I think we need to sit down and talk this over, Im very interested in letting people be more creative with things, but at the same time don't want to let things get too out of hand. As such i'd love to go over ways to let people be more flexiable in terms of point spending and swapping units around.Starglider wrote:I'm not being critical here Crossroads, I'm just saying that if you want certain things (such as detailed, interesting OOBs), then you're more likely to get them with different starting conditions. If you don't want those things, that's fine too. If you set all the conditions the same for everyone except for their location and exactly how many of the five or six possible units they have, you're going to see pretty similar posts. If you make it more flexible, i.e. people can chose a few advantages from a list or buy them with points, then you will see more variety as people take different strategies. If the scenario was set up to encourage conquest from the get go, you'd at least see variety in military strategy, but it isn't, and there isn't really that much you can add to 'I sit in one place for a century or two building up my population and lording it over the locals'.
Perhaps so, maybe 15 years or so, but that might be increased depending on how others play. As far as good ol conquering goes, =very few have settled anywhere near the main powers of Europe, so it may be some time before we see direct result... That said, I am looking forward to the powers that do grow up kicking the religious despots around, in due corse.Starglider wrote:If you're going to go all STGOD I'd suggest stepping forward in increments of 20 or 50 years, letting everyone get population growth (you'll need a growth rate per species), and seeing when the first person feels confident enough to start conquering and oppressing. Or failing that, when the Pope declares his first crusade against the false gods.
I say go for it, I want to bring in as much info as possible to flesh things out...Starglider wrote:Well, would you like me to post a version of the GURPS fantasy species creation rules (perhaps with the WHFB rules for weapons and equipment) condensed into 100 lines or so? They're the best balanced, most flexible ones I'm aware of, and almost certainly better than anything any of us could come up with in a few hours. Of course if you did adopt them quite a few people would probably want to redesign their starting armies.
Which reminds me, Currently, between people needing to reedit things and me changing and updating things.. Im looking at this thread as more of a "Test Run" in that we all may hammer out exactly how we want things to go, then go to the next step and attempt to do this oin a STGOD where we'll post things properly and fully formed.
Which reminds me...
In my studies of the area around Sandusky, it seems the place is quite a hotbed for stone quarries, specifically Limestone. One of Ohio's Largest is located just a mile south of Sandusky itself. As such it seems I will be in the Stone business and plan on building a well paved Stone road down to the Ohio River which I will then use to ship and trade Limestone to the rest of you all. Personally I hope to have production of Quicklime and cement up in a couple of years
Also I'd like ot extend a formal hand of friendship to "Dave" since he is now the closest to me geological and s also the closest nation on the Ohio River. Once my Limestone production is up, I may plan on building a proper road to his place for more formal trade. Also to exchange Minions to keep from inbreeding. I hope to offer any support he needs in starting Iron mining as well.
One last thing, Im not sure if anyones noticed this from the OP:
But there is going to be a LOT of gold floating aroundGOLD: For purposes of financing and paying peasants and others, you will get gold, 5 grams for every 10 army points (with no effect on your army choices) in nice 1 kilogram cubes
MAP update too