Superman vs. The Empire

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Superman vs. The Empire

Post by Yogi »

Q decides to play a little prank. During the battle against the first Death Star, Luke's torpedo launcher malfunctions for no reason. Him, the Millenium Falcon, and the Rebellion are eliminated in short order. Just as the Emporer is thinking "All is good" Q pops in on him and says "Not Really."

Why not really? Q has grabbed Superman from the DC universe, given him an half hour breifing on the situation, then dropped him with only his super tights and super cape in the middle of Tatoonie. Naturally, Superman wants to overthrow the Evil Empire.

So, on one side you have turbolasers hotter than the sun, a space station that can destroy planets, and two Sith.

On the other you have Superman, who has just been dumped on a planet with TWO yellow suns.

Who wins? Assume that Superman is willing accept that killing might be inevitable in this coming conflict.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Tarkin being alive they contact the Maw institue, order a A Large order of Fries and two Resonance Torps which they then preceded to use on the Tattoine system cue Superman Death March music

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Post by Vendetta »

Considering that Batman managed to defeat him with no superpowers or lightsabres, people with both, like Vader, will make SuperChunks.
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Post by Alyeska »

Vendetta wrote:Considering that Batman managed to defeat him with no superpowers or lightsabres, people with both, like Vader, will make SuperChunks.
Batman has an advantage that neither Vader nor the Emporer have. Batman can study his target and take advantage of their Weakness. Superman is only really weak to Kryptonite. Even then Superman can shatter a moon in half and circle the planet a half dozen times in a second.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Superman defeats the first few troop transports/fleets the Empire sends against him. Then they wise up and either lure him to a system with a red sun, or haul a kyrptonite asteroid to Tatooine.
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Post by Crazy_Vasey »

Wonder what would happen to Superman if he got hit by a full powered superlaser.
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Post by Kuja »

nothing good... :twisted:
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Post by Yogi »

I beleive that you are missing some important points.

1) The Emporer does not know WHERE Superman is, or even the nature of the threat facing him.

2) Krypnonite was created when Krypton exploded. There would be no krypnonite in the Star Wars galaxy.

3) Superman has been shown to be able to act and react at light speed. That should be more than enough to dodge most attacks against him.

4) Batman is a genius, knows all of Superman's weaknesses (including his moral one, which he no longer has), and has Kryptonite stored in his Batcave. For reasons described above, there can not be any Kryptonite in the Star Wars Galaxy.
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Post by Yogi »

Crazy_Vasey wrote:Wonder what would happen to Superman if he got hit by a full powered superlaser.
Superman would be hard pressed to survive a full powered planet-busting super-laser hit. The problem will be, as always, hitting Superman. I wonder if the Superlaser can hit a man-sized target zipping around at light speed.
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Post by Crazy_Vasey »

Yogi wrote:
Crazy_Vasey wrote:Wonder what would happen to Superman if he got hit by a full powered superlaser.
Superman would be hard pressed to survive a full powered planet-busting super-laser hit. The problem will be, as always, hitting Superman. I wonder if the Superlaser can hit a man-sized target zipping around at light speed.
Probably not but I'm just curious as to the result.
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Post by Stravo »

We need to specify WHICH Superman we're talking about, Golden and Silver Age Superman was nearly ominoptent, the guy could fly into suns and move planets.

The modern Superman is significantly weaker and slower. He could react and move at supersonic speeds NOT lightspeed AND his invulnerability was pegged by John Byrne when he took a 40 Megaton blast and clearly almost died, backed up by Superman's statement that anything more and I would be dead. SO when you're flinging around gigaton level damage, the reduced modern supes is in serious trouoble.
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Post by Yogi »

Any version of Superman could fly into suns. The sun is his power source, he flies in them to recharge.

As for the modern Superman, apparently he has been recieving a steady stream of powerups by writers who want to show just how cool Superman is. I beleive the last major powerup occured at "Our Worlds At War" though you'll have to find someone more knowledgable than me for details.
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Post by Darth_Shinji »

The strongest example of modern day supes seems to be from hunter prey when he was hit by a blast that was phaised to me to have "the power of a thousand nukes" or something along that lines (maybe a million). So I say gigaton level toughness here.... he can prob take a few htl hits... but he is so much faster and smaller than most targets in sw so I doubt they can hit.

Pre-crisis skirted a blackhole. He also went into the sun, but I never saw that as a good example of his toughness for the same reasons Yogi mentioned. He is tough...but suvers a big weakness.

Basicaly this comes down to the force.... He he confronts the emporoer... can the force be used to defeat him? Expecaly pre-crisis his weakness to magic is very well known.... and I've always seen the force as a form of magic.
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Post by Alyeska »

Darth_Shinji wrote:The strongest example of modern day supes seems to be from hunter prey when he was hit by a blast that was phaised to me to have "the power of a thousand nukes" or something along that lines (maybe a million). So I say gigaton level toughness here.... he can prob take a few htl hits... but he is so much faster and smaller than most targets in sw so I doubt they can hit.

