SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Zor »

Akhlut wrote:Republican Palace"Now, friends, before we get too much further into this, let us await the Pogorian delegation."
The Tsar nodded and made his way towards the dining room, he desired to have a quick meal before retiring to his quarters.

Outside Novgorod

Commissar Stanislav Merzhanov watched with interest as the assembly of workers applied their trade. The Facillity where this construction was happening was originally set up by the Novgorodians for their own shipbuilding. It lacked the sophisticated layouts you might have seen elsewere and would be needed for the bigger projects but would serve well enough for this project for the Imperial Red Navy's Beginning. The Framework's assembly had begun a few weeks ago as teams of Foreign Artisans, Trained laborers in Moscow (Human and Ursiod), engineers and a few Novgorodian tradesmen worked. Construction began proper about two weeks ago, with many materials being pre-made in moscow and transported in beforehand, as well as a few mechanized tools (mostly saws) to speed things up, as well as accelerating lumber production to be sent upriver for piles for Mikhailsgrad. As well, various supplies had arrived, including the propellers and various technical equipment for the assembly. Work was going quite well, the beginings of the framwork were begining to take shape with various quality checks being done to insure a good job. So far, nothing had gone array in any major way and things were proceeding slightly ahead of shedual and got along better with the workers and formen than most commissars did. He did not rush or overburden the workers, but he did make sure thinks worked smoothly and efficiently. Such was his job here, to see that the Red Tsardom's First Warship be completed to standards befitting her nation and on time. Seeing the completion of the Aurora would definatly be a fine feather in his cap, but not if it was poorly constructed.

Saddle Maker's Joint workshop, Moscow

Master Saddlemaker Ivan Shirshov looked over the proposal and felt a quite suprised. Even with several examples of comandeered and indeed a corpse of one of the beasts, it was sill a major change of pace, as was adding the specialized harness for the underside. Never-the-less, he had been given a sugnifigant ammount of money to design and build a saddle for the Novogordian Bats with the drop harness installed for the military. He had a feeling that he would soon be making many more.

Results-Construction begins on the Aurora
-The Tsardom moves towards having bat cavalry
Last edited by Zor on 2008-12-03 11:24am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles


Brisk construction took place shortly after all the existing stones were demolished and whatever daemonic taint that was left was purged. Any vile heretic that was found recalcitrant was shipped off to the Adeptus Alchemi to be used for the production of philosopher stones. Roman Concrete was poured by the tonnes to make foundation stones for the administration buildings and houses, and for the city walls. The priority would be the city walls, and the Governor's Palace and the administrative district, then the houses for habitation. Workers worked day and night building the city. The same was also happening in Ikonium. Citizens were granted farmland rights in exchange for enlisting in the Thematic troops. The foundation for the industries and the Port of Thessaloniki were also laid down, with the intention of opening the city for trade within a year...
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by DarthShady »

Throne Room, Imperial Palace of Evil, The Empire of Shadows

The Throne room was extremely dark and no sound emanated from within. This made the Vampire commander rather uneasy about entering it, his master didn't take kindly to interruptions, especially during such an important ritual. Still, he gathered all his courage and entered the room, he moved forward and then kneeled before The Dark Lords Throne. He wasn't even sure that the Dark Lord was there, the darkness was magical and even his enhanced vision could not penetrate it.

"Master, I bring dire news.", he began, "The Northern Barbarian tribes are uniting against us, they have assembled a massive army, their leader is a powerful mage..."

Suddenly the room started shaking and was illuminated by magical light. The light was coming from the newly appeared warp gate that formed in the rooms center. The gate whirled and then expanded violently, then with a flash of light The Dark Lord came through it, his eyes bright with dark energies, it looked like the Shadow Lord came from battle. He glanced at his kneeling servant and then willed the gate to close. He then sat on his throne and sighed.

"That...was interesting.", The Dark Lord said, "What do you want?"

"My lord, I...", the commander began.

"I have no patience for this.", The Dark Lord said and then used his powers to penetrate the mind of his servant and extract the information from him.


"But, my Lord. The mage...he claims to be powerful enough to destroy you.", the commander said, "Should we not..."


"Yes, Master. Immediately.", the Vampire Commander said and left the room.

"I need a target upon which I shall test my new powers, this Mage will do nicely.", The Shadow Lord smiled.

Result: The Empire of Shadows goes to war against possibly the largest Barbarian Army ever assembled, led by a powerful mage. Also: The Dark Lords power has just been increased, by about three thousand points. TREMBLE AND DESPAIR MORTALS!! :twisted: :D

More to come.
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Karmic Knight »

The Winter Conference, Grand Keep of Paris, Paris, the Empire of the Seine (Pre-Turn End)

“Representatives of various states, allow me to welcome you to Paris, and to the Francophone Empire of the Seine. You are all here because you acknowledge the grave threat the East represents to our way of life, diverse it may be. Since the informal détente of war between the Byzantines and the Shadows, we have countered with an equally informal agreement of our own merits. I feel now is the time to put that agreement into writing, and into official record.

“I propose we formulate a Pact of Equals, one where we can exchange ideas, both militarily and not, and can defend against the Hordes of Demons, and other armies able to be fielded by our rival. What do you, esteemed colleagues, think of this proposal?”

SMIN Fer off the Coast of the Icelandic Southernmost Isle (Post Turn End)

The Fer sailed smoothly north, enjoying the lack of wind not being a detriment to the wind monk tied to the mast. A lookout on at the front of the ship spotted the isle first, and called back to the rest of the ship, “Iceland, A contemporary distance unit or so ahead.”

The Fer moved quickly and quietly toward the coast, and presumably an Icelandic port. As the ship approached, the lookout noticed a distinct lacking from the Icelandic port, specifically, that of any other people on the docks. The closer the ship got the more obvious this was, so much so, that when the dock was within jumping distance from the boat, the ship began to viciously expel noise.

After making landfall, a party was created to search the town, consisting of two pikemen and a kappa commander. This group moved quickly through the town, checking buildings for any sign of human habitation that was recent, moving from street to street with growing fear and apprehension. After checking the final building, the group congregated with the command staff of the ship to discuss their options. The Kappa began, “Well, we found no evidence that people have lived in this town in the last year or so.”

