FettKyle. Since no one else put this up... Any way iwould say that the fact that gundam has Ships that are 300-600 meters long and weapons that seem to go up the Megaton range and missle you could swear used low yeild nukes to a gundam design to take a nuke with at least a 150 megaton range and detonate it while still in the Bazooka to use as wide beam to destroy 60% of the EARTH Federation fleet in one shot Id says gundam has a good chance.
- An eye for an eye makes the whole world Blind.
- and with this blow history is changed .
- Admiral Kowen
GP02 had MK-82 which has been classed as a Tactical it has EVEN MORE DESRUTIVE POWER THEN A STRATEGIC.
due to the fact that Tsar Bomba (detonated by the russias) was a 58 Mg nuke that had the least amount of radioactive byproduct (97% byproduct non radioactive) it was however suppose to be a 100 Mg nuke with the same size bomb. the only reason it was not a 100 Mg nuke is that the Russian decided that the radiation level would be to high and then the UN would be up there ass so they change one of the 3 stage prosess into lead there by making it half as powerful but still just as effective at scary the shit out of the United States and yet still being the the "cleanest nuke to date." My point is the MK-82 itself was bigger the Tsar Bomba not by much and they probaly went for the less clean more power type.
FettKyle wrote:GP02 had MK-82 which has been classed as a Tactical it has EVEN MORE DESRUTIVE POWER THEN A STRATEGIC.
due to the fact that Tsar Bomba (detonated by the russias) was a 58 Mg nuke that had the least amount of radioactive byproduct (97% byproduct non radioactive) it was however suppose to be a 100 Mg nuke with the same size bomb. the only reason it was not a 100 Mg nuke is that the Russian decided that the radiation level would be to high and then the UN would be up there ass so they change one of the 3 stage prosess into lead there by making it half as powerful but still just as effective at scary the shit out of the United States and yet still being the the "cleanest nuke to date." My point is the MK-82 itself was bigger the Tsar Bomba not by much and they probaly went for the less clean more power type.
And what makes you think they were talking about strategic nukes from back in the cold war and not their strategic nukes at the time? Most strategic nukes now are IIRC on the order of a couple hundred kilotons.
And what makes you think they were talking about strategic nukes from back in the cold war and not their strategic nukes at the time? Most strategic nukes now are IIRC on the order of a couple hundred kilotons.
My mistake but still that thing sure looked something like Tsar Bomba I'm assuming it was Fusion due to the fact that the explosion was huge. It look almost as big as Konpei island and I'm also assuming that Konpei Island is much more than 5 Kilometers in diameter.
And yes, I'm a Gundam fan. But I'm also reasonable.
Don't forget the I-field that is a shield.
I-fields also only work on Minovsky particle weapons so they don't really enter into it.
My mistake but still that thing sure looked something like Tsar Bomba I'm assuming it was Fusion due to the fact that the explosion was huge. It look almost as big as Konpei island and I'm also assuming that Konpei Island is much more than 5 Kilometers in diameter.
Well Gundam ships aren't all that hot so it wouldn't have taken all that big a nuke to really do a number on the fleet (there's also the matter of the nuke's size, you can only stick so much into something that big)
I-fields also only work on Minovsky particle weapons so they don't really enter into it.
Where did you hear that. Personaly I am convinced that it can block just about all kinds of energy. That is due to the fact the Neue Ziel took a hefty hit from the solar system II. GP03 was also there but it did not have an I-field as it was destroyed earlier and who came out with the most damage GP03 the Orchis was totaled and Stamen had scoring. Where as Neue Ziel came out with a slightly melted side. Personaly I think I-fields opperate some thing like SW ray shields.
I-fields also only work on Minovsky particle weapons so they don't really enter into it.
Where did you hear that. Personaly I am convinced that it can block just about all kinds of energy. That is due to the fact the Neue Ziel took a hefty hit from the solar system II. GP03 was also there but it did not have an I-field as it was destroyed earlier and who came out with the most damage GP03 the Orchis was totaled and Stamen had scoring. Where as Neue Ziel came out with a slightly melted side. Personaly I think I-fields opperate some thing like SW ray shields.
Nice try, but that goes against official sources. I-Fields only act as a barrier to Mega Particles.
Don't debate a subject you don't know anything about.
I believe in a sign of Zeta.
[BOTM|WG|JL|Mecha Maniacs|Pax Cybertronia|Veteran of the Psychic Wars|Eva Expert]
"And besides, who cares if a monster destroys Australia?"
what official sources? tell me where I can find them? I guess I need to watch Mobile Suit Gundam or something but you could a least point me in the right direction.
What? I can't believe you didn't know that. Every serious fan I've encountered knew that.
The now deceased Gundam Project for one. It had a whole section on Minovsky Physics.
But you could try the board at Gundam.com. They have many knowlegible people there. If you're lucky, Mark Simmons might answer.
Also, try using some common sense. Right now, you are obsessed with treating everything like a magic bullet.
I just begun to be a serious fan and thanks.
Oh and common sense doesn't seem to run in my family, other then my mom believe it or not I have the most common sense between my Bro and Dad