Jake99 wrote:What I am trying to say is that if you take ownership out of the equation you will become vastly more efficient than if you continue to sell between yourselves. Nothing is less efficient than a small business which is why 9 out of 10 of them in the US fail in the first 5 years. Why would you put people through such a mathematical failure and then try to encourage more of it. Ownership is a waste of manpower and resourses.
You're full of bullshit. You have no understanding of how a free market economy works. A free market economy is the
most efficient resource distributor. Furthermore, you're equivocating on "efficient" -- efficiency isn't determined by failure rate. Also, ownership is the
very basis of manpower and resources. Take away ownership, you take away incentives to work.
Earn the right to use things based on labor effort only.
This concept is actually...get ready for this, fucktard; you may have heard of it:
I say the selling of resourses is not just ethically illegal its the core of all of mankinds problems and its totally illegal. Just because that is what has run the world does not mean it is what should run the world.
Is-ought fallacy. Why should we change from the more efficient system to the less efficient system? Also, back up your shit. Why is trade unethical.
I stand against western civilazation because it is complex and wasteful.
"I don't understand it! Make it go away, mommy!"
I love the products it generated but we cannot allow that system to spread to the rest of the world.
Except the rest of the world
already uses that system.
If it is that wastefull now with this many people, it will be much worse as population rises and terrorisum continues.
Fucking bullshit. You're a moron, vaginal scumbag.
Just how badly do you want to strip the world of its fruit and hurt its people before christ comes to stand against you? Enough of the trade wars, distribute on a global level and get super efficient instead of super inefficient.
A fucking global bureaucracy is going to be
INEFFICIENT. What part of that do you not fucking understand?
Its a sharing thing that you need to run and it should be democratic. War whether it be military or trade ends up in every home and I stand against using manpower and resourses to wage it.
Trade is not war. Get that through your blubbery skull.
Every ownership is a line on the map that is defended with much effort, I just want to use that effort doing productive things instead.
Sure...let's fundamentally change human nature after 5 fucking million years of evolutionary hardwiring.
You seem to want to work hard and I want to work smart. You want to escallate the traffic jams and I want to eliminate them. Look who is in the traffic jams and you will see that it is the jobs I want to automate. Stop fighting wars and start building better homes and services with the manpower and you wont have any wars to fight.
Wonderful strawmanning rhetoric. Do you have any substance to back it up? ...I thought not. Idiot trolling dipshitfucker.
Stop following the idiots that have led you to this state of global complexity and chaos. You cannot stop the terrorists untill you are practicing what you preach. Jesus stood against the very same things that the terrorists are targeting, moneychangers, gamblers, liers, cheaters, thieves and salesman.
Jesus wasn't a fucking economist, asshole.
You can hardly find a leader who has not been involved in corruption and the system is to blame not the person. A good system is not corruptable, which is what I am trying to lead you into. Yes I am the only one going the other way but that does not mean I am wrong. I have been going the other way my whole life, its the secret to my success.
So now, aggregate responsibility for individual actions? I'm not surprised you're spouting such incredible moral ideas. You possess no brain, only finely creamed bullshit held in place by crusty asshairs.
What things have I done that you cannot. I have fixed hundreds of problems in work areas that no one else could or did and I can and have eliminated work place injuries that were once very common. I also do very well as a mediator between companies and unions who were at war for years before my arrival. I changed more operating systems in a company of 30,000 than all others combined. Either I was the only one who cared enough to solve the ongoing problems and ineffiiencies or I was just the smartest, either way.
I dont care much for the current economic system so if you are trying to teach it to me and justify it then your argument it a waste of time. I set my head on my desk and objected to the sales and middleman system when I was 14. Everyone knows that this system must come to an end to achieve peace and prosperity. I just put forth the starting point of no ownership with efficiency, resoursefullness and justice for all. Equal rights regardless of where you were born.
You decided not to like economics when you were 14? Funny, you'd think a 50-year-old man would've learned. I suspect you're not even 14 yet. Lying bullfucker.
And get simple like educating over the internet instead of sending children to school. Its a lot cheaper to hook them up with an online computer and let them view the lesson plan at home. Limit web access until they take the lesson first. Learn at your own speed and when you are ready to learn. This Monday thru Friday 9 to 5 world has to change to 24/7/365. Get rid of the holidays and utilize the night and weekend hours just like the rest of the hours of the week.
Get a clue, asshole. The world does not warp itself to conform to your idealistic wet dreams.
Sorry I posted inside of quotes I dont know how to use the function of reply with quote, I am new at this stuff. I have nothing to hide but my life has been hidden which is why it is not as easy to define what I have done as you wish it were. I wish it were easy but that is not how my life has been and it was hidden so that I would be here saying what I am based on facts.
So "I'm new at this stuff" is your excuse for being a bullsemen-stained moron and not figuring out how message boards work before
trying to start a debate? Idiot.
The short list of minor to major leadership experiences was just a demonstration of how quickly I am assaigned to leadership roles. And it was a demonstration of how quickly I adapt from one area to another and do the same things that worked perfectly everywhere I went. If my siblings are the best in the state at several sports you might think we have a gift. We compete at very high levels of sport and life, unlike any other family of children that I ever heard of.
You're full of shit, you lying troll. Now why don't you debate me point-to-point, you coward? This broken-record debating technique is going to get you banned sooner rather than later.
QED, fucktard.