One of the pikemen continued, “What we did find was evidence of both firearm use, holes matching musket-fire, burns, but no muskets themselves, and tooth and claw marks, both very distinct.”

The captain looked at the three scouts, “Tooth and claw marks? Musket evidence with no muskets? Were there any bodies?”

“No Sir,” the Kappa responded, “The closest thing was bloodstains, and even those in places just disappeared.”

“We need to get back to Belfast, now.”
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Turn 2

Imperial Chronicles

Some 200 Comitatenses were diverted from Thessaloniki to take control of the 3 provinces including the city of Sedica. The remaining provinces will be occupied later. Some 800 were to be reassigned to take the provinces around Athens. It was a major operation, and 2 frigates and 1 cruiser, along with 1 Battle Barge would be assigned to take the province. The Imperial Guard Regiment 1st Constantinople would also assign troops to assist with the capture of the old city. Plans were in motion, and the troops made ready to set sail.


The Adeptus Alchemi acquired stocks of Alchemite from the Red Tzardom and Fire Rubies from the Crimean Republic and the Chief Alchemists and his fellow Alchemist lords sat down around a table and experimented with the two items. "The Alchemite I can see as a potential substitute for our Philosopher Stones. Saves our resources while we concentrate using the stones as a source of fuel for the Adeptus Mechanicus' warships and also for our organic alchemy," said one.

"The Red Rubies we can use as a projectile weapon..."

They talked and discussed, and then it was decided that they would craft a possible upgrade plan and discuss it to the Adeptus Mechanicus and then present it to the Despot.
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2008-12-05 09:44am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by DarthShady »

Throne Room, Imperial Palace of Evil, The Empire of Shadows

The Shadow Lord was holding a meeting with his commanders, discussing the best way to proceed with the conquests, when he sensed a call in the back of his mind. A powerful call from a creature of pure evil, from his other half.

"This meeting is over.", The Dark Lord said, "I have urgent matters to attend to, leave."

"Yes, Master.", his servants answered and hurried out of the Throne room.

The Dark Lord focused his energies and his human form erupted in flames, a whirling of shadows enveloped him and he transformed into his Demonic form. He reached out with his mind and received the somewhat weak signal of Khorne. The message was short, but urgent.


Then the signal was lost.

"What the hell?", the Shadow Lord thought, but there was no time. He used his power to open a warp gate. With no time to lose, he grabbed his sword and charged into the gate. The Dark Lord knew that whatever creature assaulted the Chaos Gods, it would have to be stopped, for if Khorne died then so would he, for they were two half's of the same creature.

Upon passing through the gate, the Dark Lord was surprised to find himself in a greatly changed area of the warp. The power of the Chaos gods was weakened and the warp became something different, he couldn't tell what exactly it was, but the change was unpleasant. It was not long before he located his enemy, a giant squid like creature of horror. This creature apparently had the ability to devour divine energies, to suck them into itself and then use them as if they were it's own. It had caught the Gods by surprise and managed to weaken them before they could react, Khorne was barely able to send a call to him.

It was clear that this creature was a great threat, but he was the only one who could stop it. He summoned all of his dark energies, raised his sword and charged.

The creature responded by sending dozens of its large tentacles towards the Dark Lord, attempting to stop his charge. But he was to fast and his sword too sharp, he cut through the tentacles like a knife through butter and pretty soon he was right on top of what looked like the things head. He jumped into the air and descended upon the creature with tremendous force, only to be sent crashing to the ground when the thing used it's magical energies.

The Dark Lord rose quickly, his anger increasing, his sword set it's self on fire and began to crackle with his dark energies. He was about to charge again when he noticed, that the creatures tentacles had grown back. It seemed his enemy was far more powerful than he imagined. Still he had no choice but fight, or die. He charged again, using his great speed to evade the tentacles and his sword to cut them down. He knew that if he tried the same thing again, the creature would simply use its magic and stop him. He smiled, coming up with a plan.

As he approached the creature, once again he took to the skies and attacked from above, and once again the creature sent a blast of magical energies towards him. Only this time the energies went straight through him, apparently having no effect. The thing realized that it was an illusion, but it was a bit late, the Dark Lord had already rammed his great sword into the creatures stomach. It roared in anger and pain and then attacked furiously, striking the Dark Lord and slamming him into the ground. It then used its tentacles to grab the Shadow Lord and slam him into the ground once again, it began to repeat the process and with every blow, the Dark Lord weakened. He realized that his magical power was being sucked out of him, weakening him and strengthening the creature.

Defeat seemed imminent but he was not about to give up, he used what power he had left and his body erupted in flames searing the creature and forcing it to let go of him. He landed painfully on the ground. He got up quickly and scanned the area for his sword, the weapon was some twenty meters away. But he didn't have time to reach it, the creature was already attacking. He dodged the first attack and then spread his wings and took to the sky, he had a plan. The thing extended all of it's tentacles into the air in an attempt to grab him, but the Dark Lord evaded. The thing did not realize that this was the Warp, the Dark Lords home, the place where he was created, the place where reality and the laws of Physics did not apply.

To the creatures great surprise The Dark Lord appeared beneath it and grabbed his sword, moving with great speed he descended upon the creatures exposed head and rammed his sword into its scull, penetrating its brain and causing the creature to twitch uncontrollably. He then focused all of his dark energies into his sword and unleashed an explosion of fire and magic that disintegrated its brain and most of it's body. The explosion threw him back as well, but the Dark Lord used his wings and landed effortlessly near the dying thing.

The octopus like creature fell to the ground and its body began radiating a strange green light. The Shadow Lord approached carefully and raised his sword to finish the job, but there was no need. The creatures body vanished in a flash of energy, which unleashed all the power it had sucked into itself. The power of the Chaos Gods returned to them and they appeared in their infernal form, the warp changed back to its natural chaotic state. But there was still some power left, floating in the form of pure magical energy, and before the Gods could react the Shadow Lord extended his hand and absorbed the dark power, causing his body to swirl with a dark green light.

"Hmm..Interesting.", The Dark Lord smiled.


"Don't worry, I can handle it.", The Dark Lord answered, "Any chance there are more of these things out there?"


