"Scream and Leap" vs. Akira-prise

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The Yosemite Bear
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"Scream and Leap" vs. Akira-prise

Post by The Yosemite Bear »

The Enterprise with full current crew, and current weapons outload, encounters a Man/Kzin war era Kzin ship. (This is before stasis Shields and GP hulls), Now we know what is going to happen next. Who wins.

On the Ground

In Space.

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Re: "Scream and Leap" vs. Akira-prise

Post by paladin »

THe Yosemite Bear wrote:The Enterprise with full current crew, and current weapons outload, encounters a Man/Kzin war era Kzin ship. (This is before stasis Shields and GP hulls), Now we know what is going to happen next. Who wins.

On the Ground

In Space.
In both cases, it is an easy victory for the Kzin. The only question left would be how much of the crew becomes dinner and how much of the crew become slaves.

Anyway, I think Yoshi would make some Kzin noble a nice pet. (I thinking in the same way Leia was used by Jabba but with alot less clothes. :twisted: )
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Gil Hamilton
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Post by Gil Hamilton »

Oh, man, the Akiraprise is screwed. In space, a Kzinti cruiser is armed to the teeth with weapons that are much more powerful than anything the Enterprise has. The Akiraprises only advantage is that it can use it's warpdrive to run.

On the ground, let's see... humans with little combat training versus two and a half meter tall killing machines that are stronger, faster, and grow up in their society constantly fighting and train to become skilled warriors. Hrrrrrrmm....
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The Yosemite Bear
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

And considering what the humans used to beat them in the first few Man/Kzin wars novels this is rather bad....

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Re: "Scream and Leap" vs. Akira-prise

Post by The Nomad »

THe Yosemite Bear wrote: (This is before stasis Shields and GP hulls),
Any detail on the technology level involved ? What does GP mean ?
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The Yosemite Bear
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

At the end of the Man Kzin wars, Humanity and the Kzin reach an agreement when the Puppetteers show up and gives everyone their Tech, in exchange for service.

A General Products Hull, is a super Molecule, that is impervious to everything except Visible Light (So the Sensors can work), and antimatter.

However this is backed up by Stasis Shields (You can't hurt us we're not THEN (Fucks with time, the stasis field prevents things from effecting the prtected object or enity.

A GP & Stasis field protected ship has flown through a Neutron Star, with only minor damage.

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Post by Howedar »

If it were Akiraprise-era Starfleet vs. Kzinti Empire it would be a little more fair, what with that era Kzin not having FTL drive and all. One on one though, Akiraprise is fucked.
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The Yosemite Bear
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Your Right They Don't Have FTL at the beginning of Man Kzin wars. The First 10 years of war is humanity trying to keep them confined to the outer planets.

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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