Science Fair Project

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Science Fair Project

Post by Guest »

Can anyone help me with a science fair project? Right now I'm thinking about heating and quenching steel and the effect on brittleness
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Post by weemadando »

Demonstrate the effects of an EMP by constructing a nice EMP grenade.

You will need:
Lots and lots of copper wire.
A nice steel tube (and bits of steel to cap it).
A nice iron/copper rod (roughly the length of the tube).
Some explosives, ANFO is easily made from house-hold/gardenshed bits.

I'll leave the rest to you.

If nothing else it will be fun to watch that baby cook off in the middle of a science fair.
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Mr Bean
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Post by Mr Bean »

But how does one add the Slow Glowy Wave thing that lets one get a Noooo out first?

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Post by weemadando »

Ah, for that you need to add Jerry Bruckheimer.

And I forgot the most important piece of the equation. Two car batteries.
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Dennis Toy
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Post by Dennis Toy »

how bout a Quantum Singulary Generating Laser. You could generate a dimensional portal to any reality you like. heres what you need...

1 Type II phase discriminating array
2 Gravity redirectors.
1 Cashmir Generator.
4 car batteries.
and a partidge in a pair tree.
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Spanky The Dolphin
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Whatever you do, don't make a model volcano or Solar System.

Those are too cliche.
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Post by Shaka[Zulu] »

my vote is for the Farnsworth Fusor... you can easily make a 'cold' -- ie no neutrons produced -- demo system that runs on mere air... check out the farnovision site...
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Wicked Pilot
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

You could try to repeat some of physics's greatest experiments. Some examples are the Micholson & Marley Experiment which disproved "luminous ether" and set the stage for Special Relativity, or the experiment Rutherford used to disprove the "pudding" atomic motel and discover the atomic nucleus.
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Post by Solid Snake »

I will show you how to make............. Laser Torpedoes!
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Bob The Great
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Post by Bob The Great »

I think the fusor idea is pretty cool, if you could pull it off.

Or you could try to replicate some of the devices on this page. Of course, you would need access to a high-voltage power source (30-40kV). There are detailed instructions on the site, and even instructions for building your own power supply.
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Post by Shaka[Zulu] »

Bob The Great wrote:I think the fusor idea is pretty cool, if you could pull it off.

Or you could try to replicate some of the devices on this page. Of course, you would need access to a high-voltage power source (30-40kV). There are detailed instructions on the site, and even instructions for building your own power supply.
wow... I havent run across anything concerning the Biefield-Brown effect that was even half as interesting as that site... just might have to do some experimenting of my own. :idea: 8)
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Bob The Great
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Post by Bob The Great »

[quote=Shaka[Zulu]]wow... I havent run across anything concerning the Biefield-Brown effect that was even half as interesting as that site... just might have to do some experimenting of my own. [/quote]

Yeah, I found that site a while back, and was totally amazed that someone had taken the effect this far. I would love to play around with it, see if maybe it could be stabilized without the use of wires, for a totally autonomous craft.
Bob The Great has spoken...
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