"I will be.", the Dark Lord said and opened a portal, stepping through it he realized...the game had just reached a whole new level.
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Darkevilme »

Parisian Conference

Mael glances to his left where The Child is present, turns back as the figure nods nigh imperceptibly “This is a good start and agreeable to us. In following with this we will extend a similar arrangement regarding our great library to you as we have to the Baernish Scholars. I assume this pact extends to mutual defence against the inevitable aggression of the Shadow Lord.”

Without warning The Child spoke, coldly genderless in its unnatural vocalizations as the glow in its eyes intensifies “There is another matter, we seek access and free conduct regarding a mountain in territory recently acquired by your empire. We believe you know it as, Cuilcagh.”
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

To the Shadow Lord:

My Friend, I know you like to run the rivers with blood, and so forth, but could you save me some heretics? I know they are excellent food, but their souls have greater use for my philosopher stones. Could you be so kind but to save some for me? Thank you.

The Despot.
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Zor »

Moscow Academy of Science and Engineering, Moscow

After hearing reports of the fire rubies, the Tsar's engineers set to work on producing a suitable method of utilising these gems once a chest of them was received via airship. Although it took some research and a few failed attempts, they finally managed to get a system to ignite these gems down, as well as one to turn them off quickly if the need arised. The engineering team that was put to it was thrilled. With these jems, they could save much room which would otherwise be filled with coal or kerosene aboard airships as well as the Aurora.

Results-The Tsardom is going to use fire rubies to power it's warships
Last edited by Zor on 2008-12-06 12:58pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by DarthShady »

Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Imperial Chronicles

To the Shadow Lord:

My Friend, I know you like to run the rivers with blood, and so forth, but could you save me some heretics? I know they are excellent food, but their souls have greater use for my philosopher stones. Could you be so kind but to save some for me? Thank you.

The Despot.
To the Despot

My friend, I will be more than happy to deliver as many heretics to you as possible. My armies march against them as we speak, as soon as I have ripped out their leaders heart and crushed their spirit, they will have no choice but to surrender. Those that we catch alive shall be delivered to you, so that you can use them for whatever purpose you desire. They will be dispatched via a warp gate directly to your capitol, or any other location that suits your needs. Always a pleasure to help out an ally.

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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

DarthShady wrote:To the Despot

My friend, I will be more than happy to deliver as many heretics to you as possible. My armies march against them as we speak, as soon as I have ripped out their leaders heart and crushed their spirit, they will have no choice but to surrender. Those that we catch alive shall be delivered to you, so that you can use them for whatever purpose you desire. They will be dispatched via a warp gate directly to your capitol, or any other location that suits your needs. Always a pleasure to help out an ally.

The Dark Lord of Shadows
To the Shadow Lord

Most excellent my friend! In return, I would be most willing to share with you some of the philosopher stones we make. We do need thousands of souls to make a large stone, but every bit helps. Thank you.

The Despot.
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Karmic Knight »

Forward Operations Centre, outside Luxembourg

General Paris de Paris, Duke of Belfast, had just returned from Paris when the enemy army approached de Paris’ fresh troops from the Free State and the Madgod, along with his personal abilities and skill, would almost certainly lead his army to victory. The Germanic Knights must have known this, as their attack tapered off after reports of the Imperial Army had reached them.

“The Germanic Gambled that they could cut out General Berthie’s forces before any reinforcement arrived from Paris, as you can see, it failed,” The Duke of Belfast talked into one of the Baernish ‘communication crystals’ speaking directly with the King, “We’re are pursuing the Germanic forces as we speak.”

“Good,” the King responded, “Continue to press the attack, General de Paris, and you may see yourself addressed as Duke de Paris.”

“Of Course, my King.”

Weeks Later...


The Duke looked at the Map after the continued routing of the Germanics outside Luxembourg, a large amount of territory had been gobbled up for the King and Madgod.

The Empire had experienced losses, nothing major or debilitating, but it would definitely take the winter to get the Armies back to full strength. Until then, the forces took up defensible positions along the outskirts of towns, villages, and the strategically important field, not entirely ready to launch another attack on the outside world.

Result: Massive Counter Attack after Failed Germanic Assault results in the gaining of 10 territories.

North Sea Base, Belfast, Irish Free State

“Slaughtered, with no evidence of habitation?” the clerk asked sceptically to the Captain of the Fer, “Surely there must be some evidence of people, other than the blood and buildings.”

“Ah, but there is, the musket marks,” the captain began.

“They are inconclusive; I won’t allow you to see the Admiral.

“THE ICELANDERS ARE GONE?” the shout burst out of the inner office of the North Sea Fleet Command, the Admiral of the North Sea fleet, boisterous Kappa Hourglass leaped into the outer office and asked again, “Are the Icelanders gone?”

“Well, at least one port of Icelanders are gone, sir,” the captain said, “I saw it with my own eyes, an entire port town, gone, only evidence of their being there was bloodstains and the buildings themselves.”

“Call a meeting of my staff,” the Admiral said and stalked, visibly shaken, back into his office.

Result: The Fer’s ill fated journey to the Faroe Islands causes a stir in the North Sea Fleet’s command staff.

(Note: The North Sea Fleet Covers the North, Irish, Norwegian, Greenland and Northern Atlantic Sea; The Channel Fleet Covers the Coast of Europe, and the Baltic Sea; A Proposed Mediterranean Sea Fleet, if existing, would cover the Black, and Mediterranean Seas.)

The Siege of Amsterdam Part I (Fort Façade, Outside Amsterdam, Europe

The Layout of Amsterdam, as shown to General Xavier de Dijon, before the Siege

General Xavier de Dijon, the Terror of the Lower Lands, looked up from the maps of Amsterdam that they had been able to confiscate from either traders of the region, or from raids into the city itself, surrounding the General was his staff, and forces from Central, and the new Supreme Commander, General Paris de Paris, Duke of Belfast, he spoke, “What are these ‘Special Corps,’ and why have we been given one?”

“Sir,” began the meter high, grey-, leathery-skinned, representative from the Premier Special Corps, “The special corps are personal warriors of the Madgod, chosen from his fields in the Shivering Isles and sent to the Empire to execute the will of the King.”

“Yes, I heard your opening spiel, but, what can you do to help us execute the King’s will?”

