James Bond vs.....

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James Bond vs.....

Post by RayCav of ASVS »

- GTA 3 guy
- Gordan Freeman
- anybody from Team Fortress, Day of Defeat or Counter Strike
- A Stormie
- A Cylon
- Anybody from GTA 3
- The guy from the Hit Man games
- Kane from Command & Conquer
- Tanya from Red Alert
- Grand Admiral Thrawn
- Darth Vader
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Post by thecreech »

Bond loses to all of them HA :twisted:
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Post by Kuja »

Bond loses all.
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Post by Mr Bean »

- GTA 3 guy
What is the GTA3 Guy? Just another namless crony of some evil genius who Bond will quicky wipe the floor with on way to said evil but beatful genius
- Gordan Freeman
Talk about Ouch, Bond has Class but Freeman has so much friggen survival instinct its not even funny, With that HEV suit of his which is bullet resistant + being able to take about twice as much damage as Bond can dish in H2H Freeman will wipe the floor with Bond
- anybody from Team Fortress, Day of Defeat or Counter Strike
Now most of the TFC fokes Bond can walk on through no problem, Depending on the situation he can take out most of them, However the Spy and Solider present problems for him so those are iffy, The Day of Defeat Fokes though good brave and true ect are basicly the mindless gones Bond often mows down leaving them abit bad
Now the CS people another toss up, The Terriosts as tradtional bad guys would only manage to hit Bond in Aprove "Good Guy Areas" however the CTs Espcillay paired with an AWP(Artic Warfare Magnium Police Edition aka the Anti Material Sniper Rifle) would very quicky send Bond down for the Count(Thing that Automatic Snper Rifle from the Jackle and you'll get an idea of its power)
- A Stormie
Winner-Stromy, Its a Slaughter
A Stromtrooper? Basicly Gordon Freeman on "God Mode" to Bond

- Anybody from GTA 3
- The guy from the Hit Man games
Though the Hitman will present a bit harder challenge he is doomed to failer as is the GTA 3 Crew
- Kane from Command & Conquer
Extra Cyspy or Orgional?

- Tanya from Red Alert
Winner-The Viewers
Hmm dangerious but beatful women?
Bond's in her Pants 30 mintues tops

- Grand Admiral Thrawn
If you let Bond come with all his normal toys that Means Thrawn does as well...

Normal Toys for Thrawn? Why an Imperal Star Destroyer of Course! :twisted:
- Darth Vader
Forget the Watch Laser, Vadar is packing LIGHTSABER's here
Last edited by Mr Bean on 2002-10-28 09:28pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by neoolong »

James Bond is a spy. He can do some cool stuff but he's not all that great at killing people in an up and up fight. He pretty much loses unless he has the element of suprise, and even then it's pretty iffy.
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Post by RayCav of ASVS »

Mr Bean wrote:
- GTA 3 guy
What is the GTA3 Guy? Just another namless crony of some evil genius who Bond will quicky wipe the floor with on way to said evil but beatful genius
GTA 3 guy is the main character from Grand Theft Auto III. He's actually cunning in his own way, but he mostly believes in simple brute force. To quote Tony Cipriani, another GTA 3 character, "No fancy crap!"
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Post by Mr Bean »

No no I know who the GTA3 Guy is I've played the Game quite alot but the fact remains what is the GTA3 Guy AT HEART?

A Nameless goon

And what is Bond's Record Aginst Nameless Goons? :P

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Re: James Bond vs.....

Post by Evil Sadistic Bastard »

RayCav of ASVS wrote:- GTA 3 guy
- Gordan Freeman
James Bond gets turned into a crispy critter by the gluon gun. End of story.
- anybody from Team Fortress, Day of Defeat or Counter Strike
Sniper bullet through the head. Next.
- A Stormie
E-11 vs. Walther PPK? I know where my money is going.
- A Cylon
NEver watched the sries. Wouldn't know. Sorry.
- Anybody from GTA 3
If it's the Player, then Bond loses. Every time the player dies an ambulance will come and fix him up for just $1k. Eventually Bond loses through attrition. Anyone else, it's a fifty-fifty with Bond's life expectancy decreasing in direct proportion to the lethality of the weapons carried by the punks. Or he could just be run over.
- The guy from the Hit Man games
This is a close one. 47 is the most realistic combatant here who wins through intelligence and luck. 47 puts three rounds in Bond's head with a custom rifle.

[/quote] - Kane from Command & Conquer[/quote]

Unknown - Kane has never fought before, in fact he has almost never appeared onscreen apart from briefings. Though having half a head full of tiberium might help.
- Tanya from Red Alert
You are kidding right? Tanya has magical Colt 45s that kill armored infantry instantly and which outrange jeep amchine guns. Next.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn
SD.NEt GAT would have his ass handed to him by Bond, both in coolness and firepower. SW GAT would just order Rukh to kill Bond in any one of many imaginative and painful ways.
- Darth Vader
Do you even have to ask?
Believe in the sign of Hentai.

BotM - Hentai Tentacle Monkey/Warwolves - Evil-minded Medic/JL - Medical Jounin/Mecha Maniacs - Fuchikoma Grope Attack!/AYVB - Bloody Bastards.../GALE Force - Purveyor of Anal Justice/HAB - Combat Medical Orderly

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Re: James Bond vs.....

