Luke Skywalker wrote:
Then at the very least, shoot him the head. Hawkeye has literal aimbot vision, probably knows that Fury wears body armor, but shoots him once in the chest?
Because like the scientist also under Loki's control, he faught against it in slight ways. That was one of them. The scientist built a flaw in the shielding device, after all. Is it too much of a stretch that Hawkeye altered his aim?
No, relevant to taking on a massed assortment of aliens wielding energy weapons in the downtown of New York City. Apparently, mastering the art of marvel-fu gave the Widow immunity to being mowed down by ranged automatic fire,
Please, they never got better than semi-auto outa those guns.
or blown to bits by a bomb. And Captain America's tiny ass shield apparently has a magnetic charm that causes all enemies to only fire once at a time, conveniently at an angle where Rogers can deflect or dodge it. And the one time he gets hit in the back, he gets back up...without even a scar! Is he superhuman now?
"Peak human potential" technically, but honestly, yeah, he's superhuman. Given the suit he was wearing (body armor and all that), that certainly would have helped.
Even more ridiculous is the Black Widow taking a hit from the Hulk without as much as a scratch. The same hits were tearing metal stairways like children's toys.
In the comic source, she too has a super-enhancing formula in her body (but if that is true in the movie, we don't know). Given she walked for a limp a while after that scene, but then got better for the finale, that may hold true. Hell, she was up and running after having her leg pinned under metal pipes/metal stuff and all that, and was walking and jumping around fine later. Subtle evidence of superhuman ability.
I have nothing wrong with the latter two. But him standing in the middle of New York City and not getting mowed down within ten seconds is silly as fuck.
And narratively, where would that leave them? Movies run primarily on emotional logic (yes, that is a thing). It's why the air tank explodes like a bomb at the end of Jaws. Logically, that just shouldn't happen, but emotionally--satisfying as all hell.
Maybe wanking the non-superhumans was a necessary stupidity. That doesn't mean it wasn't stupid. Although I don't see why a character has to be kicking ass to be relevant or entertaining.
Given it's an action movie, that's a really silly question.
Assumes that he can recapture Loki whenever he needs to? Yeah, what the fuck was Starks thinking?

You can't be serious. A force field made of "pure energy" that is therefore "unbreachable"? The tesseract, which hardly weighs a few dozen kilograms but contains more mass-energy than a continent's worth of antimatter? The ridiculous nonsense on gamma radiation? The contingency plan against the Hulk being shooting him down at terminal velocity, despite the Hulk having fallen from such heights
multiple times without as much as a scratch (and Thor having demonstrated to be able to exert more than enough force to lift the damn thing)? Agent Coulsen's uber prototype god killer having the firepower of an RPG?
There's also the nuke's giant fireball in space.
Next you'll be complaining about where the mass for the Hulk comes from where he transforms and why Stark loses power in space. You're suspension of disbelief must be made of tissue paper. Let's face it, super hero movies, when the dial is turned up enough, reach near loony toons levels of "realistic". That may be a problem for you, but is limited to primarily yourself. It's a subjective complaint.
Yes, but the message is clear: the cliched "don't bother using that new energy source you discovered, it's bound to backfire and be used by evil beings!".
A message which is undermined by the arc reactor tech spreading around int he same film. You're stretching your negative interpretation to fit any and all aspects of it.
And apparently, Steve Rogers is qualified to judge this, not to mention whine and complain about America losing its good old fashioned traditional values.
Given the final decision basically amounted to "No one wants to argue with Thor on it" that's a real stretch. Cap hates it, to be certain, but remember where the final decision laid.
My prose is clearly deteriorating into a rant,
It's also losing logical cohesion and relying on things that are half remembered at best from the way you're outlining them. I honestly suggest you step back for a while before responding and refocus yourself. You're rather emotionally invested it seems in making sure others see as you do when in honestly, a lot of your complaints are rather subjective. You have a right to them, but they are your own and you have to own them.
but I'd also add in the fact that I never really felt any tension in
the movie, because Loki was such a frail pussy.
Pussy must be a scary thing where you come from, because Loki's first appearance in the film has him being shown as bulletproof.