No, you'll just execute them out of hand the second time around. How fucking magnanimous of you. How do you justify such harsh measures? Because they cause individually negligible economic damage?Mal_Reynolds wrote:First of all, I never advocated executing them out of hand. I advocate deporting them once, which effectively forgives the crime -- the first time. On a second offense, though, their lives are forfeit. And of course I do think they should be forewarned of that.Edi wrote:So have legislation passed to the effect that will close that loophole. Or are you just whining about how acting according to the law doesn't allow for your preferred solution of executing illegal immigrants out of hand?Mal_Reynolds wrote:So what? That facet of our law is being abused, and that abuse has to stop. Tough shit.
Also, can you tell me what the US constitution and the Bill of Rights are for, asshole? They happen to form the basis of the rule of law in the US, and almost all provisions of the BoR apply also to people other than US citizens when under US jurisdiction. Amendments 1 through 9 do0 not make any distinction between citizens and non-citizens, except perhaps the second because of the nature of militias.
You'd have to toss out almost all of it to get your wankfest of a fantasy about killing illegal immigrants for what is at best a minor offense. But I suppose for a fucktard like you wrecking the whole foundation of your country is okay if it means you get to keep the dirty Mexicans out.
Your beliefs are immaterial unless you can actually make a decent argument to back them up, and the fucking Bill of Rights disagrees with you.Mal_Reynolds wrote: I do believe they should have an informed choice in whether they live or die. And the choice is a simple one:
1. Come here legally.
2. Don't come here.
3. Eat a bullet.
As you wish. However, I'm posing you the exact same question, and it's not a rhetorical one this time around: What moral system is it that has executing people on the basis of economic harm as a moral act?Mal_Reynolds wrote:I took that particular question of his to be rhetorical.Edi wrote:No, I didn't miss it, you just think you answered him, but I've yet to see an answer to his question about what system of morality would advocate executing people for causing rather little economic harm (on an individual basis, the aggregate is a different matter).
No, you fuckwit. You can't strip citizenship from people ex post facto and that means you are going to have to let a lot of illegals stay because of their children being citizens. You can prevent more of them coming that way, though. Besides, I doubt there would be quite as much support as you think among the general population for such harsh measures as you seem to prefer.Mal_Reynolds wrote:And what political reality is that? The fact that our government has sucked Mexico's cock long enough for it to be expected now?Edi wrote:Fix the loophole and you're all set to legally deport the lot of them. Too bad the political realities of the situation even in that instance would not allow it to be done full scale like you would prefer.
What exactly are you smoking and why aren't you in jail for doing it? There is no way Mexico would declare war, but it could hurt you badly economically and find other ways of being a big nuisance. Suddenly, not even a pretense of law enforcement against anything that is targeted against the US (such as drug smuggling etc), aggressive enforcement of air space sovereignty, sea lanes etc, with US ships and planes targeted (such as not allowing passage) etc, and there is a shitload of other stuff they could do on the political front that could make things difficult and expensive in Latin America. You're deluded if you think Mexico has no influence there.Mal_Reynolds wrote:Things change, and the worst-case negative political repercussion that can come from mass deportation of Mexican nationals back to Mexico is that Mexico (finally) openly declares war, we hand it its ass and create the buffer zone already mentioned. Not a lot of worst in that worst-case.
Your wall of ignorance is not my problem. It's amsuing when pathetic little cumstains like you pretend they know what they are talking about and make complete fucking asses of themselves. Go bray elsewhere.Mal_Reynolds wrote:Flames always have more sting when the argument you top them with actually has merit. Try to remember that for next time.Edi wrote:So go fuck yourself with an electrified barbed wire dildo, you cum-guzzling shitlicker.