“Well, the Gatekeepers, the giant amalgamation of both metal and meat outside, are massive, as can been seen, but also posses an interior magic to them that makes them masterful fighters. We, grummites, are the voices of our combine units of us, armed fighters with a history of combat success, the Gnarls, the treelike beings with tough skin and tougher heads, and the Elytra, those odd, giant bugs, can paralyze most living things.

The Golden Saints and Dark Seducers are members of the Madgod’s personal guard, and are able to fight as well as a normal warrior, but with added powers coming from the Madgod’s blessing. Along with the Guards, are Our Master’s grunts, the Knights of Order, the chaotic beast of order, the obelisk of continued existence, the crystal soldier, the armed stone. You can guess what they bring to the table, yes?”

“Ahem, thank you, that will be all,” as the grummite moved out of the ‘fort’s’ main tent, General de Dijon said, “I still can’t believe the Eternal King sent those beasts to assist us in conquest.”

”Believe it, sir, but we must get to planning the assault, and factoring in these new soldiers,” responded Captain Moreanu.

“Of course, Captain.”

Parisian Conference
Darkevilme wrote: Mael glances to his left where The Child is present, turns back as the figure nods nigh imperceptibly “This is a good start and agreeable to us. In following with this we will extend a similar arrangement regarding our great library to you as we have to the Baernish Scholars. I assume this pact extends to mutual defence against the inevitable aggression of the Shadow Lord.”

Without warning The Child spoke, coldly genderless in its unnatural vocalizations as the glow in its eyes intensifies “There is another matter, we seek access and free conduct regarding a mountain in territory recently acquired by your empire. We believe you know it as, Cuilcagh.”
The Parisian King thought for a seconded, "Is it called Binn Chuilceach by the locals? I believe I recall hearing of it, but I cannot remember whether it is on the Imperial side of the partition, or the Baernish,” the King looked at the Lord Astarlan to see if he had an answer, “I will have our cartographers look for it on a map. But, I feel I must ask, Why do you ask?

“As for your point, Lord Mael, Of course mutual defence is a prime concern of this pact, but we are only as strong as our weakest member, which is why we need to have rough parity, as none of us have a monolithic, timid, slave labour pool to draw from, nor a massive expanse of territory to grown food for our people, nor endless mines of metals, nor technological breakthroughs akin to a trump card, so we need to work out so that we maximize our strength as a group, and not fall to centralizing one industry in a single member-state of our organization. When the Palace of Evil decides to strike at our hearts, we will field an army from across our member-states to defend our lands, make no mistake, sharing of ideas is a way of forging mutual defence.”
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Darkevilme »

Karmic Knight wrote:
The Parisian King thought for a seconded, "Is it called Binn Chuilceach by the locals? I believe I recall hearing of it, but I cannot remember whether it is on the Imperial side of the partition, or the Baernish,” the King looked at the Lord Astarlan to see if he had an answer, “I will have our cartographers look for it on a map. But, I feel I must ask, Why do you ask?

“As for your point, Lord Mael, Of course mutual defence is a prime concern of this pact, but we are only as strong as our weakest member, which is why we need to have rough parity, as none of us have a monolithic, timid, slave labour pool to draw from, nor a massive expanse of territory to grown food for our people, nor endless mines of metals, nor technological breakthroughs akin to a trump card, so we need to work out so that we maximize our strength as a group, and not fall to centralizing one industry in a single member-state of our organization. When the Palace of Evil decides to strike at our hearts, we will field an army from across our member-states to defend our lands, make no mistake, sharing of ideas is a way of forging mutual defence.”
Lord Mael nods in recognition and leans back thoughtfully as the Child continues “It is that place. What we seek there is kin to what we are unearthing on our own lands and key to our opposition to the Shadow Lord. We lack the weapons or art to bring about his destruction without them.” Mael resists the urge to query about this news, the first he's heard of there being a second of these weapons The Children were keen on acquiring.

Instead he turns back to the King “Our benefactors have kept us nearly as much in the dark as they have you on these i'm afraid. Whatever these things are they're large, ancient and powerful enough for the children to have great confidence in them. We've caught the Children referring to them as Juggernauts though.” he says with a small smile “In addition to those however i can say we've already had some ideas to combine and augment our unified forces. Though it is more a matter for Lord Astarlan's attention, we've developed a new and much larger design of airship we believe may be able to act as a mobile nest for Baernish dragons. The first of which should be available in two years time.” he considers a moment “In aid of spreading our industries i have another proposal. The Dominion lacks any major shipping or navy, while you lack an airfleet. I propose an exchange of artisans to setup the respective shipyards in Marseille and Paris or a city of your choosing.”
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Master_Baerne »

Parisian Conference

"I believe the mountain is in Imperial territory." stated Lord Astarlan. "I would be most interested in seeing the designs for these airship carriers, and we will of course send artisans to establish shipyards in the Dominion."

Fortress Baerne
Sovereign Duchy of Baerne
Winter Solstice Festival

"Happy Winsol, Prince SaDiablo." The voice, filled with laughter and the happiness appropriate to the season, filled Saetan with relief. It was Jaenelle's voice, and not Witch's.

"Happy Winsol, Lady Angelline."

"I'd like to sit down now, if that's all right." The two had been standing for nearly three hours, so it was a reasonable request. Saetan was feeling a bit sore as well, actually, his bad leg twinging unpleasantly.

"Of course, Lady. Tonight we dance for the glory of Witch - and if you're done honoring yourself, I'll not argue." Jaenelle laughed, the sound ringing like a chorus of bells.

"It's time for the children's dance, anyway." The two seated themselves, Jaenelle's long, black dress flaring out around the legs of the chair. A servant brought glasses of champagne, and the children and youths walked out to the middle of the huge chamber. The musicians struck up a waltz, and the sons and daughters of the nobility whirled across the floor, among others the Duke's son James, who danced with his sister Elizabeth.

Saetan looked across the celebration, the one time when the nation danced for the glory of Witch, and knew that he would miss the splendor of Fortress Baerne in the coming months, when Jaenelle and he led the Duke's armies through the barbarian lands to the South.

RESULTS: We're expanding more this turn, and we'll send artisans to the Dominion.
Conversion Table:

2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Zor »

Outside Novgorod

Captain Ivan Nikitovich Pokryshkin took aim at the ground based target with his carbine and fired. When he looked at the human sized jar of Red dyed liquid, he noticed quite happily that it had managed to break and make a huge mess in the snow. For the first week, he was unable to hit the broadside of a barn from the back of his mount, but over the past two days, he was steadilly increasing in his ability to fire from the back of Sasha.

