Seddun-Braijsa Byr Fruel Genar-Hofoen dam Ois .... Is this guy a fruit or what? I mean, he wants to be a frelling AFFRONTER! Eugh. ::slips a tentacle up next guys arse::
Hey, maybe ESB is an Affrotner.. They are tentacled and do like stucking their tentacles up random orifices of other people ..
Sì! Abbiamo un' anima! Ma è fatta di tanti piccoli robot.
I'm only to page 104 or sommat like that. I read slowly ;p
I believe that Affronters would more realistically (as in not a tonne of flesh floating in a dense atmosphere) be a large gas pouch with a relatively small body 0.5 cubic metres most, with long tentacles hanging beneath its body around the beak, with 2-10 eyes off to the sides. But thats just my idea of how a gas-giant species would have to work.
I'm assuming the Affronters are gas giant creatures because i cant see a reason to have gas sacks other then a kind of hot-air-ballon type creature.
Sì! Abbiamo un' anima! Ma è fatta di tanti piccoli robot.
I'm only to page 104 or sommat like that. I read slowly ;p
I believe that Affronters would more realistically (as in not a tonne of flesh floating in a dense atmosphere) be a large gas pouch with a relatively small body 0.5 cubic metres most, with long tentacles hanging beneath its body around the beak, with 2-10 eyes off to the sides. But thats just my idea of how a gas-giant species would have to work.
I'm assuming the Affronters are gas giant creatures because i cant see a reason to have gas sacks other then a kind of hot-air-ballon type creature.
The gas sac was described as usually being anywhere from 1 to 5 meters in diameter, with the main body being an ovoid 1 meter by 2 meters, IIRC.
It seems to me that Issorile (their home world, not sure if you've seen that part yet due to the way it jumps around) is most likely a cold Venusian/large Titanian moon of a gas giant, rather than being a gas giant itself.
kojikun wrote:Seddun-Braijsa Byr Fruel Genar-Hofoen dam Ois .... Is this guy a fruit or what?
Well, consider all Culture citizens would technically be hermphrodites I don't think that has much meaning. But also, as you'll find out later, has grabby hands when it comes to the ladies. Even when he is one....
Hey, maybe ESB is an Affrotner.. They are tentacled and do like stucking their tentacles up random orifices of other people ..
Nah, not violent enough. The Affront are real assholes.
kojikun wrote:Xal: wtf is the airsac for if not to float?!
It obviously is for floating. They need not be Jovians just because of that, though.
They obviously live in cold habitats, as they were using mercury gambling chips. Gas giants tend to be rather warm, from what I understand. Their habitats have higher atmospheric pressure than Earth, yet it is not as high as pressures found in gas giants: the 'arena' section of one Affronter dinner table was described as being tented and filled with gas giant atmosphere for some Jovian organisms they had fighting in it. The containment failed, and the high pressure atmosphere exploded out with enough force to kill everone at the table. Venus and Titan both have higher atmospheric pressures than Earth; 1.5 atmospheres for Titan and ~95 for Venus (remember that I said "cold Venusian/large Titanian). I had another reason for thinking it's a moon, but I can't remember it at the moment.
It's certainly possible that Issorile is a gas giant, but I feel it is more likely the moon of one.
kojikun wrote:Heres my rendition of what an affronter SHOULD look like:
Looks like a Vorlon ship that ate a bit too much.
It's not my place in life to make people happy. Don't talk to me unless you're prepared to watch me slaughter cows you hold sacred. Don't talk to me unless you're prepared to have your basic assumptions challenged. If you want bunnies in light, talk to someone else.
Who the fuck let the dreadnaught have that ISD sized bag of peanuts anyway?
Their planet is not a moon, or it is a very large moon around a very large gas giant, as there environment is around 2G, explained when Gener reachs the hotel on Tier. They probably live in large creature, given the highly organic environments they developed into their orbital, like a dirigible-beheamoth in LtW.
However the idea that they live on a gas giant is quite hard to reconcile with their advanced technology and military power. Where would they get the material to build spaceships in the first place?