The farm itself is located in the Western Australian desert three hours drive east of Perth and covers some four square kilometers of desert. On which is a well equipped, comfortable and air conditioned office/living quarters for you and the staff, some warehouses, a loading station, a laboratory, a few vehicles (including trucks, bikes, some ATVs and some specialized machinery), a chain link fence, a pit with a backhoe, a dirt heap, a few specialized facilities and the fields in which your first crop is reaching maturity. A few "Early Bloomers" have been harvested, tested and are ready for market.
Over most of your four square kilometers of land are what can be described as "Machine Plants". They have a rough structure similar to that of terrestrial plants, with roots, stems and 'leaves'. However unlike organic plants they are nanotechnological constructs. Each machine plant starts out as a Seed, basically a small (1.5cm across) self contained module with a small solar panel, a playload of constructor nanites inside, a basic computer node which coordinates development and a small battery. If planted in dirt like that in Australia, the Seed will take in raw materials from the surrounding enviroment through an expanding network of roots and use them to grow it's solar panel and a prop it up on a stem (also covered in photovoltaic cells). As it grows, it will also build and grow wind vanes along the length of it's stem to make use of wind power to augment it's power output and continue to grow along it's designated sequence. The stem of a machine plant will grow to a height of about a meter and 5 to 3cm thick and on top of it will grow a hexagonal solar panel exactly 20cm to a side. Each panel has a pair of electrodes on the back, as well as growing seeds a couple at a time as long as it has a full sized panel. Said solar panel operates at 75% efficiency and will continue to work after being harvested (which involves carefully cutting the panel free from the stem), though the nanites in it will die shortly afterwards.
Each machine plant is given a square meter all to itself and there are some 3,000,000 individual machine plants on your land. To continue to be productive, the field will need to be 'fertilized', which means putting down a layer of dirt rich in raw materials to replace the depleted dirt that it had just fed on. Water does not adversely effect the machine plants. The machine plants do make "Plantcrap", which is lengths of unwanted or surplus elements, which accumulates near the base. Each machine plant can produce a solar panel ready for harvesting every four months and takes nine to eleven months to reach maturity
The farm has the following staff, as well as a bank account which will keep them paid for the next four months...
- Dr. Ania Liebowitz, Engineering (AKA Miss Sunshine). Head of Machine Plant analysis. She examines the machine plants (both in the lab and as they grow) and writes reports on how well they are doing. She has a staff of Tim Henderson and Anne Kelly.
- Dr. Romeo Ramerez, geologist (AKA Doc Dirt). Doc Dirt's job is to monitor the soil to see how good it is for the needs of growing productive machine plants, as well as analyzing the chemical composition of the plantcrap and similar tasks. As a short term measure to ensure a supply of viable dirt a hole has been dug to get a reserve of dirt. Has the assistance of Joe Napier.
- Bob Liang, mechanic. He keeps the general conventional machinery working.
- Stephen Nanopoulos. Vehicle Operator. First aide qualified.
- Sally Nesbitt: Accountant.
- Six general farmhands.
- Hiroshi Fujikawa: chef.
What do you do?