Macross wrote:This is basically what has been happening in the forums, people don’t pick up on SirNitrams problems and focus on what they like about him, and then they tune out whatever I say.
As many others have noted, they were responding the same way before SirNitram showed up. The annoyance-turned-contempt that you are eliciting is due to your actions. Or do you honestly think Nitram somehow traveled back in time and began this conspiracy before he ever actually became involved in it?
Let me provide another bit of perspective. I felt the same way your other critics here did before Nitram showed up, and for the same reasons. When I was younger, I made pretty much the same mistakes you discussed at the start of this thread. And the advice of people like the ones who responded to you was exactly what I needed to get my act together. I don't know Nitram other than seeing some of his previous posts on the board and frankly didn't even think his posts in this thread were substantively different from the things everyone else is saying. The only reason I notice them in particular now is because of your ridiculous flailing. I'm sure some of the other posters herein are in a similar circumstance.
The very fact that you are twisting this around into some board conspiracy on Nitram's part is a painfully obvious way for you to avoid dealing with the situation you initially posted about. Go back, look at the early pages of this thread, in which the same things were being said long before SirNitram popped in, and ask yourself how you can logically claim that those responses were instigated by Nitram.
Also, ask yourself why you are unable to answer the simple question people keep putting to you regarding the situation with your co-worker: "Have you asked her out?" Asking yourself why you avoid even discussing
that issue, the one that led you to start this thread, might lead you to some of those insights you've been looking for.
Macross wrote:Here is a list of symptoms.
Not pick up on social cues and lack inborn social skills, such as being able to read others' body language, start or maintain a conversation, and take turns talking.
Be unable to recognize subtle differences in speech tone, pitch, and accent that alter the meaning of others’ speech. Thus, your child may not understand a joke or may take a sarcastic comment literally. Likewise, his or her speech may be flat and difficult to understand because it lacks tone, pitch, and accent.
I have noticed all of these symptoms in SirNitram,
Um, wait.
Macross wrote:Not pick up on social cues and lack inborn social skills, such as being able to read others' body language, start or maintain a conversation, and take turns talking.
Be unable to recognize subtle differences in speech tone, pitch, and accent that alter the meaning of others’ speech.
Macross wrote:Not pick up on social cues and lack inborn social skills, such as being able to read others' body language, start or maintain a conversation, and take turns talking.
Be unable to recognize subtle differences in speech tone, pitch, and accent that alter the meaning of others’ speech.
You've noticed his
inability to pick up body language and
failure to recognize speech tones while
exchanging text messages? Jesus, dude, seriously, seek help.
Macross wrote:He is afraid to seek help because he fears he will lose what he already has, when all I was trying to tell him was that everything would be so much better if he learned to live with his disorder.
So publicly admitting that he has the disorder and discussing all of the means that he has used and continues to use to lead a healthy social life, testimony supported by those that know him and acknowledge his issues and the efforts he's made to overcome them, constitute a failure to live with his disorder? That takes the phrase "radical interpretation of the text" to a whole new level.
Macross wrote:This is paradise for him, here people mimic his social behavior and he must think I am trying to take it all away from him and that’s why he is trying to get rid of me.
I do not say this to be mean or mock you, but this sentence really puts all of the problems you've discussed in this thread into perspective -- both the ones dealing with people here and the ones dealing with people in real life. It's ridiculously melodramatic, ragingly narcissistic and frankly indicative of a fair amount of projection. You're badly overstating your actual importance to SirNitram and failing to deal with the issues that led you to start this thread in the first place.
I know its already been said repeatedly but please listen -- GET PROFESSIONAL HELP. The insights into yourself and others that you are claiming make you sound delusional. I've seen friends of mine continue to make this mistake at your age and rather than figuring out their problems and coming to terms with them, they have actually become worse because they are only sinking deeper into them.
It's okay to kiss a nun; just don't get into the habit.