Assault ship. Can base 850 Royal Marines. To get them from the ship to their objective, it has 12 Sea King transport helicopters, and 4 amphibious landing craft.
It also has 6 Westland Lynx attack helicopters.
If the ship was sent back in time, and arrived in the Mediterranian Sea at the time when the Roman Empire was at its height, could the marines from the ship bring down the Empire?
The Only condition I'm imposing on this debate is that the Lynx's are only to be used if the Marines get into difficulty and really need urgent helicopter gunship support.
(BTW the ship itself is armed with Phalanx CIWS and 20mm cannon. Against Roman galleys such as any would-be boarders would use, these guns would be leaden death in the extreme. So as long as Ocean stays more than a few hundred yards from any coast, she is an invulnerable base for the marines to operate from.)