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If a man said he was the messiah would you listen to him or turn him away?

Listen to him
Turn him away
No one can save this world
George Bush is the way I follow him
I dont believe in the messiah
Once terrorisum is defeated all will be ok, that is my savior
Total votes: 117

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Post by Ninja of the North »

I need no redemption because his noodly appendage has already touched me.
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Post by Zero »

If anything were God, then it would know that telling me so is useless, as I won't listen. Jack's not so smart on this matter. If he is God, then God's stupid, and should know that showing is a lot more important then telling...
So long, and thanks for all the fish
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Post by wautd »

Stofsk wrote:
wautd wrote:A complete total stranger tells me he is the messiah? Offcourse I would listen to him. His will is my command
I am the Messiah. My coming was foretold by prophets and wise men, and I herald mankind with love and redemption. Gimme all your money.
I would if I could Master but unfortunatly another stranger already was ahead of you.

What's that Master? You want me to shoot everybody? :wtf: Highly unusual but... ok

*cocks gun*

cya tomorrow all
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Post by Jake99 »

I don't claim to be god I claim to be the closest person to him. He uses me to fullfill prophesies and has been doing so all of my life( 50 years). Peace and prosperity has been my game and it took many verbal wars to win. God approves of and directs me in the same way he did jesus. My way is not your way its the way of the bible and I have to assume I am the only one that tried any part of it.
The simple system is the one where you cannot own anything but you can use everything because we all own everything. Common needs are free and luxuries are earned. It solves every problem the earth has generated in just a few minutes. Use and distributeall the technology you have invented to properly manage the resorses we have. The manpower and materials that are wasted by buying, selling and advertising and banking are enormous and those same resorses would go along way towards building all the things you want instead. Get rid of the possession lawyers and the insurance companies. Do you know how many houses you could build with the armies and office workers you have instead of fighting over everything. Stop fighting and selling its a waste of time and energy and its dangerous. And by the way I have been in court many times on many matters that dont seem to matter to anyone else. I hope to one day see you in court on the matter of possession I claim it is illegal. I see many Bush followers here, lets see he wants to gamble, kill, pollute and raise the retirement age to 70 not to mention run an ownership society. That philosophy will get you a war everytime as it has.
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Post by Pint0 Xtreme »

In before the lock! :P

This guy isn't just a fundie troll. It looks like he's having hallucinations as well.
Last edited by Pint0 Xtreme on 2005-07-26 05:02pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DrkHelmet »

Jake99 wrote:I don't claim to be god I claim to be the closest person to him.
Tell him I said hi. Also, God should be capitalized, and when you start a new sentence, you need a period or semicolon.
Jake99 wrote:He uses me to fullfill prophesies and has been doing so all of my life( 50 years). Peace and prosperity has been my game and it took many verbal wars to win. God approves of and directs me in the same way he did jesus. My way is not your way its the way of the bible and I have to assume I am the only one that tried any part of it.
Have God teach you how to use proper nouns in a sentence. "Jesus" and "Bible" are both proper nouns and need to be capitalized.
Jake99 wrote:The simple system is the one where you cannot own anything but you can use everything because we all own everything. Common needs are free and luxuries are earned. It solves every problem the earth has generated in just a few minutes. Use and distributeall the technology you have invented to properly manage the resorses we have. The manpower and materials that are wasted by buying, selling and advertising and banking are enormous and those same resorses would go along way towards building all the things you want instead. Get rid of the possession lawyers and the insurance companies. Do you know how many houses you could build with the armies and office workers you have instead of fighting over everything. Stop fighting and selling its a waste of time and energy and its dangerous. And by the way I have been in court many times on many matters that dont seem to matter to anyone else. I hope to one day see you in court on the matter of possession I claim it is illegal. I see many Bush followers here, lets see he wants to gamble, kill, pollute and raise the retirement age to 70 not to mention run an ownership society. That philosophy will get you a war everytime as it has.
You heard it here first guys! God is a communist. By the way, "Jake", just because you are all about peace, love, and communism doesn't mean the rest of the world will embrace your ideals.
Last edited by DrkHelmet on 2005-07-26 05:01pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

The Emperor is so much cooler than God. And Jesus. Combined.
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Post by wautd »

Well he's right on the resorses. Can't go without the resorses

Oh god, I spammed. Don't kill me
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Post by Vicious Enigma »

Well here is a long post about Jake99, Enjoy!:

Jake99 Quotes (Copied and Pasted),

This statement is his most recent. At first he said he was god, then later this year he said he wasn’t and he was just “A channel through him”. Now he says he’s god again…
“God whoever or whatever it is and jesus or whatever you refer to the savior as, is who I am (Jake99).”

