Rock on

Moderator: NecronLord
That's a Ground HK (hunter-killer unit). Only a Mk.1 as well, the Mk.2s have two phased-plasma cannons on each arm and a polyalloy/steel armour composite mesh.RayCav of ASVS wrote:Anyway, I recall in T2 (or T1, my memory sucks ass) a rather wicked-looking thing that looked like a super-huge terminator unit with its lower torso replaced by tracks, seeming to have a lot of firepower. In addition, those kick-ass flying things:)
Wow. Have pics?[/quote]RayCav of ASVS wrote:[quote="Admiral ValdemarThat's a Ground HK (hunter-killer unit). Only a Mk.1 as well, the Mk.2s have two phased-plasma cannons on each arm and a polyalloy/steel armour composite mesh.
The "flying things" are Flying HKs. They are fast assault gunships, nuclear fusion powered and use IR and other passive scanners to detect prey. They can be used to support HK Bomber units (huge mutha fucking craft that look like flying insects in later version and have a large array of plasma mines and turrets).
Then there are the T-70s, T-600, T-700, T-800, T-1000, the T-Meg, T-1G, Silverfish HK mobile bomb, Centurion class HK walker, flying Mini-Hunters and those horrible rapto like things that are 3 metres tall.
Yes, yes I do.[/quote]Admiral Valdemar wrote:Wow. Have pics?RayCav of ASVS wrote:[quote="Admiral ValdemarThat's a Ground HK (hunter-killer unit). Only a Mk.1 as well, the Mk.2s have two phased-plasma cannons on each arm and a polyalloy/steel armour composite mesh.
The "flying things" are Flying HKs. They are fast assault gunships, nuclear fusion powered and use IR and other passive scanners to detect prey. They can be used to support HK Bomber units (huge mutha fucking craft that look like flying insects in later version and have a large array of plasma mines and turrets).
Then there are the T-70s, T-600, T-700, T-800, T-1000, the T-Meg, T-1G, Silverfish HK mobile bomb, Centurion class HK walker, flying Mini-Hunters and those horrible rapto like things that are 3 metres tall.
(source: T1 Script)TERMINATOR
A phased plasma pulse-laser in
the forty watt range...
Slug = 120 kg (I'm assuming 5 kg of the 125 kg/shot is the ammo feed here)quote:
1 Gauss Rifle - apx. 85 GJ of kinetic energy (120 kg slug, 37400 km/s)
LOL! You fucking wish! Where did you get such an exaggerated speed for BT gauss rifles?
I'm not using starship guns for the calculation; you're misreading my figures. I'm using the standard, 15 ton gauss cannon used on both 'mechs and fighters.Straha wrote:Thanks for the bump, now for the gauss rifle calc, your using starship guns for the conversion. Now your using a battlemech, not a starship, so that does seem a bit outrageous.
heh, yeah, there's a reason why dropships don't carry naval lasers. The mass to damage efficiency on those is pretty terrible. Naval autocannons, on the other hand...Typhonis 1 wrote:Trust me Stratha they fighter weapon "Gauss Rifle " and the mech weapon "guass rifle"are the same ,they have the same weight ,ammo capacity and damge produced..the scarry stufff is the naval a NL55....where a fighter mounted GR is a 15 point damage weapon the NL%5 does 55 points