He gently singled the creature to come to a rest, watching closly as she navigated herself to the field and eventally came to a complete stop as she eventually came to land, comming to walk in the way which and only bats do and dismounted, while leading her back to the stable before giving Sasha an apple and going to get dinner. So far, the plan in adopting the captured Novgorodian Bats to meet the Tsardom's needs were going well enough. They were quite fearce fighters in their own right, but serving as a mount for cavalry, they could easily offer the Red Air Force a critical edge in the air. He was one of a few men the Tsardom had brought in to learn how to fly these creatures so that they could be able to eventually train forces of them to rule the skys.
Heros of Cybertron-HAB-Keeper of the Vicious pit of Allosauruses-King Leighton-I, United Kingdom of Zoria: World/Tsar Mikhail-I of the Red Tsardom: Kingdoms
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Karmic Knight »

Parisian Conference
Master_Baerne wrote:"I believe the mountain is in Imperial territory." stated Lord Astarlan. "I would be most interested in seeing the designs for these airship carriers, and we will of course send artisans to establish shipyards in the Dominion.".
“If that is so, then the Empire will help in anyway to extract this item or items from the mountain. What in the way of skilled labour is needed for the extraction? Does the Dominion have special equipment to locate the item or items?

“As for the trading of Shipwrights for Air-Shipwrights, of the Empire would be happy to send shipwrights to Marseille. I would like to ask though, if the Empire would also be able to create an office in Marseille, the Mediterranean Sea Fleet Command office?
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Oseng »

Parisian Conference

Lord Askel had remained rather quiet as the conference drew, simply sitting and listening to the other representatives speak. The Kingdom of Dolgan was a smaller power compared to many of those gathered here, and while they agreed with the need to counteract the Eastern demons the Twin Thrones were unsure if they should tie the fate of their kingdom to an alliance such as this one.

Still they had left it in his, their court skald and chief ambassador's, hands. It was his choice within the limits that had been set upon him. And so far he was impressed with those who he was meeting with.

"Dolgan would also be willing to lend a hand if we are able to your work at this mountain." He said, speaking up for the first time, leaning forward and folding his hands together on the table. "Though considering the distances involved I am unsure of how much aid we could provide."

He glanced around the table for a moment before speaking again, meeting each of the other representative's eyes in turn.

"King Ryudra and Queen Nina have ... authorized me to extend the services of our kingdom's runecarvers to all of you." He said with a small nod. "As well as the use of our ports for resupply for any of your vessels, and of course our aid against the eastern forces."

"Our runic magic may not be the best in certain situations," The Skald said with a small shrug. "But it excels at enchanting and protecting equipment, and things such as airships."

"And to be frank we would also be willing to put resources towards these ... airship carriers you mentioned." He said with a small nod. "And lend the aid of our shipwrights to establishing your navy."

"We don't have an airforce of airships like some of you, instead we rely upon specially trained members of Brood and us Windians in our other forms." He said with a wry shrug and a small smile. "And well while that works for defense and short distances, it isn't quite so effective at long range."

"Our Great Birds and Dragons can only go so far before they grow tired and must eat and rest, even with our magical strength, stamina, and other things." The Chief Skald said as he shook his head.

Norther Border of the Kingdom of Dolgan

General Becher carefully cleaned his bastard sword, standing over the corpse of an enemy warrior and overlooking the small battlefield.

Dolgan's northern army had swept north into the lands to the north of the kingdom, swiftly rolling over the resistance raised by the small tribes and petty kingdoms of the area. The army had taken losses in the fighting but nothing that couldn't be dealt with by bringing up some new recruits over the next several months.

The small battle that had been fought here, outside the town of Lejarea, was the largest resistance that they had faced. And while the enemy warriors had fought ferociously in defense of their homes, they simply had been no match for the inhuman abilites of the Wyndians and the Brood, nor the trained and disciplined humans that made up the bulk of Dolgan's army.

Shaking his head at the slaughter Becher sheathed his sword and moved off towards the town, he had a message that he needed to dispatch to those who sat upon the Twin Thrones of the Kingdom.

And he knew that the battles ahead would be far worse, regardless of how these early battles had gone. They had steamrolled these divided Jarldoms and other groups, but already word had reached his ears of an alliance forming in the north with the aim of defeating his army and conquering his kingdom.

10 provinces directly to the north of Dolgany are caputured and garrisoned by the Northern Army (1/2 my forces), the Southern Army (other 1/2) is guarding the home provinces.
Turn 2:

Points: 8,000

Upkeep: 4,488 points

512 points to casting pool

20x Kasiers (150 points per 1) [3,000 points]
It is fairly rare but at times Landon and the other deities of Dolgan will bless someone from the Kingdom of Dolgan with their power, to serve as their champion and avatar. This blessing lifts them far beyond the limits of all others within the realm, and they are simply given the title of Kaiser. Most of the Kaisers are Brood or Wyndians, but there are a few rare human Kaisers.

Backed by a wellspring of divine power the Kaisers are masters of magic and warfare, and often other things, such as can be matched by few beings across the globe. Brood and Wyndian Kaisers also find their other forms massively more powerful as well.

It is not well known but the King, Queen, the Admiral, the Northern General, the Southern General, the Court Skald, among other powerful people within the Kingdom are Kaisers.
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Darkevilme »

Parisian Conference

“Of course, suitable accomodations for this office will be made ready.” Mael then leans back to let The Child speak on the matter of Juggernauts“It will take a great amount of effort, the implement is well buried by time. We have already heard its song and will placate its spirit when it has been freed to awaken. Miners, diggers and excavators are all we would ask of you.” The Child becomes silent again, leaving Mael to speak again this time regarding the words from the up until now quiet Lord Askel.

“The help of your runecarvers would be much appreciated in strengthening our vessels if you wish to dispatch them towards the airship works at Kagnay and those to be established in Baernish and imperial hands. Though i must stress to all of you that until our airship works expand the supply of air carriers will be rather limited. We can however pledge two each to Baerne and Dolgan in the next five years.” There's a knock “Ah, and now i believe i can provide some clarification for those wondering about the vessels.” he says and takes a scroll from the newly arrived aide, laying it out on the table.


