessment about weapons ranges and torpedo velocities (20-30 minutes, far less than an hour) One enemy ship suffers eleven torpedo hits before going down.

Page 124
..the command deck was rocked by a heavy blast, knocking Semper to the ground. Alarms sounded, and an object - the body of a servitor drone - fell from one of the bridge’s high upper galleries, smashing into main deck and lying on the ground, its broken, mechanical limb-attachments still twitching with mindless cybernetic life
wEapons fire from enemy cruiser powerful enough to knock people off their feet.

Page 125
Those that survived attached themselves limpet-like to the surface of the Macharius’s hull, using melta-charges to blow open airlock seals; powerful metal jaws to chew through thick armour plating; even ancient phase field generators to open up entryways through otherwise impenetrable bulkheads.
Boarding ship breaching methods.

Page 129
He had been on his feet for over thirty hours now, the last ten of those overseeing the aftermath of victory. The Battle of Helia IV was won.
.the final shots to be fired in anger had gone to Scipion as it put four torpedoes into the engine reactors of the retreating Violator,
Full scope of the engagement.

Page 130
..the Firestorm class frigate Vengeful had been despatched in high-speed pursuit of the retreating Chaos fleet, tracking them to the edge of the Helia system where it was hoped that its on-board psyker navigators and astropaths would be able to pick up prophetic hints of the Chaos fleet’s eventual destination as it made the jump into warp space.
More astropathic/navigator deetection ability.

Page 133
Escort vessels swept ahead of it like heralds bearing the news of their master’s approach. A phalanx of cruisers and battlecraisers travelled alongside it, flanking it in protective formation. Two battleships and an awesomely ancient and venerable Adeptus Astartes battle barge followed in its wake.

Once known as the Magna Tyrannis, the battle barge was older than the Imperium of Mankind and had served throughout the Horus Heresy as the flagship of the Despoiler. Fully five companies of Black Legion Chaos Marines were carried within it, serving as Abaddon’s personal praetorian guard. Now re-christened Harbinger of Doom by Imperial historians since its fall to Chaos, the battle barge - twin to the one aboard which the final confrontation between the Emperor and Horus..
Interesitng that Abbadon has a battle barge as big as the Vengeful spirit, and its bigger than conventional (chaos) battleships. Carries 5 companies.

Page 134
Larger than any vessel ever constructed by human hands, the Planet Killer moved implacably forward towards its still distant target.
this arguably makes it larger than Phalanx, Furious abyss, or thhose huge msas conveyors from Thousand Sons.. bigge rthan 60-80 km.. more like a moon perhaps.

Page 134-135
..its triumvirate of Chaos sorcerer navigators cast their otherworldly gaze out into the warp, mystically divining a path through the shifting currents of the immaterium. The mysteries of the warp held no terrors for them as they did for the human navigators guiding the vessels of the Imperium. They could sense other presences out there in the warp: other navigator-minds belonging to other vessels, and, moving unseen and predatory amongst them, the disembodied daemon-things of the warp.
Nearby, the sorcerer-navigators detected the lurking presence of an enemy scout vessel shadowing the Planet Killer fleet on its journey through the warp.
Navigator-sorcerers able to detect other navigators and a recon vessel in the warp.. as well as daemons

Page 135
And, from somewhere out there in the distant reaches of the immaterium, the Planet Killer’s sorcerer-navigators could dimly sense the warp of that target. It flickered there on the edges of their mystic warp-sight perception, but growing brighter and more distinct as they closed towards it. The navigators of the Imperium used the guiding call of their weakling Emperor’s astronomican to find their way within the warp, but the pilots of the Despoiler’s Planet Killer vessel used a different kind of beacon to guide then to their destination.


The terror of billions of human minds. The blind panic of an entire world’s population, imprinting itself on the psychically-sensitive stuff of the immaterium and manifesting itself as a bright, dense dwarf star of bitter fear shining in the void.

The minds of the people of Belatis called out into the warp in uncomprehending fear against the injustice of their imminent destruction, and it was that same fear which guided the instrument of their destruction to them.
It seems that planets can throw off a sort of 'beacon' themselves... we knew that Tyranids could home in on a similar sort of signal (generated by other 'nid forms like genestealer broods), but apparently Chaos navigators can home in on terror. It has been noted previously that Chaos forces coudl home in on the actions of other chaos cults too. This reflects a way planets, starships and the like can be 'detected' or tracked from the warp, and probablh elps in navigation.

PAge 140
Almost instantly, the macro-cannon turrets of the wall defences spoke in reply, hurling adamantium-tipped high-explosive shells back at the mortar battery’s estimated position. A few seconds later, and there came the roaring blast of their impact somewhere amongst the ruins to the east, followed by a series of smaller explosions.
Arbites macro cannon turrets. Not ethe adamantium tip on the shell. With a few seconds duration (assuming a 600-800 m/s velocity analgous to a naval gun) we get a few km range at least.

Page 141
"There’s a flight of grav-hoppers on their way to us from the evacuation of Precinct Tertius.."
..the smouldering wreckage of one of the local planetary defence force grav-hoppers still lay where it had crashed nose-first...
Grav hoppers some sort of PDV aerial vehicle. Seems to be a sort of transport, and possibly antigrav in nature.

Page 142
...off the crackling defence shield that surrounded the seat of power of the planetary governor of Belatis....
He raised his binoculars, wiping the lenses free of dripping rainwater. The range-finder device zoomed in on the regent’s palace, allowing Korte to see the spattering of artillery fire impacting harmlessly against the barrier of the defence shield.
Korte watched another round of artillery fire strike against the palace defence shield.
Palace shield standing up to artillery bombardment. Also rangefinder in binocs.

Page 144
"...as a servant of the Emperor it is also his duty to survive, since the Emperor in his mercy has commanded all his most valued servants here on Belatis be spared.."
"...it falls to me to ensure that the evacuation of the Emperor’s faithful subjects proceeds.."
"The Imperial Guard forces of the 48th Valetta and the 123rd Tyre-Minos regiments are already embarking aboard their transports. My Adeptus Arbites garrison is the only Imperium force remaining on Belatis, and I have just received word that we too have been ordered to pull out."
The Impeirum is evacuating out, what seem to be for all intents and purposes the 'adeptus' representatives - the Guard troops (but not the PDF), the arbites, the Governor and his staff (who hold adeptus rank) and so on.. but leaving the PDF and other inhabitants to go to hell. REally reinforces that difference between 'Imeprial' and non imperial on a planet, no wonder they get viewed as outsiders so often.

Page 145-146
"..we remind him that we too hold adeptus rank equal to his own, and that as His Divine Majesty’s governor of this world, the final order to leave it and abandon it to the enemy must come from this palace and not from the Arbites’ courthouse."
..this fat fool wanted to play politics, to put on a show for the assembled nobles that he would not be so easily dictated to by the Imperium.
"The governor-regent is of course correct, but his adept rank is that of the order of Adeptus Civitas. As a member of the Adeptus Arbites, the marshal is of the order of the Adeptus Militaris. In all situations pertaining to war against the enemies of the Imperium of Mankind, it is the Emperor’s holy will and the command of the High Council of Terra that the word of the members of the Adeptus Militaris take precedence over that of all others."
Sister Apponia belonged to the Order Famulous of the Adepta Sororitas, assigned by the Ministorum to organise and maintain the governor-regent’s household, serving as an advisor to the lord of Belatis and, should he require it, a constant reminder of his subservience to the higher authority of the Imperium.
More politics, and the distinction between 'Imperial' and non Imperial... as well as a clarificaiton of military and civilian authority (in politics) In wartime, a military rank holds precedence over civil rank.

Page 151-152
..Maron snatched up his lasgun, using its infra-red sighting scope to pierce the veil of mist.
Maron retrained the scope settings, zooming in on the blood-smeared features of the figure’s face.
Lasgun scope. Pretty sophisitcated for a PDF weapon, but this is the third time we've seen such (The other being Coritanorum in 13th Legion, and Tariss Ultra in Warriors of ultramar, though that wasnt infrared)

Page 153
The fool had willingly carried out his task, believing in doing so that his death would ensure that his family would be spared in the coming catastrophe. Khoisan almost laughed at the thinking behind such folly, knowing that all around him were other fools who believed the same: who believed that in serving the cause of Chaos they would be saved when the Planet Killer arrived.
An interesting reflection fo human nature, isn't it? Taking advantage of fear, hope and the desire to survive. When you couple that with Chaos cult activity and general infiltration/subversion stuff, small wonder Chaos forces feel confident they can raise armies (of cannon fodder) from local populaces like in this novel or the Word Bearers ones. I think the most insidious aspect in this instance is how mundane and reasonable the hook is - promise to protect the loved ones of the heretic, and they'll do anything. Using a good-intentioned deed to do evil, that's nasty.

Page 155
A stub gun round whined off the arm of the overturned statue behind Devane. The Imperial confessor looked around, seeing a planetary defence force trooper in a uniform dyed black with smeared mud and engine oil kneeling on a pile of shattered masonry and readjusting his aim for the follow-up shot.
Some sort of stub rifle?

Page 157
..the cathedral had its own hidden weapons stores...
..the Arbitrators had blessedly left them with a few precious autocannons and heavy bolters to supplement the Frateris Militia cache of flamers and heavy stubbers.
Another one of those 'in spirit' violations of the Decree passive, kept precisely to equip the Fraters in emergencies. I'd say in this case it proves a blessing.

Page 158
A human bomb, he grimly realised. They had been seeing more and more of these devastating living weapons in the last few days as the planet’s end approached and the suicidal mania grew in the minds of all those still trapped upon it. There were those amongst his own laity who would gladly accept such a death in the name of the Emperor, Devane knew, but as a former Imperial Guard officer his every instinct was repelled at the thought. In the Emperor’s armies, only the worst kind of penal regiment scum - criminals, deserters, cowards and heretics - were used in this way, and Devane could not countenance employing such a tactic using the Emperor’s faithful and devout servants.
Heh. Its rather amusing to have a former IG officer - from the Mordian ranks, no less - frowning on the idea of human bombs as 'wasteful.'

Page 159-160
..Devane knelt down over the dying frateris brother, recognising the man as one of the group of sharecropper farmers who had joined the pilgrimage at the end...
"Father. My wife and children, my sister’s family too..." ... "They are sheltering inside the
cathedral, father."

"The Emperor will watch over them," Devane assured him, recognising the helpless fear in the dying man’s eyes, pressing his hands to the medallion image. "As will I." he added, seeing the man’s features relax in contentment just seconds before the moment of death.
Scenes like this always have more impact for me in 40K novels than the general grimdark crap, because its more personal and visceral.. its something you could picture happening in real life which adds to that suspension of disbelief. Again its the little touches - concern for family and friends amidst the horror and madness, which really hit you.

Page 161-162
..the impact of high-speed bullets into flesh and cutting across the path of one of the small running figures. The child screamed and fell, and kept screaming as it writhed in agony amongst the corpse..
A second burst from the same weapon would have mercifully finished the victim off, but Devane knew that mercy was not something the enemy was capable of.

The injured child was bait designed to lure others out into the snipers’ sights...
..two frateris brethren scrambled over the barricades and ran to the child’s aid.
The first shot caught him in the small of the back. He staggered, but did not fall.
He saw the man stumble twice more on his journey back to the barricade, assuming with a sinking heart that each stumble came from another bullet hit.
The man was dying, the preacher saw instantly, the quilted flak jacket that he wore and which had partially protected him from the snipers’ fury was soaked dark with blood.
The boy lives, but two grown men die to save him. It is kinda futile, brave, and mad. Again its one of those scenes that really hits me - the combination of the hope and bravery, coupled with that sense that it's only delaying the inevitable. The planet has turned against them, and they are doomed.. there is no way off it (unless you're rich or well connected.) but they keep fighting.

That sense of futility also tends to really cancel out all that 'Failbaddon' crap. I know its a big meme and shit, but reading this novel its hard for me to view him as 'failing' when he manages to do this to a fucking planet.. and he's not even showed up yet. Think of how many other scores - hundreds of planets he's done this to just in the gothic war, nevermind the 13th Black crusade. All the horror and pain and anguish he causes. When you measure that, he doesn't really seem much like a failure. (I suppose its only when you go by GRIMDARK measure.. he's not GRIMDARKY enough!)

Also quilted flak jacket provides (limited) protection against gunfire.

Page 165
..the Arbites commander saluted him, and strode off towards the waiting grav-lifter shuttle.
Presumably a grav-equipped shuttle of some kind.

Page 168
The astropath again consulted the mystically-charged cards of the Imperial tarot, using them as a tool to unlock the prescient images that his psychic senses had plucked from the face of the warp.
This makes the Tarot a sort of focus/filter for sifting the bits and pieces of the future from the warp. This might suggest that its not so much the Emperor alone doing it, perhaps offering some guidance or assistance through the Soul Binding.

Page 170
Bulky troop transports took aboard the fighting men of two full Imperial Guard regiments, together with their vehicles and equipment. Garrisoned on Belatis, these troops would be spared the same fate as the rest of the planet’s population..
2 Garrison regiments for Belatis, and they have vehicles as well as troops. Only recovered because the need for troops is high (meaning they'll get fucked over elsewhere.)

If this was a 'standar'd garrison for a non important world, we might figure there are perhaps scores or hundreds of stnading garrison regiments in the gothic sector, easily.

Page 170
..some Imperial Guard war-marshal or Departmento Munitorium official was assigning these two regiments to one of the dozens of planetary war-zones spread throughout the Gothic sector.
Scope of the ground conflict in the Gothic sector.

Page 170-171
Tanker vessels had taken aboard hundreds of thousands of tonnes of processed prome-thium from the planet’s many fuel refineries, all of it laboriously hauled up into orbit by a fleet of grimy haulage shuttles. Cargo transports filled their cavernous holds with similar quantities of mined adamantium, ferrotitanium, trikali crystal and other materials vital for the Imperium war effort.
Mineral resources. The 'ferro titanium' is intresting.

Page 171
A week ago, a massive and ancient transporter vessel belonging to the Adeptus Mechanicus had arrived in Belatis orbit, despatched by the tech-priests of Mars to rescue not only their brethren from the condemned world, but also the technology and arcane devices held sacred by the servants of the Machine God. For days now, their agile lifter shuttles had been flitting back and forth between the vessel and the planet’s surface, carrying back not merely the products of Belatis’s tech-priest-maintained industrial factories but also the some of those very factories themselves, disassembled by armies of servitor work-drones. These factories and assembly lines, churning out weapons and war machines for the Imperium armies, incorporated precious and irreplaceable technological knowledge held sacred by the members of the Adeptus Mechanicus. The rescued knowledge inherent in these automated factories, once reassembled and transplanted to the soil of a Mechanicus forgeworld, would once again be used in the service of the Machine God.
AdMech recovery efforts. Automated factories, which were on a 'not so important' world, which indicates perhaps they're fairly common (at least in the gothic sector) although the tech is s upposed to be precious and irreplacable (or at least some parts do.) and very mobile it seems.

Also the damn vessel was evidently dispatched from mars, in a matter of months. at most. We're looking at a good 30-40 thousand LY from terra.. more probably high tens low hundreds of thousands of c at least.

Page 171
Three days ago, a sleek, black-hulled corvette vessel had arrived to join the Imperium flotilla...
Inquisition vessel

Page 172
On two occasions after such planetary expeditions, the Inquisition craft had sent terse, firmly-worded commands to several of the navy vessels protecting the evacuation flotilla that they were to carry out an immediate and intense orbital bombardment of two precise points on the planet’s surface, one of which was a small but densely populated city in the southern part of Belatis’s largest continent.
Inquisitorial vessel has several navy craft bombard two targets briefly, one a city.

Page 172
It was the Inviolable Retribution, a Punisher class Arbites strike cruiser, constructed in much the same way as the Adeptus Astartes variant and intended for much the same purpose: rapid response planetary assault force deployment and orbital offensive support.
The Arbites cruiser was smaller and faster than the navy warship, more heavily armoured and packed more of an offensive punch, but the Macharius was a long-range patrol vessel, designed for extended, independent operation and had a wider variety of offensive and defensive capabilities.
Arbites strike cruiser, and its comparison to a Navy vessel. Generally the Arbites ship is a more specialized design, whislst the navy cruiser is more generalist, with more diversity in its capabilities. The offensive punch for the Strike cruiser comes from its armament mainly (projectile weapons I expect.)

Page 173
"A fine vessel, captain. Its main bombardment cannon armament makes it dangerous to ships and planetary targets alike, while its unorthodox main engine array suggests it that it will always have the advantage of speed and manoeuvrability."
The key advantages of the Arbites strike cruiser.

Page 173
"But I believe that the Macharius would still be the victor in any one-to-one confrontation with it."
"Although a fine vessel, it’s still primarily a blockade runner and rock-pounder, designed for dealing with orbital defence platforms and putting the fear of the Emperor into planet-based ground forces, not going up against a cruiser-class warship. I doubt that we could manoeuvre it into a position for a close-range torpedo strike, but its comparative lack of antiordnance defences for a vessel of its size would leave it highly vulnerable to attack from our bomber squadrons. Also, our greater reactor output, ability to absorb high crew casualties and superior weapon accuracy at longer ranges would be the telling factors in any extended battle."
Drawbacks of the strike cruiser, esp against the Macharius. The interesting bits are the 'greater reactor output' and 'superior long range accuracy.' The latter will be important later on (a range advantage over the strike cruiser!) but the former suggests that the firepower advantage of the strike cruiser stems from munitions, rather than raw reactor output.

Also, for whatever reason the acceleration/mobility advantage of the Strike cruiser probably comes from its smaller size/mass, rather than simply having more power.

Page 174
The Graf Orlok and a sister Lunar class cruiser, the Borodino, were parked in close orbit above Belatis, the transport fleet sheltering in the cover of their formidable combined firepower. The Drachenfels and a squadron of Sword class frigates restlessly prowled the system’s outer reaches searching for those elusive enemy scout ships while the Macharius circulated in a wide concentric orbit between the two Imperial detachments, launching bomber patrols in support of the Drachenfels’s vigil and then looping back in-system to offer fighter escort cover for the fleet of shuttles and cargo lifters travelling endlessly back and forth between the planet’s surface and the Imperial transports.
Disposition of Navy forces in the Belatis system.

Page 176-177
...were now dangerously close to their full operational limit away from the Macharius. They must either find their target soon, the squadron leader knew, or turn back now if they hoped to make it back to the Macharius on their remaining fuel and oxygen reserves.
..each Starhawk fired in turn first its braking jets and then its manoeuvring thrusters, following the lead of the squadron commander’s craft and bringing them all on a tight, sweeping turn away from the deep space edge of the Belatis system and back towards their far-distant mother vessel.

On board the Starhawks, navigator crewmen swiftly switched off or powered down their search surveyors, decreasing their crafts’ tell-tale energy signal outputs...
Starhawks patrolling the edge of the systme. This suggests they're quite a bit distant (miillions of km, multiple AU probably) from the ship, and at the limits of their operational endurance.. probably a matter of days tops, but more like hours (they're in a freaking cockpit after all) Assuming 1 day endurance and 1 au distance to travel they have to pull at least 8 gees constant and an average travel speed of 1.14% of c At 10 AU we're talking more like 11% of c and 80 gees... less than a day back and forth and we're probably talking hours.. which means hundreds or thousands of gees.

Page 181
..four Fury Interceptor pilots and navigators..
So who's Zane's navigator? The servitor?

Page 181
Even under the effects of the narco-seds taken by most off-duty attack craft pilots to counter the effects of the stimms pumped into their bodies during flight missions,...
Stims and sedatives

Page 182
..through one of the capsule’s small, armoured-glasteel windows,..
Glasteel windows.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Gordon Rennie BFG novels thread [revisited]

Post by Connor MacLeod »

And another update to Execurtion hour...

Page 182-183
At its front the familiar armoured beak common to most Imperial cruisers, many metres thick and composed of strengthened adamantium, the toughest material known to human science. At its rear were the massive array of plasma drive engines, which, together with the generarium reactors and arcane technology of the vessel’s warp drive made up over a third of the Macharius’s mass. In between these two points was the main body of the ship: dozens of decks of gun batteries and magazine arsenals, flight bays and workshops, cargo holds and quartermaster stores, dormitories and infirmaries, chapel shrines and prison brigs.
The Macharius. At least dozens of guns (or rather gun decks.) even allowing for a handful of guns (3-4) per deck we're talking over a hundred or more per broadside, more like hundreds.. and this is besides the attack craft bays. Also the warp and plasma engines and reactors make up 1/3 the Macharius' mass. Wonder if that includes fuel supply. Oh and also note the workshops.

Page 183
No two Imperium vessels - even those of the same class - were identical. Centuries, sometimes even millennia, of modifications and repairs using whatever local construction methods and materials were available in any of the countless different orbital repair yards and forge-world dry-docks maintained throughout the Imperium saw to that, but all followed broadly similar classic lines of design and purpose.
Variations in ship design. One of the interesting aspects of this could be that hull materials (at least for armour and such) might lead to varying.. levels of protection.. there could be 'weak points' due to differences in material sused. use of powerfields to strengthen the hull could amend that some, but the possible limtiations there still remain.

Page 183
More than ten thousand souls, from Semper himself to the lowliest convict rating or servitor drone, lived within its armoured hull. More than ten thousand, a figure greater than the fighting complement of the largest Imperial Guard regiment, and many of that ten thousand-plus doubled as fighting troops, trained to take part in the bloody close-quarters boarding assaults that were a frequent part of space warfare. Indeed, the captain of an Imperial Navy warship commanded destructive capabilities undreamt of by any mere Imperial Guard commander. Its hull-side batteries could raze whole cities with sustained orbital bombardments. Its attack craft - it carried more than a hundred of them - could reach across star systems to strike at enemy targets, while its warp engines carried it across the vast interstellar gulfs to wherever the Emperor’s enemies might be. There was even space within its cargo holds and crew compartments to carry thousands of extra troops - as much as a full Imperial Guard infantry regiment, if need be - from one warzone to another, and with greater speed and safety than any slow and vulnerable troop transport vessel.
More on the Macharius. Salient points:

1. - crew complement includes Servitors. given there seem to be alot of those, that means the 'human' crew complement is even smaller a significant portion of that crew (a majority?) are combat trained and capable - whether this means ratings or just refers to the armsmen we dont know but thats probably at least several thousand troops.

2 - weapons batteries can 'raze' cities with sustained bombardment. FFG mentions with a single broadside, we might interpret this to mean some sort of rolling broadside (one gun after another, which can depending on source take up to a minute to pull off.) Then again it says 'batteries' plural as well as cities, so it may mean one battery per city, and remember there are dozens of decks of gun batteries, meaning at least dozens of cities could be razed by the Macharius' broadside. And we still dont know what kinds of cities or the means of devastation. Or maybe it means multiple cities with sustained bombardments. Again like the star thing, its open to interpretation and context happens in relation to all other quotes :D

3 - attack craft have multi-au (system wide) range, and the Macharius carries over 100. Which is interesting given the bomber implications. If we disregard the 'patchwork' squadron reference from earlier, we might infer there are 40 starhawks and 60 Furies.. which works out to 4 squadrons of bombers and 4 of interceptors. Maybe the patch work squads were from extras.replacements/repaired designs,.. just general 'extras'.

4 - it has additional crew complement for a 'regiment' which by the 'traditional' definition might mean between 2000 and 6000 troops. Givne the context implies a regiment is less than 10,000 (when we know bigger regiments of tens or hundreds of thousands fo troopers exist) we might figure this is 'extra' complement.

On top of that, the cruiser is faster than a military troop transport, which is not really surprising (10,000 LY in 10-40 days per 2nd edition IG codex.. Naval ships should be faster) This could actually be an advantage, the ability to carry and deploy a rapid strike force on planet as the situation may be (although vehicles and supplies could be an issue.) Orbital and aerial support (along with shuttles/dropships) can be a real asset there.

PAge 190
Semper saw bright shards of laser fire and tracer trails streak past the shuttle’s wingtip, realising that they were coming under fire from ground-based anti-aircraft batteries.
Laser and projectile AA batteries.

Page 191
A variant of the normal deep space fighter Fury design and specially adapted for planetary atmosphere operation, it glided in across the rooftops of the burning city, zeroing in on its target. Small-arms fire, near useless at this range and unable to penetrate the fighter’s armour,...
The Fury suddenly pulled up, its pilot hitting his lifter jets as he seeded the rains below with high-explosive incendiary death released from the dual bomb racks slung beneath its wings. The Fury surged back upwards, pursued by a column of phospherant fire that expanded rapidly to devour over two square kilometres of buildings and ruins, scouring them clean of all human life.
They have atmosphere-specialized Fury variants, the same way they have space-based marauder/lightning/Thunderbolt variants.

I dont really know how to quantify it, but I'd note here that a single FAE canc ause more devastation as hinted here

Page 191
In the shuttle’s cockpit, Caparan cut their speed as they approached the shimmering energy barrier of the structure’s defence shield.
There was a slight shudder of impact as the shuttle passed through the field of the energy barrier, sending crackling ribbons of electromagnetic lightning dancing along the craft’s hull and wing surfaces, and then it was through.
Shuttle reducing speed to pass through defense shield, like voids.

Page 194
Khoisan had arrived on Belatis over a year ago, coming to the world via secret and hidden routes known only to the most arcane followers of the gods of Chaos. At first, he did not know what his purpose was, only that the currents of the warp and the will of the dark things that dwelled within it had drawn him here..
I'm guessing this means warp currents, secret routes only known to Chaos champions.

Page 196
On each side of the walkway stood the black metal towers of three giant orbital missiles, of a similar type to the torpedo missiles used by the accursed vessels of the Imperial Navy.
Orbital defense missiles 'similar' to torpedoes.

