Glass consoles: At the start, Chief John Anderton reviews a future murder on a huge glass wall that wraps around the room. He interfaces with the wall with a pair of gloves with blue lights on the fingertips.
Maglev: We saw a whole highway of maglev cars in DC. These cars can climb up, down, and sideways on the side of an apartment building, provided the maglev trackage is there.
Precognitives: These three kids can predict future murders. The Precrime unit uses these gifted individuals to pinpoint the time, place and individuals involved.
Aerial vehicle: The Precrime division uses a few of these to transport cops rapidly around the city. I saw no rotating blades, so it obviously must be a hovercraft. Yet the design of the vehicle doesn't look aerodynamic.
Spyders: Tiny drones with a scanning pod and a few flexible legs attached. They proved to be quite intelligent, since one of them held up a floor panel for the others to enter. Their hearing is extremely sensitive, as one of them actually detected a bubble bursting on the water in which Anderton was hiding. Their legs are very flexible, yet strong. Is that possible?
Face-altering chem: When preparing to reenter Precrime and steal one of the precogs, Anderton used a face-altering chem to make himself look like an old man. It wore off after a half-hour.
Eye-scanner: We already have this tech, so it's a no-brainer.