“You'll notice of course no significant armament but its primary goal is to alleviate all the problems Askel mentioned with winged beings. I believe the term the designer used was projection of winged might.”

Marseille. Year 2.
The port city finds itself once again of importance, for so long rendered useless by an onslaught from the sea, new work and employment revitalizing the region as men, gold and orders flood in from the north. The new shipyards built on the disused ruins of the old as the harbour is dredged deep enough for proper ships again. Vast amounts of work too is decreed on repairing the old keep and city walls.
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Zor »

Offices, the Red Kremlin, Moscow, two weeks ago

Marshall Zhukov took out the request form and filled it in, remincing a bit on the evolving state of gunpowder warfare. When he was a Cadet, rifles were basically a novelty used only by a few groups of skirmishers to soften up the enemy before battle or to take down important targets, he managed to gain renound early on not only for his sucess, but for advocating Rifled Muskets over smoothbores. Now what he beleived was a major shift was happening, with the new catridge rifles. They had been tested and retested a dozen times over and the evaluations proved they were capable of firing in most any condition reliably at three to four times the Rate of Fire. As such, he signed the Order, with that, the Crimson Guard was be re-armed with the most up to date weapons in the world.

Rail Station near the boarder, Red Tsardom

Alexander Lavrov sat back at the railway station as the Pogorian Embassy arrived, having just crossed the boarder a few hours ago. He was a bit annoyed at the fact that the Tsar decided to strech his promice of not having any duties abroad for six weeks to include waiting at the fringes of the Tsardom itself for a night until they arrived, but he was never the less professional and kept said annoyance at being manifest. As they arrived, he met with the leader of this embassy and shook his hand and spoke "Greatings, honorable digintaries of Pogoria. It is a pleasure to introduce you to our great land, we shall be leaving fairly soon for the capital."

Per his request, a photograph quickly taken before their baggage was loaded and they got aboard the train assigned for this purpose. Alexander noted that the Druids were rather fascinated at the sight of the device; he was certain that they had read about such machines, but seeing one in person was another thing altogether, He felt the same way in Egypt and Porgoria with their various creatures. He did, however, overhear a few of the druids make a few unflattering remarks about how the Russians mistreated the land. Onboard, he enjoyed an adequate if fairly simple lunch with a fairly interesting conversation alongside it, with a few of the senior diplomats as he made some comments on things, including the clusters of houses of Joint farms as well as commenting on the loading of goods. Spring had just begun and their was some activity happening, despite the omnipresent slush and patches of snow. They went by a set of joint farms and watched as agriculture resumed, they went few towns and noted that the Russian townsfolk seemed well clothed and fed. They also saw the ranches. They also noticed a few small factories for processing agricultural goods in the towns and a couple of minor Red Imperial Army based where soldiers were drilling in case barbarians decided. It all looked very efficient and well planned out, streets were always straight and things were carried out in a timely and efficient manner.

As they approached Moscow, they noticed its massive size. Nearly half a million humans and Ursiods called this land home. In comparison to other major cities the buildings inside it were all very new, the Pre-Tsardom state of Moscow had been completely swept away over the past hundred and fifty years. Surrounding it was a rather unconventional set of fortifications, Rather than having city walls, Moscow was surrounded by an outer Perimeter of trenchs and defensive positions for cannons. Once they got inside the city limits, they noticed the hustle and bustle of construction along the fringes as new plots were being developed as they rolled into a emerging area of middle class homes. As they moved further towards Moscow Central Station, they saw a set of working class apartment blocks and a couple of factories and warehouses in close proximity to the station for sake of efficieny. The druids also sensed the runestones, there were several of them located in various areas in the city to ward off supernatural upleasantness.

As they left, they were met by an Honorguard of some 100 Crimson Guardsmen, which Stood Firmly at attention in full winter dress uniform and armed with their new Rifles and 200 police, along with the Police Chief, several high ranking Commissars and Mayor of Moscow. They were quickly led to a set of horse drawn carriages and a pair steamer for the highest ranking officials. Being satisified with his personnal steamer, the Tsar had commissioned two more for state functions. As they traveled, they noticed a rather large array of shops, from bakeries selling bread to toy stores and tailor's shops, as well as the oddity of Humans and Ursiods walking about not taking real notice of each other. Both men and woman generally wore fur hats, greatcoats and leather boots (albiet with diferent styles) with men wearing trousers and the majority of women wearing skirts. They saw policemen walking the beat as well as carts transporting supplies and finished goods about, as well as a few factories en route. Save for smog, the city itself was rather clean as teams of workers, some state employees and some convicts for petty crimes worked the streets, cleaning up whatever mess was their to be delt with one way or another. They watched as the schools went out. Oddly enough to Lavrov, the thing the Porgorians found most unusal was the fact that most affairs in the Tsardom were shedualed and the scale in which clocks were used.

As they arrived, he shook hands with the lead Pogorian diplomat as they made their way into their embassy as he made his way home. He was very much looking forward to dinner.

Results-The Crimson Guard upgrades to cartridge rifles
-The Pogorian Embassy arrives safe and sound in Moscow
Heros of Cybertron-HAB-Keeper of the Vicious pit of Allosauruses-King Leighton-I, United Kingdom of Zoria: World/Tsar Mikhail-I of the Red Tsardom: Kingdoms
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by PeZook »

Crimean conference

The Pogorians listened to presentation of their other...Allies, for lack of a better word. It was no secret that King Radoslaw was wary of the four great eastern powers. A testament to this was the very fact that the King did not come in person, though he sent several high-ranking officials to listen, note and deliver the Pogorian stance.

When it came his turn to speak, duke Gromislaw stood up before the gathered leaders. He looked a bit crossly at the snarling demon others assembled here called "friend", but composed himself quickly.

"Pogoria shall pledge our allegiance to the pact. Many wonders were presented here, but know that our land has many more to offer..."

Gromislaw's servants hefted a rather heavy chest into the room and left before the nobleman continued.

"Our lands are rich and bountiful, full of forests and roving wild game - and thus leather, charcoal, timber, honeys and meads, herbal medication and magical remedies. The various creatures which live in our ancient woods can be tamed and put to use, as we have learned to do over generations. Our elemental and natural magics are at the disposal of the Pact, of course."