Page 196
After the initial shock of the attack, the wrath of the orbiting Imperial warships would be swift and summary, and the reinforced rockcrete walls of these underground silos and the hundred metres of rock and soil above their heads would offer little protection from sustained bombardment from the gun batteries of a Capital class warship.
Warship retaliation.

Page 199
As per standard Arbites procedure in the event of the courthouse fortress being captured or evacuated, poison gas had been flushed through the air vents into the detention caverns, killing the thousands held within them. It was a bloody, unpleasant business, Korte knew, but a necessary one. The prisoners would have been slaughtered anyway by the Chaos cultists, and many of them would have eagerly joined the heretic ranks.
The arbites gasses prisoners if it evacuates a planet.

Page 199
"The enemy could be trying to jam our signals, or it could even be interference from that Emperor-damned defence shield. You throw enough rainwater at that thing, it’ll generate enough static interference to block out most comm signals"
Shield generates interference.

Page 200
Inside the macro-cannon turrets, servitor gunners fired shell after shell of high-explosive and special anti-infantry grapeshot round..
Specialized macro cannon rounds.

Page 201
The shout from across the compound echoed over Korte’s helmet radio..
hlemet radio.

Page 203-204
The Graf Orlok was orbiting at fifty per cent full void shield capacity, as prescribed in navy regulations. In practice, few commanders maintained this ’’minimum half power’’ rule. Void shields were a heavy drain on a ship’s energy resources, and constant operation of the complex and often temperamental void shield generators greatly increased the risks of them failing when they were most needed, during battle. Here, in orbit above an Imperium world, with other navy vessels patrolling out-system and able to provide ample warning against enemy attack, many naval commanders would have quietly satisfied themselves with running void shield generators at minimum power.

The volley of defence laser fire impacted against the cruiser’s void shields, burning through them in seconds but expending the greater part of its energy in the effort. What was left struck the Imperial ship’s underbelly, scoring through the armoured hull and into the mechanical innards of its engines’ power feeds. Had the void shields been at any lower level, the lance beams would have punched through into the ship’s generarium core, erupting amongst its volatile plasma reactors and possibly destroying the entire vessel in a catastrophic chain reaction.
50 percent void shields last against defence laser for 'seconds' - unknown power output however. Also th general limits of void shields - large power draw and the strain makes them risky during combat. Also specified as a lance. Also implies that, like with gellar fields, void sheild strength may not scale linearly with power output.

Page 204
Despite their captain’s haranguing and often contradictory commands, his crew were able to able to accomplish the most immediately vital of these tasks. When the recharged defence batteries struck again less than a minute later, their deadly beams exploded harmlessly against the Lunar class cruiser’s now fully-restored void shields
The Orlok's shields restore and recharge up to full power in 'less than a minute' - far sooner probably. This helps ot reinforce my earlier comments about projectile velocity in the contagion battle... shields would hve taken too long to raise, and the Macharius is able to fire multiple broadsides even before the most minimally effective void shields come up at a distance of 15-20 thousand km. Even assuming only 2 broadsides at ~50 seconds we're talking a good 600-800 km/s velocity for the shells at LEAST, and the actual velocity is bound to be many times greater (more than 2 volleys, and far less than 50 seconds, which is almost a full minute. I'd gather they were at less than half power before the voids stopped the shields, for example.) again suggesting projectiles move at least at thousands of km/s.

Page 204
Elsewhere amongst the orbiting fleet, vessels fired up main drives and manoeuvring thrusters, seeking to escape the batteries’ high orbital reach.
Lances have a 'high orbital' reach, suggesting a range more on the order of tens of thousands of kilometers, rather than just a few thousand (low orbit.)

Page 206
The Belatis system was not a large one - scarcely a third of the size of the Terran system - but the Drachenfels, maintaining watch over the outer system approaches, was still several light minutes distant from the rest of the Imperial force. The subsequent delay in normal communication channels - at this distance, it would take almost quarter of an hour to receive and send back the simplest vox message - necessitated the use of astropaths to instantaneously relay vital battle orders and communiques between vessels in the same star system.
The Belatis system is perhaps 13-14 AU If we measure it from Pluto, maybe larger or smaller depending on context. On the other hand 'quarter of an hour' round trip and being 'several lihgt minutes' from the rest of the Imperials is a different story - not exactl y'edge of the system.. we're talking 7-15 light minutes which is a few hundred million km and an astropathic speed (instnatly) of hundreds of c at least.

Page 206
Partially linked into the pulsing machine-mind of his vessel, Ramas sifted through the streams of data fed to him not only by the crew of the command deck, but also by the ship itself. From the reports from his astropath and bridge officers, he knew that the evacuation fleet was under attack, but the ship whispered to him of a threat closer and more immediate than that. From the very edge of its surveyor senses, the ship sensed something amiss, whispering the first word of it in soundless electronic murmurings too faint for the vigilant but dull-witted surveyor monitor servitors to yet pick up. Only Ramas heard it.
Link between Ramas and hi sstarship. Again not unlike a Titan and princeps.

Page 207
than their Imperial equivalents, and armed with longer-ranged weapons batteries,..
..it succeeded in crippling one of the Infidel raiders in a brief but withering storm of laser fire. But, before the craft could recharge its weapon batteries’ depleted energy reserves..
Sword class frigates have shorter wepaons ranges than Infidels, and their laser batteris need to recharge 'energy reserves'.

Page 208
No, the power to traverse the warp and travel anywhere within the almost limitless bounds of the Imperium of Mankind; the power to rain fire down from the heavens on the heads of the Emperor’s enemies; the power to enter battle in command of an Imperial warship, to feel blows that would crush the greatest Titan war-machine deflect harmlessly off your armoured flanks, to send back volleys of fire that would destroy an entire Titan legion with one blast.
This could be speaking of Imperial warships in general, or one like the Drachenfels (eg a Cruiser) We know from the Blood angels series that the Atlas class nukes (megaton range) and is distinctly dientified as an anti-superheavy, anti-titan weapon. Or we could go with the Cadian Blood shadowsword laser, or titans being able to destroy cities.. :P

Either way it implies Titan-destroying firepower (which one way ro another we can go kiloton or more probably megaton range) would do fuck all to a Imperial starship/cruiser, while a single 'blast' (which could mean volleys by battery, or entire broadsides, or even single guns.) can destroy whole legions (which can mean dozens or hundreds of titans, meaning scores or hundreds of megatons. My personal basis was to go by the 'Atlas class' megaton nuke, which is among other things a titan killer. Or the Titan example from Titanicus.) Heck even if its not a hugetastic 'titan killing' yield, we're talking about (probable) nuclear scale yields harmlesly deflected by the bare hull (bear in mind that this doesn't mean ALL nuclear yields would - method and form of delivery matter.. an omindirectional nuke isn't the same thing as a focused beam after all.), and its unliekyl that it would be an extreme upper limit - it just means a cruiser can easily lance the fuck out of buttloads of Titans, it doesnt mean it needs to go ALL OUT to do so.

Again like alot of the quotes (city levelling, stars) this is bound to be open to interpretation, so it shouldnt be taken purely in isolation, but its helpful in either case.

Page 208
..feeling the surge of power ran through the ship as additional energy was channelled through to engine systems already burning with the heat of a miniature sun.
Speak of the Devil! That could mean energy, but more likely it means temperature. Which can be useful in a way, because it means star-hot temps, which translate to velocity after a fashion.. comparing it to potentials of fusion we could see a 'plasma' drive that was star hot could really punch out a fairly high exhaust velocity (depending on efficiency..) thousands or tens of thousands of km/s easily.

Page 209
The lance beams played over two of the Infidels, exploding one apart, sending the other one drifting helpless and dying, its internal compartments and atmosphere set alight by the star-hot lance beams.
Another possible 'star' quote, although it could refer to temperature (which may indicate it is some kind of high temp plasma weapon. If it was, to have any range it would have to be moving at near-c to get any range.)

Page 210
Two of them smashed into the rear portside turret batteries, one of them completely destroying Turret Octo, the other striking the thickly armoured mantle of its twin, Turret Sextus, damaging its turning mechanism. Turret Sextus would fire again, but not in this battle.
Four lance turrets per side, one side evenly numbered, the other side odd.

Page 212
..when the 48th Valetta Imperial Guard regiment went into action on whatever world it was next destined for, it would have to do so two full infantry battalions short.
IG unit using battalions.

Page 212-213
Armaments that could hurl energy hundreds of thousands of kilometres across space now turned their power on the planet’s surface in an awesome display of destructive capability, gouging wounds hundreds of metres deep into the rock and soil of the hills in search of the silos, command bunkers and generator caverns buried there.
Inside one of these buried bunkers, the loyal servant that Khoisan had left in command of the cultist forces there felt the growing, rumbling tremors as the impacts from the Imperial bombardment pushed closer and deeper into the rock strata.
The servant felt the booming vibrations grow closer...
Seconds later, the roof of the chamber caved in. A split-second after that, the entire bunker complex was obliterated, vaporised, in the all-consuming furnace of white-hot plasma.
Orbital retaliation bombardment. IT probably isn't full powered, given the need to preserve the planet (tactical bombardments) which can still be megaton range or more. We know they penetrate 'hundreds' fo metres into the ground, although damage mechanism and size of crater are up for debate (probably not gigaton range in this context, unless heavily theral) Whether it takes single shots or multiple is up for debate, but context implies single (with hits striking closer to the bunker each time, and getting deeper.) How many metres is 'hundreds' of metres is also up for debate.

We're probably talking at least kiloton, maybe megaton range bombardments in this context per gun though, which is not unreasonble for tactical starship bombardment.

Also note the indicated weapons ranges of energy weapons.

Page 214-215
A brief touch on the manoeuvring thrasters brought his Fury back into position alongside those of Altomare and Zane, the three of them forming up into a wide intercept pattern.
..he fired his own wing-mounted laser weapons in tandem with Vale and Zane. The triple streams of las-fire reached out to intersect the oncoming missile, which blindly passed right into the Furies’ intended kill-zone. Las-blasts hammered against the dense shell of its warhead armour, ripped off fused and shattered chunks of its body casing, raptured into almost spent fuel tanks and reduced engine components to melted slag. Finally, after long seconds of intensive punishment, the missile exploded apart.
"Commander, I have another missile target on my screen, one hundred and sixty kilometres away and closing."
Implied range of missiles against fury guns, 3 fruies melt through parts of the torpedoes in seconds. If we assume that the mass ratio for engines relative to the overall projectile is the same as starships (1/3 the lenght, 1/3 the mass as noted earlir) we might figure 30-35 tonnes of forpedo (for a 100 tonne torpedo) is engine. Assuming its made of iron and 30 second duration, each fighter si delivering at least 400 MW of firepower to melt the target. If the torpedo was a thousand tonnes, call it 4 GW.

Page 216
"From the nature of their matching trajectories, it seems most likely that they have been converted to atmospheric ballistic missile use and deliberately targeted at a pre-planned target on the planetary surface."
the missiles convereted to 'atmospheric ballistic missile use' - which is a mdoe distinct from starship mode.

Page 219
"These weapons, could they be used to fire upon the palace?"
"They are orbital-aimed weapons, your lordship. Their elevation is too high to fire upon surface-based targets, but that is not the issue."
Defence lasers.. these kind can't target ground targets.

Page 220
...where they saw solid lines of fire fall down through the cloud cover to envelop the hillsides where the defence laser batteries lay hidden.
Even Semper, who had stood on the bridge of a warship and watched the phenomenon from high orbit, felt a clutch of fear as he witnessed first hand the tremendous energy now being hurled down from space by the orbiting warships of the Imperial Navy. The energy blasts and cannonades of shells and missiles tore through the veil of clouds, impacting deep into the bedrock of the hills and sending powerful blast waves rippling out over the city below.
Navy ships bombarding from high orbit.

Page 221
..removing a vox-caster from his cummerbund sash, talking into it through the heavy crackle of static interference still emanating from the palace defence shield. The personal vox-caster’s signal could not penetrate the shield and allow him to make contact with his ship...
Shield interfering with vox transmissions.

Page 222
Dozens of kilometres overhead, doom descended on the governor’s palace. Launched out of synch with the other retargeted missiles, the first orbital torpedo reached the apex of its upwards launch trajectory. Internal gyros revolved and changed, manoeuvring thrasters fired, and the missile tumbled back towards the planet’s surface, its simple logic engine machine-mind finding and zeroing in on its new target. Its main drive spluttered and died, its fuel cells exhausted by the arduous climb up into the upper fringes of the atmosphere. Now only gravity, and a few well-timed, final bursts of manoeuvring thrusters, would carry it to its target.

The first missile hit the palace at tremendous speed, passing harmlessly through the defence shield as it was designed to, just as if the energy screen were the void shields of a target space vessel. By chance, it crashed through the roof dome of the governorregent’s throne room, completely obliterating the chamber. Designed to penetrate through adamantium hulls and thick bulkhead walls, the densely-armoured warhead cut through the comparatively light stonework structure of the palace, ploughing on down through the building, before finally exploding in the kitchens and stockrooms levels, some twelve storeys below.

The impact and detonation of the missile rocked the palace rock to its core. Ceilings and passageway roofs collapsed onto the heads of the palace’s screaming inhabitants, killing them or burying them alive. Fire and blast wave damage roared through combat-filled stairways and elevator shafts, killing everything in their path. An entire surface section of the rocky spire that the palace was built on gave way, raining hundreds of tons of rock down onto the mobs still milling about at the base of the palace rock. In the generarium level, buried deep within the rock itself, the impact destroyed or interrupted many of the power feeds to the shield projectors studded across the outer surface of the rock. The shimmering defence shield suddenly stuttered and then vanished.
The fearsome orbital missiles strike, and fail to do even city-destroying damage in the process. No way you can get 'teratons' or hell even gigatons out of this one. At least in a nuke lke manner, but even low gigatons would only (barely) be possible for a thermal weapon (unless its punching through the surface.) Despite that, it's not all that massive a contradiction. We know that they can scale back yields for surface bombardment (nightbringer) and there are real life examples of 'dial a yield' nukes as well. We know earlier they were 'converted to atmospheric ballistic missile use' - we frankly don't know what all that means - it could very well reduce the yields for atmospheric use. It can also depend on the kind of payload and the way it delivers that energy (focused or beam like rather than omnidirectional, like melta munitions.)

We also don't really know the size of the city or the palace, what it's made of, or other relevant details, so actually calcing it isn't terribly easy. The fact it's a subsurface 'detonation' - omindirectional or blast, also helps. And there is of course the fact that not all torpedoes are alike.. they can range from 100 tonnes to thousands of tonnes (or more.) and we know fo light torpedoes and bomber carried torpedoes to the big ass battleship variants. They may be weak in yield but numerous in quantity (bearing in midn this can depend where you set yield as well.) Given that we know from plenty of sources that 'megaton' range weapons and munitions are used for ground and space use, this is not going to be definitive for anything. Indeed, like the 'star' quotes some people shriek about, this can be open ended depending on interpretation as well (again it swings both ways.)

oh and the defence shield are not voids (power fields) but the projectiles still pass through.

Page 224
A las-blast felled the armsman beside Semper. The captain grabbed the man as he fell, intending to drag him into the bay, but then found himself staring into the excavated crater of the man’s skull, where the las-shot had blown half his head away.
Lasbolt from either a pistol or rifle blows away half the head. I assume this means from forward, leaving the skull empty (brain and half the head blown apart.) so we're talking a 15-20 cm diameter 'wound' and around 7-10 cm 'deep') Depending on composition we could figure on at least single to double digit kj (10x10 cm or 20x20cm is between 40 and 160 kj for flaying at 400 j per sq cm)

And then again there are my old calcs. The old 'vape' calcs are utterly, utterly wrong. There's absolutely no way you can justify using them. Other calcs based more on 'thermal' effects - boiling, cauterizing, scalding (burning analogue) and such are still fairly reasonable (since those effects get mentioned in various cases) but their applicability depends on the example and the way the lasgun works (as I've mentioned before. Some may be a heat ray, some 'explosive' and some may do a combination.) Assuming it scalds/boils away half the skull in the process of being blasted away (100-268 kj depending on exact temp and parameters) and assuming a 2-2.5 kg human head (4-5 kg IIRC is average) we can be talking anywhere from 200 to 670 kj easily. If we go with cauterization (150-300c, rather than merely 'boiling' It's possible to get up to 1-2 megajoules (OH NO!) but bear in mind this would not neccesarily be a better weapon than the 'single-dobule kj' lasbolts relying on mechanical effects (bleeding can be a very effective kill mechanism for people after all, and even if it doesn't match up on a 'per-bolt' pasis you can get literally hundreds of shots of those sort for every MJ level bolt. with a sustained-fire weapon you can actually get MORE damage in the long run, esp if rate of fire is high.)

Again like with capital ship weapons any one particular example cannot be taken as 'standard' - you have to take into account all the variation sand that they may have their uses as well as their drawbacks . There's always tradeoffs.

Page 225
Inside the craft, First Gunner Daksha swivelled round in his top turret, panning the barrels of his quad-mounted autocannon across the mouth of the bay entrance. At the press of a trigger, firepower intended to blow apart armoured starfighters in an unstoppable hail of armourpiercing shells was unleashed upon the Chaos followers, indiscriminately reducing them to a sprayed mess of pulped matter.
Autocannons capable of damaging starfighters completley explode/pulverize human bodies. MJ range per body maybe, although how many shots to hit how many bodies (and whether they're explosive shells or kinetic, and other factors) we don't really know. It's just probably not GJ/TJ level output like neergy beams.

Page 225-226
The remaining three missiles hit the palace in close synchronisation, blasting apart the entire upper palace. One of the warheads, still unexploded, burrowed down into the living rock of the spire the palace was built upon, finally detonating near the generarium. The reactor, powered by thermal energy pumped up from deep below the planet’s surface, exploded immediately, cracking open the entire palace rock as the energy stored within it surged outwards at incredible speed.

From a distance, it looked as though the palace and the rock it was built upon simply erupted apart like a volcano.

The blast-wave swept away everything in its path, levelling the centre of Madina and hurling huge pieces of flaming rock for kilometres in every direction.
The remaining torpedoes strike. Again, this is hardly GIGATONS, but the reasons I outlined befor stand. Worse comes to worse, it just means teraton range weapons are impossible (you can still technically argue gigaton range weapons exist alongside these weapons - there's still alot of unknowns related to how the weapons work, after all.)

Oh note the geothermal power source which.. is an exploding reactor. Not the first time we've seen this in 40K.

Page 226
One of the starboard engines exploded, struck by a rock chunk travelling with all the deadly velocity and impact of a macro-cannon shell.
Doesn't suggest much speed for macro cannons, but on the other hand it depends on what kind they are (like the turrets on the arbites precinct, or are we talking starship ones?) It could also be argued this means the shells are travelling faster than tens of km/s, which should be.. interesting for impacting the shuttle.

Page 231
This far out-system, it would take many light-minutes for the energy of the object’s unique and massive warp-burst signature to register on the surveyor screens of the Imperial vessels gathered further in-system, but already the strong but localised disturbances in the currents of the warp caused by the object’s arrival would have been sensed by every psychically-sensitive being in the Belatis system.
Warp portal energy doesn't seem to move FTL when it comes to sensors. It also suggests the Planet Killer emerges 'light minutes' from the planet. Which could mean at least a few LM to under a light hour.

Page 233
The Planet Killer had arrived in the Belatis system, and the time to the planet’s imminent destruction could be measured not in weeks or days but now in mere hours.
The planet's life is 'hours' not 'days'.

Page 238
All Imperial communications had been disrupted since the arrival of the Planet Killer in the Belatis system - just one of the Chaos weapon’s many strange and unsettling technological properties which the Imperium’s tech-priests had so far been unable to explain...
Planet Killer's system-wide comms jamming.

Page 238
"Both my vessel and the Graf Orlok are damaged, and it’s still a damnably long way to the system’s edge, especially at the crawling speed those junker transports move at.’"
Even damaged, warships are faster than transports.

Page 239
It was a tomb now, he thought to himself, not just for Semper but for all still left alive upon it. They had less than a day to live, if the estimates of the astrogation lexmechanics were correct. For, moving through the outer system towards Belatis was the Planet Killer, closing slowly but inexorably on its target.

Long-range surveyor scans showed that most of its escort fleet were still with it, moving slowly in-system at the same ponderous speed as the gargantuan vessel itself, but other vessels were speeding ahead of the main fleet, rushing to secure the target world in advance of the Planet Killer’s arrival.
Less than a day for the Planet Killer to arrive. Unsurprisingly, other starships are fastter than Abbadon's planetkiller.

We already know it will be 'hours' not days. we also have two values for warp emergence points. one suggests 'a few light minutes', although the Drachenfels example suggests more closer to 7-10 LM. THe other treats the systme as 14 AU or so. Either could be used in this context. My original calcs assumed the latter case, although whether 'day' is 24 or 12 hours i sup for debate. either way with those calcs we'd be looking at 100+ gees (upwards of 500+ gees ofr 12 hours or less.) Which means all those other craft move faster. Velocity is between .18 and .3c

On the other end of the scale... you have between .2 and .3 AU That's much shorter.. 2-5 gees, and a velocity between .3% and .4% of lightspeed which is between 900-1200 km/s. .3 AU is slightly better.

The calcs can really swing either way.. the accel values fit closer to the FFG ones than the old (higher) values, but on the other hand tens of millions of kilometres tends to be an.. extraordinary warp jump emergence distance... ludicrously so. Although the Planet killer being a special weapon permits such.

Page 239
At its present speed - agonisingly slow by the standards of a warship vessel, but as fast as many of the aged and barely spaceworthy transports could manage - the convoy should be safely out of reach by the time the Planet Killer arrived in-system, but Ulanti still knew that it would be a long and nerve-wracking run towards the new jump point at the system’s far fringes.
The transports would seem to be about as fast as the planet killer.. but its possible they also had to travel further (far systmes edge.)

Page 240
Badly damaged and leaking fuel and air, the shuttle had had to emergency dock with the closest friendly vessel as soon as it reached high orbit, the Macharius.
The Mach is still in high orbit, which reinforces the bombardment distances from earlier.

Page 242
All vessels held areas like this, abandoned completely or inhabited only by the very lowest, least important crew dregs, and they were the perfect hiding place for deserters or even for the secret, illicit cabals - either criminal or heretical - that often flourished aboard even the most vigilant Imperial vessel.
Another indicator that ship sizes can be.. highly variable.

Page 243
The big Imperial commissar saw the corruption was eating into the very stuff of the ship, opening up brittle, flaking wounds in plasma-forged alloys made to last for centuries. Metal bulkheads and pillars were shot through with streaks of decay.
Plasma forged alloys. More than likely this is referring to Adamantium, as we know from the first thread it was mentioned in various sources (specifically here and here Which just helps to reinforce how uber 40K magic materials really are supposed to be (at least as far as starship goes. As I've noted with the 'conventional steel' arguments, there probably are many different grades of adamanitum.
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the atom
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Re: Gordon Rennie BFG novels thread [revisited]

Post by the atom »

Connor MacLeod wrote:Light cruiser point defense - might be battery fire, or it might be separate turrets. precise hits impossible on bombers at 1000 km, but proximity kills aren't. Trying to figure out what a '1 km starburst' represents is probably hard. If it were a nuclear fireball (assuming you could make that in space somehow) it might be high kt/low megaton range, but that assumes its 'actual' and not 40K plasma (which is more likely, actually.)
Space fireballs and magic plasma sort of sounds like a needlessly silly explanation to me. A weapon with a 1km AOE and a bright flash lines up with quite well atomic rocket's description of a nuclear explosion in space, especially the bits about the lethal radiation.
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Re: Gordon Rennie BFG novels thread [revisited]

Post by Connor MacLeod »

You're ont going to be able to estimate a flash of radiation as being 'kilometre wide' in space (which is IIRC about the upper limit on effective ranges for nukes in space as it is.) And if you're familiar at all with 'blast markers' in the BFG context they are meant ot represent all manner of crazy shit like persistnat plasma bursts/fireballs, space shockwaves, and all other manner of crazy shit.

Besides which, its more likely that the kilometre wide bursts are energy weapons - the cannon fire is tossing out shrapnel you notice :P
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Re: Gordon Rennie BFG novels thread [revisited]

Post by the atom »

Connor MacLeod wrote:You're ont going to be able to estimate a flash of radiation as being 'kilometre wide' in space (which is IIRC about the upper limit on effective ranges for nukes in space as it is.)
When you're talking about any kind of AOE weapon in space, the blast radius is always going to be technically infinite. It's just a matter of effective range.
And if you're familiar at all with 'blast markers' in the BFG context they are meant ot represent all manner of crazy shit like persistnat plasma bursts/fireballs, space shockwaves, and all other manner of crazy shit.
Well that is certainly bizarre, but the passage isn't really describing anything that could really be described as persistent fireballs or odd space shockwaves.
Besides which, its more likely that the kilometre wide bursts are energy weapons - the cannon fire is tossing out shrapnel you notice :P
I'm...not sure I follow. :? Wouldn't shrapnel indicate..like...the opposite?
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Re: Gordon Rennie BFG novels thread [revisited]

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Last update for Execution Hour

Page 244-245
Kyogen tore a shotcannon from the grasp of a terrified arms-man, turning it on the creature and firing it on full auto-spread, mercifully blowing apart the screaming preacher. The creature staggered under the impact of the explosive shotcannon shells, its tattered flesh knitting and reforming almost as quickly as the shotcannon shells tore and ripped it apart. Kyogen looked down at the weapon’s ammo counter, seeing with a shock of fear that at his current rate of fire the shotcannon’s ammunition cylinder would be completely emptied in the next few seconds, and that the daemon creature showed no signs of dying before despite the heavy damage being inflicted on it.
First one armsman, then another, and then a third joined their commanding officer, sending non-stop volleys of explosive-head shotcannon shells into the body of the daemon creature.
Kyogen’s gun clicked empty. Seconds later, the weapons of the others followed suit. To their horror and disbelief, the daemon instantly started to recover once more.
Overpowered super-shotgun weapon, although like a bolter its using explosive shells rather than shot or sluges or flechette (though it probably can use either. also fully automatic. We know from DH Inquisitor's Handbook that a shotcannon has a 24 shot clip. Assuming something between 2-10 seconds we get a rate of fire between 2-3 per second and 6 (or 12) shots per second. Allowing for a single shotcannon burst blowing a person apart with explosive shells (assume 12) we're probably talking 6-12 shotcannon shells equallying grenade level damage (tens of grams of TNT per shell perhaps.)