Pre-crisis skirted a blackhole. He also went into the sun, but I never saw that as a good example of his toughness for the same reasons Yogi mentioned. He is tough...but suvers a big weakness.

Basicaly this comes down to the force.... He he confronts the emporoer... can the force be used to defeat him? Expecaly pre-crisis his weakness to magic is very well known.... and I've always seen the force as a form of magic.
How much firepower would it take to shatter a mid sized moon into two pieces?
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Post by Yogi »

Darth_Shinji wrote:Basicaly this comes down to the force.... He he confronts the emporoer... can the force be used to defeat him? Expecaly pre-crisis his weakness to magic is very well known.... and I've always seen the force as a form of magic.
Even if you say that Superman can only move at supersonic speeds, that's still much faster than the Emporer can.

Fight is as follows:

Palpatine raises his hands to force-lighting Superman.

Superman dissepars from Palpatine's sight ala Dragonball Z.

Superman re-appears with his fist where Palpatine's head used to be.
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Post by Parallax »

We've seen Superman fly inter galactic distances in a matter of days(1) not that long ago and we've seen that his running speed is just under lightspeed(2).

1 - The Virus storyline where the main villain was a giant virus (don't ask) that 'assimilated' beings from worlds it came across.
2 - He kept pace with Jay Garrick, the golden age flash, who we know can run at light speed.

Basically Superman's speed boils down to lightspeed (or just barley under) in an atmosphere and multiples of light in space. Heck, Kal and Green Lantern once flew from Earth to Pluto while having a very short conversation...

If you want to use the Silver age/Pre-crisis Superman then I wouldn't even bother - this was the being that could blow away solar systems with a sneeze and restart suns with his heat vision.
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Post by Darth_Shinji »

Then why is it supes battles last more than 3 seconds?
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Post by Darth Wong »

All they have to do is convince him to enter a horse-riding competition, and he's done.

(Sorry, I know that was in bad taste)
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Post by Yogi »

Darth_Shinji wrote:Then why is it supes battles last more than 3 seconds?
Actually, most of them would be over in less than a quarter of a second if they wanted to utilize Superman's full power.

Simple, the same reason Flash battles lasts more than three seconds (I hope you know that Flash IS very fast) and why Batman seems to go from "punched by Thug B" level to "I can take out Supreman" level, and why the Jedi never use their force power to rip apart someone's brain from the inside out. The writers want a good story, so people conviniently "forget" they have powers at certain times. Martian Manhunter can start out every fght turning his opponent into a vegtable, but that would make the issues VERY boring.
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Post by Darth_Shinji »

Yogi wrote:
Darth_Shinji wrote:Then why is it supes battles last more than 3 seconds?
Actually, most of them would be over in less than a quarter of a second if they wanted to utilize Superman's full power.

Simple, the same reason Flash battles lasts more than three seconds (I hope you know that Flash IS very fast) and why Batman seems to go from "punched by Thug B" level to "I can take out Supreman" level, and why the Jedi never use their force power to rip apart someone's brain from the inside out. The writers want a good story, so people conviniently "forget" they have powers at certain times. Martian Manhunter can start out every fght turning his opponent into a vegtable, but that would make the issues VERY boring.
Yeah I know... all comics are like that to a point. just wanted to bring it up. :)
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Just wonder.... is it Post-Crisis Superman or Pre-Crisis? Now, Pre-Crisis Superman seemed to have unlimited power (moving planets and the like), but Post-Crisis Superman's power is limited by the yellow sun. Block the sunlight and Superman lost his power (as in "Dark Knight Returns").
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Post by Yogi »

That's true. However, he still can fly interstellar distances, and he was just dumped in a system with TWO yellow suns. He should have no problem hopping from yellow sun system to yellow sun system.
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Post by Dargos »

Darth Wong wrote:All they have to do is convince him to enter a horse-riding competition, and he's done.

(Sorry, I know that was in bad taste)

Sick sick sick

but a laughed anyways, so sue me!
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Current Supes would be killed quickly since any energy sucker can hurt him(too many Canon books showing that simply sucking energy away from him is an effective trap) or better yet enclosing him a Crystal grav trap wherein in a matter of hours he loses nearly all his energy reserves(The Sun Eater saga)

But Silver Age?

Sorry he would whup the empire and pet Krypto in the hour...the guy could punch holes into time, and defy so many laws of physics that one is boggled he just simply win by entering the picture and press a gian tred button with a win printed on it.

Also for the insanity of traveling to star system to star if he still requires to breathe(something so many writers have forgotten is a new weakness of his that John Byrne wrote and has yet to be refuted)

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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Yogi wrote:That's true. However, he still can fly interstellar distances, and he was just dumped in a system with TWO yellow suns. He should have no problem hopping from yellow sun system to yellow sun system.
But Post-Crisis Superman still has limited power (unlike Pre-Crisis Superman). Now if several punches from Doomsday can kill Superman, how will he stand up against Death Star Superlaser, or 200GT HTL blast?
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