“I carry a batting average of about 999.70% and I have been to the plate a thousand times.”

"If you eliminate the causes of suffering you eliminate the suffering and then you don't need to see a doctor, just let me fix your problem."

Followed by…"I could have stayed in my castle and played golf every day , but that was not enough for me because I want peace on earth instead."

"I was fortunate enough to be the best looking, best athlete with a long family history of the best brainpower, appearance and abilities."

"Listen to me and all your prayers will be answered when you are convinced that my
way is the truth and the only way."

"You can pray and read the bible all you want but that won't change the facts or solve
any problems."

"My family will lead you like lambs to the slaughterhouse I will lead you into the
clouds like kings and queens."

“You don't want to follow a leader who has not been a total success do you?”

“Many psychiatrists have examined me and found no problem with my words as well
as my mind.”

“My name was on millions of food products that my teams manufactured and I was always the
one in charge that guaranteed its safety.”

“In me VS all of you I have never lost and I have been in many big fights.”

“I say I can fix this world in a matter of weeks and tell you how I would do it in a
matter of minutes.”

“I call Osama a hero because he has made it difficult to operate the most destructive system
the world has ever seen.”

“I can defiantly manipulate the value of the wind and the sun and I can defiantly protect you
from natural disasters and possession and greed that kills so many people…... I can move you
off the beaches and away from the volcanos and I can evacuate you quickly in many cases if
you do live in such places that are in the way of natures fury.”

This quote is him responding to someone asking him to elaborate about his
gene pool:

“My father built the first U.S. ICBM and other spacecraft and is easily the most educated man
on the planet. My mother looks alot like princess Grace of Monaco only much prettier and at
age 75 can beat most people at ping pong, chineese checkers or crokete.

3 brothers: top collegiate tennis players and super high school athletes and scholars. Winners
and runners up of numerous tennis tournaments and nearly unbeatable at any sport. Voted
most likely to succeed and top 10 collegiate grads. Possibly the best musicians and entertainers

3 sisters: Unbelievable physical beauty. Top scholars, board of directors for 7 massachusetts
hospitals, secretary to the president of EMC. Boston Globe award for most valuable volleyball
player in the state. Best athletes in large high school”

“I win on rule of law and have done so hundreds of times”

“I am an extremely experienced and successful efficiency expert and business mnanager
the likes of which you cannot even fathom.”

“I am a higher being which is the point and the facts that I present.”

“Can I cure Cancer, absolutely and quickly and the same goes for AIDS and all other problems
you create with the inefficient and destructive system that the world uses.”

There are many more but I think you now get the drift.
Last edited by Vicious Enigma on 2005-07-26 05:11pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by SirNitram »

A neo-commie with delusions of granduer. I must admit this is an SDN first; and with a Hotmail account, he paid ten dollars to come here and preach.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

Debator Classification: Trollhunter
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Post by Vicious Enigma »

Besides the fact god isn’t real here is more about Jake99 you need to know. All can be found in his posts!

This post is where Jake99 is to “Prove” he is as he says “The Messiah” and doesn’t for 4 pages: ... ge=1&pp=25

His other major posts where he claims he is god and can change the world (Good for info): ... ge=1&pp=25

The comic I made about Jakes comments:

Things we know about Jake99 according to what he says:
-He is a champion Golfer, and Baseball player.
-He moves faster then a bullet.
-He is an engineer and a lawyer.
---He’s spent 100’s of hours winning against the law.
-He is god but isn’t but is?!?!
-He plays Starcraft all day.
-He is the best looking, smartest, best abilities and best athlete.
-He has never lost a battle.
-Psychiatrists never found him crazy.
-He doesn’t like violence, wants world peace yet will kill people!
-He is around 50 years old.
-He says gods rules are right yet other times says they are wrong.
-He is also a volunteer to lots of countries.
-He owns or did own a food company where they produced millions of items with his name on it.
-He can cure Cancer and Aids quickly.
-He can manipulate the wind, sun and even protect us from disasters.

There are a lot more things he’s done that would seem to take lots of life times but I can’t list them all! All this for a 50 year old? Amazing! *Cough* BS *Cough*

Here is his information he openly gave out and said he had nothing to hide:
James Bryan Murphy
23 Daniels St.
Millis Massachusetts

And finally Jake99’s court case written by him. A lot of it conflicts with what he says in the forums! ... enDocument

And for Jake99 I finally found you on the internet, you were listed next to “narceine”:

Narcissism is the pattern of traits and behaviors which involve infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of others and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit of one's gratification, dominance and ambition.