Page 246
Tens of millions of of kilometres distant, Bulus Sirl finally broke off psychic contact with his plague-spawn..
The effort of maintaining the active psychic link with his disease-child was taxing in the extreme, especially over such vast physical distances...
Although the plague-vessel’s captain had severed the link with the vanquished Chaos daemon, he did not yet allow his mystic warp-gaze to rejoin his resting body. Instead, he probed deeper into the innards of the enemy ship, searching through ducts and conduits, pipeways and maintenance shafts, instinctively homing in on the mind of the other creature now crawling through these cramped and secret byways. His other plague-child.
Range of a sort of warp-sight/communications, and seems effectively realtime. Interesting thing is this isn't even astrotelepathy.

Also distance between Macharius and the Chaos ship.

Page 247
"The Macharius is amongst the rest of the enemy convoy, lord, heading directly away from us and the rest of the Warmaster’s fleet. Even at our current speed, it is unlikely that we will catch it before it reaches the edge of the system and escapes into the warp."
tens of millions plus however far the distance to the system the ship can't reach them in less than a day. Again we're probably talking hundreds of gees to single digit gees depending on context.

Page 249-250
Semper bent down to peer into the exposed mechanics of the cathedral vox-ark, watching as the nimble, surgically-adapted hands of the tech-priest sifted through the tangle of wiring and rune-covered circuit boards.
The comm-systems aboard the shuttle were destroyed, and his personal vox-caster was only good at short, suborbital ranges, but the cathedral’s powerful vox-ark, linked into the miraculously-unscathed antenna of the building’s cloudpiercing spire, should be able to reach anything within the borders of the planetary system.
First, techpriest messing with PRECIOUS tech. Secondly, range of different kinds of comms. the 'vox ark' has system-wide ranges, and Semper's personal comm is 'sub-orbital' - tens of km.

Page 250
At some point in the past, the tech-adept’s face had been removed, and Semper could clearly see the surgical scars left by the procedure.

Beneath the man’s paper-like skin, patterns of gold and platinum wire circuit diagrams had been woven into the bone and musculature of his skull prior to his skin being grafted back on again..
Tech priest augmentation. Reminds me a bit of the Glavians.

Page 251
A day ago, he mused, he had commanded one of his Divine Majesty’s mighty warships, with a crew of ten thousand under him. Now he was here, trapped on the surface of a world destined for destruction..
Semper has been on the planet for less than a day.

PAge 251-252
The reinforced armoured shell of the shuttle’s passenger cabin had functioned as intended, with its occupants suffering on the most part nothing more serious than a few broken bones...
The corpses of the nose turret gunners were still trapped within the remains of the shuttle’s smashed front.
..the worst of the casualties had been the shuttle crewmen stationed in the craft’s cargo compartments and belly gun turret,..
shuttle components, including at least two guns destroyed.

Page 252
Like most officers of the Imperial military, Semper thought of the forces of the Frateris Militia as a disorganised, ill-disciplined rabble, only to be used to wage the Emperor’s wars in the last resort, in want of other, more professional and dependable forces.
This would tend to suggest that any sort of 'conscript' force - Frateris, tithed militia, etc. are considered an emergency force and not 'proper' soldiers (like Guard or PDF) - at least, if they have a choice in matters.

Page 255
"The light of the Emperor has been withdrawn from this world. The protection of the Imperium is gone. Rank and privilege mean nothing now."
I guess it can happen, for whatever reason.

PAge 263
Moments later, there came a second, answering crash of gunfire from the northern side of the barricade defences as the frateris gunners there followed suit. A hail of bullets and las-fire smashed into the human wall, cutting through flesh, blowing apart bone and tissue.
If lasfire can sever bones a few kj (2-4) could probably sever most bones (which would amputate limbs.) We dont knwo what kind of weapon is doing this, though

Page 263
Semper saw and heard the pitiful screams and pleas for mercy as the living components of the human shield wall were mown down in their hundreds. He saw a lone child - probably no more than six or seven years old - standing alone amongst the carnage screaming for its parents, only seconds later to disappear beneath the crushing weight of the bodies charging forward from behind it. He saw a mother protectively clutching a swaddled bundle of cloth that could only be an infant baby just as a burst of heavy bolter fire ripped through the ranks of the living shield wall..
Chaos is using human shields to charge the barricades and the Imperial sare killing them to save themselves and spare the prisoners the mercies of the cultists. IT's another one of those horrific little scenes that really undercuts any sort of 'FUCK YEAH' you might get from all the war and fighting shit - you're supposed to remember they're people you're killing - innocent people - and Chaos is a real bastard for putting you in that position. Its graphic and horrible yet very effective.

Page 264
The laspistol’s plastic and metal grip burned against his hand and the whole weapon was dangerously over-heated, its power pack almost fully depleted from cyclic over-firing.
Semper's laspistol overheats the same way Ulanti's did, but not burning him in the process. Apparnetly these kinds of laspistols have a definite limit on how fast/persistantly you can fire them.

Page 266
The weapon had ceased functioning minutes ago - it was either out of power or the workings of its whirring monomolecular chain-blade had become clogged with gore..
Its jagged razor teeth could still tear through flesh and its heavy, solid blade casing could still crush bone, particularly when wielded by someone of Maxim’s strength.
You know, given this, chainswords are really less an edged/cutting weapon an dmore a fancy powered bludgeon with a cutting element.

Page 267-268
She had been a strange, wild one, Tanyara, with more than a touch of the wyrd sight about her. Exhausted by the night’s revels, intoxicated by tajii root and fiery underhive-brewed liquor, he had listened as she told him that she had seen him in her visions.
Hive ganger having visions. wyrds are low power, latent and untrained psykers,

Page 271-272
"Tech-Adept Ko, are any of the turret weapons aboard the shuttle still useable?"
"Three of them, captain," he answered, "although the craft’s power systems are irreparably damaged. Hence they cannot be made to fire."
"Can they be removed from their turret mountings on the shuttle?" Semper asked. "If we find other power units, could they be set up somewhere else, perhaps inside the cathedral?"

"There are several portable power generators in the storage chamber in the vaults," said Devane, excitedly. "We found them when we were searching for weapons. Emperor knows if they’re in any kind of usable condition."
3 + 2 (at least) destroyed turret weapons is 5 for the shuttle, at least three of which were autocannons. The autocannons also need a power source to function, probably because they are rotary. They use portable power generators to power them, kept by the priests (military issue?)

According to here we learn that a vulcan cannon is powered by a 20 hp motor. Assuming 2/3 that for the autocannon (14 hp) we're talking a 10 kw power source. Which should approximate the output of those portable generators. What they do with them, is another story.

Page 272
"Captain Semper," repeated Sobek in the strange, sonorous tones so distinctive of those of the astropath caste. "It is not the Emperor’s will that you die here today. That is why he has commanded me to live this far. That is why he has guided me to you."
An indication that Big E keeps an active hand in things, don't you think?

Page 275
"I am an Arbitrator, and the only power I answer to is the Emperor’s sacred law. I do not need your permission. I am telling you what I intend to do."
"Very well, marshal. I wish the record to show that I object in the strongest terms to your actions, but, that as a loyal servant of the Emperor and his law, I realise my hands are tied."
"This vessel is no longer part of Battlefleet Gothic, lieutenant. In the Emperor’s name, by the authority invested in me as one of the keepers of his sacred law, I’m commandeering this vessel and its crew."
"This vessel is now under the command of the Adeptus Arbites, at least for the time being."
The word of a ship’s commissar was law on a navy vessel, but the word of an Arbites marshal was immutable law on every world throughout the
Arbites can comandeer other military forces to their needs. It even overrides Commissars.

Page 277
Through his mind link with the plague creature now worming its way through the Macharius’s metal innards, Sirl was aware of his prey’s change of course minutes before it registered on his vessel’s long-range surveyor screens.
Mind link is FTL over light minutes.. and the Macharius and the Chaos vessel are still separated by htose same light minutes.

PAge 279
A spectral figure, encircled by a pale, dancing nimbus of light, stood at the turn of the passageway. Zane felt the eerie radiance play over his face. Within the light, few details were visible: only the shining face of the haloed figure and the sacred runes glowetched into its archaic power armour. Zane had seen that face - so impossibly beautiful - before. Years ago. As a young Ministrorum novice acolyte. On Sacra Evangelista.
The pilot having a divine visitation by some sort of saint, or something. Man, the emperor works in mysterious ways

Page 280
Zane drew the short, snub-nosed laspistol from the holster-pocket of his flight suit..
Laspistols seem to be a common officer and pilot arm on the Mach.

Page 283-284
The Chaos fleet was unfamiliar with the design and capabilities of the Arbites Punisher class vessel, mistaking it for some kind of new variant of the Dauntless class scouting cruiser...
The Arbites strike cruiser’s formidable bombardment cannons opened fire, their linear accelerator systems hurtling a stream of lethal magma bomb warheads through the void at something approaching quarter light speed. The salvo of warheads exploded across the line of Chaos ships with terrifying accuracy. One of them disappeared in a white flash, a hundred thousand tonnes of metal and machinery simply vaporised out of existence. Another tumbled out of formation, already breaking apart into burning fragments.
The good old bombardment cannon in action. Like nova cannon, the 'calcs' resulting from this tend to get disputed alot (because of the horrid GIGATONS) - even to the point of trying to translate 'approaching quarter' lightspeed as meaning something like a few thousand km/s or less. Well, there are limits to how 'reasonable' I intend to be in this.

That said, there are some 'variable's to account for. Like the size of the shell. We have several ways to go about it. One way is that we know (from the Ork Hammer Battlekroozer) that nova cannon and bombardment cannon and torpedoes are all roughly the same size. So we can say hundreds, or thousands of tonnes (100 ton being the smalles ttorp I know of.) We also know from Wolf's Honour that 'bombardment shell' were Russ mass (60 tonnes.) And we know from Fallen Angels (HH novel) that macro cannon are 1/5 the size of bombardment cannon shells (which fits reasonably well with torpedoes being ~10x bigger than macro cannon shell, funny enough.) Macro cannon can range from a few tonns to several hundred tonnes, meaning tens to thousands of tonnes for bombardment cannon shells - quite a range of course.

So assuming something between 20 and 2000 tonnes at .24c which is between 5.4e19 and 5.4e21 J of KE, depending on shell size. What's more that's not a single shell, thats a volley of shells (from multiple guns.. two I'd gather) so we might be talking at least 4-6 shells, upwards of a dozen (at least going by what I recall vaguely from Nightbringer's ROF.) That means at least e19-e20 J for a volley to e21-e22 J. It goes without saying that the explosive component of the shell is going to be MUCH greater than this. Indeed the calc suggests we should treat explosive qualities of macro cannon shells as being orders of magnitude greater than conventional (real life) warheads (eg single or double digit TJ), given that it must be well into the e15 J range (closer to what stellar fusion pulls off per kg)

This also repersents (roughly within an OoM) the lower limit output on the Macharius - lower limit because if you recall Ulanti's 'dissection' of the Strike cruiser's capabilities, the Mach had greater reactor output. It also had longer ranged, more accurate guns, which tells you something given the extreme speed of the shell - indeed that suggests the macro cannon shells have a similar magnitude of velocity (nearly as fast, and quite possibly faster) which again puts strong emphsis on tens of thousands of km/s shell velocity. HEll, it would be ludicrous to accept less than thousands of km/s based on this, and that's STILL stretching matters. Unless we want to believe all projectiles fired by cannon are guided (which they could be, but that's unproven and its doubtful you could argue all of them are. guided shells by some sources are supposed to be rare, remember.) So yeah, tens of thousands of km/s for projectile shells is quite likely given this and a Dictator outranging the strike cruiser.

In addition to that, I'll note that the above inteprretation is entirely consistent with the definition of 'direct fire' weapons from the BFG blue book (which also tends to be either 'loosely' inteprreted if not taken out of context becuase of the implications.), its consistent with how nova cannon operate (barring the WoU weapon, propogation time is going to be a matter of seconds at most.), and it also fits in with the difference in performance between direct fire weapons (which includes projectiles and missiles) and ordnance (torpedoes and attack craft.) The latter travel noticably slower - but have greater range to compensate - they ignore shields, and they are vulnerable to interception/point defense, which none of the projectile 'battery' weapons are. That torpedoes move at tens or hundreds of km/s (established fact) therefore makes it ludicrous that weapons battery fire is restricted to those speeds as well - particularily given that many battery weapons are unguided yet can fire across tens or hundreds of thousands of km and hit their target! That doesn't mean they ALWAYS have to travel at such high speeds (again, tradeoffs get ignored here, because high velocities cost energy and mean greater recoil, which could affect things like rate of fire - high speed may not always be desirable.) I would also note that given that some examples of starship feature 'manually fired' guns in those gun decks, it would be hard to track and fire on targets moving at km/s (as per BFG) if they did not strike rapidly. And slower firing macro shells at closer ranges can share in the benefits of ordnance (better shield penetration) which in some cases could be an asset. Hell, we oculd argue missiles even straddle that line - they could get the benefits of ordnance (and the drawbacks) in battry fire with reduced velocity, but still retain the possible advantages of higher-velocity 'direct fire' weapons (sort of like the difference between normal and sprint mode weapons in Starfire, IIRC.)

It also goes without saying that, unless we're talking a tiny raider (say a few hundred m long, which is possible given what the Iron Warrior novel says) there is no way it can mass only 100,000 tonnes - that's aircraft carrier mass. And evne then its going to be approximate. The alternate interpretation is that it only mentioned the percentage of the ship vaporized, and the rest was 'merely' blasted apart.

Page 284
Now the Charybdis entered the battle, its void shields flaring angrily as it passed through the expanding clouds of debris and residual energy vapour which only minutes ago had been its squadron of escort ships. It struck out with its forward lance batteries, beams of brilliant energy cutting through the Macharius’s void shields and striking its prow, scoring burn lines metres thick into the super-dense material of the cruiser’s armoured beak.

minutes since the squadron had been destroyed. Note that the lance weapons are leaving 'metres thick' furrows in the prow. Whehter that is depth, or width of the beam we dont know.

Page 284-285
In a pre-arranged manoeuvre between the two vessels, the Inviolable Retribution fired its bombardment cannons at the same time, the combined salvo finding and striking its target with devastating force, ripping open the Murder class cruiser’s underside and blowing apart its starboard flank.

'minutes' at least to recharge bombardment cannon.. calling it 2-3 minutes suggests the Mach's minimal power output in the e18-e20W range given the earlier bombardment cannon figures. That would fit approximately with FFG estimates for power generation based on mass and accel at least, as well as what their macro cannon can toss out at thousands of km/s velocity (tank sized shells and hundreds of guns.)

This time the bombardment cannon volley makes a direct hit rather than proximity hits as well.

Page 286
Seconds later, a large troop transporter shuttle fell away from the Macharius, its pilot hitting his main engine thrusters as soon as he was clear of the carrier ship. It was quickly joined by a squadron of Eagle craft launched from the Arbites cruiser. Circling Fury Interceptors took up position fore and aft of the shuttle formation, forming a protective phalanx around them. The combined formation moved off at speed towards the shining disk of the planet, the two slower-moving warships following behind at a more stately pace.
"How long is their flight time?"
"We estimate one hour at full speed, perhaps a little more."
An hour for the ships to cross millions of km estimated (recall before) and

Over several light minutes (or even just millions of km) we're looking at 60-65 gees (millions of km) and over 1000 km/s speed. Tens of millions is talking about 650+ gees, and 3.8% of lightspeed for fighters/shuttles.

Page 286
..preacher who was bestowing sacred blessings on a payload stack of melta missiles as they were loaded into the belly bay of a Starhawk.
Melta missiles loading into internal starhawk bay.

Page 286
Tech-priests and ground crews were hurriedly conducting desperate quick-fix repairs to damaged fighters and bombers that should, by all rights, have been sent to the workshop forges for major overhauls.
The Macharius has its own workshops/forges. Ostensibly its for building/rebuilding fightrs, but it probably could be used for any ocmponent.

Page 288-289
Two of the spinning barrels of the autocannon quad weapon stuttered and died. The barrels had jammed again, overheated by constant firing. Steam hissed from the barrels of the weapon as the frateris crew assisting him poured buckets of water over the red-hot metal. In the absence of the weapon’s normal auto-coolant systems, this was the best compromise they could find.
I guess I was wrong. Its a gun with FOUR gatling guns in a single mount. Nasty. Also has its own automatd cooling systme tied ot the ship.

Page 290
The eight spinning barrels fired as one, transforming the hallway into a hell of gunfire and death. The first few ranks of attackers simply disappeared in a red mist, ripped to shreds by the massed volley of autocannon fire. Armour-piercing shells designed to blow apart the armoured hulls of starfighters ripped through soft human tissue, passing through body after body amongst the cultists packed into the close confines of the stone hallway. Stray shells ricocheted off the fresco-covered walls and blew apart statues and scripture-engraved stone plinths and memorials, destroying the work of centuries of Ecclesiarchy craftsmen.
Effect of autocannon again. Same parameters as earlier apply.

Page 290-291
Suddenly, a figure stepped forward out of the autocannon-ravaged ranks of the cultists. The air around it swarmed with psychic power, a hazy energy shield forming around the figure to deflect away the hail of autocannon shells.
"Look out!" called Devane, too late, as daemon fire streamed out from the weapon, exploding amongst the barricade defenders.

Men screamed as the daemon energy consumed them, transforming them into blackened, withered scarecrows.
Chaos champion of Tzeentch burns a bunch of men (single/double digit MJ at least) with its weapon, and is able to deflect autocannon fire with a psychic shield.

PAge 292
The Arbites Eagle craft flew low over the cathedral square, sending missiles streaking into the cultist artillery positions in the buildings around the edge of the square, the turret gunners sweeping clear the landing zone with fire. As they came into land, Arbitrators leapt out even before they had settled,
Eagle dropships.. guns and missiles.

Page 293
..there to await in terror the coming doom that was now only minutes away.
The Planet killer is 'minutes' away now.

Page 294
Of the thousands of pilgrims who had flocked to the cathedral for sanctuary, only a fraction now remained. Women and children, mostly. The families of the frateris militia who had laid down their lives to defend the Emperor’s house from the defiling presence of the heretic horde.

"Save them," implored Devane, his voice a fading whisper. "Don’t let all this have been in vain. They are what we fight to preserve. They are the Emperor’s children, more important than any number of Adeptus servants or blueblood aristocrats, more valuable than anything carried away in the holds of those transports. They are the best part of this world. They cannot die along with the rest of it."
"See to the civilians, petty officer. Women and children first. Have your men carry aboard the shuttles any of the wounded that the Sororitas sisters say still have a chance of surviving."
"Sir, we don’t have the space for all these extra passengers. And there’s not enough time."
"Empty the cargo compartments. Jettison whatever you have to, but make no mistake, petty officer, we do not leave this place until every one of these people who still has a chance of life is aboard those shuttles."
Pure anti-grimdark. Sure, this is only a tiny fraction of the actual population, but think about it, they're pulling someone out when they expected that everyone would die. Even Semper expected to, but the astropath (and the Emperor) foiled that. Even though almost everyone else (loyal) is dead, there are still a few people on the planet who live. Which for Semper is a bit of a symbolic victory, representing that he is done with retreating and running away, no matter the reason. He's a warrior, dedicated to the Navy, and as a warrior he sees it as his job to fight the enemy and to protect the innocent.

Page 297
Ulanti no longer needed the long-range surveyor screens to monitor the progress of the Planet Killer fleet. Through the enhanced opticon systems incorporated into the command deck’s viewing bays, he could actually see the constellations of enemy warships as they took up position near Belatis, hovering in space over the doomed world like carrion birds circling in wait above a dying animal.
The viewports of the Macharius have magnification/opticon gear built into it.

Page 298
It looked like no other kind of vessel he had ever seen before, the massive needle-spindles of its main weapon array thrusting out from a central hub that itself bristled with gun batteries, torpedo tubes and lance turrets; even without its main armament, the Planet Killer still possessed a truly formidable amount of firepower. Crackling bursts of energy leapt between the tips of the socalled armageddon gun’s projection barrels or spun blazing off in spectacular displays of energy discharge from giant capacitators and other structural features, the purpose of which Ulanti could only guess at. He noticed too that the surrounding enemy ships kept a wary distance from the vessel they were supposed to be protecting; unfocussed and uncontrolled, any one of these random energy discharges could rip through a capital ship’s void shields or completely destroy a smaller escort class vessel.
He could well believe the whispered rumours that the details of its construction and estimated power requirements could not be easily explained by any normal technical means; that the powers of the warp themselves must have had a hand in its creation and operation.
This was the closest that any Imperial ship had ever come to the Planet Killer, and the data gathered by the Macharius would be eagerly dissected by the naval tacticians and senior Adeptus Mechanicus magi at Battlefleet Command.
The planet killer in action. Quite obviously a warp weapon.

Page 298
Assuming we actually survive the next hour or so, thought Ulanti, seeing the viper-prow shapes of several enemy cruisers descending fast on the Macharius, accompanied by a pack of smaller escort vessels. Magnified by the viewing bay opticon, he saw the launch bays of one of the Chaos ships - one of the dreaded Styx class heavy carrier cruisers - yawn open and spit out a stream of attack craft.
Optical magnification again.

Page 298
The bridge surveyor screens showed the Virulent breaking away from the Chaos line of battle, swinging in close to Belatis, using the planet’s gravitational field to slingshot itself at speed towards the Macharius.
That suggest he can't be moving super duper fast, at least initially.. tens or hundreds of km/s maybe.

Page 299
"The shuttles are in the air. They’ll be back on aboard within the next twenty minutes."
"’It’s going to be close, though, especially with those carrier ships of theirs out there too."
"We stay in position until the shuttles are aboard. Launch everything we have.."
In seconds, the first of the Macharius’s entire attack craft capability would be launched and space-borne.
seconds to launch fighters. The ship needs 20 minutes to get back. That tends to suggest the distance has dropped by 2/3 - 700,000 to 7 million km We're probably talking 85-90 gees at least, and an average velocity in the hundreds to low thousands of km/s. Possibly up to high hundreds and high thousands of km/s at the far end of the scale.

Page 299-300
...charging all available power through to his forward shields as another enemy Swiftdeath fighter blazed through space towards him. He stabbed at the firing triggers just as his Chaos counterpart did the same. Streams of multihued laser energy criss-crossed past each other in the void, impacting against defence shields, striking through to shatter plated hull armour. At the last second, Kaether barrel-rolled his fighter aside, barely avoiding a head-on collision with the Swiftdeath...
Kaether locked in on the enemy fighter, sending a krak missile winging along the same well-marked trail. Moments later, he was rewarded with the sight of the Swiftdeath exploding apart, just seconds before it came within launch range of the Starhawk formation..
"The power packs feeding the starboard wing lascannons have been shot away. We’re bleeding energy, but it’s not as bad as it looks. I can re-route and draw power from the main engines or the defence shields, although neither of these options does much to increase our long-term chances of ever seeing the Macharius again. Also, there’s not enough armour plating left in places along our forward fuselage to stop a shot from an underpowered laspistol."
Again a fury fighter (and probably the swiftdeath) have shields. indeed the fighter has forward shields (angled in directions.) It also has a missile payload for shooting down fighters (which takes seconds to do. Assuming tens of km/s like the Starhawk missiles, we're talking tens/hundreds of km range.)

Also those shields draw a similar magnitude of power from the engines, and the lasers seem to consume a noticable fraction as well - at least enough that rerouting power from shields or engines has a noticable impact on their survival (at least within an OoM of engine/shield power, in other words.) I'd gather that the power packs normally draw power from the fury's powerplant, and 'charge up'.. meaning that fury laser output normally is greater than the draw of the reactor, but probably not massively so. This meshes with the speculation I previously made regarding capital ships and capacitors/reactor output. Assuming a 50 ton fighter at 10 gees and 500 km/s exahust (which is ~10 or so kilos per second expended) we're talking hundreds or thousands of GW for the engines, so tens or hundreds of GW at least for lasers seems likely, possibly terajoules (exhaust, fighter mass, or both are probably higher, given limits in propellant it can hold)

PAge 300-301
Several thousand kilometres away, a large group of Swiftdeaths was speeding towards the two Imperial warships. Kaether studied their changing surveyor patterns, suspecting that they were oscillating their energy outputs, attempting to disguise the presence of larger, more powerful Doomfire bombers within their formation.
upper limit on Fury weapons range, in space. Also fighters playing with their emissions signatures (Some sort of deception Electronic warfare I gather?)

Page 301
The second wave - all fighters - moved off to attack Tornado squadron, which was escorting the highly vulnerable shuttle formation back to the Macharius.
As you might recall, the attack craft escorting the shuttles were identified as furies.. so we have a third Fury squadron. Which means there must be a fourth (symmetry, again) so we again get 4 fury and 4 starhawk squads.. which works out to 100 craft.