Post by Pablo Sanchez »

RayCav of ASVS wrote:- GTA 3 guy
- anybody from Team Fortress, Day of Defeat or Counter Strike
- A Stormie
- A Cylon
- Anybody from GTA 3
Nameless henchmen always lose to Bond. Period.
- Gordan Freeman
Probably Freeman. Bond isn't a killing machine.
- The guy from the Hit Man games
Scaramanga was the world's deadliest assassin. Bond killed him. #47 gets flushed.
- Kane from Command & Conquer
An evil supervillain? Get in line, Baldy.
- Tanya from Red Alert
The love doctor is in, baby. Doctor Bond wants you to take some horizontal therapy... and don't bother calling him in the morning.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn
What's Bond's record against coldly calculating and amoral villains? 20-0-0? Bring him on, Bond's all set to end the Empire's "Blue Period."
- Darth Vader
He's just a bit out of Bond's league.
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

neoolong wrote:James Bond is a spy. He can do some cool stuff but he's not all that great at killing people in an up and up fight. He pretty much loses unless he has the element of suprise, and even then it's pretty iffy.
He can kick the crap out of the average goon very nicely, particularly if we're dealing with the Bond as protrayed Sean Connery or Pierce Brosnan.

Connery's Bond is a real mean bastard, and has a lot of ingenuity. IMO, he's got more of the Naval Officer and angry Scotsman components in him than the others. Less of a suave spy, more of a brawling secret agent. My favorite Bond fight moment of all time was when he was being chased across a warehouse roof by Japanese sailors (You Only Live Twice), and he grabbed a wrench and busted heads. Not too suave, but it got the job done.

Roger Moore's Bond was the real gentlemen spy. He was every bit as ingenious as Connery's, but didn't seem quite as brutal (not to disregard the part where he shot Baron Samedi in the head with a .44 Magnum).

Pierce Brosnan's Bond is a commando in training and method, which is very well established by Goldeneye. He seems most effective when he's wielding an assault rifle or snapping necks in hand to hand. He can still sneak around, but he doesn't seem as convincing as an intelligence agent.

The other two Bonds I don't know as much about.
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Post by neoolong »

Pablo Sanchez wrote:
neoolong wrote:James Bond is a spy. He can do some cool stuff but he's not all that great at killing people in an up and up fight. He pretty much loses unless he has the element of suprise, and even then it's pretty iffy.
He can kick the crap out of the average goon very nicely, particularly if we're dealing with the Bond as protrayed Sean Connery or Pierce Brosnan.

Connery's Bond is a real mean bastard, and has a lot of ingenuity. IMO, he's got more of the Naval Officer and angry Scotsman components in him than the others. Less of a suave spy, more of a brawling secret agent. My favorite Bond fight moment of all time was when he was being chased across a warehouse roof by Japanese sailors (You Only Live Twice), and he grabbed a wrench and busted heads. Not too suave, but it got the job done.

Roger Moore's Bond was the real gentlemen spy. He was every bit as ingenious as Connery's, but didn't seem quite as brutal (not to disregard the part where he shot Baron Samedi in the head with a .44 Magnum).

Pierce Brosnan's Bond is a commando in training and method, which is very well established by Goldeneye. He seems most effective when he's wielding an assault rifle or snapping necks in hand to hand. He can still sneak around, but he doesn't seem as convincing as an intelligence agent.

The other two Bonds I don't know as much about.
But still he is pretty suave, even Pierce Brosnan. Most of the opponents will basically go fuck this and just start shooting. I mean he's good but getting a blaster rifle shot at you when you're just human means you're going to have some chunks missing at the end of the day.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Have we forgot the Propertys of Stormy Armor? 360 Sight and basicly acts as super-Kevlar meaning anything short of .50Cal weaponry(And even then only after a few shots) is going to be doing anything Pablo

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Post by Lord of the Farce »

Mr Bean wrote:Have we forgot the Propertys of Stormy Armor? 360 Sight and basicly acts as super-Kevlar meaning anything short of .50Cal weaponry(And even then only after a few shots) is going to be doing anything Pablo
Well, Bond is a pretty damned good shot, so if he gets time for a well aimmed shot, he might hit the Storm Trooper in the exposed neck area (though that would be extremely difficult if the Stormie is in the proper stance to get maximum frontal protection).
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

Mr Bean wrote:Have we forgot the Propertys of Stormy Armor? 360 Sight and basicly acts as super-Kevlar meaning anything short of .50Cal weaponry(And even then only after a few shots) is going to be doing anything Pablo

The stormy will start shooting at him, then Bond will get behind cover and return fire. On noticing that his shots aren't doing anything, Bond whips out an RPG concealed inside his wallet and perforates the bastard.

Bond automatically wins when faced with nameless villains.
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Re: James Bond vs.....

Post by CorSec »

- GTA 3 guy
- anybody from Team Fortress, Day of Defeat or Counter Strike
- Kane from Command & Conquer
- Tanya from Red Alert
- Anybody from GTA 3
No opinion.
- Gordan Freeman
Tough call, but I'll give it to Gordan.
- A Stormie
- A Cylon
Bond in his sleep.
- The guy from the Hit Man games
The guy from Hit Man.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn
Grand Admiral Thrawn in his sleep.
- Darth Vader
Darth Vader.
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Re: James Bond vs.....

Post by Slartibartfast »

RayCav of ASVS wrote: - A Cylon
Bond wins. The Cylons can't aim straight because they've got this eye that's always bouncing from left to right.
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Post by Solid Snake »

Bond vs. Solid Snake

SD.net Snake gets his ass handed to him

MG Snake kills Bond while sleeping.
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