Psyborg wrote:All of the arguments are from the lessor canon and as such they are less realivant are they not?
The cruxt of the argument boils down to the average size of galixies and how much smaller than this figure the word Modest means. I would think that to be realivant the word "modest" must mean something say less than 80% of the average size. In fact if we were to assume that a meaningfull differance would require at least one standard deviation the the word "Modest" must be slightly smaller than 78% of the average size of the total population of galixies.
If "Modest" does not have a significant meaning then why use the word at all? Since the discriptive word "Modest" was used, then it follows that it must be significant and important. Therefore, it is not subject to debate Vs "Lessor canon" is it?
Again you claim that the figures are of a lesser canon, which Ire has dealt with.
And again you claim that modest means smaller than average, when you have been shown a definition from, and here is the definition of modest from The Oxford English Dictionary:
The Oxford English Dictionary wrote:modest adj. 1 having or expressing a humble or moderate estimate of one's own merits or achievements. 2 diffident, bashful, retiring. 3 decorous. 4 moderate or restrained in amount, extent, severity, etc. (a modest sum). 5 (of a thing) unpretentious in appearance etc. (from Latin modestus 'keeping due measure'
Where does it say in that definition that modest is below average?
Psyborg wrote:
The ICS has been shown to have other errors of fact as shown by "G" canon and is sertainly not more significant than the other "G" canon refferances. Since the figure of 120,000LY from the ICS can not possably be correct, then it must be discounted! Using any refferance from the lessor canon would automaticaly impune your argument. Therefore, the Galixy must be smaller than average size, because that is the "G" canon requirment.
Again provide evidence of this fact, if you'd even bothered to read anything on this forum (a skill you have shown little of) then you would know that when you make a statement like this you have to back it up, it's called BURDEN OF PROOF dumbshit.
Now evidence of mistakes in the ICS, evidence that the SW galaxy CANNOT be 120,000LY, and evidence that the SW galaxy is smaller than average, and of course evidence that the SW galaxy is smaller than the Milky Way.