Page 301
It seemed like hours, not, in reality, a few scant minutes..
Zane started his hunt just before the fighters launched to protect Semper's recovery, so this means 'a few minutes' into the battle have passed. It also is interesting in that it clarifies the earlier 'scant' as indeed probably meaning 2 or 3 (which is useful for missile velocities for starhawks)

Page 302
Without hesitation, he had raised his laspistol and fired. The las-bolt had seared away most of the creature’s face. It had turned, hissing in rage, flesh swarming almost instantly across the deformed surface of its skull to cover the wound. Zane had fired several more shots, dangerously depleting the scaled-down weapon’s limited charge capacity.
the compact laspistol has limited numbers of shots (unsurprisingly) but is still powerful enough to blast away/burn most of a creature's face (or head? the skull is exposed) .. at least single if not double digit kj. Assuming 7-10 cm exposed we're talking 20-40 kj for flaying, 2450-5000 J for merely third degree burns. I'd guess it maye has 10-15 shots tops, possibly not much more.

Page 303
He barely had time to set his laspistol to full charge...
At least two power settings on the compact laspistol.

Page 303
..a low-ranking logistician tech-priest - just one of hundreds connected into the Macharius’s ancient and mighty logic engines and monitoring the non-stop passage of information through the ship’s arcane machine-mind...
hundreds of 'low ranking' techpriests on the Macharius, linked into its machine mind to monitor/guide systems. Probably useful in finding out whats going on and generally helping to smooth out internal operations and assess/adjust systems and such. As well as dispatch/control auto systems, cogitators/logic engines, and servitors and other such constructs.

Page 303
It was a relatively minor problem affecting the area responsible for regulating the flow of residue energy from the ship’s plasma reactors, pipes that carried away the gaseous waste from the generarium and emptied it out into space from bleed-vents along the ship’s hull. One of the pipes had fractured, aluhough the fire appeared to have quickly burned itself out, the ship’s auto-systems already closing down those pipeways and diverting the waste gas away to another bleed-vent. There had also been signs of potentially far more serious malfunctions in a nearby generarium sub-chamber controlling the flow of power to the void shield generator capacitators, but these too seemed to have somehow been contained.
Waste exhaust port of some kind I gather (ripoff from Star Wars?) as well as autosystems governing it, and capacitors powering the void shields.

Page 304
Ahead were the reassuring and imposing shapes of the Macharius and the Inviolable Retribution, their void shields flaring with burst after burst of angry light as they came under intensive fire from the vanguard of the Chaos fleet. The gun batteries of both vessels spoke back in reply, and the Chaos warships, clearly mindful of the fate of the Charybdis, were keeping a wary distance, out of range of the Retribution’s bombardment cannons..
The Strike cruiser and Mach's broadside cannons vastly outrange the bombardment cannons. Again this suggests their velocity is roughly in the same ballpark a sthe bombardment cannon, probably faster (esp for unguided munitions)

Page 305
This was a level of destruction almost unimaginable in its intensity: men and machines pitted against each other in the harsh and unforgiving void of space, where entire vessels - and the lives of their many thousands of crew - could be swept away in seconds, without any mercy or warning.

Implies 'seconds' of propogation time for weaponry (or less) in space combat.

Page 305
The shuttle shuddered, wildly pitching forward for a second, as it passed through the mouth of the launch bay, ancient suspensor fields reaching out to catch it in their mysterious, invisible grasp, decelerating it and bringing it to an almost graceful stop as its pilot brought it under control and manoeuvred it into one of the many landing bay tunnels.
The suspensor field again.,. this time not helping to launch a craft, but to recover it.

Page 307-309
..the Planet Killer unleashed its power on the world below. A roaring storm of destruction descended on Belatis, passing through the atmosphere and increasing the temperature there a hundredfold in seconds, partially igniting it in a fiery borealis that swept out across the circumference of the planet.

The energy blast struck the planet’s largest ocean on its eastern hemisphere some two thousand kilometres south-west of Madina,

sending up a huge cloud of steam clearly visible from space as millions of tonnes of sea water were instantly vaporised, boiling away into the burning, super-heated atmosphere. The blast struck and cracked open the ocean bed, unleashing a super-tsunami tidal wave over three kilometres in height which would drown the two nearest continents and island chains and compete with the fiery borealis overhead in its race round the globe.

The Planet Killer’s gunnery priests had not chosen this spot on the surface at random. Surveyor scans of the planet’s geologic structure and daemon-voiced augurs had guided their aim. The planetary crust was weak and unstable here and the all-consuming energy beam ripped it asunder, setting off a series of cataclysmic underwater earthquakes, igniting chains of long dormant volcanoes into fiery, explosive life and causing new ones to thrust up through the splintering, broken crust. The seismic Shockwaves rippled through the core of the planet, setting off disasters on the far side of Belatis long before the tsunami or firestorm would reach the continents there.

And, all the time, the Planet Killer kept firing into an open wound now almost a hundred kilometres across in the planet’s crust, the coruscating lance of otherworldly energy burning a hole deep into the planetary core, bursting open the planet’s molten heart.

In Madina, crouching there in the ruins, the scattered followers of Khoisan the Faceless looked up in terrified incomprehension as the distant horizon lit up with what looked like the light of a second dawning sun. The light grew in intensity, and the horizon slowly turned into a line of creeping fire. There was a dull rumbling sound from the ground beneath their feet, gradually but surely growing in volume, and then the rains around them started to tumble down on their heads.
Barely twenty minutes after the Planet Killer first opened fire, Belatis exploded apart. Aboard the triumphant vessel, the gunnery priests held a service of thanksgiving, sacrificing five hundred specially chosen slaves to feed the hungry demands of the daemon spirits bound into the workings of the armageddon gun.
To date, the destruction of Belatis was by far the Planet Killer’s most successful operation.
Planet killer fires. I'm not going to recalc it because there's not much point, but I'll note the previosu one was here, and that twenty minutes is better than an hour (or hours), which probably explains the success. also note the daemons in the gun.

Page 315
Behind them was a fading red glow that marked where the world of Belatis had recently been. In time, the drifting remains of the planet would spread out to form an asteroid belt halo around the system’s sun, and future generations of Imperial statisticians and map-makers would mark the planet as Mundus Perdita, a world now lost to the Imperium.
World cast out from the Imperium, and the remains of the planet (unmelted) will end up orbiting the star.. so reinforces the e31-e32 joule figure.. call it e28-e29 watts in 20 minutes (but again, the Armageddon gun is a.. highly variable weapon.)

Page 315
Semper, Ulanti and Byzantane stood together in silence, watching the residue of fading, burning light that had once been a world inhabited by several hundred million of the Emperor’s subjects.
Population of Belatis before it was destroyed.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Gordon Rennie BFG novels thread [revisited]

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Shadow point, the second (and last) novel of the REnnie BFG novels. Pity, because I really liked this series and would have enjoyed seeing more. This one is in some ways 'better', because its the turning point of the Gothic War, but it also reflects one of those rare cases of human/Eldar interaction and cooperation. Indeed, the unity of the forces of 'Order' against Chaos is one of the key themes of this book and its one of the reasons it has always remained a favorite of mine.

In the Gothic War background, the key turning point - the Battle of Gethsemane, involved humans and Eldar joining forces to defeat the Chaos troops there, from which point Abbadon's forces begun to be driven back (especially as other Imperial forces were arriving in the sector.) Shadow Point tells of events prior to this, and of Inquisitor Horst (playing a role here) trying to form an alliance based on his investigations (something that was also part of the early BFG fluff) in order to defeat Abbadon's plans (hopefully.)

In addition to Eldar/human cooperation, you'll see a rare (possibly unique) case of an Avatar of Khaine doing nothing but kicking ass.

old thread for Shadow point can be uncovered here. I'll aim at three brief, quick updates of this either in one or three updates, depending on my level of pateince. This is part one

Page 7-8
There were others of his kind out there in the universe beyond, other fractured splinters of the same original being, dreaming their own dreams and feeling the life-flow of their own home-worlds pulse through them. So few of them left, the burning god lamented.
He saw a race at the height of its glory, revelling in its own power and majesty, capable of reforming entire worlds to suit its own purpose, able to reach out to probe the deepest mysteries of time and space.
But not yet, the warrior god knew. Not yet. Not while it and those like it still existed to protect all that remained of their race and hold back the darkness for just a little longer.
Its dreams were troubled. It saw a convergence of many intersecting fate-lines ahead of it, and, after that, its dream-images of the future were too vague and indistinct to be properly discerned. Something lay just over the horizon of its perception, a shadow point where many possible futures lay in wait, which not even its near omniscient dream-vision could bring properly into focus.
The wraithbone amplified the dreaming god’s concerns and communicated them to the other drifting islands out in the darkness, the faint but growing alarm call spreading through the far-flung diaspora like ripples across the surface of a pond.

Slowly but surely, the first stirrings of a call to arms began amongst the closest neighbouring islands...
An interesting POV from an Avatar. They seem to be 'aware' even when dormant, and they don't seem all that 'bloody handed' at least when they are dormant. They even seem kinda.. noble. Which is a bit surprising.

Whilst dormant (and possibly when alive) they seem to have a significant ability to 'read' the skein of the warp, predicting the future. What's more they seem to be all linked (unsurprisingly, since they're fragments of Khaine's original form) and they can act as an 'early warning' system across the scope of the galaxy. Suggests something akin to the GEoM exists in the Avatars.

I wonder if the connection is maintained via the webway?

Page 13
It was contained within a null-field in an adamantium-walled chamber buried three hundred metres below the surface.
..the layers of armourplas and adamantium shielding which entombed this deepest and most secret sublevel of the Inquisition fortress.
Depth of an Inquisitorial fortress

Page 13
Its screams echoed silently in the minds of everyone within the place, penetrating through whatever psychic wards and screens existed to protect the citadel and its occupants from daemonic intrusion.
Anti-warp defenses.

Page 14-15
..Gorgio Nepheris, the so-called ’’bodygatherer fiend of Bergamo’’, and captive of the Ordo Hereticus.
..the renegade surgeon had held his silence, revelling in his own planetwide infamy and answering with a mocking smile his interrogators’ demands to recant his sins and reveal the whereabouts of the remains of his many missing victims.
..the terror of the back-alleys of Bergamo, the third largest city here on the Gothic sector world of Lethe, had brushed minds with the thing held in the crypts below and had understood something of what true evil really was. He was currently to be found in a confession chamber, begging forgiveness from a stern-faced Ecclesiarchy confessor as he kept a small team of scribes busy with a nonstop, babbling litany of the details of his multitude of crimes.

The size of this list, and the enormous and previously unsuspected numbers of his victims over the course of his century-long murder spree amongst the poor and destitute of Bergamo had stunned even his interrogators.

Horst had little doubt that this catalogue of atrocity, when finally completed and codified, would be enough to allow the local Arbites force to clear out several record rooms of files on hitherto unsolved cases, and hopefully bring some kind of comfort into the minds of the families of Gorgio’s many victims, a figure which had so far stood at some twelve thousand dead, though the number was reckoned to possibly double by the time the repenting heretic had completed his confession.

It was a pitifully small solace, Horst knew. The confession and, eventually, the execution of one lone heresy-ridden maniac. Significant only in local or perhaps even planetary terms, but completely infinitesimal in scale compared to the tumultuous events happening throughout the Gothic sector.
Interestingly, the Gothic sector Inquisition seem to involve themselves quite a bit in local, mundane, and (by the standards of the Imperium) rather trivial matters, as do the arbites. I dont consider this bad, of course, but it makes them a bit more... crimefighterish than you are used to outside of an Eisenhorn novel.

Page 15
Horst had seen such scenes before, on a score of worlds across the Gothic sector...
At least a score of worlds devastated in teh Gothic sectors.

Page 15-16
There was a small fleet of Imperial battle and rescue craft in orbit above the world, all from various arms of Imperial service..
I'm surprised the Imperium has ANY rescue craft, much less they'd deploy them

Page 16-17
Standing with the others, he stared into the deep, still-smouldering wound which had been gouged into the earth. A glance at the map display on his data-slate confirmed the almost unbelievable. According to the information, this twelve kilometre-wide gaping abyss of burning gases and smouldering, still semi-molten rock had, until just a few short days ago, been the location of a heavily-defended Imperium planetary base, home to thousands of Imperial Guard troopers, Adeptus Mechanicus adepts and servants of the myriad of other branches of Imperial government.
Horst looked down, and, through the haze of burning, sulphurous gases, saw the marks on the sheer sides of the crater, where, from high above in space, an orbiting warship had directed a coruscating beam of lance energy down onto the planet’s surface, blasting away the topsoil and all of the fortress built upon that topsoil, and probing deep into the underlying bedrock of the planet.

How many lance-armed warships would it take to accomplish such a task, the inquisitor asked himself? He both marvelled and feared the thought of the massive outpouring of firepower that must have been required to carve such a wound through the planet’s dense, rocky crust. And then a second, more troubling, thought suddenly struck him. What if it wasn’t a fleet of warships? What if all this were the work of something else, some terrible new addition to the Despoiler’s armoury which they had yet to encounter?
The potential ramifications of all that had happened here were bad enough, without adding to them with increasingly troublesome thoughts about some fictitious, planet-blasting super-weapon now possibly in the hands of the Imperium of Mankind’s most hated and implacable enemy.
Despite the enormous energy stream that had been unleashed on the surface here, it was plain to see that it had somehow been expertly contained and targeted to an almost uncanny degree of precision. The overlaying surface material had been simply blasted away, yes, but, after that, the energy stream had been tightly focussed as it drilled down into the planet’s crust, obliterating dense rock and mineral deposits in micro-seconds as it pushed deeper down into the planet’s core...
"Drones and servo-skull scouts have been despatched into the fissure. We estimate it to be at least eighteen thousand metres deep.."
"so it may take them some time to make a full survey. Residual energy from the massive weapon discharge which created the fissure, along with local interference from some of the mineral and ore deposits in the surrounding bedrock, may also affect surveyor readings and delay a fully accurate understanding of what is, or may once have been, down there."
"But already we are detecting strong traces of psychometric radiation of a probable xenoorigin emanating upwards from the fissure bottom. The traces are strong, but are already starting to decay."
Something i've covered before. Doesn't really change a great deal. Alot depends on the size and performance (damage mechanism etc) of the weapon (melting as well as blasting would imply) something on the order of 2 Teratons. Vaporizing might be double digit, nevermind inefficiencies. Blasting it out would probably be alot less charitable... we're probably talking iggatons. Bear in mind it could be several times deeper (the lithosphere on earth can extend upwards of 100 km down, so we could get into double/triple teratons.)

Of course, that's just one atlernative. Frankly I'm not sure with lances you need to have all those 'tons' For one thing its strongly implied to be a 'pulse train' type, and those can be less energetic than a heat ray yet still as damaging (order of magintude or more difference in energy for the same effects, easily.) What's more, lances typically are deployed as penetrating/slicing weapons, and that tends to mean a more focused weapon than most macro weapons (explosive or even impact) You could easily have high megaton/low gigaton macro shells but still a megaton rnage lance (beam eapons differing from explosives after all.)

There's still the 'precision over firepower' bit, the 'micro seconds' duration bit. And there is still that confusing bit where Horst seems to simultaneously say it was a single vessel and a fleet of them, so it can seriously be argued either way - obviously a fleet would result in lower calcs than I previously estimated than a single vessel would, but that's not neccesarily a bad thing. Basically its another case where treating this as some kind of super contradictory 'cornerstone' is silly.

One interesting sub question is... its pretty obvious (and I said before) that the Planetkille rmust have done this. Except this is taking place prior to the Gothic war, and as we learn in EH, the planetkiller is still under construction even when Abby is launching his assault. So this means it may very well be some other vessel. One possibility is Abby's other flagship the 'better than a battleship' battle barge.

Also note the psychometric readings, speicalized warp-scanning sensors.

Page 17
Monomachus tapped rune-keys on the brass facade of his antique data-slate, pausing also to silently commune with the interconnected machine-minds of his brother tech-priests and their mechanical server-devices, not only here on the planet’s surface but also those aboard the Inquisition lightship in orbit overhead.
Communion with other techpriests and the ship in orbit.

PAge 19
Other than that, the only sound to be heard in this tainted place was the whistling insect drone of servo-skulls as they drifted lazily over the scene, recording all evidence of the atrocity for the Inquisition’s closed library archives, although some of the footage, suitably edited for mass consumption, would no doubt turn up in Imperial propaganda vidpict-casts.
Propoganda footage, and vid casts. The Imperium (or America) loves its propoganda!

Page 19
"Three or four million, at this site alone," intoned Monomachus, his typically blank-toned delivery giving scant homage to the enormity of the scale of the atrocity contained in that number. "Preliminary orbital-drone scans show another twelve sites across the planet’s surface of at least a similar magnitude, as well as possibly up to sixty other lesser massacre sites."
He personally had little fondness for the stunted abhuman breed known as ratlings, but they were part of the Imperium of Mankind and part of the Emperor’s divine plan, and he regretted the deaths of so many of them, as he would that of any of the Emperor’s loyal servants.

Ornsworld was the main home of the ratling sub-race and the recovery from this attack on the world would be long and painful, if indeed the planet and its population ever fully recovered at all from the decimation which had been visited upon them. For the next few generations at least, Horst coldly calculated, the Imperial Guard would have to make alternative arrangements for the recruitment of its quartermasters and sniper specialists.
Man, the ratlings suffer almost as badly as the Squats. They have been massacred twice now (this being one of them), and they apparently only have one major settlement (this one) and it still had only had tens or hundreds of millions of runts. That'd mean ratlings make up an incredibly incredibly TINY fraction of the Guard.. which seems freaking odd.

Also orbital drones.

Page 25
The summoning of the daemon would surely damn him in the eyes of many of his fellow inquisitors, the so-called ’’puritan’’ faction who zealously followed the ancient maxims of Imperial dogma to the very letter. It was, he admitted, a dangerous and desperate thing to do, an act which was, at best, an admission of his failure to divine the plans and purposes of the enemy by any other means. What he was about to do next would, he judged, leave him equally damned in the eyes of others within the Inquisition.
Horst is, without a doubt, a radical, although a moderate one, and one with the backing fo the High Lords.

Page 25
Now, as the forces of the Despoiler broke out of the Eye of Terror and plunged all of the Gothic sector into ferocious, full-scale war of a level not seen since the time of the Great Heresy...
Horst's assessment of the Gothic war. Again this tends to rule against GALAXY AT WAR grimdark.

PAge 27
Not even the lowliest rating or indentured slave-worker aboard any of the hundreds of Imperial Navy warships under his command would be in any doubt about the figure’s identity..
Hundreds of warships in teh gothic sector, just as noted in the first novel. That means hundreds of thousands or millions of warships probably.

Page 28
Twelve times before, the Imperium has faced and withstood such assaults.
Probably an error, since this would mean the Gothic war was the 13th black cRusade which.. it isn't :P Unless its also referring to the Horus Heresy as well.

Page 31
..the two metre-thick blast doors..
thickness of blast doors on some sort of starship (traitor vessel)

Page 41
..the Eagles dance through the hail of fire, leaving the confounded human gunners pointlessly chasing the ghostly after-images thrown out by their targets’ holofield generator defences.
Eldar fighter holo-defences.

Page 41
..Kornous’s mind-voice over the wraithbone deviceamplified communication link.
Even over the wraithbone-comm link, which often missed subtle inflections of meaning and cadence, the knowing humour in his mind-voice tone was clear.
Eldar comms are just really.. 'amplifiers' for their psychic powers.. sort of like the way you can use a bullhorn to project your voice, I suppose

Page 42
In times past, Lileathon had taken on the aspect warrior path of Amon Harakht, of Eagle pilot.
There are aspect wariror paths for the 'naval' side of the eldar too. I wonder if the fighter/bomber pilots are all aspect warriors, or if they have Guardian equivalents?

Page 42
The Eagles bore on, until the pitted and battle-scarred hull of their target must have filled their entire universe, and then, at the last possible moment and with only scant metres to spare, they broke formation and peeled away, their navigator-companions simultaneously giving the mind-thought order to their crafts’ infinity circuit systems. A brood of missile slivers launched away from each craft, piercing the target vessel’s hull in a space of time immeasurable by the crude animal-minds of the vessel’s occupants.

Another infinitesimal moment later, and the missiles’ sonic charge warheads detonated deep within the target, unleashing a carefully orchestrated symphony of destruction. The human vessel did not so much explode as shatter, transformed in an instant into a rapidly expanding sphere of twisted metal and fragmented ruin.
I'm sticking by my original analysis of the manuver.. they basically get within METRES of the hull of the ship and then pull up as they make their bombing runs. Even at hundreds of metres/second, much less kilomtres (or tens of kilometres) they have to halt their forward momentum and shoot off in another direction in an incredibly short period of time, or they have to pull up in such a tight arc as to mean the same thing (I doubt Eldar fighters/bombers are much smaller than their Imperial equivalents, so we're probably tlaking tens of metres in length.) The fact the bombing run pulls off in a timeframe faster than ahuman can react at reinforces this. That requires some VERY insane accleeration and manuverability, which is the hallmark of the Eldar.

Also sonic weapons. In space. although technically they're acting on the hulls, so they're more like seismic/blast weapons. Probably more efficient than thermal effects.

Page 43
We are slaves to our emotions, she thought. This weakness - this inability to control our animal-selves - almost destroyed us once. We must not succumb to this mon-keigh aspect within ourselves again. We must keep in check our baser nature if we are ever to survive.
Eldar philosohpy in a nutshell. It can really go a long way to explain their views (and relationship) to the lesser races like humanity, as well as leaving a sort of... bond.. both highly psychic races, one evolving and one already evolved, prisoners of their baser natures, yet aspiring (often at least) to something greater.

Page 45
"One of their troop transports," judged Ailill. "A bad loss for them, several thousand warriors less to battle the servants of the Abomination."
Some sort of troop transport and its estimated compliment. Maybe a regiment or two at best for.

Page 45
"The mon-keigh and their corpse-god oppose the Great Abomination, as do we," she continued, studying the patterns of the field of battle on the tactical pict-skin screen, "but they are also the Abomination’s greatest source of power. They are weak and stupid, and their god is old and failing. Their empire is doomed, but in its death-throes, it lashes out blindly at all around them, including us. They understand so little, and all which they do not understand, they condemn and seek to destroy. That is why we cannot depend on them to hold the line against the Abomination, and that is why we must prevent them from building their strength to strike at us."
Which is true in many ways, and some of the biggest flaws of the Imperium. But is that all that there is to it? That's one of the questions of the book, and the Eldar serve to learn about humanity the same way the humans learn about the eldar, and discover if they can establish any common ground or bonds despite the xenophobia and distrust.

Page 49
At the moment, his universe centred on the tiny jewel-carapaced insect-drones which drifted lazily through the humid, misty air of the dome chamber, looking like small drifting starpoints of light in the dim ambience of the place.

The tiny mechanoid creatures were a marvel of technological achievement, nano-devices the secrets of which had taken the eldar thousands of years to attain, and far in advance of anything the galaxy’s younger and less refined races could yet manufacture. Their purpose was to tend and clean the crystalline wraithbone material of the spirit trees which filled the dome all around the resting farseer. Kariadryl could - and, on at least one occasion actually had spend days studying the patterns of the creatures as they drifted through the chamber in their never-ending work, seeing in their behaviour an endless and silently joyful symphony of movement and purpose.

How many of them are there, he wondered. Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands, even? And, yet, each year there seemed to be a few less, a fact which he doubted anyone else even noticed or cared about.

We are a dying race, he reminded himself, without even the ability to repair or replace these precious little things.
eldar machinery of some kind. Seems to be lost tech, due to grimdark. At least on this craftworld. I wonder if they have any relation to warp spiders?

Page 52
"Her soul is not in harmony. She is too full of anger and a thirst for vengeance to be trusted with the task you have commanded."

"Anger? A thirst for vengeance? Strange to hear one of the warrior path condemn such traits in another. Are these not aspects of one’s own soul-self which all who walk the path you have chosen must find and embrace within themselves?"

"We use them as tools," replied Darodayos. "Emotions to be mastered and used to give us greater strength of purpose. The eshairr Lileathon does not use them in such a way. She allows them to use her as their tool instead. She has allowed her hatred of the humans and her grief at the destruction of her craftworld to blind her to all else around her."
Eldar battle philosohpy. That it focuses on emotions as 'tools' is not surprising, given their psychic connection and that the warp responds to emotion, that makes it a very effective means of manipulation. although that can be a double edged sword, which is the point of this passage.

It also shows that Eldar can be just as insular or tribal as humanity, despite its supposedly 'evolved' thinking. And eldar can be just as bigoted, singleminded and blind, in their own way.

Page 53
"You speak of a fhaisorr’ko, a shadow point," said Darodayos, noting the farseer’s surprised reaction to his use of the term. "A convergence of many possible futures which not even the farsight of our race’s greatest seers can discern."
Shadow points described. There are limits even to farseeing.

Page 56
A star exploding, its ancient nuclear heart as old as the galaxy itself and now ripped asunder by a force more destructive and deadly than a thousand of the mon-keighs’ proudest battlefleets.
STar 'exploding' (nova? Supernova?) more deadly than a thousand battlefleets. MERELY HYPERBOLE! :P

Page 59
She had never visited the place herself. Few of the tens of thousands aboard the craftworld ever had.

They maintained a full force of guardians raised from amongst the population, and every eldar here was fully prepared to sacrifice their lives in defence of their craftworld, but the ways of war were not their ways, and there were few amongst her people who chose to dedicate themselves to the worship of the eldar’s dark and enigmatic god of war.
This must be a small, and rather insular craftworld. Like Kaelor :P

Page 62
Now, six years later, he was one of the most senior non-commissioned officers amongst a crew of almost thirteen thousand, a familiar face on the command deck, a figure of fear and respect throughout the vessel, and, here below decks, the biggest fixer and criminal operator aboard the ship.
Machairus has a crew of 13,000 now, and its six years after the events of Execution Hour (or at least, of the start of the Gothic War)

Page 64
Even when not in battle, there were at least a dozen deaths a week on the Macharius, an unremarkable statistic which passed as the normal hazards of duty aboard a navy vessel.