On the outside, a narcissist appears to have higher than average self-esteem. Paradoxically, the narcissist's self-esteem is lower. For the narcissist, self-worth comes from the belief that he/she is superior to his/her peers; it is not enough to be "okay" or "pretty good," the narcissist can only feel worthwhile by being the best. It is this struggle of the narcissist to convince others of his/her superiority that results in the outward appearance of high self-esteem, and the inadequacy that the narcissist feels from not being the absolute best that results in the narcissist's low self esteem. In addition to fragile, exaggerated self-esteem, narcissists are also characterized by a lack of empathy, that is, a lack of sensitivity to the feelings of others. These traits are present in most people to some degree but severe narcissism may warrant a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder.
Jake99 seek help.

More about Narcissism here:
Last edited by Vicious Enigma on 2005-07-26 05:10pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SirNitram »

Vicious Enigma wrote:Besides the fact god isn’t real here is more about Jake99 you need to know. All can be found in his posts!
As for you.

Hello, AssassinX. Curious coincidence of names there.

Did you know we dislike people pulling trolls here?
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

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Post by wautd »

Vicious Enigma, I'm curious. Is it coincidence you registered here just before Jake99 did? You seem to know an awfull lot of him :wtf:

edit: well I guess Sirnitram just answered it
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Post by Vicious Enigma »

Yeah me and "Vicious" know him from the Armageddon Forums. Only reason we told him to come here was he trys to prove he is "God"/a channel through him yet never provides proof. He was willing to come here and said he could prove to you all he is who he says he is.

I wanted to see him try it! So does Vicious.

As for me being Assassin X. Yep. But I've emailed Darth Wong and asked to be unbanned for my stupidity in the past and he unbanned me. Trust me I'm not here to be an idiot. I missed these forums and hold nothing against anyone because of my own stupidity then. Im a new person!

I didn't know you don't like people bringing trolls here. If I would have known I would have left him at those boards, at that time it sounded like a good idea. Dont worry I'm sure he wont last long. I just want him to see he needs some help and that he isn't a "God".
Last edited by Vicious Enigma on 2005-07-26 05:32pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

SirNitram wrote:
Vicious Enigma wrote:Besides the fact god isn’t real here is more about Jake99 you need to know. All can be found in his posts!
As for you.

Hello, AssassinX. Curious coincidence of names there.

Did you know we dislike people pulling trolls here?
Is that who this Vicious Enigma fellow is? Didn't the board ban his ass four months ago? Oh well, if that's the case, might as well get my pointless +1 post in for the day before this thread finds itself in Parting Shots.

Oh, and his braindead friend can go too. Especially since it seems like he brought him here and he contributes nothing apart from "ZOMG I R TEH MESSAIYEUHH!!!!111"
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Post by Jake99 »

Viscious asked me to come here so you too could tear me apart. I merely accepted his challenge, he said smart people were posting here. I am glad he posted what I have said in other forums. The only statement that is missconstrued is probably because I worded it poorly. God and whoever or whatever he is and Jesus who I say that I am the same as is who I am. I am is a man that god uses but that does not make me God. My words are not even his words but they might be and my success and experience speaks volumes that no one else can claim. I can fix anything and yet I have very little formal education, which is why major companies have given me the ball over the educated ones. I don't care about sentence structure its the content that counts.
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Post by Vicious Enigma »

Well I'll be back on later I have to go they say the storms are getting dangerous. Check 44060(Zip code) at just in case you don't believe me! :wink:

Also I should point out Vicious is my friend on here. I'm Vicious Enigma. Just to clear up why I keep saying "My friend Vicious".
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Post by RedImperator »

Vicious Enigma wrote:As for me being Assassin X. Yep. But I've emailed Darth Wong and asked to be unbanned for my stupidity in the past and he unbanned me. Trust me I'm not here to be an idiot. I missed these forums and hold nothing against anyone because of my own stupidity then. Im a new person!
Good to know. When this account is banned, I won't bother with a Parting Shots entry, seeing as you already have one.
Any city gets what it admires, will pay for, and, ultimately, deserves…We want and deserve tin-can architecture in a tinhorn culture. And we will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed.--Ada Louise Huxtable, "Farewell to Penn Station", New York Times editorial, 30 October 1963
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Post by Surlethe »