Gromislaw pulled out examples of his land's riches during his speech. He saved the most precious resource for last.

"This isn't all, of course. The more traditional resources of coal, copper, silver, iron and salt are present in large quantities within the mountains near our southern border ; And to the north, Pomeranian tribes mine amber, a material od great magical potential."

Gromislaw put a large and impressive chunk of amber on the conference table.

"Capable of holding powerful spells and retaining its magical charge for longer than other materials, amber is unique as a material for making various useful magical tools. Curses and blessings, warming and cold spells...anything you can mention, are easily enchanted within these stones."
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Zor »

After listening to the Pogorian ambassidor, the Tsar made a few requests "If you have suffient ships to transport it, the Tsardom could have much use for Pogorian Coal in the establishment of our new City of Mikhailsgrad, as well as having Danish Ports serving as a valuable coaling stations for our navy and Merchant craft. As for your nation's Amber, could it be used in the creation of defensive runes?"
Heros of Cybertron-HAB-Keeper of the Vicious pit of Allosauruses-King Leighton-I, United Kingdom of Zoria: World/Tsar Mikhail-I of the Red Tsardom: Kingdoms
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by PeZook »

Zor wrote:After listening to the Pogorian ambassidor, the Tsar made a few requests "If you have suffient ships to transport it, the Tsardom could have much use for Pogorian Coal in the establishment of our new City of Mikhailsgrad, as well as having Danish Ports serving as a valuable coaling stations for our navy and Merchant craft. As for your nation's Amber, could it be used in the creation of defensive runes?"
"Pogoria has access to Pomeranian ports, most notably Danzig. The Vistula and Oder rivers could serve as convenient transportation routes thanks to river craft...yes, I think with some effort and investment, we could provide the Tsardom with access to as much coal as your country needs. I will not hide, however, that we'd expect some suitable return for our investment."

Gromislaw consulted with a druid who accompanied his party before answering the second part of the question.

"My honored consort cannot confidently say if amber is similarily useful for runic magic as it is for enchantments, however we can make samples and...consultants available for experimentation, as a gesture of goodwill."
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

<<Obviously the Pogorian ambassador was regarding everyone with a fair amount of suspicion and not without unjust cause,>> the Despot said without a word spoken to the Shadow Lord.

<<Should we attempt to.. alleviate those suspicions?>>

<<What can be done? Not a lot. Between ideology and the fact we tried to attack him with plagues of which suspicion woulf fall on us?>>

<<Perhaps dangle a carrot?>>


Giving some thought, the Despot finally spoke, "Mayhaps the Ambassador from Pogoria would like to consider some form of... security arrangement to... assuage your... apparent discomfort? Admittedly in the days of old, we would have talked about exchanging hostages, but that is rather meaningless in this day and age. Or some form of... security guarantee that would favour Pogoria in some way."
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Siege »

Royal Palace, Memphis

The Kingdom of Egypt had been remarkably silent over the past two years. Yes, it had added the islands of Crete and Cyprus, as well as several oases to the south and west to its territories, but other than that it had not been very eager to expand, instead preferring to hoard its resources.

Today, however, some of that was going to change. Because the Pharaoh was busy signing decrees. One ordered the Royal Foundries to begin mass construction of electrum armour for the Oryx infantry. This segmented armour, previously reserved for the elite guards of the Walls-of-the-Ruler, would provide them with vastly improved protection. Their javelins would further be replaced with blasting staves or, as the soldiers tended to call them, ‘staff weapons’. Powered by liquid sunlight, those fearsome weapons were capable of projecting beams of destructive power onto the enemies of the Pharaoh.


Then great Atum-Ra then signed an order to the Priests of Ra. They were to summon four great Sunlight Elementals to stand guard at Egypt’s borders. And finally, messengers would be sent out to the warlike Medjay tribes of the south, who had gone from tributaries to full Egyptian burghers a year ago. Now the time for them to pay their accolades – in the form of a thousand cavalrists of their widely feared rhinoceros corps of armoured cavalry. They would be inducted into the Pharaoh’s army instead.

Result: Oryx standard infantry get a power-up from 50p per 100 to 80p per 100 (funky electrum armour and staff-weapons!) Four Sunlight Elementals are introduced into the army at 400 points per elemental. And the Pharaoh recruits a thousand Medjay rhinoceros cavalrists, at 250 points per 100. Total points spent: roughly 6,000. Which leaves another 3,000 in the treasury.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
There'll be a bodycount, we're gonna watch it rise
The folks at CNN, they won't believe their eyes
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Re: SD.Net Kingdoms Story Thread

Post by Karmic Knight »

Throne Room, Great Keep, Paris, Empire of the Seine, Europe

“We must reinforce Amsterdam.”

“I disagree, sire, we must send troops to retake Dijon in the name of France.”

King Patrik I looked aghast at the succinct Haskil, their opinions had apparently flipped on the matter of Imperial expansion, “If I may ask, Lord Chamberlain, why you would like the Empire to restore True French to the City of Dijon?”

“Simple, Blessed King, I want what is best for the Empire, and the Madgod, and True France is by far the best for the Empire and the Madgod. Of course I know why you are now after Amsterdam, and the United Netherlands, you want the secrets the Madgod himself promised us. I had been rooting for a surgical strike to behead the UN for some time, as I had not seen the Madgod take a side on this little scuffle, but since he has proclaimed it to you, the Heir of France, I feel we need no other help but His.”

“I would agree, but Our Mad Lord is a tricky one to piece together, and he appeared as a Dutch General, so it is possible that we have to sue them for peace to get this powerful secret he would like us to have.”

“It is much more likely that the Madgod wants you to return to your Francophone roots, and to discover the heritage you will be building upon to save your nation.”

“We will take Dijon before the year is up,” the King hefted the magic crystal that the Baernish had taught them how to make, the Imperials had used that technology to make a limited number, one for each army head and moved it to show the Duke of Belfast, “General De Paris, I have news of the utmost importance,” the Chamberlain quietly laid the quick groundwork for a protective spell to keep the conversation with the Duke private, “We are striking at Dijon, the homeland of General Xavier of the Netherlands Command, and you are leading the charge with the Irish Free Forces under your command.”