Crewmen crushed by heavy machinery in the torpedo room or flight bays, crewmen vaporised by energy surges while working amongst the innards of the ship’s power systems, or even, for those wretches unfortunate enough to be consigned to the lowest decks where the ship’s atmosphere processing systems were at their least dependable, suffocated, poisoned, frozen or killed by sudden air pressure changes.
Risks and attrition onboard a starship. Honestly 12 a week seems rather low by Imperium grimdark standards./

Page 66
The customer was squat and heavyset, his dark-coloured skin oddly taut and withered in the manner typical of those who worked in the ship’s engineering sections, where the heat and radiation from the ship’s fiery plasma reactor hearts could penetrate the thickest plasarmoured work suits to braise and burn flesh.
Plasarmoured work suits, not very good against radiation (or not perfect)

Page 66
"So what you got to offer us in exchange? No navy scrip, and none of that stuff they call currency on half the mudballs in this arse end of a sub-sector."
Subsector and navy economics.. there is navy scrip (pay) and there are subsector (at least) level currencies, which fits with the FFG stuff.

Page 67
...There were always plenty of mincing, rear echelon Munitorium adepts or reservist Imperial Guard officers keen to acquire such trophies,
I'm pretty sure IG reservists are claled either 'PDF' or 'militia' although it might also refer to second or third tier forces, or perhaps garrison units.

Page 67
..reaching casually into his heavy, kevlar-quilted engineer’s jacket.
Body armour, or work suit?

Page 67
Shots rang out, and a volley of bullets and las-blasts intended for him struck her instead, tearing her apart.
Women blasted apart by fusillade of las/gunfire. ASsuming 1.5 m tall and .3 m across, and 400 j per sq cm flaying 3.6 MJ to 'blow' apart maybe. Assuming 1000 shots we're talking 3.6 kj per shot. 200 or so shots would be 18 kj.

Page 68
He saw Kolba spin and fall, shots punching into the carapace-armoured vest he wore on such occasions.
so much for carapace.

Page 68
...tray shots from his stuttering autopistol slamming into the bodies of the panicked customers.

Maxim saw one of the shots lift off the top of the skull of a junior tech-priest...
Autopistol vs skull.

PAge 69
The gunmen blew apart in a scattering of shattered limbs and viscera under the impact of the bolter shells.
effect of twin boltguns

PAge 69
Kolba was back on his feet now, blood flowing through at least one of the bullet holes punched through his chest-plate..
Guess the body armour was of some good.

PAge 74
Brightly-robed tech-priests communed together, whispering secret Machine God words to the machine-mind spirit within the ship’s mighty logic engines, assuring it of its survival in the battle just about to begin.
A strong implication that the ship has an actual 'spirit' of sorts, eg a titan like intelligence.

Page 74
Through the metre-thick armoured glasteel, and still thousands of kilometres distant, but magnified by the viewing bay’s inbuilt augur systems, he saw the wide scattering of targets ahead.
metre thick viewports made of glasteel, with built in magnification gear (I'm guessing visual/optical sensors)

PAge 75
Asteroids taken over and colonised by the green-skin creatures and turned into crude but highly effective mobile fortresses.
Two years ago, the last time a small Imperial force had been despatched to Mather to scour the system of any greenskin presence, just four of the asteroid fortresses had been detected and destroyed. Now, as was so typical of the creatures, they had seemingly emerged from nowhere to multiply and fester in even greater numbers than before.
Ork Roks. Cheap, mass produced warpships for Orks.

Page 75-76
"My grandfather was an admiral in Battlefleet Tamahl, and I remember a childhood visit to his estate on Cypra Mundi after he had been granted permission to retire."
"He took me out to the fields of his estate - after a lifetime of warfare amongst the stars, he relished the quiet tranquillity of the countryside - to help him supervise the planting of next season’s crops."

".I can remember seeing him getting down on his hands and knees amongst the servitorworkers and pulling the weeds out of the earth with his own hands.."
Servitors on a plantation run by a retired navy admiral. HOW GRIMDARK. Well it can be in a way- I suspect Admirals have more advantage s(esp from noble Fleet families) than the regular sorts do, but you don't expect them to retire to a life of farming do ya? Much less want peace.

Page 77
Accompanying it were the escort carriers Vengeance of Belatis and Memory of Briniga, merchantmen transports converted to military use and named after just two of those many Imperial worlds which had been destroyed during the war.
Swarms of close-range attack craft, wide-winged Marauders and vicious little snub-nosed Thunderbolt fighters, surged forth from makeshift launch bays in the carriers’ hulls, forming up into attack formations of their own.
Belatis was the world from the last novel. Using old thunderhawk/Marauder bombers rather than the 'newer' designs.

Page 78
Around and behind Storm, cruising in matching formation patterns, came the craft of Hornet and Hurricane squadrons, while Arrow, the fourth of Macharius’s Fury squadrons..
Yep, the Macharius has 4 fury squadrons. I was pretty sure it had more in Execution Hour, but meh. Maybe its lost some over time.

Page 80
Little evidence of humanity remained in Zane’s voice after the tech-priests and ship’s surgeons had done what they could with the charred and ruin-fleshed horror that had been brought to them more dead than alive those four years ago.
4 years since the last novel.

Page 80
The voices of the enemy, broadcast on crude but powerful ship-carried transmitters and now cutting randomly into the Imperial forces’ own separate comm-net channels. In the cockpit space behind him, Kaether knew his tech-adept navigator Manetho would now be altering the squadron’s comm-net frequencies, setting up blocker walls to filter out the enemy interference.
Ork jamming.

Page 80
..the information scrolling across his instrumentation panel’s surveyor screens as the closing distance to the enemy counted down in kilometres and seconds.
approximate idea of ship speeds.

Page 81
They were met by a hail of fire from the nearest rok-fortresses. Explosions filled the void around them, radioactive and more conventional fallout debris buffeting violently against the Furies’ armour. Kaether’s craft rocked violently, caught in the electronic squall from a nearby ork dirty-bomb explosion
Ork point defense.

Page 83
The torpedo wave’s target had been the two largest rok-fortresses in the enemy front line.

The roks were massive, one of them easily over eight kilometres from tip to tip, and possibly as many as four kilometres across. Eight torpedoes struck it, the remaining six finding the other one. Normally, it might have taken several dozen torpedo strikes to destroy targets this large. Not today, however. Today, the Imperium warships were using new ordnance: so-called ’’rock-buster torpedoes’’, specially designed for the task in hand.
Size of the Ork Roks. Also the new torps, specially designed for Rok hunting - I guess the Imperium does experiment with new ideas! HERETICAL!

Also of note is the 'several dozen torpedo strikes' to destroy targets of that size. We don't know whether that is collectively (for both) or per target, but bear it in mind for the firepower comparison later.

Page 84
The torpedoes struck the pitted and cratered surface of the roks, their armoured nose-cones spinning like giant drill-bits and boring into the porous rock. The missiles burrowed deep into the bodies of the asteroids, drilling through hundreds of metres of rock in seconds.

When the high-speed drill motor burned itself out at the end of its short lifespan, it triggered the warhead payload. The torpedoes exploded. Their payload was not the conventional plasma-fusion warheads used in normal ship-to-ship actions, designed to melt and destroy ship’s hulls and set their internal compartments ablaze. Instead, the ’’rock-busters’’ warheads were packed with high explosive seismic charges, designed to shatter and pulverise rock, setting off a chain reaction of aftershocks within the structure of their asteroid targets far in excess of the pay-load’s explosive yield.
the seismic torpedoes strike. Like many torpedoes they're the 'penetrate before detonate' variety - 'hundreds of metres' in seconds - tens or hundreds of meters in seconds, which gives us a good indicator of the rok thicknessses.

Assuming 200 metres thick (at least) we're talking close to 70 billion tonnes in mass. Also note that as per FFG, ork Roks have 1-2 gees accel typically (even though these are larger than those normally.) It goes without saying that the established thicknesses create interesting... 'problems' for the FFG masses for Ork roks. Even at 1 gee of thrust, and an exhaust velocity of 1000 km/s (requiring several hundred thousands tons of mass expelled each second we're talking well into e19-e20 watts of power needed for thrust alone for such a starship. Hell even with a ludircous 10 km/s exhaust velocity (Tens of millions of tonnes of propellant!) we're still well into the e18 watts.

Anyhow 6 (for one) and 8 (for the other) pulverize the asteroids, causing destructive effects 'far in excess of their yield' and are explicitly designed for mechanical damage effects. This is important, as is the fact the 'plasma fusion' warheads melt through the hulls. Assuming 6 torpedoes hitting, we're talking eahc asteroid doing the equivalent of blasting a 2-3.4 km asteroid roughly (if I did the math right)

an 8 km diametr asteroid would need 512 MT to pulverize (60-80 mt per torp.) A 4 km one would need 64 (8-10 MT per torp). A 5 km diameter one (closest analogue for the 8x4 km one I could figure) is ~125 mt (15-20 MT apiece). AT 2.5-3.5 mt each would be 8-43 megatons approximately per torpedo. Comparing this to the previous analogy with the 'plasma fusion' torps assuming 12-36 per asteorid (depending on how one defined the previous analysis and 'several') would definitely be in single digit megatons (a couple megatons to perhaps 8 megatons per torp.) Bear in mind this is for 'centrally buried' - cratering effects would be considerably less (maybe 1/7 or 1/8th?)

Now, all that said... there's the context. For one thing, the rock busters were specifically designed for pulverizing and shattering, whilst the plasma fusion specifically noted to 'melt' through asteroids, which is not only a different damage mechanism (at least hybrid blast-melting, if not purely thermal) but it would affect the yield (note that bigger yield is not neccesarily better.) For example melting an 8x4 km asteroid would be 'only' 14 gigatons. And that still assumes an omnidirectional blast.. :P Hell it doesnt need to just purely melt, substnatial percentage of melting would count too.

Another possibility is that there are simply different kinds of torpedoes (we know they can vary in velocity.) For example a 2000 ton torpedo (from Let the Galaxy burn) at 200 km/s would have a KE of ~10 megatons, which would mean the warhead should be more powerful. Heck, even with just conventional nukes (using cruise missiles as a baseline, .2 megatons per ton) would be tens or hundreds of megatons per torp, easily. Hell any sort of macro shell would easily be in the megaton range based on modern nuke yield to weight.

Ultimately its another one of those silly 'cornerstones' thing for some. Yes, it doesn't point to super huge yields, and it would more than likely be impossible to reconcile with other calcs (EG petaton and perhaps even teraton nova cannon for example) but alot of it depends on context and how you're willing to interpret things. (OMG no more petatons! the world is ending!)

Page 84
To those watching on the command decks of the Imperial ships, it seemed as if the two massive rok-fortresses simply burst apart from within.

The smaller one went first, the majority of it vaporised in a huge secondary explosion as something inside it - some deep-buried power source or magazine cavern full of unstable high explosive ordnance - detonated under the effects of the torpedo strike. The larger one shook and rumbled, and then, slowly, jagged fiery lines appeared all across its surface. The lines split apart, growing ever wider and revealing huge fires consuming the interior of the thing. Chunks of it broke away and were sent spinning off into space, a prelude to what was about to happen. A second later, the entire rok came apart, disintegrating in a ravenous and fiery explosion. Fragments of it, huge and deadly, hurled out with explosive force, raining meteor destruction amongst the roks nearest to it. From the safety of the bridge, Semper saw one jagged shard larger than a frigate strike another rok, piercing it like a dagger and sending it tumbling askew out of the ork formation.
Effects of the torpedoes. the bulk of the asteroid 'vaporizes' in the explosion, I'm pretty sure that is vaporization (at least partially) rather than simply explosion because the rock busters already pulverized the asteroid. Assuming 50% we're talking 10-12 billion tonnes at least or so vaped. Which worksout to *GASP* some 30+ gigatons worth of exploded munitions at least. Assuming 5000 or so shells carried we're talking 6 MT per shell. Call it single or double digit MT roughly per ork shell :P

Page 85
"How many seismic torpedoes do we have left?"

"The rock-busters? Four, captain. Those shiftless Munitorium heretics were probably too busy chasing young adepts or polishing all that gold braid they give themselves to organise the supply of more than eight per ship to those of us who actually do the fighting in this man’s war."
8 special torps total. I'd guess that suggests torpedo loadouts are limited to scores or perhaps a few hundred tops.

Page 86
A third remained mostly intact, but the weapons fire from its batteries slowed to an ineffectual trickle, and it began to drift out of position, its engines and steering systems apparently knocked out of action. Minutes later, its erratic and rudderless course would bring it blundering helplessly into the field of fire of several other roks. A combined salvo of mass-reactive howitzer fire - each shell the size of a Fury interceptor fighter - and traktor beam-launched plasma meteors smashed apart the crippled rok, finishing the task begun by the Imperium torpedoes.
Assuming between 2-4 km diameter for the 'smaller' roks it could be as little as a few megatons to 500+ megatons to shatter, although that is for penetration and assumes no shielding as a factor. At least megaton range for Ork Roks.

We dont know how big a fury interceptor is, bigger than atmospheric fighters (twice as big my guess) maybe 50-150 tonnes based on the starhawk (Half the size maybe, based on the images) That would at least be consistent with Imperial macro cannon sizes. Also note they are 'mass reactive' shells, which means impact explosives.

Page 88
On the command deck, tech-priests redoubled their prayers in praise and reassurance of the ship’s troubled machine-mind spirit.
again the 'machine mind' seems real and not techno-mumbo jumbo, although that isn't definite (although consistent with FFG and other recent sources.)

Page 89
The Graf Orlok mounted an effective fighting retreat, its own batteries of laser cannons and fusion beamers silencing the guns of one of its enemies.
Lunar-class armament. Laser and (probable) melta weapons.

Page 89-90
A powerful tractor beam was brought into use as a huge and primitive catapult weapon, seizing and ripping away parts of the role’s own asteroid body and hurling them into space at the Imperium ships. The weapon was typically orkish, barbaric and makeshift, and typically highly effective. One of the Cobras, turning too late out of its torpedo run, was smashed in half by the impact of an asteroid missile fully two hundred metres across.
Even if the other dimensions are a fraction of its 'across', we'd be talking about the Ork ship hurling hundreds of thousands or millions of tonnes easily. Even at torpedo speeds (tens or hundreds of km/s) the momentum and KE is going to be immense (4e12 kg*m/s, and 4e16 Joules for 200,000 tonnes at 20 km/s, 4e13 kg*m/s and 4e18 J for 200 km/s. Assuming a 200 m diameter rock we're talking some 9.8 million tonnes, which yields between 2e14 kg*m/s and 2e18 J, and 2e15 kg*m/s and 2e20 J.) I suppose I could be over-estimating the velocity but that seems unlikely. Unless they're engaging at point blank range it should be easy for Imperial starships to either intercept (blast apart) or avoid those projectiles.

Page 90
The Marauders - smaller, less well-armed and less well-suited for deep space combat - still excelled under the conditions of this battle, their atmosphere-capable configuration allowing them to manoeuvre at ease amongst the asteroid field, skimming and gliding across the surface of the roks. They laid waste to one of the roks, making low-level bombing runs across its cratered skin, targeting and expertly picking off gun emplacements, torpedo silos, shield generators and engine thrusters with crippling precision strikes from their plasma bomb and armour-piercing missile pay-loads, and leaving the rok drifting helpless and defenceless..
Maraude bombers. Remember that the space capable marauders (from gav thorpe's short stories) was a good 190-200 tonnes, so this means the Starhawks are much more massive (which fits with the 300 tonnes from Execution hour easily.) but have similar armament. Still they are used for precision strikes and crippling attacks.

Page 90-91
..the Fearsome fulfilled its supporting role to devastating effect. Its massive, jutting, prow-mounted nova cannon wreaked havoc amongst the ork roks, firing explosive projectiles into their midst at near light speed. The Fearsome’s captain and gunnery officers were veterans in the effective use of the powerful but unpredictable weapon. The slow-moving and clumsy roks made for easy targets, and Fury fighters adapted to specialist reconnaissance duties were in close amongst the enemy target cluster, feeding back accurate and instantaneous telemetry data to the Fearsome’s gunners. So far, four shots had reduced two roks to just so much drifting and shattered asteroid debris, the last shot striking its target dead-centre and breaking it apart like a giant sledgehammer blow.
Nova cannon vs Ork Rok. Note the 'near-light speed', which is quite difficult to rationalize as anything less than half the speed of light (despite the attempt of some to do so.). Also note the Fury fighter variant providing recon telemetry for targeting purposes. The telemetry is 'instantaneous' meaning the range is far less than a light second (tens of thousands of kms, probably)

4 shots in however long the battle has lasted, which we dont know yet. Whether they all were direct hits or not is up for debate. If a Rok can survive a nova cannon impact without vaporizing (considering the known mass of shells and the velocity) this says something about their durability, which also puts context on the.. other quotes I noted. Some have suggested this is ample proof that Nova cannon yields are over-rated and must use some sort of mass lightening, but that is completely unproven (much less that 40K mass lightening actually works that way. but again, some will go to any lengths to make their preconceptions work.)

Frankly, the fact that Nova cannon shells don't vaporize on impact (and the Ork roks don't on impact) is strong evidence that their durability is far greater than 'just rock', which may be ascribed to the forcefields/powerfields which we know can enhance durability - setting aside the KE aspect entirely, the shells are traveling at far above hyper-velocity, meaning that any impact is going to be explosive even apart from the yield.

Page 91
The ork craft were ugly, threatening-looking things, garishly coloured and decorated with outlandish and primitive ork rune-markings, bristling with combined fighter and bomber armaments and powered by crude and outrageously large chemical-reaction engines mounted on their wings and tail.
Ork fighter bombers, using chem engines.. in space! :D

Page 92
Their trajectory brought them within reach of the anti-ordnance defences mounted on the command tower, and up into the arc of fire of the hull defences. They were suitably punished for their reckless final manoeuvre. Lascannon fire and exploding flechette-missile detonations hammered into them from two different directions.
Bridge region anti-fighter defenses.

Page 92-93
The ork fighter was two hundred metres away, a second later and it was one hundred and fifty metres away. The time to lower the thickly-armoured blast shields over the command deck’s vulnerable viewing bay windows was minutes gone.

The fighter opened fire, heavy cannon shells striking the reinforced glasteel of the window and forming cracks in it centimetres deep.
A suicide run then, he thought, wondering if a bomb-laden ork attack craft crashing through the viewing bay and exploding into the interior of his command deck would indeed be enough to cripple his entire ship.

Less than a hundred metres now. Semper could see the pilot inside the cockpit. The atmosphere inside it was on fire, the ork pilot wreathed in flame. He was shouting, his tuskfilled mouth forming sounds which Semper could only guess at.
Thirty metres. A final, desperate burst of fire from one of the command tower’s defence turrets blew away the tail of the fighter. The ork craft corkscrewed down out of sight, crashing seconds later several decks down into the armoured front of the tower. Semper felt the impact of the crash as a tremor through the deck beneath his feet.
Ork Kamikaze. The Bridge glasteel can stand up to Ork fighter gunfire, to at least some extent.

Page 93-94
The Drachenfels’s lance batteries gored into the sides of another rok, blasting away or vaporising hundreds of tonnes of soft, porous rock.

The asteroid material of the rok’s body was streaked through with deposits of a glittering metallic ore substance. Whatever the substance was, it was apparently highly fissionable. It ignited instantly when the star-hot power of the lance beams touched it, setting off an instantaneous chain reaction through the interior of the rock. The entire rok disappeared in a nuclear flash, lighting up the void like a second, shortlived miniature sun.

The sudden and massive energy burst overwhelmed the Drachenfels’s shields and temporarily blinded its scanner systems.
Who else, he laughed to himself, but the greenskins would build a fortress base upon an asteroid streaked through with deposits of enriched plutonium?
Lance batteries touching off some weird metal to trigger self-sustaining fission reaction.

Vaporizing 'hundreds' of tonnes of rock in unspecified timeframe and context (per lance or battery or what?) maybe 2-12 TJ. That's even less than FFG estimate for las broadsides :P

Lances are 'star hot' yet they can trigger fission. Star hot neutrons? Or are we talking the same sort of magic 'atomic' reactions like allow you to run reactors of geothermal or something weird? Either way, it suggests some sort of particle beam (hybrid plasma/neutron beam?) Or maybe 'star hot power' refers to the output - we could certainly argue that it must refer to energy if this is a neutron beam touching off a fission reaction ;) (of course that doesnt tell us what kind of star, so we're not neccesarily talking OMFGPETATONS either even if it was taken seriously.)

I'm also pretty sure most fission reactions require alot more than just 'add energy' to get a chain reaction like that, even if we could argue lances were neutron beams. I'm not sure enough about this so this much could be right and I'm wrong, though.

Page 94
..the nuclear detonation as a flash of buzzing interference cutting through the flow of information being fed into him through the mind-impulse link with his Fury’s onboard systems. The servitor navigator seated in the rear cockpit space behind him emitted a brief question in the form of a transmitted query-equation.
Imperial pilot with servitor copilot and MIU link to his ship.

Page 95
’’Machine Zane’’ they more often called him now. More servitor than man, they whispered snidely amongst themselves.
Only the flesh, the most superficial element of his humanity, had been burnt away in the all-cleansing fire. The most important part, his Emperor-given soul, remained, and his new machine-body freed him from the weaknesses of the flesh, allowing him to better carry out his holy work.
Machine eyes allowed him to see and feel all his fighter craft saw.
His machine-augmented brain judged the distance from him to the targets. Machine hands powered up his engines’ thruster power...
Cybernetic pilot.. gives an indication of how much people can be rebuilt to 'survive'.

Page 96
The ork fighters were difficult for his wingmounted missile weaponry to lock onto, he knew. The orks’ primitive power systems and crude fossil fuel engines threw out unpredictable energy signals, confounding the Imperium’s more sophisticated scanning devices.

Wing mounted missiles and missile guidance.

Page 96
The quad-cannons mounted in his Fury’s nose fired as one, spitting out a stream of laser energy.
Nose mounted quad lasers. In Execution hour the figthers also have wing mounted lascannons (multiple in each wing.) as well as wing mounted missiles. Given the armaments described in Rogue Trader for furies, I suspect they might be somewhat modular in terms of armament.

Page 100
Semper stared at the hazy augur screen images being transmitted back by their forward reconnaissance scout craft.
Image feed transmitted via scout craft.

Page 101
Semper looked again at the ship images, seeing the clear evidence of the trademark primitive and brutish ork manufacturing process, seeing the rough patchwork of their thickly armoured skins, seeing the gun batteries bristling across their surfaces, seeing the outlandish greenskin markings and glyphs burned or cut hundreds of metres high into the vessels’ flanks.

Page 101
There were Imperium adepts who could read and translate orkish writing, he knew; oddly-minded scribes within the Ordo Xenos or various obscure branches of the Administratum who dedicated their lives to the study of alien races.
..so the tacticians of Battlefleet Gothic had merely followed the traditional custom in such matters and assigned their own codenames to the ork vessels in question.
Some study alien races, the Navy just assigns its own codenames.

Page 102
In normal terms, an hour does not seem such a long time. In terms of space combat, a lot can happen in a short hour. In a naval battle, an hour can seem an eternity.
A rather strong indicator regarding the durations of space battles -at least of this type. Sufficed to say it points to torpedoes not taking hours (much less an hour) to reach the target. For hundreds of thousands of km range we're talking in excess of 50-100 km/s at least (half an hour to an hour) and more probably hundreds of km/s.

Page 103
Wolverine was a fragmenting hulk, with little left to suggest the armoured and heavily armed leviathan it had been less than an hour before.
An hour of combat.

Page 105
There was that familiar, sickening lurch in the pit of the stomach as the ship swung round and the artificial gravity generators lagged a second or two behind in readjusting to the vessel’s new orientation.
That would suggest single digit gees tops, unless the gravity generators are different from the inertial dampers. This could be context-specific though (EG manuevering thrusters and retros are less powerful overall, or they may be less powerful initially, and only build up to full power gradually. Or the compenssators may only be fully effective when 'prepared' and allowed to adapt, meaning they might help against large straight line accelerations and prepared decels but don't work when sudden moves are needed, meaning that in emergencies the ship is much more sluggish than it is for prepared manuvers.)

Given the strong implication in both Rennie novels (and other sources) at the ability to pull tens or hundreds of gees at least, it is unliekly to be an ABSOLUTE limit, and more of a context one.

Another interesting note is that this also puts some limits on the power of weapononry (impacts and the ships own broadsides) at least as far as recoil and such goes, implying that weapon firepower (typically) is only a fraction of the total engine performance (10% or 1% or so.) If more powerful firepower is possible then similar 'preparations' against impact would be needed (although this only helps against the ship's own recoil, impacts would still be an issue.)

One possible explanation to fit potential inconsistencies is that aceleration at a given rate is not instantaneous - it may take time to build up to full power (the engines to reach max thrust, or whatever.) or the engines are tied ot the dampers so that sudden (and leathla) accelerations do not happen. It could also simply reflect a difference between straight line and manuvering in terms of acceleration - the AG may be suited to pushing the ship in a straight line but less so to turning. Star of Damocles (the White Scars ship at the beginning frying tau spacesuits with its engines) provides some justification for this.

Alternately it may be a power allocation issue - like with taking time to ramp up to full output, energy just doesn't disappear from point a and materialize at point b, it takes time to go between those two points.

page 106
A tractor beam, one of the few high technologies which the orks had managed to master for their own use. And, being orks, that use was as a weapon, of course.

The Macharius was caught in the invisible grip of a huge and powerful ork tractor beam weapon mounted in the Sabretooth’s mouth-like prow. The tractor beam wasn’t powerful enough to bodily drag or hurl the Macharius through space, as the orks had done with the asteroid missiles which had been directed at the Graf Orlok and which had smashed apart one of Vanguard squadron’s Cobra destroyers, but it was still easily capable of destroying the ship. The powerful gravitic forces of a tractor beam, recklessly manipulated in the right way, could be used to crush or tear apart a target, or at least a portion of a larger target.