Jake99 wrote:Viscious asked me to come here so you too could tear me apart. I merely accepted his challenge, he said smart people were posting here. I am glad he posted what I have said in other forums. The only statement that is missconstrued is probably because I worded it poorly. God and whoever or whatever he is and Jesus who I say that I am the same as is who I am. I am is a man that god uses but that does not make me God. My words are not even his words but they might be and my success and experience speaks volumes that no one else can claim. I can fix anything and yet I have very little formal education, which is why major companies have given me the ball over the educated ones. I don't care about sentence structure its the content that counts.
... :wtf:

At least you could try to get verbs right, retard. Why don't you go back to elementary school until you can write correctly?
A Government founded upon justice, and recognizing the equal rights of all men; claiming higher authority for existence, or sanction for its laws, that nature, reason, and the regularly ascertained will of the people; steadily refusing to put its sword and purse in the service of any religious creed or family is a standing offense to most of the Governments of the world, and to some narrow and bigoted people among ourselves.
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Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

Vicious Enigma wrote:Yeah me and "Vicious" know him from the Armageddon Forums. Only reason we told him to come here was he trys to prove he is "God"/a channel through him yet never provides proof. He was willing to come here and said he could prove to you all he is who he says he is.

I wanted to see him try it! So does Vicious.
Right, so you brought a troll on here, and you mean to incite a flamewar? (Which is exactly what you're doing right now.) I mean, there is stupid, and then there is stupid.
As for me being Assassin X. Yep. But I've emailed Darth Wong and asked to be unbanned for my stupidity in the past and he unbanned me. Trust me I'm not here to be an idiot. I missed these forums and hold nothing against anyone because of my own stupidity then. Im a new person!
Right. You'd be unbanned after your antics leading to your first banning, and the sockpuppet you created to try to get around being banned? The troll you brought with you may be astonishingly stupid, but we're not.
I didn't know you don't like people bringing trolls here. If I would have known I would have left him at those boards, at that time it sounded like a good idea. Dont worry I'm sure he wont last long. I just want him to see he needs some help and that he isn't a "God".
Right. You seem determined to fan the flames that you're hoping would result by bringing this delusional sad-sack here. And what board does appreciate having low-IQ trolls intentionally foisted on them? And I'm certain he'll last about as long as you will.
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Post by DrkHelmet »

Jake99 wrote:Viscious asked me to come here so you too could tear me apart. I merely accepted his challenge, he said smart people were posting here. I am glad he posted what I have said in other forums. The only statement that is missconstrued is probably because I worded it poorly. God and whoever or whatever he is and Jesus who I say that I am the same as is who I am. I am is a man that god uses but that does not make me God. My words are not even his words but they might be and my success and experience speaks volumes that no one else can claim. I can fix anything and yet I have very little formal education, which is why major companies have given me the ball over the educated ones. I don't care about sentence structure its the content that counts.
It's interesting that you got dumber over the last 2000 years. To my knowledge, you used to use proper Hebrew grammar and syntax :roll:.

Focusing on one sentence:
Jake99 wrote:God and whoever or whatever he is and Jesus who I say that I am the same as is who I am.
What the hell does that mean? You are God but you don't know who/what you are? I'd swear, but then I'd have to use "your" name.
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Post by Surlethe »

On second thought, the new troll reminds me of that timecube fellow.

Not exactly exalted company.
A Government founded upon justice, and recognizing the equal rights of all men; claiming higher authority for existence, or sanction for its laws, that nature, reason, and the regularly ascertained will of the people; steadily refusing to put its sword and purse in the service of any religious creed or family is a standing offense to most of the Governments of the world, and to some narrow and bigoted people among ourselves.
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Post by The Wookiee »

In accordance with rule YUP3 the user known as "Vicious Enigma" has been banned from this forum.

So it is said, so it is done, this day the 26th of July 2005 at 5:45PM EDT.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Vicious Enigma wrote:As for me being Assassin X. Yep. But I've emailed Darth Wong and asked to be unbanned for my stupidity in the past and he unbanned me.
No I did not. You signed up with a new account under a different name because you were not unbanned.
Last edited by Darth Wong on 2005-07-26 05:56pm, edited 1 time in total.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

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Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Has this Jake guy actually DONE anything bannable yet? I mean, sure he claims to be the Messiah and such, but you can't ban stupidity... I think the comment of likening him to the 'Wisdom Cube' is highly apt! He claims to be all knowing, yet spouts gibberish all day...
Praying is another way of doing nothing helpful
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Read "Tales From The Crossroads"!
Read "One Wrong Turn"!