“My liege, why?” asked the Iron willed Duke of Belfast.

“Because Dijon is too important to the French People to waste time waiting for winter to fill our coffers once more.”

The Siege of Amsterdam Part Deux, (Fort Façade, Outside Amsterdam, Capital of the United Netherlands)

General Xavier was awaiting reinforcements that would never come; he thought they were on their way, sent by the King Patrik I to take Amsterdam, and the proverbial prize inside, but he had only seen disappointment . The Dutch were proving to be too much for the forces of the Empire, and attrition was whittling down his forces, General Xavier was almost ready to admit defeat and let the Dutch operate their nation in anonymity, without paying tribute to the King in Paris. The General was dealing with such harsh reality during his tenure a lot and his current discussion was far from the worst, “So, this it, the Dutch have won and are sending a ‘negotiator’ to gloat?”

“Not at all sir,” a minor General, in charge of the 4eme army said, “We are facing tough fighting from the Dutch, but we are far from done, when those reinforcements arrive from Central, we will roll over the Dutch so fast, the Netherlands will surrender after we take Amsterdam.”

“One would hope, ah, Negotiator, Herr, Locust,” the General stopped as the Dutchman walked into the tent.

“Ah, hello General, Xavier of Dijon, correct?” Herr Locust said in understandable French, “I would like to discuss the terms of peace between the Empire and the Union of Netherlands.”

“What sort of terms would you think appropriate?” the General asked cautiously.

“Well, we want all Dutch speaking majorities under your sway back in control of the Netherlands...”

“Hell no.”

”Defined Sphere of Influence for our nations…”

“Again, No.”

“Sir, sir,” shouted a minor captain, “A man has come to see you, he says he’s ‘The Reinforcement’ and I’m inclined to believe this guy.”

“Get out,” the General said to the Herr Locust as he turned to the 4eme General, “Well, what do you make of this?”

“We have a crazy con man loose in the camp, which won’t end well.”

“We should see this man first before we judge,” he nodded to the captain.

A Lonely Plain

A golden eyed magus, and magus he must have been, appeared on the war torn plateau outside the Crystal City completely out of nowhere. The battlefield below held precious few signs of life, half burnt grummites here, an Order flag there; it was all very depressing to the magus, who sighed and faded into the mists of time an space, choosing his perfect moment to appear. The magus appeared in one of the tallest towers in the Crystal City, feeling it was fitting that the Beast of Order lived in this tall, menacing structure.


« Je veux quitter ce guerre avec les forces de folie, » the magus calmly explained to the currently formless beast.

”WHY DO YOU WISH IT SO?” asked the Beast in a non-voice that shook the halls without uttering a sound, the beast had a form now, he was a growing crystal, slowly turning to a roughly humanoid crystalline beast.

« Ils ont un dieu avec ils » the magus replied.


«Oui, » the magus said, slowing fading out of the Crystalline City, with its Crystalline Beast of Order. Quietly, the Beast raised its giant arms and slowly chanted, “Welcome Home, Dear Lord, Welcome Home,” in a true voice, not his non-voice.

In that non-voice, one might have heard, “SHATTER,” as the Crystal City tumbled and gave way to the Capital of the Madgod’s Domain, New Sheoth.

Letter to the Pogorian King;

I would l ike to express my displeasure at your willingness to play favourites in this battle for Europe; you have the unique disadvantages, or advantages of being located right near a member of either power. It would be prudent of you to choose your allegiances wisely, and not hastily ignore one possible ally in another’s favour without just cause, or a massive pay off.

I would like to extend a late invitation to a representative of your people to proceed to join the Conference ongoing in Paris, I would apologize for not thinking of asking your presence earlier, but I felt it wrong to ask a state so primed and ready for the task of keep the Great Powers from destroying the lands to come to such a partisan gathering.

King Patrik I, Heir to the Francophone Tradition

The Winter Conference
Oseng wrote:Parisian Conference

Lord Askel had remained rather quiet as the conference drew, simply sitting and listening to the other representatives speak. The Kingdom of Dolgan was a smaller power compared to many of those gathered here, and while they agreed with the need to counteract the Eastern demons the Twin Thrones were unsure if they should tie the fate of their kingdom to an alliance such as this one.

Still they had left it in his, their court skald and chief ambassador's, hands. It was his choice within the limits that had been set upon him. And so far he was impressed with those who he was meeting with.

"Dolgan would also be willing to lend a hand if we are able to your work at this mountain." He said, speaking up for the first time, leaning forward and folding his hands together on the table. "Though considering the distances involved I am unsure of how much aid we could provide."

He glanced around the table for a moment before speaking again, meeting each of the other representative's eyes in turn.

"King Ryudra and Queen Nina have ... authorized me to extend the services of our kingdom's runecarvers to all of you." He said with a small nod. "As well as the use of our ports for resupply for any of your vessels, and of course our aid against the eastern forces."

"Our runic magic may not be the best in certain situations," The Skald said with a small shrug. "But it excels at enchanting and protecting equipment, and things such as airships."

"And to be frank we would also be willing to put resources towards these ... airship carriers you mentioned." He said with a small nod. "And lend the aid of our shipwrights to establishing your navy."

"We don't have an airforce of airships like some of you, instead we rely upon specially trained members of Brood and us Windians in our other forms." He said with a wry shrug and a small smile. "And well while that works for defense and short distances, it isn't quite so effective at long range."

"Our Great Birds and Dragons can only go so far before they grow tired and must eat and rest, even with our magical strength, stamina, and other things." The Chief Skald said as he shook his head.
“The Empire would happily accept the Help of Scandinavian labour during the Irish Free State’s Expedition to acquire this ‘weapon’ the mountain, and the Empire is willing to help move labour into the Free State if the your Scandinavian infrastructure cannot handle the movement of labour . Runic Magic may be of major use in the expedition, as we could use it to strengthen various tools and equipment.”

The King thought quickly, “The Empire will extend the same ship basing rights to the alliance, and will also propose operating jointly, in order to make our navies as efficient as possible.”

results: Plotting about Amsterdam and Dijon.
Amsterdam meets a new menace.
Plots move, and Buildings Tumble, I'm going to be getting two new Named characters next turn.
King Patrik Writes a Letter
This is an empty country and I am it's king, and I should not be allowed to touch anything.
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