This was what was happening to the Macharius now. The tractor beam had seized a large hull section, and was attempting to tear it free from the rest of the ship. Less than half an hour ago, Semper and the crew of the Macharius had seen the Fearsome ripped apart by Sabretooth’s savage tractor beam jaws.
Ork tractor beam weapons. Used to propel projectiles or to yank hard on ships.

page 107
Someone a few decks above wasn’t so fortunate, and a screaming body plunged down the metal chasm, which ran almost the full height of the ship through twenty-two decks of machinery-crammed engineering sections.
Gives an estimate on the number of decks and their size on Macharius.

Page 108
"If we engage the engines, we will only hasten our own destruction, struggling in one direction against the force pulling at us from the other, and tearing the ship apart in the process."
Engines of no elp against tractor beams

Page 108-109
"Engage port and starboard thrusters - anchor us in space. Channel all available power to the defence shields and set the shield frequency to four points above the norm."
"Studies have shown that changes in shield frequency can interfere with the gravitic fields of tractor beam weapons. I have never seen it done myself, but the great Magos Technicus Sulpicius the Precise proved in his studies in M.39 that."
"It’s working. The shields are interfering with the tractor beam. They’re boosting the tractor beam’s strength, trying to keep their grip on us."
Void shields, under the right conditions, can mess with gravitic (tractor beam) type weaponry. Considering we know gravitic weapons can comprise a broadside mount as well, this is not surprising. There are also those graviton gun beams.

Page 109
..the ship was moving, tumbling through space, rolling almost thirty degrees on its portside, its artificial gravity field crucially lagging several seconds behind in adjusting to the ship’s radical change of orientation
Again AG is lagging behind the movements, with all the implications I outlined before.

Page 112
Hull breaches were resealed, using whatever materials were available, including the salvaged remains of other vessels destroyed in the battle. Molten metal salves were applied to the wounds in the ship’s armoured flanks, adding further to the ancient patchwork of scars which criss-crossed its centuries-old hull.
Hull repair.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Gordon Rennie BFG novels thread [revisited]

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Second update for Shadow point. One to go:

Page 117-118
"Adept Rapavna has conveyed my battle report to Battlefleet Command, and we have received word back from them in return. A battle-squadron comprising of the Ark Imperial, two more squadrons of Cobras and a force of troop transports and warp-towed defence monitors is already in transit to the Mather system. They will arrive in several days and set up in orbit around the system’s third innermost planet, which will become the home base for a rigorous scouring of any remaining greenskin presence in the system."
That would imply a fairly short transit time (minutes, hours?) for messages to be sent and received.

Also 'warp towed' monitors, and several days warp travle from some other system. At least 10 LY.. thousands of c.

Page 118
The Ark Imperial was one of the old super-carriers of the now defunct Majestic-class of battleship. Its worn-out warp engines were almost past the point of final repair, and the journey through the warp to the Mather system might be its last, but it would make a fine centre of operations for the purposes of this mission.
an old battleship-scale carrier. OLDER is not always better... probably impressive it can make ayn speed through th warp in a few days, much less the towed monitors.

Page 118
"Our orders, effective immediately, are to make way at once to the Ramilies star fort Stygian, in the Elysium system.

Drachenfels and Graf Orlok are to accompany us. We’ll apparently have several days there to make good any battle damage and re-crew and re-equip before the commencement of our next mission."
Severla days of repair and refit and resupply.

Page 119-120
Semper did not consider himself to be superstitious - in many respects, he was the epitome of the hardnosed and practical-minded Schola Progenium-trained naval man..
I thought superstition was considered a laudable trait in the Imperium? :P

PAge 120
The mutant warp-sight of many Navigators could see into the future as well as into the immaterium. Solon Cassander was one so gifted..
Navigators may be able to see the future, at least via the warp.

Page 120
The eye, the trademark of the Imperium-sanctioned and almost priceless mutation of the Navigator strain of genetically-modified humanity which allowed the mighty ships of the Imperium of Mankind to traverse the galaxy, stared back at him, eerie and unblinking.
Rather amazing Semper can stare into a warp eye, like that.

Page 121
They stopped only when truly necessary, eating on the move, and even sleeping too, taking it in turns to use the lia’dhethi discipline of mastery of mind and body, the mind resting while the body continued its crude automaton functions.
Eldar Harlequins can literally sleepwalk.

Page 122
..moving swiftly and silently across the surface of worlds which were many light years apart in real universe terms but only a day or two’s webway travel from each other.
Rather slow by webway standards.. hundreds or thousands of c at least, but still damn fast. Then again we dont know how many light years

Page 122
The walls of the web-way were thin, and there were things swimming hungrily in the psychic ether beyond those walls, things which prowled eagerly for any due of power or knowledge over the living, mortal inhabitants of the real universe.
Guess there are limits to webwya protection, or at least the protection provided by routes that Harlequins use.

Page 129
Just another dead and empty world, they surmised, just another one of thousands of such worlds within their Imperium, an Imperium which, unknown to them, had been built in wilful ignorance upon the ruins of so many other, greater and more ancient civilisations which had ruled the galaxy long before the age of man.
Thousands of dead, alien worlds and remnants of Empires. I wonder how many are Necron.

Page 130
Now, and soon, Stabia would know something of greatness once more, for it would be upon its lifeless surface that the fate of the Gothic sector, of hundreds of inhabited worlds, and, perhaps the entire Imperium of Mankind itself, would be decided.

Hundreds of inhabited worlds in the Gothic sector.

Page 132
Anyone within the shadow point can, by their own actions, change their future and that of all others. Nothing is known. Nothing is predetermined. All is there to be won by any of the participants in the coming shadow play.
I wonder if, perhaps, the Battle of Terra and hte Emperor's battle with Horus was another such point?

Page 132-133
In the enclosed shell of his armoured strategium, the crippled human husk that was Erwin Ramas floated in an all-enveloping and protecting environment of synthetic amniotic fluid, surrounded by the myriad of wires, tubes, nourishment feeds and tendril-like mechadendrites which kept him alive and connected to the living mind of his vessel.
...while he slept, that part of him which was so intimately involved with the innermost workings of his ship was awake and active. It communed with the Drachenfels’s machine-mind, browsing through the neverending stream of information flowing through the ship’s mighty logic engines. It assessed surveyor and auspex readings, and kept half an eye on the ongoing status of the ship’s weapons and defence systems. It monitored too the steady input of information from the ship’s non-mechanical components: duty logs and crew assessments from his officers, damage repair updates from the vast teams of ratings still slaving round the clock to make good the last of the damage suffered in the battle against the greenskins.

Meanwhile, as that mind impulse-linked part of him continued to function, the human part of him slept, reliving the trauma of old battles and old wounds.
Erwin Ramas's state in his strategium. It bears part of a resemblance to many Titan Princeps in their little sarcophagi, right up to the amniotic fluid, but it also has some similarities with Space Marines (like that half awake/half sleep state monitoring things.) And again the 'machine mind' of the starship seems to be an actual, aware thing, interacting with and bound to the Captain. I imagine in the case of Semper and his ship, the senior Magos Techpriests fufill this role (which we know of from RElentless as well.)

The kinds of information monitored is also interesting.

Page 133
"Enemy contact four hundred kilometres to our rear, and starboard! Sigmuth’s balls, look how fast it’s coming in. Where the hell were our close-range defence augurs? How did he get in so close to us?"
400 km is considered insanely close, and yet an Eldar ship did it.

Page 133
For perhaps the thousandth time in the last one hundred and fifty years..
I'd guess Ramas' state prolongs his life.

Page 133
"Hard to starboard," Ramas heard himself say, for perhaps the thousandth time. "Deploy starboard side turrets quintus to octus, and let’s give those xenos bastards a good, clean taste of lance fire!"
5 and 8 lances in a broadside, so eight total. Differnet form what I figuredin the last novel (6 and 8, so even and odd side) Maybe they're arranged in two rows of four (even in one row, and odd in the other)

Page 134
The eldar ship seemed to flicker in and out of existence, its image actually jumping confusedly from one place to another in space. At times, Ramas saw multiple images appearing around it, often merging and blurring into each other. Whatever damnable alien technology the vessel was using to defend itself, it had the same confusing effect on his gunners’ targeting systems as it did on the human eye. Lance beams cut through space around the oncoming ship, probing in vain to find it. Ramas saw one energy beam harmlessly pass right through what he would have sworn had been the real target and not one of its phantom after-images
holofields in action, work on organic and inorganic senses.

Page 135
Fully awake now, he linked his consciousness into his ship’s gunnery systems, for the thousandth time rerunning the unique firing solutions and target pattern equations which he had long ago laid into the ship’s logic engines. Trapped as he was in this wreck of a body inside his strategium home, he had had plenty of time and opportunity to prepare for another encounter with the eldar in the last century and a half, should any of their kind ever cross his path again.
Ramas makes preparations for another Eldar engagement. Apparnetly fire control is one of those things that the ship's main computer is involved in.

Page 136
Cruel, mono-molecular edged blades ran down the seams of the limbs of the eldar’s armoured suit..
Dark Eldar have monomol blades on their armour

Page 140-141
His treatises on orbital siege and close in-system fighting were required reading during Semper’s days as a young officer.
Presumably orbital siege means something other than the warfare Honsou engaged in :P

Page 141
"I once met a Master of Ordnance who told me that the Fury pilots aboard his carrier ship mixed it with promethium fuel from their own fighters for new arrivals aboard ship to drink as some kind of initiation rite into their squadron."
This suggests starfighters might run on Promethium fuel. Not impossible, at least for certain things, although I'd note that by now in 40K fiction promethium is used for running everything from fossil fuel engines to nuclear reactors. And ther'es always that 'fuel cell' aspect, or the 'hydrogen like' angle.

The funny thing is, we know Ork fighters used fossil-fuel/chem engines, and those were considered crude and ineffective compared to what Furies ran with, so this is even more confusing. :lol:

Page 142
Neyland came from some far-flung line of nobility which had an impressively tenacious grasp on power in several star systems within the Gethsemane sub-sector..
Subsector, mutli-system spanning nobility, which is another nice indicator of how things oprerate on larger scales. It's not quite so isolated.

Page 143
He knew something of Borusa’s below-decks activities, but feigned to turn a deaf ear to any reports on the subject which managed to reach him. Such things had always gone on aboard the vessels of His Divine Majesty’s Imperial Navy, and it was a foolish captain who did not realise that these kind of illicit arrangements, if kept within reason, were necessary for the smooth running of any ship and its crew.
Apparently black market and otherwise illegal (criminal) activities, in mild/moderate amounts, are part and parcel of running a ship, and moreover this seems to be an unofficially accepted part of the way the Gothic navy runs. At least amongst the intelligent officers.

PAge 143
...Semper couldn’t and wouldn’t intervene if the commissar gathered enough evidence to allow him to take typically swift and summary action against Borusa.

Wait, a Commissar needs evidence to execute someone? what happened to 'power of life and death?'

Page 144
Tall, thin and greying - he showed all the signs of expensive and subtle rejuve treatment, and Semper could only make a haphazard guess at his age as being somewhere between sixty or as much as four or five times that figure - he was the typical vidpict propaganda drama image of an Imperial inquisitor..
Inquisitor Horst. Rejuv seems to slow his age to 1/4-1/5th his actual age, at least as far as appearance goes, as a 60 year old can look anywhere from 60 to 300. And he is still rather active all told, hardly at death's door despite that.

Also more 'vidpict propoganada drama' - seems the Imperium in the Gothic sector makes frequent use of video/visual media for propoganda (and probably entertainment) purposes. a Very effective means of manipulation, and it plays nicely on that old Cain 'attack run' stuff, methinks. I'd imagine he might live to a good 400-500 years old or more.

Page 145
"I admit to having encountered few servants of the Inquisition during my own time of service in the navy, but I wasn’t aware that inquisitors travelled with such large personal staffs."
"How many do you have in your personal staff?"
"Ordinarily? Never anything less than between fifty and sixty at any one time"
Gives a hint at how Inquisitorial staffs can run, at least for those who are more for the 'open' sorts of activity (unlike, say, Eisenhorn.)

Page 146
"Three capital vessel ships of the line, not to mention two Sword-class frigates and all the attack craft squadrons aboard this very splendid vessel. You do yourself too little credit, inquisitor. I’ve known entire planets taken with a smaller ’’temporarily seconded staff’’ than the one you have under your command here."
An indication of potential invasion forces.

Page 147
Surveyor and augur scans from all five vessels probed into the unfamiliar reaches of the system, searching for any source of danger to the Imperial vessels. Quickly, and one by one, the captains of each vessel received the collected information from their bridge crews.
Either this is a very very tiny system, it wasn't able to receive much data, or they have some sort of FTL scanning (psychic or otherwise), given that a fucking star system the size of Earth would take the better part of a day or more to scan with lightspeed sensors.

Page 149
Semper tried hard not to stare too much in curiosity at the glowing circuit patterns of electroglyph markings on the man’s face and shaven skull, nor at the unfamiliar nature of the man’s cyber-adaptations.
Horst's admech ally.

Page 149-151
"I would like my associate Monomachus to check your surveyor readings and possibly make some adjustments to their frequency range."
"Commodore Semper, with your permission, I would suggest a temporary adjustment of your vessel’s surveyor systems’ frequency range to the following new settings."

"These frequencies are extremely low-level, and the prime fluctuation vector you’re suggesting in these equations is extremely unorthodox. The Despoiler’s vessels aren’t too dissimilar to our own, with a broadly similar power output signature. Anything two or more ratio levels above these figures is enough to detect anything, friend and foe alike, within a radius of at least three AUs."
"The surveyor devices will take some moments to match the recalibrated settings we have introduced into them"
adjusting sensors. We learn why shortly. Note that Sensor ranges have at least a 3-4 AU distance, which suggests that the Macharius and her folk are at least 1-2 AU out of the system. Probably more.

Also given they detect the eldar very shortly, it points to Eldar ships having some very good stealth systems when they choose to run with very minimal emissions, and apparently this is not ocmmon knowledge - the Macharius' sensors can detect them, but they apparently don't have them configured to usually. I'd gather there is some sort of filter or adjustments to sift out potential false or trivial data, which the Eldar can (in certain situations at least) emulate.

Page 151
"Throne of Earth! There, eighteen thousand kilometres to our starboard rear. Vandire’s teeth, they’re practically staring right up our arse!"
Eldar vessels. Three of them, all easily within striking distance of the Macharius and its sister ships.
Indeed the Eldar get damn close. The fac tthey're behind the ship probably helps some. And well within attack range.

Page 151
"Maintain your present course in-system, and have your communications officers closely monitor these comm-net frequencies. They may have to make some changes to their equipment."
As with the surveyor settings, the information displayed was strange and unfamiliar, the frequencies at the far end of the spectrum from those used by the Imperium.
Eldar craft seem to use some sort of EM communication like the Imperium, just of a very narrow variety. Or rather they can, if they need to interact. As we noted they also have their own psychic communications, which are more effective.

Page 152
...cruising through space well within range of his vessel’s lance turrets like a peace-time flotilla parading before some local planetary dignitary at a ceremonial review of the fleet.
The Eldar, unsurprisingly, are well within range of the Drachenfel's lanses.

Also not sure what some 'peace time' flotilla is.. some Imperial equivalent of show the flag?

Page 152-153
He reached out through the mind link into the ship’s matriculators, retrieving his precious firing solution programs. He activated them, running them in a practice simulation through the Drachenfels’s logic engines, his mind flickering back and forth between the simulation and the real-time information relayed to him by the ship’s surveyor and auspex systems. He compared the two data streams, and then merged them, using the surveyor-gathered information on the nearby eldar ships as the new model for the firing simulation.

Ramas’s equations had been good, he knew, and the logic engine-created phantasm images were fine enough for what they were, but it was always better to have a real target and hard data to work with.

The logic engines waged the imaginary battle amongst themselves. Non-existent lance beams cut through an imaginary void to find and strike illusionary targets. Phantom explosions erupted in an intangible battle-zone which existed only in the ship’s dreaming machine-mind.

Ramas studied the results, and made the necessary corrections to his firing solutions and targeting equations. He ran the simulation again. This time, he was far more satisfied with the outcome.
Ramas running battle simulations and analysis of the data, as well as various other programs. Again heavy emphasis placed on some computerized or computer-assisted targeting, at least when it comes to lances.

Page 153
Slowly, the two formations split up, spreading out to take up preset positions throughout the small solar system. The remaining two ships, one eldar, one human, remained in high orbit above the dead world, each of them balefully studying the other as their comrade ships warily stalked each other in wide, elliptical picket guard orbits..
The human-Eldar formations spread out.

Page 154
So much of the webway had been lost since it had last walked its secret, mystic byways. Passages were blocked off or too unstable to be safely traversed.

Whole sections had disappeared or been destroyed. Several times now, it had been forced to make detours, seeking alternative paths towards its destination via several remote and long-unused nodal points.
The webway is a whole lot less extensive than it once was.

Page 154
..unknown to the orks had been active and amongst them all along, the burning god had immediately set about showing them the error of their ways.

When it left the place, nothing but dead ashes remained.
The Avatar cremates an entire tribe (settlement?) of Orks in an unknown timeframe.

Page 155
The gunfire increased in intensity. Many of the projectiles - crudely-cast metal slugs - vaporised into molten mist even as they struck the white-hot iron exterior of its armoured skin. Other, larger calibre shots impacted against it, although it barely registered the blows.
Gunfire pretty much useless against an Avatar.

Page 155
The burning god growled to itself in irritation, turning its glowering gaze towards the source of the gunfire, and sent out a blast of glowing fire with one sweep of its rune-carved sword blade. The line of greenskin vehicles exploded in sequence, the mystic fire jumping from one to the other, consuming their screaming crews in a halo of black fire and detonating ammunition stocks and primitive fossil fuel tanks. Ork infantry ran in panic from the conflagration, and were reduced to ash by another sweep of the burning blade held in the god’s hand.
More destruction, more cremation, this time in a much shorter timeframe.. I'd guess dozens of Orks perhaps, we're talking well into the GIGAJOULEZZZ for that. Of course since it is for all intents and purpsoes a major daemonic type entity/fragment of a god, this is not terribly surprising.

Page 156
The orks did not realise it, but, even if they had had one to use, not even a traktor beam weapon could have moved the avatar from the spot where it now stood.
I'd guess that means he's either resistant to gravity manipulation or can manipulate gravity to some degree himself.

Page 156
Screaming orks, bursting into flames as they came into contact with the superheated air around the burning god, flew through the air amidst the wreckage of their vehicle.

The burning god lowered its guard and moved on, walking through the scattered wreckage, the heat of its passing detonating the vehicle’s fuel tank and causing ammunition-loaded weapons in the hands of dead and dying orks to explode apart.
Even close proximity to an Avatar can be dangeorus, unsurprisingly. Blowing apart/igniting orks should easily be in the multi-MJ range per Ork.

Page 156
More gunfire buzzed through the air around the burning god, the occasional heavier round splattering in a molten mess against its skin.
Heavy slugs melt too. ASsuming lead, which requires some 61 kj to melt at earthlike temps It would take 3 kj per bullet to melt (we're probably talking hundreds or thousands of bullets hitting and melting) LArger slugs could take hundreds of kj depending on mass (figure at least a kg or two for a large one.) It goes without saying the damn thing is tough, and nasty.

Page 156-157
The god spoke, uttering a few sounds which only the most venerable farseers would recognise as being words of power. As it spoke, it thrust its burning blade into the ground at its feet. The earth erupted open, and a blazing line of fire ran towards the gate with preternatural speed.
A few seconds later, the fire line found its target.
The gate and large portions of the battlements on either side of it blew apart in an incandescent fireball.

The burning god walked on, oblivious to the soil, battlement wreckage and orkoid remains showering down all around it from the sky.
The Avatar blows apart an Ork gate. I can't say I can see how Marneus Calgar beat one of these things, all told.

Page 157
A massive ork in primitive power armour charged at it, roaring in ferocious anger as it swung a whirring, double-handed chainsword round its head. The burning god reached out and grabbed the ork by the throat, lifting it clear off the ground. Holding it by one hand, it shook the screaming ork as if it were nothing more than a puppet.

The unnatural heat from its hand melted through the stuff of the ork’s armour, igniting the creature’s flesh. In seconds, the creature was ablaze from head to foot. The burning god shook the blazing puppet-thing, causing pieces of it to fall to the ground in a rain of fiery gobbets.

Finally, it dropped the empty, fire-blackened armour to the ground and continued on.
Considering that power armoured orks tend to be rather large, and massive in their power armour (multiple tonnes, IIRC) this is impressive both as a feat of strength and for the fact the Avatar could reduce it to a molten puddle. Multi ton lifting and (probably) multiple gigajoules of energy expended again.

Page 158
The avatar killed the ork psyker with one fiery glance. The ork collapsed onto the steps, rolling in agony. Smoke and weird-coloured flame emerged from its mouth, nose and eyes as the contents of its skull ignited from within.
Weirdboyz do fuck all to an Avatar.

Page 160
...the four squads of armsmen lined up on the shuttle deck, all of them in carapace armour and bearing fearsome shotcannon weapons and holstered navy pistols.
..seeing the strings of ammunition bandoliers worn by each armsman, and the bulging pouches of grenades, power cells and rebreather rigs hanging from their equipment harnesses.
Naval armsmen arms and armament. Quite a bit impressive given what we saw of shotcannons in the last novel (or other sources), and the carapace.

I wonder what the powercells are to. The navy pistols?

Page 160
Borusa had a brace of holstered navy pattern pistols and a heavy bolter, holding the cumbersome heavy weapon as if it were nothing more than an ordinary bolter.
Yet another Gigantic Human (like Bragg from Ghosts) holding a heavy bolter effortlessly . Borusa must be as fucking huge as a goliath. Then again since there are differences in scale between Astartes boltguns and normal human boltguns, the same probably applies to heavy bolters as well.

Page 161
..the three armoured troop carrier shuttles fired up their engines in preparation for take-off.
armoured shuttles. Wonder if they have turrets?

Page 161
The very air of the launch bay throbbed with the vibration, and the atmosphere of the place was filled with the heavy chemical reek of expelled promethium. Semper turned to exit the bay, leaving only the servitors and human ground crew in their thickly-armoured protective suits to conduct the final technical checks in the almost unbearable atmosphere of the shuttle bay,
The troop shuttles use chem engines (promethium, which makes sense) and the ground crew where thickly armoured suits to work in the enviroment with those engines.

Page 162
Released from their grav-lock moorings, the three shuttles lifted off..
shuttles 'grav locked' to the deck? Does this mean magnetic (like the Starhawks in EH) or actual antigrav (like the suspensor fields that assist with launch/recovery?)

Page 163
The Furies, a model adapted for planetary atmospheric flight, took up a protective position around the shuttles and guided them down towards their destination.
Atmospheric model fury variant. I wonder if the

Page 163
...closing his eyes and seeming to simply will himself to sleep through the remainder of the short but violently bumpy orbital descent down towards the surface of Stabia.

When he opened his eyes again, twenty minutes later as they touched down upon the planet’s rocky surface.
20 minute descent to the planet's surface. Recall earlier mention of the Macharius in high orbit. From geostationary we're talking ~30 km/s. If 'high orbit' is closer to 96,000 km or so (see Wolf's Honour) we're talking a max of 80 km/s. I imagine we're talking a good 5-10 gees at least for geostationary, and close to 12-14 gees for high orbit. The fighters likely accompany them down and have similar performance.

Page 165
Others of his race might profess to find the human vessel crude and primitive, a typical product of the barbaric mon-keigh, but to Kariadryl it represented all that he found most secretly terrifying about the humans. Massive and overwhelming, brutal and threatening, it seemed solid and formidably permanent in contrast to the slender, delicate, wraithbone-formed vessels of the eldar. Kariadryl could only imagine how many teeming thousands of humans there were aboard the massive cruiser, but he was all too painfully aware of the far lesser number of eldar - barely more than a thousand - who made up the crew of the Vual’en Sho.
An interesting POV on human engineering, as well as the crew complement of an Eldar cruiser.

Page 165-166
And the humans had - how many, he wondered - thousands or tens of thousands of such vessels, spread all through the galaxy? In stark contrast, An-Iolsus could only muster a handful of ships, most of which were held in reserve for the defence of the craftworld itself.

In his darkest thoughts, Kariadryl strongly doubted that the entire eldar diaspora, scattered as it was across dozens of craftworlds all through the galaxy, could gather its collected forces together in greater numbers than even the size of the single battlefleet group which the humans used to control this sector of their far-flung empire.
Eldar farseer speculating on the number of Imperial cruisers in the galaxy. Tens of thousands maybe, but that could even be an underestimate, but thousands is too low. Even disregarding the 'thousnads of battlefleets' thing, consider the Astartes fleets. A couple battlebarges for most chapters, half a dozen to a half score of strike cruisers (probably), and a dozen or more escorts.. and the Astartes fleets are supposed to be VASTLY outnumbered by the Imperial fleet. Hell that doesn't even include all the escorts and cruisers that the Rogue Traders through the galaxy must have (thousands of them, easily), or the AdMech warships, or the arbites cruisers and escorts (thousands of strike cruisers easily I'm betting for the Arbites alone, even if there was just one Punisher per sector)

Thousands of cruisers, indeed tens of thousands of warships for the Imperium TOTAL is a horrid under-estimate. Luckily most sources (like FFG) suggest otherwise, and this is not exactly contradictory since an Eldar farseer is unlikely to have extensive knowledge of human naval matters.

There is also a not-so-minor matter of pessimism when it comes to Eldar numbers, for that matter. A 'handful' of vessels for one craftworld (probably more than that given we've seen at least 3-4 total and the majority back at the craftworld..), and 'dozens' of craftworlds (HAH!) barely able to amass sufficient forces to compare to a battlefleet (dozens of craftworlds times a good 8-12 ship is easily going to be a couple hundred ships at least... does this mean battlefleets amass 3, 4 or even 5 hundred ships?

Hell I'm pretty sure the Tau could amass more than a few dozen or a few hundred ships, nevermind the Eldar. And lets not get started on the 'millions strong' fleets of the Tyranids (hundreds of Imperial ships barely fought off thousands of Tyranid ones, that suggests at least the two segmentum fighting the nids should amass hundreds of thousands of ships, nevermind the Imperium as a whole.

Besides which, the mentality of this farseer thorughout the book is a rather pessimistic one - he literally sees the decline of the Eldar in everything he looks at.

Page 166
And who will there be then to guard the things which the elder ones have left behind, he asked himself? That was why this mission was so important, he realised, even if these others did not. The humans were savage and primitive in comparison to the eldar, but they were also the new heirs to the galaxy and its secrets, just as the elder themselves had inherited it from those races who had gone before. It must fall to the likes of Kariadryl to educate this new upstart race and teach them something of the deadly inheritance which might one day yet be theirs.
This is an interesting approach to Eldar-human relations, sort of a mentoring or educational approach. We could see elements of that in various approaches - the Eldar and Czevak, the Illuminati, etc. although some of that is less education and more puppetry, but still... the idea that the Eldar (even if only some Eldar) might view the humans of the Imperium as heirs of some kind is... odd. Not very grimdark even, but its an idea that has some basis even in the oldest fluff.

PAge 166
"The temporary webway portal is open and stabilised, and I have sent scouts on ahead."
The Eldar use a temporary webway portal to the surface.

Page 168
"Static electricity, we think," commented Horst, appearing suddenly beside him. "It seems to repel the dust, which must be why this place wasn’t buried under the stuff long ago. How it’s generated, or how the integrity of the field has been maintained for maybe thousands of years is something none of my people have yet been able to explain."
Interesting Xenos (Eldar?) forcefield tech of some kind.

Page 170-171
Teleportation technology was rare enough - amongst the forces of the Imperium, only the Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes were equipped to withstand its potentially lethal rigours and he had found no recorded evidence of its use amongst the eldar.

Nevertheless, piecing together many fragmented dues and suppositions, there was plenty of evidence to suggest that the eldar race possessed some advanced form of transportation technology unknown to the Imperium, since there were so many reports of eldar raiders appearing suddenly on a planet’s surface after somehow having been able to completely bypass and elude any orbital or planetary system defences which might have been in place.

Indeed, despite the numerous encounters between eldar and Imperium naval forces, and the confirmed sightings of the same eldar ship at points many light years apart from each other, there was a great body of evidence to suggest that the eldar ships were not even equipped with warp drive technology. If they did not have warp engines, how then were they able to travel the distances between the stars?
Teleporters, and the webway (and the Imperium's lack of knoweldge of the latter.) Interesting that they impliy Astartes as a rule (and not just Terminators) are equipped to use them. Especially since various sources (including FFG and BFG) imply humans can use them too.

Page 171
On the vox-channels, there was a babble of excited, panicked voices sounding over the crackling hiss of the storm.
"Use your infra-red filters. Advance in three-man squads. Keep in touch with the squads around you."
One of Horst's lieutenant's giving orders. I presume this means the Armsmen as well as the Inquisitorial retinue.

Page 172
Now, for the first time, he saw fear in the man, and Kyogen’s secret weakness was exposed to him.

Aliens, thought Ulanti, knowing the fear and horror which Imperial anti-alien propaganda had successfully installed into so many of the Emperor’s subjects. He’s afraid of anything xenos-bred.
A commissar who is a xenophobe (afraid instead of hate). I guess propoganda isnt always the best, is it? :P

Page 175
..for the fourth time in as many hours, his surveyor officers had once again allowed the eldar vessel ahead of them to slip out of the reach of his vessel’s scanners.
The eldar vessel had been arrogantly showing off, almost taunting them, as it executed a bewildering series of complex manoeuvres, shocking them with its sudden turns of speed and confounding the abilities of their surveyor systems by modulating the density and frequency of its energy signature, alternatively fading away completely from their augur screens and then appearing elsewhere from its last reported or estimated position in a sudden flare of energy signal.
Eldar EW games again. It seems they're not just limited to holofield trickery, they can play games with their emission signatures (Some sort of Disruption ECM/EW capability, I'd guess?) to make themselves harder to track/detect.

Page 175
And now it was gone again, disappearing from their surveyor screens after executing a rapid turn sunwards and vanishing without trace.
"Surveyor contact, two AUs to starboard, and closing!’"
At its last recorded position, the eldar ship was ahead of them and pulling away from them at speed. Now it had somehow slipped round their starboard flank and was closing on them instead, appearing from out of nowhere and at an alarmingly close distance.
Starship at 2 AU. I'm guessing that it got out to that distance sometime in 4 hours, which is impressive given thats a speed of over 20,000 km/s, and would imply an acceleration in excess of 100-200 gees.

Page 175-176
"According to these readings, it’s an Imperial ship. A Praetor-class frigate!"
The Praetor-class vessel was in service amongst many of the local Imperium battlefleets of the Ultima Segmentum, but, as far as Karasev was aware, it had never been used within the Segmentum Obscuras, and certainly not by Battlefleet Gothic.
Praetor frigate.

Page 177
He was just about to order a course change away from the ship, and for the Volpone’s gun batteries to be run out and readied to fire, when the image on the screen suddenly warped for a second.
For a moment - just the briefest of moments - the image of the frigate had flickered off, revealing the merest, snatched glimpse of. something else behind or beyond the facade of that image.
Another ship, Karasev told himself irrationally, unable to deny what he had just seen with his own eyes. It’s a projection concealing a completely different ship!

"Battle stations! All power to defence shields!"

The order was only half out of his mouth when he saw the second impossible thing happening on the augur screen before him. Torpedoes fired from a prow which had no torpedo tubes. Suddenly there were torpedoes streaking through space towards his vessel, travelling at a velocity no Imperium-made torpedo could match.

Karasev stared sickly at the data on his command lectern, seeing the torpedoes eat up the distance between them and his vessel, and knowing that he had made the greatest and final mistake of his career. A caustic Stranivarite oath which could never have come from any Cypra Mundian aristocrat escaped from his lips.

"Signal the Macharius," he ordered, determined to at least give some useful purpose to his final moments. "Tell them we have been betrayed and are under attack from the eldar!"

Moments later, the torpedoes struck home. The Volpone, its eight hundred crew...
DE torpedo strike on Sword class frigate. The DE mimic engines (as we know) can visually representa any vessel. The ship gets well inside weapons range and the torpedoes take moments (seconds) to strike the target, long before the void shields can go to max (moments, certainly less than a full minute)

Assuming between 20,000 and 300,000 km you can get btween 300 km/s and 5,000 km/s torpedo velocity. It probably fits in there somewhere. This also implies (hearking back to the Contagion example in EH as well as the implications here) that macro shells, mass drivers, etc. travel at many thousands or tens of thousands of km/s again.

Also the DE ship had to have closed that 2 AU distance damn fast.. less than a day, probably less than a few hours.. closing at thousands or tens of thousands of km/s, which again puts an interesting spin on the torpedo velocities.

Also Sword class frigate has a crew of merely 800. contrast this with FFG numbers (Which run in excess of 10,000 IIRC for a mile long ship.)

PAge 178
Archon Satikus however, could not have maintained his position as kabal lord of the Poison Heart for these last few thousand years,...
DE aged several thousand years.

Page 179
To display before the other kabals hundreds or perhaps even thousands of those who were once their kin...
hundreds or thousands of Eldar crew for starships.. must be tens of thousands on the ship crews at for an entire Craftworld. That implies that craftworlds would probably be in the hundreds of thousands or millions population wise - I doubt their naval forces make up the majority of their populace!

Page 180
..the thought-talker next to him fell screaming and gurgling to the ground, his torso shredded apart by a hit from one of the enemy’s weapons.
DE weapon on eldar body.

Page 181
The infinity circuit mind of the ship screamed in silent...
...heading towards the sacred wraithbone core which housed the ship’s precious infinity circuit mind.
Starship infinity circuit

Page 181
Kyrrl turned and fired, decapitating the Guardian’s attacker as a volley of razor-sharp shards of metal from Kyrrl’s shuriken pistol, propelled at enormous speed by the gravitic forces inside the pistol’s firing chamber, tore through the dark eldar warrior’s throat and embedded themselves in the chest of a second warrior following close behind.
Effects and penetration of Shruiken pistol.

Page 182
The creatures screeched in vile, ecstatic pleasure as the shuriken fire tore into them, chopping through limbs and slicing clean through flesh and bone. Kyrrl saw one of the things, a shuriken shot carrying off a good third of its malformed head...
Another one, flayed by round after round of repeated shuriken hits, only succumbed after all its limbs had been shot away. Its limbless torso, pierced in a dozen places, flopped to the ground, where it wriggled in a spreading pool of its own fluids....

Page 183
Kaether had been making the final adjustments to his flight suit, ensuring that the plug-in nodes of his helmet were clear and that his suit’s emergency oxygen supply was unobstructed...
Fury flight suit. I wonder what the plug ins are for.. something electronic or is it just life support like the oxygen?

Page 184
Kaether was not sure what to believe. He believed in the power of the Emperor, even if that power was located on remote and far distant Terra, and he believed in the divine righteousness of the need to protect mankind from its many enemies, but he was in essence a practical, pragmatic man and, day to day, mainly put his faith in his own abilities and those of his pilots. The promise of divine protection was all very well, but Kaether preferred the more solid assurance of a Fury interceptor, fully checked-out and fuelled and armed, and a pair of trustworthy wingmen on each side of him.
When I tend to think of the 'religious' angle of the Imperium, this tends to be something I view - more 'quietly' religious, but still fairly practical (but not neccesarily educated), rather than some sort of raving, fanatical lunatic (not even Zane is like that, and he's regarded as a bit of a fanatic.) It adds some semblance of believability and shows some diversity in the nature of humanity in the Imperium, as well as emphasizing the sheer diversity (militantly diverse, indeed, given how vigorous the Ministorum is in co-opting religions) of that faith.

Page 186
The mon-keigh vessel loomed large before him, its image magnified a hundredfold by the wraithbone-infused crystal material of the cockpit blister.
Eldar bombers have cockpit magnification.

Page 186
His hands twitched in frustrated, unfulfilled eagerness to pass across the crystal control nodes on the instrumentation panel in front of him, the pattern of their movements, combined with a simple thought-command from Kornous, enough to launch the Eagle’s lethal cargo of missiles.
Launch systems of Eldar missiles.

Page 186-187
...he saw the wave of missiles strike the mon-keigh ship. Many of them smashed themselves to pieces against the mon-keigh ship’s dense armour, but enough penetrated through to accomplish their task.

In his mind’s eye, he saw the missiles detonate in sequence within the body of their target, saw the shape of the human cruiser heave and convulse as its metal innards were pulverised under the hammer blow impacts of the missiles’ sonic warheads; saw, moments later, the target begin to break apart, its shattered internal structure no longer able to hold it together.

Saw, a few scant moments later, the enemy vessel consumed in a white flash as primitive mon-keigh plasma reactors catastrophically ruptured apart.
DE sonic missiles penetrate and detonate.

Page 189
..studying the figure of the eldar through an infrared augmented auspex scope, a piece of equipment borrowed from one of Horst’s retinue, and just about the only thing they had which could pierce the veil of swirling dust.
This would seem to suggest the Armsman (or the commisar at least) doesn't have any infrared gear.

Page 190
Kyogen kept flipping the activation stud of his chainsword on and off, setting the weapon’s monomolecular cutting blade in brief but noisy whirring motion...
Another monomol chainsword

Page 191
"Ulanti to all units," he shouted into his comm-unit, not knowing how many of his men could hear him amidst the confusion of the storm and the sudden alien assault.
The Naval units it seems have thier own comms, at least.

Page 192-193
The first Kaether and his squadron knew of the emergency was when an entire series of amber and red warning runes flashed into life across his control console, as his helmet’s comm system was filled with screaming static, and his craft was violently buffeted by invisible waves of energy.

His veteran pilot’s instincts immediately knew the cause of the power surge interference which was currently threatening to overwhelm his Fury’s control systems, but his conscious mind took several vital more seconds to realise what was happening.

"Evasive manoeuvres! The Macharius is raising its shields," confirmed Manetho, from the cockpit space behind him. "We’re too close! We’re caught in the flux of the energy backwash!"

Kaether fought with the controls, powering the Fury out of the grip of the invisible force which was threatening to destroy it. He fed more power to the engines, seeking to put as much distance as possible between himself and the Macharius, and the energy force it was now throwing out. As the Fury turned and looped in a safe course away from the massive shadow of its mothership, he caught a brief glimpse of the Dictator-class cruiser as it swung across the portside view from his cockpit.

It was moving, engaging the main drive engines, the telltale plumes of plasma fire along the sides of its hull showing that it was firing up its manoeuvring thrusters. Slowly, ponderously, the three kilometre-long bulk of the warship was swinging round in space.
the 3 km long Macharius is powering up its void shields, a process which announces itself by emitting force and/or energy. If thse are the 'warp portal' type voids (or if they incorporate that sort of defnese into their overall makeup) we might figure this is the prelude to the formation of the warp fields or whatever (spatial distortions and whatever energy emissions it usually makes.)

Either way, the activation of void shields are dangerous to any matter in close proximity to the ship, including fighters.

Also Kaether has helmet comms which may be at least one of the systmes the plug-ins were for.

Page 193

Even as he looked, he saw the eldar cruiser swing round towards the Macharius. In comparison with the Imperium vessel, the movements of the alien craft were lithe and graceful; it seemed almost to turn on its own axis without the visible aid of any manoeuvring thrusters. Despite the seductive grace of the manoeuvre, despite the way in which the strange craft’s giant, almost sail-like appendages spread out, their delicate crystalline veins and surfaces scintillating as they caught the sunlight from Stabia’s two stars...
Eldra manuvering with thier magic sails.

Page 193
An attack.

Now he knew he and his squadron were in even greater danger. Tiny as the Furies were in comparison to the leviathans of the Macharius and the eldar ship, it was highly unlikely that any of his squadron would actually be hit by the incoming weapons fire from the eldar ship, but that was not what worried Kaether.

The Macharius had its shields up now, probably at full strength, judging by the amount of feedback wash which was still cutting into the Fury’s own onboard systems. The shields would bear the brunt of the enemy’s initial attack, protecting the ship from serious harm, but the impact of the enemy weapons fire against the powerful void shield barrier would unleash an energy burst of ferocious strength, more than capable of annihilating any attack craft caught in its reach.
The passage of quotes indicates that the Mach's shields were up to full within a matter of seconds, which meshes with the 'less than a minute' reference from Execution Hour. Kaether expects the shields will absorb the majority (but not all) of the Eldar lance strike, which says something about their firepower - at least against voids.

Also the vioids will 'dump' energy into the surrounding void (which is dangerous to starfighters.) Whether this is a side effect of the void shield process (the energy dumped into the shield iself being bled off, or the lance's energy being redirected into space) we don't know, it could go either way. Hell, it could even be both! it could also be a side ffect of the 'warp portal' aspect of voids.

Page 194
The long, stuttering line of energy fire struck the Macharius square on, hammering against the invisible barrier of its void shields. The eldar ship kept up the punishing torrent of fire for far longer than Kaether would have believed possible, certainly for far longer than the recharge capacity of any Imperium-built lance battery could have managed. Exhausted by the relentless battering they were being subjected to, the Macharius’s void shields collapsed in an implosion of energy. The remainder of the eldar lance fire slashed across the Imperial cruiser’s hull, laying open its armoured flanks and blowing apart launch bays and shuttle docks.

Wounded, violated, the Macharius still swung ponderously round in space, completing the rest of its manoeuvre.
Pulse lances fire. They have a greater duration than Imperial lances, unsurprisingly. What's interesting is that this passage suggests lances run off a capacitor/battery like most other systems are implied, but they can be constantly recharged as well (meanin gat least some energy gets dumped in to supplement whatever may be in the capacitors.)

also the Machacirus completes its turn as the attack finishes.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Gordon Rennie BFG novels thread [revisited]

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Last update for Shadow Point, after this we're done with REnnie.

Page 194
The blast wave thrown out by the collapsing void shields sped out in pursuit of the escaping Fury flight, crackling bursts of electromagnetic energy and fiery plasma squalls snapping angrily at the fighters’ tails. At the head of the scattered formation, Kaether rode out the effects of the shockwave, gripping the flight controls tightly and mumbling the words of half-remembered prayers as he felt his fighter shake violently around him.

Only after the dissipating shockwave had passed, only after the flashing runes on the instrumentation panel in front of him returned to something resembling normalcy, only after the feedback scream had faded away to be replaced by an excited babble of voices from the flight controller officers aboard the Macharius, did Kaether allow himself to look at the panel showing the squadron status runes. Four runes were still lit; two were not.

Two Furies gone, destroyed by the energy wave from the collapsing void shields.
Effects of the void shield collapse. The interesting thing is that its both EM and particle (well plasma) radiation. This either means the lances is a particle beam or a laser/particle hybrid (which would fit iwth Andy Chamber's depictions at least.), the void shields involve plasma in some how (either 'leaked' form the warp, which may mean its not real plasma, or the voids involve some sort of plasma component to them.) or EM energy (or both), or that the shields spontaneously created matter from pure energy (which seem shighly unlikely.) Either way it reuslts in a 'shockwave''.

Again the nature of the released energy/blast effects aren't known, it could either have been the weapons fire being absorbed and dissipated/redirected away (sort of like a Mote in the Gods Eye Langston field, in that respect, or perhpas osme sort of energy absorption/dissipation system.) or it was some sort of energy directed into powering the voids (bleed off, inefficiencies, or whatever, perhaps a byproduct of a warp void formation if we go with that theory.)

Also Kaether's 'squadron' in this case seems to be only 6 furies (5 plus one extra, so technically the squadron would have been 5.) This either suggests squadron has no fixed number and is only a field designation (representing the units in the field in whatever strength is deployed or available.) or squadrons got reorganized somehwere along the way for whatever reaosn.

Also void shield collapse messes with comms, and probably also with sensors (which IIRC is what BFG suggested.)

Page 195
for all its barbaric crudeness, the mon-keigh vessel was larger and more powerful, and Lileathon’s vessel would stand little chance against it in a straight duel.
This would suggest that Imperial starships are far more powerful (in what context, we don't know) than Eldar craft. My earlier example noted (for example) that Pulsar lances must be vastly more powerful than Imperium weapons, but it doesn't take into context all the variables other than assuming 'brute power'. The Imperium could have more firepower in number of guns (Eldar could have fewer but more individually more powerful guns.) Or it may be due to the superior duration (as already noted) allowing them to pull Shadow battlecrab-like slicing effects. Or it may be up to superior focus - the ability to deliver greater quantities of energy in a shorter period of time than the Imperium, and in a much smaller area than the Imperium can (which can lead to greater destructive power even if the Imperium expends far more energy to achieve similar effects - efficiency is an advantage and brute force is not always the best way.)

Page 196
Kornous surveyed the sensor information fed to him through the bomber’s infinity circuit matrix...
Eldar bombers have an infincity circuit on their craft. I know they're aspect piloted, but is it a good idea to have (valuable) Eldar souls on craft that can get potentially vaporized by the rigors of space combat? I thought souls were more valuable than that.

The same COULD be said of Eldar Fighter Pilots, but Aspect Warriors are about fufilling some sort of emotional/psychic need more than practicality, so thta really isn't an issue. But there's nothing really requiring an infinity circuit on the craft I can tell. The only possible reason would be that they need to keep the spirits separate from other circuits (like Exarch armour) for fear of contaminating the Craftworld's circuit, or something.

Page 196
Suddenly, shockingly, the Eagle on Kornous’s near port-side exploded apart, struck by a hail of lascannon fire at a range and accuracy which the eldar commander did not think possible of mere mon-keigh gunnery skills.
Bet that's Zane.

Page 196-197
The eldar craft opened fire with their forward turrets, infinity circuit-linked scatter lasers filling the space around the human fighters with bright-splashing las-fire.
Kornous linked into his craft’s infinity circuit systems, using his own consciousness to boost the efforts of his craft’s defensive turret fire.

Massed fire from linked series of shuriken cannon gored the belly of one of the fighters, flaying through plasteel armour.
Eldar bombers have forward (infinity circuit controlled) laser turrets and aft shuriken turrets. Active control from the pilot helps guide infinity circuit spirits.

Page 197
Combined autocannon fire from the two Furies riddled the hull of another Eagle..
Even through the protective firewall installed in his craft’s mind-link communications systems, Kornous could easily sense the pain in the mind-voice of the co-pilot of the damaged Eagle. Her pilot commander was dead, blown apart by human auto-cannon shells, the bomber’s hull was punctured in dozens of places...
Furies have autocannons equipped in this novel. Again this seems to suggest that Furies are modular at least as far as payload goes.

Also some sort of protective 'firewall' for psychic links, which makes sense.

Page 197
Kornous ordered her to return to the Vual’en Sho, with a single angry command. Eldar blood was too rare and precious to be wasted in noble but futilely suicidal gestures.
Irony I suppose, given we're talkign fighters and bombers, but I also explained this. Other considerations than practicality dictate such approach for the Eldar (like the Path system I suppose) but that doesn't mean they totally disregard practicality, I suppose.

Page 199
Zane permitted himself a small moment of human pleasure, offering up a prayer of thanks to the Emperor who had guided his hand in those last few moments. Machine mind had told him that what he was trying to do was impossible, that it was almost certainly a pointless, futile gesture which would lead to the destruction of him and his craft, but Zane had not listened.
Zane's machine and human components seem to be separate... personalities is not quite the right word, but close enough I suppose. IT's not just inert metal at least.

Page 202-203
"Twelve thousand kilometres, and closing," counted off a surveyor officer, as they watched the enemy target icons on the augur screen advance relentlessly towards them..
...had appeared on the surveyor screens over an hour ago, following a possible warp exit energy burst some time before.
..he had put up a fighting retreat, deliberately leading the Chaos ships on a tangent course away from the other Imperial ships’ locations, while turning every so often to fire off broadsides at his pursuers. So far, this tactic had paid off, succeeding in damaging one of the escorts and stripping the shields several times from the cruiser vessel.
Now, however, that game was almost played out, and the enemy had closed to lethal range, bringing its deadly prowmounted lance armaments to bear.
An implied hour-long battle, 'lethal range' for lances at 12,000 km.

Page 203-204
For some minutes, turning to starboard and presenting its broadside flank to the enemy, the Graf Orlok was able to trade blows with the Chaos ships. A well-aimed lance strike exploded the prow of one of the escorts, possibly crippling it. Broadsides of massed turbolaser and macro-cannon fire stripped the Carnage-class once more of its shields, landing hits across its sloped topside and opening up several breaches in its hull.

But, outgunned and outnumbered, for every hit the Graf Orlok inflicted on its opponents, it received many more in return.

Expert weapons fire from the Carnage picked off the Graf Orlok’s two starboard side lance batteries. A torpedo strike from the undamaged Infidel penetrated through to the eng-inarium section, knocking out two of the Lunar-class cruiser’s plasma reactors and causing a crippling power loss just when it needed power most.
A wave of macro-cannon impacts gutted two entire decks of gun batteries on the starboard side, and detonated one of the secondary magazines. Hundreds died in the initial explosion, thousands more in the resulting conflagration as firestorms swept through decks and galleries, consuming everything in their path. Fires burned out of control throughout the forward section of the ship, isolating more than a thousand desperate crew in the torpedo rooms.
..dying in a sudden explosive holocaust when the advancing fires ignited either the torpedo warheads or the missiles’ fuel mix.
Close in battle 'minutes long' against unequal odds for a Lunar class. It has turbo-lasers and macro cannons (alongside the fusion beamers, and laser cannons if those aren't the turbo-lasers, which they might not be, meaning 3-4 different kinds of weapons in the broadside of the Graf Orlok.) Torpedoes and munitions volatile to fire (read into that whatever you want :P) and at least a thousand crew for loading torpedoes.

Oh and macro cannons landing direct hits, multiple times :P

Page 206
"While the eldar are known to be a piratical race, and while many of the human pirate fleets have gone over to the enemy’s side, or at least sworn oaths of fealty to the Despoiler since the outset of the war, there are no reported incidences of eldar pirates directly aiding the enemy at any point. Indeed, Inquisition records show many confirmed incidents throughout Imperium history where eldar forces have, for whatever reasons, actually aided Imperium forces against the servants of the Powers of the Warp. There are also many recorded accounts to suggest that the eldar are also not above taking direct action themselves against the servants of Chaos, independent of any Imperium involvement."
"and for every one of these ’’reported instances’’, I can give you a dozen more proven examples of eldar treachery. You know well enough what they’re capable of, Semper. Colonies wiped out, convoys attacked, garrisons assaulted and warships ambushed. The aliens may not be in league with the Despoiler, but they’ve proven here yet again that they can never be trusted. I had my doubts about this endeavour, and so did Ravensburg, and now we’ve seen who was right all along. Horst’s notion of an alliance with such a race was a brave one, but also a foolish one, as we now plainly see."
Imperial/Eldar collaboration against Chaos, many 'confirmed' and probably as many (or more) unconfirmed.

It also reflects that there is alot of blood and resentment on both sides, much of it justified. From the craftworld humans destroyed on the eldar side, to eldar piracy and massacre on the human side. The arrogance both sides display, the contempt, the fear... it is a perverse sort of connection to have. The important point is that this conflict - and the Gothic war as a whole - hinges on the ability of both humanity and Eldar to put aside their personal grievances, move beyond the past, and forge some sort of alliance in the face of a greater threat. Not unlike with the Tyranids.

Page 206
"..our studies have revealed there are many different factions or clan-like groupings, each one with its own distinct perspective and methods. It is a mistake to assume that the proven hostile actions of one group of eldar reflect on the likely behaviour of another. Indeed, internecine warfare between different groups of eldar is not unknown, and there is evidence, much of it Inquisition-sealed, to suggest that the worst atrocities ascribed to the race in general may in fact be the work of some kind of renegade faction or pariah offshoot which is itself extremely hostile to the rest of the eldar race."
The Eldar are, unsurprisingly, made up of a group of different 'clans' or factions. Again not unlike the Imperium.

Pgae 207
They had launched several ineffectual broadsides at the eldar cruiser, watching in helpless anger as it effortlessly eluded each of them, its speed and manoeuvrability taking it out of reach of the Macharius’s weapons batteries, where it hovered now, proud and mocking.
That would imply it took the Eldar ship seconds to evade broadsides, although the distance is probably much shorter (thousands/tens of thousands of km, I'd guess?) depending on exact orbital positions.

Page 208
There is still so much we don’t understand about them, Semper thought to himself, unknowingly echoing the earlier thoughts of Horst. That’s where the danger lies: in our own ignorance.

Page 210
Even over the dull, smothering growl of the dust storm, Ulanti could still hear the loud insect whine of deadly projectile objects passing close by at supersonic speed.
Eldar shuriken weapons seem to be supersonic, or at least this context would provide that. AS it turns out, its actually Dark Eldar.

Page 210
He rolled to the ground, landing beside the twitching corpse of the armsman. The man’s face was gone, torn away by the impact of whatever had struck him. In amongst the oozing ruin of where his face had been, Ulanti could see jagged shards of some kind of crystalline substance buried into the pulped flesh and bone of the man’s skull. Smoke, or possibly poisonous vapour, arose from the terrible wound, and Ulanti could actually see the acidic substance of the shards dissolving as they ate a deeper path into their victim’s body. The acid or venom, seeping into the corpse’s bloodstream and nervous system, caused it to spasm and twitch violently, giving it the horrid illusion of life.
Splinter weapons.

Page 211
..he had already dealt the creature a crushing blow with the stock of his heavy bolter..
...blew its head apart with a single heavy bolter round.
Heavy bolter stock and headsplosion. I wonder if this means human-scale heavy bolters are as powerful as Astartes bolters?

Page 213
He gripped his weapon, an expensive and rare forge world-manufactured plasma pistol/bolt pistol combi-weapon, tightly. The plasma pistol element of the weapon emitted a faint whining noise as it recharged, and the barrel gave off an acrid-smelling vapour as its internal cooling element fought to combat the potentially disastrous effects of the weapon overheating. The gun had been fired recently and repeatedly.
Combi bolter and plasma pistol, made on a forge world probably custom designed. Note the recharging element to the plasma gun.

Page 214
The warrior woman grinned in triumph and raised the weapon to fire again, but was abruptly cut down by a volley of spinning razor disc projectiles which cut through flesh and bone seemingly just as easily as they cut through the dust-filled air of the storm. Struck by several of the missiles, the woman tumbled to the ground in pieces.
Warrior women dissected by shuriken fire.

Page 214
The weapon spewed out a thin, arcing stream of fire, revealing itself to be some kind of alien flamer device. The weapon’s reach was longer and more deadly than its bulkier human equivalent; the alien’s aim even deadlier still
The fireball consumed two of the men from the Macharius, and one of Stavka’s lieutenants, a dark-skinned mutant wearing the glowing snake crest skin-markings of one of the infamous bounty hunter clans of the feral world of Wagner’s Landing. Two of the victims, immolated almost completely by the potent chemical mix of the alien weapon, were ashes almost before they hit the ground.
Eldar flamer's better than human. Possibly is an Aspect Warrior weapon. Anyhow, cremates two humans.

Page 215
The shapes of two eldar reared up at him. A solid blast of heavy bolter fire scattered one of them in pieces back into the gloom where it had come from; clear evidence that Borusa was still with him and watching his back.
Heavy bolter again.

Page 217
The voice was shocking in its immediacy, and there was something in the command which demanded complete and instant obedience. Almost involuntarily, and to his own very great surprise, Maxim found that his finger had frozen on the trigger...
Seems like Horst has mastered the Dune Voice Tricks. He must have 'stunned' dozens of people that way depending on how many of the original died,

Page 218
The moment, probably only a few scant seconds in reality, seemed to stretch on forever in the minds of the participants..
Just wanted to quote this to clarify 'scant' from the previous novel :P

Page 218
Ulanti strained to hear over the smothering sound of the dust storm, catching only snatches of the aliens’ strange lilting, musical speech, shrewdly noticing that as much seemed to be communicated in silent gesture or body stance as it was in actual speech; noticing too the strange moments of silence and stillness in the conversation which would then resume without apparent interruption, almost as if the aliens had some secret means of communicating between themselves.
Eldar communication from a human POV.

Page 219
Like many of his race, especially those of the aspect warrior castes, he was suspicious and hostile to all human-kind, and all too ready to believe that they had been betrayed by the humans. It would not be the first time that the followers of the human corpse-god had turned on the eldar, and Darodayos doubted that it would be the last.
And vice versa. Really this novel does what Kill Team/Courage and honour/Fire Warrior do for the Imperium and the tau, it shows more of the similarities between them than the differences. And of course, being too much alike can be as much a reason for conflict as a reason for alliance.

Page 220
..answered Horst in inelegantly-phrased but adequately spoken eldar, in one of the older trading dialects used amongst those eldar who travelled widely amongst the many different craftworlds and Exodite colonies.
Eldar 'trade' dialect.

Page 220-221
There were those amongst his kind who sneered that the language of the mon-keigh was little better than the crude grunting and snarling of orks and other lower classes of animals, and it was widely believed that the subtleties of the eldar language, with its many hidden meanings and additional mind-speech and body gesture inflections, was far beyond human comprehension.

A mon-keigh with the gift of speaking the eldar language, and possibly other hidden gifts as well? This mon-keigh, this ’’inquisitor’’, as the humans seemed to term their sage-warlords, was either some kind of racial aberration or disturbing evidence that he and many of his brethren might have dangerously underestimated the humans and their abilities, Darodayos realised.
Eldar language involves some psychic as well as other elements. Also shock at humans speaking the eldar language. I imagine being a psyker is an advantage.

Page 226
...two of Freyra’s Striking Scorpion brethren were struck by the weapon strike, and were instantly wreathed in a dark halo of crackling, black energy. When the dazzling black energy glow faded away, all that remained of the two aspect warriors was two fused, smoking masses of twisted bone and armour fragments.

Chiron of the Dark Reapers stepped forward, picking off the disintegrator lance...
Disintegrator lance. I'm sure this is a Dark lance.

Page 227
It was the voice of Horst, spoken in slightly awkward but still comprehensible mind-speech. Shock and consternation - quickly
masked - flashed through the minds of the eldar. How much of their mind-speech conversation had the human been able to listen in on and understand, they asked themselves in fearful doubt?
The Eldar didn't seem to realize that Horst might have psychic powers that would enable him to follow or converse with them (at least.)

Page 229
The bike, although damaged, still kept on coming. Its rider drew a pistol weapon and sprayed shots at two nearby armsmen who were drawing a bead on him with their shotcannons. The razor-edged alien projectiles took one of them off at the knees, effortlessly slicing through flesh and bone.
DE splinter pistol, I think.

Page 232
Forewarned by a prescience sense which he had become more and more aware of, the closer he drew to the level of true exarch, Darodayos raised and fired the shuriken catapult before his eyes had even properly picked out the silhouettes of the two approaching targets. Both of them crumpled silently, near decapitated by the expertly-directed hail of razor discs...
Exarch precog and shuriken catapult decapitating two Dark Eldar.

Page 233-234
As he fought, Darodayos felt his psychic senses and martial skills merge together and become heightened to a degree he had never before experienced or suspected could be possible. Every blow he struck unerringly found its target, every move his opponents made, even their death spasms, had been anticipated by him seconds earlier.
In his mind’s eye, he saw the lonely, final pinnacle at the end of the path of the warrior, and he knew that he was now ascending to that place, now on the cusp of becoming a true exarch, of abandoning all he once had been and could still be, instead giving himself over wholly and completely to the warrior aspect.
Exarch level abilities (more or less.

Page 234
The lord led the attack, but Darodayos’s exarch-elevated senses saw him as little more than a dark, shifting blur. Darodayos could see the squires and their intent with perfect clarity, could see ahead to what they would be doing vital moments in the future, but to Darodayos’s prescience sense, the druchii lord was a blind spot, his actions taking place in so many different, unknowable futures.

It was the fhaisorr’ko, the shadow point, Darodayos realised with a shock. Part of it was centred around this druchii lord, concealing him and his actions from the perceptions of those blessed with the gift of future-sight.
The quote is interesting because it highlights how heavily warp-based the abilities of Eldar warriors - especially Aspect Warriors - which apparently includes precognition (given that the Shadow Point is screwing with it.) This owuld also suggest Aspect Warrior powers are, at least - based on precog-like abilities in some way or another.

Page 236
Darodayos followed the guidance shown to him by his dimming prescience vision, hurling his power sword out with the last of his failing strength.
Precog guides the blows.

Page 236
The corpse would retain this grotesque semblance of life for hours, he knew, as the venom ate its way through its nervous system, firing off random pain signals amongst dead nerve endings and lifeless brain matter.
Dark Eldar toxins affect the nervous system.

Page 236
After a lifetime of patronage of the many poison bars and venomfeast-houses of Commorragh, Kailasa was a connoisseur of all toxins and poisons, and was completely immune to many of the more mundane ones such as this.
Poison seems to be a drug amongst the Dark Eldar.

Page 243
Raw, unchecked emotion was what the eldar feared most of all. Unbridled, their race’s darkest and most sensual emotions had once almost destroyed them. Now, every eldar kept this side of themselves in careful check, and maintained a secret but equally close watch over the passions of their comrades.
Emotion is tied strongly to the Fall of the Eldar, so it is natural that they would fear it and that there would be strong social stigmas tied to anyone burdened by strong emotions. Indeed, this is one of the tipping points in the novel, where the Eldar character is forced to confront her own hatred and bias for humanity, and how close it pushes her towards a personal sort of damnation. AT this point, things start to turn around.

Page 244
Their own fighter was a write-off, crippled beyond salvage after the earlier battle, and Manetho himself had conducted the rite of expiration over the remains of their former craft.

This new one was a training craft. No two craft were identical..
Macharius carries spare/backup fighters, at least as trainers, which can be doubled as combat craft. This might explain the three 'scratch built' squadrons they deployed in Execution Hour.

Page 247
"Arm two torpedoes and get ready to fire on my orders. Our target is the Drachenfels.

Perhaps a shot across Ramas’s bows will encourage him to start talking."
As I recall, torpedoes are expensive (at least for Rogue Traders - as per the rogue trader RPG and the Hoare Rogue Trader novels.

Page 248
"Mon-keigh vessel detected, directly astern. It’s powering up weapons and locking onto us with targeting scanners!"
That would suggest active sensors.

Page 250
"We caught a glimpse of that damned thing on our surveyors, after it goaded us and one of the alien ships into attacking each other. We pursued it, and since then we’ve been chasing ghosts and shadows all over this damned hole of a star system. After we finally found it again and got on its tail, we couldn’t break commnet silence and risk letting them know we were there."

Tracking a starship across the whole system, which is multiple-AU across (at least) in a matter of hours or days.

Page 252
It threw out a protective shadow-field to conceal itself from the enemy craft, confusing pilot’s senses and targeting scanners, but these were not human eyes and human targeting scanners they faced now, and the eldar pilots and the infinity circuit systems of their craft easily saw through such evasions. Sonic warhead missiles, designed to impact against the far denser armour and hull structure of ork and human ships, pierced the body of the dark eldar craft with ease, exploding deep within it..
DE shadowfields, which are useless against Eldar craft, and Eldar payloads are designed to penetrate denser hulls (human and Ork)

Page 253
Waves of plasma warhead missiles smashed into the dark eldar cruiser’s fatally-weakened body. Entire sections of the ship were vaporised: the prow section blew apart, struck by ten or more missiles. The vessel’s dark matter reactor was breached, releasing the pent-up fury of the ship’s nameless power source in an all-consuming blast of destructive energy. The rear portion of the ship was disintegrated, disappearing in a lightless explosive flash which seared itself into the surveyor screens of the Imperial craft, appearing as a brief and miniature black hole which hungrily sucked in every available piece of matter in the vicinity, including three luckless Starhawk craft trailing in the rearguard of Firedrake squadron’s formation.
DE ships seem to run off black holes.

Page 254
The Vual’en Sho attempted to slip away again, but the manoeuvre brought it within reach of the Despicable’s rows of powerful flank batteries.

Even with its holofields fully deployed, the eldar ship could not evade the full effects of the punishing curtain of fire projected from the Chaos cruiser’s weapons batteries. The delicate crystalline membranes of its topsails were partially shredded by the impacts of half a dozen macro-cannon rounds and a bleeding, ragged gash opened up along the length of its portside hull by the slashing beams of batteries of laser cannons, the Vual’en Sho retreated out of range of the Chaos guns again, its holofields projecting a rearward display of confusing multiple false images to cloak the escape manoeuvre. Lileathon knew that many long and painful months awaited her ship in its berth on An-Iolsus, as the Bonesingers and Fabricators repaired the damage done to the living psycho-plastic material of the Vual’en Sho’s structure.
Macro cannon hits and 'slashing' (raking) lascannon hits on an Eldar starship that drifts into range of a Chaos warship's guns. given the ability of Eldar ships to evade (manuver and accelerate, at least) we're probably talking thousands of km/s for tens of thousands of kms.

Also months of repair work for the Eldar ship.

Page 256
Every surveyor screen on the bridge and gunnery bay command posts went temporarily blank as one salvo of plasma missiles smashed into the ship’s surveyor system, knocking them out of action, while a stream of laser fire also crippled the ship’s void shield generators.
Chaos ship fires plasma missiles and lasers.

Page 256
Semper and those listening could not know it, but Lileathon did not speak one word of the language, and was speaking the words as they were psychically communicated to her by the Thought Talkers who had some fluency in Gothic.
Eldar translation :D

Page 259
..the dark eldar round which had struck him down had been imbued with some kind of anti-coagulant poison..
Anti-coagulants on splinter rifle rounds.

Page 259
Kyogen was big, as big as Borusa himself perhaps..
That means Borusa is probably over 2 metres tall.

Page 261
Although agoniser shots could still kill, they were intended to subdue their targets and render them incapable of escaping, inflicting mainly minor superficial wounds, but introducing a nerve toxin into the target’s bloodstream which would subject them to the most horrific agonies for a short time, but leave them still alive afterwards.

Living targets struck by agoniser rounds would frequently break their bones and wrench apart joints and muscle, so severe were the spasms and contortions caused by the toxin.

Kailasa had seen victims chew through their own tongues on occasion, paralysed by pain and choking to death on their own blood, but it was still his most favoured and amusing method of taking captives.
DE agoniser rounds.

Page 262
He came up firing, sending two las-shots into the target’s central body mass. It went down hissing in pain, its armour partially protecting it from the worst of the damage. Ulanti kept on firing, sending more las-shots into the thrashing body of the dark eldar, only stopping when he had completely depleted what remained of his weapon’s power charge. When he had finished, all that was left of the dark eldar was scattered pieces of charred flesh and fused armour.
Ulanti's laspistol expends its full powerpack into an armoured Dark Eldar and reducing it to 'scattered pieces of charred flesh and fused armour'. I'd take this to mean at least 500-1000 kj at least (equivalent to blasted apart by a grenade, or 3rd degree wounds over an entire body), whilst going by 'flaying' flahs burns (400 j per sq cm) is going to be several MJ easily (a good 4-8 MJ)

At the low end it would be 20-30 shots if it were a regular lasgun 15-25 kj per shot at 20-30 shots and 500 kj. at multiple MJ we're obviously talking hundreds of kj.

That said, its QUITE possible the lasweapon is a noble's one, which means it could have some fancy battery packing more power in than it usually does. If we say 150-1000 shots we'd be talking single-double digit kj even at the multi-MJ calcs, which is not impossible either.

DE armour can provide at least partial protection against laspistols.

Page 263
The bolter round caught the creature in the centre of the face, blowing away most of its skull and throwing it several metres back.
Bolt round to DE grotesque.

Page 264
A female Striking Scorpion - one of Arhra’s cowardly brood, who had refused to follow their Fallen Phoenix lord father into the dark embrace of Chaos
Arha is tha first STriking Scorpion Phoenix Lord who turned to Chaos, and became the leader of the Incubi.

Page 264-265
Horst raised and fired the plasma pistol in his hand, but the shot missed, striking the ravine wall behind where Kailasa had been standing, turning the rock into molten slag.
Plasma pistol round. no real way to quantify unfortunately :P

Page 266
Three Mandrakes hurled themselves onto the avatar, dinging to its burning skin and hacking at it with their blades. They clung on to it relentlessly, screaming their hatred as the meat of their flesh was cooked from their bones.

Dark eldar warriors retreated before the avatar, shots from their splinter rifles vapourising against its glowing iron skin. Some it cut down with its black blade, or incinerated with fiery blasts of the blade’s arcane power, others it crushed into the dust beneath its iron feet, others it struck down with its terrible molten gaze.
Avatar massacring Dark Eldar, pretty much on the same scale as with the Orks as far as power goes.

Page 267-268
Slowly, helplessly, he watched as the giant warrior laid down its sword and reached up with two massive hands to unfasten the bindings of its helm.

Slowly, helplessly, he watched as the giant warrior removed its helm and turned its naked face towards him.

The burning god looked upon the dark eldar. Kailasa looked up into the god’s terrible, beautiful face. He tried to scream, but the flesh of his face was already melting away as the unbearable light and heat radiating from the visage of the burning god’s unmasked face fell upon him.

All that was left of Kailasa of the Kabal of the Poison Heart fell to the ground in a smouldering ashen heap, which the avatar trod unnoticed into the dust as it strode over to Kariadryl.

The farseer bowed in awed abeyance before the burning god, not daring to look up into its forbidden face.
The Avatar unmasked.

Page 268
He felt the burning god lay one fiery hand upon him. Its touch did not harm him, even though the air around its skin shimmered with the searing heat radiating from its iron skin.
The Avatar clearly has control over its own energies.

Page 268
The stump of her severed arm still burned with pain, but, as one who walked the warrior path, she knew mental incantations and secret body disciplines to numb the pain and staunch the life-threatening flow of blood from the wound.
Aspect warriors can control their own pain and bleeding.

Page 270
"There was probably nothing he’d have liked more than to send me to the Emperor with an execution round to the back of the head, but in the end he still saved my life."
"The commissar’s been dead for hours. He must have died before the battle even began."
It was an Ecclesiarchy prayer book, of the standard type issued in their billions to the officers and men of the Imperium’s armed forces. The fake gold-embossed aquila emblem of the Holy God-Emperor winked up knowingly at him from the book’s scratched and battered cover.
Another emperor-given miracle! :P

Page 272
The healers had done their work well, but it would take much effort for her to learn how to master the movements of her new wraithbone-crafted prosthetic arm with anything like the dexterity she had previously taken for granted.

Eldar prosthetics.

Page 274
Seventeen capital-class ships, including two battle cruisers and also two battleships, the fleet flagship, the mighty Divine Right, amongst them. Twenty smaller vessels, frigates and destroyers mostly...
..possibly the largest single naval force gathered together for battle since the long ago and almost forgotten days of the titanic struggles of Warmaster Horus’s treacherous rebellion against the Emperor.
The scope of the Imperial fleet at Gethsemane, and another indication that 'WAR' in the 40K galaxy may be exaggerated :P

Page 275
Newly-built ships which had come into service only in the last few years, to help replace some of the catastrophic losses suffered by Battlefleet Gothic in the earliest stages of the war. These ships may not have carried the same illustrious pedigree as some of their more venerable sister vessels, but already several of them - the Lunar-class cruisers Lord Daros and Jotunheim, the Gothic-class cruiser Invincible, the Overlord-class cruiser Cypra Probatii - had distinguished themselves sufficiently to have already assured their place in the annals of Battlefleet Gothic history.
This would imply a rather short timeframe for the construction of at least some of those kinds of cruisers, although we know of the Lord Daros and the Cypra Probatii (which is actually a battlecruiser).. the former took 11 years and the latter is noted in Battlefleet Kornous to be built within a decade, so 'years' probably should be open to interpretation. That said, depending on who is building them (and other factors) its not impossible. Certainly less than a decade for some, anyhow (at least at a good shipyard like a forge world, since the Lord Daros was built on a primitive world!)

Page 276
They had been hounding the Chaos fleet through the Gethsemane system for days, trying to bring it to battle.
Days of pursuit through the system. That might imply thousands or tens of thousands of km/s, depending how far across the system (and how big a system)

Page 276
"But, if we lose, gentlemen, then we will have lost the greater part of our battlefleet’s strength.."
This is.. interesting because it suggests that the bulk of the Imperial fleet was present at Gethsemane. Which sort of runs contrary to the earlier statements in this novel (and Execution hour) about BFG having hundreds of ships.

One possibility is that they are talkinga bout the 'remaining' strength - we know they suffered massive losses early in the war (Macharius surviving out of 2/3 of its battlegroup smashed) and they doubtless suffered more in the intervening years.

An alternate interpretation is that 'strength' refers to the size/quality of the vessels - eg the Captial ships, rather than the escorts. It's quite possible that 90+% of those 'hundreds' of warships are mere escorts, whilst the seventeen capital ships represent the bulk of the remaining capital ship strength available to the Gothic Sector fleets. Hell, escorts are quicker to build and crew than capital ships, after all.

Page 277
"Hah, here we go, gentlemen. Into the jaws of death, into the mouth of hell. Damn his eyes, may the Emperor bless and bugger us all!"

At those semi-blasphemous words, which Imperium historians would subsequently alter to make sound a little more eloquent and noble..
Imperial propoganda at work.

Page 277
Lance and battery fire, sporadic but deadly, reached out across the gap of still tens of thousands of kilometres between the two fleets, seeking targets amongst the Imperial line.

Several vessels, the Drachenfels and Lord Daros amongst them, shook under the impacts of direct hits, but, able to present their heavily-armoured prows to the enemy, the Imperial line continued its advance into battle with only minimal damage.
chaos fleets open fire.

Page 277
Inside the torpedo rooms of more than two dozen Imperial vessels, crews sweated and strained to load more volleys of the huge, thirty-metre long missiles into their firing chambers. On the gun decks of every Imperium ship, and on every command deck, anxious gunnery officers checked their firing solutions over and over again and maintained a careful watch on the green-glowing lines of gun deck status runes.
Loading 30m torp tubes, and gun decks.

Page 278
The Tyrant-class vessel Zigmund, singled out by the gunners of four different enemy vessels, two on each side of it, was the first to fall. Its shields stripped away in seconds, it staggered under the impact of multiple simultaneous hits on both its flanks. Its engines destroyed, its gun decks reduced to burning wreckage, it lay stricken and helpless as its sister vessels mercilessly passed it by, abandoning it to its fate.
Numbers matter alot in ship battles, ganging up on your enemies is a big help. Not unlike in LOGH.

Page 280
The void around the giant cruisers was filled with a bewildering, swirling maelstrom of attack craft, fighters and bombers, Chaos and Imperial craft alike, all caught up together in one vast, straggling dogfight, spread out over tens of thousands of kilometres of space.
Scope of the space battle, including the fighters.

Page 280
Some badly damaged vessels would be unlikely to survive the dangers of the immaterium, while several more, including the Lord Daros and the Dauntlessclass light cruiser Guardian, would surely face many long months or even years of repair work in orbital dry dock.
Repairs in drydock. I wonder if the Light cruisers are included in the escort or capital fleets.

Page 282
A lucky melta missile hit had struck that section in its weaker flank side, opening up a catastrophic breach in the cruiser’s hull. Those torpedo room crew not fortunate enough to be immolated in the initial blast had instead been sucked screaming out into space through the giant molten hole in the chamber’s wall.
Melta missile. Probably broadside weapon.

Page 283-284
The Macharius shook, and shook again as it fired off two salvoes, sending three missiles apiece streaking off towards two different targets.
torpedo launches can be coordinated against different targets, presumably in any combination (but not launched simultaneously)

Page 284
Suddenly, a Sword-class frigate, speedier than the larger capital ships and racing ahead of the main Imperial formation, exploded apart, its prow bursting open.
if we're talking an Assassin Class mine like from IAIX and X, it might be 720 megatons.

Page 285
"Eldar vessels, more than twenty of them, including a dozen or more capital-class warships."
I'm guessing these are from An-Iolus, which is alot more than a 'handful', methinks. So if we took the old Farseer's words at value, dozens of craftworlds (with 20 or so ships apiece) would be smaller than a battlefleet (480 to 720 ships.. which seems.. funny really an order of magntidue more than the 50-75 number!

Page 286
"It’s notoriously difficult to identify an individual eldar vessel’s energy signature, even if you already have previous sightings of that vessel on record, captain."
Difficulties in IDing eldar starships.

Page 287
The Battle of Gethsemane would rage for days yet, with elements from both fleets hunting the remnants of the Chaos formation through the system, and there would be fierce losses on all sides, but the final outcome of the battle was no longer in doubt.

Mael dannan. Total and merciless extermination of Warmaster Baal-Hierophant Lokkis Vanama and his entire fleet.

A new chapter in the Gothic War had begun.
Eldar and Imperial ships cooperating to defeat a common foe. They have overcome that initial hate and forged something worthwhile. Sadly for fluff (and what passes for 40K canon) its unlikely to last, like most things, which kinda sucks but, eh...

Also days hunting the Chaos fleets across the system. Probably thousands of km/s velocities involved and multi (single or double digit) gee accelerations to go with it.

Also it would have been a new chapter had the series continued. But it hadn't, which is a damn shame.
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